Which Lili is your favourite?

  • Angry Lili

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Bully Lili

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • Benevolent Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Commander Lili

    Votes: 24 15.2%
  • Big Sis Lili

    Votes: 49 31.0%
  • Shy Lili

    Votes: 18 11.4%
  • Smug Lili

    Votes: 57 36.1%
  • Sadist Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Professional Lili

    Votes: 26 16.5%
  • Villainess Lili

    Votes: 37 23.4%
  • Suave Lili

    Votes: 28 17.7%

  • Total voters
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom – ep. 07
[Kazekage Rescue Mission, Part 2]

"Sorry to cause a disturbance, but we have shinobi here from the Hidden Leaf as requested."

I watch Baki instantly rise from his chair, looking the same as the last time I saw him. He has a perplexed look on his face before shaking his head and composing himself.

"I'll divine that mystery later. Your arrival is much appreciated, Major Kobayashi. Not to sound insolent, but...why have you come here first? I would have met you elsewhere at the first opportunity."

"I wanted to clear up any confusion regarding my identity, but most importantly, I wanted a look at Kankuro here."

"Oh? Have you become a medical kunoichi?"

"No, but I have some knowledge of medical arts...and extensive knowledge on poisons in particular. From what I have been told, our friend is dealing with the latter issue."


Baki and I move together towards the bed Kankuro lies on, while Guy handles our packs.

"He hasn't been able to move or speak much at all...he's completely paralyzed," Baki explains. "It happened after he chased down the Akatsuki. The other person is skilled, a poison user. Someone well known to the Sand."

"Pray tell, who might this be?"

"A legend...Sasori of the Red Sand."

"The great craftsman of the puppet corps himself, then. A formidable opponent, no doubt. So he was Deidara's other partner, and with his information and geographical understanding, he would have had access to a sleeper agent in the village. Have you found that person yet?"

"Not yet." He sighs. "Kankuro doesn't have long...are there reinforcements coming?"

"They should make it under the limit...but we can't wait that long. Every hour counts, and as far as I'm concerned, it's game over for Gaara if they leave Wind Country. Three days is too long to hold out for them, and it would make Temari cry to see her brother in such pain."

"Can...you neutralize the poison?" he asks, cautiously.

"Yes, without a doubt. Within the next two hours, Kankuro should be out of the danger zone. The poison's effects should be lessened at the least, and you will have time to create a proper antidote if needed. I only ask that you trust me and follow my instructions."

"You've done well by us in the past. If that's all you need, then-"

"Giving away the farm like that so suddenly? No wonder the Hidden Sand has grown weak."

"..." Baki bows his head towards the new voice, and I turn. A small, old woman with grey hair tied up into a bun at the top, and an eggplant-coloured headband binding the rest of it. Her face is wrinkled and spotted, she has two dotted earrings of jade, and she wears a loose, dark outfit that also has an extra white garment on top of it, falling to her shoulders.

"Honoured Grandmother, welcome. I assumed you were still asleep," Baki says while moving to my side.

"Hard to sleep with all of the commotion going on. So who is this? A rookie medic brat sent from the Leaf? You should have expected as much, as proof of your so called friendship with them."

"Milady, if you could just-!"

I raise my hand to stop Baki.

"Your concern is noted, dear sir. Rest assured, I do not burn up as easily as I used to. All will be handled in time."

He relaxes at that. "Y-yes. Of course."

"Aside from that...it's not wise to put yourself between two feuding women so suddenly. It never ends well for you men." I step towards the old woman and look down on her.

"You have a mouth on you, I see. Don't think it will get you much further than this, little girl."

"Do you know who I am?" I ask calmly.

"Why should I care?"

"I see. You'll learn your place soon, then. Now...I take it you can't figure out this poison, even with your many decades of experience. I am not a medical shinobi, and I am certainly not a rookie, or anything less than first rate in all of my specialties. You, sir. Would you assist me for a spell?" I say to the medic wisely staying out of the way. Fresh-looking, with neat black hair and brown eyes. There's the shadow of a moustache on his face.

"With the permission of-"

"Assist her with whatever she needs," Baki says firmly. "You have my permission."

"Yes, sir. Major Kobayashi, ma'am. What can I do for you?"

"A few things, in sequence. I want you to draw out a good amount of blood from Kankuro's body as it is now. Then, be prepared to draw blood from me next."

"If I might intrude," Baki says.

"You may," I say while continuing to stare down the old woman.

"What is it that you're planning to do?"

"A very simple thing," I say as I turn away and take a seat in one of the chairs. "As part of my training with Ane-ue, I built up resistances to many types of poisons, with the difficulty increasing every two weeks or so. In this regard, there is very little in the natural world that can harm me in that manner. But it's not just mere tolerances...I have taken things a step further. As a result, my body can now swiftly decipher poisons and eliminate them from my system."

"So...you're planning to take the poison into yourself first. Then using your body's ability to neutralize the poison, you'll have your own blood drawn and placed into Kankuro's system."

"Correct. This amount should be enough to knock most of the poison out of his system and allow him to move again. I'll need someone a little more skilled to mix the antidote itself, though. As much as I've studied, I don't feel confident in my antidote creation skills just yet. This method, though crude to you folk, will have to do."

"If you believe it will work, it's more than enough."


I look over calmly at the old woman.

"All of it is childish nonsense. Using your blood to create some sort of immunity? It's a good thing you're not a medical shinobi, or else you would have been kicked out of whatever course you signed up for! You don't even understand how blood works, despite your supposed ability to spill it so freely!"

Baki growls before composing himself. "Lady Chiyo is correct...incompatible blood types-"

"It's O negative," I reply.


"Ah, the universal donor type," Guy says. "Very rare, and the type most used in emergencies. It's because it is highly versatile!"

"The main issue with blood transfusions is that if the types are incompatible with each other, the recipient's antibodies will attack the red blood cells coming into their system, as an automatic defence," our medic explains. "Type O negative blood can be donated to any other person with less immediate risk, because of the simple fact that the antigens are in the plasma and not the red blood cells themselves. Without that knowledge, we would at least have had to test samples from both Major Kobayashi and Lord Kankuro before any procedure could take place."

"So you can essentially give blood to anyone without worry. No wonder you were so confident," Baki says. "Well, it's a blessing for us..."

"..." Chiyo looks at me quietly.

"However...there is a risk as a result," Guy adds.

"A risk? You mean from donating?" Baki asks.

"The risk is that she can only receive the same type of blood."

Baki looks to Chiyo.

"It is an irony of sorts...the universal donor cannot universally receive."

"I see...something like that only makes this more significant."

"Major Kobayashi, are you ready?" the medic asks me.

"I am. Have at it...and pardon my manners, by the way. I haven't asked for your name yet."

"Ma'am. Lieutenant Daru Tadano of the Hidden Sand, ma'am."

"Thank you for your service, my dear. Now...Guy, may I have my writing implements? Tadano, please bring the syringe with blood to me."

I get the notepad and a pen, while Tadano returns with the blood-filled syringe.

"I will only need a few drops. Into my palm, right there."

"Yes, ma'am." He does as told, and I lick the blood from my palm quickly. I tug a bit at my jacket sleeve and have it come up far enough to give Tadano access to my right arm.

"The rest can go into my arm. Thank you, love."

"Of course, ma'am." He blushes a bit but stays composed as he starts his routines, locating my vein before poking through the skin with his needle. I let the flavour of blood dance on my tongue, trying to tease out the components that put Kankuro in such a state.

Metal. I can taste a lot of it. Heavier metals in particular, like lead. Truly awful, and answers the question as to why our friend ended up this way so quickly. Those metals are toxic even in small quantities.

"How is she doing?" Chiyo asks.

"Steady, from what I can tell," Tadano says. He feels for my pulse before nodding. "Ma'am, how long did you say this would take?"

"Between thirty and forty five minutes. This one's quite vicious," I say while writing. "But...I think I have an idea of how to counter this. As said before, antidotes isn't my forte, but I have someone I trust on that end."

"They're coming as back up, I assume," Baki says.

"That too. I was more thinking of someone in this village, primarily. Is Suketsune Temko in, by chance?"

"Ah, I see...I think you should know that all three of them are currently in the village as we speak."

"Then a favour to cash in, since the Sand owes me quite a few by now. I would appreciate you fetching them so that they can be added to my fighting force. We can use the night for planning while I catch my breath from this poison flowing through me."

"Of course. If you'll excuse me then, Major, Honoured Grandmother."

Baki bows before leaving the room.

"What is your goal in doing this?" Chiyo asks. "You realize that this is a kindness easily taken advantage of, don't you?"

"I do, indeed. But there are two reasons I can do something like this so freely," I reply. "The first is that I place value on people like Gaara and Kankuro. This one and I haven't spoken too much, but as Gaara and Temari's brother...it would be terrible of me to let him fall into oblivion when I could do something to prevent it. This is something that I genuinely want to do. State boundaries and differing ideologies...I won't let that get in the way of doing the right thing."

"I see."

"Of course, the second reason is...much more in line with your model of me. No matter how many secrets of mine you steal...no matter how many advantages you think you have over me...you will realize, as you lay broken at my feet, that it was not enough. No matter what you do," I say with a cruel smile, "it will never be enough. With a breath from my lips, with a snap of my fingers, you will disappear into nothing. You will turn to dust, floating away in the wind."

She glares at me even now, with her old bones trembling.

"You haven't figured it out yet, have you? Not to worry, you'll have as much time as you need. Is there anything else?"

"In the end, you're just another monster wearing human skin. Any village fool enough to trust yours deserves to meet its end," she snarls.

"Lady Chiyo, I am afraid that I must object greatly to your assertions," Guy says. "Every generation and realm needs those who embrace their inner selves, and become the noble savages of legend. Those who allow their youth to fade could not understand the true goals and might of those called heavenly warriors."

"What are you saying..."

"It's a waste of time talking to this old woman, Guy. She has already rejected the glory of youth in her heart," I interrupt.

"Mm...a tragic thing to say, but it appears that you are right. Still, I hope that you can ignite the flame once again, Lady Chiyo. We will bring the Kazekage back to his rightful throne, and return the light to this village darkened by despair."

"Bah." Chiyo finally leaves us alone. Good fucking riddance.

"There is something strange about that woman..."

I nod. "Yes. Though we can worry about it later. Once we have our personnel assembled, and Kankuro looks a bit better...we can set out through the desert again. After eating, of course. I'll have Baki get us something once he comes back. Guy, go ahead and take a nap while you wait. I did say this would be a while."

"You're sure?"

"I'll wake you if anything comes up."

"Okay." He gives me a thumbs up and settles into one of the chairs.

"Perhaps you could do the same for a while, ma'am. After we finish up here, of course," Tadano says.

"Since I don't want to worry you too much, I'll take that advice. Thirty minutes should be enough for a refresh. Let's finish this list as well, so that Miss Temko doesn't have to wait too long..."


My eyes flutter open, and I carefully stretch my limbs while waking up. That poison was certainly heavy...no doubt that Sasori is a sadist at heart, making something that paralyzes almost immediately yet kills slowly.


Then again, I don't know if I'm exactly one to talk when it comes to sadism.

"Apologies for the wait, Major," Baki says.

"No trouble," I say as I stand up. "I just finished my nap. You've completed my request, and I thank you."

"Of course."

"Ladies, I apologize for having woken you up so suddenly. I desired your help above all others in this endeavour."

"We had to come running since it was you."

"Yep. No reason to hesitate once you made the call, Cap."

"That's right...since we haven't forgotten your kindness, paying you back like this is the least we could do."

My lovely friends from what seems like an age ago...they've all grown splendidly since the last time we travelled together.

"Teamwork will be key in this mission. We have knowledge of each other and can anticipate each others' movements, allowing us to work more efficiently in the field. Trust is also important, and working together in the past gives us that advantage too. The current darkness can be both a curse and a blessing...no doubt that traps and obstacles have been set up to impede us. There is also an agent of Akatsuki that can track us and relay our positions to the main group remotely. We will defeat their surveillance by choking off the escape of their membership with lightning speed and thunderous force." I take up my notepad. "The first thing we will do is employ countermeasures against this menace. Aiko, equipment checks."

"Yes, ma'am." She takes her teammates' bags and starts looking over them. Aiko has done some growing, and now I'm sure she looks just as Pakura did at this age. The same sort of outfit as before, a close-fitting black top with no back or sleeves on it. She has a white sash around her waist, and dark leggings. The new things are her black gloves and much longer hair, reaching down to her back in the form of pigtails, and going from black to dark green near the ends.

Curiously, she hasn't grown upwards as much as I assumed. But I think that just makes her cuter.

"Suketsune, I would like for you to check my work and match it against the mix ratio tables available," I say to her as I hand over the notepad. "Tadano, go with her to the greenhouse where you keep your herbs. Get her whatever she needs."

"Understood, ma'am." Suketsune focuses in and starts to study my notes. Her voice is still soft, but I can tell...she's become far more confident than the last time we spoke. The messy, light brown hair from before has become straight with a lovely sheen to it, formed into a neat princess cut for good measure. The red kimono she wears over her combat uniform looks even more elegant, with intricate patterns of gold and black woven into the fabric. Those very long sleeves still hide her hands, and the poison sprayers on her wrists that she must have improved over time.

"Guessing there's nothing much to do for me, eh."

"Not for now, Makoto. You can occupy yourself by studying the mission data that we have. Any insights you can come up with might be helpful," I say as I hand her a scroll.

"Got it." Makoto removes the kunai-style blades from her back, seats herself on the floor, and starts mumbling to herself while reading. Out of the three of them, she's definitely grown the most, physically speaking. Maybe mentally too, as despite her frequent glances at me, she hasn't started the usual banter. She's put on more muscle all around, her chest is bigger - evident from the strain on those wrappings underneath the flak jacket - and she's ditched the miniskirt from before, leaving her with the pair of snug black shorts. Looking very good, I must say.

Hmm. I hope Fio is home when I get back...she must look absolutely delicious herself by now...

"Captain...oh, sorry. Force of habit. Major Kobayashi," Aiko says. "I have a question."

"Of course. Remember that you can call me by name, or whatever you might like, if it makes you more comfortable. That goes for you too, Makoto."

"Got it, Cap."

"So, Aiko. Your question."

"I was wondering about what we were going to do next, since you said that heading out like this was a double edged sword."

"We want to wait for Kankuro to awaken first, so as to gather more relevant information. The attacker was supposedly Sasori of the Red Sand."

"Sasori...he was pretty famous in the village. Still is," Aiko says. "So he's with Akatsuki, and he poisoned Lord Kankuro...that's really heavy. Do you think we're enough to go after him?"

"More than enough."

She nods. "Okay. Then I'll give my all as soon as you say the word."

"Good. We'll need your bloodline limit to properly confront him. The plan for now is to leave as one group and head after Deidara and Sasori while they're still slow to move. I doubt they're heading towards the border at maximum speed during these early hours. When we get to them, we'll make an attempt to split them up."

"Sasori is a formidable opponent...yet we cannot have our best go after him, since it will further weaken the village," Baki says. "No offence meant, but if Kankuro was so easily crushed with all three of his puppets in play, what do you expect these girls to do?"

"I want them to stall until I return. Sasori is strong, but with the antidote in play, our next encounter need not be fatal. The plan is to pit him against four of us while I pursue Deidara. I have a jutsu that can take care of that menace."

"Mobius?" he asks.

"Something more arcane than that. It will allow me to control the sky in the same manner I do the earth."

"As always, you are full of surprises, Scarlet Viper."

"Heh. That's Cap for ya," Makoto says as she stands up. "Never a dull moment."

"The skill to challenge Sasori is not something you can conjure up on a whim, girl."

"..." I resist the urge to groan as Chiyo reenters the room.

"Honoured Grandmother Chiyo...we didn't realize you were here," Aiko says, bowing deeply.

Chiyo pauses while staring at Aiko. "You, girl...what is your name?"

"Aiko Mishoto, ma'am."

"Your mother...she was Pakura, wasn't she?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Hmph. I see. It was a tragedy, surely. Losing one of the Sand's finest warriors, and for what...nothing but misery and suffering. The worst sacrifices are the ones that carry no meaning."

"..." Aiko's hands tremble for a bit before she settles herself.

"It is admirable how you handle your frustration. But the truth is a bitter medicine."

"Fossil. Why have you appeared before me yet again?" I ask.

"L-Lili, that's-"

"An old fool who has yet to learn her place," I say to Aiko. "We've met, and she decided to lead off with hostility. This bitch is getting exactly what she asked for."

"Pleasantries aside...if you mean to take on Sasori, you will need my assistance."

"You're insistent on inserting yourself into this matter, despite your advanced age." My eyes narrow. "You have a relation to Sasori, don't you..."

"Further than that," Baki says.


"We don't need to hide anything from her," he snaps back. "Sasori is Grandmother Chiyo's grandson by blood."

"Is that so..."

"What, not going to mock me?" Chiyo says.

"I have no reason to. You want to make up for what you perceive as your past sins...things that led Sasori down the path he currently walks now. Whether it's the truth or not, I have no reason to cause you grievance over it."


"Beyond that...those feelings are understood as well." I let out a breath. "Since you have already prepared, I will not stand in your way. We will simply change formation and use the new advantage given to us."

"I can give you a bit more to go on...before you head out..."

"Kankuro?" Baki rushes to his side and helps him sit up.

"Kankuro...are you quite sure one of the Akatsuki was Sasori?" Chiyo asks him.

"Whoa...Granny Chiyo? Though you were out fishing somewhere." He groans and adjusts himself. "Yeah...no doubt. He called himself Sasori of the Red Sand. Ripped through...all my puppets like nothing. Salamander, Ant, Crow...just pieces by the time he was done. Knew my moves inside out."

"Excuse us."

Suketsune reappears with a tray in her hands, Tadano following. Upon it sits a tea kettle, one tea cup, and three small vials of liquid.

"Lord Kankuro is awake...then we can have him drink this. It's quite bitter, so I apologize in advance. Here..."

"Bitter, huh...there's a joke in there, somewhere..."

Suketsune pours the tea and helps him drink it down.

"Ugh...that's the worst..."

"Sorry about that."

"Not your fault...thanks."

"It should take care of the rest of the numbness. Major Kobayashi did an amazing job on all fronts...that blood transfer has taken care of the majority of the poison in your body, and this mixture will eliminate the rest. As for an antidote, the mix ratios she figured out were spot on. Including the mixture that's in the tea, we've made four doses of antidote. The three vials allow for hypodermic, intramuscular injection providing a rapid response to the poison if it should enter the body."

"I knew I could count on you, Suketsune. You're amazing," I say with a smile.

"I always aim to please, ma'am," she says, smiling back. "And I couldn't have gotten anywhere without your help. In fact...the poison was so complex that I doubt even the creator had an antidote prepared themselves."

"That seems to track. It's a sadist's type of play in the first place."

"I see..."

"Kankuro, you said that you could render assistance. What do you mean by that?" I ask him.

"Guh...damn, that tea bites. Sorry. I made a move earlier to try and get something before the poison took me out...used Crow to get a piece of Sasori's clothing. You'll want to check one of the hands."

"Resourceful of you. That will make things nearly automatic when it comes to tracking."

"Glad you appreciate it," he says with a smile. "So...if you just got the antidote, how'd you get the rest of the poison out...?"

"Major Kobayashi took in some of your blood and circulated it through her system. The poison was neutralized there, and so we transferred her blood into you so that the poison would be neutralized in your body as well, using the existing antibodies," Tadano explains.

"That so? Heh, I'm not gonna turn into a snake, am I? Or get weird cravings for blood and junk..."

I pout at him playfully. "This is the thanks I get for saving your life? Prick."

"I'm gonna get Temari to run over to Leaf and kick your ass the moment I start hissing. Seriously, though...I really owe you, Lili. Thanks for saving me."

"Not a problem. No sense in letting comrades suffer needlessly, you know?"

"I know. And...with as much as you've done already..."

"No. Don't you worry about that. What is it?"

"I...need you to save my brother. Gaara's been through so much, and I...I couldn't protect him, even as much as I wanted to. What he did for this village, even as he was losing consciousness..."

"I saw Lord Kazekage bring up an incredible amount of sand into the sky to protect us from an explosion," Aiko says. "And after that, even though he could have let it fall on the village to conserve his strength...all of that sand was shoved back into the desert. He was thinking of us until the end..."

Gaara. That person I crushed so mercilessly years ago has grown into someone special. Someone loved.

That's why...

"I won't let it end here. I promise you, Kankuro. I will bring your little brother back home, where he belongs. On my name as the Scarlet Viper of legend, it shall come to pass."

"Yeah...I can believe it. I'll be good to go by the time you guys get back."

I give him a nod in response.

"The evidence will be gathered from Crow," Baki says. "I'll meet you near the village entrance. When Lady Temari returns, I'll have her on patrol and inform her of your mission to catch the kidnappers."

"Good. Alright, everyone," I announce. "If you don't have anything else you need to gather, head straight to our rendezvous point. From there, we will discuss our plan and formation in full."

At that, we start out of the hospital room.
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom – ep. 08
[Kazekage Rescue Mission, Part 3]

"Since we have new information on one of the two Akatsuki members, we will allow our most senior member to dispense it to us during this briefing."

Our team is now assembled outside of the large steps of rock in front of the village. It will still be dark for a few more hours.

"I suggest you start showing some respect for once," Chiyo says to me.

"Fuck yourself."

"Oi, oi. Let's chill out before we completely lose the plot here," Makoto says. "We're gonna need to coordinate and all that good stuff, so we should get it together. Sounds good, right? Okay."

"I gave this old bitch the floor, and she chose to try and needle me instead. Fucking get on with it," I say with a dark tone. "I'm in charge here, and don't you forget it. We're all young and healthy enough to move at a pace you can't keep up with."

"Is this what you adults are satisfied with?" Chiyo asks Guy. He says nothing and raises his hands in surrender.

"Lady Chiyo, not only is he not responsible for her development, but he's her subordinate for the duration of this mission," Aiko points out. "Please, you need to calm down and take some of this in stride, even if you're not used to it."

"Aiko is right, ma'am," Suketsune says. "It's time for us to settle down and start going over the mission details. We don't want them to leave the country if we can help it."

"And...I know it might not be fair to ask, but...Lili? Could you...?"

I sigh. "Yes, Aiko."

She smiles. "Thank you."

"Chiyo...please give us a report on what you know about Sasori, and what we might expect once we engage him. I would appreciate it."

She gives me a look before relenting at last. "I can do that for you. Sasori was last in this village twenty years ago. Since then, he has been up to enough trouble...that title of his was earned back when he was one of the most elite puppet users in the village. Now, there is a particular puppet he likes to use, and is likely using at this moment. It's called Hiruko."

"Well, as long as we can cut those strings, it won't matter much what he can do, right?" Makoto asks. "After that, we can swarm him."

"No, it's not that simple. Hiruko is a puppet, but it is also a form of armour. He must have changed it in these past two decades...but puppeteers are particular about their instruments. They are loathe to make sweeping changes, and instead prefer smaller refinements unless they are truly inspired by something."

