OOC: This is not a random encounter, but a consequence of what you are trying. I'm trying to move away from random encounters in the traditional sense because they are not as narratively satisfying and engaging I've found. Hope this works.
Random encounters make sense if they could happen in the area and don't sabotage the flow of the story. 2 cents etc.
Random encounters make sense if they could happen in the area and don't sabotage the flow of the story. 2 cents etc.

I get that and there are still random encounters like the attack the archons and Erinyes beat off, but I'm moving them to less of a prominent focus naratively because I think they are part of the issue 'too many tactical updates'. I think a big part of that is that a lot of those updates don't feel as weighty, they don't explore a theme or n aspect of the story. They do help with world-building but that is all they do and for that alone I don't think they should be the centerpiece of large tactical decisions.

Going back though the quest to see which battle updates have been the most engaging the answer has almost universally been story-driven ones like the ice dragon not random ones I rolled for off a table.
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[X] Call out the attack, saying that it's aimed at us. These look like the minions of Ymeri, our personal enemy!

Ymeri can change, I just wanted a random plausible faction to blame.
I'm a bit leery of blaming this on Ymeri. While it is pretty funny, it's also random enough that it risks breaking the delusion of the dead.

[X] Call out the attack, justifying it in a manner that maintains the delusion of the dead
-[X] Name the attackers vile outlaws roaming the countryside who must be brought to justice
I'm a bit leery of blaming this on Ymeri. While it is pretty funny, it's also random enough that it risks breaking the delusion of the dead.

[X] Call out the attack, justifying it in a manner that maintains the delusion of the dead
-[X] Name the attackers vile outlaws roaming the countryside who must be brought to justice
That's propably not good enough to explain copious amounts of magic soon to be used.
That's propably not good enough to explain copious amounts of magic soon to be used.
I mean, Valyria is a high magic society. Unless I'm mistaken it's not unreasonable for there to have been occasional rogue mages.

Also, we did introduce Malarys as a magelord and ourselves as his Lyseni cousin, so at least on our end we can throw around magic.

EDIT: Wait, are we in dragon form or are we in human form? If we're a dragon we can still dish out damage. Plenty of fighting to be done via searing breathweapon.
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I mean, Valyria is a high magic society. Unless I'm mistaken it's not unreasonable for there to have been occasional rogue mages.

Also, we did introduce Malarys as a magelord and ourselves as his Lyseni cousin, so at least on our end we can throw around magic.

Yes, but you are being attacked by some sort of fiendish/undead hunting party. That would be an unusual amount of magic for outlaws.
[X] Call out the attack, justifying it in a manner that maintains the delusion of the dead
-[X] Imply that the pursuers are agents of the same creature the children's mother wanted them to escape from, now grown desperate that our aid has hastened their journey and decreased the likelihood of their capture.
[X] Goldfish

Better option.

@DragonParadox, would you let us make the Ghostbusters' vacuum? There are a lot of ghosts, specters, and phantoms that we're missing out on collecting.
Funny thing is, this most likely is the Rakshasas doing.

A random CE asshole would be tormenting these souls far more actively, so whoever is doing this has a different goal. The Rakshasa is apparently still lurking here and trying to get into that tower, so odds are, he has posted someone to make sure these spectres remain here, as they are one of the very few leads left after the doom.

So let's do what we do best and shit into a immortal monsters morning porridge.

[X] Goldfish
Funny thing is, this most likely is the Rakshasas doing.

A random CE asshole would be tormenting these souls far more actively, so whoever is doing this has a different goal. The Rakshasa is apparently still lurking here and trying to get into that tower, so odds are, he has posted someone to make sure these spectres remain here, as they are one of the very few leads left after the doom.

So let's do what we do best and shit into a immortal monsters morning porridge.

[X] Goldfish
The Harry Potter fandom has taught me that dragon shit is valuable. I don't want to enrich anyone by taking a dump on them, or in their food. I would rather just set them on fire. :p