[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources(-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
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What does the "Find Additional Resources" option lead to though? Apparently it's the gamble option, so how does it differ from the middle option?
This is interesting.

Simmering Syffryn is good for us....when we are not a part of this mess. Seeing as we are already taking part in this war, it can be argued it does not apply anymore.

The big question is this: can we be sure Vortuga and Hespanxer lose their colonies of we stop the war here and now?
[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources(-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 1 PW - Styrmyr Front (increased military morale boost, increased risk)
[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources(-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 1 PW - Styrmyr Front (increased military morale boost, increased risk)
Guys, let's not risk the king.

[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources (-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources (-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)

Yeah, no screwing around here. If we can take the Hespranxer out of the picture, Napoleon is in a considerably worse position and we get a monarch on the local superpowers throne that owes us, which helps further diplomacy.

@Academia Nut

What is the Royal Banks debt load like? Does it look dangerous or are the debts to the new businesses paid down on time?
[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources (-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)

Another consensus bonus would be pretty nice.
I am not terribly fond of losing Permanent Espionage, but I guess we can restore it later.

And Vortuga and Hespanxer being defeated but not too powerless will counterbalance Sketch from Ruling The Waves. Louisiana Purchase, for example, already happened, so they are weakened in this department I assume.

[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources (-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
Can we get the former republicans that were convinced to support the new king to invite the Not!Napoleon into the Hespranaxer territories ?

We could do a red wedding style event to finish of the Not!Napoleon and his allies.
@Academia Nut do we run the risk of giving out bad loans if we focus on one thing too much? In this case we've done Industrial Capacity growth multiple times in a row now, and I'm wondering if we're going to trigger some hidden mechanics. Overstimulate the economy and all that.
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Some discord info that might be useful:

AN Discord said:
Citino said:
What are the exact differences in the fronts? Like, what are we risking, our leader, or our army?
Wyrmyn front is where you are going to have the most issue with break away population with the ethnic republic on their border, but they are also uncertain about whether this whole republic thing is for them, so the Patriarch showing up is likely to bolster them. Conversely, the most intense fighting is where the First Citizen is personally leading his troops, so the Patriarch showing up would have a greater troop morale bonus, at the potential threat of injury, capture, or death if he gets caught up in an actual battle

Citino said:
Will the Qeshyk be deployed with the Patriarch, or will they be sent where they are needed most? I'm assuming with the Patriarch, since they don't exactly seem like the type to listen to the generals
The Qeshyk are generally unleashed upon the enemy. Their primary roles are strategic scouting and forage, but they serve as tactic scouts, skirmishers, and light flankers in battle
It's actually not Napoleon I think, it's Friedrich von Hohenzollern.
The thought of Old Fritz as a Republican makes me throw up a bit.

Actually a role-reversal like that makes me wonder if going for "additional resources" will produce Napoleon the Constitutional Monarch. Maybe he'll try to hold on to Tortun territories like a good paternalist and create a Hespranxer-Tortun rivalry?
The big question is this: can we be sure Vortuga and Hespanxer lose their colonies of we stop the war here and now?
Their colonies are more or less doomed to split off eventually. Its just plain too far away, and the more they are embroiled into strife the faster they crack off.

So overall a concern IC(and liable to reflect in public mood and concerns), but strategically all it matters is how much abuse their piggy banks can take.
@Academia Nut do we run the risk of giving out bad loans if we focus on one thing too much? In this case we've done Industrial Capacity growth multiple times in a row now, and I'm wondering if we're going to trigger some hidden mechanics. Overstimulate the economy and all that.
Currently as far as I can tell we're issuing loans to the guilds so they can afford to hire more guys to ramp up production.

I think you can see what happens if they default. Short term major happiness loss, long term breaking the guilds backs for a modern economy.
do we run the risk of giving out bad loans if we focus on one thing too much? In this case we've done Industrial Capacity growth multiple times in a row now, and I'm wondering if we're going to trigger some hidden mechanics. Overstimulate the economy and all that.

It's possible. Maybe it will also attract businesses that want nothing to do with the guilds. Who knows?

It's actually not Napoleon I think, it's Friedrich von Hohenzollern.

I've been calling him Faron vyn Hohozyn since the first page. Of course, it is possible you are facing Napoleon von Hohenzollern :drevil:
Currently as far as I can tell we're issuing loans to the guilds so they can afford to hire more guys to ramp up production.

I think you can see what happens if they default. Short term major happiness loss, long term breaking the guilds backs for a modern economy.

financial troubles as well.

But remember that we get stewardship if someone defaults?

We get to restructure the Guilds in that case. They still have a lot of social influence, but we can quell that by making them into Co-ops and let the weakest fail on their own.
[X] [CD] 0 PW - No, leave the Hespranxer as is
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)

Putting this in as my vote proper for now.
I REALLY don't think that going all in on the assassination is worth the cost. One of our biggest assets is our Diplomatic strength and being known to have assassinated a Foreign King, no matter the reason, is going to cause issues in the future.
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We only stopped doing it for foreign assets because of the diplomatic snarls. It's still going on in the Dual Monarchy IIRC. @Academia Nut is this the case?
Well, here's the exact quote for references sake:
resulted in the option of financial stewardship being removed from any kingdom other than among the People and the Gylruv, and in general the idea quickly died out as a bad plan, although it did give the People considerable experience in how to assess individual and organizational fundamentals, and how to restructure loans when difficulties were encountered.
[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources(-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources (-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)

Going with Wyrmyn. Ensures that we do not have another front open up while we fight.

We also need to be real careful with happiness. Moving to greater industry is said to give big hits.