Which Lili is your favourite?

  • Angry Lili

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Bully Lili

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • Benevolent Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Commander Lili

    Votes: 24 15.2%
  • Big Sis Lili

    Votes: 49 31.0%
  • Shy Lili

    Votes: 18 11.4%
  • Smug Lili

    Votes: 57 36.1%
  • Sadist Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Professional Lili

    Votes: 26 16.5%
  • Villainess Lili

    Votes: 37 23.4%
  • Suave Lili

    Votes: 28 17.7%

  • Total voters
Poison Pen
Scarlet Justice - ep. 140
"Poison Pen"
[Cordially Yours, Part 3]

Tanzaku Quarter is about an hour away, and I make it in without incident. There's a plan in my head for what I should do in most situations, including the worst case. Even though the percentages say that it's unlikely...reality is never that simple.

Not much has changed here. Today I'm walking the streets as Captain Kobayashi and not the mysterious Carrie, so the movement of civilians is more pronounced as they notice my armband and attire. But this much shouldn't give unsavoury types enough space to breathe, so I can deal with it for now. My tongue reaches out into the air and I can taste the chakra flowing through it.

"That's absolutely terrifying."

I freeze in place and try to process what I'm sensing. An abnormally large chakra that is...presumably being suppressed, but the fact that I can feel it from all the way out here, at this distance...well, that's more than a little impressive, I have to admit. Itachi's partner in crime...


There's something else out of place. It's almost comparable in potency, though not in size. But there is a...sinister feeling to it. It's hard to explain, this sort of chakra. Is there more than one Akatsuki member here, or is this an unfortunate circumstance? Either way, it's making me feel uneasy. Like those times with Orochimaru, but even heavier. I might have to investigate that, too.

"At least I can say for certain that Akatsuki is here. Now all I need to do is..."

Now there's a shift. I can sense signals coming towards us, and I flick my tongue out again to try and get a lock on what's happening.

No, that can't be right.

Is this seriously happening?

"You have got to be kidding me," I mutter to myself. I start moving, tasting the air a few more times to make sure that I have this all right. But there's no mistaking it. I've got six recognizable chakra signatures, coming in scattershot, but coming in all the same.

There's Fio, with Kakashi beside her bringing up the rear. Erika just ahead of them. Sakura a bit ahead of that, trailing Sai who is predictably at the head of all this. One more unknown signature, probably a traitorous ANBU...and of course, last and certainly least.


I will make a note to trust these rumblings in my head a little more from now on. The heavens do have their own sense of humour, as I have noted many times before. But I don't intend to be the punchline to this little joke.

My options. Nothing fancy needs to be done. If Erika hasn't made a move by now, she must be weighing a decision. More than a small mercy, to be sure...she could have easily cut down Sasuke for the sake of national security, and not a thing could be done about it. I'll get a report from her soon enough. Right now, I'll go ahead and meet up with those two.

I quickly take to the rooftops and cut across a few blocks, aiming for my new targets. The suspected Akatsuki members have not moved very far...that plays into my hands nicely.

"It would be a great thing if she ended up here before us..."

"I know it's just a feeling, but...my heart tells me that she's here. Lili's not the type of person to stop thinking about important things like this...it had to have been on her mind the whole day."

That's them, most definitely. I drop down to the street and stop a good distance away, so that they can recognize me.

"Lili! Thank goodness, I was right!" Fio yells as she runs to me. Kakashi follows, looking supremely relieved.

"I want you two to tell me as much as you can. I know that Sasuke and company are here in the area...I stopped to see you first in the hopes of gaining a good perspective," I say to them.

"Gotcha. Okay, first...Erika caught up with us for a bit, and handed off these." She hands me a small earpiece that I quickly slip on. "She had a good feeling that you would be around at some point and came prepared. It's tuned to a secure frequency."

"What we know at this moment is that there was supposed to be a certain member of ANBU on the mission in order to watch over Sasuke and Sakura. That ANBU was replaced with someone who we now know has connections with ROOT, and subsequently Danzo," Kakashi explains. "Imari caught the change at the last moment and called us to move as quickly as we could...we got there after they had taken off for their mission, but were able to close the gap somewhat. Erika caught up a bit after that."

"Sai was lying in wait the entire time," I conclude.

"Yes. I don't know what was said, but judging from the fact that Sasuke decided to follow him all the way here, there has to be something of interest, likely relating to his mission to kill Itachi."

"Erika could have easily taken an aggressive stance, but she didn't. It means this mission won't turn into a complete bloodbath, that much is certain. Sai did this on orders, and he had some sort of intelligence on what was going on...right, forgive me for keeping you in suspense. There is at least one member of Akatsuki here, possibly two. If I'm right, Sai and his ROOT toady are going to lead Sasuke towards Akatsuki for information relating to Itachi. It's reckless, foolish, and more than likely will bear no fruit."

"Dammit, really?" Fio groans. "What do we do? Can we do anything?"

"Easily. With both of you here and Erika providing support, this is well within our capabilities of solving. I already have a plan in place, so lend me your ears."

The ominous presence is still skulking around in place, not terribly far from here...Sasuke is heading towards the larger chakra source, Itachi's partner. Sai and the ROOT clown are there, and Sakura...her chakra is moving for something, but I can't tell what. If what Kakashi said days ago was true, then...yes, I can make use of her as well. Erika is taking a cool and tactical approach, following the main group from behind like the professional she is.

Okay. I have the chakra to match the larger threat, so I will head there first.

"Captain Kotowari," I say with a hand to my ear, "This is Lilith Kobayashi calling in."

"Captain Kobayashi, ma'am. This is Erika Kotowari, reporting."

"I read. Captain Kotowari, please give me a status report, starting with your own status," I reply.

"Ma'am. Currently in good health, with optimal status. I am currently tracking the movements of Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, an unknown ROOT operative, and ROOT operative Sai. ROOT operative Sai is leading the group at this moment, towards an unknown location within Tanzaku Quarter. Awaiting your orders, ma'am."

"Thank you, Captain. Pause about 2.3 kilometres from your current coordinates on your current trajectory. I will be sending Captain Asagao and Captain Hatake to your location shortly."

"I read, ma'am. Location confirmed."

"Good. There is another presence in the area, one that you should be able to detect easily enough. Our team is going to split up. I would like for you to pursue the other presence along with our comrades. I am going to confront Sasuke and deal with the other target, as I feel that I match up better in this situation. I believe that Sai and the other operative will not make any moves to interrupt the meeting. If they do, I can easily handle them."

"Understood, ma'am. Fionne and Kakashi will be in my care."

"Yes. Please report if you have anything unusual happen. We will have a full debrief once our operations conclude. Erika, remember to be careful."

"I will be, Lili. Thank you...I wish you luck."

I turn to Fio and Kakashi, letting my hand fall from my ear. "That goes for both of you as well. Understood?"

"Understood," Kakashi replies.

"Got it, boss lady. You be safe too, okay?" Fio says.

"I will be. Now, you just follow the road we're next to all the way down, and you will see Erika in plain view. Let her guide you from there. Relay anything you think is of importance, no matter how small. I'm off, loves."

We split up, and I take off across the rooftops once more towards my destination. There might be a bit more noise than desired now, but it will be nothing compared to what might happen if I don't shut this nonsense down. That oppressively large chakra is growing in intensity as I near it...

There. Black robes with red clouds on them, and a conical straw hat with tassels hanging down from it. That seems to be to conceal their faces better, at least from a distance. I drop down onto the street again and start my run towards them as they have their back turned.

"You! Stop!"

A familiar and unpleasant voice calls to him. Sasuke breathes heavily as he comes to a stop in front of the Akatsuki member. Sakura is just as winded as she lands next to him. Sai and his friend think they're hidden well enough from me...which means that I can safely ignore them, for now.

"Sasuke...you have to stop this," Sakura pleads, gasping for air. "Nothing good will come out of this-"

"Shut up! You don't have any idea how important this is to me!"


"You, old man. You're part of that criminal group, Akatsuki, aren't you? Tell me...tell me what you know about Itachi! Now!"

"Rash, impulsive...and causing enough of a scene that the authorities will make life a hassle if they find me. Heh. You really are his little brother, aren't you? Very interesting that we get to meet like this..."

"So you do know! Where is he? Where is Itachi Uchiha?!" Sasuke yells.

There is...something wrapped up in thick bandage on the man's back. With the handle poking out, it seems to be a sword of some type. But I can feel a chakra signal coming from it. Whatever that thing is, it has its own chakra. That can't be right...can it?

"Sasuke...please. Please stop this," Sakura begs.

"I said to shut up! I didn't ask you to follow me here, Sakura! You could have left like I told you to!"

"I don't care if you asked me or not," she barks back. "If I didn't come along, you would have done something even worse than this...what is wrong with you? What do you think this is? Don't you even suspect that someone might have followed us-"

She takes note of me and her eyes widen.

"Something interesting is happening...my friend is acting strangely all of a sudden," the Akatsuki says.


"What?!" Sasuke's head turns towards me. "Kobayashi?! What the hell are you doing here?"

"You fucking idiot-"

"Oh? A new visitor...so that's what was going on. You wouldn't happen to be that Kobayashi, would you? The Scarlet Viper that we've been hearing so much about? No wonder my friend has been so giddy the past few minutes," the mystery man says.

I grit my teeth. God fucking damn it. The trash outed me in a second...that's just lovely. I don't know if this man has an open line with the other person moving about in the area. This could be big trouble if I'm not careful now.

"Ah, my apologies to everyone here. I seem to have forgotten my manners."

The man removes his straw hat, revealing his face to us. Pale blue skin...a smile filled with sharp teeth. Blue hair styled upwards. Small eyes and strange markings that look like gills under his eyes. A genuine shark-man.

"My name is Kisame Hoshigaki, and this sword of mine is my good friend Samehada. And yes, I do happen to be an...associate of one Itachi Uchiha."

"Damn you!" Sasuke yells. I can feel his chakra building further as he activates the Sharingan. This idiot...he's going to use that jutsu, isn't he? "Tell me what you know, or else I'll drag it out of you!"

That sword...thing is getting agitated, and I have a really bad feeling about what it could possibly do. It shares just about the same signature as Kisame, and his chakra is starting to spike as well in response to Sasuke's challenge. Seeing as his chakra pool is so massive, he has to have some powerful techniques in his pocket. And since he's already an S-Rank criminal, he probably could care less about collateral damage.

There would be no pride in dying here. We have to get ourselves out of this, right now.

Kisame is just spoiling for a fight, seeing as he already has one hand on his sword, and Sasuke wouldn't get anything even he pulled off a miracle and beat someone more terrifying than Orochimaru. There's nothing for us...

"Seeing as you're Itachi's little brother, I might go a bit easier on you. But it's such a shame that I would have to slice up a pair of vibrant young women like this. Life is unfair like that," Kisame says with a sinister grin. Sakura flinches, starting to tremble despite herself.

"Sakura," I call to her.


"Do what I say, and everything will be alright. Hold that boy down for me. Got it?"

"Y-yes...yes, I understand."

"Heh. I suppose you weren't going to make it easy for me after all. Oh well...let's start with something simple, then." Kisame removes his hand from Samehada and starts to make handseals.

Which one, which one. Which one is it...Hidden Mist native, formerly one of the Seven Swordsmen. Likely Water Release...only moving his hands so far. Fast activation and high impact to potentially take us off of our feet. The range won't be that wide. Read the seals and make an assessment. First sign, tiger. Second, ox.

It's that one.

I activate my chakra mode and move my hands through the ten signs as fast as I can.

"Water Release!" Kisame yells.

"Water Shark...!" I yell back.

We finish at the same time.


The sharks collide between us, throwing up a spray of water in every direction.

"Sakura, let go! What are you-"

I barrel into Sasuke while he's distracted and disable him with a surge of electricity. Hoisting him over my shoulder, I take off as fast as I can while Sakura breaks in the other direction. Kisame has decided not to pursue, but Sai and his friend have, keeping their distance.

There's nothing I can do but hope that Kisame won't change his mind and rush me down. He's dangerous, way too dangerous. My heart is pounding.

"This is Kobayashi reporting in," I say with a hand to my ear. "I have Sasuke in my custody."

"Well done, ma'am," Erika replies. "I must report that, unfortunately, our target has...slipped away. Quite literally so. I will explain in full soon."

"I see, understood. Are you alright on your end?"

"We are all fine, ma'am."

"Good. Sai and his little friend are trying to be stealthy, so don't mind them...they will be taken care of, I promise. I'm coming towards you, so keep moving until we meet up again."

"Yes, ma'am."

I sprint ahead with Sasuke and eventually come upon the others, on top of a flat roof downtown. Seeing Erika for the first time today, she was no doubt in the middle of rest when called into action. A plain sweater and jogging pants, hair tied back and flattened under a hat, and faint lines beneath her eyes. If she says she's fine, though...I guess I can leave it alone for now. There are too many other things to deal with.

"I can keep him asleep until we make it back home," Sakura says. Erika looks to me and I nod.

"Please start your routines, Miss Haruno."

"Thank you."

"The enemy was difficult," Erika says to me. "It seems he had some sort of phasing ability...that is to say, no physical attacks we tried could make contact. He could also change positions rapidly, absorb our techniques and instruments, and read our movements before we could make them. I have no idea who this person could be..."

"No name?" I ask.

"None. Despite his disposition, he never gave himself away, not once. He was silly, clownish. It almost felt like..." I see her hands tense. "Like he was mocking us, the entire time," she finishes bitterly.

"I see. Then I shall investigate on my own, and if possible, extract recourse."

"You're sure?"

"Yes. Someone that dangerous...if he is still hanging around here, it's best to see what it is he wants."

"Understood. Lili...be safe."

"Of course, my love. Take Sasuke over for our debriefing as planned. Sai should be moving to follow you, and possibly the other one. If they do split up, it will make things easier for us. Move as a group at all times." I kiss her gently on the cheek. "Take things slowly. I know you're exhausted...thank you so much for your help."

"Anything for you," she says with a smile. "I'll be waiting."

"We'll look after her this time," Fio says with a thumbs up. "See you at home, Lili!"

"I got a strange feeling from that guy. He was doing his best to avoid me, likely because he already knew who I was. Seemed to know a lot more than he should, though if he's part of that Akatsuki outfit, it only makes sense. Even if he acted like a buffoon," Kakashi says. "He was definitely using some sort of space-time technique to evade us."

"Sounds ludicrous enough, but I just ran into a shark man with a living sword," I reply. "Reality loves to bend itself into all kinds of absurd shapes lately, and at my expense. Minor annoyances." I adjust my hat. "Alright. Let's away."

With Sasuke now out cold and being carried by Sakura, the group takes off. Sai follows, which means he should be set to fall into the trap we have planned for him in the Leaf. The other unfortunate soul has decided to try and tail me. I suppose his fate is sealed, then.

I decide to head back towards the part of Tanzaku that was I just in, noting the commotion and the people starting to gather around. I gather data by tasting the air around me, searching for any immediate abnormalities. Kisame has decided to move towards the opposite end of the quarter, presumably to take care of the mission he was sent here for. Perhaps following him might get me what I want. My steps take me through the crowd to shake off my pursuer, then towards a side road and down an alley as I make my move. The ROOT member trailing me is stuck sifting through the crowd. Looks like I have a bit of luck on my side today, despite all of this – that person needs to track me visually. All the better for what I have planned later.

"Well, hey there! Leaf officer lady!"


I recognize that sensation, as much as there's an attempt to suppress it. Slowly, I turn to face the person who has appeared out of thin air behind me. They wear the Akatsuki robe like Kisame, but...their face is obscured by a swirled, orange mask that has a single hole in it.

"Aren't ya gonna check out that crime scene? Looks pretty interesting, y'know?" the man chirps at me cheerfully.

My unease is growing again. There is something wrong...no, I know what this is. It shouldn't be so, but it is.

This person is...


But then, it's still a wild guess. Itachi said as much, but could it really be him, here and now? Was this fated, or just a strange coincidence? The feeling of a sinister presence makes sense now, but what do I do? I might be in over my head right now. Attack? Stall? Leave? The latter might be the safest option. If this is the man who did all of those things, even if he is supposedly old and past his prime, he easily evaded Erika, Fio, and Kakashi. And none of them are slouches when it comes to fighting.

The best option...or rather, the only real option at this point. This might be the only opportunity I get deal with him in this manner. If it's me, I might be able to do something.

I take a deep breath in and out to try and settle my nerves. It's time to do this.

"Shall we skip the games?" I ask firmly.

"Hm? Games?" the man says, tilting his head. "Hey lady, what are ya saying all of a sudden? If ya don't want to do your job, just say so!"

"I mean that you should drop that stupid persona and speak with your real voice. You know who I am, and I know who you are. You would have never stuck around here otherwise. I know...that it was you who helped to guide Sasuke here, in order to cause chaos. Itachi has been a thorn in your side, hasn't he..."


"I know who it is behind that mask," I say.

"You really are a nuisance, aren't you...but then, it only makes sense. You did take out two of our finest. I should have expected something like this."

The childish voice from earlier is gone.

It's deeper now. More menacing. I can feel the atmosphere around me change, becoming cold and tense. The hairs on my skin are starting to stand on end, and now I'm on high alert. Any sense of danger will set me off, and my brain is going into overdrive.


As that name comes from my lips, I feel his aura change again. It's so heavy...so this really is him. The mastermind standing behind Akatsuki. The one who must be the true leader, controlling everything from the shadows. The one who helped Itachi carry out that grim task of erasing the Uchiha from existence, save for two tortured souls.

The same man who fought the Founder, at the place now known as the Valley of the End. The forefather of what remains of the Uchiha children. The one who could control the Nine-Tailed Fox with perfection.

Electricity rolls briefly across my body as I stare into the mask. A light starts to emerge from the single hole in it...turning and turning, becoming a familiar crimson wheel with commas of darkness.


"It would be prudent to erase you right now," he rumbles. "You've really become a problem, and you're only going to get worse as you grow. But even then, as I am..."

He's wary of me. He has every right to be. But I feel the exact same way about him. Erika and the others said that he had a strange ability, and that would make it easy for him to escape my grasp. Perhaps he could even capture me, and take me away. There's no banter between us...he's taking me seriously. Thinking, concentrating.

Everything I guessed at has been confirmed. What do I do now? What should I do? It's so tense, more than anything in my entire life. There's a persistent fear in the back of my mind. Madara Uchiha, here in front of me. Can I compete with such a titan? Surely he would know how best to disable someone like me. Surely he would have an idea of how best to stifle any moves I make. These aren't just nerves, but the weight of that name...

Everything, at this moment...there's so much at stake somehow.

"I see. So you know your place after all," Madara says. "After killing someone with as much experience as Kakuzu, most would become arrogant, thinking greatly of themselves. He did trade blows with the First Hokage, after all...the only one worthy enough to be my rival."


I have to calm myself. I have to keep it together. Even if this is Madara Uchiha, I'm not helpless. I'm not some useless brat who just earned her wings as a shinobi. I'm an elite, and that means I can stand up to anyone in this world. I just have to make the right decision.

Although...something has been bothering me. If this really is Madara, and he can move to this degree...not to mention the appearance...what is my brain trying to tell me?

The first thing I should do is sense for his chakra. That way, I can find him easily if I need to...or in the future if he should decide to slip away. But right now, he seems intent on capturing me, taking me out of the picture. With enough time, even I would break and...no, calm down. I'm not done for yet. I need to focus.


Why do these colours feel...so familiar?

"Is that...the Founder's chakra?"

"What are you saying now, girl..."

No, there's no mistaking it. I remember this feeling. I promised never to forget that day, and beyond the smell of fresh graves, I remember this chakra. There is absolutely no way that I have this wrong. So how did Madara get that chakra for himself? It's not over his entire body, it's mixed with something else...the Sharingan is somehow familiar, too, I think...I'm not entirely sure.

"You stole that eye, didn't you?" I ask, taking a shot in the dark.


These things aren't adding up properly. Was Itachi wrong? Is this person an imposter after all? He said that there was too much information to dismiss him as a fake, and I can believe that. He hasn't denied my call out. If this is the real Madara, and he's of advanced age, then...it's possible that he's been stealing parts of people to get himself back into fighting shape. But it's been so long, and these parts are so distinct. Not just the Founder, but...

What the hell is going on here?

"Big mistake, brat. Time for you to go..."

No delaying it, especially with the Sharingan in play. He wants me gone. Fine.

I was getting sick of standing around, anyways.

"Here I come, then." I take a breath in as he starts to move, then body flicker forward and reach out to grab his mask. I just might be able to expose him like this. My fingertips are just above it and then...

...my fingers slide right through his face.

There isn't any sensation, any feeling at all. He really has phased out of existence somehow, and I can't figure out how or why. I can still feel his chakra...but that isn't my issue right now, and I have to stop thinking about it so deeply. I have to keep moving.

My entire body slips through his, and I catch his movement. He's starting to turn around, and I know that he's going to try and grab me. His hand touches my shoulder.

I feel myself being pulled...towards something. Like I'm about to be dragged into some unforgiving void. It's a feeling that I can't quite describe, but there's no time to either way. As soon as my left foot touches the ground, I activate my chakra mode and twist around, pushing myself backwards as hard as I can. Now he's stuck where he is, and I'm free to move again.

"She's fast...just like he was..."

I plant my right foot and accelerate forward again, shifting past his still outstretched right hand and reaching out with my own towards his mask again. If he's anticipating my movements, then he'll try and use that technique to suck me in one more time. The space around his right eye starts to ripple, just as I expected...but he needs to be tangible in order to pull me in, right?

"Have to gamble with this!"

He won't let me get his mask. I can't do damage fast enough to get under his robes. Something...I need something. Ah! "I'll try that...!"

"You're mine..."

I shift targets, moving my right hand upwards and towards the top of his head. Something brushes ever so slightly against my fingertips, and my hand twitches to snatch it away, just before I feel nothing but air again as Madara's body becomes intangible. My momentum carries me through him, and I take one more bounding step before wheeling around and sliding to a stop.

That brief, intense exchange has left us back where we started.

"Not bad. You really are dangerous, Lilith Kobayashi."

"It seems so," I reply, trying to hide my nerves.

"I've seen what I needed to, then. That was interesting. But you will be taken care of soon enough. I wonder...should I check in on your loved ones first?"

"..." I don't twitch at that. It only makes sense to threaten my family, and panicking would solve nothing. Besides, Mama has Midori and Luna to assist her in an instant if needed. This Madara would get a rude response to any provocation...

"Hmph. Cool as ice, aren't we. Full of surprises..."

A swirling hole in space opens around his right eye again. It pulls him in and takes him away.


I keep myself on high alert until I'm sure that his chakra is gone, and not coming back. I can't sense him at all...I can finally relax.

"Oh my god...oh god..."

I let out heavy breaths and slide to my knees, a hand over my beating heart. That was...too close. That was frightening. Someone like that, with space-time arts and the ability to pull me away in an instant...god, that was too much, even for me.

But I managed to come away with something for my trouble.

In between my trembling fingers are three strands of hair, pulled from Madara's head. They had to be loosened enough that he didn't notice, which is a great blessing. Now I have genetic material, something to unravel the mystery of that man. If what he says is true, now we have the means to verify it properly. Otherwise...

"It...didn't feel like anyone else I knew. If Hina were here, she could see it for sure and tell me..."

A Sharingan and the Founder's chakra. His abilities are definitely enhanced...and it seems to be one of the Mangekyo Sharingan's gifts that he was using, too. It's definitely someone else's eye. Perhaps he took it on the night of the massacre...or he was trading resources with Orochimaru, who wanted an Uchiha body eventually. The eyes would be of no use to him, not as he was.

"Madara wasn't known for teleportation and such. He was far too much of a sadist, from what history has told me. Ah..."

It's going to take a while to settle down. I take a piece of paper from my front pocket and press the hair into it, then fold the paper neatly and place it in my back pocket. It should be secure...I slump down a little further and lower my head, taking some calming breaths in. I can't believe I pulled that off. I can't believe I faced him like that.

"I have to get up now. There's still some work to be done..."

I shake my head and slap at my cheeks a few times to clear my head some more. Kisame is still within range...okay. Time to confront him again. Maybe there's something else I can get from him, without Sasuke and the others in the way. Madara has yet to return.

After getting to my feet, I shake out my legs and then jump towards the rooftops, following Kisame's signal. He's moved uptown, where there is much less clutter and people to get in his way. I suppress my chakra and crawl to the edge of the nearest roof, looking down into the lane way where my target is standing in place.

"Waiting for someone..."

Sheets of paper blow about and move towards him. No, wait. The breeze shouldn't be kicking up anything to that degree. My thoughts are confirmed as the paper starts to swirl around with more vigour. More and more pages gather, pure white sheets that begin to take a certain shape. A person.

The paper sheets have turned into a woman. She has short blue hair, with a flower positioned on the right side of her head. The Akatsuki robe is over her body.

"There has been a change of plans," she says in monotone. "You must head to the other location outlined. Pain will be waiting."

"Rather far away, isn't it?" Kisame asks.


"You are a bit ruthless at times," he replies with a chuckle. "Alright. Tell the boss that I'm on my way. Will Itachi be joining us?"

"No. He has his own business to tend to. Be well, Kisame."

"Much appreciated, Konan."

The paper woman disperses herself, leaving in the same manner that she arrived. Kisame produces another straw hat, puts it on, and starts on his way, towards parts unknown.


There is a lot going on. I feel like my nerves are shot, and we've done enough for the day. Pursuing him, especially without someone to support me...that's too much. Especially since I can't tell where and when Madara will show up again. But there is something I can take care of, here and now. Kisame, Madara...that paper woman, Konan. And something about...Pain. It sounds like a name. Is that what the Akatsuki leader is called? It must be.

"I've done a very good job today, haven't I..."

I let my chakra rise back to its normal level, and then seek out my next target. They're searching for me diligently, still wearing their cloak and mask. I stand in plain view on the street and observe them quietly, licking my lips slowly. I watch as they spot me, body tensing once they realize the situation they're in.

"And good girls deserve to be treated every once in a while."
Ok, so I am currently have not yet finished reading, but I have a question: is there a Meti (from Kill Six Billion Demons) like figure in the story? I am asking this mostly because I feel like one of the main issues in the story as far as I have read it (which is the end of Gaara Vs Lili) is a lack of a proper contrasting rival. Mind you, Naruto, Hinata and Sasuke are sort of rivals, but they do not properly contrast like someone like Meti would.

To those who have not yet read KS6D and are unfamiliar with Meti, she is/was the greatest swordswoman and killer ever born (described as the greatest slave to the Sword Law by one of her students) who thought violence as an idiotic thing to do. To quote her:
Meti said:
To train with the sword, first master sweeping. When you have mastered sweeping, you must master the way of drawing water. Once you have learned how to draw water, you must split wood. Once you have split wood, you must learn the arts of finding the fine herbs in the forest, the arts of writing, the arts of paper making, and poetry writing. You must become familiar with the awl and the pen in equal measure. When you have mastered all these things you must master building a house. Once your house is built, you have no further need for a sword, since it is an ugly piece of metal and its adherents idiots.

Meti said:
A man who finds pleasure in the result of cutting is the most hateful, crawling creature there is. A man who finds pleasure in the act of cutting is an artisan.

Another contrasting point would be that Lili is rich as fuck and Meti lives in a barrel begging for food, wine and cigarettes like a proper Diogenes style cynic would.

I am saying this money because this story does not have a proper rival yet, and a proper rival can elevate a mediocre story into a masterpiece (DMC 3 is a good example, if Vergil and Dante were not as good as rivals as they were game would have a pretty run of the mill story, but their rivalry and contrast elevates it straight into a masterpiece).

Either way, gonna continue reading, since I am still pretty early and the story seems to be going in a decent direction.
Well thanks for reading first of all. Appreciated no matter how far you get.

Ok, so I am currently have not yet finished reading, but I have a question: is there a Meti (from Kill Six Billion Demons) like figure in the story?
There isn't a rival or a foil to her like that, directly. The main conflict that Lili has is...I guess more abstract than that right now, not some unknowable esoteric thing, but different from the normal thing. If you get far enough you'll see what I mean by that and what I'm trying to set up.

There are conflicts and ideological clashes and such, but there's not really anyone so far who is directly opposite her position in terms of fighting and status.
Lili is deliberately presented as being somewhat otherworldly, like a changeling child or a nephilim, something tied to the mortal realm, but not wholly of it.

On one side this means that she can ignore certain rules, on the other it means her place in any realm is always tenuous and vulnerable.
Bullet Points
Scarlet Justice - ep. 141
"Bullet Points"
[Cordially Yours, Part 4]

"Not as fun as I hoped...but close enough. I needed that after earlier..."

I suck the last bit of blood from my finger and sigh with satisfaction. The now useless corpse is lying on its back, in the middle of this section of forest. Nobody should be coming around for a while, which is to my advantage.

"I won't be carrying you home, now will I? Hmm...let's see about that seal of yours." I crouch down to lift away the broken mask, and open the corpse's mouth. All the way in the back...yes, there it is. Still intact. Three solid black lines, followed by two broken ones, all along the back part of the tongue. "Danzo's way of marking his little animals. It has to be triggered by something, but what, exactly? I didn't get to find out on that last mission with traitors, either..."

It seems that they're connected with Danzo's existence, so erasing him might remove the seals from other members. Or...it might be like Orochimaru's cursed seal, which persisted after his death. Seeing as they worked together in the past as part of the original ROOT, I wouldn't be shocked.

"And I shouldn't compromise anyone by bringing the body back anyways. Even if they suspect me, they can't do a thing about it from here," I say to myself, standing up. "Time for you to disappear, then. You should be thankful that you got to serve a final purpose as my snack."

I hum to myself and start digging a pit big enough for the body to burn in. Between the incoming smoke and the blood that's already on my clothing, I really will need a wash once I get home.


It's mid-afternoon.

With everything settled, I head to the Hokage's Office as soon as I make it back to the Leaf. Tamaki and Imari are patiently waiting for me in the front lobby. Both are in their usual matching work attire, and today's is green blouses with dark blue skirts and stockings. The former has her face set like steel, and the latter has dirty and torn clothing, clearly from a recent fight.

"We've secured everything for the next few hours, longer if necessary," Tamaki says with a cool tone. "If we don't get the cooperation we want right away...we've prepared for that situation. Thanks to Imari's efforts, Sai is also here with us. We've also called Lady Tsunade in. As far as anyone else is concerned, this is just a high-level meeting."

"I see. Very good," I say.

"We have a change of clothing ready for you, though it's nothing glamorous," Imari says.

"The very least of my worries, love. Thank you for accommodating me...I'll be quick."

They both nod as I head down the hall and into the first room on the left. There's a set of plain clothing, a shirt and sweatpants. And of course everything I need for a quick wash, next to the large metal tub that was brought in. The water is good and warm.

