Which Lili is your favourite?

  • Angry Lili

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Bully Lili

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • Benevolent Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Commander Lili

    Votes: 24 15.2%
  • Big Sis Lili

    Votes: 49 31.0%
  • Shy Lili

    Votes: 18 11.4%
  • Smug Lili

    Votes: 57 36.1%
  • Sadist Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Professional Lili

    Votes: 26 16.5%
  • Villainess Lili

    Votes: 37 23.4%
  • Suave Lili

    Votes: 28 17.7%

  • Total voters
To Boldly Go
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 88
"To Boldly Go"
[Convergence of Shadows: Feature 3]

With not much time before the summit is to begin, the various groups from each village are huddled together. The groups from Mist and Cloud are talking among themselves, while ours from Leaf and that of Sand are quietly resting. Hina went off to the washroom earlier and is returning now, while Mifune has gone off to fetch more tea and what he calls specially preserved spring water for his guests.

In the midst of all this, the last set of attendees is about to arrive.

"Lord Tsuchikage and his group should be arriving shortly," Hina says as she returns.

"Couldn't miss those troublemakers," I reply. "I suppose old age really does become a factor later in life."

"And you intend to be young and spry forever," Hiruzen says.

"Of course. If only for the sake of my lovely wife, and the many future lovers who will desire my care. I've a reputation to build, and keep."

"As a good a reason as any."

"It would be appreciated if you didn't encourage her behaviour, Lord Hokage," Hina says.

"We can worry about my bad habits later. Let's greet the Tsuchikage for now," I say before standing up. The old man sets down his pipe and stands up, Hina following. We wait patiently for the group from Rock to finish their conversation with Mifune. They take note of us first and then ascend to the upper level of the room where we are, the other groups alert as expected. Save for the cloaks they were wearing upon entry, none of the trio looks any different from the last time we met in Grass Country.

"I take it the trip wasn't too hard on your old bones, Sarutobi?" Oonoki asks.

"Not at all. It feels like I've gained a second and even third wind these days. I was speaking to the Raikage earlier about how youthful I've felt lately, in fact. I hope you've felt the same," Hiruzen says.

"Some days more than others..."

"The old man threw out his back twice on the way here," Kurotsuchi says. "Fortunately for us, he's just as quick to recover as he is stubborn."

"I think you've said enough, girl."

"Listen, Akatsuchi offered to carry your stupid luggage, and you kept refusing. Blame yourself, yeah?"

"Now, I think a little extra compassion for the elderly will do for today," I say. "We are looking forward to seeing their wisdom in action during this time of crisis."

"There, you see? At least someone around here has the proper amount of reverence for me," Oonoki grumbles.

"What's this? Is our favourite serpent woman buttering up the old man?" Kurotsuchi asks, amused.

"Surely it will make his slide down the mountainside much faster and easier for us all."

"You had me worried for a second. I thought you were actually being nice to us, and in public!"

"Perish the thought."

"Well, it's good to see you and the other old timer are in high spirits. I also see you've been doling out your secrets to another member of your ladies club," she says with a brow raised, looking over Hina. "A member of the all seeing Hyuuga, no less. My name's Kurotsuchi, and the big guy next to us is Akatsuchi. The old guy in the fancy robes happens to be my gramps, the Third Tsuchikage who's ruled since we were rubbing sticks together to make fire. Don't get on his bad side. That's my job."

"It's very nice to meet you, Miss Kurotsuchi," Hina says with a bow. "And you as well, Mister Akatsuchi."


"Of course, I extend special greeting to Lord Tsuchikage. We appreciate your presence here, sir. My name is Hinata Hyuuga, heiress of the Leaf's mighty and noble Hyuuga Clan."

"The daughter of Hiashi Hyuuga, yes?"

"Yes, sir."

"Hm, I see. Making a statement with these two, are we, Sarutobi?" he asks Hiruzen.

"One might be able to decipher a message from this arrangement...but I chose two of the Leaf's finest kunoichi for my personal protection at this historic meeting. I believe that is all that needs to be said."

"Fair enough."

"Outrageous and unfair body types aside, the all white look is pretty flashy," Kurotsuchi says. "Maybe I should give it a try one of these days. Gramps, at this rate half the guys in our village will defect to Leaf."

"What? Why would you say something like that?"

"You know why. We need more women with meat on their bones. Which is why you should bump the pay up for all our kunoichi, so that they can eat heartier stuff!"

"This nonsense again. You can earn money like everyone else, by doing high rank missions."

She frowns. "You're so damn cheap, old man. Kobayashi, send whatever workout plan you use by mail later. I need a leg up on the competition. A thick one, preferably."

"How many times have I told you to stop with that nonsense, girl. The men are already gossiping about you. Moving on from this foolishness...Sarutobi, is there anything you need addressed in specific before the meeting starts?"

Hiruzen shakes his head. "Nothing. I have some things that I do intend to mention during the meeting itself, but revealing them too quickly would spoil the effect."

"I see. The usual topics are on the board for us. No surprises to worry about, as far as you know."

"One must hold at least some of their cards close."

"Indeed. And how has our friend from the land of valleys and lightning bolts seemed today?" Oonoki asks.

"As lively as ever, I gathered. We had a short chat earlier."

"Good, good. It wouldn't do if he was in anything less than high spirits. I will pay him a visit last, so as to preserve suspense."

"You mean to make it look like you're ignoring him," Kurotsuchi says.

"There is an art to these things, even if you don't understand."

Well, he's certainly right about that. Bullying the Raikage, of all people...I should take the chance to observe a master of the craft, while I can.

"I'm pretty shocked that guy hasn't flattened you by now. Maybe you're right and there's some secret art that I don't know, or care to know." She puts her hands behind her head. "Luckily, he's got himself some hotties for guards. I can do with staring at them for a while, while you guys do your old man banter and whatever."

"We'll see to the Mizukage first, mystery that she is. Sarutobi, Kobayashi, Hyuuga...see you in a little while," Oonoki says.

"Until then, Lord Tsuchikage," I say.

"Goodbye for now, Lord Tsuchikage," Hina says.

"Yes, until then. Hopefully there won't be too much trouble," Hiruzen says with a smile.

"Don't count on it," Kurotsuchi says. "Alright, Gramps...we'll go ahead and start your bullying campaign. Miss Serpent, we'll be in touch."

"Of course."

They head off to the other side of the room to meet with the Mist, and we sit down again.

"That Kurotsuchi woman seemed a little bit too calm around us," Hina says. "I think she's plotting something."

"The lot of them are, that's how it always is. She said as much to me the last time we spoke," I say to her. "So that's why I can tell she isn't hiding anything from us. That sort of rough, overly familiar display is how she is."

"Indeed," Hiruzen says. "The same goes for Oonoki. He always has something hidden beneath his sleeves, but when he speaks, it's earnestly. Something his granddaughter has clearly picked up."

"Keep your guard up, but don't be too concerned about their antics. They're as prideful as all shinobi...not ones to act dishonourably in the open, but more than willing to skulk around in the dark and take advantage of chaos."

"Ah. So nothing out of the ordinary, then," Hina concludes. "I can live with that much."

"The meeting should start shortly, now that all of the concerned parties are present. Hopefully before Oonoki and A get too deep into their usual banter," Hiruzen says. "They tend to get excitable any time they have the fortune of ending up in the same room together."

"Oh, they're attached to each other. Very cute," I say.

"Is cute the word you want to use for two grown men arguing?" Hina asks.

"It's the perfect word. Like dogs who bark at each other whenever they cross paths, but only for a minute before giving up and sniffing about. Just like that."

"I'm almost jealous of your active imagination, Lili."

"Almost, hm?"

"If I were half the troublemaker you are, Father would have no hair left on his head due to stress."

I try to imagine a bald Hiashi. Nothing comes to mind.

"I don't think that's possible. It would probably grey a lot faster, but everyone loves a silver fox," I say.

"Why is it that you always have something outrageous to come back with..."

Hiruzen chuckles at that. "Lest we forget the infinite wit of Lady Kobayashi. I believe this round should be settled for now, else you end up losing hair yourself."

"Far be it from me to ignore your wisdom, Lord Hokage." She sighs and gives me a look before leaning back in her seat. I guess this is a good time to keep still and do my observations of the other groups. Well, after I head to the washroom myself. One too many cups of tea today.


"Alright, eyes up front. General Mifune wants your attention."

Yuna and Joshua enter the room first, followed by Mifune. They stand on either side of his seat in the middle of the table, and he comes to a stop in front of it.

"Everyone is assembled at last, good. I hope you have been comfortable during your wait, and that it has not been too long for you. I will introduce myself to you all once more. My name is Mifune, the leader of the Iron Country and moderator of this historic Five Kage Summit. My attendants for today are Joshua Walker and Yuna Dofun."

"Welcome, y'all. Hope you've been enjoying your time here."

"Yeah, good that you made it here in one piece. Stay out of trouble and you'll be able to leave the same way."

Mifune nods. "As you can see, I have chosen these two for the greatest possible balance. We ask that you comport yourselves as the leaders of the five great shinobi nations are expected to. With all of that said, I would ask that the Five Kage descend to the lower level, and take their assigned seats. The designated attendants for each should take their positions on the upper level, directly behind their respective Kage."

"Good luck, oyaji."

"Please take care, Lord Hokage."

"Thank you, ladies."

We rub his back gently before he stands up, hopping down lightly to the lower level along with the other Kage. They move towards their seats in order: the Raikage at the end of the table on my left, the Tsuchikage next to him, our Hokage directly in front of us in the middle, the Kazekage right of him, and finally the Mizukage at the end on the right. Mifune sits at his designated desk in the middle, Yuna standing on the left and Joshua on the right.

Each of the remaining pairings positions themselves behind their Kage, as instructed. Hina and I nod to each other before returning our attention to the meeting below. We should be all set.

Here we go.

"With this, the Five Kage Summit begins now," Mifune announces. "Thank you once more for attending this most important meeting. We are here at the request of the Third Tsuchikage, who was met in the affirmative by the Fourth Raikage. If there are any who wish to speak on recent events, please do so now. Joshua here will be taking the minutes."

"Yes, sir. I'd appreciate it everyone spoke clearly and one at a time." He takes out a notepad and pen, giving the room a friendly smile. "Makes everyone's jobs easier, mine especially. Thanks!"

Gaara nods. "Then I suppose I will begin, if that's not too insolent of me."

"Ha. It seems we have quite the interesting group here, you especially," Oonoki says. "To see someone so young installed as Kazekage, times surely have changed."

"They have, yes. Though I hope I can continue with my statement, as much as I might enjoy being showered with praise."

"Cheeky brat, aren't we? Your father may have made you into a powerhouse, but he skipped a few steps in raising you! Hahaha!"

"Lord Tsuchikage, your concern for Lord Kazekage's development is well noted," Mei says. "But I think it would be best if you allowed him to continue speaking."

"Hmph. Well, go ahead."

"Thank you," Gaara says. He nods gratefully to Mei. "As I meant to say earlier...I am currently a jinchuuriki, that of the One Tail, called Shukaku. My village was attacked by members of Akatsuki, who wished to extract Shukaku from my body, in order to fuel some devious plan that we still have no knowledge of. Dangers of taking a tailed beast aside, that they were able to infiltrate a hidden village, threaten to destroy it, and fight on even grounds with one of the Five Kage are all causes for great concern. Akatsuki is an extremely dangerous entity, and will grow in danger as time continues to move."

He looks out over the table.

"I made requests of the other villages, and many were ignored or rejected. Though I know you all have your reasons, it was still disappointing to experience. But one village stepped up when we needed them most...our current allies, and former enemies. The Hidden Leaf. Lord Hokage not only sent aid, he had his finest soldiers rush to the village in order to stop Akatsuki's menace. As a result, the terrorist bomber Deidara was forced to retreat, and Sasori of the Red Sand, who murdered Lord Third, and Pakura of Scorch Release, was killed in battle. I was able to return to the village with Shukaku still installed, and with little in the way of wear. I and my village will never forget what the Leaf has done for us, but as powerful and reliable as they are, they cannot stop a global threat alone. We have had several hosts captured, but it's not too late to change the path we walk down currently."

"Those who rely so heavily on the kindness of others should not speak with such arrogance," Oonoki says.


"Yes. Though you have been spared the consequences of losing a tailed beast to Akatsuki, you were still too weak to defend yourselves, and remain too weak to make a difference as that group rampages across the continent. In fact, if you hadn't been so useless and needed the Scarlet Viper to save you, we might have been able to avoid losing important assets altogether."

"Lord Tsuchikage, I believe it is entirely unfair to blame Leaf or Sand for the shortcomings of your own village," Mei says. "In the same way that I would not hold anything against another village for my own. And as harsh as it is to say...I also think that you should be careful with your words, considering that the Sand was reportedly put into danger by one of your own rogue shinobi."

"You really have some nerve, you brat. Do you think we don't know about Demon Zabuza and Kisame Hoshigaki? And those unknown youths with the vampire powers...I wouldn't be shocked if they were your fault, too. Take a moment to think...do you really have the right to speak down to me, girl?"

Mei tenses, and looks to be thinking on her response.

"All of you, be quiet! I have heard enough of your nonsense!" A suddenly roars, getting up out of his seat. The room already on a hair trigger, each of the attendants rises and gets ready to move.


A deep chill ripples through the air as Yuna pushes her sword out of its sheath with one thumb.

"Every one of you needs to settle down. Now. Act like functioning adults, or I send you back to your countries in chunks. Don't make me say it again."

"Do you like your odds?" Joshua asks, not looking up from his notes. "I sure don't. And that's before I get myself involved. Give my partner a break and chill out, would you?"

"Tch." A doesn't sit down, but relaxes himself. All of us on the upper level eye each other before sitting back down.

"Lord Raikage, since you have already raised your objections, I think it would be wise to allow you to continue with them, urgent as they were," Mifune says. A deft moderator, but one would expect no less from the samurai general.

"The bickering that has taken place has no purpose or end," A continues. "We of Cloud are the only village that has no missing shinobi in the ranks of Akatsuki. You in Mist have three monsters, perhaps even more. And at least one each have come from Sand, Rock, and Leaf. The only reason I held this meeting at the Tsuchikage's request was to gather as much information as possible on the Akatsuki threat. They caused harm to Yugito already, and surely have their eyes on my brother inside Lightning's borders!"

Now everything makes sense. That look he gave us earlier...Killer Bee isn't just the host of the Eight Tails, he's the Raikage's younger brother. Keeping him confined to one area isn't just about control. It's for his protection, even if it might be extreme. And here I thought his heart was at least partially stone. Seems like it's not the case at all.

"I can't place trust in any of you Kage as a result! Especially as it gets worse!"

"Worse? How so?" Gaara asks.

"You're the Kazekage and you don't know? How much have your elders and advisors been keeping from you?" A asks.

"We would very much appreciate your enlightenment, Lord Raikage," Mei says.

"What the Raikage is trying to say, delicately," Hiruzen says, breaking his silence, "is that certain villages have been making use of Akatsuki to supplement their own fighting forces. Even as the news of their heinous crimes came through various cables. That said, I also believe there are some misconceptions that will be cleared away as we go through them."

"I highly doubt that it is the case, Hokage," A fires back. "You have two such members-"

"Yes, as predicted. If you would allow me to stop you there, my friend. You must be referring to Orochimaru of the Three Shinobi, and Itachi Uchiha. Is that correct?"

"It must be."

Hiruzen shakes his head. "Orochimaru had long distanced himself from Akatsuki by the time he launched his joint attack with Hidden Sand on the Leaf. In fact, he murdered and impersonated the former Kazekage, then carried on in his place in order to bring the plan to fruition and complete his true objective: assassinating me. We confirmed this by way of Sasori, who claimed he was hunting down Orochimaru in his spare time for his betrayal of the organization, and had developed lethal poisons with nearly impossible to decipher antidotes for that purpose, among others."

"We are able to corroborate this information," Gaara says. "And will provide evidence if requested. Lord Hokage is telling the truth. Orochimaru impersonated my father, and it was the work of the Leaf's Six Heroes that uncovered his scheme before it was too late. While my father could not be saved, Lord Hokage was. I believe that the course of history was changed on that day. If Orochimaru had acted with the backing of Akatsuki, he would have had a much easier time. At least one sleeper agent was inserted into our highest ranks by Akatsuki, and used to gain access to the village – information that helped with my initial capture."

"Fine," A says. "So Orochimaru was a rogue element. That leaves the clan killer, Itachi Uchiha."

Oh...so that's where this is going. Is the old man going to play that card? Maybe it is that time...it would be something if he did.

"We have reason to believe that Itachi Uchiha, while still a dangerous missing-nin in our sights, has relieved himself of his contract with Akatsuki. This, I believe, directly relates to the hiring of the two youths who we can now confirm are rogues from the Hidden Mist."

Mei nods solemnly. "Kaitaikojo and Ishako."


"So both Itachi and Orochimaru left Akatsuki?" Oonoki asks. "I suppose it's expected behaviour of Leaf shinobi. Your hearts flash gold at the most inane times."

"It must be so," Hiruzen says.

"If you're trying to absolve yourself, Hokage, just know that it isn't going to work," A says. "Whether or not your claims are true, your missing-nin, along with the others, formed the core of that terrorist organization Akatsuki. They've made attempts on several jinchuuriki, and managed to capture three tailed beasts so far. The guilt will not suddenly leave your hands over a few scraps of good work. And speaking of guilt..."

He focuses in on Mei, whose gaze shifts to the table again.

"You of the Hidden Mist are the most suspicious of all, even beyond the other nations. Not only do you have a high concentration of miscreants inside of Akatsuki, and not only do you have a high number of missing-nin in general, but your diplomatic relations have all but ceased since the election of the Fifth. You hide within your archipelago, make no visible efforts towards retrieving the tailed beast in your waters, and there is the most persistent rumour: that Akatsuki was formed within your borders."

This sort of bullying might be too much. But...A is also right to be suspicious of the Hidden Mist, given its secrecy. They even refused to comment on the rumours regarding us and Utakata. Akatsuki...could it be possible that we were searching in the wrong place all along? That the roots were just across the sea, all of this time? Did Zabuza know about this, and was that what his attempts at a coup were for?

Mei nervously lets out a breath, trying to find the words to say. In the corner of my eye, I can see Ao tensing up and Chojuro nervously fidgeting.

"I...I don't know if it's wise to say this. But...there are things that we suspected..."

"Damn it all," I can hear Ao faintly mutter. "Is she really about to..."

"Is this in regards to your predecessor?" Hiruzen asks. She nods slowly.

"Use your words, woman! You-"

"Raikage, that is enough for now. Lady Mizukage has the floor, so we will allow her to speak," he says firmly. "Is that understood?"

A glares at Hiruzen before sitting down, his hands on the table in front of him.

"Please continue, Lady Mizukage."

"Thank you, Lord Hokage," she says gratefully.

"Before that, take a few sips of water. I believe you will feel better for it."

She picks up the glass in front of her and nervously sips from it. Hiruzen does the same, and Gaara has a moment of recognition before following the older man's lead.

"That...it helped a bit. Please forgive me for taking up so much time, I'm ready to continue. What I was saying earlier...this does have something to do with the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi. Lord Yagura was an extremely powerful individual who also was said to have achieved perfect unison with the tailed beast sealed inside of him. While there have been many jinchuuriki in history that have achieved high levels of control, including Lord Kazekage...only a fraction of them can be said to have achieved that level of harmony with the beast inside of them. Lord Yagura was one in his time, and another would be Lord Killer Bee, who is under Lord Raikage's care. It is for that reason that we found his actions, both during and at the very end of his reign, to be highly suspect."

"Could you elaborate, Lady Mizukage?" Gaara asks.

"Yes, I can. Lord Fourth was a drastically different man before he took up his position. At some point, he became the monster that the world knows him as now. All throughout our rebellion against him, we suspected that he might have been under the control of someone, or perhaps something...with the sort of jutsu that we wouldn't recognize right away. But...revealing that information would ultimately cause chaos, even if we suspected it was Akatsuki, or someone working with them." She bows her head. "I'm sorry, but I had to protect our village. If something like that leaked out, then..."

"Damn you all! So you were hiding the existence of Akatsuki?" A roars. "Now look at what you've done!"

"You simpering little brat!" Oonoki snaps. "From your high chair, you look down on all of us. Presuming that because you have no rogue shinobi within Akatsuki, you have no spots on you. But those hands of yours drip with more blood than all of us combined!"

"You dare, Tsuchikage?"

"Yes, I do dare. Look here, Kazekage," he continues, "you and your ilk might resent me for what I did, but when you have to manage a village, an entire system of shinobi and ordinary people, you do what needs to be done. You realize that this era has been one of the more peaceful ones since the shinobi started the organized village system, yes?"

"I believe I do. In many ways...this peace is what caused my father to make me into a weapon, for the supposed good of all. But this is more comprehensive than that, I assume."

"That's true. It is all connected, to say the very least of it. The age of military adventure has come to an end, and borders, for better or worse, are starting to solidify. It means a transition from expansion to disarmament, as called for by the daimyo who sit in their high chairs and make various proclamations."

"A direct cause of the invasion that struck the Leaf," Hiruzen says. "The Hidden Sand was not led through an adequate process, one that would satisfy the needs of the village and the nation that it is meant to protect."

"It is much the same all around," Oonoki says. "So the villages have to cut back, because having a large standing military is a drain on the nation's resources. But we are not sent help to close the inevitable gap. Training new recruits takes both money and time, both of which end up in short supply depending on the season. What happens if another nation nearby decides they're not going to slow their spending? It means that we end up at a massive disadvantage if a war suddenly breaks out."

"And treaties, as we know, are thinner than the paper they are written on," Gaara says.

"Quite so. Sarutobi there can tell you as much."

Hiruzen nods at that.

"But you see where I'm heading with this, young one."

"Surely. Mercenary forces...which include Akatsuki. Legitimate enterprises in this shinobi world."

"Correct. Skilled professionals at nearly unbeatable rates, that could be used to supplement our own military forces. No drama, no complaints. Impeccably done work, and consistently to boot. There was no work they wouldn't take on."

"And for a nation surrounded by powerful rivals, it only made sense with that calculus. I see."

"Do you, Kazekage?" A asks.

"I believe he does," Mei says firmly. "Lord Raikage, we appreciate that you do not have any known ties to Akatsuki, nor do you have any S-Class criminals in their ranks. But I believe that Lord Tsuchikage was also correct to scold you just now. Even as our village has kept itself isolated, in order to try and heal properly, we have also had to expend time and energy patrolling our borders. All so that we can prevent incursions by your shinobi. The Hidden Cloud has used this time of relative peace to try and aggressively expand into other areas. And you have been doing it for an age now."

"It was the very reason that I made use of Akatsuki so extensively in the first place," Oonoki says. "For the Raikage of all people to look down on us, while he made attempt after attempt to gain power in these lands, is ludicrous. With no idea how long the Cloud could sustain this madness, nations large and small came to rely on Akatsuki and other mercenary bands. Just because he has a daimyo who supports warmongering, doesn't mean that he can blame the rest of us not having that advantage placed on our laps."

"You know full well that the history of shinobi is a history of war and conflict," A replies. "If you and your daimyo cannot come to that understanding, perhaps you should reevaluate your position as one of the Five Kage! I will not be condescended to for doing the job that I am meant to do!"

"The passion you all have for your villages is truly inspiring. I commend you five for the effort you apply each day in maintaining the world's balance."

Everyone's attention goes to Mifune as he speaks.

"However, as moderator...I must also ensure that our time is not completely spent on arguments and rebuttals to such in perpetuity. Though we have many concerns, we should focus on the ones that brought us to this point. This meeting was ultimately a request of the Hidden Rock, which recently suffered the loss of both their jinchuuriki and the tailed beasts that were sealed inside of them. In the time that has passed since then, the Hidden Mist also suffered the loss of their remaining jinchuuriki, and the tailed beast that was sealed inside of him. Also, in the midst of all this chaos, the jinchuuriki from Hidden Waterfall has allegedly vacated their village entirely. There were attempts on one of the jinchuuriki from Hidden Cloud, and on Lord Kazekage, who is the jinchuuriki from Hidden Sand. One tailed beast roams the ocean free at current. The only ones known to have not encountered any direct trouble so far are the remaining hosts from Cloud and Leaf. All of these things have one common thread: the mercenary group called Akatsuki."

"At the very least, we should declare them a terrorist organization due to their heinous activities, and composition of S-Class traitors," A says. "Some have been confirmed eliminated, or have left the organization entirely. Restricting their ability to freely gain funds will force them to make a move, sooner rather than later."

"We can agree on that much," Oonoki says. "What say the rest of you?"

"Easily agreed to," Gaara says. "Any services out of our reach can be coordinated with our allies in Leaf. Now that we have an appropriate structure...we have no worries of starvation, as we did in the past."

"I am in agreement with Lord Kazekage," Hiruzen says.

"I am in agreement as well," Mei says. "It is our intent to improve our diplomatic relations in the near future, so that we can properly cooperate on shutting Akatsuki out of the market."

"The Iron endorses this plan as well," Mifune says in agreement. "It will add another layer of credibility if the daimyo of your nations should require it. I imagine some organizations would normally object to this sort of market manipulation, but when it comes to this level of terrorism, I believe it is more than warranted. This can easily be coordinated among us."

"As the most trustworthy of the villages at current, I believe we of Cloud should be the ones to deliver the missive."

"A little over the line," Oonoki says, "but we won't press you too much on that point."


"That leaves one part settled," Mifune says. "Related to the tailed beasts is the issue of power balance. The First Hokage, Lord Hashirama Senju, arranged for the distribution of tailed beasts to the newly formed world powers, of which you five at this table now represent. Currently, we are in a difficult situation."

He hands a few sheets to Joshua, who goes around the inside portion of the table, distributing them to each of the Kage. Ao is already on the move with his Byakugan, and Hina quickly follows suit to read what's been set down.

"In front of you are documents detailing the petitions made by various shinobi villages that do not have a seat at this particular table. Nonetheless, Lord Tsuchikage saw to it that their voices were not unheard in this hour. With the balance of power shifting so rapidly, they are increasingly worried about conflict and the possibility of war. I would like you to consider these petitions, and the idea that I have in mind."

"What do you have for us, samurai?" A asks.

"General Mifune has been respectful to you this entire time, even with your stupid outbursts," Yuna says. "Show him the proper respect in turn."

"Listen..." A means to say something, but thinks better of it. Joshua has an eyebrow raised while focusing on his notes. "Fine. Samurai general, what is it you have to suggest to us?"

"Like fucking pulling teeth with these people..."

"Now, Yuna. We should be humbled by Lord Raikage's most gracious address. Wouldn't you agree, my lord?" Joshua asks, with just a hint of snark.

"Indeed. Thank you for amending your statement, Lord Raikage. As for my suggestion, it comes out of my position as a neutral party, and the leader of a historically neutral country with no major political alliances to consider. I would ask you of the Five Kage to consider a five village alliance, in order to take care of Akatsuki once and for all, and facilitate greater cooperation between your villages into the future."

"An alliance?" A repeats.

"Yes. As you can see from the documents in front of you, a large concern is the alignment of minor nations and their allies. They express concern over the state of the Hidden Rock, which has visibly lost a large amount of military power due to losing both of their hosts. They also expressed concern about relations in the eastern sea, with the Hidden Mist also being weakened due to the loss of their remaining host. There is worry about the Hidden Leaf, which not only holds the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox, but has prolific warriors with great power and potential...some with inscrutable motive, it has been said."

He gives me a quick glance at that, and some in the gallery follow suit.

"But the greatest concern is the potential for things to devolve into yet another continent spanning war. Whether it's a war of desperation, or of convenience. Sides will need to be chosen, lest the smaller villages in the middle be trampled to nothing. The Hidden Grass is most adamant that we find a solution, having been victims of the last great war, where their nation was a stage for battles between the Rock and Leaf. An alliance between the five great powers would be a very welcome thing for everyone on this continent, our nation included. By cooperating, you could share resources and intelligence."

"Something like that is out of the question," A says. "We of Cloud have no need to cooperate with the other villages, or dole out our resources to those who were too weak to gather their own. Furthermore, it is as I said before. You are all too untrustworthy, and flawed in your own ways. Even you can admit to that, samurai general."

"Hm." Mifune thinks on that before nodding. "From this position, I understand at least some of Lord Raikage's concerns. We would also have trouble agreeing on the leader of a proposed alliance. My first choice would be Lord Hokage, as he has the requisite amounts of wisdom and respect from his peers. His village is stable and healthy, and poses no immediate threat to others along with being well trusted. And it has heroes who are beloved by the civilian contingent, which is a positive for public policy. Unfortunately...aside from Lord Raikage's obvious objection to such a selection, there are negatives to consider. That same stability can also be interpreted as a threat. Also, while both of the known Leaf operatives in Akatsuki have either left it or have been eliminated, there are still security concerns that would be raised. I also imagine that Lord Tsuchikage would object to having his village's fate rest primarily in the hands of one of their greatest rivals."

"To say the least of it," Oonoki mutters.

"None of the other selections fare any better," Mifune continues. "Lord Kazekage has done well to come this far at his age...which, ironically, is a problem in itself. He is seen as too young, and lacking experience in leadership. Many would not show him the proper respect as a result. The Sand is also seen as weak and still vulnerable after the attacks they've experienced. Their previous two Kazekage were killed by rogues, and the recent one kidnapped. A concern would be needing to supplement the Sand's forces heavily, a cost that some are unwilling to bear. Lady Mizukage, unfortunately you and your village cannot be trusted because of your recent silence, in addition to your reputation for having so many missing-nin in the first place. The intelligence reports on the sibling pair from your village will also be revealing in ways that do not favour you. And finally, the rumours regarding Akatsuki's origins are a blow to your reputation, unsubstantiated as they might be."

"That's...unfortunately a fair assessment," she says soberly.

"Lord Tsuchikage is also out, if only because of his extensive use of Akatsuki to get around his personnel issues. Though I am understanding of his choices, the fact remains that he not only provided Akatsuki with significant funding, he also gave them opportunity to infiltrate the village and steal away two of this world's most powerful and destructive entities, in addition to whatever intelligence that was available."

Oonoki grumbles at that, but raises no objection.

"I will say it again: you other villages are far too untrustworthy to cooperate with. I refuse to form any sort of alliance with you, unless you provide significant guarantees and concessions to the Cloud and Lightning Country as a whole," A says.

"Really, now. I recall that at the first summit, the other villages were willing to band together and crush the Sand for its insolence," Oonoki says. "Perhaps you want to see how you would fare facing four hidden villages at once, like the First Kazekage missed out on?"

"The last thing we would want is a pointless war," Gaara says.

"Tempting fate like that...I want us to be more reasonable, as world leaders," Mei pleads. "Surely we can find a way to work together, especially with Akatsuki running rampant?"

"We still have time to ourselves," Oonoki says. "Akatsuki is stealing the tailed beasts, but there is much in the way of work to be done in order to control them. As said, there are only two known hosts with true control over the beasts they house. In addition, the only individuals that were not hosts to have any sort of control over the tailed beasts are Hashirama Senju and his rival, Madara Uchiha."

"Tsuchikage...have you had the chance to meet either of those men in person?" Gaara asks.

"Indeed I have. They were both beyond any mortal I could think of, or name...the sheer power they commanded routinely defied description. Controlling and subduing giant monsters was easily done in their cases. Hashirama used his Wood Release, and Madara the power of his Sharingan."

"Hm." Hiruzen leans back in his chair, contemplating something.

"Lord Hokage, it seems something is on your mind," Mifune says. "Is this information you can share with us?"

We do have that information...he might be set on releasing it. Just have to wonder how far he's willing to go.

"This is merely speculation, based on an event that happened some time in the past. As you all know by now...the village was attacked by the Nine-Tails over a decade and a half ago, and our Fourth Hokage sacrificed himself in order to save us from destruction. We lost him and his wife Kushina, the previous host."

"It was certainly a shocking loss to all," Mifune says. "My condolences to you, even now."

"Thank you, sir. Why I bring this up is...my belief is that the menace behind that attack has integrated themselves into Akatsuki. They must be working behind the scenes, in some capacity...someone with the power of the Sharingan, the same power that Madara Uchiha used. He was the only one able to control an entity as powerful as the Nine-Tails, aside from Lord Hashirama."

"Another Uchiha?" A asks. "And you're sure that it's not Itachi, or some other missing-nin?"

"I'm sure. Itachi was too young at the time of the Nine-Tails attack, and he would have no motive to do something like that. As far as I'm concerned...if Itachi had somehow gained that power in his youth, he would have been able to extract much more than he did from the massacre of his clan. There is another possibility...one you all might find absurd."

"What is it?" Mei asks.

"Well...two of the three great doujutsu exist within the Hidden Leaf. We don't know how it manifests, but there's a possibility that the last has reemerged."


"Hokage, you surely jest. You think that eye has somehow reappeared in this world?" Oonoki asks, shocked.

"Cut out your old man chatter and explain yourselves," A demands.

"Yes, yes...we are speaking of the Rinnegan," Hiruzen says.

"The Rinnegan?" Joshua asks. "Those are the eyes that the Sage of Six Paths possessed...legends say that he used them to shape the current world, and give the power of chakra to the masses. He was the forerunner to both shinobi and samurai. The Rinnegan hasn't been seen since the passing of the Sage, which was centuries ago. Many historians believe that the Sharingan is a mutation of the Rinnegan, since the Uchiha claimed to be of the Sage's bloodline. The Senju did as well, though they displayed different abilities."

"Uchiha and Senju had fought for centuries, before their alliance that led to the Leaf's formation," Hiruzen says.

"I remember that. Something like the Rinnegan...if there's a power that could make use of the tailed beasts and control them, that would be it. Provided it exists, of course...but that's doubtful. I bet even if someone saw it in person, they'd dismiss it as something else. Nothing to truly confirm it, is there?"

"Not at the moment. As mentioned before, this is speculation...but whether it's the Sharingan, Rinnegan, or some other array of techniques, we are dealing with an enemy that has powerful esoteric abilities, enough to extract tailed beasts from hosts and keep them from detection at all times. I present this information to you all, in order to hopefully convince you that an alliance is worth considering."

"And I'm guessing you might have even more juicy info that you're holding back from us?" Joshua asks, smiling.

"Nothing that I can confirm or deny at the moment, my friend."

"Heh. Fair enough."

"Unfortunately for you, none of that information is enough to sway me," A says. "Akatsuki has to employ a stable of criminals in order to locate and subdue the beasts, and judging from the fact that they have to kidnap the hosts, they obviously cannot extract them on the spot. They also have yet to use the beasts as weapons in battle, or to crush one of our villages. You are fools for letting your imaginations run away from you so easily...Akatsuki can be stopped and crushed as we are. If you want the Cloud's assistance, you will follow our lead and do as we say. Otherwise, you can suffer on your own."

"Raikage...if this is allowed to continue," Gaara argues, "we will not only have to deal with Akatsuki, but a world steeped in chaos. The reason for this meeting is that tensions are rising, and each of our villages wants guarantees for the future. It is the same for the minor villages who are always left in our wake once any fighting begins."

"It might be possible to give you what you want," Mei says. "As long as the price isn't prohibitively high."

"Would you detail some of your requests, Lord Raikage?" Mifune asks.

"We would need to control and distribute all information of Akatsuki, as the home of the alliance proper," A begins. "We would also need access to each of the principal territories, in order to establish bases of operation so that we could response to developing situations rapidly. A percentage of each village's gross income for funding, and soldiers from each village to form a special task force, led and coordinated by the Hidden Cloud. These things are just to start."

"All those lightning techs must have fried the old man's brain," I hear Kurotsuchi mutter from her seat. Not that she's wrong to say it. Those demands, as a starting point, are the very definition of insanity.

"Absolutely absurd," Oonoki says, predictably. "No village or nation would agree to such requests! The daimyo would laugh in our faces before sending us to the gallows if we left here cradling an offer like that."

"If that was an attempt at humour...I fear it did not land, Raikage," Gaara says.

"Prohibitively high doesn't even begin to describe it. Lord Raikage, what you are asking for is unfair. And you mean to extract more from us afterwards?" Mei asks, disappointed. "Forgive me for saying this, but...I expected more reason from you."

"I believe that was a test to see just how badly we wanted peace in our time," Hiruzen says. "It seems that we've all failed it spectacularly, but I also know that the Raikage wasn't expecting anything other than that result."

"It's merely proof that your words are empty, and always have been," A says.

"Lord Raikage, I am afraid I must stand with the other Kage here. Your demands, if not simply ruthless in nature, are not reasonable and place an undue amount of pressure on your counterparts," Mifune says. "While your aggressive posture is understandable, you cannot expect to make progress acting like this."

"I do not believe he cares about how much progress is made in this hour. But...with so many cards in hand, his position is more than comprehensible," Hiruzen says. "Hmm...it means we need to engage with this in a more creative fashion, and have guarantees across the table in order to hold things together."

"To go over what we have so far...we have agreed to the declaration of Akatsuki, and all associated elements, as a terrorist organization. That means local, regional, and national authorities across the continent can act on any information in order to cease Akatsuki's operations. Our decision on a five village task force is still pending at this time. And the talks of a formal five village alliance are, at current, stalled," Mifune says.

"What can we do?" Mei asks. "Even if we're confident that Akatsuki cannot make use of the tailed beasts as they are...the fact remains that they are extremely dangerous in the hands of terrorists."

"You mean to say as suicide weapons," Hiruzen says. Mei nods at that, confirming what we already knew regarding Isobu. It means that Yagura managed to achieve complete unison with Isobu in a relatively short period of time, before he ended up killed himself.

"Suicide weapons?" Gaara asks. "Would that be feasible?"

"It takes a great amount of time and resources to wrangle a tailed beast, in addition to training its host to the point where they can use the beast's power in combat, if possible. But a desperate entity, willing to use any means possible to subdue their enemies, might try something horrific in order to land a crippling blow. Jinchuuriki are selected by very involved processes, and even then, things do not always go according to plan. Some, despite having physical compatibility, lack the mental fortitude to keep the beast sealed. It escapes, and rampages through a village, or across a countryside. In rarer cases, the seals are intentionally compromised. Either way, it leads to the host's death. To use them as a suicide weapon would mean an inadequate or unstable sealing of the beast, only for them to migrate to the target location and have the seal fail."

"In the middle of a village...that would cause untold destruction by itself. And then the enemy could use that as cover to perform even more devastating, targeted strikes on personnel and infrastructure."

"Yes, exactly."

"I am not sure about the rest of you," Oonoki says, "but I have my doubts that an organization that regularly recruits mass murderers and psychopaths would have much hesitation in using suicide bombers to get their way. It makes this situation even more urgent...if they have the means to seal tailed beasts already, they can use those devastating tactics over and over, at any time. And without the training we assumed they would need."

"Cloud with its two hosts would fare better than most...assuming they are only willing to use one at a time," Hiruzen says. "But are we willing to bet they would not use two, or all three currently in hand, and retrieve them as soon as they could?"

"As it is now, we can take our chances. Bee and Yugito are more than a match for any number of wild, flailing monsters," A retorts. "That's why we seal them into human hosts in the first place. I also highly doubt that Akatsuki would want to throw out their prizes so soon. We of the Cloud are ready for a lot more than you assume, Hokage."

He's not even moved by that much. That sort of talk...I can tell that it isn't posturing. He has reason to be confident, that Raikage. Not just personnel, but tools as well...hm. Now I'm curious as to what exactly we're up against.

"You're the same unruly brat as you were ages ago," Oonoki complains. "If even the threat of three tailed beasts descending upon your village isn't enough to make you reconsider your foolishness, there's nothing we can do while sitting at this table."

"We can't give up just yet," Mei says. "There has to be something."

"Open your eyes, woman. The only roads we have left are submitting to Cloud as part of an alliance...or standing on our feet to the bitter end. And I think you all know what road I mean to travel down."

So this is it. This is the shape of the world currently. What would one do in the midst of all this? How do we prevent it from happening again?


I can only see one path. Yet to be walked down, the grass still tall and fresh. Shadows from the branches above, and wild beasts lurking within them. Waiting for their moment, when I would stumble off the path and into their open jaws.

Nowhere else to go but forward. When I take that torch in hand...I will come to an understanding of everything, as I need to. For now, I just have to trust that we can get out of this situation, and stop Obito from bringing this world to ruin.

"Lili...this is bad," Hina says.

"It seems like it right now."

"The Tsuchikage is probably going to think that his hand is forced, and if he makes any drastic movements..."

"Gaara will have no choice but to respond," I finish. "Which drags us in. Which leaves a door open for Cloud. And Mist...they're so lost that we don't know which way they'll turn. But it won't matter."

"Another war. It's...not fair. All we can do is watch..."

I place my hand over hers.

"Let's have faith in oyaji, as we always have. Whatever might come."

She nods. "Whatever might come."

There are still options, but they're risky. Dropping the bomb about the fake Madara...or about the real Obito, as an even deeper play. Revealing more of our speculation on the Rinnegan. Detailing our relationship with Itachi, and perhaps more of his findings. But the two most stubborn men in the room are entrenched in their respective positions. A wants the sun, moon, and stars in exchange for his cooperation, which is necessary for any sort of alliance to work. Oonoki wants no parts of it, and might be willing to risk a fourth world war if he can't be assured of his nation's security at the end of this meeting.

We can't expect anyone to save us this time. It has to be on our own. But...how do we get out of this safely? I can see the old man's fingers tap against the table gently, like he always does when he's thinking on something deeply.

And then he stops.

"General Mifune...I am going to propose something drastic at this table. I ask that you, as a neutral party, evaluate the situation and hold me accountable for any problems it might cause. Even to the point of military intervention."

"This does sound drastic already," Mifune says. "But I sense that you have a unique solution to all of this. Please, go ahead. You have my support, Lord Hokage."

"Thank you. Lord Tsuchikage, and the villages signed onto this petition in front of us, have a simple worry. And an even simpler want. Guarantees against any incursion by rival entities, now that there exists a large vulnerability. As such...I have an understanding of what needs to be done. To open, I will require nothing from the Raikage other than his cooperation."

"We will see about that, Hokage."

"Of course. Lord Tsuchikage, I will provide you with a guarantee. This will be achieved by becoming your advocate."

"Advocate?" Oonoki repeats.

Wait a minute. I think...I can see where this is going. Buying us time with a high risk strategy. It could work, but it will need everyone to agree. And based on the actions and reactions of everyone at the table, I think they will.

"Lili? Do you...see something?" Hina asks.

"It might be the ending to all of this."

"But it's nothing you can talk about here."

"Definitely not. Too much lip reading and too many secret abilities present. But we're going to come out of this. It won't be an easy time, but when is it ever..."


"The Hidden Leaf will take on your burdens if you agree to it," Hiruzen continues. "Not in the sense of becoming allies, but something beyond that. We will take on any strife in your place. That is to say...if any of the other villages decides that you have committed an infraction worthy of going to war over, it will be us doing so, and not you."

"Lord Hokage?" Mei asks with disbelief. Oonoki is so perplexed that he can't even speak.

"Hokage...do you mean to say that if for instance, the Sand had a grievance with the Rock," Gaara says, "that said grievance would actually be taken up with you in this deal?"

"Yes, Lord Kazekage. All offences that would allegedly be attributed to the Rock would be ours to carry instead. And the reason that I asked for General Mifune's support is to ensure that it would be the case. Anyone who saw fit to violate the letter of that order by attacking the Rock directly would be dealt with, by both the Leaf and Iron."

Mifune rubs his chin and nods. "I see what Lord Hokage means. And it does work in this case. The Iron is no respecter of the villages in the organized shinobi system, and so makes the best arbiter in these matters. I understand Lord Hokage has more to say, and this arrangement is still pending...but I have a suggestion of my own to add."

"If you would, General."

"Thank you. I would propose that each of the five great powers establish posts to accommodate samurai officers from the Iron, for the purposes of communications, rules enforcement, and collaborative opportunities."

"That sounds like a good idea. Provided that all parties here agree, we would implement it with haste."

"Sartuobi...hold a moment," Oonoki finally says. "Do you realize what it is you're doing? Shinobi make accusations of each other all the time. Do you expect this to hold past breakfast of the first day?"

"I do. Because I have faith that my counterparts are men and women of honour...and that war is far from their first impulse in these times," Hiruzen says. He looks directly at A. "Would you not agree, Lord Raikage? We both came to a satisfactory conclusion ourselves, thirteen or so years ago. With that, we avoided a war that would have consumed both of our villages in hatred."

Well. I suppose now is a good a time as any to drag those massive balls of his across the table.

"Gagged him a bit," I whisper.

"Just a bit," Hina whispers back.

"As said before, all I will need is your cooperation. With the terms already quite favourable to you, Lord Raikage, I will attempt to secure the votes of my colleagues. Lord Kazekage, we are currently allies."

"This is true. Our partnership with you is greatly valued," Gaara says. "And you have done much for us as is. But you seek my desires as a statesman in this hour."

Hiruzen chuckles at that. "And here we all thought you would need more time to settle into your role. Out of the Kazekage I've known, you already rank among the finest."

"Thank you," he says with a smile.

"Think little of it. So, what might we need for future development of your village?"

Gaara rests his head on his hands, thinking. Temari and Kankuro both lean forward in their seats to give me a querying look each. I raise my palms and shrug in response.

"The Sand's current needs are mainly in clientele expansion and the pursuit of liquid funds for the continued flow of our economy. We would like for you to give us the next five requests that you obtain for work involving heavy industry, at A-Rank or above. One percent of total profits based on the previous fiscal year. And an exchange where we have an expert in Fire Release from your village transferred over temporarily for the purposes of teaching the element and basic techniques to our shinobi. You can choose an instructor of your choice for whatever you might need, out of our special jounin and chuunin personnel."

Hiruzen nods. "Easily done. You may contact the Wind Daimyo if you feel comfortable, but I believe that we can make the necessary arrangements between ourselves for the most part."

"Agreed. Then you have secured my vote in this matter, Lord Hokage."

"Thank you. Last but not least, Lady Mizukage. I have information for you that I am willing to release, upon your assent to this proposed arrangement."

"What kind of information?" she asks. In the midst of all the back and forth, I could see her getting steadily drawn in and invested in the outcome. All along, she's wanted a solution to this problem. Now it seems she has the chance to make a real difference, and I don't think she wants to let it slip through her hands.

"It's regarding the Three-Tails."

Our tracking of Isobu has been going well. He frequently goes through the ocean depths, and to places that we can't readily identify. Sometimes he goes far out of range before coming back a few hours later. The information, and the ability to track him in the first place...that's normally valuable, but becomes like a cache of diamonds now that Utakata has been taken and the world's power balance has become so unsteady.

"The Three-Tails...we haven't been able to reliably monitor it recently. Between our internal business, and having to manage the Hidden Cloud's force projection..."

"Fortunately for you, we have."

She blinks. "You...have?"

"We executed several missions in the eastern sea, one of which was to apply a mechanism to track the beast's movements. This was in order to stay a few steps ahead of Akatsuki, in case they managed to get their hands on it. Our proposal to you, in exchange for your support, is to hand over all of the information that we've collected to you, and the original version of the technique we are currently using to keep watch over the Three-Tails. Without confirming or denying our intentions in the future...the tailed beast tends to reside within your territorial waters, Lady Mizukage."

