Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] [WAIFU] She likes both Van Hal and Anton. Van Hal is so cool and Bad Ass and handsome and he really seems to trust her, and Anton is so friendly and cute and charming and he's always so kind to her. How can a mysterious and beautiful wizard knight spy be expected to choose?
[X] [NetworkName] Shadow Watchers
[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
Please assume that when I say it would be difficult to add something to the quest I'm writing, that I know what I'm talking about.
Sure, just keep in mind that there are others GMs/QMs out there who may have struggled with relevant problems to some success and their experience may (or may not, of course) be of value to you.
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Welp, a husbando war*. This is no time to stay lurking!
*Technically more of a spousal-war, but the ladies don't really stand a chance

[X] [WAIFU] Van Hal
[X] [Waifu] The Honourable Anton Kiesinger II
[X] [WAIFU] She likes both Van Hal and Anton. Van Hal is so cool and Bad Ass and handsome and he really seems to trust her, and Anton is so friendly and cute and charming and he's always so kind to her. How can a mysterious and beautiful wizard knight spy be expected to choose?

Not entirely sure if this is legal, but a love triangle involving a widowed older badass, a younger innocent diplomat and the beautiful heroine is too shoujo for me not to vote for it. Even if I'm not a particular fan of MathildeXAnton.

[X] [NetworkName] Shadow Watchers
[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority

Just to make sure I also have a proper vote in there.
I thought this was all in her head anyway. This is just is deciding what kind of person she's attracted to, not a final commitment on who she's gonna make the beast with two backs with.
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[X][Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority
[X][Network] Name: Grey Coats
[X][Waifu] None of the above, yet: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her yet.
[X][Waifu] None of the above, yet: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her yet.
You're not the first to bring it up, and I agree that it is an important part of the world of Mathilde that I do need to find a way to bring to life. I have been working on it in the background, but that work hasn't borne fruit yet. Believe me when I say that it's more frustrating to me than it possibly could be for the reader.
Have you considered something like the "rumour mill" common to this type of quest? Having a short blurb about general goings ons beyond what the different counsellors talk about would take relatively little work, but emphasize the existence of the information network.
X] [WAIFU] She likes both Van Hal and Anton. Van Hal is so cool and Bad Ass and handsome and he really seems to trust her, and Anton is so friendly and cute and charming and he's always so kind to her. How can a mysterious and beautiful wizard knight spy be expected to choose?
[X] [WAIFU] None of the above: Mathilde is open to the idea, but none of the current options really do it for her.
[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority

Am I just being a downer? Probably. I mean, there's maybe half a dozen people in the thread who even care what actions get chosen. Everyone else is only interested in 'derpwizard' memes and, now, shipping.

I feel I had a part in starting the 'derpwizard' thing, so I'm sorry if my actions resulted in hurting your enjoyment of the quest. I only intended to make a one off joke and find the constant references to it a bit annoying myself.
[X] [WAIFU] She likes both Van Hal and Anton. Van Hal is so cool and Bad Ass and handsome and he really seems to trust her, and Anton is so friendly and cute and charming and he's always so kind to her. How can a mysterious and beautiful wizard knight spy be expected to choose?
[X] [NetworkName] Shadow Watchers
[X] [Actions] Plan Our Jobs Take Priority

I understand where you are coming from and I symphatize.
However, your plan is too similar to the winning one imho, and coupled with it being "late to the party" and not being made by a "influential poster", it just can't generate the necessary attention to upset the bandwagon.
That's not fair, but that's the cyber-life.
Technically, there have been mortal women who did manage to procreate with Ranald, at least according to some of his followers

According to Lexicanum
A large temple to Ranald is located in the city of Marienburg, currently led by Hans von Kleptor who are by all means Ranald incarnate with his handsome looks and sharp wits. The followers of Ranald believes him to be Ranald's son of a mortal woman.
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