
As if we didnt have enough reason to industrilize education. We should be pumping out infrastructure upgrades and Imperial Grants to every scholar we can find. Make workshops and whatnot. With enough favor we could have Zathir accelerating AG actions like mad!

[X] Azel
I mean, defending the gates of Paradise from the predation of demons is what devils have been doing the last few Eternities.

Ask any Erinyes about their wishes.

Disregard Mammon tho, fucking piece of trash.
So who's ready for rainbow warmages? Warmage 1/Rainbow Servant 10/Sacred Exorcist 1/War Weaver 5 is one of the most powerful support builds in 3.5.

Ouf. That second level entry looks ridiculously cheesy.
  1. It requires Eldritch Corruption, which the guide says to just be undead/hang around undead to get around. Yeah... I don't think that's gonna work out considering Negative Energy is like a big deal in universe. Not to mention the flavor also easily lends itself to Illithid shenanigans. And the constant Con damage
  2. Okay even without the flavor issues with Eldritch Corruption, how the fuck does that count as "access to level 3 spells." A heightend Level 1 spell is still a level 1 spell even if it uses a higher level slot due to metamagic. And the qualifying feat makes the metamagic free! So it's like not at all a Level 3 spell in the least anymore!
A heightend Level 1 spell is still a level 1 spell even if it uses a higher level slot due to metamagic.

Apparently debatable for say a Sorcerer, and I apologize for throwing input without due research but operating off of memory from my tinkering with a Beguiler it's more to do with the specific wording around how the set-list casters get access to their spells at each level, it is subtly different from other classes.
Ouf. That second level entry looks ridiculously cheesy.
  1. It requires Eldritch Corruption, which the guide says to just be undead/hang around undead to get around. Yeah... I don't think that's gonna work out considering Negative Energy is like a big deal in universe. Not to mention the flavor also easily lends itself to Illithid shenanigans. And the constant Con damage
  2. Okay even without the flavor issues with Eldritch Corruption, how the fuck does that count as "access to level 3 spells." A heightend Level 1 spell is still a level 1 spell even if it uses a higher level slot due to metamagic. And the qualifying feat makes the metamagic free! So it's like not at all a Level 3 spell in the least anymore!

They're all cheesy, it's 3.5 all mid optimized builds are cheesy somewhere. Hell, you see it in the quest all the time.

That said, Eldritch Corruption isn't a metamagic, since it doesn't have the metamagic tag. I know its stupid but them's the rules.
Did Heaven really give Jizerian to the Devils as a bribe so they would defend them? Talk about greater good huh? Make sure we never get preached about that again.

One thing I dont understand, doesnt the upper planes have armies of their own? Whats stopping them from pumping out thousends of Yraels to man the walls themselves?
Did Heaven really give Jizerian to the Devils as a bribe so they would defend them? Talk about greater good huh? Make sure we never get preached about that again.

One thing I dont understand, doesnt the upper planes have armies of their own? Whats stopping them from pumping out thousends of Yraels to man the walls themselves?
Being cut out of the system, maybe?

This isn't quite "Asmodeus Wins Everything Forever" levels of bad, or we'd already be past his ultimate end game of literally hard resetting the universe and recreating everything in his image (which isn't an exaggeration, I mean, literally making it so that every facet and every living being is just an extension of Asmodeus' will).

He's an utter madman.

But to be fair, that would stop elemental chaos in its tracks, since supposedly that would be the purest state of Order.
This isn't quite "Asmodeus Wins Everything Forever" levels of bad, or we'd already be past his ultimate end game of literally hard resetting the universe and recreating everything in his image (which isn't an exaggeration, I mean, literally making it so that every facet and every living being is just an extension of Asmodeus' will).
He still has to beat down the Infinite Abyss to get there.

And it didn't earn that adjective falsly.
Though, thinking things over, the "only devils guard the gates of heaven" does not have to be literal.

I could simply mean what it always did, that the Devil's constant fight against the demons is the only thing holding the latter back from overrunning everything.
The absence of the upper planes as active combatants doesn't change that situation much.
On the bright side, we could likely keep Yrael's lordship and make our conquest annexation of parts of the Upper Planes more palatable to the locals by funding his almost assured private war to reclaim them if we didn't already plan on kicking out all the squatters from Baator and the Abyss.

Always nice not to have to lose what's yours... even if what you consider 'yours' is defined in the loosest definition of the word.

To mortals being considered part of the treasure pile might almost be a comfort, but I'm sure an Outsider would find it disconcerting. :V
I don't actually want to use any of his favor just yet. Having a God to help us in battle will be very, very impressive in a few millenia when he's a Greater Deity again!
It's not like we wont get more favor, the favor don't represent how much he likes us, he likes us far more than that, it represent how much he think he can help us, without us becoming reliant on him, and thereby losing some of our ability/motivation to innovate ourselves, that mean it's a refreshing pool, that is added to both passively, as our empire innovate and build without needing him, and actively whenever we do something to help him, as if we have to work for the favor, we aren't likely to become lazy with personally doing research, because he can do it for us.

So while we shouldn't spend it frivolously, there's no need to save it all up, we will get more with time.
*wakes up*

Celestial Planes are fucked.
Coatl is cute.
And SD is awesome.

News at seven, I suppose :V

@DragonParadox, more minor deities write-ups, please?
One, one thing, @Azel @Goldfish since you are very "meh" on freeing the Blue Wyrmling, we could move it from our research-pile into that of the god with the Liberation domain.
Will propably cut the time needed without eating in our superweapon-budget of time.
Yeah, I've been waiting until I got home from work to comment on that little revelation. Really surprised no one else mentioned it earlier, but Zathir did kind of steal the show.

I guess the afterlife is probably fucked up, barring those realms protected by gods with enough juice and numerous enough servitors to man the gates, so to speak; Burny, the Seven, perhaps the Moonsingers, etc., but those are probably individual realms within a post apocalyptic hellscape that used to be the greater Celestial Planes. Not a surprise, as it's been kind of an assumption in the thread for a while now, though getting a confirmation is still disturbing.

More reason to make ourselves immortal.

EDIT: The Moonsinger! She might be one of the successor Coatls!
Personally I read it as there being a great calamity, and then the Demons attacked right afterwards, the Devils extorted souls out of Paradise, for preventing the Demons from ruining everything, Jazirian volunteered to be the sacrifice to the Devils, and from there Zathir knows no more.

So in all likelihood things became somewhat better from then on, the Devils extorted Paradise at their lowest, that don't mean Paradise stayed at that lowest, they just had to pay the Devils price, to get enough time to train up new defenders.

Which don't mean the upper realms aren't still fucked, but they're probably not still entirely reliant on Hell to not be destroyed, if they were, then the Celestial Beings that have entered the Prime Material after magics return, would probably be focusing more on making a great host to free their home planes.

All in all, Zathir probably just told us about the lowest point in the Celestial realms history, something they still haven't entirely recovered from, but not the current situation.