Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Stilling the winds of magic would take a lot of power and, if held for too long, could cause nasty side-effects. Something that drove away other winds would be easier, since the Winds by their nature are prone to flow to places attuned to them, so making somewhere specifically not attuned to most Winds of magic would cause them to naturally flow away and give trouble to users of other Winds.

IIRC that's part of what Teclis did with the Colleges to make casting magic of the right Wind much safer and easier inside them, excluded all other Winds from the premises.

Along with hooking them into the Waystone network so that there'd always be plenty of the right kind of Wind, and doing something to smooth the flow of the Wind to avoid the sudden surges and eddies that tend to trigger miscasts.
[X] Yes
-[X] A Talisman
-[X] Protection/Antimagic
-[X] 15 Favors

Kragg the Grim is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so we should use many favors.

I'm flexible on the nature of the item.

Antimagic is his specialty, so that's a good idea.

[X] For the sake of your curiousity, sit in onsome of the meetings betweenthe two Kings.
[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
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[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection
-[X] 15 favors

[X] Have them help you teach your fast-growing familiar simple commands.
[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] Ask him to teach Johann to Dispel.
@BoneyM I think I know why I come over as pushy and minmaxy after interaction actions some times.
When we vote for doing something with a plan and goal we get one or more scenes coupled with a few visible rolls and some clearly tangible end result with consequences. When we vote for meeting someone we often get a single (beautifully crafted) scene with a few sentences of (flavorful) dialogue, and outside of the story post an update on Dramatis Personae sometimes.
I don't know how many hidden diplomacy rolls are involved or what bonuses we give to the actions of the person we interacted with (you mentioned something like that back in Stirland but that was related to one month action) but in the main post itself little of those tangible results is visible.
Look at the King Belegar section for instance. Spending an action with him seems to in story have let to a single campfire chat of a couple of minutes, with whatever close work we did over a couple of days with him being abstracted away. If we go to a different page we see that this got us the knowledge of one of his fancy titles and that he has some trait that does some thing. (I also miss the fancy opinion meters but it might just be early for those and they aren't really important to what I'm saying anyway).
Compared to the contribution we could have done (or the screw up we could have caused) by helping with one of the various requests it just feels... lacking in return for the action investment I guess. With the result that it makes me reluctant of voting for the interaction votes in a game with real stakes and lofty but obtainable goals.
Right now my curiosity at seeing your well crafted characters makes me want to see at least some characters at least once, but I have difficulty coming up for a reason for a second social visit with any of them, especially when so many of them have the option of being helped with a specific task instead, which will also lead to you using your creative writing genius to give life to them just the same.

Sorry for the criticism. I tried to make it clear that it isn't about your writing and story telling skills, but due to what I feel like a shortage in conveyance of the incentives behind a certain type of game mechanics. Because your writing has been and remains superb, to the point that I'm still amazed that this is your first publicly available piece of work.
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The Knight Witch Hunts 1: Beastmen, Goblins and Orcs, Oh My
Back cover blurb on a lightly-chewed copy of The Knight Witch Hunts 1: Beastmen, Goblins and Orcs, Oh My.

For her service, MAGDA WESSEN, talented WIZARD has graduated as the Empires youngest GREY MAGISTER, but still she guards her heart. The DARK PLOT that slew her Master in The Witch and her Hunter 1: Murder Most Foul (available from all good book sellers) has been revealed, but it's DEPREDATIONS extended further than Magda could have ever imagined, into the IMPERIAL PALACE itself- with TRAGIC and UNSPEAKABLE consequences!

With unrest rising across the Empire, Magda foresees dark times ahead, while her enemies- JEALOUS of her talent- manoeuvre the prominent KNIGHT-WIZARD into leading a band of Journeymen, including the precocious young Jade Wizard potionmaker CONSTANCE BREW (YA series available now!) on a PERILOUS mission deep into the WORLDS EDGE MOUNTAINS. But first, a dangerous journey through the BORDER PRINCES and BADLANDS awaits...

