Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I don't remember, was it fanon or canon that Purity started as an independent hero, but was persuaded by Kaiser that her best chance to make a difference is to join the Empire?
Fanon. Purity started as E88, broke away and tried the independent cape schtick for a couple years prior to canon start, and then went back to E88 due to not feeling like she was accomplishing much and Kaiser having leverage on her.
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I don't remember, was it fanon or canon that Purity started as an independent hero, but was persuaded by Kaiser that her best chance to make a difference is to join the Empire?
As landcollector said, in canon it was the exact opposite of this. Purity joined the Empire as a teenager while it was still being run by Allfather, then left after she divorced Kaiser to try her hand at being an independent hero.
From the PRT point of view, Calamity Witch is quite probably going the same way. She never fought the White Hill, but she fought other villains side-by-side with them, and Jotunn apparently has a way to contact her.
Hmm… You know, I hadn't thought about the hero/villain meet from that angle, but it could appear from the Protectorate's point of view like Calamity Witch may be just a little too comfortable with Winter Hill.

In other news, does everyone remember how I said next chapter would be a Vista interlude? That might to probably won't be the case. Her interlude is fighting me like you would not believe, and with a Chevalier patrol that would cover the high points, I may wind up scrapping the interlude entirely.
Found this moment in canon:
Purity Interlude said:
Kayden didn't have an answer to that. It was his fault, really. The high school baseball player she'd had a crush on when she'd been in middle school had wound up being the same person that first approached her when she started going out in costume. Blinded by his good looks and his way with words, she'd been swayed, convinced of his way of thinking.
Quite ambigous, but some assumptions can be made.
She started to go out in costume, and I doubt she did it to rob or kill someone. Then she was approached by Kaiser. Probably it's happened quite fast, considering how noticeable Purity's power. They talked and Kaiser, apparently, unmasked himself. Did he recognise her? Did he decided show of trust worth a risk? Or it's not Kaiser who approached her, but Max Anders? Maybe she even 'saved' him from gangsters?
All in all, I doubt Kayden was solo much longer than canon Taylor.
I wouldn't say so.
The PRT of course would prefer for a hero to join them than to become independent, but they would prefer an independent hero than a dead hero or new villain.
Independent heroes are easy prey for gangs, after all. They usually don't have power, experience and support structure to survive. And if they do manage it, there is always possibility to soft sell villainy..

Shadowstalker, in the best possible interpretation of her character from canon, was engaged in soft sell villainy through being so violent with her chosen targets and deliberately trying to escalate matters so she could be violent enough without winding up in prison for it.

I can't recall for certain, but did Taylor ever get involved with the Travellers? Knowing they want to go home to an Earth that isn't Earth Aleph, and knowing that there are only 15 habitable worlds inside the eidolon rift* with Earth Bet according to the TSAB, we could easily take them home. The TSAB, or a Device from Shipwright if she has a linker core, also might be able to remove Noelle's powers and potentially recruit some powerful allies in the process.

I doubt we're headed in that direction, but it seemed a possibility worth bringing up when exploring alternate Earths was one of our options for the week.

*In case that's the wrong terminology, the shell of warped space surrounding these alternate dimensional frames
Travellers didn't happen, thanks to Scion's suiciding himself before Ziz attack on Madison happened.
Typhon and his Beasts had Travellers' shards. We... put him out of his misery.
Ah. I had not gotten that far in Worm, yet. Well, that would explain having trouble remembering what happened with them. I have to wonder what SW has in mind for what happens if we ever vote for exploring the neighboring worlds, then. I doubt she'd offer it as an option without at least vague plans.

Also, something I've found amusingly apt as I read Worm is that I keep forgetting Imp is black. I have no issue remembering that about Grue, just Imp. Each time it comes up in the story it's an "oh, yeah" moment. Given Imp's powers, this entertains me.
Something that occurred to me to wonder: Can the devices and other gear Shipwright can build connect telepathically to people without a linker core? At minimum, a means of communicating with Vista that might bypass jamming or other interference would be nice, since she's all but a member of the party at this point. The second thing that occurred to me regarding this, though, is that Devices connect to linker cores and cause them to grow somewhat, if I'm recalling SW's comments on them correctly, but they also do a lot of the math for their mages. Could Tim make a machine that is essentially a glorified calculator to help the Adept's leader* not necessarily develop new spells but just help him cast the spells he knows faster?