It is troublesome in a way. Isobu is currently free, but with this proposal...the Mist very well might capture him, and then quickly seal him into another host in order to regain strength that they had lost. Fair is far from the word that I would use. And it's not like I can't speak up, or provide misinformation that might prevent a capture from happening.

But then, all of this is balanced against the fact that getting in the way will make the quest to stop Obito, and Pain, and whoever else, that much harder. Getting sealed inside of another human is far from the worst fate Isobu can suffer...I know that much.

Mei twists a lock of hair around her finger, considering her options. Another good play by the old man...little wonder he's so revered as a statesman, and shows everyone why he's still in the business past his physical prime. I've learned a lot watching all of this go on.

"I think...it would be arrogant to ask anything else of you, given your offer," she says. "Lord Hokage, you have my support."

"Excellent. I almost forgot to ask the most important member here..."

"There's nothing to deliberate on, and you know it," Oonoki says, folding his arms. "Hmph. You really are unbelievable, Hokage."

"I have heard that many times before, yes."

Eventually, he can't remain angry and laughs. "Fine! You've got yourself a deal. But don't start crying when you have to round up every infant in your academy to fill out a regiment. This is what you asked for, remember."

"Of course. I would not take on a weight that I wasn't sure I could carry. It's the same for all of us in the Leaf," Hiruzen says. "General Mifune...I believe we have come to an arrangement that will satisfy all involved parties, and hopefully will stave off war for another age."

"Yes, it seems quite satisfactory to me as well. Now, we will finalize details and create the formal documents to be signed and distributed. The minor nations of concern will be notified once we are finished here. Thank you all for your cooperation," Mifune says.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Hokage," A warns. "If you think this is going to save you, or that old fence sitter, then your brain has probably turned to dust ahead of the rest of you."

"What's done is done, Raikage. Unless you have something that will make us change our minds on the matter?"

"Hmph. You can do as you please, since I don't have to be bothered by whatever exchanges you all make. In the meantime, I would like for the anti-Akatsuki task force to be formed as soon as possible, staffed with the finest investigators from each of our villages. We can certainly agree that those miscreants need to be crushed as soon as possible, for the sake of the shinobi world. Any information that we have will be sent securely to them, and kept within their ranks until the mission comes to an end."

"No objections to that," Oonoki says.

"Agreed," Gaara says.

"I agree as well," Mei says.

"Yes, all agreed," Hiruzen says. "The headquarters will be in Cloud's jurisdiction, to head off any possible security concerns."

A grunts approvingly. "Well said. Cloud will handle funding of all aspects as a result. Donations are of course, welcome and encouraged."

"It's...over?" Hina asks, confused. "We did it. I think?"

"No, that's it. The old man managed to weave enough string and tie it off to prevent the worst from happening. We have a deal. A strange one, but a deal. That said..."

"What is it?"

"We're definitely on a timer now. Once we get back to the village, we'll have to make some dramatic moves. And I do mean dramatic, even for me."

"You did say it wouldn't be easy. Time to jump in with both feet..."


Holding the world together with the strength he has left...one more opening created for us by the old man.

I guess it really is my turn now. Alright. Bring it on, then.
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Initial Descent
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 89
"Initial Descent"
[Convergence of Shadows: Feature 4]

The meeting comes to a close. Agreements are drafted, discussed briefly, and then signed by all parties. Not much is discussed beyond the immediate. This is the level of cooperation that we will be getting now, enough to prevent the worst from happening and not much else. Joshua and Yuna quickly make copies of the overall agreement so that each party can go home with something to show. The official document with all six signatures will be sent to Kurosawa Port, to end up in the hands of Maria Walker, Foreign Minister of the Iron Country. And not least, Joshua's mother.

"If there is nothing else we need to discuss," Mifune announces.

The Five Kage look at each other, and then shake their heads in turn. It seems that escaping with this much done is enough for now. We can do more. We should do more, truly. But managing to pull this off is more than we could have hoped for before. Testing that is unwise, in the end.

"Understood. Then this meeting has come to an end. Thank you all for your participation and spirit in this matter. I am glad that we could come to a satisfactory conclusion, and hope that we can use this agreement to build dialogue between nations, and usher in an age of cooperation and permanent peace for us all. Good luck to you all in your continued governance, and if you should have need of the Iron to host another gathering, simply send word, and I will prepare for you in the same manner I have today. Thank you."

With the meeting over, the attendants can meet with their Kage again. The last threads of tension come undone, and everything is back to the normal, unhurried atmosphere we had before the meeting began. Hiruzen rolls up his scroll as we go to meet him.

"Ah, there you are. I hope I didn't worry you too much," he says with a smile.

"It was tense before," Hina says. "But...well worth it to see such brilliance in person. You were wonderful, Lord Hokage."

"Truly," I say. "I've always admired your skill in these matters and others, but it never gets old seeing you work miracles like that. You really were amazing, oyaji."

"Well, I do try my best at times. Thank you both for your praise of me."

"It's the very least we could do, after watching you save the world from itself yet again. Of course, we're all of an understanding of what this agreement really means."

"Yes. Once we get back to our lodgings, we will leave immediate strategy to Zo and Yugao. Their sharpness in these situations will help us over the next few days," he says.

A and his entourage approach us, the former putting on his formal hat. Hiruzen hands me the scroll, which I have disappear into one of my sleeves. He takes his hat from the table and puts it on.



"I hope you're as confident about your little scheme as you seemed earlier. The fate of your village rests entirely on the actions of your rival. If it comes down to conflict, I will not hesitate."

"I am counting on it."

A scrutinizes Hiruzen for a few extra moments, before seeming satisfied enough and nodding. "Fine. Aside from the task force, I want more information on those vampire brats from Mist. I know you've been observing them lately due to the murders taking place across your country. Since we can't have the Nine-Tails disappearing, either...I have a few things that Yugito Nii managed to gather during her struggle with Akatsuki."

"It was good that she managed to escape, and I do mean that," Hiruzen says. "But none would be more relieved than you."

"You have that much right." He looks at me for a moment, trying to figure something out before shaking his head. "I'll have the reports sent by bird within the week."

"Then I will do the same for you."

"It's a reckless game you're playing, Hokage. But...I can admit that I admire your courage in these sorts of matters. Or perhaps it's this snake girl at your side who energizes you."

"It's more than a few things. There is the enlightenment of old age to consider, of course."

"Hmph. Right. Darui, C. We're going back to camp and then heading home. Do your best to stay alive, Sarutobi. It'll be the end of us otherwise."

"Safe travels to you as well, my friend."

A nods before starting off.

"Hopefully you gain a better appreciation for Lord Raikage's mercy towards you," C says. "Farewell for now, Leaf."

Darui sighs and rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry for all of...that. You know how it is."

"Unfortunately," I say. "But we're trying to hold the world together until Akatsuki is eliminated. So we can pretend we didn't hear those things, at least for now."

He gives us a thumbs' up. "Cool. See you guys around, and give my regards to the Chrome Panther when you see her next."

"As you wish."

Darui leaves to catch up with his partners.

"I hope you don't have any expectations of me after what you did."

Oonoki and his group approach us next. Akatsuchi is holding the Tsuchikage's hat in his hands, while Kurotsuchi has a very amused look on her face.

"Nothing other than what I calculated, sir. You should expect no extra demands in the course of this agreement from me," Hiruzen replies.

"If that's the case, then I can be somewhat relieved. We are going to operate as we always have, without shame or fear. If you did intend to bind us with chains..."

"Could you go one second without yapping about useless things?" Kurotsuchi asks, annoyed. "Listen, old man Sarutobi...we get exactly where we're standing here, alright? Don't expect us to grovel at your feet, but we're probably not going to do anything too dumb to take back."

"We wouldn't ask for much more than that," he says with a smile.

"And there you go. No need for your bluster," she says to Oonoki.

"Woman. You should be fortunate for your blood and position."

"Should I? Am I really supposed to be excited that I'll get the opportunity to one day stand watch over this bullshit, and hope that another genius diplomat will show up out of nowhere to save us? I'm gonna hold the confetti and cake in storage, no offence to any of you."

"As long as your side operates in good faith, we will have nothing to worry about," Hiruzen says. "I came up with this plan based on my knowledge of each nation, and their proven desires. That is why I could bind myself to such an agreement with no regrets. If you do not have a full understanding of why...well, you will soon enough."

"Look at that. Damn near ancient, but confident as someone a quarter of his age. I think I can see why Kobayashi likes you so much."

"Hm, you think so?" I ask.

"I wouldn't mind being your grand-kid instead of this guy's," she teases. "I can promise you plenty of great grand-kids and juicy state secrets, too."

"And here I thought I was a cheeky brat," I say. "Talking about treason in front of your Kage and so many witnesses like that, how awful. I hope I get my way and news of your execution comes within the week. Or at the least, news of a public spanking for your insolence, along with photographic evidence."


"Expect documents to be sent to you soon, Sarutobi. They may prove useful in your quest to save the world from collapsing in on itself." Oonoki takes his hat from Akatsuchi and hits Kurotsuchi in the back of the head with it.

"Ow! What poked you in the ass all of a sudden, old man?"

"Quiet. We'll have a long talk about proper etiquette over dinner before we leave. You of Leaf...be in good health, at least until our next fated battle."

"See you guys," Akatsuchi says with a wave.

"Hmph." Kurotsuchi rubs the back of her head, frowning. "Ornery old man...whatever. This is off the record, so you never heard anything. Thanks for...all of that. I know you didn't do it solely for us, but whatever. Just look the other way when we're sneaking around, and we'll think about doing something nice for you. Alright?"

"Fair enough. Take care, young miss," Hiruzen says.

"Goodbye for now," Hina says.

"Yes, do take care. It would truly be a waste for me to spend time writing up those instructions and recipes, only for you to end up in a pine box somewhere," I say. "So curb your stupidity until I can get my hands on you again."

"You sure got a way with words, Kobayashi."

"All the girls say that."

"Of course they do." She winks at us before catching up with her grandfather.

"The end of the world will not come for a time yet. You have our thanks, Lord Hokage. Skilful diplomacy is something that only comes with experience..."

Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro come to us next. The two Kage shake hands.

"The wisdom of the samurai general is piercing...he could see many things that we were unable to, in moments. His critique of me was accurate, and welcomed," Gaara says to Hiruzen.

"For many reasons, it was a great service on his part to moderate our meeting. If it were someone else, the result would be quite different."

"Thank fuck it wasn't," Temari says. "My stomach has done enough flipping for ten lifetimes."

"Yeah. Hell of a job working the table, Hokage," Kankuro says. "Though I can guess that we're kind of on a timer right now."

"It was my intention, yes. To hold the status quo forever is more or less untenable as the world is."

"Heh. Looks like we're leaving the next steps to you guys, then."

"As always, if you have any need of our help...we will be there for you, as allies and friends. No matter the arrangements on the outside," Gaara says.

"All I will ask is that you keep your guard up, Kazekage. There are dangerous characters in Akatsuki, and I doubt they are opposed to taking another run at you, even while you remain in your village. But we will be monitoring the situation, and attempting to force Akatsuki into an endgame early."

"A sound plan. We will await the details as they come in. Our journey back to the Sand will be expedited...some have predicted a blizzard within the next few days, and we would not want to be caught in it, hardy as we might be."

"Definitely not," Temari says, shuddering. "Ugh. We'll probably have to take lunch to go at this rate."

"We will keep that in mind. Kazekage, friends...be well, until the next time we meet," Hiruzen says.

"We will. Please do the same, Lord Hokage. Lilith, Hinata. Take care as well."

"Of course," I say.

"Thank you, Lord Kazekage," Hina says.

He nods and puts on his hat before heading out, his siblings following. Mei and her entourage are discussing something while she sits. Her head comes upwards as we approach, and she gives us a bright and relieved smile.

"Lord Hokage. Thank you for your timely suggestions at our meeting. They were quite welcomed," she says.

"Of course, of course. And thank you for your cooperation, Lady Mizukage."

"It was among the least of things I could do, sir. Did you need something of me?"

"I came to give you my answer regarding our meeting, after pondering it for a while. I would be honoured to have a chat with you before our groups went their separate ways."

"I'm the one honoured to hear that, Lord Hokage. Thank you for your consideration."

"Are there any stipulations, by chance?" he asks. Mei thinks on that for a bit, giving her two bodyguards a quick glance.

"It would only be a suggestion...but I would like it if we spoke to each other privately, with no observers at our sides. I apologize if that is too much for a meeting between us..."

That would mean missing out on one of this world's most wonderful sights. Truly a shame, but I am used to making sacrifices for my homeland. Hiruzen looks to me for confirmation, a bit apologetically at that. I nod to give him the go ahead. He'll make it up to me later, because that's how he is.

"More than fine, Lady Mizukage."

"Thank you very much. I greatly appreciate your trust," she says with a smile. "Our attendants can of course wait outside, in case of any emergencies. We will of course restrict the use of observational abilities to said emergencies. Ah, Lord Mifune. Lord Hokage and I had something to ask of you."

"I did hear parts of your conversation earlier," he says as he approaches with Joshua and Yuna. "You both will be having an extra meeting, is that correct?"

"Yes, sir. This is part of my commitment to improving relations with the other villages. Lord Hokage and I meant to have a relatively short talk regarding past and present events, and we hoped to use one of the many rooms here, if it were possible."

"It would be my honour to help facilitate greater cooperation between the shinobi nations."

"Thank you kindly, Lord Mifune," Mei says with a smile. "And I extend my thanks to Lord Walker and Lady Dofun for their patience with us."

"Just doing our jobs, ma'am. Light work for us today, especially since the God of Shinobi there wrapped up everything like a pro," Joshua says.

"Not much, but it's something," Yuna says. "I'm also grateful we got to see a master at work."

"A room big enough for six, then?" Mifune asks.

"Enough for at least two," Hiruzen says. "We will have the others wait outside while we talk."

Mei at the least was sincere about the fact that sitting in a room alone with her involves a lot of faith. My observations of Fio's version of Boil Release combined with our intelligence reports paints a grim picture if she wants to go on the attack. But she knows that we know that already. Ao is scrutinizing us subtly, thinking that there must be some other angle we're looking at by accepting such stipulations. Well, there isn't much to it. If she becomes a threat I can put a hole in her head from outside the room.

I figure it won't come to that. Having to put down someone that hot would be heartbreaking. Well, that and I'll probably need some lore from her in the future. That sounds a little more formal.

"Alright. Follow me, then. Generals, if you would," Mifune says.

Joshua salutes lightly. "Got it, Boss. We'll see you hotshots later."

"Might be asking a lot of you types, but keep out of trouble while you're here," Yuna says. "We just had the carpets cleaned. Speaking of that..." She looks over to her boss. "You made sure not to spill anything, I hope."

"Minister Walker gave me several useful tips earlier, since she could not be present herself. Rest assured, I followed them to no incident," Mifune says proudly.

"Good work, sir. Josh here can give her good report once we wrap this thing up. Alright, let's get some tea in us before we start our tour. We'll be back to do our escort thing again, so sit tight if you don't see us. And again..."

She bows to Hiruzen deeply.

"Thank you for everything you've done today, Lord Hokage. We won't forget it any time soon, I promise."

Yuna walks out afterwards.

"That's my partner," Joshua says. "Gotta love her. Anyways...y'all take care." He gives me a quick wink, which I return before he leaves after Yuna.

"Lord Hokage, Lady Mizukage. Shall we?" Mifune asks them. "I have a room available for you on this floor, just down the hall. I will also have one of the samurai bring tea for you once you are settled."

"Thank you, General Mifune."

Mei stands up and puts on her hat. "Thank you very much, Lord Mifune."

He nods and leads the six of us out of the meeting hall. We go down the corridor that seems exactly two armoured samurai wide, and a short distance to the meeting room. Elegant, carpeted, with views to the outside. Finely crafted wooden chairs and a table with flowers on it. Mifune removes the vase and puts it on one of the smaller tables nearby, then moves two chairs to the table, across from each other. He seats Mei, to her silent thanks. Hiruzen seats himself and presents his pipe, to which Mifune nods the okay for his smoking. He then looks to Mei, who doesn't hesitate to give her assent with two nods.

"I will have your tea delivered shortly," Mifune says. He bows before closing the door quietly.

"General, we would also appreciate a place to rest while we wait," I say. "Is this possible as well?"

"Of course, Colonel. The next adjacent room is available for your use."

"I think it would be more prudent if we all shared," Ao says. "To save space, and prevent any misunderstandings from cropping up."

"That much is reasonable," I say. "I don't mind that."

"Excellent. Would you like tea while you waited?" Mifune asks.

Hina shakes her head as I look to her. "We'll pass for now," I say.

"Pass for us, too," Ao says. Chojuro seems like he might have a different answer, but elects not to say anything.

"This way, then."

"All of that excitement and sitting makes me feel like I want a nap," Hina says as we walk.

"I'll cover for both of us, so you can go ahead and rest. I feel fine myself...and it's not like these two jokers are a meaningful threat either way," I say quietly.

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure, love. You can rest on my lap if you want, just as always."

"An offer like that...I suppose I have no choice, then," she says with a smile.


I can hear Hina's quiet breathing as she sleeps in my lap. The occasional movement of chair legs and sharp exhales reaches me every so often, as our counterparts sit on their chairs at the back of the room.

The carpet feels nice against my legs. Cool air comes in through the windows and gently moves through the room.

"So, what's in it for you?"

At that, Hina slowly opens one eye, looking up at me. I touch her cheek gently while nodding, and she closes her eye again before going back to sleep.

"I might receive a great deal of benefits from current and future arrangements," I reply to Ao. "It may serve us both to clarify the question that you've asked."

"We both know what you are, Scarlet Viper. You wouldn't be so enthusiastic about peace deals if there weren't something extra in it for your participation."

"Is that it. I see."

"You might be inclined to take this personally, but it's the truth. Everyone has their role, and things that they become experts at during their time as shinobi. Retirement is difficult for enough of us. A world where what you do effectively becomes worthless..."

"Mm. Let me ask you a question, then. How does one normally climb a mountain peak?" I ask.

"A riddle? You really think too much of yourself, kid," Ao replies. "But since we don't have anything better to do, I'll play along. You ascend a peak from the bottom, obviously."

"You used a word that I didn't. I asked how one climbs a mountain. Not how they ascend."

"Are you making fun of me?"

I sigh dramatically. "Let me get to the point quickly, since you're having such trouble grasping what's in front of you. You would climb a mountain from the bottom, ascending towards the peak. The air goes from thicker to thinner as you rise. This is one experience, one that many shinobi in this world have shared since the beginning of our existences in this world. But I am not like you, or the others. I am one who came from the mountain's peak, and descended from breathing the thinnest air to that which easily fills my lungs before I finish inhaling."

"So you're saying that you're better than us."

"I am saying that I am better than you because I'm scaling the mountain for the second time. And you, if you're lucky, might do it once. You would rest at the peak feeling accomplished, as you should. But how much experience do you have compared to me? How much of the mountain have you seen?"


"If you can consider that difference," I say as I turn my head to him, "then you can understand the truth of my ambition. I have no fear of a world where conflict comes to an end. I see far beyond that, and always will. I don't need extra incentive to create a better world. What I've seen tells me enough. Can you say the same?"

He probably understands by now, but stubborn old men like this aren't likely to admit it out loud.

"You talk a lot for someone who doesn't have the experience she thinks she has. Maybe in a few years you might be able to speak as if you're an elite."

Yes, as I thought.

"Whatever it is you're thinking, you should remember that greater men than you have tried and failed to force their ideal world onto others. Your own Hashirama Senju was one of them."

"I suppose so. I hope you were enlightened by our short talk."

"I wasn't. You didn't answer my question."

"Not to your satisfaction, of course. I guess I'll simplify it a little more for you. You want to know what's it in for me? Everything. Is that good enough?"

"Hmph." He closes his eye and settles into his chair. "It'll have to do."

"Thank goodness." I look over to Chojuro, who jumps slightly in his seat. "And do you have anything you would like to ask, darling?"

Ao grumbles at my address while Chojuro gathers himself to answer. He shakes his head slowly.

"N-no, ma'am. I think...I-I understood what you said. M-mostly. Thank you."

"Of course." I give him a smile, and he blushes a bit before bowing his head. Ao hits him on the shoulder, and he tries to straighten up a bit more.

Men. Equal parts annoying and adorable.


I struggle to think of a world without them.


"Anything you can tell us about the meeting?"

It took a little over two hours to finish their talks. Mei looked like she had a weight off her shoulders, while the old man was his relatively inscrutable self. We're now off to meet our various escorts, who will take us back to the settlement. Food sounds really good right now. I'm nearly starving.

"Nothing at the moment. I am still sorting through a few things," Hiruzen says to me. "Anything of relevance, of course, will be relayed to you."

"Understood, sir."

We meet with Mifune at the front entrance. He shakes hands with Hiruzen.

"Hopefully we will meet again under less tense circumstances," the samurai general says. "Thank you for your diligent work, Lord Hokage. I believe we would truly be lost without your wisdom and skill."

"Thank you for facilitating this meeting, General. As you say, I hope we will be able to speak together in a more peaceful time."

"As always, I will look after things in our world," I say.

"And I will be next to her, as needed," Hina follows.

"Excellent. Then I can consider myself at ease. You of the Leaf, take great care," Mifune says.

We each give him a bow before leaving with Joshua and Yuna. Thick flakes of snow start to fall as we walk.

"You all figured something had to give, eh," Joshua says.

"It seems so. Are we worried?" I ask.

"Nah. We'll be fine. Just have to get ready for anything that might come, as always. I haven't heard of this Kaitaikojo fellow, but he sounds like a big problem to deal with. We'll work on drawing conclusions from the data we have, and then send you anything interesting if we find it."

"At least this time, politics won't get in the way too much," Yuna says.

"Here's hoping. Either way, this stuff has to get wrapped up quick. No telling what might happen otherwise."

Yuna puts a hand to her ear, frowning.

"Something wrong?" Joshua asks her.

"A few reports, nothing we need to worry about right now. I guess there was a fight of some kind west of here that cleared out a section of forest. Would have been while we were in the meeting. Whoever it was, they're long gone by now."

"Huh. Wonder what it was about."

"Maybe some goons from one of the shinobi countries showed up to cause trouble, and got dealt with by the other goons here. Who knows. Who cares, really. It wasn't anywhere near us or the camp, so we'll let the experts sniff around themselves."

"Fair enough."

Ideas are already running through my head. It's very possible that Obito was here to do something sinister, or maybe the vampire siblings. It could have been someone else entirely. But the fact that the meeting went without interruption when Obito would have known all about it...it means our play earlier was definitely the right one. He's occupied or stalled, without enough resources to devote to big plans.

We have a lot more time on the clock than we thought. Now, it's just a matter of capitalizing.

"Hey, we're back."

"Welcome back, sir, ma'am."

The two samurai from last time come out to meet us.

"Guess this is the part where we say goodbye, at least for now," Joshua says.

"Yeah. It was a real interesting time, I'll say that much. Thanks for not, like, dragging us into another global war or whatever," Yuna says. "A temporary fix isn't much, but it's still a lot better than nothing at all."

"We'll keep our eyes open over here, but it's all up to you guys now. Good luck."

"Send our love to your darling wife and child," I say. "Be well, until next we meet."

We exchange handshakes before bowing to each other. Joshua and Yuna go back towards the meeting hall, while the samurai escort us back to our lodgings. Zo and Yugao are waiting outside for us.

"Welcome back," Zo says. "Judging from the movement of the other parties, it seems like the meeting didn't go too badly."

"Better than we assumed," Hiruzen says. "Still, there is much in the way of work to do. We'll discuss our next steps shortly."

"Of course, Lord Hokage. We have tea warming for the three of you inside."

There's a blanket over the large table from before, going all the way down to the floor. Actually, the table is much larger than the one from this morning, and it's closer to the ground. I guess they installed a new one?

"The samurai brought this over a few hours before," Yugao says. About half of the ANBU are sitting with their legs under the blanket and talking quietly. The other half are keeping watch, sitting or standing near the windows. "It's a kotatsu."

"Mm? The Iron is certainly on the cutting edge when it comes to hospitality," I say. "It was chilly out, so coming back to this is wonderful."

"Get yourselves comfortable. We'll be here a while going over what happened at the meeting..."

We get to the table and put our legs underneath the covers. An absolutely heavenly warmth envelops me, and it feels like the last few hours were merely an afterthought. The tea on top of that warms the rest of me, and I almost feel like drifting away for a nap. It's too bad I'll have to wait a while for that.

The old man recites everything that happened at the summit, from start to finish. All of the details he noticed, the things said and unsaid. He gives out detailed analysis as Zo and Yugao take notes. The ANBU near us listen intently. Hina is up next, having gotten the chance to use her Byakugan a few times during the summit. She repeats everything that she saw and heard as well. Finally, I give my perspective of everything that happened, including parts of the conversation I had with Ao while we were waiting for our Kage to finish their informal talks.

"And nothing on the meeting with the Mizukage?" Zo asks.

"Not yet. As I mentioned to Colonel Kobayashi, there are a few things I want to chew on before releasing any information to anyone else."

"Understood, Lord Hokage. Alright, Tsuki and I will conference for about an hour, maybe less. We will return to you with recommendations."

"Good. I will await them eagerly," Hiruzen says.

"I'll be asleep until then," I say while leaning backwards to the floor. "This warmth is too good to pass up..."

"I'll wake you when we're ready," Hina says. "Have a good rest, Lili."

"Thank you." I yawn and close my eyes, quickly falling asleep.


"Lili. Our senpais are ready for us."

"Thank you, Hina. I'm up..."

I yawn and stretch my arms out before sitting up. That was a wonderful bit of rest...we need to get a kotatsu for my room at the hotel. I can't believe I've been going so long without one...

"Good sleep?"

"The best in a while. Though nothing compares to your beautiful warmth, hmhm."

"And the same goes for you, as you must know. That said, modern technology is wonderful. I was in a trance for a while myself, just enjoying how comfortable it is here."

"Right? Well, let's not hold up our seniors any longer."

"Okay," Zo announces. "After looking over what we have, there are a few things we urgently should do before making it back to the Hidden Leaf. Certain factions should not be allowed to gain a foothold due to early dissemination of this data. Gazeru."

"Sir." A woman in a cat-like mask with long purple hair that reaches all the way down her back salutes Zo. She leaves her position near one of the windows and approaches before saluting again. "Awaiting orders."

"I would like you to go ahead of us to the Leaf, and deliver the information that Tsuki and I have written down to the Hokage's Office. Specifically, Senior Aide Kurogane. You would guard that information with your life, and allow nobody else to lay eyes on it aside from her or Junior Aide Hyuuga."

"Sir. Understood, sir."

"Our plan is to leave shortly after dinner, and split the ANBU into two groups. One will guard Lord Hokage as usual, the other will scout out any threats ahead of us and quickly move to the Leaf after Gazeru does. When you do reach the Leaf, ascertain Gazeru's status and check with Intelligence and the Barrier Team for any abnormal movements or routines since our departure. I'll lead the advance team, Tsuki will lead the guard team. The goal is to limit the amount of space that our rivals and some of our more...vocal allies," he says carefully, "have to move around and cause chaos. The amount of effort that Lord Hokage put into preserving the world's balance will not be appreciated as it should be in certain corners. We need to be able to shape the narrative, because if we fail to, it will cause fractures in the village structure. Lady Hyuuga, I would like you to join me in the advance group. As for Colonel Kobayashi...I am under the impression that she has a stop or two to make on the way back, and that those will be crucial to keeping the current order in place, for the time being. We would be better served by leaving her to it. And all we need now is Lord Hokage's approval."

Hiruzen nods. "All of this seems sound and sensible. You may begin when ready."

"We'll have an early dinner, use the extra time to clean and secure our places, and then head out," Zo says.

"You should leave in about an hour or so, so you'll miss dinner," Yugao says. She hands a sack to the taller Gazeru. "We saved extra portions for you with that in mind. Eat properly on your way down."

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you."

"All of us will go back to our normal routines until then. And of course, rotate properly so that everyone can use the kotatsu. It's really nice."

We quietly do our reviews and surveillance while waiting for the time to arrive. Cloud leaves ahead of everyone else. Gazeru has already gathered her things and bids us farewell, taking off a few minutes behind them. Sand is next, as they want to get ahead of that predicted blizzard. Zo goes out and returns with a few samurai who have dinner ready for us. We eat, pack our things, and sweep the lodgings one last time before heading out.

"See you all in a while," Zo says. "Advance team, move out."

I give Hina a peck on the lips. "Be safe, love."

"I will. Please do the same for me, Lili."


She nods and takes off with Zo and the others.

"We'll be seeing you in a few days, then," Yugao says. "Take care until then, Miss Genius."

"Of course. Stay warm on your trip back, and don't do anything I wouldn't."

"No promises." She rubs my head gently. "Guard unit, positions."

"Be sure to have confidence in your own ability for these matters," Hiruzen says to me. "Whatever needs to be known is your decision."

"Understood, sir. Safe travels, oyaji."

He rubs my back before following Yugao. I make sure that I have everything I need once more before leaving in a different direction...northeast. Away from any potential misunderstandings, and potential bad weather.

Going to do some bird watching today. Hopefully it's the kind I want.

I can sense the two groups moving one after the other. With that confirmed, I pull my chakra down and navigate manually along the ground, jogging along worn paths that go between the trees. The air is cold, and the snow is starting to fall in waves.

"Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst."

Here's hoping for more good things.
Touching Down
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 90
"Touching Down"
[Convergence of Shadows: Conclusion]

At the moment, things are simple.

My job is to make multiple stops in order to gauge the pulse of the world before we move forward with our plans. First, I need to see what Itachi is doing. He was supposed to be in this general area because of the summit, and I suspect that he was one of the causes of that disturbance the samurai noted earlier. Next, I need to make contact with Anko. Wherever she might be, it's got to be boiling hot by now. I'll need to set things in motion to properly extract her, and maybe redirect her depending on what she knows.

I'm hoping to get a little lucky with something else, too. But that will be a sweet bonus and nothing more.

Stretching my sensing range outwards allows me to detect several things ahead. Samurai and travellers, some who are in what we call the freelance occupation. Beasts of the land and air, naturally. Nothing unusual for a while...until now. A flying creature moving in a pattern. Figure eight.

"Time to get a closer look."

I ascend towards the branches while pressing on. The snow is starting to fall a bit harder, which bodes very well for me with this outfit. My senpais must have seen the boon immediately, which is why I'm on this little mission. It will be very easy to hide myself in these lands. The noted bird comes into my sight, and it's as I hoped.

A crow.

I put a finger in between my lips and pitch a whistle while I go through the air. The crow swoops towards me and lands on my outstretched arm, then we fall towards the nearest branch and go to the ground again. I pet the crow gently while scanning it for anything of use. There's a simple band around its neck, and pinned beneath it is a small card with a plastic sleeve.

"Perfect." I take the card and reach into my pocket for some berries. "Very good work. Be safe."

The child flaps its wings after eating and takes off into the grey skies again. I look at the card and figure out the cipher on it, then read a few times to lock the information in.

"Coordinates are...type three."

I take out the map card from my pouch, activate it, and then set the tilt to neutral. Type three coordinates mean a turn of fifteen degrees counterclockwise, and then a rightward shift of ten degrees. Needs to be calculated from actual coordinates...and then consideration of my recent travel.

"Almost directly east. Maybe five minutes away..." I put away the cards and start to run to the listed position, activating my sensing along the way. It's definitely him, and he's alone. "Itachi. He seems okay...and somewhat exhausted, based on how his levels are. I guess he had a fight with someone, and I'll figure out who in a moment."

I make it there in four and a half minutes. No trace of anyone...just trees and thick roots emerging from the earth. I close my eyes and throw a senbon towards the tree on my left, then ready another one while waiting. After a few seconds, I throw the second senbon to have the first make a metallic sound that rings out through the area. The soft crunch of snow reaches my ears soon after.

"I see the quality of Leaf's ANBU hasn't diminished since my departure."

Itachi emerges from the faint darkness of the trees ahead, like the shadow he has resigned himself to becoming. His right arm is hidden within his favourite black cloak, and I can see the shallow wounds on his face.

"You're hurt," I say. "And yes, my senpais are quite clever. It's why I trust them so."

"As you should."

"Show me your arm, please."

He slowly does so, revealing that it has been crudely wrapped in bandage. Several layers, to make the binding stiff so that the arm doesn't move too much.

"Obito's use of explosives is impeccable, I must admit. He managed to catch me once before I shifted to my full output. That decision was ultimately what kept him at bay."

"Is there a place we can sit?" I ask.

"Follow me." We walk the way he came, and find ourselves up against a hill face with a narrow passage. "It's wide enough for us to squeeze through. I checked."

"Mm? So you memorized my three sizes, then. How lovely of you, aniki."

"I felt I would need to for purposes such as these," he says as we slide through the passage. It is indeed wide enough for me and the chest that I'm so proud of.

"That means you can buy me something comfortable for my birthday when it comes up. A black set with lace would be nice~."

"If it makes you happy, I will consider it."

"Hmhm, goodie."

"I take it from your good mood that things went well at the summit."

"Well enough. The old man really made something out of nothing, and we've bought ourselves some time before the other nations get too scared and want to crush us."

"A miracle, truly."

"Yes. Before that, we're going to warm up and I'll clean your wounds properly. Anko-nee will be upset if you succumb to infection before giving her those children she wanted."

"Something to be avoided, yes."

We make it out into a more open area, with a few fallen logs and space for a fire. I dig the pit and make the necessary vents so that the smoke isn't too visible, then light a good sized fire for us. Itachi takes off his cloak, and I make him take off his shirt to check for other injuries. The bandage comes off slowly, and reveals some nasty looking burns as said. Fortunately, I can treat this easily enough with my field kit. It contains Hina's miracle ointment, which will see generous use today.

"Fortune favours us, my love. You won't need any stitches from what I can see. A few days rest should do you well," I say to him.

"I will do my best to stay still for the next while."

"I suppose I can live with that. I'll tell you about the summit while I work...first, I'm going to go around with the disinfectant. Hold still."

He is silent, even through what must be an obnoxious stinging. I spray the disinfectant generously and start from the beginning of our meeting. The broad strokes along with details that I noticed, things he would surely be interested in. Every so often I pause to change positions for the smaller wounds, taking care of his face as well. Strips of bandage cut neatly to provide protection. Yuno says they've recently invented something of interest...they're calling it liquid bandage. It sounds miraculous, and like something I need to try for myself. The arm takes a little longer, and I go over it while continuing to recount recent events.

We finish with proper work done on his injuries. The burns hover between first and second degree in nature. Ointment applied, gauze, and comfortably wrapped bandage on top. Shinobi are built to survive things like this, but we also should not make ourselves suffer without reason.


Itachi obeys and I put a small pill onto his tongue. He chases it with water from a bottle I provide. It will help with the pain and possible swelling.

"All done. Hold onto these," I say as I hand him a small pill bottle. "Once every eight hours or as needed. See a proper doctor as soon as you can, within the next three days at most. This should hold well until then and stave off infection." I give him a flat container next. "In case you can't stop, this is for another three or four applications."

"Thank you."

"Anything for my dear brother, hmhm~. So, what did you think of our meeting for the fate of the world?"

"It reminds me of how foolish I was."

"How so?" I ask.

"If Sarutobi could make something of this, with those who are the most powerful in the shinobi world...perhaps if I trusted him back then, we would be in a different place," he says solemnly. "I know that it was far from my fault alone, but I really am my father's son. Stubborn, and prideful in enough ways."

"I see. I suppose it makes sense that you were reminded of your past..."

"Yes. But as for my thoughts...he has done very well to give the world extra time to figure these things out. An alliance should hold, at least until we deal with Obito and the rest of Akatsuki. Also, to confirm your thoughts. He was the one that I clashed with earlier. Once he identified me and ensured that I was not a clone, he took quick action to try and eliminate me."

"I can only assume he wasn't a fan of your unscheduled exit some time ago."

"He voiced his opinions on the matter. Suffice it to say, he still considers it a great annoyance."

"Mm. It figures."

"He also voiced suspicions regarding Black Zetsu's disappearance, and had a White Zetsu summoned to his location. I made sure to dispatch him as soon as I could...he and his kind are susceptible to the usual array of shinobi arts, as I observed. The black half did not make an appearance, which likely explained Obito's aggressiveness and anger."

I nod. "That would do it, yes."

"In any case." He glances down at his bandaged arm before pulling on his shirt again. "Obito's esoteric abilities combined with his combat training from Madara Uchiha make him a difficult opponent. Not wanting to take any chances, I moved to use one of my more powerful abilities. Your detailed information on his abilities from your last encounter also helped greatly, Lili."

"They did? I'm thankful for that. Was there anything you picked up in this fight, or did things go by too quickly? Also, which ability did you use? Was it the Susano'o?"

"Yes, the same. Though there are two enhancements to my version that allowed me to force Obito to keep his distance. They are themselves arcane weapons that pierce the boundary between dimensions."

"Thrilling. Please tell me about them."

He nods and stands up. I feel his chakra shift before a yellow aura surrounds his body, promptly forming into a rib cage with two skeletal arms on the sides. In the right hand is a gourd, and in the left a small circular shield.

"The gourd houses the Sword of Totsuka. The shield is the Mirror of Yata."

I blink. "You're in possession of the Regalia?"

"You know about them. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. Who was it that told you?"

"Ane-ue, by way of Baa-sama. The Regalia have been noted as nearly impossible to locate, and possessing them is another thing in itself. Owning and using them is on an entirely different level to all of that. Did you find them on your travels?"

"I did. As you might guess, the power and nature of these items makes it so that they are only usable with Susano'o active. Or perhaps a similar ability. At some point, I should make these items available to you, since I have a feeling that, if you haven't already developed it, you will come up with a way to handle these items at their full capacity."

I smile. "That's flattering to hear from you. Rest assured, I will be ready if anything should happen. But I'm sure it won't, of course."

"Of course. I did hope that Obito was less versed in the function of these tools, but it seems that the real Madara either heard of or encountered them long ago, and passed that knowledge onto Obito. He evaded my attacks and intended to have me waste as much of my chakra as possible. His ninjutsu was stifled by the Mirror, which contains all chakra natures and can transform its attributes to nullify incoming attacks."

"Can it do the same to personal techniques?"

"The Mirror is amusingly particular," he says as he has Susano'o disappear. I hear him let out a breath as he sits. "It can negate offensive arts, and any sorts of arts that mean to pass through it. Certain supplementary techniques, and those that target the self...those are not affected. It handles any and all physical weapons, including the Kusanagi Sword of legend. Those formed from chakra are negated. Taijutsu also is ineffective, theoretically speaking."

"Theoretically? Curious choice of words."

"It might be that the abilities of the Eighth Gate surpass the durability of the Mirror. Something like that isn't possible to test."

The Gate of Death, then...hm. Nobody on this planet would be able to withstand blows from Guy in that state. I've given thought in the past to learning how to properly use the Inner Gates, but that might be a project better suited for later in life. I don't have much of a use for that kind of fighting style, and the training required...too much at this point.

"But Obito wasn't affected by the Sword or Mirror while his ability was active. It's possibly because of the dimensional component, where his form still exists, albeit in a different way..."

"It seems the Regalia have their own strange limitations," I say.


"So I take it you haven't located the last one?"

"The power of Susano'o allows the Uchiha to make their own imitations of the final symbol. It's a ranged attack, called Yasaka Magatama."

"Hm. Perhaps this was passed down from the time of the Sharingan's origins? Much like the other techniques and forms..."

"Perhaps so. Something to research in my spare time, when I have some to spare, of course. I'm sure Obito is aware of that technique as well, but I did not need to use it before he disappeared. I should answer the other part of your question. I made use of several types of attack while within Susano'o, and kept myself moving and alert throughout the battle so that Obito could not exploit too many weaknesses. I was able to confirm much of the information you gave me, and discovered something else. Kamui seems to have an upper limit for its activation time."

I raise a brow. "Oh?"

"I could not ascertain what that limit was, but it is my belief that he cannot remain intangible indefinitely. For a period of about two minutes, I launched consecutive attacks of all kinds at Obito. They varied in nature, consisting of delayed weapon attacks, clones, ranged ninjutsu, and finally melee attacks with Susano'o. It took a large amount of chakra on my part, but I managed. Though he was able to consistently and easily phase through my attacks, at a certain point he advanced so that he could bring an end to my barrage. On that basis, my belief is that he can sustain his intangibility for longer than that period, but not too much so. His ability is also reactive...and seemingly unconscious, a defensive ability as you once noted. He cannot use his migration ability while his intangibility is active, also as you noted recently."

"So he has a limit..." I twist a lock of hair around my finger. "What did you observe regarding his chakra levels at the time?"

Itachi thinks on that. "The Mangekyo Sharingan and its abilities cause eye strain and take up significant portions of chakra to use. However, with the addition of Hashirama's cells to his body, he should have nothing to worry about on that end. According to how the Sharingan functions, he should be able to use Kamui with impunity, as he already does to some degree. He did not seem exhausted or strained at all while attacking and using his techniques."

"Which means it's a hard limit imposed by the technique itself," I conclude. "He must have been wary of you figuring out the actual time limit, which is why he moved to cut you off before then. Combined with everything else, that's very valuable information."

Two of the Regalia are very powerful, indeed...but they have their limitations, and the enemies that they could target are always far away in some sense. And as good as Itachi is, he isn't invincible, nor does he have free and unlimited use of chakra. Susano'o is a taxing ability to activate and keep up during a fight, in addition to other techniques. There's also the other obvious problem...if this Pain character truly has possession of the Rinnegan, the Sage's eyes which created this shinobi world, they could have the ability to match or exceed arcane weapons such as the Sword and Mirror. This would be on top of decades of experience.


Even with these in hand, Itachi is also reluctant to press his advantages. He seems to have a great respect for the upper echelons of Akatsuki, even now outside of their ranks. Kai and Ishako aside, there are those such as Konan and Kisame, his old partner. Deidara also has his weaknesses, but was more than competent enough to knock Gaara unconscious in a field that gave him many advantages. It showed a precision that makes him more dangerous in my eyes, not less. If Itachi doesn't think he can run up and challenge the remaining members of Akatsuki as is, then I won't be the one to question his judgment.

This information helps me a lot. Obito has a great amount of stamina, which would make exhausting him close to impossible by normal means. But if he can only sustain his ability for a number of minutes at a time, independent of his energy levels...it means that, with some work, I can force him into a moment of vulnerability. Sage Mode can help on that end as well. Fatal and precise blows...it's too bad that Zero System isn't quite ready yet. He has too many known troublesome abilities, and perhaps unknown troublesome abilities as well. He was Madara Uchiha's apprentice, after all.

"I have confidence that you will be able to defeat him with your array of abilities," Itachi says. "Not just for personal reasons, but because of what you told me earlier. You managed to grab a few strands of his hair long ago, correct?"

"That is correct."

He nods. "Obito's use of Kamui can be either reflexive in response to attack conditions, or reactive with manual function. He prefers the latter because it allows him to control the timing of his attacks and counter attacks with greater precision. When Kamui activates reflexively to let an attack pass through, it means he has to reposition himself or figure out new openings before continuing with what he has planned."

"So the goal is to force him into a state where he's forced to have Kamui react to as many things as possible. Barring that, we can force him towards his technique limit, and then attack when that limit is reached, or he exposes himself in order to get ahead of that limit," I say. "I think I have it. And there's one last thing to worry about, besides that. Beneath his mask..."

"The left eye socket. Another doujutsu, most likely a Sharingan," Itachi finishes. "He wouldn't easily sacrifice his right eye because of the utility of Kamui..."

"...but the left could easily go. A small stock of Sharingan, collected from those fallen during the massacre. That would be enough. He could go beyond the limit with that power, Izanagi. And it would be enhanced by the Founder's cells. Hm."

"What are you thinking?"

"That Kakashi is probably the biggest key to all of this. I don't know how spiteful Obito will be once we meet. At that point, I might have wiped out so much of Akatsuki that he would feel suicidal. Who can say."

Itachi reaches over and rubs my head.

"It's enough, imouto. One cannot plan for every possibility under the sun. Trust in yourself, and in the family you've created with your own hands and unbending spirit."

I let out a breath and nod. "You're right. Thank you, aniki."

He smiles and nods back.

"Have you heard from Anko?" I ask.

"Not recently. Communications have been difficult since the start of the summit, as you know."

"Yes. I'm going to get a hold of her after we part ways. Can you continue looking after her?"

"Easily done. As you have noted in the past, someone at my side regularly would be a great benefit."

"Hm~. Seems you've grown fond of her, then."

"I have, yes. She is an accomplished and insightful woman. Gifted as well."

"And gluttonous."

"Some might say so."


"She mentioned that she was told by more than one person to observe better eating habits," he says. "I gave her some recommendations, and she took to them quickly."

"Tsunade will be happy to hear that. She was worried about potentially unwanted horizontal growth."

"I am glad I could improve the mood of one of the Three Shinobi, however indirectly."

"I'm going to ask something of you. Hopefully it's not too much of a hassle."

"I doubt it would be. What is it you need?"

"I want you to stay here with me a while, before I head off to the next part of my journey," I say. "I'm feeling needy at the moment. It's probably because of the kotatsu earlier."

"They had one where you were?" he asks.

"The samurai brought it to our cabin before we got back from the summit. I'll tell you about that and other things after I heat up these leftovers for us."


"Stay there and let me do the work for us. And I'll get us a blanket," I say as I get up. "I made sure to pick up one of the really nice ones for missions and have it stored away. Not particularly expensive, but hard to find these days."


I regale Itachi with the less important details of our recent adventure. We sit together and eat from paper bowls with our hands, a warm blanket on top of us as we sit in front of the fire. We have our tea as he tells me about his travels, and of course describes the types of women he comes across because he knows my tastes. My active imagination takes care of the rest as always.

With all of the satisfaction I feel in both mind and body, and the warmth of him next to me...it's all too easy to fall asleep.


He slipped out before the morning's light. I felt him leave my side, and then gently rub my head before heading off. It's just after dawn now, as I wake up again.

I'm reminded of my past, and dreams of what might have been. If Momma hadn't died...or even if my father had a change of heart, and repented of his past sins. Would I have a brother of my own? Another sister? A different family? Who exactly would I be? It's interesting to think about these things sometimes. Especially without the pain or anxiety of the past.

What matters is today, of course. I have a family that exists now. A brother who looks after me from the shadows...and if need be, would bring balance to the world in my absence. Would he stand in my way with the powers of the Regalia? Someone else would hope that he was on their side, but...if something else is in his heart, then...

"It's as he said. I shouldn't...worry too much about these things. I'll make myself sick." I yawn and shrug off the blanket, then shake it out and fold it before sealing it away. After doing my stretches, I clean up the campsite, check my equipment, and then get ready to move out again.

