Which Lili is your favourite?

  • Angry Lili

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Bully Lili

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • Benevolent Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Commander Lili

    Votes: 24 15.2%
  • Big Sis Lili

    Votes: 49 31.0%
  • Shy Lili

    Votes: 18 11.4%
  • Smug Lili

    Votes: 57 36.1%
  • Sadist Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Professional Lili

    Votes: 26 16.5%
  • Villainess Lili

    Votes: 37 23.4%
  • Suave Lili

    Votes: 28 17.7%

  • Total voters
Scarlet Justice - ep. 134

"Lili! There's a big letter for you!"

"One moment, please."

I pause my combing and decide to put my hair up temporarily. It's morning in the Leaf, about a week or two after our most recent trip to the Iron Country. The heat has been rising steadily as we transition into the heart of summer; while certainly not as bad as Wind Country might be at the moment, some days do give off the impression of baking gently in an oven.

"Captain Kobayashi, ma'am. It was requested that I deliver this to you personally if you were present. Sorry to disturb you, ma'am."

"Not a problem at all, darling." It's the young man I sent off with those documents previously. Perhaps there is some symbolism at play here.

"Your items, ma'am. From Lord Hokage, by way of Miss Tamaki Kurogane."

"Thank you kindly." I take the large envelope from him, and it does have a weight to it. It seems like a good sign, at least. "How have you been lately?"

"Ma'am. Taking care of myself as you've requested."

"So you remembered. Lovely. Thank you again for this delivery, and continue to grow in body and mind." I smile and reach up to pat his cheek. "Take care, now."

"I will, ma'am," he says with a smile back. "Thank you. Ma'am, and ma'am." He bows towards me and then Fio before leaving. Fio closes the door after him.

"So you guys know each other?" she asks.

"He was the one I sent off with my plans all that time ago."

"Ooh, I see. He's cute, I like him."

"I feel much the same. Simply adorable, and he's grown an inch or two since the last time. I'm sure he'll become a fine young man soon enough." I walk over to the kitchen table and open the envelope carefully. "Let's see what we have..."

"Hope it's good news!"

My delivery takes the form of a few loose sheets, such as signed official papers and certificates, and then a bound booklet that must contain about a hundred or so pages. The first piece of paper tells me what I need to know.

The proposal for our new orphanage and housing complex has been fully approved!

"We've done it. We've actually done it," I say with a big smile. "Fio, we've done it!"

"It's happening?!"


"Congratulations! We did it!" We wrap each other up in a big hug. "But you did all the work, didn't you?"

"I did. But you were, and always will be, my inspiration. Besides, we will be in this together the whole way through. I'll be counting on your support, my love."

"Got it."

"Ah. Well, I have some reading to do later. Phone calls to make...Ane-ue will be very pleased at the news. I have to contact the estate, and the businesses making inquiries. And this place will be going up for sale..."

"Really?" Fio looks around at everything. "Oh, right! You did mention that we were moving."

"It will be a while before that happens, but...we should prepare now while we still can. Today however, was always intended as a day of rest. We can add a day of celebration in later."

"We sure can. Oh, far as I know, Karin should be good to go for your meeting. It's in an hour, right?"

"Yes, around that time. Thank you for facilitating it, love."

"No problem. Thank you for looking out for the team. That Sai looks shadier every time I see him nowadays..."

"He will be dealt with soon enough, I assure you. Now...I should continue getting ready for the day. Did you want to read through the documents first, Fio?" I ask her.

"Hmm...I'll wait until we can have a read along together. Looks like pretty high level stuff, at least for me right now."

"That is very much fine. Believe me when I say that some of this terminology can be opaque for even the most experienced legal minds."

"Yikes." She sticks her tongue out. "Sounds like it's designed to be a real pain in the ass, then."

"You have the bulk of it, yes. Alright, I will see you in a while. Enjoy the rest of your breakfast," I say while patting her head.

"I will!"

Today's meeting is with Karin, Fio's teammate who I met earlier. She has quite the taste for me, and I really am curious as to why that is. Especially with the things I've been hearing by way of Ino. Apparently she and Sasuke met once before, and she was enamoured with him at the time. Is that she's awakened to a new nature, too? I suppose I will find out, since she's hinted through Fio that she had some things close to her heart that she wants to reveal to me. And since I'm quite good at keeping secrets, she would have nothing to fear from my end.


I look in the mirror and brush at my scarlet hair. Her colours are similar to mine, but I don't think we could be related. It's more likely that she has a connection of some kind to those of the Uzumaki bloodline. Hiruzen has told me many a story over tea, and there were two prominent women of this village that had hair just like ours. Mito Uzumaki, the first known jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox and wife of the Founder. And Kushina Uzumaki, a woman of the same blood who was sent to the Leaf for the purpose of succeeding her as the second jinchuuriki of the Nine Tails. The wife of the Fourth Hokage, and strong in her own right. And not least of all, Naruto's mother. She died on the night of his birth.

Would he know his mother's face? Was their time together too short to him to even know her existence? Compared to him...I was blessed enough to know my mother for seven years, to bond with her and learn much from her. It made our parting much more painful, yes, but I don't regret those memories. If Naruto were to know that past...how would that change him? I have to wonder if there is a divide there, not just between us, but between himself and Sasuke. He lost his family when he was old enough to know them as well.


That experience of pain. I wonder if that is a necessary thing to ascend in this world. Something to overcome, so that one can properly connect with the downtrodden. Or...more than that. There is probably something I'm missing.

I run my hands through my hair and shake it out. Everything looks fine.

"I can ruminate on those things later. For now, I shall shift my attention to the lovely Karin."

I lightly spray a bit of perfume on my neck and put on a simple enough outfit for the day. A silk shirt, comfortable shorts, and a straw hat on top to keep away the sunlight. I take a pair of sunglasses out of their leather-lined box, and take a look at myself in the full length mirror. Good. I should be quite ready to go. I grab my purse and head out.

"Fio, a final check."


She gulps down her juice and runs over to look at me as I pose.

"Nice. Hmm...you should go with the rainbow sandals today."

"A good call." I nod and step into the wooden sandals I have at the door. The wedge heels came to mind, but these are sensible for a little date like this.

"Yeah, looking good. Have yourself a good time, and don't give Karin too much trouble!"

"No promises."

"Sheesh." She kisses me on the cheek. "I'll be here hanging out. Call if you need anything."

"I'll remember. Thank you, my love."

Fio opens the door and closes it behind me, so as to keep the cool air inside the apartment. I adjust my hat and sunglasses, make sure my purse is securely over my shoulder, and clear the steps to start off.

Today's location is a familiar one: the cafe run by our intelligence community's darling, Mai. She's reserved a table outside for us, and I have my usual stock of seals to ensure an adequate bit of privacy. Karin is already up ahead, nervously waiting for me to arrive.

"I see we've dressed up nicely for today."

"O-oh...was it too much?" she asks.

"Not at all, you look quite lovely. I appreciate the effort you've taken. You're not too warm, are you?"

"I'm fine, I promise. Thank you for asking." She's chosen a very cute dress for today, in a peach colour with little frills and ribbons along the edges. Thin straps go over her shoulders, and the fabric seems to flow freely along with her body. If she wanted to make a good second impression, she's certainly succeeded. Though I do hope she's not enduring any discomfort for my sake.

"Good. Have yourself a seat, darling. Our food will be coming in shortly." I seat her before sitting across from her, and then attach a paper seal to the underside of our table. That should afford us an extra bit of privacy while we're here.

"I have to apologize, Captain-"

"Ah, ah. You should remember by now."

"Sorry. Um...Lili." She blushes. "I wanted to apologize for being so nervous still..."

"You have nothing to apologize for, Karin."

"Really? I...even if I tell you what's happening...would you be alright with it?"

"Hm. I'm not bothered by much in this world of ours. Esoteric things, for the most part." I shrug and set my purse on the table, then take off my sunglasses. "Of course, anything you mean to tell me will stay between us."

"Of course. I trust you, Lili."

"Thank you for that. Now, it looks as if you have something to reveal to me. Would you be so kind as to tell me what's on your mind right now?"

"Y-yes. It's...strange, in a lot of ways. But I really feel like I can trust you with this, so..." She takes a few deep breaths and steadies herself. "You see, my ability...it allows me to sense anyone's chakra signature, without needing to go through the normal processes. I can pretty quickly figure out the difference between two people, or two animals, or a person and an animal...down to the small details. How big the chakra is, how strong it is, how much someone has left..."

"And that includes fluctuations due to altered states, or flares of emotion," I say.

"Yes, exactly."

"It sounds like an incredible ability. Little wonder that Orochimaru coveted you."

"There were...many experiments. He valued me for the data I could provide him...at least, that's what I remember of that person."

"So you have a very unique skill," I conclude. "I take it there are significant drawbacks to using it?"