I clean every part of me, including my hair, and then dry off with the provided towels. My previous set of clothing goes into a black plastic bag after I remove everything from the pockets, and I slip my armband back over my arm. Sandals on, hair is fine...okay. Good and ready to go again. I think I'm cleaned and refreshed enough for now.

As I leave, I lock the door and make sure that my things are all there, one more time. The folded paper with the important hair samples has not been disturbed.

"Everything okay, Lili?" Imari asks as I return.

"Perfectly fine. Everything should be secure."

"Will you follow us, please?" Tamaki asks.

"Yes. Please lead the way, senpai."

She nods and we continue down the hall, into the Hokage's main office. The doors are opened and I step inside. Imari closes them behind us, then makes a set of seals and presses her hand against the wood. A faint pulse ripples from the middle of the doors and across the walls and windows of the room, then fades off.

Portions of food and drink sit on a table near the middle of the room. There are several chairs, enough for everyone to rest in. For now, almost everyone is on their feet, standing and just a bit tense in their own ways. The old man is seated behind his desk, smoking from his pipe as usual. Sai is quiet and bound with rope while he sits. Seems he chose to underestimate Imari and paid for it. Good. The little rodent is fortunate to get away with only that much.

"Now that all of the relevant parties are here, we can begin," Tamaki says crisply. "I think it is only right that Lili decide what we speak about first."

I look over the rest of the room's current occupiers. Sasuke, seemingly recovered from his forced nap earlier. Sakura, who has her hands folded in front of her stomach and head down. Erika, who really should be sitting herself because of her exhaustion. Kakashi, rubbing the back of his head and looking suitably wearied. Fio, who is just a bit unnerved because of the room's atmosphere, but is politely waiting to see what happens. And Tsunade, who has her arms folded as she waits to see why she was pulled out of her office all of a sudden.

Well. Let's get to it, then.

"We will start with the reason for this mess in the first place," I say. "Sasuke taking off from his designated mission and heading into unauthorized areas. Even if he was goaded by other elements, it could have gotten him killed."

"It would almost be a shame," Tamaki says. She really is in the worst mood, but I can't blame her one bit.

"What happened?" I ask, turning to Sasuke. I'll try to be delicate with him here. "It had to be something of great importance, surely...but what drove you into following that lead, and so suddenly at that? You know that many people are invested in your safety, Sasuke."

"You know what happened," he retorts. "Listen, I don't have to explain-"

There's a violent chill and Tamaki strides past me. Without a wasted movement, she steps into a punch and slams her fist into Sasuke's jaw. He falls over, to gasps from Sakura and Fio. Tamaki's expression has not changed, but I can feel it. She is much, much angrier than before.

"You..." Sasuke scrambles to his feet. "You bitch-!"

She winds up and hits him again. And again. And again, sending him into the nearby wall. Her hands go around his collar, and I can tell that those green eyes of hers are drilling holes into him as she holds him against the wall.

"Who do you think you are?! If I-"

"You will do no such thing, Sasuke." Imari's voice is even. "These eyes can see everything. If I see even a hint of chakra going towards an attack, we will make you wish that Akatsuki had their hands around your throat instead of us."

"What is wrong with you?! Old man! Why aren't you stopping them?" he yells at Hiruzen.

"I have my reasons, much like you had yours when you chose to go on your adventure earlier today," he replies casually, puffing away on his pipe. "If you do as the ladies say, you will be released in a timely manner. That is all."

"As many times...as it takes," Tamaki says. "I will make you understand, Sasuke Uchiha. As many times as it takes. You listen to me, and listen well. Show that woman the respect she deserves. Answer what Lili has asked of you. Is that clear?"


She slams him into the wall, hard enough to make the room vibrate. That's not normal strength she's playing with, and Sasuke realizes it now. His eyes widen in fear despite himself.

"I asked you if that was clear. Yes or no, Sasuke."


Tamaki releases him and walks back to Imari's side. Sasuke glares at her, but it seems like he's had enough and is willing to cooperate properly now. He looks at me and starts talking.

"It was that guy's fault," he says, pointing to Sai. "Just came up to me one day and started acting weird. Asking stupid questions. It was annoying and he was starting to piss me off, but then...he started mentioning stuff about Akatsuki...and Itachi. Said that there was a sure way to find his whereabouts, through secret channels that even the Hokage didn't know about. Wanted me to see his boss, but never said who it was. I said I'd think about it if he made good on his promise."

"I see."

"Why the hell do you want-"

"Be quiet. That is none of your concern right now," Tamaki says. "Continue your story."

Sasuke gives her another glare, but flinches as she forms a fist at her side. His hand clutches at his jaw, and he rubs it ruefully before continuing. "He was just a creepy asshole in general, but he agreed to do that favour for me. Said that he knew people in the ANBU and would get me hooked up. So I agreed."

"You didn't tell Sakura," I say.

"No." He pauses a moment. "I saw the shark man...just like in the Bingo Book. Then you guys showed up. I didn't ask Sakura to follow me and thought she would take off, but she didn't. It was too late by then..." He shakes his head. "But you don't get it. I'm justified. I'm within my rights to chase down Itachi, and that means any leads to him, too. He's my responsibility."

"So he is." I turn my head towards Tamaki. "Senpai...does that satisfy you?"

"Barely. At least we have the facts now, from the boy's own mouth."

"Then it's enough for me as well." I walk over to the old man's desk and lean back on it, looking over the room. "Let's get further into it. The man with pale blue skin that we encountered in town was indeed a member of the Akatsuki organization. An S-Rank criminal listed in the Bingo Book, formerly an elite of the Village Hidden in Mist. The man known as the Monster of the Hidden Mist, Kisame Hoshigaki. One of the famed Seven Swordsmen, who wields the great-sword Samehada."

"Seven Swordsmen...that means he was like Zabuza, then?" Sakura asks.

"Yes. Zabuza Momochi, if I'm not mistaken. That man's aim was a coup of the Mist, and he meant to gather funds and raise an army for that purpose. Thanks to the efforts of you and your cohorts in Team Seven, his ambitions came to an end. There was another member of Akatsuki in town, which I also met. He gave us no name, and no means of identification," I say with a look towards Erika. "Nobody like him is in the Bingo Book, and his description doesn't match anything that we've seen before. It's very curious. He also seems to have access to a space-time art."

"Space-time?" Hiruzen asks. "Exceedingly rare and powerful, especially to encounter it out in the world like that. Little wonder he's employed by a mercenary group."

"It allows him to phase in and out of the physical plane, through objects, and living beings. There is also what I suspect is a vacuum ability of sorts...but there is a known limit. He cannot attack and use that phasing simultaneously. In order to land blows, he must become tangible."

"What an interesting ability," Imari comments. "So because of that, I would assume that you couldn't defeat or subdue him."

"Unfortunately. I apologize for my inadequacy on that front...using the data that I have collected, I will strive to correct this the next time that we meet."

"There's no need to be so hard on yourself," Tsunade says to me.

"Yes, that's right. Few could catch our own masters of space-time arts, such as the Second and Fourth Hokage," Hiruzen adds.

"Probably. I guess that's Shino rubbing off on me again...I didn't mean to sound too self-depreciating. Thank you both," I say with a smile.

The basics are out of the way and dealt with. Matters of reprimand will come at a later time, once things are secured here. We can't keep everyone in the loop, nor should we.

"Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura will need an escort home," I say. "Tsunade, would you take care of our guest here?"

"Got it." She taps Sai on the neck, and he promptly loses consciousness. Imari produces wire and secures him to the chair itself this time.

"I'm sure that I won't be able to keep up too well with all the stuff going on here," Fio says, apologetically. "Is it okay if I head out for now?"

"Of course, my love. I'll filter down the relevant information for you and Kakashi later. There's no pressure."

"Thanks, Lili. I'll be waiting at home." She gives me a kiss on the cheek and smiles before leaving. Sasuke starts to protest, but Tamaki clenches her fist again and makes him reconsider. Sakura puts her hands on his shoulders and quietly escorts him out. Kakashi gives us a wearied sort of salute before following them.

As the door closes again, Imari seals the room, taking a few more precautions before returning. The remainder of us finally take our seats around the table, and we pour hot drinks for each other. I bring Hiruzen a cup of tea and sit on top of his desk with my own.

Tsunade has found herself some rum from one of the room's cabinets, and pours a glass after sitting. "Alright, should we get started again?"

"Yes. Tamaki, how are you feeling at the moment?" I ask her.

"Slightly better. I know that I looked really ugly earlier. Sorry about that."

"You have nothing to apologize for, my dear. And you had every right to be upset. Sasuke is a brat that has gone far too long without a proper spanking. Hopefully after this, he'll start learning his place." I sigh. "So. The first thing we will start with is...my conversation with Itachi earlier today. I will relay the relevant parts, and beyond."

I hop off the desk and start to go over most of what we spoke about, leaving out anything I felt was too personal between us. The movements of ROOT, those of Akatsuki, so on and so forth. I watch Hiruzen's expression change slightly from time to time. It seems there were more than a few things that he wasn't aware of regarding Danzo. But on the other end, he did allow that man to move as he liked for a time, feeling that it would be best for the village. Even in this age, he couldn't bring himself to do more than expel Danzo from his inner circle.

That fossil needs to be made obsolete. For everyone's sanity, but the old man's especially.

"So we've got that much time to get Naruto ready before they start," Tsunade says. "And from what I'm hearing, this Akatsuki outfit ain't exactly amateur hour. Problem is that we only have Itachi's testimony to go on, and we can't very well use an S-Rank criminal as a means to expose the fuckers for corruption and planning coups. Even if the little guy is still loyal to us. Not only would it make us look like stupid assholes, but the village would suffer financially. Definitely a mess." She takes a swig of rum.

"Could we just...leak the information to other villages?" Imari asks. "Covering our bases, so to speak?"

"If only it were that simple," Erika says. "There are places that extensively use Akatsuki's services. Not just individuals, but shinobi villages. One of the few villages that has never done so aside from us, to anyone's knowledge at least, is the Hidden Cloud."

"Yes, and we've been running into trouble with them lately," Tamaki says. "I should have known that things were too rocky for one season. Danzo has his hand in the pot, there's no question now."

"Orochimaru's influence..." Hiruzen sighs and puts a hand to his head. That old guilt is coming in again.

"So we need to keep Sasuke locked down again, before he pulls more stunts like this," Imari says. "That's easily done. Obviously he won't like it, but it's not like it matters at this point. We don't have to rush his meeting with Itachi at all. Well, down to brass tacks, as the saying goes. Lili, what else do you have for us?"

"A bit of insight, and drama to pair with it," I say as I sit properly in an open chair. "Do listen carefully, my darlings. That masked man's reactions and timing today...I made a guess in line with one of the secrets that Itachi gifted to me."

"What would that be?" Hiruzen asks, curious.

"That Madara Uchiha is alive. And that he might be the true mastermind behind Akatsuki."

Tsunade coughs loudly and puts down her drink. "Ex...excuse me? What the fuck?"

"It is a difficult thing to swallow, yes," I say flatly.

"Lili, that's...the same guy who fought my grandfather. You know that, right? Madara died at the Valley of the End, decades ago. How the hell could he be alive? Grandpa couldn't have been wrong, he killed the guy himself!"

"They do have the remains in a most secret location. One that not even I know," Hiruzen says. "Lord Tobirama died at an unexpected age, and with his inclination for research, it would have made sense to study Madara's body at some point to unlock the secrets of the Sharingan."

And Madara would need to be alive to use that jutsu, wouldn't he...otherwise, he could have tricked Hashirama and finished him off in their final battle. It's possible that there is some highly secretive jutsu he used to revive himself, or maybe transfer his consciousness somewhere else? But that couldn't be it either. Where would it go? How would he be around so long, and where would he be hiding?

"So Granduncle stored Madara's body somewhere...but we have no way of checking," Tsunade says.

"We have another method available," I say. "The masked man made the claim that he was Madara, and I attempted to check if this was truly the case. We've seen enough photos of that man in our lifetimes, and I could provide enough of a description to satisfy you all. I could not uncover his face...but I did get something else instead." I take the folded paper from my pocket, and pass it down so that it reaches Tsunade. "I hope that this is sufficient. Genetic material for you to test."

She opens up the paper and stares at it.

"This is plenty...you not only got the hair, you got the follicles with them. Amazing work, kiddo."

"Thank you."

"We should be able to check this against the data we have using a few methods. Chakra is like fingerprints, unique to every person. We can match it against what we have recorded...easy enough to start with Uchiha records, since he supposedly is one, but if it's anyone else we have on file, we can track them down too. If you pulse chakra through someone or something, it'll generate a specific response based on their DNA. That's a relatively simple test we can run whenever we want...just find similar wavelengths and we're good to go. Of course, if your signature is altered for whatever reason..."

"Therein lies the problem that I will detail next. When I reached out to sense his energies...I could feel that he had the Founder's chakra."

Tsunade frowns mightily at that. "You have gotta be fucking kidding me."

"Hardly. A prank that tasteless is beyond my sensibilities."

Tsunade stares down at the hair samples again. "So you're telling me that this guy has my grandfather's chakra in him, and that he's Madara Uchiha, and that he somehow survived, or brought himself back to life after getting killed?"

"That is quite difficult to believe...Madara Uchiha, alive? And the mastermind behind this organization?" Hiruzen asks. "Not to mention that he could evade you in his advanced age...how deeply does all of this run?"

"I don't remember any stories about Madara using warping mumbo-jumbo to slip through people," Tsunade says. "So that much is already suspect. Then again, it's possible that he modified his DNA to become stronger using Grandpa's chakra, or some bullshit."

"That eye, and possibly his whole body, may not be his at all in the first place."

"Eye..." Erika sips at her coffee. "The Sharingan?"

"The same, yes."

"Stolen Sharingan? Wait, Lili...eye? As in one?" Imari asks.

"I only saw the one. The other was beneath that strange mask of his. I suppose he felt he didn't need it against me," I say.

"Why would an Uchiha conceal his eye like that? Surely two is better than one," Tamaki points out. "It might be that this person isn't an Uchiha at all. The strain from two Sharingan shouldn't be even notable to an Uchiha, especially someone who is supposed to be the strongest one ever."

"Whatever the hell this is...we'll figure it out with a few tests," Tsunade says before knocking back her drink. "Shit. It's pretty fucked up what's going on...but this isn't an impossible case to solve. If they're using a Sharingan, then they have to have some sort of connection to the village. Their DNA doesn't lie. Sharingan are bloodline limits like everything else, which means they have a sequence that corresponds to a person."

"I see. I never could lack faith in you, but that much is reassuring," I say to her. "Madara...when I met him, his aura was heavy with malice. I believe that it truly is him, in some way. He could possibly be some sort of copy, or imposter...but I don't know. It feels too real to be something like that."

"What would we do if it is him? What could we do?" Tamaki asks. "I mean, we can't exactly tell anyone, can we? Even if someone did believe our outrageous story, it would just be something else to blame on the Leaf, something that would put us in an unholy amount of trouble."

"If this person is an imposter, we would need to solve another mystery," Erika says. "What would someone gain by using the name Madara so callously? The Akatsuki leader, whoever that person really is...they must know, and must have been swayed by such information."

"He is apparently called Pain, and has an assistant or similar that carries out his orders. Her name is Konan," I say.

"Pain...I see. An interesting moniker, to be sure. Investigations will need to be carried out in due time. The gap of time before Akatsuki enacts the next phase of their plan...it should be a blessing to us. Infiltration of the requisite villages to gain more intelligence...things of that nature."

"Since Jiraiya is looking after Naruto, and has been investigating Akatsuki on his own...he should know some of this information," Hiruzen says, looking to me. I nod once in affirmation. "As for Danzo, there is not much that I can do about him. Increasing surveillance is something he would notice right away, and take measures to counteract. And ROOT is already officially disbanded. From what I can understand, the members are unwilling, and possibly physically unable to talk about their dealings with him."

"The tongue seals, then."

"Yes. Other than with my authority, we have no power to seal him away in earnest."

"Troubling," Imari mumbles.

"Indeed. I did make a mistake in giving him so much power once before...but now it is too late to go back and change these things. We can only move forward, and try to make tomorrow brighter for everyone. In light of this new information, I will assign extra personnel to deal with the Hidden Cloud files. Things will be worked out rapidly, no matter the total cost. Conflict at this time is not something that we can easily afford."

"Sasuke may continue to be a problem, my lord," Erika says.

"Mm, yes. His mind seems to be made up on these issues..."

"Then that's more than a minor thing to deal with," Tamaki says.

Hiruzen rubs his chin. "Hmm. I believe there is one person who can start to plant the proper thoughts in his mind."

"Naruto, you mean." I let out a breath. "I need to talk with him already...it's been too long for us. I'll work it in the next time I see him. In any case, the Uchiha brat needs to be sorted out. Regular discipline isn't enough, it seems...and as I've warned Itachi before, if he steps too far out of line, he may very well get himself killed. By the by, thank you for your restraint, Erika."

"Of course. Since it was not entirely his fault this time, I felt it would be prudent to give him a pass..."

"That boy should be on his knees every fucking night from now on," Tamaki growls.

"Senpai, don't work yourself up again..."

"I wanted to give the kid a slap myself," Tsunade says with a smile. "But shit, it was awesome seeing our girl Tamaki spin his jaw a few times. Little prick knows not to fuck around now."

"Is there anything else?" Tamaki asks. She seems much calmer than before, at least. "We seem to have covered everything that's urgent. There are some things that we can change, and others we can't."

"Let's go over what we have a few more times," I say. "That way, we can be sure we have everything organized properly. It's already late, so we might as well..."


It's the next morning by now.

Erika, tired as she was before, fell asleep while we were talking. There's nothing to worry about on her part anyways, since she's always been able to pick things up quickly. The rest of us go over Itachi's speculations on Danzo and Akatsuki, and then formulate our own theories. We come to the same conclusion as before: that we can't do much of anything yet, but we can be ready for what might come in the future.

As far as Itachi's intentions are concerned, I don't say anything. If there's something he wants, he has direct lines to the village through myself, Erika, and Hiruzen. It should be left up to him in the end, even as I worry about his health.

Madara and Itachi are checking each other. If anything happens to Itachi, it might be that the Leaf would be in danger again. Would Danzo dare to join hands with one of the Leaf's most prolific traitors? I'm sure he's heard at least one rumour about Madara being alive. But then...it could just be a set of parallel experiments, since Hashirama's genetic material has been coveted for decades.

And just what would Madara do with all of the tailed beasts? Surely he doesn't need that many...after all, Hashirama did have a stranglehold on the world itself with just a simple majority of them under his control. That's another thing, though. Hashirama's legacy.


It amounts to blasphemy as far as the Leaf is concerned, but...that error he made, to freely trust people. That was a sin too heavy to describe. Why give up that much? For the sake of a dream? For faith? I can't understand it.

And I don't want to.

"That seems to be it for now," Tamaki says. "We should get some sleep, all of us."

"My apologies," Erika says, rubbing her eyes. She starts to shrug off the blanket we put over her earlier.

"There's nothing to apologize for," Imari tells her. "You should stay here and sleep properly. We have a couple of beds set up for when senpai and I have to work late. You can borrow mine-"

"She'll take mine. You can sleep in yours," Tamaki interrupts.

"Senpai, please."


They look at each other before Imari relents, nodding obediently. "Yes, senpai. But please, don't push yourself."

"I'm used to long nights and hard surfaces as it is. You just worry about keeping your strength up," she says with a smile. "When you're happy, I'm happy."

"Senpai..." She smiles brightly and nods. "Yes. I understand."

"I'll be heading home, then," I announce. "I think I'll eat something before bed...the tea was delicious, but I am famished. And Fio is probably up by now. I need to make sure she has something for work."

"Heh. You've got responsibilities, eh?" Tsunade teases.

"Yes, such is a maiden's life. Will our guest be taken care of properly?"

"I'm sure one of Danzo's dogs is hanging around outside. We'll drop him off somewhere and then they can take him home."

"Acceptable. Take care then, all of you. We will meet at a later time to put out various fires...so on and so forth." I yawn and wave to everyone, and Imari unseals the door as Tamaki starts to clean up.


I head straight home as promised, and start to ascend the steps towards the front door. My nose catches a whiff of something interesting.

"Someone's cooking...hmm..."

I wonder. Did Luna and Midori decide to pop in while I was gone? No...no, that smell isn't something I'm used to at home. It smells like something was burning briefly. I turn my key and open the door.

Fio is already awake at this hour, and she's in front of the stove working.

"Fio? Darling, it's very early for you. What are you up to?" I ask while removing my sandals.

"Oh, Lili. Welcome home! I got up a bit earlier than usual, yeah...you weren't back, so I got an idea and wanted to try this. Breakfast! I thought you'd be hungry by the time you came back in." She gives me a smile and finishes arranging her plate. One of Luna's far too big aprons is draped over her body, and she has a dirty cloth tucked under the apron string.

"I see..."

"Here's what I made for you. Hope you like it," she says as she puts the plate down on the table. I take a seat and look at it curiously. There are slices of toast that have been dipped in some mixture and fried...ah, yes. Momma used to cook these for me, as a secret breakfast treat. It was called 'poor knight', for reasons I cannot recall. The toast is dipped in an egg and milk mixture, fried, and topped with powdered sugar and honey. There's also regular toast on the side. An omelette made with ham, tomato, and cheese. Some tomato slices, warm tea, and a glass of milk.

"Did you want anything else?" Fio asks.

"No, no. I should be more than fine with this, my love. Thank you." I blink and look around. "I don't see another plate. Where is your portion?"

"Oh, I...got really nervous focusing on yours, so I forgot."

"Please don't neglect yourself for my sake, Fio. I can live with a little less...but thank you so much for this. I'll dig in right away before it gets cold."

The fried toast...hm. It's over seasoned. There's a bit of inconsistency as well. Not as firm as I assumed. The rest of the toast is a bit burnt, explaining what I smelled earlier. She used the oven to toast the bread manually, wanting a more authentic experience for me. As for the omelette...the opposite. Under seasoned on all fronts. Egg is a bit runny, under cooked. Ham is a bit tough and ended up overdone. Tea is sweeter than I would like.

"H-how is it?"

"Well, if you want my honest opinion...you burnt two slices of bread, and the other two are over seasoned with spices and sugar, and inconsistent in texture," I say to Fio as I slice through more of my omelette. "You under cooked the omelette, since the egg is a bit runny. The meat seems to be overcooked from when you put it in the pan. And the tea is too sweet."

She nods, looking ashamed. "I...I see. Thank you for being...honest...uh."

"What? What is it?"

"You...said it was..." She blinks and points at my plate. "But...you're still eating?"

"Yes, I'm eating."


I give her a look. "Because you made it for me. Honestly, what a foolish question on your part. You know better," I say as I finish my eggs. The toast is next, and I bite into it quickly. Those flavours are rich against my tongue.

"I don't understand. I...I screwed up. Right?" she asks, confused.

"And what if you did?" I finish off my tea, then drain my glass of milk afterwards and sigh. "Ah, that was good. Refreshing, even. A lovely meal to come home to."

Fio stands nearby and fidgets, still confused. I wipe my mouth and beckon her closer.

"Listen for a moment, my love."


I turn myself to face her. "You did make mistakes today. It wasn't perfect. But I can taste things very well, you see. I could feel the effort you put into this dish. You did all of this for me from your heart. You wanted to make me happy. And you certainly did, Fio. I'm so proud of you."

"Lili..." She lowers her head, blushing.

"For someone who could barely eat food a while back, especially...this is a remarkable effort. Cooking like this is something I couldn't have done entirely on my own merits."

"You're...you're just saying that..."

"I'm really not. Luna-nee and Midori-nee taught me. They passed their skills down to me, and I practised for them and next to them. I was just a bit of a natural, perhaps, and I do have this tongue of mine to help me along. But you? You had your life practically reset, and you've managed to do all of this. Fio, never be ashamed of yourself. Never be ashamed of how far you've come. You are amazing, and you are wonderful."

Tears come to her eyes. "I want...to cook for you again one day. I want to do my best for you. You've given me so much, Lili. I just want to give back..."

"You have," I say.

"And I still have more to give you. A lot more. You'll be so happy, I promise...so thank you. Praising me like that means the world."

"I know I'll be happy with you, Fio. I'm looking forward to our future together. I love you."

"I love you, Lili. Thank you again...I'm so glad that I made you happy."

I stand and give her the biggest, warmest hug that I can muster.

"I know you've had a long day, so I'll clean all this up for you. Get yourself a shower and then sleep," she says, patting my back gently. "I'll pick up something on my way to work."

"No need for that, love. I planned ahead, just a little. Your lunch is in the refrigerator...I made sure to cook your favourite," I say with a smile.

She gasps. "It's steak day?"


"Lili, you're the best!" She gives me several kisses on the cheek.

"Yes, of course. We both knew that much, hmhm."

"Okay, go and get washed up before bed. For me, please."

"I will, darling. Thank you again for this wonderful gift. Good morning, Fio."

I watch her smile, inches away from me. My heart is melting.

Fio really is amazing.

"You're welcome...forever and always. Good morning, Lili."
As much as many fics flanderize Sasuke to the point of absurdity the simple fact is that he managed to be an even bigger loose cannon than Naruto and was completely incapable of maintaining even the fairly lax psuedo-military discipline expected of leaf ninja.

It's good to see people checking his attitude.
Figuring out the right kind of "hey I'm gonna do a stupid thing again and hope the sword lady doesn't murder me" situation to put him in was an interesting challenge. I think trying to thread the line is a lot of work for most people so in the end they don't really make an attempt, for the worse usually.

But yeah, he and Naruto are birds of a feather when it comes to "solving" problems like that.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 142


I wake up, sprawled across my bed. Right, Fio isn't here...she's working. What time is it? I turn my head to look at the clock.

"Only ten...?"

I did have my breakfast very early, and I still feel sleepy. Perhaps I was more tired than I realized. Had to be mental exhaustion more than anything, what with the supposedly fake Madara running around, dealing with Sasuke's penchant for defection, trying not to get murdered by shark men...so much commotion. A great deal of things to take care of.

I reach for the phone on my nightstand and call Hina. It should still be our day to work, so I want to know what I'm getting into.

"Good morning, Hinata Hyuuga speaking."

"Good morning, Hina."

"Oh, Lili! Are you feeling okay? Sensei told us that you were going to have a day in today, due to some unforeseen circumstances."

"That sounds about right," I say as I roll onto my back. "Sasuke got loose yesterday after my meeting. He had a mission and there was some executive meddling, so on and so forth. We ended up having to track him down, and...things got complicated all of a sudden."

"Oh, goodness."

"I'm alright. All of us are...there was a long meeting to discuss next steps, and I ended up coming home very early this morning. Fio cooked me breakfast before I went to bed...she did so well for her first time, Hina. Better than you or I could imagine."

"How lovely. She's been doing so well since she came to the village. I know that you're very proud of her."

"I certainly am." I take a moment to cover my mouth and yawn. "Pardon me, love. Ah, right...the main reason I called. Are we still on for today's session?"

"We've decided to put off today for your sake. Sensei wanted to give you a proper chance to rest, so she wants us down late tomorrow. Around 3 pm or so. Also..."

"Also...?" I repeat.

"Well...there are things afoot, to say the least of it."

"Oh? You sound coy all of a sudden," I say with a smile. "Does it involve all of us, by chance?"

"Mm-hm. We'll discuss it later, together. Hanabi will be there too."

"I can't wait. See you tomorrow, then?"

"Yes. Get some rest, Lili. I know you've earned it. Take care, okay?"

"You too, darling."

I set down the phone and roll out of bed. First, my usual stretches. Washing up in the bathroom, with some splashes of cold water to get my brain moving properly. Next, something to wear. Since this is officially an off day, I throw on an orange blouse and a pair of shorts to wear around the village. I won't be pushing myself too hard, but there are a few things I want to take care of.

"My nails...yesterday was a bit rough on them, wasn't it..."

Since they're not looking too awful, I grab some of the regular nail polish and do a quick painting to make them more presentable. The usual cyan, my favourite for many reasons. Some lip gloss while I wait for my nails to dry.

"Only half past? That's good," I say to myself. Now, who do I want to see today? Naruto, for sure...I could stir the pot a bit by seeking out Danzo, but that might be too much for my allies at this point in time. Best to leave it alone until everyone is at their stations. Jiraiya...well, I have no real desire to speak with him right now. And Sasuke is probably getting an earful from Imari, among others. I think, or at least hope, that he'll fall in line more after that public thrashing Tamaki gave him. Her strength must have gone up an order of magnitude yesterday, so I wonder what exactly she did with her chakra...something much more substantial than a chakra boost, surely. Perhaps Tsunade knows.

"Something for later. Nails are finally dried...hmhm, lovely. Let's head out."

I secure my little pouch, put on a pair of comfy slippers, and lock up before leaving. First stop, Ichiraku Ramen.

"Hey, there. Been a while," Teuchi says to me.

"It has been, sensei. I hope you've been well."

"Sure have been. Something to eat today?"

"A few orders, yes. But I would like to carry them with me this time."

"Ah, alright. Lunch date with one of the girls?"

"The date part is accurate. I'm going to see our free-spending friend and have a long-desired chat."

"Oh, I see. Yeah, he's been okay. Eating like his usual self, making stupid boasts. You know how he is."

I smile at that. "Certainly. But I love him all the same."

"He sure is hard to stay mad at, I'll say that much. He mentions you in every other conversation, same as always. And he's been bringing Sasuke and Sakura around to eat after missions from time to time. I almost didn't believe it, but...those kids are coming together, just a bit."

"I see. That's a positive, no matter how I might feel about the other two."

"Heh. Well, I won't hold you up too much longer. Let me get started on your order. The usual, right?"

"Yes, please. Two bowls each, a light snack as far as our Blondie is concerned."

"Got it. It'll be a few minutes."

"Of course, sensei. I'll wait a while here."

"Hey, good morning!" Ayame stops on her bike next to me. It has two sturdy baskets in the front and back, built to hold ramen bowls side by side securely. Teuchi has told me more than once that she loves heading out to make deliveries. He worries, as good fathers do, since there are unsavoury characters in this world of ours.

"Good morning, darling. How have you been?" I ask.

"Just great. Finished off a few deliveries...business is nice and steady. I've been telling Dad that we might need to expand soon, maybe hire a few extra staff. He'll still do all the cooking, of course...you know how stubborn he is."

"I've got a reputation to uphold, you know that."

She rolls her eyes. "See what I mean?"

"Well, at least he lets you help."

"That's true. A lot of men are still so stubborn that they won't let their wives or daughters work anywhere near them. Though I guess we're not super far out from the rougher days, like in the history books."


"Mom's a bit of a klutz in the kitchen anyways," Ayame says with a smile. "Poor woman almost put herself in a wheelchair the last time she tried to help us out."

"Oh, dear. I suppose she's learned her lesson from that?"

