Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Wind
[X] Darkness
[X] Wood

Break time, so popping in here now. Really cool update and really cool chapter. Sixiang's dream memories are pretty interesting.
Mmmm, tbh, framing things in terms of "what is most important right now" does kinda lead to only one logical answer: Darkness.

Wood... isn't (yet). Water you could argue, but is generally felt to be secondary. Wind is interesting because it started as important, but has really fallen off.

I'm open to Wind, but at the same time I feel that going "this is most important" when none of our core arts are Wind is kinda weird. Moreover, looking at our likely progression I'm not sure any of our core arts will ever be wind - not unless SCS+ goes Dark/Wind/Moon or something.
Yeah, that's the big issue with "What is most important" vote. As is, we just don't have a core art that's wind. We have HDW, and we have likely MNO/ENM, and maybes DLS/AFL.... but those are not equals to PLR/SCS/FVM/FSS, or even TRF.

Still, I don't think we should restrict "What does Ling Qi think" based on our prior good fortunes. While we can't assume to be lucky IC for Cai Archive or 'reward arts' to become Wind suddenly, this is Sixiang asking us what is most important. If this vote is actually going to change Sixiang to some measure so that she aligns herself to what we believe to be the most important, which is what can be argued to be the duty of a Muse, then there is another plausible ways we could, in the future, gain a new wind core art: through Sixiang herself being Wind aligned and having them as part of her self, like how Zeqing is teaching us FSS.

That, and I think that if we think Ling Qi is truly Wind to some significant measure, we can simply use the archive arts to teach us enough for us to create our own Wind arts.

Lately, I have been thinking that while I love FVM and FSS, neither arts truly are 'ours'. FVM come closest, but it's someone else's magnus Opus. I think we are going to need to create a music art as our own "signature music" ourself one day anyway, so that fits well.

[X] Wind
The idea of darkness as an element of brute force feels weird to me.

That said, wind as primary element seems like the thing to do.
Flexibility, freedom, fun, all thay good stuff.
Maybe get darkness as secondary later if the choice comes available, but with the descriptions being what they are, wind seems best and most in character.