Karin shakes her head. "Nothing like that, at least on a physical level. I guess that if I push my chakra down too far, I can't use my sensing at all...but I think that's common enough among shinobi. The really important thing you should know is that I get attached to people...in a strange way."


"You can think of it as a drawback, of sorts. Since I can sense chakra in the way that I do, I become attracted to boys based on the quality of their chakra."


"Or...I thought it was just boys, at least." She runs a hand through her hair. "I met Sasuke during the Chuunin Exams. Actually, he saved me after I lost track of my teammates. I guess he was looking for a Heaven scroll because I had an Earth one, and he wasn't interested in it. But I never forgot that moment. He was smiling, and he looked so cool and confident...I managed to get a good look at him before he left, and from that point on I couldn't get him off my mind. Everything about him just felt perfect. Our team didn't pass the exams because of everything that happened, but I took that memory home with me and cherished it."

"I see."

"But...the other day when I met you. That was so much different. If I had to describe Sasuke's chakra in words, it was beautiful and brilliant. It drew me to him in a few moments, and I haven't felt anything like it since. But with you, Lili...I..." She bites her lip gently. "It's so much more than that, in every way. Something not of this world, I know it for a fact. An incredible thing that would make anyone want to kneel at your feet, if they could feel the things I felt. It was too much and not enough at the same time, something that I felt completely immersed in. You can probably tell that I'm feeling a little strange right now..."

"Hard to miss," I say with a smile.

"I'm slowly getting used to the feeling...like I can control myself better. Enough to talk with you properly, at least. I just...I don't know if I like you like that, or it's just how your chakra feels. I-I mean, I don't even know if you-"

"I do, just so you know. You might have heard rumours here and there...there is a bit of truth to them," I say casually.

"So you and Fio are...I-I see. Um, but I don't know if I...you know."

"Karin, it's perfectly fine. You have more than enough time to figure things out, and I'll be here for you if you need me."


"Really," I assure her. "Besides, Fio and I might have an interest in alternative arrangements. We can talk about it, surely. But I also wouldn't mind a platonic relationship, if that's what you want. There's no hurry for any of it, in any case."

"You're so accommodating...seriously, you just make it harder on me," she says with a smile. "Thank you for accepting these...awkward feelings. I just want to be close to you like this, from time to time. This warmth is...it's so wonderful. And I can truly enjoy it, now that I've lifted that weight from my chest. Thank you again for hearing me out."

"But of course. I would be remiss to let such a lovely flower wilt by the roadside. Make sure you come to me or Fio if you need anything. I do love taking care of my darlings, and hate to see them in distress. It is something born of selfishness, but I never claimed to be a good girl in the first place."

"Speaking of that...um."

"You know some of my reputation, don't you?"

"I've heard many things...like the time you killed two hundred bandits alone..."

"Hm." Mai delivers our food and drink faithfully, then leaves as quickly as she came after acknowledging us. A consummate professional, as always. "That story has made it around the world by now, hasn't it..."

"It sounds pretty scary."

"Perhaps so. Suffice it to say, I did slaughter a group of bandits on my first mission. And I did take great pleasure in doing so. That must be the other half you're aware of."

"She...doesn't exist by herself. Not like with other people, where one side takes over the other. You're the same type of person, in the end...I can feel that part flowing outwards as well." Karin reaches up with a trembling hand to adjust her glasses. "And to add to the strange things I've already said, it's...something else that pulls me in. That sort of darkness..."

"A bitter flavour to underline the sweetness, you would say?"

"Yes...that's a very elegant way to put it. As expected of you."

"Well, I do try," I say with a flip of my hair. "Oh, you simply must enjoy one of Mai's sandwiches while they're warm. Have a bite, or three."

"Alright." Karin looks at the sandwich curiously before taking a bite out of it. Her eyes widen as she chews. "W-wow. Delicious!"

"I told you. They're just as good cooled off, but I wanted you to experience that flavour at least once."

"I've never had a sandwich like this...it's so good..." She eagerly takes a few more bites, finishing it off before picking up another.

"Have as many as you like. They're good when it comes to calories, too."

"R-really? Something this tasty...I can use it to stay in shape...hmm."

We quietly eat for a few minutes. Mai brings out a pot of tea and my usual bottle of milk before disappearing again.

"Ah, refreshing as always," I say. "So. Have you and Fio talked about your shared past?"

Karin finishes her glass of water and dabs at her mouth with a napkin. "We did. In fact, it was one of the first things that I brought up. We never crossed paths often, and I almost didn't recognize her. She looked so much different...but I pieced together that she was the project that Orochimaru was working on so often, up to a certain point. He never mentioned her by name, just talked about how special and fascinating she was."

"I see. And I know you're going to say something about how you could have changed her fate. Don't do that."

"But...isn't it the case?"

"No. I don't believe it was, and even if you came together enough to get to know each other, you would have had to deal with both Kabuto and Orochimaru. I am sure you know that the former alone is more than a match for most shinobi."

"Kabuto was...scary in his own right."

"I could only assume that much. It's why Orochimaru made him his right hand in the first place. You do not need to, nor should you, blame yourself for any parts of this tragedy. You are a survivor, and you should be treated with care. Not blamed for failing to dismantle the schemes of an extremely powerful shinobi, when you are just a young girl yourself."

"I...I understand. Thank you, Lili."

"Of course."

"You've been through some terrible things yourself...at least, I can feel it from here. All of the stories and rumours said that you were scary, and pretty snobby."

"Hmph." I brush back some of my hair. "I'll freely admit to both of those. The opinions of the masses have no significant impact on my health. Let them say as they please."

"Y-yeah. That's what I imagined. But it's surprising, and comforting...to know that you're as kind as you are. It's more than just having your own pain that allows for that. I think it's a true compassion for people, and wanting to understand them. Some of them, at least." She rubs at her cheek. "Like allowing me to reach out to you like this. It might be because you think I'm cute."

I nod. "That's exactly it, yes."

"Not even trying to hide it."

"No, that's quite boring."

She sighs and gives me a smile. "I see. But it makes sense. I don't think you would be as amazing any other way."

"Thank you for that, Karin. Compliments are always welcome, and treasured. Especially because you're cute," I say with a saucy wink. She predictably blushes before coughing to steady herself.

"There was one more thing I wanted to ask..."

"Anything your heart desires," I say before sipping at my tea.

"Among the many things I've heard around the village, you're said to be good at tracking enemies and the like. I assume it's because you have a sensing ability of your own, but it's much more than that. I want to do my best while I'm in the village, so..."

"You must have a routine that you want to follow after so long, yes?"

She nods. "Something like that."

"Coming from the environment that you did most likely instilled some basic wants within you. Well, we can satisfy that much. I will refer you to one of my associates once we're done. She's taking care of another one of my darlings at the moment. Her name is Nami Hyuuga."

"Ah...of the Hyuuga Clan? That's one of the Leaf's..."

"Yes, yes. They're a big enough deal and I can respect that much, if not their personnel. Hinata and Hanabi are my sisters-"

"Hanabi? Isn't that the clan heiress?"

"She is, yes."

Karin nervously adjusts her glasses. "I-I see...and you talk about them so casually. You really are beyond the rest of us. So Lady Nami can help me?"

"She can, yes. I have a great respect for her, and she can get you any resource of your choosing. But I should first give you a little tutorial on where and when to acquire certain materials for yourself. Settle in and listen, but don't be afraid to interrupt if there's something you don't understand." I reach into my purse and hand Karin a small notepad. "There you are."

"Thank you so much. I'm ready!" she says eagerly. Karin really is adorable...I simply can't wait to see her grow along with the rest of us. And with that ability of hers, she can definitely become a piece of the greater puzzle that I intend to solve. But the most important thing right now is to get her comfortable and working.

"Good. Now, from what I know about you, you're far more of a support type kunoichi when in the field. You shouldn't neglect combat, but you want to focus on tools that will help you and your teammates gain the upper hand. For the greatest performance, we want some equipment tailored to the female form. I frequent these little shops as of now..."


After we finish our date, I hand Nami's contact information to Karin and send her off with a hug. She makes sure to squeeze back for a little longer than usual, but I couldn't mind that. I watch her leave, a contented look on her face.

"Ah, that went well. Another sweetheart to add to my list," I say with a smile. "I can never have too many of those."

I was planning to walk her home, but she had other errands to run. So that leaves me by myself to head back. The sun isn't as oppressive this hour, which is pleasing. More people are out on the streets, enjoying themselves in the warmth.

Ichiraku Ramen isn't far from here. Maybe I should stop in to say hello.

"No, it's nothing like that...don't get ahead of yourself, okay?"

"Seriously? You really can't tell me?"

"No. That's what the old man said, anyways. Him and Imari. He'd let it go, but she'd kill me."

"Ah, yeah. She can get scary sometimes..."

"..." As I near the establishment, I can see two people sitting together. I couldn't miss either of those voices, for wildly differing reasons.

