Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Anyone wanting to "not bully the commoner girl" should reassess how the system works, because no matter who we pick to challenge, if we win she's going to be dropping a rank unless she challenges someone successfully herself. If I understood correctly, unless she successfully challenges someone, she'll be dropping one rank for everyone in the new group who managed to win their way above her rank.

Going up against 812 will likely become a contest of music, and everyone already knows we're good at that. It's not going to reveal any secrets to anyone else.

Going up against 807 will likely become a constest of stealth and thieving skills vs defensive skills - those, we want to keep under wraps.

Going up against 804? That has the potential of making us enemies, because he's well liked and has lots of friends. Both 807 and 804 are also valuable to the Argent Sect as a whole, with their contributions in the form of mission taking.

On the other hand, 804 will put us much closer to our goal of keeping up with Meizhen and Renxiang.
Looking only at the impact on ranks takes challenges too lightly. It takes considerable time and effort and a loss will adversely affect one's reputation as well as baiting yet more challenges.
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[X] Research Disciple 812

Commoner or not, we are all cultivators here. Challenges WILL come, and it is up to each one to win or lose.
And as any good boxer knows, you start by defeating a bunch of palookas before going after the championship.
At a glance:

[] Research Disciple 804

Stealth challenge
[] Research Disciple 807
regular fight. caveat: he specs into perception.
[X] Research Disciple 812
music challenge

Seems to me that #812 is the best option for us...
Alectai made a good point and I want to further on that.

[X] Research Disciple 807

His elements are metal and earth, neither which are usefull if we fly away like in Chu Song fight to build up FVM.

For secondary challenge the most likely is that he has to build a fortress and we have to break into that same fortress, both of us having time limits. This is where we shine, so we should do it.
"Does it not cause the gown to hang oddly and bunch up?" Gu Xiulan asked, idly swirling the cup of bubbling hot tea in her hand. "And I imagine it must chafe terribly."

"Not at all," Li Suyin replied, smoothing out the glittering silk folds of the gown she was showing them as she neatly folded it back up. "The metal filaments, once attuned to the wearer will follow their motions naturally and can be controlled in the same way one would a limb."

It wasn't this though.

"That sounds somewhat like a flying sword," Xiulan replied shrewdly. "Are you certain you are not overreaching yourself?"

Li Suyin met Xiulan's gaze steadily from where she stood. "It is just a prototype. I admit the control is limited to simple motions as things are… but the filaments are vectors for my arts all the same. My partner and I will develop it further when I break through." that a Xianxia Mechadendrite or something like an early Cai Dress? Also huh, I'm very curious about the filaments being art vectors. I thought she was limited to Wood/Flesh/Silk.

Guess her arts go into Wood/Metal later

"Hm, I approve," Xiulan said pausing to take a sip of her near boiling tea. Ling Qi had no idea how she could stand it. She found the blend Li Suyin had set out to be much better chilled. "I suppose you really have grown."
Ling Qi, you drank cryogenic wine once.

"I am pleased to finally meet your standards Sect Sister Gu," Li Suyin replied irritably.

Xiulan laughed. "You see? You would not have dared talk back to me six months ago."
Catty back and forth there.

Green 1/Bronze 1
Health C20, Qi B
Speed C10, Initiative B5
C. Perc. C25
Phys Def
Avoid: C20, Armor D15
Spir Def
Avoid C15, Armor C20
Phys Off
Hit B10, Pen B25

Primary Elements: Fire, Heaven
Secondary Elements: Sun

Spirit Beast: Wildfire Fairy, Linhuo
Yellow 3/Silver 3
Xiulan is slightly on the squishy side, but she's got a much more respectable Qi base than she used to.
...or maybe her qi efficiency was just trash.

Her offense is holy shit though. Xiulan is all about winning quickdraws and then frying her opponent before they can move.

She's also finally picked up her Sun arts. Guess they were Green.