"So it means that we're not completely blind...but things are still foggy in the end," Aiko concludes.

"Yes, that is correct. As you already know, Sasori loves to create and use all kinds of poisons. His favourite attacks are with senbon, and those, along with all of his weapons, are coated with poison. Because of that, even a single scratch can become fatal."

"Without a proper facility...he wouldn't have any time to make something new, or use anything more complicated than what he has recently," Suketsune says. "He would assume that Kankuro is still dying, and that his mixture hasn't been deciphered. The limited time meant that I could only make the three vials...hopefully that's enough for us."

"Please distribute them to Aiko and Chiyo, then keep the last for yourself," I say.

"Yes, ma'am." She does so, then Aiko and Chiyo pocket their antidotes.

"Chiyo, please continue."

"Your greatest advantage against Sasori is me, as I taught him from an early age. His skills have certainly evolved since then, but my experience will allow me to read enough of his moves that our chances of survival will improve greatly. There is also one more important thing..."

"What might that be?" I ask.

"It mainly concerns you," she says to me, "and you," she says to Aiko. "The one from Leaf because of her infamy and powerful skills, and Pakura's child because of her inheritance, the Scorch Release bloodline limit."

And of course, the other bloodline limit. But she wouldn't mention that in front of us.

"You think that bastard is gonna try and capture Aiko?" Makoto growls. "No way would I let that happen!"

"Capture...that would raise the difficulty, wouldn't it?" Suketsune says.

No...no, it's something else. Something far darker. Sasori's paralyzing and eventually fatal poisons...

"He would not need to perform a live capture," Chiyo says. "Not for his collection. Sasori has pioneered the creation of human puppets."

"Human puppets? Why would he need Aiko and Lili for that?" Makoto asks. "He's been using puppets so long that he could easily make-"

"No, Makoto," I interrupt. "Not humanoid puppets. Human puppets...as in puppets made from human corpses."

Her face pales. Suketsune covers her mouth with her sleeves. Aiko stares at her hands, horrified.

"He prepares the body first by readying it for preservation," Chiyo explains. "Then, he uses the body and its remaining parts to create a puppet for his own purposes. The reason he does is this is to keep the person's chakra network intact. They contain their own chakra, and all of the unique abilities that they had in life. Sasori is the only person who knows how to make them, and thus is the only person known to have used them."

"It means their jutsu...and their bloodline limits. He would definitely covet Aiko for that reason," I say.

"And you."

"I have a pre-approved list of people who can put their hands on my body. Contingencies will be in play as always."

"Sasori has ways of getting what he wants."

"I'm sure he does," I say as I look to Chiyo. "But I'm a stubborn bitch, as you must know by now. He won't have an easy time of it."

"Hmph." It's faint, but it seems I got a smile out of her for once.

"So what do we do? Obviously we don't want to get caught by that guy," Makoto says.

"We will need certain personnel to take on different jobs," I reply. "Once we split them apart, Chiyo will take you three girls to stall Sasori for as long as you can. Guy and I will pursue Deidara. I would have taken Makoto with me, but I can see that she's worried about Aiko more than anything else."

"It's quite unwise to put personal motivations ahead of the mission," Chiyo says.

"Is it? Personal motivation is what brought me here within a half day, saved one of your shinobi, and is allowing you to hunt down two elite criminals just before sunrise. I dare say that without personal motivation in play, you lot would be, with all respect, completely fucked." I cross my arms. "Part of the plan is to use the combined might of your Wind Release jutsu to repel Sasori's weapon attacks. Chiyo would be able to guide the group through anything that would present itself as particularly nasty. Aiko's bloodline ability and Suketsune's poisons will be extremely helpful in flushing Sasori out of his hole. Makoto can use her speed and reach with her weapons to cause some chaos in the midst of all that. Once I return, however, her role will become redundant."

Makoto nods with understanding. "I get you. So once you get back with the big boss, me and Mister Green Beast over there will high tail it back to the Sand together."

"Yes, exactly."

"I'm definitely down with that. Aiko couldn't be in better hands," she says with a grin.

"Then it's settled. I think we know enough about Sasori to make a run at him...he seems to be the least mobile of the two according to our data, so cornering him will be easier. Deidara is a troublesome enemy who can fly and use devastating explosive attacks. Putting some effort into killing him goes without saying, but the highest priority is Gaara's safe return. Akatsuki has their wants, but that doesn't make them completely predictable..."

"Wait...Lili, you can fly now?" Aiko asks.

"I was wondering about that myself," Guy says.

"No. I can't fly. But I can do something quite useful in lieu of that...you don't need to worry about such things yet, darlings." I turn my wrist inwards and glance at my watch. "Let's start at a reasonable pace for now. We will accelerate at the promised time. Is everyone ready?"

I get affirmation from everyone. Reaching into my pocket, I take out the small pouch given to me earlier by Baki. It contains the piece of cloth that Kankuro ripped away from Sasori.

I bite down on it, and focus.


The trail is hot. They're definitely not far away.

"Lightly now," I say as I pocket the cloth again. "We'll catch up to them soon."

We all secure our packs before taking off in formation.


The sun comes over the horizon, and a rich orange glow starts to illuminate the desert. We've been jogging quietly for a while now.

Seems that everyone has their own thoughts to deal with.

I poke my tongue out a few times to confirm our course. Those two are close, very close. Gaara is definitely with them...and I can feel that he's alive.

"Stand by," I call out. "Arrow head formation."

I check my left and right sides to see that everyone is in place.

"Here we are. I have Sasori's signal and Gaara's. Gaara is closest to the chakra that I don't recognize, so that has to be Deidara. He's to the right...we'll make him dance first. Guy, once we start our routines, settle in beside me."

"Got it!"

"Everyone else...be careful. Don't do anything reckless."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Accelerate now!"

We start forward and tear through the desert sands, gaining a visual quickly as the two Akatsuki walk on in their robes. One figure on the left, with a large, hunched over form that starts to turn towards us. The considerably slimmer figure with blonde hair jumps on top of a white bird nearby.

"Aiko, Makoto, Suketsune."

"Ma'am! Ready, girls?" Aiko calls back.


They burst ahead while making seals, before coming to a sliding stop.

"Wind Release: Gale Palm!"

I stop in between them and weave my own seals.

"Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire!"

"That's trouble!" the blonde man yells.

I exhale a flaming dragon head, which grows rapidly in size as it rides the air current provided by the girls. Deidara and Sasori are forced to dodge in opposite directions as the attack shoots by them.

"One more. Water Release: Water Shark Bullet."

I snap my fingers and the shark immediately appears before shooting forward, slamming into Sasori and throwing up a spray of water. My concern isn't doing damage, it's keeping him busy long enough for the girls and Chiyo to box him in. Guy falls in next to me, and we take off after Deidara as he starts to soar into the sky.

"It's good that he's out of range, because I wouldn't want to admit this out loud, hm." Deidara says, standing on top of his strange bird. It's made out of some substance...rock? No, that's not it. Lighter. I poke my tongue out at the air. Soil...no, not that. I think that's clay. Why clay?

As for his appearance, he's definitely one of those bishounen. An oddly shaped blue eye and blonde hair...he could give plenty of girls a run for their money in that department. One long bang over his left eye which is hiding some metal device, and a ponytail to complete his fashionable appearance. Terrible waste of beauty, this.

"An embarrassing secret?" Guy asks.

"No! Nothing like that, hm. It's simply that...Master Sasori is more powerful than I am, hm. You can see why I wouldn't admit it to someone like him, hm? His ego is already the size of Wind Country..."

"Thank you for the warning, sir," I say to him. "It will come in handy when I scatter him to the winds next."

"Oho! I heard you had quite the bite, but this is beyond even that, hm. So you're the infamous Scarlet Viper...very stylish, hm."

"How considerate of you. I was just thinking that you came off as quite handsome yourself."

"Interesting, hm. You should give up your life as a village hound and join our group, hm. I'm sure we could find plenty to bond over, hm."

"Hard pass. I decided years ago that you were all as good as dead. Let's start with that now...I'll be taking Gaara back," I say calmly. "And if you stand still for me, I'll take your head off cleanly in the same motion."

"That's a pass for me too. Sorry to make you come all this way just to turn back, hm. I'll be going now, so see you next hunt, hm!"

"I will get what I want...whether you like it or not."

Deidara climbs higher into the sky.

"Not good...I'll have to-"

"Guy. I said that I had something to take care of this situation already, did I not?"

"Right. Sorry."

"No harm meant. This pack isn't sealed well enough for what I want to do, so...hold onto it for me a bit, please?"

"No trouble at all!" He takes my bag from me.

"Thank you, love. Be back in a moment."

I give him a wink before taking off, increasing my speed before taking a leap into the air. My hands quickly draw from the holsters strapped to my thighs.

Two large knives, made for combat and survival. Sharp edges, with serrations on the spines, and a handle with adjustable weight for any situation. And of course, my favourite part...the blades themselves are made of Red Iron, giving off that sinister crimson glow that made me fall in love with them at first sight. Another fantastic creation of my friendly weapon smiths, Zen and Airi.

"Now...come forth, Murakumo."


Deidara looks down on me with indifference as I grip my knives tightly. My momentum slows, and I start to drop from the sky.

"You...are mine."

And then, I start my dance.


As I've practised thousands of times before...the water gathers under my feet at my command, and in a fraction of a second, I focus chakra to the soles of my feet before pushing off. One step. Two steps. Ten. Twenty.

I stride through the clear sky, bouncing from point to point quickly and shooting past Deidara. Another jump, and I bounce down from the space above his head, flying towards him upside down with my blades readied.

"What the hell?!"

"You're making it difficult."


I push lightning chakra into my blades and slash outward, barely missing Deidara but cutting the clay bird in two. Gaara starts to fall from the bird's slackened grip, and Deidara manages to conjure up a smaller bird before staring at me in horror.

"You can fly?! There's no way, hm! Nobody told me about this!"

"You got to escape with your head this time. Lucky you," I taunt as I fall towards Gaara.

"You won't get away, hm!"

"No...I think I will." I make a seal. "Shadow Clone."

A copy of me appears in the air and immediately starts weaving more seals. I grab Gaara and pull him close to me.

"Great Dragon Fire!"


Deidara's bird is clipped by the dragon head, and starts to burn while spiralling out of the sky.

"Can't believe this...! Got caught with our pants down, hm!" He grimaces and jumps from the bird as it explodes, then summons another one that seems to be smaller than the last. He's running out of resources, then. That clay must be specially made.

"This won't be the last time, Scarlet Viper! But you should worry about your friends, hm! They're as good as dead against Master Sasori, hm!"

He takes off, climbing higher into the sky at speed.

"That was interesting...so it works well even in this desert. I'll keep that in mind for my future tours."

My clone dispels herself, and I use my technique to bounce safely downwards towards the sand while holding Gaara tightly. Guy joins us a moment later.

"So that was the technique you were talking about...it really is fantastic!"

"We can talk about it more a bit later, but thank you. I did come up with it myself, after all. Would you hand me my backpack?" I ask as I lay Gaara down gently.

"Here you go."

"Thank you kindly." I rummage through the bag and find my first aid kit, then the small silver bottle inside. "Perfect. Okay, Gaara...time for you to wake up."

"What's that?" Guy asks.

"Smelling salt. Always handy for emergencies." I flip open the small cap and hold it about a half foot from Gaara's nose as he lies down. He immediately inhales on reflex and his eyes flutter open. Bits and pieces of cracked, hardened sand start to fall away from his skin, and I brush them off gently. That's his final layer of defence, as I recall.


"Stay where you are, darling. Relax a moment...you're safe." I put my hand on his chest and note the vibrations coming from his body. More detailed analysis will be needed, but from what I can tell and sense...he's just fine. The soreness and exhaustion will clear up in time.

"That voice...I couldn't forget it..."

"How sweet. You remembered me after all this time," I say. He slowly starts to sit up, and I help him.

Gaara, much like Naruto, has grown quite a bit in height since the last time I saw him. He's become very handsome, too. I know Ino would melt at the sight of him now. His auburn hair has become a bit longer and remains just rugged looking as before. A long coat the colour of crimson, which must be something to wear in this desert heat, normal dark trousers and a great deal of grey belts and straps all over his person, some of which I assume are meant to hold his gourd in place when it's present.

"Lili Kobayashi. You really have grown to be a beautiful woman...and as powerful as I assumed you would be. Did you...defeat those Akatsuki?"

"The one who you fought, Deidara, ran out of material for his jutsu. We chased him off, so I'm sure that I'll run into him again soon enough. His partner is being stalled by the rest of our team."

"I see." He shakes his head to try and get the rest of the haze out. "Who is this partner?"

"Sasori of the Red Sand. Kankuro tried to save you but was poisoned by that man. Since Guy and I made it in early, we were able to treat him. He's recovering now. Temari is still away, but I'm sure that she'll come across our backup teams and get the information from them. The village is on high alert, but safe."

"Good...I wish I was well enough to help, but my body, even with Shukaku..."

"It's no trouble. We'll take care of the rest. Guy here will carry you back to the village, and you'll have Makoto as an additional escort."

He blinks. "Makoto...Hibana? If that's the case, then...I can only assume Aiko Mishoto and Suketsune Temko are with her."

"Yes. And one more...Chiyo, one of your village's former advisors."

"Grandmother Chiyo? But...that only makes sense. Sasori is her grandson..." He tries to stand up, struggling.

"Easy, now." Guy helps him to his feet.

"Thank you. You are...the Leaf's Sublime Blue Beast of Prey, aren't you?"

"Ah, you remembered me as well! I'm honoured, Lord Kazekage!" Guy says with a smile.

Gaara blinks at that. "I would find it difficult to forget such a person..."

"I would say the same," I quip. "Time to get back to work...those four should be okay, but I don't want to leave anything to chance. It will be inelegant, but you'll be using Guy's back today," I say to Gaara.

"That much is okay..."

"Get settled in before we take off."

Guy moves his pack to the front of his body, and carries Gaara on his back. We head out soon after, towards the other battle taking place. From what I can tell, everyone's doing fine – their chakra isn't acting erratically or moving in strange patterns.

"Dammit! That stupid tail!"

Makoto slides backwards on the sand after blocking a heavy blow. She's currently up front, wielding her kunai blades in each hand. Aiko is slightly back of her, with Suketsune and Chiyo bringing up the rear. Sasori's robes have been torn to pieces and scattered around the area, revealing the puppet body that he's hiding in, Hiruko. It's certainly something...a shell that looks like a demon mask is over his back, with that giant metal tail extending from the mouth opening. And on his left hand, some sort of weapon...looks like it launches projectiles, or more specifically, the senbon that Chiyo said he favoured.

"Not a very amusing pun, is it," I say as I stop next to her. My pack comes off and I throw it backwards towards the others.

"Say that twice," Makoto replies. "You made the save, looks like."


"Then I'm outta here. Good luck...you come back safe now, alright?"

"I will, Makoto. All of us will."

"Yeah." She secures her weapons before jumping back towards Guy. The two of them shoot off into the distance while I charge a few shuriken with lightning and throw them at Sasori.


He's forced to slap my attack away, eyes narrowing as he spies the gouges now present in his tail.

"You're not the only one with poison running through you, Scarlet Viper," he growls in that deep voice of his. Well, he's not wrong...I can smell the poison coming off that tail, and even if I couldn't, I can see it dripping off the edges. No wonder Makoto was loathe to get too close. He's absolutely drenched in that poison of his.

"It seems so. An interesting duel...snake versus scorpion."

"He's reinforced himself with that back shell," Chiyo says. "And the arm is something new as well."

"It will soon become irrelevant. Enough explosive force should do the trick..."

"I don't think paper bombs will be enough," Aiko points out.

"Of course. I have something just a bit stronger than that. And you're going to help me, darling."


One of the weaknesses of puppeteers is their vulnerability. Trying to control their puppets leaves them stationary most of the time, and thus vulnerable to attack. Hiruko allows him to circumvent that weakness, allowing him to launch surprise attacks at any time while remaining shielded. It's a heavy weapon and stalwart defence all in one.


Chiyo at this point isn't sure what else has changed. But that doesn't matter in the end, because there's only one action to take: smashing the thing to bits. And I have a jutsu that can help with that. First, I want to take care of that instrument, the tail. With Sasori's ability to control multiple weapons at once, he can easily wheel one of us into a bad situation. Baiting the left arm might be necessary, too.

"Guess I'll use it...we need the extra help," Aiko says. She takes a breath in before closing her eyes. And as they open again, they've turned into that familiar shade of red, with three black commas inside.

"I'll go in close. Do what you can to stay out of trouble," I say to her.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Okay. Here we go." I tense the muscles in my body before rushing forward, Aiko following. My hands quickly move and draw Murakumo again.

"I know what you brats are trying to do. Don't think it will work!"

Sasori raises his left arm, and it shoots forward with the large cylinder still attached to it, rotating rapidly.

"Slip through, darling."


The smaller cylinders inside spin off and open, throwing senbon in every direction and raining down poisoned weapons. But that won't be enough to slow us down.

Aiko and I mirror each others' movements, cleanly dodging every needle in sight before continuing our advance.


Sasori's tail twitches and shoots towards Aiko. Her face is calm as she focuses on the incoming weapon, and at the last moment she leans backwards, letting it sail over her body.

"Wrong move, Sasori!"


I body flicker towards the extended tail and flow lightning chakra into my knives. With a forceful slash, half of the tail is sliced away in a clean cut, falling uselessly to the ground. Aiko resumes her run, crossing behind me before we end up side by side again.

"Keeping the pressure up," I say. "Okay, my darling. Give me a big wind technique."

"Got it!" She weaves seals and comes to a hard stop.

"Damned brats...go ahead and die!" Sasori opens the mouth of his puppet and fires wave after wave of senbon at us.

"Handled! Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!"

Aiko breathes out a powerful gust of wind, sending sand flying everywhere in front of her and easily deflecting the waves of senbon. I quickly weave my own seals and breathe in. This should do it.

"Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning!"

The chakra infused ash streams from my mouth, riding Aiko's wind current all the way to Sasori and covering him in a massive, thick cloud. We end our jutsu and hop backwards.

"Go on, love."

"Yes, ma'am." Aiko makes a seal and one orb of pinkish flame appears in front of her. In the next moment, it shoots towards the cloud of ash.

Upon contact, it causes everything in the area to explode violently.

"Whoa! You...weren't kidding!" Aiko says while raising an arm over her face.

"He has to be done for after that, right?" Suketsune asks behind us.

"I wouldn't count on it," Chiyo says. "Sasori is a resilient fellow..."

Unfortunately, Chiyo is right. I can tell something is moving about in the cloud of smoke, as the violent wind dies down and the sand stops falling from the sky.

"Of all the things to do...you just had to break one of my favourites apart, didn't you? Women can be so violent at times. Wouldn't you agree, Granny Chiyo?"


The figure steps out of the smoke, still wearing their scorched and lightly ripped Akatsuki robe. But that voice is far different from what we've been hearing before...surely Sasori is middle aged, at least. So why...


"H-huh? Lady Chiyo, that's...is that really him?" Aiko asks, shocked.

"I don't understand either," Suketsune says.

"This is something that shouldn't be," Chiyo finally responds. "It's been twenty years, but...Sasori seems not to have aged a day."

"..." Indeed, the person standing in front of us looks like a teenage boy instead of an experienced older man. His red hair is short and messy, and his eyes make him look like he's in a constant haze. A purple ring is on his left thumb, barely visible.

"Compared to that giant puppet, he's...so small," Aiko says quietly. "So that's Sasori's true form."

"Wait...that can't be a coincidence, can it? Now that I can get a closer look...you're like a mirror of her," Sasori says.

"A mirror?" Aiko shakes her head. "Never mind that. Sasori, what have you come back to the village for? Why did you kidnap Lord Kazekage, and why are you working for Akatsuki? They're trying to do terrible things!"

"So we are. We have our own goals that loyal soldiers like you wouldn't ever understand. As for my personal motivations...you can ask Granny over there. She must have told you that she was the one who gave me my skills. In fact, I know that's why she's even out here in the first place. Heard she retired."

"You heard right, yes," Chiyo says.

"Shame. You already have one foot in the grave, so I guess you came around to make sure the other one fit, too. Fortunately for you, having the Scarlet Viper roaming around gives you a fighting chance." He sighs. "Would have been nice to have a proper team fight, though...Deidara miscalculated the One Tail's strength and it was a narrow capture. Of course, that's been ruined too...but nothing says that we can't have another go at it later. The Sand is already low on manpower, so losing you all would be a big blow. And of course, the Leaf wouldn't be too happy to lose their ace, hehe."

"Sorry to say, but if you want have a proper go at me, you'll have to work for it," I reply. "Good looks won't be enough."

"A sense of humour, too. I wish I could keep that intact when I add you to my collection. You see, I'm nearly at three hundred pieces..."

"Three hundred...that's really sick!" Aiko yells. "How could you do that? Why would you?"

"For the sake of art, of course. Fine art lasts forever...and what better form of fine art than the marionette? The great crystallization of talent, craftsmanship, and creativity. Humans die, and their flesh rots and decays. But puppets...those are great works that last forever, beyond normal humans and their ambitions, their wealth, their kingdoms. True art is eternal."

Something is...off. His chakra is simply radiating outwards from one point. Some sort of body modification, like Orochimaru? I wouldn't put it past him, they were partners at one point in time. He also didn't seem terribly affected by the recent explosion - the Hiruko puppet couldn't have blunted all the damage, and inhaling a cloud of ash isn't meant to improve one's health. His appearance, that strange concentration of chakra...

"I don't understand," Aiko says. "I can't understand something like that..."


"It's not funny!"

"No, no...my apologies. It's just that...you remind me so much of that woman. It's uncanny. Well, we've stood around enough, and I think I should get us moving again. There was a specific puppet that I was going to use to finish this quickly. But...now that you're here, I absolutely have to show you one of my greatest masterpieces, Aiko."

"What are you prattling on about now, puppet boy?" I ask him.

"Whatever human puppet he is set to bring out must be extremely powerful, if he's that confident. Be ready," Chiyo says.

"It doesn't matter what you bring out! We'll smash it, like we did your favourite just now!" Aiko yells. "So you can bring it on!"

Sasori's amused smile changes into a sadistic grin.

"If you're sure...then I'll oblige you. She's someone you'll recognize right away."

Something's wrong. There's a twinge of pain in my heart...like I know what's coming again. Mirror of her...human puppets. Someone you'll recognize...reminders of that woman. Something he's giddy at showing off.



"Lili?" Aiko asks. "Lili, what's wrong?"

"Sasori...you fucking trash. Is this how you get off?" I growl.

He unrolls the scroll before we can react again. And in a cloud of smoke...I feel it. Their chakra is so much the same...

It...really is her.

"Sasori...no. You did something like this?" Chiyo chokes out. Suketsune looks on in confusion for a moment before gasping.

Aiko stares out at the new figure, petrified. She falls to her knees in the sand.


