Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
-[X] Lacey
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
Not sure about any of above, but why she haven't considered asking "aliens" opinion about the "master powers"?
They might consider "helping option", as better solution to her "turn victim to device" plan...
I'm not even sure what you're asking here. Is it to get the TSAB involved in Cassiel's situation? If so, that won't exactly be useful considering they know even less about Parahuman powers than you do.
Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. (since training is IMPORTANT)
What would you want to train? I need more info, else I'm just going to roll a die to pick a spell to give a point to.
SOME sort of exploration (mixed with "hang out" ;) ).
I need a LOT more description than this. At the moment, this is an invalid vote.
I need a LOT more description than this. At the moment, this is an invalid vote.
"Interesting places hangout" already took place. She might get TSAB member to Endbriger's fights memorials. And convince him/her that Endbringer's worshipers is a REALLY BAD thing (in order to get at least ADVICE of "How to deal with this sort of power?").
I doubt there is point in traveling to other dimensions right now (if there is no chance for "immediate gain").

What would you want to train? I need more info, else I'm just going to roll a die to pick a spell to give a point to.
Crescendo (1/4 Novice) – Speed up the flow of time time within an area with a 20 meter diameter to three times its normal rate. Spell currently lasts 20 seconds per casting.

Is this "slow time"? I'd say that can be really useful...
Is this "slow time"? I'd say that can be really useful...
That's… one way to look at it? It's a localized haste spell, essentially.
"Interesting places hangout" already took place. She might get TSAB member to Endbriger's fights memorials. And convince him/her that Endbringer's worshipers is a REALLY BAD thing (in order to get at least ADVICE of "How to deal with this sort of power?").
Then your vote needs to say clearly that you want to hang out with the TSAB and talk about the Fallen.

EDIT: you also need to specify that you want to train Crescendo. When I tally up the votes, I'm not going to go combing through the comments to try figuring it out.
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[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
-[X] Lacey
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
That's… one way to look at it? It's a localized haste spell, essentially.
speaking of sludge and creshendo, would it work on Behemoth? Or just get eaten? We never did get to see what Mana would do to him and the next occurrence is long enough off everybody except the dataminers will forget.

I don't expect it to be particularly effective if it does work, but even a few moments more against him (or ziz, or Levi) is ALWAYS useful.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Hang out with Kayleigh and Laura. After the last couple days we need some non-cape (or "non-cape") time.
[X] Social with the TSAB. Bounce ideas, explore threat assessment, ask if any of them have seen anything interesting in this dimensional cluster they think we should explore.​
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Hang out with Kayleigh and Laura. After the last couple days we need some non-cape (or "non-cape") time.
[X] Social with the TSAB. Bounce ideas, explore threat assessment, ask if any of them have seen anything interesting in this dimensional cluster they think we should explore.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Social with the TSAB. Bounce ideas, explore threat assessment, ask if any of them have seen anything interesting in this dimensional cluster they think we should explore.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
speaking of sludge and creshendo, would it work on Behemoth? Or just get eaten? We never did get to see what Mana would do to him and the next occurrence is long enough off everybody except the dataminers will forget.

I don't expect it to be particularly effective if it does work, but even a few moments more against him (or ziz, or Levi) is ALWAYS useful.
Because there is still a very high chance you will have the opportunity to find out in-story, I'm just going to keep my mouth shut.
Do they? Recall that the TSAB is less than a century old and emerged from the rubble of a multi world apocalypse. Sure, there would be legends and stories about the before times, but actual verified information would be rather thin on the ground.
They have some five centuries of magical development on the Immortal Assimilation Engine.
They also have up-to-date tactics for bombardment mages, since Mid-Childa style is heavily reliant on those. Something they can teach us, since our own are somewhat simplistic.
They also have a graduate from Nanoha's School of Hard Knocks Befriending.
They have some five centuries of magical development on the Immortal Assimilation Engine.
They kind of don't. That's why IAE is a Lost Logia and not just some dangerous style of Device - they don't know how it works. The apocalypse killed and destroyed a lot of their institutional knowledge.

I'll give you the tactics, those would be somewhat relevant (although only somewhat given the vast array of parahuman powers), but the knowledge base isn't nearly as advanced as IAE being five centuries old might suggest.
[X] Drop off Maclebuin's Device and help Thirteenth Hour pick a Guardian Beast.
[X] Hang out with Kayleigh and Laura. After the last couple days we need some non-cape (or "non-cape") time.
[X] Spend time with Perfect Storm and learn more about the OG Calamity Witch.

Didn't Silently Watches say something re: making nice with Protectorate would happen anyways?

Meant to comment on this earlier, but the next chapter is planned to be a Vista interlude featuring her, Chevy, and Militia.

