To Trade in Halls of Gold
Sixth Day of the First Month 293 AC
You ponder the matter for some time, considering the treasures you have seen since entering the great city of the Shaitans: treasures bright and enchantments bold and subtle both, strange beasts and the chance of a thousand other marvels not yet glimpsed. The answer is surprisingly simple in the end:
Why ask for one thing now when you can cultivate friendship and have them all in due time?
"Those are grand prizes you offer, Lady Zanira, yet I must say that I have hoped for something less physical than arms and precious gemstones," you begin, prompting the rise of a single perfectly arched eyebrow, the reaction exaggerated to account for mostly mortal sensitivities you suspect.
"If not knowledge, then an agreement of some sort?" Her voice is as pleasant as ever, but somehow you know that pressing too hard here would be a mistake, particularly in the guise you have assumed, and so you let the veil slip as much as you dare.
"I apologize for the thinly veiled deception of naming myself just a trader, yet it is the truth, if only part of it. It saddens me to keep my realm hidden, yet it is beset by enemies and secrecy our best shield from adding more to that count, like the Brazen Throne's greedy lickspittles."
Understanding glints in Lady Zanira's molten gold eyes. "That you already counted the foul efreeti foes and you would give battle against their proxies where you can speaks well of you and your company, lord in crimson scale clad." The honorific, grand sounding but promising nothing yet falls easily from her lips.
From the corner of your eyes you see Glyra roll her eyes, the gesture interrupted by catching sight of something interesting. Fortunately a look from Dany makes her settle again so that you can keep your attention on the Shaitan matriarch.
"Friendship is what I seek the most in these lands," you explain. "Not an
alliance, for I do not dare to even presume that a single deed might be able to forge such close ties, but from my travel with your daughter, I feel that there is much to gain for both of our houses, if we would not part ways like strangers paying each other for services rendered."
"And yet the scales must be balanced," Lady Zanira replies, fingers tapping upon the table, a gesture of impatience which you suspect is as artful as the rest of her performance. "You would have me trust you as a trading partner knowing not your history or even where you reside... A difficult thing to measure such unknowns in the scales of debt and obligation."
"That is matter easily resolved," Dany speaks up. "We are already in contact with a clan of Xorn, one your daughter briefly visited. They would serve as excellent intermediates."
"Xorn? They are better known as miners than traders..." she trails off, possibly wondering if they are yours to command and merely serving as a front.
You shrug. "Dragons are not known as the greatest of traders either, yet I would hope that does not reflect upon me."
"A fair point," she replies. "What are these goods you offer?"
For the next short while you show off all the goods you brought in much the same fashion as you had before the gate. Though it is hard to read so canny a trader, you suspect from the tone and ordering of her questions that Lady Zanira is rather intrigued at the diversity of goods offered.
"I would have use for all of this," she admits at last. Then with one more glance over Lya's list. "My personal arcanist could also pick out reagents using this list for a guide within an Ascension in Violet at better prices than a foreigner might obtain, leaving you with more time to enjoy the wonders of the city and trade for more exotic fare as you will."
An Ascension in Violet... You struggle for a moment to remember what the mephit guide had told you about the Vault's arcane timekeeping. It comes out at roughly two days you realize, more than you might have hoped you visit would last, but less than you feared.
"Am I to assume you would find profit in ongoing cooperation then?" you ask, allowing your smile to show a good messure of your satisfaction.
principle you may," the lady replies. "I shall have to send envoys to these Xorn first, but I see no reason why all three of us should not profit from such an agreement."
Do you take the deal?
[] Yes (All your trade goods totaling 27,000 Gold worth of trade goods for 30,000 Gold worth of various reagents and 6,000 Scepters)?
[] No
-[] Write in alternative
OOC: Scepters are the highest denomination of Opaline Vault glassteel coins. The offered proportion of coins to reagents should be clear above.