Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Also. If we can figure out where Bakuda is beforehand we can use Recursion Field to just walk over to her room and have ring bind plus teleport ready to capture and punt her away from the base. Take the tinker out of her center of power.
Does...does recursion field work that way? Seems like its not thaaat much stronger than Wide Area Search in a sense (or teleporting combined with WAS), all you really do is hide the visible glowing spheres in exchange for potentially grabbing enemy in with you.

Just never seen that suggested.... something like using RF outside a guarded building, blasting your way in via the unimportant copy-walls and through the empty copy-halls, and then dropping the field at another position (say the top floor office).

In short..... when you drop Recursion Field, are you left wherever you first cast it (useless for movement, still viable for scouting if the copies are detail-accurate and not just vague standins) , or are you left in the real-world space corresponding to where you were in the field's false-world? (Can bypass obstacles)

Relatedly, is it only copying structures or furniture.
All important questions for a use far outside the intended purpose of Recursion Field, where the designers assumed that most if not all the inhabitants or at least combatants of the area would be mages.
I know it's a munchkin thing to do.
Does...does recursion field work that way? Seems like its not thaaat much stronger than Wide Area Search in a sense (or teleporting combined with WAS), all you really do is hide the visible glowing spheres in exchange for potentially grabbing enemy in with you.

Just never seen that suggested.... something like using RF outside a guarded building, blasting your way in via the unimportant copy-walls and through the empty copy-halls, and then dropping the field at another position (say the top floor office).

In short..... when you drop Recursion Field, are you left wherever you first cast it (useless for movement, still viable for scouting if the copies are detail-accurate and not just vague standins) , or are you left in the real-world space corresponding to where you were in the field's false-world? (Can bypass obstacles)

Relatedly, is it only copying structures or furniture.
In the series when the field is dropped or disrupted the affected mages within are in their new positions. So yes. If you move within the field you move in the true dimension.

RF purpose is to get the fighting away from the mundane so that non-mages won't get caught up by the fighting.

It has a vastly different purpose compared to WAS. It's not used for recon or what not in Nanohaverse because everyone that matters is a mage and thus RF does nothing to them other than being placed in the pocket dimension.

That doesn't stop us from abusing the he'll out of the spell.
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Does...does recursion field work that way? Seems like its not thaaat much stronger than Wide Area Search in a sense (or teleporting combined with WAS), all you really do is hide the visible glowing spheres in exchange for potentially grabbing enemy in with you.

Just never seen that suggested.... something like using RF outside a guarded building, blasting your way in via the unimportant copy-walls and through the empty copy-halls, and then dropping the field at another position (say the top floor office).

In short..... when you drop Recursion Field, are you left wherever you first cast it (useless for movement, still viable for scouting if the copies are detail-accurate and not just vague standins) , or are you left in the real-world space corresponding to where you were in the field's false-world? (Can bypass obstacles)

Relatedly, is it only copying structures or furniture.
All important questions for a use far outside the intended purpose of Recursion Field, where the designers assumed that most if not all the inhabitants or at least combatants of the area would be mages.
I know it's a munchkin thing to do.
In the series when the field is dropped or disrupted the affected mages within are in their new positions. So yes. If you move within the field you move in the true dimension.

RF purpose is to get the fighting away from the mundane so that non-mages won't get caught up by the fighting.

It has a vastly different purpose compared to WAS. It's not used for recon or what not in Nanohaverse because everyone that matters is a mage and thus RF does nothing to them other than being placed in the pocket dimension.

That doesn't stop us from abusing the he'll out of the spell.
Wherever you are in the building when you drop the field, that's where you get spot out.

As aceraptor says, this use of RF would be impossible on Midchilda. On Earth Bet, the rules are a little different.
Of course the problem is figuring out where Bakuda is. Given she's a tinker I doubt she'd be nice enough to sleep at night on a regular schedule.
Use Recursion Field on the base. If it catches Bakuda, plan nuclear holocaust is go. We just turn everything into fire, befriend or kill Bakuda, and drop the Recursion Field.
If the Recursion Field doesn't catch Bakuda, even better, because now we're not in the same reality as her and we have time to look at all the shinies and have IMMORTAL ASSIMILA- uhm, we acquire new materials and technologies and the launch codes and shutdown codes and in a way that totally isn't metagaming discover how Bakuda controls her bombs when Perfect Storm detects all the receivers and reads their code to know what signal to look for. We go back out with a custom jammer, and Bakuda is suddenly completely powerless and we drag her away by the scruff of her neck with superstrength to throw into the birdcage.
Heatstroke 10.3
[] Bakuda

Heatstroke 10.3

If it's that important to make the first choice count…

"Bakuda," you say after only a moment's thought. It really is the obvious choice. "We move in on the Tinker, and that's one resource Coil can't call on to back him up when we go after him. It might not make him easy, but it will keep him from getting worse."

