Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Cut off the Head
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's office / control center / throne room / whatever.
-[X] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.
[] Cut off the Head
-[] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's office / control center / throne room / whatever.
-[] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.​
It works. Also, @Alayne, make sure you edit your earlier post so you don't get counted for two votes.
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There's a key detail missing in @Spectral Waltz's plan: It lacks the part where Storm and Dragon seize the access to the base's security.

This would allow Taylor to see where Coil and any other parahumans are before even dropping Recursion Field.

Also, I get the feeling it's a little overthorough. What's the necessity of specifying where to go when Taylor could realize it through WAS in-story?

I'm just gonna stick with the plan we had worked out before.

[X] Smash the base
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.

EDIT: It also assumes from the get-go that Coil isn't there, it forgets that Dragon and Storm don't need to be close to hack computers, and suggests that we deal with the tinkertech-equipped mercenaries on their home ground for no reason.

I don't mean any offense, but Cut the Head is a bad plan.
Adhoc vote count started by LancerisDead on Jun 24, 2018 at 12:04 AM, finished with 16158 posts and 12 votes.
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[X] Smash the base
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.
LancerIsDead has convinced me.
[X] Smash the base
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.
Uh. Seizing the controls won't do anything unless you mean to shut everything down. Once RF goes up Storm and Dragon won't be able to keep in contact with any of the systems they compromise. And I highly doubt that the paranoid bastard that Coil is left his systems open to remote intrusion. Meaning that Storm and Dragon will likely need hardline contact with the systems in the facility to hack them.

@Silently Watches is my above assessment correct? If Coil has his system in a closed system, can Dragon and Storm hack them without a hardline, as in, hack wirelessly?

@LancerisDead where does it say that we can hack Coil's base remotely? Also, details are important in plans. SW can't read our minds.
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Uh. Seizing the controls won't do anything unless you mean to shut everything down. Once RF goes up Storm and Dragon won't be able to keep in contact with any of the systems they compromise. And I highly doubt that the paranoid bastard that Coil is left his systems open to remote intrusion. Meaning that Storm and Dragon will likely need hardline contact with the systems in the facility to hack them.
1-Seizing the base's security gives us access to alarms, doors and cameras, the latter giving us a location of where everyone is on the base without casting WAS. And if the doors are shut and locked, they would stay that way after Recursion Field is deployed.

2-He probably didn't leave them open to remote hacking. This would matter if Perfect Storm hadn't already hacked Legend's personal computer from a distance in little to no time.

And as to details, there is such a thing as being needlessly specific.
[X] Smash the base
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.
1-Seizing the base's security gives us access to alarms, doors and cameras, the latter giving us a location of where everyone is on the base without casting WAS. And if the doors are shut and locked, they would stay that way after Recursion Field is deployed.

2-He probably didn't leave them open to remote hacking. This would matter if Perfect Storm hadn't already hacked Legend's personal computer from a distance in little to no time.

And as to details, there is such a thing as being needlessly specific.
Unless Legend's personal computer had no connection to the internet your point doesn't stand. Most likely Storm hacked his computer via the internet. What I'm talking about is Coil being the paranoid bastard he is and completely cutting off his base's control system from outside connection. No wifi, no landline that can connect to the mainframe. He can use normal computers for when he has to connect to the outside, leaving the mainframe completely isolated from the outside.

You can't hack something that doesn't have access points unless you are directly plugged into the system via wire.

You are assuming that Coil was stupid enough to leave wireless or internet access directly connected to his base's control systems in a world with bullshit Thinkers that exist.

Unless @Silently Watches directly states that Storm has bullshit scifi magic hacking that can hack something that doesn't have access points your plan is going the wrong way around.

