Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.

Let the lass choose from the multitudes of wildlife to be found in New York City... by which I mean it's probably going to be a pigeon, a rat or a stray of some sort. But hey!
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.

Let the lass choose from the multitudes of wildlife to be found in New York City... by which I mean it's probably going to be a pigeon, a rat or a stray of some sort. But hey!
Or an alligator. Those live in the sewers, right?

Hell, considering Earth-Bet, it wouldn't surprise me if there was an entire ecosystem living in the New York Sewers.
[X] Randomly generated. If not getting one was a risk, I'd avoid this, but just choosing what form it would take? Bring on the RNG.

As much fun as designing one might be, getting a consensus on a specific choice would be difficult. She needs a familiar which can cover her weaknesses, but all four types have different ways they can do this. I'd personally lean towards a fox or some variety of feline for my own guardian beast, but I know so little about the character that I cannot say what best suits her. It is a shame she's not capable of sustaining two, unless sustaining one is enough that, in time, her core will grow from use to be able to sustain two. That linker cores can grow somewhat has been explicitly stated, though I don't know if that requires a linked Device.

-A torc is specifically a rigid or stiff neck ornament.-

Technically a torc is a neck ornament, but sized correctly I have seen them used as arm/bicep braces.

While the classic torc was meant as a necklace, they were often worn on the arms, particularly when the goal was to show off a person's wealth*, to the point that the word is widely used for any form of metal jewelry in that rough horseshoe shape. Something often overlooked in modern languages, with English being one of the worst, is that ancient vocabularies were very multi purpose, with exact meaning derived from usage and connotation.

* Mr. T's approach really doesn't work with a bunch of torcs

[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.

You can't torc him out of his fashion choices.
Torquemada, do not implore him for compassion. Torquemada, do not beg him for forgiveness. Torquemada, do not ask him for mercy. Let's face it - you can't Torquemada anything! =P

If I'd realized we could get all three things done with the adepts in a single update, I wouldn't have been pushing for some of the specific details I was after. I expected to only get one of these things out of the way, meaning which to push for next was relatively important.

With how much easier this appears to be for Maclibuin than his prior approach, it would be nice to get a few charms for emergency use for Vista. Can these charms also enhance Mages? Also, how long do they last? An exact time isn't really important, but if they lose their charge in a week, keeping people supplied with more than one item would rapidly stretch the limits of A: how much mana he has available and B: how much patience he has available. We shouldn't press him so much he feels like we're asking more from him than we're giving to him. It helps that he's a hero, but that doesn't mean we should abuse that.
Blah, looks like random's winning pretty hard.
Adhoc vote count started by Solusandra on Oct 13, 2018 at 10:10 PM, finished with 23 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
    [x] Designed – You determine its species, age, personality, and class. It will never be as strong as a randomly generated Guardian Beast, but she gets whatever you think best for her.
    -[x] Young, female raven, curious and playful, scout and fast attack type
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.

I see no way this could go wrong.
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
I will believe in the Dice. Standstill's will likely be cute.
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
"There's… a spell specifically to enhance parahumans," mutters the hulking ex-cape in disbelief.

"I don't think there was such a spell before now." Maclibuin looks over at Tim. "I certainly don't know one, and I didn't program it into your Device. This was all you. It just so happens that the way you figured out to empower objects can also be used directly on people. At least, that's what I'm guessing based on everything we just saw."

"Or there's a simpler explanation than even that." You shrug. "Spells aren't secret knowledge that can only be known or performed if they are taught. They're more like physics with magic. You didn't get lucky and your spell hit that one-in-a-million chance of being like our own. Your spell and our spells are similar because that's just how magic itself works."

"I don't know whether to be happy or not about that," muses Epoch.

His teammate, on the other hand, rubs his chin in thought. "Question. If my ritual works like these spells enough that you can pull out a formal spell to do the same thing, does that mean we can do the same thing in reverse? Adapt any of these spells into an enchantment?"

"Running simulation." The leftover formula twists itself this way and that, and no more than ten seconds pass before it expands in such a way that there are multiple blanks in the code. "Enchantment template complete. Adaptable to any enhancement spell."

«What spells did you give him again?»
you whisper to Tim.

«Healing and a strength boost. Which means he can now create items that turn anyone into a Brute, at least for a couple of seconds.»
That's super handy, though I imagine only someone with a Linker Core or a mana reactor in them is going to be using it for more than a very short burst.

*Eyes Vista*
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.

I don't care too much, so yeah.
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.

NO. Puns are not the lowest form of humor, but they certainly try. Please don't drag down this story about magical girls with fire control issues down to the level of puns.

On the contrary, a well constructed pun demonstrates a strong command of the language. Puns are one of the cleverest kinds of humour.