With the 'split & grab' Tortun [Peace] outcome having a sizeable lead there is something else I'm interested to hear opinions on: A long-term evaluation of our alliance with the Kielmyr.
This peace will return the Tortun-inhabited Baltic coast to the Kielmyr. When the Tortun inevitably reunite our allies will be unable to hold this without our assistance. If we side with them on this issue, we will surely provoke the ire of the Tortun, the only land based forced in Syffryn capable of threatening us. I, like many others in this threat, would prefer to stay on good terms with a united Tortun. So either straight up ally them. Or, aim for the more Bismarckian route of negotiating clear spheres of influences, maybe coupled with something like the Reinsurance Treaty, to avoid being dragged into a war against each other by alliance systems.
Should we prove unable to solve the tensions between our current ally and this rising power the Kielmyr could prove the People's Austria-Hungary.
The second important foreign power, when talking in relation to our alliance with the Kielmyr, are the Sketch. Sooner or later we will 'clash' with them. Whether this happens contest takes the form of the 19th century Great Game or the 20th Cold War / Decolonisation. If we intent to keep strengthening the Hung, Black Sheep and Khemetri, we will find ourselves rivaled by the Sketch pretty quickly. The Kielmyr have 'great personal relations with the Sketch' it is doubtful that we could count on their support in a conflict with the Sketch. On one hand that means the serve as a nice buffer state between us and the Sketch. But, on the other hand this means our shortest route to harming the Sketch become unviable. Meanwhile, with their massive navy, the Sketch can project more strength around the whole globe (e.g.: Newport or a future Pacific base could fall before the Patriarch can respond) than we can. At least until the advent and propagation of railways.
At the same time we can be sure that the Sketch will try to make the Tortun their 'Sword on the Continent'.
In conclusion: With the Kielmyr on our side, the Tortun are more likely than not going to be members in any alliance block that opposes us. Personally, I think we should try to solve the issues between these two powers. If in ~20-30 years there is no solution in sight, then we should be ready to drop the Kielmyr.
IMO our highest foreign policy priority should be to avoid massive Ymaryn-Tortun land-based wars, equivalent to WW1 & 2, which in the long-term crippled both of our real life counterparts rise to prominence in favor of others.