He shall be our eternal rival! Upon him shall we stoke the flames of our youth!

I should have named the quest "Do Not Waifu Lu Bu"
Adhoc vote count started by Gaz on Sep 10, 2018 at 1:57 PM, finished with 30 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan Power In The Shadows
    -[X] One who was impossibly wealthy, with unimaginable wealth and luxury
    -[X] Politics and governance
    -[X] Making as much friends as you could
    -[X] Soldiers and military officers
    -[X] A martially minded brother
    -[X] A charming and charismatic sister
    -[X] Ambitious and driven
    -[X] Born leader
    -[X] Frail and sickly
    [X] Plan The One Who Could Conquer The Heavens
    -[X] A conqueror, winner of countless battles
    -[X] Military tactics and strategy
    -[X] Following your father in campaigns against bandits and brigands and learning from his lead
    -[X] Warriors and martial artists
    -[X] A charming and charismatic brother
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] Fit and healthy of body
    -[X] Diligent at studies
    -[X] Rude and disrespectful
    [X] Plan Chinese Gilgamesh
    -[X] One who was impossibly wealthy, with unimaginable wealth and luxury
    -[X] You tried to learn a bit of everything with no real focus
    -[X] Travelling the local region, seeing as much as you could
    -[X] A fairly influential and prominent noble clan
    -[X] A kind, humble brother
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] Handsome features
    -[X] Born leader
    -[X] Arrogant
    [X] Plan The Spearest Spear-wielder to ever Spear!
    -[X] An unmatched warrior, undefeated throughout the land
    -[X] Studying was boring, you prefered physical training instead
    -[X] Travelling the local region, seeing as much as you could
    -[X] Warriors and martial artists
    -[X] A charming and charismatic brother
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] Ambitious and driven
    -[X] Energetic and athletic
    -[X] Unsocial and sheltered
[X] Plan Power In The Shadows
-[X] One who was impossibly wealthy, with unimaginable wealth and luxury
-[X] Politics and governance
-[X] Making as much friends as you could
-[X] Soldiers and military officers
-[X] A martially minded brother
-[X] A charming and charismatic sister
-[X] Ambitious and driven
-[X] Born leader
-[X] Frail and sickly
[] An unmatched warrior, undefeated throughout the land
[] A peerless genius, able to control the fates of an Empire with a stroke of a quill
[] One who was impossibly wealthy, with unimaginable wealth and luxury
[] An Emperor, sitting in the Imperial Palace and ruling the realm
[] A conqueror, winner of countless battles
[] A famed hero, beloved far and wide
[] A humble hermit, living far away from the troubles of the world

1. Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, etc. Also Xu Chu and Dian Wei, Zhou Tai...
2. Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi, sure, but also civil officials like Xun Yu, Zhang Zhao and Fei Yi.
3. Eh. most people like this aren't especially notable in themselves unless they're really corrupt or bankroll someone important. That said, there are a lot of self-made men in this era.
4. Personally I've never really been one for sitting in the big chair. Funny enough, Liu Bei is the only one of the eventual emperors of this period who seems to have shown early signs of imperial ambition in the novel (probably to further comparisons between him and Liu Bang, who did the same).
5. The Sun Ce option. Also the Xiang Ji or Han Xin option, to go historical (even by the standards of this time) with it. I'd prefer the latter to the former, of course.
6. The Sun Jian option, for a start.
7. Going the Taigong Wang/Jiang Ziya route. Personally I think it's kind of overrated, but Chinese literature loves these guys.

[] Military tactics and strategy
[] History and the classics
[] Politics and governance
[] Art and writing
[] Studying was boring, you prefered physical training instead
[] You tried to learn a bit of everything with no real focus

1. Here's something fun to know: There were a huge numbers of texts on warfare published during the Warring States Period and the Han Dynasty, and Sunzi's Art of War was actually not a very popular text at this time. Part of it was because when the main enemy is the nomadic Xiongnu, a book that focuses so much on besieging cities and fighting field armies in standing battles isn't really as helpful, but there's also the fact that Sunzi's work often seems like common sense, and it's very dry and lacking in exciting tactics and formations with cool names and all that good stuff. Of course, that's also its strength: it's essentially the owner's manual of an army, and pretty much every failure of a campaign can be traced to faults pointed out by Sunzi in the Art of War. Cao Cao considered it an absolutely essential read for any commander; in addition to writing a lengthy commentary on it that exists to this day, he also gave copies to any of his ranking generals who didn't already have it. He's a big part of the reason we know it so well today.