Naruto and Sasuke.

"So you're almost back in business."

I see Sasuke shrug. "Maybe. It's gonna take some time before everything is fully cleared."

"Yeah. Heh, all that from one strong lady. Bet you won't underestimate a woman again in your life," Naruto says.

"Hrm...they're all murder machines of some type lately..."

"You've got yourself to blame for that, you know."

"I know, yeah. Just...don't rub it in, alright. I know what I did, I screwed up."

"Understatement of forever, dude." Naruto slurps up his noodles. "Don't worry about it, things will be okay."

"You think so, huh."

"Well, you're here, aren't you?"

Sasuke sighs. "Somehow...you have a point there."

"Good. And don't worry, I'll be around to kick your ass before one of those murder machines, or whatever you call women nowadays, does it for me. Sound like a good deal?"

"Shut up, idiot."


He's recovering, at least. Both of them are. I don't feel happy about that, or angry at Sasuke. It's a strange feeling, one that I haven't felt in a while. It was the same as when I tried to talk with Sakura a few months ago.


There is a part of me that cares. Whether it's because of Itachi's wish, or Naruto's, or that feeling inside of me that remembers what it was like to lose someone I loved so much. In the end, it doesn't matter. It was as I told Karin earlier. I am not a good person...but I want to be a fair one, in some ways at least. To balance that with the notion of justice is the real challenge.

Justice would mean that Sasuke died for the crimes he committed.

Fairness means that he gets this second chance to change and become better.

Which is right for the shinobi world? No, I know the answer to that. The real question is to figure out which is right for the people within this shinobi world. But then, I might be leaning towards an answer on that as well. It might be that right now...the only thing holding me back is the ability to pull the right levers.

"I suppose we can see about that when the time comes."

In this dream of mine, even Sasuke must have a place. The hollow place in my heart when I think of him...that cold loathing which seems to never change, no matter what I try to do. Even with all of that, I believe it to be true. But then...is there something else?

I focus from afar and change my perception of the world, watching the flow of life appear before me once again. The shining points of light drift past me in the sun's rays.


There is something afoot.

The strange, distant shadow that was with Naruto the last time has appeared again...it is by the tiniest of margins, but I can see that it is clearer than the last time. But that is not the immediate problem.

The immediate problem is that Sasuke has something similar attached to him.

It is of a different shade, that much I can tell. But these entities are only appended to Naruto and Sasuke. Nobody else. It is some sort of unique phenomenon. I will have to do more research, but it is an intriguing development. What could something like that mean? What do Naruto and Sasuke share that so many others don't?

I focus and have the world return to normal. More questions that I must keep to myself, for now.

"That should be enough. Let's go home to Fio."

There is still so much to do. But for now, I should rest. I'll have this all figured out in time. I'm Lili, after all.
Fair Winds
Scarlet Justice - ep. 135
"Fair Winds"

Today is a fine day.

In between bouts of heat, we have cool and calm stretches of weather to enjoy within the village. This is one such day, and tomorrow is projected to be the same. The timing could not be better.

Barren land within the village, cleared of all obstacles and properly smoothed. Ready for the first phase of a new project, and new beginnings for many. I stand on a nearby roof and look down at the empty space, imagining what it would look like once it was done. Of course, there are sure to be a few deviations from people more experienced in building than I, but that much is fine. As long as it's done in a reasonable amount of time and close to budget. It will take a few years at the least, I believe.


To my left should be the apartment complex. I planned for five buildings in a half circle, reaching upwards towards the sky. There would be plenty of shops below them, and many trees in lush and grassy areas. Playgrounds for children, at least one library, space for offices if needed, and lastly an academy for academic pursuits. A local donor has already volunteered to fund it, anonymously at that, according to the Hokage. He has actually been fielding offers to build various things within this space, ever since he released details about my little project to influential members of the Leaf. We've communicated with each other on what would be appropriate.

To the far right is a small neighbourhood, or it will be anyways. The luxury homes have almost sold out already; four more buyers had put in offers, and there is space for about a half dozen more easily if needed. Right now we are intending to maximize space, but plans are quite flexible at this point in time, especially when it comes to the homes – they will be built last. As planned, Naruto's new home will be among them, right next to where Fio and I will live as soon as preparations are complete.

And of course, the biggest reason for all of this will be right in the middle, taking up plenty of room. I can see the ground entrance, accessible to all with low floors and gentle slopes. Inside there would be countless rooms, facilities for food, exercise, and play, classrooms, study rooms, offices...anything and everything that would be of use to the children and the staff taking care of them. There would be bedrooms and nurseries, a built in medical facility with its own supplies allowing it to double as an emergency treatment centre if needed, and as would be necessary in a world like ours, shelters and safe rooms above and below ground in case of attack. The level of design is far from impossible, but installing all of these features comes at a considerable cost. Or at least, that much was said. It didn't look too bad for what we'll be getting in return.


I have to wonder how much I'm disconnected from the common man after all, because of my wealth. It's easy for me to set down what most could call an exorbitant amount of money on this one pursuit, but someone else with merely a magnitude of order less in their pockets would find this a very bitter pill to swallow, even if they could coast comfortably the rest of their lives while burning wheelbarrows of ryo to keep their fireplaces lit at night. And we can't just blame that sort of attitude on shinobi culture, can we. Well. One foot in front of the other. I can't solve everything on my own, and I don't think I'm meant to.

What I want is to rescue as many souls as I can. So that what I had to experience, and what Fio, and Naruto, and so many others had to go through...if I can help it, I won't let it happen to anyone else easily. Everyone, every child in this world, deserves a home. And so I will do my best to give them one. More than a home, in actuality. A place of safety and of growth, so that by the time they were ready to spread their wings, they would have their own lives to live. Actually, I could consider setting them up for life within this space, just in case things don't work out in the wider world. We could always build more, and acquire more space to do so...

"What do you think, my lord?" I ask to the person who has appeared next to me. "Will this much be enough to give light to the village?"

"More than enough," he says with a smile. Hiruzen Sarutobi puffs away on his pipe and looks in the same direction as I was a moment ago. "You have also given this place a name with meaning."

"At first I thought to name it after the family...it would be simple, and to the point. But that was no longer enough. And so, this new home will have a brilliant name. Magnolia House."

"The magnolia flower...a beautiful symbol, indeed."

"Not simply something of beauty, my lord. The magnolia flower has evolved over the eons to become resilient. There is strength, and there is dignity along with it. Perhaps these children will not be born from nobility, but they can be birthed of it here. We will change the meaning of elite, in more ways than one."

"I see. It is quite ambitious on your part, Lili."

"It must be so. This world cannot survive on half-measures any longer," I say pointedly. "Even if it means walking into heavy danger of my own will, I shall do so. Our options thin by the day, I believe."


"Things will work out. Touka has sent a few lists of candidates from the mansion that she will be approving soon. Luna will arrive when she has the time to help with training, among other things. And of course, we have professionals from this village that are looking for a change of pace. As confident as I've been, I didn't expect the idea to appeal to so many people. Especially since we already have an orphanage a ways from the village as it is."

"There has been quite a bit of talk," Hiruzen says. "Aside from that, the fresh approach you have to the entire situation, and the amount of money involved, is intriguing in and of itself. You have the goal of making the children an immediate part of society in different ways. The Leaf Orphanage...because of its largely public nature and regulations, it has gained a bit of a reputation over the years."

"No doubt Danzo Shimura will be bothered by this venture."

"Indeed. But there is nothing he can do about it as of now. You have the support of many different sectors of the Leaf, remarkable to say the least."

"You obviously helped."

"I suppose so."

I scoff at him. "Now who's being too modest?"

He chuckles at that.

"People will talk, and I can't do anything about that. Not that I planned to."

Hiruzen turns contemplative for a moment. "I do think about it at times. Doing more for the village...perhaps having done more in the past. Many opportunities have passed by, for various reasons."

"Politics is a terribly savage thing," I reply. "You have enough responsibility as it is. You always have, it seems. In addition to all of that, well...it might be good that it's a private project in the end. I imagine public sentiment on the existing orphanage is mixed, and tax payers don't like hearing that their money is going towards supporting society's discards. Whether they're infants or old men."


"Part of how I got away with something like this in the first place. A rich family deciding to make a philanthropic gesture, and dragging others along for the ride. It's all paid for by someone else. Mostly out of sight and out of mind, for now."

"What of the services?"

I shrug. "No plans to charge for them. With how things are balanced at current, we should rest comfortably in the black for as long as we need to."

"I see. And donations?"

"They would be nice, I suppose. I don't intend to hold my breath for them, though. You know how it can be...the rich are always too mysterious to truly understand."

He chuckles and puffs out a cloud of smoke.

"All of this...it's what I feel in my heart. It feels good and right. Perhaps I could never cheer loudly for those of humanity, but I want to heal this world. Even if it's only just a bit in proportion to everything else."

