Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
The price is per action. So 20 AP spent training means x20 the stated price, hence the price isn't all that small.
And iirc we can't micro the pills on a per action basis.
I see, It's just one of the things that known in thread but absent in description, like with EPC. Thanks.
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Cai: "So, what did you do this month Ling Qi?"
Ling Qi: "I learned all the music! I finished up a couple of my core music arts, started a couple of other music arts, and almost finished those music arts! Also, I got into Bronze appraisal! And also made a major milestone for my core cultivation art."
Cai: "If you did a lot of physical cultivation... then how did you cultivate all of the different music arts?"
Ling Qi: "Oh.. I did hardly any physical cultivation."
Cai: "Then... how did you get to bronze appraisal?"
Ling Qi: "Drugs. Drugs and money. And spreadsheets. Drugs, Money, and Spreadsheets."
So, I was thinking, as almost no one is voting yet, let's go and make a plan to split the vote further.

This plan will be like 'Music Month' plan, but will lower the odds of getting FVM8 (88% instead of 100%) in order to get SES4 (100% instead of 3%). The reason for doing that is twofolds:
  • I am really hyped about SES and want to learn what SES5 capstone gives (which we will see if we get SES4)
  • Under the new skill system, failing to get FVM8 is not as harsh as it means getting keyword bonus for Manipulation/Music/Composure turn 4
So here we go:

[X] Plan CRX won't bully us with her dispels anymore
-[X] Invest 8 GSS, also use 8 free YSS
-[X] Medium Pills (free)
-[X] Buy and use Unwavering Discipline Pill (30 SP) and Melodic Elixir (60 SP) (Total 90 SP)
-[X] EPC bonus XP into Physical
-[X] Physical Cultivation x2
-[X] EPC x4
-[X] FSS x4
-[X] FVM x2
-[X] HDW x3
-[X] SES x4
-[X] Challenge Research x1
-[X] New default Art loadout: de-equip AE, AM, AC, AS, FZ, FSA; equip HDW, SES

[X] Battle Royale Skills
-[X] Manipulation* 3, Presence* 3, Composure* 2 (16 points)
-[X] War 3, Perceptiveness** 3, Fortitude 3, Resilience* 3, Fade 3, Empathy* 3 (18 points)
-[X] Woodwind* 3 (6 points)

Note: * denotes +1 to skill dice from Keyword and/or Silent Stones, should both these plans win.

Personally I think that Researching Arts in archive would be more usefull that Challenge Research. Particularly to look at other war/summons arts.

[X] Plan CRX won't bully us with her dispels anymore
Personally I think that Researching Arts in archive would be more usefull that Challenge Research. Particularly to look at other war/summons arts.
Not sure about the usefulness of a war art, but ... Maybe if we hit the second floor for better quality and/or higher level arts ? I think we have a good idea of what we can find in the first floor now.

iirc we need a few arts slotted in our domain to reach green 4, but between the new and borderline perfect Imperturbable Manor's Hearth and, all our old arts we should be covered. So waiting a little bit to get arts that cap our in green 4/5 rather than green 3 would be better for the inter-sect tournament.
Next turn, I'd like to train:
CDE, SCS, Covetous Wraith's Yearning, Mysterious Night's Obscurity, Audacious Fairy's Lark, and Ephemeral Nights Memory.
These work on our spy kit.
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killer, we are close to completing trf and cde, so those will probably be trained next month.

edit, also scs
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Next turn, I'd like to train:
CDE, Covetous Wraith's Yearning, Mysterious Night's Obscurity, Audacious Fairy's Lark, and Ephemeral Nights Memory.
These work on our spy kit.
Oooor, we could train Physical + Spiritual + SCS + TRF + PLR. Maybe explore a bit. Level FVM if we haven't finished it. You know, advance our core instead of picking up another four arts on top of the three new ones we've gotten from the archive so far.
Huum, i think we won't have the time for them.
Next turn will see us do 8AP on physical spiritual raw cultivation, 1-2AP on challenge and xAP on TRF, SCS, PLR and CDE. And spend whatever's left on merging our required meridians for FSS and FVMin prevision of getting their follow up (specially FSS+ which is likely to be gotten from [] Zeqing: The mountains peak grows ever colder. You sense that a trial is coming, with uncertain results.)