2. This has more uses than just the obvious. Confucian thought is big on tradition and precedent; any word, deed or policy you suggest is going to have much more weight to it if you can make some historical parallel to back it up.

3. Political theory in the Han Dynasty is supposedly rooted deeply in Confucianism and Daoism, providing a big emphasis on meritocracy and "small government" that isn't big on direct intervention. In actual practice, there's a substantial Legalist under-girding (Liu Bang is famous as being "Confucian in words, Legalist in deeds") that manifests in things like state monopolies on salt and iron.

4. You might think this would have no use, but many important personages were patrons to great poets and often gave people their start partially based in their skill in verse (Liu Biao is a notable example). And some them are great poets; Cao Cao, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi in particular are some of the most famous poets of the age, whose works are considered the backbone of the Jian'an style of poetry that flourished from the end of Han up to the start of the Tang Dynasty, where it served as a huge inspiration for many of the Tang poets who are considered to this day to be some of the greatest the country has ever produced. As an example of how influential the "Three Caos" are, the Taiheki, a historical epic written in the 14th century about the transition from the Kamakura Shogunate to the Muromachi, contains a reference to Cao Zhi by name and quotes one of his poems.

5. There are several personages recorded as being like this when growing up, most notably Xiang Ji. Usually, this is used as a literary device by the Confucian scholar writing the history as evidence of a deficiency in character that will lead them to a tragic end. But then you have Liu Bang and Liu Bei, both of whom scorned scholarship as youths and became emperors whose asses said scholars needed to kiss in these state histories. In fact, several dynastic founders were like this; the founder of Ming was downright illiterate, which kind of sticks right in the craw of Confucian philosophy and forces the authors of state history to praise a quality they denigrate in everyone else. Some contrarian part of me just loves pointing out inconsistencies like this in Confucian writings, I can't help it.

6. There are a lot of excellent, well-rounded individuals who are worthy of our emulation. Lu Meng springs immediately to mind, as does Deng Ai.

[] Travelling the local region, seeing as much as you could
[] Learning how to manage your family's estate and finances
[] Following your father in campaigns against bandits and brigands and learning from his lead
[] Getting in fights and brawls with other local youths
[] Doing all you could to help the needy through charitable means
[] Making as much friends as you could
[] Shutting yourself off from the world, studying even harder on your own

1. Did you know that xia are an actual thing? Like, wandering warriors romanticized in wuxia as essentially knights-errant? I mean, the truth is that most were thugs for hire or outright bandits, but some of them really were awesome. Important people of the period who spent time as xia include Ling Cao (father of Ling Tong), Li Tong, Xu Shu and even Yuan Shu of all people. There are also people like Ma Teng and Dong Zhuo (yes, that Dong Zhuo), both of whom spent their youths traveling among the Qiang people of the northwest and developed reputations among them for valor and skill at arms.

2. The value of this is self-apparent.

3. Sun Jian is definitely in this camp; so is Sun Ce, really. Sun Jian was going out on patrols against bandits as early as 16. At that age, it is recorded that Sun Jian and his father saw on the road a band of pirates dividing their spoils on the riverside; Sun Jian jumped on shore with a saber, shouting orders and pointing in various directions to give the impression he was commanding troops to surround the pirates. The pirates fell for the ploy and fled, and Sun Jian gave chase and took several of the pirates' heads by himself.

4. Too many "strongman" generals to count. Guan Yu and Xiahou Dun both spent time on the run for having killed a man in a dispute for the sake of someone close to them (Xiahou Dun was 13 when he did it), as did Xu Shu before he took up scholarship.

5. Also several important personages. My personal favorite is Xu Jing, who after fleeing the capital when Dong Zhuo made clear his tyranny used his wealth, reputations and connections to save thousands of refugees and settle them in places where they could be safe. In the end, he was serving under Liu Bei and even though Fa Zheng didn't think much of his capabilities he urged Liu Bei to give him a high position simply because of how beloved he was. When Liu Bei declared himself emperor, Xu Jing was made Minister Over the Masses, giving him authority second only to Zhuge Liang, who treated him as an equal.

