Just in case anyone is wondering, here's the math.

Viserys' Diplomacy bonus: +37
Air of Nobility: +10
Voice of the Dragon: +10
Divine Insight: +15
Grand Destiny: +4
Mythic Surge: +1d6

Total Diplomacy Bonus: +76 + 1d6

It's a shame we can't reasonably work a Surge of Fortune in here to guarantee a +20 on the check. 96 + 1d6 would have been nice.

Here's the DC for Epic Diplomacy results. Using these rules, if Melisandre is merely Indifferent to us, we would only need a final Diplomacy check result of 90 to convert her outright into a fanatic in the Church of Viserys. Even if she were outright Hostile, we would be guaranteed to make turn her Friendly.

Moment of Prescience too.
Air of Nobility is +10 circumstance to Diplomancy and Sense Motive, Voice of the Dragon is +10 enhancement Diplomacy, Divine Insight is +15 insight to any given one check, and Grand Destiny is +4 competence to any (3?) action...
School transmutation;
Level bard 2, inquisitor 2, paladin 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, M/DF (a drop of honey)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 10 minutes/level
This spell augments your diplomacies. While under the effects of spell, you roll two dice each time you make a Diplomacy check to change a creature's attitude, taking the highest roll. If this results in a roll low enough to reduce the creature's attitude by a step, that creature gets some clue that you are manipulating it with a spell.
Alternatively you can cast this spell before making a Diplomacy check to gather information, gaining a +5 competence bonus on the check.
Effectively a free reroll of any diplomacy check. We don't always have acess to Surge of Fortune.

transmutation; Level alchemist 2, inquisitor 2, ranger 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a drop of water)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 10 minutes/level
Your senses become preternaturally keen, and you gain insight into subtle behavioral cues. For the duration of the spell, you receive a +5 competence bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks
Diplomacy-related, as it gives +5 to Sense Motive, which is otherwise not covered by our buffing routine.
Fleeting Fame

Fleeting Fame
Illusion (Glamour)
Level: Brd 0 Sor/Wiz 0 Clr 0
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round/lvl or until discharged

The caster takes on a particularly impressive and well-kept appearance, aiding in social interactions. Those interacting with you assume you are a person of wealth and privilege, according you a +2 bonus on your next Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidation roll.
+2 untyped to a diplo roll...

Total: +2 to diplo, +5 to Sense Motive, an effective free reroll on any diplomacy roll.
@Goldfish, can we make/order an item with these spells next month?
I'd really like to stack the deck all the way, if we are starting to do that at all.

That'd give us...
78 (+1d6) bonus on any given diplomacy roll.
and very unround 98 (+1d6) if we drop a Surge of Fortune.
Belatedly, rereading that update and man, all hail the Ice Waifu! May her Nat 20s shake the mountain down like the fist of the North Star.

In other words...

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Rina is a cute,
Omae wa mou shindeiru.

Rina: Bitch, I'm adorable.

@TotallyNotEvil I get what you're aimng at, but in this particular case, Crake is right (for once :V ). There's a great deal of complexity involved in this vote, but anti-nihilism measures should be taken to exist as read. If you don't simply grant their existence, you do Viserys a disservice of the highest order.

On a more focused point, there's also the matter that we're not simply saying All is God. We're making a point of certain things being part of God, but still allowing for demons and evils to be present without allowing for a devolution into 'nothing is true, everything is permitted'.
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Imagine someone who regularly plays d&d coming here for the first time and seeing plus 90 to a diplomacy roll. It would blow my ducking mind that's for sure.
Imagine someone who regularly plays d&d coming here for the first time and seeing plus 90 to a diplomacy roll. It would blow my ducking mind that's for sure.
Depends on the level they play ... it's been our dedicated players that cooked up the custom prestige classes and the buffing schemes. Now, if you know DnD just from the computer games ...
Does that still work for Viserys, given the description?
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R'hllor be like:
"Damn, Viserys is doing too well against my clergy. Defusing them and making them passive right as magic returns to the world and they have a chance to launch a holy crusade against the Darkness and the unbelievers ?!? Intolerable!"
[puts in the effort to breach our Mind Blank]
"Yes... I will send them Melisandre, and they will reform my faith for me! I'll be made an overgod-like figure, and they'll foot the effort and get me out of inter-divine war as other gods refuse my new Domains, because I won't have been the one to try to set myself above the others! And then I will be getting prayer and power from all around, knowledge and understanding of other spirits!"

