Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

So how's this?

[] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
-[] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
-[] Use Recursion Field around Coil's base like we did with Bakuda and use Wide Area Search to scout out the place. If any capes got pulled in, take them down fast and hard.
--[] Since the Sybaris doesn't get pulled into RF, have Dragon monitor the exits.
--[] If Coil doesn't get pulled into RF, have Vista, Taylor, and Dragon monitor the exits while Sam and Chevalier find the control center, then drop RF.

Suggestions are appreciated.
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Well, the end result was lovely.

Why can't we split up? In terms of IC choices, it's a something that needs fibbing, but OOC it makes the most sense.

Nevermind, found a suitable vote+subvote:

[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.

So how's this?

[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
-[X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
-[X] Use Recursion Field around Coil's base like we did with Bakuda and use Wide Area Search to scout out the place. If any capes got pulled in, take them down fast and hard.
--[X] Since the Sybaris doesn't get pulled into RF, have Dragon monitor the exits.
--[X] If Coil doesn't get pulled into RF, have Vista, Taylor, and Dragon monitor the exits while Sam and Chevalier find the control center, then drop RF.

Suggestions are appreciated.
Umm. Due to the fact Recursion Field trips on parahumans, "suddenly missing one parahuman whom you were talking to" is a definite cause for alarm.
We need to at least weight the usefulness of scouting against the fact the enemy will be spooked once we actually activate Recursion Field.
Sybaris monitoring the exits is of limited utility due to there being multiple exits in design.
Well, the end result was lovely.

Why can't we split up? In terms of IC choices, it's a something that needs fibbing, but OOC it makes the most sense.

Nevermind, found a suitable vote+subvote:

[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.

Umm. Due to the fact Recursion Field trips on parahumans, "suddenly missing one parahuman whom you were talking to" is a definite cause for alarm.
We need to at least weight the usefulness of scouting against the fact the enemy will be spooked once we actually activate Recursion Field.
Sybaris monitoring the exits is of limited utility due to there being multiple exits in design.
I'm completely aware of that, which is why I asked for suggestions. Do you have any ideas on how to do this better? I'll take them.

Edit: Limited utility, yes, but better than nothing. I only specified it because the rest of the plan assumed that the whole team goes into RF.
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Okay, since nobody else wants to ask I will: @Silently Watches, should we stick a battle plan into the vote or trust that the discussion trends will be used to form the overall plan?
Sticking battle plans into the vote would be appreciated. Since it was partly my booboo, though, if there aren't many battle plans I'll find an alternative. Maybe a second vote or something.
Why can't we split up? In terms of IC choices, it's a something that needs fibbing, but OOC it makes the most sense.
Because Dragon said a couple of chapters ago that splitting up before hitting either Bakuda's workshop or Coil's base was a bad idea.
Sticking battle plans into the vote would be appreciated. Since it was partly my booboo, though, if there aren't many battle plans I'll find an alternative. Maybe a second vote or something.
In that case I've amended my vote with a rough scry-and-die plan based on the discussion so far. If y'all like it you can edit your votes accordingly, or come up with one of your own if not.
Something that hasn't been considered yet is that Calvert knows already that we are after him.

Remember: Recursion Field has a range of miles, so he would've noticed when he was pulled in. In case he was in the PRT that would've meant that he could've sneaked out of the building relatively unopposed, disregarding which heroes would also have been affected.

Also @Mal-3, isn't your plan a little too specific? You're free to vote what you want, but I've seen way-too-detailed plans backfire because they tried to focus on too many things when a loose baseline would have worked as well.

[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.
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Something that hasn't been considered yet is that Calvert knows already that we are after him.

Remember: Recursion Field has a range of miles, so he would've noticed when he was pulled in. In case he was in the PRT that would've meant that he could've sneaked out of the building relatively unopposed, disregarding which heroes would also have been affected.
If Calvert was in the field[*] when we hit Bakuda then we'll be getting some very interesting news when we call Myrddin ("So, Calvert literally vanished during the meeting, any ideas on what that's about?"), won't we? But right now, we don't know that. Coil's power and its susceptibility to Recursion Field is player knowledge, not character knowledge. If Silently decides to play that card then we deal with it in the next vote, because that's when it'll happen.

Also @Mal-3, isn't your plan a little too specific? You're free to vote what you want, but I've seen way-too-detailed plans backfire because they tried to focus on too many things when a loose baseline would have worked as well.
Really? Seems pretty straightforward to me: deply RF, go in, take care of any hostiles in the RF, find the central control, drop RF, take out the mooks and take over the base. I admit to spelling it out, but that's just 'cos I like to be thorough. Armsmaster ain't got shit on me. ;)

[*] Which I'm not entirely sure of. I'm just doing this using what data's in the text and quick measurements using Google Maps but unless the PRT offices are closer to Englewood than the Protectorate base -- which seems unlikely since the Protectorate is stationed just outside of downtown Chicago -- then he should be a good tenish miles from where we took out Bakuda. Ten miles is a fair distance further than Recursion Field spreads, IIRC.
Remember: Recursion Field has a range of miles, so he would've noticed when he was pulled in. In case he was in the PRT that would've meant that he could've sneaked out of the building relatively unopposed, disregarding which heroes would also have been affected.
I've made a clarification before that the 4 mile diameter is the size of the arena that is created, but the area where people gets sucked in does not need to be that large. I've now made that explicit in the character sheet.