6. Liu Bei and Liu Bang, definitely. Both of them grew up poor, with no real connections, and they were of middling talent at best. Yet both men established emperors that stood against men who had every possible advantage over them and managed to thrive based on their sheer charisma drawing men of talent to them.

7. There were a lot of scholars in this period who removed themselves from the affairs of state after the Partisan Crisis of 160; many of them refused to have anything to do with an obviously corrupt government, and these men were often in contact with one another through letters. Remember how Cao Cao recruited one scholarly guy and then there was this whole long chain of great minds being recommended to him to employ, or how the same thing happened with Sun Quan after Sun Ce died? That's where they come from.

[] A fairly influential and prominent noble clan
[] Artisans and craftsmen
[] Merchants and traders
[] Soldiers and military officers
[] Warriors and martial artists
[] Scholars and teachers
[] Poets and artists
[] Officials and politicians
[] Humble farmers and labourers

Two things to note:

1. Merchants are seen as a lowly occupation at this time. In fact, they were usually not allowed to hold substantial office because they were held as being of inferior moral character. Still, everyone needs cash.

2. While at first glance you'd think having a farmer for your mother's family would be useless, it has the advantage that they can't leverage themselves to take advantage of whatever success you have. From the very start of the Han Dynasty, the problem of the empress dowager's family taking on huge amounts of power has been a long, continuous and endemic struggle. The Confucian love affair with kinship and respecting your elders makes them a natural leadership figure for the Confucian scholar-officials and a go-to option for regencies of child emperors. In fact, the power and authority of the eunuchs is a direct result of emperors wanting some kind of counter to the attempts of imperial in-laws to gain power at the emperor's expense.
[X] Plan The More the Better

[] A conqueror, winner of countless battles
[] Military tactics and strategy
[] Following your father in campaigns against bandits and brigands and learning from his lead
[] Warriors and martial artists
[] A sister wise beyond her years
[] A shy, bookish brother
[] Ambitious and driven
[] Born leader
[] Arrogant

The name of the plan comes from a Chinese idiom that translates as, "When Han Xin leads the troops, the more the better." It comes from a conversation that Liu Bang and Han Xin are recorded as having. Liu Bang asked Han Xin how many men he (Liu) could command effectively, and Han Xin told him he was a general who could lead 100,000 men. Liu Bang then asked Han Xin how he rated himself, and Han Xin simply said, "The more the better."
Local Government
In the time of the Latter Han, China is split into various levels of local administration. The Province, Commandery, and the County as the smallest district. Counties and commanderies would often be renamed, split, merged and be formed anew over time, depending on population, economic factors and the whims of an Emperor. When Imperial control finally falls apart, the various warlords will divide up and rename these districts to benefit their own spheres of influence and authority - with various stages of recognition from their rivals. Over time, even the Provinces will be subject to dividing, splitting and renaming.

Positions of local government will almost always be distributed by the capital, however other local leaders can also recommend individuals to posts, especially in times of crisis. The following is somewhat simplified, for ease of understanding.
Counties are governed by Prefects, which is usually the highest rank of local authority that can be given to someone who has not spent time as a cadet in Luoyang. Prefects are responsible for local law enforcement in their county, policing the villages and keeping them safe from bandits and criminals, and local-level administration and oversight. Notable towns and cities may also be magistrated by a Prefect.
Commanderies are governed by Grand Administrators, who hold a degree of responsibility over all Prefects under them, and are ultimately responsible for overseeing them and their counties. Grand Administrators have various executive powers to deal with uprisings and bandits in their territory, which has only increased as the authority of the central government has waned. The development and safety of their respective Commandery is the highest priority of a Grand Administrator, at least in theory. In the time our story begins, more and more of these posts are being held by corrupt or inept men, who received their rank through bribery or familial influence rather than merit. As such, many Commanderies are poorly managed and ill prepared to deal with internal matters.
Provinces are overseen by Inspectors. Despite being a "higher" rank they actually receive a lower salary than their Grand Administrator subordinates. Their main task is to provide a "checks and balances" system throughout their Province, ensuring each Administrator does his job and none get too powerful or independent. They will give guidance and orders to the Adminstrators but cannot personally intervene - however their most important role is that of sending recommendations to the Imperial Court. Inspectors are quick to send reports to Court about incompetent, rebellious or corrupt Prefects or Administrators, and to keep the Ministers well informed about talented and noteworthy individuals in their province who may be recommended for service. Inspectors on the frontier regions and far from the capital often do get greater authority, especially in regards to security and maintaining garrisons.
Although it is not a rank currently in use by the Han, the Governor is a rank that has been used in the past, and may well soon see an recurrence. Higher than a Inspector on a Provincial level, the Governor holds executive authority over a Province, particularly in regards to taxation and raising troops. Typically, due to the fact the mere use of this rank weakens Imperial power, it is only granted in times of great crisis, when the Empire is in such dire straits that authority and new armies in the provinces are needed without the usual red tape that mires down bureaucracy.
Sili Province, the home of the capital of Luoyang and other cities of importance to the central government, is overseen by a Director of Retainers rather than an Inspector. Holding similar powers to a Governor, he is also responsible for inspecting, investigating and holding judgement on the ministers and officials of the court.