"Definitely. Simple meals at home, whenever Dad is too tired to cook. That stubborn attitude gets dragged home, too."

"I can hear you, you know."

"I know, Dad. You're the best, you know that?"

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Ooh, there's been some juicy stuff going around...interested?"

"Am I ever. You know how I love gossip," I say eagerly.

I get the latest scoops before Teuchi finishes his cooking. With that, I bid my friendly restaurateurs farewell for now, and head for my next destination.

It's not a terribly far walk to that apartment, in that less than sparkling part of the village. Naruto could do a lot worse, surely...though I wonder if he just doesn't want to impose, or is too used to the lifestyle to think about moving. It's something we can explore once my gift for him is completed. For now, I'll settle with seeing his face for the first time in a while.

I reach the front door and knock twice. The door bolt slides out of place, and the door opens.

"Oh, Lili. I thought you'd be busier today..."

"All of the excitement took place yesterday, it seems. Hungry?"

"Always," he says with a smile. I walk in and take off my slippers, then set my bag with the ramen on the kitchen table. The air in here feels refreshing compared to the outside, on account of the plants Naruto has set up around the apartment. Nobody, including myself, figured him for a green thumb, but here we are. It's a nice atmosphere.

"Is everything okay with you, love?" I ask as I take the bowls out.

"Fine enough, I think. I think I'm getting the hang of this fox chakra thing, you know? Feels a lot better than before, and I'm making more progress with Pervy Sage."

"That's good." I let out a breath and turn towards him. "There might be quite a bit to say...or nothing much at all. I'm not quite sure yet. I just know that I wanted to see you."

"Ah...okay. I get that, I was thinking of you too, Lili." He rubs the back of his head. "Ever since that fight we had in the stadium...I'm just wondering if that didn't hit you too hard. I lost control and everything, and you tried to stop me, but I was...well, I just put you in a real bad spot. And I'm really sorry about that. With everything you've been through, to pile on something else like that was selfish of me. I'm sorry, Lili. You're my friend and I love you a whole lot, but still...I made a mess of things."

"Things slip out of our control sometimes," I say. "You didn't mean anything by it...even if you did, I forgive you for that. You're taking on a terrible burden, more than most people could stand without falling to pieces."


"Really," I say with a nod. "It's alright. You apologizing like this is more than enough. I don't need anything else...well, that's a lie on my part. There is something I need from you."

"What is it?"

"I want to see that smile of yours."

"Oh, is that all?" He grants my request, right on cue. "Any time, Lili. You make me happy just by being here, you know?"

"I hope I'm not the only one," I say with my own smile.

"'Course not. You'd kill me if I left Hinata out."

"You'd be very sore, at the least."


"Come here a moment. It's been too long," I say as I open my arms. He runs up and holds me tightly, and I do the same to him. This is such a warm, wonderful feeling. Completely unique, and incredibly soothing. I love this boy so much. I always will, no matter what happens.

"So...you got our usual?" he asks into my shoulder.

"Mm-hm. Let's have ourselves a bite, before the noodles get too cold and soggy."

We separate and head to the table, with him sitting down and pulling open one of the lids.

"Any milk for me?" I ask while heading to the refrigerator.

"Yeah. The regular kind this time...oh, and don't worry. It's fresh."

"Good. The last time was...rather unpleasant, to say the least of it."

"Yeah...my bad, seriously. I never thought you could look that sick, Lili..."

"Believe me, I didn't either..." I shudder at the memory and reach for the carton of milk. A cursory sniff tells me that it is indeed drinkable, and I pour myself a glass. It tastes just fine, so I gulp down the first glass and pour myself another before heading to my seat. I open up my own container, break apart my chopsticks, and start on the noodles.

Delicious as always. Even on the go, Teuchi's work loses none of its splendour.

Naruto slurps up some noodles before clearing his throat. "So...I dunno if Hinata told you already, but I'm gonna be going on a training trip in a while. Pretty long one...might end up on the other side of the continent, or something like that. That's what Pervy Sage said, anyways. Probably because of the stupid fox, since some guys are after me for it, or whatever."

"Akatsuki," I say.

"Yeah, them. I said that I didn't care if they took the salty bastard since he pisses me off, but..."

"You'd die. I assume you've been told that much."

"Yeah. That's what the old man said." He sighs. "Guess I'm stuck with him for now, since I'm not planning on buying the farm just yet. Still planning to be Hokage and all."

"Anything about a training regimen?" I ask.

"Nah, nothing. Gonna be on the fly, same as always. He said I don't take too well to normal kinds of instruction, and I guess he's not wrong. I just sort of lock up sometimes when having to deal with things like they were at the Academy, you know?"

"Yes. Well, all you have to do is remain focused. I'm sure you'll learn plenty from the journey alone," I assure him.

"That sounds good."

I have no love for Jiraiya at this point, but I can acknowledge the results he's shown with Naruto. Now that he's emotionally stable again, things should go a lot better. "There is something else I need of you, my love."

"Yeah, anything. What is it?" he asks eagerly.

"Do you mind talking to Sasuke this week? He's seemed...out of sorts," I say carefully. "Some unsightly business might be coming up soon...we're keeping an eye on things at the office."

"Yeah. Even for him, he's looked pretty tense and miserable lately. I'll have another talk with him, sure. Anything about?"

"Nothing specific, but...just remind him that he's not entirely alone in all of this. That these things affect everyone around him, and that sometimes the best medicine is terribly bitter."

"Okay, got it. And I'll see if Sakura can help, she's real good with words and junk. Better than I am, heh."

"A fair idea. Thank you, Naruto. I really appreciate it."

He finishes draining his bowl and nods. "Yup. I know you guys aren't exactly friendly...and I really can't blame you for any of that. Not that I ever would, saving their lives and all."

"That makes sense, yes."

"So you said yesterday was busy. Is that why you're off today?" he asks while opening the second container. "Actually, there was something going on around our parts, too. Sasuke and Sakura came back from their mission earlier than usual, apparently. He wasn't saying much and she..." He gulps. "I've never seen Sakura like that before. Like she was back to her old self, except it was all quiet and scary, so it felt like she could blow up at any time on us. Do you know what happened, Lili?"

"There were a few things...but I can't talk about them," I say before swallowing some of my noodles. "You know the routine by now."

He pouts at that. "Same as ever...yeah, I get it. I guess. You know, I'm still a bit jealous. Wish I was a jounin or whatever so that I could get all these scoops, too."

"One day, love."

"Pervy Sage says I'll be using a cane before I get to jounin rank. Bah. Always winding me up..." He taps his chopsticks on the edge of his bowl. "Oh yeah...I almost forgot. We're gonna be meeting up with Fio's team later. Joint exercise and maybe some sparring and junk. Kakashi-sensei says they're unique individuals, which I guess is code for weirdos. Can't wait."

"Unique individuals is an accurate term, yes. They're lovely people, quirks aside."

"Neat. I already like Fio, so it sounds like I'll be cool with the rest of them."

We spend the rest of our time eating quietly. Mostly. Naruto, as the resident ramen lover, ends up breaking the silence with his slurping from time to time. I figure that will get better as he ages. It is kind of cute, though.

Though, I wonder...with Jiraiya trying to instill his philosophies within Naruto, and my reluctance to repeat the mistakes of the past...will we end up being at odds one day? Will our views of the world make us enemies, possibly? He's always been a kind-hearted person. I don't know if the way I want to change the world would match up with his vision. And unfortunately, it's not a conversation we can have right now, for many reasons.


But I did tell him long ago that not even he would stop me once I put my mind to something. It would result in some temporary pain, but getting what I want would be worth it. Perhaps the shinobi world would change given time, but I don't want to wait that long. I don't think we have much time to truly make a change and establish something beyond the status quo. Windows of opportunity...ever shifting.

"Everything alright, Lili?"

"Yes. Just doing some thinking, as usual," I reply.

"Yeah. Your brain's always on the go, isn't it? I always thought that was pretty cool. Definitely not something I could do, but still cool."

"Everyone is different in that way...whenever it gets stressful, I make sure to take time for myself. Much like Shikamaru does."

"I see...hm."

"I'm going to head out for now, since I've finished eating. Some other things to sort out, paperwork mostly. I'll take the containers with me so that they can get recycled properly."

"Thanks," Naruto says. I take the four bowls and their lids, wash them off in the sink, and then put them back into the bag.

"Not a problem at all. Things might be a bit hectic as the days change, but I should see you once more before you leave for your trip. Take care, alright?"

"Yup! I'll make sure you know exactly when I'm heading out. Hinata will be there, too!"

"Yes. Remember to try and talk to Sasuke for me."

"Got it. Oh yeah, something I forgot to say..."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Seeing how strong you are...it's pretty scary, you know. Pervy Sage was telling me about it before, but everything you did went way beyond that. And I can just barely remember what happened after the fox took over me. Your eyes changed and everything. Then you pretty much flattened me. But...even with all that, you were holding back. Right?"

"Yes, I was."

"Yeesh." He rubs at his neck nervously. "No wonder Sasuke came back the way he did. And you broke your whole arm holding back for his sake. I talk a big game about catching up, but I don't think I'd be too upset if I didn't. You're one of a kind, Lili."

"Thank you, darling. I always appreciate hearing your praise."

"Hey, nothing to it. Even I've gotta be humble from time to time," he says with a smile.

"We'll fight again one day soon. Properly, of course," I say as I gently rub his head. "If you have the nerve."

"Hah! When I get back from that trip, I'll definitely have some awesome jutsu cooked up. Then we can go at it one more time, for sure!"

"Alright. If you remember by then, be sure to come and find me." I head to the door and step into my slippers. "See you later."

"See you later, Lili. Thanks for coming by."

"As always, it's my pleasure." I kiss him on the cheek and give him a smile before leaving.

Into the day once more...

"Ah." I find a recycling bin and set the bag down in it, then look into the sky with its thin clouds.

The sky is vast, isn't it.

"A world of possibilities...a place where everyone can take a moment to look at this same field of blue, without worry. A future for now, instead of later. Perhaps good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who make them happen."

Just a few more adjustments, and the ideal world will be within reach. I can feel it in my soul.

"Yes. Those old chains will soon be broken."

I'll reward myself with some ice cream after finishing my paperwork. It should be extra delicious today.
Just chiming in to say I love this story and the way you write out character interactions and thoughts. You make everything sound so cool. Thanks for sharing this story and brightening our lives haha.
Just chiming in to say I love this story and the way you write out character interactions and thoughts. You make everything sound so cool. Thanks for sharing this story and brightening our lives haha.
Thank you for reading, and I'm glad I could make your day. I'm having plenty of fun writing, so look forward to more as we move ahead.
Trivia Corner 3
One of the things that helps writing so long without it being a chore is putting stuff in to amuse yourself, and just do cool stuff. I went over the laundry list of Gundam references earlier as one example - it was fun lining up stuff or just looking at something and deciding on a meaning later.

So I thought it would be interesting to share some things here and there that I snuck into the text.

One of my favourite game series of all time is Blazblue, a 2D fighter made by Arc System Works back in 2008. Quite a few of Lili's serpentine moves borrow from two characters, Hazama and Yuuki Terumi who are both series antagonists and as you can guess, both have snake theming. Jayoku Houtenjin, used in "Silver Bullet", is one of Hazama's super moves. Jakyou Messenga, recently used in the same chapter, is one of Terumi's super moves. Hazama and Terumi also use butterfly knives, like Lili carries on her.

The anime that Lili was waiting to watch, "Mahou Shoujo Celica-chan", is a reference to the same game series, featuring three of the central characters. There are tons more smaller references to characters and things, and maybe I might get to listing them all one day. We'll see.

The central four chapters in the Sasuke Recovery Mission - Outride A Crisis, Winning Run, Sprinter, Hard Road - were all titled after song names, from a video game called Super Hang On by Sega. On that note, Silver Bullet (Devil Trigger) and Let's Just See (Vergil Battle 2) are song remixes from the series Devil May Cry.

Some chapter names are in Latin. Part of this is to look cool, but it evolved quickly into something with meaning. Latin titled chapters have themes of overcoming and divine realization.

Morning Glory is a flower that has appeared a few times in story. It symbolizes a promise, and is why Lili gave one to Ino before her mission. It's called Asagao in Japanese - you have seen this somewhere before.

Rosemary is an old fashioned name, born out of a memory of Caroline. While Lili provided the first part of her name, Emi cleverly provided the second. Caroline's middle name, Athena, is that of the Greek goddess of wisdom. Her Roman counterpart is Minerva - Rose's middle name.

There are lots more detailed little things that I pack into into the story, some more obvious than others, and still more stuff to be revealed. It's neat seeing what you can slot in and what you can build on in a fanfic. Hopefully I'll get to do a lot more of it.
Following Seas
Scarlet Justice - ep. 143
"Following Seas"
[Ritual, Part 1]

"Good afternoon, Shino."

"Afternoon, Boss. Are you feeling better today?"

Today is the day of our intriguing Team Eight meeting. Shino as always is the first one to arrive, waiting for the rest of us. Why? Because there can never be too much preparation done in times like these. So he says, anyways. For today's occasion, I've gone with my favourite outfit, surely well known through the village by now. And since it's a little warm today, nobody should mind if I keep my sweater zipped down a bit. Going for less underneath was a smart decision.

"I am perfectly fine, my friend. Thank you for asking. The day before last was...mm, quite eventful, but nothing I was unable to handle. I had some help from my lovely friends as well."

"I see."

"And yourself?"

He shrugs. "I'm alright. Nothing unusual to report."

"Good. Hina says she has something important to tell us...so I'm quite curious to hear about what it is."

"I feel the same, Boss."

"She really has grown..."

"Yes." He looks at me. "You should be very proud, since it was your work that brought her this far."

"As modest as I try to be sometimes, I am quite proud of her. She's my beautiful sister, who I adore seeing rise to new heights." I put a finger to my cheek. "What of your protege, Shino?"


"You've been meeting with Futaba lately. How is she?"

"Oh. She's been fine. She comes over to the house sometimes and has tea with Mother."

"Does she..." That's quite a development. It sounds like she's getting aggressive, but not too much so. After all, Shino is still oblivious somehow.

"Yes. She's also industrious when it comes to insect studies. I think we might be equals in time, which doesn't bother me like I thought it would. It's nice to have a companion who understands you on a deep level like that. No offence to you and Hinata, and sensei too, Boss."

"None taken, darling. We all have our own interests and fields of study. It's nice that you have a partner now that can keep up with you," I say with a smile.

"It is. I wonder if we could collaborate more closely..."

"Hmm...maybe a camping trip?"

"With a girl?"

"It should be fine. As long as your parents are okay with it, at least. Or even better, there are small missions that have overnight requirements and the like. Taking one of those together might make it easier on you both."

"Maybe...I just don't want her to get the wrong idea."

"Is that so."

"Yes. I'm sure there are plenty of men waiting to court her, so I don't want to make it seem like I'm making a pass at someone that far above me."

I frown. "Shino."


"You know better," I say as I squeeze his cheek lightly. "There's nothing wrong with you, and you would make a lovely boyfriend."

"I don't think so."

"Well, I do. And so does Hina. And Ino thinks you're very sophisticated and helpful."

"And weird."

"Yes, because you are. You're our weird guy, and we love you for it."


"This won't be the last time I get pushy with you," I say sternly. "Whether you want to court Futaba or not, I don't want to see or hear you put yourself down like that. You are more than worthy of any woman's love. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good boy." I pat his cheek twice. "Now, even if it isn't terribly exciting, why don't you tell me of recent happenings around the village?"

"Right." He pushes up his glasses. "Small ripples have been appearing lately, and I have been able to further expand my reach with Ino's help..."

The small ripples mainly relate to Magnolia House's formal appearance. Not just hope for the orphans, but for many different types of marginalized peoples within the village. And I know that Hiruzen has been accelerating things like disability assistance...hm. I wonder if Nami and Yuno could push that development to an even faster pace in the future...

Nothing is truly set in stone, of course. But throughout the village, there is a feeling that change is coming. I will see to it that those expectations are met in the coming years.

"...and the usual rumours about you. Though I think Ino has more details...but it seems to be something about a social club."

I run a hand through my hair. "Social club? Mm. I like the idea of those, but the whole means of interaction and bland gossip...bleh. I can't stand it. That's why none of us are on the women's committee, you know."

"Hm. I didn't know that. Maybe I should ask Futaba what she thinks."

"Ooh, you see? That's one more way to connect with her. Wait...don't tell me you do nothing but talk about insects every time you meet?" I ask.

"What else would we talk about?"

"..." I sigh with weariness. This boy...seriously. It seems like most of the young men in this village share the same small pool of brain cells at times. They're very lucky that I find them so adorable in spite of their occasional idiocy. Or pitiable, in Sasuke's case.

"Here we are at last. Sorry we couldn't get here earlier," Kurenai says as she arrives. Hina comes in behind her, along with Hanabi.

"Perfectly fine. I was just scolding Shino here about his confidence with women."

"Oh? Guess he still hasn't knocked that Futaba off her feet yet, then. Don't worry, kiddo. You'll nab her soon," Kurenai says, rubbing his head.

"I'm not as confident about that as you all are."

"That will come in time, Shino. But remember, we're all here for you," Hina says with her bright smile.

"Thanks, Hinata."

"Of course. Now...for the reason that we've gathered at this hour. I have an announcement to make, one that is quite important to this team and this village," she says with confidence. "Our formation will be subtly affected by this change, but I will still remain a member until further notice."

"Sounds super important," Kurenai says, crossing her arms. "So...what is it?"

"As of yesterday, at fifteen hundred hours...with the backing of the Hyuuga Elders and the clan council, my father, Lord Hiashi Hyuuga, has changed position with regards to the succession of the clan. I, Lady Hinata Hyuuga, have been named heiress to the title of Hyuuga Clan Head, representing the strongest family in the Hidden Leaf Village."


I'm...still processing it. Was this what Hiashi was being cheeky about the other day? All of those meetings, Hina and Hanabi disappearing for days at a time...it was for this? Hina is...she's the heiress again. Back in her family's good graces. Destined for greatness. I would always love her, no matter her status...but this is incredible. She did it. She worked her way right back to that place.

"I can't...believe it. Hina?" I manage to get out. "You're really..."

"I really am, Lili. All of this is happening. It's real, and it's all thanks to you."

I run forward and hug her tightly.

"Congratulations, Hina. You worked so hard, and now you're being rewarded, like you should be. I'm so, so happy for you."

"It wasn't just hard work..."

We pull away from each other.

"Remember that love is the power that allows us to do anything we dream. And ever since that day in the desert...I have been filled with your love, Lili. That is why I'm here. The confidence that you, and Shino, and Kurenai-sensei, and Naruto, and Hanabi have given me...all of you, and so many more people that I have met on this journey. We will rise to new heights together, Lili. No matter how long Father's reign lasts, my strength as the Hyuuga Princess will open doors that most people could only dream of. And I am going to devote that strength to helping you change the world, both now and when you become Hokage."

She grasps my hands in hers.

"We'll do this together...as the strongest pair of sisters in the shinobi world."

A fire in her eyes like nothing I've seen before. And it's only going to grow bigger and bigger.

Together. I more than like the sound of that.

"Yes. Together," I say with a proud smile. "Make sure to take care of yourself with all of that extra responsibility."

"Of course. Though with all of the people buzzing around me lately, delegating will be pretty easy..."

"Blessings everywhere you look. You should be more than fine, Lady Hyuuga."

She kisses me on the cheek.

"Will this have a notable effect on us as a team?" Shino asks.

"It will," Hina says. "Our mission structure will change a bit, because of my new status. But there is a degree of control that we gain as a result. Our pull in what missions we can select, the types of missions, and the information we can access...all of that will be strengthened significantly as a result of this change. Information access and control will be especially affected, as our weight shifts."

Shino nods with understanding.

"In this way, we can gain more accurate pulses of the village, and provide our allies with more freedom to move. As Lili already knows, there are several establishments directly affiliated with Hyuuga, and several others that are subject to Hyuuga's influence. Of course, we will try not to abuse what is provided to us."

"The exceptions are...?"

"Criminal organizations and the like. Most of them are as you might guess...relating to the yakuza."

Them...right. They can remain intact for the time being. I haven't decided what I want to do about the underworld, but it will have to be something...a lot of strife can come from that alone, and put a nail in the foot of any good revolution. Itachi might know some more about that sort of thing.

"So we're closer to the loop in a lot of ways," Kurenai concludes.

"Yes, exactly."

"Because of that," Hanabi says, "I have a new job as your liaison with Hyuuga. There's a certain privilege afforded to noble clans, and also a certain level of responsibility. If there's anything important that needs to go back and forth, I'll handle it. Which means that I'll also be hanging out with you guys from now on!"

"So one more makes five, eh. That sounds okay," Kurenai says.

"It'll only be for things inside of the village, so as far as missions go, I'm out. I don't have authorization, either way...not yet. When I do, then we can look into stuff like that." She smiles and bows towards us. "I'm in your care, everyone. Please teach me well."

"We will be sure to give you efficient tips," Shino says. "Why? Because that's what a team, and a family, does for each other."

"Of course! I'll be sure to pay extra close attention from here on. After all, I'm here to support my awesome onee-sama one hundred thousand percent."

"It's big news," Kurenai says. "Nice to know that we're all moving up in the world. Anything we need to do, Hinata?"

"Nothing beyond our normal routines," she replies. "Keep our information close, and keep your eyes open. We're all used to a little danger by now, too. As long as we stay the course...I know that everything will be fine."

"Expect the unexpected, and look underneath the underneath. Same as ever," I say.

"Right. Heh, at this point, I think you guys should be the ones teaching me," Kurenai laughs. "You especially, Lili."

"There's still a ways to go for that."

"You'll be saying that until your bones crumble to dust."

"Aye. As it should be." I fan myself with one hand. "It's warm, I want a sweet drink, and we have something wonderful to celebrate. Let's stop at the cafe nearby and indulge ourselves. My treat, of course."

"That's the one with the craft beer, right?" Kurenai asks.

"Yes, nee-san. The same."

"Oi. You're acting like I'm gonna go on a bender or something. This is way too early in the day..."

"Sounds reassuring," Hanabi quips. I snort a bit at that.

Kurenai sighs and shakes her head. "Look at you. Not even two hours and you're fitting in already..."


"You should consider it. At least a little bit, you know."

"I'll honestly give it some thought...even if it's a bit of a drag."

"You're a sweetheart. See, I knew I could count on you."

Shikamaru's characteristic grumbling reaches my ears. It's a few hours after the new and improved Team Eight's social time, and I've been meaning to see Ino for a while now. She's talking to her teammate as she waits for me.

"Looks like the Leaf's number one ice queen is here for you," he says with a nod towards me.

"Ooh, so she is. I've been hearing things through the grapevine..." She pauses so that we can exchange kisses on the cheeks.

"Ice queen, huh," I say flatly.

"That one isn't going away any time soon, believe me. You put on one hell of a show the other day, making a bunch of old men piss themselves and all." Shikamaru chuckles lightly. "Not that it wasn't cool. Geezers deserved it."

"I'm trying not to make too much trouble for you in the future, you know."

"You could try harder."

"I could, yes."

He sighs and puts his hands in his pockets. "I'm gonna go before the two of you team up and bust my balls into oblivion."

"He's been grumpy this week," Ino whispers. "Poor baby had extra paperwork and missed his cloud watching."

I gasp. "Oh no..."

"It's so tragic..."

"Witches, both of you." Ino shoves him playfully, and he smiles before waving us goodbye.

"I saw a little shop up the road. Mind if we head up and grab some tea?" Ino asks.

"Not a problem."

"Great. In the meantime, you can tell me what's been happening lately. I'm surprised you're not still curled up in bed, since it sounds like you've earned it."

"Still much to do, my love. Since you've asked, these are the condensed events..."

Ino has been spending her days training, making attempts to improve her family techniques so that she can use them with less strain. Along with that, she's been keeping up with local news and checking in on Sakura as much as she can. I tell her about recent events, as much as I can safely, at least.

"Sasuke..." She shakes her head. "The more I think about him, the more I realize that I dodged a bullet there. I really hope that he and Sakura are happy together, but..."

"You're sure that Sakura is the one for him?"

"Oh, please. She's the only one who would ever put up with his nonsense. Doesn't matter how handsome he might be...I fully expect him to be in and out of the village trying to get the wires in his head untangled, or something like that. He seems like one of those types." She takes a sip from the paper cup.


"Then again, he's also stunningly naive at times. So I bet if someone gave him enough of a push, he'd try to do that whole clan restoration thing to the fullest. Uchiha boys are famously handsome, for the most part. Not too many ladies would turn down a roll in the hay with one, especially considering their kids might get a bloodline limit out of it. World's crazy like that sometimes."

"It is, yes."

"Is everything in check, though?"

"Yes. We should be fine for now. Sasuke is being closely monitored, and from what I've been hearing, Sakura is keeping him on a tight leash."

"That's about what I heard, too. We haven't been meeting much, since she's...busy. Probably pounding rocks to dust for stress relief. Never seen her so irritated before, but I guess that's a good thing. It's progress. I'll take it."

"There were rumours of a social club," I say as we walk.

"That whole thing, yeah. So it's the four of us, apparently. You, me, Hinata, and Erika. Basically, we're the leaders and the other two got dragged into our orbit."

"Ah, interesting. Any ideas how this came about?"

"Well, we're all upper class girls, we're terribly bitchy at times, and we make people jealous. That's about it. Hinata's around because she's being bullied and used by us to get favours. Kind of a jumble of different rumours."

I watch as she sips her tea, eyes moving upward in thought.

"What do you make of it?" I ask.

"It's not a big problem. Actually...I was thinking it would be a good excuse to start something, you know?"

"How so?"

"Like...forming an actual social club and stuff. Not that it would serve any real purpose at first, but we could always change focus, right? You know how we have our dates and wear matching outfits and all that? Those are fun."

"It is lovely. Aesthetic is quite important."

"Definitely. So, we don't have to go all out, but I think we could do something like that with the other girls. For solidarity and everything. I've got lots of ideas already."

I think on it. Something like that wouldn't be a terrible idea, honestly. A few secrets shared between us, to keep people on their toes. And it would benefit Erika the most, since she likes to stay connected to her friends. Certainly sounds sensible.

"Well, if you say that it doesn't have to be too involved...something like that sounds just fine, Ino."

"Great! We'll keep it simple to start. I remember seeing some cute jackets in one of my magazines. And there's a little place I know that does alterations...so putting that together, we'll have our first piece of official apparel!" she says happily. "After that, we can find times to hang out together, even if it's just for tea in the afternoons. Nothing too rigid like those snobby ladies' clubs. Ugh, I can't stand them. They're bland, their food is bland, and they're assholes." She frowns. "I overhear stuff from time to time...about you, Lili."

"It will only get worse. I've prepared for that much," I say. "The village will learn about who I am and what I like...and it will frustrate them that they have no power to change it, as I look down from them on high."

"That's what I like to hear, hon. By the way...I think I'm the type of person that likes...hm, how to say it. Playing for both teams, if you know what I mean," Ino says as she looks at me.

"Mama is the same."

"Right...right, you did tell me that."

"You shouldn't let yourself get carried away like she does, though."

"Believe me, I don't think I could if I tried. Miss Emi is something else entirely. Silk or plastic wrap, spot the difference..." She sighs and tosses her cup into a bin as we pass it. "I also know that one of the things about my clan is succession, like any other. Dad's not pressuring me, but he's pretty aware of stuff like that. And honestly? I think I do want to be a mom in the future, along with my work. So I could find a nice guy to settle down with, no regrets."

"But there's a person you like right now."

"Yeah. You know who I'm talking about."

"Mm." I look over at Ino. "Then you know about Erika already?"

"Dunno. Something I missed?"

"She's interested in you as well, but it will be different than you're used to."

"How so?"

"She's not interested in you on a purely sexual level. And she doesn't think about falling in love, or things like that."

Ino turns her head to me and blinks. "No kidding. So it's like that? How did you figure it out?"

"I had a feeling, but she told me herself to confirm everything. And if you're wondering, I have her blessing to share this with you," I say.

"Ah, alright. So...she's been interested in me for reasons beyond the usual ones, then. Do you think she minds that my feelings are...kind of different? I know that I can be vain sometimes."

"Both of us can seem that way. But we know better, and so does she. She doesn't mind, no."

"..." Ino lets out a breath. "What if I...wanted more than that? Not from her, but..."

"That I couldn't tell you. It might be a question for when you get closer. It's your life to live."

"That's true. I know that I really like her and everything." Ino smiles. "She's cute, and warm, and so gentle in what she does. At the same time, she's super cool and can tear anyone apart in a flash. If all that she needs is affection-"

"It might be more than that, you remember. We are all wired for carnal attraction, some more than others."

"You'd know all about that."


I see her blushing. "She is pretty gorgeous. I wonder if she really does think the same about me..."

"You can ask her. You know how receptive she is to suggestion, especially if it's you."

"That's part of why I didn't want to push, you know. It's not that I think she's weak, or stupid. I just didn't want to force things the wrong way and hurt her. That's the last thing I would want to do."

I nod. "You're sensitive like that. I've always known, Ino. As long as you're honest, things will be okay. And even if something bad does happen, you'll be forgiven."

"You think so?"

"I know so. Have faith, Ino."

"Yeah. Yeah, I will." We stop a bit so that she can hug me tightly. "Thanks, Lili. I'm so glad you're my friend."

"And I am glad to be yours."

It really is an interesting world we live in. The girl walking beside me, one of my best friends in the entire world...to me, she used to be just some vain, boy-obsessed bitch who harassed me from time to time. Now we're gossiping together as friends, talking about cute girls and boys, and working together to try and change the world. How many more possibilities like this could we have, and share with others? I want to find out. And I want to give others a chance as well.

All I know right now is that I'm very grateful for what I have.

"It's slim pickings for boys these days, anyways."

I shake my head. "Yes, Ino."

"I'm serious. Then again, that's...probably my fault. Even Mom says I'm too picky."

"Hmm. I wonder if she gets to say that out loud..."

"Right? Right?" Ino says excitedly. "How are my standards too high when she's the one attached to Dad? Just look at him!"

"Have you seen that fellow we were talking about?"

"You mean spy boy?" She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, no thanks. Hot bod, but his type? Not my thing anymore. Reminds me a little too much of Sasuke, and I'm definitely over him. Now if we're talking the kinda stoic type...well, you said that Gaara's well out of his psycho phase, right?"

"Temari will murder you."

"She'll have to catch me first."

"Listen, you don't have to risk your life like that. There are plenty of boys in the village to chase after. We'll move one of our tea sessions to somewhere I think you'll really like."

"Ooh. Sounds spicy. Okay, deal."

"Good." I clear my throat. "But in the meantime, you can tell me exactly what you like about Gaara."

