Seriously, look at this:
War Dog
Medium Animal
Hit Dice: 3d8 + 12 (29)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, +4 chainshirt), touch 12, flat-footed19
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+6
Trip: +8
Attack: Bite +6 (1d6+6)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Jump +5, Listen +7, Spot +7, Swim +5, Survival +6
Feats: Improved Trip (Bite), Improved Scent (60ft), TrackB

A pity that it feels so... mundane
Found this: Elusa Hound – d20PFSRD

They literally are made to track magic!

That does look interesting. Think we can persuade DP to let us find a pair? If we go to the Opaline Vault looking for beasts that can track magic, I'm sure there will be at least a chance they might show up.

However, you made me look on the page you linked to, and the Google Chrome kindly loaded this ad on that page:

Pope Dog

Not sure I should still be talking to you....
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That does look interesting. Think we can persuade DP to let us find a pair? If we go to the Opaline Vault looking for beasts that can track magic, I'm sure there will be at least a chance they might show up.

However, you made me look on the page you linked to, and the Google Chrome kindly loaded this ad on that page:

Pope Dog

Not sure I should still be talking to you....

... I ignore ads to the point that I don't even know that they are there. But I have no idea about what algorithm is used to link that from all the possible things that could come out

Internet is weird
Okay, my cat is on the mend, but still taking a bit more active care than I was hoping, so I'm just starting to flesh this thing out. Here's the current rough draft of the legion, with a good bit written in various notes on my desk but not typed up yet. I don't have anything else to do but work on it for the rest of the day, so I should get most of it typed up. The HI sheets are TNE up to date (at least until TNE decides to add ranks in Perform (Oratory)). The other officers do need skills fleshed out still, but with the HI sheets we have a baseline. TNE wrote up full stat-blocks for the HI as well, but those aren't here (yet).

We also wanted to add lesser raven constructs as standard scouts, but I've not had time to go back and edit them in yet (and probably should focus on finishing everything and then going back to edit).

Each Legion is comprised of 6 Infantry Companies, 2 Crossbow Companies, an Assault Company, 2 Scout Cavalry companies, and a Lancer Company. Ideally they should be deployed with supporting Imperial knight heavy cavalry and local auxiliaries, but in a pinch will be fully functional without.

The major unit divisions are a Legion, split into Companies, split into Battalions, split into squads. It seems simplistic, but the Westerosi style is comparatively a mess of Lord serving higher lord up a chain, while the Essosi tradition is mercenary companies working with a free city's own forces in a similar disorganized hodgepodge of companies. There isn't a huge tradition of extremely structured organization, and there is flexibility enough to group multiple Battalions or Companies together to perform some task under a clearly in charge commander. A vast improvement over almost any contemporary, with the possible exception of the Golden Company (the standard for a professional and disciplined combined arms force in the setting), who I expect to be able to match, once bloodied, in terms of cohesion.

Ranks are similarly straightforward:
General (commands Legion)
Colonel (an officer helping the General)
Captain (commands Company)
Lieutenant (an officer helping the Captain)
Commander (commands Battalion)
Serjeant (an officer helping the Commander)
Corporal (Enlisted Squad leader or Specialist)
Legionnaire/Crossbowman (basic rank)

I tried to choose ranks based on reasonable etymology to try and fit the setting. We're still at a relatively disorganized stage of history, where the basic division of units is a company, commanded by a Captain, with a wide variation in what a "company" means, from a few hundred men to the 10,000 strong Golden Company.

General would normally not be used, since it's rise is actually relatively recent (out of general officer (like Captain-General, shortened to merely general), that is, an officer with more general or expanded duties). However, it occurs in canon sources, and in English it has pretty much become ubiquitous, with Marshal being the only remaining competition. Since it's used contemporaneously in canon, designating a rank as general rather than a more traditional ranks such as Captain-General seems justified.

Colonel derives from Column Commander, which seems appropriate for the general's seconds, since if the legion split into separate columns to travel, they would be the ones who would be expected to take command of any separated columns.