Yellow 3/Silver 3
Health C, Qi C20
Speed D, Initiative D10
C. Perc. C20
Phys Def
Avoid: C, Armor D
Spir Def
Avoid C10, Armor C25
Phys Off
Hit C, Pen D10

Primary Elements: Water, Wood, ???
Secondary Elements: Metal

Spirit Beast: Moundbuilder Spider, Zhenli
Yellow 1/Silver 1
Suyin is kind of combat-scrawny as a crafter as expected. The Metal element is new, but fits her(measured and well plotted revenge to get away with it clean). The ???...I'm starting to wonder if its Life.

Looking at her Qi score...had she Peaked physical/spiritual before just dumping all that time into Qi?
Ling Qi nodded, speaking with other inner disciples, and more often just observing public areas from a well hidden nook, she had come to a similar conclusion. Disciples below 900 were mostly in the second realm, with a scattering of partial breakthroughs. Even up to 880 or so partial third realms were more common than full ones. She could say that those disciples were below her concern and not feel like she was being cocky. "Just how high are you thinking of challenging?" She asked, giving her friend a sidelong look.
Like I said last update, our batch is freakish. Theres like a hundred Inner Sect members who'd lose a duel to most of the Group of 16 losers from the tournament.
"At least high enough to reach the next reward tier, I would shame my family otherwise," Xiulan replied with a sniff.

"I am not certain that I wish to challenge up at all yet," Li Suyin sighed. "I really should finish a project or two first, and at least begin my breakthrough."

"Are you saying you don't have your eye on any particular seat?" Ling Qi asked, raising an eyebrow."

"...No," Li Suyin admitted, sitting down across from Xiulan, having finished putting away her prototype gown.

Ling Qi laughed, and Xiulan tittered along.
Its only reasonable.
And I see she hadn't even tried to breakthrough yet huh?
"Sun Liling has hardly showed her face," Gu Xiulan replied first. "Neither has that Kang, though the latter might be for medical reasons. Bai Meizhen was not gentle in her match."
Jesus, Meizhen was not shitting around, she made a genuine effort to murder him right there.
"Ji Rong has been in the archives a great deal," Li Suyin added with a frown. "Though not always in the arts sections. "...He got into a fistfight with a tome of imperial law while I was studying construct behavior functions. The archivists were quite cross. One commented that it was becoming more common."
So, two things we learned here:
-Ji Rong is finally researching whether he actually committed a crime to Renxiang as part of his character development arc, rather than assuming it was just noble spite. I think if he found out that he was actually in the wrong, that's going to be a sobering idea to him. On the other side, if he found out it was unjustified I think he'd probably try to sue Renxiang for redress. And Renxiang being who we know she is, would probably meet that if he can show cause.

-I'm increasingly convinced the archivists are keeping the book object spirits as pets. Ji Rong probably loudly commented on a given law being stupid, which the literally hidebound tome of law took umbrage to and then started trying to beat the law into his head.

Also literally everyone is using the library for more than Arts.
Its just Ling Qi who beelines the powerups exclusively keks.
Green 1/Bronze 1
Health B30, Qi C10
Speed ?, Initiative C
C. Perc. B25
Phys Def
Avoid: ?, Armor B
Spir Def
Avoid C25, Armor ?
Phys Off
Hit B, Pen ?

Primary Elements: Mountain, Heaven
Secondary Elements: Metal

Spirit Beasts
Rimefur Wolf
Yellow 3/Bronze 1

Heavenly Guardian Hound
Green 1/Bronze 1
Kang has...issues, but it looks like his strategy is pretty much tank and let his beasts tear opponents apart.
Green 2/Bronze 2
Health A, Qi B20
Speed B30, Initiative A
C. Perc. B
Phys Def
Avoid: B15, Armor C20
Spir Def
Avoid B, Armor B5
Phys Off
Hit B10, Pen A10

Primary Elements: Wood, Water, ???
Secondary Elements: ???

Spirit Beast: Sunflower Handmaiden, Dharitri
Green 1/Bronze 1
Ded killy even in the outdated form. And she's only becoming more so in seclusion.

