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Isn't "Canon" Still like 6-8 years away?His speciality is the worst one and it stops working right around this level. Blasting at LVL 15 doesn't seem to work unless you're doing nothing else at all and don't mind the binary state of useless/everyone else is useless ala Mailman builds.
There's more than one reason we've used Baleful Polymorph ever since we got it.
When was the last time we used Firebrand without "because the neg to saves and possible prone can really help our actual non-hp dependant strategy"?
The 1 point of damage would be nice if it lasted rounds or something like some spells, still guts us mid battle but we can get creative in the morning without being a cripple by evening and we still obviously have to spend the slots etc.
DP says Glyra, I choose to believe it was a joint effort. How can one person achieve such art?
Brilliant. Put it on the schedule and it will naturally never happen.
[X] Crake
Thanks Crake
I can't speak for anyone else obviously, but a big part of the reason I'm so salty and protectionist about the location of our plane is that we haven't even hit canon yet.
If we get inundated with every planar dipstick that wants to joyride across Planetos I see it as the final nail in the coffin of the ASoIaF portion of this ASoIaF/DnD quest.
We may as well have just begun the quest with "You meet in a tavern."
If you think the world will be anything close to canon in that time frame, even without any sort of planar activity, I have a bridge to sell you.
I'm pretty sure the thread has plans to conquer the world and be off to challenge the Sultan by then, making any sort of complaints about "canon" rather moot.