"If this makes it back to Temari, I really will haunt you forever. Okay, boy time. So like, his eyes are the first thing you notice, right?"
Scarlet Justice - ep. 144
[Ritual, Part 2]

The last reaches of summer. Nearly time for things to change...


It's unusual. I feel like something heavy is coming.


"Hm?" I turn my head to see Fio beside me, eyes still heavy with sleep. "Is everything alright, my love?"

"I'm fine, just getting the webs out...I should be asking you that. You were a bit restless and all, moving in your sleep."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, honest. I didn't notice until after I woke up. You okay?"

"I should be, yes. I think...it's happening again. That whole thing where I feel something before realizing what it is."

"Oh, okay. It's like...a danger sense, maybe? Like in manga."

"Something like that, yes."

"Sounds cool. Maybe you could make it into a cool super power," she says with a smile. "As long as you're okay, Lili. You've been doing a lot of work lately, so take it easy whenever you need to. Everyone's here to carry the extra weight. Just ask."

"I'll remember. After all, I didn't get this far on my own." I smile and touch my nose to hers. "Come, let's get you something to eat. I bet you're as hungry as ever."

"Who wouldn't be? A Lili Kobayashi breakfast is nothing to sniff at, you know?"

We rise from bed, wash up in the bathroom together, and then I start on breakfast. It's been a little over a week since Sasuke's brush with Akatsuki. He seems to be behaving, for the most part. But there's something bothering me, a whole lot. I need to figure out what it is, or else I'll really get irritated eventually. And I don't think anyone would like that.

Fio and I have our usual breakfast, big and hearty.

"Heading out," she announces. "Little escort thing we've got going on."

"I'll take care of your plates, love. How long until you're back?"

"Looking like evening right now."

"Dinner should be ready by then. Take care, then. I love you."

"I love you too." She kisses me on the cheek and grabs her things before heading out. I close the door behind her, and then get to cleaning up the table.

"I should make a call."

I don't want to go traipsing around with no direction. At the least, I should figure out what isn't an issue at this hour.

"Good morning, Ino Yamanaka speaking."

"Good morning, Ino."

"Hey, Lili. Everything okay with you?"

"For the most part. I feel like I've forgotten something, or something's missing today...in any case, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Just finished my stretches. Was gonna get some breakfast and then chill out until this afternoon. Sensei wants some light weapon training."

"Ah, okay."

"Nothing serious, right?"

"I don't know yet. Is there any big news going around?"

"Nothing that's cause for concern. I'm in the loop on the whole thing with our favourite troublemaker, the mercenaries...hmm. No, nothing I can really think of."

"Then this feeling is regarding something in the future...suppose I'll have to brace myself, then. Thank you for indulging me, Ino."

"Not a problem at all. Like I said, I'll only be gone a few hours today, so if you need me for anything, give me a call."

"I promise. Take care, Ino."

"Sure will. Later~!"

I hang up and sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"I hate waiting like this."

Cleaning is done, so...I'll distract myself with something trashy. Fio mentioned manga earlier. That sounds good.


"Ah. That was a fun read."

I hum to myself while putting the manga volume back onto my bookshelf. Nothing like a couple of cute girls to take one's mind off of life, at least for a little while. I should look into the next volume of that Icha-Icha spinoff, too...

The phone nearby starts to ring.

"Wonder who that is at this time of day..." I pick it up and press the call button. "Good morning, Lilith Kobayashi speaking."

"Good morning, Lili."

"Imari, good morning. How have you been?"

"Well enough, thank you for asking. Senpai and I have finally been able to take regular breaks, since the major headaches are winding down."

"You deserve that and more. Good for you."

"Thank you. The reason I called is that I figured you were at home...Lady Tsunade wants to see you. She didn't say what it was about, and it didn't sound urgent...but we both know someone like her isn't cryptic, not without reason."

"Definitely not like her," I say. That sinking feeling from earlier this morning is back. So it's related to Tsunade, then?

"If you have time, I think you should go and see her."

"I will do just that, my love. Thank you for relaying the message."

"You're very welcome. Bye-bye for now."

"Goodbye, Imari."

I set down the phone and look for something to wear. Nothing too fancy, I suppose. I throw on a red and black striped shirt, and match it with a pair of shorts. The wood sandals by the door will be sufficient for a trip through the Leaf.

"Tsunade is usually in her office this time of day. Let's go to the hospital, and see what she has in store for us."

I put my essentials in a small pouch, which gets attached firmly to my hip. All set. Lights off, windows sealed, door locked. I bounce lightly across the rooftops towards the hospital, and settle into a walk once I can see the front doors.

"Lady Tsunade is in her office, ma'am. You can head on over, I'll tell her you're here."

"Many thanks," I say to the receptionist. My hands go into my pockets as I walk the halls, heading down familiar paths until I reach her personal office. I knock twice.

"Hey, come on in."

My hand twists the handle and I step inside.

"Lock up behind you. Thanks." Her voice sounds heavy and wearied for some reason. I hope she's not in too much trouble, and that I can help with whatever it is. "One second. I want to get a drink in me for the first time today."

"By all means," I say as I sit in one of her chairs. "Is everything okay?"

"Personally? I'm okay. Nothing wrong here, I'm just...dealing with some heavy stuff right now."

"It sounds like it." I watch as she closes her liquour cabinet - for what else could it be - and takes a bottle with her back to her mahogany desk. Stacks of paper, distant from the empty in and out trays that I'm sure Shizune intended to be used. A computer, the same model as the ones used at the bank. Efficient things, if a little heavy and bulky. Tamaki has been training people to use them, and Imari picked up on the controls incredibly quickly. Tsunade mainly uses hers to look up existing records, and leaves input to other people like Shizune. No photos that I can see, but lots of pens and brushes. A few scrolls, different sized glasses and two coffee mugs sit in various places.

"It's a good thing you chose to sit. You'll wanna keep doing that."

She sheds the long white lab coat she was wearing and tosses it over the back of her office chair.


I watch as she slumps into the chair and stays there for a little while, groaning before sitting up straight and pouring from her bottle into a nearby glass.

"Sorry," she says. "Just...out of it."

"It's fine, really. I...I know you wanted to see me about something. But if it's..."

"It's not. I didn't say much to Imari, because...there's a lot that I don't want to get out right now."

"I see."

"The hair samples you got the other day. From that guy claiming to be Madara. That's what this is about," she says before draining her glass. "Ah, that kicks."

"How did the tests go?"

"They went well. Turns out that guy isn't likely to be Madara after all. We ran more than a few tests and gathered samples. I had Kakashi come in, do Sharingan stuff on his day off, yadda yadda. He was nice about it, even though I didn't tell him what was going on because...you know, top secret."


"We have DNA of Grandfather because...obviously, I guess. There's also a child...was a child, at least."

"A child?"

"Orochimaru ran a bunch of sick experiments. From what we could gather, he had implanted sixty children with my grandfather's genetic material. There was exactly one survivor."

"God," I breathe out.

"Yeah. He's doing alright now, working in ANBU. And he actually has the power of Wood Release, like my grandfather did. Of course, he can't use it at nearly the same scale. But that...I think it's nothing short of a miracle. Last I heard he was going by Kinoe or something. Kakashi knows him, from his ANBU days."

"Hm." I suppose we can talk about that later.

"The relevance should be pretty obvious. We got his help to confirm that this Madara character was hopped up on my grandfather's chakra after all. So that already makes him a dangerous little fuck. There were pretty notable differences...the chakra coming back from the mystery man, for some reason, seemed a lot more pure. Like it wasn't just spliced in, unlike what happened to Kinoe."

"That's something interesting to note. So there might be cultivation going on, somewhere."

"Wouldn't put it past this guy. But...that's not the concerning part."

"Did...you find out who he was?"

"He's someone from the past. Someone who...according to what we know, shouldn't exist." Tsunade pours herself another drink. "The database we have in Leaf goes back a long time...not just paper records now, but we do keep traditional backups since anything can happen. Redundancy, and all...we're a big village, so we can afford it. Sorry, I'm getting..."

"It's okay. Take as long as you need to..." Though I say that, I can feel my heart starting to race. Someone who shouldn't exist? What could that mean? This is definitely what I was worrying about earlier.

"Yeah. But I don't want to drag this out any longer than I have to." She lets out a long breath. "We've gone back through the records, and even if testing like this isn't entirely air tight...the data I got matches to someone who was recorded as dead. During the Third Great Shinobi War."

Her head comes up to look at me.

"Kakashi's friend."

My eyes widen.

"Obito Uchiha."

I slump back against my chair. "That's...how..."

"I don't know...how. I did the tests, over and over and over again. But it came back to the same thing. Along with my grandfather's chakra, the sequences were closely matched to his. It shouldn't make sense. Maybe...maybe there's something else going on. But you plucked the hair off his head and gave it to me the same day...everything lined up, it goes back to that result."

"Kakashi said-"

"I know what he said. I can't call him a liar. I can't call that girl Rin a liar, and I wouldn't call Minato a liar either. All of them came back without their comrade, after that mission...they wouldn't give up on finding him, if he was out there. But he got his right side crushed by a rock, and then buried after a cave-in. It's all there. It's...all I have."

It hurts. It hurts because Kakashi is...my friend as well. Can't I just keep this from him?


But I...I can't do that. I knew from the moment those words reached my ears, that name...I couldn't keep it to myself. He has to know. It will tear him apart.

Tsunade feels the same way. That's why her eyes are so wearied.

"I have paperwork...circled and underlined the relevant stuff. These medical things can get really dry at times. Did you...want to see?"

"Yes. Thank you..."


I stand up to receive the papers from her, and then slowly sit down again. Facts and figures, jumping out in front of my eyes. A lot of things matching and not matching.

"There are a lot of things that happen...from person to person, with chakra. And transplanted eyes," Tsunade says. "It's harder to see if the person doesn't carry any of the other characteristics from the donor. Things like that. Going off just Kakashi, I wouldn't have been able to tell what was going on. I think that...if this really is Obito, his right half must have been reconstructed somehow. That would be where my grandfather's chakra would come in."

"Is...it possible that he's not alive?" I ask.

"I had a specialist look into that part...it's not possible, no. The state of his hair suggests sustained chemical signals and growth. Keeping his hair in a state like that, as a corpse, would require detectable chakra or something to preserve it, which we could also see. That hair came from a living person."

"..." I just wanted to be sure. It's no wonder that his Sharingan felt familiar...that same feeling, however slight, came from Kakashi whenever he activated his Sharingan.

"I wanted you to know first. So...that you could decide on what to do. I'll tell the old man, but nobody else. I...really think that..."

Obito is...the person that made Kakashi who he is. Someone who had a bright outlook on life. Was said to have tried his best.

That person...now calls himself Madara Uchiha. He seeks to bring ruin to the shinobi world. He helped Itachi carry out the grim task of exterminating the Uchiha Clan. He is the person behind Akatsuki, and desires the tailed beasts...including the one inside of Naruto. How? Why? What would make a person who gave his life once before turn out like this?

What would change a person called a hero into a villain?


If it were me...it would have to be a promise of something great, something beyond human understanding. Obito means to gather the tailed beasts, using Madara's name...no. There's more to it. I don't understand what would change him, but I understand who would do so.

"An avatar...for the real one."


I look up at Tsunade from the papers. "Itachi said...he had knowledge so intimate that he could only believe it was the real one. The malice and darkness...it all comes together. Tsunade...I'm going to call a meeting later, in the old man's office. If it's not too much, could you come?"

"Sure, Lili. I'll be there...just let me know when."

"Thank you."

"Keep those. They're copies, so...you don't have to worry too much."


"I'll see you later, then. Thanks for coming by...for listening, and everything. Are you really..."

I nod.

"You're a really good friend."

"I try to be. Please take care of yourself, Tsunade."

"Duty always calls." She finishes her glass. "But I will. Promise."

I give her a hug and hold her for a while. Then, reluctantly, I unlock the door to the office and walk out. The rolled up papers are held against my chest.

Still so much to do. I can't...cry yet. Even though I badly want to.


"Good of you to make it, Kakashi."

"Thank you, Lord Hokage. Hopefully I've done well lately..."

"Nothing to worry about, my child. Please, have a seat. You as well, Miss Enjou."

"Thank you, Lord Hokage."

Kakashi and Ruki sit down, while I stand next to the Hokage's desk. Imari and Tamaki make sure the room is sealed. Tsunade sits nearby, looking better than earlier today...though it's not saying too much.

I still feel empty and heavy, at the same time somehow. But this will be nothing compared to his pain. The afternoon light streams through the windows...it makes the room look brighter than I think it should be.

"I asked you to bring Ruki here as emotional support, Kakashi," I say gently. "Something serious has come up. Tsunade and I spoke about it earlier today, and have relayed the information to Lord Hokage."

"Is this about the tests the other day?" Kakashi asks.

"They're related."

"Lili, you don't...look well," Ruki says.

"I know. I don't feel well, either. But I have to do this, for Kakashi's sake. I don't want to...hide this important thing from a good friend of mine."

"What's going on? Am I...okay?"

"It's not about your health. It's something else. Do you...remember the masked man we met, in Tanzaku Quarter?"

"I do. Some kind of strange space-time power...and a Sharingan."

"There is a reason behind it. He...has some portion of his body composed of cells from the Founder, from what we've discovered."

"That's pretty crazy...although, that's also just like..."

"Our friend in the ANBU, yes. The one who was part of Orochimaru's experiments," Hiruzen says. "Lili, if you..."

I shake my head. "I need to be the one."

"I understand."

"Lili, what's going on?" Kakashi asks. "For you to look this upset..."

"Kakashi, I..." I can't stop the tears from coming down. "I'm sorry. The person behind that mask...all of the evidence says that it's someone you knew."

He blinks. "Someone I...knew?"

Ruki's eyes widen. "No...you can't mean it."


"He's posing as Madara. Your old teammate. The one who gave you his Sharingan before he disappeared forever. Obito Uchiha."


"Kakashi..." Ruki grips his hand tightly. The room is quiet aside from my sniffling...just seeing him like this, trying to process what's happening...it's almost too much to take.

"I...I watched him..." He shakes his head. "There has to be a mistake, Obito couldn't...he wouldn't do something like that."

"Everything we have says it's him," Tsunade says. "I'm sorry, Kakashi."

"I don't...understand. Obito is...calling himself Madara Uchiha? He wants to take the Nine Tails from Naruto, and...it's not possible. It's not..."

I calm myself and wipe away my tears. This is painful, but we need to focus. We need to put all of these pieces together, and find a way out of this. Solidify the truth within our minds. I've spent the past few hours going over the details. The time to act, to provide everyone strength...it's now.

Because these are precious people.

"You were one of the last people to see him alive, Kakashi. Combining our information with yours will help make this clearer. It will allow us to protect the people we care about. Obito seeks to create a new world order, with himself at the head...that includes extracting the Nine Tails from Naruto, and possibly indoctrinating Sasuke once Itachi is out of the picture. We had a conversation about this the other day..."

He nods. "We did."

"Obito's Sharingan was not awakened on that day, was it...not to its full extent."

"No. He displayed two tomoe, and that was the state mine was in until later. It evolved with repeated use, like other Sharingan would. I haven't awakened the Mangekyo, and I don't know if that's even possible. But what could I tell you that could help?" He's getting into the rhythm. It's more than I could have asked for...this will help him.

"He was pinned beneath a boulder when you last saw him...was that right?" I ask.

"Yes. It...crushed his right side, completely. He couldn't move, and I couldn't budge him. Maybe if we had more time...but the Rock shinobi were closing in. Rin and I barely made it out as it was."


"It explains a few things," she says. "Grandfather's cells...they were used to heal his body and give him freedom to move again. If I had to make a guess, the whole right side of his body is made up of something that contains the old man's chakra. It would power up his Sharingan, too. Maybe allow him to use techniques in ways we otherwise couldn't imagine."

"Space-time arts like that...Lord Hokage, do you have extra insights?" I ask him.

"Abilities of the Uchiha, as well as their Sharingan, can unconsciously activate in stressful situations. You have had an unfortunate run-in with such an incident, Lili."

I think back to that event in the Academy. "Yes, that is true. In that case, after his right side was destroyed, Obito could have miraculously survived by unconsciously activating his Mangekyo Sharingan ability, before it shut off again. Allowing him to slip through the rocks towards another location."

"That sounds too insane to be true," Tsunade says. "So he happened to slip into some hole, where...someone gave him medical treatment, with my grandfather's cells? Just who-"

"Madara Uchiha," I say.

The room sinks into complete silence for a while.

"Lili...didn't we just establish that he was an imposter?" Tamaki asks gingerly.

"The one we've identified is. But I know for a fact that Madara Uchiha was alive, well into the time where Obito was a shinobi. He was the one who taught Obito everything he knew. He was the one who gave Obito a second chance to live, with material cultivated from the Founder's cells. He was the one with all of the plans, with all of the knowledge, based on his many experiences during the Warring States era. Whether it was through manual brainwashing, or genjutsu...Obito is his puppet, and everything he does as Madara is everything that Madara would do if he could."

"What would the real Madara be doing, then?"

"He must be alive, in hiding. Siphoning life force from something underground, I couldn't say what. But our first guesses were correct: the real Madara Uchiha is far too old, and far too weak to go out into the world. He could not create a new body for himself...so he did the next best thing. He made himself a new avatar."

"The real Obito...is probably buried under all of that," Kakashi says, weakly. "It's so hard to believe, but with everything you've said...it's starting to make more and more sense. No wonder he kept away from me in Tanzaku. But...then..."

"There is something else, there has to be," Ruki says. "Obito...from what I know of him, he wouldn't so quickly succumb to despair and evil."

"That's right. That's right, Obito wouldn't fall to evil, no matter what state he was in. Beyond that, while he was alive, he wouldn't ever give up a chance to-"

Kakashi stops and stares at the ground.

I feel like...I know where this is going. Dark curses...love shifting into hatred. Grief and suffering.

"Kakashi. I know that I'm asking you to relive such awful things...over and over again. But if you can find the strength, after all of this...I want to know how Rin died."

"Nobody will push you into something you don't want," Ruki says, kneeling beside him. "We all know how hard this is for you...Obito was your hero. He was someone who died for you, and Rin, and the village. There's no shame in being sad..."

"It's okay, Ruki. Thank you...but I want to do this."

She nods and rubs his back gently.

"We were down to three people on our team...that meant that as Sensei had to go back and forth to make up for our lack of manpower, Rin and were on missions alone. She ended up getting captured by the Mist...and forcibly made into a jinchuuriki. I went out to bring her back, and that's when I found out what was going on."

"An unstable seal...she was going to be a sacrifice to crush the Leaf," Tsunade concludes.

"Yeah. And so, she..." He pauses to compose himself. "She begged me to kill her, so that the Three Tails would disappear, and the village would be kept safe. Because of my promise to Obito, and everything else, I refused. We were eventually surrounded by an elite platoon of Mist shinobi. I did my best to fight my way out, along with Rin. But the situation was getting hopeless. And then..."


"Lili...you remember one of the characteristics of Chidori, don't you?"

"High speed movement for a powerful, piercing strike." I nod slowly. "Rin took advantage of that...didn't she."

"She did. I had shoved it down so far that I almost forgot...but she chose to throw herself in front of my attack. She wanted to protect me, and the village...that badly."

"Kakashi...how did you escape that situation?" Imari asks delicately. "After losing Rin...and being in trouble already..."

"I felt...like my brain was bathed in flames," he says, trying to recall everything. "Everything hurt...I couldn't help but cry. And then the pain just got so intense that I..." His eye widens. "I passed out. And when I came to, there were Leaf reinforcements. I...was completely beside myself. Rin was dead...but so were all of the shinobi pursuing us."

"And Obito loved Rin. Didn't he?" I ask.

"That...that wouldn't be-"

"No. It wouldn't be enough. No person with that kind of heart, with that kind of determination, would fall from that alone. But the friend he gave his precious Sharingan to, ending the life of the girl that he promised to protect...the girl that had been his best friend, and that he loved so dearly. All of that, together...all of that, and then being manipulated further by someone who sought to bring the world to ruin before, all of that, and being shaped by an old man who had lived through war after war after war...someone he thought would understand his pain. And then, the flowing love that would turn to bitter, consuming hatred...that which would drive the Uchiha to madness, unlocking unfathomable power."


"Not because of Rin. But because of what Rin was. Losing the entire world, in a moment."

"Obito...was the one who did all of that? But then...why wouldn't he kill me?"

"That's not something I can answer. After all...Rin Nohara was buried safely in the Leaf, the place of her birth."


"Kakashi, I would like for you to rest," Hiruzen says. "I want you to rest, and return when you are good and ready. I don't mind if you train or exercise, but for now...you must take care of yourself. Team Seven will be away from each other soon, for a while. I will need your help again with regards to Sasuke...but for now, I want you to remain in the village. Can you accept that, Kakashi?"

"I can, Lord Hokage. I'll...let you know when I'm ready to come back."

"Understood. Thank you."

"Lili...I..." He raises his head to look at me. "I can't...thank you enough, for this. You really are a kind person. And a great friend to everyone you care about. I would have understood if you kept this from me. If you set out on your own to erase Obito, and preserve my memories of him."


"But...whoever the current Obito is...he won't erase the hero I knew once before. If I can save him, then I'll try with all my might. But even that has a limit. I don't think I can do it alone right now...but I'll become strong enough, one day soon. I know I will."

I smile. "I'm happy to hear that, Kakashi. Your time will come soon...I will make that promise to you. That no matter what happens to Obito, you won't be kept from it. But you will understand my position."

I step forward and stand in front of him, my expression changing again. I want him to know how serious I am.

"This will be kept to the usual circles. And of course, that person will need to know as well...so I will tell him myself at the next opportunity. Because Obito, in the guise of Madara, helped him carry out that massacre seven years ago. The same massacre that left Sasuke alone and traumatized. He has caused pain to those I care for. He conspires to hurt my loved ones. Because of him, and his machinations...I have been made to suffer trauma of my own. And he desires to see the Leaf burned to the ground. Kakashi. You have made that Sharingan eye the stuff of legend. You caused it to grow in power, and did not waste the precious gift given to you by Obito, your friend. You know what you must do now. You must make that power grow yet again...into the same one that allows the masked man to alter the boundaries of time and space. It is possible, because yours is one half of his original power."

"Lili, the Mangekyo-"

"I know full well about the effects, Tsunade. And Kakashi does, too. But he will do this, if he wants to save his friend."


"If you do not master that power, and get to him first...if you do not save him, Kakashi...then I will erase him with no remorse. I want you to understand that. I want you to know that, because I care about you. Mine is a righteous fury, unbound by the pitiful wails of others."

"Thank you, Lili. I understand. If the past and present can't be reconciled in time...I won't try to stand in your way."

"Well said." I close my eyes. "The day has been long, and the feelings heavy on our hearts. We will return to our places of rest, and close our eyes to the world for these fleeting moments. Thank you all for standing with us...it is a comfort rarely matched in this world."

"Let's go home, Kakashi."


"Until you're strong enough...and beyond that. I'll be right next to you."

"I know. Thanks...for that."

Imari and Tamaki unseal the room as I open my eyes again, and bow to us before leaving. Tsunade pats me on the shoulder. Ruki whispers a thank you to me before leading Kakashi out, her hand on his back.

"You should more than understand now why I look to you, Lili. And why you are the one I desire as successor."

I turn to face the old man.

"Light from shadow...and hope out of terrible pain. A child born of the stars themselves."

"Saying that now..."

"You prevented Kakashi from slipping into despair. Making him remember those events, in service of a greater good. Connecting lost pieces together smoothly."

"You talk too much, old man. This isn't a time to praise me."

"I see. Did you want to go home?"

"I have dinner to cook."

"I suppose I should make it an order that you stay here."

"Don't push your fucking luck," I growl.


"I want...to be alone. Just for a little while. I want my brain to stop overheating, I want to stop turning this thing in my head, over and over again."

"It's not something unusual. Taking responsibility like that brings those feelings to the surface. Experience is the best way to deal with those emotions."

I scowl. "Fucking wretched. All of it."

"Sit a while."


I grumble and eventually do as he says, flopping into the nearby chair. He produces a blanket and puts it over me gently.

"You need to rest. At least for now, my child."

"I won't be a little girl to you for much longer. You should accept that. Start facing reality," I say bitterly.

I feel him touch my head.

"I suppose so. When that reality comes...I wonder how I will see you then, Lili. For now, I will do what is within my power. Just as always."

I look into his kind eyes. Ever so slowly, my defenses come down.

"I love you," I say quietly.

"I know. I always have."

And finally...I feel like today's work is done. I can let go of some of this anger, this frustration. The gentle touch and the warmth help me to close my eyes.

I will sleep a while. If only because...he asked.
Situation Room
Scarlet Justice - ep. 145
"Situation Room"
[Ritual, Part 3]

"I see. So there are many more complexities now than before..."

Today features breakfast at home with Erika. She has been resting properly, in accordance with our wishes. I wanted her to be privy to the new developments, and to ask questions if needed. Fio is asleep in bed, already filled in days prior – she's currently adjusting to some new medication that Tsunade gave her.

"It seems so," I say as I pour Erika a cup of tea. She nods her thanks before I sit down and start on my food.

"Though the personal circumstances have changed...materially, we are in the same position as before, with regard to outside relations. Obito Uchiha is still someone of the Hidden Leaf, like Madara is...even if they both were said to have died long ago. The burden falls on our shoulders, and nations will be suspicious. Thus, it is imperative that we keep such information close to our chests."

"Kakashi knows my intent already."

"Still...to have that sort of thing occur. And if my hypothesis holds any weight, his indoctrination must have taken place over many years. All while in a state of despair because of what he witnessed. Lili...would it be too insensitive to put a theory forward?"

"Not at all, my love. What did you have in mind?"

"It's regarding Rin Nohara, and the manner in which she died. Kakashi must blame himself, even if it was her choice to die that way. All of that said...Rin was a medical kunoichi. Her knowledge of the body would be on an elite level, as a chuunin in her field."

I sip at my tea and think. "You believe that it doesn't add up...that it would make no sense for her to beg Kakashi to kill her, in any circumstance aside from one."

"Yes. Destroying herself, perhaps destroying her body, or making it unable to be found...she would not want to scar someone she loved so much with the memory of taking her life, unless she was out of options. There was a curse on her that day...one that prevented her from doing anything to endanger herself. That is why she waited until Kakashi could not change his mode of attack. Do you know of any such arts?" she asks.

"No. It could be a Sharingan technique, though..."

"There are far too many possibilities to sort out. It might even be harmful to chase after them," Erika says. "But I can confidently say that Rin was being manipulated, in some fashion that even Kakashi couldn't detect with his Sharingan."

"You don't believe any of this was a coincidence."

"No. But...as noted before, I can only speculate on the events of that day."

"It should be enough for now." I put a piece of steak in my mouth and chew. "Have we received any information pertaining to Akatsuki from the other villages?"

"Most of it is of low quality, and the rest contains details that we already know. There is a reluctance to share valuable data for reasons that are already understood, meaning we will need to rely on our own sources."

"We can't lean on Itachi too much...I imagine that he is taking extensive measures to avoid tracking by Akatsuki as it is. I would like some more detailed information on their surveillance, but I'm also not interested in getting greedy as far as that is concerned. What we can get now is a blessing."

"Yes, agreed."

"I'm actually getting restless," I say, winding a lock of hair around my finger. "We need to have a meeting, and break down everything that is currently happening. Between this, the incidents with Sasuke, and other things...I want us all to be on the same page. Some of it could be a matter of life and death."

"Understood. Who should be there?" she asks.

"Imari, Tamaki, and the old man go without saying. You and I will be present...Fio, Tsunade, and Ino. I think those three should round us out. Information relevant to other parties can be filtered down accordingly."

"I will arrange the meeting, then."

"Thank you kindly. Now, let's put those worries out of our minds for now and enjoy breakfast, before it gets too cold."

And so the week goes, with little of note aside from the usual background noise and our daily routine. Kakashi was being tapped for a few missions, so I volunteered to take his place and prevent any extra disruptions for Shikaku. Being an elite, his missions usually end up in the B and A-Rank ranges...at this point, they're relatively straightforward thanks to our similar skill sets.

"Ane-ue is making trade arrangements at current. Sending her a message would help you with what you needed, and I suspect she would suggest a few luxury goods to boot," I say to Pakkun. We've met a few times before – cute and reliable, he's the leader of Kakashi's band of shinobi hounds. He's currently lying comfortably on my head as we return from a mission.

"IDs on you?" one of the young men at the main gate asks. "Just make sure you have it so we can run some accurate scans as you come in."

"Oh, have we gotten that far already? I suspect the chakra signature registration will start soon."

"Yes, ma'am," he replies, impressed. "Should be a year out at this rate, maybe faster. Lady Tsunade has been helping out...pardon me for saying it, but she's unexpectedly good at keeping up with the times."

"That much is nothing. Medical shinobi are always in the classroom, in some form. It becomes necessary to adapt and keep up in order for one to do their job. Field work is a bit easier in that regard, which of course means less prestige. Mostly."

"Ah. Thank you, ma'am."

"Not a problem. Stay the course, and be well," I say with a smile.

"Ma'am." He smiles back and salutes as we pass through.

"Heh, Kakashi didn't really capture how interesting you were...but I doubt he could if he tried, kid."

"An arduous task for any mortal," I say confidently. "Such is my brilliance."

"A real character, too. Well, I'm gonna split and see how he's doing again. His lady friend, Ruki...she's been doing a real good job looking after him."

"And you, of course."

"Nothing like a good belly rub, honestly. Her hands are like magic...anyways. I'll see you around, Princess. Thanks for your help, it means a lot."

"Anything for dear friends of mine. Take care, Pakkun."

I head home and start to shed my clothing. Nothing like a warm bath to relax after a mission.

"I'm home! Lili, where are you?"

"In here. I'm getting ready to take a bath," I say from my room.

"Oh, oh! Wait for me, then!"

"Yes, love. I'll get things ready for both of us."

I make sure the water is a little warmer than usual, since that's what Fio likes. Some salt mixed in for extra relaxation, and we should be set. We wash each others' backs before getting into the tub together, sighing in unison as soon as we settle in.

"That feels awesome..."

"An understatement," I mumble. "The bath at our new place should be much bigger..."

"Means we can move around and stuff, huh. Think we can get one of those...things with the spouts in them, I think?"

"You mean a heated tub, yes? Way ahead of you."

"Cool." Fio sighs. "So. Everything okay lately? Aside from the whole thing with the masked guy, I guess."

"Things are going smoothly, considering the potential for chaos. Kakashi is recovering, and Ruki is with him. I have little to worry about on that end. We're having a meeting soon to discuss that, and other matters. Tamaki will give us a call in time...things will be arranged so that we have the time off."

"Alright. I'll just follow your lead, then."

