@Duesal , we have an anti divination room, the anti scrying spell and our bullshit plans to foil other divination attempts. It is just a matter of gathering one day and firing divinations upon all the potential targets and see if one is vulnerable.

Also, you forgot the Wisps. You disappoint me.
I lost interest in the wisps when I figured out we can't make lanterns out of them since they'd suffocate.
The death champion was also the most magically powerful and he had persistomancy to fall back on. Most of his favor was used to summon daemons.
Okay, that makes more sense. His skull shall be a grand prize.
Nothing really major next month, maybe summoning daemons by their names and sacrificing them.
Sothoryos the month after that.
Tiamat minions two months later?

I really think we should be retroactive in fucking up her machinations, as they'd be directly opposing us sooner or later.
Aaaand that we'd be depovering her directly, if veeery little, by killing/sacrificing thee dragons of hers.

Also, as per private conversation with DP, Illiryo is still in a warded location/other plane.

We really shoud start decyphering his notes next month.
Also, we need that ritual of ashes-to-writings. Convinience aside (and not having to face situations like in sept and Archon's library just recently, when we can't torch stuff for fearing to destroy precious books), his notes will have neough for us to go on in finding him.

Does anyone mind if first research action we put Researcher arcanum on will be this ritual?
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Will be out for an hour. Have a plan stub.

[] Plan Gardening
-[] Grow the Tree of Tyrosh
--[] Get Softstrider, Lyset and Riva to witness it.
--[] Gather a few trustworthy people who will "spontaneously" take the blessings of the tree once it is grown.
--[] To be decided: Face (young man of indistinct heritage, with mended scars in his face?)
--[] Use the cultist champion, the Thanadaemon, two cultists and two of the six lesser daemons whose names I forgot.
--[] To be done: speech. See my notes from yesterday.
-[] Dany and Malarys will prepare for a scrying session to hunt down Rohar.

[X] Duesal

There are many reasons Tywin is fucked with a capital fucked.

Also, next time we see Doran, I wanna ask him his thoughts on when we should get Tywin for questioning and killing. See if we can't get his elder son on the chair, and loot Tyerion to make him a wizard or archivist.
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Nothing really major next month, maybe summoning daemons and sacrificing them.
Sothroyos the month after that.
Tiamat minions two months later?
Not Tiamat. What we need to do is a Great Ranging to the North.
Hunters upon the Frozen Shores

Description: Even among those the men of the Seven Kingdoms call wildlings, there are some counted savage by their fellows, those who dwell in the coldest and most unforgiving places in an already perilous land. Whether they were driven there for their heinous deeds or driven to them out of desperation Bloodraven knows not and does not truly care to find out. What he does know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that mages have begun showing their powers among these unkindly folk and they have not shown themselves open to his guidance, though as far as he knows they do not yet serve the Power in the North either.

CR: 3-5

Likely Foes: Wildlings, magic users, charmed beasts
We need to make sure these idiots don't join the Others. And we need to diplomance/burn/sacrifice them and get the remainder South of the Wall somehow.

And also the Giants.
@Duesal , we have an anti divination room, the anti scrying spell and our bullshit plans to foil other divination attempts. It is just a matter of gathering one day and firing divinations upon all the potential targets and see if one is vulnerable.

Also, you forgot the Wisps. You disappoint me.

And barns, or at least the broad side of them.
Also, we have almost a week of Bravos actions.
That's this month though.
We'll have a super-quick meet-up with Sealord next day, some days of administrating/other tasks, and than that fuckhuge mess of longforgotten minor actions.
Not Tiamat. What we need to do is a Great Ranging to the North.
Okay, I see the necessity of this.
But when Tiamat' minions, then?
I've got the feeling that we shouldn't allow these fucks to gain any foothold or grow in power...
and they already have both in abundance :/

3 months from now?
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[X] Plan Gardening
-[X] Get Soft Strider, Reva, Liset, and that Minotaur Oracle to witness it and learn what they can.
-[X] Speech for the Tyrosh Tree in note format:
--[X] We came to save this city from the creatures of the pit
--[X] We are greatly saddened by the losses during the fighting that was needed to remove the cancer, especially those poor souls who were enslaved to the wills of those creatures.
--[X] Great is our wrath at those who permitted this cancer to grow under their nose and a reckoning will come for those magisters and officials who failed in their duties.
--[X] We hold great disgust at those who pledged themselves to these dark things, making pacts with beings that desire nothing but to destroy and despoil.
--[X] The noose isn't enough to remove the stain brought to the city by these people and since they have chosen their side, they will know die along with their daemonic masters.
--[X] The Old Golds will cleanse the taint, heal the wounds on body and soul, by taking the fell powers and turning them towards wholesome goals.
-[X] Grow the Tree of Tyrosh
--[X] CL 20 Hallow Effect
--[X] "A young man of indistinct heritage with mended scars in his face, defiance in his gaze."
--[X] Secondary Effect 1: Heart's Ease
--[X] Secondary Effect 2: Magic Circle Against Evil
--[X] Secondary Effect 3: Panacea
-[X] Use the cultist champion, the Thanadaemon, two cultists, and two of the six Lacridaemons for a total of 59.05 HD
-[X] Gather a few trustworthy people who will "spontaneously" take the blessings of the tree once it is grown.
-[X] Dany and Malarys will prepare for a scrying session to hunt down Rohar.
--[X] Lya casts Owl's Insight on each of them and uses Harmonic Chorus to enhance their casting. Dany and Malarys also cast Owl's Wisdom on themselves to further enhance their casting.

@Azel, the problem with the speech is that from what I can see of the notes... we already gave the speech. It's all there in the update already. And I'm not seeing any notes for a speech before the sacrifice itself, just for the regular executions.
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Heads up to everyone that I put the secondary effects into the vote to move things along more quickly. I'm reasonably confident about it since I've mentioned the proposal for Tyrosh's Heart Tree a lot and have never been challenged about the planned effects.

If anyone has a different idea in mind that would be better than this:
Tree of Tyrosh
CL 20 Hallow Effect
Secondary Effect 1: Exorcism
Secondary Effect 2: Remove Disease
Secondary Effect 3: Heart's Ease
Now's the time to speak up.

EDIT: If anyone has ideas on the face I'm all ears. I think Azel's proposal is fine, though.
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Heads up to everyone that I put the secondary effects into the vote to move things along more quickly. I'm reasonably confident about it since I've mentioned the proposal for Tyrosh's Heart Tree a lot and have never been challenged about the planned effects.

If anyone has a different idea in mind that would be better than this:

Now's the time to speak up.

That said, we can put the face itself in a separate vote if needed.
Isnt Exorcism a bit niche? i dont see any possesed person willingly walking into the area of effect, and in any case its likely to become redundant in a weeks/months.
Isnt Exorcism a bit niche? i dont see any possesed person willingly walking into the area of effect, and in any case its likely to become redundant in a weeks/months.
It is admittedly a bit niche, but when I proposed it I saw it as a valuable tool for the Inquisition to root out cultists and possessed people far more easily. It's tied to a CL 20 Hallow effect, after all. Not many daemons could cling to a body when faced with that.

That said, I am open to suggestions. Did you have anything in mind?
Hrrm... I kinda wish we managed to get one of the higher up magisters to hang too... It would help sell the message of "LAW FOR EVERYONE BITCHES," even more.