Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.

I'd rather ensure we destroy his assets and end up having to chase down a single rat in the entire city than end up causing an incident by storming the PRT building. We have his identity, we don't have to rush this. Unless Cauldron ends up taking him to get use out of his power, but that still means he's no longer a problem for us.
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[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
Though, frankly to catch Coil both locations need to be hit/confronted to prevent him from using his timeline shenanigans.
It's a type of precognition not temporal shenanigans and Taylor herself is an OCP making her be unbelievably hard to simulate. As long as Taylor knows where Coil/Calvert is then she can go for him. The main problem is if that Coil/Calvert is a body double.
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[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.

And contact Myrridin and have him check the PRT meeting to see if he's there. Both angles covered.
maybe Noelle? I feel like that's a shoe that hasn't dropped yet.
If Noelle exists here... Taylor and her magic may be the best chance at subduing her without killing her to potentially save her from her shard if she does possess magic.
Try the end of Arc 8.
Unless Cauldron ends up taking him to get use out of his power, but that still means he's no longer a problem for us.
Cauldron's been dead for two years now.
@Silently Watches - Just to check; was that fight not significant enough to unlock a new spell since Taylor was on the sidelines more or less?
New spell will be voted for at the end of the arc.
[ ] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
[ ] Calvert – The PRT administrators should still be in their meeting, weird bombs going off or not. Head back to the PRT base and bag a traitor where he least expects you.
An either or. Against Coil. Hmm...
It's a type of precognition not temporal shenanigans and Taylor herself is an OCP making her be unbelievably hard to simulate. As long as Taylor knows where Coil/Calvert is then she can go for him. The main problem is if that Coil/Calvert is a body double.
If Coil/his power doesn't suspect anything, then I think going after Calvert is good: I can't see him using a body double in such a situation (it's not like he's in a full body covering costume or anything :p ), and it's not the sort of thing he can afford to skip without good reason.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.

We need to get him masked to prove anything.
And he simply doesn't have the TIME to get out of base.
Bakuda blindsided him.
The different beams are now all bent towards a single point to create a three-dimensional sculpture of light hanging in the air in front of her as they constantly cross each other's path. The floating diagram shrinks down from three feet in diameter to a measly six inches, and she twists her head to flash you a smile. "Watch this. Fire in the hole!"

A hole forms in that cage of warped space. You know this only because the lasers race out as a widening cone of burning light, and the resulting carnage puts her particle cannon to shame. You blink in shock at the callousness you just witnessed as sweet little Vista kills the team of mercenaries attacking you, but then you hear it.

Groans of pain. Those henchmen are, somehow, still alive.

"I'm not a Tinker, obviously, but it's funny the kinds of things you can learn from them," Vista says as she deactivates her shield, either aware of your surprise or just wanting to brag a little. "Kid Win? Lasers were about the only things he could build reliably and that he didn't immediately take apart again, but he had a lot of trouble with math and stuff, and he was constantly puttering around with all sorts of equations. I was around enough that I learned some of the physics behind them just by osmosis. Then Miss Militia one day tried to teach us how to play pool, and she is phenomenal at bouncing pool balls off the bumpers. It's all about the angles.

"Put the two of them together, and a couple of times Kid and I tried to work on bouncing his lasers around corners and catching them again. The bouncing, not a problem. Catching, now that's harder. I can corral a laser, but keeping it too long in twisted space makes it spread out, and after a while the laser is just a big flashlight. Then again, Kid's lasers wouldn't hurt you if he shot you. They were basically just a strong punch. With these?" She walks into the apartment, her eyes moving around to make sure nobody would try jumping up or out from around a corner. "Either spreading the light out would make it harmless, or it would hurt them but still wouldn't kill them. No matter which, it was something we could use."

Laser pong huh?
Merlin should seal the PRT base under his authority as to master protocols which cover masters, thinkers, and real traitors. Then we have one of the heroes watching the PRT base check the meeting for him. At the same time we're moving towards Hyde Park with some serious back up.

We drop another field, burn a hole into the main area send in a WAS to map said area and also check for more hired villains. We find hired Villains we pull a Nanoha style bombardment at range. The WAS finds all the various hidden escape routes and maps them. Return to normal world collapse the escape routes with Homing Flair Shooters, and then fire homing multi Flair shooters to disable Coil and his troops.
Try the end of Arc 8.
In my defense I caught up on the quest via the FFN archive before jumping in, and the AARs aren't in the archived version. Also, I might be a moron.

Okay, so primary deadman switches are blowing a hole in Hyde Park and a possible Tattletale bomb... and the whole thing is probably a Simurgh Plot[tm] anyfuckingway so we're gonna eat some blowback regardless.