Each of these local governments would have their own retinue of civil servants and military officers, some appointed by the Central Government, others recommended by Administrators or Inspectors.
Last edited:

A map of the Commanderies of China, circa 184 CE.

(Please ignore the giant "Wu, Wei and Shu" labels on this map.)

Another Commandery map. The numbers are rough population counts for the adult, Han Chinese citizens in each. The map is from about 100 or so years before the start of our story, so numbers will be inaccurate.
Adhoc vote count started by Gaz on Sep 10, 2018 at 3:20 PM, finished with 38 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Power In The Shadows
    -[X] One who was impossibly wealthy, with unimaginable wealth and luxury
    -[X] Politics and governance
    -[X] Making as much friends as you could
    -[X] Soldiers and military officers
    -[X] A martially minded brother
    -[X] A charming and charismatic sister
    -[X] Ambitious and driven
    -[X] Born leader
    -[X] Frail and sickly
    [x]plan great empereor
    -[X] An Emperor, sitting in the Imperial Palace and ruling the realm
    -[X] Military tactics and strategy
    -[X] Learning how to manage your family's estate and finances
    -[X] Warriors and martial artists
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] A charming and charismatic sister
    -[X] Handsome features
    -[X] Born leader
    -[X] Poor self-esteem
    [X] Plan The One Who Could Conquer The Heavens
    -[X] A conqueror, winner of countless battles
    -[X] Military tactics and strategy
    -[X] Following your father in campaigns against bandits and brigands and learning from his lead
    -[X] Warriors and martial artists
    -[X] A charming and charismatic brother
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] Fit and healthy of body
    -[X] Diligent at studies
    -[X] Rude and disrespectful
    [X] Plan Chinese Gilgamesh
    -[X] One who was impossibly wealthy, with unimaginable wealth and luxury
    -[X] You tried to learn a bit of everything with no real focus
    -[X] Travelling the local region, seeing as much as you could
    -[X] A fairly influential and prominent noble clan
    -[X] A kind, humble brother
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] Handsome features
    -[X] Born leader
    -[X] Arrogant
    [X] Plan The Spearest Spear-wielder to ever Spear!
    -[X] An unmatched warrior, undefeated throughout the land
    -[X] Studying was boring, you prefered physical training instead
    -[X] Travelling the local region, seeing as much as you could
    -[X] Warriors and martial artists
    -[X] A charming and charismatic brother
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] Ambitious and driven
    -[X] Energetic and athletic
    -[X] Unsocial and sheltered
    [X] Plan The More the Better
    [X] Plan Great Emperor
[x]plan great empereor
-[X] An Emperor, sitting in the Imperial Palace and ruling the realm
-[X] Military tactics and strategy
-[X] Learning how to manage your family's estate and finances
-[X] Warriors and martial artists
-[X] A sister wise beyond her years
-[X] A charming and charismatic sister
-[X] Handsome features
-[X] Born leader
-[X] Poor self-esteem

Yeah in this kind of quest you gotta go big or go home to mommy!!!
[X] Plan great empereor
-[X] An Emperor, sitting in the Imperial Palace and ruling the realm
-[X] Military tactics and strategy
-[X] Learning how to manage your family's estate and finances
-[X] Warriors and martial artists
-[X] A sister wise beyond her years
-[X] A charming and charismatic sister
-[X] Handsome features
-[X] Born leader
-[X] Poor self-esteem
Gonna do a quick tally.