"Yes. I understand what you mean."

"It's nice to hear. So...you've gotten some free time to chat with me. I assume you've gotten permission from the ladies to step outside?"

"Mm. I did decide on my own to take a tour of the village. Tamaki will surely scold me later, but making time for you is well worth it, Lili."

I smile. "It warms my heart to hear, as always. Thank you for your company."

"Of course. Whenever you need to chat, my door will always be open to you."

"I might hold you to that once this story truly begins." A very different, very modern slice of life within the village. Something that might be hard for others to accept when the time comes. I don't really care if they do accept it or not.

"Tamaki did make lemonade today, along with other snacks."

"Oh, did she?" I ask Hiruzen.

"Yes. Quite a refreshing drink, nice and not too sweet. I have been told to watch my consumption habits these days, since I'm meant to have a long retirement."

"That much is true. Ane-ue did make that request of you, didn't she?"

"Ah, yes. Like it was just the other day." He sighs. "We did do well in defending this home of ours, didn't we?"

"We did. And perhaps one day, we can all find a time to close our eyes to the world and rest."

"Perhaps so."

"Well, I don't want you to get scolded too harshly. When you get back to the office, mention to Miss Kurogane that I requested the pleasure of your company. That should save you a bit of trouble, hmhm." I give him a playful wink.

"I will be sure to do that. Thank you, Lili. Please take care, as always."

"I shall." I turn to face the old man squarely and bow deeply at the waist. "For everything you've done, thank you. What you have done for the village and all of these children is more than admirable. And the things you have done for me, especially...I will cherish them always. Live a long life, if only so that you can see me make your dream a reality, oyaji."

"Thank you, my child."

I raise my head, and he has already disappeared into the day. Smoke lingers around where he once stood before fading away.

"This path stained with blood...towards a peaceful future."

I look out over the barren land again.

"Yes. Not everyone is meant to be remembered as a hero. You would agree, wouldn't you..."


The days pass, with not much going on outside. But where I am, it has been quite busy.

Fio serves as my personal secretary, fetching cups of tea, coffee, and milk for me while shuffling paperwork into piles and handing sheets and books to me whenever I call for them. I bought a sophisticated telephone with a proper speaker and buttons that let me put people on hold, or switch lines back and forth. It's rather convenient.

I didn't think my admiration of Tamaki and Imari could deepen so much, but it has. This is far from easy and they do it every single day, without complaint. They're professional about it, too.

"That should be fine. Will you be attending the opening? Excellent, thank you. Yes, that will be all. Thank you for your call. Goodbye." I switch lines and pick up my pen again. "Good morning, Lilith Kobayashi speaking. Yes, things are well. Lord Hokage has approved your proposal, I hear. You won't be needing more space than discussed, will you? Good, because I have a place where you can easily build an establishment."

And so it goes, from morning until night, for the next four or so days. Finalizing arrangements and agreements, making proper contact with donors and local business owners, and fielding calls about the public event that will be taking place soon. Of course, it's not just Fio and I working on this. The ladies at the office have pitched in - they insisted, of course - along with Nami and her cohorts. Ino has been spreading the news from her shop, and Erika has been organizing security while monitoring the village's pulse on the matter.

The event in question? A public announcement regarding the opening of Magnolia House, and the facilities in the surrounding area. Collectively, I have a cute name for everything together: Carnation Quarter. That should satisfy the more particular types, and possibly distract the other...less empathetic types from the fact that I'm taking in a high amount of what would be called undesirables. Uniforms and related clothing may sell the image better, and provide a sense of unity. I have those on back order as is, and if it works out, I can spend the extra money for customized versions.

Finally, the date arrives.


"Okay. All done."

I finish brushing my hair and shake it out a few times. Today is a warm, yet comfortable summer morning in the Leaf. I want to look composed and a bit professional today, so I've decided on a blouse and skirt combination, both in sky blue. I add a silk scarf around my neck after some more thought. Good, I should be more than ready to take on the world.

A quick snack, then I make sure my purse is stocked with everything essential. Today the wedge heels come out to add a bit of presence. Ino saw some on sale and ordered a few pairs on my behalf the other day, which I appreciated greatly. One last check of the apartment, and I lock up before leaving. Testing the market, there are already quite a few people interested in this home...but it will be a while yet before any transactions are considered. Still, I will miss this place. There are so many memories here...this was the first stop on my journey, after all. Luna's delicious meals, long conversations on the couch with Midori...


And yet, there will be happier times ahead. A chance to make even more memories, and beautiful ones at that. I will not have a problem moving forward. It's what Luna and Midori would want for me most of all. A life with no regrets.


Two voices call to me in unison. I stop my walk through the village and acknowledge them both with a light nod.

Two women dressed in black, with matching blazers and pencil skirts that have openings on each side. The same green eyes and platinum-coloured hair, tied into braids that sit on their left and right shoulders respectively. Their neatly shaped hair goes down towards their shoulders, with bangs that sweep above their eyes. With how similar they look, it would be hard for most people to figure out who was who, but I can tell them apart just by looking. Even so, there is enough of a tell to memorize.

Sana likes to have her braid sit on her left shoulder. And Sanae likes hers on the right. Beyond that, they have other subtle little quirks. Sana loves to wear perfumes, exotic scents especially. I sent her a set by way of Midori, and she has worn nothing else since. Sanae on the other hand loves to take care of her lips, and enjoyed the lipstick set I sent her. I didn't expect to get into their good graces so quickly, especially since the presents were Midori's suggestion, but I have no complaints about the results. After getting to know them and sharing my future plans, we've all become close. And as Midori told me before, they're very reliable women. Clever, ambitious, and knowledgeable when it comes to many a matter. Little mystery as to why Jakari Programming Corporation is so successful.

"It's wonderful to see you again, ladies. Thank you for you help in all of this."

"It's our pleasure as always, Princess," Sana Jakari says.

"We've come to properly escort you to the ceremony. Will you need anything else before we begin?" Sanae Jakari asks.

"Nothing for now," I say. "By the by, you do smell very lovely today, Sana."

"Thank you, Princess," she says with a smile.

"We're showing off again, aren't we," Sanae says. "I suppose that much is fine..."

"Now, now. You shouldn't tease her. The lipstick you're wearing is quite lovely today, Sanae. It makes you look even more stunning."

Sana allows herself a smug smile as Sanae tries to hide her blush. "Thank you, Princess. I wanted to look my best today, for your sake, of course."

"Yes, of course. I appreciate you both doing your best for me. Well, shall we be off?"

The sisters nod and lead the way towards an open carriage. I take a seat on the plush fabric, and they sit on either side of me before the horse starts to pull us away.

"Things have been progressing neatly in the kingdom, yes?" I ask.

"Yes, new developments have taken place," Sana replies. "We've been looking into motorized transport, both for mass transit and personal uses. A new division at JPC is being created for focus on research, towards the goal of making chakra-based systems."

"The pollution is always a problem with such things," Sanae adds. "We can make do with things like diesel for now, but even that leaves me unnerved. Especially if demand rises for more of these vehicles. I would like for us to curb the market as soon as possible, to avoid as much catastrophe as we can."

"What does Ane-ue think of this?" I ask them.

"She has already prohibited the use of polluting vehicles inside of the kingdom. Also, she wants us to try and eliminate harmful emissions in this world as well. The idea very much pleases her," Sana says. "At our current rate of research and building, with the skill level of our technicians...hm, we should have a complete and working solution within the next two years. Production would then start in year three, and an organized roll out in year four. We will have to thoroughly consult with the kingdom's planners to ensure that these vehicles don't become a virus."

"Yes. Where the world becomes reconfigured to suit them, instead of the other way around."

"Our Empress showed us several existing abominable structures meant only to move these filthy motorized carriages from place to place," Sana says with a disgusted look. "An affront to all living beings. It is a curse towards heaven and a ruthless violation of the Earth."

"Agreed. We cannot allow that sort of thing to taint our lands," Sanae says. "Our plans must be refined to the highest degree of precision."

"Very ambitious of you both."

"Always, milady. It's what we do," Sana says with a smile.

"Of course. Aim ever higher. Plus ultra, as they said in the days of old. Ah, what of your new charge? It's been a while since our chat," I ask in reference to Kabuto.

"He has been focused on biology as always," Sanae says. "But lately he has become quite interested with our work at Jakari Programming. The thought of quantum computing does set his loins aflame, though he tries to hide it. It's cute."

"Mm." Kabuto would have an interest in such things, wouldn't he. Strange child. That much hadn't changed since we last met.

"He's a handsome boy, if a little unbalanced," Sana says.

"Yes. But his genes must be good, at the least," Sanae answers.

I laugh lightly. "So you're interested in that kind of play, are you?"

"Well...it would be a lie to say that the idea of conquest doesn't get me going," Sanae admits. "Sana is the same..."