Vista pumps her fist in the air, but Chevalier frowns. "Unless he already has some of her handiwork nearby where he can use it."

"Then it won't make much of a difference whether we hit her first or not, will it? Like I said, it can't hurt."

If Chevalier has any rebuttal to that line of thought, he is keeping it to himself. You wave the two heroes over and look to Dragon. "I'm already en route," she tells you with a smile that is edging towards a smirk. "I'll meet you there. Particularly if you head to these coordinates."

Her face is replaced by a string of numbers in the same style as Perfect Storm's calculations for Spatial Translocation, and you give your Device the go-ahead. The orange sigil spits you and your companions out on a rooftop overlooking a brand-new city. Pushing your hat back slightly, you wipe your brow and realize you may have underestimated the size of the task you assigned yourself. «Storm, how big is Chicago?»

«Area 234 square miles, population 2.7 million individuals. 65% larger in area and almost double the population of Philadelphia.»

Oh. «I'm almost afraid to ask, but how many capes?»

«Total number unknown. Fluctuant population. Of stable gangs and hero organizations, roughly two hundred.»

Two hundred. And Philadelphia has thirty. No wonder the Chicagoan gangs wanted a piece of your town.

Something rumbles above you, and you hunch over and look up at the sky in worry. Is it a bomb? Does Coil already know about your plan to attack him? Maybe his power is precog, and he knew about your arrival for days already. Before you can stress yourself to the breaking point, or maybe to the point of dropping subtlety and just blasting the sky with Solar Wrath, a shape shimmers like a heatwave in the air before smoothing out. It isn't long enough for you to truly see it, but between the general outline, the peculiar sound that preceded it, and Dragon's sly warning, you have a pretty good idea what just happened.

Speak of the devil, and the Dragon will appear. "Well? What do you think?"

"Did you… turn one of your ships invisible?"

"Mmm. Somewhat. It depends on exactly what you mean by invisible. It's more like extremely advanced cloaking technology. I had some ideas for how to get it working now thanks to 'collaborating' with you and Shipwright, and I figured why not add it to the Sybaris Mk. II?"

Mark 2? The collaboration she's hinting at must be her conversion to a Unison Device, and you know that in this new form she can understand magitech in addition to Tinkertech. Is this newest member of the Dragoncraft lineup built with mana technology?

"Now that we're in Chicago," Samantha cuts in, "what's the plan to actually find Bakuda? I sure hope we have a better idea than just knocking on doors and asking if people have seen a bomber cape."

"Honestly? That is almost what I'm doing right now. I'm sorting through police and PRT reports. It's slow, but I'm hoping with enough sightings of criminals dressed the same as Coil's mercenaries, I will be able to pinpoint where their general territory is. It will speed up the search once we have a narrower slice of the city."

Chevalier nods at Dragon's plan. "You work on the PRT side of things, and I'll work on the Protectorate side. I'll head to the local branch and see what Myrddin can tell me about Coil and Bakuda." He gives you a look. "He'll want to know the reason for my curiosity, and I don't see any benefit in lying to him. His branch will be our best allies if things don't go according to plan."

You hear the underlying warning in his voice and give him a nod. It would be easy for things to go south, particularly since you are more or less making up your plan as you go. Moving quickly and quietly is going to be essential to catching Bakuda and Coil off their guard, but if shit does hit the fan, having the local heroes even somewhat in the know will be a nice bit of insurance. Particularly if Calvert has enough sway to try throwing PRT agents at you.

You want to take the villains down. Killing agents who think they're doing their job protecting their home from invading villains is way beyond the line.