"Whatever insight you have will be valuable. I mean that, Fio. It's a challenge at first to keep up, but I know that you'll get a handle on everything in time. As long as you remain confident."

"Right. I'll remember that."


"Sai hasn't been hanging around as much lately. Imari said that we might be able to get rid of him altogether, because of the stuff that's been happening..."

"That would be a great boon. If only because it would allow me to delete him at my leisure."

"Oof." She makes a face. "That bad, huh."

"If he had delivered Sasuke into the hands of the enemy, he would have died on the spot."

"Lucky him, then."


"Things are swell otherwise. Met up with Naruto's team the other day. Pretty interesting bunch, especially together. They've got a sense of teamwork, just that it's not too polished yet. Nothing like your team, Lili. Hina and Shino and Kurenai are so cool. And it goes without saying that you're the coolest, hehe."

"Flattery is always appreciated."

She giggles. "Right? But yeah, everything's been alright over here. Depending on how things go, I might have my whole weight problem licked in a year or two. New pills feel weird, but not awful. Oh, right right right! We gotta talk properly about training soon. You're gonna be out of the village with Midori-nee, right?"

"That's the plan. Though it can easily change at any time...you could come along if you wanted, you know."

"That sounds super nice. But...I gotta think about it. There's stuff I wanna tweak and check on here, physically and equipment wise. Also, I think that you'll have a way different schedule than I will, and I don't want to get in your way. I know you'll say that I won't-"

"You won't, Fio."

"See? But there's advanced stuff that I know you want to pick up. It'll be just for a little while, and you can call or write whenever you want. And I guess there are a bunch of things that I'm excited to try on my own while you're gone, not having to worry about me so much. I want to stick by the village, or at least in a decent range, so that Auntie Tsuna and I can check on my progress."

"You've put some thought into this," I say with a smile.

"Yeah, but I can still come up with better stuff. I know that I'll miss you, and times like this when we're together. Eating delicious breakfasts, having a warm girlfriend to fall asleep with, hugs and kisses when I get home each day. So many beautiful things."

"But you're also excited."

"Yeah! For the future, and everything in it. Lots of stuff I want to do, and places I want to explore. Things to discover. When we get back together again, it'll be the best surprise, I know that for sure. And I think Hina would say the same thing...that you have lots to do beyond the understanding of plain old folks like us. You should do all of that to the fullest, so that when you get back to the Leaf, we'll all be ready to throw down and change the world."

"That does sound wonderful."

"Doesn't it? I can't wait."

"Thank you, Fio. I promise to come back as the best version of myself...someone that will be able to fulfill her destiny, and make you the happiest woman in the world."

"Really? I wonder about that last part."


She grins. "I'm already as happy as can be, you know?"

"Hmph. You would underestimate me, at this point in time? Surely you know better...the limits of reality are nothing to this child of the stars."

"Ooh. Looking forward to having my mind blown, then."

"As you should," I say with a haughty smile.


My eyes open and I look towards the phone nearby.

Right on cue, it starts to ring.

"Good night, Lili Kobayashi speaking."

"Good night, sweetheart. Sorry for calling so late. Or early, depending on your point of view."

"Ah. Well, that's alright. I was expecting this call...hopefully everything is okay, Tamaki."

It's eleven at night currently. Fio has her arms around me while we're in bed, snuggling into my chest. She can have a few more minutes of sleep while we talk. As promised, Erika has arranged our meeting, and we've finally managed to grab a time where everyone can come together without fuss.

"Everything's fine. I just woke Imari up and she made some coffee. Lady Tsunade...well, you know how she is. She took a power nap and should be up. Erika is on her way, she's just stopped to get Ino. "

"So we're finally free to have our meeting..."

"Yes. It's been more than a little bothersome lately. You'll be happy to know that Sasuke has been quiet and behaved."

"Good. I do hope you're well...I'm going to bring you something nice as soon as we're ready. Hopefully you're not watching your figure too closely."

"I can't worry about that. After all, you're the type to watch it for me."

"Hmhm...you know me well."

"I appreciate your generosity, Lili. Imari decided to order in from one of those all-night places. Nothing like some warm and hearty food to keep us going through the night."

"That sounds nice. So, protocol is the same as always?" I ask.

"Yes. Anyone out of the loop will get a limited amount of information, based on the position they find themselves in. From what we can tell, Danzo hasn't been moving around much, and doesn't have any info on our recent actions. Lady Tsunade and Shizune were pretty careful, which is why the test results took a bit longer than normal to come back."

"A hospital would be a good place to plant spies."

"Right. Thankfully, we have a pretty good handle on our local intelligence networks...the usual foreign infiltrators are known, and so we have the usual cat and mouse games with them. Those fellows in Danzo's group, though...well, they don't like to play as nice."

"A shame. That's no trouble on your end, I assume."

"One of the best perks of this job is being able to cut down whoever I need to. Too bad I didn't have anything like that in my past life." She sighs. "Ah, well. Everything for a reason. So, we'll be seeing you soon. Dress comfy, okay?"

"I will, Tamaki. Thank you so much, for everything you've done. You really are an angel, as I've said so many times before."

"You're welcome, sweetie. Thank you for giving me this second chance."

She hangs up and I do the same.

"Leaving soon..."

"Yes," I say while stroking Fio's head. "No rush, my love. We'll be up late."


After a few minutes, we eventually do get up together. I gulp down a glass of milk while waiting for Fio to get changed, and she emerges wearing a red shirt that seems to engulf her, along with those fuzzy pink pyjama pants that I bought her a few months ago.

"Should be it..." She yawns and rubs at her head. "I'm ready."

"Excellent." Today's outfit for me isn't too involved – a long blue sweater that goes down past my thighs, and black high socks to cover the rest. Fio and I step into our slippers at the front door and lock up before leaving. I have my bag of cookies as a treat for Tamaki and Imari.

"I don't get too many chances to come out at night," she says as we start walking. "The village is pretty nice right now."

"You can see the stars well, too."

"Yeah. Nice and clear."

"I was fortunate enough to live out in the countryside most of my life...when Momma took me into the city, we usually couldn't see this sort of thing at nights."

"How come? Smoke?"

I shake my head. "Light."

"Light? I don't quite get it."

"It's called light pollution. Big cities have lights going on all day and all night, and they're often very bright. They rise up from a lot of places...and with all of the light in the night sky, it basically ends up blocking the view of the sky, and the stars within them. Stars aren't very bright points in the sky as it is, so..."

"Ah, I get it now. So all the shining lights make it hard to see up there. That's pretty crazy...though I gotta wonder if that's inevitable. Human progress and all of that."

"I don't think it is," I say. "I know that if we make the right choices, we can have civilization and enjoy the splendour of nature. We are meant to be the Earth's stewards, after all. There's no reason that we have to make mindless sacrifices. Humans...need guidance and correction. So that eventually, they can make better and better choices with time."

"You've been thinking about this a lot, eh?"

"Yes. I think about a lot of things...but these ones most of all."

"You know, there's probably some kind of metaphor or story you could take out of that...about the street lights and the night sky and the stars and all that." Fio puts her hands behind her head. "I don't think I'm crafty enough to make one up. All I can think of is just turning down the damn lights."

I giggle. "The Founder would say something like that, you know."


"Mm-hm. Sometimes, the simplest solutions are the best ones. When we try to be too clever, we end up getting tangled in all kinds of strings later on."

"Hm...I see."

"Fio, don't worry about trying to keep up with me in that way. I'm one of a kind, and so are you."

"I'll try to remember that, Lili. I like how you can handle everything most days, and I want that for myself too. So, I'll try not to work my brain too hard on the little things."

"Good." I lean over to kiss her on the cheek. "But there is an interesting moral to the story, if you think about it a little."

"What is it?" she asks.

"Light pollution comes from bad lighting, and inefficient methods. The light from those lamps usually bleeds into the sky and trespasses everywhere. We can have everything we want, without making unnecessary sacrifices. Guidance and correction, remember? You add light filters to the street lamps, so as to correct their inefficiency. Then you focus the light to the areas that need them, as a form of guidance. Thus, the night sky is undisturbed for the most part, and paths are still safe to walk in the darkness. A little bit of ingenuity and care goes a very long way."

She blinks a few times in awe before smiling at me. "Sheesh. You're gonna be one awesome Hokage, you know that?"

"I'm counting on it," I reply confidently.

We reach the office in short order and greet our favourite ladies with hugs. Tamaki is quite happy with the cookies I baked for her earlier in the day. There's a round table set up in the Hokage's room, with paper boxes scattered around its surface and soft-looking chairs all around.

"Ah, you've arrived. Welcome, my children."

Hiruzen appears and we make sure to hug him as well. He's wearing a casual set of robes tonight, much as they could be for the village leader. Imari sets down a tray on the table and moves snacks and drinks from it while Tamaki pours out cups of tea.

"Night, all."

Tsunade arrives in a fluffy pink robe, and carries a travel bag with what else but alcohol in it. She shows a stout glass bottle to the old man, and he nods with an impressed look on his face.

"Very nice."

"Real smooth. We won't be drinking too much of it yet since we still need to use our brains a little," she says.

"Noted. I haven't had any of this in a long while...was it a recent purchase?"

"Nah. Had it sitting around from a few years back. Felt like the right time to crack it open, you know? Hey, you girls wanna try some?" she says to Imari and Tamaki.

"Ooh, that looks fancy. I'll get the glasses," Tamaki says. "Imari, want to try?"

"I'll have some with you, senpai."

"Okay. Be right back."

Tamaki disappears and we start to settle in around the table. The chairs really are nice and soft.

"Night, y'all."

"Good night, everyone."

Last but not least, Ino and Erika arrive. We exchange hugs and kisses as always. Erika has taken a simple approach, with a light jacket and jogging pants. Ino is her flashy self, wearing a purple nightgown with a lighter coloured cloak over top of it.

"We should be good to go. Imari, mind taking care of the door?" Tamaki says as she returns.

"Not a problem. Starting routines now."

Imari closes and locks the entrance, then presses her hand against the doors to create a sturdy seal. As usual, it prevents anyone from looking in or spying at any distance, and it lasts several hours normally. Today she puts a bit more chakra into the formula so that we'll be protected all night. Tamaki takes care of the liquor delicately, and the rest of us start to sip on our tea as we wait.

"Delicious," I say.

"Senpai has always been great at making tea," Imari says.

"I'd hope so. Spent way too much time making it for that motherfucker of an old boss."

"So these are the usual meetings you guys have?" Ino asks.

"Not always, but we try to be relaxed while we're in sensei's quarters. You know how he is," Tsunade says.

"Totally. I love the vibes we have going on."


"Positive energy," I explain. "Young people talk."

"Oh, that. I get it, we just call it other things...like feng shui or whatever the hell geezers go on about. Vibes, huh." She chuckles. "Yeah. Guess this group has good vibes, putting it like that."

"We do have as long as we please to speak on various matters," Hiruzen says. "But I feel that it would be good to start the ball rolling now, so to speak."

"I agree," I say. "Well, there is a lot to sift through...more questions than we'll ever be able to properly answer at this point in time. Let's start from a good place, then. Connections...mm. There is that man who I once bore relation to, named Leonidas Rothschild. Most of you are already aware, but we should go over it again for the sake of clarity...he was providing funding to Orochimaru in the Hidden Sound, and helped to manipulate the political order. Part of it was ideological, of course. The other was economic in nature."

"Economic, eh. How's that?" Ino asks.

"If you recall, my family is the core of the Kobayashi Rice empire. I do not know if my maternal grandparents had any knowledge or involvement in his scheming, but I do know that Rothschild's ambitions led to an alliance with Orochimaru. Solidifying that power base meant helping out with various operations. Such as..."

"The crushing of the Leaf," Hiruzen finishes. "I see. And financial incentive definitely played a part in the Hidden Sand going along with the plan. Enhanced access to food stores, important for a nation surrounded constantly by desert."

"Correct. But it goes even further than that."

"Them as well...Akatsuki," Erika says.

"Yes. There must have been some level of collaboration with the masked man, who calls himself Madara Uchiha. The general public, and indeed the shinobi world at large, has no idea of this knowledge. We still have space to operate in that regard. Akatsuki did work together with Rothschild directly, as his generosity was well known among those in the organization. I found this out first hand in a certain encounter."

"That was all kept pretty quiet, so I don't know exactly what happened other than your old man dying," Tsunade says.

"Ah, right. I can answer that, then. I ended up encountering two Akatsuki members. One was called Hidan, a supposed immortal that survived fatal wounds and loss of his limbs. The other was Kakuzu, a man who possessed five functioning hearts and multiple chakra natures as a result."

"Fucking hell."

"Those sentiments are shared, yes. Their mission was to destroy my old home, and assassinate both my mother Emi and my sister Luna. Rothschild hired them for that purpose. Luna fought bravely to protect everyone she could, and Ane-ue arrived to dispatch that Hidan fellow while he tried to preserve a troublesome barrier. I took on Kakuzu on my own. Ane-ue has possession of their bodies at this moment in time. As well as Rothschild's...because I took his life."

"Lili...you had to..."

"Yes. He chose not to surrender, and instead moved to attack Luna-nee. And so, I was left with no other option." I sigh. "What's done is done at this point. The experience was indeed traumatic, but I've healed splendidly from it, thanks to all of you."

"Good. I couldn't imagine having to do something like that, so I'm glad you're better."

"Thank you, Tsunade."

"Speaking of him, I wouldn't be shocked if he was kicking funds over to Danzo, too. Maybe through some shell company, or whatever rich people do to cheat the system these days."

"Rothschild did operate a number of shell companies in order to fund the Hidden Sound and Akatsuki," Erika says while poking at a box of noodles. "He was far from the only one doing so, but I can only assume that after his death, most evidence relating to said companies was destroyed by trusted associates."

"Haha-ue really had to fight in order to preserve key information," I reply.

"The shinobi world goes into some real dark places," Ino says. "You just don't realize some things until you start digging like this..."

"Yes. You're still so young, so...I want to say something other than this. But you're also a shinobi, and so what needs to be done is that you endure everything. I think it's the only way to survive this world of ours, long enough to make a difference one day," Tamaki says.

"You're really brave, Tamaki."

"Hehe. Well, as much as I don't like admitting it, I'm actually pretty reckless. A long time ago, I had already resolved to sacrifice myself for the sake of others. When Lili found me, and offered me another chance at life...I knew what was expected of me. It was really scary at first! At times, it still is. But I want to protect those that I've come to love so deeply. Ah, right. On our end...Imari and I have been working on keeping things calm diplomatically. The Cloud is starting to settle down a bit..."

"Yes," Imari says. "Please leave the lifting on that end to us. It's what we're here for, after all."

"Far as regional affairs have gone, Itachi has done extremely well by us." I chew on my fried noodles a bit.

Ino lets out a breath. "Itachi...sheesh. That blew my mind the first time. Sasuke's big brother."

"Yes. The man that Sasuke has sworn to kill. He made an appearance to keep Danzo at bay, and has provided priceless information regarding Akatsuki. For example, we know now that Akatsuki still needs significant funding and resources at this point, and it wouldn't do to expose themselves as a chaotic terrorist organization at this stage. They still have cards on hand that need to be played...so we won't be seeing or hearing from them in earnest until the promised time."

"Hmm...you think that masked guy might want to knock off Sasuke, or something similar? Akatsuki's pretty much about the money, right?"

"You might be closer to the mark than you think," Tsunade says.

"Ominous. Did we find out who he was?"

"We did," I say. "Kakashi and Ruki know as well now. When I encountered the masked man, I managed to get a few strands of his hair, more than enough for Tsunade to test in secret. The results came back as a match to someone in this village. Or...someone who was of this village, once before. Obito Uchiha."

"Eh? Wait, wait...I've heard that name before, somewhere."

"Kakashi's former teammate, who died during the Third Great War."

"His name's on that memorial stone...I remember now," Ino says. "But...is he a zombie or something? How'd he survive?"

"His ability allows him to remove parts of himself from the physical plane, so that objects and attacks pass through him," Erika says. "He can also travel by means of space-time migration. There may be other related techniques. We hypothesize that his Mangekyo Sharingan ability unconsciously activated on the day of his supposed death, and allowed him to slip through the earth to another location."

Ino shudders. "Spooky."

"Based on the preponderance of evidence, we truly believe that it is Obito," Hiruzen says while puffing on his pipe. "We are also of the strong belief that he is being manipulated by Madara Uchiha."

Ino chokes a bit on her tea before recovering. "By who?"

"That's exactly what I said, choking and all." Tsunade sips on her liquor calmly.

"Obito has been using Madara's identity to build alliances and control various people, such as Itachi Uchiha and the leader of Akatsuki, who is called Pain. In fact, he was the one who helped Itachi carry out the massacre of the Uchiha Clan. He has a massive grudge on the clan, this village, and indeed the entire world. Obito, who was so far removed from him in terms of timeline and ideology, must have been brainwashed by Madara in order to get to this point," I explain.

"So you're saying that this guy who should be, like, ultra dead is using another guy who should be, like, super dead to carry out a master plan of taking over the world by...stealing giant chakra monsters in order to do a thing?" She shakes her head. "Okay, I can accept that much as it is. But there's something more important. Is Kakashi-sensei okay?"

"He took the news hard, but Ruki is looking after him. And he was showing off some good resolve at the end of the meeting," Tamaki says. "He's taking a long break, but I know he'll be okay. And we'll keep looking after him from here."

"Good...I'm gonna send him some flowers and a card. Least I could do, I think. So...Sasuke and Itachi know?"

"Neither do yet. I'm planning on telling the latter the next time we can see each other," I say. "Sasuke doesn't need to know anything, outside of specific scenarios."

"Makes sense. Man, there's just so much going on...but I really appreciate being part of the loop like this."

"You are one of our sharpest allies, and quite insightful," Erika says to her. "If there is anyone who can be trusted with such sensitive information, it is you, Ino."

"Erika...thanks," she replies with a small blush.

"Of course. I am also indebted to all of you, for the trust you place in me as a member of this village. I hope that I can continue to do well by you all, now and into the future."

"Nothing to worry about on that end, Miss Chrome Panther," I say with a smile. She nods and smiles back.

"If there are any major issues, Itachi will take countermeasures immediately. He is an exceptional talent among shinobi. If things had gone better, I dare say he would be Hokage right now, while I would be long retired," Hiruzen says. "Of course, I don't mind working a little longer while the next generation prepares."

"Still...you gotta be just a bit special to throw your entire life away for just one person," Ino says. "I mean, not to be too rude about it. I know I'd take it really hard if my mom and dad died, even though I know that shinobi put themselves in harm's way every day. But it's something I don't really understand...more than throwing your life away, distorting it forever. So much sacrifice, for family...for country, too."

"That's what our world is like sometimes," Tsunade says. "You want to hope that it will all change. Maybe it will, one day soon. But for now...it's like Tamaki said. We just have to endure."


"Let's continue along that track with the Uchiha," Imari says. She passes a take out box to Tamaki, who digs in. "Sasuke went out on a reckless mission the other day, and while he has calmed down, I have to wonder if he's truly learned his lesson. His strength is growing, and while it would solve a lot of problems to keep him in the village indefinitely...legally, we don't have that right forever, if he has his way. And it might lead to some terrible situations if he feels his hand is forced."

"The scope of Sasuke's training will be increased, in addition to a more predictable schedule, modified missions, and increased security. This will make it easier to keep track of him at all times," Hiruzen says. "We will wait for Itachi to make further contact as Lili has mentioned, so that we can adjust parameters accordingly."

"It's good that you started talking about the kid. I've got some juicy info due to my research, sensei." Tsunade licks some barbecue sauce from her fingers. "Finally got started on our old pal Orochimaru. As expected, a poison-laced mess on all fronts. But I got some material harvested from his body. His real body, I mean."

"Real body?" I ask, intrigued.

"Mm...Orochimaru was said to have done many experiments, including on himself," Hiruzen explains. "It was curious how his appearance didn't change much since the last time that I saw him...and of course, the other things he did with his body that were completely inhuman."

"A giant white snake, made up of other, smaller snakes. Yeah, it's as nasty as it sounds. I won't harp on it too much while we're eating."

"'Preciate that," Fio mumbles with her mouth full.

Tsunade gives her a thumbs up. "Snakes, poison. Blood, poison. Evaporated in the air, paralyzing properties. Figure he uses that form to take over people's bodies and shit. Fucking creepy. Must have had a time limit of some sort so he couldn't hop too often, and he still has a human form and a heart, so...the Kusanagi dipped in some pretty nasty poison? Oh yeah, that'll put you to sleep forever. Giant snake or otherwise. Not a great surprise to uncork, I'll tell you that. Anyways, I'm rambling. Uchiha kid. Seal on his neck. I grabbed Anko for a few individual tests, because...duh. Terrible flirt. Even worse eating habits."

"Really?" Ino asks. "She's super fit, though."

"'Cause she runs around all day, yeah. But she's gonna get older, and her metabolism ain't gonna work so good anymore. Eventually the pounds will pile on without her noticing until it's too late. Boom. Land whale."


"What. You're thinking it too, Gramps. Force feed the girl some veggies or she'll be a blimp in ten years, I mean it."

Hiruzen sighs and shakes his head.

"I'll talk to her about slowing down some," I say.

"Good. Now, where were we...yeah, curse seal tests and junk. Took data from Anko and Sasuke, a few good samples each time. And, uh...interesting results." She holds up a finger while finishing her liqour. "Ah. Lili, remember when you beat the kid's ass at the valley?"

"Something I can't forget easily."

"Well, what you fought back there was...I guess you could say a prototype version of Sage Mode."

I blink a few times. "That does sound outrageous."

"Yep. But as you said one time, it'd be a pretty tasteless prank on my end. As you might have guessed, the curse seals contain Orochimaru's chakra. According to what I gathered from Anko, the survival rate of those implanted with the seals was about ten percent. She was one of the few to survive...her seal didn't bother her as much because she refused to use it, unlike our friend Sasuke."

"I see."

"The way the seal works though is an exchange. It takes the user's existing chakra and transforms it into sage chakra. Their bodies are then modified thanks to a special enzyme, giving them all sorts of enhanced abilities. I imagine a body that could survive that sort of treatment is also one that he would desperately want for himself. Sasuke having the Sharingan and being compatible with the cursed seal would make him the perfect candidate."

"You say that it transforms regular chakra into sage chakra?" Hiruzen asks.

"Yeah. Causes a lot of pain and drawing on it ends up being a subconscious thing most of the time. But it's a big chakra boost, makes your jutsu stronger as well. However, unlike Sage Mode, it's pretty limited and temporary in a lot of ways. It's way more of a desperation move, far as I'm concerned. There are two states that I know of based on your reports and my own research, Lili. The first one shows up on the body like a tattoo, spreading over the skin as more power is accessed. The second stage is trickier, and involves drugs that advance the state of the curse mark by inducing temporary death and allowing the body to properly acclimate to it. Otherwise, the person would really and truly die."

"So the second stage...is that something permanent, then? Or at least is supposed to be?" Ino asks.

"It's a transformation that takes advantage of another state, called Sage Transformation. That and Sage Mode are different things."

"Ah. Midoriko used her version of sage arts during our battle with Orochimaru," Hiruzen says. "There were mild physical changes, but nothing that truly altered her form."

"Yep. That's Sage Mode for you. Sage Transformation is, well, a physical transformation due to sage chakra. The second stage of the curse mark replicates that, and gives them even more power. Their physical attributes change, like when Sasuke was able to fly..."

I nod. "A grotesque pair of wings, though they looked more like hands."

"Yeesh! Who would do that?" Ino says, horrified.

"Here's the kicker. Unlike Sage Mode, the power of the seal eats away at the user's mind. In other words, it becomes easier to use, but more and more dangerous the longer you keep using it. Eventually, you'll go crazy and think about little else aside from killing. Kakashi and Erika had to deal with that during the Sound invasion, I heard."

"Yes. The cursed seal users were psychotic in nature," Erika says. "Though we took measures to try and stop them without lethal force, it was not always successful."

"Sasuke was slipping into that state as well," I add. "If I hadn't stopped him then, it's possible that he might have been too lost to save."

"That means we'll have to watch him even closer when it comes to chakra usage. The Evil Sealing Method depends on his will power, as I learned from Kakashi," Imari says. "Is it possible to drain that sage chakra away entirely, to prevent any adverse effects permanently?"

"No idea right now. I think one of those other kids from the Sound might be able to help...I haven't gotten too much time with them, but there's the one kid with a transformation that's just about the same as the cursed seal. Name's Jugo."

"Jugo," I mumble.

"Oh, hey! That's the guy Suigetsu and Karin don't like talking about," Fio says. "What's up with him?"

"He keeps to himself a lot, but that's for a reason...he's prone to randomly flipping out and raging at anyone in sight, trying to take their heads off. The moment he calms down, he's a total wreck and asks to be put into a hole he can't escape from. Poor guy. You can tell he's trying his best, and he's a big softie whenever he's not having his episodes. I dunno if I can fix him, but I'll look into trying. There just might be something related to the curse marks, since I assume Orochimaru was experimenting on him, same as everyone else."

"I see...I want to help too, if I can. I know it's not my job to fix everyone that came out of that place, but I feel really sorry for him..."

"If there's anything you can do, I'll let you know, kiddo."

"Awesome. Thanks, Auntie Tsuna!"

"And...just one more thing to mention. Don't freak out too bad."

"It's not gross, is it?" Tamaki says, looking up from her chicken.

"Not gross gross, but...creepy, more like. So I ran some more tests and figured out something worse than normal. Turns out that it's not just chakra...Orochimaru himself is lurking in those cursed seals."

"I do beg your pardon," I say with shock.

"That sounds..." Hiruzen isn't quite sure how to take it.

"That's one hell of a bomb to drop, Princess," Ino says. "You're saying that this guy is alive too? Oi. What the hell is it with weird evil guys and not staying dead after they're killed? Madara, Obito, now this fruitcake! Okay, how's he still kicking around?"

"Well, it's more like...he exists, rather than being alive, per se..."

"For the cheap seats in the back, Alky."

Tsunade glares at Tamaki while pouring another glass of liquor.

"How to put this...his consciousness, or rather some fragment of it, resides within those seals. Now, as for how he could get out? I think that if we reverse the method used to contain curses like that, and direct it towards releasing them...along with providing a medium for him to use as a shell, he could come back to life on the spot. How I tested it was to break down some of the material in the cursed seal, and then place it into a controlled environment with pieces of Orochimaru's flesh. There was a reaction, every time. I mean...I know it's not conclusive evidence at this point, but-"


"Eh? Lili?"

"No...you're correct," I say. It's been a while by now, but...those words are coming back, clear and true. "I fought a certain someone. Kimimaro Kaguya, a rare individual whose clan has been completely wiped out with his death. He had a terminal illness...constantly spouting things about his master's will, and how he was going to carry it on by bringing Sasuke to the Hidden Sound. That method of unsealing mentioned earlier...perhaps it could have been used to bring Orochimaru back, at the cost of a few lives. His unhinged ranting seems to make a lot more sense in hindsight. The snake man continuing to live inside of him...I suppose it was the truth, even if he couldn't understand what it was he truly felt."

"Incredibly creepy," Tamaki and Imari say in unison.

"So we've got ourselves a new wrinkle, sort of. I guess?" Ino asks.

"Kabuto might have known about this method, yes?" Hiruzen asks.

"Definitely not," I counter. "He was convinced Orochimaru was dead...no way would he have spilled his guts the way he did if there was even a chance he was living on somewhere else. Kabuto had no idea...if this is something that really exists, Orochimaru was the only one who knew."

"So we do not wish to release the seal because of various adverse effects, such as reviving Orochimaru," Erika says. She always did have a dry sense of humour. "There must be a method to remove it from Sasuke."

"Itachi has been mum on that end," I say to her. "Naturally, I didn't try to pry. He's quite interested in seeing his plan through."

"The boy reminds me too much of his father," Hiruzen says, sighing. He reloads his pipe.

"Our major issue is his quest," Erika continues. "If he is not strong enough to face Itachi Uchiha on his own, it is guaranteed that he will make use of the cursed seal extensively. That is not something we desire...as such, I have worries about his current progress. But we will work with diligence as always."

"Yes. Princess Tsunade, remember that you have allies from afar," I say.

"Afar? Allies?"

"Ane-ue rules her kingdom with flourish and grace. The secrets of the serpent world are within her grasp, not to mention those of the sage arts. I do not expect Sasuke to make any major movements in the next few years, what with his restrictions, and of course he will be in competition with his closest friend, Naruto. During that time, I believe you should consult with Sana and Sanae Jakari, along with our Empress, to see what could possibly be done in your field of research."

"Ooh, that's good. What about Kabuto, think he can help? I know he has the inside track on all of this."

"He should be accessible, since he's been behaving. If there is anyone who can make sense of all this nonsense, it must be him. Forward your information to JPC when you deem it suitable to, and no earlier. Though..." I cough into my hand. "Kabuto may be...ah, preoccupied soon, if I remember correctly."

"Hm. Okay. I'll keep working and then share the findings I have. Thanks a bunch, Lili."

"Of course. Anything for my loved ones, hmhm."

"So Sasuke is being handled, then. Good...I really don't want to worry about that stupid brat more than I have to," Tamaki says. She grumbles and knocks back her drink in one go. "Now I get why Lili calls him trash..."

"Senpai, easy."

"Bah. He knows how I feel about him now. Speaking of human garbage...Shimura is another order of business, right?"

Fio sets down one of her boxes and swallows. "You guys can't just arrest him and be done with it, huh. If I'm following right, I guess he has a lot of pols on his side. So he's kind of like Gramps here, just evil. And not nearly as handsome."

"Danzo has been stripped of much of his power in official capacity," Erika says. "The organization called the Foundation, known also as ROOT, was officially disbanded following the Uchiha Massacre. He was removed from the Leaf Council, one of the most powerful bodies in the village, and his power base was ultimately scattered. But the fact of the matter is that ROOT simply went underground, fitting their namesake. We do not currently know their numbers, or key members of their leadership aside from Danzo. They report to him, but will also take orders from Lord Hokage when authorized. There are strange seals on the backs of their tongues, and I have collected data on that end."

"Do tell," I say.

"The seals relate directly to Danzo. They prevent anyone with them from speaking about Danzo...certainly not his name, nor anything relating to the organization. A paralyzing and ultimately incapacitating seal. Thus, with his death, the seals will disappear from all involved parties permanently."

"That seems to follow..."

"Yes. He scoops up talent from special clans, and regularly makes secretive trips to the orphanage to scout for less talented, but loyal foot soldiers. Fodder, to put it simply. Members of ROOT have their emotions suppressed or deleted, through some unknown mechanism. My only guess is some sort of brutal training that strips them of their humanity completely, and makes them into tools. And their function...to them, the mission is always more important than anything else, even one's life."