Anko hasn't been able to schedule her appointment with Midori for her seals yet. We had to dissuade her from installing them in...provocative locations, since she kept insisting. We finally agreed to a relatively reasonable position on her lower back. She's so weird. I love her very much, either way. Midori's seal covers her back and is only visible when she needs to exert herself, since it's constructed with chakra. It's a large, elaborate picture of a dragon, similar to what the yakuza have on their shoulders and backs. That's where she got the idea, she said. Luna's is on her upper back, not nearly as big but intricate in itself. The process was the same as with mine, but Luna didn't cry or flinch like I did. Part of it was because I was much younger, but she's also really tough in her own right.

The plan for this segment is to send off a message, and then wait in a designated spot for her to appear. In this case, I'll go with someone I know is quick and determined. I focus on the seal etched into my left arm, and my request is met with a cloud of pink smoke.

"Hi-hi~. Ready for my Princess~!"

Shoulder-length, visibly sparkling pink hair, fitted with two white ribbons on the sides. A small, wonderfully cute flat cap in white that never loses its place on her head. A large pink sweater with sleeves that are too big, but have holes so that she can hook her thumbs through the ends, something that I bought her years ago. It has a patchwork heart on the front, which she absolutely adores. White leggings go down into a pair of sneakers with wings on the sides of them. Most importantly, they light up when she walks. Midori personally worked on making them activate with stored chakra.

This is yet another member of my growing legion of little sisters. Momoko, or Momo for short. She's the serpent kingdom's best and most reliable messenger, and one of the reasons that Midori can have such effective diplomatic relations with so many of the animal realms. Momo used to live in a hovel while Manda ruled. Now free of that and with a new talent to make use of, she's much better off.

I smile and pat her head, making her hum happily. Her light pink eyes shine as she waits for my instruction.

"Satchel?" I ask.

"Here~," she replies with her song-like voice. She claps her hands and has her special golden satchel appear. After she opens it, I put the scroll inside. "All set!"

"Hurry to Anko-nee for me, please?"

"Yes~. Do you want me to wait for her again?"

"If you could, I would like that."

"Okay~. Anything for my Princess~."

"Good girl. Thank you so much for this, Momo. I'll have something tasty for you when you get back."

"Awesome~!" I pat her head again and she salutes before taking off. In the next moment, she's vanished into thin air. Usually Momo is busy with the throne's deliveries, sleeping, or listening to her favourite music. Midori has declared those times off limits to everyone including herself, unless there's an emergency.

"It should be about an hour, hopefully less. Please be okay, Anko-nee."

I focus on my seal and leave the snow of Iron Country behind, reappearing in an empty desert. The sun's warmth greets me, and I drink some of it in before heading to the lonely outpost nearby. I sit in the shade of the shack and wait.

Big sis~. Your message has been delivered~!

Only forty minutes. Impeccable as always. Excellent work, my love. I'll call you here in a moment, and you can have your promised reward.


As always, I aim to keep my promises. The heavy, chewy candy that she loves to snack on is in my pocket. A single bar, scored neatly in chunks so that one can fold over the packaging and savour the rest later. Momo pops into being in front of me, and I give her another head-pat before handing off her reward.

"Thank you, big sis~. I love you lots!"

"And I love you, darling."

She reaches into her satchel and retrieves two things. A scroll, with the expected trimmings. And a serpent child that I recognize. Blue in colour and the length of my arm, with white bands around his body at regular intervals.

"So she sent Mizu to me. That's a relieving sign," I say. Mizu travels along my arm and rests himself around my neck. I kiss him gently on the head as he comes around. "She'll be here in a few moments, then."

"Did you need anything else~?" Momo asks.

"Nothing for now, love. Thank you for all of your help, I greatly appreciate it."

"Anything for my Princess~! Be safe, okay? And take care of all your work so that we can hang out together soon~! I got new vinyls~."

"When this stressful business is over, we'll have ourselves lots of candy while listening to your favourites."

"Can't wait~!"

I pick her up and give her a kiss on each cheek. "Farewell for now."

"Bye-bye, Princess~! Bye-bye, Mizu~!"

Mizu flicks his tongue out at her and she smiles. Another salute, and then she takes off into the distance while barely disturbing the sand.

"We'll sit in the shade and cool off for now," I say to Mizu. "If it's too long a wait, we'll take a walk to waste some more time..."

An hour passes. I sit with my thoughts, going through a number of scenarios for the current situation. There's not much outside of that I can do. The world is still too unpredictable at this time. What I know for sure is...I need to go to the Hidden Rain soon. Something tells me that the key to everything is there.

A soft flicker against my cheek brings me back to the real world. Mizu has raised his head, and looks out into the distance.

"She's here."

I stand up and walk onto the sand again, looking out over the dunes. My sensing is unimpeded here, and I can sense that familiar signature with little effort. The sound of a motorbike engine in the distance, before it and its rider crests a distant dune. A small cloud of sand follows the bike as it comes closer to us at speed. It slows before coming to a stop near us.

Anko takes off her sunglasses, her hair back to its normal colour and put up into her favourite ponytail. I present Mizu to her, and she hugs him against her chest. By now, she's almost got the look of a proper office lady. A red blouse with an opening that is cut low for her admirers, and dark pants that flare out at the bottom.

"Thank you for your hard work. Rest up." She kisses him on the nose before he disappears in a cloud of smoke. Finally, she turns her attention to me.

"You're okay," I say.

"Yeah. I'm okay." She dismounts her bike and hugs me tightly. "Thank you."

"I'm the one that needs to say that. You were wonderful, Anko-nee. Welcome home," I say as I squeeze her back. We stand together for a few minutes, doing and saying nothing. Having her here, safe...means so much. Anything could have happened. Even if we are shinobi, I don't want to let go of these feelings. Whether it's that of worry, or relief.

"I started the relay to cut everything off. Momoko made really good time," she says as we separate.

"She always does. I was fortunate to get a hold of her."

"How'd you do that, anyways? She's almost always busy."

"Hm~. Just a perk of being Ane-ue's favourite, hmhm."

She shakes her head. "Figures. But I can't complain, can I? A good bit of those benefits come down to me, too."

"Indeed they do. After this, I want you to go back and rendezvous with Itachi. I'm intending to keep you out a bit longer, so as to keep Obito off your backs, and do some more investigating on our behalf. Itachi said he doesn't mind, so we just need your approval."

"That's a no-brainer. I'm ready to put in some more work for ya, Colonel." She stands at attention and salutes. "Mission acknowledged, ma'am."

"Appreciated, Captain. At ease."

"Ma'am." She relaxes and smiles. "I was hoping to get some more time with my hubby, anyways."

"It seems you've charmed him already."

"Heh. It's definitely the other way around. He's such a smooth talker, and patient, too! Oh, and he's been helping me with my diet and stuff. I blabbed about it the other day without thinking, you know? And he decided he would help out. It's sweet of him," she says. "And not having to do any more of that Sharingan conditioning stuff is really welcomed. Takes a toll on you..."

"I can see that." I touch her face gently, looking at the lines that have formed beneath her eyes. "Take some time to really rest before you move on, okay?"

"I'll do that, promise."

"Good. Now, the ripples have yet to reach the corners of the world, so I'll tell you about the summit. It went better than we could have hoped. Oyaji really knows how to work a room."

"Doesn't he? Way smarter than he lets on, hehe. By the way, I absolutely love the threads you have on. They're stylish!"

"Thank you. Hina and I went as a pair, and we did look stunning."


"I can tell you all about that and the other things we saw. Did you want to sit here, or in the shade over there?" I ask.

"Here is good. I wanna soak up some sun, anyways. Ooh, did you find a good spot in the Leaf yet?" We sit next to each other on the sand.

"I found my fourth one the other day. It's good for afternoon naps...near the northern edge of the village, within a good group of trees. There are a lot of flat rocks, and if you want you can snack on some berries."

"Wow. We need to go there soon, then!"

"I took Erika over the other day. She loves it."


It takes a while with our catching up on things over the past few months, but we eventually get to the Five Kage Summit and all the excitement contained within. Anko hangs on my every word, nodding along and processing all of the information I recite to her. Then, she helps me link the information that she's gathered to what I already know. Most of it is in the hands of Tamaki, Imari, and Hiruzen as tangible documents by now.

"So that woman was starting to sniff around you," I say.

She nods. "Yeah. I think she would have learned a few things if I stuck around any longer. She still might, if I wasn't as thorough about erasing my trail as I hoped. But the one time I did get to see Konan...well, there's a reason why Pain has her as his secretary, or angel as they call her. She's a machine."

"It's good that we made this move when we did, then. You and Itachi should be able to help each other out."

"There's one more thing. Depending on what it means to you...it might be really big."

"What is it?"

"Konan and the Akatsuki inner circle are pretty careful about keeping their movement concealed. I have no idea if Lord Jiraiya was successful in pinning any of them down, even those psycho siblings. With all that said, I found something very very interesting."

Anko gets up and dusts the sand off of her pants. She goes to one of the pouches on the side of her bike and searches through it, taking out what looks like a small black cylinder.

"Have a look at this. Every so often before the non-burnable trash got taken out, I'd pose as a member of maintenance and have some of our friends go through it along with me. The recyclables, of course. Can't go around getting too dirty, or it'd raise some red flags."

"Hmph." I take the cylinder from her as she leans over. "Speaking of flags, I'm sure you had more than a few colleagues at full mast while you were working."

"You don't know the half of it, sis. Not that I hated the attention any," she says with a smile. "It's so cute. They wag their tails and everything whenever you talk to them, and they're super eager to do things for you. My boss said productivity was up, and they couldn't understand why. I tell ya, a good pair of sweater puppies is like rocket fuel for wagies."

"Mm, and how did the women folk rate it?"

"Erm...I ended up attracting a different kind of predator, in that case," she says, blushing. "Mature women seem to know what they want and...go for it. I'll tell you more when you're older."

I pout. "I'm already older."

"Then when you're older older. Trust me. But going back to my earlier point...based on my projections on what you're projecting, you'll be queen of the earth in about three to five years, tops! Just keep eating your meat and veggies~."

"I always love a good compliment. Thank you, Anko-nee."

She winks. "Nothing to it. So. That in your hand looks to be part of a re-breather. Pretty common in the Hidden Rain, right?"

"Yes. Salamander Hanzo's territory, or at least that's what they still say." I turn the object in my hand a few times. "This is a cartridge for one such piece of equipment, built to deal with different situations at once. Underwater respiration, filtering smoke and poisons, so on and so forth."

"Some of the goons hanging around when Konan, or some other bank roller was around, were from the Hidden Rain. That thing in your hand came to me due to a bit of luck. Someone threw it out one night, mistaking it for regular recycling. So there was a fuss the next morning when a couple of the hired shinobi came around looking for it. Naturally, I kept my cool and they didn't suspect me of anything. I figure they might have scrubbed a bunch of identifying features as is, but I don't think they got everything."

"It seems like they didn't want anyone to know who exactly they were, village affiliation aside. Hm."

"My thought is...this cartridge is a special type, and could be traced back to a singular place in a certain territory. Normally, that wouldn't be much of anything. All shinobi gear comes from somewhere, right?" she says.

"Right. But some parts come from notably restricted territories," I continue.

"We find out where this was made, note the characteristics of the area it was manufactured..."

"...and we can identify the type of person using it. And more than likely..."

"The real location of the people doing the hiring," she finishes. "If this gives us a definitive link to the Hidden Rain, then...that's the place we need to turn everyone's eyes on as far as Akatsuki is concerned."

"That will do. I see what might be a serial number on here. If that doesn't work, material composition is easily figured out...premium product either takes advantage of sparse local resources, or does expensive imports under cover. Both are easily identified and traced, thanks to our merchant systems. You won't need this back, will you?"

"Nope. Go nuts."

"Thank you. This could be the opening that we've been waiting for...even if it isn't, I still have nothing but praise for your hard work, Anko-nee."

"I appreciate hearing that. I wish I could have done a bit more, but..."

"It's enough," I say, echoing Itachi's words. "You worked hard, and came back to me safely, like you promised. It's enough, so you don't need to worry about anything else. Just be sure to rest like I said."

"Got it. Whatever makes my little sis happy."

"Good. And you'll also want to be in good health to take care of your husband. He's very reckless, as you know."

"Yep." Anko sighs and lays back on the sand next to me. I put the cartridge into my pocket and follow her lead. "What'd he get into this time?"

"Fighting eccentric masked men in snowy forests. Fortunately, he had the Regalia with him, and escaped with merely mild exhaustion and a few burns on his arm. I treated them well enough for him to continue on his journey."

"Guess I'll look after that, then. But let's go back to what you said before...Regalia? What are those about?"

"Arcane weapons from a previous age that assume spiritual forms. The Sword of Totsuka is one of them."

"Oh! Orochimaru talked about that a long time ago. It's related to Kusanagi, right?" she asks.

"Indeed it is. Derived from it, but currently exists in an ethereal state. So it's currently bonded to the final Sharingan art, the Susano'o..."
Arrivals and Departures
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 91
"Arrivals and Departures"
[Convergence of Shadows: Epilogue]

Anko and I spend some more time gossiping and chatting, until the sun starts to dip near the horizon and changes the sky's colours. We hold onto each other for what feels like a long time, but not long enough. I eventually let her go, and transport myself back to the spot I was before. No changes, nothing extra to consider. I warm up some of the leftover food I have stored, and then do some reading before going to sleep.

Morning comes quickly enough. Wake up, stretch, a cup of hot tea. Then I dig up my hidden supplies and check them over, and start my journey back towards the Leaf at a good speed. It took us all four days to get to the summit. I can cut that down to about two with some careful running. The restrictions on travel and commerce won't be lifted in their entirety until the delegation from Mist signals their safe return, so I can take advantage of this clear space to move around in.

I was hoping that I would run into Fuu, but she must be somewhere else right now. Last I heard, she was safe and being taken care of. Hopefully the home I have for her is properly built and outfitted soon. I call Fio through our link, tell her some of what's going on, and ask to have a few things prepared for when I get home. Being my most wonderful future wife, she reports back in just a few hours, telling me that everything is ready for my arrival. There's report on everyone's well-being and status, things around the village, and the local weather.

One stop on the western edge of Fire Country to eat and take a few hours rest. Then it's time to go back on the run. By the time I reach the front gates of the Hidden Leaf, it's morning of the third day since the summit. I check in with the soldiers standing guard, who will send a report notifying all relevant parties that I've returned.

"Ma'am. Welcome back," one says with a salute.

"Thank you kindly. Be safe."


I give them an acknowledging nod before venturing into the village proper, keeping a relatively low profile. The first stop won't be home, but at a quiet little coffee stand with one of my lovelies.

"Good morning, husband."

"Morning." Shikamaru hands me a coffee, mixed just the way I like it. We start our walk down the quiet path nearby. "Your wife is way too energetic in the mornings, and unfortunately my mom loves her. She's over at our place, eating breakfast."

"Adorable, isn't she?"

"That's a word to describe her, yeah. Pleasantries aside, it's good to see you back. I got the bullet points from my old man...Gramps still has it, looks like."

"He was magnificent. You should have seen how he took control of the room...if I could be half as good when I grow up, this world will be a utopia ten times over."

"Then that means I'll be looking forward to it in a decade or two." He smiles and we tap our cups together before drinking. "So, what'd you need your friendly neighbourhood slacker for this time?"

"I want to get something looked at, as soon as possible. Break it, chip pieces off, whatever you think will work if the usual methods don't pan out." I take the black cartridge out of my pouch and hand it to Shikamaru. "Used by soldiers from the Hidden Rain. Can't give you much about the origins, but it's from someone I trust deeply."

"I'm up to my neck in this whole conspiracy with you. Nothing to worry about." He turns the cartridge in his hand a few times before taking a sip of coffee and nodding. "Light work. I can get you something by the end of today. I can get you a lot of things by the end of tomorrow. And I can find out the pay scales of the guys who made this if you give me two days on top of that."

"I'm going to be idle at least a week, far as anyone knows," I say.

"Then I can do all that and have Erika deliver it to you by hand. I can get you all the details you need."

"As my second favourite blonde in the world would say, awesome~. Thank you, hubby~."

"Hey, if this is the most complicated thing you're having me do, I'm at your service. These Akatsuki guys are a real pain in the ass for me, too. Let me know if there's anything else."

"I will. Don't let me keep you from your meeting with Choji, love. We'll talk later," I say while patting his shoulder.

"Got it, Chief. See you in a bit." He salutes with his coffee cup before heading off. I drink my coffee while walking a bit further, then do a quick check for relevant chakra signatures. Everyone seems like they are where they should be. Time to go home, then. Hopping across the rooftops takes me to our hotel, where I use the roof exit to head downstairs. I get to my room with nobody around, open the door, and slip inside.

"Good. No problems to report. Now to wait...or at least try to."

I step out of my outfit, making a note in my head to have it collected for cleaning tomorrow. It's mostly spotless thanks to its impeccable construction, but a little freshening up won't hurt since I probably won't be wearing it as often from here on. A few days in the wilderness calls for a hot, bubbly bath as a treat. Lavender seems like a lovely choice for today.

Now it's a while later, and I've almost drifted away. Lavender was indeed the correct choice, and the hot water is doing many good things to my muscles. Very soothing. I hear the room door open faintly, and poke my tongue out casually to see who it might not be. Nothing to worry about on that end.

"Is that who I think it is in the bath?"

"It certainly is, love. Wait a moment for me, won't you?"

"Sure can!"

I ease myself out of the tub and let my bound hair down. Don't feel like getting dressed quite yet, so drying off and a nice robe will do. I should find out where the hotel gets these made, they're incredibly comfortable. More than a few have probably gone missing, if I know anything about vacationers.

"Ah. Sorry to keep you waiting," I say to Fio. She sits up on our bed. "Bit of a long trip, and I wanted to relax after getting home."

"I know the feeling. So I promise not to be upset, as long as you do something for me."

"What is it?"

"I want a kiss or ten from my favourite girl in the whole universe!"

"That's easily done. Anything for my Fio, hmhm."

She jumps up and into me, before we kiss tenderly. It feels soft, almost...reflective, I think. A wonderful feeling, no less than all of the other times. I did miss doing this every morning...

"Thank you. Maybe it's a bit silly, or something...I just needed that," she says after we separate.

"There's nothing silly about it. I knew what you meant, and I felt it too. We're always connected in so many ways, but nothing compares to moments like this. I'd rather you by my side than not, you know?"

"I sure do. I'll remember that for next time, and work on not feeling so silly about it."

"Good girl." I rub her head and kiss her again as she blushes. "I don't want you feeling ashamed for desiring your mistress, or her warmth."

"Yes, ma'am."

"With that settled, I'm going to need your help more than you need mine."

"Really?" she asks eagerly. "What do I need to do?"

"Keep me out of trouble. And silent, preferably," I say with a crooked smile. "You know better than anyone how I get, and I need to stay out of whatever business is happening right now. The Summit was a success beyond what we were imagining, but things are still tense. Things should be left to our elders and senpais. Which is why I came back around this time, instead of with the others."

"What happened? Oh, that's if you can tell me."

"Because it's you," I say as we sit on the bed together, "I can tell you a lot of things. Especially since you're as good with your security as anyone around these parts."


"On top of that, I've reassigned Anko to another mission with Itachi. It will be more general in scope. But she did something wonderful for us in finding clues that we can use to break things wide open, hopefully."

"Oh, that's what you wanted me to fetch Shika for."

"Yes. A piece of equipment that we might be able to track to the Hidden Rain. If it's the case, then it will be our next target for investigation. We might even find the origins of that man, Pain."


"I could have viable results in a day, but I'm giving him a week to have Erika deliver the reports to us. In the meantime, I need to act...relatively normal, and wait for any reports from the old man and my senpais in ANBU. Hence you keeping me occupied."

"I gotcha. Alright, I can whip up an itinerary for us later tonight, after dinner. Let's see if Ino is still in, she can get a reservation for a nice place. I'm thinking sushi!" Fio picks me up and sets me into bed properly, taking my bathrobe away gently. "In the meantime, you should get some more rest."

"Mm. The coffee from earlier gave me a small buzz, so..."

"Alright. In that case..." She runs over to one of the shelves and scans it for a book. "Ah, here we go! This one." She skips over and puts the book in my hands. "Try it out, it's about samurai and stuff. Kinda dense, so I think it'll get your eyes closing pretty quick. Then you can dream about being a shogun!"

I giggle. "Thank you, Fio. You're always so thoughtful."

"I do my best! Enjoy your sleep while I scheme with the girlies!"

"I will, love." We have another kiss before she skips over to one of the couches, sitting down and putting the phone in her lap. As I open the book, I see that it is indeed thick with words on each page. I go through one chapter carefully enough, drawn into the book's premise...


And because Fio knows me so well, my eyes glaze over as chapter two begins. I let the book rest against my chest, and my eyes close.


I did have a dream, inspired by some events of the book. Curiously, my companions were the Walker family...Joshua, Maria, Jonah, Cadence, and Aria. The events escape me, though...

I wake up and yawn, closing the book properly. That was a good sleep. I wonder if being naked had anything to do with it. Certainly helped me realize how luxurious these sheets are...

"You're up! Great timing as always!"

Fio greets me with another kiss, and presents a set of underwear to me. I slip out of bed and get into them while we talk.

"Ino reserved us a few spots at the Emerald Hill Sushi House," she says. "Wants us to dress sassy in case our many admirers show up."

"I have a few things to accomplish that for us."

"Neat. Instead of purely work talk and all that, she wants to hear about the boys you got to eye up at the meeting."

"Of course she does. Lucky for her, I have a prodigious memory. And a few photos I can snag from the archives. That will be our stop before dinner. Who's coming out?"

"Um, our usual five spot, then Ruki, Yuno, and Kurenai."

"Our big sis got a night off, eh?"

"Asuma is gonna hang out with Choji and Shika tonight, so they're all gonna look after Mirai together while grilling and stuff. Everyone's accounted for, looks like!"

"Good to hear." I stroll over to the closet and look through my wardrobe. "Decided what you want to wear yet? How long do we have, by the way?"

"Yep, and about an hour before our table opens."

"Alright." Hm, I like the idea of...those pants, and that flirty blouse. That should do well to twist a few necks, hehe.

"I'm gonna hit the shower, then. See you in a bit!"

"Yes, love."


It's an interesting few days. I don't get to talk or really think too much about work, or anything from the recent trip. It's good, in a lot of ways. Fio makes sure I'm occupied like I asked. We have dinner and a movie with Hina one night, then go bowling the next with Naruto. Some soaking at one of the upscale bath houses in the village with Tsunade and Shizune, and live music another night with Erika and Ino.

Near the end of the week, we get those long awaited reports.

Each of the five shinobi villages are doing their best to honour their sides of the deal. The assurances have reached the ears of the smaller villages, and they're starting to relax a lot of the earlier requests they were making. Their willingness to collaborate and help a bit with stability is noted, but they're also content with leaving Leaf to the burden it willingly took on. The conservative hawks were predictably furious; the old man quickly calmed them down, Koharu and Homura aside. Those two were always more hawkish than the rest. Then there's Danzo to deal with...so I need to properly put that project in motion. Waiting until the final hour means it's far too late.

The samurai from Iron have arrived recently. They've been put into appropriate lodging and given liaisons to assist with their work, being directed to cooperate as much as possible with the villages they are staying in. But as per their function, they are given a degree of autonomy. This includes immunity from specific laws and restrictions. Things like this will be monitored properly, but the silent understanding is that we won't try to get in the way of the samurai if they think that something is amiss. It's the best thing for this world, and the fragile agreement currently holding it together.

Akatsuki is...in a mysterious state. The push by Leaf to weaken their influence has worked very well, with the use of our special platoons helping greatly. Doing so well, and so quickly, obviously set off some alarms, so we looked closer. Some contact with Anko revealed that the scope of operations within Fire Country has been reduced dramatically – Akatsuki was being outspent and out competed in the field, and it seems that they only had so much cash they were willing to burn as overhead. It falls in line with what Itachi told me before, that their plan for world domination involved gathering funds as quickly as possible, and as efficiently as possible. Battling Leaf economically is a non starter for the organization, as they assumed they could just undercut us easily enough, and didn't expect us to make that gambit of spending our cash in hand to get more business for later. It could have been Obito, but my guess is that Pain and Konan made the business decision as the fronts for Akatsuki, the ones closest to the situation on the ground. Hiruzen is considering the use of more political capital to further choke out Akatsuki influence in the minor nations, but that will depend on the behaviour of the major nations in the coming months.

Simply put, this has been a dominant performance against Akatsuki, one that has driven them nearly to extinction in this country.

"Indeed...this has gone much better than anticipated."

Hiruzen smokes away at his pipe, looking at the scrolls laid out on his desk. Tamaki has been lightning incense and preparing herbal teas all week to help keep the old man's stress levels down. It's her compromise for not being able to strangle all of the war hawks descending on the office with her bare hands.

"I've said it many times before, but I don't know where I would be without your brilliance, Lili."

"Thank you as always for your praise of me, Lord Hokage. But this was a team effort, as always."

He shakes his head. "Not entirely. Though you're right that everyone did their part, the increased prestige of Leaf shinobi was one of the major reasons that we could progress as far as we did. The standard has been raised, and our organization has gained more visibility and trust than ever. The people of this world believe in us, more than ever. And it's thanks to your courage out on the sea, Lili."

"I suppose so."

"There is not much to suppose, my child. I also appreciate your efforts this week to keep your distance from the work that has been going on. You're trusting your peers and superiors more, which I am happy to see."

"If we're being truthful...it was a bit difficult to stay still, especially after all that happened. All of the fighting is going to get more intense from here on."

"Yes. How are they doing?" he asks, referring to Itachi and Anko.

"They're both well, and together again now. No more need for that extreme protocol, either. The Regalia will help protect them, if anything..."

"I see, I see. You've also tasked young Shikamaru with a mission, I hear."

"We might be able to discern the location of Akatsuki's secret facilities..."

"Hm." He nods and puffs out a cloud of smoke. "That would be a great boon to us...what are your intentions?"

"My intention is to confront that man and his forces, if this place is his home base. If not, then we can feed the information over to the task force, and have them take care of all the details. Otherwise, they can join in later. There's nothing else I have lined up, at least nothing concrete. But turning back to this village, I have something serious I want to get started on."

He nods and presses a button on the nearby phone. It takes a few seconds before there's a knock on the door.

"Enter," he responds.

"Lord Hokage, you called for me?" Imari stands at the entrance and bows.

"Yes. Ten minutes of space for us."

"Understood. Starting routines." She makes hand seals and presses one hand to each side of the double doors. Bowing again, she closes the door afterwards, and I can hear her doing the same thing to the other side. A click goes off in my senses as the energy around us goes into a static state. It means that disturbances and intrusions will be trivial to track for the next ten or so minutes. It also means that the room should be sealed against various types of observation or threats.

"Go ahead, Lili."

"Thank you. As you might recall...we've been moving forward on tracking Danzo and his elements. Ruling out as many suspected individuals as possible has always been our goal. We need to create a final list as soon as we can, before anything can happen. Or, heaven forbid, in case anything does happen to either of us. With Akatsuki trending downwards, and the world balanced on strings even more fragile than before, being able to shut him down is crucial."

"I agree. Though Danzo has given much for this village, and has proven himself to be an excellent tactical mind...there are things that cannot be left alone. He may still have a chance to poison Sasuke, even with all of the work that Itachi and I have done to stabilize him."

"Which is unfortunate," I say. "Sasuke has done well for himself. He shouldn't be kicked into the darkness again because of some fossilized zealot...that would be beyond unfair, I think. Danzo's elements have been weakened to some degree thanks to the operation I ran with Erika earlier, that resulted in Sai's elimination. Sai's unique nature allowed him to operate in open space, and I doubt that there are many more of those types within ROOT. But we know that they're active, and numerous."

"And possibly too far gone to save," Hiruzen finishes.

"Yes. That is my conclusion. With that said...you should have time to work on them in your own capacity, and what I want will also help with that. Properly identifying the enemy and their forms is what will allow us to win." I go into my pocket and take out a scroll. "This is the list of suspected ROOT members, based on their locations, mission type, political leanings, training schedules, and other related things. The list is ordered from confirmed subjects all the way down in terms of confidence in their membership."

I get up from my seat and hand the scroll to Hiruzen. His expression is sombre until the scroll hits his hand.

"There is likely some pruning to do, but...not as much as you would hope," I say quietly.

The weight leaves my hand and is transferred to his, in its entirety. He looks down at the scroll with a slightly stunned expression, not knowing what to say.

"How many...do you think?" he asks.

"The most pessimistic outlook is to consider every name on that list a member of the organization. It would be twenty percent in that case. One out of every five ANBU under your command."

"And...the optimistic outlook?"

I sigh. "About half the listed personnel, with a margin of one and one half percent. It would come out to a ten percent average. One of out every ten."

"I see."

"For the record...a fifth of that list is already under confirmed membership. That's four percent as is. We just need to cross check their backgrounds and medical records so that we don't have any mistakes with identities...or possible identification after the fact."


"I'm sorry. I wish it weren't...as bad as it seems. But it only makes sense, because it was someone who you placed so much faith in, for so many years."

"I will...open it in a bit. Thank you for this, Lili. Even if it doesn't seem like it, I truly appreciate your work."

"It's something difficult to deal with, oyaji. I couldn't be upset with you. I don't understand in full, not just yet. But I can sense your pain."

"Thank you again. What do you intend to do, if I approve your next steps with this list? Before that...here." He pours me a cup of tea and hands me the saucer it sits on. "My apologies for wasting our limited time."

"Not a problem. Briefly," I say as I sit again, "we want to filter these checks through the normal village system so that nobody will look at us askance, nor will Danzo be able to accuse you of anything that challenges his autonomy. We will schedule medical checks with our vetted personnel, who will then send copies of the information to us upon request. It's just as one would do at any other time. Then we'll have investigations for truly suspicious things as needed. Some extra scrutiny for mission related things, observing gaps in time frames and reports...things tailored to each section and position that the suspected ROOT members are in."

"Do you think this will be effective enough?"

"It should be on its own," I say. "But I'll have my people check the already checked work for inconsistencies. It's possible that there might be spies from that faction working as regular clerks. Those are listed as well. And in the end, everything will move ahead at your discretion. You know how I am...so that's why I'm going through all of this."


"If there is a mistake we've made, or something that we can erase...you would be best equipped to fix all of it. Reassign them, talk to them about what you know. Whatever it is that can make a difference. I don't think all of those people are broken, or beyond hope. It's just..."

"What is it?"

"I said it before. You know how I am. I can't do the things that you do. Not in the same ways. And you still think of that man as a friend and comrade." I look down at the saucer in my lap. "I'm sorry to be so eager about crushing him in front of you. But I want it. Really badly. I hate how much he keeps hurting you."

"I understand, Lili. Rest assured, I will do whatever I can, with my own power. And when the time comes, I won't stand in your way."

I look up and into his eyes, seeing the same calmness and sincerity that I've become accustomed to. I feel better after seeing it. And happy that he can accept the selfish sort of love I tend to smother him with.

The stillness from earlier is starting to come undone.

"It seems our time is up, Lord Hokage."

"Unfortunate. But we were productive today, and for that I am thankful. I assume you will be off to run more errands?" he asks me. I finish my tea and return the cup and saucer to the side of his desk.

"I think it would be best to return home and rest again. You and the others would recommend it, and it keeps me out of village affairs some more. There's nothing that I immediately need to act on. Unless you have an extra assignment for me, my lord?"

"Nothing of the sort. Though, I did receive a message from our Lady Tsunade earlier. She wanted to meet with you when you could spare some time."

That there wasn't a direction attached to it means that Auntie is being cryptic again. Fortunately, I don't feel any major disturbances attached to it...so it must be something local and actionable. Fine enough.

"I can go over now. She should be at the central hospital as usual," I say. "Tell her to meet me in the main foyer. If I'm not there before five minutes pass, she needs to go back to whatever she was doing before."

"I will call her now. Take care, Lili."

"I will, sir. Please be well yourself, and thank you as always for having me present."

I give him a bow before leaving the room, which has had its seal fade away by now. Then it's straight to the central campus of Leaf Hospital, which I reach in a leisurely three minutes. Tsunade is already waiting impatiently in the main foyer, and strides over as soon as she sees me.

"Yeah, hi. Shizune is doing a coffee run and I have a dummy in the office. Not much time, so come with me."

She puts her arm around my shoulders and pulls me with her down the hall. There's what seems to be an empty room on the left, but it's not-

"Oi. Get out, this is my room now."

The two nurses grumble but do as they're told. Tsunade hands them each a fistful of money and coins before rubbing their heads roughly.

"Thanks. Don't kill yourselves getting back from break, yeah."

"Yes, ma'am." They give her a smile before closing the door behind them, which Tsunade locks right after. She flips on the lights and rolls her neck a few times.

"On the table, toots. Never can have enough cover for times like these."

"Mm? Are we having an impromptu examination, by chance?" I ask while wiggling my brows.

"Yes, an actual one. Now lie on your back and get your mind out of the gutter for five minutes. I know I'm asking a lot of you, but this is important."

I sigh and lie back on the table as told. "You are such a wet blanket."

"Quit your bitching and stay still. I'm too old and too straight for you anyways," she says while taking off my sandals.

"And how would you know that?"

"Multiple decades on this godforsaken planet and choice encounters. Now shut up and let me do what I came here for."

"Alright, fine," I pout. "Then what's so important that you need to explore my immaculate body as cover?"

She snorts and checks my legs with a few firm squeezes.

"I'm not in the business of disclosing information that I get from drinking partners...but considering everything I'm in on currently, I got a feeling that I should talk to you about this directly. Our gentleman friend and I were indulging ourselves the other night. As you might know, I can hold my liquor pretty damn well. He's no slouch himself, but he gets sloshed a lot faster than I do with the same amount of booze in us. So...his lips got a little looser than usual, and it helped that he considers me a close and generally trustworthy friend. You get the picture, yeah?"

"I do," I say.

"Good. To get to the point...there were some things he said that made me realize he's going after our little runaway. Most likely wants to squeeze information on that organization out of him, since he's burned through a lot of leads on that acquaintance. The one he said he didn't know, until he did."

Jiraiya is going to go after Itachi for information on Akatsuki, because his leads on Konan have been drying up. That...is a very big, very good heads' up. Jiraiya doesn't know about our more secretive operations, and if he finds Anko there...

"That gut feeling was more than correct," I say. "I'll tell them both right away. Thank you for this, I really do owe you for it..."

"Both?" she asks.

"Since she's been reassigned from the earlier mission...my sister with the sweet tooth is currently travelling with him, in order to gather as much information as possible. I had her out doing some office work abroad."

Tsunade lifts a brow. "Seriously? I didn't know it was that deep...no wonder."

"We were keeping her off the radar as much as possible. You know many aging busybodies we have around here."

"Sure do. Well, all done. You seem as fit as ever."

"Hm. Fit enough for you, maybe?"

"Your window was twenty years ago. Try inventing time travel." She pats me on the back as I get up. "Besides, I've a got whole career now. No time for women."

"Tch. Well, I still need to make it up to you for this. Seriously."

She thinks for a moment. "There's some fancy drinks and real nice cuts of meat I want to try. Guess I can have Shizune drop the names off at the hotel. Same one, right?"

"Same one. If it's in country, you won't have to wait longer than a few days. Expedited delivery is pocket change, far as I'm concerned."

"Great. Something to take the edge off after work will be nice. Though I'm just going for it since you insisted. There's a lot of complicated shit going on right now, and I don't want any of it to fall apart. Whatever it takes...I don't want to run away again, or get so scared that I freeze up."

"I don't think there's anything to worry about. Ever since coming back to the village, you've done well by all of us. Especially where Sasuke is concerned..."

"Yeah. Stubborn little kid. But he's doing well for himself."

"Yes. By the by...I was talking to the old man. Something important should be coming your way in a little while, regarding the busybody we were talking about. If you have any questions, no hour is too late for me."

"I'll keep it in mind. Thanks."

"Of course."

She goes towards the door. "I gotta get back to work, so I'll leave you to find your way out. Just one thing before I go."

"What is it?"

Her hand grips the handle before relaxing and sliding off. "Whatever you're about to do next...I have a feeling it'll be something real dangerous, and real stupid to boot. And since I know I can't stop you...I want you to be careful. Make sure you come back to us."

"I promise."

"What..." She spins around, looking upset. "I didn't ask you to do anything that fucking stupid. Don't make-"

"I said what I fucking said. I promise. And you don't get to make me take it back," I reply.

"Fuck's sake! You..." She grumbles and shakes her head, turning again to open the door. "You really are a stubborn bitch, Lili."

"I wouldn't be my charming self otherwise," I say with a smile.

She turns her head and smiles back. "You're right. And that would be a crying shame." Tsunade waves over her shoulder and disappears from sight.

The relief she showed me was enough. Not just the old man...but the weight on her shoulders, too. I want to get rid of it all, by creating a new world for all of us. One where we can finally escape the vicious cycle that took so much already.

And for that...we will need to put in all the work we can.

"Finding my way out won't be a problem. Let's see if we can get a hold of Anko-nee on the other plane."

I focus on my left arm, and the world quickly vanishes from sight.
Sanctioned Misbehaviour
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 92
"Sanctioned Misbehaviour"

Sitting down with my loved ones is peaceful. It allows me to rest and think about a great deal of things, and in great comfort. Nothing rushed, nothing wrapped in chaos.

There's a lot I need to do. I have things that need to be put in line right away.

So the time for relaxation is over. For now, at least.

"Lili...come back to bed. You shouldn't be running around."


Fio grabs at me from our bed and I push her hand away. I zip up my sweater and make sure my tool belt is secure.

"I have work to do, and I'm restless on top of it," I say to her. "You go back to sleep and leave me alone."


"If you keep bothering me, I won't tell you where I'm going later. Stop being a brat."

"Fuck off. That's my line," she grumbles. "How long?"

"Don't know. I'm going to Shino's first."

"At least eat breakfast."

"Kiko will pour me tea. She's been up for a few hours already."

"Always have an answer for everything."

"Of course I do. See you later, Fio."

"Try not to come back too late. Can you do that much?"

I lean over and give her a kiss. She glares at me, but the sleepy look on her face ruins the effect.

"I'll be back around noon. Not much later," I say.

"I can live with that, I guess. Don't overwork, alright?"

"I won't." I kiss her again and pat her head before leaving.

A quick trip across the village brings me to the Aburame District, and then to the clan head's home. I check on who's up and who's inside, and it's as I expect. Kiko strides from the kitchen as soon as I ring the doorbell.

"Lili, good morning!" she says cheerfully.

"Good morning, Kiko." I kiss her on the cheek, and she welcomes me inside. "Quick stop today. I wanted to see Shino."

"He's up by now. Did you want anything? I have tea warming."

"That would be lovely. Just that, thank you."

"My pleasure, as always. Shino!" she calls out. "Lili is here for you! Come on in, your slippers are in the usual spot. You're sure you won't have anything else?"

"I'm sure, Kiko. Thank you again."

She nods and walks ahead of me to the kitchen while I get into my house slippers. Shino comes down the stairs as Kiko sets a hot cup of tea in front of me at the table.

"Boss. Good morning."

"Good morning, Shino. Are we well today?" I ask.

"In good shape, Boss. What did you need from me?"

I have a lot of options when it comes to people I can bring on secretive trips outside of the village. But Fio, much as I hate to admit it right now, has a point. I am feeling a bit prickly at the moment. So I need someone who won't worry about me as much as the others do, and is prone to staying out of the way. Erika gave me some information the other day, that there have been a series of disappearances out in River Country. It's more than likely those freaks Kai and Ishako. I want to talk to the latter, because as of now...she's the weak link. I can attack her, and possibly get lucky with some extra information when she inevitably starts her screeching. Shino is faithful in the ways I want for this type of mission: vigilant, but not prying. Erika is similar, but she's busy with work for the village and other things on my behalf. Hina will probably dote too much and has a grudge against Ishako herself. I don't want that woman's attention divided this time.

"Tomorrow, I will be getting some information from Erika, that is of great importance. Over the next three days, I will be studying it extensively. So four days from now, we'll be going on a mission to eastern River, so as to investigate a rash of disappearances and likely murders. Much like Stone, it's a place where criminals like to roam around out of the immediate eye of the great powers. My suspicion is that the charming Ishako Shigisei is present there. I want to see what I can gather, while giving her some much needed correction if possible. That's the best way of dealing with brats."

"I see. I won't have anything scheduled four days from now, Boss."

I drink some of my tea and nod. "I'm happy to hear that. The finer details of this conversation, you don't remember. The mission itself will be posted by tomorrow afternoon, unless you want the documents delivered by hand."

"I can go to the desk myself, if that's okay."

"Perfectly fine. Pack lightly, and we'll be in civilization to start our routines. I should be able to count on you for this, correct?"

"Hm." He nods. "Understood, Boss. I'll be ready for your orders."

It's times like these that I remember how lucky I am to have Shino at my side. With just a few words, I have everything I could want.

"There are exceptions to every rule," I say before finishing my tea. I stand up and Kiko takes the cup away. "Thank you, Kiko."

"You're welcome."

"I understand, Boss," Shino replies. "There were a few things happening next week, but Futaba always plans ahead for these situations. I'll inform her so that she can adjust accordingly."

"Nothing to fix?"

"Nothing, Boss."

"Understood. I have more things I want to do before midday. Fio is grumbling on today, and she'll definitely be annoyed once I start on my extra projects. Whatever, I'll figure it out. Take care, Shino."

"Right. See you soon, Boss."

I nod and pat him on the shoulder. "Thank you for the tea, Kiko. I'll see you soon."

"Any time, Lili. Please don't work too hard."

I wave over my shoulder at her. "I won't. Already promised the wife."


Today is an early day. Yesterday I spent with Fio to try and soothe her worries, which worked somewhat well. She was still slightly annoyed with me by the time we went to bed, but was considerably more tender when sending me off at dawn. Since I don't want to draw too much attention today, I've gone with a smart looking black blazer and pants to wear for my little meeting. A pair of glasses with false lenses will help with the ambience.

One of the many seemingly empty office buildings in the village is where this meeting will take place. Shinobi are many places, and spies are always present in the village. But they don't occupy every empty space, nor are they always watching your every move unless you give them reason to. There are always people on the ground investigating, making sure the resources of the village go towards observing the people that need to be observed. Life in a shinobi village means that your privacy is never guaranteed. That is not synonymous with non-existent. We need some level of public trust, otherwise nobody would ever live here and help to build the economy we so rely on. That's just to start, anyways.

"Good morning, ma'am. How can I help you today?" the receptionist asks. A slender, dark haired woman is sitting behind the desk. She has rosy cheeks and hoop earrings.

This operation is a shell, with many civilians working at a remove from the actual activity that takes place. Our family does the same, and is in the process of being formally listed as a zaibatsu. Horizontal integration was completed a long time ago, apparently before my father took control of Kobayashi Rice. Emi in comparison has been more aggressive, looking at JPC's movement and gaining inspiration from it. She said that this was part of her mission to do good without giving up her current existence – the zaibatsu structure would allow her to provide the greatest benefits to the workers and consumers in her care, even if it means higher costs and the risk of being seen as a monster to be slain by the government.

There's still time to complete my training when it comes to the family business. I have things I need to do as well, and it will help Emi if I have an understanding of what she means to do in turn.

"I have a scheduled meeting with Miss Kotowari."

"That should be here...yes. You still have about thirty minutes. Would you mind if I fetched you something while waiting, or did you have somewhere else to be?" she asks me.

"I can wait in the designated area. If you could get me something to munch on, I would appreciate that."

"Of course, ma'am. Give me about five minutes, and the waiting area is over here."

"Thank you."

She leads me to a wooden table with a few chairs around it, and then disappears. A little over four minutes later, she returns with a tray that has tea and a light breakfast sitting on it.

"Did you need anything else, ma'am?"

"Nothing else. Thank you, darling. You're brilliant."

"I do try my best, ma'am. I'll let you know when the meeting time is getting close."

"I appreciate that."

She smiles and returns to her desk, fielding more calls and visitors as I slowly eat. I look at my watch every five minutes or so, before finishing my tea with five minutes to go.

"Sorry to bother you, ma'am. You have about five minutes before the meeting starts, and I got a call down saying that they're ready upstairs."

"Excellent. Thank you for your help, I should be fine from here."

"Of course, ma'am. I'll take care of the tray for you. Have a great morning."

"Only if you do the same," I say with a smile. She nods and smiles back before we part ways. The elevator takes me up to the sixteenth floor, and I acknowledge the guard standing in the hallway as he lets me pass by. The boardroom is to my left, and I can already see the large windows through the glass door. I open it to see another woman inside, drinking her tea slowly. An electric pot is plugged into the centre of the large wooden table.

"Good morning, Lili."

"Pleasant morning, love." I walk over to where Erika is and give her a hug. Her white hair is braided today and rests on her shoulders, while she wears a sleeveless white blouse and straight black skirt.

"I have everything that you requested today. Shikamaru worked diligently on these reports, along with others."

"As he would. I'll be sure to reward him properly once I get back from my trip."

"Regarding that, I have obtained confirmation on your target. The descriptions given by those native to the area tell us that Ishako Shigisei is there, and will likely be there for a while."

"Nothing on Kaitaikojo?" I ask.

"Nothing. He is being well hidden, at least for now."

I think on that for a moment. "That can play into our hands easily enough. I wanted to get her alone...but I can muse over that more later. Nothing has changed with regards to your schedule?"

"No changes."

"Don't move anything, then. I'm taking Shino. As awful as it sounds, I know how to steer him properly so that I get what I want."

"I am a bit surprised that you would worry about that at this stage."

I tilt my head a bit. "A curious thing to say."

"You would think so."

"I might think the lot of you are getting far too vocal for your own good these days," I say. "And you would call it looking out for my well being, of course."

"Whatever your decision, I believe it would be wise to postpone my punishment for a later date. Perhaps two weeks from now? I should have some free time before lunch. The wait would also provide a boost to your already considerable creativity."

"Keep sassing me, and I'll take you up on that offer."

"Of course. Tea for my lady?"

I sigh and look at her indignantly. "Fine. Pour me some, and let's get started. I shouldn't take up too much of your time...as you said, proper correction can come later."

"Well said, ma'am. We are as reasonable as ever." Erika gives me an annoying, smug smirk before pouring me a cup of tea. I take the seat next to hers at the head of the table. "I committed most of the relevant information to memory, and have documents here for reference. The results from Shikamaru and his team were largely as you predicted."

She sits and slides the teacup along with a folder towards me. I flip open the folder and scan the first set of papers on top.

"Hidden Rain...out of Warehouse B3, northeast. Manufactured and assembled at Factory 2 in the same area. Materials...metal came by way of Mareo Steelworks which is in this country, but that batch is supposedly from a delivery to Cloud. Says it was two years ago. Filtration kits from Mist, extra minerals from Rock. An impressive team effort, in all the ways we don't like. It's what I wanted to see, at least. Those shinobi in Konan's orbit were from the Hidden Rain, because this product is exclusive to its village of origin."

"A possibility that the information we obtained is somewhat out of date," Erika says.

"Won't matter. We can use it as justification to move in on the village and do some investigating. It'll have to be us as the primary force, but...this allows us to tie Konan to the Hidden Rain, which is notoriously secretive and isolationist. More so than the Mist has been, and for a much longer period of time." I look at more of the sheets.

