[X] Darkness
Tbf, switching between pronouns depending on whatever Sixiang is presenting as at the moment is also arguably reasonable.
Yeah, that's the big issue with "What is most important" vote. As is, we just don't have a core art that's wind. We have HDW, and we have likely MNO/ENM, and maybes DLS/AFL.... but those are not equals to PLR/SCS/FVM/FSS, or even TRF.Mmmm, tbh, framing things in terms of "what is most important right now" does kinda lead to only one logical answer: Darkness.
Wood... isn't (yet). Water you could argue, but is generally felt to be secondary. Wind is interesting because it started as important, but has really fallen off.
I'm open to Wind, but at the same time I feel that going "this is most important" when none of our core arts are Wind is kinda weird. Moreover, looking at our likely progression I'm not sure any of our core arts will ever be wind - not unless SCS+ goes Dark/Wind/Moon or something.