User Fiction

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Original Fiction

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For fanfiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow.

Weird History

Historical timelines and stories of a supernatural, futuristic, or simply "weird" type!
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Original Timeline Supernatural 

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After flubbing a powerful incantation, meant to give newly coronated Demon Queens the wisdom of their ancestors, Devilla Satanne awakens to memories of her past life as Jacob Divington, a human from Earth. Having gained a new perspective on life, she quickly comes to a rather horrifying conclusion: she's been a complete and utter brat! No wonder everyone hates her! And then there's the fact that she's apparently been reincarnated as the villainess of Tower Conquest, a lesbian porn game with...
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The Angelic Saints are the only force protecting the hearts of innocents from the evil Abyssal Forest and its monstrous Beasts. Juggling their responsibilities as magical girls with high school and their other friendships, the Saints will never give up their struggle against the forces of Sin and darkness! But Charlie isn't one of them. He has no magic, no powers and no hidden wells of inner strength he can use to always triumph over the villains. He is not beautiful or strong or brave, no...
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Taking another run at this. I wrote an outline this time so I now actually know where the story is going so hopefully it won't all fall apart again. It'll start a lot like the last draft, but diverge rather quickly. Expect a lot of familiar scenes in new contexts until we clear Act 2
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It is the Year of our Lord 2141 and Marion "Nix" Nixon is a technician in the immortal empire of Great Britain and her Colonies. Politics are the last thing on Nix's mind - as a technician, he only wishes to service machines and their spirits. It is a fact known since the days of Christ and her Clockwork that any machine of sufficient complexity can be spoken with, and so, technicians have needed to be skilled with words and hands alike to ensure harmony between man and metal. However, as...
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Living in Night City isn't easy. And having to take up edgerunning is even harder. But maybe there's a way to make things better. It's a thin hope for Reiko Itou but it's the only one she's got.
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Changing universes, getting superpowers, and merging mind and soul with a homeless orphan child isn't terribly dramatic or difficult. The parts before that really aren't all that much worse. Unfortunately, that's only the beginning for poor, unfortunate, Jacqueline Colere. Being small and adorable is a pretty good superpower, as is being mostly capable of making good decisions. And healing powers are pretty great, even if they're also pretty useless in a fight. She even has good people...
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Iris is a trans girl who has seemingly run out of hope. When her life ends prematurely, she is offered a second chance in a fantasy world where she can be the person she wants to be - whoever that is.
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Sasha Aviah Dula wants to make the world a better place by destroying monsters and teaching others how to do the same. Just when they were getting used to things, someone goes and shoots a werewolf in broad daylight. Now everyone knows about magic, and they have to figure out how to keep their little community together uncharted territory, all while not dying on the job. [Updates at least once every two weeks]
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A story of growth. A story of self confidence. A story of pride. A story of power. A story of the ages, for the ages. A story of triumph. A journey through an old world, towards a new goal. Where the myths of the past are challenged, and new lore rises in a bright future. Welcome to a moment in history...the birth of the legend herself. This is the story of someone with great love and an even greater dream. The story of someone who dreamed of changing the world, and everything it was made...
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It's been twenty years since the Changeover ended. Eighty since the Old World died. Now is the time of the New, where humanity walks hand-in-hand with eldritch creatures from the other side of reality. They brought us the Sorcery we needed to tear it all down, and it'll be with their help that we usher in an age of peace and possibility. A child of the New World, Nadia grew up believing this with her whole being. Planned her life around these words. Only to have one night reveal them to be...
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Le Vie De L'auteur is a Romantic Comedy with isekai and horror elements about an author falling back in love with her work, and learning to climb out of the deep hole that is depression with all of the troubles that implies.
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A story about a bunch of butch Sorioritas taking turns bullying a Warlock nerd. Or, alternatively, a story about love, lust, and religion in the grim darkness of the 41st millenium.
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In the waning days of the Roman Republic, Ptahotep, an Egyptian scribe with seemingly prophetic visions, serves the exiled Pharaoh Ptolemy XII while navigating Rome's political landscape. Torn between his loyalty to his Lord, his growing love for a local Senator, and his own burgeoning ambitions, Ptahotep faces a profound personal conflict.
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Sinclairs an egg. Ryoshu is a mama bird. Mama birds help baby birds break there eggs.
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King Arthur and the Round Table - a story known the world over. Written, re-written, and then some. In all versions, exists one character: Merlin. A cambion sired by an otherworldly lover upon his mother. Some say an incubus, some a devil. Perhaps even the devil. In something adjacent to the Hellaverse, we get this. Meet the cast: Charlie Morningstar: Lucifer's daughter, determined to redeem sinners and save her people. Daughter to Lucifer and Lilith, half-sister to Merlin - who has...
