Also, is anyone else excited about that staff? :) That thing's got to be worth a fortune.
Nope. Same as demon/devil loot.

Still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Because the action economy alone should tell the mastermind he needs mooks (aka ablative armor / action sponges).
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"you need better Minions, this one only lasted 2 rounds, please punish It accordingly"
P.S. still waiting for your thoughts on the proposed trade deal. Check quasit appendix 5b and 5c.
Signed, his Royal majesty, Viserys Targaryen, Dread pirate Sorcerer dragon King of the stepstones, godspeaker, the Bloodhound, rightful King of westeros and the Seven kingdoms, King of the Andals, the rhoynar, the first men, the minotaurs and the little valyrians of essaria. Champion of the old gods, Prince that was promised, restorer of great scaly cycle, Bane of the Deep ones. Leader of the tribes of Hene'kar, last scion of the fourty families and protector of the realm.
P.P.S. send a larger Minion Next time.
Please change your plans to go full on turtle mode.

That means debuffing the hell out of this guy's fort save

We only have so many options for ranged debuffing. I've got Viserys' PAINdarting it and Tyene Boneshattering it. Succeed or fail, it will be taking a Shaken and Fatigued/Exhausted debuff from that alone.
Updated plan.

Glyra is Bat-Gremlin, with her trusty sidekick, Swordman!

[X] Plan "Exterminate!"
-[X] Viserys launches a brace of Quickened Dispel Magic at the Dark Djinn, then follows with a Searing Agonizing Elemental Fire Darts spell. He then casts Celerity and Dimensional Anchor.
-[X] Dany targets it with a Reached Harm spell, using Alter Fortune if it resists to make it roll again.
-[X] Waymar targets it with another Lightning Lance spell, aiming to strike it with both bolts.
-[X] Tyene targets it with Boneshatter, on the off chance it has bones.
-[X] Maelor casts Nerveskitter on himself, then targets the Dark Djinn with a Maximized Eldritch Blast.
-[X] Glyra targets the Dark Djinn with her Retractable Kyton Ring, then reels herself and Richard up to it for some face to face time.
-[X] Malarys targets it with a suitably dangerous offensive spell (Streamers, maybe?).

I prefer TNE's awesome flying blade segment for Waymar's, but rather than voraisous dispelling, why not a channeled lighting Lance (he can channel it twice a day)?

Apparently the djinn is above a scary pool of green ick. I don't think non Ex flyers should get close. If you disagree, look at the base special abilities if the dark djinn - that thing could probably throw someone into the gunk below.

Edit: does it have bones? That spell has specific limitations
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Be sure to make it very clear that you are not capturing it for enslavement and you will be fine.
I suddenly dislike these Shaitan's much more than I used to, seeing as they are apparently racist hypocrites, they are okay with capturing enemies for slavery, but apparently consider it wrong if said enemy happen to be a genie.

Racist assholes I'm now back to wanting to conquer them in the far future, instead of just influencing them to give up slavery once we are stronger than they are.

Slavers are vile enough by themselves, racist slavers are even viler, at least the slavers on Planetos, don't discriminate in their evil.

Still like them best of all the slavers we have met, but the distance has lessened a lot from this revelation.
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Day of Change~. :whistle:

Also, the Shaitan mentioned just visiting a Curse Breaker. We can see if the staff is sellable. If not, and if we don't like it, to the trees it goes.
Or, in case on the market of this fabulous city is someone who's interested in buying, we can pay crafting materials ...

Edit: Seems like speed-reading quality is coupled to wakefulness ...
Next revision to the plan.

@BeepSmile I've included the possibility of Malarys legalesing it to death.