"I'll head for the coastline and work my way inwards," Vista says. You glance at her in surprise. To the best of your knowledge, she is a space-warper, not a locator. Does she have a second power she's kept secret that lets her search faster than normal? "It's complicated, but the short version is that I can use my power to figure out if there are and aren't people in a specific place. Coil has to have an armory or a base or something for his men, and Bakuda may have assistants in her lab. Both will have to be hidden, which means I'd find people where there aren't supposed to be any."

Samantha nods. "I can start on the other side of the city and use Wide Area Search to look for the same. If I shut it down as soon as it finishes scanning, I can see what's lying around hopefully before anyone notices the little balls of light zipping around. Won't let us track anyone, but we can get a rough picture of what's going on."

Which just leaves you without something to do. Sure, you could out and start throwing Wide Area Search on your own to try speeding up the search, or you could back somebody up should things go south where they are. Or even go with Chevalier to explain some of the details to Myrrdin about just why you're in his city.

Decisions, decisions.

Remember how I said this was part extermination quest, part social event? This plays a role in it. You can accompany one person or head out on your own.

[ ] Dragon
[ ] Chevalier
[ ] Vista
[ ] Samantha
[ ] Go on your own and use Wide Area Search in another part of town
[X] Chevalier
Let's play nice with the one person who invited themselves along, so things don't get hairy.
On one hand, getting closer with Chevalier would make so many things simpler in the future. On the other hand, he's pretty safe with going to the Protectorate. While Vista is in actual danger, even if she has a BFG. I'd prefer if Vista's volunteering didn't turn out in a disaster. So I guess I'll go for Vista.
[X] Vista
[X] Chevalier
Better go with him so that the protectorate knows that we are not working against them and hopefully some assistance when shit hit the fan, eventually
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[VX] Vista - Keep the girl safe, Murphey's Law says she's the most likely to find Bakuda.
I was really tempted by Chevalier, but

[X] Vista

We're the reason she's here in the first place and is the last mobile of all searchers if she's ambushed (that speaks lengths about everyone else's mobility more than anything). Going with her is easily the safest option, and it partly gives us good PR with the heroes, trying to protect a Ward.

Or they'll think we just want her with us, but they are already going there, so be it.
[X] Vista
I'd say Vista, partly for the social activity and partly for checking up on her arm, seeing how it works in action. Besides, Dragon knows what we know about Coil and all that and she can probably explain it better. I know she's not actually going with Chevalier, but she can multitask enough to spare an explanation if Myrrdin asks.
[X] Vista

I have to agree with the reasoning that we're mostly why she's even here. The least we can do is keep her safe.
[X] Chevalier
-[X] Keep comms open so if anyone gets into trouble we can teleport to them quickly and possible bring members of the protectorate with us.
Even if Vista were to find Bakuda in this huge af city I don't believe she's that eager to prove herself to attack Bakuda's base without backup. She's not some hotheaded newbie. I'm willing to trust that she would know how to handle it if she found Bakuda.
Also going with Chevalier leads to meeting Myrddin, and I really wanna see how that shit goes.
Edit to include subvote.
Normally I would assume that keeping the comms open would go without saying, but making assumptions about what goes into a vote without actually voting for it is what cost Vista her arm in the first place.
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[X] Chevalier
I really hope Vista doesn't die because we're leaving her alone.
Besides the...unfortunate...Ghost Dog shenanigans, she's fared pretty well. Let's not forget, she's far more experienced at doing the hero thing than we are.

I feel landcollector has the right of it. Missy's been kicking ass and taking names as a cape since 2008. It's not the years here, it's the mileage, and she has a lot more mileage than most, and that's before Tim gave her the penultimate arm for pimp-slaps, backhands, and telling Dennis a second time to get his butt back into the kitchen and make her a sandwich.

Between her space-warping, shield and her particle cannon, Im not much worried about her oh buttery biscuits I just realized that we've potentially made her a nightmarish mid-to-long range sniper...

Huh... Um... Yeah.... Hrmm.

[X] Chevalier

Myrrdin deserves to hear things directly, not second-hand from Chevalier. It would be ..discourteous, to put it mildly, to rely on someone else to convey details not only about the goal here, but also the reasons why. Gives the impression of being responsible, mature, and more importantly not a hotheaded punk kid with more power than common sense.
My one concern with going with Chevalier, is that Coil might put two and two together of both Chevalier and Taylor visiting Chicago's Protectorate. Just Chevalier is odd, but not concerning.