That's 6 meridians we could save from those two arts for ... idk how many AP. I can't remember if we can fuse three similar meridians in a single AP.
Maybe an extra 2 from AM.

I mean, i'd sure love to train AFL to solidify our exclusive strength. It improves our chances to keep our rank in case we end up being challenged (afterall considering the rules, challenging someone pits you against his strengths, while being challenged pits your challenger against your strengths).
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Cai: "So, what did you do this month Ling Qi?"
Ling Qi: "I learned all the music! I finished up a couple of my core music arts, started a couple of other music arts, and almost finished those music arts! Also, I got into Bronze appraisal! And also made a major milestone for my core cultivation art."
Cai: "If you did a lot of physical cultivation... then how did you cultivate all of the different music arts?"
Ling Qi: "Oh.. I did hardly any physical cultivation."
Cai: "Then... how did you get to bronze appraisal?"
Ling Qi: "Dancing!"

[X] Plan CRX won't bully us with her dispels anymore
[X] Battle Royale Skills
War keyword will come into play sometime after turn 24 because everything will change when the barbarian nations attack. And again when one of the other plot hooks come into play like the Golden Field issue with their own invaders, the vaguely hinted at troubles with the Sun clan, possible troubles happening to the Bai clan, the other ice witch, and potential attacks from unknown empires met through the Xuan. We'll probably also end up having to help with a certain foxy mama and also possibly a cyclops gone to the dark side. Remember, this is a Xianxia, and Xianxia protagonists are always born in a chaotic era. A storm is brewing, don't assume that we'll be schmoozing in parties with the Cai for most of our time.
I'd like to do some exploring to be perfectly honest, even at risk of not pulling a 'Perfect' turn off.

In fact, I'll get to planning now.
We should have another skills plan for SES plans, since Resolve is a keyword for SES and it's used for spiritual armor and resists. We also don't need as much War, as it's not a keyword being trained without EANP, and we can also steal a dice from Fade and Fortitude as they aren't being trained this turn in either plan.

[X] SES plan Skills
-[X] Manipulation* 3, Presence* 3, Composure* 2, Resolve* 2 (20 points)
-[X] War 1, Perceptiveness** 3, Fortitude 2, Resilience* 3, Fade 2, Empathy* 3 (14 points)
-[X] Woodwind* 3 (6 points)

Note: * denotes +1 to skill dice from Keyword and/or Silent Stones, should both these plans win.

[X] Plan CRX won't bully us with her dispels anymore
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Cai: "So, what did you do this month Ling Qi?"
Ling Qi: "I learned all the music! I finished up a couple of my core music arts, started a couple of other music arts, and almost finished those music arts! Also, I got into Bronze appraisal! And also made a major milestone for my core cultivation art."
Cai: "If you did a lot of physical cultivation... then how did you cultivate all of the different music arts?"
Ling Qi: "Oh.. I did hardly any physical cultivation."
Cai: "Then... how did you get to bronze appraisal?"
Ling Qi: "Drugs. Drugs and money. And spreadsheets. Drugs, Money, and Spreadsheets."
Meet Ling Qi, the most successful drugs addict in known history.:evil:

[X] SES plan Skills
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This is a friendly reminder to everyone that we still have, temple with xuan, pit of doom? with suyin, and freezing trial with ice mom. I really feel like we should start tackling these next month after this super cultivation turn is done.
[X] Plan CRX won't bully us with her dispels anymore
[X] Plan Music Month
[X] Skill plan: Sweetly Social Songs
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[ ] Proto Plan Epsilon
-[ ] 8 GSS, 8 YSS, Buy (But do not use) Melodic Elixir and buy (and use) Unwavering Discipline Pill (90 Sect Points total)
-[ ] EPC x4
-[ ] Exploration via New Moon Map x2
-[ ] Physical Cultivation x4
-[ ] Ephemeral Night's Memory x4
-[ ] Audacious Fairy's Lark x4
-[ ] Take Sect Jobs x2


Get most of our stealth package lined up for when we need it, and lining up everything just so for a full ham month next month. Lark + ENM is a heck of a combo in itself.

This isn't a heavily storyboarded plan, hence the proto prefix. It's mostly just to provide a dissenting voice from the "Go max music turn right now" thing. Get us up to Bronze Appraisal, get what we need to a stealth package together, and get one more pile of exploration in before we go all in on