Can we at least take pleasure in ripping it to shreds with our magic and gifting the rubble to the Sothoryos natives?
No. Still too much effort.

... damn.

Well, at least it will make for a nice decoy fort. We could even station a few worthless constructs and something which emits a magic aura. Could net us an unexpected enemy, like a Volantene Wet Work team or a Tiamat cleric.
Or we put that money to productive use somewhere that isn't worthless.
... damn.

Well, at least it will make for a nice decoy fort. We could even station a few worthless constructs and something which emits a magic aura. Could net us an unexpected enemy, like a Volantene Wet Work team or a Tiamat cleric.
Just have a construct with a Sending ability and the highest goddamn Spot check we can shove into it. Oh, and an Invisibility Su. If it sees anything worth sacrificing it gives us a call.
@Diomedon where it comes to Rhaella, a combination of Dany and possibly...frak, I can't remember the right spelling of her name. The Velaryon daughter. Are probably our best bets. Although I would vastly prefer to be on hand in terms of actually introducing her to those she'll need to know around the keep (Alinor, etc.) if we can manage it. Which I think we can. After that's done, leave it with them. They should have enough bullshit hax on the one hand and sufficient similarity in terms of having recently gotten used to the whole thing of 'magic be real' on the other to keep her stable(ish).

We need to do a general round of introductions of her to our inner circle, but do some legwork before that (specifically in the case of Xor) to make sure that it doesn't throw too much strangeness at her. Give her time to acclimate there, and let her come to us when she needs to. This isn't the end of her recovery, and I really do hope it's not the last we see of it. Some of what still needs to be related might benefit from a finer touch. In the end, though, that's up to @DragonParadox.
Is it bad that I am mad at our mother right now for dissing Lya?

It betrays a somewhat depressing lack of empathy for her personal situation and a truly bizarre degree of misunderstanding in relation what she was actually trying to do. But whatever, we're mostly done with it for now, and I'm sure the thread will quite happily abandon the entire topic as quickly as they can because it denies them the ability to use their favourite circuluar logic loop (Am Dragon : Invalid Argument) and actually relate to the confused and lost in the world of magic like people and not counters on a playing board.

To make this clear, this isn't meant as an attack on anyone, but the degree of salt that's arisen over the course of getting Rhaella home has been...wearing to say the least.
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Well, the fleet base might be partially salvageable, using it as a temporary base for a fleet to smash all the other pirate bases in the Basilisk Isles and steal what treasures they have stockpiled. Should give Saan's crew something to do and a way to make money between Tyrosh and when things really start kicking off.

@Diomedon where it comes to Rhaella, a combination of Dany and possibly...frak, I can't remember the right spelling of her name. The Velaryon daughter. Are probably our best bets. Although I would vastly prefer to be on hand in terms of actually introducing her to those she'll need to know around the keep (Alinor, etc.) if we can manage it. Which I think we can. After that's done, leave it with them. They should have enough bullshit hax on the one hand and sufficient similarity in terms of having recently gotten used to the whole thing of 'magic be real' on the other to keep her stable(ish).

We need to do a general round of introductions of her to our inner circle, but do some legwork before that (specifically in the case of Xor) to make sure that it doesn't throw too much strangeness at her. Give her time to acclimate there, and let her come to us when she needs to. This isn't the end of her recovery, and I really do hope it's not the last we see of it. Some of what still needs to be related might benefit from a finer touch. In the end, though, that's up to @DragonParadox.

Right, Valaena is a great resource there! They should talk. Valaena went from Westerosi noble girl -> Potential dragonrider? -> Full SD experience fairly quickly.

I meant more in terms of security considerations, but that's a good point.
I meant more in terms of security considerations, but that's a good point.

There's basically no way to truly hide this without having her try to live as another person and in permanent magical lockdown, and...yeah no. I'll fight against any plan that pushes that with every fibre of my being. Within the keep, among the inner circle, we recognise her as who she is. Beyond that...I expect she's internalised enough about how major this is to not argue about walking around with a different face. There's no reason she can't use the same name, or a variant, though. As long as she keeps it to the first one only. Assuming, of course, that she'll want to venture outside the keep for the next several months. Which I'm not seeing as vastly likely, except on rare occasions.
Well, the fleet base might be partially salvageable, using it as a temporary base for a fleet to smash all the other pirate bases in the Basilisk Isles and steal what treasures they have stockpiled. Should give Saan's crew something to do and a way to make money between Tyrosh and when things really start kicking off.

Right, Valaena is a great resource there! They should talk. Valaena went from Westerosi noble girl -> Potential dragonrider? -> Full SD experience fairly quickly.

I meant more in terms of security considerations, but that's a good point.

Speaking of Valeana, we now have three distinct sources of dragon hatching lore: the ghost lady, Bloodraven and Malarys. We should get on with it quickly because the things take a long while to grow up (by our standards). If we're lucky the hatchling will be the size of Viserion in canon by the time we invade Westeros.