"Mm, to that end I have more of an interest in...more delicate looking people, of various persuasions. But he's close enough, even with all that extra muscle on him. I'd enjoy the experience."

"We can always share, can't we?"


"He doesn't have any idea about this, does he?" I ask.

"We've made sure of it," Sana says. "The right time will come soon enough...and by then, well. He won't be able to escape."

"Hmhm. I see. Good luck to both of you, then." Being a father might do that one good in the end. Something about him tells me that he would be good with children. "It seems that we've arrived at last."

The carriage comes to a stop, and we all file out together. Sanae checks my outfit one last time and adjusts my scarf, while Sana attaches a small microphone to my blouse.

"Thank you. Let's begin."

"Yes, Princess," the sisters say together.

Twenty minutes to go, and people are still arriving. The already large crowd is growing, even now.

With the help of shinobi on duty, we head through the area, towards the main stage.
Man, the old man has to be considering her as a future hokage candidate, right? Not only is she showing the high-level combat skills, but organizational and paperwork skills? Let her get a couple more years of experience, and she would be a shoo-in.
Man, the old man has to be considering her as a future hokage candidate, right? Not only is she showing the high-level combat skills, but organizational and paperwork skills? Let her get a couple more years of experience, and she would be a shoo-in.
Pretty sure it was already discussed in story that he was in fact grooming her be the next Hokage assuming nothing major happened in the interim, and she was very aware and fine with it with the hopes of Naruto succeeding her once everything was peaceful and he was ready.
Man, the old man has to be considering her as a future hokage candidate, right? Not only is she showing the high-level combat skills, but organizational and paperwork skills? Let her get a couple more years of experience, and she would be a shoo-in.
Pretty sure it was already discussed in story that he was in fact grooming her be the next Hokage assuming nothing major happened in the interim, and she was very aware and fine with it with the hopes of Naruto succeeding her once everything was peaceful and he was ready.
I guess since we're getting into it, you're both right in your own ways. The Iron Country mission was meant to put her over with influential elements, among other things if the subtext wasn't clear enough. As for the future candidacy, it's being treated as a bit of a competition between Lilith and Naruto where whoever gets there first is the winner, and the other person supports them in the end. The projected outcome will be interesting though because of the ideals each of them have, which have been discussed earlier and will be discussed later with a certain someone.
Mater Gratiae
Scarlet Justice - ep. 136
"Mater Gratiae"

And so, I ascend the platform steps, preparing myself to face the crowd. It's still growing, curiously...the news must have spread quite far. Good advertisement for JPC and its affiliates, if anything. And a bit of extra pressure on my end. But if I can't handle this much, then being Hokage was never in the cards.

Small snacks, water, and temporary rest facilities have been set up for this gathering. It might not be enough, but I don't plan to hold everyone here for too long.

"Do I need to adjust my pace any?" I ask Sana.

"Not at all, Princess. We left room in our calculations in case the crowd swelled, and for other simple reasons. One can never be too prepared for events like these."

"That much is true."

"We will keep an eye on the spectators," Sanae assures me. "If anything happens, we have staff ready to move."

"Thank you for that assurance. Alright...I should be ready to go. I just have to turn the microphone on, yes?"

"Yes, that's right. Good luck, Princess."

"Yes, good luck," Sana follows.

"Thank you both."

There is no large podium to hide behind this time. It's just as well. Being in this position puts me much closer to the crowd, and allows me to connect with them a little more. I'm still high enough above them, but the removal of that barrier is symbolic. On this stage, I am also not alone. I cast a glance at the characters sitting on their chairs behind me. Various magnates, village elders, mid-level military brass, and politicians have attended, and the more important and generous ones get a front row seat to everything. The Fire Daimyo is not here, but has sent a representative in his place. I think briefly about that position and what it means to my future. Of course, my most ardent supporter in the Third Hokage is present, flanked by his two trusted councillors: Homura Mitokado, a greying old man with glasses and a permanent frown, and Koharu Utatane, an old woman who wears a hair needle with many pearls and tassels on it. Both are more militant than the Hokage, and no doubt have connections to Danzo – who used to be among their number on that governing body before he was expelled.


Tamaki and Imari are not exactly fans. They feel disrespected at every turn by those two, and it's easy to see why. Many hard-line decisions that have been ostensibly for the sake of the village had their support. No doubt they forced the Hokage's hand when it came to Sasuke, and allowed Danzo to insert his cronies into various positions around the village. The Hokage has final say on all matters, but he won't forego the opinions of two of his former teammates from a long gone era. They were also students of the Second Hokage, and present when Hiruzen was named successor. Their influence is powerful...so it means that they would be likely to favour any number of candidates over me when the time came for a replacement. I'm sure Jiraiya, experienced as he is, would not pass up the opportunity to pander to them if he wanted to keep me out of the chair entirely. Danzo would have his cards to play as well.

Still...the old man believes in me, more than anything. Allowing me to reach these high places is proof enough of his belief, that I can do anything I put my mind to. So I will lower my head and continue working until the promised time arrives. Even those fossils won't be able to deny my capabilities in a few years.

"I can plot my ascent later on...I should begin before people get too restless."

I clear my throat and flip the tiny switch on the side of my microphone.

"Good morning to all of you here," I announce. The crowd quickly starts to give me their attention, my voice reaching from the platform outwards. "Thank you for coming to this ceremony. I and all of the people involved appreciate your attendance. I would like to thank the people standing behind me for taking time out of their days to support this event, most notably the Third Hokage himself. I am honoured to have you here."

I turn and give him a deep bow, to which he tips his hat and nods.

"Water and small snacks are available to settle your appetites," I say as I turn back around. "And there are various rest facilities in the area if you should need them. We, however, will try to be brief in this matter."

There is but one small thing remaining to decide...that would be my approach to this subject.

I want to please the Hokage. That old man, Hiruzen...he has been so much to me, and will be so much more still. It feels natural to do so. More than a father and mentor to me, he is the father of this village, so to speak. Giving him proper respect is only right.

But...even in my youth...I am the mother of this home that will be built. The one that will carry this idea, and all of the ideals with it, into this world of ours. I do want to honour him, but it cannot be at my own expense. Then...how should I re-introduce myself to this village? Where should I go from here?

"..." I close my eyes to think.

"The old man and Iruka-sensei...they're the only ones who really look after me. And they never have enough time."

When I think of him...the person that I call my beloved friend...it makes me feel more than a bit frustrated. I know that I can't blame those two, or think ill of them. They were the only ones to try and give him any attention. But...why not more? Why didn't anyone do more? Even if he had the Nine-Tails inside of him, even if he was a troublesome orphan, even if he had a complicated legacy, even then...it wasn't fair at all. None of it was. To be bullied and shamed, to be hurt and deprived of love, to the point where he wanted nothing but attention and acknowledgement. Just a place, any place in this world. It wasn't a home, and it wasn't a family. It was the only place he had, this village. The only place he might ever have.

I can feel heat rising up in me. This is only right. This is the anger that I'm supposed to feel, on behalf of all those discarded children. So many that never got their second chance, or...even a first one.

"I wonder why it turned out that way. I wonder about their reasons. But...I accept it. I accept that I died a long time ago, as the only daughter of the Mutou family. I accept that they want to move on."

Fionne...my Fio. My irreplaceable friend. My beloved, the most beautiful flower I've ever known. The person who I dance happily in my dreams with, and, heaven willing, my future wife.

I remember those words. I remember how tears spilled down her cheeks when she spoke them to me. Her parents didn't have...no. That's wrong. They refused to gather the strength necessary to take their daughter back. They abandoned her. They left her for dead. And just as it made me angry then, it fills me with stinging heat now. But I don't want to cry this time. I will burn instead.

I will reach out into the world, and make sure that nobody within my grasp has to suffer like that.

"I was right...you are a mistake, Lilith."

That memory remains inside of me. It always will.

I know it is a lie.

But how many times has that very thing been stamped onto a child's soul, the words unsaid?

The heat continues to flow through me, and I slowly start to feel numb to it. This is what I need...this impassable mask to deliver my message properly. I cannot be a child at this moment. I am a woman of distinction. An elite in this world.

This place is my home. And I am the mother that will take care of these children. I will give them the love and attention that they never had, directly and indirectly. Love, care, discipline, trust, and truth. I will give them everything. The things hidden away from Naruto, the things Fio was denied, everything that was ripped away from me.

My eyes open.

"This land will be part of a great vision, and has been acquired and developed to that end. What lies barren ahead of you will soon become something vibrant, and a great part of our village. That vision is something I wanted to bring to life, no matter what the cost might have been. I have seen much in this world, and experienced even more. Not only in service to this village, but as a child outside of it. Let me introduce myself to you once more. My name is Lilith Caroline Kobayashi. I am the heiress of the Kobayashi Family, and subsequently Kobayashi Rice Corporation along with its subsidiaries. I am a proud jounin of the Hidden Leaf, in service to Lord Hokage first, and next to all of you who live here. I am an elite in every aspect. And I am the mother who will do what the elites of this village could not."

