Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Veekie, you um, you appear to be voting to send the Watch directly to the place we just barely wrested from the hands of the vampires using an army of 30,000+

That's not a job for a few dozen Watchmen.

Also yes, trying to put the God of Peasant Uprisings in charge of the Watch. The vote even bookends with 'It's worth a shot, right?' which almost certainly means it isn't, just like investigating the blood spring after the fact wasn't.

EDIT: Also also, voting to Practice Diplomacy. I'm aware we need more of it, but it's not like we've been working on our Diplomacy in the turn prior to this, which seems to be how you get multiple stat gains out of a Practice vote.
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As for scraping out the treasury...its plain grand larceny, and problematic to explain if we're hauled up.
I queston the very idea this would be noticed and someone would haul us up, right now we are basicaly the law on the province and the only gray mage, so in the end is just money.
or the EIC ceasing payment to the treasury?
Aparently be making so there was never a debt to begin with.
but how do we even justify having that much money on hand
Emergency fund ? Enchanting supplies ? We have a lot of debt that needs paying?
And that is ust from the top of my head.
Emergency fund ? Enchanting supplies ? We have a lot of debt that needs paying?
And that is ust from the top of my head.
In order.
1. We already have an emergency fund. (Well... personal funds that act as emergency funds due to lack of notable expenses)
2. We already bought enchanting supplies and have set up an enchanting workshop (or can set one up). We don't actually need to spend money on this. (At least right now)
3. Paying debts (at least to the College) with money that we have not tithed on (such as money gotten through fraud) is monumentally stupid. Also, paying tithes on money acquired through fraud (or other illicit means) is also monumentally stupid.
The relevant quotes:
If you're okay with revealing to the College that you have an additional source of wealth, one you haven't been paying your tithe on, sure.
And in case anyone's going to ask: no, I didn't even give you the option to pay tithe on your embezzlement because that would be very very stupid.
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1. We already have an emergency fund.
And how is this part of the gold pile diferent from that part of the gold pile again ?

2. We already bought enchanting supplies and have set up an enchanting workshop (or can set one up). We don't actually need to spend money on this.
Lets be honest there, we can never know when that is going to need replacement, because magic cause explosions all the time, but we could also metion the need to excavate the rest of our home, or to build a library, seriously we aren't lacking for expensive research costs.

3. Paying debts (at least to the College) with money that we have not tithed on (such as money gotten through fraud) is monumentally stupid, as mentioned by BoneyM earlier in this quest when it came up. Also, paying tithes on money acquired through fraud (or other illicit means) is also monumentally stupid.
Honesty I expect we will pay tithe on the land since outside of the contracts backdatin to before the purge everthing else is going to be legal and so there will be o need to hide.
Intel 1/1
Watch 1/1
Personal 5/5
Overwork 0/2
Blessing 1/1
Social 1/1
[X] Plan Protector Of Stirland
-[X][Intel] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.
-[X][Watch] Expand the Watch into a new county or barony (choose which) (No Budgetary Impact due to expanded Gong Farming)
--[X] Drakenhof
-[X][Free] Abelhelm left you with a list of notarized names. Pass them on to your Master and let the fireworks fly. (does not take an action)
-[X][Personal] As above, but insist on being a part of whatever happens.
-[X][Free] It may be a moot point, but you can still send off the entirety of information gathered on undead types in Sylvania to your string-pullers. (does not take an action)
-[X][Free] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
-[X][Personal] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner.
-[X][Personal] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
--[X] Martial
-[X][Personal] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
--[X] Diplomacy
-[X][Personal] Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
--[X] Ranald is the God of Thieves, yes, but he's also the God of protecting the common folk. It's worth a shot, right?
---[X] Ranald's Blessing
-[X][Social] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (does not take an action)
--[X] Kasmir

Trying for Ranald in the watch seems like a bit of a stretch, I'd like this plan much more if you swapped Ranald for Grungni and put the blessing on investigating the blackmail. Other than that I like this plan although I wouldn't mind swapping training diplomacy for a magic action.

Also I'd like it if the watch action was swapped for saltpeter production. Not only do we want to do that now for the budget benefits but currently our military is sitting on Drakenhof which means we don't have any rush to bring our watch there quite yet.

Also I'd prefer to spend time with Anton rather than Kasmir. I don't hate Kasmir or anything, it's just I don't want to spend time with him right now after his major failure.

... Yeah I just realized I swapped like half your actions just now.