...shit. Illyrio now has an old valyrian vintage cleric (of tiamat) to hatch his eggs too. If they're not gone by now they surely will be by next month. We need to take care of Illyro, permanently, and soon.

Next week soon.
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Well, the fleet base might be partially salvageable, using it as a temporary base for a fleet to smash all the other pirate bases in the Basilisk Isles and steal what treasures they have stockpiled. Should give Saan's crew something to do and a way to make money between Tyrosh and when things really start kicking off.
Probably the best choice, there simply isn't anything of value in the region.
It betrays a somewhat depressing lack of empathy for her personal situation and a truly bizarre degree of misunderstanding in relation what she was actually trying to do. But whatever, we're mostly done with it for now, and I'm sure the thread will quite happily abandon the entire topic as quickly as they can because it denies them the ability to use their favourite circuluar logic loop (Am Dragon : Invalid Argument) and actually relate to the confused and lost in the world of magic like people and not counters on a playing board.

To make this clear, this isn't meant as an attack on anyone, but the degree of salt that's arisen over the course of getting Rhaella home has been...wearing to say the least.
The problem here is that some people never desired to bring back Rhaella, the whole thing kept dragging on and she managed to shove her foot pretty far into her mouth with the whole Lya thing.

For me, it's not a lack of empathy, for I fully understand her emotions and reasoning for her words.
It's just a complete lack of caring about her feelings.
@Duesal you want to raid the dragonmount? There's three dragon eggs in Illyrios hands which will likey dissapear soon. Think about that... and despair.
Illyrio --> Blackfyre --> Tiamat

I will be astonished if those eggs weren't gone months ago. The Dragonmont, however, might have some wild dragon eggs that have been hidden away (which we can find via Wayfinder). But it definitely has some neat pseudo-dragons that I want to check out. And raiding the fortress on Dragonstone has a good chance of allowing us to kill a Lannister mage, so I'm pretty excited about that.
The problem here is that some people never desired to bring back Rhaella, the whole thing kept dragging on and she managed to shove her foot pretty far into her mouth with the whole Lya thing.

For me, it's not a lack of empathy, for I fully understand her emotions and reasoning for her words.
It's just a complete lack of caring about her feelings.

May I direct you to my post last night regarding well constructed quest characters having motivations and desires that sometimes conflict with those of the quest thread. Frankly, given how utterly unreasonably people have reacted to her doing everything she can to adapt to the new world she's found herself in, and Viserys' feelings on the matter, I'm left wondering why the choice of character even mattered. They don't seem to want to play a person, they want to play a caricature with Vast Arcane Power who turns into a dragon. Everything involving meaningful human interaction that isn't shameless aggrandisation, futile resistance, or meek obedience just seems to be met with incomprehension and salt.

>The following veers off heavily from being a response to your quote and is not singularly directive<

Quest (and other) characters are representative of people. They do things sometimes, and have desires that the quest thread will not like. This is a mark of DP's skill as a writer, and it's more than a little disgusting to see it met with such complete apathy and/or outright rejection from some. See: how people were adamant that I was overreacting because 'Oh, Heart's Ease can fix everything and catatonia isn't an option so she'll totes just adapt because there's no other choice.'


The actual fuck is wrong with you?
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I worry Rhaella will try to play matchmaker, encouraging Vaelana to pursue Viserys.

Y'all want to see heartless disregard and lack of empathy? Just wait until I start scheming to get Rhaella killed.
Let's just not get too crazy with the white knighting either.

Rhaella is not made of sugar and I'm sure if we let her spread her wings a bit she can become useful in our kingdom.
I worry Rhaella will try to play matchmaker, encouraging Vaelana to pursue Viserys.

Y'all want to see heartless disregard and lack of empathy? Just wait until I start scheming to get Rhaella killed.
Stupid idea, that would just mean Viserys spend a 1000 gold to bring her back again.

I don't want her dead, but even if I did I don't think it would be doable, it's rather hard to make true death accidentally happen.
Illyrio --> Blackfyre --> Tiamat

I will be astonished if those eggs weren't gone months ago. The Dragonmont, however, might have some wild dragon eggs that have been hidden away (which we can find via Wayfinder). But it definitely has some neat pseudo-dragons that I want to check out. And raiding the fortress on Dragonstone has a good chance of allowing us to kill a Lannister mage, so I'm pretty excited about that.

The chance of them still being there and keeping them off Tiamat's grubby hands still exists. After all, they were barely more than a curiosity which in canon he gave to a totally disposable asset. If not for Red Comet bullshittery, those eggs would have ended forgotten in a random cave in Vaes Dothrak. The leap from, "this fossilized, worthless stone eggs can be returmed to life when all previous attempts with live eggs have failed" is still a huge logical leap even with magic, so theres a chance he still has them.