While it isn't top of the list for Tim, we should vote for him to study Bakuda's bombs at some point. Seeing what they can do in canon makes me really curious what Tim would make of them.

Dang it. I know I had more to discuss here, but the rest isn't coming to me. I guess I'll post again later if I remember what it was.

*I'm planning on rereading the entire fic once I'm done with Worm to refresh little details like the names of some of the characters.
Can the devices and other gear Shipwright can build connect telepathically to people without a linker core?
Connect? No. Devices can communicate with people telepathically with a lot of effort, but it's honestly easier for them to call somebody's phone. Other players have suggested implanting a telepathy-based AV radio in Vista, which I would allow, but that needs another reactor installed to power it, plus possibly implanting the radio setup itself.
While it isn't top of the list for Tim, we should vote for him to study Bakuda's bombs at some point. Seeing what they can do in canon makes me really curious what Tim would make of them.
That IS something you can do, and something I'll remind everyone of the next time a build vote comes up. Which should be 11.3.
Could Tim make a machine that is essentially a glorified calculator to help the Adept's leader* not necessarily develop new spells but just help him cast the spells he knows faster?
You're thinking of Epoch. I don't think he ever actually shows up in Worm; he's just mentioned. And no, you could build him a magitech calculator or computer that isn't a Device but without accessing his Linker Core it wouldn't give him any benefit in terms of casting magic.

Which honestly isn't a problem for him because this guy is not a dummy when you just show him what to do, as you can see in three… two… one…
Cloudy Skies 11.2
[] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement

Cloudy Skies 11.2

Monday, June 27

You pull up a chronometer screen and nod. "That should be long enough for Standstill to get to the Adepts' place."

"I still don't understand why you or Samantha couldn't just teleport to her and take her to their hideout," Tim says with a huff as he picks up the standby form of his latest creation. "It would make things a lot easier."

"Maybe in the short term, but you didn't just have a weird conversation with Alexandria the way we did. I don't want to run into Legend and have to worry about being almost-threatened into joining the Protectorate because I'm powerful enough to be part of the next generation's Triumvirate. One of those talks is enough for a lifetime."

He shrugs but walks closer to you, and with a single command your casting sigil appears beneath you and erases the world to replace it with the drab walls of… an apartment? This is not where you met the three untrained mages last time! "Storm, did you take us to the wrong place?"

"Whoops. That's my fault. Maclibuin gave me a new address, and I had Sextant forward it to Storm." Tim clears his throat. "I, uh, thought he would tell you."

The jewel on your staff chirps in apology. "Did not consider matter significant to bother Mistress. Will do in future."

"It's fine, it's fine. Just took me by surprise. Anybody home?!" you call out.

Something thumps from down the hall, and in maybe ten seconds Epoch pokes his head out from around the corner. "Calamity Witch, and compatriots. You caught us by surprise, I'm afraid. Please, join us."

In the main living room you find Maclibuin and Standstill still sitting at a fold-up table with cartons of Chinese take-out in front of them. "What happened to your old base?" you ask, images of them being driven out of their headquarters dancing through your head.

"We decided it was too much space to defend with just the two of us. This is a safe house only a few of the Adepts ever knew about. We needed some place that Gevaudan and Lilliput wouldn't know about."

And the best safe house they could find is an apartment? You have your doubts about that but keep them to yourself. If this really is one of their homes, you don't want to mention it and unnerve them unnecessarily. "Well, we're back and with presents to boot. It might be easier if we split up, though. I can give you pointers on your spells, Epoch, and Samantha and Standstill can discuss some of the practicalities of creating a Guardian Beast. Meanwhile Shipwright can work with Maclibuin on the details of his Device—"

"I can't really do much on that score," Tim says, cutting you off. "I know enough about it to build the Device itself and can tell you the basics, but how to best use your spells? I wouldn't know where to begin. I'm just glad Storm had enough information to help with the programming."

Perfect Storm shouldn't have any information on support spells, but Immortal Assimilation Engine? That is a different kettle of fish entirely, and not one that will make you sleep easier at night.

"So what do I need to do?" asks Maclibuin.

"Not much at all. Just put it on and follow the directions."

