This... Actually worries me. This guy was one of Crazy Dad's courtiers, and he was still a loyalist? What, exactly, is he expecting of us? He SAW what Aerys was like.
He was probably hoping for Rhaegar to make everything better somehow. Probably by kidnapping some harpists and making an orchestra because his dreams said so or something.

DP, what's his level? Roughly?
I suggest retraining him into some kind of Gish (Duskblade?) instead of asking his to get extra wizard levels on top of what he already has.

And I'm so happy that you remembered our cool Dragon statue plan!
This... Actually worries me. This guy was one of Crazy Dad's courtiers, and he was still a loyalist? What, exactly, is he expecting of us? He SAW what Aerys was like.

As long as we're not burning people alive we should be-



As long as we stick to burning the right people alive, such as enemies to humanity and the like, we should be fine.
[X] What manner of sorcery he would wish to study
-[X] Explain some of the abilities of your various companions.

You are not a Charisma Caster.
You are not a Charisma Caster.
You are not a Charisma Caster.

Just in case he gets any idea about imitating our style, I'm 99% certain he'd be absolutly useless at it.
His WIS propably isn't too big either.

I'd make my bet on INT and Duskblade or Magus to go along with it.
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General note on how to handle Aliser Thorne:
- There is no need to rebuff him, just to re-frame his service to the Night Watch as service to us. The second War for Dawn is coming and he of all people knows this is a fact. We will heavily involved in that war, since it's our Empire they will be invading, so by preparing the Night Watch for that fight, he is still serving us. If he trains Legionaries or Crows is ultimately just semantics, when they will stand side by side soon enough.
- Last time we've met, he asked why we haven't conquered Westeros yet. The simple reasons for that are:
-- Amassing more strength to make the victory all the more overwhelming, to prevent our country being ravaged by a prolonged campaign and needlessly bleeding strength right before the Others come.
-- The number of remaining loyalists is small and strengthening our bargaining position means we won't have to grovel before a bunch of turn-coats to make the restoration possible.
[X] What manner of sorcery he would wish to study

You are not a Charisma Caster.
You are not a Charisma Caster.
You are not a Charisma Caster.

Just in case he gets any idea about imitating our style, I'm 99% certain he'd be absolutly useless at it.
His WIS propably isn't too big either.

I'd make my bet on INT and Duskblade or Magus to go along with it.
I'm sure he realizes he's not like us, if only because he has no Valyrian ancestry whatsoever.
[X] What manner of sorcery he would wish to study
-[X] Explain some of the abilities of your various companions.

// So, you've taken the black.
Bad news - you've taken the black!
Good news - winter is coming, as in, now. You really are standing between humanity and oblivion.
Bad news - winter really is coming.
Night's Watch Orientation Pamphlets!

Now if only they recruited more people who know how to read.
"Say, can you read? What with your being a lord's bastard and all."
"... yes?"
"What does it say here in this thing?"
Bad news - you've taken the black!
Good news - winter is coming, as in, now. You really are standing between humanity and oblivion.
Bad news - winter really is coming.
"... reading is overvalued."
"Say, can you read? What with your being a lord's bastard and all."
"... yes?"
"What does it say here in this thing?"
"... reading is overvalued."
Well it could be worse, it could have jewels like:

"This, is a WIGHT, recruit. This living corpses are the foot soldiers of the evil Others. Fear not! For a properly equipped Man of the Watch can easily dispatch dozens of them in melee combat!"

Because if the Imperium of Man can teach you anything it's that the best way to get morale up is to shamelessly lie.
My points about Rina wasn't about her being usefuli (that is, being able to kill monsters and men, and hunt down cultists) but that she needs something constructive, as in, making the world a better place and having a way to spend her time in a manner that is benefiting something outside herself that she can see. Normally, I'd suggest a pet or something, but her haunting makes that unlikely to work out.

Maybe hobbyist gardening? She could talk about it with the Leshy and learn about growing small, hardy plants.
"This, is a WIGHT, recruit. This living corpses are the foot soldiers of the evil Others. Fear not! For a properly equipped Man of the Watch can easily dispatch dozens of them in melee combat!"
Depends on the build I guess.

A level 1 Warrior/4 Fighter with feats optimised for mass-combat and a Greatsword ignoring wight-DR could concievably kill dozens of 1HD zombies with whatever advantages the Other-Wight template may offer.

My points about Rina wasn't about her being usefuli (that is, being able to kill monsters and men, and hunt down cultists) but that she needs something constructive, as in, making the world a better place and having a way to spend her time in a manner that is benefiting something outside herself that she can see. Normally, I'd suggest a pet or something, but her haunting makes that unlikely to work out.

Maybe hobbyist gardening? She could talk about it with the Leshy and learn about growing small, hardy plants.
Restoring haunted houses and cursed people to normal is not nice and constructive?
It's like healing, only for very specific cases.
[X] What manner of sorcery he would wish to study
-[X] Explain some of the abilities of your various companions.
Yep, people talk about Ashara Dayne but I bet Rhaegar had more lords running after his pants than anyone else in the seven kingdoms.

I think that's pretty unfair. While there certainly seemed to be a form of homoerotisim around Rhaegar's close circle ala Top Gun (cough* volleyball scene cough*), to portray all or even most loyalists as Rhaegar drooling fanboys is a disservice. There are plenty of reasons a noble could be a Targeryean loyalist during that time, and even more these days.

I can go into those reasons (Rebellion era and/or present era) if people want, but suffice it to say that there are many many reasons one could have supported the targs while not being a crazed pyromaniac or having romantic fantasies with the crown prince (looking at you JohnCon!).

Btw... a Warcraft discussion where I know what's going on?? No mention of blasted MMORPG lore that destroyed the strategy franchise? What sorcery is this?!

I think Tarrengar is being wildly, wildly optimistoc with his Stratholm plan. All it would have accomplished would have been a panicked riot and doing Mal'Ganis' work for him. Besides, he didn't have time for a gradual, slow purge of the city even if the citizens of Strathome would have had the mental and moral fortitude of Cadian Guardsmen, which they obviously didn't... especially when Mal'Ganis was strutting about the city like a happy peacock with a friggin army in tow, an army certainly bigger than Arthas' by the way.

Arthas' whole presentation of the problem with Stratholme and his plan to solve it was hilariously bad, I'll give you that. It seemed more like a brooding, newly christened emo teenager's tantrum... not that of a battlehardened crown prince who'd spent years living with a bunch of monastic knights.

It was mostly him being handed the idiot ball due to plot purposes.
Vote count.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Apr 24, 2018 at 1:04 PM, finished with 183296 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] What manner of sorcery he would wish to study
    -[X] Explain some of the abilities of your various companions.
    [X] The current troubles and hurdles of the Watch
    [X] What manner of sorcery he would wish to study
    [X] What manner of sorcery he would wish to study
    -[X] Explain some of the abilities of your various companions.
    [X] What manner of sorcery he would wish to study
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So I've, still, been thinking about what to do with Rina;
- Dany doesn't have a Ser Richard, right? Make Rina her Ser Richard.
- Send her off to do things with Glyra and Maelor, whatever they are doing. *Can't be depressed if you're exasperated*

"A Gremlin, a Slouch and the Harbringer of a Wintery Apocalypse. Together they fight crime! "
*80s music starts*
[X] What manner of sorcery he would wish to study
-[X] Explain some of the abilities of your various companions.
All those people following Viserys without spending a feat on Leadership. They really dropped the ball when they made that feat.