The biggest risk to going after Coil is essentially physical; the longer it takes us to chew through his mooks and the static defenses the more time he has to set the self-destruct and rabbit. We actually got through the Bakuda thing without blowing up and I'd like to keep the streak going. The biggest risk to going after Calvert is essentially social; in order to prove our claims to Chicago PRT we're going to have to reveal more of our capabilities and they're not going to react well to Perfect Storm being able to hack all the things.

And this of course is all assuming that Coil's at the end of the rainbow no matter which path we choose; if he isn't then we need a backup or this is all academic.
Try the end of Arc 8.
Hold up. Sorry if anyone else already said called it a long ass time ago,and I just missed it, but was Typhon Krouse?

[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
-[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
-[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Flare and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.

Tommy boy is getting caught regardless of what we choose(unless we do something particularly stupid), might as well take the chance to raid his BDSM Wannabe Bond Villain Lair and bag any shinnies.
Included subvote.
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[X]Both-Coil's power isn't suited for direct combat, so sending one person to the meeting to make sure he doesn't switch to a timeline where he's there is feasible.

Coil's power could let him set up two timelines, one where he's at the meeting and one where he's in the base, and switch to one if anything happens in the other. If he learns through his power that we're attacking his base, he could run before we can teleport to the meeting, and if he's at the meeting, he can run before we can get to his base.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.

The important thing here is that even if Coil isn't at his base, Tattletale will more than likely be there.

So it's better to hit it, if only to make sure that we secure one of his bigger assets in regards to thinker power.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
- [X] Have Dragon park the Sybaris somewhere nearby but really unobtrusive; assume that Coil has someone on hand who might be able to spot it. (*coughcoughTattletale*)
- [X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's office / control center / throne room / whatever.
-- [X] Any capes that show up in the field with you need to be found and neutralized first. And Vista would appreciate the exercise. (moo hoo ha ha ha)
- [X] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.

We took his heavy guns, now we take his stronghold. Keep kicking the pillars one by one. If Coil's not in the base, then Myrddin can hopefully keep eyes on him until we're done and then we can go all scry-and-die on his ass.
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[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
[] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
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[] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
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Note: Coil's power canonically functions via precognition. Precognition is one of the things that trips Recursion Field. Recursion Field will grab him if his power functions like it does in canon.

My preferred power mechanics for him (since there are several proposed ways it could work) are that his power runs a set of calculations for each split upon splitting, sees which he would end up keeping, and gives him a feed of what he would be experiencing in the other branch. He's not being autopiloted or anything in the split he keeps. If there is crossover induced out-of-context stuff, then his power's predictions are incorrect and the feed he gets of the dropped side won't reflect what would've really happened.

The fight had some flaws with how it was written. You had Taylor & Missy interacting too casually for a situation where their being shot at, and in ways that don't fit the situation.

Vista shouting a one-liner is fine, but Taylor taking the time to facepalm and groan is too much, much less Vista apologizing. Two seconds isn't that long. If you want Taylor to react, have her give something like a short sideways glance with a raised eyebrow. An instant of "really?" before getting back on track.

The paragraph long explanation that Vista gives doesn't fit. It gives the impression that they're standing idle. I'd either move it, remove it, or add something about them advancing forward while talking.

[X]Both-Coil's power isn't suited for direct combat, so sending one person to the meeting to make sure he doesn't switch to a timeline where he's there is feasible.

Coil's power could let him set up two timelines, one where he's at the meeting and one where he's in the base, and switch to one if anything happens in the other. If he learns through his power that we're attacking his base, he could run before we can teleport to the meeting, and if he's at the meeting, he can run before we can get to his base.

This is true, but your vote is bad. You're justifying it with knowledge we don't have in-character, namely the details of Coil's power. If your gonna try to use OOC knowledge, at least try to find justifications for it based on IC stuff.
A bit anticlimactic? Maybe, but from the way the vote discussion went, you put yourselves out of the worthwhile action. Thankfully, there will be more action when you go after…
Did we know we could just seal all of the bombs? I didn't but it may have been common knowledge to the others. I'd have made a vote for us being inside and doing that rather than attacking outside had I known. Much more loot and a possibility to capture Bakuda herself.

[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
[X] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
- [X] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.

Funny thing about how coil's power works is that it's severely limited for defence. Its not reality warping, its pre-cog with his shard forcing him to pick out of 2 options.

Once we find out where coil is he's screwed. He can't just drop that timeline because there is no timeline. his shard pre-coged both possibilities, him going to the meeting or staying at his base, and forced him to chose and then autopiloted him to act out one of those predictions.