Because the entire point of this whole thing is to play along with the magisters' demands. Calm the goats even while leading them to slaughter. They want us to sail to them? Fine. We'll act like we did. Having them realize that we just showed up out of thin air will spook them, hence keeping the ship at port as our pretense for our way back home.

As for bothering to get picked up, I'm assuming she's just following her own precautions in making that offer.

For now suits your purposes to give them one, thus you will first set foot upon the Long Pier crossing from the bridge of a fast sloop Foam Cutter sent from Tyrosh as soon as the city had fallen. That you did not sail upon her is hardly important, after all.

"No need to wait for our return, captain," you announce to the ship's master, a sharp-eyed man with the habit of never using two words where one might suffice.

True to form you receive only a nod in reply while Varys hisses in amusement from your shoulder. "If you make a habit of keeping your word to the letter but not the spirit they might think you a devil come to tempt them."

Relevant bit in bold
@Duesal That was actually in Lys that the guard got set on Maelor and Glyra... repeatedly. They apparently found Myr very very boring.

Which is saying something, because those two trip over danger and adventure wherever they go.
I really don't want to stick around to talk to this lady at midnight. The request isn't just shady, it's also pretty damned stupid.

[X] "My apologies, but I do not have the time to linger in Myr overlong. Consolidating my new holdings, and preventing them from bursting under the weight of their own corruption and mismanagement, occupies far too many of my waking hours.
-[X] "For those who feel the toll too onerous, ask yourselves how many years worth of tolls could be paid for all of your vessels for the cost of replacing a single vessel and cargo lost to piracy."
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Right, I forgot about our general rule with women Viserys finds attractive. :V
Attractive? She has neither horns, nor wings, nor any other monstrous feature. What about her is Viserys supposed to find attractive?

In all seriousness, I see no reason to deny the proposal. While most of the Planetos aristocracy has been rather disappointing in intellect and survival instincts, we've also had plenty of examples of the opposite. It seems only fitting that the true power behind the Glassmaker's guild be somebody not only competent and ambitious, but also open-minded enough to find opportunities in danger. Danger like a Dragon who dislikes everything your culture stands for, and very much would like to conquer your city... after which he would need competent administrators and underlings.

I think we've learned a few valuable things about her.
1) She has reliable access to high level mage : The item on her was not merely bought. She knows about teleportation and recognized true-sight, implying a high degree of familiarity with magic.
2) She is likely the mage in question, or high level herself: She was very confident and controlled during the conversation. Viserys was also unable to pick up much through Sense Motive. She also made it up to the highest echelons of Myrish society. At the very least she must be beyond your typical NPCs level 5 restriction.
3) She has access to regular divination: Her comment about the luxury market seems highly indicative about her being aware of the creation of our newest business venture, Tyene's SecretTM. This seems like something you'd need quite a bunch of pointed questions for to discover, which implies that she has access to quite a number of questions if she can waste them on something like figuring where new competition comes from. This also makes the theory of a high-level mage more likely, since they'd have access to more questions per casting. Either that or a larger number of mages to share the exp cost.

and lastly 4) Of the remaining leadership, none possess any magic or magical items whatsoever. We've seen in multiple cities already that people are not stupid and will try to get some magic themselves after witnessing it. The exception to this has always been when somebody already had a monopoly on magic and was making sure that magic stayed in the shadows (e.g Lys, Pentos). I suspect that she either has close ties to, or is herself the local kingpin of magic.
Agree and offer her a job?

I want to go ahead with the meeting but I'm at work so I can't convince people. So the devil in the details.

[X] Azel
...I'm finding her suspicious.
Reeeeeally suspicious.
But, well, we're a fuckmothering dragon.

[X] Azel
Provided she doesn't expect us to actually waste our time, you know, waiting for a coach or stuff, I don;t mind. But yeah. Totally bring Ser Richard.
Mmmm, It's good practice to try and convince people to sell out to us at first opportunity, even if it opens us up to the odd assassination attempt.

Also, half the reason I'm still pushing for looking into paddle boats is in case Azel's River of Air engine doesn't work out as well as we hope for some reason (as a random example, the item failing to work submerged in water. Or spectacularly exploding. Or being much more inefficient in terms of thrust than we expected due to magic "reasons", or etc.), we'd still have a backup design to ensure we'd have the fleet we need to hit the priority targets on the West Coast of Westeros.
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No, Azel has not given us a write-in yet.

For maximum hilarity trolling, DP should close the vote now and have us simply reply "Azel".
Then she researches the hidden meanings in the name, and in two months is summoning devils against us...
Adhoc vote count started by TalonofAnathrax on May 24, 2018 at 1:35 PM, finished with 24 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Azel
    [X] Agree to the meeting
    [X] Set conditions
    -[X] Agree to the meeting, but whomever she sends in the coach should not be surprised when we teleport to the desired meeting place from the boat. Obviously, bring some party members.
    [X] "My apologies, but I do not have the time to linger in Myr overlong. Consolidating my new holdings, and preventing them from bursting under the weight of their own corruption and mismanagement, occupies far too many of my waking hours.
    -[X] "For those who feel the toll too onerous, ask yourselves how many years worth of tolls could be paid for all of your vessels for the cost of replacing a single vessel and cargo lost to piracy."
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When in lack of local Devil doubt, go Goldfish.
[X] Goldfish
I really don't want to stick around to talk to this lady at midnight. The request isn't just shady, it's also pretty damned stupid.

[X] "My apologies, but I do not have the time to linger in Myr overlong. Consolidating my new holdings, and preventing them from bursting under the weight of their own corruption and mismanagement, occupies far too many of my waking hours.
-[X] "For those who feel the toll too onerous, ask yourselves how many years worth of tolls could be paid for all of your vessels for the cost of replacing a single vessel and cargo lost to piracy."
It's not going to cost us extra time, we spend less than one afternoon here.

I see no reason not to have a chat, but some chance for profit if we do.
Alright, it seems that the vote I chose for laughs starts winning...
No, thank you.
[X] Artemis1992
@DragonParadox, we've got some good rumors coming up. Any chance at a rumor post?

1. Rumors from our spies in Lys
2. Rumors the Archons have heard in Mantarys
3. Rumors Relath has heard in Tolos
4. Rumors circulating through our new territories of Tyrosh and the Disputed Lands
5. Any word we've gotten from Braavos
6. Anything the Night's Watch has heard
7. Anything we've heard from Manderly and White Harbor
8. A lot of loyalist houses sent us congratulatory letters after we took Tyrosh, so any news and rumors from them (highlights are the Velaryons, Brunes, etc)
9. Rumors from Dorne, they've sworn fealty so they should act like it by not withholding important information anymore
10. Rumors from the Stormlands

And can we start adding interplanar rumors to this? We have the Opaline Vault through the Shaitan, and we just got 15 stone giants who might have some other news. We even have a tribe of Xorn as close trading partners.

Of course by far the biggest attraction is rumors of us. We're looking forward to various reactions of our conquest of Tyrosh. And with the Opaline Vault I'm curious on the reaction to a reasonable Red Dragon who definitely wasn't a dragon the first time they met us.

[X] Artemis1992
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You know, maybe we would need an "Otherwordly Contacts" part in the front page. Each time those are becoming more and more important for us.