[X] Darkness
There are other lands Ling Qi, other interpretations of the moon. Even though you were not meant to see, remember and let curiosity do the rest.And, to her growing incomprehension, she found that this was only the face which looked upon the empire, a spike of pain shot through her mind, and she saw in the blurry distance; a green skinned man of with beard bound in a strange stiff coil, holding a strange golden scepter in his hand, another with gleaming silver helm and shining ruby who soared through the stars, and beyond even that an androgynous figure with eyes of purest flame that danced in cruel merriment, and...
I see that it is time for the "Darkness makes you chaotic evil" arguments to show up again.
but had it not encouraged a more brute force approach to things?
If the question is what important to us right now than answer is simple.To be clear this is not going to result in ling qi immediately dropping any elements or anything, its just answering sixiangs question of what you feel is most important right now
Mysterious as the Dark side of the the Moon.we must be swift as a coursing river
with all the force of a great typhoon
@yrsillar are we using Grinning Crescent Dancer here, or is this a way to show how having the Sable Grace B rank dodge evolution changed our ways of moving?Between one step and the next, her silhouette flickered, skipping entire stretches of distance. In only moments she was before the heavy door that marked the vent chamber.