Captain, as previously mentioned, is the most traditional, and commands a company. In the legion, a company ranges between about 500-700 soldiers, making it the closest comparison to the existing companies in size.
Lieutenant is also likely one of the existing names for officers. Historically, a lieutenant was a captain's second, and was considered a high rank. Its relative low rank in modern times is a consequence of both Captain and Lieutenant falling in prominence as armies increased in size, but the number of men they commanded stayed relatively the same, but doesn't fit with the setting. In setting, a Lieutenant only has his Captain to answer to, who only answers directly their employer, so it makes sense to preserve it as the second to a Captain.

I chose Commander for Battalion, because it's the lowest "command" rank, who might find themselves operating independently (like say, defending our Lysene embassy). The ranks below this no longer have the burden of command, but instead support their superiors. It's my least favorite, but there are not a lot of options to choose from that would make sense here.

Serjeants, in this time/setting, are officers. If you look at the sellsword companies, a serjeant ranks below the leader and specialist officers (like company paymaster, or quartermaster), but above just about everyone else. The way we originally had it, we had hundreds of sergeants in a legion, when a comparative army, like the Golden Company, would only have a few dozen. Bumping them up the chain makes them more comparative to how it's used in setting, even if it looks a little strange from a modern perspective.

Corporal naturally suggests itself to replace serjeant. Its relative lowness has been the most consistent throughout history, so using it as the rank for senior enlisted men makes sense and is derived from latin meaning "head of the body." Given its use, interpreting that as "highest of the low" or "directly in charge of the body" (that is most of the actual legionnaires) is reasonable.

Legionnaire is used as the basic rank due to its descriptiveness and distinctiveness. They are not a mere soldier, or sellsword found in any army. They are a member of the Imperial Legion. They might not have any rank beyond that, but even Legionnaire is a word we want them to take pride in and identify with.

We'll now take a look at how each of the types of company would be organized.

The smallest unit of the Legion is a squad, which in a heavy infantry company consists of 9 men commanded by a Corporal, and a non-combatant auxiliary in charge of the squad's mule, delivering them water on the march, helping them don and doff their armor, and daily maintenance on their equipment, for a total of 10 men. A squad fights in formation together, marches together, eats together, and sleeps in the same tent together. This closeness necessitates that the legion is segregated on the level of a squad, meaning that women that choose to enlist serve in all female squads to help reduce disciplinary problems. Each legionnaire carries around 88 lbs of steel, with the serjeant carrying 76 lbs of steel equipment, for a total steel requirement of 780 lbs.

Together, 8 squads form a Battalion, lead by a Commander, and two Serjeants under him. Outside of battle (on the march, or in camp), each Serjeant is responsible for maintaining the discipline and order of 4 squads, with the Serjeant in charge of the forward four squads on the march the "forward" serjeant and considered the senior to the "rear" serjeant. In battle, each Serjeant goes where he is needed to keep the battalion in order or as directed by the Commander, but if the Commander is slain, command of the battalion falls to the forward serjeant.

Additionally, each Battalion has a standard bearer, and a hornblower, for a total of 77 soldiers on the line. The 8 squad auxiliaries are joined by another 9 non-combatants under the battalion quartermaster (official rank of corporal), who perform more logistical tasks, have several more mules, wagons, etc. and a chest and barrel of purification. The quartermaster also has 5 soldiers under him that help protect the baggage train during battle, prevent theft, and help administer discipline in the battalion, making up 100 people, 83 soldiers, of which 77 would fight in battle. A battalion thus has a need for 7,124 lbs of steel, and a ring of purification to purify food and water. (75 IM).

Together, 8 Battalions form a Heavy Infantry Company, lead by a Captain and two Lieutenants under him, once again split between forward and rear. There is a Company Standard Bearer, Hornblower, Quartermaster, and 4 runners in case more complex orders need to be sent, making up 810 people, 674 soldiers, of which 625 would fight in battle. A Heavy Infantry Company needs 57,576 lbs of steel, and 8 rings of purification (600 IM).

For a Crossbow Company, it is structured similarly to a Heavy Infantry Company, though constrained to fit the same frontage as 1.5 HI companies, with the line being two crossbowmen deep.

The smallest unit is the squad, made up of 8 Crossbowmen, and commanded by a Corporal, for a total of 9 soldiers and a non-combatant auxiliary. Each Crossbowman needs 49 lbs of steel, or 441 lbs of steel for the whole squad.