[X] Cut off the Head
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's office / control center / throne room / whatever.
-[X] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.
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Dragon should get a technopathic, remote access, tinker hacking device. To get past the safety provided by a closed off systems. I'm confident they exist. Somewhere.
Tho no idea who would build or how they could market. Hacking device, gets past all defenses! Get it now, while it's fresh and hot!
@Silently Watches is my above assessment correct? If Coil has his system in a closed system, can Dragon and Storm hack them without a hardline, as in, hack wirelessly?
We know that Coil has internet access in his base in canon, but I could see him keeping the actual security isolated.
Unless @Silently Watches directly states that Storm has bullshit scifi magic hacking that can hack something that doesn't have access points your plan is going the wrong way around.
Dragon can hack an isolated system if she get to one of the physical nodes. Remotely, not so much in this case.
Unless Legend's personal computer had no connection to the internet your point doesn't stand. Most likely Storm hacked his computer via the internet. What I'm talking about is Coil being the paranoid bastard he is and completely cutting off his base's control system from outside connection. No wifi, no landline that can connect to the mainframe. He can use normal computers for when he has to connect to the outside, leaving the mainframe completely isolated from the outside.

You can't hack something that doesn't have access points unless you are directly plugged into the system via wire.

You are assuming that Coil was stupid enough to leave wireless or internet access directly connected to his base's control systems in a world with bullshit Thinkers that exist.
Storm is straight up a telepathic computer, I don't know why you think that him interfacing remotely is so far fetched.

Coil probably does have his systems on a closed circuit; this doesn't mean much against an Intelligent Device.

Just for clarification, @Silently Watches, can Storm access closed networks without being physically connected?

EDIT: If Smash the Base gets only two more votes it'll win. Anyone willing to lend their aid?
Adhoc vote count started by LancerisDead on Jun 24, 2018 at 3:39 PM, finished with 16164 posts and 14 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by LancerisDead on Jun 24, 2018 at 3:57 PM, finished with 16164 posts and 14 votes.
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So yeah. IMO can't really take over the system without physically breaching into the damn place in the first place. Putting in the 'hack first' action is worthless. Since we need RF up to breach without resistance.
So yeah. IMO can't really take over the system without physically breaching into the damn place in the first place. Putting in the 'hack first' action is worthless. Since we need RF up to breach without resistance.
I want to point that "close" doesn't equal to "right next to". Nor has Silently outright denied that the base could have an internet connection.

It makes the characters find and go to a place that may not even exist or if he even is there, it doesn't consider that there may be opposition, it suggests to confront the mercenaries head-on while there are better alternatives and it actually doesn't add any points that could be used in an actual fight, like say, formations.

Sorry to bother you again with the details, @Silently Watches, but what is the range for Storm to hack a closed system?
[X] Smash the base

Also, @LancerisDead, you miscounted - there's another "Cut off the Head" that's wonky due to (probably) formatting. With my vote, the score is dead even (unless someone edited their previous one).

Tally Inserted.
Adhoc vote count started by Faraway-R on Jun 25, 2018 at 2:58 AM, finished with 16169 posts and 16 votes.
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I want to point that "close" doesn't equal to "right next to". Nor has Silently outright denied that the base could have an internet connection.

It makes the characters find and go to a place that may not even exist or if he even is there, it doesn't consider that there may be opposition, it suggests to confront the mercenaries head-on while there are better alternatives and it actually doesn't add any points that could be used in an actual fight, like say, formations.

Sorry to bother you again with the details, @Silently Watches, but what is the range for Storm to hack a closed system?
Security is isolated from internet.

Range to hack a node WITH some way of being remotely accessed in the first place is a few feet. No more than ten. If there isn't a possibility to remotely access it, it can't be hacked. Storm can't hack a toaster.
[X] Smash the base
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.
[X] Cut off the Head
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's
office / control center / throne room / whatever.
-[X] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha
and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.

Edit: Changed my Vote
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Range to hack a node WITH some way of being remotely accessed in the first place is a few feet. No more than ten. If there isn't a possibility to remotely access it, it can't be hacked. Storm can't hack a toaster.
What about when he did a man-in-the-middle attack on the PRT systems? I thought the whole point was that he never actually interfaced with the computers.
Security is isolated from internet.

Range to hack a node WITH some way of being remotely accessed in the first place is a few feet. No more than ten. If there isn't a possibility to remotely access it, it can't be hacked. Storm can't hack a toaster.
So would a PC with no wireless, WiFi or Bluetooth, but that does have a network ethernet card that isn't plugged in be hackable?