There's a notable amount of muttering now. The gallery at the back is shuffling in their seats. Good. Be angry. I'll stir you up until I'm satisfied.

"This place you stand in now will be called Carnation Quarter. Within it will be several different sections, each built for the express purpose of improving lives within this great and prosperous village of ours. In this direction," I say as I stretch out my right hand, "is Petunia Square. There will be tall buildings, a mix of apartments and suites. All well furnished, of course. Each space will have a subsidy attached, so arranged by me, dependent on need of each family, or individuals who might be staying there. With the help of the Hokage's Office, I have identified the families most in need, for reasons such as illness, loss of family, physical and psychological struggles, and so on. Some are even dealing with multiple problems at once. There will be large spaces, such as parks, to traverse and play in. And with the help of certain benefactors, we will be setting up many a business. From food and drink to utilities, education, information, technology, medical care, daily necessities, and yes, luxuries too. Everything will be here. Everything one would need...I suppose anything a body would desire. We've provided in every possible way before this ground has been tilled, and we can do more – you simply need to ask."

I lower my right hand and stretch out my left.

"Here, on this side...we will have a neighbourhood. Built last, so as not to take away attention and resources from everything else. This batch of homes will create a community. Some of them have been generously paid for by anonymous donors, but not for their sakes: these are for some lucky professionals who have already agreed to work nearby in a few years' time. Some of course are paid for by yet more professionals, such as shinobi, and still more are paid for by civilians in hopes of a more casual, peaceful life. This place will have its own lovely name, which is Gerbera Park. Of course, I have already paid for one of these future homes myself. In full, like everyone else has. Far be it for me to turn this into a grift. The money collected for these homes will be pooled into a certain fund, to be used at a later date."

I sigh and lower my hand.

"And finally...the real reason I stand in front of you. The real reason that we are all here. Magnolia House is the place that will be directly behind me. A place for those children who are orphaned, abused, and damaged by the world. A place for children who have been thrown away, and have nowhere they can turn to. A place that I saw fit to build. My house. The one that will be behind me...and in front of you."

I take a step forward, towards the edge of the platform. That heat inside of me has not faded away. I look down on the crowd, at everyone standing in front of me. Even if my friends and loved ones are there, it doesn't matter. Everyone needs to hear this. Everyone needs to feel it come from me, with all of the force I can put behind it.

"This place will stand here as hope for those lost souls," I say. "But it also has another role entirely. It is a symbol of your failure to these little ones."

At that, the mutterings get louder. But nobody dares to make themselves audible to me.

"I stand here to give these children light. That light that has been denied and ripped away from them. I stand here so that all of you know there's more than just a future of loneliness and pain. I understand that some have tried their best to look after those who are called the discarded, but that hasn't been enough. What life is left for them now? What paths have you given them? Either they're forced to work gruelling, mediocre jobs with their limited skills...or, as is often the case, they become shinobi. Because there is nothing else for them, and never has been as far as you all are concerned. What else is there for them to do? But you and I know the truth. If their hearts are not in it, they end up spinning out, feeling worthless. They become crippled, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. They die in battles they aren't prepared for. Worse, when left alone with only their tormented thoughts, they can take their own lives. If even the most well trained soldiers can succumb to suicidal thoughts, what chance does a hurt child have? I know that there is more than this for them. All of us do. Being a warrior should be a choice, not a last resort. That is why I will give these children the power to choose, the power to become anything they dream...at the least, the power to take flight on their own, and see how high they want to soar."

I place a hand over my heart.

"I will take responsibility."

I can see the crowd quiet down.

"I will take responsibility. For every cry of pain. For every tear. For the pangs of hunger, for the miserable days and nights. I will take responsibility, because I am no coward. Like any real mother would, I will look after the children I've taken in as best as I can. I will pour time and resources into getting them the best care, whether I am present or not. But I don't intend to leave them to teachers and caretakers for the entirety of their existence. Every child that comes through those doors, even if it is just for a single moment, will know my warmth and hear my voice. And if one should need a lap to lie on, a shoulder to cry on, someone simply to speak to...I will do everything I can to be there, even if it's just for one person. And every failure of mine will be marked in my heart, so that I can make sure it's never repeated. I will not let them be failed again. I will not let them be tossed to the winds, to fight for themselves in a world that never cared for them. I will not be like any of you. I will no longer stand by and watch living beings reduced to trash, not in front of these eyes."

I stomp the platform once and turn, facing the startled spectators behind me. Most of them look on in confusion and fear, while the Hokage removes his hat, looking at me.

"Do you know who I am? I will tell you. I am she, the envoy of heaven. Chosen of Almighty God. And I swear on my soul that these angels will be given their wings. If not in my presence, by my hand, then I will give them the chance to find another who will fill them to bursting with love, just as they have always deserved. In these hands, I hold the essence of the cosmos. The power to turn the world, and to heal those broken souls from their suffering."

I stomp again and turn to face the agitated crowd once more.

"This is my will made manifest. At last, the suffering families of this village will know peace. The children will be loved. All will be safe...and within that safety, nay, because of it...they will grow splendidly, and become greatness itself."

"For this absurdity to take place...!" A voice calls out feebly and indignantly from behind me, the poor facsimile of a roar.

"My lord, you must-"

"No! I will not sit and allow this insolence any longer!"

I turn again to the gallery behind me. An old man, large and with a thick white beard, stands up and adjusts the gold sash on his expensive robes. His gold plated cane taps loudly on the platform as he lumbers a few steps towards me. I lift my hand to indicate that I don't want any interference, and the fossil's assistant, a nervous little man, seems keen on preventing any major incidents. It wouldn't be very good if this so called community pillar struck a small girl, would it. I can see from the veins in his neck that he desperately wants to. A common thing for old men these days, it seems. Do they not know better, or is spanking just a popular fetish among them?

"You speak..."


"You speak with arrogance, little girl."

"Do I, now. Some might say it is a mark of arrogance to speak before introducing yourself. Even if the other party is, to you, a little girl," I retort. But of course I know who this old windbag is already. A construction baron named Ryuji Kotaro, who is using the project to try and build his profile. Just a bit player who can be replaced at any time I choose. Whatever formal rules he's thinking of don't apply to me, and he'll learn that quickly enough.

"You speak as if you have a thousand years of experience, when you know nothing at all. You, who cannot even claim to be a third of my age! Not even halfway to adulthood, but you speak of being a mother? You insult the women of this nation."

"I do speak of motherhood," I say calmly, staring up into his wrinkled face. "I speak with authority. Many things have been revealed to me, and much more will be, through the pain of mortality. Who are you to speak on what I know?"

"Your tongue might be sharp, but that will not save you from reality, brat. Do you think you'll be able to pay for all of this? This little pet project of yours? Taking care of children that come off of the streets and from broken homes, subsidizing buildings, educating scores of people all at once...all of that costs money, more than you could possibly understand at your age!"

"Is that so. You assume the daughter of Kobayashi House would be so clueless?"

"You have not existed in this world long enough to tell me that you have an intimate knowledge of things such as this," Kotaro bellows. "The people of this village will not-"

"Your pardon, sir. Princess, with your permission."

Sana speaks as she and Sanae move to my sides. I give her an affirming nod, and she continues.

"We do not require the help of the common villager. We have merely organized this presentation to gather their support, as the structures and subsequent programs will be integrated into their village. All of this has been planned extensively, and is under our control."

"You should understand our position," Sanae says, her voice firm. "Jakari Programming Corporation is one of the proud sponsors of this little...pet project, as you so lightly put it. And we can assure you that Kobayashi House has done all of its homework in regards to this matter. Not only do we have the funds to sustain this ourselves for an extended period of time, but even without our direct involvement, the operation would run steadily with an adequate surplus for at least the next decade, barring acts of heaven or catastrophic incidents. In each of those unlikely scenarios, we have action plans ready."

Kotaro flushes and stammers to try and get words out. "Y-you...no, you boast of things that cannot be!"

"Although Mister Kotaro has said it more forcefully than one would want, he does have a point." Koharu stands up and approaches, though I can't immediately tell if she's looking to defuse the situation or take advantage of it to expose me.

"And what might that be, Lady Utatane?" I ask, though insincerely.

"While you have gained the approval of a significant amount of donors, I do not believe that your mother's-"

"Allow me to stop you there, madam," I say while gently raising a hand. "You have this interesting idea of how this all came together, and I know that Lord Hokage mentioned to you how this idea came about in the first place. But since you've come up here, allow me to repeat myself for the benefit of you and the audience, so we can put this matter to bed entirely. My esteemed mother, Emi Kobayashi, Chief Executive and Operating Officer of Kobayashi Rice Corporation, has not involved herself or her business in the project financially. Although," I say with a look towards Kotaro, "she very well might once news of this gets back to her, just to spite a doddering old man like you."