Together, 8 squads form a Battalion, lead by a Commander, and two Serjeants under him, split between forward and rear. Additionally, each Battalion has a standard bearer, and a hornblower, as well as a quartermaster with 5 infantry soldiers under him that help protect the baggage train, prevent theft, and help administer discipline in the battalion, along with 3 non-combatant auxiliaries who are in charge of additional mules and and a chest and barrel of purification, for 95 people, 83 soldiers, 77 fighting in battle, of which 72 are crossbowmen. A Crossbow Battalion needs 4,412 lbs of steel, and a ring of purification (75 IM).

Together, 8 Battalions form a Crossbow Company, lead by a Captain and two Lieutenants under him, once again split between forward and rear. There is a Company Standard Bearer, Hornblower, and Quartermaster. Altogether, that makes up 766 people, 670 soldiers, 621 fighting in battle, of which 576 are crossbowmen. A Crossbow Company needs 35,740 lbs of steel, and 8 rings of purification (600 IM).

Cavalry companies are structured slightly differently from the infantry, but still follow the same general structure.

In a Scout Cavalry company, the smallest unit is still a squad, led by a Corporal. It's made up of 10 soldiers, but no non-combat auxiliaries directly attached to the squad, to reflect the more dispersed and sudden nature of engagements they might run into and how there might not be an obvious "rear" to send non-combatants. To carry supplies, and to allow some rotation of mounts, each squad is assigned two additional light warhorses. Each soldier requires 56 lbs of steel, and a Light Warhorse. A full squad requires 560 lbs of steel, and 12 Light warhorses.

Together, 6 Squads form a Cavalry Battalion, lead by a Commander and two Sergeants beneath him (forward and rear), as well as a standard bearer, hornblower, and a quartermaster. Scout Cavalry Companies run leaner and are more likely to suddenly encounter the enemy, so rather than the officers and specialists being separated from the men as they are in other companies, they instead take the place of a regular cavalryman within the squad, so the first squad would instead have the Commander, the standard bearer, hornblower, a corporal, and six cavalrymen. They also have a dozen auxiliaries, who are on paper non-combatants, but are lightly armed and armored (Light Chain, Light Shield, Dagger, and Light Mace) to protect themselves and their supplies, which consist of additional horses carrying rations, resupply, and a barrel and chest of purification. Thus, a Scout Cavalry Battalion has 72 people, 60 soldiers, 12 auxiliaries, and needs 3,792 lbs of steel, 72 Light Warhorses, 24 Light Horses, and a ring of purification (75 IM).

Together, 8 Battalions form a Company, lead by a Captain and two Lieutenants under him, once again split between forward and rear. There is a Company Standard Bearer, Hornblower, and Quartermaster. The Captain, Quartermaster, Standard Bearer, Hornblower, and 6 bodyguards generally travel together as the command unit, and each Lieutenant has 4 bodyguards to accompany them personally. Another 10 auxiliaries are attached at the command level as well as another barrel and chest of purification, thus a Scout Cavalry Company has 606 people, 500 soldiers and 106 auxiliaries, needing 31,816 lbs of steel, 600 Light Warhorses, 212 Light Horses, and 9 rings of purification (675 IM).


In a Lancer company, the smallest unit is still a squad, still led by a Corporal, but due to the nature of a Lance Charge, the squad is less important compared to cohesion of the battalion as a whole. Each squad is made up of 8 Lancers, with 4 non-combat auxiliares to help them take care of their horses, their armor, etc. Each squad has 8 heavy warhorses, 12 riding horses, and 8 pack horses, since riding a charger on the march tires them for battle. Each Lancer needs 194 lbs of steel equipment, between them and their horse, and thus the full squad needs 1,552 lbs of steel.

Together, 8 squads form a Lancer Battalion, lead by a Commander and two Sergeants beneath him (forward and rear), as well as a standard bearer, hornblower, and a quartermaster. Similar to the Scout Cavalry, the officers are directly embedded in squads in their battalion, with the Hornblower and Standard Bearer being additions to the first squad of the battalion (which thus has 10 men, and 5 auxiliaries). Another 10 auxiliaries serve under the quartermaster (who is equipped more like a regular legion officer, with a horse, who helps protect the baggage) thus each Lancer Battalion has 109 men, 67 soldiers, and 66 lancers in battle. They need 12,908 lbs of steel, a ring of purification (75 IM), 66 heavy warhorses, 109 riding horses, as well as around 80 pack horses.

