Being cut out of the system, maybe?

This isn't quite "Asmodeus Wins Everything Forever" levels of bad, or we'd already be past his ultimate end game of literally hard resetting the universe and recreating everything in his image (which isn't an exaggeration, I mean, literally making it so that every facet and every living being is just an extension of Asmodeus' will).

He's an utter madman.

But to be fair, that would stop elemental chaos in its tracks, since supposedly that would be the purest state of Order.
Asmodeus is actually quite sane being an absolute personification of law and evil.
Personally I read it as there being a great calamity, and then the Demons attacked right afterwards, the Devils extorted souls out of Paradise, for preventing the Demons from ruining everything, Jazirian volunteered to be the sacrifice to the Devils, and from there Zathir knows no more.

So in all likelihood things became somewhat better from then on, the Devils extorted Paradise at their lowest, that don't mean Paradise stayed at that lowest, they just had to pay the Devils price, to get enough time to train up new defenders.

Which don't mean the upper realms aren't still fucked, but they're probably not still entirely reliant on Hell to not be destroyed, if they were, then the Celestial Beings that have entered the Prime Material after magics return, would probably be focusing more on making a great host to free their home planes.

All in all, Zathir probably just told us about the lowest point in the Celestial realms history, something they still haven't entirely recovered from, but not the current situation.
As well thought as this is. Everything you said is assumptions. Your making a lot of leaps here it really could be as bleak and hopeless as assumed. :p
As well thought as this is. Everything you said is assumptions. Your making a lot of leaps here it really could be as bleak and hopeless as assumed. :p
I think someone would have mentioned, if the Celestial realms were still regularly paying tribute to Hell, if for nothing else, then because in that case, Hell would be getting and selling Celestial goods, which would mean when we were trying to buy Celestial Bronze, we would have been referenced to the Devils for it.

All in all, I doubt Hell still control the Celestial Realms, because if that was the case, then we would probably have heard about it before now.
[X] Azel
So, we more or less transitioned from classical murderhoboing to C2K strategy - in a WH40K-like universe.
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I think someone would have mentioned, if the Celestial realms were still regularly paying tribute to Hell, if for nothing else, then because in that case, Hell would be getting and selling Celestial goods, which would mean when we were trying to buy Celestial Bronze, we would have been referenced to the Devils for it.

All in all, I doubt Hell still control the Celestial Realms, because if that was the case, then we would probably have heard about it before now.
I mean I didn't think it was quite that bleak. I just thought the celestial realms might be going mad max with road bandits and shit.
Here's Lolth. Keep in mind the information is millennia out of date:

The Demon Queen of Spiders, The Lady of the Demonweb Pits, The Whisper Below

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Spider, Trickery

Known Supernatural Servitors: Drider, Yochlols, Fiendish or otherwise Tainted Monstrous Spiders, Spider Demon Herald

The Church: Seen though the Serpent's eye the church of Lolth is loathsome indeed, for they delighted in the breaking of oaths and the hoarding of unearned power. In ages past Her priestesses were the rulers of their kindred, though not unchallenged by sorcerers and warlords of the Noble Houses leading to the periodic culling of rivals during which the Serpent People often timed their greatest raids.

Tenets of the Faith: The edicts of the Queen of Spiders if such they can be called were simple and vicious as a dagger in the back: 'the strong rule the weak' and 'do not be seen transgressing'. How precisely such a society could even manage to function rather than falling into an orgy of blood and treachery Yss cannot say. Perhaps there was some political counter-weight, some set of laws imposed by secular consensus not divine will.

Worshipers by Region: Unknown

Asmodeus is actually quite sane being an absolute personification of law and evil.
Perfectly sane, he simply feels that any and all will that is not subordinate to his own is a personal affront and longs for the day that he can claim every atom of reality and scrap of metaphysical essence for his eternal war against a literally inexhaustible force whose force his own designs contribute towards as a byproduct.

You know, perfectly normal things.

I think someone would have mentioned, if the Celestial realms were still regularly paying tribute to Hell, if for nothing else, then because in that case, Hell would be getting and selling Celestial goods, which would mean when we were trying to buy Celestial Bronze, we would have been referenced to the Devils for it.

All in all, I doubt Hell still control the Celestial Realms, because if that was the case, then we would probably have heard about it before now.
There is also the matter of the Silver Sea around Mt. Celestia literally being worse than a holy sword to fiends, which I'm sure would make holding the Heavens something problematic.

Regarding the Heavens offering payment:
"As to the manner by which He was captured, the gates broke and the spheres tumbled, much that was bright was lost and forgotten and only the legions of Hell remained to guard the gates of paradise against ravening demons. They took their payment in flesh and torment as ever they do."
This sounds a lot less like an agreement was reached and more that Hell simply did a smash and grab while "defending" the Upper Realms and claimed that what they took by force way payment.

Best guess is some deity called in a defense clause that was in the Pact Primeval and Asmodeus was less than enthused when the Upper Realms actually being able to force him to defend them against The Void and took his displeasure out by grabbing as much as he could before being required to "vacate" the Upper Realms.

