No no no, we are a perfectionist. We will not settle with our mockery good sir, nay in fact I will go so far as to say we will be complete and utter bastards.

That and the fact that we could simply plop the damn thing into a room and make most of our enemies panic for at least half a second, even more if it looks like it's moving under its own power.
Ok that's an amazing idea. Specially because at least one smart ass would be like 'let's dispel this illusion' followed by 'oh fuck it's REAL!'
Current proposal:
  1. They can use our port as a friendly one and trade there as long as they follow the local laws. We would appreciate if they gave us first buy to any truly crazy artefacts they found - we'd offer a good price for them. Oh, and we'll buy stuff like Efreet military hardware that would otherwise be hard to sell on this Plane. In exchange we'd prefer if they didn't trade with people on our Plane that we are currently at war with.
  2. She can access our library and learn any spell we have in scroll form on condition that she herself offers us a scroll of a spell we don't have or a lore book we don't have whenever she does this. She should be able to get extraplanar books easily enough, you see.
  3. We'll sell her our "break a devil from Hell" ritual. In exchange we want her to craft us an item of at-will Glimpse of Truth, a level 3 [Evil] Divination spell that answers Yes/No questions reliably. She's a Hellish Wizard, she has to know it. Oh, and it can't be getting the answers from Mammon please :D
  4. They'll give us intel about the situation on the Plane of Fire, especially good targets or targets to avoid. In exchange we'll give them 5% of any loot we get from one of those targets if their intel was good.
  5. They'll go after targets that more directly harm the Efreet. In exchange, they get 90% of what the Shaitan would pay us. They can also call us in for help in case they find an awesome target again, but then we'll claim part of the loot. They can also call for a few more 6th-circle spellcasters (or equivalent), in which case we'll take some loot but less than 50%. We give them a Sending stone and an Arcane Mark to home in on. We reserve the right to not come if we're busy.
  6. They'll help us recruit more pirates or settlements for similar missions. For each one they point us at and give us intel about that ends up joining us, we'll summon one of her devil friends for her (as long as it doesn't serve Mammon). We have state-of-the-art summoning facilities, after all... If they do the recruiting themselves, then they get 100% of what the Shaitan pay us for that month/year/whatever interval the Shaitan pay us at.

@Azel, @Duesal, sounds like a good offer? Too generous? Am I forgetting something?
Great. :)


1. What current targets are there that we could hit? Military convoys, special expeditions, perhaps even retaliation forces sent out against us?
2. Which areas are the most densely packed with Efreeti whaling ships? Where can we find the biggest fleet to capture?
3. Name all the subjugated tribes that pay homage to the Brazen Throne and give a scale of the magnitude of difficulty it would take to conduct a raid against the Efreeti stationed there.
4. What efreeti fortifications are worth attacking in the Plane of Fire and aren't too heavily defended?
  1. No way to know without putting an ear to the ground for at least a day or so
  2. The Grey Expanse (a fiend of Sargasso-like ash-grey plants)
  3. He can give you arrange of danger but not exact numbers, you would have to scout
  4. None in range other than the City of Brass itself
I thought the head was being given to the Old Gods... or was that the guts? Can we get a
"what goes where" list for parts of this corpse?
First of all, no treasure maps.

When we made the deal with Mammon, we made him agree to sever all connections to the Aspect. This means that there's no using Speak with Dead on the corpse since any lingering imprints of the soul will be gone. By that same token, we can't make treasure maps out of him because those also rely on memory imprints for the spell to work.

Current allocation:

Fangs -- Fungus Forge
Eyes -- Possibly Fungus Forge
Ears -- Possibly Fungus Forge
Hide -- Artifact Cloak (version to be voted on), three Bags of Greed (handy haversacks with the capacity of a Portable Hole)
Bones, guts, Heart -- Archfiend blood production
You know... there is that thing called Effigy Creature...

*Reads Link*


Oh my god. OH. MY. GOD. We have to do this.


First of all, no treasure maps.