Together, 6 Battalions form a Lancer Company, lead by a Captain and two Lieutenants under him, once again split between forward and rear. There is a Company Standard Bearer, Hornblower, and Quartermaster, who has 10 more auxiliaries and 5 (mounted) infantry soldiers to help him protect the baggage train. The lieutenants are again embedded within squads, but the Captain, Standard Bearer, Hornblower, and an additional Lancer selected for their skill serve as a command half-squad. Thus each Lancer Company has 673 men, 412 soldiers, and 400 lancers in battle. They need 78,574 lbs of steel, 6 rings of purification (450 IM) 400 heavy warhorses, 673 riding horses, and 495 pack horses.

Assault Company
2 lines of 100 men, for ~200 men. Elite. Bodyguard to general/senior officers when not in formal battle lines.

Attached Mages
Attached to HI battlaions, as specialty officer above quartermater, below serjeant in chain of command?

Attached Local Auxiliaries

Idealized formation

On the March and Camping

Pay, Terms of Service, and Retirement Benefits

Discipline in the Legion

Appearance and Attire

Unit Sheets

Warrior 3 - STR 14/DEX13/CON14/INT8/WIS10/CHA8 - Phalanx Fighting, Shield Specialization, Shield Ward, Precise Strike(Legion Bonus Feat) - Skills: Profession (Soldier) 6, Spot 6

Equipment: Razor Sharp Thinblade, 2x Javelin, Reinforced Segmented Fullplate, Mwk Extreme Shield, Razor Sharp Dagger.

Warrior 4 - +1 DEX - +1 Profession (Soldier), +1 Spot
Fighter 2 - Power Attack - +1 Profession (Soldier), +1 Spot

Warrior 2/Fighter 1 - STR 14/DEX10/CON14/INT13/WIS10/CHA8 - Allied Defense, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Knockdown - Skills: Profession (Soldier) 6, Spot 6, Listen 6, Ride 4, Knowledge (Law), Bonus Language (High Valyrian)

Equipment: Mwk Razor Sharp Guisarme, Razor Sharp Thinblade, Razor Sharp Dagger, Mwk Buckler, Reinforced Segmented Fullplate.

Officer 1 - +1 INT - +1 Profession (Soldier), +1 Spot, +1 Listen, +3 Profession (Manager)
Retrain Warrior -> Fighter - Toughness
Officer 2 - Retrain Toughness ->Battlecry, Outflank (Teamwork) - +1 Profession (Soldier), +1 Spot, +1 Listen, +4 Profession (Manager)

Heavy Infantry Serjeants and Commanders
Officer 2/Marshal 2 - STR 9 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 16 - Combat Expertise, Battle Cry, Draconic Aura, Gang Up (Serjeants and Commanders)/Shake it off (Lieutenants and Captains) - Skills: Profession (Soldier) 7, Knowledge (War) 8, Diplomacy 10, Knowledge (Law) 8, Profession (Manager) 5, Language (High Valyrian), Ride 2

Equipment: Reinforced Segmented Fullplate, Razor Sharp Thinblade, Razor Sharp Dagger, Tower Shield.

Auras: Master of Tactics, Motivate Attack, Draconic Aura (Toughness)

Officer 3 - +1 Profession (Soldier), +1 Knowledge (War), +1 Diplomacy, +1 Knowledge (Law), +1 Profession (Manager), +2 Ride

Heavy Infantry Lieutenant and Captains
Officer 2/Marshal 2 - STR 9 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 16 - Combat Expertise, Battle Cry, Draconic Aura, Gang Up (Serjeants and Commanders)/Shake it off (Lieutenants and Captains) - Skills: Profession (Soldier) 7, Knowledge (War) 8, Diplomacy 10, Knowledge (Law) 8, Profession (Manager) 5, Language (High Valyrian), Ride 2

Equipment: Reinforced Segmented Fullplate, Razor Sharp Thinblade, Razor Sharp Dagger, Tower Shield.

