Here's a rough draft. Implying that we originate in the PoMS without saying so outright, and that our ignorance is due to a low beginning, again without actually saying so.
[X] Admit that you only recently came into your power, as those things go, and that your education on other planes is...incomplete. With your power, you had been enjoying success in your trading back in the bazaar, acquiring things you had never even dreamed of owning before, but things had grown more difficult for you lately.
-[X] You had angered a minor efreeti noble who was surprisingly well connected in the City of Brass, limiting your options in resolving the dispute. Fortunately, you previously had helped the Xorn gain a new trading partner when they had run afoul of one of your own enemies, after you crushed him, and had gained contacts here. So you have been trying to strengthen ties in the Plane of Earth and learn about it as best you can just in case it became untenable in the bazaar.
-[X] You would appreciate general directions, advice and warnings, and information about the laws of the Opaline Vault.