When we made the deal with Mammon, we made him agree to sever all connections to the Aspect. This means that there's no using Speak with Dead on the corpse since any lingering imprints of the soul will be gone. By that same token, we can't make treasure maps out of him because those also rely on memory imprints for the spell to work.

Current allocation:

Fangs -- Fungus Forge
Eyes -- Possibly Fungus Forge
Ears -- Possibly Fungus Forge
Hide -- Artifact Cloak (version to be voted on), three Bags of Greed (handy haversacks with the capacity of a Portable Hole)
Bones, guts, Heart -- Archfiend blood production

After we hollow him out like a diligent Monster Hunter of course.
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  1. No way to know without putting an ear to the ground for at least a day or so
  2. The Grey Expanse (a fiend of Sargasso-like ash-grey plants)
  3. He can give you arrange of danger but not exact numbers, you would have to scout
  4. None in range other than the City of Brass itself

In that case, @DragonParadox, can we hire Yrten to get all the information with us on high-quality jobs while we spend one day grabbing as many whaling ships as we can? Once he gets the intel we can do the job and possibly finish off with ganking the Bey of Beggars while we're at it.

EDIT: And this is strictly hiring him for intel and for help transporting us to and from these jobs. I'm not actually asking their help in a fight.
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In that case, @DragonParadox, can we hire Yrten to get all the information with us on high-quality jobs while we spend one day grabbing as many whaling ships as we can? Once he gets the intel we can do the job and possibly finish off with ganking the Bey of Beggars while we're at it.

EDIT: And this is strictly hiring him for intel and for help transporting us to and from these jobs. I'm not actually asking their help in a fight.

You can yes.
*Reads Link*


Oh my god. OH. MY. GOD. We have to do this.


After we hollow him out like a diligent Monster Hunter of course.
This seems a fairly natural progression of our trophy-taking ways, I must admit.

Only problem is, Mammon is too high-tier material for us to "just" work into this.
Will take a shitton of time.

But admittedly, even a cut up corpse of his can be made into an absolutely terrifying construct.
Shaitans: "Let's make this easy. Disrupt Efreeti operations"

Viserys: *Denies the Sultan from godly noms, stops reinforcements to the Plane of Earth, and utterly breaks Efreeti operations everywhere outside the City of brass*

Shaitans: :o

Viserys: "By the way, I also looted a god for myself"
This seems a fairly natural progression of our trophy-taking ways, I must admit.

Only problem is, Mammon is too high-tier material for us to "just" work into this.
Will take a shitton of time.

But admittedly, even a cut up corpse of his can be made into an absolutely terrifying construct.
The problem is more the price. We pay 400 IM per HD and with Mammon'S 28 HD, animating his carcass would cost us 11,200 IM and nearly two months of crafting. Though Lya would cut that down by 1/4th.

We could instead try to raise him as a zombie though. Or something other undead. They don't need perverse amounts of time to craft.

@Goldfish, any good mindless undead we could turn his remnants into?
For all you nerds in the thread:

Also, votes for the vote god:
[X] Hire Yrten to spend a day looking for targets for you to hit, while you meanwhile go hunting whalers wherever he says is best.
[X] TotallyNotEvil

Nice, simple, and most important of all filled with greed. This plan gets the magpie stamp of approval.
[X] Hire Yrten to spend a day looking for targets for you to hit, while you meanwhile go hunting whalers wherever he says is best.
hey can also call for a few more 6th-circle spellcasters (or equivalent), in which case we'll take some loot but less than 50%. We give them a Sending stone and an Arcane Mark to home in on. We reserve the right to not come if we're busy.
What exactly is this supposed to mean?

Because claiming less then 50% for our involvement is a hilariously bad deal for us.
What exactly is this supposed to mean?

Because claiming less then 50% for our involvement is a hilariously bad deal for us.
I'm offering to take less than 50% of the Loot if we don't go personally. If we just send in Waymar and Tyene or something. Those two are strong, but not "I could have done it alone" strong either.
EDIT: What should I be offering? I'm thinking 33%. Got a better number? And should I ask for 66% when we intervene personally?