The Disharmony of the Spheres... It always comes back to that, the calamity that left your world besieged by such darkness, yet still the root of it escapes you. "How did that came to be?" you ask at once, hoping that this time you would get your answer.

"The Void looked out upon the World of Form and where its gaze fell Shadows gathered, that is all that I recall," Zathir answers with a sigh.

The Calamity came because the Void turned it's eye upon the World of Form, combined with the loss of magic and the rest of the multiverse being knocked on its ass. Best guess is someone did something, like attempt an Epic spell to erase something from ever existing, and caught the multiverse in the blowback.

The Void reads like Tharizdun, and wouldn't that just be a treat to deal with.
Perfectly sane, he simply feels that any and all will that is not subordinate to his own is a personal affront and longs for the day that he can claim every atom of reality and scrap of metaphysical essence for his eternal war against a literally inexhaustible force whose force his own designs contribute towards as a byproduct.

You know, perfectly normal things.

There is also the matter of the Silver Sea around Mt. Celestia literally being worse than a holy sword to fiends, which I'm sure would make holding the Heavens something problematic.

Regarding the Heavens offering payment:

This sounds a lot less like an agreement was reached and more that Hell simply did a smash and grab while "defending" the Upper Realms and claimed that what they took by force way payment.

Best guess is some deity called in a defense clause that was in the Pact Primeval and Asmodeus was less than enthused when the Upper Realms actually being able to force him to defend them against The Void and took his displeasure out by grabbing as much as he could before being required to "vacate" the Upper Realms.

The Calamity came because the Void turned it's eye upon the World of Form, combined with the loss of magic and the rest of the multiverse being knocked on its ass. Best guess is someone did something, like attempt an Epic spell to erase something from ever existing, and caught the multiverse in the blowback.

The Void reads like Tharizdun, and wouldn't that just be a treat to deal with.
Thats actually pretty common in even megalomaniac.
There is also the matter of the Silver Sea around Mt. Celestia literally being worse than a holy sword to fiends, which I'm sure would make holding the Heavens something problematic.
For all we know, that sea has run dry and Mount Celestia has been worn down to sand.

We shouldn't assume anything about the Upper Planes based on their regular properties.
Yss has no way of knowing about Lolth, but the Serpent people were never particularly numerous and they tended to leave many 'lesser' tasks like farming and simple mundane crafting to their subject tribes so I would say 2-3 million serpent people at the height of their civilization
Thats still a lot more than now. Thoughy its quite sad how far hes fallen also his species and all. On the bright side hes probably going to rise to greater prominence given how many worshippers he can get. Though he probably won't get too many from westeros or those of rhloors ilk.
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To Viserys it reads like an enemy you have fought before, like the things behind the Others and the Long Night
Well then.
Sending Rina to help Jinn with research of Ice Heart next month suddenly takes priority.

Making contacts with their best mages aside, even.

The sort of shit these things behind Others seems to be capable of/up to, are sure to rile up every single Outsider somewhat fierce, what with them breaking the planes themselves :o
To Viserys it reads like an enemy you have fought before, like the things behind the Others and the Long Night
Sorry, I was somewhat unclear on my end in. I was referring to Tharizdun, in some settings, is part of the Elder Elemental Evil who wanted the entire universe to just cease being. Something so vast and powerful that even when restricted and handicapped it has the power of a Greater Deity sounds about right for the things behind the Others and responsible for the Long Night. Wasn't intending to imply that we were actually going to be dealing with Tharizdun or some kind of evil deity.

Thats actually pretty common in even megalomaniac.
I wouldn't call a Megalomaniac perfectly sane, much in the same way that I wouldn't particularly call either Viserys or Dany well-adjusted individuals.

For all we know, that sea has run dry and Mount Celestia has been worn down to sand.

We shouldn't assume anything about the Upper Planes based on their regular properties.
A fair assessment, though I would have imagined we would have heard something from the Djinn and Shaitan that know we are working with Yrael. Perhaps with the big show of working with Yrael during the festival some of the dignitaries might bring a few choice rumors to our local Archon. Would be a good way to get some info about what might be going on in the Upper Planes and might something worth exploring to get an idea about what's changed since Yrael was last up there. Would at least give us a reference point to work from.
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A fair assessment, though I would have imagined we would have heard something from the Djinn and Shaitan that know we are working with Yrael. Perhaps with the big show of working with Yrael during the festival some of the dignitaries might bring a few choice rumors to our local Archon. Would be a good way to get some info about what might be going on in the Upper Planes and might something worth exploring to get an idea about what's changed since Yrael was last up there. Would at least give us a reference point to work from.
Case in point, the arrival platform for Celestials in Amun Kelisk hadn't been in use for centuries, maybe millennia.