Depends on the level they play ... it's been our dedicated players that cooked up the custom prestige classes and the buffing schemes. Now, if you know DnD just from the computer games ...
While our PrCs are very OP and are better than the computer games, it is easily possible to get +70 bonuses on skill checks without even going wild with custom PrCs.
I may be missing the point of your post?

To be clear: I would never allow Viserys' PrC (or Lya's, or Daenerys') in my games unless everyone else was playing optimised Dweomerkeepers and Beholder Mages.
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While our PrCs are very OP and are better than the computer games, it is easily possible to get +70 bonuses on skill checks without even going wild with custom PrCs.
I may be missing the point of your post?
My point was, given my own limited experience: if you know DnD only from computer games, you won't get all the hilarious ways you can stack boni, only those implemented, and depending on the game you also don't get much help figuring our what's possible withing the game (looking at Pathfinder Kingmaker the PC game). If you are used to that, encountering our moderately optimized playstile is quite an experience.
That's my hypothesis at least.
Part MMDCXXVII: Heart of Light
Heart of Light

Fifteenth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC

As the priestess struggles against the cracks you had revealed not just in her faith but her understanding of the world, perhaps even of herself, you know you must keep her from breaking entirely for sharp and deadly would be the shards thus made. "I think, in the end, the important truth is not behind the masks, but before them," you say, not daring to bring false hope, for in the shadow of that hope would doubt also endure, and you fear what she might do to smother it. "A thousand aeons of deathless scholars have not unraveled the truth behind it all, bitter and alone in their endless work. Yet others lived and died all around them, unburdened by the question of what lies beyond the turning of the spheres. No, I think what matters most is what we see when looking at these masks. Not the truth all-encompassing, but the truth of our selves."

Melisandre laughs, a bitter dissonant thing. "Then aught we all to lay down our scrolls and our studies, cease to wonder of the past and future, living instead only for the present as the beasts of the fields and forests?"

"One can seek knowledge without delving into cosmic truths," Teana speaks for the first time. "Much lies writ in shadow upon stone." Her last words have the air of an old saying, though not one you have ever heard before, nor can find in the whispers of the dragon dream.

It seems to mean something to the red priestess, for her eyes widen in recognition, but then she shakes her head. "If all our understanding be shadow then we are but children hiding beneath our beds, and all our truths the stories we tell ourselves to keep the dark away. That is the 'insight' of Asshai where the sun shines not and nothing grows."

"I know not your history, Melisandre, not in Asshai and not before it," you interject. Oh and how you wish you did know that you might craft your words better rather than cobbling them together from hope and conjecture. "I know not why you follow R'hllor. What I know is that you have made this choice for a reason. You can force any man or woman to recite a prayer, to serve in chains, but not even the gods can force us to believe. I have seen it tried... and it failed." You motion to Rina as living proof, glad to see the spark of pride in the young woman's eye, but not lingering upon it.

On you speak, taking silence for if not assent then at least the chance that the priestess is listening: "When I speak to you, I know that there is conviction behind your words. That this is not a path forced upon you, but one you have chosen, and for that and that alone it is the true path for you. Sometimes we might stumble on our way and sometimes despair haunts our steps, but as long as we carry on, as long as we do not give in, we will never fail completely."

"What grand hopes you have for me, Dragon King," she says, venom seeping into her tone, though you suspect it is more directed at herself than you. "Is that what you hope for your future? 'Here lies Viserys Targaryen, he did not fail in quite the most ignominious of ways.' Is that what you seek for in your scryings, the thread that leads you onward?" The pendant at her throat pulses like a bleeding crimson star, her grip upon it shifts ever so slightly, her gaze begins to harden.

Now is your final chance, you know with an instinct honed in scores of battles. With prescient will, with fortune spun of your own legend's shadow, you make your appeal to reason and hope: "I have seen many things on my travels, both wondrous and appalling. I've spoken with angels and devils. Once I stood before R'hllor himself who was garbed in the flesh of a faithful worshiper and argued about the fate of two friends with him. Another time I spat in the face of Hell itself, to gain the freedom of a woman I barely knew then."