Hell, she doesn't even need the rank benefits strictly speaking, she gets more goodies than the rank gives from her family, and the Argent Vent is of limited use to her.

I'm guessing she's going to bide her time, build up power, then rematch Meizhen with a completely unknown set of skills, because that's the only challenge she gives a shit about.
Green 1/Bronze 2
Health B, Qi B25
Speed C20, Initiative B15
C. Perc. C10
Phys Def
Avoid: B, Armor C10
Spir Def
Avoid C15, Armor D15
Phys Off
Hit B20, Pen A

Primary Elements: Heaven
Secondary Elements: Wind
Pikachu there is all in on high speed physical penetration.
His spiritual defense was trash, but I expect he's been working on closing that hole.
"Shen Hu is probably only aiming for a small challenge, so he doesn't fall below the rank threshold," LIng Qi added quietly. "He wants to focus on shoring up some weaknesses first."
Mmm, I think after having had his defense overcome by a more mobile opponent exhausting his qi without retaliation both in the tournament and in the Dream he's going to get better active fdefenses.

"Well, I believe that is everyone of import," Xiulan said haughtily. "Unless one of your compatriots is aiming to challenge a combat disciple?" She asked, looking to Li Suyin.

"Unlikely," Li Suyin replied with a frown. "Um… it might be a little arrogant to say, but aside from Yan Renshu and Fu Xiang, none of them are my match either…"
*Pats Suyin*
You know, going by what we heard, Suyin probably could have beaten her way into the top 16 of a normal year's combat tourney.

She's just surrounded by monsters.
Yan Renshu was the sticking point. Like Gu Xiulan he was certainly underranked. Ling Qi worried that he would challenge Li Suyin just to spite her honestly. She could only speculate on the boys plans, because no one she had access too had seen hide nor hair of him since he had moved into his new housing. There was no point in wasting their time at this meeting with that though.
Probably fortifying his new home against Ling Qi trauma.
Ling Qi flicked her wrist, and thick scroll appeared in her hand, drawn from her storage ring. "Let's leave them aside for the moment. I did a little people watching and picked some things up about our new Sect Brothers and Sisters."

"I did as well, since you asked me too," Li Suyin added, placing her own scroll on the table.

Xiulan rolled her eyes. "What a pair of scholars you are," she said in a lightly mocking tone. "I spoke to and mingled with our new brethren on this mountain. I felt no need to write down my insights."

LI Suyin and Ling Qi let out an almost simultaneous huff of annoyance, only to meet each others eyes and break into quiet laughter. Yes, Ling Qi was glad that she had involved her friends instead of doing this alone.
Xiulan: "Nerds"

Suyin is the STEM nerd and Ling Qi is the Arts nerd.

Still, she was a little worried, Sixiang had barely spoken up at all in the last few days.
And here we have Sixiang moved out of her comfort zone. She don't like it.

Disciple 804: Mou Shuang
Age 17 Cultivation Green 1/Bronze 1
Elements: Wind/Water
A quiet and unassuming young man, polite to a fault and seemingly well regarded by other disciples. Sociable, seen mingling with other disciples regularly, spoken to by Gu Xiulan, who agrees with the assessment. Scion of an emerald seas baronial clan. Member of the Sect's scout forces. Specialties lie in reconnaissance and infiltration. Generally regarded as a weak duelist, those who have worked with him nonetheless value his contributions. Primarily uses spiritual arts and unarmed fighting style. Is known to have a bound spirit of the third realm fused with his shadow.

Qi: C25
Combat Perception: B20
Phys Hit: C25
Spirit Pen. B

Apparently a Good Boi, we can come out of this with no unnecessary grudges.
He'd probably pick a scouting challenge though, and he handily outclasses us at that for now, barring a big development.

