Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Go on patrol. With TSAB, you still need to convince them Earth is worth saving. That rainbow gun may end and endbringer, but it's also got a hell of a crater radius.

Not sure about the rest, but I'm up for this at the very least
[X] Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
-[X] Lacey
[X] Go on patrol. You can vote for one non-Samantha character to join you if you want.
[X] Explore another world, either one you have already seen or by picking one in the cluster at random.
-[X] Anything will do. Maybe invite some TSAB people if they have time.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Go exploring! Maybe we can sneak over to Aleph and bring something interesting back for movie night.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
-[X] Lacey
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Hang out with Kayleigh and Laura. After the last couple days we need some non-cape (or "non-cape") time.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Hang out with Kayleigh and Laura. After the last couple days we need some non-cape (or "non-cape") time.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Hang out with Kayleigh and Laura. After the last couple days we need some non-cape (or "non-cape") time.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Hang out with Kayleigh and Laura. After the last couple days we need some non-cape (or "non-cape") time.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
All the other votes seem a little... unfocused, to me.

[X] Drop off Maclebuin's Device and help Thirteenth Hour pick a Guardian Beast.
[X] Hang out with Kayleigh and Laura. After the last couple days we need some non-cape (or "non-cape") time.
[X] Spend time with Perfect Storm and learn more about the OG Calamity Witch.
Understandable. That said, we need more friends then since Kayleigh showed her untrustworthiness. I know it's an old subject by this point, but she lied to us on something pretty damn important.
But we can't just ghost her. She introduced us to Laura in the first place and it is rude as all hell to hang with only Laura while snubbing her Best Friend Ever.
She should have engaged her brain for something other than Shipping then.
It's not like it matters anymore. Kayleigh and Laura know that Taylor is CW. Taylor knows that Laura is Cailleach and that Kayleigh told Laura about Taylor. She already got over in story. It's over and done. I don't see a reason to keep being petty over Kayleigh having the priorities and behaving like the sheltered teenage girl that she is, when she never did anything in malice.
[X] Drop off Maclebuin's Device and help Thirteenth Hour pick a Guardian Beast.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Meet with Alexandria. Tell her about your meetings with the TSAB Enforcers and about templates (maybe she know somebody worthy to receive it?).

[X] Go on patrol. With TSAB, you still need to convince them Earth is worth saving.
why she haven't considered asking "aliens" opinion about the "master powers"?
They might consider "helping option", as better solution to her "turn victim to device" plan...
I doubt Enforcers agree to patrol or to help Cassy. They refused to be involved into any Earth-Bet matter except city-crushing monsters:
We will not intervene in any other internal issues of your world, including law enforcement such as your Protectorate is involved in. Defeating and sealing the Endbringers is as far as our authority can or will go.
when she never did anything in malice.
Remember that old afforism, "never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity"? It's not just telling you to cool off, it's acknowledging that stupidity is often just as bad as actual malice.
I doubt Enforcers agree to patrol or to help Cassy. They refused to be involved into any Earth-Bet matter except city-crushing monsters:
I'm wanting them to do it without turning the city into a 50 mile sphere of smoking nothing. That was the description of the Rainbow gun, remember?
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[X] Hang out with Kayleigh and Laura. After the last couple days we need some non-cape (or "non-cape") time.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
I'm wanting them to do it without turning the city into a 50 mile sphere of smoking nothing. That was the description of the Rainbow gun, remember?
Patrolling is law-enforcement activity. We do it to stop crimes and catch villains. The TSAB refused to be involved into Earth law-enforcement.
I also doubt they're planning to use Arc-en-Ciel, even if they have one in working order. More probably they're planning to just join the fight posing as capes.
[X] Drop off Maclebuin's Device and help Thirteenth Hour pick a Guardian Beast.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Explore another world, either one you have already seen or by picking one in the cluster at random.
-[X] Anything will do. Maybe invite some TSAB people if they have time.
[X] Drop off Maclebuin's Device and help Thirteenth Hour pick a Guardian Beast.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Explore another world, either one you have already seen or by picking one in the cluster at random.
-[X] Anything will do. Maybe invite some TSAB people if they have time.
[X] Hang out with Kayleigh and Laura. After the last couple days we need some non-cape (or "non-cape") time.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier or Miss Militia. We need to start repairing those bridges...
-[X] And bring up Vista. Let them know Vista is getting upset, let them know she comes first... but you don't want to cause an upset. If she wants to leave the Protectorate, is there a way to do so that doesn't stain their public image?
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Social with the TSAB. Bounce ideas, explore threat assessment, ask if any of them have seen anything interesting in this dimensional cluster they think we should explore.
[X] Patrol with Chevalier. Alexandria wants us to mend some bridges, so let's go mend them Calamity Witch style.
[X] Social with the Adepts. Complete the agreement.
[X] Go on patrol. With TSAB, you still need to convince them Earth is worth saving. That rainbow gun may end and endbringer, but it's also got a hell of a crater radius.

There's actually another action we might want to take.

[X] Train. With TSAB, they have centuries of tactical decisions and models to rely on, they can give you pointers.

Since, knowing QM, this will be a by-line vote with the highest three winning, I'm tentatively pulling in four actions I'm voting on. The highest three will win is all.
Blame DoomQuest, approval voting has spoiled me like that.
With TSAB, they have centuries of tactical decisions and models to rely on, they can give you pointers.
Do they? Recall that the TSAB is less than a century old and emerged from the rubble of a multi world apocalypse. Sure, there would be legends and stories about the before times, but actual verified information would be rather thin on the ground.