Auras: Art of War, Resilient Troops, Draconic Aura (Resolve)

Officer 3 - +1 Profession (Soldier), +1 Knowledge (War), +1 Diplomacy, +1 Knowledge (Law), +1 Profession (Manager), +2 Ride

Legion Crossbowman

Warrior 3 - STR 8/DEX15/CON12/INT8/WIS10/CHA8 - Rapid Reload, Far Shot, Lob Shot, Deadly Aim (Legion Bonus Feat) - Reinforced Breastplate, Mwk Great Crossbow, Razor Sharp Thinblade, Razor Sharp Dagger (49 lbs of equipment.) Skills: Spot 6, Profession (Soldier) 6.

Warrior 4 - DEX +1, Spot +1, Profession (Soldier) +1
Fighter 1- Weapon Focus (Great Crossbow) - Spot +1, Profession (Soldier) +1

Crossbow Officer
Officer 2/Marshal 2 - STR 9 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 16 - Combat Expertise, Battle Cry, Draconic Aura, Volley Fire (Serjeants and Commanders)/Shake it off (Lieutenants and Captains) - Skills: [XXXXXXXXXXXX]

Equipment: Reinforced Segmented Fullplate, Razor Sharp Thinblade, Razor Sharp Dagger, Tower Shield.

Auras: Accurate Strike, Steady Hand, Draconic Aura (Toughness)

Officer 3 - [skills XXXXXXXXXXX]

Scout Cavalry
Warrior 3 - STR 9/DEX14/CON12/INT10/WIS10/CHA8 - Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery, Rapid Reload, Skill Focus Ride (legion training bonus) - Skills: Spot 6, Ride 6, Profession (Soldier) 6

Equipment: Light Warhorse, Riding Saddle (25 lbs), Bridle (1 lbs), Saddle bags (8 lbs), Horse Water and Feed (10 lbs), Waterskin and Day's rations (5 lbs) Traveler's Clothing (5 lbs), Mwk Breastplate (30 lbs), Mwk Razor-sharp Lance (10 lbs), Mwk Heavy Crossbow (8 lbs), Mwk Razor-sharp Thinblade (3 lbs), Mwk Razor-sharp Dagger (1 lbs), 40 Razor-sharp bolts (4 lbs). Total: 66 lbs on soldier, 110 lbs of equipment, plus 120 lbs of rider for a total of 230 lbs on the horse.

Warrior 4 - +1 Str, +1 Spot, +1 Ride, +1 Profession (Soldier)
Fighter 1 - Weapon Focus (Heavy Crossbow), +1 Spot, +1 Ride, +1 Profession (Soldier)

Scout Cavalry Officer
Officer 2/Warrior 2 - STR 10/DEX14/CON12/INT10/WIS10/CHA8 - Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery, Battlecry, Volley Fire (Serjeant/Commander)/Shake it off (Lieutenant/Captain) - Skills: [XXXXXXXXXXXX]

Officer 3: [XXXXXXXX]

Equipment: Light Warhorse, Riding Saddle (25 lbs), Bridle (1 lbs), Saddle bags (8 lbs), Horse Water and Feed (10 lbs), Waterskin and Day's rations (5 lbs) Traveler's Clothing (5 lbs), Mwk Breastplate (30 lbs), Mwk Razor-sharp Lance (10 lbs), Mwk Heavy Crossbow (8 lbs), Mwk Razor-sharp Thinblade (3 lbs), Mwk Razor-sharp Dagger (1 lbs), 40 Razor-sharp bolts (4 lbs). Total: 66 lbs on soldier, 110 lbs of equipment, plus 120 lbs of rider for a total of 230 lbs on the horse.

Warrior 2/Fighter 1 - Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Ride) Flaw: Mounted Warrior - Skills: Ride 6, Spot 6, Profession (Soldier) 6

Equipment: Heavy Warhorse*, Military Saddle, Reinforced Plate Barding (110 lbs), Reinforced Segmented Plate (55 lbs), Mwk Heavy Shield (15 lbs), Mwk Lance (10 lbs), Mwk Razorsharp Thinblade (3 lbs), Mwk Razorsharp Dagger (1 lb.)