Will Magda's PURE HEART, SHADOW MAGIC and SWORD be enough to overcome the hordes of GREENSKINS and BEASTMEN and protect those she cares about? What DARK DEEDS will be done in the Empire while it's BRAVEST PROTECTOR is in the distant Worlds Edge Mountains? And can ANYONE take up the challenge of replacing Magda's LOST LOVE and opening her heart once more?

Author: Stabreim Knochenbeinern
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[X] Barak Varr is one of the greatest centers of trade in the world. Spend some time browsing to see if you find anything interesting.
[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] Test their skills in battle by sparring with them.
[X] Ask him to teach Johann to Dispel.
[X] Marksman Codrin Petrescu

-[X] 15 favors
-[X] 14 favors
-[X] 13 favors
-[X] 12 favors
-[X] 11 favors

-[X] Channeling/Antimagic
-[X] Protection/Antimagic
-[X] Anti magic
-[X] Channeling/Killy
-[X] Channeling/Protection

-[X] Greatsword

Sorry for double posting but this really didn't fit with the previous one. Why doesn't this thread move fast when I need it to? Edit: Saved by Alliterate.

Speaking of:
And can ANYONE take up the challenge of replacing Magda's LOST LOVE and opening her heart once more?
It's settled then. Let the shipping begin. Current options to my liking: Panoramia, one (or more) of the two Golden Boys, and Petrescu of course (what do you mean I don't even know who he is? He's a male from Stirvania and of the correct species to boot!)
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[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection
-[X] 15 favors

[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.

[X] For the sake of your curiousity, sit in onsome of the meetings betweenthe two Kings.

[X] Test their skills in battle by sparringwiththem.

[X] Marksman Codrin Petrescu
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[X] For the sake of your curiousity, sit in onsome of the meetings betweenthe two Kings.
To everyone voting for this, keep in mind that when a Dwarf King negotiates with another Dwarf King they are very unlikely to speak Reikspiel, even less likely to speak Elven and completely unlikely to speak the human-elf bastard tongue that is Magick (though it could be interpreted as an ironic insult to their ancestral foes I guess).
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We are speaking about talisman, and while Dwarves are incredible at that things, external tool have inherent limitations. Such as lack of precision. Lack of range. Antimagic being more of a field rather than anything possible to shape into projectile. For example, I fully expect antimagic to shot down all spells Mathilde have on at the moment. Shadowsteed? Puff. Aethyric Armour? Puff. And what's more - she cannot cast magic when effect is in play.

You can take it as a given that a gift they make for a wizard won't get in the way of being a wizard.

I cast Word of QM.
*Rolls dice*
Oh my, that's a lot of sixes.
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[X] Yes
-[X] Banner
-[X] Protection
-[X] 18 Favors

I think @DarkLight140 made an excellent argument for the merits of a high cost Protection based runic item, and I think the Talisman option will carry the day, but I'm intrigued by the idea of a Banner. As I understand it, a Banner spreads it's benefits over a unit rather than an individual. Mathilde could very well end up playing bullet magnet when she gets into the massive battles we'll be sure to find at K8P, but she likely won't be alone. If she's going to be drawing a lot of fire, I'd want to extend protection to those fighting with her. Partly because I want to save more of our fellow soldiers, partly because I don't want Mathilde to be the last one standing in her unit only to get swamped by a horde of greenskins.

A Banner would be less versatile than a Talisman, especially if Matty ends up on scouting/skulking detail. Additionally, a great big flag pointing out where the tiny shadowmancer is seems counter-intuitive. But that does sound like something Matty'd get up to. Plus it might be fun to have a Banner pointing out to the world that The Grey Wizard is Here, and then never actually never be anywhere near it. Classic misdirection!

Also, we'd have to hire a Banner waver, so that means Mathilde gets a new friend!

And for the rest of my vote:

[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
[X] Have them help you teach your fast-growing familiar simple commands.
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
[X] Dwarf technology may be off limits, but the technology of other races are not and there could be all sorts of useful gadgets coming in from overseas. See if you can pick anything useful up with him from the vast markets of Barak Varr.

The chances for pumping up the Throng's numbers are dwindling down, so I wanna try for some more Mercs; doing well here could mean a plus to Dorf Rep if anyone's persuaded by that.