It feels strange to be recounting your own deeds like this as though you were some storyteller working for his supper, but that small discomfort is swallowed up in the urgency of your task. "I've heard the shades of gods from times long forgotten, whispering to me with their last dying breaths, and another who, after an eternity of torment, had the will to cast off his pain and hatred to be reborn pure again. And if I have any truth to share from all these things, then it is thus—there is always a choice, and it is these choices that make us who we are. Light and dark, virtue and sin, temptation and resolve. It is this that the masks mean in the end, but it is on us to see what each mask means and to choose between them. If it is the light you seek and found it in R'hllor, then I would gladly call you ally, mayhaps even friend some day, but know that never I will begrudge a man or woman if they found the light in other teachings."

Again silence reigns as though the desert itself holds its breath...

Clink... not a word, only the tiny sound of the crimson pendant slipping from her fingers and lying again against her chest, still pulsing like a racing heart. Melisandre closes her eyes as though in pain, shadows racing across the crimson radiance like soft clouds upon the face of the sun. Though the heat of the desert is of no matter to you, still you feel it lessen for a moment. "You speak of many things that I would see with my own eyes and listen to with my own ears. I cannot now pledge allegiance, not yet at least, but the peace that you desire, that I can promise to uphold against all save the servants of the Enemy, and it seems..." Her smile is tired but you think genuine when she looks at Rina. "That even there I should be cautious lest I mistake an unexpected ally for a foe."

What do you reply?

[] Agree to take her back to Sorcerer's Deep with you after you have retrieved the orb
-[] Seek it out together
-[] Politely ask Melisandre to let you continue alone

[] Continue conversing
-[] Write in

[] Write in

OOC: The DC for that last part, after taking into account the opinions you were struggling against, was 90. With all the bonuses, both from magic and the speech itself, you rolled 92, getting through to her. Melisandre now thinks you could be right which means she is going to try to investigate for herself.
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I think we're good for now. Let her come with us for the Orb retrieval would be my argument, and then take her back to SD afterwards now that she's seen what we can do and, more importantly, how we do it. Further conversation should be done in more comfortable climes, and SD is better for us in that regard. We're also very used to using it as a tool for these sort of awakenings, we should leverage that.
Air of Nobility is +10 circumstance to Diplomancy and Sense Motive, Voice of the Dragon is +10 enhancement Diplomacy, Divine Insight is +15 insight to any given one check, and Grand Destiny is +4 competence to any (3?) action...

Effectively a free reroll of any diplomacy check. We don't always have acess to Surge of Fortune.

Diplomacy-related, as it gives +5 to Sense Motive, which is otherwise not covered by our buffing routine.
+2 untyped to a diplo roll...

Total: +2 to diplo, +5 to Sense Motive, an effective free reroll on any diplomacy roll.
@Goldfish, can we make/order an item with these spells next month?
I'd really like to stack the deck all the way, if we are starting to do that at all.

That'd give us...
78 (+1d6) bonus on any given diplomacy roll.
and very unround 98 (+1d6) if we drop a Surge of Fortune.
Viserys is getting a +10 Competence bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive add to one of his rings this month, so both Honeyed Tongue and Perceive Cues are being rendered obsolete. The Cantrip is surprisingly good for its level, but the duration is too short to use it as a social buff. It would expire before we have a reasonable chance to use it almost every time it was cast.
[X] Agree to take her back to Sorcerer's Deep with you after you have retrieved the orb
-[X] Seek it out together

Welcome to the team Mel.
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We just told her "you must find your truth". I think it would be good to let her do that - without our supervision. A sympathetic ear if she comes and has questions, yes, but nothing that could be seen as manipulation.
I'm honestly in the take her with us camp, @Azel. Any reason you'd prefer to keep her back? Just curious. Taking her with us allows us to see her in action and also lets her see us work. I don't see that as a bad thing, given the pledge she's just effectively made.
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I'm honestly in the take her with us camp, @Azel. Any reason you'd prefer to keep her back? Just curious. Taking her with us allows us to see her in action and also lets her see us work. I don't see that as a bad thing, given the pledge she's just effectively made.
That would be a: "we are going to retrieve the orb and then move on home. Will you accompany us down there (points to ruins) or wait here until we are finished with this desert?"
I'm honestly in the take her with us camp, @Azel. Any reason you'd prefer to keep her back? Just curious. Taking her with us allows us to see her in action and also lets her see us work. I don't see that as a bad thing, given the pledge she's just effectively made.

Money where mouth is:

[X] Agree to take her back to Sorcerer's Deep with you after you have retrieved the orb
-[X] Seek it out together
Because I derped and copied the wrong option.