Challenge would reveal our stealth abilities. Reminder nobody had seen our stealth at work, the rumors are probably inflated compared to the reality and we would like to keep it that way.
Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Age 17 Cultivation Green 1/ Bronze 1
Elements: Metal/Earth
Youngest son of a Emerald Seas baron. Dour and unsociable personality, but dutiful and punctual to a fault. Is easily flustered, according to Gu Xiulan. Known for creating and using single use defensive talismans as part of his personal fighting style, as well as regularly helping with upkeep of the Sects defensive wardings. Fights primarily using a staff, and is known particularly for his ability to unravel the trickery of spirits.

Combat perception: B
Phys Armor: C20
Spirit Armor: B15
Phys Hit: C20
A tank, sort of like a crafter Shen Hu. Would probably pick facepunch match. Same tactics should work.

Challenge would reveal our straight facepunch capabilities...which we've already shown. No major info leaked.
Does not seem to be likely to keep a grudge, but at the same time he has the Sect Points needed to refuse a match potentially, though given how challenges aren't THAT big a deal the only reason to refuse is to hide capabilities.
Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Age 16 Cultivation Green 1/Bronze 1
Elements: Fire/Wind (music?)
A taciturn and violent girl, surrounded by ill rumor. Member of the previous years graduating class, entering at the bottom of the rankings as a second realm. Either common born or the child of a common cultivator, rumor is unsure. Briefly spotted in the archive by Li Suyin, in the bestiaries section. Practices musical arts with large five stringed lute. Generally considered loud and vulgar in her compositions. No known bound spirits

Health: B
Speed: C25, Init. B
Phys Hit: B10
Spirit Hit: C25
Apparently a flaming guitarist.
We're probably going to get a music based challenge here, but she's a physical Fire attacker with high accuracy. Theres a chance she goes with the facepunch and we reveal our secret Fire Resistance H from Zhengui.

So probably like Music Xiulan as opposed to our creeping doom strategy. Might keep a feud or might not, but no connections to make it more than personal.

I see some people discussing in terms of bully...but I personally see it more as making a connection of sorts. A music arts duel is essentially a challenge of communication, to send out your passions through music.

Note that this will normally reveal our music skills, but we play regularly for Cai's gatherings, so that's common knowledge.
The crux is potentially revealing Mastery of FVM/FSS I think, but thats hardly a surprise to anyone doing research on us.

[X] Research Disciple 812

Lets see what she thinks of stuff.
Besides, Fire/Wind stereotype is Wildfire. I.e. they'd flare up at you on the slightest provocation, and then its over and behind them.[/quote][/QUOTE]
Last edited: that a Xianxia Mechadendrite or something like an early Cai Dress? Also huh, I'm very curious about the filaments being art vectors. I thought she was limited to Wood/Flesh/Silk.
No, you're misunderstanding it.

The Filaments are another form of manipulator. Like how a spider can use its limbs to muck about with its webbing as its launching it out of its rear-thorax.

Think of sewing needles.
No, you're misunderstanding it.

The Filaments are another form of manipulator. Like how a spider can use its limbs to muck about with its webbing as its launching it out of its rear-thorax.

Think of sewing needles.
Wasn't a lot of description to go off, but I got "metal thread manipulators", "integrated into dress" and "sort of like a domain weapon", which parsed as basically wire tentacles to me.

Got any details off yrs you could share?

Keep in mind 807 could in theory challenge us to a Formations battle.
No, not unless we pissed off the Elders lately, or are getting cocky, for the same reason that challenging Meizhen to embroidery is ridiculous.
Ling Qi vs a Formations crafter is MUCH more likely to be a challenge where the crafter builds a defensive position and Ling Qi has to break through within a certain time limit.
[X] Research Disciple 812

I think this is the challenge we're far more likely to win. And honestly, losing to someone's challenge isn't the worst thing in the world, as others have said it's one rank, the same as if we beat 807 or 804. But losing a challenge you've made to someone is far worse, you're out the AP used to make the challenge, and the AP used to get the challenge points back.... let's try not to do that.
So, for a closer comparison between Ling Qi and the possible targets here are some comparisons between them.