So I wouldn't count on it.
Sorry, I was somewhat unclear on my end in. I was referring to Tharizdun, in some settings, is part of the Elder Elemental Evil who wanted the entire universe to just cease being. Something so vast and powerful that even when restricted and handicapped it has the power of a Greater Deity sounds about right for the things behind the Others and responsible for the Long Night. Wasn't intending to imply that we were actually going to be dealing with Tharizdun or some kind of evil deity.

I wouldn't call a Megalomaniac perfectly sane, much in the same way that I wouldn't particularly call either Viserys or Dany well-adjusted individuals.

A fair assessment, though I would have imagined we would have heard something from the Djinn and Shaitan that know we are working with Yrael. Perhaps with the big show of working with Yrael during the festival some of the dignitaries might bring a few choice rumors to our local Archon. Would be a good way to get some info about what might be going on in the Upper Planes and might something worth exploring to get an idea about what's changed since Yrael was last up there. Would at least give us a reference point to work from.
Eh my point was that sane is pretty much the same as saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder except beauty is sanity and its all relative and shit.
Finally had time to reply.

Next you ask by what manner you may gain his favor to which the godling looks at you bewildered for a long moment: "You already have many, many times over, far beyond my ability to repay in so weakened a state. All that brings new thoughts and makings, things of joy and beauty conceived in the hand or conjured in the mind has my favor. "

Deeds that gain the favor of Zathir: Advancements in technology, art, and trade, the thwarting of powerful devils

Divine Favor with Zathir: 3,000

What do you ask of Zathir?

[] Help with creating a primary education plan (Cost 300 Favor)

[] Help with Ritual Crafting (Cost 100 Favor/Ritual)
-[] Write in

[] Aid in one battle (Cost 500 Favor)

You know, when we rescued Jazirian and brought him to the Deep, I wanted to point out that having good weather seems a bit sad as a reward for going through all of that. But smol snek shiny, so whatever...

This..., this is what a reward for spitting in the face of the Lord of Nine Hells look like!

Your worldbuilding is truly outstanding, DP!

[X] Azel
Just realized - Yss knew about Jazieran's portfolio, and he knew what we were doing. Lending best feathered snake a hand, helping him getting established in SD will pay out big for him given that our coatl is currently getting a major infusion in power from all we are doing.
For all we know, that sea has run dry and Mount Celestia has been worn down to sand.

We shouldn't assume anything about the Upper Planes based on their regular properties.
We know they still exist, and are not being totally trashed. Yrael mentioned things were not as bad as the worst case scenario we brought up.

Good to know were going to have to open up our war front on heaven though. Also explains why Yraels superiors are so willing to let him stay here... @Azel time to start thinking about which outsiders we should ally with when the void comes knocking. If its going to start taking bites out of the outer most realms...

@firefrog600 if you want more info on what lloth is currently doing ask the moonsinger. The seem diametrically opposed.
It's been a while since baby coatyl god was captured, his information may be quite outdated. It's quite possible the upper planes have recovered to some degree by now.

Edit, I am still hoping that the moonsinger goddess is Eilistraee.
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Just realized - Yss knew about Jazieran's portfolio, and he knew what we were doing. Lending best feathered snake a hand, helping him getting established in SD will pay out big for him given that our coatl is currently getting a major infusion in power from all we are doing.

Just as planned.
Here's the Weeping Lady. Another death god, though in this case it's vestigial:

The Weeping Lady
Sorrowful One, Our Lady of the Refuge, Mother of Orphans

Alignment: Neutral Good

Domains: Comunity, Life, Protection, Death

Known Supernatural Servitors: ???

The Church: Called by most the 'Weeping Lady of Lys' the church of the goddess extends far beyond the Disputed Lands. Before the Doom she was one of the primary powers called upon by slaves, her priests the hidden hand of compassion, healing and when sorrow was too great or fate decreed by the Dragon Lords too burdensome, death. During the chaos and destruction of the Century of Blood when the dragons fell but the chains of slavery endured the Weeping Lady lost many of her faithful to R'hllor the Red whose priests called her 'The Great Other's Whore' for her association with death and funerary rites, spreading many dark rumors about her clergy. Since then the Weeping Lady has lost most of her connection to death at least in Lys and much of the Disputed Lands. In He'Nekar priests still call to her to ease the suffering of the dying and her statue still stands in the House of Black and White in Braavos.

Tenets of the Faith: Those who keep to the Weeper's Peace are required to respect her places of refuge, to give to the poor and needy and to never draw weapons save in self defense. The latter rule is enforced more stringently on priests than the laity however with allowances made for those who have no other means to win their daily bread, or those conscripted into the wars of others.

Worshipers by Region: Stepstones (7%), Three Daughters (16%), Eastern Lands (9%) Braavos (Less than 1%)

Infrastructure: Major temple in Lys, Major temple in He'nekar, minor temples throughout the Disputed lands, the Volantine hinterlands
I...hmmm. I think we need to look into visiting at least one of the Upper Planes - the one the angel gave us a planar link to. I've had my suspicions about the Disharmony for a while, and seeing the places that appear to have been hardest hit by it...should answer some of the questions I need answered to start properly codifying it.