"That gives us ten billion fucking reasons to shove the old bastard down a pit," Ino interjects fiercely. "So what the hell's the hold up-"

"Politics," I say in time with Hiruzen.

She pauses before slowly deflating. "Wait. It can't be that bad...right? Seriously?"

"Ino, it might be something hard to grasp, but...would you accept my observations on this matter?" Imari asks politely.

"Oh, sure! I mean, how could I not? You're part of one of the Leaf's biggest clans and all, so...go ahead. I wanna know what I'm missing."

"Thank you. Simply put...operations of Danzo's scope simply cannot happen without high level support. Once before, Danzo had the resources of the Leaf directly at his call. When that disappeared, he decided to make appeals to others in his circles. Do you recall the people who attended the Magnolia House announcement? Some of them are confirmed to be staunch hardliners, close with the Fire Country's political elite, and most importantly, very invested in national security. Danzo Shimura, as a fellow war hawk, provides them with a comfort that Lord Hokage does not...even if they refuse to say it out loud."

"I do hear rumblings of that, yeah. About how Lord Hokage is too soft at times, or that he doesn't go far enough with policies. I guess enough people with money and influence feel the same way, so they're helping to prop up stuff like ROOT. At the same time, ROOT guys are working for the village, and then with all the recruiting and propaganda, there's gotta be blackmail in there, too."

"Yes. To my shame, there are even members of Hyuuga who support extremist viewpoints and dislike the recent peaceful state of the Hidden Leaf. They have become more forceful in their ideology after the Leaf Crushing incident, and the jockeying with Hidden Cloud recently has brought up memories of tragedy from long ago. The event that had Lord Hizashi of the Branch House sacrifice himself to save his beloved twin brother from the Main House, Lord Hiashi. This came about because of Lady Hinata's kidnapping at three years of age, and the righteous elimination of the Hidden Cloud spy who carried out that terrible act." Imari places a hand over her heart. "Many things are happening in the current era. Akatsuki is spreading rapidly, influencing nations large and small. People are fearful of the future, and that fear can quickly turn to anger. Danzo has many, many supporters in the shadows. Yes, we could try to arrest him for various crimes, but we wouldn't get far at all. Worse, the price of it would be too high...Lord Hokage could possibly be forced out if public confidence is eroded enough, and all of the work that we've done, protecting Sasuke, keeping the Leaf safe, trying to make a difference...all of that would be lost in a moment. Sasuke would fall into the darkness for good. The Leaf would become hostile and aggressive. And then...then we might be staring at yet another war."

"I...see. I didn't...realize just how deep this all went. I'm still so far behind," Ino says, sadly. "It's not as easy as finding the bad guy and taking him out. Or...it never was that way, was it? And even justice can have such a long wait..."

"This world arcs towards justice, as it ever does. With the strength and affections of the divine, we will see things through. I believe it to be so. Ino, there is no need to fear. Have you forgotten our promise?" Erika says.

Ino shakes her head and slaps at her cheeks. "Right, sorry. I remember now..."

"It is nothing to be ashamed of. We move together so that each of us can help the other in times of despair. Remember your strength...if you focus on it, you can help change the future. We will slow the tide of sacrifices, day by day, step by step. Together."

"Right. Together."

"We will face the rising sun, and emerge victorious. And thus, a song of victory will echo through the mountains and over the lush plains. From sea to shining sea, the light of heaven's chosen shall heal our broken land."

"You've been hanging around the red-head too much," Tsunade jokes.

"Well, I think it's quite beautiful," I reply. "Carry on, Erika. Let your benediction signal the start of revolutionary thought, and the rise of a glorious new age," I say while raising my hands.


"Alky there has a point," Tamaki says.

"Listen, I'm not a complete drunk. I'm behaving right now, see?"

"You sound way too much like that Koichi kid, Lili."

"Ah, the consumer of this world's baleful dark essence, you mean," I say with a smug smile.

"The chunni's one of the best parts about Lili!" Fio says.

"You have to admit, senpai...it's pretty fun."

Tamaki refills her glass and points at the old man. "Your kid. Your fault."

"Every child should be allowed to express themselves. The mark of a good mentor is focusing those talents and energies into the most productive skills. And as our imaginative ace has achieved a high rank and the trust of this village's elites...I would say my job has been done, and quite well, in fact." Hiruzen winks and raises his glass to Tamaki.

She gives him a glare. "You're dead the next time you even brush against my butt, old timer."

"U-um...our action plan for Danzo? I think we're in agreement?" Imari says quickly.

"Yes, we won't be doing anything at this moment," I say.

"Offing him is out of the question, since we'd have to justify that...and I doubt anyone would harbour a person or people who murdered someone so important," Tsunade says lazily.

"I would rather it not come to that..."

"I know, sensei. That would require us to actually kill the old windbag, and with all of the bullshit he supposedly has at his disposal, I have my doubts about it happening. Locking him up won't work. We'd be drowning in court papers for decades to start, and he would basically be free the whole time. So that's a wash. Can't really sabotage him, or spread any rumours. Nothing we can legally do." She snorts. "Legality for shinobi. Ha. Catching him in the act of some shady business...given how he moves? Not likely."

"Oh, oh! Have you tried-"

"You're gonna say call girls, and nope. Thought of that first, but he seems pretty immune. Doesn't like talking to women too much...and he keeps bothering me about my tits, anyways. Says my dress is unbecoming or some bullshit. He can go fuck himself, it's not like I'm flashing the goddamn village." She turns her head to me. "And you, you're probably thinking something stupid."


She points a finger towards me. "Whatever it is? Stop it."

I pout at her. "Hmph."

"We have to settle for keeping watch over his activities, whenever they're visible. I don't like it," Tamaki says. "But it's our only real option if we want to stay in the game, so to speak. I think we can all agree on that much."

"I suppose we've covered everything immediate and relevant?" I ask. Everyone thinks it over before nodding. "Good. Smaller details can be looked after later on, at our own paces."

"Pretty deep into night by now. Or morning," Ino says.

"Meeting's over, time for the good stuff," Tsunade announces. She pulls out another glass bottle from her travel bag.

"Gimme," Tamaki growls.

"Senpai..." Imari sighs and shakes her head. Hiruzen has already pulled out a familiar orange book to read, while Ino and Erika move their chairs closer to me and Fio.

"Imari! If you're not getting drunk, come sit with us!" Ino calls.

"Have my seat, Imari." Fio leaves her chair and plops into my lap.

"Thank you kindly. So, um...what were we going to do with the rest of our free time?"

"Since we're full, and business is done with...it's about time we got to the juicy stuff," Ino says, rubbing her hands together. "Gossip hour, my dearest Imari."

"Hm...I mean...I don't know if we should talk about people like that..."

"I did come upon a few things during my surveillance work, recently," Erika says. "I feel it would be of interest to members of our close-knit community..."

"So, who is it?" I ask eagerly.

"It involves Miss Terano, of the Intelligence Division."

"That stuck up bitch?" Imari asks. Seems her reservations are gone now, and she's one of us at last. "You better not leave out a single scrap of info, Rika."

"I do have a reputation to uphold. Fear not, Miss Hyuuga." There's an extremely smug look on her face, and I'm in love with it. "We begin a month or two prior, on the night of July 8. The first event took place at a tavern across from..."
Abandoned Closets
Scarlet Justice - ep. 146
"Abandoned Closets"
[Ritual, Part 4]

"Morning...I really hope this isn't a bother for you."

"As I said over the phone, it isn't. Come in, I'll make us some tea."

Yuno nods and steps inside to remove his footwear. I noticed as soon as I opened the door, even underneath the hood, that his eyes are bloodshot...most likely from crying earlier.

"You didn't sound like yourself," I say to him.

"I wasn't great earlier. Just...finished moving the last of my stuff into storage."

I finish making the tea and pour him a hot cup. He nods gratefully and I take a seat next to him.

"What happened?"

"My parents...found out where I was staying. They told the landlord, and...well. For the past few months he's been making passes at me. On the outside he's like, average, but all of the baggage he has just makes him look ugly to me all around. You know?"

"I understand, yes."

"Yeah. He didn't take it too well when my mother told him my little secret. Went through my apartment...tore through my drawers, found the girl's clothing I was putting away. He made sure to raise his voice and humiliate me yesterday, after I finished up a mission. Pretty sure everyone knows now that I'm...different. A boy who wants to be acknowledged as a girl. To them, I'm a freak now." He sighs. "Gave me one day to get my stuff out, even though the contract says he can't. Otherwise the police would be around. People like me aren't...treated well by the police."

"I know..."

"You do, yeah. You know a lot, Lili," he says with a melancholy smile. "I...got to thinking after that. Before I called you and afterwards. It would be so much easier if I just went back, you know? Went back to being a guy. Went back to being Yuno Nakamura, being teased by girls and pushed around by other guys. Just small, unremarkable, normal Yuno. The boy who once made his parents proud by becoming a shinobi."

Yuno sighs again, heavily. He takes a sip of his tea and swallows before turning his head to face mine.

"I think about a lot of things. Not just that. I think about the girl in the mirror, and the way she smiled at me. The way she made me feel like I was complete. I didn't need anything else. And then, I remember you looking at me and accepting me for who I was, without a second glance. How you told me to be confident. You introduced me to good people, you stood up for me. I can talk to Naruto about so many things, and Nami always looks out for me, and Fio is incredibly encouraging. I feel like I belong. I feel like someone."

"You don't want to give that up," I say.

"No. Not at all. And I won't. I'm not going to turn back any more. I'm not going to run away from who I am."

"Good for you, Yuno."

"I'm...no longer Yuno Nakamura. But this name, Yuno...is special to me. So I'll hang onto it. I'm Yuno, as I always have been, and always will be." Our hands come together on my lap. "I'm a proud kunoichi of the Hidden Leaf...and a human being, just like everyone else."

"You are. And one day, we will be in a world where you can be accepted by everyone. Not just for what you can do, but for who you are as a person," I say to her.

"Is it...weird that I want to stay like this? In this body? And that maybe, even though I identify as a girl...I..."

"Not at all. None of it is weird or wrong," I say while giving her hands a squeeze. "And I know for a fact that Nami and Naruto and Fio and everyone else will say the same thing. You are you, Yuno. A sweetheart that we would kill to protect."

She blushes and nods. "Thank you...I think that's all I needed to hear."

We stand up together and hug each other tightly. It's wonderful to see. Yuno has finally found herself, and will grow up to be a beautiful, beautiful person. I will see to it, and so will everyone else in her life.

"So...I don't want to make any mistakes from here on," I say.

"Right. I'm definitely a she, and I'm totally cool with you calling me one! If anything changes over the next few years, you'll know."


"Hmm..." Yuno sits down and sips at her tea while thinking. "I wonder about Naruto, though."

"Oh, you don't need to fret. He might not understand the words right away, but he's a clever child in his own right. I remember when I came out to him..."

"Heh. I didn't think I'd ever be reminiscing with someone else about leaving the closet...it's a beautiful world we live in, isn't it?"

"It surely is." I sigh. "So, where are you staying right now? Or have you not figured that out yet?"

"Not yet. I'm sure that Nami will put me up for as long as I need, but...um, she's got a bit of chaos around her. I love her, but..."

"Cohabitation is not for everyone, I can understand that much."

"Yeah. I don't want to be a bother, either. I feel a lot better about contributing and stuff, you know? Just being able to help out. With all the people running around at the Hyuuga estate, it's kind of weird. And accepting myself doesn't mean I don't get self-conscious at times."


"I need to go over and tell her, anyways. She'll probably grow horns and obliterate the poor bastard who kicked me out on the street. And my parents too, if I don't make a good enough case on my hands and knees for her to spare them."

"She is that kind of person," I say casually, picking up my mug.


"There is a shinobi household that I have in mind for you, if you're open to the idea."

She looks at me eagerly. "Really? Where?"

I set down my mug and smile. "Tell me, my love. Have you heard the tale...of Phantom the Dark?"


"Ah! Ragna, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah...I'm fine. Don't stress yourself out too much."


"Tch, damn Rabbit. She knows that her magic doesn't work as well here, but she runs off anyways. Come on, Celica. Time to find that troublemaker..."

"Got it! Minerva will look after us!"


"Yeah, I don't doubt that. Man, do I hate caves, though. Bad memories."

I shovel more popcorn into my mouth while laid out on the couch. Finally, some extra time to myself...I've managed to catch up to the current batch of episodes for my favourite anime.

There's a knock at the door and I don't move.

"I'll get it!"

"Whoever it is over there, tell them I'm busy," I say to Fio before sucking my soda up through a straw. "Extremely busy."


I yawn and scratch at my belly.

"Hey there, little guy. Looks like you got something for me...let's see..."

I hear the door close and note the other presence inside. Small...a bird of some kind. From the aviary, then?

"Lili? I think you'll wanna see this."

I sigh and mutter to myself briefly. "Fine. Come over here where I can see you, Fio."

She hops over the couch and I pause my program. There's a crow perched on her shoulder, and a note in her hands. She passes the note to me, and I can see immediately that it's in a specific code.

"Itachi...he wants to see me, and it seems like something important. Definitely inside of the Leaf."

"Sounds dangerous for him."

"No doubt. I'll put on some actual clothing and head out to see him. A moment, please."

"Yep, yep." Fio sits and scoops a bit of popcorn from the bowl as I leave. Let's see...nothing too fancy will be needed this time around. And I will assume that he's taken several measures to avoid communications breaches. I pick up the first items that I can see from my drawers: a light sweater and a pair of jogging pants. Those will have to do, not that I could look bad in anything these days.

"Here," I say as I emerge from my room. "I'm ready to see your master now."

The crow leaves Fio's lap and perches itself on my shoulder.

"No timeline on when I'll be back, but it shouldn't be extremely long. I'll use the usual channels if I am in any trouble," I say while pulling on my sandals.

"Okay. Mind if I watch the rest of this?"

"You still need to finish season two and three, young lady. Go get them from my room."

"Yes, ma'am. See you in a bit," Fio stands up to give me a kiss on the cheek. I make sure I have those extra security tags on me, and head out while she locks up.

"Let's begin." I pet the crow a few times before it takes off, slowly riding the currents in the greying skies as I follow. Nowhere secluded, I'm noticing...uptown, where all the flashy shops are. Hiding in plain sight, I suppose. Sweets shops, bakeries, places selling gaudy looking pottery and other items.

The crow eventually comes to rest, perching on top of a sign. It's extending from the front of an upscale looking place, with a front that is bleached white. A chalkboard sits next to the front door, with prices for their various types of teas and coffees on special.

"Mm. Exotic, isn't it. I suppose he wanted to try something new today..."

I push the door open and head inside. It's not as blindingly white as the outside, but still reminds me of a hospital, or one of those television shows about the far future. The booths where people sit are sleek looking, with strategically placed bars and lines, and copious amounts of white fabric and accessories.

"We have been awaiting your arrival, Madam Kobayashi."

A woman dressed very neatly meets me at the door and bows respectfully. The black blouse with frills hugs her chest, and her trousers follow the curve of her hips. Long and soft black hair seems to wind its way around her body.

"Yes. Good morning to you."

"Instructions have been followed precisely. Your guest awaits you with one of our finest teas already prepared. Please enjoy, and allow us to assist you discreetly if you have need of anything."

"Thank you."

"The honour is mine, milady. If I might humbly ask you to follow me."

"Lead on, please."

She nods and leads me towards the back of the establishment, into what must be exclusive sections for high-powered guests. From the sounds of it, the old man arranged for all of this once Itachi made his request to see me. I think briefly about being under-dressed for such an occasion, but it's far too late for that now, isn't it.

The booths here are black, with soft and velvety material making up the seats. A rich and fragrant tea is already on the table, ribbons of steam rising up from the two cups and the spout of the pot placed in the middle. My hostess bows and leaves me alone with my guest, who is wearing a black cloak and a mask.

"My apologies for disturbing you so early in the day. And it was also your time off, I heard."

"Yes, that much is true."

"I also remember that you like to be properly presentable for occasions such as this," he continues.

"That is also true. But you're one of the people that I value most in this world, so I can let it go easily enough. Besides, I know that it's an urgent enough matter, seeing as you already understand my tastes." I flip back some of my hair. "So I don't mind being under-dressed for once, hmhm."

"You're as gracious as ever, Lili."

"What brings you here, my darling? New developments?"

"Yes. Though...I think you might be aware of what I've come to you for."

"I might." I take a sip of tea and let out a breath. "Sasuke is out of danger, and we've spoken about him at length since recent happenings. Is it worry on your part?"

Itachi removes his mask and takes down his hood. I pause at his expression. He really is worried. And...tired, it looks like.

"Yes. It is worry."

"Tell me what I have to do," I say gently.

"No...it's about what I have to do. Something that I should have done a long time ago, in order to change my future...and that of the Uchiha. Maybe...I could have saved them. All of them."

"What is it you mean to say?"

"Everything says that...when Sasuke comes to meet me, he will not reach the summit as it is. Even with Orochimaru's cursed power, and the training of Sarutobi...I don't think it will be enough. I know how strong I am. How I continue to develop skills for my own survival and progress. If I break my persona, he will know. Everything will crumble to dust, and all that I've worked for will...fade away."


"I didn't imagine it...that meeting you would change my world so much. Deep down inside, I was like everyone else. I just wanted a chance to be a person again. To stop carrying this burden. I thought that if I just endured, if I just kept going, I would meet my end at Sasuke's hand, and everything would be done with. It would all be over, and I would be free. Until then, I was just the villain, and I was just another soldier."


"But for some reason...when you looked at me, you saw a person. You saw good inside of me. I was more than just some prodigy, or a hardened killer. You...you cared for me, Lili. You felt sorrow for me. You thought about my well being in a way that nobody has...not since my parents, or Sasuke. I wasn't the clan heir, or a son, or an older brother. I wasn't an elite shinobi, or a mercenary, or a murderer. I pushed it all away for so long, but I can't any longer. I'm a person. I always have been. And in my foolishness and stupidity, in my selfishness, in my utter arrogance, I took my little brother's life and tore it apart. I was misguided, and I always have been. I saw one way and one way only to protect him. I wanted him to survive, because I thought that the shinobi world would tear him apart otherwise."

I can see his hands trembling on the table. So much...there's so much weight falling from him, in this moment.

"He deserves better than me. He deserves better than this twisted promise I threw myself away to keep. And I know that you knew, as you always did, that this entire plot was nonsense, that the slightest breeze would upend it. I just...wanted him to live. I wanted to give him something with meaning for the torment that I put him through. That's why I kept going and going with this. That's why I kept running further and further away, into the darkness. I thought that it was the only way I could make up for what I did."

"What changed?" I ask.

"I saw the future change before me. What should have been inevitable, stopped in its tracks. My understanding of the world's flow was ruined, turned to nothing. I chose this path, to wade through the sea of blood, to join hands with Madara in order to preserve the Leaf another day. But it isn't the only way. It wasn't the only way. If only I had worked harder-"

"It's not your fault," I say, reaching across the table. My hands go on top of his, squeezing them gently. "You were just a child yourself. You were dealing with things that you never should have been dealing with, no matter how good a shinobi you were."


"Put away those toxic thoughts. Listen to your heart, and what it is telling you. What do you see, my love?"

"I see a better future. For Sasuke...and for myself. I don't care if I have to die, but...I don't want to stay as I am any longer, with wishes left to the wayside. I don't want to look back on this moment, and wonder what could have been."

"You want to tell him the truth," I say.

"Yes. I know. And I might put you in a terrible position-"

"That has never mattered," I say firmly. "I am here for you. I always will be, Itachi. If you want to give Sasuke something other than the terrible future you once envisioned...if you truly want to make up for what was lost before...then I will be next to you."


"You have been very brave. To turn from one's self-appointed path, leading towards destruction...that is a very hard thing. Especially after everything that you have suffered." I close my eyes. "You carried out a heinous act against your family, and your countrymen. That will not be forgotten, nor should it ever be. You were young, but mature enough to know the consequences of your actions."


"Danzo may have forced your hand...but ultimately, it was your hand that sent rivers of blood flowing through the Leaf. You did all of this for family and country. All of it was wrong. Everything, wrong."


I open my eyes to look up at him. "But your past need not define your future. Now that you have decided to stop running away, you must live. You must live to entrust Sasuke with the truth this time. You must live to help end the menace that is Akatsuki, once and for all. You must live to help dismantle Madara Uchiha's plans. And most of all, you must live for my sake. Let my hold on your heart strengthen...for in the brave new world that I seek to create, even braver soldiers will be needed."

"That's...if I survive."

"You will. I promise you will, now that you have taken this first step."

He nods and I pat his hands gently before letting go.

"How much time do you have right now?" I ask.

"As much as you need."

"I see." I take another sip of tea. "Everything you know will be shaken within the next few minutes. Your plans and movements...they were made with a certain understanding of the world. One that, for all of us, is now out of date."

"Something I missed, then."

"No. It's nothing you could have reasonably seen coming. You said that the man who helped you carry out the massacre was Madara Uchiha, and that he had information too intimate to dismiss as evidence towards that fact."

"Yes." He pauses. "You mean to say that man behind that mask has been an imposter."

"It's a certain person...Kakashi's comrade."

His eyes widen. "The Hero of Kannabi Bridge?"

"The same."

"I...see." His fingers tap lightly on the table. "A long time ago, Father quelled any issue with Kakashi obtaining his Sharingan. The testimony of both Kakashi and Rin Nohara, along with the backing of the Yellow Flash, was satisfactory enough for Father to allow Kakashi to keep his gift. Obito was highly regarded for his bravery and sacrifice during the war. You're sure that it's him?"

"All of the evidence points towards him."

"It must have been that ability that allowed him to survive. But...Obito's death was a long time away from Madara's last stand. How would..." He stops and closes his eyes. "The real one. He was corrupted by Madara Uchiha. That's the only explanation, even if it doesn't make any sense at first...but then, it does."

"That's confusing in its own way. What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"There is a way to bypass death, if one is daring enough. Do you remember our talk about the forbidden art, Izanagi?"

"Yes. But we theorized that the right time to use it would have been after a fatal blow, else it couldn't be activated," I say. "He would have been able to defeat the Founder with that ability, if he caught the other man at the right time. There is no doubt that Hashirama Senju, someone who led his clan against the Uchiha thousands of times before, would have knowledge of that forbidden art."

Itachi shakes his head.

"I don't understand. What part did I get wrong?" I ask.

"It's not that. Everything you said was correct, but there is an ability of the Sharingan that is not known to many persons. I also spoke with you about this, when I mentioned Kotoamatsukami. Commands that can be recorded and activated once conditions are met."

"Wait...you mean to say that Madara activated that technique after his death?"

"He set his death as a condition at some point during the battle, which must have forbade him from using the Sharingan for some time. The Transcription Seal allows one to seal techniques inside of Sharingan, usually that of another, but there's nothing to say that it could not be done with one's own set of eyes. By sacrificing an eye..."

"...he would be able to cheat death," I conclude. "Okay...so that explains how he survived his encounter with the Founder. But it doesn't explain what his goal in that was, or more importantly, how he managed to surpass any reasonable lifespan while hiding away."

"That I could not know either."

"It must have something to do with the Founder's chakra."


"Tsunade was the one who made the discovery," I explain. "And before that, I sensed the Founder's chakra in him."

He blinks, shocked. "When did you become able to trace Hashirama's chakra?"

"Oh. I realize I didn't mention details of the battle in the Leaf. Orochimaru summoned reanimations of the First and Second Hokage to assassinate the old man."

"Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei, then." He sighs and nods. "I suppose that would be just like Orochimaru."


"Hmm...well, someone with the Mangekyo Sharingan...it explains a lot of things. He must be able to use his abilities freely because of it."

"I see."

"Obito Uchiha...of all the people." Itachi drinks down some of his tea. "I assume that's not the only thing you have to tell me, Lili."

"No, not at all. There are things about the cursed seal and Danzo as well. Everything we know so far. And of course, you can tell me what you know about Madara."

"That is more than fair. However, there are some things I will need to keep close...until I meet Sasuke again. Once he learns the truth from me, everything will change. It wouldn't be unusual for him to reject me completely, but...the very least I can do at this point is try."

"That's right. Itachi...remember that you are not alone. You will always have me by your side, even if the world says that it's wrong. Just call for me, and I will be there."

He chuckles. "You're stubborn, so...I don't think that's something I can forget."

"You had better not," I say with a smile. "Alright, let's get back to business. Listen closely, so that we can stay a proper ten steps ahead of Obito and his ilk..."


Uncharted territory.

I am outside of the shop again, Itachi having disappeared from me once more.

A new beginning. Unlike anything we've ever experienced.

Leaving the dark space in one's room...emerging from behind closed doors.

Facing one's self, instead of running away and succumbing to the darkness.


Dreams and hopes. Fate and destiny. All intertwined. And yet...

"Here stands one with the power to wipe all of that away."

Yuno's smile, and the relief on Itachi's face. Knowing that they don't have to endure the pain of this world alone. That the uphill climb will have meaning.

And they prompt the question that I ask myself every other morning.

"What is the village...what does it mean to me?"

What will it mean to be Hokage?

"Lots to think about. Many things to study in that gap of time. Hm."

I start my walk home, thinking of the future as always. Lots to be dealt with at the promised time, and only then. It makes me just a bit impatient...and that's a welcome feeling. I want to get started and change this world for the better. I want to erase anyone who would dare bring harm to my loved ones. But as said time and time again...patience is key.

Like the great serpent hunting its prey...following the same path that Midori did. She who was exiled and sent towards ruin built herself up, day after day after day. Now she sits above all, as the empress of her land.

And I will follow her lead.

"Coiled and ready to strike at the perfect moment. Hmhm."

Yes. No matter what happens...I'll be ready. I'll take this entire world by surprise.
and because someone asked the last time, Yuno's pronouns are now she/her, and she also accepts they/them.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 147
[Ritual, Part 5]

I take a few steps back from the kitchen and look it over. Good. It should be cleaner than the day we first saw it. Luna's diligence in cleaning and maintenance before Fio and I took over cannot be understated.

"Everything's done with?" Fio asks me.

"Yes, finally."

This was the last thing to do after clearing out the apartment. Floors and windows washed, scrubbing everything that needed to be scrubbed, and wiping necessary items to a shine. We've done steam cleaning on the upholstery and appliances such as the various chairs we'll be leaving behind, thrown out the mattresses in both bedrooms and left sealed ones to replace them, and packed up everything we deemed worthy of keeping. Excess items will go to the offices for Magnolia House, since I'm more than sure they can be of use at the orphanage once it is built. I've moved everything off of my large shelf and dismantled the door over the left half – those secret items sit in a locked box now.

I initially wanted to list a price merely as a put-on, but aside from paying the broker...the excess money can be used for plenty of good causes. We can mess around and see just how far above market price some bourgeois simpleton is willing to pay...it doesn't matter much to me. We're leaving this place for good.

"Lots of memories, eh."

I nod to Fio. "Yes. This was the place where I retreated from the world for a while. And of course, the place where Midori and Luna consummated their relationship for the first time."

"You would remember that, wouldn't you."

"They did try to be quiet, at least. Key word being try."

She chuckles a bit at that. "Like I said, lots of memories. I got to make a home with you here. Coming back after a mission for the first time...hard to describe. Other than great, of course. I always wanted something like this, when I was on my own, I mean. Of course, back then I was thinking about a husband and two or three kids. Or trying to, anyways."

"So you awakened from a young age, too."

"Eh. Sorta. It was on my mind. Got put on pause for a bit after...you know. Torture. Experiments. Creepy snake men. Little things like that."


"But...it was more the fact that you were you. If that makes sense."

"It does."

"Cool. I'll miss this place, but I'm excited for what's coming next. Before then, I'll be hitting the dusty trails and everything, sleeping under the stars."

"And before all of that, you have the hotel to go back to."

"Ooh, yeah. Room service galore...looking forward to what's on the menu. And it's open all night, too. Awesome."

"I knew you would enjoy that. Well...time to go."

I put on my slippers and look out from the entrance for the last time.

"Windows secured...entrances sealed. Everything is set," I say quietly. "We're off."

The last of the lights is shut off. Fio takes her travel bag with her and opens the door. I pick mine up from the floor and do the same. The door is closed, locked, and finally sealed with two paper tags, just in case. A final walk down the steps.

"New beginnings..."

I smile and take one last look at my old home.


"Already said my goodbyes to everyone else! Pervy Sage wants us to get going before winter sets in, he said..."

A warm day, close to the beginnings of fall.

Naruto is about to leave the village.

"Sasuke was the same as ever. Hopefully he gets over himself by the time I get back, heh. And Sakura wished me well. Kakashi-sensei is looking a lot better, too! Wasn't looking so hot for a little while, you know? Ah..."

"It's okay to slow down a little, you know," I say to him.

"Yeah, I guess. Lots to say, though. Or at least it seems like it." He adjusts the straps on his backpack, which is loaded with all sorts of things, it seems. I suppose that those two aren't going to live a completely rugged lifestyle...not that Jiraiya would, with all the money he apparently has to spend. He's well ahead of us, talking to Ebisu about something.

"Sorry, I had some things to take care of..."

Hina jogs up behind us.

"It's alright. You made it," I say to her.

"Yes." She moves forward and hugs Naruto tightly. "I'll miss you a lot...remember that I love you."

"I'll miss you too, Hinata," he says as he hugs back. "I love you too! Thanks for looking after me, and everything else. I, uh...hope I can be like, a good boyfriend when I get back, you know?"

"You don't have to worry about any of that. I love you for you, and I always will. Whether you're a good boyfriend or not. Just...do one thing for me, won't you?"

"Yeah, what is it?" he asks eagerly.

"Don't absorb too much of what Lord Jiraiya says...or does, for that matter."

Naruto folds his arms and nods. "Yeah, yeah. I get you. He's kind of a hypocrite, you know. Talked about the shinobi vices...breaks 'em all, every time I see the old loser. Speaking of that...I'm gonna work on something that'll really knock his socks off, hehe..."

Hina sighs. "I don't think you've...never mind. Just be good, okay?"

"Got it! Oh, Lili...I'm gonna work on some cool new jutsu for you to see. So you'd better watch out!"

"Of course. Looking forward to what you end up creating," I say with a wink. He smiles and winks back.

"Awesome. So...take care, yeah? Don't work yourself too hard, and have fun with your big sisters!" He walks forward and gives me a warm hug. "Thank you for everything, Lili. I love you."

"I love you too, Naruto. Thank you for coming into my life. You've done more for me than you know."

"That makes me happy to hear."

We separate and I pat his shoulders. "Remember to eat your veggies, along with your daily bowl of ramen. Work hard, and believe in yourself. You'll grow into a strong, handsome man. Hina and I will be praying for your safe return."

Hina nods and adjusts his headband. "Good luck, Naruto. Be strong."

"Hey, kid. You said you wanted to grab a bowl before we headed out," Jiraiya says as he approaches. "Let's go ahead and do that before it gets too late."