"Great Emperor" has 3 votes, just 2 behind "Power in The Shadows", so it's too close for me to call just yet.
Adhoc vote count started by Gaz on Sep 10, 2018 at 3:22 PM, finished with 39 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Power In The Shadows
    -[X] One who was impossibly wealthy, with unimaginable wealth and luxury
    -[X] Politics and governance
    -[X] Making as much friends as you could
    -[X] Soldiers and military officers
    -[X] A martially minded brother
    -[X] A charming and charismatic sister
    -[X] Ambitious and driven
    -[X] Born leader
    -[X] Frail and sickly
    [x]plan great empereor
    -[X] An Emperor, sitting in the Imperial Palace and ruling the realm
    -[X] Military tactics and strategy
    -[X] Learning how to manage your family's estate and finances
    -[X] Warriors and martial artists
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] A charming and charismatic sister
    -[X] Handsome features
    -[X] Born leader
    -[X] Poor self-esteem
    [X] Plan The One Who Could Conquer The Heavens
    -[X] A conqueror, winner of countless battles
    -[X] Military tactics and strategy
    -[X] Following your father in campaigns against bandits and brigands and learning from his lead
    -[X] Warriors and martial artists
    -[X] A charming and charismatic brother
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] Fit and healthy of body
    -[X] Diligent at studies
    -[X] Rude and disrespectful
    [X] Plan Chinese Gilgamesh
    -[X] One who was impossibly wealthy, with unimaginable wealth and luxury
    -[X] You tried to learn a bit of everything with no real focus
    -[X] Travelling the local region, seeing as much as you could
    -[X] A fairly influential and prominent noble clan
    -[X] A kind, humble brother
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] Handsome features
    -[X] Born leader
    -[X] Arrogant
    [X] Plan The Spearest Spear-wielder to ever Spear!
    -[X] An unmatched warrior, undefeated throughout the land
    -[X] Studying was boring, you prefered physical training instead
    -[X] Travelling the local region, seeing as much as you could
    -[X] Warriors and martial artists
    -[X] A charming and charismatic brother
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] Ambitious and driven
    -[X] Energetic and athletic
    -[X] Unsocial and sheltered
    [X] Plan The More the Better
    [X] Plan Great Emperor
Last edited:
Third post has been updated with preliminary, pre-character creation Character Profile for Liang Shu.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Ghostdevil on Sep 10, 2018 at 3:52 PM, finished with 42 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan Power In The Shadows
    -[X] One who was impossibly wealthy, with unimaginable wealth and luxury
    -[X] Politics and governance
    -[X] Making as much friends as you could
    -[X] Soldiers and military officers
    -[X] A martially minded brother
    -[X] A charming and charismatic sister
    -[X] Ambitious and driven
    -[X] Born leader
    -[X] Frail and sickly
    [x]plan great empereor
    -[X] An Emperor, sitting in the Imperial Palace and ruling the realm
    -[X] Military tactics and strategy
    -[X] Learning how to manage your family's estate and finances
    -[X] Warriors and martial artists
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] A charming and charismatic sister
    -[X] Handsome features
    -[X] Born leader
    -[X] Poor self-esteem
    [X] Plan The One Who Could Conquer The Heavens
    -[X] A conqueror, winner of countless battles
    -[X] Military tactics and strategy
    -[X] Following your father in campaigns against bandits and brigands and learning from his lead
    -[X] Warriors and martial artists
    -[X] A charming and charismatic brother
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] Fit and healthy of body
    -[X] Diligent at studies
    -[X] Rude and disrespectful
    [X] Plan The More the Better
    [X] Plan Chinese Gilgamesh
    -[X] One who was impossibly wealthy, with unimaginable wealth and luxury
    -[X] You tried to learn a bit of everything with no real focus
    -[X] Travelling the local region, seeing as much as you could
    -[X] A fairly influential and prominent noble clan
    -[X] A kind, humble brother
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] Handsome features
    -[X] Born leader
    -[X] Arrogant
    [X] Plan The Spearest Spear-wielder to ever Spear!
    -[X] An unmatched warrior, undefeated throughout the land
    -[X] Studying was boring, you prefered physical training instead
    -[X] Travelling the local region, seeing as much as you could
    -[X] Warriors and martial artists
    -[X] A charming and charismatic brother
    -[X] A sister wise beyond her years
    -[X] Ambitious and driven
    -[X] Energetic and athletic
    -[X] Unsocial and sheltered
Gonna give it an hour or so, if there's no tiebreaker by then I'll flip a coin I guess.
Character Creation Part Two
[x]plan great empereor
-[X] An Emperor, sitting in the Imperial Palace and ruling the realm
-[X] Military tactics and strategy
-[X] Learning how to manage your family's estate and finances
-[X] Warriors and martial artists
-[X] A sister wise beyond her years
-[X] A charming and charismatic sister
-[X] Handsome features
-[X] Born leader
-[X] Poor self-esteem