There, in front of us...the valiant hero of the Hidden Sand, who gave her life years ago for the sake of her village.

Aiko's precious mother, now just a jointed doll.

Pakura Mishoto.
Elementally speaking this is a good pick, scorch hard counters most fire wind, and lightning, and weakens water effectively shutting down or nerfing most of the techs they used so far. It can also put most summons on a timer. Snake summons are better off than most though.

The lightning cloak and other nin-tai or nin-buki don't have this issue since they're internal/short range enough that they still function. However the Scorch still has them on a timer because it's going to devour stamina.

However Sasori has the complication of already having lost the shell game regarding the location of his critical organs.
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Yes, and this is actually a really nasty fight for her because scorch fucks with her lightning based lasers, as much as or possibly more so than the magnet release of the third kazekage puppet would. The greater the distance it has to travel through areas under scorch's influence the more nerfed and distorted her blasts will become due to scorch being partly wind. Not to mention that the longer Lili herself is around active and hostile scorch use the more of her own stamina will simply evaporate.

Fortunately the core of her style is the lightning cloak which is at heart a nin-tai booster meant for insane melee damage.
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Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom – ep. 09
[Kazekage Rescue Mission, Part 4]

"I don't...understand..."

This isn't good. Aiko is completely out of it, and I really can't blame her. This is her mother...the person who supposedly died fighting the One Tail in service of her village. It means that Sasori was there, on that night...but...why would that be the case? She's dressed almost exactly like Aiko is, with her green hair tied into a bun on top of her head. Two long strands go down the sides of her face, tipped with orange. The fair skin she had in life has been replaced with some sort of artificial, everlasting material.

"Do you like it, Aiko? I got her clothes just like she had in her previous life. And since she's a human puppet...she can do great things like this."

Sasori moves his fingers, and I can feel a pulse of energy come from Pakura's left side. Ten burning spheres of Scorch chakra surround her, floating in the air.

"Fitting, isn't it? For a mother to bring her child back to her side once more...I think I should be able to make a good doll out of you, as long as you're not too mummified by this next attack. It'll be fantastic, you know?" Sasori says with a smile. "A mother and daughter pair, preserved for all time? That would be sublime art! I need it!"

The Pakura puppet raises a hand.


"Time to add you to my collection, Aiko!" Sasori yells. "Scorch Release! Extremely Steaming Murder!"

"Aiko!" I yell.

I flare up my chakra shroud and burst towards her, scooping her up and out of the way as three orbs slam into the sand where we were before. Aiko trembles in my grip, and I try my best to soothe her by holding her closer.

"Damn. You're as fast as the rumours say, Scarlet Viper. Oh, well. I'll just make sure that I don't miss next time."

"I can't believe this...you came back to the village, on that night of all nights?" Chiyo asks. "You were after Shukaku, weren't you?"

"I was, yes. Thought maybe that it would be a good opportunity to get my hands on some extra capital. You know how things are these days, with the economy and all." He shrugs one of his shoulders lazily. "And you can probably guess how I came upon that information."

"Spies," I hear Suketsune say.

"Very useful, and conveniently disposable. The wonders of modern innovation. Now, where was I...yes. That night about...twelve? Or was it eleven years ago? Around then. Gaara lost control of his tailed beast yet another time, and I saw an opportunity...unfortunately, by the time I got there, a bunch of troublesome Sand shinobi were crowding around it, trying to limit the damage while the Fourth Kazekage used his gold dust to try and settle things. I was quite frustrated, having come all that way for nothing. It was then that I saw her...the perfect candidate. A brand new addition to my growing collection."

"You used the chaos around Shukaku to attack...and Pakura, knowing what you must have been there for, tried to hold you off alone," Chiyo concludes. "The mess of a body that was found was a fake...no wonder we could barely identify her remains. You made off with her actual corpse in the dead of night."

"Lady Pakura...she was so strong, from what I heard," Suketsune says. "How could you defeat her on your own?"

"Oh, I had quite a bit of help. A friend that I should introduce to you soon. I'm sure you'll recognize him right away, Granny Chiyo."

"Mom...she did...all of that?" Aiko says quietly.

"Aiko..." I close my eyes before coming to a decision. My hands come together underneath Aiko's back and make a single seal. "Shadow Clone Jutsu."

"Our Water Release should be strong enough for a defensive sequence," my clone says as she appears. "I'll reinforce the jutsu for as long as I can, but it will be challenging."

"Yes. Hold on until we get back."

"Understood." She jumps back towards the others and starts weaving seals. I go on the move with Aiko as the doll fires more chakra spheres at us, their heat causing my skin to tingle even as they miss in wide arcs. At the same time, several attacks are sent at Chiyo and Suketsune, met by a reinforced water wall and just barely fizzling out.

This isn't a great situation, to say the least of it. I suspect Sasori has limited control of Scorch Release compared to Pakura, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous. Those attacks, even if they don't land, can cause plenty of issues on the battlefield. For one, it can become oppressively hot...

"I'm sorry...Lili, I'm sorry...I just..."

"You don't need to apologize, darling. Take as long as you need."

"B-but we're-"

"I didn't append anything to that statement," I say firmly. "If I have to carry you for another hour, then I will. I am not going to rush you back into this fight while you're still like this. You are not a liability...you are precious to me. So I'm going to protect you," I say as I jump back from a stream of pink flames. So much heat...this advanced nature is trouble, even with all of the skills I have at my disposal. A direct clash won't go my way too often, it seems.


"Find the voice inside of you, my love. It's a truth that you and I know all too well..."


"Against that woman's Scorch Release...there isn't much we can do," Chiyo says. "Those orbs of fire will leave us desiccated if they reach our bodies. Remaining on the defensive like this means that it's only a matter of time before..."

"Lady Chiyo, it does look bleak...but we're not done for yet. We can still pull through," Suketsune says. "An advanced nature can be countered by another advanced nature, can't it?"

"That child is in no state to fight. We cannot wait for her...if Sasori decides to add another puppet to attack us, what then?"

I take a backstep to avoid another orb of flames, then jump over the doll as it tries for a slash with one of its hidden weapons. As with everything else, it's coated in poison. My feet hit the sand again, and I start running to one side and then backwards towards the rest of the group.


"Aiko. Are you okay?" I ask gently.

"Poor girl...seems her spirit's been broken, and nobody can fix it. Too bad," Sasori taunts. "I guess since you have no real answer to Pakura's attacks, I'll put a stop to it here. No reason to humiliate you all for much longer, since I have things I would like to do."

Sasori's fingers move, and the Pakura doll raises one hand to the sky. Many orbs of Scorch chakra appear in the air around its body.

"That looks troublesome," my clone says. "We could use that jutsu, if we time it right...otherwise, there are many targets to look after."

"We can interrupt it in a few ways...depends on how desperate we are," I reply. I can't shoot all of those down in time, and even if I could...guess it's time to force the issue, before we run out of time and space. "Get ready to surge ahead. We have more than a few tricks in hand for high-level opponents."

"Yes. Should I prepare that jutsu now?"


"Aiko. Are you okay?"

"I can...do this. I'm okay now," Aiko says. "I promise."

"..." I look into her brown eyes and nod, seeing that she's telling the truth. Slowly, she comes out of my grasp and steps onto the sand again, looking at the many spheres ahead of us.

"Lili...I need your help. If you lend me your strength, we can put a stop to all this."


"Before that...I have to do something. Is it okay?"

"It's fine, my love. Do what you must, and I will support you all the way." I look to my clone and nod. She nods back before dispelling herself.

"Thank you." She takes a deep breath, in and out. "Sasori. I know...about you. About how you grew up. You were all alone too, weren't you? You lost your parents, and even though you had family like Lady Chiyo...it wasn't enough, was it?"

"I suppose not, no," he replies casually. "What is it? Do you feel sorry for me?"

"I do."

"Oh. Well...that's sure something. I attack your village, I kill your mother-"

"Yes. You tore my whole family apart, in a single night. You caused me so much pain. My mom...and my dad, both gone."

"Ah, right. From your heritage, and all of the connections...that would be Sozen Uchiha, right? I never did get why he abandoned you and the village that harboured him, but...life is harsh like that. You understand, don't you?"

"I do. It took a while, but...eventually I got it. Life, especially as a shinobi, is like that. We experience pain and suffering. Sasori...there's still a chance for you to change. To put all of this behind you," Aiko says. "What you've done to me, what you're doing to me right now...it hurts, so badly. But I believe that people can change. I believe...that we can understand each other. We've both lost the people we loved the most in the world. It doesn't have to end like this."

"Sasori is a criminal," Chiyo points out. "He cannot just be allowed to walk back into the Sand, as if nothing has happened."

"I don't want that either, Lady Chiyo. I'm not an idiot. I know that Sasori has to pay for his crimes, for what he did to my mom and so many others. But that only starts with giving him a chance to atone. It starts with reaching towards him, and taking his hand. I want...that chance. It might be naive or foolish to you, but...I know this is what I want to say."

What a pure child Aiko is. If it were someone else, I might scold them, but...after being through so much, she's still like this. Still showing kindness to someone who did such a terrible thing to her...and to someone she loved, still loves, so deeply. But I can also feel in her words that this is the furthest thing from a childish, naive dream. To yearn for peace, and see justice done...that is the kind of person Aiko is.

She reminds me of Naruto, in that way. That purity and determination to make things right...it's those sorts of things that can change the world, if given the chance. Maybe after the groundwork is laid...


But I suspect...that she realizes the truth in her heart as well. Sasori might be beyond salvation, as he is now. But there is always the option to try, no matter how small the chance.

"I suppose I understand your words," Sasori says.


"But your village has no meaning to me. Loyalty, service...all nothing. In fact, if this old woman in front of me were to drop dead, I wouldn't feel a thing. I don't have real emotions any longer. I have no need for them...utterly useless."


"Sorry to ruin your dream, little Aiko. Now, you can die in a hail of hell fire, or you can surrender yourself willingly to me right now. I might even spare your friends if I can get you as a consolation prize for losing out on the One Tail...again."

"I won't be doing anything like that," she says firmly. "I just wanted to try and reach out to someone who I thought understood. But...I guess that didn't work. So you need to pay for everything you've done."

"And you're going to fight your mother?"

"My mother...I don't see my mom anywhere, you creep," she snarls. "You made a puppet out of her corpse, you don't have my mom. You will never have her. You wanna know why?" She slaps a hand over her chest. "Because she's always been right here, inside of my heart. Right next to me. It doesn't matter how much you make your action figure look like her, it will never have the soul she had."

"Like I need something as idiotic as soul. Getting real tired of your rambling...let's speed things up and get rid of your little allies first, okay? Have at them, Pakura."

The Pakura doll stretches its arms forward, and all of the chakra spheres shoot towards us.

"I can do this! I know I can! Because I'm Pakura's daughter!"

Aiko claps her hands together, and the same number of spheres that the doll created appear around us.


She thrusts both hands forward, and her attacks meet with every one of the doll's head on. The chakra spheres smash into each other and explode, bathing everyone and everything in a wave of harsh, dry heat.

"No way," Sasori mutters.

"If that were really my mom...I wouldn't stand a chance," Aiko says, trying to catch her breath. "But that's just a stupid doll. It...could never measure up to her."

"You're amazing, Aiko," I say to her. "That was an incredible attack."

"I couldn't have done it without you. I need you one more time, Lili...lend me your strength, just as I asked before...so we can give Mom a proper burial."

"As you wish. What did you have in mind?" I ask.

"A big, powerful Fire Release technique. I can make something special out of it."

"As if I would give you time to set up shop again," Sasori says. "You got lucky once, but I can tell it took a lot out of you. How about something you can't easily counter, then?" He has the doll rush forward and extend one of its arms. Another hidden weapon, isn't it?

"It shouldn't be a problem either way," I say. We're out ahead with this. He's getting impatient and wants to put this away, so we can exploit that flaw of his.

"Here we go! Try stopping this one!"

"If you insist. Summoning: Murakumo!" The knives appear in my hands in a flash, and I flow lightning chakra through them.

The doll's arm extends further with a loud pop, and several compartments with seals on them open up. In the next moment, a multitude of similar arms explode out from the seals, extending further and rushing towards me.

"Don't want to get hit with those, do I. Only thing to do is speed up." I focus my chakra. "Lightning Release Chakra Mode, Second Stage."

The blue-white shroud bursts into being around me, and I ready my knives by layering my hands over each other.

"There we are."

It's a mass attack, meaning not every arm is going to land a blow at once...the intent is to make the target panic, get hit by one of the arms, and then end up shunted into the others to make it fatal in the end. I also wouldn't put it past Sasori to have surprises hidden within that mass of arms...in which case, this is the best way to go about it.

"Aiko, any defensive moves?" I ask quickly.


"Good! Fall back and help shield the others!" I say before rushing forward. No doubt Sasori will try to take advantage and attack them while I'm occupied. Let's hope I cut through this quickly enough. My blades find their first set of marks as I dive into the mass of hands, holding my ground and continuing to slash as quickly as I can while they continue to come down on my head. There are several sounds that differ from the others as I continue to cut through, and those might be the hidden tools I was thinking of earlier, being sliced to bits.

I move the knives behind my back and slash outwards, allowing myself to escape the maze of false limbs. There's probably another attack coming.

"No good, huh. Fine...let's try this."

Two launchers flip up at Sasori's command and start spewing out clouds of gas. Poison, then. Typical. I hold my breath and run back into the cloud before jumping upwards and out of it again. The Pakura doll and Sasori are below me as I float.


He quickly spies me and shifts the doll into my path, detaching it from the mass of arms below.

"Water Release: Water Shark Bullet."

I extend a hand forward and the shark appears from midair, slamming into the doll and sending it into the sand before it can attack. Sasori doesn't seem concerned at all as he moves his fingers about, manipulating strings.

Ah, he's trying something. My head whips to the left and I arch my back to avoid the piece of metal that sails by. That's the severed tail from his Hiruko puppet...a cute trick, I suppose. I spin and sever the strings nearby, making the tail fall harmlessly into the sand. The Pakura doll bursts upwards from below sprouts claws from another hidden arm to engage me; I block easily with my knives as we continue to float through the air. The strong smell of poison is ever present, and I quickly push away as soon as I hit the ground, just to make sure I'm not disoriented.

"Lili! Are you okay?" Aiko calls to me. I look back for a moment to see that she's poked her head over an earthen wall.

"Fine, darling. Now that you've caught some of your breath properly, let's put an end to this nuisance."

"Got it!"

I hop backwards a few times until Aiko and I are side by side.

"It's something a bit reckless...and once I'm done using it, I might be out of the fight for a while," she says. "Using two bloodline limits at once isn't an easy thing."

"As long as you're committed, Aiko. I can take care of the rest."

"Yeah...this is something I want to do. For Mom's sake...that thing isn't her, but it's made out of her body. I think that putting it to rest properly will make her even happier."

"Then let's do that, together."

"Right. I want your strongest Fire Release jutsu, just like we talked about earlier." She has her Sharingan activate once more.

"Understood. It's just the one seal, now. Ready?"


I quickly make the Horse seal, with both of my elbows out and my index fingers making a triangle shape. Aiko does the same with only a moment of delay, and we inhale with our heads tilting back simultaneously.

"That looks like fun...let's try it out for ourselves, Pakura. Show them the true power of your infamous Scorch Release."

A large pulse of chakra comes from the doll's chest compartment. Its mouth drops open, and a massive stream of pinkish flame erupts from it, racing towards us.

"Fire Release!"

"Scorch Release!"

Aiko and I breathe out together.

"Great Fire Annihilation!"

Two streams of flame mix together, becoming a deep red sea that rolls across the sand. It clashes with the doll's attack before washing over it completely. The material starts to smoke in defiance of the heat before bursting into flame before us, starting to burn rapidly. The clothing disintegrates, and so does the hair and other accessories. Limbs begin being eaten away, and the panel over the doll's heart area pops open, exposing the rigging inside before it starts to crumble and turn to ash as well.


I shift my eyes over towards Aiko and catch hers, before we make one last push together. The flames streaming from our lips intensify, and the doll can no longer resist anything coming for it. Every part of it is consumed by the flames, eaten away, turning into particles of dust that are carried into the wind.

Aiko's attack ends and I follow suit, as she falls on her hands and knees in the sand, exhausted. She wipes her face and I help her to her feet.

"That's it then...that's all..."

The Pakura doll, the many puppet arms...and possibly even Sasori himself. All gone, with only a dark, glassy surface left in their place.

"I'm rather impressed. The two of you working together like that...I didn't expect it to go that well. That's kind of a bother, because I worked hard to get Pakura, and get her into working condition. Now she's gone, not even spare parts."

Sasori emerges from the sand some distance away.

"On top of that, you've done plenty of damage to me today. First Hiruko, now this...you could have really ruined my day, you know that?"

"What...what is that?" Aiko asks, confused.

"Major Kobayashi, Aiko! Are you both...okay?" Suketsune stops mid sentence as she catches up to us.

"I see." Chiyo lands next to Aiko. "So that's why he looked as young as he did..."


Sasori's robes are gone, and with it the concealment of the truth: that he has made himself into a puppet as well. His eyes are now wide open, making him look as deranged as he has sounded this entire time. Segmented arms, cables in place of his stomach, two contraptions extending from his back that have five blades each. And on the left side of his chest, a strange circle with the character for scorpion on it. It's the thing that was emitting chakra earlier and sending it through his body.

"His core," I say quietly.

"What do you mean by that?" Chiyo asks.

"That round part on his chest is his core, or something similar to it. That's how he can control chakra despite having that sort of body...he's not completely a puppet, but he's also not human any longer. He was right to call himself hollow, then..."

"What to do...what to do." Sasori puts a hand under his chin. "Using another human puppet might be a waste...though with only three of you in play now, it's probably worth a shot. I don't want to use myself so early, after all...not against this quality of opponent."

"I see you have yet to lose that confidence of yours. A shame," I say to him. "I was hoping that after we turned your first abomination to dust, you would change your mind and decide to live."

"You're the strongest one here...with access to at least three elements, weapons, and some serious agility. Annoying, but solvable with this." Sasori has one of the scrolls pop out from his back so that he can grab it. "One of my finest creations, and one that took a lot of work...he was instrumental in capturing Pakura, in fact. He is truly my favourite...and I can show you why."

He unrolls the scroll, showing the character for three before a new doll arrives in a puff of smoke.

"That...that face looks familiar," Aiko says drowsily.

"No...that cannot be!"

Chiyo trembles with anger as she stares down Sasori.

"You were the one behind his disappearance...Sasori! How could you stoop so low?!"

"It's nothing you should be too worried about, old witch. You're about to die anyways."

"I...I've seen that face before," Suketsune says. "That's one of the lords..."

"It was some time ago that the Third Kazekage disappeared suddenly," I reply to her. "It threw the village into chaos, and forced them to choose a new Kazekage because of what was happening in the background."

"That was...the Third Great Shinobi War, wasn't it?"

"Yes. And the village continued to search for him before giving up, using precious resources in the process. It created bitterness and resentment between nations, and as a result the embers of war continued to be stoked."

Yet another doll, with shaggy, dark blue hair and the same darkened material for its shell as the last. It's covered in a black cloak and levitates at Sasori's side. Artificial yellow eyes peer at us.

"It's because the village never thought someone so powerful would be killed...but it seems that this was not the case. Sasori...I could take you being a criminal because of the pain you felt," Chiyo starts, "but this is too far, even for you. Causing the deaths of the Third and Fourth Kazekage, then trying to erase the Fifth? You have brought the Hidden Sand to ruin with your actions! You are the reason that we have suffered for so long!"

"Am I, Granny? Heh. I suppose if we're spilling secrets, how about this one...I know that there's only one person in the village with enough medical and sealing knowledge to place Shukaku inside of a human host. Want to guess who that is?"


"Have you told little Aiko how Gaara got to be the berserker he was? Have you told him why he was ostracized for so long? It's because the Fourth Kazekage wanted the One Tail put into his son, the only compatible candidate out of three children...and he asked you to carry it out for him."

"Lady Chiyo...is that true?" Aiko asks. "You...put the tailed beast into Gaara?"

"...I did."

"The Sand's lust for power...that was what brought it to ruin. That was what led it to put a monster inside of a child. That was what caused the Fourth to try and make a deal with Orochimaru, which led to the invasion of this one's village," he says while nodding towards me. "I wasn't partnered up with Orochimaru by that point...and frankly, I'm grateful to the Scarlet Viper for taking him out. Betraying Akatsuki wasn't something I was ready to forgive."

"It seems we will have a lot to talk about when we get back to the Sand," I say. "But at the least, some proper healing will take place. Aiko, Suketsune, Chiyo. Get back to your defensive fortification."

"You cannot-"

"I can, and I will, old woman. You still don't know who I am...so I will show you. I will take this facsimile of the so-called strongest Kazekage in history and grind it into dust."

"I love the confidence," Sasori says. "And since I think we've done enough talking, let's start our dance for real."

"So be it. Unfortunately for you, I am a diligent student of history...so I already know about your little tricks with bloodline limits and the like. No metal weapons, right?" I have Murakumo disappear from my hands.

Sasori grins madly. "Oh, this is going to be interesting. Come on!"

I flare up my chakra mode again as the Kazekage doll charges.

"Make sure you don't regret your words, boy."
Crossposting to Other Sites
It's started. I have chapter one up on AO3 and FFN right now (also linked in the opening post). Complete pain in the ass to carry anything over since FFN eats one set of things and AO3 eats other things, so I have to edit the hell out of my archived stuff - that I archived specifically to avoid this sort of nonsense.

I hate it. Fuck.

Well whatever. If you have friends on those sites or others they can read it there in addition to here which will have the latest fresh and spicy updates. I wanted to have other uploads for legacy and convenience purposes. Chapters 1-149 will go up before I likely make an executive decision and split them into original/Shippuden flavours. Nothing from current will be moving there any time soon, not until I figure out what document is best to save with at least.

Any questions or comments are welcome, I don't claim to be an expert when it comes to anything ever. But I do want to export Lili supremacy to the world.

e: I think I found a good recipe after tooling around on both sides. The age of laser lesbians will soon begin.
e2: crossposting of Phase 1 has concluded today (August 30/22) on both AO3 and FFN. Databooks will be crossposted to both and some artwork in the thread will make it over to AO3 since it has support for that.
Last edited:
Con Anima
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom – ep. 10
"Con Anima"
[Kazekage Rescue Mission, Part 5]

Puppet users are a different sort of shinobi. Strange, theatrical, and in regards to attacking style, the antithesis of the modern, speedy soldier. They are shinobi, and no less worthy of respect, but they do have glaring weaknesses that they gain in exchange for remote, potentially devastating power. Brigades of puppeteers can crush enemy forces, with their modular, finely controlled weapons moving out into battle while the users remain strategically hidden. Without knowledge of the enemy, or the ability to find the strings that make the dolls dance, facing waves of these enemies is a tough thing to ask.

Sasori has eliminated the weaknesses of the puppet master, by deleting his existence as a human altogether.