[X] Plan Improving Mathilde and the Watch
-[X][Intel] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.
-[X] Set up saltpeter production facilities using headhunted experts from Nuln. (-2 Budget Points) (NEW)
-[X][Free] Abelhelm left you with a list of notarized names. Pass them on to your Master and let the fireworks fly. (does not take an action)
-[X][Personal] As above, but insist on being a part of whatever happens.
--[X] Ranald's Blessing
-[X][Free] It may be a moot point, but you can still send off the entirety of information gathered on undead types in Sylvania to your string-pullers. (does not take an action)
-[X][Free] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
-[X][Personal] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner.
-[X][Personal] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
--[X] Martial
-[X][Personal] Learn magic, but flip a coin and trust in Ranald for which magic to learn
--[X] If heads Read the Liber Mortis. (NEW)
--[X] If tails Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
--[X] If other Your experience with the so-called Fog of War has given you a lot of ideas for new applications of Ulgu. (NEW)
-[X][Personal] Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
--[X] Grungni, the principal Dwarf Ancestor God, actually has some following among the Stirlandian populace - and he is their Lawgiver to boot. Bring in a few priests to make it happen. (-1 Dwarf Favour)
-[X][Social] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (does not take an action)
--[X] Anton

Anyway this plan is pretty simple, it mostly focuses on self improvement and also getting a better budget for the watch. The most important action here is investigating the blackmail which I've put the blessing on.

I'd be easily convinced for swapping the magic action to a different magic action such as learning a new spell if there's a decent argument for it. But I see some pretty impressive potential gains in studying the Liber Mortis just like how we got some pretty good gains with reading our last interesting magic book.

On other voting options:

I don't see much point in heading to the Elector's meet. Mathilde's a woman, a wizard, a former peasant and has no real contacts outside Stirland and Altdorf so her influence is going to be limited and with her low diplomacy score might actually backfire.

While stealing appropriating a bunch of land and selling it is tempting we don't really need the lump sum of gold, the increased operation expenses we can get with our other actions would be more beneficial and less skeevy.

As amusing as having Verena as the official god of the watch would be when it's secretly run by Ranald worshipers, it seems like the sort of thing that would probably end up with buildings on fire and losing our hat. Also bringing in Grungni seems particularly awesome since it would make our soon to be introduced dwarf investigator feel more at home.
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Trying for Ranald in the watch seems like a bit of a stretch, I'd like this plan much more if you swapped Ranald for Grungni and put the blessing on investigating the blackmail. Other than that I like this plan although I wouldn't mind swapping training diplomacy for a magic action.

Also I'd like it if the watch action was swapped for saltpeter production. Not only do we want to do that now for the budget benefits but currently our military is sitting on Drakenhof which means we don't have any rush to bring our watch there quite yet.

Also I'd prefer to spend time with Anton rather than Kasmir. I don't hate Kasmir or anything, it's just I don't want to spend time with him right now after his major failure.

... Yeah I just realized I swapped like half your actions just now.

[X] Plan Improving Mathilde and the Watch
-[X][Intel] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.
-[X] Set up saltpeter production facilities using headhunted experts from Nuln. (-2 Budget Points) (NEW)
-[X][Free] Abelhelm left you with a list of notarized names. Pass them on to your Master and let the fireworks fly. (does not take an action)
-[X][Personal] As above, but insist on being a part of whatever happens.
--[X] Ranald's Blessing
-[X][Free] It may be a moot point, but you can still send off the entirety of information gathered on undead types in Sylvania to your string-pullers. (does not take an action)
-[X][Free] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
-[X][Personal] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner.
-[X][Personal] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
--[X] Martial
-[X][Personal] Read the Liber Mortis. (NEW)
-[X][Personal] Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
--[X] Grungni, the principal Dwarf Ancestor God, actually has some following among the Stirlandian populace - and he is their Lawgiver to boot. Bring in a few priests to make it happen. (-1 Dwarf Favour)
-[X][Social] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (does not take an action)
--[X] Anton

Anyway this plan is pretty simple, it mostly focuses on self improvement and also getting a better budget for the watch. The most important action here is investigating the blackmail which I've put the blessing on.

I'd be easily convinced for swapping the magic action to a different magic action such as learning a new spell if there's a decent argument for it. But I see some pretty impressive potential gains in studying the Liber Mortis just like how we got some pretty good gains with reading our last interesting magic book.

On other voting options:

I don't see much point in heading to the Elector's meet. Mathilde's a woman, a wizard, a former peasant and has no real contacts outside Stirland and Altdorf so her influence is going to be limited and with her low diplomacy score might actually backfire.

While stealing appropriating a bunch of land and selling it is tempting we don't really need the lump sum of gold, the increased operation expenses we can get with our other actions would be more beneficial and less skeevy.