*With Heavy Barding, is already heavily encumbered. Can thus carry up to 900 lbs. with no change in encumbrance, so only listing important and steel equipment.

Fighter 2: Con +1, Shield Focus, Ride +1, Spot +1, Profession (Soldier) +1
Fighter 3: Mounted Shield, Ride +1, Spot +1, Profession (Soldier) +1

Lancer Officer
Officer 2/Fighter 2 - Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge, Power Attack, Battlecry, Skill Focus (Ride) Flaw: Mounted Warrior - Skills: [XXXXXXXXX]

Assault Trooper
Unbreakable Fighter 1/Armored Hulk 2 - STR 16 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 10 CHA 8 - Power Attack, Furious Focus, Cleave, Endurance (UF), Diehard (UF) - Reckless Abandon Rage Power - Equipment: Razor Sharp Mercurial Fullblade, Razor Sharp Dagger, Reinforced Segmented Fullplate, Mwk Buckler- Skills: Spot 6, Listen 6, Profession (Soldier) 6, Sense Motive 3, Bonus Language (High Valyrian)

Unbreakable Fighter 2 - DEX +1, Outflank, +1 Spot, +1 Listen, +1 Profession (Soldier)
Armored Hulk 3 - +1 Spot, +1 Listen, +1 Profession (Soldier) +2 Sense Motive

Assault Trooper Serjeant/Commander
Officer 2/Unbreakable Fighter 1/Armored Hulk 1 - STR 16 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 8 - Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Battlecry, Endurance (UF), Diehard (UF), Gang-Up (Officer Teamwork Feat) - Equipment: Razor Sharp Mercurial Fullblade, Razor Sharp Dagger, Reinforced Segmented Fullplate, Mwk Buckler- Skills: [XXXXXXXXXXX]

Unbreakable Fighter 2 - Furious Focus

Assault Trooper Lieutenant/Captain

Marshal 2/Unbreakable Fighter 1/Armored Hulk 1 - STR 16 DEX 10 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 8 - Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Draconic Aura, Endurance (UF), Diehard (UF) - Equipment: Razor Sharp Mercurial Fullblade, Razor Sharp Dagger, Reinforced Segmented Fullplate, Mwk Buckler- Skills: [XXXXXXXXXXX]

Auras: Master of Tactics, Motivate Attack, Draconic Toughness

Unbreakable Fighter 2 - Furious Focus

Basic Assault Trooper - STR 16 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 8 - Warrior 3 - Power Attack, Furious Focus, Cleave - Equipment: Razor Sharp Mercurial Fullblade, Reinforced Fullplate, Mwk Buckler

Veteran Assault Trooper - As basic, two levels in Fighter, take Combat Expertise and Gang Up.
Ooh, the next time we go to Molten Skies we need to capture one of those Living Bronze hounds for Lya to study—after which they're sacrificed, of course.

Constructs with their abilities are literally perfect for the Inquisition. They can smell magic. They're fast as hell. And they're constructs, so they're utterly obedient and tireless.

Specimens can't be easily captured, sure, but at the same time we've vastly outgrown the challenge they present.
@Diomedon I was thinking about the possibility of adding a junior officer in training on the Commander/Serjeant level, as further backup to keep the auras up.

Furthermore, I'm considering cheesing it a slight bit with something that gives a bonus feat just so they can pick up Skill Focus (Soldier) instead of Officer 3. Still considering that.

The freed up points should go to a few nice knowledge skills such as History, Geography, Nobility.

Should probably add horses for anyone Serjeant and up.

Did you consider fullplate barding for those horses? At least for heavy cavalry? What's light equipped with?

I think we have a bit much in terms of logistics people for the quartermaster. The 10th man already handles most of what's necessary, so the quartermaster should only be talking with 8 or so people to handle everything. He doesn't need ten assistants on top of five guards. Those non combatants have to earn their pay.

And most importantly, please swap all instances of "battalion" for "cohort" :V
It's already canon (how Viserys referred to them IC) and aesthetically pleasing!
@Diomedon I was thinking about the possibility of adding a junior officer in training on the Commander/Serjeant level, as further backup to keep the auras up.