Based on that, I don't see why we would want to go do stuff with Chevalier BEFORE that happens you know? For all I want to see Calamity Witch doing some more patrol stuff, feels like it should be after... if anything I'd say do a patrol with Thirteenth Hour to help her practice with guardian beast or something. Or if people insist on NoFunTime, poke Cailleach about hunting invading gangs since thats still ongoing?
Yeah, @Racoras has the right of it. Even if we want to make even with the PRT and Protectorate I don't see how see how hanging around Chevalier will help to that end- he isn't the be-all-end-all of the organization, I think.
They kind of don't. That's why IAE is a Lost Logia and not just some dangerous style of Device - they don't know how it works. The apocalypse killed and destroyed a lot of their institutional knowledge.

I'll give you the tactics, those would be somewhat relevant (although only somewhat given the vast array of parahuman powers), but the knowledge base isn't nearly as advanced as IAE being five centuries old might suggest.
Lost Logia tend to be the highest tip end of Belkan and contemporary magitechbase. i.e. Mariage (system created and used by Galea in the latter part of the Warring Ages).

While the TSAB may not have recovered the entire techbase of truly upperlevel of ancient Belka it does advance itself fairly quickly and can understand and utilize magitech that it studies fairly quickly as well.

Its just bullshit stuff like the Book of Darkness and jewel seeds that give them trouble in understanding.

Also, another thing to note is that Mid-Childa and the TSAB as a whole seems to prize and prioritize usability and utility over pure power compared to Belka. Like, the hybrid intelligent devices which are a modern attempt at recreating the unison devices of Belka, instead of going for power the TSAB seems to have gone for general usability in improving compatibility with mages.

Hell, the whole focus towards bombardment magic and long range combat + shields that Mid-Childa and TSAB has seems to lend itself a lot more towards a soldier mentality of the strength of the whole than a warrior or champion type of individual superiority that Belka had.
They have some five centuries of magical development on the Immortal Assimilation Engine.
I'll give you the tactics, those would be somewhat relevant (although only somewhat given the vast array of parahuman powers), but the knowledge base isn't nearly as advanced as IAE being five centuries old might suggest.
Just a point of clarification, IAE is closer to 1700 years old. It was active for about two centuries before it was put on ice. The Warring Ages ended around a thousand years ago.
Hell, the whole focus towards bombardment magic and long range combat + shields that Mid-Childa and TSAB has seems to lend itself a lot more towards a soldier mentality of the strength of the whole than a warrior or champion type of individual superiority that Belka had.
In a lot of ways, the Mid-Childan attitude towards bombardment magic and fighting as part of a group is closer to Galean war tactics than Ancient Belkan.
[X] Hang out with Kayleigh and Laura. After the last couple days we need some non-cape (or "non-cape") time.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Social with the TSAB. Bounce ideas, explore threat assessment, ask if any of them have seen anything interesting in this dimensional cluster they think we should explore.
Lost Logia tend to be the highest tip end of Belkan and contemporary magitechbase. i.e. Mariage (system created and used by Galea in the latter part of the Warring Ages).

While the TSAB may not have recovered the entire techbase of truly upperlevel of ancient Belka it does advance itself fairly quickly and can understand and utilize magitech that it studies fairly quickly as well.

Its just bullshit stuff like the Book of Darkness and jewel seeds that give them trouble in understanding.

Also, another thing to note is that Mid-Childa and the TSAB as a whole seems to prize and prioritize usability and utility over pure power compared to Belka. Like, the hybrid intelligent devices which are a modern attempt at recreating the unison devices of Belka, instead of going for power the TSAB seems to have gone for general usability in improving compatibility with mages.

Hell, the whole focus towards bombardment magic and long range combat + shields that Mid-Childa and TSAB has seems to lend itself a lot more towards a soldier mentality of the strength of the whole than a warrior or champion type of individual superiority that Belka had.
I think the nature of surviving relics may have skewed things a fair bit. We don't know much of what the non-Belkan civilian life was like, because the nature of the disasters is such that Lost Logias are invariably the stupidly durable and blackboxed types because:
-Anything less durable already got annihilated.
-Anything easier to study were already imitated, used by everyone, and at a Lost Logia's potency...well theres not much to survive when that happens.

We see two distinct breeds:
-Al-Hazard technology is almost invariably stupidly powerful and optimistic. They are sparsely ornamented, almost plain, as if they were mass produced as a consumer product. They tend to lack security measures, tending to assume that users will be responsible, well adjusted people with a good understanding of metaphysics.
--Jewel Seeds are functionally zero point magical energy reactors with no security features in a unit the side of your mobile phone battery, wired up to the magitech version of a Star Trek Holodeck. They're pretty durable and stable, though using large numbers of them in tandem is going to do stupid things to the fabric of reality. We actually see that they can be safely used as power sources once sealed.
--The pre-modification Book of Darkness is basically a self-updating Time Capsule, designed to survive the end of the world with all the information it can gather, communicating and translating with any lifeform that finds it, capable of gathering and imaging lifeforms by linker core capture as some kind of super gene bank.