A chance that is rapidly dwindling as grandma's newest cleric makes her way to Pentos. Even if they're not, looting Illyrio to the bedrock alone is worth it, more than go gallivanting around the Dragonmount, because we'd kill a bloody thorne on our side and take his everything.

May I direct you to my post last night regarding well constructed quest characters having motivations and desires that sometimes conflict with those of the quest thread. Frankly, given how utterly unreasonably people have reacted to her doing everything she can to adapt to the new world she's found herself in, and Viserys' feelings on the matter, I'm left wondering why the choice of character even mattered. They don't seem to want to play a person, they want to play a caricature with Vast Arcane Power who turns into a dragon. Everything involving meaningful human interaction that isn't shameless aggrandisation, futile resistance, or meek obedience just seems to be met with incomprehension and salt.

>The following veers off heavily from being a response to your quote and is not singularly directive<

Quest (and other) characters are representative of people. They do things sometimes, and have desires that the quest thread will not like. This is a mark of DP's skill as a writer, and it's more than a little disgusting to see it met with such complete apathy and/or outright rejection. See: how people were adamant that I was overreacting because 'Oh, Heart's Ease can fix everything and catatonia isn't an option so she'll totes just adapt because there's no other choice.'


The actual fuck is wrong with you?

I think you're taking too much from a few posters. A lot of people who seemed to have loved the Rhaella arc (which included me) remained silent. Its more likely someone complains if a thing upsets him, than someone who loved it randomly gushes praise.

That said, I understand both points of view, and you should too. A lot of people are very engaged with this quest, planning conquest and adventure and great plans and suddenly they're saddled with a week's worth of updates of some character they didn't ask for, which generated a lot of salt and even a retcon, a most grave of things.

The thread is averse to Timesinks, and Rhaella has been quite a DP-update ooc timesink. (I loved them anyway but eh), so maybe you should have a bit of empathy for the thread.

Also, the thread is very whiny when the mood strucks us. Its nothing personal or terrible or world ending. Just salt.

Salt is life.
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Something productive to work on would actually be good for her. Would it be too demeaning to have her work under Lya as an assistant to have her start learning spell theory?
Let's just not get too crazy with the white knighting either.

Rhaella is not made of sugar and I'm sure if we let her spread her wings a bit she can become useful in our kingdom.

The idea that adequate appreciation of her mental state and proper treatment of it are seen as white knighting is a little ridiculous, to be honest. But I do agree that, given time and opportunity, she'll be a capable and eventually powerful ally.
Something productive to work on would actually be good for her. Would it be too demeaning to have her work under Lya as an assistant to have her start learning spell theory?

I think that this is something that she might need to ask for, again. And setting her to work with Lya is just...a bad idea. Give her time to adapt, a month, probably more. Then she'll most likely come looking for something to do. Just needs to understand that she has the freedom to do that, and get to the point where she'd want to. Shoving work at her won't really help.
Quest (and other) characters are representative of people. They do things sometimes, and have desires that the quest thread will not like. This is a mark of DP's skill as a writer, and it's more than a little disgusting to see it met with such complete apathy and/or outright rejection. See: how people were adamant that I was overreacting because 'Oh, Heart's Ease can fix everything and catatonia isn't an option so she'll totes just adapt because there's no other choice.'


The actual fuck is wrong with you?
Reconsider your generalizations. Please.
I worry Rhaella will try to play matchmaker, encouraging Vaelana to pursue Viserys.

Y'all want to see heartless disregard and lack of empathy? Just wait until I start scheming to get Rhaella killed.
I mean, I'm pretty sure I've seen you scheme to have almost everyone Visery's met killed at least once, so I'm not too surprised :V

On the subject of "Am Dragon, Argument Invalid", I feel as though the thread leans on it far too much, while Viserys hardly leans on it at all.
Viserys seems like a real human being, who prefers to talk his way out of conflicts instead of fighting, who has very real concern for the people around him and the people he rules, who genuinely wants to protect people regardless of whether he gets PR from it or not, who truly wants to protect the innocent from the darkness that lurks beneath.

This seems like the behavior of someone who is powerful, influential, and human.

This does not seem like the behavior of a Dragon, of someone who is used to getting their way, and killing those who refuse them. And I must admit I am glad that this is the case. Dragons, while interesting to read about, are generally condescending at best (looking at you Relath) and have egos the size of the Planes at worst (looking at you, Tiamat). I really wouldn't enjoy playing someone who thought as a Dragon did, and I think the thread, after getting over the "Everyone kneels before you in fear and your name is spoken of in awe across the world" phase, would get tired of playing a Dragon too.
Let's just not get too crazy with the white knighting either.

Rhaella is not made of sugar and I'm sure if we let her spread her wings a bit she can become useful in our kingdom.

Let her spread her wings... she is Viserys' mother... could she turn into a Red Dragon if she got to level 15/16? Those magical genes had to come from somewhere...