As far as I'm concerned, actions for the pupper are mandatory. Plus we'd get to spend time with our Amber Wizards, so that's nice.

And I'd hoped there'd be an opportunity for shopping, so I'm taking the two actions that combine it with helping out our Journeymanlings. I'm not voting for personal shopping, because I don't think there's anything in particular Mathilde needs at the moment (though half the fun is seeing what she could find) and I decided to try to limit myself to the five allowed actions rather than do approval voting (we'll share a pie next turn Mr. Muggins, I swear it!).

Speaking of, I've noticed that lots of people aren't making full use of their votes; remember, counting the runic item, the QM is taking the top 5 actions this turn.

So feel free to vote for more stuff!
[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection
-[X] 15 favors
[X] For the sake of your curiousity, sit in onsome of the meetings betweenthe two Kings.
[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
[X] Have them help you teach your fast-growing familiar simple commands.
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
[X] Dwarf technology may be off limits, but the technology of other races are not and there could be all sorts of useful gadgets coming in from overseas. See if you can pick anything useful up with him from the vast markets of Barak Varr.
[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] Dwarf technology may be off limits, but the technology of other races are not and there could be all sorts of useful gadgets coming in from overseas. See if you can pick anything useful up with him from the vast markets of Barak Varr.
[X] Ask him to teach Johann to Dispel.
[X] You've heard that greatswords and greataxes are very similar in the way they're used, and you happen to be surrounded by experts in the art of the axe. Learn how to use one.
[X] For the sake of your curiousity, sit in on some of the meetings between the two Kings.
[X] Barak Varr is one of the greatest centers of trade in the world. Spend some time browsing to see if you find anything interesting.
[X] Yes
-[X] Banner
-[X] Protection
-[X] 18 Favors
I like this idea
So what's Constance Vigilants' Young Adult series titled?

Constance Brew
speaks to me. Hmm. The publisher might just insist on renaming her such.

Constance Brew and the Fell Dead Wood

The Constance Brew Phials.
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So what's Constance Vigilants' Young Adult series titled?

Constance Brew
speaks to me.
I was thinking either Home Brewed (Major implication of her brewing talent, representing the skill that makes her special which'll be important in the climax, minor implication of it being a family thing and her being a family girl and stuff), or Seeds of Doubt (Romance/mystery thriller, somebody goes bad in the Jade college and she has to figure out who, but it's probably one of her love interests. It turns out to be the nice one's sister framing her brother).

But then, those are more like individual book titles.
[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection
-[X] 15 favors
[X] Barak Varr is one of the greatest centers of trade in the world. Spend some time browsing to see if you find anything interesting.
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
[X] Dwarf technology may be off limits, but the technology of other races are not and there could be all sorts of useful gadgets coming in from overseas. See if you can pick anything useful up with him from the vast markets of Barak Varr.

An opportunity like this is never coming around again. Further, our own Ulgu enchantments seem likely to produce better offensive enchantments than defensive ones, unless we can get some sort of selective phasing craziness. Besides, we're on a mission to reclaim a lost Dwarfhold. Not just any Dwarfhold, but the Queen of the Silver Depths, the hold with the largest mining network in the entire Karaz Ankor, a Hold so rich it rivaled Karaz-a-Karak at its peak. If this goes well, we'll have more dwarf favors than we know what to do with and a badass defensive amulet. If it doesn't, we'll probably need the amulet to walk away from the results.

As for the other options, I like shopping, and we could always use more men. The odds may be absolutely ludicrous, but I'm willing to try for Asarnil 2: Karak Boogaloo. How does a dragonrider fight inside a mountain, anyway?
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I was thinking either Home Brewed (Major implication of her brewing talent, representing the skill that makes her special which'll be important in the climax, minor implication of it being a family thing and her being a family girl and stuff), or Seeds of Doubt (Romance/mystery thriller, somebody goes bad in the Jade college and she has to figure out who, but it's probably one of her love interests. It turns out to be the nice one's sister framing her brother).