Tim hands over a thin copper bracelet, the ends of the torc decorated with yellow spheres. Maclibuin shrugs and slips it on. "So what—"

"New user identified." Everyone startles at the deep voice that comes from the bracelet, the decorations on the ends flashing citrine light with each syllable. "Request Device designation change."

"It wants a name," Tim whispers, trying his best not to be overheard. Personally, you don't think the Device would care what Tim says since it – he? – is being worn by Maclibuin, but what he does is his business.

The gigantic mage scratches his chin. "A name. Hmm… There is only one appropriate name I can think of. Hiallus, who assisted Loan Maclibuin with the forging of his swords. That is your new name."

"Designation 'Hiallus' accepted. Ready to initialize."

"Proceed, I guess."

"Command acknowledged. Configuring Barrier Jacket. Optimizing protocols. Set up."

Maclibuin's body shines with brilliant light, enough that it eclipses his outline and turns him into an emerald sun. Several moments pass before the light finally fades and Maclibuin falls to his knees. His muscle shirt and jeans are gone, replaced by soft grey cargo pants tucked into boots and… well, it looks like another sleeveless shirt since his arms are still visible through the long coat he wears, revealing what is now a golden torc wrapped around his left bicep. The hood of that coat is pulled down, revealing the slim domino mask that along with the shadows of the hood will completely hide his identity.

"Mac!" Epoch and Standstill yell.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. That just felt weird." He grabs onto a nearby chair and pulls himself up to his feet. "I still feel a little strange, but I'm not hurt or anything." A small frown crosses his face, and then he grabs both sides of the folding chair and pulls as hard as he can. The chair stays intact when he gives up, which must not have happened for years considering how long he had his superstrength. This time he smiles. "Maybe more than a little strange, but definitely not in a bad way."

«I guess this is the best proof we can get that Devices really will strip capes of their original powers,» Samantha whispers to you telepathically. "Come over here, Standstill. We can have a nice long chat about turning animals into people and the responsibilities that come with it."

"Don't scare her too bad! And we can talk about Shooters and flying and telekinesis."

Epoch nods with a smile of delight and turns his chair around to face you while you sit on empty air. "I don't suppose I would be able to do that myself, would I?"

"Flight forces localized to center of mass. Small adjustments necessary to reorient position. Emulating Mistress relatively simple."

"Let's not jump ahead of ourselves," you warn Perfect Storm. "Since you don't have a Device to help with the calculations, we did our best to simplify the math. A Shooter spell is the easiest of the three, so we'll start with that then work on telekinesis and flight last."

A flick of your hand pulls up the screen with a much smaller formula than you are used to, but then again the spell you plan to 'teach', or rather refine, is also a different beast than Flare Shooter. Your personal spell has a large section of code that is explicitly for controlling and manipulating the unusual effects of the Mana Conversion Affinity Perfect Storm installed into your Linker Core along with the template itself, so that had to go along with the additions that turn your projectiles into homing missiles. At that point it became easier to further prune the code into its most basic form than to rework the other adjustable parameters, creating what is by far the smallest spell formula you have ever seen.

"We wanted this spell to be something you can whip out quickly in case you were surprised, which is part of the reason it's small. All this spell does is create the bullet itself and then fire it in a straight line."

"Um, Calamity Witch? Not that I am unappreciative, but what exactly am I supposed to do with this? It looks more like something a mathematician would come up, not a witch."

You look at the formula again and then back to him. What is he talking about? This is the simplest you could break it down! It's so basic you almost don't even need to do any vector calculus to run the transformation and oh yeah on second thought he might just have a point. «Storm? Is there any way you can simplify this so someone who hasn't had to learn post-college level math and doesn't have a Device can actually figure out what they're doing?»

«Can be done. High-level mathematics developed by Al Hazard to simplify magic experimentation. Pre-Device magics visualization and mnemonics. Mistress desires static graphic or simulation?»

Simulation? That sounds like it would probably be better, and at your command the screen clears itself of text to show a human silhouette, the shimmering dot in the middle of its chest obviously representing the Linker Core. Sounds of breathing play softly in the background as the dot expands and contracts slightly. A closer look at the dot shows that small flakes of light are drifting around and through it, and it is these that move with each breath.

"Oh, yes. This works much better."