That said, the PRT/Protectorate headquarters wasn't inside that max range when hitting Bakuda anyway, so it's all kind of a moot point. Coil's base is even farther away.
I'm surprised you didn't use scrying to find Bakuda and either pull her into the mirror dimension or use scrying to position yourself in the perfect spot.

What could have Bakuda one where she pulled into the mirror world? I mean, she has bombs that well. They can blow up. You outrage and have a radar for detecting her. In the mirror world you could just destroy the obstacles or use homing firecrackers to knock her out.

But ey, breaking skulls and taking name's is fun, I approve!
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[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.
I'm surprised you didn't use scrying to find Bakuda and either pull her into the mirror dimension or use scrying to position yourself in the perfect spot.
Taylor's 'scrying' spell is fairly obvious. It's difficult to not notice dozens of little red energy orbs flying around, after all.
Taylor can't choose who enters her 'mirror dimension' and who's not. Bakuda is not eligible to enter it.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.
Because Dragon said a couple of chapters ago that splitting up before hitting either Bakuda's workshop or Coil's base was a bad idea.
To be fair, we did just hit Bakuda's workshop. Successfully.
So the "split up" option might have been returned to the table.

But again, nevermind, I cast my vote on the "delegate to Myrddin" subvote.
I'll switch to LancerIsDead's plan because I like it better than mine.

[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.
I see no immediate or glaring issues.

[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.
If Calvert was in the field[*] when we hit Bakuda then we'll be getting some very interesting news when we call Myrddin ("So, Calvert literally vanished during the meeting, any ideas on what that's about?"), won't we?

Coil isn't literally in two places at once - his power is functionally predicting two timelines, his power picks the one predicted better for him and he zombiewalks it out while also experiencing the other in realtime. The thing is, the precog can't take RF into account, as well as some other things - so we need to take into account what his power would have thought was the better place for him to be, then make it so that it's the worse place for him to be.

I'm not smart enough to figure that out myself, so let's brainstorm this, guys.
Something about coils power has always bugged me.
Like he lives with his power always active, yes? Always two timelines. He shouldn't be able to see and predict people immune to precognition. Like to predict a person you'd need a copy of a persons brain and model their behavior. But our protagonist has this immunity to telepathic intrusion, yeah?
Wasn't there a point about the Simurg not being able to see the protagonist? Especially when in battle.
So I'd think as long as his power is active and our protagonist is battle ready, she wouldn't show up. An outside context problem. It's logical extrapolation or maybe intrapolation?
Than again, this could be handwaved away and left unmentioned on the wayside.

On another note, I'm confident that the little chained up girl is the simmurg trying to manipulate us trough a mental projection. I believe the Sim was looking for a chink in our mental protections during that battle. It's got some strong hooks in the protagonist, I don't think shaking off the control is possible. it's a little girl that needs saving, at this point the thought of leaving her is impossible, in the literal way I'd think.
Now it has an opportunity to be transferred to a magic device, instead of whatever the original plan was. Hah. Even if there will be two Simmurgs running around, assuming it retains its powers. But ey, at least it will have access to magic, much like dragon.

Am a bit sad that Dragon lost it's techopathic abilities. The chains and limiters replaced with different ones.
I'm not too sure of how it worked in cannon, but I got the impression that dragon was flexing very little of her might cause of the limits. Where the new body is a downgrade where that potential has been removed. Like the software limits, where replaced with hardware ones. Tough in exchange she can figure out magic and do magic.
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Coil isn't literally in two places at once - his power is functionally predicting two timelines, his power picks the one predicted better for him and he zombiewalks it out while also experiencing the other in realtime. The thing is, the precog can't take RF into account, as well as some other things - so we need to take into account what his power would have thought was the better place for him to be, then make it so that it's the worse place for him to be.

I'm not smart enough to figure that out myself, so let's brainstorm this, guys.
I think the idea that Coil is being autopiloted in the timeline he keeps is rather silly. There is simply no need of it from the purely deterministic Worm perspective. His power has already perfectly plotted out what he would do. What he would end up doing on his own and what the autopilot would make him do are identical. Having be "zombiewalking" is basically just another way to bash him.
I think the idea that Coil is being autopiloted in the timeline he keeps is rather silly. There is simply no need of it from the purely deterministic Worm perspective. His power has already perfectly plotted out what he would do. What he would end up doing on his own and what the autopilot would make him do are identical. Having be "zombiewalking" is basically just another way to bash him.
The two coils can communicate right?
If it is so. Than it could be that the shard creates a simulation, the simulated coil picks witch future is chosen. Meanwhile the real coil, is being fed information from the shard about the not chosen reality. There's just one coil, with a weird precognitive power that tricks the user.

How far off am I of your interpretation?