"You little twerp! Do you not-"

"All of this," I say to interrupt him, "is my doing. I drafted and redrafted the initial proposal. I hired the initial staff. I arranged for construction and permits, which involves your little tinpot company and their contract. I petitioned the Hokage, and members of the village's civilian council. I contacted businesses. I secured every dollar of additional funding that was needed. Every act, every movement, every moment that has brought us here to this point...with you, looking down on me," I say to Koharu, "and you, sneering and wheezing," I say to Kotaro. "All of it...was orchestrated by me. Don't you ever forget that."

I turn my attention back to the crowd.

"Now that you understand, godspeed to you. May your days be bright. As you leave this place, I want you to remember one thing, if nothing else. No living being is a mistake. I promise that I will prove it to every one of you."

I switch my microphone off, unclipping it and handing it to Sanae. With a flip of my hair, I walk off ahead of the twins and down the platform steps.

The crowd backs away, parting at my very presence. I raise my head high, pleased that they at least know their place. If this wakes up the village, and allows it to reach its true potential, then that will be the ultimate satisfaction.

"Was all of this part of your plan?" Sana asks me as we walk back to the carriage.

"I didn't think on it to that extent, no."

"I see...hearing that much makes it more amazing. I've never wanted to follow behind a human so eagerly, not until I met you, Princess. I know Sanae feels the same."

Sanae nods. "I do. If it's for the sake of your dream, I'm willing to go just as far as I would for our Empress."

"Thank you...it's an honour to hear that. If I could become just a fraction of the woman Ane-ue is, that would make me supremely happy," I say with a smile.

"Being able to say such a thing is the real honour, for both of us." Sanae sniffs once at the air. "It seems some pesky humans have followed us. The one leading them is one of the elites that didn't cower under your gaze, Princess."

"I see. Intriguing. I should reward such courage and curiosity."

I stop along with the ladies and turn to meet the incoming visitors. A very dashing man of middle age, his hair just starting to grey gracefully. He removes his hat and hands it to one of the bodyguards standing by, revealing that his hair is smoothly slicked backwards. A goatee, neat sideburns, and small dot earrings. The crisp black suit is a nice touch, too, along with the walking cane. He must have been a treat in his youth.

"I could go for that type as well, I suppose."

"Sana, hush."

"I'm just saying what we're both thinking, sister of mine."

"Yes, well. Not so loud, though."

Midori really has corrupted the whole lot of us, hasn't she. Ah, well. Such is life.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting with such a distinguished fellow?" I ask. "Surely you haven't come to tell me off in private like the others wished to?"

"Far from it, Lady Kobayashi."

"Mm. It's rare to meet with such a gentleman in this day and age. Please, allow us to exchange introductions properly, then." I lower my head and grip the edges of my skirt, doing a curtsy for him. "Lilith Kobayashi."

"Ikkyu Madoka," he says with a bow. "And the pleasure is mine, madam. Feel free to call me by name."

"My, my. Very bold of you. I do like a humble man as well. If you would indulge me, then. Lili is perfectly fine for our interactions from now on."

"Ah, so noted."

"Very good. Now, did you just want to exchange greetings, or was there a request you wanted to make of me?" I ask.

"To hail you properly seemed like the right thing to do, but I was also interested in a brief exchange. Mostly to inquire about increasing the size of my investment in Magnolia House. I also have connections that I believe you can make use of, since communications will be important when it comes to ensuring the safety of your children, as an example."

"Benevolence on your part?"

"Of course."

"My lovely associates within the Hokage's Office can help you towards that end. We can mix and match contracts as needed, especially if one is keen on spending more money to give those children a fighting chance," I say to Ikkyu knowingly.

"So the same contacts as before. Understood. I'll get in touch with them over the next few weeks or so. I also did want to ask something, if it's not too intrusive for such a setting."

"Nothing of the sort. Please, what is it?"

"You seem to have an exceedingly strong vision for this world of ours. And I noticed what most didn't...the reverence that Lord Hokage has for you. That, combined with the resonance of your words, makes me think that you are meant to achieve a great many things, not just as a shinobi, but beyond that."

"Is there a shape to this world that you desire?" I ask, looking into his dark eyes.

"I have a vision of sorts...though it's not as complex as yours. A family. A country with peace, and prosperity for all. And perhaps...a world where we can all casually talk as equals, just as we are now. It is something ambitious, isn't it?"

"Perhaps so. But it is more than possible. You did hear my declaration earlier, no?"

"Hm. The strength of the cosmos...it is bold, and something that would irritate many, considering your appearance. But wiser men than I have said that the measure of a person is not in their height, but in their stature."

"Something I have heard in the same way. I do believe we will get along splendidly, Ikkyu."

He smiles and takes up his hat and cane once more. "That makes me quite happy to hear, Lili. I must return to the day for now, but I have been enlightened by this far too short meeting. Perhaps one day soon, we can make time for tea together."

"Of course. When we can both properly escape the pull of daily work. Until then, be sure to take care. I rather like you already, you know."

He chuckles and politely tilts his hat towards me. "Good day, Lili."

"Good day, Ikkyu," I say with a light nod. He starts off with his entourage in tow, and eventually disappears down the road.

"He's not bad...for a human, anyways."

"Sana, behave."

"You were thinking it, Sanae."

"You're too loud. And besides...he's a little more than not bad."

"Shall I set up a date for the three of you?" I tease. We have a short laugh before continuing on our way to the carriage.

"Hm." Sana frowns. "More humans...but it's the type I really don't like."

Another small crowd approaches us, but it's made up of people that I recognize. Of course Sana would be bothered by them...members of the Hyuuga Clan. But there's one person in particular who catches my attention.

It's taking a bit to make my blood simmer down, even now.


"It's fine, Sanae. I'm okay. I just...need a bit of time."

I take a few paces forward before stopping, and put on a neutral face. The man I recognize steps out from within his protective circle and meets me halfway. Long black hair, white robes, and a black haori over top of it. And of course, those pure, featureless white eyes that are characteristic of his clan.

The head of the Hyuuga Clan, who calls themselves the strongest in the Leaf.

And Hinata's father. The one who once abandoned her because she wasn't good enough. The man who once left her to crumble in the wind and disappear.

I steady myself before him and speak.

"What might you need of me, Hiashi Hyuuga?"

"You need to show-"

Hiashi raises his hand, and his clansman goes silent.

"There is something I would like to ask of you, Lilith Kobayashi. But first...I believe we should have a proper talk, in a more suitable place."

I turn my head towards Sana and Sanae. They nod their okays, and I nod back.

"As you wish. Lead the way."

Hiashi nods, and we start our walk side by side. Our entourages, at a distance, and at odds, follow silently.
An independent revenue stream is essential, and generally speaking you must accept the direct net sum of most infrastructure projects as negative due to the nature of infrastructure projects.

Lili's got her head in the game here.

That said... There does need to be a source for the revenue stream preferably one that can be controlled or predicted long term, and it'd take a clan of ninja to keep this kind of project going...which isn't a bad idea in and of itself, but likely not what lili's going for here.
Salve Regina
Scarlet Justice - ep. 137
"Salve Regina"

We travel a short way to a nearby tea house. One of the Hyuuga goes inside ahead of us, and after a few minutes I see patrons exiting one by one.

"Did we really have to go this far?" I ask Hiashi, frowning.

"The membership can be...overly cautious at times. They want to ensure our privacy, and it would be far more difficult to secure a meeting if I were to object to their requests."

"In a gilded cage of your own, then."

"Hm. I would choose a more careful wording than that, given the freedoms and responsibility that I have at this moment."

"I see. Far be it from me to make more comments on things I am not aware of," I say sardonically.

"Much appreciated."

We remain silent as the establishment is cleared out. Sana and Sanae are being given wider berths than they were a few minutes ago. It seems that the Hyuuga members are aware on some level of who and what they are dealing with; aside from myself, either one of the twins could obliterate the entirety of that cabal in a single breath, with no means of stopping matters once they were decided. The girls, for their part, have remained neutral and are focused on my comfort.

Finally, we are welcomed inside. A host now sits outside the front entrance, solely to inform potential customers that the establishment is off limits until further notice.

"Will you need our assistance, Princess?" Sana asks me.

"Not for now. I will call for you if anything does come up, but I have no expectations of such at this time. Hiashi is far from a common savage."

"Understood. We will wait patiently, then."

Sana and Sanae are part of my personal registry, like Crim and Aoko before them. Sana's ability is Chaotic Occlusion, which involves varying types of strong barriers. Sanae's ability is called Chaotic Weave, which relates to different types of seals. I have not had to call on them thus far, but those abilities should be very useful in the future, if I end up doing some difficult, specific things...