"Mana generated or gathered by Linker Core," Perfect Storm says before changing the view to the outline standing with one arm outstretched. Red lightning streaks from the Linker Core down the arm to the palm of the hand. That part of the screen expands to shows the flakes of light swirling in tight spirals in every direction. As you and Epoch watch, all that magic falls towards the center and becomes a complete sphere. "Mana gathered and compressed. Flight vector calculated or imagined."

A ring appears around the sphere, and the edges curl inwards and stretch away from the hand. The second screen vanishes to show the silhouette again, and the image moves out so you can see a pair of lines leading from that silhouette to a second one. The sphere flies away from the first person's palm and hits the second person in the chest.


Comprehension lights Epoch's face. "So that's why I had so much trouble when I tried to do it! I couldn't get the ball to hold together because I was just trying to squeeze it into shape when what I really needed was to spin it and let centripetal force do the work for me. Even when I could get it to form I can't throw it. I have to lead it to the target." While he talks, he flexes his fingers, and within only a couple of seconds a blue orb surrounded by a faint haze begins growing just above his upturned palm.

That was faster than you thought he would get it, and the fact that he was already close is somewhat unnerving. Your feelings are unchanged when you hear Perfect Storm chime in, "In essence correct. Density of mana particles determines physical impact of spell. Range in strength from light source to explosion. Current formula limited to straight line." Equations dance along the edges of the screen as the path leading from the shooter to the target shifts around, the code becoming longer and more complicated and in turn twisting the path into a pretzel.

"…I think I can live with a straight line for now."

With the simulation method of teaching now proven to work – maybe even a little too well – showing Epoch how to move objects with his mind and to refine his flight takes less time than you had previously expected. Perfect Storm also fills in Samantha about this discovery, and a quick glance shows that she has pulled up a screen of her own to go over the last few details about the Guardian Beast ritual.

It is the screen in front of Maclibuin that grabs your attention now, because it does not have diagrams on it. It has actual formulas.

"Interesting," he tells Tim, scrolling through the calculations before flicking it away. "And all spells can be broken down like this?" Tim nods, which leads him to ask the million-dollar question. "Could it figure out what happens when I use my ritual?"

Tim opens and closes his mouth a few times, but no words come out. He looks to you only for you to hold out your hands cluelessly. How are you supposed to know? "I don't really know. I guess we could find out?"

"Standstill, do you still have your charms on you?" The woman pulls up the end of her sleeve to reveal a charm bracelet with five individual charms hanging from it and drops the bracelet over into Maclibuin's outstretched palm. A faint green nimbus surrounds him for a moment before it suddenly flares and a circular casting sigil appears beneath his feet.

«It shouldn't have adapted this soon,» Tim projects to you. «Even if his ritual was close enough to a Device spell for it to learn, I would have expected a few castings. This is way too fast. There's something else going on here.»

"Whoa," he says when the spell effect ends. "That was a rush. Hiallus, did you get all that?"

"Yes, sir. Analyzing now." A screen pops up with a rat's nest of code, and all of you watch the formula untangle itself. Two more screens showing other programs appear on either side. "Cross-referencing. Similarities found. Identifying variables."

Wait, what?

Sections of the code flash red and green, and the middle screen splits into two, the one on Maclibuin's left holding only the colored sections and the one on the right everything else. The screens that you can only assume are for his other spells merge with the color-coded one.

"Underlying spell isolated."

"There's… a spell specifically to enhance parahumans," mutters the hulking ex-cape in disbelief.

"I don't think there was such a spell before now." Maclibuin looks over at Tim. "I certainly don't know one, and I didn't program it into your Device. This was all you. It just so happens that the way you figured out to empower objects can also be used directly on people. At least, that's what I'm guessing based on everything we just saw."

"Or there's a simpler explanation than even that." You shrug. "Spells aren't secret knowledge that can only be known or performed if they are taught. They're more like physics with magic. You didn't get lucky and your spell hit that one-in-a-million chance of being like our own. Your spell and our spells are similar because that's just how magic itself works."

"I don't know whether to be happy or not about that," muses Epoch.

His teammate, on the other hand, rubs his chin in thought. "Question. If my ritual works like these spells enough that you can pull out a formal spell to do the same thing, does that mean we can do the same thing in reverse? Adapt any of these spells into an enchantment?"