The doll that was once the Third Kazekage reaches my position, and I step backwards to avoid a swipe of its now clawed hand. The next step comes with a twitch of the master's fingers. Loaded blades...Sasori follows up quickly, and I duck inside towards the puppet, then grab its arm to arrest its motion and block. The scent of poison, ever present, reaches my nose once again.

"Swift..." Sasori has his fingers twitch again to bring the other arm across, and I use my grip to flip over the doll and kick it in the back of the head. My hands quickly whip outwards as I flow chakra into them.

"Mobius, Type Three: Twin Epyon."

The split second blades of lightning shoot out from my fingers, severing the chakra threads easily before I charge at Sasori. He flicks his fingers and two tubes extend from his palms.


"Hope you like it hot."

"Flamethrowers? Don't fuck with me, puppet boy."

"Hmph!" He fires the jets of flame at me from distance, while manipulating his fingers yet again. Going to pinch me with the Kazekage doll, is he? Fat fucking chance.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet."

I snap my fingers and have two dragons coil around me before shooting in opposite directions, one towards Sasori's flames and the other towards the Kazekage. The sound of impact behind me says that the doll has been halted, while thick steam explodes from where my attack meets Sasori's. I shoot across the sand and around the veil of steam while Sasori pulls the doll back towards himself.

"Need to aim for that core to end it, but I know that it won't be an easy thing."

Sasori bursts through the steam cloud and jumps into the air, pulling himself tight before stretching outwards and firing the cable from his stomach at me. It misses wide as I move, lodging itself deep into the sand. He pulls himself towards me in an erratic pattern while the Kazekage doll dances around him. The blade appendages on his back whirl dangerously as he nears.

"Another pincer, then."

I take a running start and then jump towards him, which he apparently didn't expect. He has the cable pull him downwards so that he can pass below me, and then has the doll continue on with its attack. The mouth opens and it fires a wave of kunai at me, which have to be poisoned as a matter of principle. I tighten my core and flip forward before straightening out, allowing the kunai to pass harmlessly underneath me. The Kazekage whips by me and towards Sasori again as I twirl and float down towards the sand, landing lightly while facing my opponents squarely.

"Wow. I can see why Deidara ran into trouble now...I might have to consider giving him my condolences," Sasori says with a smile. "That is ridiculous body control you have there...I knew about your speed already, but this is definitely a surprise."

"Feeding my ego is appreciated, but it won't save you at this hour," I reply.

"I figured as much. Might as well speed things up one more time before I really have to escalate..." Sasori closes his right hand and layers his open left hand over it. I feel a shift in the chakra of the doll, and its mouth opens again to release what looks like black sand.


"So. Still feeling confident against this, Scarlet Viper? This is the most feared weapon in the history of the Hidden Sand...the weapon developed by the Third Kazekage himself in life. Have a good look, because it'll be your last."

"I know of it. This is the Iron Sand, is it not?"

"You weren't lying when you said you were a student of history."

It seems quite similar to Gaara's sand manipulation...perhaps it was based on what the previous hosts did once upon a time. Rather annoying to face it now, but nothing insurmountable. If it's iron powder, then it's subject to the same limitations as iron. That only makes sense. I can exploit that if need be. With Aiko and Suketsune's help, I could also force the iron sand offline by creating a blast furnace...but I can't subject them to this, even if they have access to the antidote. Keeping that knowledge from Sasori will help them survive in case he decides to suddenly ignore me and assault their position. Only a slight chance now that he's so invested in my death, but a chance nonetheless. I won't get caught sleeping.

"Stay where you are," I shout at Chiyo without looking back. "There's nothing you can do with that fossilized body of yours."

"And what do you think you can do against the Iron Sand?" she yells back from behind the earth wall. "It's a weapon that can take any form at any time. No matter what strategy you have, it will be defeated!"

"Yeah, right. I suppose your grandson is some invincible titan, then? Don't make me laugh. He turned himself into a doll to try and eliminate his limitations. Your precious Kazekage is more than beatable if he could do something like die at this boy's hands."

"Now you're just getting cocky," Sasori says as he pulls at the doll's strings. The flowing black sand transforms into many smaller projectiles spread out. "Try dodging this."

I place one hand on the ground and lick my lips. "Come, then. Entertain me."

He grunts and has the doll attack.

"Magnet Release: Iron Sand Drizzle!"

Very similar to Gaara's type of attack. So it won't be too much harder to dodge. The magnetism helps increase the speed, making it a sudden and deadly attack against most opponents. Unfortunately for this lout, I am not most opponents.

I focus in and observe the gaps as the world slows down in my sight. Converging to this point? Only makes sense...I just have to shoot through the first gap, since he didn't layer the attack enough. One strong push...that's all I need.


I hear Chiyo's voice as I take off, surging towards the narrow hole with one hop and twisting my body sideways to evade the first wave. My feet touch the sand again and I slide on my knees under the close second wave, then flip forward with one hand and make sure my body is compact enough to shoot through the third wave while I spin.

"This is getting really annoying...nobody said that you would be this much trouble!" Sasori complains.

I touch the ground again and accelerate towards the Kazekage doll. It charges me before swooping away, the device on the left side of its body emitting chakra at a heavy rate. My head twists to see what's behind me, and it's somewhat as I expect. A surprise attack...but a rather big one. Some strange pyramid of iron powder that looks like it could be dangerous. It hurtles towards me, screeching through the air before suddenly changing shape and extending like a spear.

I hop backwards over the tip as it drives hard into the sand, then land and twist away from another edge that shoots out from the side. I suppose when it's packed that densely, the flexibility becomes limited in exchange for greatly improved hardness. The doll pulls the structure back towards itself as I reset my position, and uses its powder to create an identical structure next to it.

What is Sasori planning now?

"This...is tiresome. Truly tiresome. Reading my movements, and with that speed and athletic ability...not to mention you seem to have a lot more chakra than a little girl should. I hate to admit it, but...now you're forcing my hand."

"Seems to be a recurring theme for you," I shoot back.

"I don't plan to stand around here forever. Let's end this now. I have something that will get all of you at once."

Is he bluffing? Maybe he can stretch one of those structures far enough, or send more of those sand bullets out. It should be fine, as long as Aiko can use-


I watch as the two prisms rise high into the air before slamming against each other. Their shapes distort until they start turning into a sphere of dark branches...


Bastard! He's using magnetic repulsion!

"All of you, move back as fast as you can! Aiko, Sharingan!" I yell.

"Got it!"

"Sorry, but it's game over for you. Magnet Release..."

I shift to the second stage and focus.

"Iron Sand World Method!"

The attack formed from opposing magnetic forces explodes outwards, sending the branches of iron sand across the area. I can see them, moving erratically in ways that aren't immediately predictable. And I have a feeling that this so called world method has a nasty surprise hidden away inside.

But every technique has a weakness. Well, aside from me, that is.

"Now you're done for!"

In this form, the branches aren't that fast moving. But I don't want to get too cocky...I want to get rid of this menace right away before he can have the iron sand spread too far. I can feel the chakra rippling through the air as the Kazekage doll pushes itself towards its limits, and the branches come down, slamming into the sand, ripping and raking through it towards me and the rest of my team.


My body shifts. I step forward and arch my back to dodge one branch, then raise my leg above another. I spin and twirl low to pass another extending branch, then cartwheel through several others as they whip by me. My muscles tense while I'm on my hands, and I come to a quick stop before splitting my legs to let another set of branches pass above me. I drop and spin on the ground past more branches, stop on my back, and contort my body to let more branches slam into the sand around me. A quick roll to one side, and I pop back onto my feet.

"This is meant to trap me no matter what, so that means...there."

I raise my right hand and form that familiar shape with it, aiming through the clear gap that leads right back to the Kazekage.

"Sorry, Sasori. But I don't want to play with your doll anymore. Lightning Release..."

I close one eye.

"Mobius: Double Barrel."

The searing beam of chakra, double strength, pierces the darkness and the chest compartment of the doll. The device explodes and tears apart the doll, scattering it into pieces and causing the iron sand to lose its integrity and fall apart.

Now there's nothing but poisoned black powder layered over the desert sands. Sasori seems like his expression hasn't changed at a glance, but his eyes say enough to me.

I've made a mockery of him one too many times, it seems.

"No more playing around. I'm killing all of you, no matter what it takes," he growls. "It will take me a while to rebuild my favourite puppet, but that will be a sweet thing to take my time with after erasing you."

"You're ready to throw away your chance at this body all of a sudden?" I mock.

"You bitch. I'm putting an end to that condescending fucking attitude of yours."

He has another scroll move from the compartment on his back, and unfurls it. The compartment on his right side opens up as the scroll contents are unsealed, and shoots a great deal of chakra threads into the air.

"So many..."

I can't help but be awed at the display before me.

Dressed in red cloaks with black collars, what has to be at least one hundred puppets float in the air around Sasori. They're all directly connected to him, or must be based on the position of those chakra threads. No human being could control that many at once.

"This is the pinnacle. Red Secret Technique: Performance of a Hundred Puppets."

"I see."

"Granny Chiyo's legend was cemented with her ability to use one puppet for each finger of her hands. Something like that takes supreme skill, and thus can only be used by the most elite puppet technicians. White Secret Technique: The Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets...with her collection, created by Monzaemon Chikamatsu himself, she crushed an entire fortress by herself."

He glares at me, or does what could be passed off as such with his artificial face.

"But my technique...allowed me to crush an entire country."


"I know it seems desperate, but after all the headaches you've given me, and the backup you have, I need to make sure you're good as dead. Even if this might be overkill. No time for last words, Lilith Kobayashi. Say good night, forever."

I summon Murakumo to my hands and focus my chakra further.

"I suppose it's time to dye the world crimson, then. You're right, Sasori. This is good night."

The wave of puppets comes towards me all at once, blocking my view of the sky. All of them have their poisoned weapons in hand.

An entire country? I see.

It must have been a tiny one, then.

"Lightning Release Chakra Mode, Third Stage...Full Boost."

I leave the sand and take a single step into the air. And then, I explode forward.

The first few puppets are torn apart in a single pass, red lightning chakra flowing through my knives. One more ahead serves as a foothold, and I use it to rise into the air, spinning and tearing apart more puppets within the cloud. A snap of my fingers and water sharks shoot through the air, blowing apart more puppets as I find another one to spring off of. My blades slice through strings, letting a few fall harmlessly for at least a moment before Sasori gains control of them again. I twist and turn around the swinging blades, spears, and axes as the puppets try to swarm my changing position.

"So that's how they win, then."

It's entirely a numbers game. Sasori rushes his opponents and overwhelms them with the sheer amount of incoming attacks, rather than the coordination with multiple puppets that people like Kankuro tend to employ. But there's no reason for someone who can control this many puppets at once to employ convoluted strategies in this sort of scenario. Judging on how thin the strings are and the amount of chakra it must take to move around so many at once...getting too fancy isn't a smart move, as far as I can tell.

I avoid a large sword and it smashes through the puppet behind me. I stab forward, surging lightning chakra through the attacker before spinning and tossing it into the crowd below. Blades cross beneath me as I float, and I spin to land on them before slicing off the heads of the puppets next to me. I fall forward and slash cleanly through another puppet in the air, splitting it in two and kicking the halves into more enemies.

"Ah. Another layer."

It's something I wasn't paying attention to before...the direct connection to Sasori means that he can have them react as quickly as possible. There's basically no delay between his commands and the puppets attacking, unlike with the Pakura and Kazekage dolls. It also means that reducing the amount of puppets he controls just allows him to shift his focus to coordinating the smaller numbers. While I have an immunity to the poison now, I don't want to get hit in case he has something else up his sleeve.

In any case, he's back to the same vulnerability as other puppeteers: a need to keep himself in one area so that he can properly control his minions.

"You're pretty good at dancing," Sasori says. "But this is where the music stops, little girl."

The puppets start to withdraw, leaving me alone to fall towards towards the sand.

"Game over!"

They form a sphere around me before shooting forward all at once, weapons extended. No way I can shoot the gap this time, then.


"Mobius, Type Six...Artemis' Umbrella."

I cross my arms and have the spherical field of electricity burst from my body, knocking back all of the puppets at once and disrupting Sasori's control of them.

"It's always something...!"

My eyes focus in on his body as he works on reestablishing the connections to his puppets. Now is the time to put an end to everything.

"One more."

He moves a half dozen puppets to try and intercept me.

"Mobius, Type Two: Double Barrel Duo."

I fire from both hands, tearing through the puppets ahead and both sides of Sasori's chest. The remaining puppets all fall from the sky and land with their demolished counterparts, while Sasori's puppet body ends up with its face in the sand. The desert is suddenly quiet as I walk across the sand to where Sasori lies, and turn his body over. Murakumo disappears from my hands as I relax.

"I suppose that's it..."

I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"All of the persistence in the world...can't stop the inevitable. It takes something divine to do that. As a child of the cosmos, this is where I stand in life. It means that..."

I quickly use my foot to flip the nearby sword on the ground into my hand. Dropping to my knees, I see the blade pass over my head as I bend back and stab at my attacker. The sound of the lightning charged blade tearing through flesh reaches my ears.

"...I won't lose to the likes of you."

"You...saw through it...?"

The blade drops into the sand beside me, and I let go of mine. I watch as the puppet shell drops into the sand with the poisoned sword stuck in its chest.

"There's...no way. Unless you...really are a snake after all...heh."

"..." I twirl to my feet and stand over Sasori as he lies helplessly in the sand. Not even his core of flesh could stand up to something like this, and I believe in my earlier assessment that he wouldn't be carrying an antidote anywhere on him for the poison. With an immunity to those conditions that would hamper most humans, there would be no point in creating such a thing.

"I guess you thought it ironic...maybe? To kill me with one of my own poisoned blades..."

"If it comforts you," I say, hand on my hip.

"You're a ruthless bitch...right to the end."


Aiko and the others run towards us.

"Lili...I can't believe you went through all that and won. You don't even have a scratch on you," she says with awe.

Chiyo stares out at the mass of downed puppets, unsure of what to think. Her eyes finally rest on her grandson.

"What's the matter, old witch? Feeling sad for me all of a sudden?" Sasori taunts.

"Even now, you're mocking her. You might have done bad things, but she loves you," Aiko says to him. "She always has."

"I'm sure she does."

"You're about to go...if it wasn't the poison, it would be from having that core part of you bleed out..."

"Heh. Probably..."

"I have something to say, then."


"Thank you, Sasori. And...I forgive you."


"Thank you for showing me how awesome my mom was...for letting me know how her last moments went. Thank you for giving me that gift...knowing now that she was thinking of me, right until the end. Thank you for freeing me of my resentment towards Gaara, and for the chance to free him of those terrible chains. Thank you for allowing me to heal, once and for all. And I forgive you for taking away my mother, for driving my father away...for the pain you caused me all of these years. Please...rest peacefully from now on. And I hope that in the next world, you can finally find closure."

"You...are a fool, Aiko Mishoto."

She smiles and nods. "I know. I'm a really big dreamer...and kind of silly sometimes. I'm my mother's daughter."

"All of you women are the same...always doing completely pointless things. I don't feel anything for any of you...or from any of you. You're all so worthless as shinobi..."

"I will crush people like you, and have their blood wind through the lands as crimson rivers," I say calmly. "I will do it for the sole purpose of protecting foolish dreams...dreams like Aiko and Pakura have. And I will give them more than just those dreams in the future. I will give them the gift of possibility."


"I understand why you are this way. And your grandmother has her regrets for that. Your way of thinking and living has become twisted and warped. So too has your appreciation for art, and for the legacy it holds."

"Warped, huh." He chuckles weakly. "Wonder what you might mean by that, Scarlet Viper..."

"I have realized it through my study and meditation...that there are many ways to reach the vaunted immortality. A method, currently inaccessible by the masses, or any shinobi short of legendary, allows one to transcend the limitations of humanity, and truly live forever..."


"But...that is not here or there. You have little time left, as said. So I will give you a simple understanding. You said that soul is useless, that it was nothing to be considered in the grand scheme of things. And yet...your view on art, on what is eternal. That comes from something inside of you. You know it well."


"The most sublime art, art that lives forever, is infused with the soul of its creators. Aiko and I are such beings."

"You two...?"

"The beauty and strength of our mothers was passed down to us, and those were gifts that came down from the heavens above. It allows us to do what is called impossible. Whether it's exhibiting extraordinary compassion, or extraordinary strength. Those fragments of soul rest within us, and allow us to do great things. And of course, you saw the fragments of your soul as well...didn't you?"

"..." He looks at me for a moment. "Kankuro. That boy...inspired to use the puppets I left behind. I didn't think anyone would use those things again...to live forever, huh."


"I didn't think of it that way...or maybe, I didn't want to think of it that way. It struck me that...Aiko would burn away her mother's shell so willingly. But I was lying to myself, because of the past. Because of the hollow person that I became. Heh. I never did become a real doll in the end. This stubborn piece of humanity was what I needed in order to continue to operate. But maybe that was a lie I told myself as well. Maybe...it was more than that. The strength...of the soul."


"Granny. You really are an old fool...but maybe you'll have a better end to your life than I did."


"Immortality...through creation, then. That was what I wanted...to live forever as the finest art."

The last wisps of chakra are swallowed up.

"I guess...I still can. Lilith Kobayashi..."


"From the other side of existence...I want to see the art that you will create."


And finally, with his eyes opened to the clear sky...Sasori goes quiet and still.
It's only the two reviews so far on FFN (might be more, but there are two in my inbox) but both of them have decided to bitch about the "non-Japanese names" being used in chapter 1. Not gonna lie, it would be extremely funny to find out that people are getting filtered by me daring to use foreign names in a Naruto fanfic: JRPG-ass names like Lilith and Lunamaria. We all known Naruto as a series that takes pride in cultural homogeneity, as evidenced by its blonde-haired, blue eyed protagonist.

I love it. Please stay mad you goons. lmao.
What are you talking about? A and C are very respectable names in Japanese culture, right up there with Killer Bee.
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Chapter where Forte gives every Japanese character an English name 4Kids style when.

Team 7 members consisting of Nathan Wheeler, Steve Blaze, Susan Flowers, and their teacher, Corey!
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom – ep. 11
[Kazekage Rescue Mission, Part 6]

"I think these markers should be visible enough."

I blow a puff of flame onto the last smoke canister to activate it, sending a stream of orange smoke into the sky. The other two are already alight, and should last long enough for the other teams to find this spot. I've also left some instructions for the incoming shinobi, as there is a possibility that the poison is absorbed through the skin, and not just by way of cuts.

"Time to go home, ladies. This time, we're in no hurry. I have a few snacks in case we're famished along the way."

"If I didn't see it, I wouldn't have believed it...I don't know if I believe it even now," Suketsune says as she shoulders her backpack. "The three of us alone would have died for sure, but Lili...you took him on and won, all by yourself. You beat the person who killed the strongest Kazekage."

"I bet that's not even your most powerful form," Aiko says.

"You would be right about that. Sasori was a dangerous fellow, but I had plenty of tools to counter his. That makes all the difference at the end of the day," I reply.

"And you're so casual about it, too. Pretty scary. I'm really glad you're on our side. Mostly, at least."

"Mm. If I have my way, you won't have to worry about seeing me in your nightmares, my love."

"Now, see...I know you're trying to be nice, but that just makes it even more ominous," Aiko says with a nervous smile. Suketsune nods in agreement.

"This one is far beyond any shinobi to ever exist. I doubt that even the Third Kazekage in his prime could come close," Chiyo finally says. "None of us can escape from that understanding...especially me, who doubted until the very end."


"Even Sasori came to understand the overwhelming power that this girl possessed. Not just in battle, but in spirit as well. A new soul filled with miraculous strength...someone to bring the old dynastic origins of shinobi to ruin, replacing them with something new. Something that will give hope to the people of this world. I couldn't believe it at first, but the futures of Sand and Leaf have changed substantially. Especially with that boy Gaara leading the way for our village now. I wonder if...he could forgive me for the life that I pressed upon him."

"You're not going to roll over and die now, are you...Chiyo," I say.

"Hahahaha! You really are an awful brat!"

"As I've heard many times before."

"You don't have to worry about such a thing. My soul, however aged it might be...is still enough to do a few things right in this age. I want to come out of retirement for good this time, and provide my services to the village. Ebizo would follow suit after some convincing."

"I see."

"You're really going to come back into service, Lady Chiyo?" Aiko asks.

"If the Kazekage accepts it. But there is something there that wasn't present before." She looks up at me. "It's this one's fault, in the end."

"A known troublemaker, isn't that what you're thinking?" I ask.

"Indeed. The power of cooperation is one thing, and the power of leadership is another. Your power lies beyond all of that. It is something that definitively opens the path to the future. I want to see where that path leads, just as Sasori does. I know that Sarutobi will have you installed as Hokage, one day, when you deem yourself ready. Until then, I will use the strength that I have accumulated over these terrible decades to help prepare the village for the future that you will bring forth."

"Then make me a promise."

"A promise, then. What might that be?"

"Until the day when the five become one...live well for your village, Chiyo. I want you to see the new age in all of its glory before you leave this world."

Her eyes widen. "Is that your ultimate goal? To do what that man could not..."

"Yes. 'Tis so."

She closes her eyes and chuckles heartily. "I see. Then let it be done, Lilith Kobayashi. Just try not to take too long. I want to be able to walk on my own to your inauguration, hahahaha!"

I smile. "You know the saying about the best laid plans...but rest assured, I will reach that goal before your bones completely turn to dust."

"Um...I can't really tell from here, but it sounds like you two are friends now!" Aiko says happily.

"Something like that. At the least, this old windbag knows now to show me the proper respect."

"Bah. You redheads are all the same, decade after decade. Little wonder the lot of you are either single or sleeping with other women," Chiyo says.

I roll my eyes at her. "You really are a miserable fossil."

"So. Which one of those are you, girl?"

"Oh, fuck off."

"I really don't understand girls sometimes...and I'm one of them," Aiko pouts.

Chiyo and I look at each other before bursting into laughter.


After a few hours of walking and sharing snacks, we start our jog towards the village entrance. Our approach slows as some Sand shinobi come out to meet us, and they seem much less anxious at the sight of Chiyo. Eventually, we meet with Baki and Kankuro at the entrance proper.

"I can hardly believe it...not only did you bring Lord Gaara back, but you killed Sasori of the Red Sand," Baki says.

"That's a holy shit moment if I've ever heard of one," Kankuro follows. He's back in his normal outfit, face paint and all, with a wrapped puppet at his back. "He kicked my ass like it was nothing. In any case, glad to see you're all back and uninjured. Aiko there looks like she needs some rest, though. You okay?"

"I'm fine, sir. Just had to go all out a bit to help the team."

He chuckles. "I figured."

"Lord Gaara!"

I look up to see Gaara floating towards us on a platform of sand. He's dressed plainly in black now, and seems to have recovered enough from his ordeal.

"Hey, buddy...Temari's gonna throttle me if you overextend at this point," Kankuro says with a frown. "You really should be in bed."

