[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] UPM (0.9x)
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Volitarn (0.8x)
[X] [Exile] Isolated island (1.5x)

You don't give the charismatic leader the ability to talk to people. You isolate him Andy let him live out his days in ignominy. There was a reason they did this to Napoleon. It's a pretty decent solution, all things considered.

At this point, sending him to the budding UPM would be bad. We don't want that sort of unifying influence to be present there. Assuming the domestic politics of the UPM is similar to the USA at this point, 'Haxia ('Merica) won't be relevant for quite some time due to internal squabbling and massively (internally) powerful provinces. We have a good half century (assuming no other disruptions) before a civil war either tears them apart or welds the remnants together. Things generally seem to be following the same script over there. Generally. Though I don't recall any sort of war on the pacific coast between the Spanish and the Russians or English.

@Academia Nut is the UPM practicing slavery in the same manner as the USA did at this point?
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[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Volitarn (0.8x)
That does make me nervous. Including the Transportation Development, it means we only have 6 Political Will to work with on the treaty...and that is if nothing else needs attention.

Wait, what treaty? I'm pretty sure the treaty is already happening right now, that's why we're voting on what to do with Hohozyn.
Strong NotUSA would be enemies with our enemies (Sketch, Nohon); and enemy of our enemy should be our friend.
Adhoc vote count started by liberty90 on Mar 18, 2018 at 3:18 AM, finished with 4611 posts and 21 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by liberty90 on Mar 18, 2018 at 8:09 AM, finished with 4679 posts and 49 votes.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)
  1. Send Advisors to Khem
  2. Send Faron to Khem
  3. ???
  4. Profit
More seriously, this lets us keep tabs on him while propping up an ally. Obviously we'll need to stay on their good side doing this, but it's an interesting synergy.
That does make me nervous. Including the Transportation Development, it means we only have 6 Political Will to work with on the treaty...and that is if nothing else needs attention.
7 PW, since we have +1 during midturn, but I am very against Transport infrastructure this turn. If we have 1 free PW, it should be spent on a diplomacy with the one of the duchies.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] Khemetri (0.8x)

Yeah, alright, let's see where this takes us.
7 PW, since we have +1 during midturn, but I am very against Transport infrastructure this turn. If we have 1 free PW, it should be spent on a diplomacy with the one of the duchies.
And I am very much against not taking it. Having our hinterlands untouched is killing our science and happiness stats.
Honestly, we should be saving all of our PW for crushing the Guilds in the Constitutional Convention.
Strong NotUSA would be enemies with our enemies (Sketch, Nohon); and enemy of our enemy should be our friend.
Thats a ridiculous logical fallacy borne out of literary drama. Just because their enemies are ours, doesn't make them friends. The UPM are not our friends for very good reasons, in particular because our entire governmental system and ideology runs in opposition to theirs. Why you think Faron likes us I don't know, but sending Faron there would unify them under him and set them further against us.

Unifying the not!USA this early is a bad thing.
So a couple of highlights:
Like... Poetyr was still working out if he should erect a monument to the Wyrmyn, since as much as he didn't want a rallying banner for future generations he had too much respect for the tough, foolish bastards he had fought to not consider the idea.
The monument is actually a good idea in some ways, if we erect it we get to set the tone of how the war will be remembered...at the expense of making sure it'd never be forgotten. An important part of a successful conquest is making sure that you invest in so they don't have such strong forces pushing them to break off after all.
While in the past this had been literal fighting, for the past two hundred years a single house - the Naga - had dominated all others through a wide variety of means. One of these was shipping rivals and troublemakers off to foreign lands, while also giving over control of these colonies to loyalists who were given wide latitude to extract the resources they wanted from them. Knowing what he knew about the mundanities of the Black Sheep Royal Harem in comparison to the lurid tales Poetyr knew that the tales coming out of the Nohon colonies about lords notably only for their loyalty to the Attendant, lack of ambition, and collections of exotic women had to be exaggerations, but also had to have started from somewhere.
And here, the colonies are basically stuffed full of dissents ruled by distant lords. Its a gunpowder keg waiting to blow...well if only we had the transportation to GET there
The most significant piece of information however was that the Nohon Empire was at war with New Hespranxia over territory on the west coast of the Mahaxian continent. While Hespranxia had much shorter supply lines and superior numbers as they were drawing from some actual urban centers, the Nohon had naval superiority and the terrain was really hard to push through except along strips of coastal land that were vulnerable to raiding. Overall the conflict was mostly being used as a way for the Hespranxia to rally their uncertain people against a common and nearby enemy, while the Nohon appeared to be using the situation as a way to send their most annoyingly ambitious troublemakers off to be shot. While it was obvious that while the Nohon were not interested in ceding territory, they also were putting little effort into gaining territory on the other side of the planet, so the war was a long term stalemate. It would likely end once the Hespranxia got tired, which could be any time now.
And here, we discovered the Nohon claim on Mahaxia is more or less ideal for us. Just enough to keep everyone distracted from what we're doing.
Best not to tip the balance there.
He had allowed the precision guilds to dissolve and reform as crown corporations, swapping and selling various assets to form the Redshore-Kyberi Precision Works, Greatvalley Naval Supply, and Trelli Arsenal. While they were just getting started, the guilds had responded from going from street fights, riots, and the occasional back alley knifing to openly exchanging fire with the new corporation in the streets. Thank the Divine that the majority of the army could be called back from the west to sit on these insurrections, but it was still a tremendous problem to have such a blatant display of rebellion against his rule. At least the insane liberals tended to be against the guilds and thus were his somewhat mutually weirded out allies in this. General insurrection was unlikely (for now), but these problems were going to be sapping his attention when he really had better things to do with his time and energy.
And HERE...we have the liberals siding with the Crown. We have some opportunities for Constitutional adjustments if we start it next turn, because the Guilds are digging themselves a deeper hole by giving us the excuse to discipline them and further reduce their power.