Disciple 804: Mou Shuang
Qi: C25
Combat Perception: B20
Phys Hit: C25
Spirit Pen. B

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Combat perception: B
Phys Armor: C20
Spirit Armor: B15
Phys Hit: C20

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Health: B
Speed: C25, Init. B
Phys Hit: B10
Spirit Hit: C25
Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Health B15 Qi B35.
Speed C7-C12, Initiative B4
C. Perception C5-C20
Stealth C27-B10
Phys Def
Avoid C28-B8, Armor C17-C27
Spir Def
Avoid C6-C11, Armor B5-B15
Spir Off
Music (FVM): Hit B25; Penetration C28
Music (FSS): Hit B25; Penetration B8
Phys Off
Music doots: Hit B7; Penetration B5

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Health: B15

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Health: B

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Health: N/A

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Health: N/A

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Qi: B =35

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Qi: C25

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Qi: N/A

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Qi: N/A

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Combat Perception: B20

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Combat perception: B

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Combat Perception C5-C20

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Combat Perception: N/A

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Phys Hit: B10

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Phys Hit: Hit B7 (Musical Doots only)

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Phys Hit: C25

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Phys Hit: C20

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Spiritual Pen: B

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Spiritual Pen (FVM): C28
Spiritual Pen (FSS): B8

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
SpiritualHit: N/A

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Spiritual Pen: N/A

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Physical Armor: C20

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Physical Armor: C17-C27

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Physical Armor: N/A

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Physical Armor: N/A

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Spiritual Armor: B15

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Spiritual Armor: B5-B15

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Spiritual Armor: N/A

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Spiritual Armor: N/A

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Speed: C25, Init: B

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Speed: C7-C12, Init: B4

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Speed: N/A, Init: N/A

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Speed: N/A, Init: N/A

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Spiritual Hit: B25 (Music)

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Spiritual Hit: C25

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Spiritual Hit: N/A

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Spiritual Hit: N/A

This took far too much time to do, but it is finally done. Hopefully this provides some useful quantitative data about who we are stronger/weaker than in various respective areas. This doesn't take into account arts or other qualitative benefits, but it should give a good measuring stick for how we stack up against the others. Additionally, it gives a nice overview of what information we are missing from selective candidates, which should be helpful in determining how useful further research is against them.

We stack up pretty favorably against our targets in pure skills. That assessment, however, is pretty heavily determined by the fact that a lot of key information is N/A. However, I do think that we could hold our own against any of these targets and some of them we could be very strong against. Anyways, I hope that this is useful comparisions to make.
"I spoke to and mingled with our new brethren on this mountain. I felt no need to write down my insights."
Has nobody put together a chibi Suyin heresy gif yet?

[X] Research Disciple 812

The most efficient use of our time is probably to smack somebody down in a straight up fight in order to discourage future challenges. But I'm a sucker for a (f)lute duel.
So, for a closer comparison between Ling Qi and the possible targets here are some comparisons between them.

Disciple 830: Ling Qi

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Health: B15

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Health: B

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Health: N/A

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Health: N/A

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Qi: B =35

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Qi: C25

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Qi: N/A

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Qi: N/A

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Combat Perception: B20

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Combat perception: B

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Combat Perception C5-C20

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Combat Perception: N/A

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Phys Hit: B10

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Phys Hit: Hit B7 (Musical Doots only)

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Phys Hit: C25

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Phys Hit: C20

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Spiritual Pen: B

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Spiritual Pen (FVM): C28
Spiritual Pen (FSS): B8

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
SpiritualHit: N/A

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Spiritual Pen: N/A

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Physical Armor: C20

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Physical Armor: C17-C27

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Physical Armor: N/A

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Physical Armor: N/A

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Spiritual Armor: B15

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Spiritual Armor: B5-B15

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Spiritual Armor: N/A

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Spiritual Armor: N/A

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Speed: C25, Init: B

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Speed: C7-C12, Init: B4

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Speed: N/A, Init: N/A

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Speed: N/A, Init: N/A

Disciple 830: Ling Qi
Spiritual Hit: B25 (Music)

Disciple 812: Yu Nuan
Spiritual Hit: C25

Disciple 805: Mou Shuang
Spiritual Hit: N/A

Disciple 807: Xu Zhen
Spiritual Hit: N/A

This took far too much time to do, but it is finally done. Hopefully this provides some useful quantitative data about who we are stronger/weaker than in various respective areas. This doesn't take into account arts or other qualitative benefits, but it should give a good measuring stick for how we stack up against the others. Additionally, it gives a nice overview of what information we are missing from selective candidates, which should be helpful in determining how useful further research is against them.