"Jiraiya," I say flatly.

"Lord Jiraiya, good morning." Hina bows towards him.

"You won't have to worry about a thing. Practically my son, this one," he says as he rubs Naruto's head. "Keeping him on the move will also benefit the village, in a few ways. He'll be new and improved in a few years time. I dunno about smarter, but..."

"That should be fine enough, Lord Jiraiya. As long as he's safe," Hina says.

"Got the info from the old man," he says to me.


"I'll see what I can scrounge up while on the road."

"Nothing that I'll be immediately concerned with. I have my own places to be," I reply.

"Right. Well...then you can read up when you get back. I'll see you two around. Come on, kid. Let's get fuelled up before we blow the joint."

"Yup! Hinata, Lili! See you around!"

We wave to him as he and Jiraiya start down the road.

"Are you worried about his influence?" Hina asks me.

"Nothing like that. Jiraiya won't do anything too bad...and we both hold the greatest space in Naruto's heart," I say to her. "Anything that is done can be undone, once we put our minds to it."

"I was thinking the same thing."

"Good. Are you busy, by chance?"

"Nothing that can't be pushed back a few hours. Did you need something?" she asks.

"I wanted to do something together that we haven't in a long while." I nod towards one of the bakeries nearby. "Probably been a while since you had a fresh cinnamon roll."

She giggles behind her hand. "You spoil me way too much, Lili."

"I do, yes."

"Thank you. Let's be off, then...I won't be able to think of much else until I get a bite in me."

I smile and put my arm over her shoulder as we walk.


I walk into the Hokage's office space, and he waves to me before starting to rummage through his desk drawers.

"This contains the information we will need for our upcoming meeting."

I reach his desk and take the scroll from him.

"Thank you. So it's really happening," I say to Hiruzen.

"Yes. I never did think I would see the day...but your mysterious strength has worked many wonders before. This time should be no different."

"I wouldn't go that far yet. He wanted this for himself the entire time. I just was forceful enough to make him rethink his entire strategy."

"A man who resolved himself to be a villain for the rest of his existence doesn't turn back so easily."

"I suppose not."

He nods and starts to light his pipe. "We will be distributing the information we now have on Akatsuki...towards the relevant villages first. The Hidden Sand should be especially vigilant at this time. From what I'm hearing, Gaara is doing exceptionally well as part of the regular forces. His strength is already formidable, and so we should expect him to become Kazekage in the next few years."

"That child has done well for himself. Having a doting sister doesn't hurt either."

"Yes, that much is true. Something that you would know about first hand," he says with a smile.


"Naruto has already left, yes?"

"We saw him off a few hours ago. Jiraiya should teach him well, but...I have my misgivings about him handling his inner strength at a high level so soon."

"I see."

"If you have information on sealing jutsu and the like, I would appreciate that. And in addition...I want something else that's riskier. Intelligence on that man."


"It's not like I can go to Intelligence and search the shelves for this specific information. And I don't want to involve Ibiki or Inoichi in this, not more than they would have to be. Danzo is mine...and whether or not you fully approve, I will put my strength into stopping him."

Hiruzen sighs and puffs out a cloud of smoke.

"You will have to give me time to compile the data properly, Lili."

"Fine. Don't leave anything out, either. I'll have more than enough free time to read and absorb every detail."

"Yes, of course."

"I intend to free you from the burden you've placed on yourself," I say.

"There is only so much you can do in that regard, Lili. Not every problem can be solved, and in like manner, not every sin can be absolved."

"I see. I don't intend to control the darkness on my own. That was the mistake that you Hokage have made time and time again, leading to the current era. Peace balanced on a razor's edge."

"You would welcome chaos?"

"Hmph. You remain limited by the rules of this shinobi world. But you can be forgiven for that much," I say while tossing back my hair. "The distance between order and chaos is vast, oyaji. I will prove it to you upon my return."

He nods sagely. "Even as an old man, there is still much I do not understand."

I walk around the desk to kiss him gently on the forehead.

"Good afternoon, Lord Hokage," I say with a smile.

He smiles back at me. "Good afternoon, Lili."


"I appreciate you checking in like this."

"Think little of it."

Ruki serves us tea before sitting next to Kakashi on the couch.

"Are you both well?" I ask.

"As well as I could be," Kakashi says. Ruki gently rubs his shoulder.

"I'm okay, too. We're looking after each other."

"Good. No need to rush back, remember that."

"You'd probably find a way to put me in a hospital bed. Better not to risk it," he says with a dry tone.

"You're learning. Well done."

"Threats of bodily harm aside," Ruki says wryly, "have you been well, Lili? I know that you've been buzzing around the village lately."

"Tying up some loose ends. Not everything, but enough things so that I don't have to worry about them until I get back. I believe in my friends, and their abilities. I don't have any intention of doing this all by myself, and burning out...or worse, turning into a useless dictator."

"You don't seem the type of person to do that."

"I suppose not. But..." I close my eyes. "That man's blood runs through me. He was cold himself, and worried about his lack of control, however small. I've inherited that terrifying drive. It must be tempered. And it will be, in this upcoming gap in time."

"You have to wonder if the world will stand still for that long..."

"It's all dependent on what you're seeking," Kakashi says to Ruki. "For us...we're waiting for the other side to move first. That's when everything will begin."

"That's right," I say. "Until then, we will build ourselves up properly. The questions that remain are how and when to strike. Gathering intelligence will help with that...and the alliances that Ane-ue has formed as a result of her ascension will be invaluable to the cause."

"Not to mention you have the ear of the lords Enma and Gamabunta, among others," Kakashi points out.

"You sound like a big deal already," Ruki says with a smile.

"Possibly. But the endgame I'm reaching for...it only exists in my mind's eye right now." I sip at my tea. "That world, once it is created...it will allow you to raise your many descendants in peace."

"That sounds nice."

"Does it?" Kakashi asks Ruki.

"I'm interested in children. Even if we just adopt a few, you know?"

"I wouldn't choose that route first off."

"Really, now." She smirks. "And who was the one worrying about misunderstandings the other day?"

"Nothing here to misunderstand, Ruki."

He looks at her squarely and she blinks a few times. Then her face slowly starts to redden as she looks downwards.

"Sheesh. You know that we've got a kid right here..."

"I don't see any kids in front of us. Someone bold enough to flirt with you couldn't be called one one of those," he says as he picks up his cup of tea.

"Someone's saucy today," I say with a smile. "I see that I don't have to worry too much about your recovery, then."

"You shouldn't. I'll be working hard to surpass my limits...for Obito's sake, and for the future you're going to build, Lili. Might as well do my best before I get to retire."

"Well said."

The three of us tap our cups together before drinking.


"I think that's the last of them. You really intend to read all of these before leaving?"

"Seeing as there isn't much I have left to do, yes. All of these will be read. There's still other material to collect."

Shizune nods and places the books into my duffel bag before zipping it up. I put the strap over my shoulder and start out of the satellite office – one of many that Tsunade has set up through the village. They're used for various things, such as treatment and research. This was one of the conditions asked for so that she would be part of the village on a more permanent basis. Other obvious material goods came into play, but the freedom to practice like this within the village was paramount.

"I'll have them back before week's end."

"Are you reading those for fun?" she asks, confused.

"No, I told you I was doing serious study. I'll take notes and then refer to them later. Ane-ue also has material for me to read, so I can make references to that as well."

Shizune sighs. "Poison studies can get pretty intense. Please don't burn yourself out, Lili."

"I promise I won't. Say hello to our lovable drunk for me, yes?"

"Just the hello part. She'll kill us both otherwise."

I wave over my shoulder and start out to my next destination, which is Intelligence. A few documents with interesting observations to pick up, and I'll be good to go for the rest of this week. I have two missions on the agenda, both B-Ranks and coming up back to back. Very light work, considering I have a strong ranged jutsu.

"It's the village champion, back at it again." Ibiki pats me on the back as I enter the building. "Heading out on your adventure already?"

"Collecting data," I say to him. "Still things to wrap up."

"Always on the go. I'm sure you've been told more than once to look out for yourself, so I'll spare you the lectures. I have something that you should be interested in, based on things going around. Safer if I hand it off just before you go for your training."

"Ah. Thank you for that."

"No problem. Speaking of being on the go, I'm on my way to kick someone's ass again. Busy month, lots of stuff related to that Akatsuki outfit lately. So I'll see you soon. We'll have a bite together at Mai's."

"That sounds lovely. Take care, Ibiki."

"Yep." He gives me a quick salute before leaving.

"Been a long while, Miss Genius."

"It has been. I hope you've been well, Miss Uzuki."

Yugao gives me a warm smile as she approaches. Her mask sits on the side of her head, violet hair pulled back into a ponytail. "Pretty well, yeah."

"How has your other half been?" I ask as we walk together.

"Same as ever. Toughed out a summer cold pretty recently and got himself back to work. Hayate's always been diligent. We talked about him taking on extra missions for a time. You know, so that we can eventually settle down somewhere together."

"I see."

"Thinking about kids. Both of us, I mean."

"That seems to be a bit of a theme lately," I say.

"Makes sense. We're in a pretty peaceful period right now, right? So I can see why it would be appealing. Anything on that front from your sensei?"

"She's her usual tsundere self about it."

Yugao nods. "That's about right."

"Though...I think that Luna-nee's prediction will come true. We'll see if she has her baby bump by the time I make it back."

"As close as you two are, I hope you're ready to have someone call you Auntie in the near future."

"You must have heard my speech the other day. I'll be more than prepared, between raising my lovely Rose and making sure the little ones at the orphanage have enough to eat."

"Hehe. A busy life, then."

"Just the beginning, Yugao." We reach the archives and I sigh. "Well. I have documents to collect, and I'm sure you have a lover to go home to."

"Something like that. Always nice talking with you, Miss Genius. Remember not to study too hard, and reward yourself for a job well done."

"Ten steps ahead of you. Tonight's treat will be cake and ice cream, courtesy of luxury hotel staff."

She laughs and waves me goodbye. I start my trip between the shelves and pull down what I think I will need.

This will only be for the week, so...I'll take everyone's advice, and keep things at a reasonable level.

"I suppose I can leave the advanced theory out this time, and stick to practical matters."

I nod to myself while pulling down the first book. An acceptable compromise.
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Scarlet Justice - ep. 148
[Ritual, Part 6]

Night time, in this log cabin outside of the Leaf. A place not more than ten minutes away, yet far enough and secluded enough to be private.

The perimeter has been secured by a small team of the Leaf's ANBU, though they have no knowledge of what specifically is going on. All they know is that they're to protect their Hokage from any incoming threats. But with me around, they won't have anything to do, really.

Hiruzen draws back his hood as he steps inside the structure. I've been leaned against this wall for the past hour or so, scanning the area to make sure that we haven't been compromised. Akatsuki's surveillance expert, called Zetsu, has the ability to merge with his surroundings according to Itachi. He makes records of whatever he sees, likely using a bloodline limit, and with his powers he is supposedly undetectable.

Unfortunately for him, I am the princess of the serpent world. My ability to root out intruders does not exist in a single dimension, and thus I am not so easily defeated. Itachi has also smartly taken advantage of Akatsuki's scheduling – with three of their core membership now wiped out, each remaining member has more to do as a result. He mixes in various types of clones to take care of business, and to divide Zetsu's attention. That, combined with our anti-surveillance techniques, means we can stay more than a few steps ahead. Though...if this goes as planned, much of that won't be an issue in the future.


That's a pretty big if, I realize. We're dealing with Uchiha, after all. Known troublemakers.

"Have you been waiting long?" Hiruzen asks me.

"Not too long. My time has been spent monitoring the area, and so far nothing unusual has come up. Itachi continues to do well by us."

"Oh? How so?"

I pull at the bunched up sleeves of my sweater and leave the wall. "Pepper is an interesting thing. Very solid and distinct scents, you see."

"Ah. And your nose is on par with the Inuzuka, even before you start to get serious."

"A little much, no?"

He chuckles. "Hardly."

"I'll take your word for it, then. But suffice it to say, our spying friend has yet to make an appearance. And judging from the way Itachi keeps playing his cards, we won't have to worry about him outside of pitched battles with Akatsuki."

"Hm. A race to dismantle them, before they can properly solve you," he concludes.

"Yes. As I am now, I think I would make one too many errors. Even with Void Heart at my disposal, S-Class enemies are no joke. Itachi being one of them..." I look at the old man. "You do have a contingency, don't you?"

He gives me a look back. "I'm not entirely soft, young lady."

I incline my head to him respectfully. "My apologies. I was simply curious after all of this time."

"Mm. You're forgiven for that. No harm meant."

"Thank you."

"Sasuke will be arriving first. Then...we will simply make our observations from here."

"I suppose there is enough space for a little tussle, if they so desire it."

"Hopefully cooler heads will prevail."

The front door opens and closes swiftly. Sasuke looks at me with suspicion.

"What is she doing here? I thought this was business relating to the Uchiha," he says.

"It is. Lili is a part of everything. You will see soon enough, Sasuke."

"We don't need outsiders."

"..." I say nothing and close my eyes.

"Lord Hokage, tell me what's going on. Why am I here? Why are we here?"

"As I said, you will see soon enough." Hiruzen pauses, and with the rustling of clothing it must be to look down at his timepiece. "Very nearly time. Stand next to me, Sasuke."

He does as told and waits along with us. I can already sense Itachi approaching the front door. Something about this is still very tense, even though we've planned out so much. Sasuke doesn't know yet, and he couldn't, lest this meeting become completely unmanageable. But with all of us at the ready, we can make something good out of a possible disaster. The only thing left is to wait and see.

"Someone's coming," Sasuke mutters. "ANBU?"

"No," Hiruzen replies.

I open my eyes.

"Someone you know...Sasuke."

He looks at me with confusion before his head snaps back towards the door. It opens slowly, and I can see the edges of the black cloak. The figure steps inside and closes the door, locking it in place. His hood is over his head, and he stops a good distance away from Sasuke and Hiruzen before revealing himself.

"It's been a long time...little brother."

"It's...you. It's you. It's you! Itachi!"

Sasuke pumps chakra through his body, lightning surging around his left arm as a wild, unstable Chidori forms in his hand.

"You bastard! This entire time...this entire time I've been waiting to kill you! To fulfill my mission! The one that you burdened me with!"

"You still hate me, I see."

"Of course I do! You are Itachi Uchiha! I will kill you!"

The Chidori starts to stabilize.

"I did what you told me to. I resented and hated you. I gained strength, for one purpose and one purpose only. My life...my entire life has been devoted to killing you!"

"I see. But you're still too weak to think about challenging me. Do you not remember what else I told you?"

"Urgh...no! I have enough...it has to be enough! I won't listen to your damned lies!"

I can feel his chakra shift, but do not move. Tapping into it already...that forbidden power.

"One of Orochimaru's machinations?" Itachi muses.

"This power...this is what I took for myself! Orochimaru is dead! This is all me! And I'll use it, all of it, to crush you! You can go ahead and die!"

Sasuke roars before shooting forward, the black flames of the curse mark spreading over his skin. The Chidori in his hand shifts colour, changing to black.


"It's all...foolishness."

Itachi easily sidesteps the attack and knees Sasuke in the stomach. The lightning fizzles out in his hand as he loses control. Another blow comes before he can recover, and another, and another. Sasuke lands on his back, breathing heavily.

"That...easily? No...no! NOOOOOO!"

Sasuke jumps back to his feet and weaves signs. A fire attack in here...expected and reckless of him. Hiruzen weaves seals of his own, and I step to his side.

"Fire Release! Fire Ball Jutsu!"

"Earth Release: Earth Wall!"

"Water Release: Water Bullet Technique."

Sasuke and Itachi's attacks clash, throwing up a massive burst of heat. Steam winds its way around the rock wall that has formed thanks to Hiruzen's stream of mud. I hear the clashing of steel on steel in the next moment.

"You're sure the ANBU won't try to intervene? This is getting silly," I mutter to Hiruzen.

"We have a sensor on standby who is focusing exclusively on my chakra. Nothing to worry about," he replies, wiping at his mouth.

"Oh, good. I mean that sincerely, by the way."

"So noted. Though my sentiments match yours...this is a bit absurd. Sasuke really does seem to lose all sense when confronted with his older brother, or anything to do with him. It is understandable, but..."

"There has to be a limit." I sigh. "He's just as dense as Naruto. Always has been. I don't know what the hell girls saw in him in the first place."

The steam starts to clear, and Hiruzen splits the rock wall so that we can see what's happening. Itachi puts Sasuke on his back again, and the younger boy starts to scramble up.


"Shut the fuck up! I don't have anything to say to you, you murdering bastard! I'll kill you! I'll tear your fucking head off!"

"Sasuke. It's pointless. Don't you realize it by now?"

"Shut up! I'm not we-"

Itachi moves forward in a flash and grabs his throat. Sasuke coughs and struggles to release Itachi's grip. But it will only take a moment more, it seems.

"You're as stubborn as ever...you didn't gain the power I told you to, and this is the result. I will show you...everything you need to see."

"Not...like this! No!" Sasuke screams and flails, tears coming to his eyes. "Why?! Why was it all for nothing?!"

"Witness the power of Uchiha, through this Mangekyo Sharingan. Experience the truth of your pitiful existence, Sasuke."

Itachi's eyes swirl and change into a new pattern.


And in a moment, it seems to be done. Sasuke's Sharingan fades off, and his eyes close as he falls limp. Itachi places him gently on the cabin floor.

"You Uchiha brats are always thirsty for drama, aren't you," I say to Itachi with my arms crossed. The earth wall disappears from around us.

"It seems so. I hoped that Sasuke would slow down and notice, but..."

"You would have been well served with a stab or two for your foolishness."

"I see." He looks to Hiruzen for guidance, his eyes changing back to their normal state.

"She is a bit tense tonight," the old man says. "In the same manner that we hope for a proper resolution, she does as well."

"Yes, and if you find yourselves in the afterlife by mysterious means, don't you complain to me about it later," I say harshly.

Itachi nods. "Yes. That seems to be the case. I will be sure to correct matters in my own way, once this part is done with."

My eyes narrow. "I have to wonder what you mean by that."

He smiles and says nothing, which is one of those supremely irritating little things he does to me. Reminds me a little too much of Midori, in fact.

"Never mind, then. I'll drag it out of you later. What about the boy, how long until he awakens?"

"It should be ten more minutes at most. The so called nightmare world that I normally send victims to has been repurposed...he will know my memories, and see things exactly as they were on that night. He will also see beyond that. The things I've done...the places that I've been since leaving the Leaf. He will know my feelings at last."

Itachi gets to the floor and sits, crossing his legs.

"It is no guarantee of salvation. Or survival. In fact, I intend to give him the option to end me once he wakes up. He will then have control of my eyes to do with as he pleases. The outcome that I once desired will become reality."

"But you hope for more than that," Hiruzen says.

"Far more, Sarutobi. After all...it was my imouto in spirit that gifted me with the audacity to dream for greater things. Both for Sasuke, and for myself. Whether or not he forgives me...I can finally say that I have forgiven myself. My death, no matter if it comes now or later, will have great meaning."

I puff air through my nose. "Imouto, huh."

He smiles again and closes his eyes.

"Your arm is damaged."

"Mere scratches," he says to me. "I deserve a bit of pain for my trouble, as you've said."

"Shut up. I'll clean your wounds."

He nods and holds out his arm. I take a few items out of my side pouch and kneel beside him to start working, spraying disinfectant on the cuts and scratches before working it in. Itachi is his quiet self, watching over Sasuke as the boy lies still.

"Done. You can get rid of those in a few hours."

"Understood." He flexes his arm and the fingers on his left hand.

"What do you mean to do after this?" I ask, putting my hands on my knees.

"If Sasuke should decide to spare me...I cannot stay in Akatsuki any longer. Mercenary work is not terribly difficult to come by these days, and I can subsist on a lower budget than I do now with the organization. Of course, I might very well be hunted...both by Pain and Madara, for differing reasons. Zetsu collects and disposes of the bodies of fallen members. He was and still is immensely bothered by the disappearances of Hidan and Kakuzu, not to mention Orochimaru before then."

"Orochimaru's secrets are in our possession. Ane-ue has the bodies of the other men...they may prove useful in the future. Who can say."

"Yes, that is true." He places a hand under his chin. "I considered staging my own death, but...Madara knows far too much, and would take pains to investigate. Hiding from him seems to be impossible. Or...I meant to say Obito, in that case. It might be best to remain active, as a menace to Akatsuki like Orochimaru was. There is an irony in following that man's path."

"What makes you say that?"

"He came after my eyes first."

"So...he saw your great ability and figured that Sasuke would do just as well. It makes sense."

"Yes. I didn't expect Sasuke to accept that power, and stopping Orochimaru would have been in my best interests. But there was too much work to be done on my end, and appearing too often would lessen my impact."

"You had a lot to consider, it seems."

"I don't expect you to feel sympathy for me."

"Nothing to worry about on that end," I say bluntly. "You're a complete idiot."


Sasuke starts to stir, and we get to our feet together. He shakes out his head before slowly rising. Hiruzen goes to his side for support.

"Thanks...thank you."

His eyes have changed. There's a pain...a sadness that wasn't there before. The anger has all but drained away. It's just one question that everyone can read from his expression.


"You...lied," he says quietly. "About everything. That I was weak...and worthless. That you killed Mom and Dad to test the limits of your strength. You lied to me about everything, up until this very moment."

"I did," Itachi says. "And I don't expect you to forgive me for any of it. I don't expect you to believe anything that I say from now on. I just want you to know that I love you, Sasuke. I always will. You...can take the next step. Close the loop for good."


"You were taught the Chidori...for the purpose of protecting your bonds. Weren't you?"

"How would you know that?"

"Kakashi and I were comrades, once upon a time. He told me that the Chidori, which evolved into the Lightning Edge, became complete because of Obito's Sharingan. The bond they had, as friends and comrades, gave him strength. Now you have that power, too. Make use of it as you please. I won't move an inch."

"..." Sasuke steps away from Hiruzen and makes a set of seals. Chidori flares to life in his left hand.

"Good. You've made your choice."


Idiots. Both of them.

Sasuke runs forward as Itachi closes his eyes. And then...


"You stupid asshole."

Sasuke pulls his fist from Itachi's stomach, watching as his older brother coughs loudly.

"Kill you? After what you showed me? After lying to me for all of these years? You think you can get away with dying peacefully, you bastard?"


"You've just filled my head with more ridiculous questions. More than that...I can't just kill you now. You hurt me. You turned my life upside down, you made me into this...person. And I've been trying not to be that person completely. The power that Orochimaru promised was tempting, even though I knew it was nothing compared to Uchiha. I just wanted to kill you. Even though...I saw so many things."

"What...did you see?" Itachi asks as he catches his breath.

"You were crying that night. The moment you turned and left me. I wondered why, for so many years. But now I know why. Itachi...tell me."


"Was I really...worth that much?"

Itachi looks over to me and Hiruzen before answering.

"If...it meant erasing the entire village. I would do it to save you, Sasuke."

"More...than the village. Than the world..."


Sasuke sniffles, tears running down his face. "You couldn't tell me, could you...because I would have tried to stop you, and you couldn't afford that. You were distant from me because you were carrying that burden..."

"I'm sorry, Sasuke."

"Why didn't you just tell someone?" he asks.

"War was...something that I saw a glimpse of as a child. It was horrifying. I never wanted that to come to the Leaf. I never wanted to see that happen, and Father...he and the others were too far gone."

"The old man-"

"I know. You saw it. Sarutobi, as kind as he is...even he has his limits. And he might not have been able to spare you, no matter how hard he tried. I didn't trust anyone. I couldn't, because I felt this pain was unique to me. I didn't think anyone could understand, and I didn't want them to. Especially not you, Sasuke. I wanted you to come out of the trauma one day, with the power you gained from defeating me. You would be a hero. You would have the life that you deserved."

"While you died a traitor?" Sasuke yells back. "How is that fair?! You sacrificed for this village, you destroyed your own family, and for what? To die in the mud like a dog, at my feet?"

"Yes. That is what a shinobi does."

"You would say such a thing," I interrupt. "Do you still believe that, even now?"

"Those old visions...are starting to crumble."

"Hopefully that's the case. I would rather die a villain then live like a worthless mutt, licking at the feet of elders and begging for their scraps."

"I...I need to know," Sasuke says. "I don't understand why...for this village. Why you were so torn between that and the clan. Why you chose this path...why you chose to come back to me like this." He rubs at his face with his sleeve. "There's too much that doesn't make sense. That's why I won't kill you. You have to show me everything. Explain yourself, those memories you put in my head. Tell me what the Uchiha Clan was."

"There are things that I can teach you, but...not everything," Itachi says.

"I may have the answers that you seek," Hiruzen says. "Building a village and maintaining it...even in the best of times, it is far from a simple task. But the relationship between the Uchiha and the Leaf will surely provide insight to you, Sasuke."

"The Leaf...them." He turns to face Hiruzen. "You're complicit, too. You and your council of elders."


"Sasuke. You saw-"

"I know what I saw, big brother. I saw a bunch of outsiders deciding what our clan's fate should be, without consulting any of us in earnest. They even talked about wiping us out, with you right there, Itachi. And diplomacy? What diplomacy could quell the anger of the clan? The anger that forced Father to act in the way he did? Worst of all...worst of all, they let that murderer Danzo off with a slap on the wrist." Sasuke points at the old man. "You blame Itachi, but the blood of our brothers and sisters is all over your hands as well!"

The old man's face hardens.

"Sasuke...you are right to seek explanation from Itachi. Because you know nothing."


"Be quiet as I speak. I am far from frail, young Uchiha."

The force behind Hiruzen's voice makes Sasuke fall silent.

"What Danzo did undermined my authority, and helped to create a great tragedy under my reign. I truly do wish that I could have acted sooner, and reached someone in time. But Itachi was right in that I could not guarantee your safety. And so, he took matters into his own hands, following Danzo's ultimatum. You may blame me all you like, Sasuke. But it does not change the fact that Itachi was the one who chose to join hands with the masked man and eliminate the members of the Uchiha Clan. Not me. I did not give such an order, and would have delayed it for as long as I could. I carry the weight of the massacre on my shoulders, because even though I was not directly responsible, it happened within the walls of my home, this village. But you will have to face the reality of the situation. That it was your older brother who has the blood of the Uchiha on his hands, that he spared you above all others, and that the village was ultimately spared a terrible fate because of what happened that night. If you want to know why, if you wish to understand how something like this could happen, then you will listen, and you will follow instructions as they are given to you."

"Is that a threat?" he snarls.

"It is a promise, Sasuke Uchiha. If you desire more freedom, you are within your rights to leave the village and discover things for yourself. You have my permission, and my encouragement," Hiruzen finishes firmly.

Now Sasuke backs all the way down, realizing the gravity of the situation. He slowly nods, and the intensity from around the old man fades off.

"You do not have the strength to take on Danzo, much less the fossils on the council," I say to Sasuke. "Whether it's physically or intellectually. Itachi kept you away for a reason, and did his best to keep Danzo off your back."

"As did Lili," Itachi adds in.

"Is that...why you were so desperate to stop me the other day?" he asks me.

"Yes, among other reasons."


"Sasuke, what is it you want to do?" Hiruzen asks. "If you don't know right now-"

"I want to know how everything started. And I want to know...who I am now. Avenging the clan...chasing after my brother. All of the suffering and sacrifice. I want to know who my father really was. I want to learn about my older brother, and what he did in his time away. I don't...want to be a child any longer." He looks over to the old man. "I can't stay in the village forever. I need to see the places that Itachi saw for myself. We have different...pairs of eyes."

"I see. Itachi, what say you?"

"..." Itachi looks down at his younger brother and thinks for a moment. "It will help keep him away from Danzo."

I shake my head.

"Is that all you're worried about?" Sasuke asks.

"No. But it's the biggest issue. Lili is more equipped to deal with it than either of us."

"What does that mean? You're saying she's stronger than you? Than the old man?"

"Who can say for sure? But success as a shinobi is about far more than battle strength, Sasuke. That is why you could not defeat me."


"But you will surpass me one day."

"Don't coddle me-"

"I chose you to avenge the clan by killing me. Do you understand what that means, Sasuke?"

"Of course I don't! You're too goddamn cryptic!"

"Hm." Itachi smiles and reaches for Sasuke's forehead. With two fingers outstretched, he gives him a light poke.

Sasuke's eyes widen and he freezes in place.

"You'll figure it out soon enough. I have to get back now. Next time...Sasuke."

"I'll have the rendezvous point ready for you," Hiruzen says.

"Many thanks."


Itachi stops and turns from the door.

"I might...change my mind. I might decide that it's too much, and that I'll kill you when we're alone. What then?" Sasuke asks.

"I have already made my peace with that, Sasuke. I know what I did wrong before. I didn't trust you, or anyone else. That changes now. And no matter what you do, no matter what path you choose...you will always be my little brother. And I will love you forever."


"Good night, everyone."

Itachi pulls his hood over his head, opens the door, and leaves with barely a sound.

"I suspect you two will need some time alone," I say. "I'm going to head out. Give me a call if anything comes up."

"Of course. Take care, Lili."

I slip outside and take a deep breath in. The night air is cool and refreshing.

More important than that, Itachi's chakra is idle.


I move in his direction and find myself in a small circle of trees. He drops down from ahead of me and pulls back his hood again.

"You had something you forgot to say."

"Something like that."

I walk closer to him and stop, looking up at him with my hands behind my back. The moonlight streams through the trees, illuminating us both.

"So? What is it?"

"I didn't want to make Sasuke upset. So I held off on it until now."

"I have to wonder what wouldn't make that boy upset, when it came to us. Surely the memories he saw would make him jealous enough."


"By the by, you did make an interesting little quip about correcting matters, by which you must mean placating me in some fashion. It takes quite a bit to buy me off, you understand."


"And calling me your little sister. I'm sure that was good for a chuckle or two at my expense, yes? Listen, all of your-"

He reaches down and picks me up. Our faces are level now.

"Eh. What's this all about..."


I frown. "Oi. Don't go quiet on me so suddenly...ah."

"Thank you, Lili. For everything. I know that words would never be enough."


I can only feel warmth as he holds me against him, my head resting gently on his shoulder. A smile comes to my lips, and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"You are more than worth it, Itachi."

I remember what I said to myself, back then. And every time since then.

What the world thinks...what it believes. None of that matters.

In my heart, he will always be precious to me. Someone worth living and dying for, if it comes to that.

Someone deserving of love, and deserving of a better world.

I hold to him and his warmth, under the moon's glow, and the watchful eye of heaven.


"Shit. This early?"

I grumble and get my arms out from beneath my bed sheets. The phone receiver is ice cold against my ear.


"Miss Kobayashi, very sorry to disturb you at this hour. You have a call from the office of Lord Hokage."

"Put him through, thank you."