As amusing as having Verena as the official god of the watch would be when it's secretly run by Ranald worshipers, it seems like the sort of thing that would probably end up with buildings on fire and losing our hat. Also bringing in Grungni seems particularly awesome since it would make our soon to be introduced dwarf investigator feel more at home.
If you want to do Magic Stuff, do Fog of War while it's fresh. We can at least discuss that before the Magister promotion panel, unlike a forbidden book of Nevromancy.
[X] Plan What We Do In The Lack of Official Oversight
-[X] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.
-[X] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area. (-1 Budget Point)
-[X] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned.
--[X] Diplomacy
--[X] Martial (Overwork)
-[X] Abelhelm left you with a list of notarized names. Pass them on to your Master and let the fireworks fly.
--[X] As above, but insist on being a part of whatever happens.
--[X] Ranald's Blessing
-[X] Attend the Elector's Meet yourself, to take any opportunity that arises to manipulate events in your favour.
-[X] Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
--[X] Set up saltpeter production facilities and call in favours to bring a dwarvern expert in. (-1 Budget Point, -2 Dwarf Favours)
-[X] Thieves Guild: It's currently little more than a church group, albeit of a very unconventional god. If it could be expanded under your aegis, it could be a powerful tool.
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] Free Time: Kasmir
--[X] Buy out half of Markus' shares in the EIC. (does not take an action; increases your debt to Stirland)
--[X] It may be a moot point, but you can still send off the entirety of information gathered on undead types in Sylvania to your string-pullers. (does not take an action)

Special Branch so we don't have to cover the information network out of our discretionary budget anymore, using the transition period to cover up the change in budget position. The Watch infill action and saltpetre production for similar reasons, since we want to start the new guy's reign with a relatively poor budget position -- we'll be at -1BP. I've chosen the dwarf version for saltpetre because I'm taking it as a personal action, so it fits that Mathilde is using her personal reputation.

Skipping down the plan a little, I've chosen one of our Influence actions for I think the first time. The Thieve's Guild had potential for exploitation under Abelhelm, but we didn't quite get the Watch to the level needed to corral them before he died. With the Watch infill we will, fulfilling the tacit obligation for Mathilde to follow his wishes while also getting our hooks into them before we have oversight from the new EC or, in the worst case scenario, lose our position as Spymaster.

Attending the Elector's Meet and dealing with the list, which I think everyone has, seem like no-brainers.

I've also chosen to practice Martial, since we just did a bunch of it and I couldn't think of any reasonable replacements. I do admit I was tempted to defraud the state out of the lands in the Haunted Hills, but that was more for a secret Grey College facility made by dwarfs which I'm advised would be "just asking for something to go horribly wrong in a Sylvanian sort of way." So that was out.

Any thoughts?

Edit: Oh, and I chose Kasmir for Free Time because I think it'll be dramatic (and a little funny) to have Mathilde talk to the guy with her new trait and his presumed Crisis of Faith.
Edit2: @DarkLight140 convinced me. Added Diplomacy training and made Martial training an extra.
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Did you somehow miss the garrison we left there ? Because due to that this is a tremendously lower prioritie.
A garrison is not a police force. Its an important difference because the garrison is there to put down uprisings and undead attacks. The Watch is there to put down crime and begin securing the crypts below the city. There's a lot of it.

Veekie, you um, you appear to be voting to send the Watch directly to the place we just barely wrested from the hands of the vampires using an army of 30,000+

That's not a job for a few dozen Watchmen.
There is a garrison there already. We need to back it up if we want to keep it in the transition.
Also yes, trying to put the God of Peasant Uprisings in charge of the Watch. The vote even bookends with 'It's worth a shot, right?' which almost certainly means it isn't, just like investigating the blood spring after the fact wasn't.
Incorrect. Ranald is frequently the patron of uprisings, but he is not inherently tied to rebellion or to democracy.

What Ranald influence being spread(keep in mind the current Watch Captain is himself already a Ranaldite, and consider what promoting Verena might do to him) would do to the Watch:
-Better tolerance for undercover and subtle work.
-Reduced preference for violent solutions
-Encouragement of defeating enemies by wits.
-Encouragement of protecting the defenceless

As we've already established before, Ranald worship has no issues with our role as Watch Commander or loyal servant of the state.
It would make it harder for other faiths to infiltrate the Watch as well.

