Still not sure if making him cheat on his wife was entirely necessary. Tywin already have plenty of reprehensible flaws of his own, and considering his own father THAT is one sin he wouldn't commit.

Killing infants, one of them not even a year old? Certainly. Cheating on his wife? Very unlikely.

Uh, no. That's completely canon, what are you talking about?

To be fair, its just very very very heavily implied? The tunnel was stated to have been created during Tywin's reign as hand and its unlikely even Varys could have created it under Tywin's nose. Tywin is haughty enough that I don't think he would have created a tunnel that went to a brothel unless he wanted to actually go to the brothel you know?
The very thought of how Stannis Baratheon would react to being replaced by one of his own bannermen is enough to make your teeth hurt in sympathy for the dour but worthy Lord of Dragonstone. "What of the Master of Laws?"

"Kevan Lannister, new made just two weeks ago," she replies. "Tywin's brother and loyal to him of course, but I heard tell that he quarrels with his niece more often than he argues with the Hand. Mayhap he was sent as much to reign her in as to grow the influence of House Lannister."

"I remember him..." your mother speaks up after a moment."He was quiet, courteous, more hard-working than brilliant, and..." she wallows. "I used to think he was an honorable knight and a decent lord. I wonder if he was with his brother when the Sack happened, or just standing back in Casterly Rock, pretending evil could not exist if it wasn't under his nose."

"That just leaves the Master of Laws, then. What's he like?" Dany asks.

"Dead though not yet buried," Chataya answers, her tone making a jest of the answer. "Much like the law of the land hereabouts. Ser Jaron Mallister. He died choking on a fish bone, a poor omen for a man supposedly set in power to appease the Old Trout. There's not much I can tell you about him save the fact that he was old and expected to die soon enough, just keeping the seat warm for the next to be set there."
You talked about Master of Laws twice here?
[X] Reaction to goings on in the North

So for Varys a lot of us were assuming he'd use minimum magic/focus on ways of nullifying it due to the whole "Cock sacrified at a young age," thing. However given, the revelation that he's actively binding devil minions in addition to getting items, I would now not put it past him to have somehow trapped speaking about him so lets save that for last?
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[X] Varys' machinations
I'd rather leave all actually satisfying stuff at the end, so that we're nor fuck-ass-angry about when we finish questioning.
That includes reactions to stuff at North.
Chataya seems to find the byplay fascinating, but she returns to the question swiftly enough: "His hammer is said to hold bound thunder in it, his helm to grant wisdom in battle, seven rings upon his fingers said to ward him from various ailments of the mind and body. Most septons would claim they were gifts of the Seven themselves, but I heard from a woman in the Golden Shields that the Lord and Lady of Castamere found them in some distant journey."
@DragonParadox, nothing about the Valyrian Armor that the Lannisters gave him?
"Kevan Lannister, they are calling him 'Master of Witches', though the proper title is something like Justiciar of the Arcane new made just two weeks ago," she replies. "Tywin's brother and loyal to him of course, but I heard tell that he quarrels with his niece more often than he argues with the Hand. Mayhap he was sent as much to reign her in as to grow the influence of House Lannister."
An old knight for that job?
A non-mage who spend 90% of his life in a low magic world to reign in a PC on companion-level?

Looks rather pathetic next to Lya or Taena.
An old knight for that job?
A non-mage who spend 90% of his life in a low magic world to reign in a PC on companion-level?

Looks rather pathetic next to Lya or Taena.
They're still operating on old world principles. Status and lineage matters more than qualifications, hence Kevan being named to the position rather than a mage.
His job is not to represent mages, it's to control them.
Which is difficult when a mage with Lanna's effictivly unlimited spellbook can run rings around him in every way.

How would he know that not half the ideas he has are implanted suggestions by Unconscious Agenda?
That not every talk between them ends with him giving in to Insidious Demand?
Nevermind that, he propably doesn't even know what is possible in the art of mindfuck and what isn't.

Edit: I don't know if Lanna is the kind of person who'd do that, but she could.
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