-Warring States technology on the other hand tend to be arbitrarily access restricted, often to a single individual lineage, and furthermore quite often repurposed from the original design in an obvious hack job. They are usually heavily ornamented in precious metals and symbols. They are stupidly destructive by design. Interestingly, most of them seem to be singletons, the civilization which invented them were either unwilling or unable to make more than one.

So it smells a lot like Warring States technology tends to be developed for the military-industrial complex out of fragmentary, repurposed knowledge from a previous, more advanced era. Al-Hazard tech is Star Trek antimatter reactors, tricorders and fabricators, Warring States tech is Fallout(except working with Star Trek salvage).

In general the TSAB PROBABLY has much higher baseline magitech level, while they suffer in terms of peak output because the TSAB focused a lot of their work on containment, safety and risk mitigation.
...which is not to say that the TSAB peak is low, but rather that it takes the form of very controlled tools that requires more than one lunatic to use, while the Belkan/Galean models were designed to be last resort weapons that the last surviving noble scion could use to Scorched Earth their enemies if they were pushed into a corner, and thus by definition is meant for one esoterically qualified lunatic to use.

Observe how the Arc-en-ciel is an exterminatus weapon equipped on dozens of their battleships as a last resort Lost Logia countermeasure...which requires enough of the ship's crew to prep, arm, and then a dual-key authorization.
The TSAB has the output.
I think the nature of surviving relics may have skewed things a fair bit. We don't know much of what the non-Belkan civilian life was like, because the nature of the disasters is such that Lost Logias are invariably the stupidly durable and blackboxed types because:
-Anything less durable already got annihilated.
-Anything easier to study were already imitated, used by everyone, and at a Lost Logia's potency...well theres not much to survive when that happens.

We see two distinct breeds:
-Al-Hazard technology is almost invariably stupidly powerful and optimistic. They are sparsely ornamented, almost plain, as if they were mass produced as a consumer product. They tend to lack security measures, tending to assume that users will be responsible, well adjusted people with a good understanding of metaphysics.
--Jewel Seeds are functionally zero point magical energy reactors with no security features in a unit the side of your mobile phone battery, wired up to the magitech version of a Star Trek Holodeck. They're pretty durable and stable, though using large numbers of them in tandem is going to do stupid things to the fabric of reality. We actually see that they can be safely used as power sources once sealed.
--The pre-modification Book of Darkness is basically a self-updating Time Capsule, designed to survive the end of the world with all the information it can gather, communicating and translating with any lifeform that finds it, capable of gathering and imaging lifeforms by linker core capture as some kind of super gene bank.

-Warring States technology on the other hand tend to be arbitrarily access restricted, often to a single individual lineage, and furthermore quite often repurposed from the original design in an obvious hack job. They are usually heavily ornamented in precious metals and symbols. They are stupidly destructive by design. Interestingly, most of them seem to be singletons, the civilization which invented them were either unwilling or unable to make more than one.

So it smells a lot like Warring States technology tends to be developed for the military-industrial complex out of fragmentary, repurposed knowledge from a previous, more advanced era. Al-Hazard tech is Star Trek antimatter reactors, tricorders and fabricators, Warring States tech is Fallout(except working with Star Trek salvage).

In general the TSAB PROBABLY has much higher baseline magitech level, while they suffer in terms of peak output because the TSAB focused a lot of their work on containment, safety and risk mitigation.
...which is not to say that the TSAB peak is low, but rather that it takes the form of very controlled tools that requires more than one lunatic to use, while the Belkan/Galean models were designed to be last resort weapons that the last surviving noble scion could use to Scorched Earth their enemies if they were pushed into a corner, and thus by definition is meant for one esoterically qualified lunatic to use.

Observe how the Arc-en-ciel is an exterminatus weapon equipped on dozens of their battleships as a last resort Lost Logia countermeasure...which requires enough of the ship's crew to prep, arm, and then a dual-key authorization.
The TSAB has the output.
@Silently Watches, does this one deserve a threadmark or a honorary mention in your index?
It's been long enough that I'm calling it. Looks like Adepts, patching things up with Chevalier, and then socialing with Kayleigh and Laura wins it.
Adhoc vote count started by Silently Watches on Oct 3, 2018 at 5:34 PM, finished with 54 posts and 28 votes.
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