Call it the lofty dreams of a child, or arrogance, or wild ambitions, or even treasonous thoughts, but you always dreamed of sitting on the Imperial Throne yourself, ruling over the entire Middle Kingdom. Even, as someone not from the Liu clan, this seemed impossible, you still devoted your younger years to the idea of becoming a leader.

It came to you naturally.

Through a combination of hard study and raw talent, you picked up the fundamentals of warfare and of commanding others quite easily. Often, your father would return to the family estate, only to find his labourers and retainers lined up in rigid formations, then being ordered to march up and down by you. You could imagine yourself as a great general, and these workers as your soldiers. You would have your servants line up in various formations, or even have them fight mock battles before a senior retainer or your father put a stop to your fun.
You also took to learning about how to running your family estate. As your father was of the Grandee noble rank, he was permitted to raise his own modest stipend from the local area. You would be taught ways in how to potentially invest these funds, such as using it to pay for the services of more labourers, or even distributing it to the hungry and needy in times of poor harvest. Truthfully, the modest Liang clan had very little means to expand the size of its holdings at the moment, but even your small holdings could certainly support some of the peasants displaced by natural disasters, which in turn would grant labourers and farmers for your lands.
Situated in a small valley in the south of Shangdang Commandery, near the village of Fenshan, the Liang family estate slowly began to grow wealthier. With your father devoted to his office as County Magistrate, you would often get first hand experience in managing the estate yourself.
In addition to its fields of millet and livestock, you watched your estate also develop into other aspects as you grew up. Select one feature.

[] A system of regularly training and drilling the labourers in case of bandit attack
[] A series of high walls around the perimeter
[] A pasture that bred and raised horses
[] A small forest, and logging facilities
[] Deep wells to always provide fresh water
[] Fields that were especially fertile

Your mother, Ce Xiang, was a lady from a family of martial artists, warriors, and xia - wandering knights-errants and adventurers. Some of your cousins and uncles had reputations throughout the region as strongmen and heroes, and your relatives could very well be called upon to act as "fangs and claws" should their blades be needed. Your mother herself was a highly skilled martial artist, even more than a match for your father, and although she passed away before your tenth winter, she would still impose a training regime upon you that would install discipline and skill. When she passed, your aunts and uncles would take up your training in martial arts on occasion, whenever they visited.
The warriors from your mother's family especially specialised in a single fighting style, that you too picked up on and thrived with. Select one.

[] The jian, the straightsword. An elegant, gentleman's weapon favoured by the nobility.
[] The dao, the sabre. Excellent when paired with a shield, or on horseback.
[] The ji, the halberd. An officer's weapon, used by duelists and cavaliers alike.
[] The mao, the spear. Easy to learn and use, deadly in the hands of a master.
[] The bow. Practical for both hunting and self defense. Takes longer to master than a crossbow.
[] Unarmed combat. You can defend yourself even if unarmed, and can take foes by surprise with your fists and feet.
[] Write in for a more exotic Chinese weapon. Must be approved if it's super obscure.

As you grew up, people took note of your especially attractive and handsome features - traits that ran in both sides of your family. Your younger sisters two were noted throughout the local village as being striking, perhaps one day rivalling the beauty of their late mother. The elder of your sisters, Liang Mi, was a very learned and scholarly girl, able to recite histories and philosophers at a remarkably young age. The younger, Liang Zhen, was less inclined for scrolls and texts but was charming and open and seemingly always knew what to say to everyone. Both of them loved you dearly, even if Zhen was prone to tease you or play tricks.