"In addition to all of this, we may have confirmed something else during our search for information."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Page four, near the top." I turn to it and read as she speaks. "The listed Factory 2 was formerly part of Nobara Manufacturing, and this facility worked exclusively on the same kinds of re-breather cartridges that Captain Mitarashi found on her mission. According to what we have here, the Nobara Family was a staunch supporter of Hanzo, and was one of the allies that provided funding and materials to his various campaigns frequently. They owned different types of businesses within the Hidden Rain and surrounding region."

"And then they suddenly vanished off the face of the earth."

"Yes. All of their assets were absorbed by the state itself, at a speed that prevented most from realizing the truth until it was too late. This pattern repeated for other businesses and families that were active until about the same period, before disappearing or being reorganized."

"And so what you think you've confirmed is Hanzo losing the civil war. And given how paranoid he was, and how many traps he probably set...he's more than likely dead at this point."


"Konan is probably working closely with the person in charge now. Obito...or more likely, that Pain person. All of the arrows are pointing in that direction. Which means the next move is to infiltrate the Hidden Rain Village. That means us."

"Who do you propose?" she asks.

"Both of us, Ino, and Hina. Long range observation, egress, stealth, and power on all sides. It's the best suite of abilities I can think of, and they're conveniently confined to our little clique. The details will be filled in later, but that's the scenario I want. In the meantime, you can continue to look over things inside of this village."

"Is there anything I need to do regarding Lord Jiraiya?"

"No. I've given Itachi and Anko warning, so they'll keep a few steps ahead of him, and that will be enough to pull him off our trail until the promised time. Everything will be lined up as we need it, so don't worry."

"I will try my best."

"Tch. I think you can do more than try. Was there anything else I missed? Ah, right. Danzo Shimura. The old man must have talked to you about the lists that I gave him."

She nods. "It was...sobering to see how many of us within the village have fallen into the darkness. And there might be even more of them, whether simply hidden from view, or as collaborators."

"Those were considered," I say. "We took steps to rule out those with connections that were too thin, as they would lack any ability to continue ROOT's plans, or revive it to a viable state in the future. Even those sorts of opportunists are needed to help the village function."

"That is true."

"Anyone who is still nominally under the direction of the Hokage, rather than Danzo, can be investigated at our leisure. Maybe even saved from the worst fate. The others...it's because he has methods other than use of that genjutsu. It's certainly possible that he could have gone to each and every member of the organization and twisted their minds in that manner. But he didn't. He wouldn't be so basic as to just use a technique like that, especially considering his time in service. It was only a decade ago that the Uchiha were wiped out, down to two known survivors. Danzo had no access to such an almighty technique before then, and the ability to use it with any frequency would have come later, thanks to those experiments that modified the rest of this body. So how would he have gained such an army, with such influence? It would have been manually, with proven methods of brainwashing and indoctrination."

"It means that many would be beyond reach by now."

"In the same way that Sai was. Instead of being devoid of emotion or understanding, blindly following ideology, or guided solely by the Sharingan's power...it would be something else entirely. Something that came from inside of them, cultivated over many years and reinforced with darkness and brutality. The best thing we can do now, possibly the only thing...is to free them from the bounds of this world. But that will wait until the old man gives me permission. Not a moment before."

"Whatever happens next, I hope that you can take me with you," Erika says. "Something like that...even as strong as you are, it's not something you should do alone. I also have my own reasons. If I am to stand in the shadows on your behalf, things like this are a necessary experience."

"That is also true." I sigh. "We can worry about all of that when the time comes. For now, I think this is enough. Figuring out what state Ishako and Kai are in...then some preparation for the big event. If this Pain is the one with the Rinnegan, I would have to see it for myself. Another pair of so called enlightened eyes. Oyaji agreed with me, that it would be a tragedy if such power was confined to the hands of a coward."

"And if it is the truth?" she asks.

"Then the solution is simple," I say with a flip of my hair. "I will show them the true hand of God."

She nods at that. "The only fitting answer, it seems. I will leave my lady to ruminate on these things, as I have other matters to tend to. And I suspect that she does as well."

"She might. And she will have to find a day to properly punish you for your earlier insolence."

"As you wish." She stands and pecks me on the lips before smiling. "Be safe, Lili."

"Hmph." I pout at her briefly before smiling back. "I'm always safe. Don't worry too much about me."

"And yet, I am going to anyways."

"Have it your way. Send Ino my love, as always."

"Yes. Until the next, Lady Kobayashi." She turns and disappears in a swirl of leaves.

"Hm. She's probably right to push me around a bit," I mutter. There are about three dozen pages in this folder, packed with detail and efficiently double-sided. I intend to go through each of them, character by character. This might be the home base of the strongest enemy we've ever seen. I need to be ready, especially since I won't be alone. Every molecule of information is precious in this case.


I'll get to it after eating something nice and filling. Maybe Kurenai was right after all, about getting hungry after being bullied. Wouldn't be the first time.


The next two and a half days start off as a blur. Then everything snaps together as the end comes.

I scour the archives at Intelligence for information. Anything and everything related to the Hidden Rain, its history, the civil war, its economy, and so on. With everything I need in hand, I lock myself in a small room and emerge a few times each day to clean myself and eat. Every other moment, I read and draw charts, write notes of all kinds, create diagrams, and put everything into order one step at a time. Every line falls into place, one after the other, even as my mind gets hazy near the end of each session.

At each moment, I think of someone. All of the people who I love dearly in this village. My family. The many friends that I've made, all over this world. All I can think about is winning. Protecting them from harm. Stopping this menace from marching across the continent and devouring them, one by one. I can't let it happen. I won't let it happen.

The stack of papers comes to organize itself, according to my wishes. We have general information, scenarios, battle plans. Routes toward and away from each target, and target types. Various profiles on our enemies, known tendencies. I shuffle out of the room at dusk on the last day and slap at my cheeks while using the secluded printer to make more copies for the girls. I might make a digital file later for convenience, but definitely not now. I'm barely on my feet as it is.

I go home and prepare for my mission with Shino. Once that's over with, I shovel rice and beef strips into my mouth while failing to pay attention to the television. The only thing I catch is that there might be some rain by the time we leave the village.

Fio was out with her team training today, and came back shortly before I did. I finish washing up and yawn as I go to bed, where she's waiting faithfully as always.

"You really look like you're about to fall over. Did you finish everything you wanted to?" she asks as I slide next to her.

"Finished...and in good time. I know that I've been bothersome..."

"You don't have anything to apologize for. I just don't like seeing you run yourself ragged all the time," Fio says. She wraps her arms around me.

"You might have to get used to it, but likely not. I should be able to manage a few clones properly by the time I get the hat. If not, I'll delegate more work. But it's as I said before. I was mostly restless."

"Do you still feel that way?"

"No, not any more. Accomplishing all of these things has given me a bit more peace. I'm sorry for that. For what I might have done, and how you've felt the past few days. You're not an unreasonable type of person."

"You've always said that. I'm just glad you're okay, and that you got the nerves settled by now. Tell me about all the important stuff when you get back, okay?"

"I promise."

"Good. Time to go to sleep. I got some stuff to do early, so I'll be the one to wake you this time. That okay?"


"Cool. Night night, Lili. And good work today. We're all proud of you."

"Thank you...Fio."

She gives me a kiss, and her smiling face is the last thing I see before falling asleep.


"Happy morning, Lili. Almost time for your trip..."

I open my eyes and reach for Fio to give her a morning kiss. She tastes like mint.

"Hehe. Thanks much~! The best way to start the day!"

"You're welcome, love."

"Breakfast is on the table. I got paperwork to do with Karin, and then we're doing some snooping afterwards. Couple of idiots talking too much for their own good. We've got it handled."

"I always trust that you do. Well...time for me to wash up and get ready for the day. I'll eat in a bit."

"Alright. Wish I could be there with you, but since I can't...be safe."

"I will, Fio. I love you very much."

"And I love you lots more." I hold to her cheeks gently as we kiss again.

"Send Karin my love."

"Yes, ma'am. And you send mine to our pal Shino!"

"Easily done."

She smiles and pats my head before leaving. I stretch a bit more and let out a yawn before finally getting out of bed. After eating, I use a bit of my extra time to collate the notes from yesterday, and bind them together. I'll hand them off to the girls myself after some more review. I check over my supplies and then leave, going to the Leaf's main gate ahead of our scheduled meeting time. Shino is already there, as he always is. We do another supply check and confirm our route before leaving for good.

River Country is about a day away at normal speed. At the heart of it is the Hidden Valley Village, which in comparison to even the other small villages is insignificant. Its era of prosperity was close to fifty years ago, which would have been in the early days of the organized system. The country is, as one might expect, dominated by rivers and other flowing bodies of water. As such, the government dabbles in a variety of things, which gives the small shinobi population something to do other than stand around and guard a bunch of national assets. With the recent improvements in relations between Leaf and Sand, trade through the area has increased greatly. The country has some significant mineral stores, and potential for utility development such as with water power. The aforementioned trade routes, and most significantly, opportunities for business.

As always, the government's desire for wealth and power leads them to turn a blind eye to indiscretion.

Discreet criminal enterprise is common, and if you let the few shinobi here tell it, welcomed. The ecosystem also means that everyone gets along most of the time, as long as they keep their distance. So violence isn't something seen often. When the bodies start piling up, they're not usually hidden for long, if at all.

Which leads us to now.

Instead of inns, a lot of these smaller places in the country generate enough wealth to have luxurious hotels instead. We check into one of them after two days of travel, and I pay for our separate rooms. One day of rest before we head out. I picked this location because from here, Hidden Valley ends up on the inside edge of my normal sensing limit. I wait until night and my shower to search for my targets.


Not all that far from here, to the north. Maybe fifteen or so kilometres away, and currently inactive. Together, as expected. And definitely well hidden, in line with the reports. This area is also the closest one to them with useful supplies. So at the least, she'll be wandering this area. There's no mystery to solve, and no point in trying to fight them without information on their status. A simple talk will do us good. I stop my observation and finish washing, then have a light snack before turning in for the night.



"Ready, Boss."

Shino and I head out in the morning after breakfast. Following the main road out of town takes us deep into the forest, where many streams of many sizes run next to each other and cross over at some points. A few go further and merge into the river ahead, which has bridges crossing it in various places. Some are natural, others for pedestrians, and still more for carts and heavier vehicles. River has been reportedly investing in the motorized coaches from Frost, which is doing relatively well after their so called miraculous energy solution was taken offline years ago. They've managed to pivot away from reckless pollution and genocide to something marginally more useful.

"Here should be good." We stop within a section of trees. This is about eight kilometres out from town, due north. "Start your monitoring, and use the regular signals if anything comes up. I don't need to lecture you about engagement rules...best judgement, as ever."

"Got it, Boss. Any details on your plans?"

"No. And don't interfere."

"Right. That's why you brought me along." You'd expect some bitterness to slip in there, but it didn't. That just makes it more annoying, somehow.

"If you have something to say, say it."

"Nothing, Boss. Honest."

"Alright. I know you didn't mean anything by it. Just...remember that you can be honest with me. I'll listen."

"Even if you don't do the same?" he asks.

"Even if I don't do the same."

He nods. "That's how it is, Boss. I wouldn't follow you if I thought otherwise."

I lean in and kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you. I'll be back soon."

"Good luck."

I head further into the trees, and feel out the area for any other anomalies. Nothing else of note. It's just them, and she's making her way out as expected.

"Halfway should be good enough."

I stop behind a large tree and sit with my back against the trunk. My hands start to weave seals, and I hold the last one while closing my eyes to focus. Now...it's finally time.


"How terrible. And I was having such a good morning earlier."

I emerge from behind a tree as Ishako drops down from above, at a good distance. Her dark blue eyes regard me with contempt, but it's not the same as before. More of a simmering this time, rather than a full boil. Maybe she's reached a new understanding of me? That would be interesting to see.

Again, I'm struck by how beautiful and composed she is. The light coming through the canopy kisses her skin, and her light blue dress seems to embrace her small frame. In another world, we could explore any number of fantasies together, things that would be called disgusting and depraved...but we live in the current world, as enemies who would wipe each other out at the first opportunity. A peaceful existence together is beyond both of us. Even now, I think that it's an unfortunate thing.

"A pleasant morning to you as well, Ishako. Very exciting to meet you all the way out here."

"Out for a stroll, I suppose? Maybe hoping to discover some corpses?" she asks.

"Perhaps so. I take it you two got a bit peckish, and couldn't help yourselves. Well, this would be one place to get your fix in an emergency. Hidden Valley isn't much for a shinobi village."

"It's a shame that you're such a raging bitch. You seem like you would be quite fun to work with. In fact...I've been doing a fair bit of thinking, to frustrating results."

"Have you."

Ishako puts her hands behind her back, and leans against the tree behind her. Her look towards me softens. "Yes. I admit it. I think you have...a rather impressive sense of style, Lilith. And a fearsome spirit."

"Like yours."

She purses her lips before nodding slowly. "Yes. Like mine. And Kai's. I was stubborn and hateful when it came to you." Her eyes narrow. "Rightfully so."


"But I saw the strength of your soul, and your resolve the last time we met. Your courage was shown to me. All of your worth. It would have been easy, and logical, to evade that attack and leave those people to their fates. But what you did...it took a lot of strength. I could see what Kai saw in that moment. Maybe even...understand you a bit." She sighs. "Like you understood me. The first time we met wasn't a put on, was it..."

"No. I did understand what you felt," I say. "And how you felt. Even if I didn't agree with any of it. I still don't now."

"You and Kai are the same like that." She bites her lip, frustrated. "It burns me up. I fucking hate it. The way I love him, it...made me furiously jealous."

"Well. You pulled him back to your side, didn't you?"

"Not entirely," she says bitterly. "Especially after what happened with Utakata. You shine brightly in his eyes. He still thinks of you, even as he loves me far more, and always will. It's easy to hate you for that. Every inch of space in his heart should belong to me."

"I see."

"You really might see, in the end." She breathes out. "What did you really come here for, scarlet woman?"


"The corpses don't concern you?"

"How could they? What's done is done, and I know who's responsible. The only thing to do is kill the ones guilty. You know how well that would go, right? Not much room between Kai being away and being right in front of me, as long as you're here."


"I can get a bit more intelligent for you," I say as I step closer. At this distance, it would be easy for her to attack me. But that's not what she wants. Not just yet.

"Can you?"

"He doesn't know you're here. Not yet, at least."

"I suppose that answers my question. Well done. So you wanted to talk, then. Fine...I have some time to spare. What do you want to hear about, aside from the obvious?"

I'm probably not going to get anything out of her regarding Akatsuki. That's fine enough. I have things that I want more than that.

"Dreams," I say.

"Dreams," she repeats.

"You wouldn't know this, but...that title of Crimson Nightmare isn't just for show. I want to swallow up all of the distant, disparate dreams of this wretched world. Including the one that led to its current form."

She raises a brow, intrigued. "Is that so...you mean to say, even that of the man who founded your little village. Hashirama Senju."

"The same."

"That sounds rather blasphemous, doesn't it? Especially with that Will of Fire nonsense you follow."

I shake my head. "The Founder was a good, earnest man. But not always correct."

"So you want to talk about...my dreams."

"Yes. The dreams you and Kai have. I'm very curious about the flavours that I'll be tasting in the near future."

"Hmph." She closes her eyes. "You really want to know."


"Then the answer is simple." She opens her eyes again, staring at me. "My dream is freedom. To live freely and openly with Kai, as the people we are now. We love each other more than any words can express, and this world...it looks down on us. Hates us for who we are and the way we love each other. The freedom to live and love as we please. That is the dream we fight for."

"A world where you could become one without shame," I say.

"Yes. Kai sees you as worthy because of who you are. And as I said before, I finally was able to see that truth for myself. You live according to your own truth, and cut your own path through this world. You have emancipated yourself from society's disgusting trappings. That's why you can understand us, even if it's only a little bit. Kai wants a world where everyone can be their true selves, no matter how right or wrong everyone else sees it. And so do I."

"And you think the masked man will help you get there?" I ask. "Are you sure you know who he truly is?"

"It doesn't matter," Ishako says. She shrugs and shakes her head. "There is a lot that I know, as of now. A lot that I can question. But whether the masked man is who he says he is...that doesn't matter. It never did. Kai feels the same. The spirit within him is that of Madara Uchiha, and it is that spirit which drives Akatsuki forward. If his power and that of the beasts can open the door to our ideal world, then Kai and I will lend him our strength. It's not like we can lose, either way. If he disappoints us...the essence of one of the greatest shinobi to walk the earth would make an exquisite meal for our Sessho-seki."

"Oh? So you have a means of crushing his power."

"Easily enough. But..." She puts a finger in front of her lips. "It's not something I would be willing to share, even if we were allies somehow. You'll have to get by on your own."

"How unfortunate."

"Surely. But I need to maintain a competitive advantage or two. Especially since it's you, Kobayashi."

I can see and understand it in full now. With their background, it only makes sense to risk so much. With their power, it only makes sense to reach for such a lofty goal. A better world...no, something simpler. A free, truly accepting world. What Kai and Ishako have...it really isn't something that would be accepted by this world, no. But then, I think of Yamato and Fubuki Inugami. They lost their family as well, and struggled to survive in the outside world. Their love was forged out of desperation, a longing to survive. And yet, they fought against the savagery and depravity that could have defined them. They resolved to die fighting for their beliefs. And in the end, Fubuki was willing to stand aside, giving her brother a chance to find happiness and restore their family.

Selfish. Greedy. Hateful. Far from the darkest evil...and still a truth that remains incompatible with mine.

"A dream of freedom," I say to Ishako. "I understand it well. In its own way...it is a beautiful thing."

"And yet?"

"And yet...the incongruity of such a wish means that we cannot co-exist. Freedom to live means freedom to consume as well, isn't that right? The freedom to indulge, to violate and sin as you please. That is the true form of the freedom you desire."

"Is that so hard to accept?"

"It certainly is. Because it is foolishness, Ishako. I met a child with the same thoughts, long ago. Their desire was to validate their existence by spilling blood and crushing bone, in an endless loop. To straddle the boundary between life and death for eternity. The unfortunate requirement of that, as you might guess, is the existence of civilization to terrorize. And it would be the same for you."


"Freedom without boundary? That sounds less like a dream and more like a delusion on your parts. And even if it could be so, I would not let it be in my world."

"Then it's a good thing that you're going to die soon," she says. "You're in our way. I know that even if we managed to gather all of the beasts, you would find a way to ruin everything. You need to die, Lilith. And I promise that you will."

"Not very wise to make promises you can't keep."

Ishako pushes herself up from the tree, walking a few steps forward.

"I don't care about this world. It can all burn away...as long as I get to be with Kai, and live life as we please. What Madara wants, whether he's real or not...what that fool who calls himself Pain wants. None of that matters. All of this is just a means to an end. You can step away any time that you want."

"But you know that I won't," I say. "I'm going to be your enemy. Because your selfish desires are threatening the world I live in, and all of my loved ones. I've said it before, and I will say it as many times as it takes. Nobody in this world takes from me. Not you, not your masked bitch of a boss, not some freak who calls himself Pain, or his secretary made of paper. Nobody."

"You know...lots of people have considered themselves invincible, only to realize that they weren't in the end. Sessho-seki has plenty of testimony to that end," Ishako says. "But more than that..."

She crosses the short space between us, and I feel something sharp and cold tear through my stomach.

"I'm going to enjoy watching you die, Lilith." She smiles her familiar, twisted smile while shoving the blade deeper into me. "The power that it will give us...and the release that it will give me. You will be the most beautiful sacrifice to us, and the end of all obstacles towards our ideal world. Everything...everything starts once we get rid of you."

"Every...thing," I cough out.

"Yes. Everything." She plunges the blade deeper, making me shudder. "I can already see the fun we're going to have with you. Oh, it will be glorious...perhaps we should make it a wedding event? How wonderful it would be, to seal our vows with your blood, and be serenaded by your pitiful screams. I can already see it, hear it, feel it! More than a want, I need it. I need you to die, at our hands. I have to have it!"

"Is that it...is that really it...then?"

She pauses in confusion, and I grab onto her arm, shoving the blade further into my body. My other hand grips her shoulder tightly, pulling her into me.

"Is that really what you want, Ishako Shigisei? What if I told you what I want most, hm? Kekekekeke..."

"You," she snarls.

"So delicious and spicy. Mmm...I want to know what your blood tastes like, Ishako. I think I'll enjoy it very much. I'm going to squeeze and suck you dry, and then when I'm done...I can have the sweetest treat of all."

I show her my special smile, and she flinches.

"I'm going to devour your dear, sweet brother. Without you in the way, meddling and scheming, slobbering and spitting, whining and screeching...I can finally have him all to myself, just like I wanted! I'll finally get my chance to swallow him up, to drink every last drop of his essence! And you'll be too fucking dead to do a damn thing about it! What do you think of that, Ishako?! Doesn't that sound lovely to you?! Kehahahaha!"

"You...s-s-saying that. M-my Kai...you can't..." I can see it happening. The maddening light dancing in her blue eyes. The complete loss of control. Every restraint, crumbling to nothing. Hurt, pain, and absolute fear. She can see that terrible outcome, over and over again inside of her head.

Her mouth opens, and she screams. Inhuman, an outpouring of otherworldly rage. She drives me into the tree a few feet behind us, twisting the knife inside of my gut back and forth, over and over and over, spilling blood onto our feet.


I laugh, and she crumbles further. Screaming. Twisting. She's become an animal. That was all it took. Turning her violent visions back onto her by promising to violate the centre of her world, the only thing that held meaning for her.


"Kill you! Kill you kill you kill you! I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you! Cut you into fucking pieces! I'll make you beg me to fucking die, you fucking whore!" she screeches. "I'll make you wish you were burning in hell! I won't let you touch him!"

"You hate me!"

"More than anything in this fucking life! I'll fucking violate you! I'll ruin you until the end of time, you despicable fucking cunt!"

"That's it! That's what I want!"

"What are you...what are you doing? What the fuck are you saying to me, you damned fucking whore?!"

"Hate me. Do it." I put my hand around her throat. "Do it, you fucking animal. Hate me."

She snarls at me, breathing harshly.

"Hate me, Ishako. Just like this. Do it for the rest of your pitiful existence. Hate me. Fill yourself with anger. Dream about this moment, when you finally get me, when you'll be able to violate me for as long and as hard as you want. It's good, isn't it. Penetrating me like this. Tearing me apart. That's what you crave. Your every waking thought will be of me. You won't be able to think of anything else but breaking me. Nothing else but my blood staining your luscious body. Nothing else but the pleasure that you'll feel when the light starts to leave my eyes. Nothing. Else."

I squeeze her neck, and she twists the blade inside of me again.

"Oh, just like that...give me everything. Every single drop of your hatred. And when the time comes...it will be so much sweeter than anyone could imagine."

I pull her face close to mine, feeling her hot breaths against my face. She trembles, still overwhelmed by rage...but with something else mixed in. That look. The same look she gave me before disappearing with Utakata, after barely escaping with her life that day. The very thing that gave me an opening into her fragile heart.

"It will be so yummy when I break you into pieces," I say softly.


"All of the hatred you've built up...all of the dreams you have of my demise. When the promised time comes, you'll look back and realize that it was all for nothing. Ah, I can already see it...you, on your knees in front of me. Battered and broken, crying in anguish. Knowing that nothing you ever did mattered, that your future was decided from the start. Knowing that nothing could ever save you from me. And when all of the rage, and the passion, and sorrow and pain and utter futility blend together...they will create the sweetest nectar for me to drink."

I lick her cheek slowly.


I feel myself start to destabilize from the damage, electricity flaring out from my body.

"No matter what you do next...no matter how you choose to feel," I say to her as she shivers. "I am going to ruin you, Ishako. Your only choice is whether you die with your brother...or without him. I am...inevitable."

"No. It's not...true."

"Hate me until nothing else matters. It's all you have. It's all you will ever have, until the moment I devour you. I'll take everything from you, Ishako. Your brother...your dream...your very life."

"No. I won't let you. I won't let you! Lilith! I won't let you!" she screams.

"You don't have a choice. You never had a choice. The moment you made me your enemy...that was the moment you lost."


My body starts to shift into lightning chakra. "Ehehe...hehehehe...hehehehaha...!"

"You won't! I won't let you! You're going to die!"


"You're going to die!"


"I'll kill you! I'll find you and I'll kill you! I'll kill your family and friends, one by one! I'll bathe in their blood!"


"I'll violate every fucking inch of your existence! I'll make sure you wish you hadn't ever been born! I fucking promise! I'll ruin you-"

The last thing I see is Ishako turning into red liquid.


"I might have...made a mistake."

Unzipping my sweater hasn't helped me cool down at all. It's still oppressively hot. I'm starting to sweat, and I haven't been able to catch my breath properly since my clone was dispelled.

All I can do is wrap my arms around myself, and try to calm in a reasonable time.

I went overboard. I got into my routine too much, but...there might not have been an opportunity like that again, so I wanted to take it.

But it's the same as ever. Bullying really is amazing.

I can't help but remember Ishako's face as I toyed with her...it keeps sending me over the edge. Even better than my first time with Gaara, so long ago. Probably because I've become even more depraved since then. Most people don't...get so much pleasure from things like this, if any. I might be sick.

But that's a concern for me, and me alone.

"Still too much."

I close my eyes and nibble a bit at my finger. No good...it's going to be a while before I can pull myself together.

I'll have to make it up to Shino later, even if he won't mind the wait.


"Everything went well, Boss?"

By the time I get it together, it's well after lunch and into the afternoon. Shino and I have reached the hotel again.

"It went well enough, Shino. Thank you for...a lot of things. The waiting especially."

"Anything you can talk about?"

"No. And I'll be keeping it to myself," I say, trying to hide my blush. He knows a lot about me, but talking about those sorts of things would still be very embarrassing. I can't say why. It's...just a feeling.

"Got it, Boss."

"Thank you for being so accommodating, Shino. I know it's why I brought you along, but...it's still worth mentioning. I appreciate it, a lot."

"You're welcome. You can call on me for anything, as I always say. Why? I suppose that doesn't need much explanation, especially to you."

"Heh. I guess that much is deserved," I say.

"Who can say, Boss?" I can see his smile beneath the collar.

"I really need a shower, but after that...I want us to have an early dinner together. A salad should be good, yes?"

"Sounds good. I have a new combo that I discovered. We can try it together, and perhaps make some changes for the other ladies."

"That could be nice. Actually, we could also discuss some side salads for the ladies group...Ino gave me a list of ideas, and you would be best to evaluate them. We can make it a salad party."

"I'm at your service, Boss."

"Good." I cough. "If I take longer than an hour to reach your door, check on me. I...might be distracted, still."

"Lots of information to process." He nods. "I get it, Boss."

"As always, I'm glad that I don't have to explain too much," I say with a smile. And do I ever mean it.
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 93

About two weeks have passed since my meeting with Ishako in River Country. The killings in the region increased briefly before cutting out altogether. Kai and Ishako are on the move again, north from all evidence gathered. What they're planning, we don't know. It doesn't matter as long as they're away from the tailed beasts. Akatsuki's activity in Fire Country is nearly non-existent. Just a few stubborn pockets, usually containing honest and upstanding members of the business community. They're taken care of once we get the chance to pay them friendly visits.

The agreement made at the Summit is holding. We have our Inter-Village Akatsuki Task Force active and working, with information gathered from all five major countries and many of the minor ones. Sightings, anonymous reports, observations by patrols, and so on. Now that Akatsuki is explicitly illegal, their influence has been greatly curbed. Shinobi all over the continent now enjoy increased work, and recruiting is up all over. Not a problem for us, even if our rivals are starting to thrive as a result.

Obito...isn't moving about too much, it seems. Losing Zetsu must have crippled him somewhat, but there's no hitting and running, no taunting...not much of him at all. Swiping at Itachi once doesn't count for much. Is he waiting for something? Are his plans truly shattered? I refuse to believe it, especially with the personnel he has remaining and the tailed beasts presumably in his possession. There's something going on. If anything, this mission will expose a lot happening with Akatsuki and its leadership.

Today we're up to our usual rich girl shenanigans, which serves as perfect cover for a secretive operation into the heart of enemy territory. Our core four, who will be on the mission itself, are seated in our own private room at a particularly fancy establishment. Ino recommended it, and the head chef is well acquainted with Choza. She works part time at a butcher shop that the Akimichi frequent as well. The steak we had earlier was absolutely to die for. There are few things that I love more than good food, and the people of this village certainly know how to deliver.

As for the mission, we each have decided on and defined our roles.

Ino will be handling communications. This will be paired with her sensing ability to give us a good read on the area and time to react to whatever might come our way. She will also serve as our backup observer.

Hina will be in charge of observation, which will involve looking over the area from a safe distance. Her Byakugan have the greatest range in her clan that we know of, and she has pinpoint accuracy with them. She can see signs clearly, read lips, and pick out disturbances. Not to mention she can control what portion of an area she's able to look at. Our most important pair of eyes.

Erika will be my second in command, and the one in charge of infiltration. With her skill, she should be able to get enough of a pulse on the village before backing out, including areas that are fit to sabotage if we need to run away. Her array of abilities makes her perfect to do what allegedly so many others have failed to, and an operating base nearby will help her do it flawlessly.

And finally, I'll be the reason she can leave so easily. Because as team leader, I will be the one to locate and identify the one in charge of the village, who is likely to be this Pain character. Risking an accusation or two of arrogance, I would be the only one able to survive an encounter with whoever it might be, whether it was this Pain, the paper woman Konan, Kai and Ishako, or Obito in the guise of Madara. In an enemy village, I don't have to hold anything back...and I have a few very destructive tricks up my sleeve if it comes to a fight.

With all that said, I won't be alone. Hina will be watching over me, Erika will be at a reasonable distance to respond, and with Hina's help, Ino can accurately provide a distraction or help with rescue if it so happens that I need it. I am more than willing to risk my life, as shinobi do, but I also don't need to advance recklessly and without a plan. That, and these girls wouldn't allow it. With this set up, I keep them and everyone else happy, and myself safe as possible. It's a fair enough compromise for these times.

We've finished our appetizers and main course, and are currently enjoying a light dessert along with tea. The girls have gone through my notes and are very impressed by them, not having much to add or change after discussion. I asked Ino and Erika to gather additional data for our approach a week earlier, and the information has come back in time for today's meeting.

"We had a few people go out and observe weather patterns over the village, to help us confirm patterns we were noticing," Ino says. She hands a few sheets to us from her folder. "From the few observations of the interior that we have, the village is built with many types of rain and water gathering apparatus, and there are likely a lot of reservoirs as a result. It rains a lot in the village and the surrounding area, especially relative to other locations."

"However," I say.

"However. Over the hidden village itself, there are interesting patterns that we have been able to observe. We gathered all of the information we could from the reports of the few ambassadors that went in, and observers on the outside, going back to when we suspect the civil war began. Those records are still accessible. We also went back to some reports from the days of the Second Great War, as many as were still intact today. These took the form of archived letters, mission and battle reports, and similar things. Fortunately, we do a pretty good job around here archiving stuff. What we found was nothing unusual, until around the point where we started hearing a lot less out of the Hidden Rain on account of their internal affairs and the like. It's there in chart form for you, because I'm awesome like that."

"Nothing we could deny," I say while looking at the charts. The pattern here on the first one is interesting...rain on Sundays consistently for a number of years. More than consistently, actually...scheduled. Rain all day. And then the other days stop and start, but there seems to be something to that as well. Another chart shows what was going on in the surrounding region, and it doesn't match at all.

"The rain within the village and its limits is being controlled manually," Hina concludes. "It has to be a jutsu of some kind."

"I think so, too," Ino says. "And it lends more credence to Lili's theory that whoever is in there has access to the Rinnegan, or some other crazy power that would flatten most shinobi. When Hanzo was definitively in charge according to our intel, none of those patterns were there."

"The moisture itself could be chakra based as well," I say. "But we're not going to run through the streets right away, so we'll have time to confirm it. Whatever the case, we're dealing with someone crafty. Rain isn't the most pleasant to fight in, and gives an advantage to those with the water element in hand. It's practically a playground for those who are well equipped."

"Perhaps this artificially induced rain is a detection system of some kind," Erika says. "Extended contact type sensing, in the same way that Gaara might use his sand."

"Mm, that's a good point. I think it might line up with the days...Sundays. Outside of the village. No, if it's a means of control...inside. The leader is inside of the village every Sunday. So it likely rains every time that they're at home."

"Or it could be the opposite."

"Hm. Go on, love."

"That Konan woman. If she has paper constructs inside of the village, to move freely and observe...it might be her, along with other elite shinobi, that take on threats while the leader is away. Do you recall telling me about their communications strategy?"

"Ah, right. The lantern jutsu...they can easily communicate from afar."

"Yes. That said...it is speculation, the same as your point made. It normally would make more sense to have the jutsu operational while you are in the village to respond, so that one could respond to the threats as quickly as possible and conserve chakra."

"But the opposite would fit the profile of someone so arrogant as to call themselves Pain," Hina says. "To have it rain on certain days when they are not present, so as to demonstrate their power over the village. I suppose this means we'll be confronting this person on a Sunday?"

Ino nods. "Mm-hm. Couldn't have it any other way."

"Then you'll hear no objections from me."

"Awesome. There's also a pretty big lake that the village itself sits on top of," Ino continues. "Most, possibly all of the buildings in the village are made of concrete or steel. Lots of heavy industry, so the water might not be of the greatest quality in some places. But it's a really built up place with tons of nooks and hideaways, large pipes and tunnels, stuff like that. I wouldn't bet too much on being able to completely evade Akatsuki on their turf, but there are probably a lot of ways to get around the village if you keep your eyes open. We know that the population trends much younger due to all of the fighting that's taken place in the region, but we don't have much of a sense of their straits. Most people seem well off according to reports, but that could easily be a really good front. Nobody from the village has given anything away with regards to the civil war, which is pretty suspect on its own. Whole place is a dead zone for intel."

"At least some of that will be cleared up with a simple run through the village," Erika says.

"You're sounding a little too casual for me, babe."

"Do I have much to worry about with you watching over me?"

Ino shrugs. "Eh. Not too much, but it always pays to be cautious, especially in these times. Get what I mean?"

"I do understand."

"But hey, I'm not gonna scold you too much for that confidence of yours. Like you said, I'll be around, and then you've got the scariest pair of shinobi sisters in the world to extract vengeance from anyone who harms a gorgeous hair on your head. We're totally fine."

"On that note," I say, "I'll ask again if there are any objections to my going in alone."

"We had quite a few, but you addressed them all brilliantly," Hina says. "I don't think it would do us much good to re-litigate that particular argument."

"That, and if this Pain person or whoever it is can wrangle tailed beasts...I think you're really the only one with the juice to go after them, seeing as you socked one in the face already," Ino says. "If anything, you have us as backup for whatever needs to happen."

"And we know that you will call for us if you are in trouble," Erika says. "As you so eloquently put it once, confidence need not lead to hubris."

Ino flips through the book. "Um, where'd you list the alternates again?"

"Should be page three," I say.

"Yeah, got it. Alright...not much left to say or worry about. We debated everything we needed to, and have all the information we need in these handy books. Oh, Daddy said he's getting me one of those personal computers, and it has a bunch of cool programs to help make work less of a snore."

"Ooh. When is it coming in?" I ask.

"Next week! I've already been training on one, so I can jump in feet first to all the cool programs. Rika knows a bunch, too. So we're gonna have a few nights in with junk food, and figure out how to get the word processor buttery smooth like Tamaki does."

"She is very efficient when it comes to these things," Erika says. "And her lessons are quite effective."

"I need to get one of those things for my place when it's done," I say. "They're terribly useful for things like these."

"Were you planning on making these digital?" Ino asks me.

"I was, but I probably won't have the time to before we head off. I have a whole lot of loose ends to tie up, because of what might happen at the end of the mission. Plans are still fluid. I'm looking at a month out from now at most...but we do need to move before things get too far out of hand. Once this task begins, it will change the trajectory of this world forever."

"There is a lot of weight attached to this," Hina says. "And we can't tell too many people as is."

"The other major powers will be primed for a large scale event, as per our plan," Erika says. "Other than that, we cannot do anything that draws too much attention to our arrival. Our departure is another matter entirely. This is a turning point for all of us. For the history of this shinobi world."

"While we're gone, we need to have our elements working as quickly as possible to confirm who is lurking within the shadows," I say. "So Edelweiss will be moving. We can coordinate in the coming weeks to ensure that they sweep any areas we consider within the village."

I always worry a bit about leaving, but this...seems more significant than the other times. Whether something goes wrong, or something goes terribly right.

And then, if the Rinnegan is truly there...


What would I do then? What would be the right thing to do, with that sort of power?

What happens...when I win?

These are the things I start to contemplate after we finish our meeting and part ways. Erika is busy with our underworld projects, and both Hina and Ino have business with their clans to take care of. Fio is out with her team on a mission.

In that case, this is a good time to take care of a few things. I head over to the central hospital and search for a certain person.

"Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Lilith." Sakura turns and holds the clipboard to her chest. She has her hair tied back into a large and round bun today, a few loose locks resting on her shoulders. Her usual red jacket has been replaced by the white ones used by medics.

"I wanted to take care of the usual thing now. I have something to take care of in a few weeks, so I don't want to cut it too close when it comes to recovery. Every drop counts."

"Understood. I can have us set up in a few minutes...please, follow me." She leads me over to one of the hospital stations, where she then communicates her orders and messages for Tsunade. We then go a short distance to what is a suitable room, one with a soft recliner modified to have solid arm rests. Sakura moves around the room, gathering all of the equipment she needs and staging it piece by piece. She inspects every item, ensuring cleanliness with touches of a gloved hand and the shine of a bright light.

After that, she reaches into the small refrigerator and takes out a bottle of water, along with a small bag of peanuts. I snack on those while she double and triple checks her equipment.

"What will we be doing for today's donation?" she asks.

"Whole blood as usual. You all can do the boring work of separating the important parts...I won't be running around too much in the coming days, either. Take a half step this time, for everyone's sake."

"Alright." Sakura writes on her clipboard from earlier. "Seven and ten, whole. Starting routines. Temperature."

She takes a thermometer out of a glass tube and puts it in my mouth.

"Pulse and pressure."

"I'll get the sweater out of your way, then. Easier since it's just us girls." I take it off and we're just left with the mesh half-shirt I usually wear. As always, she stifles a sigh while looking at my chest. The cuff goes around my right arm and is inflated. Then the stethoscope none too gently plunges my bosom into the ides of winter.

"You didn't stick that thing in the freezer earlier, did you?" I say around the thermometer.

"That's more Lady Tsunade's speed. But you knew that already," she quips. "Pulse...fifty five. Temperature...thirty six six. Pressure...one twenty one over eighty one. All green." Sakura takes away the thermometer, putting it into a bucket to be sterilized later. Then the pressure cuff comes off. She prepares my right arm by cleaning it with an anti-bacterial solution, changes her gloves, and then finds my vein in one go as she always does. She wheels the hanging blood bag and instrument table over, then does her final checks before finally unsealing the needle.

"It's shocking, honestly."

"What is?" I ask. She finds the vein from memory and inserts the needle. Blood starts to flow up the tube and towards the bag hanging above our heads.

"That you haven't sent a bunch of people over here with those things you swing around."

"Oh, that. Well, as you can see plainly, I have much expertise in some sealing arts of my own."

She snorts before giggling a bit. "Alright, I have to admit that one was good. Maybe I can use it on Lady Tsunade when she's down."

"By all means. Glad I could brighten up your day."

She nods and writes a few more things on that clipboard of hers. "Should be done in a reasonable time. Six or seven minutes."

"Are you busy with anything else?" I ask.

"Not right now. My focus is on tending to you."

I nod. "Good. Then you can update me on your boys."

"Sasuke has been fine," she says as she sits on the wooden chair next to me. She diligently keeps an eye on the blood flowing through its tube, and the rise and fall of my chest. "Just a bit restless recently. We've been talking over some travel plans."

"You mean with the revelations regarding Itachi."

"Yes. If he goes, it will be without me. I think he's just worried about Itachi and wants to look after him, even if it's not something necessary. But he's been gentle about it. Naruto is Naruto, for the better. He's become obsessed with new wind type jutsu, using them to launch clones...and using them to launch himself. Lady Tsunade wants to study his skull at some point because of how he never gets a concussion, somehow."

"Mm. That's how it is with him."

"Their synergy is growing, too. They can read each other so easily..."

"And you, I bet. Like an open book."

She sighs, blushing lightly. "They don't...need to know that. But it's a good feeling. Like we're finally the team we were meant to be. Maybe the family we were meant to be. And we were so close to losing all of that, once upon a time. But they're all fine. Kakashi-sensei, too. He's gained an extra stop on his road of life."

"It's well deserved."

"Yes. Especially after putting up with all of us."

"And yourself?"

"I've been getting lost myself...looking into civilian medicine certifications. I thought it would be more dry, for some reason. But it's been fascinating. When I have time to myself, I go into those books and tests...try a few things here and there. I think I might do a tour, when things settle down. Go out into the world and serve those under served villages and towns and the like...but I've been going on, I apologize."

"Nothing wrong with that," I say. "It sounds like you have ambitions of your own, which is good to learn. Of course, we'll want to build infrastructure so that the people you bring to good health stay that way for as long as possible."

"That's true. Lady Tsunade hinted at that once..."

"Fortunately for everyone, I have a solution or two to that end. Things like that will take time to bring to life, though...so it's in your best interests to continue sharpening your skills until that day."

She nods. "I see. I will keep that in mind."

"But you're doing well otherwise?"

"Yes. Shizune and I make sure to split our workloads evenly, and get the proper amounts of rest. Lady Tsunade counts on us for a lot of things." She pauses to check the bag before sitting down again. "It's pretty remarkable that I ended up here. I'm thankful for it...the chance to do good for as long as I can, and for as many people as I can. It's my ideal place, and I always did admire Lady Tsunade. Even during those early days."

"You're on your way, Sakura. As I've said a few times before, all you need to do is keep at it," I say.

"Yes. I'll remember that, Lilith. I think we should be done." She takes the needle from my arm, and makes sure all of the blood is drained from the tube before sealing the bag. "The snack basket should be at the station we passed earlier. That's all for today, and as always, your donations are appreciated."

"You're very welcome." Sakura hands me my sweater, and I shrug it on before zipping it up. "I might see you in a month or two, perhaps not. Take care until then."

"I will. Thank you for your visit. We greatly appreciate it."

I nod to acknowledge her, then go on my way.

"I appreciate your work as well, Sakura. Do your best."

"Yes, ma'am."

The basket with treats is waiting for me, as promised. All kinds of sweet drinks, biscuits and candy, fresh fruit and so on. I thank the nurses for their help and service, then sit on one of the many benches on the hospital grounds and start eating. A good reward for a good deed.

As I look out at the many people walking to and fro, and reflect on my blood giving with Sakura...things start to come together in my head. What will be done when I emerge victorious? Always start with the simple things. Bring the sick to good health. Make sure the food they eat is suitable for both man and beast. Shelter, and then homes if conditions permit for all. Changing the world step by step.

I know what to do with that power. I know what I want to do with it. And what I don't want to do with it.

"If I can see further than the old man, like he says...it makes sense, that sort of decision. I'll see if I change my mind in a few weeks. But I doubt it. I think this world's path...is set at the conclusion of that fight."

Not as much to worry about as I first thought. Just have to keep reviewing what we know, so that we're ready when the time comes.

Whether the world is ready for us...well, that's far less important.
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 94

"I must apologize again for the less than glamorous location chosen."

Today's meeting is in a plain, empty room. It has one window and wood floors that maintain their shine from years past. One of many such rooms scattered across the Hyuuga Estate. This week has been one short on time for Nami and Edelweiss, and so the quickest and most efficient security measures have been taken. Hardly something I mind these days.

"And I will repeat that your apology is not needed," I say to Nami. "I've met in far worse places, anyways. Have you ever had to sit for more than a minute in one of those travel stop bathroom stalls?"

"I haven't had the pleasure of doing so."

"It's a pleasure you can certainly do without. They're not met with near the frequency of maintenance that you have here."

"Oh." She puts a hand over her mouth. "I suppose that more than illustrates the point."


The single door slides open, and a young woman in white robes salutes before stepping inside. She slides the door closed and salutes again, a book in her other hand. There's a red beret on top of her head of short dark hair, cut perfectly straight above her shoulders. A dress shirt and crisp tie are visible beneath the robes she wears – unique dress is one of the little things the Edelweiss girls like to do. For now, everyone else sees it as a tea club quirk, and pays it no mind.

"My Queen, and My Lady. I salute you both. Glory to you, and to our sisters in Edelweiss." Her voice is something that I've become fond of, though most would be put off by the high pitch. Something to be taken in moderation, I suppose. This is Mitsu, one of the more militant girls in the group. She diligently keeps records for Edelweiss, mostly as a means of bleeding off energy and keeping herself out of trouble. She also has a...striking sort of look when she gets angry. Not often you see so many veins bulge out of someone's skin like that...

"It's lovely to see you again, Mitsu. Thank you for coming."

"The honour is mine, as it always is. I know that My Lady is also busy, so I believe it would be best to start now with my presentation. I bring reports, regarding our efforts in skewering the pig-dogs that comprise Shimura's wretched Foundation. We have achieved great success, thanks to the insight gained from you, our glorious leaders, along with the blood and sweat of our beloved sisters. Here, for you to read."

She removes a few pages hidden in the book, which seems like a plain thing about clan politics in the early days of Leaf. Nami and I look at our copies with interest.

"The overall project has been running smoothly. We have degraded the communications of those worthless mutts across the board, as desired. But there is something more that we have achieved, almost unexpectedly."

"If you would," I say with curiosity.

"We have completely destroyed their real time communications," Mitsu says with a proud smile.

"Have you...rather incredible to hear. And something like that, even if they did manage to restore it...it would still take a very long time to do." From what I can see in the report, Edelweiss has been actively rotating through military and civilian communications capacities, and on top of that making mission requests and delivering counsel to safely tie up certain channels.

The reality of the situation was something we discovered in an investigation, one of many we run in the background. Hina helped Nami access what is normally hidden information to most of the Leaf, aside from those clans close to the Hokage's security apparatus. Nami and I then raked through that information manually, to come upon something truly fascinating: that ROOT was using various methods to communicate across the village and beyond, hidden in plain sight. They pressed civilian entities into maintaining their anonymity, created shell companies, and finally, abused a few military channels as much as they could. Not wanting to be subject to tracking by the Hokage, and not wanting to bury anything in a way that looked too suspicious. Now with the recent squeeze, their options became more limited. This must have been when they slipped up and got themselves caught by Mitsu and her band.

So what does this mean for us? A great deal of boons, for one.

"Any attempt to restore their real time reporting will run into a wall," Nami says. "Aside from us knowing about it, Lord Hokage will also step in the moment anything suspicious is reported to him. Shimura will have to use his now limited metrics to get his orders across."

"We have also degraded the other functions of ROOT in like manner," Mitsu continues. "Inter-village communications have increased from a ten to fifteen minute interval all the way towards twenty five to thirty minutes. Outside of the village, the increase is from twenty four hours to seventy two, perhaps closer to eighty."

