I'm curious as to why people are voting for the assassination? AN said that the find additional resources option means that we're taking aggressive action to try to make sure it succeeds, meaning that everyone is going to know that we're the ones behind the assassination of the King.

[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources (-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Yes (-1 Temp SoL, +1 Temp Armies)
[X] [King] 1 PW - Styrmyr Front (increased military morale boost, increased risk)

No more half-assed measures!

If we lose a King, fine! There's more where that came from!
I'm curious as to why people are voting for the assassination? AN said that the find additional resources option means that we're taking aggressive action to try to make sure it succeeds, meaning that everyone is going to know that we're the ones behind the assassination of the King.
If we're caught.
Greater chance of it getting out that you are playing kingmaker, and potentially more embarrassing results if caught, but also potentially greater rewards. Hard to say.
If it works, we get more out of it. But the risk is also greater.
[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources(-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)

While on the one hand it would be nice to promote republicanism in Not!France, on the other the Revolution gave rise to Napoleon. We really don't want a Not!Napoleon right on our doorstep.

Unless history repeats itself and he invades during winter...
[X] [CD] 0 PW - No, leave the Hespranxer as is
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Yes (-1 Temp SoL, +1 Temp Armies)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)

How about let's not do infinite war bond and money machine? That way is hyperinflation.
[X] [CD] 0 PW - No, leave the Hespranxer as is
[] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources (-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)

[X] [Taxes] 0 PW - No
[] [Taxes] 1 PW - Yes (-1 Temp SoL, +1 Temp Armies)
[] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)

[] [King] 0 PW - Stay away from the fronts (-1 Happiness)
[X] [King] 1 PW - Styrmyr Front (increased military morale boost, increased risk)
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Yes, but is what we get from the assassination what we want? A larger mess in Western Syffryn only serves our interests.

We NEED a functional constitutional monarchy to bridge the ideology gap and open our own transitions.

How about let's not do infinite war bond and money machine? That way is hyperinflation.
We are actually driving it on purpose. Can't get the Guilds transitioning unless they are balls deep in debt
[X] [CD] 0 PW - Allow the mission to go forward (-1 Temp Trust, -1 Temp Espionage, chance of switching Hespranxer Republic to a Constitutional Monarchy, chance of failure, small chance of embarrassing failure)
[X] [Taxes] 0 PW - No
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)

Don't want to burn permanent Espionage. Don't want to further sacrifice SoL and decrease Happiness and therefore risk the results & distrust Bank shenanigans. Want to send our king to Wyrmyn to further tie their people to us.
We NEED a functional constitutional monarchy to bridge the ideology gap and open our own transitions.
Wouldn't the "Allow the mission to go forward" option be better for that then? We don't need a crit success for things to merely be functional and it helps avoid the worst possible scenario of us getting caught.
Wouldn't the "Allow the mission to go forward" option be better for that then? We don't need a crit success for things to merely be functional and it helps avoid the worst possible scenario of us getting caught.

I mean, I'm pretty sure letting the mission go forward still leaves open the possibility of getting caught - "small chance of embarrassing failure" seems to me to suggest that the embarrassment would be our involvement being revealed. Considering that the more aggressive option has better chances of success (though, presumably, higher chances of getting caught if we fail anyway), there's a compelling argument in its favor provided we can afford the PW & are particularly invested in making sure this succeeds.
I mean, I'm pretty sure letting the mission go forward still leaves open the possibility of getting caught - "small chance of embarrassing failure" seems to me to suggest that the embarrassment would be our involvement being revealed. Considering that the more aggressive option has better chances of success (though, presumably, higher chances of getting caught if we fail anyway), there's a compelling argument in its favor provided we can afford the PW & are particularly invested in making sure this succeeds.
It's not just higher chances of being caught if we fail, AN has explicitly stated that the all in option has a higher chance of getting caught if it works.

And getting caught doing it period is not worth the benefits that it gives us in my opinion due to the fact that our strongest strength is our diplomatic strength and that's not the sort of reputation that you shed easily.
[X] [CD] 0 PW - No, leave the Hespranxer as is
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
Is anyone else worried that the overuse of bank and business shenanigans might spectacularly explode in our faces one day? I mean, the action just seems... too convenient. Or maybe I'm being paranoid.
By the way @Academia Nut, but where IS Hunrix IX? A reread of the update seems to imply that he's not within Hespranxer at the moment so am I correct in assuming he took refuge in a neighboring kingdom?

Also, is there anything particularly time sensitive about this plot or can we wait to see how things develop over there first?
Is anyone else worried that the overuse of bank and business shenanigans might spectacularly explode in our faces one day? I mean, the action just seems... too convenient. Or maybe I'm being paranoid.
Already confirmed:
@Academia Nut do we run the risk of giving out bad loans if we focus on one thing too much? In this case we've done Industrial Capacity growth multiple times in a row now, and I'm wondering if we're going to trigger some hidden mechanics. Overstimulate the economy and all that.
It's possible. Maybe it will also attract businesses that want nothing to do with the guilds. Who knows?
We're still forcing the issue. We need economic instability to force the government to restructure the economy away from the current guild-dominated setup.

As it is we're creating a massive group of merchants and businessmen who will exist outside the traditional Guild structure, and who will no doubt fight guilds' restrictive price control schemes. They will be our first industrialists.
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Is anyone else worried that the overuse of bank and business shenanigans might spectacularly explode in our faces one day? I mean, the action just seems... too convenient. Or maybe I'm being paranoid.

1 PW for 1 Temp IC is not the exchange we would all that gladly take on a regular turn, given that 1 PW is the cost of Kyberian Frontier or perma IC increase, so I see it as a fairly reasonable...
With the caveat that yes, before we invent proper regulations, we will have Tulips and trade companies' leaders running off with the money and letting country front the bill. We cannot really invent regulations before either reading about others facing those problems or facing them ourselves.

It's not just higher chances of being caught if we fail, AN has explicitly stated that the all in option has a higher chance of getting caught if it works.

And getting caught doing it period is not worth the benefits that it gives us in my opinion due to the fact that our strongest strength is our diplomatic strength and that's not the sort of reputation that you shed easily.

True enough.
[X] [CD] 0 PW - Allow the mission to go forward (-1 Temp Trust, -1 Temp Espionage, chance of switching Hespranxer Republic to a Constitutional Monarchy, chance of failure, small chance of embarrassing failure)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
It's not just higher chances of being caught if we fail, AN has explicitly stated that the all in option has a higher chance of getting caught if it works.

And getting caught doing it period is not worth the benefits that it gives us in my opinion due to the fact that our strongest strength is our diplomatic strength and that's not the sort of reputation that you shed easily.

Source on the "chance of getting caught if it works" thing? Closest I can find is this, which doesn't specify whether or not getting caught could happen on a success, just that it'd be more likely overall:
Greater chance of it getting out that you are playing kingmaker, and potentially more embarrassing results if caught, but also potentially greater rewards. Hard to say.

As for the not-worth-getting-caught thing, in that case it's better not to try at all. I'm not seeing a great argument for just committing halfway - that option still risks getting caught & is more likely to be an outright waste, so unless we're worried about the PW & Espionage costs (which are, in fairness, valid things to worry about) we don't have a ton of reason to go for it.
[X] [CD] 0 PW - Allow the mission to go forward (-1 Temp Trust, -1 Temp Espionage, chance of switching Hespranxer Republic to a Constitutional Monarchy, chance of failure, small chance of embarrassing failure)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
[X] [CD] 0 PW - No, leave the Hespranxer as is
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)

There are also good things if we leave them be.