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A boy wakes up in an Earth-Bet that is slightly to the left of the original with a power slightly more mystical than the norm. His presence retroactively sparking magic throughout the world. Will he survive, but more importantly will he live? Updates Sundays Crossposted on Spacebattles
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In one timeline, nobody left Vault 76 until 2102, well after the people of Appalachia had been exterminated by the Scorched Plague... or by their own hands. In another, someone left that Vault early - and changed the face of Appalachia forever. In the year 2086, Vault 76 opened to let one dweller out. Jessica Hayes - whatever her ego might say- didn't single handedly change the course of history, but one person can set in motion a whole new chain of events. Maybe, just maybe, Appalachia...
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A transfeminine orphan of the Schola Progenium sets out to join the Adepta Sororitas, fueled by her extreme faith and her memories of being rescued by Sororitas when she was younger. But not all is as it seems with the Saint-to-be.
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Jeremy is used to his dull and ordinary life, and may not find joy in it, but has come to terms with that. However, everything changes when he picks up a lost bracelet in the woods. He gets instantly thrust into a clash of good and evil, fighting foes from a far off planet with the universe at stake. After Jeremy joins the fight, he and his peppy teammate Charity have to puzzle through many riddles: Who are these enemies, and why do they seek to destroy the universe? Can the two of them...
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"If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts. If you have the law on your side, pound the law. If you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table." Mutant law was an emergent field, more or less the wild west of the legal profession, and on a good day, you're lucky if the law and facts aren't all dead-set against you. And when your list of recurring clients includes the Wielder of Cerebro and the Master of Magnetism? Well... suffice to say, there is plenty of pounding the...
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A story about a trans self-insert with a CYOA-style tinker trump powerset, struggling with the reversal of their transition and the horrific stress resulting from being dumped on a veritable hellworld. It is NOT just a straight "accumulate all the power and horde it" fic. In fact one of the reasons I made this is because almost all SI fics involve hoarding power, and it bothers my little anarchist heart. The powerset is as follows: - The user is connected to a shard, but this shard has...
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Then again, it’s not just just appearing harmless the thing that’s most pressing an issue, and neither is it that she is a fair distance away from Cibo herself, though it’s an entirely valid concern, she knows that Silicon Life-forms would not attempt anything regarding a Level 9 Safeguard, defenseless as she is, until they were absolutely certain they could pull back, collecting themselves from different levels like vermin. No, those issues are not significant enough to present themselves...
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This idea has been bubbling for a while now. I wanted to write about characters who either met their digimon as adults or grew to adulthood in the digital world. I also wanted to write a character who starts the story knowing she's trans and has very good reasons for not wanting to return to her analog world. Warning: there are depictions of transphobia, dysphoria, homelessness, street fights, and slurs, and extralegal activities within the first chapter. So turn back now if any of those...
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Korentis just wants to learn magic in peace. It's not xir fault people hate mages! Yes, they broke the moon and made demons rain. But that was ages ago, right? No reason to worry. Yes, they say mages become insane and violent, but that's definitely propaganda. Xe'll be fine. Xe even made friends with some like-minded criminal mages! And xe's just perfect for a job they had in mind! Cerical hunts mages for the Agency. She swore a solemn oath and got her silver sword. She believes in her...
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Golden Morning was not the end of the warrior but simply a new beginning as one Izuka Midorya. The world of heros has to deal with a being that is so far from them that their entire world will be changed by his mere existence, while Scion Izuka has to deal with his new humanity and the gaping hole of emptiness.
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A butterfly flaps its wings, and Harry Potter ends up taking the place of Pansy Parkinson via polyjuice rather than Gregory Goyle. She discovers being a girl is pretty great, in her view. She's a little kinder to herself, a little more confident - and that makes all the difference.
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It was a strange woman called The Doctor who found me, saying she was a time traveller who'd lived for centuries. I was trapped in an endless castle, then she showed me what true endlessness really looked like. I can go with her anywhere in time and space now... except back home.
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Grace, a young girl from Ohio, was expecting the Abyssal War to remain background radiation for her, for her entire life. She wasn't expecting to wake up at 4 AM as a fleet carrier with pale skin and glowing red eyes. But life doesn't always give you what you expected.
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TW: Violence, Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Kink, Gore In Book 02, A Swarm Leader has found her place with her new burgeoning family, Saint Celestine and The Inquisitor Katarinya Grayfax. Now she adventures before a crusade, having her final moments before War hits her tired team. Co-written by @Dapperlad1
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Elijah Matthews is a self described outcast. If you'd asked at the start of freshman year, instead of now as a junior in highschool, then the answer would've been different. But then he lost one friend to habitual overwork and overachievement, one to her losing what mattered most, and now he's the only friend of a girl who seems content to have only one friend herself. Oh, and he'll finally have to confront feelings he's been ignoring since middle school, his completely failing...
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