"An extra two days," I say. "And this is round trip?"

Mitsu shakes her head. "One way, Your Highness."

"Something like that..." I scan the paper again. "I see. So that's how. And you've replaced some of these providers already?"

"Yes, as soon as we could. Some of the services are suspended currently, and one of that fossil's associates is likely to scoop them up. But most of those associates are known to us, so Lady Nami will know how best to tear them apart for their insolence. We are also occupying some space at the Aviary, though not too much as to draw more attention than necessary, or hinder the operations of the village."

"I did want you all to keep a lower profile for a while longer. This...this is more than enough. Crushing their real time response is even better than I could have hoped. The old bastard got careless...which means that he'll likely be coming for revenge at some point."

"Lord Hiashi has been shielding us faithfully, as ever," Nami says. "We will rest under his wings until the promised time."

"A good call. I don't think much else needs to be done right now. Let them try to bounce back a bit, especially since we're combing over the final lists of their membership. Lord Hokage has the scroll in his hands, so I'm simply awaiting his verdict and orders. We're definitely on our way. All that's left to do now is keep an eye on things until we get the chance to end it all."

Nami muses on that before turning to me. "A suggestion, Lady Lilith?"

"Of course. What might you need?" I ask her.

"Mitsu has done such good work on this recent operation, and I believe that she would be perfect to lead the parallel investigation into Shimura's various elements. As you have said before, it is not prudent to leave these matters to feeling or chance."

"I do remember that. As deep as my love for that man is...his heart is just a touch too soft. Maybe he might hate me for it, but I can't leave anyone breathing that deserves a just death. Too much will be at stake in the future." I let out a breath and nod. "Then let it be done. Mitsu, please take over the investigation as asked. Nami will give you the file at earliest convenience."

"Majesty...thank you for your faith in me. I promise, I will die before I let you down!"

"I know. But you won't have to do such a thing. Nami and all of your sisters will be at your side, no matter what. Continue to have faith in yourself, and in everyone around you. You are never alone."

"I will etch this moment into my heart," she says with a salute. "Thank you both! I am truly completed by your love and faith!"

"The mongrels will yelp and squeal before they are put to the flame," Nami says darkly. "Embrace your zeal, and do not let it consume you...nor shall you let the warmth of compassion hinder your steps. For Lady Lilith, and then for the Leaf she gives of herself to protect. Strive for nothing less than perfection."

"You would be pressed finding anyone who wants those trifling swine slaughtered more," Mitsu growls. I can see some of the veins pulsing on her neck. "Animals of dust and filth. It is as you say, My Lady. The flame is what will cleanse them above all else."

"Well said."

I hug Mitsu and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for your service, my love. You've done very well, and I am forever appreciative. Be safe for us both."

"I promise on my soul, Majesty. Justice will be done, and I will preserve myself in order to witness your ascension. Praise be." She smiles and bows towards us both. "Awaiting your orders, My Lady."

"You are dismissed for now, Mitsu. Return to your post and continue your existing work. You have my permission to round up whoever you need to for the next phase of your project."

"Understood." She salutes before heading out, closing the door behind her.

"We've done very well in the past while," Nami says. "I hope our progress has been satisfactory."

"Greatly so. I appreciate the ardour with which you move and operate...the girls have come together into a beautifully formidable unit."

"All of it is because of your brilliance and genius, paired with my efficiency. Without our guidance, this would be nothing but another glorified social club."


"You're sure that we don't need to move more aggressively in the coming weeks?"

"I'm sure. We have time on our side, and will have it for a while yet. Keep to the plans you have for now."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Trying to build and organize like this is a difficult thing, even in the best of times. I don't want us to do anything unnecessary or dangerous without reason."

"Are you worried about progress?" Nami asks. "That is to say, where you might go from here?"

"It was something I gave thought to over the past few weeks. But there's nothing to worry about now. When all else fails, the method is to break everything down into smaller steps first. Then one can start their efforts from there. Problems arise when you treat everything at the same level as you did before, even while ascending. It's part of why we can't do everything alone. People like the Founder, Lord Hokage, and Hiashi have come to that realization. But even as one delegates, having a constantly evolving core of ideals is of great importance. Otherwise, everything you've worked for suffers."

"I will never run out of desire to see your ideal world come to pass, Lili. But these moments remain wonderful and awe inspiring," Nami says. "Your vision is forever dazzling to me. All of it never ceases to fill me with joy, no matter how long it has been."

"That's quite a thing to say. But you do know that I appreciate compliments."

"Yes. As genuine as these feelings are, I might also be trying to charm you for purely selfish reasons. I shan't reveal them just yet, of course."

"Of course. I'll be ready to hear you out when the time comes, Nami."

"Thank you. Was there anything else before I left?"

I shake my head. "Nothing. I will have the requisite information delivered to you before my departure. Until then, continue with your own work."

"Understood, Lady Lilith. Please be well." Nami bows deeply towards me, and gives me a bright smile before leaving.

"..." Making use of those girls...and doing right by them. I can do both at once. Their hard work won't go to waste. Not a single drop of effort. "That's right. In order to be a proper mistress, the faith and works of my followers should be properly rewarded."

Slowly and steadily, we're closing in. Elements loyal to the Hokage, or his advisors, are still active and can pose hindrances in their own way. We don't need to tear through them unless they cross our path. The village is a complex ecosystem, after all.

"I'll grab a snack downtown before my next meeting. It's a good day for a walk."

I leave the room and quietly close the door behind me, then slip out before anyone takes notice. Once I clear the outer wall of the estate, I put on my sunglasses and find my way towards the Leaf's busy streets.


The rumoured travelling rice ball cart came into my sights earlier, and it did not disappoint. Delicious sticky rice and perfectly chilled green tea. Surely the denizens of heaven would leave their thrones for this kind of refreshment. And the cook was appropriately grateful for my generous gratuity! Especially rare and wonderful.

A few minutes of waiting pass in this small park, where winged children are safely fed near the water. Seeds, rice, and millet. They seem happy and active, quacking and honking as they do. Finally, the person I'm waiting for arrives.

"You weren't in too much of a hurry, I hope," I say to Yuuko as he reaches me.

"No, I remembered what you said earlier. Though I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

"Not at all." I stand so we can kiss each other on the cheeks. Stylish as usual, this one. A soft spring jacket, put together with a narrow skirt and stockings. Pumps, too. "Are we heading to a date after this?"

"No, nothing like that. It's just been a terrible, icky sort of week. So I wanted to get rid of some stress, that's all," he says.

"More than fair. I was just a bit curious with how gorgeous you look today. Thank you for fulfilling my request either way."

"For my sweetheart's sweetheart? Anything you ask." We sit together, and he goes through his handbag. "Here we are. We just had someone come back from a trip through those regions two weeks ago, so that info should be nice and fresh."

"Thank you, darling." I take the small scroll from him and open it up. The patterns that I studied earlier jump out at me immediately. Confirmation of everything that Ino and Erika discovered...and more on top of that. Some vital extra readings that I can take into account. Maybe even play a little game of my own.

"All good?"

"Better than good. You're definitely sick of hearing it, but thank you, thank you, thank you. This will help so much with an upcoming mission of mine."

"You're very welcome, Lili. I'm glad I could help!" he says with a smile.

"Before you go...I know you weren't expecting anything, but here. For you. And an extra one if you manage to find a cutie to go out with."

"Oh?" I take a pair of tickets from my pocket and hand them to Yuuko. He blinks before his eyes widen. "Oh...oh my god shut up. Lili! Seriously? I've wanted to see them live for the longest time!"

"I got those as part of another job, so I figured that you would enjoy them more than I would. Fio told me they were one of your favourite acts."

"Sure are! And there's dinner included, oh this is too much." He squeals and hugs me tightly. "Thank you! I don't have a hunky date in mind, but I definitely know someone who'll bounce off the walls once I tell them."

"Have fun for me."

"Without a doubt. Glad I could help you," he says before kissing me on the cheeks. "Mwah! Take care, Lili."

"You too, Yuuko. Be safe."


He heads off, and I look at the information in my hands again. This is perfect. A smile comes to my lips as I think of the possibilities.

"If you think you're the only one who can control the skies, Pain...I'll make sure you learn the hard way."


It's a new day, and I wait quietly in the main hall of Intelligence for someone.

"Thank you for coming, Lili." Inoichi and I shake hands. "Yesterday I was a lot shorter on time than I anticipated."

"Nothing to worry about. I know how busy you are these days."

"Thanks again. There's an empty room down the hall for us to talk, so follow me."

We go straight for the nearest hallway and into an unoccupied office. Inoichi sits down and checks the desk, then makes a half seal while focusing. "Good, we should be clear. Anything on your side?"


"Alright." He reaches into his black coat and pulls out a few folded papers. "Please, have a seat. This copy is for you."

I take the paper from him and unfold it. Information on the alleged demon sword, Sessho-seki. Nothing here that I didn't already figure out myself.

"We didn't get much of anything, as you can see. The Mist has been fairly cooperative, since from what I can understand, they were not big fans of the Shigisei siblings either. The previous holders of the weapon are most likely all dead."

"I see. And what do you think of this personally?"

He leans back in his chair. "My opinion on this? Based on the previous regime, and the type of weapon that this Sessho-seki is, I would wager that the information on it was tightly controlled, as were the movements of its users as much as possible. Also, I think that the weapon was used sparingly, but in ways that directly benefited Yagura as the Mizukage. His rule was brutal and inhumane, and there were hills of corpses buried everywhere in Water Country."

"But not as many as you think there could have been," I finish.

"Yes, exactly. The ability of the demonic sword was likely used to cull undesirables, and sate the sword's bloodlust. Those powers and the tasks they would have been used for must have lived and died with Yagura and the previous users. And now whatever secrets the sword has rest with that brother and sister pair."

"You were hinting at something earlier. The type of weapon?" I ask.

"Right, right. I used the information that you gave me earlier, about Ishako's mentions of the sword, its displayed powers, and so on. There is likely to be an element of will involved in the sword's control. Strong will and focus to keep it from completely overwhelming you, or else you could become a victim of its bloodlust yourself."

I think on that a moment. "Or something deeper. What about...understanding? Empathy."


"Kaitaikojo is an inhuman monster, to be clear. But he has a very high level of empathy towards others. He can see other perspectives and understand them, even if in the end he rejects them. The way he reads body language is surely how he can communicate so effectively with Ishako, and without using words."

"Hmm." Inoichi tents his hands. "From that...it's possible that, if the sword has gained sentience, he could have achieved harmony with it that way. And it might mean that their killing has a larger purpose."

"Do you think so?"

"It's merely speculation, here. But if Ishako spoke about the quality of blood in your last encounter, and then complained about not being able to finish off the jinchuuriki where they stood, combined with their frequent hunts...one, or possibly both of them, has created a bond with the weapon."

"So they could be using the harvested blood to feed it. To what end, though? The weapon has been around a long time, from the sheer quantity of blood within it. And it had countless other wielders, perhaps other Mizukage. But there's also the possibility that it was too much for most to handle, and spent a great deal of time sealed away."

"We can always do more research, but I think that Akatsuki will be advancing before we can get much of it done," Inoichi says. "Which is unfortunate. We have information that can help us defend against its attacks, but nothing that could stop it, or sever the link between it and its masters."

"Hopefully it's nothing we need to worry about too soon," I say.

"Hopefully not."

"But this perspective will definitely allow me to test a few things out in the world. Thank you for your time, Inoichi. I appreciate every moment of it."

"Well, the honour is mine," he says as he gets up. "You're not only the brightest star of this village, but you mean the world to my Ino. Anything I can do to help, you just say the word."

"I'll remember that. Send Ino my love when you see her."

"Will do. Have a good day, Lili." We shake hands and I leave the office first.


"We are...about midway through our first pass on the list. Imari took one half. The results have been pretty predictable."

Tamaki finishes typing on her computer and hits the key combination to save her work. She takes the hot cup of coffee that I present to her, and sips on it.

"Ah, that's good. Thank you as always, Lili."

"You're welcome."

"Unless something turns around, we'll likely hit that twenty percent you were talking about. Nothing but confirmation after confirmation...the old man knows everything as soon as we do, so he's just waiting."

"It's definitely hard for him."

"Yeah, it is. Some part of me wishes he would move faster, but the other parts...they're more empathetic. These sorts of things aren't pleasant, or painless. Much as we want them to be, anyways." She sighs. "That's where we are now. As far as your other stuff goes, we will be checking in with the relevant clan heads and giving them information on a need to know basis. Though I guess you've done this dance before, in a way."

"Bringing Sasuke and Sakura home."

"Information will be kept even closer than that time, so it's just the possible aftermath we have to worry about. Expecting a fight over there?"

"There almost certainly will be one," I say. "Nobody locks down their village like that unless they have something serious to hide. It's more than likely the Akatsuki stronghold, which means we'll need to tear it apart at some point. This would be the first step."

"Akatsuki has been slowing down operations in other regions as well. Maybe they see the writing on the wall. Doubt it. What do you think?"

"Phase transition." I put a hand on my hip. "Itachi said that they were busy gathering funds before hunting jinchuuriki, so this might be the end of their money making objective, for the time being. After that, they plan to gain funding in other ways. It could be loaning out the tailed beasts, it could be by way of a terrifying weapon. Maybe just direct threats towards the daimyo. Hard to say. I haven't crossed paths with the masked man in a while..."

"He seems like he's afraid of you."

"It could be that. But...I don't want to risk it. He has some seriously powerful bodyguards, and they're likely lying in wait for a chance to grab the hosts of the other villages. Naruto is out and about, but I don't know how long that will keep him safe. Did you get any new information on his progress?"

"Nothing. Far as I know, he hasn't been working too much on control of the Nine-Tails recently, and Jiraiya's been running back and forth across the country on errands, or whatever he calls them. He obviously wants to go it alone, and the old man isn't going to make demands of him."

I huff at that. "What the fuck is on his mind all of a sudden?"

"Believe me, I wish I knew. At least he's on our side."

"The Leaf's side, more like," I say. "He could take or leave me. The feeling is mutual."

"Sounds about right. Well, you just leave the boring stuff to me and Imari. By the time you're ready for your mission, all the lines and dots will be immaculately taken care of."

"As always, you're both angels. Refill before I go?" I ask.

"I'd love that. Thank you, sweetie."

I take her empty mug and refill it with a hot mix, just the way she likes it.

"The best. Alright, let me get back to work. Call me if you need anything, Lili."

"I will, Tamaki. Don't work too hard."

"I'll try. And Imari will make me try harder, of course. See ya." She waves and I wave back. The steady clicking of keys reaches my ears as I leave.

After leaving the building, I take out my notepad and cross out a few lines on one page, then write more notes on another. There's still a lot of time before departure, so...I can visit Tomo later, and do equipment procurement after that. Some meetings I need to cross off, too.

Most things...I can leave for after I return. No matter how long that might be. All that's left is to continue preparing. Reviewing everything we know, looking out for new developments, and honing our minds and bodies.


"So. Was it a strategic thing, or something else?"

I snap out of my daydreaming as Fio speaks. We've been steadily pedalling away on the exercise bikes in the hotel's athletic facility for the past half hour.

"Not entirely strategic. Or anything similar. I don't need to lie to you."

"Is it something specific?"

"If it really is the Rinnegan...the powers it is alleged to have include control over techniques and chakra. Likely crafted seals as well. I don't think yours is that weak, or that you couldn't find a way..."

"But taking the chance didn't seem like a winning move."

"That was my thought."

"You're gonna take it all on by yourself, then."

"It is the plan," I say. "You would understand a bit more than the others. It's become a different matter altogether. A test for myself. Not in a proud sense, but I need to know just how strong I am, and how strong my opponents are right now. I could lose against the Rinnegan. It's a possibility. At the same time, I'm confident that I can beat whoever it is and return safely home. At worst, it would be a wash."

"I guess you don't need me, then."

I look over to her. "No. I don't this time."

She smiles and nods. "Got it. Just do your best, and I'll be ready for the next challenge."

"It's reassuring. You'll be able to help me when it comes to those two psychopaths with the demon sword. And the last thing I would do is keep you out of that conflict."

"Yeah. I've been thinking about it for the past few months. Knocking their teeth down their throats. That would be great. Suigetsu told me about their whole deal, and I'm probably in the same amount of danger as he is. It's possible. But I would want my shot either way."


I catch someone at the edge of my vision, walking through the room towards us. It's the front desk receptionist. We slow our pedalling so that her voice isn't drowned out.

"Miss Kobayashi, Miss Asagao. I'm very sorry to interrupt," she says.

"No worries!" Fio replies. "What's happening?"

"There was a call for Miss Kobayashi a few minutes ago, from Miss Emi Kobayashi. She graciously allowed me to deliver a message requesting that you call her back when you were next available."

"Another fifteen for me," Fio says. "Snack next door later?"

"Sounds good to me." I slow my pedalling to a stop and step off the bike. "See you in a bit."

"Did you want me to make a call back, ma'am?" our receptionist asks.

"No, I have the direct line memorized. I'll call her back myself from upstairs. Thank you."

"Not a problem, ma'am." She bows and heads back to her post. I clean off the hard areas of the bike and then take the stairs to my room. A good shower and a change into some plain clothes helps me feel comfortable again. I wonder what Emi called for.

After settling into the recliner, I dial her number directly and wait.

"Good afternoon, this is Emi speaking."

"It's me, Mama."

"Lili, it's lovely to hear from you again. I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

"Fio and I were exercising. She'll be busy for a few more minutes, and then we're going to get something to eat and lounge about the rest of the day. Did you get the documents I sent?"

"I did, yes."

"I'm sorry that I can't tell you anything about the mission, but...that should give you a glimpse into the potential risk."

"I understand. It's nothing too alarming, given your line of business. I always worry, but I'm used to it by now. I called earlier to tell you about a trip of my own, or at least one that I'm thinking of. It's why I called directly."

"What is it?"

"The old man passed on."

My maternal grandfather, then. Shimon Kobayashi, the founder of Kobayashi Rice. His wife, my maternal grandmother, is a quiet, rarely seen woman by the name of Yumie. I never did get to meet them, even as they were allegedly at the last wedding.

Paternal grandparents, on the other hand...I can't recall having any of those.

"Mother isn't contesting anything. She wants to leave everything to me."

"How long ago?" I ask.

"The usual time. He was sick for a few months and died two weeks ago. They've just finished the funeral arrangements, so this was the right time for them to notify me. Mother called me herself, which...was a lot better than what I was expecting. Always awkward and distant. Never spiteful. That's who she is."

"You should go. For yourself, more than anything."

I wait for her to answer on the other side of the phone.

"I never did stop loving him. But he broke my heart one too many times."

"I know. Better than anyone in this world. Forget about scandal or etiquette. You should see him off, if you believe that he only did his best."

"I do believe it. I'll go. I just wanted to tell you in case anything happened, and to remove any worries. Rose will stay with Touka. I know you're never too busy for her, but...things. Right?"

"Yes. That's about it."

"She and Elma are out right now. They're riding bicycles through Inaho and visiting shops. The people down there adore her by now."

"You did raise her, so it makes sense."

"It does, doesn't it." I hear her let out a breath. "Thank you for calling back. I was just nervous and unsure."

"I know the feeling. Better than most, as I said before. With everything coming up, I've been doing some second guessing of my own. But I got over it. Now you can, too."

"Right. I can."

"Send my condolences to Madam Yumie. And be sure to take care of yourself, Mama. Call me whenever you need to, and I mean that."

"I'll remember, Lili. I love you very much. Thank you for listening to me."

"I love you more, Mama." I send a kiss through the phone to her, and she sends one back. "Bye for now."

"Goodbye, darling. Thank you again."

She hangs up, and I set the receiver down shortly after. Seems like everyone is going through something these days. But that's how life is, isn't it...

I hope Emi is okay. There's nothing else I need to wish for. The rest will come down to my ability.

"Fio's waiting for me downstairs. She's probably starving by now..." I lift myself out of the chair and do a quick scan of the room. With nothing out of place, I lock up and head down to the cafeteria.
Hortus in Urbe
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 95
"Hortus in Urbe"

The time of preparation has come to an end. Now, we are ready to begin the most important mission of our lives.

In some ways, it feels understated. Something a bit sudden, placed between a lull in the fighting and its aftermath. There's no telling how much this weighs now, or how it will weigh later. No real sense of the gravity of everything. We won't know anything until it's all over. Maybe not even then, not in its entirety. There's no pomp to it. It's a quiet, organized thing. We've spent the last few weeks living as we always have, holding meetings every few days to check our status, looking into new details and information as safely as we could.

Our parents and guardians are the ones with the most information. The totality of the mission is known only to the four of us. The Hokage knows where we're going and what we mean to do, but not all of the details. Hiashi and Inoichi, clan heads and fathers, know about our travel but nothing further than that. The alternates we had on standby have been notified that they are now in the clear, able to resume their lives in full. We decided on how we would leave, whittling things down from a web of missions, resupply points, and falsified reports to our current, simplified plan of leaving under cover of night with cloaks and masks. It was made possible with the cooperation of our guardians and some good fortune with scheduling.

We have everything we need. Equipment, backup equipment, various caches along our route, and secure lines back to the village. We have an idea of what we want to do and how to do it. We have secured permission and understanding from our loved ones. All that's left are the final steps before we physically leave.

"I called Rose the other day. She wished me good luck...it made me guilty that I couldn't see her face."

It's been a while since I could come to this place. Amaguriama, one of the village's most popular shops for sweets and tea. A perfect place for older sisters with a sweet tooth, or thirty-two.

"At least you were blessed with her voice before you left. That must have filled you with energy, surely."

"It did. And it will for a while yet."

I got Midori a box of ichigo daifuku earlier, and she's already halfway through it. But I was counting on that, so I'll make sure she gets another box or two to go. As always, her voluptuous form is wrapped in a decadent looking kimono, this one with lighter fabric and shorter sleeves. It's blue with an illustration of a mountain range on the fabric. While I'm sure at least one person is interested in the exquisite artwork adorning my sister's body, I highly suspect the rest were observing other prominent features as they passed.

"It's good that they make these year round, ufufu. Delicious~."

"You're somehow worse than me when it comes to this stuff."

"I want to try the ones with mochi ice cream next time."

"They have coffee and Mont Blanc now, you know."

"Ooh, do they? We're researching new flavours for our own shops, so I need to try those too. Next time, though. Luna will get upset if I come back with too many goodies at once. She's prideful, you know."

"With cooking like hers, who wouldn't be? I'm glad she's gotten so confident."

"I am, too. Especially at night~."

"Yes, of course." I shake my head. "Well, I'm always happy to have you next to me, Midori-nee. I know that we're all busy, so..."

"It's hardly a hassle making time for my most wonderful imouto. You make me terrible happy each time I see you." She reaches over to rub my cheek. "And you're growing into an especially beautiful woman, just like I dreamed."

"Thank you."

"Do you remember when we first started training together? You were so jealous of me and Luna."

"Could you blame me?" I say. "I was already that age and hadn't really started growing. You know how us girls get."

"You were worried for nothing! And now, look at you. Still with some more growing to do, too. We'll look like twins in a few years."

"We won't. Stop that," I say with a blush.

"I'll be sure to remind you of how foolish you were when the time comes. Speaking of womanhood...well?"

"Well what?"

"You and Fio. You know what I mean."

"We haven't gone that far just yet. Close, I guess...just doesn't seem like the time. It will probably be sudden and on a strange day." I sip some of my tea. "But...in my heart, I already know it will be one of the most beautiful moments of my life."

"That's good. I didn't ask so as to rush you...just curious, is all."

"I know. Thank you for that. Although, um...there's something else to it, if I had to admit anything."

"Mm? Not like you to be so bashful. What is it, Lili?"

"I think there might be...a second awakening. Possibly. Maybe there might be other flavours I want to try. Fio and I talked about it some, and she definitely approves if I want to go that route with our relationship. But I don't want to get ahead of myself."

"Oh, I see. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as everyone is okay with it. Do you have anyone in mind?"

I nod.

"It's good that you're considering everything like that, Lili. It shows a lot of maturity that most people don't have. You know? I think that you'll find the right answer for you when the time comes, and that all of the ones you love will appreciate you for it. That said, I can add some assurances of my own."


"In the early days of our courting, Luna and I would entertain guests from time to time. Discreetly, of course." She chews a bit on another daifuku. "Mm. It was fun. We got to meet lots of different people with different tastes. It is a bit different from having an established circle like you do, though."

"Do you still...?"

"We don't go outside our regular contacts anymore, if at all. Maybe twice or three times since we've said our vows. Luna and I...have other thrills that we get the most out of by ourselves." She blushes lightly. "She's probably told you that I get out of hand sometimes, but she's also an awful tease. That part, she never admits to."

"That sounds like Luna."

"Wonderful and thrilling sex aside, she has a way of making me feel like I'm floating on air. At a moment's notice, too. I'm not exactly sure how she does it, and I might spend all of time itself trying to figure it out. But it makes me happy."

"That's how I feel with Fio," I say. "Like she knows how to make me melt at the best times."

"Yes, exactly."

"I thought a lot about taking her with me. And the possibility of not seeing her again, or...even being away for a long time."

"Are you worried about the Rinnegan?" she asks.

"Worry...I don't know if it's the right word. I don't know what the word is, really. But it feels like an itch in a place that I can't reach. Persistent...occupying. Feels like a lot more trouble than I could ever plan for."

"You'll be more than fine," Midori says. "And you'll know what to do when the time comes. What do you seek with that sort of power, Lili?"

I sigh. "In my mind's eye...I can't see anything at all. Just blank space. Even talking to my senpai within the cosmos didn't help. I had to assure her that she wasn't failing me, even with all that was at her disposal."

"I see."

"Is that it? Could that be really all there is to it?"

"It must be so." I look into her golden eyes, clear and pure as ever. The answer is looking back at me from within them.

This, more than anything, was why I wanted to see her. To have the purity and assurances of my sister, the goddess of her own world.

"Words that give me understanding, even now. Yes...it must be so," I say. "Ane-ue, thank you."

"As you need me." She smiles. "I'm never more than a call way for my Lili."

"And it means the world to me. I suppose that I am as ready as I will ever be. The fate of the world, in my hands." I look up at the evening sky.

"Strange to arrive here, you're thinking?"

"Something like that."

"That was about how I felt a few years ago. I didn't expect everything to turn out like it did. Orochimaru, and Manda...those decisions could have been something else entirely. I always will have you to thank, but...just a few inches this and that way, and one of the most important days of my life gets moved somewhere else."


"The most crucial thing, always, is to be ready. And you're very good at doing that, Lili. You've planned down to the details, even the unthinkable things. Death and disorder both. I can stay my hand as you asked, of course."

"I appreciate that. Especially since I might have to ask you again in the future."

"It helps that you're a reasonable soul. And one of my favourites, hmhmhm."

"Always useful."

"You shouldn't worry about not feeling the weight just yet. It will come, and you will have to figure out how to deal with it then. For now...there's nothing to fear. You're in control, as you always have been. It's just another ancient pair of eyes, and you've dealt with those before."

"Did you have any suggestions?" I ask.

"Mm, there's nothing complicated about it, I would say." She shrugs and tilts her head. "A human who would threaten me with that type of power...well, killing them is the easiest and most correct choice. How much is there to think about, really?"

"I don't disagree."

"With that said...for the sake of everyone here, I'm hoping that you don't see things the way I do."

"Not exactly. There's a lot I still have to do in this world. Wouldn't be prudent to get rid of everything just yet."

I feel Midori rub my head.

"That's why humanity is in good hands. I'll ask the Supreme God to look after you before bed tonight."

"I appreciate that. They will have many such petitions before the mission begins in earnest. Be safe yourself, Midori-nee. For Luna's sake, at least."

"Of course, ufufu~."

"Most importantly, thank you for the love you've given me. It's why I've grown so beautiful and strong, enough so that I can challenge the world and the fates themselves. I love you, forever and always."

"Forever and always, Lili. I love you, too." She gives me that bright, happy, sharp-toothed smile that lives in my memory. I want to her be even more proud of me.

Bringing this madness to an end will be a start.


"So like, he actually walked up to my table and asked me about my nails in front of all the girls. The ones that acted a little too scandalized, I made a note of them."

Ino is chatting away as she always does, during our team dinner tonight. The mission is three nights away, counting this one, and so I wanted us to gather to check on each other. Thankfully, it wasn't needed. Everyone is in good spirits, looking confident, and nearly packed.

"We're not in a totally regressive backwater town or whatever, but there are still people who act weird about that sort of thing," Ino continues. We're sipping drinks while waiting for our main course. "Which is unfortunate, but you know. But! I told him about the nail polish I love to use, and a few of my stylists, and also to stay away from those brands that claim to be, like, military rated and junk."

"Are they no good?" Hina asks.

"They're a little too good, if you're asking my esteemed opinion. Stuff doesn't come off unless you soak your fingers in gallons of remover and take a hammer to them. If you're worried about showing off, or an easy life, those aren't for you. You're either in centre of the earth deep cover, or you're a hardcore OL. Hon, the stuff will last you half a year without even chipping if you're doing work."

She frowns. "That sounds like a little much."

"Right? And there's all sorts of enhanced and hardened junk beyond that, and...ugh. Too much, too much. And the stuff's expensive to boot! Even Lili got all bug eyed at the prices the other day when we were prowling the town."

"And yet, there's a thriving market for it," I say. "I'm guessing it's the network of hardcore office ladies carrying them."

"Hardcore office ladies?" Hina asks, confused. "Is that...truly a thing?"

"They have recently set up their own BBS," Erika says. "Tamaki and Imari are on it, and so is Tomo. Though they still operate the normal mailing lists, and have updated the zine."

"Really easy to buy in as a group, especially with the money they make," I say. "Which they're also extremely good with managing, because that sort of thing comes with the territory."

"What'd they do to update the zine?" Ino asks Erika.

"They're properly bound now, and have more colour pages."

"Wow. Moving on up, then. Speaking of pages, a certain Madam Emi Kobayashi is twisting heads whenever she deigns to show up on a magazine cover these days. Do we see that in our future?" Ino asks me.

"Well, we still have to do our spicy mother and daughter shoot in a little while. After that...hm. I might do a few more shoots on occasion. Maybe you ladies could join me."

"I wouldn't say no to that."

"It would depend on certain conditions," Hina says with a look towards me. "Some of us can't afford to be scandalized in the public eye, you understand."

"Mm." Hopefully the other girls get her on board.

"I think it could be intriguing," Erika says. "And it would be curious to find out how I was seen by various sections of the populace."

"Listen, we'll make sure Lili doesn't put together anything too racy," Ino says to Hina. "We couldn't have a fancy girl photo shoot without you!"

She puts a finger to her lips in thought. "I suppose if you properly restrain this beast here, and prevent her from choosing my outfits..."

"Rude," I pout.

"...I would certainly join you when the time comes," she says with a smile. Success! Now the planning begins. A few saucy numbers for my personal benefit won't hurt, hmhm.

Ino claps happily. "Yay! Thank you, Hina~. Then it's all decided. We'll get ourselves into some cute outfits, splash around at the beach, and become the objects of desire for growing young men and women everywhere!"

"And those of various other identities," Erika adds.

"Yes, definitely. Thank you for correcting me, sweetheart."

"I am always at your service, my beloved."

"Ah, wonderful timing. Now that we have finalized our plans to corrupt the youth of this world, we will be rewarded with wonderful cuts of beef, cooked to our liking," Hina says.

"Well said. It all smells incredible," I say while sniffing the air. Impeccably cooked meat and veggies in generous portions, nothing like the bougie little places we see far too often. And freshly baked bread, touched with a layer of garlic butter.

Ino takes the first bite for us, as is tradition. She chews daintily before Erika dabs at her mouth with a napkin.

"The verdict?" I ask.

"Absolute banger. Ladies, go nuts."

"Mm, that is wonderful. I concur with Ino's assessment," Hina says.

"We have yet to be led astray," Erika says before taking another bite.

"That's right." I chew on a piece of meat and close my eyes. "Yes. Banger was the correct description. Marvellous flavours."

"Thank you as always for your faith in me, girls. Oh, and not to be too dramatic today...but I finally figured it out. The name for our group!"

"Did you? Then don't hold us in too much suspense, tell us what you've come up with," I say eagerly.

"Something simple, yet eloquent. Lovely, lofty, and sophisticated. We are now officially the honoured, beautiful, and upstanding founders of the Starlight Garden," Ino replies. "A gathering of illuminated, heavenly blossoms. Each of us will have appropriate names. I shall bless you with them now, so please set down your utensils, and take your glasses in hand."

We do as she asks, and she clears her throat.

"Hinata, I bestow upon you the name of Camellia. For your kindness, love, and radiance towards us all. For the constant faith you have in us, and the purity that helps guide us. You are a loyal sister to us, beautiful and strong, ever present and a beacon of excellence. At every turn, you've proven yourself a queen, and the best of us in this world. Thank you, Hina. We love you so much."

"Ino, thank you. I love you all dearly, and I accept this name with pride."

"Erika, I bestow upon you the name of Iris. You are eloquent and skilled, a source of light in the darkest depths. You shower us with wisdom, patience, and understanding. The passion you show us is always true, and you are always faithful to us. You love each of us purely and deeply, which we appreciate more than words can express."

"Thank you, Ino. I accept this name with pride, and look forward to deepening my bond with each of you."

"Lili, I bestow upon you the name of Magnolia. You are the woman who brought us all together, and lifted us up when we needed it the most. Your soul of steel has always made a way for us, even when we thought that there was no way forward. You shower us with love, and provide us the same strength and dignity that you hold to every day, in order to navigate this world."

"Thank you for blessing me with this name, Ino. I will carry it with pride, and I promise that I will be here for you all, even if time itself should come to an end. You only need but call for me, and I will run to you as quickly as the heavens will allow."

"And finally, I bestow upon myself the title of Violet. Lovingly thematic, but symbolizes even more. Faith, dreams, and a promise to be there for the ones she loves, no matter what. Sincerity in times of happiness and trouble, and earnest prayers for every goal that we want to reach. I humbly ask for your blessings."

"You have my blessing, Ino," I say.

"And mine," Hina follows.

"And mine as well," Erika says.

"Thank you. So it will be done, according to the wisdom bestowed upon us from the great beyond. It's been said many times before, that names in this world carry a great strength. These are the first to be given, but not the last. First loving ourselves, then each other...until this garden of ours, watered by the dew of heaven itself, comes to cover the earth itself in peace and joy. It will be a long road, but one that we will see the end of within these lives of ours. Together."

Ino raises her glass, and we all follow suit.

"Here's to us. The flowers who will make this world the most beautiful it has ever been."

"To us."

"To us."

"To us."

We tap our glasses together and drink.

"I really thought you were going to pick something like Clover for your name," I say.

"Right? It was right there, but I thought that something else would be way more fitting for this group we have here. And we've all got a bunch of names to keep track of already, so it made a bit more sense to me. Oh, we absolutely have to do something like a toast each time as a tradition. I have names for everyone else close to us, when they're ready."

"Even Shino?" Hina asks.

"Yes! I couldn't leave Mister Reliable out, no way. And no spoilers!" she says, crossing her arms in front of her. "You'll get to hear what it is along with him. The founding members of Starlight Garden must be present at each induction, unless there's an emergency of some kind."

"That sounds like a great policy. We'll follow your lead, Lady Violet," I say.

"Thank you kindly, Lady Magnolia. We don't have to use the names all the time, maybe if we're outside and want to be a little intolerable."

"Have our long awaited club jackets arrived?" Erika asks.

"They have~! And they're all customized, too. The next time we're free after this big mission, we can show them off together!"

"That should be exciting," I say. "And Ino here was getting worried that she wouldn't come up with anything, how silly. I was definitely right to leave things to you."

"You were," she says with a smile. "Thank you for believing in me, as you always have."

"And not to ruin this wonderful moment, but...I think we should get to eating, before this wonderful food gets far too cool to enjoy."

"Oh, good call!"

"The new bites are just as good as the earlier ones," Hina says. "I would say that it's another point in this establishment's favour."

"Are you thinking of giving this place an endorsement?" I ask.

"Definitely. A few of our clan sisters have work doing reviews, and have formed a thriving business for that purpose. I'll mention this place to them, and they can deliver an official assessment within a few days."

"A good Hyuuga review or two, and your place will be instantly swimming in cash," Ino says.

"Speaking of reviews. I would like to bring up an incident that took place recently," Erika says. "It involved our friend, Madam Ichika."

"The sweetheart who runs the theatre troupe downtown, yes. A flighty soul, but lovely all the same," I say. "Is she alright?"

"She came to me a few days ago, quite upset. It was one night that she went to an establishment with one of her partners, and the owner, incensed by their closeness and joy, accosted and abused them without warning. In full view of other customers as well."

"Goodness," Hina says. "How awful."

"Yes. It was a horrifying experience, one such that they were forced to leave their barely eaten meals, distraught and scandalized. The Madam's companion has not left her apartment since. It is my demand that this injustice be corrected, forthwith."

"You don't have to ask us twice," Ino says. "We'll ruin the bastards before they know what hit 'em. You just tell us where and when to start torching."

"Potentially satisfying, but unwise in this instance. This particular establishment is popular with a nearby firefighting brigade, due to its convenient location. There are also two laundromats and a water pumping station in the vicinity."

"I know exactly the place you speak of," I say. "Hina, love...did you not mention the other day that the post office was searching for a new depot location in the western part of the village?"

She sips at her drink before nodding. "I did hear that, yes. I also might know of some aspiring business owners who would love nothing more than to help valiant members of the community, such as our local firefighters..."

"How convenient for us. Rika, darling...we should be able to solve this little problem by the end of tomorrow. Inform our friend as soon as you can. We don't want her to miss the show," I say with a cruel smile.

She smiles back and raises her glass. "Not for the world. Thank you, ladies."


"Imagine that. Nearly ready to run headfirst into danger, and yet we still find time to help friends in need. And wreak havoc on the local populace. You would scold me if I forgot about that part, Lili."

"I would, indeed. Such an essential part of our day to day life."

Our delicious dinner comes to an end. With our sisterhood formally established, and Ino eager to bring ruin to a narrow-minded restaurant owner, we part ways with all of our plans set in motion. Tomorrow afternoon will have an hour or two set aside to sip chilled drinks and watch a grown man cry. Hina asked me to walk home with her, and of course I would say yes to that. It's been a while since we could do something like this, what with our clashing schedules. Hopefully that changes in a few years.

"Does this bring back any memories?" she asks as we walk. Night time is as beautiful as ever here, the stars twinkling in the sky against distant backgrounds of glowing gases and plasma.

"Too many to count. A few years ago, we used to have time to walk around together as we pleased. Now, it almost seems prudent to have chosen a hotel as my home base. I'm hardly in."

"You are trying to change a very stubborn and violent world. I imagine you would have more time to yourself if that weren't the case. And what time you do have, you spend brilliantly on your loved ones. It would be awful of me to be upset with you."

"Hmhm. I noticed you have yet to blame me for your busy schedule."

"It's something that I've wanted for a while, hard as it is to believe. That, and I have lots of eager people to put to work. I've been taking those lessons to heart."

"Good to hear. It would be a shame to have the Leaf's most radiant daughter burn herself out."

"The most radiant? Isn't that your title?" she asks.

"I'm the most dynamic one, as the old man loves to say."

"Ah, I remember now," she says with a giggle. "A very creative form of address."

"Oh, indeed."

"We've come so far since that first day at the Academy. All of this was something beyond me, a long time ago," she says. "And now, we're going to fight for the fate of the world itself. I can't even bring myself to worry about what might come next, even if it ends up being difficult. I know that we will make it through. And of course, you're the reason why."

"One of them, at least."

"Believe it or not, I never have a problem praising you like this. It comes naturally. I think it's because...I learned so much about love from you. What it is, what it can be, how to express it to others. That's just one of the gifts you've given me."

"As long as you don't overheat too often when I praise you, it's fine," I say. "You've given me many good things, too. Even while you were struggling to find yourself. I think that's even more admirable."

"Thank you, Lili."

"It takes a lot to become truly strong. One of those things is other people. Some might be able to get by on their own, like Madara did. The second founder of Leaf. But...then again, he wasn't alone either, not really. Even if it was with powers born of darkness, he still carried the hearts and feelings of those who were next to him."

"Is that not how the Uchiha grow in darkness? Feelings from so many severed bonds..."

"Yes. The existence of others is needed for growth, in some form. Love and hatred exist opposite of each other, one able to transform seamlessly into the next. Severed bonds also created that man, who walks the earth using Madara Uchiha's shell. In the same way, I gained something from my descent into darkness. But I'm a different sort of person. I have to believe it, but I also believe it sincerely."


"What matters is what we make of our experiences. We were both helped by one person's kindness, and that in turn allowed us to traverse this distance. Still, as harsh as it is to say...that kindness will not be enough for this world. We will have to walk down a lonely path eventually."

"You don't believe that there will be a moment when we can come together, as human beings?" Hina asks.

"No, I don't think that moment will come on its own. In fact, I highly suspect that the world will inch closer and closer to an all consuming conflict, as long as I continue to exist on this plane. They wouldn't allow me to reach the summit so easily, not when it threatens their continued existence and prosperity. A world locked in desperate struggle and conflict is what they need for comfort, and for stability. And then..."

"And then?" she asks.

"It's...very far in the future. But the land of my birth contains dark titans as well." I shake my head. "Forward thinking is encouraged, but only in a responsible manner. We will ponder the new world order at a later time."

"Of course. Taking care of matters at home first is for the best."

"That's right. Thank you for being as reliable as you are, Hina. I've always said that I can't change the world alone, but the quality of people by one's side makes all the difference."

"You have only yourself to thank for my diligence," she says with a smile. "From the moment you took my hand, I've wanted nothing but to be next to you. And I'm very glad that I could keep up as I wanted to. It looks like we've made it home."

"It seems so. I wish tonight's walk was a bit longer," I say as we stop outside of the front gate. "Don't worry about inviting me in, we'll be up all night talking at this rate."

"I was thinking the same thing, lovely as it would be."

"Then this is good night. Rest well, Hina."

"As long as you do the same, Lili."

We hug each other tightly, not wanting to let go but forcing ourselves to after a minute or three. Hina looks at me lovingly, and I soak in her warmth before kissing her gently on the lips.

"I love you, Hina. Thank you for being with me."

"Thank you, Lili. And I love you even more."

She rubs my cheek gently before leaving, the gate already open for her to walk through. I acknowledge the two guards and return their bows before heading home.


"Hey, Lili. Good night."

"Good night, love. Heading out?"

I make it back to my room, and Fio is pulling on a running shirt. She has a pair of those compressed shorts on as well.

"Yeah. Lee and Master Guy wanted to knock off a few laps around the village tonight. Since I didn't have any plans, I thought it'd be okay."

"That's just fine with me. I'll be deep into my dreams by the time you get back," I say while taking off my sandals. "Don't worry about anything, I'll wake you in time tomorrow. We're going out to watch some stupid prick lose his restaurant, and Ino will let us know when to show up."

"Sounds deserved."

"An understatement. I'll tell you the story tomorrow. Also, we're going to have a toast to you. Since you're part of our group by default, and all."

"Ooh, did Ino finally come up with something?"

"We are now officially known as the Starlight Garden. And I am the esteemed and glorious Lady Magnolia."

"Wow...that's so neat! I love it! So what's the toast to me about, then?"

"You're going to get your title. Ino will be bestowing it to you, as is her job, and she won't reveal what it is until the moment arrives. Everyone we know is going to get one, including the boys."

"That's really cool! I can't wait. I'll make sure not to stay out too late, then...heh, gonna be a busy day tomorrow. And you're supposed to be getting ready to beat up some guy with fancy eyes!"

"I know, I know."

"Well, you'll still have some time to rest, and I can make sure you do that properly! That's part of my wifely duties, right?"

"Something like that."

She laughs and gives me a hug. "I'm glad you and the girls had fun. Now get yourself a shower and into bed. I wanna see you sprawled out under those covers by the time I get back, missy."

"I do not sprawl." I pause. "I'm sure I don't, at least."

"Who can say~."


She kisses me before taking off. "Nighty-night, Lili."

"Brat." I smile and smack her on the butt as she leaves. "She's right, though...as she usually is. Time to get ready for bed. I can sneak in some study time, too..."

I yawn and head to the bathroom.
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Prima Facie
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 96
"Prima Facie"
[Ultima Ratio: Prologue]

It's afternoon in the village. In a few hours, it will be night, with the moon hidden behind the clouds. We will leave for our mission then.

At this moment, we are in Ruki's small apartment. Nearly everything has been emptied from it, save for the most basic things. Those too will be gone within a day or two. Everything unimportant has been sold off or given away. The rest is with Kakashi, at his place. She's moving in with him, at his insistence. She gave the only answer she could to that.

There are candles on the floor, and cups of burnt incense. The scent is calming and comforting.

"Thank you for coming," Ruki says. "I don't know the details of your journey, and I respect your desires to keep them to yourselves. They're ultimately not important for today. I can sense that you're about to do something with great impact, and which will involve stepping into an even greater danger. For that reason, I would like to pray for each of you before you left."

"We greatly appreciate this, Ruki," I say. "As confident as we all are, it would be beyond us to refuse a petition of heaven on our behalf."

"Yes. I'm glad you feel that way. Please, have a seat on the floor next to each other. I'll go one by one, and then at the end we can do one last prayer together. Erika, I would like to start with you first."

"Understood." We sit next to each other on the wooden floor, and Ruki kneels in front of Erika before taking her hands gently. She starts to say a prayer, and I close my eyes while listening.

To have faith is not a sign of weakness, nor does it mean a lack of confidence. Rather, it is an enlightened stance. An understanding that the universe sometimes has its own whims, and at the same time an affirmation of one's own power and ability. We ask for strength to face what might come. To prepare for pain and sorrow, if they should reach us. For fortitude in times of trial.

Perhaps most important, peace and understanding in the face of evil. So that we overcome the darkness of this world, instead of becoming like those who have been overcome by it. A calm and clear heart is one better equipped to ward off evil. The same that consumed so many before us, and led to this stage of history...

We finish our group prayer and Ruki bows towards us, her head touching the floor before coming up again.

"I truly hope that your hearts feel lighter now, and that you are at peace. This journey will be of great importance and weight for all of you, and for this world we live in. Please be safe, and come back to us. Not only would it break my heart, but...our world would be much lesser and brighter without the four of you. As shinobi, you must do what you can. As friends, remember that home is always waiting for you."

"We will remember, Ruki. Thank you for your love, and your faith in us. We promise to do everything we can, and return to our home. And to you," I say.

"Our determination to bring justice to this world will not blind us to the things of true importance," Erika says. "Home is home, and always will be. Until the day we are ready to leave for the cosmos in earnest. Before that fateful day, we look forward to a triumphant return to this village, our home in this world."

"Getting in tune with the spiritual world is always a good move," Ino says with a nod. "Staying centred and humble is one of the keys to success. Thank you again for doing this, Ruki. I could really feel the love from you and everyone."