But then, those are more like individual book titles.
Seeds of Doubt is a great individual book title.

Constance Brews Phials 4: Seeds of Doubt
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To everyone voting for this, keep in mind that when a Dwarf King negotiates with another Dwarf King they are very unlikely to speak Reikspiel, even less likely to speak Elven and completely unlikely to speak the human-elf bastard tongue that is Magick (though it could be interpreted as an ironic insult to their ancestral foes I guess).
Unless these are general War Council meetings with Umgi present, I think you're right.
To everyone voting for this, you know that when a Dwarf King negotiates with another Dwarf King they are very unlikely to speak Reikspiel, even less likely to speak Elven and completely unlikely to speak the human-elf bastard tongue that is Magick (though it could be interpreted as an ironic insult to their ancestral foes I guess).
Off the top of my head there are several ways this, and given it is a campaign action it seems safe to assume there is at worst only a chance that an action is wasted, which is true for every action.

1) Grey Wizards are noted to required to learn 3 somewhat distinct languages in addition to Reikspeil. So it might offer a chance of picking up a smattering of their dialect that can be built upon as the campaign progresses, and this would be invaluable when wandering through a location where despite being a ruin everything will still be written in dwarvish. Just act Grey Wizardish if we ever need to use when other people are present, and they'll write it off as magic. Because a few of the priests dedicated to Sigmar have a proficiency with their language, and the dwarves don't take issue with it so long as the knowledge doesn't become widespread, which would endanger their secrets.

2) If Mathilde's dwarf rep isn't high enough they'll speak in the common tongue.

3) Most important of all if the negotiations go poorly Mathilde will be present to offer King Belegar counsel over how to handle the problems, and that is how you build bridges with people. Because he is at a crossroads, and I'd like him to become a King that embodies the best of what his people so that when he joins his forefathers he'll be an example that tradition has its place, but it isn't everything.

4) Grey Wizards are supposed to serve as mediators, and depending on the character of the King of Barak Varr taking up this task might be a necessary task even with a average diplomacy stat. Because without Barak Varr being willing to escort supplies retaking Karak Eight Peaks becomes a lot more difficult.
[X] For the sake of your curiousity, sit in on some of the meetings between the two Kings.
[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
[X] The Black Lotus is a valuable trade good for those that encounter large and terrible beasts. Assist her in growing and selling some while you're here.
[X] Dwarf technology may be off limits, but the technology of other races are not and there could be all sorts of useful gadgets coming in from overseas. See if you can pick anything useful up with himfrom the vast markets of Barak Varr.
As for the other options, I like shopping, and we could always use more men. The odds may be absolutely ludicrous, but I'm willing to try for Asarnil 2: Karak Boogaloo. How does a dragonrider fight inside a mountain, anyway?

Even if Asarnil's not around, Mathilde could send a letter from Barak Varr, and a good roll on looking for Mercs could result in the guy swooping in after a few weeks.

As for how a dragon rider would contribute, as I understand it, there is an above-ground city nestled between the eponymous eight mountain peaks, which would presumably be vulnerable to an aerial strike. But I think his greatest utility would be to roast all the greenskins that will start streaming in from the surrounding Badlands looking for a good fight.
[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection
-[X] 15 favors

[X] Have them help you teach your fast-growing familiar simple commands.
[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] Ask him to teach Johann to Dispel.
[X] Master Runelord Kragg the Grim (?)
Even if Asarnil's not around, Mathilde could send a letter from Barak Varr, and a good roll on looking for Mercs could result in the guy swooping in after a few weeks.

As for how a dragon rider would contribute, as I understand it, there is an above-ground city nestled between the eponymous eight mountain peaks, which would presumably be vulnerable to an aerial strike. But I think his greatest utility would be to roast all the greenskins that will start streaming in from the surrounding Badlands looking for a good fight.
Also if for whatever reason orcs didn't come looking for a good fight there should be parts of Karak Eight peaks that are large enough to fit a dragon, and dragonfire should be well suited for clearing tunnels... whether, or not it is prudent to use it after generations of the forces of destruction making a mess of the place is another matter.
Voting is open