Furthermore, I'm considering cheesing it a slight bit with something that gives a bonus feat just so they can pick up Skill Focus (Soldier) instead of Officer 3. Still considering that.

The freed up points should go to a few nice knowledge skills such as History, Geography, Nobility.

Should probably add horses for anyone Serjeant and up.

Did you consider fullplate barding for those horses? At least for heavy cavalry? What's light equipped with?

I think we have a bit much in terms of logistics people for the quartermaster. The 10th man already handles most of what's necessary, so the quartermaster should only be talking with 8 or so people to handle everything. He doesn't need ten assistants on top of five guards. Those non combatants have to earn their pay.

And most importantly, please swap all instances of "battalion" for "cohort" :V
It's already canon (how Viserys referred to them IC) and aesthetically pleasing!

Well, if you redo a build, or add a new sheet in I can work it in. A land midshipman equivalent (young officer learning the ropes) might have a place, though if we're losing that many officers things have probably gotten pretty bad.

Mmmm, officers should have horses, even if I suspect they'll dismount for battle usually. Perks of rank, and everything.

Scout Cavalry is very weight restricted, so no barding (their defense relies more on controlling the distance and the perks to mount defense the feats and skill generally provide). Lancers have fullplate barding for their Heavy Horse.

Fair point about the battalion level quartermaster. I'll put a note to swing back around and look at those numbers again (It's mostly an artifact to hit 100 men evenly, when the name was "century," I think).

It was specifically requested I drop the mishmash of latin and non-latin ranks and unit names. Originally, it was a century and centurion. Battalion derives from "battle" and is the smallest unit with a battle standard in the legion so it makes sense there. Alternatives are platoon (from dutch for small ball) and troop (tracing back to a likely germanic loanword in latin for "flock").
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I've put together another buff tracking spreadsheet, this time for the Tyrosh invasion. It's kind of a lot to take in, but I'm hoping it will let DP track which group enjoy which buffs, if he decides to roll for a lot of small-scale combat. Does it look like I'm missing anything? Still got a few group members to list and it'll be done.

I've also done some revision on the spell loadouts for the prepared casters.
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We brought those wolves and cubs from North with us right? What does a trained wolf template look like?

Also wouldn't be against some Dire Wolves in future if possible since those are just tougher and stronger.
This is seriously cool watching you guys prepare to invade a city with an army and magical support that you've built literally from scratch over the last couple of years, lead by a band of adventurers over level 10-15ish.
At last... its all coming together! I feel as we were all pacing around NASA HQ, looking at the big screen as the descent module begins its short journey to the moon...
[X] Azel
Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Apr 29, 2018 at 11:37 PM, finished with 184998 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan The Show Begins
    -[X] Rhealla is brought up to speed together with Ser Gerold. She can assist him with order and information relaying by using the Brazier.
    -[X] Prerecord a speech on the ravens of each group, which will be given right before the battle proper begins, marked by Viserys leaving the Queen Rhealla as a Red Dragon.
    --[X] Have a Programmed Image prepared on them in advance, to be triggered as the Ravens begin to recite the speech.
    --[X] Speech by Crake, revisions by Azel
    -[X] Due to Magic Army now being available, Viserys will, upon returning from the meeting with the Second Sons, cast it on all Legionnaire groups before going for his scheduled nap on the Bedroll to replenish his spells.
    -[X] Rina will go with Moonsongs group.
    -[X] Should Wylla wish to join the effort, she will either go with them or reinforce the infiltration team of Garin.
    -[X] Should Viserys think it's a good idea, ask Sharra to join the effort. She will get two lesser ravens and a bag of attuned sand to be our liaison with the Second Sond and thus be taken along when Richard and Viserys visit them.
    -[X] Adjust the spell load-outs of all prepared casters:
    --[X] Adjusted load-out by Goldfish
    -[X] Give each of the Legionaries with See Invisibility potions a few small packages of gypsum powder, to be thrown at invisible enemies to mark them.
I imagine the PCs will be standing round when Viserys does the Magic Army spells, if so they will all have those as well.

Yeah, all of our allies will be getting the Magic Army buff, Companions included. The area of effect is so large, it would be difficult not to include them for some reason.