"It's a beautiful gesture," Hina says. "And so, I am very grateful for it. We will do everything that we can to promote peace and harmony in this world, as its most eminent warriors and ambassadors. As we open ourselves to the wisdom of the heavens, we will also use our physical gifts to ensure that the ideal future will come to pass. A responsibility, and not a burden. We are grateful for this opportunity."

"Whatever worries I had have melted away. The heavens provide freely," Ruki says with a smile. "I see the beauty and maturity in each of you. This world will be in good hands."

"Good enough to raise some descendants, yes?" I ask.

"I've wondered what it would be like to be a grandmother, sometimes."

"Just a grandma, eh?" Ino snickers at that. "I think we're aiming a little low."

"And I think we should have ourselves some tea, before we get ourselves into trouble so quickly after a prayer session," Ruki quips back. "Be right back, and try not to say anything too outrageous while the kami are listening."

"Pfft. If they didn't duck and run at the sight of Lili, there's nothing I could do to scare them off."

"Rude! You behave yourself, Ino."

"Ino does have a point," Hina says. "Years upon years of depraved thoughts. You flirted with me the first day we spoke to each other."

"And you turned into a tomato the moment I complimented you. Count your lucky stars I had a conscience back then, or your boyfriend would be single to this day."

"How quickly we forget the words of our local priestess. There hasn't been a day that you haven't had designs on me, I know it."

"And you should be proud of that fact."

"That's not something you're supposed to admit to, Lili..."

"Would you love me so if I were one to adhere to the flimsy rules of this world?" I say. "Surely not. I say, proudly and boldly, that I would bed each and every one of you here if I had the will and opportunity."

"And what stays the blessed hands of Lady Kobayashi in this regard?" Erika asks.

"Aside from you being in loving relationships already? Well, I have to give Fio her turn first."

She nods sagely. "As good a reason as any."

"I called you ladies beautiful and mature, but it seems I missed something else entirely," Ruki says as she returns.

"And what might that be?" I ask. Ruki sets down the tray with tea cups, and gives me an exasperated look.


"Aw. We love you too, Ruki!"

She puffs up her cheeks before laughing, and we join her right after.


Afternoon. The weather is particularly nice today, which is as good a sign as any.

The next few hours before departure are for rest and meditation. I've packed everything already, so it's just down to gathering my things and leaving with the girls as planned. It means I can make quick and important visits like this.

"Hey, Lili! Come on in!"

"Thank you." As always, Naruto has been taking good care of his plants. They look healthy and vibrant, making the small apartment feel even more comforting once I step inside. "I won't be here too long, unfortunately. Lots of things to look over before the end of the night, and at least one nap to take."

"The big mission, right? Hinata told me about it, at least what she could. All I know is that it's important, and might be dangerous compared to the normal stuff."

"It could shift the balance of the world itself, I would say."

"Pretty heavy. I guess this is one of the things that Pervy Sage was talking about, huh. Well, I get it. I know you guys will do great, but I'm gonna wish you luck anyways!"

"Every bit helps, my love. I appreciate it."


"Sometimes, not everything goes the way we think it should. Or the way that we want it to. Things happen despite our confidence and assurances," I say. "That said, I believe in myself, and in all of us. I simply wanted to let you know that everything will be okay, no matter what happens next. You will find your way. And I want you to know how much I love you. I always will."

"I love you too, Lili. I wish I could be there next to you, but I get why I can't." He grins. "I'm looking forward to having some ramen together when you get back! So don't do anything too crazy, yeah?"

"No promises."

"Heh, figures."

I step forward and hug him tightly. Times like this...make it difficult to let go. I know that I'll be back for him. I have to be. If he's going to be the wonderful man I dream of him becoming, then it has to be the case. More than that, I still want to protect him, like I've always tried to. Removing Akatsuki from the board is the first step.



"It's okay. You said you have stuff to do, right?"

"I did..."

"Then you should get to that. I'll be fine, really."

"..." I nod and slowly let go of him. "Please, take care of yourself. Be sure to eat properly."

"I will."

I kiss him on the forehead before turning to leave.


It's night as I wake up.

I always wish I could stay a bit longer, in times like these. But it's good to feel this way...even as it fades, this warmth will have meaning.

"Lili? It's time."

Fio's voice brings me all the way out of my sleep. I slowly untangle myself from her, looking into her eyes.

"Ready?" she asks.

"I'm ready." Everything we need is being stored at a different location, so that we can leave as quietly as possible. To those not in the know, we'll seem like members of ANBU heading out for a relatively normal, clandestine mission.

"Alright. Have your shower and meet me downstairs. Take your time, you've still got lots of it."

She kisses me and rolls out of bed. I lie back for a while, trying to empty myself of thoughts so that I can relax.


I haven't left yet, and I already miss her.

A not-so-quick shower, some freshening up, and then some combing to free my hair of any tangles. I'm sure it will be twisted this way and that plenty during the mission, but I would rather die than neglect this part of myself on purpose. Far too much love has been poured into it, by Momma, and by Luna, and so many others.

I eventually finish, put on my usual outfit, and then lock up before heading downstairs. Fio is waiting in the lobby faithfully, and gives me a smile as I approach.

"So. Anything in mind for dinner?"

I think on that as we walk. "We can do something fun that we haven't in a while. Let's try one of those silly, overly laden hamburgers we saw the other day."

"You mean the ones they gotta stick skewers through so that they don't fall apart on the way to the table?"

"Those are the ones, yes."

"I'm game. They got something called the Hog Wild with like, all the bacon on it. And a ton of cheese that just pools at the bottom of the plate. You might get heartburn just looking at the thing."

"Ooh. Sounds like fun."

"I know, right? We'll get one each for a taste test."

"Just one?"

She hums a bit. "Okay, two. Three if I'm feeling good."

"You're going to burn through at least three before dessert. Meanwhile, I have places to be."

She laughs. "You're such a bitch."

"Oh, I know it."

I have a mere sampling of two of the absurd, pork laden, and ostensibly handheld meals. Fio has herself four of the same, and we decide to share dessert. All the while, we talk about a number of things. Politics, namely how annoying and foolish the local politicians often are. Gossip flying around the village. Some theory on jutsu, chakra, and techniques that we've been going through in our spare time, and insights from our training partners. We talk about the past and the future we're hoping for. She again gives her assent to building a stable of girlfriends, some would say a bit too enthusiastically. But it's Fio, so I know she has a plan. One that she's very cheeky about keeping from me, even as much as I poke her about it. I can work on squeezing that secret from her later.

Thankfully, she'll be busy while I'm gone. More than missions, she'll keep herself occupied by seeing to each of our darlings in my place, Naruto especially.

We finish eating, and she helps me impose my gratuity on the staff before we leave. Clouds are roaming the night sky as we walk north, towards our meeting location. Erika, Ino, and Hina round the nearest corner and wave as we get closer.

"This is it, then," Fio says. "You girls alright?"

"We're very much fine, Fio," Hina says. "Thank you for worrying about us."

"Aw, it's nothing. You know how much I love you all. Come back safe!"

"We'll do everything in our power to fulfill your wishes," Ino says. "After all, we would hate to disappoint the Lady Mallow."

"Thank you kindly, Lady Violet." An appropriate name that we blessed our Fio with the other day, just before a cold and delicious serving of justice on a friend's behalf. Representative of her sweet and gentle nature, loving heart, and passion to do good by most everyone she meets.

"Now it's time for big hugs, to send my favourite girlies off right!"

She gives everyone a strong, loving squeeze along with a kiss on each cheek. Her absolutely infectious happiness is driving the last bits of tension away from us all.

"And not least, my most favourite girlie of them all! Whatever storm you might be up against, lead them right through. Counting on you, Colonel."

"Yes, ma'am. Hand to God, you can count on me."


"And a gift from me to you, if you'll accept it."

"Something spicy?" she asks, smiling.

"Very, as you already know..." We pull each other close and kiss, like it's our last meeting in this world. It's only her. The warmth of her body. The taste of her lips. I can't care about anything else at this moment, and don't want to. It's not the last time, and I'll make sure of that.

I'll make sure to come home to this again. I won't let anything stop me from reaching that goal.

"Someone hose them off already, sheesh!"

As annoying as she is right now, Ino has a point. We'll be here all night if I have my way, unfortunately.

"We'll do this again when we get back, with less colour commentary," Fio says, smiling as she always does. "Go out and do your thing, superstar."

"And you do yours, love. I'll be back to tease you soon enough."

"And I'll be waiting. No contact just in case, right?"

I nod. "Just in case."

"Got it. Then...I'll be right here, Lili." She pats my back before heading down the street. I watch her go until she starts to disappear into the darkness, and then turn to face my girls.

All the goodbyes have been said. Time to clock in.

"Captain Yamanaka," I say.

She stands at attention. "This is Captain Ino Yamanaka, ready and awaiting orders, ma'am."

"Affirmed. Captain Hyuuga."

She takes her spot next to Ino, copying her posture. "This is Captain Hinata Hyuuga, ready and awaiting orders, ma'am."

"Affirmed. Major Kotowari."

Erika stands next to Hina, at attention like everyone else. "This is Major Erika Kotowari, ready and awaiting orders, ma'am."

"As you were, ladies." They salute before relaxing. "Rika, please lead on."

"Of course. Everyone, follow me. I've kept the location free of any possible tracking or inspection," she says. "We will have about thirty minutes of uninterrupted time."

"Means I'll have to skimp on my makeup, eh," Ino quips.

"Unfortunately. I do apologize, beloved."

"If it becomes too much for the Lady Yamanaka to bear, I will ensure that her immaculate visage is restored during the course of our journey," I say.

"If you feel hands around your throat the next time you go to sleep, remember one thing. Don't resist, because it's me."

"We can plot Lili's demise after the mission," Hina says. "And as compensation, I will help you with the plotting."

"I appreciate that, Hina." Ino sticks her tongue out at me, and I roll my eyes.

We've taken over the back room of a local sweets shop. The equipment was delivered just a few hours before by handpicked ANBU, no questions asked. Routine checks followed by inspections to see if anything is off or has been compromised. Nothing to that effect, so we fit what we need to on our belts and load up our pouches. Each member has their own essentials along with specially assigned things loaded, to help with distribution. Erika will be carrying the bulk of food, Hina the medical supplies and supplements we might need. Ino is handling the communications items, and in my pack are the majority of weapons and tools we will need for combat, outdoor work, and survival. The last things are the masks and cloaks that will be kept on hand until the mission's conclusion. They'll probably serve us the whole way through, if what I'm thinking is correct about the region.

"All hands, affirm readiness," I call as I finish dressing.

"Ready," I hear back in chorus.

"Good. Mask up, ladies...out in one go. No changes to the plan."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Advance." I put on my mask and flip the cloak's hood over my head. Everyone files out the back exit, and we wait for Erika to lock the shop up again before moving out. We head straight for the village wall, and hop on top of it before making the seals to bypass the barrier. The four of us jump through and land, making visual confirmation one more time.

I run ahead and the group follows. Using my sensing, I can tell without looking that we've settled into the diamond formation we outlined. So far, so good. The easiest parts are done with, and things will only increase slightly in difficulty from here.

As always, the real fun starts once you reach your destination.


The first key to any successful mission is taking advantage of your assets. So that's how we will begin.

Step one is to make use of each twenty four hour day as best we can. Eight hours on, four off. Repeat until we reach our destination. The four of us are healthy and fit women, meaning we can travel for as long as we need to, and at whatever pace we choose. Three of us take a nap while our lookout cooks something, we wake up and eat together, then rest while our lookout sleeps until the designated time. At that time, we pack up, erase our presence, and head back into the day.

This gets slightly more difficult as we enter what is called Rain Country on the afternoon of the third day.

"Still as miserable as we left it."

Ino isn't wrong to say so. We packed tents just in case of inclement weather, and it turned out to be a better call than we realized. Rain showers are constant, leaving fields and flows of mud as far as the eye can see. We search for stable ground and cook food in makeshift shelters outside while the rain comes down. We run through walls of rain into clear space, the sun shining while more sheets of water wait for us in the distance. We see the evidence of mud slides, recently made pools and lakes with their own fledgling ecosystems, and settlements made in relatively safe and stable places. There aren't many trees. Even fewer of them remain upright.

All the while, the rain continues to fall.

"I can see the lake. We're nearly there," Hina says to us.

Eventually it becomes visible to everyone else, starting from the outside. Metallic pipes and concrete are immediately ahead. Upright cylinders and small buildings standing alone. The work of industry, in small instalments that lead towards the country's grand jewel. More civilization in the form of lightly built houses, reservoirs, and small fields with coverings that tilt to let rainwater out. As we keep away from human activity, I can smell the various seasonings and cooked meats from meals being prepared. Trees and plants, protected from the onslaught of rain by human infiltration, are growing more freely than they would in the world just outside of here.

The buildings in the distance reach high into the sky. Amalgamations of metal and darkness, the endless rain falling against them and disappearing into pipes and basins. Silhouettes move in and out of sight against skies of black. Around the village is the previously spotted lake, constantly fed thanks to the rain. It starts a way out, between two and three kilometres from the edge of the village proper. In a few areas, I can make out rising steam and smoke. Lights are few and those are dim besides. It's just as difficult to deal with as we assumed. So we should be ready.

Hina ensures that we don't have anyone within sight of us. We stop at the edge of the lake and remove our cloaks and masks, then get out our wet suits. They're sized to fit over our normal clothing, as we'll be using them briefly to get near the heart of the Hidden Rain.

"Ready," Hina says after putting on her goggles. The two of us are going to scout the area for an operating base.

"We'll set up as close as possible, no more than one kilometre out," I say. "If we can't find a suitable site, then we'll come back to land and conference for next steps. Let's get started."

I snap my fingers and a cream coloured viper appears around my arm. She slithers over to Erika's as we touch hands.

"Sally will let you know when we're across and standing by. I'll call her back as soon as you acknowledge."


"Hina, we're off."

"Yes." She walks on top of the water before silently diving beneath it. I put on my goggles and follow suit. The water is clear, yet very deep. I can't see to the bottom. It's possible that this goes far enough down that it could experience similar pressures to the ocean depths...that would be very impressive for a man made lake.

But for a self proclaimed god, with the power of chakra...maybe...

Hina slows down to touch my shoulder, and points ahead. She makes signs with her hands, and I sign back to be sure. She nods and starts to swim ahead. When we come up from the water, I realize that this really is what we've been looking for.

"It seems very good," Hina says. "From what I can tell, the traffic to this area will be low, and there are enough entry and exit points to use for whatever we might like. Most of all, the place will remain dry. We just have to be careful not to get too comfortable."

"Agreed. This is a very good find," I say. "Can you see the line well?"

"Yes. It's still a clear path to us."

"Then I'll activate the signal." I call to Sally and tell her that everything is okay. Once I get back that Erika received the message, I send her back home and wait for our friends to come over with our packs. They do so in short order, jogging across the water and to our temporary home: a chipped concrete platform, hidden beneath a collapsed bridge that used to connect two artificial islands. If someone shows up, we'll know about it well before they can spot us. This is both far enough from the village that we won't risk being chased down by its shinobi, and close enough that we can do proper reconnaissance over the next few days. It's a unique space because of how the rubble covers it, giving us a combination of stealth, air, and light all at once if we choose to huddle in. The destruction of the bridge means we have a clear line of sight to the Hidden Rain and its mass of tall, dark structures from atop the rubble pile.

Our deadline for work is Saturday night.

"Wow, this is great," Ino says as she and Erika arrive. They drop down through the space at the top, landing next to us. "Leave it to Hina, eh?"

"Enough space for all of us to live in and stretch our legs. That said, we'll be keeping an eye out for any anomalies as often as we can," I say. "Let's get set up, then have a bite to eat before checking our figures over. No rain over the village today...we need to have a look at it before making any major moves. Hopefully it's within the next two days."

"Sunday is fun day, that right?" Ino asks.

"It is indeed. If this so called Pain doesn't come out before then, we'll drag him out in the morning. Stick to the plan."

"Aye. Rika, wanna help me get the radios online? We'll have more time to make out later~."

"Though I would help you regardless, the addition of such a desirable reward does not hurt my motivation in any sense. Assisting you would be the first of many pleasures today."

I sigh. "Settle down, now."

"Are you sure you should be scolding them?" Hina says. "Besides, I'm sure you could get your own fix by asking politely to watch."

"Keep bullying me like that and I really will pull rank on you," I pout. "Or maybe I should harass you instead."

"Oh? I think insubordination will be the least of your worries then..."

"Aren't we frisky today..."

"Then perhaps you should leave me to prepare the medical station, before I really get my claws out. Colonel."


She smiles before going through her pack. I follow everyone else's lead and find my pack, unloading all of the tools inside to organize and inspect. We have a fair bit of time, so making use of it is wiser than not...


Something that sounds simple enough, but ends up immensely hard to do for most. Staying focused on the original plan.

There are a lot of reasons as to why that is. Fear, lack of confidence, limited competency...those are the easy answers to use, even if not accurate. Some go to the old maxims, such as one from a western commander that said, in essence, no plan survives contact with the enemy. Others prefer to be succinct, like the famous boxer who once said that everyone has a plan until they get hit.

Both of these things are the truth. But plans are more than just big picture thinking and rote design. They are also strategic and tactical level considerations. Most importantly, sometimes you cannot change the essence of a plan just because you run into trouble. Some things cannot and should not be compromised. There are a lot of things we are expected to do, and that we need to do because of the scope of this mission and its weight. Once we're in...there is no fall back position to take. There are no clever changes to make, no way to thread the needle.

No. We've all come too far, and there will be too much at stake once the chaos begins. This is all or nothing, no matter what we thought before.

I didn't get to say it out loud last night before going to sleep, but that's the beautiful thing about having bonds like these. Explanations aren't always necessary. Sometimes you can tell just by looking, and it only took a few glances over breakfast for the girls to understand. And with that, we set to work on our own tasks.

Reconnaissance is step one, as outlined. There is no rain over the village today, again. Our desire is to observe it, but we also want to get a jump on the situation inside. There's no sense in wasting time before the final day arrives. Erika will travel into the village itself. Security is very snug for the Hidden Rain, but that won't be too much of a barrier for her. Ino has already picked up law enforcement chatter and will be listening in on their channels, along with any local radio broadcasts to pick up whatever she can to start the day.

Hina and I are on top of the rubble pile outside, doing three things. Monitoring the surrounding area for any possible intruders or enemy soldiers. Tracking Erika's position as she goes through the village, with our abilities of visual and chakra detection overlapping. And finally...

"I have something at one nine eight."

"Copy that. It looks healthy, too. This is another good break..."

I hop into the air and start my run through it, towards the target. Shouldn't be anyone watching, at least too closely.

"Good morning. Do you accept bribes?"

The hawk that I'm striding next to looks at the anchovies in my hand hungrily.

"Follow me, and there's a lot more for you."

I start to descend and watch over my shoulder as the hawk turns to follow me down. I hold out my arm for him to land on, and present the anchovies to eat in my other.

"It will sound odd, but my friend will need to borrow your body for a while. You don't have to worry about any pain, she's very gentle about these things. Let's go."

I jog back, and see that Ino is already making her way to the surface.

"Nice work," she says. "Alright, boss lady. You want me to split, or should I go as is?"

"Go ahead and split. You can use Hina's sight to explore another dimension as we talked about."

"Got it. Ready, Hina?" she asks.


"It's still your show, I'll just be talking in your head from time to time. And I'll try not to be too annoying."

"Key word there is try," I quip.

"You, shut up."

"I think I'd know better than anyone, given how many times you've gone walking around in my body."

Ino shakes her head and starts to make the seals for her technique. I hold onto her shoulders, and the hawk flies over to Hina's shoulder.

"Mind Clone Transfer."

I support Ino's body as her consciousness leaves her. This variant of the technique allows her to split her spirit between multiple targets. The upsides are as obvious as the downsides. More targets means more chances to get hurt or killed. It also means that we can have a line of communications in real time between the copies of Ino's consciousness, thanks to her diligent work in honing her family's techniques. Today, she's taken up residence in the hawk, which flies off towards the village, and Hina, who makes a hand sign to indicate that the switch was fully successful.

"All good. I'll be taking a back seat from here on," Ino says in her own voice.

"Anything of note you need me to look over?" I ask.

"Coming up in about fifteen minutes, there should be a police tour with a pairing that I liked for some juicy information. They like to yap about a lot of things, so it might take a while to get to the point. Cops, you know."


"See you in a bit." Hina pops back into place a few seconds later.

"All good?"

"Yes. Ino is safely next to me," Hina says in her own voice. "Permission to start extended observation, ma'am."

"Permission granted. You keep ahead and I'll give you some help." I let Ino lean against me while making seals. "Shadow Clone."

My clone pops into being next to me.

"Here we go. I'm out with Hina, so you look after Ino for us. Listen in on the police chatter as much as you can."

"Permission to multi-thread?"

"Hm." I have to think on that some. Good for mass info gathering, but...let's hold off on that. "Denied. Stick to the script and keep your ears on the pair that Ino was talking about earlier. We want to keep ourselves comfortable just in case something silly happens."

"Understood. I'll need to keep my sensing field up anyways. Be safe, you two."

"Always. Let's go, Hina."


"Found anything for us?" I ask as we jog across the water.

"There are quite a few ports at the edge of the village itself...nothing much of use for us otherwise."

"Makes a lot more sense than not, especially this close to the village and with their security stranglehold. But Erika found a way inside, so that's that."

"As she would. She is daring, isn't she?"

"And loyal, to no fault. I offer up prayers in thanks that the Cloud passed on her because of their stupid bigotry."

"Praise be for that, yes."

"With our range, it's best to find a spot to wait on land. Options?"

"We have...a barn stocked with quite a few hay bales, collapsed house with hollow space, and...a large group of trees with a suitably large canopy."

"I like the sound of hiding up in the branches," I say. "And the little rain we might get won't be much of a problem. See anything there?"

"Some rain clouds passing by in a few hours...mm, they don't look weighed down too much. You're right, it should be fine."

"Good. Anything you need, tell me. We'll have you break after two and then again at lunch for four. Situation report, back at it until we hit eight. Erika comes back, we have dinner, then the four of us chatter on about the notes we got. Easy and flexible. Questions?"

"None, ma'am."

"Let's get to our spot and settle in, then."

Keeping to the plan is working out, as we hoped. Hina and I sit in the branches of a large tree, our hoods up to keep the potential rain showers off of our heads. She follows Erika visually as her primary assignment, not neglecting anything else of interest. I keep an eye of sorts on Erika and Ino, while monitoring the village for anything strange in terms of chakra or environmental anomalies. Whenever Hina notes something, or Ino notes something along with her, she addresses me and I write into the notepad under my left hand. All of the things that I have my eye on, I put down in the notepad under my right.

It's long, slow work for most. Not the kind of thing they presumably signed up for, action packed adventures in the world of shinobi. High stakes battles with lives on the line, so on and so forth. These are the boring things that most don't appreciate, and aren't expected to. Most are signed up as grunts to bust heads. We'll be doing that soon enough, but this part is always what leads to the other parts.

Ino finds Erika in the village, and they exit together through one of the water pumping stations. Everyone makes it back to our hideaway undetected, and now it's late evening with the sun dipping below the horizon.

"Whew. Thanks, little guy." Ino returns to her own body and gives the hawk a thumbs up. I feed it a few more anchovies before it takes off. Hina makes a seal and Ino's other half returns to her as well. She stumbles a bit, and my clone helps her stay stable. "Yeah, still not really used to that."

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's nothing. Just a long day."

"You and her both," I say while nodding to Hina. "So you're resting until morning. Erika and I will handle any surveillance that needs to be done. That's an order."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Let's heat up those luxurious meal kits of ours. I can take care of it. In the meantime, I've got some merging to do of my own. Are you alright to stand, Ino?"

"Yeah, I'm alright."

"Okay." My clone nods and dispels herself. The information from her listening sessions and area monitoring flows into my mind smoothly. Seems we've learned a few things today. Good.

We've brought along a device that can heat up four of our portable military meals at once, which is perfect for us. The usual problem is that it needs a power supply, but a mastery of electricity solves that immediately. I place the meals into each of the pouch's four pockets, supply the current, and wait for the element to heat up before timing it. There is also the more normalized chemical method that we've also brought as a backup. It uses magnesium powder, iron powder, and table salt to generate an exothermic reaction when water is added to the small pouch. Things like this helped revolutionize warfare, as soldiers have been seen to perform better in the field when not limited to salted beef, hardtack, and black coffee.

"Not as luxurious as our usual dinners, but not awful either," Ino says after digging in. "Beef, rice, and veggies. Can't go wrong."

"I heard that the Akimichi were developing their own line of meals for field excursions," Hina says.

"Uncle Choza has been dying to start that project for a while, and he got his chance a few months ago. They've been doing a lot of testing and I think they're close to active trials. I had some, and yeah. They blow whatever we have now out of the water. It's super gourmet for this type of thing."

"Nothing about the costs?" I ask while mixing the drinks.

"Apparently, they're a touch higher than what we have now. But they're hoping to sell the Hokage and his grumpy old advisors on the taste and the improvements to morale and cohesion. Plus, they're ready with low calorie versions if we want to sell them to normies, or have them ready for humanitarian aid. Recouping the costs seems real easy to me."

"Well, if he needs anything, let him know that I'm available. Food is the key to a successful life, after all."

"You would say that, and with good reason. I always wonder where all that food goes when it comes to you..."

"A girl needs to keep some secrets, surely."

She sighs. "Yeah, yeah. You're so unfair. But I guess we should get to business before it gets too late. Like Lili said, Hina and I need our beauty rest. And a good checkup, which I'll do for us before bed. Your eyes aren't stinging, are they?"

Hina shakes her head. "Not at all. But I won't refuse your offer of a checkup, as long as you let me do the same for you."

"Deal. So, Rika. What'd you get for us today?"

I hand out our drinks while Erika gathers her thoughts.

"The village is a large, winding place. Easy to get lost in, even for its denizens. They travel out of necessity, rather than any desire. Planned routes with few stops, if any. Shops and the shopping done therein are all inside, behind closed doors. No loitering, not much talk outside of the immediate task. The village is...docile, in a word. As if it moves along beneath some steady, unseen hand constantly. Tones are quiet and hushed. Any emotion is not suppressed, but seems willingly stifled. As if that same presence is watching, and they don't want to disappoint or anger it. They call that presence God as a result. The god that they revere never communicates to them directly, only through the one they call his Angel. She flies with wings and disperses into floating sheets of paper, from what has been said."

"That's definitely Konan," I say.

"Yes. That said, they do not see her as a simple messenger. She is revered nearly as much as the god she serves, known as Pain. He appears intermittently, and all that can be said for his appearance is that he has glowing eyes and orange hair. Rumours abound that he has multiple forms he takes on, to monitor and protect the village without the knowledge of the villagers or any enemies. But not much else is known. The information I gathered confirms one of our hypotheses regarding the rain. That it always rains on Sundays...and that it always rains when this Pain is away from the village."


"I also felt other presences while travelling. My belief is that the paper woman is using some manner of construct or tracing system to keep an eye on the village along with her master, and can respond at speed to wherever she is needed to quell potential unrest. The talk of how she seemingly appears out of nowhere gives more credence to this theory. I could not get any more details on the two most important subjects in this single walk. The normal shinobi forces are of average strength, and do not move about often or have much to do aside from suppression of more dangerous criminals and village infiltrators. The latter are usually taken care of by Konan and Pain personally. They also carry out visits to homes...and judging from the lack of movement and the abundance of blood left behind, those visits are for the purposes of extermination. The Hidden Rain's leadership is still dedicated to prosecuting the civil war."

"The geography must be as confusing as it looked," Hina says.

"It would take a special kind of mind to memorize the paths leading through the village, and even then, I believe it would also take a fair amount of time. Patrols are rarely if ever moved about, and each unit, whether it's that of the shinobi or the police, is expected to know their areas and little else. Their homes, establishments, markets...all are typically within safe distance, so there is not much need to leave one's home area. Though it is not implicitly or explicitly discouraged. Merely difficult for most people. The village is easy enough to navigate with sensing or flight abilities, which are conveniently held by the two most senior officials. It is constructed in layers in many places, with the lower levels being clear of what most would expect to find. The homeless, the disadvantaged, the delinquent...within this village, they simply cease to be, through methods unknown but suspicious all the same. On that note, I wanted to ask about the interruptions I felt earlier, Hinata."

"The dark boxes. I saw them throughout the village in tall buildings, and in the tallest tower. The total is eighteen in all. They block the sight of the Byakugan completely, and are made of a strange material that I suspect is chakra-based. But I can't say for sure. What I can confirm is a very large chakra signature inside of the tallest tower. At some point there were two smaller signals with it, and then those would leave. Only one would come back at a time. There was also a delivery to the tower in the afternoon. The shape told me that it was a human body, and with no chakra flowing through it, that this was a corpse. It was taken down towards a place that I also could not see with my Byakugan."

"Do you think those towers are to disrupt any sensor types?" Ino asks.

"No. I think that's just a side effect...they're meant to conceal whatever is inside from view," I say. "This Pain has more to hide than their identity."

"I had that thought, too. Especially with what I found regarding that large signature in the tower," Hina says. "The chakra would flow in different directions, at different speeds, and in different patterns when it was visible and active. Most troublesome of all, there was no pattern of any kind to latch onto. Whether it was that of timing, strength, or duration. Even the signal would flicker on and off, or at least it seemed so to these eyes. And it was not caused by fatigue of any kind."

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling weighed down in my sensing work, either. When I passed by the biggest tower, I felt the same thing. Like the person's chakra signature was constantly changing, and to a totally unique mix every time. But I couldn't begin to figure out why. To avoid detection? Sure, but you're in your own village. To confuse your enemy? Maybe, but they'd need to get that far with all of your security in place. Has me stumped right now."

"It's probably related to the dark zones and the towers...corpse puppets, maybe? But with that kind of power...hm." I run a hand through my hair. "Did you get anything about his physical condition, Hina?"

"Nothing conclusive...that was also blocked by some device, but only the lower half. Though I didn't get much of a view, since a veil made of the same blocking substance as earlier appeared."

"I see. Then the smartest thing to do is observe some more. Tomorrow, we'll enter the next phase as planned. Ino will be on with Erika and Hina in the afternoon. I'll wind around the edge of the lake, see what I can find while keeping an eye on everyone. Anything saying we can't use our radios?"

"Nothing I could pick up from the air," Ino says. "We've got a secure channel or ten, let's use 'em."

"Excellent. Then tomorrow is settled. Hina, Ino. After you eat, you can wind down and then go to sleep. Take as much as you need to, since we'll be using your abilities thoroughly again."

"Yes, ma'am," they say together.

"I'll take second watch and greet you in the morning, loves. For now, let's enjoy the rest of dinner."

"We can have a victory meal once we've kicked this guy's ass, right?" Ino asks.

"Hm, perhaps. Erika, what do you think of our prospects?"

"Smuggling out a few perishables on Saturday should not be beyond my capabilities," she says with a smile.

"Victory meal it is, then. Sunday night, before we go home. I suppose that's one more prize to keep our eyes on, hmhm."


The lights are faint in the Hidden Rain Village, as it sits across the water from us. I can hear Ino and Hina gently breathing in their sleep from my place atop the rubble pile. And one more person climbing out.

"If there was anything that my father and I could ever agree on...it's that the town at night was always a beautiful and captivating thing."

Erika lets out a breath and sits next to me. "An interesting fact."

"Yes. Now, what we considered suitable night time entertainment...that, we would forever be at odds over. So what brings you up, love?"

"I found myself unable to sleep any longer, due to the excitement I felt."

"Hm, is that so...I've honestly felt the same since this mission started. Quite thrilling stuff that we're in the middle of now. I'm glad to be able to experience it with my favourite girls in the world."

"Has there been any cause for concern?" she asks.

"Oh, I always worry a bit. Worry, but never doubt. You've all been lovely to start this journey off, and I'll be counting on your work. I just want to watch over those two, what with their very useful and potentially exhausting abilities. We wouldn't be this far without them."

"Indeed. I have been fine myself...navigating foreign soil has been a welcome challenge, and I find myself developing positively in response."

"Lovely to hear. In that case...do you have any extra thoughts for me? Some speculation we might have been hiding away for later?"

"If it's okay."

"It always is, love."

She nods and stares out over the water. "There was mention of corpses earlier...my belief is that there is actually more than one Pain, based on some abbreviated conversation. One is a figurehead, and the other a hunter who uses advanced techniques to track down prey. I also think that whoever is in that place, called Pain's Tower...they might be operating the village as an invalid. These are more or less hunches based on what we know...the lack of movement, having Konan as a mouthpiece, the delivery of corpses to the building."

"It's possible that they're not truly disabled, but are in a vulnerable state because of the Rinnegan itself. That's a hunch of mine," I say. "I'll need to check myself, but there was also a faint familiarity. It's likely because of the constantly changing chakra signals, but I want to be sure it wasn't just my imagination."

"It could rain at any time as well," she says.

"Mm-hm. We stick to what we have. Unless you think you're not up for that challenge?" I ask.

"That woman would truly have to be of the divine for a chance to catch me."

I laugh softly at that. "Well said."

"Permission to watch the sunrise with you, ma'am?"

Honestly, it's sort of unfair how cute she can be. Especially when smiling.

"Permission granted, Miss Kotowari. One condition."


"Come a little closer and warm me up."

"Of course, ma'am."

We put our arms around each other, and watch the skyline in a comfortable silence.
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 97
[Ultima Ratio: Opening]

The day begins with a good breakfast and review of our activities. We confirm everything, check our radios, and then finish our preparations before heading our separate ways for the next eight to ten hours.

Ino's body will be looked after by my clone. Her spirit is currently split between Hina and Erika for the purposes of advanced observation. In Hina's case, backing up her visual prowess with chakra sensing. In Erika's case, committing as many visual details as possible to memory and coordinating movement through the Hidden Rain. Hina will be again looking through the village with her Byakugan, but physically alone this time. Erika is going to check in on some resistance groups she discovered yesterday, and help them along from the shadows. My work will be long range monitoring in terms of chakra and radio chatter from selected targets within the village itself. I have a planned route along the edges of the lake, but right now I'm searching for something even more convenient.

"Konan is moving," Hina says through my earpiece. "Tracking her now."

"Confirming subject movement," Erika says. "Current area is clear. Permission to start guerrilla ops, ma'am?"

"Granted. Go kick up a few storms for us," I reply.

"Read and received. Commencing operations."

Some of those cells should be good for a distraction, and possibly gaining insight on the movements of Konan and Pain. As Erika moves, it seems to be local law enforcement and shinobi that are responding first. No sign of those big shots yet. It still has yet to rain.

"Hm. Spoke too soon."

I sniff at the air and recognize it coming. Clouds are starting to gather suddenly over the village, thick, dark, and heavy with moisture. Though...is this in response to the clashes, or something else entirely? Feels like the latter for some reason. Guess we'll find out.

"All hands, alert. I repeat, alert," Hina says suddenly. "This is an urgent situation."

"Please report, Hinata," I say.

"I have a confirmed visual of a senior Akatsuki member, Obito Uchiha. Repeat, Obito Uchiha is within the confines of the Hidden Rain. I am tracking his movements now and awaiting further instructions."

"Confirming the chakra signature of Obito Uchiha," Erika says. "Moving to shelter ahead of imminent rainfall and awaiting further instructions."

"I read both of you," I say. "Stand by."

"Standing by, ma'am."

"Standing by."

I reach the pier I was heading for earlier and pull the hood of my cloak over my head. There are a few vessels here, but the small barge is the most intriguing and useful to me. Looks like it's being used for dredging, which is another good hit. I find the accompanying boat's captain having a smoke and approach him.

"Room for a passenger?" I ask.

"On this thing, eh. Guessing you're one of those tourists from over yonder."

"Good guess. And a good guide should never go home with empty pockets."

I pass him a few bills, and he looks impressed before placing them inside his coat.

"The rest comes when you decide to dock again for a break. Won't matter when," I say. "I'm efficient with my time."

"Aye. Pushing off in an hour. We've got snacks, coffee, tea if you fancy. Working powder room to take care of business. You can almost eat off the floor most of the day."

"All I need. Thanks." Always good when you find someone who doesn't ask a lot, so that you don't have to say a lot. I walk off while contacting the others. In the distance, I can see the rain starting to fall over the village. "Situation report."

"All clear," Hina says. "Obito has made contact with Konan. They are currently moving in a western direction, towards Pain's Tower. Within the tower is one of the individuals from yesterday, currently alone. The largest chakra from yesterday is currently not present, or visible if it is."

"We are clear in this area as well," Erika says. "The resistance cells are moving ahead with their campaigns, no notable presences have arrived so far. I can confirm that individuals matching Obito and Konan's chakra signatures are on the move towards the tallest tower. Continuing monitoring."

"New orders. I have obtained access to a vessel that will be on the lake and will put me considerably closer to the village, allowing me to enhance my monitoring. Hinata, I suspect that these three are going to have a meeting. I want you to focus all of your efforts on reading their conversations. Find a secure location and remain there until Obito is confirmed to be out of the area. After that, you are to continue monitoring while moving at your own discretion."

"Understood, ma'am."

"Erika, I would like for you to cease any combat operations outside of emergencies. Create one Shadow Clone to continue area monitoring. Ino will rotate to the front of your original body, and she will commence observation of the meeting alongside you and Hinata. You should be able to pick up some extra contours between the two of you."


"You three have the best and most useful suite of abilities for this particular phase of the mission. I am putting my full trust in you to handle things on your own. Report in only if you have need of me, or find yourself in an urgent situation. We will discuss everything in more detail at the end of today's shift. I will be ensuring your safety as you operate and observing the local weather patterns. Commence routines, ladies. Out."

"This is Hinata, starting my routines. Out."

"This is Erika, starting routines. Ino is also ready and will be starting shortly. Out."

The most difficult part, especially for someone like me, is the waiting. It's not a lack of trust, far from it. Just this insistence that I should personally be doing more, as much as I possibly can. But part of leading, and growing as a person, is suppressing that instinct. They can do this, and I can wait for them. If anything goes wrong, we can figure it out and fix it together.

It's how we'll complete this mission. And later on, how we will change this world. Everyone's singular gifts, coming together as one.


I wouldn't eat off that bathroom floor like the captain said I could. But it really was clean in there.

The last four hours have been spent in relative luxury, while my teammates were staring across the water and dodging raindrops. I've been able to cleanly and clearly observe the rainfall while noting points of interest and chatting up the dredging crew. An even split between villagers and mainlanders, the former riding out by boat each morning to the pier. They gather up junk of all kinds, whether it's drifting on the surface or stuck at the lake's considerable depths. Material that can be sold off for a fair profit, or kept if it seems intriguing enough. Some fellows are handy with tools and wiring, and have revived some electronics for the ship's use. Except the coffee maker. That thing is indestructible and they pulled it out of the water intact, then got it working a half hour later. Midori was going on the other day about how things weren't made how they used to be made, so she'll find this amusing.

Over the village, I'm grasping the weather conditions. Clouds are made with the user's chakra to create rain. Water Release, which makes sense but isn't always the case with these things. The rain falls with the same chakra, which should mean that it is linked with the senses of the caster. It also means that anywhere the rain falls is covered, in theory. The rain becomes like regular water once it hits an object or person, and thus loses its tracking function. But all of that water is available in forms such as the lake I'm currently on top of, ready to be drawn up into the air and used again for another round of storms. From this...I understand the reason for such tight control and surveillance. Pain would know each of the people within the village, their travel, their tendencies, and their abilities. It would then make it trivial to detect someone or something that is not supposed to be there.

But there seems to be a limitation of some kind. And that must be where Konan comes in.

The rain falls, hits someone unfamiliar...and then Konan, or one of the various forces under her command, moves towards them. Konan's ability allows her to be essentially anywhere at any time, but the lead and response times don't make it seem like these things are pinpoint from the start. It would otherwise seem so without knowledge of this jutsu. It means that even if you get caught by the rain, if you can move fast enough and stay properly hidden, you can defeat this surveillance. But all of this is just what I can see in the moment.

It helps that the few paper constructs I can detect have been avoiding the rain themselves. As a native of the Hidden Rain, I would only assume that Konan knows how to operate efficiently in inclement weather. But I also figure being soaked doesn't enhance her combat effectiveness any, either. The real Konan is with Obito and today's Pain, indoors.

This is an extremely effective strategy. Nobody outside of the most tireless and tinfoil-accessorizing sensor types would even think to examine the rain for chakra before entering the village limits. Most infiltrators, whether inside or outside of the village core, would be detected immediately. Then the hunt would be on. Konan and her paper arts would be able to track them down before they realized they were a target. And then either she or Pain, perhaps both, would set themselves upon the intruder. Pain alone was somehow enough to take down the legendary, and legendarily paranoid Salamander Hanzo. A man that terrorized the five shinobi powers and bestowed prestige upon Mifune, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru, just to name the most famous.

Hina is following the secretive meeting faithfully. Both Erikas along with Ino are keeping dry. And I am simply keeping watch.

"Reporting in," Hina says. "I have confirmed that Obito has left the area and has not returned. Konan and Pain seem to be preparing to part ways. Repositioning and continuing surveillance."

"This is Ino via Erika. Confirming that Obito has left and has yet to return. Going to hand things back back to her and continue sub-surveillance. No changes to current situation, we plan on heading to the village's lower levels to gather more intelligence."

"I read," I say to them. "Very good work. This was an unusual event due to Pain being inside of the village...pardon me. All of you, continue to keep an eye on both Pain and Konan. I suspect we are not entirely done with them yet. Hinata, is there anything immediate to this effect that you could pick up from the earlier gathering?"

"Yes, ma'am. They spoke of meeting in an outside location, but did not specify any sort of time or place even with their security measures in place. It seems to be a mystery for the remaining parties involved...you're correct, they seem to be adjusting their plans to head out now instead of later."

"That explains the rain. They were getting ready to leave, so Pain could continue his monitoring from afar. Follow their movement, but we will not pursue. I want this shift cut down to six hours for everyone. Ino, you and Erika need to start more fires quietly. Hinata, when you're finished I will need you to closely examine A22, G25, and E5 on the grid as outlined. Refer to our table and note any changes, no matter how minuscule."

"Ma'am," I hear in unison.

"Break for lunch once Pain and Konan exceed our tracking. Take an hour, rest your eyes and bodies a bit. I'll be with the crew here gathering more information. They're talkative, and they can't get enough of my impressive features. Everything's fine."

"Of course it would be. Have fun, boss," Ino says. "Ino and Erika, out."

"Remember to behave yourself, Colonel," Hina says. "At the least, try your best. Hinata, out."

"I read, ladies. Out."

I learn a bit more over lunch with the crew, and subsequent conversations during their work. The barge docks to do some unloading, and I bid everyone farewell after giving the captain his remaining payment. A slow walk back to base, and by then everyone is finishing their shift. Erika dispels her clone, and Hina makes her way across the water.

"Hey, girls."

Ino pokes her head through the opening of our home to greet us. She cancelled her technique about a half hour earlier. Erika said she had something to take care of, and I can sense her nearby.

"Some treats for a hard day of work. Obtained legally this time," she says while dropping in. "I imagine dinner will be in a while."

"Sure will be. Ooh, dibs on the chips. This flavour's one I had before," Ino says. "And some drinks, nice."

"I will have the biscuits here," Hina says. "Thank you kindly."

"Some sweets will do for me. I was nourished well enough during my tour," I say while grabbing them.

"Did you have those boys drooling over you?" Ino asks.

"Did I ever. Darling little puppies, as men always are. I didn't break their hearts too badly, of course. I can behave, see?"

"Small mercies," Hina mutters.

"Hush, now. Let's settle in and you three can drop that very spicy intel you gathered for me today. I wasn't doing much but chatting and watching the rain fall, which gave us some interesting insights on its own."

"I got copies of everything in my head, which I'll get written down after my hand-offs to the rest of you. Maybe Hina can go first?" Ino suggests.

Hina finishes chewing on a biscuit. "Easily done. Obito appeared in the western part of the village, without warning as usual. I first attempted to get a visual of his face, but was unsuccessful because of his mask. I can't determine if he is using a barrier technique of some kind, or the mask is simply constructed with a material that can block doujutsu of all kinds. I suspect that it is the latter if he is dealing with this Pain person. That aside, I was able to figure out what he might have been saying, based on the responses of his counterparts. The veil that we saw yesterday within the tallest tower was not present today."

"So you were able to get everything," Erika says.

"Yes. I have a physical transcription for you to read here. It was what came to me, so..."

"Don't you go apologizing for a proper reflex," Ino says. "You did exactly the right thing, hon. Doesn't matter if you have me around or not."

"Thank you. I always mean to trust my teammates, especially all of you. To continue, the meeting was short and...terse, if I had to say. Routine with them. Nothing much to say, and few details given on either side. They spoke briefly regarding the state of Akatsuki. Neither party was too worried about the current situation, and spoke about the possibility of paying the Leaf a visit. From what I could make out, their ambassadors are likely to be Kaitaikojo and Ishako. Pain confirmed that they were nearly at their soft target for funding, and could move ahead to their next phase soon, whatever that could be. Obito, from what I could tell, had an interest in having Pain and Konan increase security in and around the village at some point in the near future, being wary of Lili. Pain made mention of starting a campaign specifically to neutralize that particular threat, and Obito seemed to agree. Konan suggested gathering more intelligence before making a final decision. A lot of these conversations were slow to happen. As said, there was not much in the way of talking, much less conversation in general. Konan was asking many questions about the state of operations, their contractors, so on and so forth. I could tell that she was not very happy with the answers that she was getting, and after Obito left, she made that known to Pain."

"I think you have another insight for us," I say.

"Something deeper, yes. It came up directly after Obito disappeared. There was talk of preparation of 'the weapon', and before that there was mention of the tailed beasts by Obito that caused a change in Pain's demeanour. Konan is a very professional sort of woman, very cool and collected. She didn't give away anything in any direction during the meeting, or after it."

"A weapon?" Ino asks. "So they're stealing the tailed beasts for some kind of freaky jutsu, eh."

"Yes. And...I don't think those plans align with what Obito has in store."

"You think they're betraying Obito?"

"I don't believe there is any betrayal on their part, not with any sort of intention," Erika says. "Obito is Madara's apprentice, the one who is convincing Pain and Akatsuki to move. That there is a disconnect does not mean that their plans are incompatible. Only their final goals."

"Obito and Pain are working together," I say. "But Pain's final goal is not Obito's, and vice versa. Whatever Pain has in store for the tailed beasts is not likely to come to pass. I think that he and Konan are somewhat aware, but I also think that they don't know how much time they have on the clock. It must be a lot less than they realize."

"So they've got plans to pay Leaf a visit and something to do with a super weapon...but not following them makes sense," Ino concludes. "Given what we know now, we're locked in. It'll be even harder to come back another time, and we don't want this Pain guy or Konan the paper lady to go halfsies on a present for Old Man Hokage. Trying to figure out their next move isn't a priority."

"We know what we need to know, thanks to Hina's hard work. Erika can send a message off through our relay for Leaf, and they can prepare as best they can for an imminent invasion. Ino is entirely correct, the least we can do now is uncover the secret that this Pain is hiding, so that we can properly crush him. He is not the entirety of Akatsuki, but he is the de facto leader and its strongest entity. Crippling them is an opportunity we cannot pass up. On that note...what did we find in terms of targets?"