"I would find it remiss not to greet my saviour upon her return," he says as he drops to the ground. The boy is terribly sweet to me. I suppose I truly understand why Temari is so protective of him now. "And I should recognize the efforts of those who assisted in her fight. Might Guy and Makoto Hibana have returned. They are currently replenishing their energy stores at my behest. Aiko Mishoto, Suketsune Temko, Honoured Grandmother Chiyo...I welcome you home, and thank you greatly for your service to the village. It could not have been easy facing down an opponent such as Sasori, but you have returned victorious. Thank you for your irreplaceable service, and for your efforts." He bows and the girls return it graciously. "And for the woman with divine strength, known through the lands as the Scarlet Viper of legend...I offer this gesture to you."

"Lord Gaara-"

"Baki...allow him to do this."

Baki looks confused. "Lady Chiyo...are you really...?"

"I have finally cast off that shroud of indignation...time has moved forward, and I have decided to move along with it."

Gaara slowly gets to one knee and bows his head.

"Without a second thought, you came to me in my time of weakness. More than that, you allowed me my dignity, and showed great compassion to those of our village. You saved the life of my brother, and of many other soldiers. It was beyond anything that anyone needed to do. Thank you for all of that. And thank you for saving my life."

I step forward and help him up from the ground.

"Whenever you need me...I'm just a call away, Gaara. Always."

I smile and hug him gently. A second later, I feel him hug me back.

For a few peaceful moments, we stand together in the warmth of the sun.


"Please have the room sealed as you exit."

"Yes, my lord."

The shinobi bows before leaving, closing the door to the room behind him.

With the mission over, Chiyo thought it a good time to relay important discoveries to Gaara and parts of the upper brass – namely Baki and Kankuro. Temari would have to be filled in later once she arrived. Aiko is here as well, for obvious reasons. Or...maybe not so obvious ones, perhaps. Maybe Chiyo has something else to say aside from what we know.

"So what's this all about?" Kankuro asks as he takes a seat in one of the chairs. Baki gestures for us to sit, and we do so. Gaara sits across from Chiyo, and Aiko sits on the sofa next to me. She takes my hand, understandably nervous. This was communicated as a high level meeting, after all. Another person has joined us, Ebizo. He is the other half of the honoured sibling duo, and is a year younger than Chiyo. Thin, with wrinkles like his sister and wearing a similar outfit. He has his head wrapped and a pair of very long eyebrows that hang down over his face. Currently, he stands at Chiyo's side.

"It is about a great many things, young Kankuro. All of which are of great importance." Baki hands out the warm cups of tea to each person. "What must be established first is...the link between Gaara and Aiko."

"Link...between us." Gaara nods solemnly. "I see."

"No, you don't yet. It is not what you think...Sasori confirmed it earlier today, before his death." Chiyo takes a short sip of tea. "First, what we discovered. Sasori was the only known creator of human puppets, and he revealed two pieces of his collection to us. The first was Aiko's mother...Pakura Mishoto."

"Pakura?" Baki asks, shocked. "That can't be the case. Pakura was killed when..."

"It's true, sir," Aiko says. "That was my mom. She...or rather, the doll made from her body, could use Scorch Release and everything. Sasori killed her on that night over ten years ago now...when the village was in chaos because Shukaku came out." She looks over to Gaara. "I know now that it wasn't your fault, Lord Gaara. Even if I never said anything to you, I did feel anger towards you, just a bit. I'm sorry for that. I hope knowing this frees you from that burden. I would be proud of my mom either way, but I also don't want you to feel miserable about something that wasn't your fault at all."


"You don't have to carry that pain around anymore. Everything will be okay," she says with a smile.

"I...but I still lost control that night. If I hadn't...if it hadn't turned out that way, then your parents would still be in the village."

"I don't blame you. I refuse to."

"Was that what you meant by a link?" Kankuro asks. "I'm guessing that Sasori set up a fake so that he could take the real Pakura away and...transform her," he says carefully. "So what happened to the puppet, is it still there?"

"We incinerated it, Kankuro, sir."

He raises a brow. "Really? You burned it up?"

"Major Kobayashi and I did it together. I did think about bringing her back home, for a moment...but it wasn't a necessity. My mom's soul has always been with me, guiding me. Putting her body to rest, with the same gift that she gave to me...it felt right."

Kankuro nods. "I see. No worries, then. It was always your decision to make in the end. I'm glad you got the chance to choose, Aiko."

"Thank you, sir."

"..." Chiyo has been deep in thought, extra wrinkles creasing her face from the effort. "Gaara. I need to ask you a question about that night in particular."

"Please, go ahead."

"You did lose control of Shukaku, but it was not a random accident, was it? What happened? Do you remember what caused you to become so unstable back then?"

"..." Gaara takes a breath in to steady himself. "Uncle Yashamaru...he took a mission from my father to assassinate me. It was because he resented me for what happened to his sister...my mother. I was the monster that-"

"Stop. Yashamaru did what? What did he tell you?"

"That he tried to love me despite what I did to his sister. And that...he hated me for what happened. He always had."

Chiyo hisses out air and shakes her head.

"What? Did I say something...?"

"You were deceived, young Gaara," Ebizo says. "Yashamaru loved you greatly...he saw his sister in you, and wanted to protect you just as she did."

"H-huh? But...but I..." He puts one hand to his head.

"Don't burn yourself out, buddy. Take it easy," Kankuro says. He rubs Gaara's back gently to try and calm him down. "I know that this is a lot at once."

"It...makes sense," Baki says. "Yashamaru was one of the village's most elite soldiers, a member of the ANBU and right hand of the Fourth Kazekage. Even if you all were family, duty as a shinobi came first. If Lord Fourth gave out a direct order, then Yashamaru would not refuse it, no matter how cruel it might have been."

"That man made the choice to be your bodyguard, well above and beyond what he was ordered to do by Rasa," Chiyo continues. "His love for you was nearly as deep as Karura's."

"My mom? But she...he told me that she said...I was a curse..."

"I cannot know for certain what took place, but...the only person that Yashamaru would have cursed and resented is Rasa, for what he ordered me to do."

"Ordered?" Kankuro asks. Aiko and I already know, but most everyone else here is unaware.

"I was the one who sealed Shukaku into Gaara...while he was still in Karura's womb."

Okay. That's certainly a new wrinkle.

"Something like that would cause complications," I say. "I can only assume that this ill-advised process was what ultimately took Karura's life."

"Yes. Gaara was born prematurely. He was small and weak. She knew that she didn't have much time, so she asked to see him." She looks at Gaara. "You were such a slight existence...and that is why, with her final breaths, she promised to protect you for eternity. She died holding you...with joy on her face, and in her heart."

"Mom...she loved me? Those things were all a lie? I can't...I..." He hunches over, tears spilling down his face as he sobs. All of us sit quietly, never thinking to rush him out of it...this is something that he deserves. The time and space to remember his mother, to understand who she truly was. Something precious that I know I was grateful to have, without it being stolen from me. My mother's last moments...her warmth. The understanding of her pain.

For sixteen long years, that was taken away from this boy. Now he has it back again.

"So all of this was because of our old man, huh." Kankuro sighs and sits on the armrest next to Gaara, patting his back gently. "He really made a mess of so many things. Kept Temari and I away from Gaara, turned our uncle on him...and now, we know that he's the reason why Mom passed away."

"Um, I have a question for Lady Chiyo and Lord Ebizo," Aiko says. "If it's okay."

"It certainly is, child. What would you like to ask?" Chiyo replies.

"You both know about the previous Lords Kazekage, because of your long years of service, and um...it might be a silly question to ask, but did any one of them do the same things that Lord Gaara did with his sand?"

Ah, I see what she's getting at.

"I can't recall anything like that," Ebizo says. "What about you, nee-san?"

"Nothing. Rasa had his ability to use gold dust, which because of its weight over sand allowed him to stop Shukaku. But as far as I know...nothing like that. I only assumed that it was some new ability related to Gaara's bloodline, but nothing suggests that he knows Magnet Release. Shukaku has been well known for decades as a spirit of destruction, one far more suited to attack than defence."

"Mothers have strong wills," I say. "Those wills carry on beyond death. They give us strength in times of trouble. They allow us to do incredible things as long as we put our minds to it. The automatic defence that surrounds Gaara's form may not be an accident or simple mutation as we all assumed."

"What is it you mean to say?" Chiyo asks me.

I look over to Gaara as he wipes his eyes.

"I mean to say that the shield of sand is not the ability of a tailed beast. It's a mother's final gift."

"It was Lady Karura the entire time," Aiko says. "That was her promise...to protect you no matter what, Lord Gaara. And her strength in the sand is how she's keeping that promise."

"Hold on...you're saying that the automatic defence was...is Mom?" Kankuro asks.

"They're right."

Gaara sniffles and sits up.

"I've consulted with Shukaku many a time...and the power that he's given me has never resulted in anything similar to that defence. As long as I have chakra, it reacts to anything that might harm me, once my mind is tuned toward battle. And once I return to safety...it has never lashed out, only protected me from even minor things. I don't control it. I don't...consciously direct it. It has always just known, reacted as fast it could. I...understand now. I understand that in order to harden me into the perfect weapon, my father took everything from me. Family, connections, safety...love. And faced with all of that, I could only turn inward."

He puts a hand over his heart.

"Mother...protected me so that one day, I could get to this point. So that one day...I might learn the truth. That I truly was loved." He sighs. "And Uncle...I wounded him gravely without knowing, and then he killed himself after telling that lie. Why...why would Father send him on that mission?"

"To test your ability," Chiyo says. "I can only assume that was the case. He had Yashamaru lie to you, likely surmising that if you reacted badly to those painful words, you would not be suitable as a host for Shukaku. And that would be when those assassinations started in earnest, after that night of failure." She shakes her head. "Perhaps if I had refused to seal the beast inside of you, none of this would have happened. Aiko would have her parents, you would have your mother..."

"Maybe so. But...knowing what I know now, I would not turn back. What was a terrible burden before...it's not something that I would wish passed onto my brother and sister. I love them too much for that. If the fates saw fit to saddle me with this titanic power, then I will carry it faithfully into the future. I will grab hold of Shukaku, and the secrets of strength that lie inside tailed beast and jinchuuriki both."

Little wonder he has such a sizable fan club. I'm finding myself enraptured by him right now...he really is quite poised and stylish at the same time.

"There is another part to this loop," he continues. "And it again involves you, Aiko. Something dredged up from my memories..."

"If it's okay. I don't want to push you into anything, Lord Gaara."

"It is something you deserve to know. As you probably know already through village gossip...my father sent several assassins to test me. If I died, then I died...but after that night, I solidified my resolve and found a new reason to exist. I was able to rebuke all of the assassins that came for my head. All except for one. A man named Sozen."

Aiko's eyes widen. "Dad? He...tried to kill you?"

"I should have died that night. But he spared my life. And after that, it must have been when he deserted the village. For years, that memory would appear before me, briefly. I understood why he was sent by my father. I killed his wife, as far as he and everyone knew. It was a chance for revenge, for closure."


"He had me in his sights. I was helpless. For years, I could not understand...but now I do. Now I know why he let me go. It was because...of you."

"Me?" she asks.

"We're not that far apart in age...I believe only a year or two separates us. I was still a child, like you were. He must have seen you in my place, if only for a moment. It...was selfish of him, to leave you all alone. I won't justify something like that. But the immense guilt, the shame of having fallen so far...leaving the village was his way of giving you a new start, in his mind. He must have thought that you would be better off without him."

Aiko closes her eyes, letting the tears fall. I squeeze her hand gently to comfort her.

"Man...maybe Temari was right after all. Guys are kinda stupid," Kankuro says, rubbing the back of his head. "Every kid needs a parent, you know? Even if you just have one left."

"My dad...after we lost Mom, he turned into a drunk and neglected me. I guess it makes sense...the shame making him go away. It's still so painful, and it doesn't feel any better. Still...so selfish of him. But at least now, I understand that he was thinking of me. I know now that...as stupid as it was, he meant well." Aiko wipes away her tears. "It makes no sense in the end, maybe. But I get it now...that at least a little bit, my dad loved me. I guess he's wandering around somewhere now, but maybe we'll cross paths one day. I want to tell him how I feel." She sighs, and it seems like more weight is coming off her shoulders. "Lord Gaara...thank you so much. That memory has given me so much peace. And so has your compassion for me. I hope the weight comes off of you in the same way."


"And now, maybe your mom can visit you in your dreams. Just like mine does."

"Dreams..." He looks at me curiously. "Is it the same for you?"

"Yes, 'tis so. My mother in all of her vibrant colour comes to visit me in times of trouble. When my father met his end...it was her embrace that helped me pick up the pieces."

"I see." Gaara muses on that for a moment before nodding. "Grandmother Chiyo, you implied there was another section to discuss earlier."

"Yes. It is in regards to the second human puppet that Sasori unleashed before his death. The Third Kazekage."

"What? You mean to say that Sasori was the one who...?"

"Yes, that is the case," Chiyo says to Baki. "Close to the time he took Pakura's body for himself, he expended some effort in killing and converting the Kazekage to one of his dolls. Like Pakura, it used the same techniques that it did in life."

"The Iron Sand," Ebizo concludes.

"Lord Third's Magnet Release was greatly feared...losing him was a blow that the village was ill-equipped to take. As such, they resorted to drastic measures," Gaara says. "The appointment of my father, who eventually settled on me as a jinchuuriki. It seems that Sasori was the root of all these dilemmas. But then...it goes back further than him. The customs that we adopt today in this village are barely removed from what was the standard long ago. Training ourselves to become more weapon than human, in order to gain strategic advantages. Under that sort of pressure, and with the loss of family...it is little wonder that Sasori turned out the way he did."

"It takes a remarkable spirit to rise out of that despair. The same as you have," I say to him.

"And it is the same with you."

"Yes...it must be so. But we cannot defeat the beast called loneliness on our own, can we?"

"I will work towards a future where no one should have to suffer that fate willingly. It is the responsibility of those with great strength."

I smile. "You really are a wonderful leader, Gaara. May your reign be long, and your people prosperous."

"As I have said before...I await your ascent to the gilded throne with bated breath," he says, smiling back. "Upon that day, I will bow with great reverence towards the queen of this shinobi world, the all-consuming Crimson Nightmare."

"Thank you, love."

"Is this flirting? This feels like flirting," Kankuro says.

"I have some familiarity with this type of talk...I believe it's called chuunibyou?" Baki muses.

"Whatever it is, I quite like it. Today's youth are spirited," Ebizo says with a smile.

"You're so lucky Lady Temari isn't here," Aiko says quietly. "She'd murder you..."

"She'd have to catch me first," I whisper back.

"You're so bad," she says, giggling.

"I believe that we have gone through all of the most important information at this time...and found closure for ourselves in the process. The remaining information can be disseminated later. For now, it is time to have a proper rest," Gaara says.

"Yeah. I'm sure it's been a hell of a time for you, Lili," Kankuro says. "You made it here in less than half a day, and then went out and killed an S-Class criminal...you must be feeling it by now."

"Just a little bit. I should be fine after a bath and a good sleep."

"We have made arrangements fitting for our great saviour."

"As expected of the Kazekage," I say. "I'll check in soon, then. If the teams from Leaf hurry, they should be around in about a day and a half...so waiting for them is fine enough."

I notice that Aiko has gone quiet, and turn my head to her. She's already fallen asleep.

"Long day for her, too," Kankuro says.

"I'll hand her off. We have a visitor beyond the door," I say while gently picking her up. "If nothing else comes up, I will see you fine folk tomorrow."

Baki unseals the door and gives me a nod before I step through. As I sensed, Makoto is waiting on the other side, leaned against the wall.

"Hey. You guys finally done?"

"Yes. Aiko can tell you about her part later...for now, it's time for you to take her home."

"Yeah." Makoto takes her girlfriend from me. "Gosh, she looks so peaceful..."

"Tomorrow is another day. We can go over everything together, if you'd like. I'll be at the hotel mid-town if you want to visit."

"Alright. See you later, Lili. And thanks for taking care of Aiko for me. I don't think she could have been safer out there..."

"You're quite welcome, darling. Take care."

Makoto nods and carries Aiko away. I shake out my hair and start in the opposite direction.

"A few more loose ends to tie up while I wait for my friends. But for now...it's time to rest after a job well done."
Hold up, I admit Sasori would have caused a lot of issues, but Rasa was the one gleefully swinging a pickaxe into the cracks that puppet man opened up.
Hold up, I admit Sasori would have caused a lot of issues, but Rasa was the one gleefully swinging a pickaxe into the cracks that puppet man opened up.
Yes. Rasa did a bunch of terrible things, Sasori put him in that position by weakening the Sand to desperation, and the bad practices that led to Sasori being a thing were pushed by the Sand itself. If you're referring to the passages where Chiyo and Gaara say that it's Sasori's fault, they do say that and then go on to talk about how terrible the military culture is all around that led to everything else that followed.
There's a difference between military culture, and Rasa's clusterfuck cavalcade. I mean yeah Suna has issues, and one of the big ones was the fact that they let Rasa get away with his bullshit. A tendency to not question orders may be part of the issue, but freaking Kiri figured out it needed to rebel before Suna got it's shit together. Kiri!

When your social development is lagging behind the place where Danzo got most of his ideas, you are doing shit wrong.

EDIT: Mostly I just want them to admit that Rasa was a fuck up and that not dealing with him was one of the big issues instead of acting like it was all Sasori. I mean when you spend that long talking about all those issues, and placing blame on people, but not the one guy that was in on all of it, it looks really weird.
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Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom – ep. 12
[Kazekage Rescue Mission, Part 7: Conclusion]

Today is a new day. With some time left before the rest of my comrades arrive, I decide to catch up with the girls. It has been a while after all, and with all of the activity we haven't had a chance to properly talk. I leave the hotel and start down the road towards our meeting place.

"Hey~! Good morning!"

"Good morning, Makoto. Did you have a good rest?" I ask.

"Sure did. Oh, the big boss said he's gonna have a party for us. Pretty cool stuff, right? It's gonna be in a few days, though, so..."

"It would have been nice to have you there," Aiko says.

"Well, I think it might be for the best. The three of you deserve to have all the glory to yourselves...you did work hard after all, and performed admirably in a stressful situation."

"We definitely did," Suketsune says. "But having you with us helped a lot."

"So, um...before anything else. I gotta say two things." Makoto puts her hands together and bows her head. "First off...thank you for all of your help, Lili. Not only did you bring Aiko back safely, but you saved the Kazekage and protected our village from a really big threat. I don't really care if it makes us sound weak, or anything like that. We really needed the help, and you raced here without a second thought. So...none of us will ever forget what you did. Thank you so much."


"And the second thing...well." She puts her hands behind her head and smiles. "I noticed that you're very much like a morning bowl of oatmeal."

I raise a brow. "Is that so."

"Yup. Both of you are thick, hot, and absolutely delicious!"

I blink at that before snorting loudly with amusement. Oh, god. That was awful.

"I wouldn't blame Aiko for breaking up with you right now," Suketsune says from behind her sleeves.

"How...are you a real person?" Aiko asks in disbelief.

"Oh, come on. Wasn't that bad...Lili liked it."

"I can't believe you said that in public. To another person. I am in hell."

"I appreciate your...ah, creative compliment, Makoto. Thank you for all of that," I say with a smile.

"Hehe. But I mean, seriously...if Aiko wasn't the most stupendously amazing and irreplaceable girlfriend in the whole wide world-"

"You're still awful, just so you know."

"-then I'd be all over you like soy sauce on rice. I mean...whoa, mama. A hundred pounds of sexy in a five pound bag."

"You're going to dehydrate yourself at this rate," I quip.

"I'll be a mummy within the hour, and I'll die happy."

"I wouldn't be happy, you idiot," Aiko says.

"Come on, hon. Look at this work of art in front of us...I know you're thinking the same thing I am. Okay, maybe you're a little less thirsty, but still!"

She sighs. "Okay, yeah...fine. You're not wrong."

"Mm? What might that mean?" I ask.

"Now you're teasing me too? You're so awful, Lili." She presses her fingers together and blushes. "You look really good and everything. I...admit that I'm a bit jealous. At your legs, especially. They're...really nice."

"I keep telling her she shouldn't worry so much about her height. She's just the cutest, you know?" Makoto says.

"I don't want to be cute! And if you even think of picking me up right now, I swear I'll-"

"Let's not get too frisky in public, ladies."

I giggle at that. Suketsune's certainly grown up. "I noticed we've got ourselves a spicy one over here now. It's very lovely to see."

"Ain't it? A while back I heard Suketsune give a guy the business, almost made the big lug cry, too! After that, she's been getting more confident with each day," Makoto says. "It's so awesome."

"Well, it only makes sense. I don't think I could stay shy forever, especially not around such vibrant teammates," Suketsune says with a smile.

"More confident and more beautiful," I say. "Very nice."

"You think so?" she asks, blushing. "It's just been a few things with my hair, and maybe some clothing, so...but I'm glad you think it worked out, Lili. Thank you for the compliments."

"Hmhm. No trouble at all. Now, I think we've flirted in public view enough for now. Shall we have ourselves a late breakfast?"

"I thought you rich folks had your own thing. What was it called, again?"

"Brunch," Aiko says to Makoto. The four of us start to walk towards the restaurant we picked out earlier.

"Yeah. Dumb as hell, and the food options suck. All sorts of hoity toity finger foods and stuff for drunks. Just have one thing or the other, breakfast or lunch. It won't kill you."

"It's nice every once in a while, I think."

"I guess. That one time we went to Remi's place was pretty cool, though I probably wouldn't do it again."

"Haha-ue doesn't care much for it either," I say. "She has the events to appease acquaintances, but doesn't eat much of anything in them. She would rather have a late lunch instead."


"Keeping up appearances is important in our world, especially. But it's not exactly an unknown thing everywhere else."

"Yeah, true. Keeping up with everyone else, and trying to look like you're more elite than you actually are. Sucks." Makoto sighs. "It'd be nice if the money bags around here were more like you and Remi, or even Gaara and them."

"A strong example would be enough to set them straight, I think. This shinobi world came to be because of Hashirama Senju's ambition, to build a village where people could finally settle and live in peace. Things like that are influential," I say.

"Oh, speaking of stuff like that...Remi mentioned that there's a big project happening in the Leaf," Aiko says. "A bunch of low priced homes for people who are struggling, and a privately-funded orphanage."

"No shit? Huh, guess rich people do have hearts after all." Makoto pauses. "Wait..."

"Lili, I'm sure that's your doing," Suketsune says.

"You caught me," I reply with a smile.

"I knew it. You're going around trying to change the world and stuff, aren't you? Figures that you'd do something like that. Listen, don't go killing yourself or something stupid. Call on us if you need even a little bit of help, you got that?" Makoto says. "Promise that you will."

"I promise, darling."

"Good. It would seriously suck if you worked yourself to death...you're one of the good ones, after all."