"Of course. A moment, please."

"Hello, Lili."

"Hello yourself, ossan. It's four in the morning, you realize."

"Yes. Someone requests your company for a meeting."

"Who?" I ask groggily.

"Sasuke. He couldn't sleep and came to me with this request."

"You have to be fucking joking."

"I believe he wants to make peace with you, in some way. But I would greatly appreciate it if you accepted his request, and gave him someone to speak to in a vulnerable time."

I growl before letting out a heavy sigh. "Fine. Where is he?"

"Outside of the office waiting. I didn't want to put any extra pressure on you."

"Oh, a fine job you've done of that. Fucking hell. I'll be there in twenty minutes at the latest."

"Thank you, Lili. You'll be repaid in time."

"Yes, surely. I'll see you later." I set down the phone and rub at my eyes. "Absolute bullshit. No goddamned way should I be going out in this hour and..."


"Emergency meeting," I say to Fio as she stirs. "Go back to sleep."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. Don't worry about it too much...I'd rather not leave, but you know how work is."


I stroke her head gently and she eventually falls back asleep.


I have to wonder what that trash wants with me all of a sudden. Making peace? Fuck him. I could care less about that. But the old man wants me to be there for him...and I don't want to waste Itachi's gift to us. This is well within my power.

I take a quick shower to refresh myself, find a comfy pair of underwear, and then put on a red tracksuit over it. That should keep out the morning cold and shove down my absolute irritation at being awake at this hour. I find my pair of outdoor slippers and step into them, make sure I have my key card and wallet, and then leave the room quietly.


I feel better as I walk. Itachi and Hiruzen really did read me like a book earlier...I've been irritated and nervous, my emotions bouncing around while trying to solve all of these problems before I leave the village. The annoyance of Sasuke, then that high of being held in Itachi's arms. Enough to make a woman lose her marbles, that kind of emotional whiplash.

"I wonder when those men got so bold around me," I say to myself. "But then...I don't exactly hate it. Which is annoying in its own way."

This is more of that childhood dysfunction bubbling up, isn't it. Daddy issues, as Ino might say. Maybe I should consider sorting it all out with someone, some day.

"There she is."

Hiruzen makes a hand signal from behind Sasuke, and I glance to one side. I subtly sign back, and he nods. One angel, then. More than enough for an early morning chat.

"Lili has had a long day already, so remember to be patient with her, Sasuke."

"Yeah. Thank you."

The old man pats his shoulders, and he walks to my side. I give Sasuke a look before starting off, and I hear him follow behind me. Our ANBU guardian follows expeditiously through the shadows.

We enter a certain restaurant, with wooden chairs and some sort of repurposed bamboo making up tables. The booths are the usual leather and I slide into one, with Sasuke taking the opposite side. The night manager emerges in her coveralls and puts two menus on the table, along with empty glasses and a pitcher of water. She leaves shortly after.

"Didn't say a word to us."

"And what?" I reply to Sasuke.

"You're usually supposed to greet your guests."

"It's four in the morning. Anyone working at this hour could give a fuck about your precious courtesy. You surely didn't have mine in mind when you forced me out of my bed."

He glowers at me but says nothing.

Our hostess comes back. "What can I get you, hon?"

"Two omurice. Green tea," I say.

"Got it." She leaves again.

"You didn't ask me what I wanted," Sasuke complains.

"That's because I don't give a fuck."

"What the hell is your-"

"You. You're my problem. Do you understand that? If you do, then shut up."

I pour myself a glass of water and drink it down to half.

"Take a few minutes to find your balls, and then you can tell me why you had me dragged out of bed," I say to him.

"I wanted to smooth things over. Now I'm not so sure."

"Good. I didn't want to hear your nonsense anyways. Smooth things over?" I let out a derisive laugh. "The bridges have been well and thoroughly burned, just piles of ash now. Fuck yourself."

"I'm trying..." He scratches at his head. "Listen. I'm sorry for pulling you out of bed, okay? I just...needed to get this off my chest. I needed to talk to you about...everything that's happened."

I cross my arms and relax. "Fine. Apology accepted."


"You don't have to make any decisions related to that man right away, just so you know. But when you're ready, go ahead and tell me what's on your mind. Whatever it might be, even if it's chaotic. You're going through a lot right now. Your world is being turned upside down again, even if it is for the best."


"Don't rush yourself."

He nods and takes a breath in.

"There were a lot of things that happened between us. When I...hurt you at the Academy. I saw myself falling behind. And I got scared. I got angry, at you, at Itachi, at everything. I thought you were mocking me, but at the same time I could hear his voice, too. I could see his eyes in yours. There's no...excuse for it. I hated you back then. I don't really like you now. But what I did was wrong, and I...I'm sorry."

I nod to let him know he can keep speaking.

"But you reached my brother, somehow. The same way you must have reached Naruto. And Gaara. And inspired a bunch of other people. I was jealous of you for a while. I felt inadequate. Useless. And Sakura...I wanted to push Sakura away, but she wouldn't let me go. And I didn't have the courage to use her up and throw her away. I...like her. But I don't know how to express it. I don't know if I should. She's a good person, better than I am. But I also know that...Naruto gave up on pulling her away a long time ago. It was never about her. It was about me. Bonding with me, of all people. All of that scared me. I didn't want to lose it all again. I didn't want to see the people I...came to love all die. Kakashi should have been able to relate to me. But maybe not. I don't know. I don't know a lot of things. Sorry."

"You're fine," I say.

"Am I?"

"You are. I have something to say...if you want to hear it."

"Go ahead."

"When we were in the valley...I told you that I also understood what pain was. What it meant to lose someone precious to you."

"I remember that conversation. What...did you mean by that?"

"The woman who gave birth to me, my first mother...she died when I was younger. Before I came to this continent. It was an illness that destroyed her over the space of a month. I watched her dying, and then I watched her die."


"I woke up in her arms and watched her take her last breaths."

"To have bonds severed violently...and feel helpless as they fall apart. I...see now. I can understand...that feeling," he says.

"My father never loved me. But your brother told me that your father was proud of you. He loved you up until the very end of his life...even asking for your protection as his final wish. But even a father who never loves you is still connected in some way...and so, cutting apart those bonds is also painful. To destroy who you thought of as family in order to save another."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It was my hand that brought down my father. Because he threatened everyone and everything I cared for. In his last moments of life, unlike Fugaku who laid himself down with dignity...he cursed me once more instead."


"Most would call this life of mine a cursed existence, and curl themselves into a ball, waiting for death. But it is because of the bonds that you once called useless that I am here in front of you. Bonds can cause pain. Sometimes they are cruel, harsh things. But they are also the source of our strength. The reasons we fight for tomorrow. The reasons we live. You didn't want to fight and kill Itachi...did you."


"You didn't want to do just that. You wanted more than that. To feel, and to understand. To know why your brother acted the way he did. And now that you know some of the reasons why, you still seethe with anger. Only this time, it is towards the village that brought your precious older brother to ruin."

I pause and wait for our hostess to set down our plates and teacups. We exchange nods, and she heads back behind the counter again.

"You can work alone, like you want to. Become a far-off agent of the Leaf like your brother. Whether you are physically here or not does not matter. I know that you will not change much from where you are now. You have your pride. You are stubborn. Foolish. The logic you use manifests in my mind as incomprehensible nonsense. The world accepts it however, and for daily living, that is what matters."

"Lilith...I don't understand."

"Don't understand what?"

"I just...with all the things you've said...why are you helping me? Is it because you see yourself in me?"

"No. I could never."

He looks at me, confused.

"Too many people in this world have been scarred by their circumstances. Too many have been hurt, by things that are beyond their control. I will never forget what you did to me. I will never forget the trouble and pain that you caused me. How you scarred me, how you sent me tumbling into darkness. I was so scared and alone. But this, this moment...this isn't for Naruto, or Sakura, or Kakashi. It isn't for the Hokage, or Imari, or Tamaki. It isn't for Itachi. I want to do this. I want to try...because you are a part of my life now. And I couldn't live with myself if I just watched someone I knew struggle and drown in front of me."


"I rise above myself to help you...because you are a human being. And no matter who you are, or what you have done...you too deserve the love of heaven. This grace is what I give to you, from my own heart. You don't need to thank me. You don't need to love me. What you need to do is take this second chance, and find yourself. That...is what it means for you to live well."

I pick up my fork and dig into my omurice.

"Eat before it gets cold, Sasuke."

He nods and starts eating.

We finish after a while, with only the sounds of cutlery and cups between us. I leave the payment and a tip for our hostess, then we make our way out into the dawn light.

"I forgot I had training today."

"You don't," I say to him. "Imari already knows."


"What is it?"

"All I have to do is...keep living. Is that it?"

"The instructions are simple. Carrying them out is the hard part. You will have bad days. But not just bad days. Remember that."

"I'll...try to. Thanks for listening to me, Lilith."

"Yes. You're welcome, Sasuke. Safe travels."

The ANBU from earlier appears and starts to escort Sasuke home. I walk in the other direction, knowing that I won't be able to sleep for a few hours more.

Sasuke really is an irritating brat. The things I do for love.

"There's a bath house very close by...definitely open. Guess I can soak a little before going back..."

I put my hands into my pockets, and start a leisurely walk through the Hidden Leaf.
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This was a very interesting chapter to write. Not hard once I got going, but a little challenging. Which is good. I wanted to get the right tone.

A bunch of thoughts about what would be the most satisfying versus the most thematic and all of that. But ultimately you don't put this kind of stuff out if you're not sure of it. It's a lot.
Lilith's Ascent: Phase 1, Ending
Scarlet Justice - ep. 149
"Lilith's Ascent"
[Ritual, Part 7: Conclusion]

The season has changed.

Leaves, rich with colour, fall from trees and are kicked up into the cool air. The days of summer heat have dwindled to nothing, with people taking advantage of their last few weeks on patios to properly enjoy the outdoors.

With the arrival of autumn comes another event. My departure from the Hidden Leaf.

Fio will be staying at the hotel until the end of the month, as I've arranged. Then she will be heading out herself, to parts unknown.

Naruto has left the village with Jiraiya. Sasuke will be spending somewhere between a few months and a year with Itachi, travelling the world on their own path. Itachi will tell him everything about the Uchiha Clan, all of their secrets, their origins, everything he knows. And then Sasuke will return to the village at an appointed time, to learn about the Hidden Leaf, and how it came to be from the Hokage. The hope is that with both of these stories in his mind, he will finally find closure, and his place within the Leaf at last. Sakura will be continuing her training under Tsunade and Shizune. She has already become a skilled medic and is praised for her fortitude and technical ability.

Shino will be training with his father and clansmen. Along with that, Futaba will be sharpening her trade with his help. Kurenai plans to take leave as Team Eight ceases their operations over the break, to spend some extra time with Asuma. Hina and Shino will on occasion lead genin teams into the field, and team up with some of our old classmates. Ino will be getting weekly lessons from Tsunade and practising on her own, while at the same time taking courses to improve her information gathering abilities. This is on top of training her clan techniques, and training with the other members of her team. Choji and Shikamaru will also be training in their clan arts with their families.

Lee will be doing his usual things, like intense training with his master. Neji and Tenten have taken to training together more often – apparently the former is being considered for jounin already, based on his formidable skill. Hiashi mentioned in passing that he would be training Neji properly in the clan's hidden arts, along with Hina and Hanabi.

Team Nine had its last mission for a while the other day. Kiba has had some sort of flame lit under him and will be training more with Tsume, who is very pleased by the news. Hana, less so. Tomoko Kosugi, the fat-chested jounin-sensei, will be splitting time between teaching at the Academy and handling code work – both encryption and decryption. She's also set to lead a newly formed team that will handle electronic intelligence data. Erika will be doing more intelligence work of her own, going on missions to help with village security, and helping out with overflow at the Hokage's Office. Naturally, she's a genius when it comes to paperwork, too.

And Koichi...the boy known as Phantom the Dark. Well, he has his own things to take care of now.

"I must thank you for this gift, Shadow Mistress."

"Think nothing of it. I should thank you and Miss Kyouko for being so accommodating. Though I didn't know you wanted a little sister."

"It has been on my mind for an age now. This way it is easier on Mother...she now has a true protege she can pass her sacred techniques down to."

The local vendors are still selling hot snacks this time of year. Fitting enough. We decide to go with a sausage, grilled and wrapped in a fluffy bun. Indulgent, but oh so juicy and delicious all the same. Momma got us these when we went out to see baseball games. She did love to get carried away by the atmosphere, even if she didn't understand all the rules.

"A truly powerful meal from the west," Dark says after taking a bite.

"Indeed." I finish off my snack and make sure nothing has dripped onto my jacket. A couple of napkins come out of my pockets so that I can wipe my hands and mouth a bit. "So. I take it things are going well."

"Yuno has been a very good addition to the family. An interesting person, as well...her soul glows brightly, even among others."

"You did take to her right away, so that only makes sense."

"This is true. Eddie suggests checking her compatibility with the crow kingdom...but I feel she may be suited to another sort of animal instead. I haven't discerned which one as of yet."

"Doting on her already?" I say with a smile.

Dark finishes his sausage and dusts off his hands. I hand him a napkin and he takes it.

"But of course. It is the power of bonds that carries us from strength to strength. That aside, I have seen the dark designs of fiends that roam this village. Unfortunate, but not insurmountable. I will support Yuno from the shadows, and respond to her summons with the greatest speed." He looks at me. "Many have suffered alone in their youth. To bring that torment to a swift end is among the least of things we can do."

I nod with understanding. "Yes."

"I also would like to learn about the world. About the different peoples that inhabit it. My feast of the world's dark essence will continue unabated, but alongside that, I will continually thirst for knowledge. Er...that said."

I look at him curiously. "Hm?"

He grimaces. "There are some things...better left to the unknown abyss."

I tilt my head to one side.

"The other day, Mother implored me to reevaluate my relationship with Kosugi-sensei."

"You told her?"

"Not...exactly." He scratches at his head. "Although I think she had her suspicions over the past few months. But I did properly consult with Rika. She gave me an unshackled opinion over tea."

"Ah." That would do it.

"After that, I had a long conversation with Kosugi-sensei, also over tea. She was upset at first, but...eventually came to an understanding. We remain on good terms, and she has decided to focus on her work. And she also...considered seeking professional help. I suspect she had parental issues in the past, and her...hm..."

"Guidance," I suggest.

"Yes. Continued guidance of me may have been a result of overcompensation. Suffice it to say, that has come to an end now."

"Good for you. Both of you, I mean."

"Thank you. Rika is happy as well."

"She would be, yes. What do you plan to do with your free time?"

"Yuno requests my assistance regarding various experiments. Along with my regular duties, I will make time for her."

"Have you thought about studying chakra yourself?" I ask.

He puts a hand under his chin. "Hmm...research into the dark arts? Secrets of life force, and the potential of the human spirit...yes. It does sound fascinating. Yuno received guidance from the White Queen, and we have met a few times before. I can ask for an audience with her in the future."

White Queen...right. That's Nami. Well, she finds the boy fascinating enough. It won't be an issue for her to help.

"I leave Yuno in your capable hands. You, along with Miss Kyouko and Sir Suneater will make a fine set of guardians. I look forward to seeing her blossom upon my return."

"Yes, of course. Your will shall be done, O Crimson Nightmare."

"Very good." We shake hands firmly.

"I did come upon something shocking the other day."

"Did you?"

"The Dark Hand has gained a bride," he says with wonder.

"Is it that surprising?"

"What's surprising is that he only has one woman by his side."

I blink. "Huh?"

"Perhaps that one is using a barrier or curse to keep the others at bay...for I have no idea how any woman can resist his mysterious aura. If only I could emulate such a thing."


The more I think I understand about this boy, the less I actually do understand.


And finally, the day arrives.


I wash up and get into that familiar outfit, the one that has served me so well and makes me recognizable through the Leaf. Black almost all the way over with striking red highlights, like the zipper teeth and the cuffs around my wrists. My fingers pull at the black socks on my thighs to make sure they sit right.

The diamond chain from my big sisters, and Hina's bracelet around my ankle. Along with the little essentials, I have practically everything that I need. I certainly won't be short of supplies while I'm with Midori and Luna, and so I don't need to pack anything. A few nostalgic pieces of clothing are being kept safe...but everything else in good condition has been given away.

"I'm not just leaving the nest this time, am I...this is my home. And I'll be back again one day soon," I say to my reflection.

I also know that if I stay too much longer, I'll never end up leaving...there's so much to do and adjust that I could spend years tending to it on my own. But right now, personal development has to come first. And the greatest gains will be made at my brilliant sister's side. A new level of being, one that I need to visit the sacred cave to reach.

"Time to go."

I fix my hair one last time and leave the hotel room, then the hotel altogether. Through the streets of the Leaf and towards the main gate.

Not just Luna and Midori, but a whole lot of people are waiting for me.

"We'll let everyone see you off. We do have one last stop to make after this," Midori says, smiling behind her fan.

"Yes. Thank you, Ane-ue."

"Ufufu...think little of it, my love. Take as much time as you need."

"Take care of yourself, kiddo." Tsunade gives me a big hug and pats my head. "You'll shoot up a couple of inches for sure. That'll put the world on notice, eh?"

"Thank you. Your guidance has been a great blessing."

She smiles and nods.

"I know you'll do great these next few years. You've always been a brilliant learner," Iruka says to me.

"Thank you, Iruka." I jump up and give him a hug.

"A little much, eh?" he says with a smile.

"A little. Thank you for everything...your kindness will not go to waste, just as I promised."

He nods and sets me down gently.

Imari and Tamaki both smother me in a hug soon after.

"Take care, Lili!"

"Yes, take care of yourself."

"Thank you for this, all of this. You've changed my life, and senpai's. We're honoured to have been able to work with you so closely," Imari says.

"And we're looking forward to doing so again in the future," Tamaki adds. "You just let us lay the groundwork here, and then you can race ahead at whatever speed you like."

"Thank you both. I'll be ready to go when I get back, so your hard work won't be wasted."

They both smile and give me a thumb up.

"Like everyone said, you take care now. You've done so much for us, Lili...come back safe and healthy." Ino hugs me tightly.

"I promise, Ino."

"And Lili always keeps her promises." She gives me a wink. "Do your thing like always. I'll be thinking of you."

"I wish you success in your endeavours, Lili. Our dream of revolution is not far away...for your formidable strength will be able to move mountains." Erika gives me a hug.

"Thank you, Erika."

"Of course. I will be working hard to match your pace. You will never have to face the darkness alone...that is what it means to be a friend. Just as you taught me," she says with a smile.

"Yes. Don't work too hard, now."

"This I promise."

"Nothing much to say that hasn't been said..." Kurenai hugs me and puts a hand on my head. "Be safe out there, Lili."

"Of course, nee-san. Thank you for looking out for me."

"Never a problem. I'll be here, no matter how much you grow."

"Boss. Good luck," Shino says.

"Thank you, Shino." I hug him tightly.

"I'll do what I can to advance your goals while you're away. Why? Because I believe in you, and I believe that you will change the world one day soon. My role is to help you get there."

"Yes. I'll be counting on you."

"Got it."

"Lili-nee, be safe!" Hanabi says to me.

"I will, Hanabi." I lift her up and hug her tightly.

"I'll work hard, just like you taught me to. Thanks so much for looking after me and onee-sama."

"It was my pleasure, love. I'm looking forward to the next time we meet. Make sure to eat and play well, okay?"

"Okay." I set her down and pat her head.

"Lili...good luck. Come back to us soon," Hina says with a smile.

"I will, Hina." We hug each other tightly, not wanting to let go. As we separate, we exchange kisses on the cheeks.

"I'll be working hard on this side...and I know that you'll rise to even greater heights where you are. Keep going for all of us. More than anything...I want to see you reach as high as you can, for everyone's sake."

"You'll be right by my side, of course."

"Always. You've given me too much for me to be anywhere else."

"I wish you well on your new journey, Miss Kobayashi," Hiruzen says, smoking on his pipe as usual.

"Thank you, my lord." I hug him, and his soft hand rests on my head.

"I await the day you ascend to this lofty throne in the sky...for you will have a much grander vision than I or my masters could ever dream of. I have raised many children to succeed me, but you by far are the most radiant."

"I swear I will not fail you, oyaji. It will take a while after this, but..."

"Yes. With you as my elegant blade, I will be more than safe until the promised time."

"I'm happy."

And last, but certainly not least.

Fio approaches me through the middle of our gathering. We raise our hands at the same time and press them together, fingers meshing with one another. My eyes look into hers, and hers into mine.

There aren't any words we need to say out loud.

Our eyes slide closed at the same time, and we bring ourselves closer. Our lips meet, in a soft, short, meaningful kiss. Every emotion and feeling, every longing...passed between us, in a single moment.

A peaceful, loving goodbye. Until the moment we meet again, as true adults in this world.

We separate, slowly. As our fingertips leave one another, I can still feel her warmth.

I cross the entrance to the Leaf, standing between Luna and Midori. A summoning circle forms beneath our feet.

"My precious family in the Leaf...thank you."

I smile for them, bright and proud.

"Thank you for believing in me. I love you all."


My eyes open in the next moment to a lush garden, the scent of flowers reaching my nose. So many complex, invigorating notes.

Instantly recognizable. The Kobayashi Mansion at Inaho.

One of the maids has already left to inform Emi and Touka that we are here.

This is the second last stop...because there is one person I hold as more precious than anyone else. More than anyone in the Leaf. In the same way that Itachi would tear the world asunder for Sasuke...I would bring ruin to the entire universe for Rose.

"How lovely. I get to see you one last time before you disappear for a few years."

Emi hikes up her dress to meet me, and we share a warm hug. Her hand gently strokes my head.

"I am very proud of you, Lili. You've grown so much, as a kunoichi and as a woman. I'm excited to see what heights you can reach next...so take care of yourself. Remember that your sisters are always there to help."

"I will, Mama. Thank you for loving me the way you do."

"You've earned that and so much more."

She gives me one last squeeze before letting go.

"Madam Emi and Lady Rose will be in the greatest care. I would perish of shame if I gave them anything less than my best," Touka says to me, hand over her heart. "I humbly ask for your faith, Lady Lilith."

"You have my blessing, Touka. Take care of them as only you can."

"Yes. You have my word, milady."

"And here...is the person you've been waiting to see most." Emi lifts Rose from the basket Touka his holding, and gives her to me. Wrapped up in a warm blanket, her tiny hand reaches for my finger as always. I feel her grab on, and also feel that the urgency from the nights we first were together is gone.

She knows and understands what I must do.

"You are the most important person in the universe," I say to her. "And so, you will be the last person I touch before leaving this realm...and the first person I will touch upon my return. So it shall be."


"Grow in wisdom and strength, my beloved. Just as I will on the other side of this world. I will be thinking of you, and praying for your health and safety. Reach towards greatness, Rosemary. Become the most splendid daughter of Kobayashi House."

I kiss her gently on the forehead, and she looks into my eyes with understanding. Her fingers release their grip from around mine. I return her to Mama, and then go back to my place between Luna and Midori once more. The summoning circle appears beneath our feet, glowing with white light.

"Ladies. Until the next," I say confidently.

"Until the next," they say in unison.


"The first part of your journey begins here."

I follow Midori through the dark caves, with Luna behind me. We move further and further from the light until there is nothing to see by.

Navigation in these places is trivial for us, however.

Only those with the necessary ability can find the sacred space within Ryuuchi Cave and travel through it. As for the other tests...

"Midori, are you sure this is okay?"

"The fossil can't say anything if I bring Lili directly to her. Those trials are just a waste of time," she says to Luna. "Lili would sniff this passage out either way."

"The signals are strong, yes," I say.

"So said, so done."

We enter a giant, seemingly empty room. But there is...a power of sorts, rippling through the air. An energy. It's not chakra...or at least, not normal chakra.

"I see. So this is also sage power," I conclude.

"Identifying it right away? Seems that we have another cheeky one..."

Torches light up on the walls, immediately illuminating the room. As my eyes adjust to the light, I see the being in front of me for the first time. They're just as big as I imagined.

An extremely large white snake many times the size of a human man, coiled upon an elegantly decorated throne. Her body far surpasses the length of Manda, with at least two gold bands around it at the top, and I can see that she has been in this cave for so long that parts of her body have merged with the ground as she grew. Her head has a black wrap on top of it, with two pointed edges and a red orb on the front, and an orange headdress on the back. A green orb attached to a chain hangs around her neck; it's hard to make out, but the character for venom is within it. And the smoke that lingers in this area comes from her massive cigarette, kept neatly in place by a fancy golden holder.

"This is the White Snake Sage, Lili. My ancestor, and the great leader of the serpent world who guides it from afar. The mother to all those in this great kingdom, and mistress of the great and powerful Sage Arts."

"Hoh. So you've learned to show some deference for once. Good for you, little one."

Midori sighs. "This is why I don't put up with your shit."


"Luna, relax. This old snake isn't going to do a goddamn thing to us. Isn't that right, baa-chan?"

"You really are an unruly child, Midoriko."

"Tch. I cleaned up your little issue with Manda, so don't you start sassing me, yeah?" She sighs. "You always throw me for a loop like this, baa-chan. Be nice for once. Please? My little sister wants to move up a level in the world."

"Hehehe. Come, now. You remember where you got your attitude from in the first place, don't you?"

Midori chuckles and shakes her head. "How could I forget? Well, I should have said this first off, but it's good seeing you again. How are the offerings recently? I see you're enjoying one right now."

"Hm. Passable, I suppose."

"Not what I like to hear."

"The blend has changed, somehow."

"Ooh, that's not right. I'll have something nicer made for you by next week."

"Lovely. Now...this was the imouto you were speaking of, yes? Certainly a fiery thing...I can feel her energy, and it is not only vast, but active. A flow that is certainly otherworldly," the Sage says.

"She has grasped a heavenly strength, baa-chan. The plains of heaven are visible to her," Midori explains.

"Is that so...it means that you have even surpassed the Namikaze child, a student of the toads. Well...I always did relish the chance to get one over on them. Now I should be able to boast of two superior students, hmhm."

"Baa-sama, do you think that I am worthy?" I ask.

"More than worthy, my child. With your strength alone, you can work miracles in this world we inhabit. And with the power that will come unto you...you will be able to reshape the world in your image. The Sage of Six Paths boasted power that shook the world to its core. His teachings and ideology were not truly absorbed by humans, and the peace he sought to maintain went to ruin. But if you merely focus your strength..."


"Yes. I do mean this, little one. Your existence can be one that surpasses the Sage of Six Paths. The man called Hagoromo Ootsutsuki."

"Hagoromo Ootsutsuki," I repeat.

"The endorsement of endorsements," Midori says with a bright smile. "But you are Lili, after all."

"Thank you, Midori-nee."

"But before I start the ritual...there is one thing that I need from you, little one."

"What is it, baa-sama?" I ask.

"I want you...to tell me your name," she says, lips curling into a playful smile.

I look up at her and smile back. My right hand lands with a thump over my heart.


"I am the World Serpent, who will crush this world within her jaws.

I am Bushin, the great goddess of war and battle.

I am an elite of the Hidden Leaf Village, their great hope, their sword of justice.

I am the most terrifying soldier, the avatar of destruction, the woman called the Crimson Nightmare.

I am the blessed child who has danced on the heavenly plain, a princess of the stars, a precious envoy of God.

I am a beloved daughter.

I am a precious sister.

I am a trusted friend.

I am, in all worlds, the Scarlet Viper of legend."


"My name is Lilith Caroline Kobayashi!"


Scarlet Justice, Phase 1: end.
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Intermission + Notes
I sat on this chapter for a few days, thinking about how I would extend it if I needed to. There were lots of possible, time wasting scenes to have play out, but...in the end I decided that I was done with the writing part, and that this was it. Didn't need to do much else. So here we are, at the end.

I can confidently say that there will be more, in the future.

I hope that this can be enjoyed as a complete book on its own, though. It's good that I could finish this much of the story in the first place. I'll make an attempt to go back over earlier parts and try to make sure that things are in line, but I don't know how far I'll get with that. Still wondering if I should change the chapter labels as the transition period ends, and other things of that nature. I'll figure it out, and if I don't then I'm just writing a long fan work on the internet. It's fine, ultimately.

In order to keep this easy to read as a complete work, I will continue to use this thread for Phase 2, known normally as the Shippuden side. So if you're still interested in where this goes, you can keep your alerts on here. I will have expected extra content such as the new databook entries, and some gifts that I picked up the other day for the audience to look at. There may or may not be more trivia bits, depends on how I'm feeling. New content and characters will appear, surely. As for expectations on how things will read, the changes in front of your eyes won't be too drastic, but with the original plot threads moved around so much by now, the next phase will likely feel a lot looser as you read it. It's something you'll see as you read, I think.

As always, remember to point out anything that you think doesn't belong, like missed content warnings or things that seem over the line. I like to think that I've handled most of the heavier content maturely, but another few pairs of eyes always helps. Some missed words, spelling mistakes, and typos pop up as well, since spellcheck can't catch every single thing. Those should be tweaked too. Other than that, if you liked the story give it another read or two while the next part is being prepared. I'm thinking about creating a chapter/arc guide if people want to quickly figure out a spot to read from, that will happen either in this intermission period or after Phase 2 ends.

Speaking of that, my plan is to take a small break, about a month or two, and restart late in 2021 or early 2022. I honestly just want to slack off a bit even if the thread sinks for a while and it kills my numbers. It gives me time to do some polishing and collect more supplementary stuff for the thread, lock in ideas, and consider my path a few more times.

But it's been a fun one and a half years or so. I'm glad that I've been able to write and have so many people enjoy it, and also that I've managed to surpass my own expectations of how things would come out since this is by far the biggest project I've done in a while. The commentary and support has been pretty cool, and I appreciate it. So that's all for the first part of Lili's story, an alternative take on the Naruto universe. I wouldn't do it if I didn't love it.

Feel free to ask questions or leave comments as you see fit. I'll still be around to add lore stuff and respond to posts during the story's downtime. Special mentions to @Megacookie for his character contributions, and to @Jefardi for commissioning gorgeous fanart for the thread. Much appreciated.

Thank you for all of your support, I hope you enjoyed the read, and I'll see you soon.
It's been a great read Forte, and I'm glad to have contributed in any way.

You deserve the break. Rest well, and I'm excited to see more.
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All the farewells were so sweet. And then we got to see massive momma snake and be amused at her behaviour haha. Being equal or surpassing the Sage?? Pretty crazy because even Peak Naruto would be equal ish.

I got chills reading that final declaration. REally just so awesome.

You totally should take as long as you want to relax. The quality, quantity and consistency of this story of your story is like top tier in all of fanifiction. It's great.

I love that you've resolved so many plot points so elegantly and also created so many new characters that I've come to love.

Thanks for sharing your imagination with the world and I hope you have an amazing relaxing break and also just life in general haha.