"Running simulation." The leftover formula twists itself this way and that, and no more than ten seconds pass before it expands in such a way that there are multiple blanks in the code. "Enchantment template complete. Adaptable to any enhancement spell."

«What spells did you give him again?»
you whisper to Tim.

«Healing and a strength boost. Which means he can now create items that turn anyone into a Brute, at least for a couple of seconds.»

«Is this something we need to warn the Protectorate about?»
Samantha interjects.

Looking at the trio of former teammates, you can't help but want to give them the benefit of the doubt. Partly because you put a lot of work into them, but also partly because going around expecting everyone to act in the worst possible manner is a terrible way to go through life. «Let's not borrow trouble. Standstill and Maclibuin are both heroes, so they won't go off the deep end. Most likely. Hopefully.

«And if they do, we
probably shouldn't make it look like we knew it was a possibility ahead of time and still gave them that power.»

"Maclibuin's Boost Device" removed from Key Items.
Epoch's, Maclibuin's, and Standstill's character sheets added.
Dragon's Synchronization updated.

All of Maclibuin's spells are Boost spells of one form or another. Add in a portable supercomputer, and it only made sense that Hiallus would figure out how to adapt the ritual into something(s) amazing.

Standstill now knows how to perform her own spell, but is her Guardian Beast…

[ ] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
[ ] Designed – You determine its species, age, personality, and class. It will never be as strong as a randomly generated Guardian Beast, but she gets whatever you think best for her.
[X] Randomly generated.
Life's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get, but hey! It's still chocolate, so who cares. Also, exclusive abilities are awesome.
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
Twin Rabbit Familiars!

Ahhh.... if we knew more about Standstill as a character, or were doing this for someone else, I'd probably want to Taylor tailor it to be an interesting match for them. Racoons are fluffytails but otherwise not so interesting....why hasn't Samantha shown an urge to hoard or steal, or even be fastidious with her food? :p

But more seriously the oddity of her power probably means she needs a guardian of the Shield or Sword, which I suppose a random chance risks giving her a tinker or something that doesn't directly help. Question is whether she has a plan for how to keep close to it like we're doing with Samantha (easy for indies, harder for regulated Wards if the new beast looks adult?) , or what she has in mind.

It really is a shame she lacks the linker core for twin Guardians. A shield to protect her unconcious form while a Sword goes after whoever she just Save-or-Lose'd would be great, and making them Wards-age could be perfect.

Then again, if she's sticking with New York Wards and not joining Taylor's indie team, its not like its a big balance concern so Silently Watches cooould fudge the rules for story :p
[x] Designed – You determine its species, age, personality, and class. It will never be as strong as a randomly generated Guardian Beast, but she gets whatever you think best for her.
-[x] Male, fox, same age, protective, Extinction Knight.

I'm probably forgetting alot, but her power allows her to put people to sleep while leaving her vulnerable, right? She needs a meat shield who can defend her and manhandle those she takes out. I'd go random if she'd actually accepted a proper device.
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That was faster than you thought he would get it, and the fact that he was already close is somewhat unnerving. Your feelings are unchanged when you hear Perfect Storm chime in, "In essence correct. Density of mana particles determines physical impact of spell. Range in strength from light source to explosion. Current formula limited to straight line." Equations dance along the edges of the screen as the path leading from the shooter to the target shifts around, the code becoming longer and more complicated and in turn twisting the path into a pretzel.

"…I think I can live with a straight line for now."
The relatively quick shift in Epoch's stance of "I was hoping to do more" to "Oookay, the basics are just fine." is amusing to me.

The way Maclibuin 's enhancement turns out to have worked is interesting. I'm also hoping Epoch doesn't do anything unwise in the future though, because I suspect our involvement won't remain unnoticed.

Nice update Silently.

As for the vote...Hm. The idea of customization has its pluses, but so does the temptation of exclusive powers from Randomization.

[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
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[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
[x] Designed – You determine its species, age, personality, and class. It will never be as strong as a randomly generated Guardian Beast, but she gets whatever you think best for her.
-[x] Young, female raven, curious and playful, scout and fast attack type
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[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.

You can't torc him out of his fashion choices.
NO. Puns are not the lowest form of humor, but they certainly try. Please don't drag down this story about magical girls with fire control issues down to the level of puns.