We stack up pretty favorably against our targets in pure skills. That assessment, however, is pretty heavily determined by the fact that a lot of key information is N/A. However, I do think that we could hold our own against any of these targets and some of them we could be very strong against. Anyways, I hope that this is useful comparisions to make.
Yeah one thing about this, is that the information we have on hand is most useful for a straight combat challenge. At the moment.

And from what can be gathered straight combat is not completely common. Given further research I expect it to get more informative in terms of the skills, which are what we should really look at for challenges.
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Wasn't a lot of description to go off, but I got "metal thread manipulators", "integrated into dress" and "sort of like a domain weapon", which parsed as basically wire tentacles to me.

Got any details off yrs you could share?
No, but you weren't making the obvious connection between what was being described and how extra limbs fit into her existing skillset.
I don't think we can beat 804 in an infiltration challenge, and I'm worried 807 will challenge us to formations since we did demonstrate some formations proficiency during the tournament with our construct. I prefer 812 since challenging her doesn't reveal more of our secondary capabilities. Also, I'm very curious about if Ling Qi can put her feelings about the Wild Hunt into song. I like music in general cause it's all about taking a look at and expressing her emotions, and I think Ling Qi could use more of that, especially after her recent trauma.

[X] Research Disciple 812
Yeah one thing about this, is that the information we have on hand is most useful for a straight combat challenge. At the moment.

And from what can be gathered straight combat is not completely common. Given further research I expect it to get more informative in terms of the skills, which are what we should really look at for challenges.
While it is most useful for combat challenges, the data does serve as a strong point of comparison where inferences can be drawn regarding other skills and stats. For instance, we have the highest stat on the board (Spiritual Hit: B25 compared to Mou Shuang Combat Perception: B20). This indicates that one of our specialties (Music) could have better stats than one of Mou Shuang's specialties (reconnaissance). This also implies that we can beat one of these targets if our specialties overlap.

And while I do agree that combat challenges are not something we can count on, this information is useful if we can target an individual who can be goaded or prodded into accepting a combat challenge. It is quite clear that we have the advantage on the combat specs.

Given this, to me at least, Disciple 812 (Yu Nuan) is the most favorable target to do more research on. We have information on only 4/9ths of the current categories for her and she is likely to be an individual that more people are willing to talk about as well as being more open about her abilities. This means that we have a lot of possible general information to cover, but we can be pretty sure to narrow down the possible challenges/relevant skills that she would be going for. Our specialties cross (music) and given the other inference above we should have comparable to favorable music skills should we compete against her.

All in all, I'm feeling more confident in my choice that Yu Nuan is the disciple that would be best for us to challenge. The information we need to gather on her will most likely be easier to gather than the other targets, we can be pretty comfortable in comparing our general to specific skills, and our specialties match reducing the probable wildcard challenge options.
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I don't think we can beat 804 in an infiltration challenge, and I'm worried 807 will challenge us to formations since we did demonstrate some formations proficiency during the tournament with our construct. I prefer 812 since challenging her doesn't reveal more of our secondary capabilities. Also, I'm very curious about if Ling Qi can put her feelings about the Wild Hunt into song. I like music in general cause it's all about taking a look at and expressing her emotions, and I think Ling Qi could use more of that, especially after her recent trauma.

[X] Research Disciple 812
The Elders choose what options are presented to the challenged party. And unless the Elders seriously misconstrue 'studied formations a little bit, particularly in how to break them,' as being good enough to challenge a disciple focused in them at a crafting competition, he's not going to get that option.