Can't we use Smoky Confinement and Baleful Polymorph to cut down on the travel problems? The bottles don't take up Teleport slots and a tiny turtle takes up 1/4th of a slot instead of the 4 to 8 slots for a Huge to Gigantic dinosaur.
That was precisely what I had in mind. Just turtle and bottle the dinosaurs we like, no need for a fuss.

They can even be kept in their bottles until Vee gets back.
Can't we use Smoky Confinement and Baleful Polymorph to cut down on the travel problems? The bottles don't take up Teleport slots and a tiny turtle takes up 1/4th of a slot instead of the 4 to 8 slots for a Huge to Gigantic dinosaur.

You can but you only have so many high level spell slots especially with having to use Greater teleport back and forth because of the distance.
"But..." grumblemumble "It is not horse."

"It has four legs..."


"...and eats grass..."


"...and runs very fast, likes open fields, likes to roll around in the dirt."

"Yes, but... is not horse."

"It's better than a horse, because it will trample over any counter-charge."

"Yes. *nod* This is good."
Wait what? Link or it didn't happen

I was hoping someone would ask. :rofl:

Taken from A World of Ice and Fire:
"Huge crocodiles lurk beneath the surface of the Zamoyos and have been known to overturn boats, swimming up from below so they might devour their occupants as they struggle in the water. Other streams are infested by swarms of carnivorous fish capable of stripping the flesh from a man's bones in minutes. There are stinging flies, venomous snakes, wasps and worms that lay their eggs beneath the skins of horses, hogs, and men alike. Basilisks both great and small are found in great numbers on Basilisk Point, some twice the size of lions. In the forests south of Yeen, there are said to be apes that dwarf the largest giants, so powerful they can slay elephants with a single blow."
There you have it, @One Autumn Leaf @DragonParadox, King Kong in Sothoryos.
Bone-Breaker is not the exception that proves the rule.

He is the exception that steals into your house at night, murders an eats your family, and stands at the foot of your bed until you die of fright.
@DragonParadox, regarding the harvesting, things would be way easier if we had Irony with us, but for now all we have is turtling and bottling.

I guess we can focus on getting elite samples instead of mass harvesting? Vee needs a bit of time to figure out how to tame them anyway.

@Azel you have me sold on having Soft Strider ride an Allosaurus.
Quick. Somebody stat up a Lawful Good Minotaur who can squire under Waymar and ride a Triceratops into battle. Then we finally have a way for him to get started on reforming what it means to be a knight!
You could get Irony from Vee's group, though be careful dinosaurs have good fort saves and might attack the gorgon.
While true, dinosaurs are also tanky enough that they'd survive us nailing them with Merciful Searing Agonizing Fire Darts, or Firebrand, depending on the dinosaur in question.
Quick. Somebody stat up a Lawful Good Minotaur who can squire under Waymar and ride a Triceratops into battle. Then we finally have a way for him to get started on reforming what it means to be a knight!
Sold! We shall reserve a Triceratops for this very purpose. And we're armoring it, too! And putting Valyrian Steel over its horns!
@Azel Now I want a Minotaur Paladin with a Triceratops mount.

So chivalrous that he makes Westerosi knights look like callow youths, cads and knaves.
So, should we make our main focus Triceratops for now? In general we should probably stick with Herbivores until Soft Strider actually gets some rangers trained. And we also need to make a dedicated megastructure to house the dinosaurs.
gets a markedly more mixed reception, not because Yrael does not appreciate the gesture, but because it reminds him of his duties of old ones he would prefer to take up again, though he is loath to to abandon a people still in need of guidance and protection. You get the sense that he and indeed his small host of bright spirits have been stretching their areas of responsibility about as far as their nature allows in order to do what is just, a revelation that puts the lord of Mantarys' earlier words about remaining true to himself in a far more stark light.

If only there were some way for Yrael to give mortals the gift of Celestials to keep the torch burning when he leaves.

Maybe even a way to make peace with a city through institutionalized tradition... If only! :whistle:

Thank you. It is a relief to hear that you guys are taking this threat seriously. Even If I probably should have known you were already.

Now, as far as safely extracting energy from the outer planes... my kind of... spirit/god/ai thing might have been a bit more on point.

Viewing what we are doing as money laundering helped. We want to take hot cash (fiends) and turn it into safe spendable materials and spells (good cash).

To that end I think we should ply our favors and ask our current launderers how they do it. (The Old Gods, and Yss)

That this infringes upon the secrets of divinity is going to be a very sore point however.
So, should we make our main focus Triceratops for now? In general we should probably stick with Herbivores until Soft Strider actually gets some rangers trained. And we also need to make a dedicated megastructure to house the dinosaurs.
1x Allosaurus, say 10x Triceratops and I would love to try and get a few of these for the Tritons: Dinosaur, Kronosaurus – d20PFSRD

This is how you fuck up a kraken.
Please, throw them into one of the deserted stepstones, or raise a new one from the bottom of the sea, I'm sure it can be done with some Titan tools or Bigger Titan tools :V

Or, we finally found something useful for all that free soace on Saltcliff
Augmentation Psychosis (Ex)

An augmented creature that has a Wisdom score of 2 or less (including no score), is overcome with rage and gains the ferocity universal monster ability. This rage is identical to the barbarian's rage ability, but it is permanent. When in a state of rage, effects that remove rage or calm rage make the augmented creature staggered for one round. Effects that raise the augmented creature's Wisdom above 2 cure the rage and ferocity.
If an augmented creature's Wisdom score ever reaches 0, it becomes insane. The insanity, but not the rage, can be cured with appropriate healing magic.
We should also get a few of these here: Dinosaur, Troodon – d20PFSRD

They are explicitly easy to train, strong and large enough to serve as pack animals in Sothoryos, and with their scent and perception, they make great hunting-dog analogues. Nothing awe inspiring, but they have a tremendous amount of utility for our future colonies.

Edit: Another good candidate for pack-animals: Dinosaur, Parasaurolophus – d20PFSRD

Edit 2: Neat familiar, granting +4 to Initiative: Dinosaur, Compsognathus – d20PFSRD
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We should also get a few of these here: Dinosaur, Troodon – d20PFSRD

They are explicitly easy to train, strong and large enough to serve as pack animals in Sothoryos, and with their scent and perception, they make great hunting-dog analogues. Nothing awe inspiring, but they have a tremendous amount of utility for our future colonies.

Edit: Another good candidate for pack-animals: Dinosaur, Parasaurolophus – d20PFSRD
We need more of the Parasaurlophuses by default. The juvenile we caught already is one of these, and he needs a herd.