I thought it was a cubic room 30 meters wide or so?
The spell gives us 340 10-foot cubes to work with, or 340,000 cubic feet.

I specified the dimensions to be 110 feet long x 100 feet wide x 30 feet tall, with the left over being used to create a portal alcove.
Wait... *checks*

Why do you guys want to use that when you have the cloak?
Because this is much, much larger, and doesn't need Viserys' direct input to load stuff into it or take it out.

We must have it. We must have it all.
"Viserys. Viserys? Viserys!"
"I know you want to, but there's not enough room to loot the whole continent. We must make our choices."
"No, not even with a ritual that places all of it in the Astral Plane."
"Come come, there is sooooo much we can get, we don't have to get all of it."
Not really, no.
The teacher knows both that I'm very verbose (2-3 times the regular student at our faculty? I'm kind of very good with english compoared to most) and that every single student is going to try and cheat their way out of this massive assignment (5+ english literature books, summary and review, the jazz; 1 month), so she has all the plot summaries on first few pages of google right on her desk.

I'm not even kidding.
This is kind of a surreal thing to see.

So, no, kinda have to give this thing my own spin :/

I appreciate the attempt to lessen my suffering though, I was just asking a rhetorical question here.
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*telepathically made Snowfire say that, too, to throw off suspicion about his phenomenal mental powers*

*is really bad at hiding his phenomenal mental powers*

It's like a thousand monkeys with violins screaming out in despair!

Oh, no, it's just Goldfish's thought projection being all leaky again.

Goldfish, they're supposed to be using typewriters, not musical instruments...
Don't forget to vote, y'all. I know it's not the most exciting decision, but we need the information.