[x][Agenda] Plan Cornuthaum 1808
IC 1 hurts me greatly, but diplo is important too. At least we'll deal with the temp trust losses.
It's either diplomacy (make sure there's a big damn coalition that not even First Citizen von Hohozyn can outfight, like what historically happened with Napoleon) or developing industry (making sure we have a better springboard for industrialization post-guilds).

Given the immediate necessity of dealing with the Pubbies, I choose diplomacy.

And that leaves us with.
- 1 pw for diplomacy
- 4 pw for the base-line constitutional convention
- 3 pw banked for modifying the constitution so it is *good* as we go forward.

I fully expect we will get midturn PW... after we deal with the Constitution, because political reform generates political will. But getting it after the constitution does us no good ofr creating it in the first place.

My other problem with the outreach is that it costs us a temp Standard of Living. Since we are at 4, that means our happiness also drops another point. Considering the changes we wish to enact, it might not be a good idea to have that drop.
I think it is important to point out that as AN have said, breaking the power of the guild will result in MASSIVE levels of stat drops for a few turns, so i hope to end this napoleonic mess quickly so we can immediatly start true industrialization. By for example, starting the third coalition to stop him.

Basically, the faster we start, the more powerful we will become compared to other great powers. We can even take the the alpha seat if we do it quickly enough.
Edit : Nevermind, with what an just said, we might need to tank the most for the convention.
[X] Plan Constitution
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[X][Agenda] Plan Reform
-[X][Agenda] Start Constitutional Convention - 4 PW Invested (will have PW invested to make decisions during Convention phase, can spend additional PW reserved for the turn)
-[X][Agenda] Military Reform - 2 PW, -2 Temp Armies, EITHER accelerate military research for next doctrinal set OR implement doctrine)
-[X][Agenda] Claim Kyberi Territory - 1 PW, -1 Temp IC, +2 Max Development, increasesrequired Transport Infrastructure to remove Undeveloped Hinterlands status (Note: 0 PW the first time it is used in a turn)

Military Reform costs effectively one PW, that leaves us with three PW for the convention.
5. Kingdom of Vortuga (56 Prestige; Armies: Depleted But Skilled, Economy: [Screams Externally], Navy: World Class, Culture: Impressive)
So, bright side is that the Vortuga are about to collapse now that their colonies are building a throne of skulls for their new queen.

Edit: Wait, no, the girl-queen is the ruler of the Hex territories. So the Vortuga colonies just want to add the girls head to the pile.
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I suppose we could attribute the drop in living standard to the war we lost and pile the unhappiness onto the great enemy. Should be a good enough spin to cover up the messy constitution negotiation.
My other problem with the outreach is that it costs us a temp Standard of Living. Since we are at 4, that means our happiness also drops another point. Considering the changes we wish to enact, it might not be a good idea to have that drop.
Bugger, you're right.

So, what then instead? Developing IC so we have more to play around with, or beginning the army reform and going down to a 2 PW buffer (aiee)

Actually I think banking 1 more PW could be good, but Third Coalition is necessary tbh....I think?

Actually I am not sure that's the case. Beheading nobility is, after all, an unambiguously good thing.

Bleh. Strong Prussia is not in our interest.

[x][Agenda] Plan Cornuthaum 1808
Bugger, you're right.

So, what then instead? Developing IC so we have more to play around with, or beginning the army reform and going down to a 2 PW buffer (aiee)
Military Reform, since it pleases the Royalist Faction it effectively cost only one PW. That leaves us with three PW for the convention and we need a better military for round two.

Royalist Faction - The king and his supporters. +1 PW when pleased, -1 PW when in conflict Pleased by Military Reform, displeased by support for Republicans and decreased Prestige
Bugger, you're right.

So, what then instead? Developing IC so we have more to play around with, or beginning the army reform and going down to a 2 PW buffer (aiee)
Developing IC might be better.

As it stands right now, we have one IC, and claiming Kyberian land costs one temp IC, so if I've got my mechanics right we can't spend IC on anything else without either raising taxes or halting our Kyberian expansion.

Since military reform is very likely to also cost IC at some point, we probably want more IC before we dive into military reform.