EDIT: Also also, voting to Practice Diplomacy. I'm aware we need more of it, but it's not like we've been working on our Diplomacy in the turn prior to this, which seems to be how you get multiple stat gains out of a Practice vote.
We've used it a lot. It's not on visible rolls but:
-Recruiting Wizards was a diplomacy roll.
-Taking command after Abelhelm fell was a diplomacy roll.
-Sorting out the Watch's morale concerns was a diplomacy roll.
-Getting Asarnil to talk to us was a diplomacy roll

We've done more diplomacy over the Purge turns than we have for YEARS otherwise. It's primed.
I queston the very idea this would be noticed and someone would haul us up, right now we are basicaly the law on the province and the only gray mage, so in the end is just money.

Aparently be making so there was never a debt to begin with.

Emergency fund ? Enchanting supplies ? We have a lot of debt that needs paying?
And that is ust from the top of my head.

None of the debt can be paid without raising flags. If we steal from Stirland to pay the debt to Stirland.

The problem is that it CAN be caught eventually. Such a large sum of money is unusable precisely because it's a large, unexpected sum of money.

Assuming that we're the only Grey Mage in the province is...hubristic. We know there are other Grey College agents operating in the area from our meeting with our Master. We don't know who or where they are.
Trying for Ranald in the watch seems like a bit of a stretch, I'd like this plan much more if you swapped Ranald for Grungni and put the blessing on investigating the blackmail. Other than that I like this plan although I wouldn't mind swapping training diplomacy for a magic action.
I'm open to Grungni. Depends on if the actual voters for it backs it.
Also I'd like it if the watch action was swapped for saltpeter production. Not only do we want to do that now for the budget benefits but currently our military is sitting on Drakenhof which means we don't have any rush to bring our watch there quite yet.
Already explained the reasoning above why it's important. We need the Watch there so we have the Drakenhof rumor mill and our Intel network will get "Has Ears" level set up.
We need the Watch there so the undercity and it's crypts are secured from budding necromancers trying to awaken their own army.
I would like to see more plans abiding by this bit of GM advice:
- There are a lot of time-sensitive opportunities you could jump on during this power vacuum, if you're so inclined. Now might be the ideal time for overwork.
Most plans are not using overwork at all, but there is a ton of stuff to do! Stat training all over the place- because wow, has Mathilde done a lot recently; I doubt there's any stat other than Stewardship that wouldn't get a bonus to increasing it. Thinking on fog spells. Expanding the watch- in numbers, and in saltpeter, and for that matter getting attaché units into the Third Division so that we have regular reports from Drakenhof (since they're assigned as the garrison, presumably semi-permanently). Getting our underground palace finally dug out before the new Elector Count moves in so that if we end up being investigated after he takes office there's no construction crews to notice. Reading the Liber Mortis, because if Van Hal's heir asks for it back before we've actually read it what are we going to do, tell him no?

And that's without even touching on trying to manipulate the Elector Meet or doing serious financial skullduggery, either of which people may (understandably) wish to avoid. This is one of the most blatant GM bits of hinting that I've ever seen and having it go ignored would be terrible.
I'm down for training Martial as an Overwork action, sure.
Incorrect. Ranald is frequently the patron of uprisings, but he is not inherently tied to rebellion or to democracy.
"You want to turn us to the worship of WHAT"
"Gosh, I know Ranald is FREQUENTLY the cause of peasant uprisings against the government, but his portfolio isn't ONLY rebellion! He stands up for the common man against corruption, too."
"... Well that's all right then."

Is that going to be our line when the staid, traditionally-minded Watchmen ask what we've been smoking?
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The idea that Verena hates Ranald is silly. Dislike his Thieves and Deciever aspects, sure, but her dictates are that people should be judged fairly and reasonably, not Sigmar's "OBEY THE LAW OR FUCK YOU" brand of justice. She won't accept being in the cult of Ranald as an excuse, sure, but I don't think her cult going after people just for worshiping him.

Yes, it will annoy Jack a bit, but it's not like we can make the watch completely ignore thieves, and a Verenan watch would at least only arrest people who they knew were thieves and punish them in a manner proportional to the crime.
How many times are we going to have to waste actions on shoring up the Watch's morale? Stirlanders are opposed to change. If you try to shove Ranald in there, not only are they going to throw a fit, half of them will probably quit, wasting even more actions.
None of the debt can be paid without raising flags. If we steal from Stirland to pay the debt to Stirland.