"I have five in mind for now," Erika says as she hands me a note. I look it over and nod.

"Do you have transport?"

"Already arranged. I await your word, ma'am."


"If you would, ma'am."

I take out a roll of bills and she nods.

"More than enough."

"Good. Tomorrow, we'll execute. It's interrogation day. We'll mine the capture targets for info, then dump or burn them as conditions allow. Different locations for each op, clear of here. We don't know what these ones might do...if they're smart, they'll be ready to go out fighting. If not..." I shrug. "It's work. Can't treat it any more or less than that," I say. "Any concerns regarding this phase?"

"No, ma'am," they say in unison.

"Alright." Erika hands me the transcript, and I take the time to look at a few more details. The physical description of Pain...hm. Something about it. Orange...and red. The boys that Tsunade and I talked about a long time ago. Konan, and the group leader with orange hair. So the red-head probably did pass on, like she said. "Hina, did you notice anything about them while observing the meeting? Physically, I mean."

"Obito had his strange components, Konan seemed normal enough, ability to change into paper aside. Pain, or at least this Pain, matched enough of the description given to us. His eyes are a...sort of pale purple, I would describe it as, with concentric rings going outward from the small dot in the centre. Orange hair, quite spiky. I immediately was reminded of Naruto, in an uncanny way. Almost like...an echo."

"Like something resonating through time itself," I say.

"Yes. Just like that."

"It makes sense, considering some of what I know..."

"And the strangest thing. Piercings, all over the body. Six small ones along each ear, with one long piece going through the inside part of each ear itself. Three going through the upper nose. Two spikes beneath the upper lip. And countless small rods beneath the cloak itself. There was also a purple ring on the right thumb with the marking for zero, complete with red nail polish."

"Hey, you have to show out as the boss, right?" Ino quips. "That's more piercings than I think most people would load up on...through the nose, seriously? Maybe that's why he calls himself Pain, because you gotta enjoy it a lot to go that far."

"Here is where it gets even more curious. The piercings...they are made of the same material as the veil that was blocking our sight yesterday," Hina says.

"Pain...pierced himself with the blocking material. But what for, exactly?" I ask. "It's not helping him avoid detection, it's not cloaking him...as much as I would be happy to leave it at extreme masochism, there has to be more. Feels like it's right in front of us."

"We have only just received this information and started to disseminate it," Erika says. "I believe that absorbing more observations, along with a wash and meal, will give us the boost we need to complete our analysis. This is if Colonel Kobayashi agrees, of course."

"Hard to disagree with that logic," I say. "We'll finish snacking and go over our notes, do some exchanges, and then clean up before dinner. We have plenty of time and space to get this right, and I appreciate being reminded of that fact."

Hina, Erika, and I go over our notes and recollections separately. Ino listens to the radio for a bit, checking in with her more entertaining police pairings and providing some commentary for our amusement. We head out as a group afterwards, and keep watch while washing in one of the semi-distant rivers scoped out earlier. Dinner time arrives before we know it. Today's dining experience is spiced meatloaf and mashed potatoes. A side of apple pie is packed in. Again, above expectations for portable military meals. Good omen.

Ino has us sit in a circle together after dessert, and she passes off the memories that she gathered during the day with both Hina and Erika. Everyone is now filled in, and has the opportunity to put some of these puzzle pieces together for themselves.

"Same order as before, loves. You get your rest, and I'll meet you again with breakfast ready."

"Got it. Night, Lili."

"Good night, Lili."

"Have a good rest, Colonel. I will wake you at the promised hour."

"Thank you. Good night, everyone."


I end up making a clone during my watch, so that I can put my full focus on the information I received earlier.

We have more details on the village, new routes, hiding places, points of interest. Some faces to keep track of. The meeting with Pain, Konan, and Obito...filtering those sensations from Ino and Hina through my own, so that I can try to figure out something that might not have been obvious to them before. But it feels like...this is all there is. The tower height, the changing chakra signature of the other person who wasn't there, the many piercings...everything. Trying to put it all together.

The Nagato that was mentioned before. Same as in Hina's notes...he's the one with the orange hair. The group leader. That means the one with red hair has surely passed on by now. Pale skin and a hardened sort of personality. That is all likely from the many years they've spent fighting and struggling. It wouldn't be a surprise. Konan calls him by name when they've ensured privacy. She worries about his health and the distance. Does his constitution prevent repeated long journeys? Still not out of the ordinary for powerful shinobi. According to the Byakugan and Ino's sensing, this Nagato seems fine enough. Having so many piercings, all made of chakra blocking material truly is strange, though.


This is irritating. I know that I'm missing something, but I can't figure out what it could possibly be.

I sigh and dispel my clone, then go back to keeping watch. No sense in making myself upset so early in the morning. We just need to gather more pieces to this puzzle.


We head out after breakfast. Rain continues to fall over the village.

Erika and I make two clones each. Our real selves will head into the village. Hina will be observing. Ino is going to be escorted from point to in a boat, procured for a small fee and on the brink of collapse. We won't need it for long. One of my clones to guard her, the other infiltrating with me. Erika and her two copies will be heading in as well.

Five targets, all expendable.

This is my first time here in person, but I've been here a few dozen times already in the memories of my comrades. Straight to the marked locations, no stops. Through the tunnels and beneath crossings to dodge the falling rain. Plastic, cardboard, metal. Anything that keeps the moisture away from our flesh will do. Cloaks are probably not thick enough to stop the sensing and it's not smart to risk it. Konan, or maybe just part of her, is in the village while Pain is away.

My target is traversing a middle layer, on his way to get coffee as part of his routine. Chuunin, about mid twenties. I pull him into a nearby alley and bind him with a few of my friends. One has a paralyzing venom which takes immediate effect, meaning he won't be able to alert anyone else.

"Second target secured. Heading towards lower docks," I say.

"Got it, boss. Heading to point B now," Ino replies through my earpiece. "All green."

I rush back the way I came, heading towards the docks on the lower level and the meeting point. Ino and my clone come into view just as I arrive. I hop onto the boat and it creaks loudly as we sail off.

"How the hell was anyone still using this thing?" she asks.

"Sometimes it's do or die in these parts. This? It's doing," my clone says.

"You know what? Fair enough. Okay, buddy here is frozen stiff...going in for a bit."

"Need me to follow?" I ask.

"Nope, all good. Just gimme a jolt if a trap goes off, somehow. Rika has a good nose for these things. But you knew that already, of course."

"Of course. Be safe, either way."

"Always. Okay, starting dive."

"Standing by."

Ino puts her hand to the shinobi's head and closes her eyes. I can feel her chakra moving as she rifles through his mind, gathering information over the course of a few minutes. The other day, Inoichi was talking up how much she had improved over the past few years, and from what I've seen, he wasn't exaggerating one bit. He was excited at the prospect of her surpassing him in the near future. Maybe that day is closer than any of us thought.

"Dive complete."

"Ready." I place my left hand around the subject's neck. "Sorry. Time to go."

A snake emerges from my sleeve and bites into his flesh. That poison should shut him down in a few minutes, and he'll be dead by the time he's dumped off. The most humane way we could go about it, because cruelty for the sake of it is far beneath us. Even drowning is too much, I think. Ino heals up the punctures quickly and confirms he's on his way out.

"Couple of places close by you can sink him while dodging the rain," I say to my clone. "Sign off once you're done, we'll be okay."

"Copy that. Until we meet again." My clone hoists the body over her shoulder and takes off back towards the village.

"Attention. Fourth target secured. Heading for rendezvous point at lower docks," Erika's voice calls out. This is one of the clones she sent.

"We read," Ino says. "Heading to rendezvous point D. Second target has been downloaded and neutralized. Disposal in progress."

"Copy. Three minutes to arrival."

So it goes. Ino scans each target in turn as they arrive, and I poison them so that their deaths are quiet and peaceful. The last one goes down with the boat, as Erika widens an earlier leak and sends it down a quiet waterway to disappear.

"How are we doing, Hina?" I ask as we take shelter beneath a bridge.

"Konan has been patrolling at a normal pace, ma'am. It doesn't seem that she has been alerted to any of today's activities."

"Better than we thought. We can have a bit of chaos for tomorrow, that might very well be passed off as work by what remains of Hanzo's faction."

"Also...something I wanted to bring up, ma'am. You mentioned yesterday to go over every detail, and so I was thinking while on duty...this could be nothing, but during my observations yesterday, Pain seemed just a little too...steady."

"You mean more than just having ice in his veins from leading a group of S-Class criminals," Ino says.

"A little more than that, yes. When I observed Konan, I noticed that she would have small, notable flares of emotion that were suppressed immediately. I would dare to say that her poise is nearly as good as Erika's."

"From what I have been shown, I cannot disagree," Erika says.

"Hina...you're saying that this Pain doesn't even have those," I conclude.

"The way his chakra flows, his movements, his expressions...there is barely a wave or waver in any of the things he does. It feels like he's playing a role, but...at the same time, being truly authentic. Perhaps that doesn't quite make sense."

"Like a projection, maybe?"

"Yes, that sounds closer to it. I think that sounds much better as an explanation. Someone or something projected onto another person. Carrying on in someone else's stead."

"Maybe this Nagato person is trying to honour the memory of his fallen comrade. As if it's something that keeps him going...could be. There's a lot we could possibly speculate on," I say. "More questions...then again, we've ruled out genjutsu already. If it's something esoteric and beyond us, nothing has really been lost in terms of time and resources. The end goal would be the same as ever. But I'm very certain that someone with the Rinnegan wouldn't fall to genjutsu, or any sort of Sharingan bullying so easily."

"The eye of myth and legend, that of this shinobi world's creator. Confirmed to be real, and within reach," Erika says. "Whatever powers it holds, we must tread lightly until the final hour."

"Yeah. Say that twice," Ino replies.

"I will procure us a fresh meal. We will need our energy to pick apart this bounty of information that Ino has gathered for us."

"Don't skimp on the candy, babe. I can risk getting a little thick around the middle for the extra juice that I'll need today."

"Read and received. Any other requests?"

"Do they have any fortified milk available?" Hina asks.

"They do indeed. I will pick up a few bottles for our resident enthusiasts." She nods before heading off.

Ino and I exchange nods afterwards. "Hina, head back to base. Keep an eye on Konan while you do."

"Understood, ma'am."

"The sheriff has yet to return to his post," I say to Ino as we leave. "Either the meeting was serious, or seriously far away. We can worry about it later...let's keep dry."

"You got it, boss lady. Lead on."


"You're thinking something."

I look up from my dinner at Hina. Erika and Ino give me their attention in turn.

"I'm thinking a lot of things. Trying to come to a decision."

"Are we ready to move in, then?" Ino asks.

"The opposite, actually." I nod and break my rice up with my chopsticks. "Yes, that will do. We're taking the day tomorrow. Washing, maintenance, resting. No work. We can keep an eye on the village throughout the day, but no operations. The next working day will be Saturday. I can have Anko pick up our reports once we've finished scribing them, and we'll have Erika do one of her lively jaunts through the village. Radio monitoring, area scans, so on and so forth. All the preparations we will need for Sunday."

"The last day. That is when we will strike," Erika says.

"Yes, indeed. So until then...keep yourselves in good health, and stay ready. We will have plenty of time to do whatever it is we need to do. No need to rush or compromise anything."

"Leave it to us, Lili. We'll be the best set of backup dancers you could ask for," Ino says. "And there's nothing bitter about it. You're our superstar."

Hina and Erika nod in agreement. I really couldn't ask for better support, could I.

One way or another, this is coming to an end. In just a few days...I'll be face to face with the Rinnegan itself.

And I'll find a way to walk back to these girls, victorious.
I just really don't get how she isn't out for vengeance. Fucker is an dishonourable freak that tried to murder her. Why would she just take it?
Persona non Grata
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 98
"Persona non Grata"
[Ultima Ratio: Feature]

Yesterday was as uneventful as we wanted it to be. Nothing but the most relaxing and fruitless things: sleeping in, junk food, gossip, and lightly annoying each other. We didn't get any work done and went to bed like it was a school night.

Today is the penultimate day of our mission, and it has been fairly quiet. Obito has yet to return, and Konan is not putting any particular effort into finding out what happened to the five we kidnapped two days ago. She hasn't been seen with Pain, or Nagato, for the past day and a half. He also hasn't appeared much at all. The large chakra that kept switching frequencies appeared briefly this morning, but then disappeared again. I have to wonder how they factor into this, if at all.

"Still sleepy over in these parts, boss."

I stand at one of the piers on the lake's edge. Everyone is by themselves for today's observations. Erika has 'gone ghost' as Ino likes to say. She will reappear at her own discretion, as I can only get what I think are brief flickers of her presence as she moves through the village. And if I can't pin her location down, nobody in there should be able to. Hina is on the shore, using her impressive vision to scan the village as she has been for the past few days. She has been picking out areas of interest and noting them for the rest of us. Ino is monitoring the village communications as she did before. From what she's saying now, there isn't much more in the way of activity compared to before.

"Thank you, Ino. Anything on our transmission security?"

"If they've got anything on us, they're playing it real cool. Otherwise, I haven't seen anything and I'm not hearing anything now. These guys are efficient at clearing out intruders, but they do have intruders to clear out efficiently."

"Understood. Keep at it."

"Yes, ma'am."

We've been putting together the information we gathered from our five targets. Ino compiled them in her head before walking us through our bounty together this morning. Our targets were chosen with the hopes that they would give us information that was more than pedestrian, and for the most part, they delivered. An understanding of the intruder response, coordinated by Pain and Konan together. Real-time observation of her moving about the streets as thousands, maybe even millions, of small paper constructs. Direct proof that the war against Hanzo's elements is still being prosecuted, and the deception of the other nations concerning the civil war. Information, both real and falsified. We find out about Pain's grip on just about every aspect of society, and how he allows and blocks whatever he needs to depending on the day. The people are accepting of this, even through their doubts which are almost never openly expressed. They welcome the constant, invasive surveillance because it is better than what was before.

Then there's a very curious thing.

Erika suspected that one of these people was a specialist of some type in the medical profession, and she was correct. This person worked for one of the hospitals, and took requests directly from the so called angel to locate and prepare specific bodies, which would then be moved to a secretive, if not secret facility. That is to say, Pain's Tower. It has long been revered as a place of the dead, whether it's to honour their memories or to inter their bones. And as the place where Pain resides. Many rumours live and exist simultaneously. This prepared corpse was that of a woman, who was taken away once everything was checked and confirmed. Now the only questions are what for, and why. Corpses in the tallest tower, which is often veiled by a strange material that blocks chakra signals. To what end are they brought there, ushered in under extreme secrecy by Konan herself?

"Pain and Konan are together again," Hina says over the radio. "They are speaking on upcoming events...I can read it for you all easily enough."

"Go ahead," I say.

"Copy that, all ears," Ino says.

"They are speaking about...an upcoming mission. A long trip away from the village, though hopefully not too long. Madara...Obito, rather. He wants to ensure continued progress and seeks a way to break the cage forming around the organization by the recent alliance of the five major powers. Heading out to...Water Country. Discussing the possibility of preemptive strikes against the Hidden Mist...would send Kisame out, but he is needed for other tasks."

"They're going after the Three-Tails," I say.

"That's exactly it."

"And that's a huge problem, I'm guessing," Ino says.

"They're trying, but Mei Terumi and her band still haven't gotten themselves together enough to fight this kind of battle properly. Not to mention the resources they would need in case things go south," I reply. "I can't imagine the Rinnegan is easy to take down...these idiots went from bad to worse. That means there is no way we let them leave town right now. At the least, we force them to lick their wounds and ruin their schedules."

"They've finished speaking," Hina says to us. "I'll transcribe the rest for later, but those were the biggest takeaways."

"Hopefully Erika is scouting some good fight spots, because tomorrow is when we rumble, so to speak. Confident as I am...this is still the Rinnegan, and this Pain, or Nagato, or whatever the hell he calls himself-"

"Someone that far up his own ass probably calls himself Daddy at night. Or has his paper lady do it for him," Ino quips. "He's probably nailing her."

I roll my eyes. "Thank you for your insights, Captain Yamanaka."

"You know me, boss. Always on top of it."

"Indeed. As I was saying, someone who can use their fancy eyes to wrangle tailed beasts is more than likely a force to be reckoned with. We don't have much on them, but it has to be enough."

"And Rika will be around in case they decide to tag up. You're right, I think we've done all of the investigating we could without getting real close and poking through their dinner, or something like that. I haven't been able to scoop up anything regarding our mysteriously over-juiced stranger that we saw pop up a few times. Can't be unrelated, though. On that note...the cops and shinobi tend to stay a good distance away whenever any fighting involving Pain or Konan comes up."

"That sounds fair enough. So I won't have to worry about anyone hanging out on the sidelines, looking to be a menace. Good news."

"Of course, we have a couple of big time hoaxes and diversions in place just in case anyone gets bored and decides they want to be saucy on the big day."

"Of course you do. Lovely work, Captain Yamanaka."

"I do aim to please, boss."

"Let's keep at this until Erika gets back. She's supposed to be bringing goodies for me to cook...very spoiled of us, but we need a properly made meal and not something broiled or boiled in its own packaging. Even if it's not a terrible experience, for once."

"Ooh, are you on cooking duty?" Ino asks.

"That I am. I sense that you're looking forward to this upcoming meal, and the one to come later."

"Did she make it too obvious?" Hina chimes in. "That said, I am looking forward to your cooking myself. In times like these, it's difficult to avoid stroking your ego."

"One of the things I adore about you is your ability to compliment me in such unique ways, Hina."

"Then I am glad I could make your day."

"I'm gonna go back to work, so you two don't have to mind me. Carry on with your flirting as always. Ino, out."

"I'll be standing by, then. We can continue our so called flirting in person later, as the Colonel likes."

"Read you both," I say. "I'll be on a walk, listening to the news. Channel's open as always."




The sun has just disappeared below the horizon. Evening has become night as we walk further onto land.

Tonight's dinner will need to be cooked in the great outdoors, so having it far away from our operating base is for the best. We find a lonely place near one of the many streams in sight, and start to dig the cooking pit that will help us keep a low profile. Soon after, I get to work.

"The local conditions for most of the year make it difficult to provide the food needed for such a large village," Erika explains. "So a good deal of it is imported. Supplies are limited, and tightly controlled. This is mainly for security reasons, but those in the village seem not to have suffered as a result of this. Visibly, at least."

"There are also no signs of mass pollution," Hina says. "Disposal of waste and related things must be done securely as well...there are a great deal of water treatment plants, and multiple stages of same to ensure cleanliness. And to erase as much human presence as possible, so that no person or location can be readily traced."

"That lake is pretty deep, too," Ino says. "So you could get rid of things pretty easily by sinking them. I think there are a few passages that lead out to the sea, but the water pressure in this spot alone is probably overwhelming once you go far enough."

"You said that this body of water was shaped by human hands, Hinata?" Erika asks.

"In part, at least. With all of the rain coming down, the lake would have formed naturally over a number of years. However, with the sort of industrialization that took place, and the understanding that the current leader possesses a legendary power, I would say from taking another look that the characteristics of this lake and the surrounding area were modified extensively. By the use of jutsu, machines, or likely both things at once."

"I still can't believe that the Rinnegan is for real," Ino says. "When I was really small, I remember the clan elders talking about it sometimes. Then we glossed over it at school a few times, because it was more or less a myth to everyone. Some guy creating the shinobi world itself and then disappearing, with the power he used never showing up again. Not even once. There's the Sharingan, and the Byakugan, but those have their limits. Mostly."

"It must bring up questions in your mind," Hina replies. "I have too many to count."

"Yeah, it does. The most obvious one being, what is someone with all that power doing with it? Terrorizing the world, capturing the most powerful beings in it for some unknown purpose...if you somehow inherited the power to, like, create everything...I dunno. I keep thinking about it, and then I have questions for my own questions."

"What do you mean?"

Ino shrugs. "Thinking about circumstances, you know? How two people can grow up in the same home, but have completely different experiences and existences. If that can happen, then what about someone who lived in a village, or a country, that was constantly off balance? What do you say to someone who has ultimate power, and uses it in a way that doesn't make sense to you, but makes perfect sense to them?"

"I was thinking of that part of it myself...it's something I can understand, at least a little bit."

"This Pain could also be a victim himself," Erika says. "And what would we say about proper choices to someone like that, if we were able to? Much like Grass Country was used as a battleground by the larger, wealthier countries that surrounded it, this nation was the same. But with Hanzo's withdrawal and the increasingly isolationist stance of its hidden village, the final outcome was much worse. The grass and soil in one nation preserved memories of past struggle. And in another...all of it was washed away with the rain."

"..." There is a cruel irony to it all, when put into those words.

"However, these questions are merely for us to ponder, and not answer. That task is left to the chosen ones."

I turn my head to meet Erika's gaze.

"When you look into the many ripples of the eyes of creation...you, daughter of heaven, will grasp the answers that no other could reach. The understanding of both divinity and pain is something that belongs to a sacred few."

"You worry, but no longer mean to interfere as you did before."


"Then there is no need to ask for forgiveness. Thank you for that, Erika."

"I am forever at your side, ma'am."

"That's good. It means you'll be much easier to wrangle in the future. I've finished my cooking, only the plating left to do. You can all wash up in the meantime."

It's not as difficult to get your hands on anything you want once you get past the village's security. In addition to the legitimate markets, the underground is doing well for itself. There's no way that the upper ranks of the village don't know this, as these hidden economies and their major players are a good vector into the underworld no matter where you are. However, underground trading and rare wares are as far as it goes in the Hidden Rain. The criminal elements are either dead or relocated. All that's left are agents who don't know the real affiliation of the other, aside from the fact that there aren't any factions against Pain or for Hanzo any longer. As long as they can evade the police on occasion, their lives are happy ones.

The village is stable and structured as it is now. Perhaps a sudden change will bring it all tumbling down, ruining the lives of many people who don't have anywhere else to go. Tomorrow, I might destroy the last safe haven for those who had suffered and lost so much already. The indifference of the shinobi powers, the civil war, the takeover by Pain...

But then, I know my answer to the questions that will be asked. I'm all too happy to play the villain, or become a monster in these people's eyes. All that is needed is the chance to deliver my justice, and save the world from falling into an eternal darkness that it could not escape on its own. I won't simply crush this next opponent in body, but in spirit as well.

It's the one and only way to move forward.


Dawn on Sunday morning. The rain has started to fall.

Pain stands at the top of the highest tower, hands stretched over the village. Konan is at his side, majestic wings spread.

A few hours earlier, Erika went out to do one last surveillance run before I entered the village itself. Ino is listening to the radios, while Hina observes the movement of people carefully. As far as everyone in the Hidden Rain knows, this is just another rainy Sunday. We are going to change that very soon.

"Your vitals are okay," Hina says, doing a final medical check inside of our base. "I don't see anything preventing you from fighting at your best. Be careful, as always."

"Thank you, Hina."

"Are we ready to go?" Ino asks. She sets down her headphones and stands to meet me and Hina.

"We are definitely ready," I say.

"Okay. Like Hina said, be safe. For now, this is all you."

"Yes. If anything does happen...be sure to bring me home, by any means."

"Yes, ma'am."

"But I expect that I'll come back to you all under my own power. Losing is always an afterthought for me," I say with a smile. "Be sure to enjoy the show, ladies."

"We will do our best, ma'am. Permission to send you off properly?"

"Granted, as always. Come."

I give them both a hug and a gentle kiss on the lips. Their eyes are filled with hope, as I wanted. I'm really not going to lose to this psychopath, no matter what tricks they might have waiting. I've been training for moments like this, and moments far beyond.

I'm more than ready. It's time to finish this.

"Captain Hyuuga, Captain Yamanaka. To your posts as soon as I depart. Be ready to leave base once the fighting starts in earnest."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Yes, ma'am."

They both stand at attention and salute. I salute back, and we turn from each other before I jump through the entrance of our base.

"Major Kotowari, situation report."

"No changes since morning. Target area clear, targets still in place on the tower. No sign of the unidentified chakra as of yet, ma'am."

"Understood. I'll introduce myself properly upon reaching the target area."

"Yes, ma'am. Continuing surveillance. Be safe."

I leave base, pull on my cloak, and start my jog across the lake. There are some looks from the handful of boats that I pass by, but nothing is said and nobody gives chase.

"The cloak should give you enough cover until you reach your destination, ma'am."

"Understood. Thank you," I say to Erika. "Stand by for final phase."

"Standing by."

The people move through the wet paths, cloaks and umbrellas shielding them from the driving rain. What would be a mighty downpour in most places registers no shock or excitement here. Streets and walkways avoid being flooded thanks to the extensive systems of pipes, drains and grates that appear everywhere. The rush of water is constant, only overtaken by the rain that falls to supply it.

Buildings are the same. Outfitted with piping and basins that collect and guide water down towards the ground. Windows glisten with thick sheets of moisture running downwards, sparkling cascades against the inky darkness of steel and concrete. The clouds are a consistent darkness that seems alien to those who routinely see them gather before a storm, but would draw no scrutiny from those so used to the rain, if they were even inclined to look upwards in the course of their day.

The roads open up and I reach a lonely area, surrounded on four sides by the outer walls of skyscrapers that are decorated with twisting, branching, multicoloured pipes. Water laps at my toes as the drains and basins try to swallow up everything that comes from above.

"This is it. I've arrived at the target area, starting routines shortly. Radio silence after this. If they want to figure out that I have a team, they won't get any help from me. Keep watch and hold your positions after migration unless we have an emergency. Passing command to you from here on, Major."

"Yes, ma'am. Please do what you can. We will be waiting for you here," Erika says.

"We're here and ready," Ino says. "Moving out. Come back soon, ma'am."

"As always, take care. I'll keep an eye on you," Hina says. "And I will be awaiting your safe return."

"Thank you, ladies. Colonel Kobayashi, out."

I switch off my earpiece and place it into my pouch. Deep breaths in and out. A few moments of stillness in preparation.

"Let's do this."

I throw off my cloak and focus my chakra, compressing it as tightly as I can. And then, I let loose.

The sphere of force cracks the concrete beneath my feet, and is enough to push away the falling rain for a few moments. Everything seems to be continuing on as it always does...and here's the shift I was waiting for. The storm is slowing. I look up to see the clouds thinning and dispersing, the rain coming to a stop and sunlight shining down on the village. Konan's presence shrinks for reasons that I can already guess. One of the fortunate things about having so many structures around is that I can use them as conduits for some of my tracking abilities. It means that I can feel her moving towards me, for an attack that would normally be inescapable.

"There it is."

From all sides and above, a swarm of flying paper arrows. Death by a thousand cuts might be a viable strategy in this case. They're not all that fast, so I can wait for a little bit longer. Every route sealed, no good gaps. Experienced and aware. It's no wonder she was chosen as his right hand.

"Mobius, Type Six...Umbrella of Artemis."

The spherical burst of lightning chakra is enough to reject those thousands of paper arrows, tearing up and scorching more than a few in the process. I ready another burst just in case, but it seems that it won't be needed. The sheets float freely in the air before gathering towards a single point, forming a body with giant paper wings. First the black cloak with red clouds, then the blue hair and the origami flower...and finally, the stoic face that I've seen in far off images and memories alone before this moment.

"It seems that your famous performance was not simply a matter of good fortune. You are an intriguing individual, Lilith Kobayashi."

It never fails somehow. A beautiful, mature woman. Everything I could want...and yet again, she's here to kill me. Unbelievably bothersome. And since I'm like this, well...we know what has to come next.

"I'm compelled to tell you how absolutely ravishing you look in person," I say. "A terrible shame that we have to stand on opposite sides like this, and that one of us will be leaving this world in a short time."

"Compelled?" she asks.

"Yes. I've always had a thing for older women."

"I see. And your words are sincere...Ishako Shigisei's colourful reports were correct in the end. Another interesting thing. It means that you've been planning extensively behind the scenes to destroy us. Erasing you is the correct thing to do in this circumstance. However...as you were compelled to express your desire for me, I am compelled to ask something of you, before the hour of judgment arrives."

"Oh? And what might that be?"

"You have drawn the interest of our executive backers, and that of God himself. Your movement through the world, the ways that you are both revered and feared...the actions you have taken, and the reports that we hear of you. Perhaps it might be foolishness in the end, but I only think it fair to ask. You should consider leaving your world behind, and joining ours. Place your strength in the hands of those who can truly comprehend and appreciate it. Change this age for the better, along with us. You would be able to serve God in grace and distinction alongside me. And as you desire, enjoy my presence to your heart's content."

"My, my. That's quite an offer to make, especially after the trouble that I've caused you recently. A chance to change this world, and enjoy its most beautiful flowers along the way. Alas...it's unfortunate for you, Konan."

"How so..."

"I have plenty of other ways to get my fix," I say, licking my lips. "And while separating a pretty head from her luscious body is something I dislike doing...it's not something that I'm unwilling to do, especially if it means achieving my goals. As I told your dear friend Deidara, I am going to decline your offer membership for your little club, tempting as it surely is. I came here to see your boss...God, as you like to call him? And give him a slight attitude adjustment before continuing on my way."

"Unfortunate. What you seek is nothing but folly. Your might is known and respected, but it is nothing compared to God's power. He controls the movement of the sky itself, as you must have seen and experienced. Whatever chance you think you stand against him, you should revise it downwards, and reconsider our generous offer to you. Lilith Kobayashi, you stand no chance against us. Not by yourself, nor with this world's most powerful shinobi at your side. All are nothing compared to Pain."

"And yet you saw fit to surprise me as soon as I made my presence known to you and your so-called god." I tilt my head. "Which is it? Am I not a threat, or am I enough of one that you wanted to see me dead before I could confront him?"

"Your choices are thus: join our righteous cause, or die. You will not be allowed to leave as long as you choose to oppose us."

I shrug. "That's just fine. I wasn't planning on leaving, anyways. Not without your heads in hand."

Another figure drops onto a set of overhanging pipes, next to Konan as she floats in the air. The edges of their Akatsuki cloak flap in the breeze.

"Your confidence belies your size, Scarlet Viper. So this is the brilliant star...of the current shinobi world."

It seems that Erika's hypothesis has been borne out...this Pain isn't the same as the one we observed in the tower before, or the one that was controlling the rain a few minutes earlier. This must be the hunter form. But the body is different, in every way. Those piercings are now in an unfamiliar arrangement. The body type, taking on a thinner and less muscular form...that isn't the same, either...but the Rinnegan, those are in place like with the last body. The orange hair is now bound into a long ponytail, and there's the headband with a line scored across the village symbol, same as with most of the other Akatsuki.

"So you're the one they call a god here," I say to him. "Pain...it really is a petulant sort of name for someone, as I've said to others before. What does someone like you mean by that, especially while possessing the eyes of the Sage?"

"You recognize the Rinnegan," he says. "A student of history...no, more than that. I can see in your eyes that you are also one of the enlightened. You do not agree with the current order of the world."

"And what if I don't? Do you think it makes me like you?"

"Not yet. Though you rise above the feeble minds of this world, you have not yet reached godhood."

"..." I restrain myself. It's not the right time...not until I hear what he truly has to say.

"The only way to ascend is to grow up. To learn," Pain says. "And pain...that is the most effective teacher of them all."

"You had a proper master a long time ago. I know him well enough, unfortunately. This isn't what he taught to you, or hoped that you would have take root in your memories."

"Oh? What would you know about my old master, serpent woman?"

"I know him as a hopeless dreamer, who believes that the world could be led to peace through cooperation and understanding."

"And you think him a fool."

"I think him a perpetually young man who has never truly grown up. A fool, yes, yet earnest and with a kind heart. His belief is sincere, and something that he works with all his might towards seeing come to pass. But it's something that only this blessed daughter could call foolishness. Not you. I believe that you've lost the right long ago."

"Jiraiya," Konan says. "He has not changed since the last time we met, it seems. I knew that he was searching for me, perhaps to convince me that my path was incorrect. I could not shed tears at his demise, but he is still someone that I think fondly of. It is unfortunate that he could never truly understand our pain. That he could never truly understand us."

"Was there not one more with you?" I ask. "Nagato, followed by Konan...and another that I know nothing of."

"You have been observing us for some time, then. If you had spoken to Jiraiya, then you would have had a definitive answer before reaching this place. There was another fellow, yes...his name was Yahiko. And he has been dead for a long time."

"I see..."

"It was Yahiko who ignited the spark of revolution. The true creator of Akatsuki...as God, I use this power to carry on his mission. To bring peace to the world."

So this Yahiko created Akatsuki? It means that this wasn't something that Obito or Madara brought into being on their own. This was...a takeover. But why? Was this part of the plan? Some sort of partnership? Or was the group just taken over from the inside? But this founding would have been some time before Obito's birth, and after Madara's public death. There is a lot going on.

This one, Pain...he likes to talk. I can provoke him some more. There won't be another real chance to uncover the truth, not after we start dancing. And this diversion will give me more to prepare myself. Does he see anything? I can't tell, not yet.

Konan has yet to make a move. Either she doesn't think she's strong enough to take me out, or she's standing by until Pain gives her an order. Doesn't matter. I have plenty to get ahead of her if she tries anything.

"You seek peace, yet you throw the world into chaos by stealing the tailed beasts and killing their hosts in the process," I say to Pain. His chakra system is different from the other one. So it's not a clone. Something is going on. What is it? "What is your desire with all of that power in your hands? Do you intend to destroy the governments in your path? The shinobi and their villages? Is there a station that you seek, or is this more esoteric than most would consider?"

"It seems you have much in the way of questions, Kobayashi. But your inquiries are proof that you operate on a level beyond the mortals in this world. It means that you might be able to comprehend my goals. As Konan said earlier, your two choices are to join us or perish. So there is no harm in revealing our mission to you in full."

"Not because you like hearing your own voice?" I ask.

"You should be grateful to Pain for granting you an audience, and the chance to be enlightened," Konan says. A tremor of anger has slipped into her monotone voice. "Even life beyond the mortal plane has use for wisdom gained in previous cycles."

"How eloquently put. Perhaps there truly is merit to what you have said, dear Konan. Fine. Just this once, I will allow my spirit to be enriched by the holder of the Rinnegan. Pain, was it? Tell me your true desire for this lost, tormented world of ours. And I say those words without satire...you and I can both see the state of everything around us."

"I see. A cosmopolitan and well tempered soul stands before us...then I will reveal to you the truth and intricacies of this shinobi world."

Pain makes his way towards the ground, Konan following. I take a few steps back to give them an even berth, measuring my distance quickly and rechecking every signature that I can sense around me. Konan has paper constructs ready and waiting, both in and out of sight. Pain is now close enough that I can feel the cutting and switching of his chakra signal, buzzing and waving in every direction. Where it might be coming from, who it might be coming from...impossible to tell. A corpse puppet isn't viable under those conditions. Not to mention the irregularities from those strange piercings.

Somewhere between seventy and eighty metres between us. Not far, but not too close. Especially for me. I move everything to the rear of my mind and prepare to focus on what Pain has to say. I really am curious as to what he means to do, and what his endgame is. World domination...that was what Itachi said once about Akatsuki's final goal. But I have a feeling that this Pain is seeking something else out of it all.

"Pain is necessary...for the growth of all living beings. The children of this world are born into it. Pain changes them. Shapes them. Affects how they act and think. Ultimately, who they are and who they will become. I have grown from pain of all kinds. Through life and loss, injury and torment...I stood at the nexus of pain for years on end. And do you know what that made me?"


"It made me into what you see here. A god."

I'm tempted to say that he has lost his mind. But...I have to admit that there is truth hidden in there. That encountering pain, and overcoming it...gives those born into humanity a different perspective. Something potentially world-changing as well.

"To become a god...allows you to dictate things as you see fit," I say to him. "Your thoughts, your theories, even your musings. They can go from simple mutterings to iron clad law, on a whim."

"Yes, it is so. Because I have an understanding that humans do not. Because I have evolved, and become a higher being. So many things that you must have seen here...those only became possible once I ascended to godhood. The things that evaded me so often as a human, they became clear to me once I became a god. Once I became Pain, and accepted my role as this world's saviour."

"Saviour...you mean by conquering this world and remaking it in your image?"

"Only to have my mighty works torn down again by spiteful, unenlightened humans? No...I could not be so foolish after all of these years. And I do not mean to erase civilization, or its progress. Humans are capable of great things when they are properly taught, properly motivated. No, I am going to do something even greater than that."

Pain stares at me.

"I am going to erase the current version of this world. I will stop the endless wars and conflicts that consume and define it. I will put a stop to needless suffering. I will use my power as God to bring this world to order."

"And as said before, you cause chaos and discord by hunting the tailed beasts. You risk destabilizing the world order. Those who sit upon their gilded thrones will not cease their business, even if what has been long called a mythical power presents itself to them."

"The tailed beasts will be used to create a forbidden technique."

My eyes widen. "What..."

"The ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Something that only the power of the Rinnegan could bring into being, and control all at once. A weapon with the power to annihilate an entire country in a single burst. Nothing can match it now. Nothing will match it in the future."

No...I can see the logic in it. The most powerful weapon, in the hands of Pain and Akatsuki. But...there's something missing. With that sort of control, does he mean to hold the world hostage?

"So, you would become the unassailable masters of the world with this weapon. Under your control-"

"No. Nothing so basic. Nothing so...human."


Pain raises his hands. "Conflict is inevitable. It is part of human nature. No matter what factions change or disappear, no matter the affiliations of nation, religion, colour, creed...humans will always fight. They will always go to war. Even as God, I cannot stop the march of this world's creation. Shinobi will always exist. Fighting will always exist. War will always exist. And how are these conflicts brought to an end, Kobayashi?"

"With force. Usually of the overwhelming kind," I answer.

"Yes. And my weapon will provide a means to do that."

"Provide..." It comes to me. I feel my blood cooling. "No. No, that's not it. You don't mean to..."

"The weapon will be provided to nations who can gather up the necessary payment to use it. In a single moment, they can end conflict by wiping out the enemy. The fear, the terror...it will be embedded into the hearts and souls of the survivors, should there be any left. And the surrounding nations will tremble in fear."

"Until..." I breathe in and steady myself. I'm not hearing this. I can't be hearing this from someone with the Sage's inheritance. "Until they forget about the devastation. Or are motivated by it to seek revenge," I say. "And when that happens, and when war starts again, the weapon will be purchased for use once more. And it will kill thousands upon thousands more. The effects beyond it...ruined land, economies dedicated to raising money for war machines. Or is your hope that they will turn away from that path, somehow?"

"It is. But humans are stubborn. You know it well, Kobayashi."

"End war? End conflict? It's only temporary. Just an endless cycle...of pain. To teach the world pain, to make it grow up. Like you did. And once humans experience enough pain and suffering, perhaps one day they will see things your way. If not, then...then peace will come and go in seasons."

"The death and destruction will serve a greater purpose," Pain says. "It will give light to those who desire a better world. By experiencing pain, the world will grow. It will mature. And it will realize that war is nothing but a waste of time. And I will be here to guide it from above, as God. For as long as it will take. This is the only way that humanity, that this world will learn anything."

"I...understand your plan. Your goals. I can see what you mean to do," I say.

"It seems so. You've listened to what I had to say. As a courtesy, I would like to hear what you have to say, Lilith Kobayashi. What do you see?"

"You're asking me..."

"I see it as a fair thing to do."

I fold my arms over my chest. There's no point in holding back my true feelings at this point. "Then it's a shame that I won't give you the courtesy that you think you've earned. God? Saviour? Take these moments before your demise to humble yourself, and learn your fucking place. You are pathetic. More than even I could have imagined."

"You will not speak to Pain-"

"Do not fucking condescend to me, you frigid, glorified housekeeper," I say to Konan. "You will be quiet when I speak."

"Konan. Be patient. This woman seems quite vexed," Pain says. "I would like to understand why that is. Why do you think I need to humble myself, Lilith Kobayashi?"

"Because you are nothing but a fraud. I know exactly what your problem is. You've given up. You are pathetic, weak, and cowardly. You know exactly what you are doing. You manipulate people for your own gain, while being manipulated yourself. You, who has inherited the power of the Sage, the one who first brought this world to order. This is the extent of your ability. The extent of your wisdom. That humans will forever be in conflict...an infant could deduce as much. And your solution is to give them the means to destroy themselves and each other in mere instants, instead of through bloody battles. Cowardice, plain and simple."

"And you have an alternative, then?"

"There it is. Your game." I shake my head. "You demand that others come up with solutions superior to yours. You look down on the so-called unenlightened, reasoning that if they haven't come up with something by now, they never will. It's as I said...you gave up a long time ago. The pain you find so enriching and inspiring, it broke you. Hollowed you out. And all you could do was cling to the dream of another, someone even more cowardly than you. You haven't fought for yourself. You haven't grown up at all. In fact, you're just as much of a child as Jiraiya is."

"Really...he who chases an unattainable dream of peace, and I who has stared into the abyss of reality. You say that we are the same?"

"Fucking spare me. You don't see reality either. All you've done is retreat into yourself, justifying atrocity after atrocity. You don't care about anyone but yourself. This plan of yours is the furthest thing from salvation. It's revenge for what you went through as a child. You lived in this place, where the tides of blood were washed away by the rain, like none of it ever happened. The great powers surrounding this nation used it as a battleground, as a means of settling their scores, without thinking about what happened to its people. All of that garbage about growth...you don't expect that, do you? A weapon that can erase countries in an instant, what kind of destruction do you think it will cause? What do you think people are, Pain? What do you think their families are? Their communities, their cultures? When nations are devastated to the last man, where do you think all of that goes? Into magical boxes, set to be unpacked for the next generation that comes along? Do you think that people can just rebuild while drowning in fear, not knowing where or when the next attack will come from? Do you think that the human nature you rely on won't just make people bitter and hurt and desperate for survival, instead of immediately becoming enlightened? Do you think that someone who grew up devastated by war is guaranteed to hate the taste of it, and not embrace violence and destruction of everyone and everything around them?"

He pauses to consider.

"Do you know the way to peace, Lilith Kobayashi?"

I stare at him, looking closer into the Rinnegan that have been so revered over thousands of years. Those eyes that helped bring so much into being.

In the Byakugan, I can see confidence and pride. In the Sharingan, emotion and determination. Light, and heart, and soul. Even if I disagree with the people who those eyes belong to.

In these eyes, I see nothing. I can only see them for the tools they are. That they always have been. It took more than the Rinnegan for Hagoromo Ootsutsuki to change existence. I always knew, and this is just confirmation.

I'm done talking to this fucking wretch.

"Since you've asked...yes. I know of a path. One that will be convenient for all of us. We might even walk it together, if you were open to it." I take a kunai and twirl it around my fingers. "And it involves a very simple process."

Pain and Konan look at each other a moment.

"And what might this process entail?" she asks.

I throw the kunai so that it lands just ahead of Pain.

"See that? All you have to do is pick that up. Take it in hand. Then draw it through your useless throat, and kill yourself."

He looks down at the kunai before looking back to me.

"It seems our discourse has come to an end. A shame...I would have liked to hear your plans for bringing peace to these lands. Konan, sweep the village for other intruders. The serpent is mine."

"Of course." She flaps her wings and takes off.

"It is unfortunate that I have to erase such a bright light from this world. But you have placed yourself into this position, Lilith Kobayashi."

"There's nowhere else I would rather be," I say to him. "Especially while trash like you continues to draw breath in this world."

"So be it. Summoning Jutsu."

Pain claps his hands, and in the next moment a summoning circle appears on the floor behind him. Out of the smoke comes a giant red crab, with massive pincers. Instant summoning...a power beyond most beings.

"I understand now why Jiraiya stayed behind to train you, and put his faith in you so long ago," I say to Pain. "You've inherited the eyes of the progenitor of all shinobi. And you had the potential to change this world forever. But you...are nothing compared to the true children of the divine. Here and now, I will show you the true strength of the heavens."

I call Murakumo to my hands.

"I will show you the true hand of God."
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Circulus Vitiosus New
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 99
"Circulus Vitiosus"
[Ultima Ratio: Feature 2]

Pain claps his hands again, summoning another creature to the field. I've already jumped away as the massive crab starts to launch an attack.

Quick assessments will be key. Time to get to it.

The crab starts to sweep a stream of bubbles towards me as I run. People have evacuated, some are sheltering in place. I can see the form of the new creature as it barks and snarls while rushing at me. A giant brown dog with two heads, and...what's happening here?

"This is certainly something...well. Too bad for you. Chew on something in your next life, mutt."

I line myself up so that the crab is blocked by the charging dog. Easy enough.

"Mobius: Double Barrel."

The burst rips through the dog's legs and the crab all at once. But I suppose it wouldn't be that easy with the Rinnegan in play, would it. The massive dog reels briefly before splitting into two separate dogs, continuing to rush me from either side. I wait until the last moment before squeezing through the gap as they attack, hearing their yelps as they hit each other before crashing into the building behind me. Pain isn't concerned one bit by the collateral damage. It must make sense in his mind...that, and he can just blame it all on me later. Another clap of his hands, and another creature takes to the field in order to attack. A grey rhinoceros, with what seem to be small black wings on its back. I can't be too concerned about what for as it charges me. I turn my head to see the dog coming back again, as one dog with four rabid heads.

Resilient, eager...and easily duped. I dash towards the rhinoceros and clear its head in one leap, the dog yelping again as it slams into its new partner. Pain claps his hands and summons the crab yet again, which opts to leap at me and start close combat with its massive pincers.

"You again, then. One more time?" I gather chakra in my mouth and run forward, jumping over one pincer as it comes for me on the ground and parrying the tip of the other while in the air. In my sights, but I have more than one target in mind here. "Lightning Release: False Darkness."

The two jagged bursts of lightning leave my mouth as I open it. One pierces through the crab's head to dispatch it again, and the other races for Pain himself. He dodges the attack, but that was just the first step. Now he's right where I want him, out of position and out of options. I cross behind him and fix my grip on Murakumo while closing in. Wait until the last moment, and...


He ducks just as I swing at his head, and I react quickly to the drop kick that comes for my chest, blocking with my other arm. My feet slide back against the wet concrete before I bring myself to a full stop.

"What was that? Just how did he..."

My mind files through all of the possibilities. Was there something we missed? Perhaps we were mistaken, and the Rinnegan has some extra ability that allows him to do things like that...but then, that doesn't fit with the observations we all made of his operations with Konan. It has to do with what's happening here and now. It's not a sensing ability. No, his evasion and counterattack was far too precise for any of that. Sensing doesn't allow anyone to do things that precise, at least not to anyone's knowledge. But since it's the Rinnegan, maybe...

There's also something else. The summoned creatures, aside from being able to appear and disappear in instants unlike other summons...they're pierced through with the same black material that decorates Pain's body. More than that, they also have the Rinnegan. That's not possible, it shouldn't be. This must be something like projection.

"It means there's something I need to test, before the hour gets too late," I say to myself.