As the Prefect of Xinshen County, your father was known to be a good and just magistrate, particularly devoted to rooting out ruffians and troublemakers. The small county remained stable under his tenure, and relatively unmolested by the plagues and disasters that ravaged other parts of the Empire. The Inspector of Bing Province, Ding Yuan commended his efforts and even memorialised the court suggesting that he be given a more prestigious post. It seemed that the star of Liang Qi, and your family, was on the rise.

However, a year ago, tragedy struck. Your father suddenly passed away, thrusting the fate of your clan to you, a mere boy. You would have to grow up, fast, not just for your sake, but for both of your sisters.
How did Liang Qi, Prefect of Xinshen, pass away?

[] On campaign against bandits in the hills
[] Of sudden illness
[] Found dead in his sleep, knife in his throat, his killer unknown
[] In a drunken brawl at a banquet that got out of hand
[] Write in

His post was soon taken by a man named Leng Jun from the south, a man who was promoted by the court rather quickly after your father's death. He has proved to be a rather more middling Prefect, certainly not a military man like your late father. He treats your family with indifference at best, and suspicion at most.

As tradition, your family undertook a period of mourning for your late father. As per his wishes, several of his friends and formal retainers have pledged themselves to aid you and your estate - but you are still the head of your clan. Although you are too young to be considered a man, you may as well be an adult as far as things are concerned. As your father was the oldest male, cousins and inlaws and other relatives on both sides look up to you as their elder and superior, but due to your youth you will have to work hard and fast to secure their support and respect. Your months mourning your father were not just spent in quiet reflection and tending his shrine, however. You had time to train yourself, in preparation for whatever lay ahead.
Choose two stats to train. You can select the same twice, but at diminishing results.

[] LEA
[] WAR
[] INT
[] GOV
[] CHA

Fortunately, even as you are forced to cut the mourning period short to see to the affairs of your family and estate, you have inherited several advantages that could help see you through these difficult times,or at least provide you with some support.
Select two.

[] An abundance of grain from previous harvests
[] A small, but dedicated force of buqu, warriors who are loyal to you and also work your estate
[] A few, but not insignificant promises of favours and support from other local clans
[] A talented and loyal advisor, an old friend of your father
[] Influence in the administration of the county, whose officials respected and loved your father
[] Support from the common folk of Fenshan Village and other nearby hamlets
[] A promise of support from Ding Yuan, Inspector of Bing Province, who your father once fought under

In addition, you inherited an item or heirloom off your late father, intended to be given upon you once you came of age.
Select one.

[] A finely crafted weapon
[] A suit of well made armour
[] A fine and expensive set of hanfu robes
[] A young and trained warhorse
[] Various valuable ornaments and trinkets (Increased starting Wealth)

As you take your place as head of your clan, how do you feel about the Han Dynasty, upon hearing of its current state, the corruption, the disasters? It would be akin to heresy and treason to say anything foul about the Son of Heaven out loud, but how do you feel, deep inside?

[] You are loyal to the Han, the people have enjoyed the bounty of the Dynasty for decades, why should that change?
[] You believe the Han needs reform and change, but it can improve and will endure.
[] The time of the Han is over. Something new must rise in its place.
[] You are indifferent for now. You are concerned with your family and your own affairs.
[] You will never forget the dream you had, of you on the throne. Perhaps that dream can be fulfilled?

Regardless of your opinions, as the new head of the Liang clan, it is time to start thinking of your immediate future. What are your goals for the short term?

[] To sit back, take it easy, and see where the rivers of fate flow for you
[] To finish your education and hopefully get recommended by the Han court
[] To ensure the safety and prosperity of your estate and sisters
[] To gain your father's Prefect rank and continue his path
[] You have lofty ambitions, you want to aim for a higher rank than your father had, even at your young age
[] Perhaps its time to work to rebel against the established government...

Again, please vote in plan format. This will be the final step of character creation.
[X] Plan Fertile Crescent
-[X] Fields that were especially fertile
-[X] The mao, the spear. Easy to learn and use, deadly in the hands of a master.
-[X] On campaign against bandits in the hills
-[X] LEA
-[X] GOV
-[X] A talented and loyal advisor, an old friend of your father
-[X] Support from the common folk of Fenshan Village and other nearby hamlets
-[X] A suit of well made armour
-[X] You will never forget the dream you had, of you on the throne. Perhaps that dream can be fulfilled?
-[X] To ensure the safety and prosperity of your estate and sisters

Idk if i formatted it corrected :p