[X] Plan "Exterminate!"
-[X] Viserys launches a brace of Quickened Targeted Dispel Magic at the Dark Djinn, then follows with a Searing Agonizing Elemental Fire Darts spell. He then casts Celerity and Dimensional Anchor.
-[X] Dany targets it with a Reached Harm spell, using Alter Fortune if it resists to force it roll again.
-[X] Waymar targets it with his Whirling Blade spell, using Arcane Channeling to deliver a Lightning Lance spell.
-[X] Tyene targets it two Bestow Curse Occular spells, both meant to inflict a -4 penalty to everything.
-[X] Maelor casts Nerveskitter on Viserys, then targets the Dark Djinn with a Maximized Eldritch Blast.
-[X] Glyra targets the Dark Djinn with her Retractable Kyton Ring, then reels herself to it for some face to face time.
-[X] Malarys targets it with a suitably dangerous offensive spell (Streamers, maybe?), unless he succeeds on a knowledge check to determine the Dark Djinn's weakness, in which case he recites the tenets of his Faith as a Church Inquisitor of Balerion.
-[X] Richard grits his teeth, wills the Dark Djinn to die a messily painful death, and stays close to everyone so as to protect them with his Holy Aura. He will be inquiring, most insistently, about getting the ability to fly after this fight.
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[X] Plan TNE
-[X] In order:
-[X] Tyene: Occular Spell: Dispel Magic and Bestow Curse (-4 on everything).
-[X] Maelor: Voracious Dispelling
-[X] Waymar: Move if necessary to get in range, then Quickened True Strike + Whirling Blade, Power Attacking for 11 and channeling Lightning Lance.
--[X] If he misses, Dany uses one of her Alter Fortunes.
--[X] Note for DP: Should be a +31 hit for 1d10+34+2d6+9d6+30d6 (18-20x2). He gets a Fort save to reduce that 30d6 to 15d6, and then apply Resist 20, once. His CL for channeling electricity spells is 15, so three lances (3d6+10d6 each) in one hit.
-[X] Malarys: Something to lower saves if possible. Streamers if he has nothing level appropriate. If he realizes what is is, he instead recites the tenets of his Faith as a Church Inquisitor of Balerion. Toss a quickened spell if it fails.
-[X] Viserys: Quickened Searing Agonizing Fire Darts, Baleful Polymorph, Celerity, Baleful Polymorph. If Malarys afflicted him with Shaken, use Necrotic Bomb instead of Paindarts.
--[X] If he saves against the second, Dany uses one of her Alter Fortunes.
--[X] Use Baleful Polymorph to a slow-flying bird instead of the usual turtle, as to not make it easier to resist due the molten evil lake.
-[X] Dany: If still a threat, use Reached Harm.
-[X] If BP did work, don't forget to catch it and the gear as they fall. Winter can dive for the staff while someone catches the evil bird.
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I suddenly dislike these Shaitan's much more than I used to, seeing as they are apparently racist hypocrites, they are okay with capturing enemies for slavery, but apparently consider it wrong if said enemy happen to be a genie.

Racist assholes I'm now back to wanting to conquer them in the far future, instead of just influencing them to give up slavery once we are stronger than they are.

Slavers are vile enough by themselves, racist slavers are even viler, at least the slavers on Planetos, don't discriminate in their evil.

Still like them best of all the slavers we have met, but the distance has lessened a lot from this revelation.

What can I say they don't trust mortals to be as 'good' slave masters as they are. They have some foundation for that, too, not just experience but the simple fact that mortals are more capricious (they lack a natural inclination to law).
Next revision to the plan.

@BeepSmile I've included the possibility of Malarys legalesing it to death.

[X] Plan "Exterminate!"
-[X] Viserys launches a brace of Quickened Dispel Magic at the Dark Djinn, then follows with a Searing Agonizing Elemental Fire Darts spell. He then casts Celerity and Dimensional Anchor.
-[X] Dany targets it with a Reached Harm spell, using Alter Fortune if it resists to force it roll again.
-[X] Waymar targets it with his Whirling Blade spell.
-[X] Tyene targets it with Boneshatter, on the off chance it has bones.
-[X] Maelor casts Nerveskitter on himself, then targets the Dark Djinn with a Maximized Eldritch Blast.
-[X] Glyra targets the Dark Djinn with her Retractable Kyton Ring, then reels herself to it for some face to face time.
-[X] Malarys targets it with a suitably dangerous offensive spell (Streamers, maybe?), unless he succeeds on a knowledge check to determine the Dark Djinn's weakness, in which case he recites the tenets of his Faith as a Church Inquisitor of Balerion.
-[X] Richard grits his teeth, wills the Dark Djinn to die a messily painful death, and stays close to everyone so as to protect them with his Holy Aura. He will be inquiring, most insistently, about getting the ability to fly after this fight.