The problem is that it CAN be caught eventually. Such a large sum of money is unusable precisely because it's a large, unexpected sum of money.
Oh also, I wanted to point out: is there anything stopping us from using that money for expenses in Altdorf, Nuln, Zufbar, or in fact anywhere that isn't paying back the debt to the government we embezzled it from?
I would like to see more plans abiding by this bit of GM advice:
Most plans are not using overwork at all, but there is a ton of stuff to do! Stat training all over the place- because wow, has Mathilde done a lot recently; I doubt there's any stat other than Stewardship that wouldn't get a bonus to increasing it. Thinking on fog spells. Expanding the watch- in numbers, and in saltpeter, and for that matter getting attaché units into the Third Division so that we have regular reports from Drakenhof (since they're assigned as the garrison, presumably semi-permanently). Getting our underground palace finally dug out before the new Elector Count moves in so that if we end up being investigated after he takes office there's no construction crews to notice. Reading the Liber Mortis, because if Van Hal's heir asks for it back before we've actually read it what are we going to do, tell him no?

And that's without even touching on trying to manipulate the Elector Meet or doing serious financial skullduggery, either of which people may (understandably) wish to avoid. This is one of the most blatant GM bits of hinting that I've ever seen and having it go ignored would be terrible.
Like...every single thing you listed would be pretty terrible to botch on Overwork though? If we skip the grand larceny options and meddling in succession, theres nothing safe to overwork on but training.
"You want to turn us to the worship of WHAT"
"Gosh, I know Ranald is FREQUENTLY the cause of peasant uprisings against the government, but his portfolio isn't ONLY rebellion! He stands up for the common man against corruption, too."
"... Well that's all right then."

Is that going to be our line when the staid, traditionally-minded Watchmen ask what we've been smoking?

Assume actions are carried out intelligently, it'd involve approaching and assessing Watchmen with Ranaldite sentiments to be converted, with the aid of the current, Ranaldite captain.

The long term benefit for us is being able to use the Blessing on the Watch.
With the Blessing, reasonably safe from botching the implementation, though regular failure is likely, I want to try
Oh also, I wanted to point out: is there anything stopping us from using that money for expenses in Altdorf, Nuln, Zufbar, or in fact anywhere that isn't paying back the debt to the government we embezzled it from?
Not really. The money goes We need to explain how we acquired a lot of the stuff.

No matter how we spend it, track the unexpected spending to catch the thief.

Certainly anyone coule get Wilhelmina to testify on the state of the treasury and accounts when she handed it over...
Assume actions are carried out intelligently, it'd involve approaching and assessing Watchmen with Ranaldite sentiments to be converted, with the aid of the current, Ranaldite captain.

The long term benefit for us is being able to use the Blessing on the Watch.
With the Blessing, reasonably safe from botching the implementation, though regular failure is likely, I want to try
A fair point here, I was thinking about it in a rather silly fashion, like we'd publically announce it or something.

[X] Plan Protector Of Stirland
A garrison is not a police force. Its an important difference because the garrison is there to put down uprisings and undead attacks. The Watch is there to put down crime and begin securing the crypts below the city. There's a lot of it.

There is a garrison there already. We need to back it up if we want to keep it in the transition.

There is a 'garrison', but it's an entire army division. If you think a couple of dozen watchmen are going to have any effect on public order, you have a massively skewed sense of scale.

Incorrect. Ranald is frequently the patron of uprisings, but he is not inherently tied to rebellion or to democracy.

What Ranald influence being spread(keep in mind the current Watch Captain is himself already a Ranaldite, and consider what promoting Verena might do to him) would do to the Watch:
-Better tolerance for undercover and subtle work.
-Reduced preference for violent solutions
-Encouragement of defeating enemies by wits.
-Encouragement of protecting the defenceless

As we've already established before, Ranald worship has no issues with our role as Watch Commander or loyal servant of the state.
It would make it harder for other faiths to infiltrate the Watch as well.
You're overplaying the benefits and trying to divert attention away from the downsides. For example, it doesn't matter that Ranald isn't inherently tied to rebellion because the problem is all the people who associate him with it, not the god himself.

I'm open to Grungni. Depends on if the actual voters for it backs it.
Kind of an empty promise. It's not going to happen because anyone who cares to object to your plan on the basis of Ranald isn't going to vote for it.

Already explained the reasoning above why it's important. We need the Watch there so we have the Drakenhof rumor mill and our Intel network will get "Has Ears" level set up.
We need the Watch there so the undercity and it's crypts are secured from budding necromancers trying to awaken their own army.

The Watch is irrelevant for both of those purposes in Drakenhof.

One, the Watch has no influence on what information we get from a region. That's from the information network. You can see this for yourself by looking at the Organizations threadmark and seeing that Potting, Worden, Kelham, Vigaun, and Nussbach all have the Watch present, but both of the counties they're in are at 'Feet' level information, requiring personal intervention to get anything.

Two, there is an entire army division in Drakenhof. The Watch isn't going to be able to do shit to stop necromancers that the army isn't already able to do just by being there. Internal attacks were even planned for.
Voting is open