Makoto has come quite a way from her perpetual spite of the wealthy. Though I won't even think of scolding her for any lingering thoughts. The upper crust of this world does have a tendency to do some despicable things in order to protect their positions. Taking advantage of the strife that goes on in this world, and continually manipulating the world's most powerful shinobi. Putting an end to that will be near the top of my list when it comes to changing this world.

We finally reach the restaurant and get ourselves a comfortable booth, right near a window that has the sun's light shining through. That reminds me...I need to scout good spots for sunlight in the village when I get back. It's because of my time away that I understand why Midori loves to lie out in the sun so much...so nice. And those rare days in winter are such a treat...

"Ah, looks great! Nothing like a big breakfast!"

Makoto happily starts on her food ahead of us. I pour myself a cup of tea and then do the same for everyone else.

"We had our debriefing earlier this morning," Aiko says. "Granny Chiyo took me aside afterwards and apologized for what she said, back in the hospital room."

"Ah. Good for her."

"Yeah. She said that even if she felt that way, it wasn't something to say out loud. It wasn't any harsh feeling towards my mom...just bitterness at the village declining year after year. It got so bad that she and Grandpa Ebizo took themselves out of the loop entirely."


"Lord Kankuro said something interesting, too." I pass over the eggs to her and she nods her thanks. "That Granny Chiyo wasn't the type of person to really believe in others, or in the future of the village. She thought that we were all doomed. I don't know if I can blame her, since she went through so much. Losing her children, and her grandson becoming a criminal...most people would have a hard time dealing with that."

"You don't want to boast about your own inner strength."

"Yeah, exactly. All of that support has been a blessing to me. But I guess she's entrusted the future to all of us, and she seems a lot nicer now. Happier, even. It's thanks to your strength, Lili."

"Mm! That's right!" Makoto says after gulping down her tea. "You're the same gal that melted my icy heart, you know?"

"I suppose that makes sense. You were a stubborn one, Makoto."

"Lady Chiyo will be able to convince the rest of the Shinobi Council that our continued partnership with the Leaf is valuable," Suketsune says. "I trust that will help with your future plans."

"Once the shinobi world is stabilized, yes. Akatsuki is a large problem, for reasons aside from kidnapping world leaders. If we don't stop them now, they'll bring ruin to everything in other ways," I say. "It would be nice if the other villages cooperated, but as of now it's slow going."

"Sucks that we can't do too much as we are. Gonna take a while before any of us can hang with S-Class thugs and the like," Makoto says. "Teamwork only goes so far, unfortunately. Cap, you think that Deidara guy is gonna come back around?"

"Not for a while yet, if he's even thinking of it. Without the help he had from a former village native, it would be quite hard to try and pull the same thing off twice. Not to mention the fact that Gaara is far from a fool...countermeasures would be in place to prevent what happened before."

"Makes sense. I bet we're still gonna be on high alert for a while. That means we won't be able to help much on the outside."

"We have a few contacts working with the Leaf that will help us cover a wide area. I also intend to discuss these matters with Lord Hokage and make a few moves of my own. For now, the three of you should focus on your own development and keeping the village afloat."

"It should be easier than before," Suketsune points out.

"You're referring to the new daimyo, yes?" I ask her.

"Yes. In comparison to the old ruler, the purse strings have been loosened, and that has allowed for the village to start some form of recovery. Combined with Lord Hokage's influence, more opportunities for missions have been coming to us." She takes a sip of tea. "Yushiro spoke to me last night about what he heard over the normal channels. The councillors were quite desperate to keep the fact that Lord Kazekage was kidnapped under wraps...some even suggested an interim Kazekage be elected so as to help the village stabilize sooner."

As hard as he's worked, Gaara hasn't earned everyone's trust yet. Politics continues to be a terribly savage thing.

"Of course," she continues, "they're also not happy about the fact that it was the Leaf's ace that defeated Sasori and rescued Lord Kazekage all at once. Between this event and the Leaf's forgiveness for the joint invasion nearly four years ago...it's safe to say that the upper levels of the village feel like they have a heavy collar around their necks."

"There is an irony to the fact that their only way out might be through the village son they disparage so much," I say with a smile. "But even that passage is narrow, and Gaara knows it."

"Wow. You think that's why he was so, um...what's the word," Aiko mutters. "Reverent, I think. He's very reverent towards you."

"Not in its entirety, love. I know for a fact that he is quite grateful for my mercy, and for the assistance that I have consistently rendered towards him personally. But...he also does see me as the future of the world. It makes sense for him to place his faith in me, not just on a strategic level, but on a spiritual one as well. I don't believe he is simply playing a role to get ahead of the game. He's too cool-headed for that, honestly."

"It's a mutual respect, then?"

"Yes, that is it."

"I see...that's good to know. I guess it's not really shinobi-like to worry about those things, or to wish that things were different. It's like Sasori said. Still, I think there's more than one way to be a good shinobi in the end."

"Yup! Totally agree!" Makoto says. "I mean, just look at the four of us. We're gorgeous, strong, and empathetic all at once. That's what makes us awesome, and we shouldn't change it for anything. Ain't that right, Cap?"

"Very well said, Makoto. We are who we are. Let nobody and nothing in this world change that."

"So I guess our job is just to work on what we can here," Aiko says.

"Yes, that's right."

"Okay. We can do that much for sure. Makoto, did you want to order something else? Lili said she's fine with it."

"Ooh, I forgot. In that case, I'll get one of those fancy steaks they had on the menu."

"There's a nice soup I saw, too. I think I'll try that."

"I wanted to try one of those coffee drinks...the one with the whipped cream they put on top," Suketsune says. "It looks tasty."

"We'll get all of that when the waiter comes back around," I say. "I think I should get us more tea, too..."


After finishing a delicious meal, Suketsune and Makoto part ways with us. Aiko takes my hand and leads me through the village.

"It wasn't something urgent, but Suketsune thought it would be a good thing for her and Makoto to do now. To give us some time together, and stuff."

"I see. Where are we going?" I ask.

"I wanted to show you where Mom is. There's a small shop close to the cemetery and everything..."

We make the stop and Aiko buys herself a few sturdy flowers. The burial ground is hidden away on the village outskirts, in the direction opposite of the entrance. Unlike the grave stones that have prism-like shapes in the Leaf, these ones in the Sand are upright, and formed in the shape of the village symbol. It looks something like an hourglass, with the village symbol itself at the stone's top, and the person's name below followed by a list of their titles and accomplishments.

"Hey, Mom. Sorry I haven't been around in a while, it's been so busy."

Aiko replaces the flowers in the nearby vase with fresh ones. With a puff of flame from between her lips, the old flowers are turned into ash and float away on the next breeze.

"I brought my friend that I was telling you about all those years ago. You remember Lili, I hope. She's really strong, and kind on top of all that."

"Hello, Miss Pakura," I say.

"See? So much has happened, Mom. I found out what really happened to you, and faced off against your old body. Sasori was such a creep, ugh. He tried to kidnap Gaara, too. Him and some weird guy on a bird who looked like one of those television actors. But guess what? We beat him down, together! I thought that would make you happy, to finally rest peacefully and everything. Not that I thought you would show up as one of the undead or anything...but yeah, a lot of stuff went down..."

Aiko crouches in front of the grave stone and chats away happily. I can tell that this is something she does often, judging by how clean the area is in comparison to others, and the state of the flowers she replaced. Momma was cremated...hurriedly, I realize now. Her wish was to be buried in the wood near the mansion, in a simple wooden box. She wanted her shell to be close to nature. I've no idea where her ashes are right now. Hopefully they're in the hands of the Rothschild Estate, but given my father's hurry to dispose of her body, it's possible those ashes have been scattered to the winds entirely. It's disappointing, but nothing that pains me too much. The important thing is that, thanks to our bond, she and her memories are always within reach.

"...and maybe I'll find Dad one day so I can tell him what happened. I know you'll always love him, but...my feelings are complicated. They always will be. But if we do cross paths again...I'll try my best. For your sake, Mom. I think that's all, it was a lot for one day! More than I've ever gone over at once. I'm so happy that I got back to tell you all of this. I love you, Mom. And I'm prouder than ever of you...and more than that, I'm more grateful than ever. Thank you for everything you did. For teaching me, for loving me, for giving your all to protect me and the whole village. That knowledge is going to make me stronger than ever. Who knows...maybe I'll become Kazekage one day, hehe. I doubt it since Gaara's so good at his job, but it doesn't hurt to be ready, right? At the least, I'll be as cool and strong as you."

Aiko kisses her hand, and then places it on top of the grave stone.

"Bye, Mom. See you soon." She turns to face me, looking as radiant as ever. "I didn't make you wait too long, did I?"

"Not at all, my love. Especially since it's made you so happy."

"Hehe. Thanks. Let's head back to the village...gotta get back into my role as Makoto wrangler again."

"Still a handful, is she?"

"Yeah. But she's my handful now, so...small blessings, like you would say."


There is a slight feeling as we get ready to leave. Something in the air...like the faintest of whispers.


I close my eyes and focus, drawing on the power that sleeps inside of my soul. When my eyes open again, the flow of life appears before me, and the strength of the cosmos ripples through my mortal shell. In the midst of the drifting points of light, I spy something.



Aiko can't see anything, but I can. A woman in a white dress, familiar to me. Her skin is fair, and her green hair flows down to the middle of her back. Two long strands go down the sides of her face, tipped with orange.

"Oh, Aiko. I wish...that I could give you more for what you did. More than just speaking into the wind and hoping that it would reach you. You've done so well, and yet..."

I hear her sniffle.

"You're such a good girl. Coming to see me over and over...leaving these flowers, too. I wish..."

"You have a wish, do you?" I ask her. My lips do not move, but I know that she's aware of me now. She turns, her brown eyes shifting from side to side as she searches for the source of the voice.

"I shouldn't be...who is that?"

"I'm in front of you. Lady Pakura Mishoto, isn't it?"

"You're...Aiko's friend. Lili? But how can you..." Her eyes widen. "Are you some sort of shaman, or a medium?"

"Nothing like that. I merely have transcended the flimsy bounds of humanity."

"Er...something like that. Not sure I really get it..." She sighs. "I guess it doesn't really matter, does it..."

"Not really, no."

"I see. I'm sorry that you had to listen to my whining."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Pakura. What's important is your wish. You had something you wanted to do, didn't you?"

"I...wanted to...hold my daughter. For real, just one more time."

"I see. I don't have much experience in these sorts of things, but I know that I can grant your wish, even if it's just this once."

"What do you...wait, that's not possible. How could you grant my wish?"

"Borrow my body for a while," I say.

"I couldn't! You're-"

"There should be no harm done to me. I have interacted with my senpai, who exists on the plane of the cosmos...and all beings are connected by the power of chakra, after all."

"Do you...do you really think I could?"

"It was your strong feelings that allowed me to pick up on your presence in the first place. I know that if you truly want it, you can have this moment for yourself. I permit you to use my body for a while, Pakura. It's all up to you from here."

She presses her hands against her chest, thinking. Finally, with a determined nod, she moves towards me and puts her hands in mine.

"Allow your chakra to flow into me...and everything will happen on its own," I say calmly.

Pakura does as I say, and I feel her presence enter me. My eyes open on their own, and I stare down at my hands for a moment before my head moves to Aiko. She looks understandably worried.

"Lili, are you okay? You were totally zoning out...seriously, you're worrying me."

Go ahead, Pakura.

"I...I'm sorry about that," she says, with her own voice. "But she's..."

"Ah?" Aiko's eyes widen in shock. "That...that voice. There's no way..."

"It's me. It's really me, Aiko. Your mom."

"But that's not...possible..."

"Your kind friend let me borrow her body for a short time, because...I had a selfish wish. To hold you for the first time in so long."


Aiko sobs and grabs onto my body. Pakura gently strokes her head.

"Oh, sweetie. I'm so glad...that I got the chance to do this. I wanted it for so long." She reaches down and pulls Aiko close. Aiko wraps her arms around my neck, still crying, and soaks up her mother's warmth as it radiates through my body.

"Mommy...I don't know how, but...I'm so happy it happened. I miss you every day, Mom."

"I know you do, sweetie. I miss you, too. I really have been listening to everything you've said, and I'm so happy that you came to see me as often as you could. It's your faith that lets me come visit this world so often, just to see how you're doing. Yusuke did such a good job raising you, and Remi is an amazing friend. Suketsune is a wonderful teammate and guardian for you, and Makoto is the kind of person I hoped you would spend your life with. Most of all, you're so strong, you're so brave and beautiful, you're everything I hoped and wished and dreamed for...Aiko, you're absolutely the best."


"Aiko. I'm so proud of you. I'm happy that you freed me from Sasori's clutches, and that you put my body to rest in such a majestic way. I wanted you to know how much I think of you, and how special you truly are. Don't forget that..."

"I won't, Mom. I meant what I said, I'm gonna be really cool and strong like you! I promise!"

"I know you will, honey. I know you will."

I feel a small tremor go through my body.

Tell me how much longer you need, Pakura.

I feel her shake my head. It's fine. I can figure out that it's a bit of a strain on you...and I don't want to take advantage of your kindness. This is enough. I got to hold my baby girl again...I got to do the impossible, for just a moment.

"Aiko, sweetie? It's almost time. I want to stay longer, but..."

"I know. You don't want to hurt Lili, and neither do I. She's so wonderful."

"She really is. Meeting you again like this has really put my soul at ease...there's so many stories we could share, and memories we could go through. But I can just as easily leave it at this. This moment is something I know you'll cherish forever and ever, just as I will."

"Yeah. I'll remember this, always."

"Good...then there's not much left to say. It's time for me to go."

"Thank you, Mom...for everything. I love you so, so, so much."

"I love you too, Aiko. I always will, forever and ever." Pakura squeezes Aiko tight, one last time. I feel her starting to separate from my body. "You're a great kunoichi, and an even better human being. You're everything I wanted you to be. A beautiful daughter..."

I feel my eyes close.

"And a beautiful legacy."

I separate myself from Aiko gently, and look at Pakura's glowing form.

"Until next time, my beloved daughter."

"Yeah. Until next time, Mom."

"The Envoy of Almighty God, and Flower of Heaven...you who will erase the boundaries between this world and the next. Lili Kobayashi...thank you for this incredible gift. May you be blessed for all eternity and beyond."

"O Great Hero of the Hidden Sand, Pakura of the Scorch Release. Glory to your name forevermore," I say. "The dreams of you and of your precious daughter will be preserved, and thus will open the door to possibility. So shall it be."

She smiles and nods, her form changing into sparkling points of light.

"Praise be."

And with that, Pakura drifts into the next world...until the time where her daughter calls for her once more.

"I can't believe...that happened," Aiko says. "Lili...how did you even...?"

"It was a strength that I discovered a few years ago, and developed in bits and pieces since then. Though...that was the first time I've ever hosted another soul. Ah..."

I find my steps wavering a bit, and Aiko makes sure that I don't fall over.

"Are you really okay?"

"I'm fine, really. Just a bit disoriented, perhaps. Hosting another soul means hosting their chakra, so...it is quite warm presently, on top of everything else."

"That makes sense, I guess. Mom was pretty good at Scorch Release."

"Indeed. Aiko, love?"


"I know how much you want to talk about this but...for now, could you keep these events to yourself?" I ask.

"All you had to do was ask," she says with a bright smile. "Sure, this'll be between us. I can't imagine how many people would be after you if they found out you could let dead people use your body and stuff. Or is it unique to certain people?"

"Yes. Your mother had an exceedingly strong spirit, and a very strong desire on top of that. From what I have researched, I cannot locate or host any amount of existing spirits...only those with at least that level of strength, a sustainably strong presence. You told me long ago that it felt like she was there with you on some days..."

"I did, yeah."

I nod. "That's about what it takes. Senpai's existence was a great mystery, and so it allowed her to ascend to the cosmic plane after she passed on. She who is known as the Inugami Mother Wolf, Fubuki Inugami."

"Wow. Granny Chiyo was more right than I thought, or maybe even she thought...that's pretty amazing. Maybe too amazing for me to understand. Like...it was your body, right? But I felt Mom, and heard her voice, and her hugs were like her hugs even though they were with your arms, and and and...aah!" Aiko rubs at her head. "So amazing, but so confusing!"

I laugh gently. "It's nothing you need to understand deeply right away, my love."

"Probably not..."

"What matters is whether it made you happy..."

"It totally did. Like I said, I'll never forget this. Thank you, Lili...I know now that even if I might die, I'll do just about anything you would ask me to. I owe you that much, and I love you that much."

"Aiko...I love you too. I'm going to keep my promise, to protect you and your dreams. Work as hard as you can, that's all I will ever ask."

"Got it. So...you're okay to walk now?"

"Yes, love. Let's get back to...what did you call it? Makoto wrangling."

"Yep. You know what they say...a woman's work is never done."


We take one last look at Pakura's grave stone, before leaving the cemetery hand in hand.
Aiko crouches in front of the grave stone and chats away happily. I can tell that this is something she does often, judging by how clean the area is in comparison to others, and the state of the flowers she replaced. Momma was cremated...hurriedly, I realize now. Her wish was to be buried in the wood near the mansion, in a simple wooden box. She wanted her shell to be close to nature. I've no idea where her ashes are right now. Hopefully they're in the hands of the Rothschild Estate, but given my father's hurry to dispose of her body, it's possible those ashes have been scattered to the winds entirely. It's disappointing, but nothing that pains me too much. The important thing is that, thanks to our bond, she and her memories are always within reach.

Hmmmmmm. In a hurry to get rid of the evidence? Could it be that the illness that killed Lili's mom was actually poison secretly administered to her by her husband? Knowing what we know now about Lili's old man I wouldn't put it past him.
If I remember correctly, Lili has already reached that conclusion during her confrontation with her father and Kakuzu.
Yep. He poisoned her and then ran her ragged so that she couldn't properly recover, giving himself plausible deniability. Then of course he distanced himself from the crime scene.

Lili knew he had done something to Caroline, but she denied and then repressed those feelings until the mansion incident.
Tempo Primo
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom – ep. 13
"Tempo Primo"
[Kazekage Rescue Mission, Part 8: Epilogue]

"I see...I was wondering what you meant when you said your father died."

Aiko and I are heading over to the Kazekage's Office, where my comrades from the Leaf are set to appear within the next hour or two. It's just before noon on the third morning since Guy and I arrived.

"Yes. He did a despicable thing, and so...even though I didn't want it to end that way, I took his life. It was something that hurt me immensely, even if it was the correct action," I say to her.

"I couldn't imagine doing something like that. Even if he was a terrible person, he was still your family. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Lili."

"I remembered Gaara and what I said to him, that day we first fought. That you don't have to remain where you are the rest of your life. He's taken that message to heart, and so have I. Thanks to my mom, my loved ones, and all of the lessons that I've learned...well, I ended up right here. I didn't just survive, I grew even stronger from that tragedy."

"Good for you."

"Thank you, Aiko. More than that...I've learned many things about myself as a result of that experience." I close my eyes. "I carry my mother's spirit, and my father's blood. It shouldn't be that I ignore one and greatly favour the other. Otherwise, I would never be able to reach my full potential. You must go through the same thing, with the Sharingan..."

"I think about it sometimes, yeah."

"That's more than fair. Accepting those parts of yourself, and then making use of them in the best way that you can. That is what leads to completion, in the end. I have challenged that man's shade many times since then, to know myself better than before."

"That sounds scary," she says with concern.

"It was frightening at first, especially when it used to happen involuntarily. But in my recent meditation, I can choose the time and place, and when it is time to make my exit. It is an intense sort of training, but necessary for what I intend to do."

"What are you thinking?" Aiko asks.

My eyes open. "I will challenge the world, in the same way as Hanzo of the Salamander did."

"I've heard of him...hmm. I guess I can read more about the stuff he did, then. But you said I just have to worry about what's happening here, right?"

"That's right."

"Okay." She smiles and pumps her fists. "I'll add it to the list, then. Mom will help, too. Even if she can't speak to me out loud too often, and stuff. Oh, yeah. There's a guy in your village...Sasuke, right? Does he know about me yet?"

"Not at this time, and I haven't told him. I don't have any plans to, either."

She lets out a breath, relieved. "Okay, good. I think it would be really awkward since I already have a girlfriend and everything...and he's the last known Uchiha. Since my dad isn't really...known, I guess."

"He's occupied himself at the moment, so you don't have to worry about that. Not that you would be compatible, anyways."

"I see...is he, like, a bad person?"

I frown. "His heart is generally in the right place, but he's a massive buffoon and an insufferable grouch besides that."

"Hmm. I get the sense that you're not that fond of him."

"An understatement, to be sure."

She nods. "Got it. Well, I can't wait to meet your other friends, even if it's just for a bit. Master Guy is really nice, and Makoto likes him too."

"He is a unique gentleman, to be sure," I say with a smile. "It took me a bit to come around to him, what with his fashion sense, or lack thereof. But putting that aside, he is a fount of wisdom and a stellar shinobi compared to many others."

"I can see that." She pauses. "His eyebrows are really thick, though. Weird."

"Looks like you guys are the last ones to join the party."

Kankuro welcomes us as the rest of the group stands outside the entrance. Baki is here, with a few kunoichi who are less worried about their work and more interested in ogling - pardon - protecting the Kazekage from outside threats. Chiyo is having fun needling Ebizo, with that laugh of hers ringing out. Makoto and Suketsune are waiting next to them.

"Arriving fashionably late is what we girls do," Aiko says with a smile.

"Whoa. Looks like someone's been rubbing off on you."

"Jerk." I hit him on the shoulder gently. "Feeling better today?"

"Back to normal, yeah. Can't thank you enough for what you did."

"Seeing you healthy is its own grand reward, Kankuro. You're safe, and that's what matters most."

"That looks like them," Baki says. I watch as a group of five shoots towards us, with members of the regular forces trying to keep up behind them.

"Is that...really you? Gaara?" Temari asks as she lands, out of breath. She looks quite different since the last time...her hair is done up in the same way, but she has on a black kimono with short sleeves and a red sash around her waist. Simple enough, but quite stylish as always.

"Temari, you-"

"Just be quiet...just..." She smothers him in a hug and starts crying.

"..." He quietly hugs her back.

"I...I can't believe you're...but you're okay. I was so scared..."

"Everything is fine now, nee-san. I'm okay."


"There is a lot we have to tell you, but that can wait until later."

"Sure." She lets him go and wipes away her tears. "Yeah, for sure. I just wanted to see you first..."

"Pretty glad you raced all the way here for nothing, right?" Kankuro says.

"Obviously." Temari punches him in the chest. "As for you, you were just being an idiot as usual. I heard you almost got yourself killed."

He winces. "Sheesh. You're lucky that I got back to full strength."

"Dumbass." She pulls him into a hug. "I'm glad you're safe, too..."

"I know."

"Yo! Finally made it!"

Naruto drops in first, followed by Kakashi, Hina, and Shino.

"Well, I don't mind getting some exercise in every once in a while...but I'll temper my expectations for the next time we follow Miss Kobayashi's lead," Kakashi says.

"It seems like the mission was over before we started on our way here," Hina says, smiling. "As expected of our Lili."