...also its kind of dumb to go into a bloody shooting war with the arms manufacturers...

Supreme Power
1. Kingdom of Sketch (111 Prestige; Armies: Small But Professional Plus Local Mercenaries, Economy: Most Industrial, Navy: World Class, Culture: Rough But Serviceable)

Great Powers
2. Hung Empire (100 Prestige; Armies: Endless?, Economy: Bottomless?, Navy: Junks, Culture: Sophisticated)

The Hung have lost their crown. The Nohon may seek to renegotiate their relationship by force soon, which is an opportunity for us I think.
3. Ymaryn-Gylruv Dual Monarch (89 Prestige; Army: Massive, Economy: Falling Behind, Navy: Present, Culture: Sophisticated) - Players
4. Constitutional Kingdom of Hespranxer (72 Prestige; Armies: Tired but Repairing, Economy: Shaky, Navy: World Class, Culture: Magnificent)
5. Kielmyr Triple Crown (57 Prestige; Armies: Small But Professional, Economy: Rapidly Changing, Navy: Impressive, Culture: Impressive)
6. Black Sheep Empire (51 Prestige; Armies: Massive, Economy: Significant, Navy: Present, Culture: Sophisticated)
7. Kingdom of Vortuga (45 Prestige; Armies: Exhausted, Economy: [Screams Externally], Navy: World Class But Fire Saled, Culture: Impressive)
8. United Provinces of Mahaxia (40 Prestige)
We're up to 3rd!
Highly volatile here, the Black Sheep are dropping fast due to our Prestige suction on them, but their reformed military would see them in good stead later on.
The Vortuga...well, they'e fucked and moving on momentum at present.
Kingdom of Ochruhr (Should be GP, 10 Prestige)
And I am very much against not taking it. Having our hinterlands untouched is killing our science and happiness stats.
Sure, but it's not a critical solve now problem. I would like to take turn after that, when we have PW to spend and probably a higher IC cap, but if we do nothing, Tortun republic will reunite in no time.
so I have an idea, could we help tortun reunify? hear me out, they are going to be a headache that we're not really going to be able to solve long-term via force of arms, but if we make a point of allying with them? or at least end up close enough allies that we settle things with deals rather than wars? then we'd have a fairly secure flank. A hand in setting up the alliances would be a good way to get good will to us ground into their culture from the word go.

Not sure how well our interests would compete or align, but a nonaggression treaty with them would be amazing.
[X] [Advisors] Yes - Gain +3 Prestige immediately, gain another iteration of the Sending Advisors effect (-1 Armies, +1 SoL, prestige transfers)
[X] [Exile] UPM (0.9x)
I'll be voting to expand our transportation infrastructure. It's too good of an opportunity for painless expenditure of temp IC. And I'm not particularly concerned about a rapid reunification of the Tortuns, though this may be a case of the Bystander Effect.
Honestly, we should be saving all of our PW for crushing the Guilds in the Constitutional Convention.
My initial point was, that even then, it would not have been enough. 7 is rather low to go into it.
Sure, but it's not a critical solve now problem. I would like to take turn after that, when we have PW to spend and probably a higher IC cap, but if we do nothing, Tortun republic will reunite in no time.
The thing is that it takes a lot of time to regrow our Industrial Capacity after we spend it. Even with the expanded Capacity if we can get it immediately would not lead to a sudden 6. We need to work on it soonest.

And this all ignores the other thing I brought up that this is an AN quest. Something will always pop up :/