The dog starts barking before splitting itself up again, into four separate dogs that start running after me. Rinnegan and black rods, in plain sight. Fine. Let's play with this a bit to help confirm my theory. Pain meanwhile summons another creature, this one a chameleon with a serpent for a tail, and ragged wings that I suspect have no use for flight. One long horn extends backwards, pierced with black rods, and the other is snapped off and wrapped in bandage. Both eyes reflect the Rinnegan, just like the other creatures. The rhinoceros charges after me as well, giving no regard to the structures around it as it rips through a building while missing me.

"Disappeared. Interesting."

I look back to where Pain is to see that he and the strange chameleon have vanished into thin air. Probably setting a trap...or something else. If this chameleon is like its non-summon counterparts, then I have a feeling I know what Pain's game is. Hiding away helps me more than it does him at this juncture.

"No need to advance just yet...actually, I'll see to something else now."

I run up the side of the nearest building, and turn my head to see something burst into being from the clear sky just ahead.

"Of course you would have something to cover that angle."

I cut the chakra flow to my feet and fall away from the building, just as a giant green bird with a jagged yellow beak dives through it and to the other side. I'm putting the pieces together...still need one more thing to confirm. The dust and falling debris covers my escape as I go back towards the village streets, weaving around buildings and sensing for Pain again. I suppress my chakra while running, just to be certain I go under his radar. His little vanishing trick erases his visual presence, but unfortunately for him, I happen to be a pretty good sensor type on top of my already stunning array of abilities. I know where he is, inside the chameleon's mouth a few blocks away on the side of another tall building. Unaware that I already have his location.

"Time to take advantage. Here we go."

I make sure I'm out of sight before running up the opposite side of the building, making seals all the way. I hit the roof, and see that the bird is flying around again. Hm. It has three legs, like those mythical crows. Before it can properly notice me, I drop down the side of the building, weaving more seals as I fall towards Pain.

The bird swoops overhead, and then the chameleon quickly stops its walk.

"A worthy attempt," Pain says. "But none can escape the sight of God."

The invisible serpent tail lashes out and grabs me in its jaws...before I turn into liquid, splashing everywhere as a spray of water.

"I did it easily enough, though."

I emerge from the far side of the building and dash through the air, drawing back Murakumo before slashing outward with a crescent of lightning chakra. The chameleon tries to swerve and I slice its head clean off, knocking it out of camouflage before it disappears in a puff of smoke. Pain de-summons then re-summons the giant bird beneath him as he drops, flying through the skies with it while I land on the side of the building and look out at his retreating form.

"How curious that 'God' would be so badly in need of bifocals," I taunt. "I have lovely friends who would have been happy to recommend some stylish frames for you, but between your terrible ego and the whole impending death thing, I don't think it would have worked out. In any case, thank you kindly for allowing me to conduct an experiment at your expense."

He continues to fly away, and I can sense that the other summoned creatures have left the field again. Pain is definitely up to something. I make my way down to the street again and start weaving through the village to follow him. Whatever this is, he's keeping it away from Konan. He doesn't want her involved. Sentiment, pride, or fear? I have to wonder. In any case, I've figured out this one's little secret. The projections of the Rinnegan allow him to use summons to survey the field, in the same way that a security officer looks over a property with numerous installed cameras. A reaction to what could be directly seen...it's why he lost me in the dust from the damaged building, attacked my water clone first, and only barely reacted to my attack on the chameleon. It also explains the precision with which he countered me earlier: he saw my attack in real time, through the eyes of the other animals looking right at me. When it wasn't the case, he had no such luxury.


And it makes me wonder if he's just buying time to change into another form. Because it's also extremely curious that someone with the Rinnegan, the Sage's eyes that are said to grant control of every chakra nature in this world...has only been using mid level taijutsu and the summoning technique, over and over again. It's beyond suspicious. He's not just conserving power or something similar.

One option is to bait him by going after Konan...but that probably won't work. Not only would they likely be prepared for that sort of move, Konan can make herself impossible to catch with her paper techniques and a small amount of lead time. It's far better to focus my efforts on crushing Pain. I can deal with her later.

"More targets coming from the tower's direction. Looks like that place was a hub after all..." Pain is still on his bird and is continuing north, away from Konan as she sweeps the village for intruders. I can't pin down Erika, which is for the best at this moment. She's unlikely to be spotted by visuals alone and has no reason to expose herself.

Suddenly, three figures drop down from the sky just ahead of me, and the dog appears again with its three heads to harass me. I keep an eye on the bird as it circles, then comes back down for a dive. It slams into the ground, throwing up dirt and dust as I jump away to one side. The dog bursts through the veil behind me, and I take a step through the air to go over its heads as they snap away. With this, I can get a look at the newcomers. One large, stocky man with orange hair tied back. And another with...no neck? Or rather, it's an impossibly thick neck, complete with massive jaw. He has no hair anywhere on his head, and spikes coming from the top of it. Both are dressed in Akatsuki cloaks, both have the slashed through Rain headbands, both have the black piercings on and through their faces, and both also have the same eyes as the first Pain – the Rinnegan. But their positions were transposed awfully quickly. Did the other two use a Rinnegan art to move over here?

Something to worry about later, maybe. Since I've already done my investigation, I don't need to wander in confusion: all of these doujutsu are copies of each other, linked together to give a wider and more mobile field of vision. The dog comes around again as I land, and I focus chakra into the seal on my left arm.

"Let's run our own interference, shall we?"

My chosen summon bursts up from below the ground, using his massive body to wrap around the rabid dog and constrict it with little trouble.

"At your service, my lady."

"Immaculate timing as always," I say with a smile. "Aoda, my love. Thank you for your help."

"The honour is mine as always, Lady Lilith. Please tell me how I can assist you today."

One of the most trusted summons in Ryuuchi Cave, and for good reason. Strong, swift, and as a treat, very respectful to his summoners. A massive blue snake with focused green eyes, Aoda is one who is formidable enough to have challenged Manda back in his prime. While he could not do much from the inside as the old boss roamed, he was invaluable to helping the regime change hands with secret activities. His loyalty is to the White Snake Sage first and foremost, but he refused to remain idle in the face of injustice.

"You may start by intercepting these summons as best you can. Do not worry about any ones that you miss, I will be fine dealing with the strays," I say. "The strange mutt in your grip, it apparently splits apart in response to direct damage."

"Understood, Lady Lilith."

"Be careful regardless...we are up against the samsara eye this time, and in multiple bodies to boot."

"The Rinnegan of legend...I see. The Great Mother Sage spoke of this, but I did not expect them to appear again in this world. I will be careful, and do my best to clear the battlefield for you, Lady Lilith."

"That is all I ask. Some time to prepare the advanced arts will be necessary soon...after all, this Pain fellow has invited two more to join us."

Pain has the dog disappear, and Aoda uncoils his form to settle next to me.

"It would have been nice if you told me you were bringing along friends," I say to Pain. "A girl needs a chance to prepare herself when entertaining so many at once..."

"It matters not what you do, serpent woman," the large man says. He has the same voice as the first...is someone truly projecting themselves onto these bodies? A split consciousness, perhaps? "We are Pain...we are inevitable."

Lady Lilith.

Yes, darling. Have you come upon something?

I have. The many exotic piercings in those men are reacting strangely. Their body temperatures are somewhat below the normal human average, which makes them stand out. The piercings are giving off significant amounts of heat.


Now that I have time to stand still, I can feel it clearly through the ground...many sources of vibrations, coming directly from each of those bodies. Combined with the strange, frequently changing signals...

I think I've come to an understanding now. Thank you, Aoda.

Of course, Lady Lilith. I am here to serve.

The one with the ponytail is the summoner. That seems to be his only technique in hand, but be cautious just in case. The others are still unknowns. I'll take care of whatever threats they pose by escalating.

I'm starting to put all of this together. Means that any moment...

"It's time to put an end to this," the summoner Pain says. "Now that I've seen your skill in person, it will be all too easy to neutralize you."

I narrow my eyes. "Stay sharp, Aoda."

"Yes, Lady Lilith."

"As for what you've seen, Pain...it's nothing compared to what I'll deliver to you next. Like I said before...I know how to entertain some fellows looking for a good time. You just need to give me a bit to get ready, of course."

"Of course. Your desire for decorum is understood. But we are fine with the current arrangement." The neck-less one starts forward before flames burst from the bottoms of his feet. His hands transform into blades as he charges me. Fast, but not all that fast, is he.

"Suit yourself. I can make do with this...how about you?" I wait until the last moment before flipping forward and over Pain, rotating quickly enough that I can come back around with Murakumo in my hands and ready. I slash outward and into his torso while he flies by, only to get an unusual feeling and sound. "That's not a normal human body, is it...how did he manage that all of a sudden?"

The summoner calls out the rhinoceros again, and Aoda charges to knock it off its feet before squeezing it tightly. Meanwhile, the stocky man is in tight formation with his partner, and the neck-less, metallic man is already on his feet again, exposed metal showing through the sliced away part of his cloak. He discards it altogether, and reveals more curiosities in an already crowded matinee of them. Two additional faces on the sides of his head, a serrated blade that unfurls from around his waist like a tail, and four extra arms.

"This is...an asura?" Of all the forms, what does this one mean? Is there a theme going on here? Whatever the case, it seems that this man is a mechanical beast. He raises two of his six arms and points the fists at me.

"Only one way to escape," he drones.

The fists leave their arms in streams of flame, winding through the air in unpredictable paths. I jump to avoid them, and turn to see the bird with the drill beak already hurtling towards my position.

"The end."

"Misread the scouting report, did you?" I smile and push chakra into my feet, before stepping through the sky to dodge the bird completely. It crashes into the ground once more before disappearing. Drifting through the air, I see that the rocket fists are being drawn back towards the asura man, like magnets. Another split second, and I can map out my targets clearly. Because of their shared vision, they can see me dropping in behind the large Pain. But they can't stop me from taking him out.

"One down. Double Barrel."

I aim and fire at his head.


And the attack...hits something and disappears. It almost reached him, too. Is that a barrier?

"It negated my attack...no. I can see it. He absorbed Mobius entirely. Some sort of counter rotation to ensure that it's dispersed." But then, that explains why this one has been hanging back. And that little quip earlier...I get it now. These two new forms, or bodies, or what have you. The metal man is meant to counter my speed. The large man, my ninjutsu. And the summoner, his specialty is meant to overwhelm me with constant surveillance and sheer numbers. The latter alone seems to be enough to take care of most cases along with Konan, and the other two are for insurance.


Okay. Then...combining these advantages would make any one of them nearly unstoppable. The summoner being able to modify their body, or the metal man able to summon multiple creatures while causing chaos with their rocket shoes or rocket fists, or...

"Wait. Are those..."

His arms split open, and inside of them are dozens of what look to be small missiles. They all explode outwards at once, racing towards me and Aoda.

"Aoda! Slip through!"

"Understood." His large body moves with the same impressive speed that I've witnessed before, allowing him to weave through the village streets and leave his part of the barrage to blow apart buildings in his wake. I jump backwards before stepping through the air, the missiles giving chase relentlessly. I make sure they're on my tail before I rush downwards, past the metal man and towards his friends.

"Feeling lucky?" I ask.

The summon body claps his hands as I bounce over his head and to the ground. Some kind of animal appears at the last moment and takes the missiles head on, waves of heat washing over us before I charge forward. The large one doesn't turn and activates the barrier again as I fix my right hand around Murakumo.

"A quick learner...and yet, a bad student."

A mass of snakes bursts from my sleeve as I extend my hand forward, binding him immediately.


I can feel something being pulled from me, and all of the snakes I summoned immediately disappear. Something is terribly wrong. Need to make an extra move. I gather chakra into my right hand and charge it to the limit.

"Valkyrie Bullet!"

Again. I felt it clearly that time. The punch drives itself into his gut, throwing him past what I can now see is a giant panda that looks like it's made of stone. But the chakra that adds the extra force behind that attack was absorbed once more by the strange barrier. He felt that blow, but not like he should have.

Annoying fat bastard. He can absorb chakra through contact, too. He drained the snakes I summoned and got something from me since we were all physically connected. But again, he didn't shift forms. He didn't take advantage of the close combat situation. It means that what I've been suspecting is true...each of these bodies only occupies one domain at a time. And since these aren't transformations of one man, it is likely that they're controlled from afar. More than a projected consciousness. Multiple bodies, with shared vision. The ultimate task force. With these three, that makes four total. The remaining body, the one that Konan converses with regularly, and is presented to Obito for meetings, that one has yet to appear.

I can see the metal man's head unfold like some sort of twisted blossom, revealing a strange and hollow compartment that starts to glow with light. The concentration of chakra here is no mystery.

"You claim to be making this world a better place, yet you refuse to take care of your own people," I taunt. "At this rate, the only terrorist this village will ever know is you."

"The people will understand. Those who do not will suffer of their own choice. God's will is not meant to be soluble by mere mortals," Pain replies. The light glows brighter before it is aimed in my direction. I activate my chakra mode and body flicker to the area behind him, watching as buildings ahead are torn apart in the blast. The handful of people in the area didn't stand a chance...at the least, they didn't feel anything before disappearing.

The absorbing Pain is too far to intercept. I can do this one.

"Mobius: Double Barrel."

I have the burst tear through the left side of the metal man's head, sending debris flying outwards.


He rushes in from the opposite side at my command, right past the other Pains who jump backwards to avoid his charge. In a moment, his form coils around the vulnerable Pain and crushes him with prejudice. Nothing but a mass of spare parts now.

The summoner calls out the strange panda again to block me, and the absorber sets up shop a fair distance behind him. The rhinoceros returns again, and Aoda quickly engages. I wrap tags around two kunai and send them on their way, aiming over the panda's head. My wrists flick out again and the faster shuriken arc high before coming downwards, spiking the kunai into their target.

"Got you." An explosion sounds out not a moment later.

"An audacious attack...but effective all the same," the summoner says. He turns to see his now headless partner fall quietly to the dirt.

"Aoda, come."

Aoda slaps away the rhinoceros and quickly moves back to me. I hop on top of his head before we speed out of the area.

"Are we alright, Lady Lilith?" he asks.

"Very much so. I think I understand the intricacies of their little dance well enough...but several things don't sit right with me. More than the fact that their bodies are alien in nature, I'm sensing that there's something even more sinister that they're hiding."


"I will tell you when we need to change course. We're far from done, so I want to gather up whatever advantages that I can before things escalate further."

"Anything that you desire, Lady Lilith."

"Thank you, Aoda. You've been a tremendous help today, and I will see to it that excellent report is made with Ane-ue and Baa-sama."

"I am truly humbled, my lady. Thank you for your kindness."

Konan is holding her position, a good distance away from where we were fighting. I can sense Erika again, keeping a good eye on her. Someone else has migrated to the battlefield as Aoda and I move. Make that two someones. Getting there that fast...a time space technique. Has to be. Now there are five of them, and with the last one...that makes six. A nice, round number. Is that all of them? Maybe there are ones that use one element each, and have a mastery of such. A taijutsu oriented one, with the power of the Eight Gates. And with Aoda's report...these could be modified corpses, meaning they might be without limit. One could have dominion over all genjutsu. Sealing, perhaps.

"Too many possibilities. I hate thinking about it. And I hate thinking about him. Someone with this much potential power...using it for these purposes," I mutter. "Wretched. Worthless. Aoda, I'm ready. Bring us back in."

"Yes, Lady Lilith."

He turns on a dime and brings us back to the previous area at speed. I hop off his head and onto the ruins of a collapsed building, looking down at the five Pains that now stand before me. Aoda places himself between us, coiled and ready to strike at a moment's notice.


It wouldn't make sense to have him in the middle of what's coming next. As my lovely Fuu said so elegantly once before, it's time to get mean and nasty.

"Aoda, my love. Thank you for your help. I will carry out the rest myself."

"If that is your wish, Lady Lilith."

"It is. And when you see Ane-ue next...tell her that I am just fine. I know she worries."

"As you command, Lady Lilith. Please, be safe."

"I will. Thank you."

Aoda disappears in a cloud of smoke. And when it clears, I can see another presence. The one I've been waiting for.

"You must be the true Nagato...the one in charge of these bodies," I say to him. "And I see that our previously destroyed friends have somehow been restored to perfect health, fashionable outerwear included. I take it that's the work of one of these newcomers." One has a visibly blocky, strong sort of jaw and facial structure. And compared to the others, his face looks significantly more aged and austere. The other, by far the tallest of the lot with very long and silky hair, naturally coloured orange like all the rest.

"That might be correct," the leader says. He really does look similar to Naruto, from this close. Terribly uncanny, but nothing that would induce me to be merciful. "Who can say?"

"Truly, the whims of God are mysterious."

"You are starting to understand."

"Yes. I am, unfortunately. The more I understand, the more I loathe you. And the more I understand...the less chance there is that even one of you will escape. You said that you wanted to put an end to this? Allow me to take you up on that."

"So be it. I will acknowledge you as one of this world's elites, Scarlet Viper. But this is where your journey comes to an end. Now you stand against the power of the divine. It is time for you to witness..."

They get into formation around the leader.

"The Six Paths of Pain."

Six paths...now I can see it in full. The Buddhist cycle of reincarnation, split into six paths. The realm of devas. The realm of asuras. The realm of manyusha. The realm of tiryagyoni. The realm of preta. And finally, the realm of naraka. All remain inside samsara. That was the theme my mind was trying to decipher earlier.

Six forms of the same person. I have a feeling I know who it is. And each of them is identified well enough. The arrogant spiky haired leader, that must be the Deva Path. The mechanical man with a metal body and advanced weaponry is the Asura Path. The fat one, though it might seem at odds with the theme, is the Preta Path. The summoner has to be the Animal Path. Which leaves Human and Naraka for the remaining ones. I can't tell which is which out of the two of them. It doesn't matter much.

"How interesting...truly. To see the Rinnegan, the eye of power and creation, represented like this. A strength focused on and built around perpetual cycles. What an amusing thing this is."

"We are Pain. And we are God. What say you, child of serpents, before we take you from this world and into the next?" the Deva Path asks.

"I say that you are the one who will bear witness, to a power and force that you have never seen before...and never will again. Allow me to reintroduce myself, holder of the samsara eye."

The power flows through me, flooding my body with the pure energy of nature. I can feel it all. Everything, everyone. The very taste and texture of the air around us. Strength is infused into my body, from crown to sole. I have powerful jutsu and transformations, but this...this is when I've always felt the most strength. I am connected to nature once more, wedded to it as its faithful bride. The creation of the Supreme God, in all of its reverence and glory.

In reality and truth, I am now the ideal living being. A true agent of heaven, and precious steward of the Earth.

The Rinnegan, and everything it is or has ever been...is nothing beneath my gaze.

"I stand here with the blessings of the Great Mother Sage. My name is Lilith Kobayashi, honoured Sage of Ryuuchi Cave. I am the one who is worthy of all praise, blessed by heaven and earth. And as the favoured child of heaven, I will drive the truth and power of the cosmos into your feeble, deluded shell. How are those for last words, you arrogant son of a bitch?"

"In your final moments, you will realize the error of your ways, serpent woman. The strength of a Sage is formidable, but pales in comparison to the power that shaped this world once before, and will once again. You will understand your futility..."

The six bodies leap towards me, all at once.

"And you will know pain."
Agnus Dei New
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom - ep. 100
"Agnus Dei"
[Ultima Ratio: Feature 3]

This is it. A world's future, bound to the outcome of this lonely fight.

First thing to do is have something in reserve. The leader who represents the Deva domain stretches a hand towards me as he and his five compatriots descend.

"This is the truth of God's power. Bansho Ten'in."


Some invisible force takes hold of my body and pulls me through the air towards him. I'm not completely disabled, but it's dragging me down a fixed track. This...I think I can keep it in my pocket for later. And in response, the other bodies have black rods extend from beneath their sleeves, meant to run me through.

This was what Hanzo must have faced down. No wonder...even against three opponents, just having to deal with someone who has control of gravity, on top of the other powers would be near overwhelming. Without knowing Pain's secret, every attack and movement would be part of the steepest fight any shinobi would have ever known. Then you would have to factor in that Hanzo's skills had rusted beyond repair. What a terrifying opponent.

Well. For everyone else, that is.

"Farewell, serpent woman."

"Oh? We've just started our dance. No need to pack it in so soon, sweetheart."

The rods get close, and I unleash the chakra built up in my body.

"Artemis' Umbrella."

The nature chakra adds a bit more violence, not to mention power, to the usual attack. It pushes away all present opponents and gives me a chance to float in the air before coming to the ground.

"An array of abilities to suit any situation," Deva Pain says as he and the others surround me again. "Much like Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan, also known as the Copy Shinobi. Somehow, you have become even more fearsome than him. I was always aware that I would have to confront you personally, but I did not expect you to come to the village to offer yourself up."

"I hope that you're appreciative of that fact," I say to him while standing still. On dry land, this is an easy enough task. Every second that I can gather nature energy is used to walk back multiple on my Sage Mode timer. Starting out, the limit was five minutes without replenishment and moderate use of techniques. Now I can hold it for a lot longer under those same conditions. But as I am wont to do, I've created new variants on techniques that consume a fair bit of senjutsu chakra in order to be more effective. This dips into the timer as well.

Running out won't be the end of the world, but it might end up hurting a lot more than I want. So I'm inclined to make sure it doesn't happen. Especially not with someone who killed Hanzo, no matter how off his game he might have been that day.

"You can rest assured that I will treat your form with the respect it deserves after its death. Unless you mean to volunteer yourself as one of these Six Paths ahead of time," Deva Pain says.

"A kind offer, but one ultimately unnecessary. Even if it were possible for me to fall here, I have arrangements of all kinds for the handling of my earthly form. As for you...well, I suppose I can get your final will and testament from your delectable little assistant." No hierarchy or formation just yet. Probably trying to feel me out some more. In that case, I'll try to pick up some goodies for myself.

The Asura Pain moves first, transforming both of his arms into what looks like the cannon that was inside of its head earlier. I can feel his chakra peaking as the Animal Pain summons from behind me – the stupid dog again, because of course – to cause chaos. The tall one is moving, trying to anticipate my next position while dual wielding the black rods. Leaves three not moving.

"Time to satisfy my curiosity. What might your power be..."

I skip forward and dodge both of the chakra blasts coming from my right, while the dog times the gap perfectly. I cartwheel to my right to evade it, and then shoot ahead through its legs towards the tall Pain with their black rods. They're made of the exact same blocking material as the piercings, so...there has to be something to their offensive use. I summon Murakumo to my hands and flow chakra through them before slashing at one of the rods. It digs in, but doesn't go right through.

"Very interesting..."

I use the leverage to flip over his back, lashing out while upside down. Without turning, he blocks each of my incoming strikes perfectly. Shared vision in effect, then. We face each other again and clash, my senses reaching out to keep an eye on the others as they watch. I should be able to overwhelm their shared vision with a little something, but I also want to see exactly what I'm dealing with before making any risky moves. This one isn't using any fancy powers yet. I would think that this isn't a time to hide them...or perhaps they're not quite as useful in a fight as the others.

Okay. Time to force their hand some.

"This might be a good time to try something new, yes?"

"Your arrogance won't last much longer," he says.

I smile and push him away, Murakumo vanishing from my hands. "You think so? Let's test that theory now, then."

"As you wish."

If I couldn't already sense it, I can hear the Asura Pain coming in like a missile with those rocket shoes of his. The goal is to seal me on two sides...that's too bad. It was almost a good plan.

"Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation."

It takes less than a second for my chakra to flow into the ground. The same fraction lets me bend it to my will, and one more has it rise up to form a spiked wall that the Asura Pain slams into uncontrollably, obviously head first. I gather chakra into my right hand and have it flare up dramatically before I make a fist.

"Lightning Release: Valkyrie Bullet!"

If this idiot had an ability, he didn't get the chance to use it. I weave under his counter attack and cave his chest in with my fist, sending him through a building on the far side. The concrete wall behind me retracts at my command, and I see the Asura Pain lying with his head crumpled up from the earlier impact.

"And I almost forgot about you. I haven't tried this just yet, so..."

I weave a few seals and breathe in, facing the incoming dog and the other Pain bodies. A little distraction shouldn't cost too much chakra.

"Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave."

The addition of nature chakra serves me well once more, transforming the normally massive surge into a tsunami that towers over the summon before crashing into it. Dividing and yelping doesn't prevent it from being washed down the nearby streets, and the other Pain bodies have either vacated by air or are standing behind the Preta Pain as he absorbs the technique with his barrier. I take the time to casually remove a piercing from the Asura Pain, then crush his head with my foot to make sure he can't plan an ambush. That should do, for now.

"The Sage Techniques. Intriguing," Deva Pain says as the last of the water is absorbed. "The ability to use the earth itself to do your bidding. I did not know the serpents had access to such abilities."

"It seems there are mysteries even where you are concerned. How amusing to know. There's plenty more in my pockets to give you a fit, so look forward to those." The other unidentified Pain is flying off on the bird, while the Animal Pain drops down and summons both the rhinoceros and ox to charge me. Trying to identify a pattern, or baiting me to come down the middle right at him...let's try neither. I know just what to do.

I grab shuriken from my pouch and throw a dozen of them in a wide spread.

"Shinobi tools. What is it you mean to do?" Deva Pain asks. "A futile diversion..."

I weave seals, infusing a bit of senjutsu chakra into my attack. Something that I learned personally from my loving grandfather.

"Hidden Leaf Secret Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu."

A technique that could turn one shuriken into a thousand, each with real mass and deadly effects. It means that the dozen I've thrown and enhanced...

"This is...!"

For the first time, Pain seems shocked. But then, about twelve thousand shuriken coming for you at once tends to do that. The summons are torn apart before the remaining waves punch through the clouds of smoke they've left behind. Deva Pain steps in front of the remaining bodies, while I make another useful discovery with my enhanced sensing. The tall Pain is back in commission, flying in with the other Pain on top of the three legged bird.

"Shinra Tensei."

All of the shuriken are deflected by a wall of force, one that properly sustains itself until all of the weapons are on the ground. It makes sense to me. The powers of attraction and repulsion. Pompous names for those techniques...though one could argue that you need some level of arrogance to make it this far in the world.

"I suppose that makes the reviving Pain...Naraka. And the other one would be Human. Good to get that out of the way," I say to myself. "It also makes it obvious as to who I need to attack first to put a dent in Pain's plans." The bird swoops in from behind one of the buildings and starts to circle the area. A sharp activation of chakra and the other Pains leave its back before appearing next to the Animal Pain. Summoning technique...so it means the Pain bodies are valid summoning targets, then. Explains their rapid movement before.

"That's a pain in the ass."

I turn my head to see nothing but bits of metal and blood where a body once lay. The Asura Pain is in the back with the others, still incapacitated. Those bodies really are connected in some strange manner...but the piercing I removed is still in my pouch, and responding to chakra signals. A loud, familiar barking interrupts my thoughts. I roll my eyes.

"Unsurprisingly, you return once more."

The dog jumps over what remains of a building in the distance before splitting apart into ten smaller but equally rabid beasts. Obviously eager to play with me again. Well, I have other plans. And they're filthy things to boot, running around in the dust and dirt. It's a good thing I'm such an animal lover.

"Here. All of you can have another bath."

I focus my chakra before snapping my fingers. Two orbs of water form for each mutt present, so that they might be properly washed from snout to tail.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet."

The orbs shoot forward before twisting into large dragons. A chorus of yelps sounds out a moment later as each mutt is slammed backwards in sprays of water. I can see something else happening as the dogs fly away, crashing into buildings and their remnants. Naraka Pain is standing next to...something. A giant head, with a massive mouth and a strange crown that has the character for king on it. It is surrounded by strange black flames, seemingly like Amaterasu, and also has eyes reflecting the Rinnegan. If I recall, this is supposed to the judge of the dead, is it not? Power over life and death...I see now. Asura Pain emerges from his mouth as it opens, looking brand new and with yet another immaculate cloak. I can swear his bald head is even shinier now.

Very bothersome. As long as that Pain is in play, it means that even if I take out the leader, he can come back to life and harass me again. But as it is, that's just one piece...the ability to spirit each Pain away is a problem, too. Judging from the change in formation, these ones might be preparing for me to try and solve said problem. My conservative use of Sage Mode means that I have plenty of room to cut loose. I think I'll try that now, and remove some of these bodies from the picture before they wise up.

"Her ninjutsu is both varied and potent," Deva Pain says. "We need to close in now, before she becomes too much of a problem. Let's begin."

They can coordinate within themselves without saying a word or sending up a signal. All I can do is read what comes my way. The two offensive and presumably expendable Pains surge in, Asura and Human. Our earlier recreational activities mean that it's a wide open field, and I have room to move as I like. They're going to use their shared sight to track me...in that case, the answer is simple.

I accelerate towards the Human Pain, then jump over his head and push off the back of it before he can react. The Animal Pain is in my sights, and I draw Murakumo as I near him.

"Bansho Ten'in."

Thought so. I put in a little extra resistance and have my feet slide along the ground. Getting closer at speed, the Preta Pain slides in front to intercept me. Interesting combination.

"Muki Tensei."

A short wall rises up ahead of me, and I slam my feet into it to arrest my movement. Deva Pain exerts more pressure with his attracting force, to little effect. The wall with its senjutsu chakra cracks slightly, but holds firm beneath my feet.

"Time to show off some. Introducing the most devastating technique in my arsenal." The senjutsu chakra flows into my right arm, compressed in the same way that I've done thousands of times before. Thick, dense, and extremely stubborn to compress at first. But eventually, it became second nature. "This is the next level. Bear witness." I aim at the Naraka Pain, who has started to move a hundred years too late.


"Sage Art: Zero-Type Mobius."

The chakra bursts forward from my two fingers, a luminous white that creates a halo of light around my hand. If Mobius moves at the speed of thought...this exceeds it by leaps and bounds. A deadly burst of light that has erased the Naraka Pain's top half, and put holes in buildings a long way behind him, one after the other.

"Truly a waste. To retain that sort of power would be the dream of any ruler..."

Pain yammers on, presumably to distract me as the Asura body launches a barrage of missiles into the sky while the others clear the area. They start to rain down, moving in erratic patterns to try and confuse me. Blocking or dodging is easy enough, but I have an even more fun idea. I gather chakra in my stomach and breathe in while making seals.

"Sage Art: Starch Syrup Gun!"

I blow the chakra infused water upwards, creating a fountain that snags every one of the missiles as they come down. With a wave of my hand, the trapped missiles form into a giant, viscous orb.

"Here. Hold this."

I jump into the air and land a bicycle kick on the falling orb, sending it straight at the Deva Pain. A few options, but the most obvious one is...

"Shinra Tensei."

There we are. The water orb and all its explosive contents cease to be immediately, washed out in a wave of force. That attack wasn't just stopped, it was dissipated entirely. It means that this Shinra Tensei can stop ninjutsu, so that brings up another question. Namely, the reason for the Preta Pain's positioning. Since they're not fast enough to catch me properly, I'll inquire at a more suitable distance. As soon as my feet touch ground again, I take off towards Deva Pain.


He immediately responds by charging back towards me. Content to play defensively up until now, and doesn't he have his attraction jutsu? But this is a perfect time to go for his head. Just need to keep my eyes open.


Of course. Should have counted on that. Deva Pain is pulled to safety, reappearing next to Animal Pain. I flare on my chakra mode and race towards his new position, intending to engage him again. At the same time, if what I think is happening is actually happening...

Animal Pain starts to make a move before backing off. Deva Pain charges in again, foregoing his technique...or rather, charging it up. I need to see where this goes, even if it might sting a bit. We near each other, and I call out Murakumo while accelerating. As soon as I reach him-

"Shinra Tensei."

It's more forceful than the others, lifting me off my feet and sending me into the air. I should be able to track him with this one.

"Water Release: Water Shark Bullet."

I snap my fingers while flying backwards, and the shark shoots forward from my last position. Closer and closer and closer, until the Preta Pain drops in and negates it with the barrier. I arrest my movement through the air and bounce safely to the ground, taking in what I just saw.

"You sneaky little prick. That technique...you can't use it in succession, can you? You can't use any of your powers multiple times in a row. That's why you need the fat boy close in your formation...managing your jutsu cool down." Pretending to engage me in taijutsu, then having the summoner whisk him away to another position. Buying time for his jutsu to come online. Using the other bodies to split my focus so that I wouldn't register it.

But that's the thing about jutsu, isn't it? The more you use them, the more chances your enemy has to figure them out...and eventually, put an end to you.

Pain must have realized, or maybe sensed, that I've come to some understanding of their secret. They've moved ahead with a full scale assault. In that case, I'll use one of my most precious assets, provided by these most alluring legs of mine.

"Time to show off some speed for you. I would say that I hope you all can keep up...but I don't. And you certainly won't."

Human Pain is up first. No special gimmicks to be seen. Dealt with easily enough.

"Let's go with a classic."

I measure my distance as I run, then shoot forward at just the right time. This one should be perfect.

"Vanished?" he utters.

The chakra flows through my leg, and I turn while planting my opposite into the ground. All of the energy flows upward as my foot rises, slamming into the enemy's chin. And all at once, everything explodes.

"Jayoku Houtenjin."

I can feel his jaw turn to dust beneath my foot, before his body shoots into the sky like a rocket, blue sparks of chakra following. Corpses or not, those bodies have limits. I just burned through that one's.

"Let's try this one next. A little faster, now."

I draw Murakumo and rush towards my next target. The Animal Pain summons the bird again and takes off into the skies. I can sense the Asura Pain following me in flight, preparing missiles for another barrage. He's not firing, making sure that the other body is out of dodge...the Animal Pain wants to drop down and leave us alone, but he's also wary of my aerial movement and doesn't want to risk getting slashed out of the sky.

He comes to a compromise, clapping his hands and summoning someone else to his side. The Preta Pain.

"Guarding against ninjutsu. Or maybe...something more clever than that."

The three Pains weave through the sky, one giving chase and two being chased by me. They head towards a set of tall buildings. I really don't want them to escape, not for a second.

"Spending time in your own head, serpent woman?" I flip backwards over the blades aimed at my back, and let myself fall from the sky. The Asura Pain accelerates downwards to follow me.

"Very rude to show up unannounced, isn't it? And at a girl's backside, too. Scandalous of you! I know that I cut a very striking figure, but it's always best to ask permission before you try and touch. I know...I think that I'll pay your leader a visit instead. He's shown that he knows exactly how to treat a lady."

I stick my tongue out at him before quickening my steps towards the ground, and the Deva Pain. He's waiting for me, as predicted, while I can hear the sound of rocket boots coming to life behind me once more. A few more strides, and I go over the Deva Pain's head completely...but not before he's pulled away with another summoning by the other Pain. Suppose they didn't want to take any chances.

That works out just fine for me.

Asura Pain swoops up into the sky again, and the drill beak bird nears. I make a series of seals and prepare my technique. Bird, rat, bird again. I remember how devastating this one is...years ago, I felt it first hand as Midori fought Manda in the Leaf Forest. It was enough to even overwhelm that trash Orochimaru.

The bird nears, and swoops low to allow its passengers to jump off.

"Sage Art..."

The Pain bodies get ready for an attack. But this will be something they've never seen before.

"White Rage Technique."

I've worked on this technique to have it activate the same way every time, with ideally no variations. The chakra level, the speed, the duration. It's effective, but it's also dangerous for those without the characteristics of a snake, and troublesome even for those who have a few.

The chakra exits my open mouth in the form of a red, long bodied dragon, that carries a purple orb in its left claw. It rushes towards the Pain bodies, and the Deva Pain stretches his arm out. But then, it stops before it gets any closer. I put my hand over my chest to get ready, while they pause in confusion. The dragon roars before going into a spin in the air, coiling itself tighter and tighter around the orb. And then, I close my eyes right before it detonates. That would be the easy part, as I can easily use my other senses to navigate without losing a step. It's the other part, the horrible and painful vibrations, that I would need to get around each time.

"Activating counter."

Using lightning chakra, I can balance the vibrations in my body against those coming from the jutsu...and I'm able to shrug off most of the paralysis. Enough to concentrate and tear through a target. Can't chance one of them fighting through and putting up a defence. The bodies are on pause, but still active...so the most troublesome one can disappear first.

"Mobius Zero."

I fire at the Animal Pain, putting a hole through his torso as he's thrown backwards. The jutsu comes to an end, with the light fading and vibrations stopping. Just as I drew it up.

"Another," the Deva Pain says as he recovers.

"And then, there were three. How lovely. I suppose since you can't fly around on birds and revive each other, it's just us now. Feeling confident?" I ask.

"Your strength is laudable, serpent woman. None in this world have ever pressed Pain to this degree..."

"Oh, don't speak as if the party has come to a stop," I say with a flip of my hand. "I've still got treats for you three fellows...see, I can guess that the large one loves to devour things. Shall I hand him a full course meal? Or would you like to try it out first?" Standing here has added a bit of energy, but I only have so much between those attacks from just now...

"I doubt you have enough for us both. Those attacks are taxing, it seems. Especially in succession."

"Getting cheeky, are we?" I set my feet and give him a cruel smile. "It seems you know just how prideful I can be...so don't cry when I come for your head. This is what you asked for, you fat mouthed prick."

He beckons me towards him with one hand. I take off and oblige him. Sage Mode is primed to end soon if I fire off too many attacks, and with fewer bodies to keep in line, I might need to keep a closer eye on my movements from here on. Asura Pain strides ahead and throws off his cloak, revealing his many arms and serrated tail. He seems determined to engage me in close combat.


Decisions to make. Do I think that I can deal with the last one on my own, without enhancements?

"Let's find out. I'm pretty proud of my speed...how about you?"

He's taking the bait...and so I can put this one to sleep for good.

"I suppose that answers that."

"You're finished, scarlet woman." The ground cracks apart beneath his feet, blue flame streaming up and outward before he takes off at top speed towards me. "The end."

"Unfortunately for you...that's my line. Try this one, metal man. White Snake Sage Art..."

I match his speed, drawing Murakumo as the green aura envelops my body.

"Jakyou Messenga!"

The shell takes form, jaws in the form of a snake out in front of me. I rush into him and follow through, slashing forward and through his form entirely. Three distinct pieces hit the ground behind me as I slide to a stop.

"Bansho Ten'in."

"This again! Whoa...!"

He's put more into this one, and in a strategic fashion. My feet can't touch the ground, and I'm moving much faster than before. He's got the Preta Pain in position to catch me, and likely drain my chakra. Draining me out of Sage Mode seems like an interesting experiment...but these ones don't seem like they would be willing to further their scientific knowledge alongside me. Truly a shame.


I use Sky Grasper to flip myself over while moving, and dig Murakumo into the ground so that my travel is slowed. Preta Pain stretches his arms out to get me...


...and I push off to flip myself over, letting go of Murakumo at the same time. The timing is thrown off enough that the Preta Pain grabs air, and I get my legs neatly wrapped around his head from behind.

"I'm about as practical as I am vain, believe it or not. There's more than one reason I opted for a good, strong pair of legs. Moments like this, you know? I think it would have been nicer if this weren't a corpse..."

I grab his head as he reaches up and tries to drain me. My legs cross over each other, and I quickly squeeze them together around his neck.

"But I suppose beggars can't be choosers, mm?"

That beautiful cracking was all that I needed to hear. I hop down from the now twice dead body as it goes limp, falling to the ground next to me.

"Always wanted to do that. And then, there was one," I say while turning to Deva Pain. "Not recharged yet, or are we waiting for the right opportunity? Thank you for that, by the way. I might have had to leave Sage Mode entirely, but you saved me the trouble. So...would you like to continue this game of ours? Or do you want to finally take me to who's really running the show?"

"You truly think this is over, don't you?" he asks. "Despite your stalling, you still don't have enough to do anything significant before your Sage Mode runs out. What chance do you think you have without that power in your hands?"

"Wouldn't you like to find out..."

It's obvious. I have to bait his next attack, and then finish him as quickly as I can with something in rapid succession. He knows that as well, so he'll obviously be plotting something.

"Why not make your next move, serpent woman?" he asks. "After all, I don't intend to let you restore your sage power to full."

Now he's trying to bait me. But...he's also drawing on a lot of energy and storing it. And since he doesn't need that much to pull me in...he must be intent on using a large scale version of the repulsion technique to bury me. Maybe even retreat, and get replacement bodies to continue the battle. I can't be scared since I've crushed his power already, but there's really no telling what tricks he could come back with. No, this really has to end. Here and now.

The village, the people...he doesn't care about them. Only erasing me. It can all turn to dust, far as he's concerned. Now or never. Once I'm blown away, all bets are off. All physical and chakra based attacks are done for, probably no footholds...something I can do, has to be.


I end the standoff and run forward, right at Deva Pain.

"Foolishness. Shinra Tensei!"

He focuses the attack and saves the rest of his energy, allowing me to summon a clone to brace myself. I dispel her and give chase as Deva Pain moves through the village. This direction is Pain's Tower...he can't be thinking of summoning new bodies, can he? And Konan is there, at the tower itself. Maybe they've been communicating in secret somehow, and the bodies are already prepared. If I stop to replenish Sage Mode, that gives them even more time to plot. But if I keep going, I might be walking into an ambush.


We're midway, and Deva Pain has come to a stop on top of a skyscraper. I join him on the other edge of the roof.

"If I cannot kill you...then at the least, I should be able to contain you. I was wrong to think of you as a mere human. You are as much of a beast as the ones we draw out of the jinchuuriki."

"Contain? Me? A fine job you've done of that so far," I taunt.

"This is the end, Lilith Kobayashi." Deva Pain forms a black sphere in between his hands, dense with chakra. He grunts and hurls it into the sky above, where it rises before coming to a stop. It pulses once.

Then, I feel it happening.

"Behold, the almighty power of God. Chibaku Tensei."

All around me, trails of dust and loose debris are rising into the sky. Towards the sphere. The force grows stronger, pulling larger chunks away and shaking our foothold as pieces of the building are pulled upwards. It's an artificial gravity well...creating a satellite. Trapping and restraining tailed beasts would be easy with this kind of power.

"The village...this is going to devastate everything!" I yell. "What is it you mean to do, Pain?"

"My justice must be brought to mankind. If this village and its people must become a sacrifice to that end, then I do this with great sorrow. The tragedy of this shinobi world permeates all facets of life."

He's not affected somehow, but I am. The gravity is pulling me off my feet. There's already a layer of rubble over the sphere...wait. That must be it. Aiming for the core might do it. I probably won't have to aim at all, in fact. But I have to hurry before it becomes too dense to get through. Conserving Sage Mode isn't a priority now, but I need something good...

I know. I have something for this situation.

"That one. It's the best insurance policy I have right now."

I draw both of my hands back, towards my right side. My feet leave the roof just as it buckles in on itself, its pieces pulled into the air and towards the sphere. With each second, its gravitational power grows. Buildings are being pulled into pieces, from top to bottom.

"Getting close to the edge." Sage Mode is nearly gone and I don't have a chance of keeping still in these conditions. I can't bet that I'll get towards the core before it runs out. This has gotten desperate all of a sudden. "Rika. Where is she..."

I sense for her in between dodging the flying rocks and charging my technique. She's already run towards the edge of the village, thank goodness. Alright, time to end this before it gets too late.


I stride through the air and find a large piece of rubble to settle onto. All of the moisture I can gather is being pulled into my hands, and there's more to come as soon as I cut loose. Burn through the last of my senjutsu chakra. And now...

"Here we go! Sage Art Water Release: Great Water Shark Bullet!"

I thrust my hands forward, and the orb explodes outwards into a gigantic water shark. The pull of the sphere does its work, drawing the shark in at high speed. The reason this jutsu is my insurance policy is that it's special.

The stronger the enemy's technique, the stronger mine becomes.

I watch as the shark tears through the layers of rubble before latching onto the sphere with its watery teeth. And then it swells in size. Again. Again. Getting even more massive than before, absolutely ballooning. The sphere cracks under the pressure of the shark's growing jaws, until it shatters completely, exploding outwards. The shark follows suit, creating an instant downpour as the mass of dirt, dust, and rubble falls in a heap towards the earth. I make a series of hand seals and hold my breath while floating through the dust.

"Something like that...impossible. To destroy even that technique."

Deva Pain stands across from me in the newly formed crater.

"Was I wrong? Mistaken about the nature of things?" he muses. "Even so..."

He has two of the black rods extend from his palms.

"I cannot abandon my mission. Not when we have come this far. Serpent woman...you should know where you stand. Your technique has ended, and you are at my mercy."

"Is that what you think?"

"I can see how exhausted you are after all of those stunts. So I will do you a kindness...and put you out of your misery now. Bansho Ten'in."

"!" I'm pulled off my feet, into the air and downward in an arc. Deva Pain advances towards me and jumps up to meet me.

"A valiant effort...but futile."

He throws the rod at me, piercing my chest before I explode into a cloud of smoke. Then he lands, and I emerge from the shadows to trap him.

"Muki Tensei!"

The concrete warps around his feet and traps them, while long sheets peel up from the ground and bind his arms in place.

"You have me..."

"It seems so. And now, I'll finish you off at a safe distance. Can't be too careful," I say. I make seals and have a clone appear next to me, who runs forward and pulls a kunai from her holster. Deva Pain calmly waits as she approaches.

"You still haven't learned a thing, little woman. Bansho Ten'in."

"!" He pulls me off my feet and has me slam into the back of my water clone, dispelling her and slamming my face into my own construct. My head is spinning, and by the time I recover, Pain has already erased his restraints to send me flying again. I feel something tear through my hands a moment later, then a shadowy figure with Rinnegan appearing in my mind. I can't move...my body isn't responding to anything I tell it...

"All for nothing. How unfortunate."

Deva Pain stands over me, holding a black rod over my neck. Two more are pinning me to the ground. I can't focus my chakra. Can't...do anything.

"What is your final will, Lilith Kobayashi? I will do my best to honour your memory...you were a formidable opponent, despite our differences. The world will never see one such as you again. If it would...perhaps my hand might be stayed."

"There's no need for that...I made a promise to you, earlier..."

"That I would see the true hand of God. What of it?"

I smile. "One thing you should know about me...I always keep my promises. And as for my final will...that's nothing you have to worry about, friend."

My body turns into a mass of lightning, and he reacts.

"Shinra Tensei."

"All you need to do is...know pain."

His head turns to see me standing behind him, arm raised.

And with the countenance of a Sage.

"Mobius Zero."

Not a chance at all. Through the left side of his back, obliterating the space where his heart would be. He floats in the air briefly before coming down to earth face first. He doesn't move an inch.

It's finally over.


I go over to the corpse and pull one of the piercings from his ear. Comparing it to the sample I took earlier, I can safely say that they're the same. And both are still receiving chakra signals. Since I'm still in Sage Mode...this should be simple. Though I think it's just a matter of confirming what I suspected already. I take one of the piercings and wipe it on my sleeve before putting it into my mouth. My tongue wraps around it, absorbing the heat and chakra.


A small flash, like when two sensor types discover each other. I turn to face a certain building. The tallest on this side.

Pain's Tower.

On the top floor, which has been shrouded to prevent anyone from discovering what's inside. Well, I know what's in there now. And who.

The real Pain. A man named Nagato.


And I can feel through this connection...how he got to this point. I take the receiver from my mouth and put it back into my pouch.

"It's time for us to meet, face to face. Nagato...let's put an end to this for good."