"Indeed," Shino says in agreement.

"Wait, seriously? We don't have work to do?" Naruto asks.

"Do you remember what our mission was, Naruto?" Kakashi asks him.

"Yeah! To help bring Gaara back to the Sand, right?"

"That's right. And who do you see here in front of you?"

Naruto blinks before turning his head to see Gaara, who gives him a friendly wave.

"Um...oh! Gaara, he's right here! Wait, wait...Kakashi-sensei, it took like, almost three days for us to get here!"

"Lili and Guy are pretty unique individuals. How long did it take in total, Guy? About a day, I'm guessing?"

"Hmm...about nine or so hours, I believe."

Kakashi's eye widens. "You can't be serious. That quick? That means you would have gotten here on the same day you left."

"That we did," I say. "The mission was completed on the very next morning, with the help of our lovely band of ladies. One of the Akatsuki escaped into the sky after we retrieved Lord Kazekage, and the other we defeated soundly with no casualties."

"Trust me, I was feeling just as shocked when they got back," Kankuro says, chuckling.

"Okay, hold on a second," Temari says, waving her arms. "Repeat this back to me in full, because this is all nonsense-"

"No...it cannot be! You!"


Chiyo suddenly charges at Kakashi, who is utterly confused. I race in front of her and cleanly deflect her strikes, sending her flying backwards.

"You fucking fossil. What the hell has gotten into you?" I growl.

"It's that despicable White Fang of the Leaf! I will never forgive you for what you took from me!"

"White Fang? Open your eyes a bit wider, you senile bat."

"Be quiet, child! Out of my way! I must collect vengeance for my son!"

"Nee-san, she's right. Take a moment to look closer...they seem similar, but aren't actually the same."

"Eh?" She stops at Ebizo's suggestion and stares at Kakashi for a few extra seconds. "..."


"Oh...well, never mind then! Hahahahaha!"

Kakashi breathes a heavy sigh of relief.

"Oi. I'll turn your bones to soup the next time you try that nonsense again, fucking fossil," I say to her. "Get yourself a pair of glasses before I beat your wrinkled-"

"Um, I can do it," Aiko says quickly to interrupt me. "The whole explaining thing, for Lady Temari! Right, okay! So, Major Kobayashi got here really early with Master Guy, and then she went to the hospital room to help cure Lord Kankuro of the poison. Then she called for us and waited for Suketsune to mix an antidote using her instructions so that Lord Kankuro could get all of the poison out of his system. We assembled, went over mission stuff, and then went out into the desert after the enemy really early in the morning. Oh, that's because Lord Kankuro was awesome and got us a piece of Sasori's clothing so that Major Kobayashi could lead us to Sasori. Okay, so we chased the Akatsuki and caught up to them at sunrise, split them up, and then Master Guy and Major Kobayashi got Lord Gaara back from the flying Akatsuki-"

"Deidara," I say.

"Yes, Deidara. Thank you, ma'am. So we got Lord Gaara back and then he was taken to the village while we fought Sasori, and we eventually beat him and came home. All in the space of one morning, I think. It was pretty exciting! Um, Lady Temari, ma'am."

"..." Temari stares at me. "You saved both of my little brothers in the space of twelve hours?"

I smile and wink at her. "Nothing to it."

"A great task, to be sure...but nothing beyond the reach of one who will become the great goddess of men in the future," Gaara says.

"If I didn't know better, I would think you were flirting with her," Temari says. "Not that you becoming infected with the chunni virus is all that great, either." She sighs. "My blood pressure was shooting to the moon before, but I feel a lot better now. Kankuro was right earlier. I've never been so happy to have so much of my time wasted..."

"Yeah! It's awesome that Gaara's back, and you guys beat the brakes off those Akatsuki losers! Would have liked to give them the business myself," Naruto says. "But I can live with Lili doing it for me."

"I think it's long past the time we did some proper introductions," Makoto interrupts, placing herself in front of Hina. "My name's Makoto Hibana, proud chuunin of the Hidden Sand. May I have your name, miss?"

"Hinata Hyuuga, heiress of the Leaf's Hyuuga Clan. I've heard lovely things about you from my sister Lili," she says with a smile. "Very nice to finally meet you."

"No, no...the pleasure is definitely mine, Lady Hyuuga." She kisses Hina's hand gently. Aiko smiles and shakes her head.

"Everyone's so happy."

Temari stands next to me, as we linger a bit outside of the sphere of chatter that has formed.

"A few years ago, I couldn't imagine anything like this happening. This moment is something we fought for...for so long. Gaara, especially. I know that not everyone's come around yet, but...he's got the respect of so many people. And we can finally be a family again, instead of just three kids trying to survive and tolerate each other. We can be the siblings we were always meant to be."

"That's very good to hear," I say.

"It's thanks to you, Lili. I know you don't want to stand in the spotlight and take this moment for yourself, but it's the truth. You could have killed Gaara on that day. Nobody would blame you for it. Maybe I would be bitter, and so would Kankuro, but...we were so far removed from him that it wouldn't have lasted that long. We had forgotten what Gaara was like before he hardened his heart. And then, to come back here years later at the first call...and not only give Gaara yet another chance at life, but save Kankuro too, when nobody else could. There's nothing I can say that would mean anything. Nothing that would possibly convey my feelings right now."

"I am a person with her own goals, and desires that would be called twisted. I have a recklessness within myself that I have embraced, even as it stands at odds with this world of ours," I say as I look over to her. "Even so...Gaara is a pure person, who deserves as many chances as needed to walk down his chosen path. To give new light to a family, and to protect the possibilities of those who wish for a better world...knowing that they will continue to live and breathe is a beautiful reward. I cherish their happiness like it was my own."

"You've done so much already...you're really saying that you don't want a real thank you, or anything in return?"

"Those things are all lovely, but they're not a necessity. As long as I have your love, it's always enough."

She blushes and puts a hand over her heart. "I...think I can see what he sees now. You really are a goddess."

"I wouldn't go that far. Even with all of the strength at my disposal, I am still just a humble child of the stars. But even that title is enough to uproot mountains and part the seas as I will it. Thank you for your praise, Temari. I appreciate it, and it does make me happy. I want to continue my fight for a better world, but I know that in the end, I won't be able to do it alone. And I don't want to leave the fight to another generation, or one after that, or one even after that. It has to be us, and it has to be now."

She nods. "Whenever you need me...or any of us. Just say the word."

"As long as you promise to do the same."

"I promise, Lili. Thank you for all of this...I know I'll never be able to say it enough."

"You're very welcome, my love."

"Hey, you guys!" Naruto calls to us. "Gaara's taking us out to a big lunch to celebrate!"

"We'll be right with you, darling," I say. He nods and continues his conversation with Gaara. "Well, shall we join them? I know you must want to get off your feet after so much time rushing here."

"Yeah, for sure." She shoulders her fan again, then pauses. "Actually, before we go...there's something I should give to you."

"What is it?"

"It's...a bit awkward, especially here. But I shouldn't let that stop me...you deserve this. Close your eyes, okay?"

"Alright." I do as she asks.

"Make sure your lips are together, and don't move. I'll probably hurt you if you do."

"Hmph. I have to wonder if this is safe, with all of the unruly mumbling that you're doing..."

I almost want to cheat a bit and tease her, but this seems important. Temari stops in front of me, and I can tell that she's started to lean forward.


It's a brief sensation. She presses her lips against mine gently before backing away. Warm, and...filled with meaning that I understand immediately. My eyes slowly open, and I see that her teal eyes are filled with sincerity and reverence.

"Thank you for that memory, Temari."

"It was the least I could do. I...found a way to express myself to you, that didn't need so many words."

"I felt it...all the way through. I appreciate it, and always will."

She nods slowly and turns away from me. "Come on. Let's make sure those kids of ours don't get too rowdy. Baki-sensei and Sharingan Kakashi couldn't possibly handle all that noise themselves."

I laugh a bit at that. "Well said. Let's away, then."


We made sure there was room for our last three comrades, from Guy's team. Neji, Tenten, and Lee join us about an hour later, and we extend our session a bit so that they can eat and relax with the rest of us.

Lee looks the same as ever, save for the flak jacket that indicates his ascension to the ranks of chuunin. Very much a mirror of his beloved sensei. Tenten I notice has blossomed splendidly, growing to around my height with a solid build. Her usual outfit has changed a bit as well, with maroon pants that remind me of Ruki's shrine wear, and a white blouse that has the same maroon colouring at its edges. She's sticking close to Neji, as usual, but isn't making a scene of it. They do move at the same speed, don't they...it's really cute to watch.

"I see! Then I will train to be able to make the trip to the Hidden Sand in six hours!" Lee declares.

"No way in hell is anyone going to match that pace. Me, especially. Getting here was already too much for my poor bones," Tenten complains. "I mean, it's incredible to think that Sensei and Lili got here so fast...so please, don't ruin the moment, Lee."

"Travelling at such high speeds is a rush unlike anything you've known before, Lee," Guy says.

"Sensei, seriously. Don't encourage him."

"Lee is free to spend his time as he wishes, now that he's a chuunin," Neji says subtly.

"Hm. Okay, never mind...keep encouraging him," she says with a smile. "That gives us more time for other pursuits."

"So nothing came up on your way over?" Kankuro asks after finishing off a drumstick. It's just our core group now, with the other shinobi having left at Gaara's command to tend to other duties. Nothing important should leak out as a result.

"Nothing," Hina says. "Brother Neji and I compared notes and we didn't see anything like unusual birds or similar things...if that Deidara person left, it was by some alternate route."

"It might be more likely that he's hiding somewhere within Wind Country until things die down. Naturally, he would have expertise in Earth Release jutsu as a former native of the Hidden Rock," Neji adds. "With his resources allegedly low, it would be a good time to search for him...but trying to scour an entire country for one man isn't likely to end well for us, I suspect."

"He is Akatsuki, in the end...after reporting back to his master, he will set out again towards a new target," Gaara says. "We can only remain vigilant until that time. Granny Chiyo, what do you think they mean to do with the tailed beasts once they are extracted from the hosts?"

"What's all this host stuff about? And tailed beasts and junk?" Naruto asks. "I know they're after the jerk that's stuck in me, too."

"You don't know?"

"It's classified information in the Leaf...Lord Third went as far as forbidding anyone to speak about Naruto's status in public," Kakashi explains to Gaara. "A few of us know through various means, but..."

"I see."

"Would you like to explain, or should I?" I offer.

"You know about this stuff?" Temari asks.

"Plenty by now, yes. There are reasons as to why." I brush back some of my hair. "Now, this is important lore, and it will differ from many things that you've probably been told about those so-called monsters inside of human bodies. They're called bijuu, named because they all have tails. Each of the beasts has a differing number of tails, from one all the way up to nine. From what I can understand, the number of tails represents the amount of overall strength that each one has...that makes one tail the overall weakest, and nine tails the overall strongest. It has meaning...seeing as it took the sacrifice of the Fourth Hokage just to seal away Nine Tails, compared to the Fourth Kazekage's layering of gold dust to slow the One Tail to a crawl over and over again. These beings are not mere spirits, they are truly immense concentrations of chakra. They can become weapons of mass destruction in an instant, and that is why humans have sought to control them over and over again for military purposes." I look at Naruto and Gaara. "Which is where the second part comes in. Both of you are hosts for the tailed beasts, called jinchuuriki. Do you understand why you have the tailed beasts inside of you?"

"Control," Gaara says. "Placing the wild concentrations of chakra into a human body...it means the power can be used and controlled, for the purposes of war."

"Yes. The power is contained, it is compressed inside of that person. Furthermore, when the spirits of both the tailed beast and their human host align, they are capable of extreme power. You and Naruto have experienced it already."

"There's a risk to all of this, isn't there?" Tenten asks.

"There is, yes. The tailed beasts are by no means passive, and seek to escape their human prisons most of the time. They will seize upon volatile emotions, such as anger and fear, to manipulate the person's psyche in order to suit their needs. There have been many failures throughout history, because of incompatibility and similar things. Not just any person will do...an unsuitable host will be torn apart as the tailed beast completely escapes from their body. That knowledge has not stopped people from trying, especially with the political implications."

"Jinchuuriki are usually chosen from the families or close relatives of the Kage," Temari explains. "It ensures loyalty and security...since being a jinchuuriki is a miserable experience on its own. Someone saddled up with all that power might be tempted to skip town. But if it means betraying their family, they're likely to think it over plenty of times. It's no guarantee in itself, and ruling families can change...but it's a better bet than leaving things up to chance."

"I'd think that you would just switch hosts whenever you needed to. The tailed beasts are chakra in the end, right?" Makoto asks. "I'm sure it would take a while, but you could just transfer the chakra over, couldn't you?"

"Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way," I say to her. "The tailed beasts as amalgamations of chakra have existed for centuries by now on their own, but when inside of a human being, they become part of that person. Their chakras, however imperfectly at first, become one - usually because they are sealed together so early in a human's life. There are ways to remove the beasts from people, with various types of sealing arts that equal their power for a brief moment, enough to seal them inside of some sort of container until the next host is ready."

"Why...would they need to do that?" Suketsune asks nervously.

"When you're a jinchuuriki...it's for life," I say with a solemn tone. "The beast is usually put in at an early age to try and obtain mastery. If the village is lucky, there are few problems and the beast remains with their human host."

"I don't like the sound of this," Aiko says.

"The reason that I was adamant about Gaara not leaving the country is so that there could be no chance the extraction process could start. Because once the tailed beast is extracted, the host dies."

"That is how the two previous jinchuuriki left this world," Chiyo explains. "Once you become a host, your life ends when your usefulness to the village does. The other option for escape is to have the beast take over you completely."

"So in the end...jinchuuriki are just people made into tools of war," Hina says. "That's so cruel. I...understand why, but it doesn't make it easier to accept. Just sacrifices..."

"..." I watch as Naruto places a hand over his stomach, saddened by everything he's been hearing.

"And so Akatsuki is the same...intent on using the tailed beasts to wage war, by placing them into newer, more loyal hosts," Guy concludes.

"No. That's not it," I say.

"What else would they be using them for?" Baki asks. "Surely with everything we've heard, it adds up to such an outcome."

"It sounds logical enough, yes, but I do not believe it to be the case. The tailed beast you all call Shukaku has been an incredible pain to wrangle. And the effort needed just to keep the Nine Tails at bay was extraordinary. No, they mean to use the power of the tailed beasts for something else entirely. It's not worth killing jinchuuriki left and right when they could kidnap and possibly brainwash them instead to do their bidding with jutsu. Akatsuki wants the raw power for some other, more sinister purpose that we have yet to discern. Hoping for compatible membership and having to train new hosts all over again...it doesn't make any sense to me. I will consult with Lord Hokage when I get home, but I know that it's something else." Something that not even Itachi is aware of, unfortunately. We need to try and solve that issue soon.

"So...there are nine tailed beasts all over the world?" Aiko asks.

"Yes. The Hidden Sand had possession of their tailed beast, called Shukaku, before any of the other nations. Seven others came into the possession of Hashirama Senju, the Founder of the Hidden Leaf. And the very last was the Nine Tailed Fox, who was sealed away because it was such a menace in the first place. This was the seeming exception when it came to jinchuuriki...the first two of the Leaf kept themselves as containers for the Nine Tails as a defensive measure for the most part. They most certainly satisfied the role of threatening war weapons, but above all they were meant to contain that incredible power so that it wouldn't devastate the village and the surrounding shinobi world. As for Naruto...his path will be a bit different, at the end of the day. I, along with many others, will see to that."

"It was said that the First Hokage distributed them as a form of appeasement in the early days...to help with the balance of power as new shinobi villages formed," Gaara explains. "And so, with many things happening, we have the current status quo. Two jinchuuriki in the Hidden Rock, and two within the Hidden Cloud. One each in Leaf, Sand, Mist, and Waterfall. And one unaccounted for."

"Unaccounted? Waterfall?" Tenten asks. "What's up with that?"

"From what we know, the Three Tails is currently wandering the ocean...and yes, the Hidden Waterfall has a host of their own."

"I've no recollection of how they obtained a tailed beast so powerful...but they are a village cloaked in mystery," Chiyo says. It seems to be so...that is Kakuzu's old village, after all. And the larger nations seem loathe to have any sort of a go at it despite the number of opportunities. I wonder what the person housing the Seven Tails is like.

"I got a question..."

"Of course," I say to Naruto. "What would you like to know, my darling?"

"Are the other hosts...treated like Gaara and I used to be treated?" he asks quietly.

I close my eyes. "Throughout history, jinchuuriki have been hated. They carry the burden of being associated with the beast inside of them, no matter their actual personality, and so experience plenty of hardship. And as people end up failing to contain the power of the tailed beasts, rampages happen over and over again, building resentment among the masses. Each new host is under more pressure than the last, for reasons that are not their fault. Many have died being hated for their supposed inadequacy and weakness."

"I see..."

"But..." My eyes open again. "You sit beside someone who has overcome that darkness. Gaara has become a well respected leader after many years of struggle. And from my research, both of the jinchuuriki that call the Hidden Cloud their home are regarded as iconic figures."

His face brightens. "Really? Wow..."

"There is light at the end of the tunnel. As I said before, you'll have help getting there."

"Yeah. It just...sucks, you know? Gaara and I didn't get a choice in all this. We didn't get a say...and nobody asked us about how we felt in those early days, or could comfort us properly. Just bad looks and even worse feelings. But...I know that there's a reason I have this power. It didn't just happen to me for nothing. So I want to find out what it is, how it works, all of that."

"I feel much the same. Beyond my father's intentions...there is a greater purpose to the power that I was given so long ago. With the support of our comrades, we will find that purpose. Remember to trust in your friends, Naruto," Gaara says.

He smiles brightly. "Yup!"

"That is the end of the relevant information for now. With tensions between each village still high, I don't see much in the way of cooperation happening immediately," I say. "Even the Hidden Sand wanted to keep this recent event as quiet as possible, due to all of the politics involved."

"The other villages are in better shape, from what I understand," Baki says. "But I take it that aside from those mentioned, the jinchuuriki do not enjoy a comfortable relationship with the military leadership. At what point is the line drawn? Would it be the same as we had here?"

"Yes. Becoming missing-nin or getting captured by foreign elements is undesirable, but neither do they actually care for the host's well being. Whether it's physical or mental."

"Hm. I see."

"And there is nothing we can do about such terrible things?" Lee asks.

"Sovereign nations get to set their own rules. It is as you fear, Lee. Jinchuuriki will continue to be mistreated as the villages allow it, and Akatsuki will continue to be a threat for that reason. We can only send as much information back and forth as we can, so that we can try to prevent the worst from happening," I reply.

"Which isn't much, if what happened here was any indication," Kankuro says. "I bet they've got spies embedded in every village by now. That just makes it all easier."

"Currently, we cannot do much as a village," Ebizo says. "The generosity of the Hidden Leaf cannot be understated, but our resources are still low in general. Our military strength has improved greatly, and yet it is still not enough to handle attacks from multiple high level shinobi..."

"Seriously," Temari adds in. "With just three of us out of play, the whole village was in a really bad position. Meanwhile, the Leaf can send four jounin out for lunch with us and still have enough firepower to glass the next country over in the space of a week. That said, we're also not going to sit around and cry about it. We can still do things over here."

"Right now, analysis is being conducted on Sasori's puppets and other items, in addition to that strange construction of clay used by the Akatsuki member Deidara," Gaara says. "Deciphering these abilities and studying their functions and origins may give us an edge in the future. Whatever happens, we cannot waste this opportunity given to us."

"I have another question, if that's okay," Aiko says.

"Of course. What did you want to know?" I ask her.

"Throughout this whole conversation, the tailed beasts are named according to their tails and stuff. But...Shukaku is the One Tail, right? How come he has a name?"

"That is a salient point, Aiko. Chiyo, would you know?"

She shakes her head. "This is how it has always been in the village. The first jinchuuriki of the Hidden Sand was before my time...an old priest who had Shukaku sealed into him after his birth. But we have no reason to question that his name is Shukaku, seeing as he responds to it, and that the records of the previous jinchuuriki say the same."

"..." Does that mean that the tailed beasts...?

"People do accept names given to them, so it's possible that he's using that in place of another name that was lost," Neji says. "Though even that is speculation on my part."

"The dumb fox hasn't told me anything, so I dunno about that," Naruto says. "If he did have a name, it'd be good if he could tell me about it. We'll probably have to get along eventually. Don't see how, though."

"These fellows can be difficult, even in the best of times," Gaara says.

"Tell me about it."

"It's good that we had this conversation," Kakashi says. "Not only does it tie our villages closer together, but it'll be a big help in the fight against Akatsuki. Their capture of the tailed beasts won't just be a threat to the villages that lose their military strength, but the entire shinobi world. I have a feeling that down the road, we'll need all hands on deck to take them on. A stronger Leaf and a stronger Sand will be necessary."

"We can agree on that, Sharingan Kakashi," Baki replies. "You of the Leaf have done well by us, over and over again. We stand ready to assist you if you should need anything in the future."

"We should stand ready to get out of here, too," Temari quips. "I'm sure the owners are sick of us sitting around here all day, even if we're the Kazekage's entourage."

"Yeah. What's happening with you Leaf guys, you sticking around?" Kankuro asks.

"We just got here, but since the mission has been over for a while, we should get back to the Leaf," Kakashi says. "Unless there are any objections."

"Depends on how fast you're itching to get back," Tenten says. "If you're trying to set a new world record for border crossings, I can get myself a hotel room and leave in the morning instead."

"A normal pace will do well enough, now that the work is done," I say. "I do agree, we should make our way home. Our friends in the Sand have their own work to take care of."

"Then let's get you lot to the front door," Temari says.

Gaara takes care of the bill, and then everyone chips in some extra ryo for our service. I'm sure that our hosts will be pleasantly surprised by it. The afternoon sun greets us as we walk towards the village entrance, more shinobi following as to keep an eye on their recently kidnapped village leader. Through the narrow passage, and finally out into the desert.

"We thank you once again for your help, shinobi of the Hidden Leaf. And we gratefully hold this debt to you," Baki says. "May your journey home be safe."

"Take care of yourself, Gaara! I'm not too far behind you, remember that!" Naruto extends his hand towards Gaara, who smiles and shakes it firmly.

"Of course. No matter the result...I await your future growth. As a fellow jinchuuriki, and as a friend."


"Take care, Lili!"

"See you soon, Cap! Be safe!"

"Please take care, Lili."

I share a hug with Aiko, Makoto, and Suketsune all at once.

"I certainly will. Thank you for all of your help, my loves. You've grown splendidly, so continue along your path."

"Yes, ma'am," they say in unison.

"Sssstay cool, Sssscarlet Viper," Kankuro says as we shake hands. I playfully hit him on the shoulder afterwards.

"You'll be seeing me around more, what with the diplomatic stuff happening. And I'll need your help dealing with the slacker," Temari says as I turn to her.

"Shikamaru? You're paired up with him, are you?"