Sorry, but whirling blade with a channeled spell, specifically lightning Lance - tne had this but with dispelling touch, and I think the mental image of basically "throw holy lightsaber" is just awesome.

Maelor's nerveskitter is better spent on someone who is debuffing the djinn's saves
[X] Plan TNE
-[X] Waymar: Move if necessary to get in range, then Quickened True Strike + Whirling Blade, Power Attacking for 11 and channeling Dispelling Touch.
-[X] Maelor: Voracious Dispelling
-[X] Tyene: Occular Spell: Reached Bestow Curse x2 (-4 to everything).
-[X] Malarys: Something to lower saves if possible. Streamers if he has nothing level appropriate. If he realizes what is is, he instead recites the tenets of his Faith as a Church Inquisitor of Balerion. Toss a quickened spell if it fails.
-[X] Viserys: Quickened Searing Agonizing Fire Darts, Baleful Polymorph, Celerity, Baleful Polymorph. If Malarys afflicted him with Shaken, use Necrotic Bomb instead of Paindarts.
-[X] Dany: Alter Fortune on BP, if still failed, Reached Harm.

@DragonParadox Will you let us retroactively load Tyene up with some Occular Spells? It's not exactly something she can do in the middle of combat if they aren't already prepared.

@TNE How is Waymar getting in melee range of the Djinn?
[X] Plan TNE
-[X] Waymar: Move if necessary to get in range, then Quickened True Strike + Whirling Blade, Power Attacking for 11 and channeling Dispelling Touch.
-[X] Maelor: Voracious Dispelling
-[X] Tyene: Occular Spell: Reached Bestow Curse x2 (-4 to everything).
-[X] Malarys: Something to lower saves if possible. Streamers if he has nothing level appropriate. If he realizes what is is, he instead recites the tenets of his Faith as a Church Inquisitor of Balerion. Toss a quickened spell if it fails.
-[X] Viserys: Quickened Searing Agonizing Fire Darts, Baleful Polymorph, Celerity, Baleful Polymorph. If Malarys afflicted him with Shaken, use Necrotic Bomb instead of Paindarts.
-[X] Dany: Alter Fortune on BP, if still failed, Reached Harm.
@TotallyNotEvil, no Dimensional Anchor? What if it tries to run away?
Sorry, but whirling blade with a channeled spell, specifically lightning Lance - tne had this but with dispelling touch, and I think the mental image of basically "throw holy lightsaber" is just awesome.

Maelor's nerveskitter is better spent on someone who is debuffing the djinn's saves

Already put Maelor's Nerveskitter on Viserys. You comment too slow! :p

@TotallyNotEvil Waymar can Channel spells through his sword when it's used with Whirling Blade?
@TNE How is Waymar getting in melee range of the Djinn?
Whirling Blade has a 60ft range.
@TotallyNotEvil, no Dimensional Anchor? What if it tries to run away?
Not terribly worried, it's highly unlikely he will make it.
@TotallyNotEvil Waymar can Channel spells through his sword when it's used with Whirling Blade?
The spell calls out the hit the enemy suffers benefits like any normal attack from anything he throws at it. I don't see why not, Arcane Channeling takes no action.
You would need to carve it into whatever returns to Abyss/Hell and reforms ...
Their whole body reforms down there. DP confirmed that grafts taken from a fiend will not regrow upon his return.

We just need to take a Explosive Rune shaped graft and anchor the thing to his soul, so that a tiny part of the fiends self is consumed every time to re-arm the rune.