"Unfortunately. Blondie over there thinks we're dating. As if."

"Heh." We share a warm hug. "Just let me know when you're in town."

"For sure."

"Lady Kobayashi. Until we meet again."

"Of course, Lord Kazekage."

We politely bow to each other and smile. I shake Ebizo's hand, then Baki's.

Chiyo gives me a haughty look as I face her. "Well, a final word of advice from someone more seasoned than you, girl."

I sigh and put my hands on my hips. "And what might you have to say that I would find useful, fossil?"

"Don't get too cocky. It's always foolish ones like you that reach too far and end up getting themselves killed."

"You've borne witness to my work, and you still choose to respond with insolence. You are tiresome, old woman," I say with a smile. "I will ask you once more, before we finally part ways...do you know who I am?"

"I'm not senile yet." She smiles brightly. "You're hope itself, aren't you?"

I preen at that. "A fine answer!"

"You mean the only answer someone so stubborn would accept!"

We laugh and hug each other.

"I'll be quick, Granny Chiyo."

"I know. Take care...you are a woman of great spirit, and I know that you will do what so many could not."

"Thank you."

I let go and start to turn away. My pack is secured, and everything is set.

Time to go home at last.

"Formation!" I yell.

"Formation!" I hear back.

"Now returning to the Hidden Leaf! Onward!"

With the desert sun warming our bodies, we start our journey across the sand once more.

Today, we return victorious.
Yet another arc done. Again we have the characters supplied by @Megacookie, for those who are new and to refresh the memories of those who have been reading a while.

Our deuteragonist for this part of the story was Aiko Mishoto, the daughter of Pakura who has a modified backstory from the original work, and the currently mysterious Sozen Uchiha, another original character. Makoto Hibana is her sporty and energetic girlfriend, who warmed up to Lili during the previous joint mission. And rounding out the team is Suketsune Temko, the kind daughter of local weapon smiths. Thanks again to him for the use of these characters in the story, and there will be one or two more side stories involving at least some of them in the future.

Thanks for reading.
Right On
Scarlet Justice: Full Blossom – ep. 14
"Right On"

"Seems like there's still a lot that Jiraiya hasn't talked to Naruto about."

Kakashi and I are walking slightly ahead of the others. Hinata and Naruto are chatting, while Guy and his team are having some sort of lively discussion that exasperates Tenten, as usual. Shino is bringing up the rear. After three days, we've finally hit the main road that leads to the Hidden Leaf.

"He must have his reasons," I say to Kakashi. "Even if I don't think they're adequate explanation at this point."

"Might be a lack of time. Ever since Naruto's come back, he hasn't been around that much. I also wonder about his face."

"His face?"

"He's been wearing some sort of protective mask recently, over one part of his face while it's healing. Said that he ran into some trouble while on the road with Naruto a few months back. Didn't mention what it was about, though."

"I see. Perhaps he's covering up another one of those incidents," I say.

"Heh. That was my first thought, too...but no, that's not it. It's definitely something more serious than that."


"Just a small heads-up. I figure with your clearance, you'll see what's happening in full soon enough."

"Thank you. If anything comes up relating to Naruto, I'll keep you informed."

"Appreciated. Our team is finally coming together...do you remember what I said all that time ago, about being a point of comparison for those three?"

"I do. It has been an age since then," I say with a smile. "So, you require me to play my part again, hm?"

"I might. I have a feeling they're going to want to see how they measure up this time, too."

"I see. Well, I should be free for the most part, once my other business is tended to. A meeting with Lord Hokage is in the cards..."

"Have you gone to see Kurenai yet?"

"Not yet. I was just about to when that call came in, you know. I might just pop in before I take my rest..." I stop walking as I notice something. "That's..."

"Lili? Something wrong?" Kakashi asks.

I know this person. It's really...yes, it's really her!

"It's nothing wrong...I'll be going on ahead, so don't worry!" I say as I take off.


I start jogging until I can see the large front gate of the village, growing bigger and bigger with each passing moment.

"Nothing like that, you know? But you learn a lot after going that far!"

This familiar scent...and that familiar voice. It's been so long. Nearly three years away, and even though it was something we both chose, it didn't make me miss her any less.

"Yeah! That's true too, thinking about it...wow!"

I slip my backpack off and start to carry it by the straps as I slow down. I can see her now. She's so different, in a very good way...but at the same time, the familiar person that I fell so madly in love with.

"Yeah yeah yeah. You can use the bands in that kit instead of going out and buying the expensive ones. They work just as good and don't break easy, either."

Ah, I can see it clearly now. This is an interesting approach she's taken. Her hair is about the same as ever from what I can see, long and bound with red scrunchies into bushy tails that rest against her shoulders. She's grown at nearly the same rate I have...I guess her chest isn't the same size as mine, but that's far from a problem. She looks healthy, and that's more than enough.

Her newer outfit is colourful. Instead of the rainbow patterns from before, she's gone with a pink short sleeved shirt that has a white collar and buttons. If I remember correctly, those are the same type that people wear when playing tennis. It's been customized to have the Leaf village symbol on one side in green. Curiously, she's changed her mind about skirts and picked up a pleated one in blue that sits above her knees, paired with tights in the same colour. And she also decided that she needed to wear sandals again, since she has pink ones matching her shirt now. I wonder what those are made of, seeing as she said she used to melt all the others while working.

"Hm. What's this feeling all of a sudden...?" Her smoky grey eyes snap to my position. "Oh my gosh...oh my gosh, really! You're back!"

"I am," I say with a big smile. "I'm so happy to see you, my love."

"Ah! Sorry sorry we can talk later I gotta go hug my girlfriend okay bye!" she says to the confused shinobi while running. I drop my bag and run towards her, where we meet for the most spectacular hug while spinning in place.

"Lili Lili Lili! Oh, honey! I missed you so so so soooo much!"

"I missed you too, Fio. It's so good to finally hold you like this again."

"Yeah...so good." We pull away for a brief moment before our lips come together for a kiss. Lovely...and even sweeter than before. How I've missed this feeling. "God, you're so wonderful. I wanted to do that for so long."

"I did, too."

"Of course...the other new developments are awesome, too. All that milk paid off nicely, eh?"

I wiggle my brows at her. "Excited, are we?"

"Hey, who wouldn't be?" she says while snuggling closer. "The sun ain't got a thing on you, hon...wow wow wow did you get hot. Dunno what I did to earn this kind of blessing, but you won't hear me complain about it."

"Of course, we've blossomed over here as well. You look dazzling, you know. I love the new outfit."

"I hoped you would! I remembered you said that I shouldn't worry about what other people think and stuff...like whether I was enough of a girl or not. I found out I liked skirts, though. The shorter ones, anyways. Ooh, and check these out." She steps back a bit and pulls the white loops hanging down from her skirt onto her shoulders. Oh, those are suspenders, aren't they? Very chic. "I thought these added to the aesthetic. Nice, huh?"

"Very. I like those, too."

"Oh, and another surprise for you...here, here." She smiles and takes my hand, pushing it up and under her shirt. I let out a small, excited gasp as I feel around her stomach.

"Oh, my."

"Hehe. Not too hard, not too soft. But everyone likes a little bit of detail in their body work, know what I mean?"

"I'll say. Talk about fit..." I move my hand away and readjust her shirt, then brush my fingers over the choker she's wearing. That one from the time we went shopping three years ago...she's taken excellent care of it. "I shouldn't get too carried away, though. Well. Not in public, anyways." I wink at her.

Fio smiles and chuckles. "You haven't changed a bit, eh. That's my Lili."

We share another kiss as the others arrive.

"Fio? Is that you?" I hear Hina ask.

"Sure is, hon! Great to see you again!" I step out of the way so that they can properly hug each other. "And, might I add, you look like a total bombshell. Naruto's almost as lucky as I am, hehe!"

"Thank you, Fio. You look so lovely, too. I'm glad your training went well...welcome home."

"Thanks, Hina. I'm happy to be back, and to get working again for everyone's sake. Can't wait!"

"Yo, Fio!"

"Heya, Blondie." Naruto and Fio bump fists before hugging. "Looks like you've been taking care of yourself, good to see it."

"Same to you. I guess you've been working out, huh?"

"A little." Fio smirks and flicks her thumb across her nose while flexing her other arm. "You know how it is, I lift sometimes...things like that. Light work."

"Pfft. Look at you, you're halfway to being a girl mountain. I bet you were pulling trees out of the ground for fun on the way here."

"Wasn't for fun exactly, but I still had a time of it! Oi, the rest of you need to walk faster! I don't wanna go too far for my hugs! Shino, c'mere!"

She hugs him tightly and slaps him on the back a few times in her usual manner.

"Been a while, my mysterious friend. Love the new threads. Hip, trendy...totally you, babe."

"Thank you, Fio. It's good to see you as well."

"Hehe. Okay, time for more hugs! Gonna get all of you!"

True to her word, she greets everyone else present in the same way: Kakashi and Guy, who she's trained with in the past, then Neji who she's chatted with a few times, and then Tenten and Lee, who she's less familiar with but no less friendly to.

"Awesome! So good to be home! Okay, there's just one more test before I get inside..."

"A test?" I ask.

"Yep. Here she comes."

I notice that familiar scent even before I turn my head towards the village gate. Walking towards us is Tsunade, who looks as blonde and bountiful as ever...perhaps a year or two younger than the last time as well. With that jutsu of hers, it would make sense. I wonder if I could ever be that vain...

"Looks like the final boss herself has arrived."

"Final boss, huh. Your mouth hasn't gotten any better since the last time we spoke," Tsunade says.

"Yeah? And what's the blonde cow gonna do about it?" Fio taunts, dropping her bag before walking towards her.

"She's gonna put you in your place. You know how much I love making rude little piggies like you squeal."

"You mistaking me for Tonton? Guess your eyesight is going too, you old bitch."

They growl and start running towards each other.

Naruto babbles nervously. "W-what the hell's going on-"

Roaring in unison, Fio and Tsunade throw punches at each other, clashing and sending a wave of pressure over our group.

Ah. So this is what she meant by a test.

"Perhaps Shikamaru was right...women are unknowable creatures, in the end," Shino says, pulling down his hood as dirt flies by.

"Shino, you know better than to take advice from that closet misogynist." Hina scolds him while throwing on her own hood. "Using your common sense will give you a perfectly healthy and happy relationship."

"I wonder about that."

"You need to stop being paranoid. Futaba doesn't have chakra enhanced strength, and she wouldn't use it against you even if she did."

"That all you got, you walking leather purse?" Fio yells.

"I'm gonna snap you in two like an old pencil! Keep talking, I'll fuck you up proper!" Tsunade yells back.

"Fuck off! I'll beat you back to the stone age where you belong!"

"Come and try it, stupid brat!"

They switch to locking hands, chakra flaring up and around and between them. The earth resists for a few seconds, but soon buckles under their combined pressure, sending them down further and further with each moment.

It hasn't been that long for me...clashing with Midori was just like this. Intense pressure, murderous intent...those vivid, energizing feelings that drove each battle to its climax. Seeing these two go at it is getting me a little hot under the collar...mm. Kakashi did say that his team was looking for a challenge, so hopefully they keep to that thought. It would be nice to scratch that little itch later on in the week. Fighting Sasori was exciting enough, but not in all the ways I wanted. The delight of a flesh and blood duel is unmatched in this world.

"So? How about it?!" Fio yells.

"You...alright, that's it."


They suddenly stop, throwing us all into silence for a moment. Then they jump out of the crater they created, landing side by side.

"How'd I do, Auntie Tsuna?"

Tsunade gives her a thumbs up. "Perfect! You're in tip-top shape, sweetie."

"Awesome! Thanks so much!" They share a warm hug. "I couldn't have gotten to this point without you. Thank you so so much for everything."

"You're welcome, kiddo. I'm just glad that you're happy and healthy. Keep up the good work."


Guy nods along as if this is normal, while Lee is furiously taking notes. Everyone else is confused or frightened. Except for Kakashi of course, who is reading...wait. Is that a new Icha-Icha novel?

"Where did you get that?" I ask him.

"Oh, this? Naruto gave me an advance copy."

"I got another one at home," Naruto says. "I'll hook you up, Lili. My bad, I totally forgot you followed it."

"The spin-off novel series is finished, too. Three new books came out while you were gone," Kakashi continues. "Ending was decent. A lot of ladies who were fans said that it was obvious a man was writing the whole thing for the last third of the series...and honestly, they were right. Got a bit too indulgent, unlike with the main series."

"Mm. Unfortunate. I'll give them a read myself either way."

"Oh! Between all the hugs and excitement, I forgot to ask something important. What's with the all-star cast out here?" Fio asks. "I figure they wouldn't need most of you for a mission, unless it was something really big."

"There was an emergency in the Sand," Tsunade explains. "The Kazekage got nabbed by Akatsuki."

"Kazekage...eh. It's that Gaara fellow now, right? So I guess you guys worked together to bring him back home."

"Well, we didn't do much of anything," Kakashi says. Everyone points towards me.

"I had help," I say.

"By the time we got there, the mission was over and done with. Gaara's safe, and one of those Akatsuki guys is dead. I think. He was a puppet or something like that," Naruto says.

"Ooh, I see. Another one, huh...seems you haven't lost your touch, Lili," Fio replies.

"I suppose not. Again, I can't take all the credit for it."

"Just most of it."


"You're a peach, you know."

"I know."

"Guess that solves my curiosity for now. I can get all the juicier details later. Gonna check in at the hospital with Auntie Tsuna, see exactly where I'm at and everything."

I go through my pockets and hand Fio a card. "We're in the usual place at the hotel. It might be a while before I get to leave."

"Got it. Alright, let's get ourselves home. I'm sure all of us have something we want to take care of."

"I see someone's been doing more than a little bit of growing on her side," Tsunade says to me as we walk.

"She has, yes. Hina and I were talking the other day about your excellent advice and encouragement," I say with a smile.

"Heh. Keep this up and you'll give me a run for my money in a few years. You look like you stepped right out of one of those glamour magazines, seriously."

"Oh, stop."

"Whatever you're doing, it's working out pretty well. Just invest in several large sticks for when the boys take notice of you. And keep an eye out when you're taking baths at the springs. I had to teach a certain someone a lesson long ago...too bad his head was so hollow that he didn't learn anything from it," she mutters. Not that she needs to say who that person was. I suppose he's always been awful like that, then.

"I'll keep that in mind, Tsunade. Thank you for the compliments, and you look rather radiant yourself. Like you've turned back the clock a few years, even."

"You noticed, huh." She laughs softly. "Every girl's got her secrets, Lili."

"Without question. And what the masses don't know won't hurt them a bit."

"A woman after my own heart." She smiles and pats my back. "Welcome home, sweetie."

Fio gives me another kiss as soon as we cross the entrance, leaving for the central hospital with Tsunade. The rest of us head to the Mission Assignment Desk, where Hiruzen and a few other officials are waiting for us. We get our debriefing, confirm the details on the ground, and go over the necessary classifications for the information that we've gathered. After that, we are given our mission rewards and dismissed.

"Ah, Lili. If you have a spare moment..."

"Of course, my lord," I say to Hiruzen. "What might you need of me?"

"I wanted to have a talk about..." He pauses, and I turn my head to see what has grabbed his attention. "Koharu. Good morning to you."

"Good morning, Lord Hokage. I was looking to speak with Major Kobayashi here in private...it involves some recent business that we should clear up before it becomes too late."

"I see." He gives me a look and I return it, signalling that things are okay. "Then I will leave you two to it. I have work that I should clear away in the meantime. We will speak at a later time, Madam Kobayashi."

"Of course, my lord. Lady Utatane, did you have a place in mind for us to speak freely?" I ask politely.

"I did. If you would follow me. Lord Hokage, another time."

"Another time, Koharu."

I quietly follow the old woman as she walks down the hall, a slight sound coming from the pearls that hang down from the needle in her grey hair. We reach an empty room and she locks the door before sealing it, then motions for me to sit in one of two chairs.

"I wanted us to have a small chat...from one woman to another."

"One woman to another. A very interesting choice of words," I say as I sit down and cross my legs. My hands flow through my hair, and I toss it dramatically over my shoulders before settling in. "Was that public needling a while back your acknowledgement of my womanhood, then?"

She bristles a bit before taking her seat across from me, annoyance flickering briefly across her square face. "That...was a good while ago. Nevertheless, it was an error on my part. I will not repeat it, especially since I now understand your intentions with regards to the village."

A weak answer, but probably as good as I'll get from the likes of her. At least she knows her place now. "Understood. Shall we begin with why you have called for me, milady?"

"Yes. It is in relation to the recent mission you undertook. I would like to thank you for your efforts in bringing the Kazekage back home, and alive...and I would also like you to recognize the current situation. The Fifth Kazekage, Gaara, is a jinchuuriki. The same as Naruto Uzumaki."

So that's what this is about, then.

"You want me to use my influence on him and others. To what end?"

"Lord Mitokado and I would like for him to avoid as much contact with Akatsuki as possible. We want him protected as much as possible. Further, we would like for him to take on less missions and reduce his profile..."

"And you haven't spoken to his master about this?"

Koharu pauses and tries to choose her next set of words carefully.

"I feel that it would be more effective if someone...with a certain amount of influence were to appeal to the Hokage directly."

Jiraiya obviously wouldn't go for it. Why else would he have taken Naruto on that training trip in the first place, aside from the usual indoctrination? And Hiruzen is leaving it in his hands, seeing as he's busy trying to keep tabs on Sasuke. Trying to play Jiraiya and I off of each other because of the friction, eh...clever little fox. Perhaps she's never been much of a talent as a kunoichi, but there's definitely a reason for her long tenure on the council, one that goes beyond simple nepotism. Koharu and Homura certainly know how to play the game.

But you know...I'm something of a gamer myself.

"There is something to be said about Naruto's safety...I specifically didn't call for him at first because I was also concerned about what Akatsuki would do. That said, I also understand Jiraiya's position and support it. If Naruto is consistently kept in the village, it may present a whole host of problems. The Akatsuki could easily come in force, or suss out weaknesses in our defensive structure from constant surveillance. Keeping him moving is one of the better things that we can do. Also, since you've sought me out already...I dare say that it is a fool's errand to keep that boy contained in any fashion. He is impatient and simple at times, but he is far from stupid. He will know when he is being caged."

"I see."

"Now, with that said as well...I am sympathetic to the wishes of you councillors. If you want to keep an eye on Naruto for the next while, then I can speak to Lord Hokage about a plan to that effect. Tightening the belt by a loop, maybe two...enough so that he isn't bothered by it. However, I do have another set of solutions that would be more optimal. If I might go on?"

She nods.

"Thank you kindly. I would not mind being tethered to Naruto whenever the need arose, and you could also alleviate some issues by placing him with Hinata and Neji of the Hyuuga Clan. This will be combined with his already strong bond with the members of Team Seven, who I assume form a four person cell at this moment. I have other contacts that could be scheduled to work with Naruto whenever needed, with a suitable heads-up. Naruto is not a beast to be caged, or a tool on someone's belt. He is a citizen of the Leaf, and will some day be one of its greatest assets. You must approach anything to do with him with that understanding. Otherwise, you will fail miserably in your quest."

She nods again. "I see now. Thank you, Major Kobayashi. If you could-"

"I could, but I won't. Haha-ue loves to repeat this saying from her youth...'if you're good at something, never do it for free'. Lady Utatane...the only charity I provide within this village is for children and the homeless."

"I would like for you to choose your words more carefully, Miss Kobayashi."

"You would." I sit up straight, putting my hands on my crossed legs. "Anko Mitarashi."

"What do you require with her?" Koharu asks, confused.

"I want her file."

Her brow furrows. "For what purpose?"

"Nothing you need to know."

"Then I refuse."

"I see. I suppose we're done, then?"

"Miss Kobayashi. The reason I called for you is so that we could best discuss how to help the village together. I do not want to see that boy mistreated as a soldier, but I also understand that he is a visible, and now a very high value target. If not Akatsuki, there may be people willing to capture him for sale to Akatsuki at a later date. Having that happen would cause the village to crumble, no matter how many strong shinobi we might have behind these walls."

"Why do you assume that I'm not interested in the same thing? I simply told you that what I wanted with Anko was none of your business."

"You should realize your position."

"And you should realize yours. Do you understand why I asked you to put Anko under my care? Or do you think that I'm the type of person who wiggles her hips on the Hokage's lap for the privilege of snapping up dog treats?"

Koharu holds her tongue for a moment. "You do not need to stoop to...vulgarities such as that."

"Oh, I am well aware, madam." I let my eyes float upwards a bit in thought, before returning them to the old woman. "Fine. Let's give you something sweet to take home with you. I'm not entirely heartless, after all. I will go to the Hokage and talk to him about making mission modifications to help Naruto traverse the world safely...and I will take on an upcoming mission of your choice. You must have something you want me to clean up, yes?"

I watch as Koharu starts to consider it.

"I will have to consult with Lord Mitokado, but yes. There is something that I believe should be taken care of very soon."

"Then we have an agreement."

She sighs and nods slowly. "We do."

I smile. "Excellent. Please let me know if the mission is long, or particularly unsavoury...I will do my best to accommodate you in as many situations as possible otherwise. For village and country, right?"

"Yes. I am glad you understand, Major Kobayashi. Lord Mitokado and I will speak to Commander Nara about Captain Mitarashi's new arrangements. Her dossier will be available at Intelligence by tomorrow morning."

"Ah, lovely. That will work just fine for me. Is there anything else you needed of me, Lady Utatane?"

"Nothing. Thank you for your time."

"Of course." I stand up and shake out my hair, then wait for Koharu as she unseals the door.

"Ah, one more thing before we leave. It's regarding that man...the masked one," I say.

"We do know of his doujutsu, and the troublesome ability he has," she says as she turns around. "Still...the connection he may have to this village is tenuous, imitation of one of its founders aside."

That's an intriguing answer. "You wouldn't say that there's anything deeper, between us?" I ask.

"Do you have your own thoughts?"

I shake my head. "Unless I was mistaken about Itachi's abilities..."

"It would be something if it were him...but we know enough to say that it isn't the case."

"I see. That was all, milady. My apologies for holding you up."

She nods stiffly at that. "Not a problem. Goodbye for now, Major Kobayashi." Koharu unseals the door before letting us out. Without another word she walks away, and I put my hands on my hips.

Out of the loop. Hiruzen kept that important detail from her...why, then? Ah, I actually do know why.


"So he thinks they're too close, then. No mention of ANBU for that reason. Very conspicuous." Well, at least I know where to go from now on. But then, there might be even closer loops between myself and the Hokage, with even Jiraiya out of those parts. Confusing if you don't know what you're doing...fortunately, I am quite competent in these matters. Updating Tamaki and Imari will be one of the first things I do once I get back to my room.

Koharu shouldn't get too far with her little plan. I will talk about it with the old man, but I also know that he won't push too much at all. That said...I need to work on a few things with Naruto once I get the free time.

"Mm. Always something to do, isn't there."

Today is today, and tomorrow is something else entirely. So it goes.