Hiashi takes a moment to speak into the ear of one of his associates. They exchange looks before he nods, and the other person, seemingly reluctantly, nods back. He then approaches me once more.

"With your permission, I would like to take a few minutes to have an important and private conversation," he says to me.

"Private, you say."

"I have asked that certain measures be paused for a few minutes, to that end. If that agreement is breached, I assume your associates will be able to notify you as soon as possible."

"Very well. Shall we start?" I ask.

"Follow me." I nod to Sana and Sanae before leaving. Hiashi leads me up a flight of stairs and to a small, furnished room. We remove our footwear and sit on our knees across from each other, on top of the soft carpet.

"So. What was it you needed of me? I assume we're not simply talking business at this juncture, which is why you moved us up here, and made sure that there were no prying eyes to boot," I say.

"Though I have no qualms about expressing myself in public...it would greatly upset the clan if I had this conversation out in the open. There are things that simply cannot be done in the public eye, even if they are ultimately meant for good."

"I see. I have to wonder what you could mean by that," I say tersely.

Hiashi closes his eyes and starts to lean forward. Then further. And further than that. My eyes widen as he continues until his head is against the carpet, hands flat on either side of him.

"What...is it that you're doing?" I manage to get out.

"This has been something that I meant to do for a long time. Something that has taken far too long, truly. What you have done for me is more than I can repay. Hinata told me of her time in the desert. She told me of how you saved her life, and I realized then and there that I was a failure as a father. I could have treated her better, but I believed so strongly in the clan, in the role that she had to play, that I passed her over and eventually threw her away. I always wanted her to be strong. I knew that she was capable, but her nature...she was always such a kind child, and even though I knew that she would come around eventually, it wasn't fast enough, not for the clan."


"You have made her into someone magnificent. You were there for her when I wasn't. I could have lost Hinata, even though I loved her so much. I wasn't able to balance my position with the man, the father that I was supposed to be. Ever since I...I lost Hizashi, for the sake of the Leaf...I was lost myself. I truly was lost. I know that I can never make it up to you, Lilith. But if you can find it in your heart, please...forgive me for what I have done. And I hope that you can accept my praise of you, for the gift you have given me. You gave me my precious daughter back. I only pray that I will be able to give you something even a fraction as valuable in the future."

Was...was this what Neji experienced as well? This sort of apology, this deference...I knew that he was not entirely a hard man, but I never could have expected this. Any of it. Everything I thought, all of these emotions...how could I hold on to what remained of that bitterness any longer? I know that I will never forget what happened, but still...now I understand why he wanted to keep this between us. Pouring his heart out to someone who openly despised his clan was one thing, but to praise me so passionately is another.

Perhaps in my heart, I was hoping for this on some level. To not just live my life resenting him for the mistakes he made, and for how he treated Hina. It's always been clear that he cared for her. Now I can...finally let go of it all. And start something new, something that would benefit all of us. It really is strange to have all of this happen so suddenly, but it doesn't feel wrong either.

I never did seek to destroy him. Nor did I want him to come to ruin, as much as my blood would start to heat up in his presence. Within this stubborn heart of mine, I always wanted more. Not that I would ever admit it, not to him or anyone else. I still have yet to open myself up to humanity at large again. It's too soon for something like that. But compassion...that is always fair and timely to dispense.

"It's enough. Hiashi...it's enough. Please, raise your head."

For the first time, I give him a smile. It feels good to do...like I've crossed yet another bridge.

"Perchance I might still be at odds with different elements of your clan from here on. But you have shown me so much...and I am grateful for it. I accept your apology, and thank you for every bit of your praise. As you desire, I will call on you in the future. The wisdom and prestige of Hyuuga will be useful for building an ideal world."

"Thank you."

"And, as an extra indulgence...you may call me Lili in private. Perhaps...mm, I could be a distant daughter of yours, when I am in the mood."

He laughs heartily. "That much is an honour. Thank you again. It's a shame that we won't have many opportunities like this...as it is, at least. I intend to correct a few of my earlier mistakes, which should please you."

"You can't talk about them yet, then."

"I believe it would be much better if Hinata and Hanabi told you themselves, when it does happen."

"Ah. Seems we've already become mischievous," I say with another smile. "Well, I might continue to bully you in public, seeing as you were such a menace in the past. You deserve that much."

He nods. "That much I can accept."

"Much appreciated. But your passionate apology has done away with quite a bit of bad blood. I can control myself better now, so it won't look too suspicious when we become more amicable in the near future. I dare say that I'm beginning to like you, Hiashi Hyuuga."

"An accomplishment, to be sure."

"Indeed. Shall we head back and start on business? We don't want to keep the others waiting too long without their ability to spy on us."

"Yes. It would be a mess if my clansmen were brought to ruin by their own hubris. Those attendants of yours seem nearly as terrifying as you," he says.

"It only makes sense. They were by Ane-ue's side all of that time, after all."

"Lady Ryuuchi was the one who first sought you out, wasn't she?"

"She was. Though it's a story for another time. A very interesting woman, for many reasons."

We carry our footwear out of the room and head downstairs. Immediately, I can feel the subtle pulses of chakra coming from the Hyuuga, who are intent on monitoring us and listening in on our discussion now that the moratorium has been lifted. Sana and Sanae sit at a distant table, sipping on tea and chatting away as if nothing is happening. Far as they're concerned, the humans watching them are akin to small insects. I appreciate their restraint, especially knowing how arrogant this clan can get.

Hiashi and I walk past the common room and settle into another private room, where hot tea is delivered to us promptly. We sit on comfortable cushions at a low table, on our knees across from each other. He takes a sip of his tea from the elaborately painted cup in front of him, and I follow suit.

"Delicious," I say.

"One of a few exquisitely run tea houses within the village," he replies.

"Only the best for Hyuuga, of course."

"Yes." He sets his cup down and pauses. "Before I make my request...I would like to know how our clan daughter is doing. She hasn't been around in some time, which is understandable enough. Our dealings with the Branch House have not always been the most fair."

"To say the least of it," I add.


"Imari has a strong senpai. She's treated not just like a junior, but like a precious younger sister. And her growth has been stunning. Lord Hokage has praised her openly, more than once. He very much appreciates her efforts to help run the village as smoothly as possible."

"I see."

"More than that...she remains proud of the blood that she was born with. Imari is a member of the noble Hyuuga Clan, and says as much without prompt."

"Her mother should be very proud of her. All Hyuuga should be, whether of the Main or Branch houses."

"We can agree on that much. Rest assured, she is doing well."

"Thank you. I will relay this information to her mother, and to the elders of the clan. She should be recognized for her exemplary work, and I will make sure of it. I might ask Lord Hokage directly about her at some point...there were those difficult thoughts on my part, because of her relationship with Hyuuga."


"The proposal. I assume you have an idea of what we want," he says. That decidedly unsubtle shift means he's speaking for his entity now.

"I might, but it's much better to verbalize. Just so that we're all on the same page. What would Hyuuga desire of this woman?" I ask.

"We are of an organization that includes several families within the Leaf. Hyuuga, as agreed on earlier, speaks on their behalf. As such, all agreements would impact each member of this alliance, and once bound Hyuuga would continue to represent them in future negotiations."

"So noted."

"We would like you and your organization to take on a number of children in the future. This arrangement should allow them to have a proper experience, in safety and comfort, which would subsequently allow them to become productive members of society once they become of age."

"You mean to use my home as a dustbin for the elite."

"A harsh assessment on your end."

"Hardly," I say before taking a sip of my tea. "What do we gain from this arrangement?"

"We offer continued material support for your endeavours, as well as personnel. Women, as you might have guessed, though they are by no means the only ones you may select from. I can only assume that you have certain manual tasks that will need to be performed, and as such..."

"Antiquated thinking. You can be forgiven for that, however, given your position."

"Hm." He nods in response.

"Women are more than fine. If there are any men that we desire for material purposes, we will interview and select them at the first opportunity."


I think for a moment on what to say next. Hiashi is saying something himself, but I wonder if...well, no harm in trying. He isn't one to dole out privileged information, and wouldn't be after our bond was solidified earlier.

"You are aware of my interests, yes?"

"To what end?"

"The little rumours here and there. You know how Madam Inuzuka gets."

"Between that and the Nakamura child, I suppose it makes a bit of sense. The upper echelons of the clan are far more conservative in nature, but I am not burdened by such matters. I expect that there is a notable amount of our membership that deviates from social and political norms, in private of course. This is natural and should not be used to cause a person harm in any way." He makes a contemplative sound. "You would be willing to take up that concern as well?"

"It's far from a burden. You will make a short list and we will have them on-boarded at the first opportunity. I'm surprised Nami pressed you on the matter so soon."

"Hmph." Hiashi gives me a look. "She didn't say much, but she didn't have to. You should understand how that woman is."

I smile, amused. "But of course."

"You will be able to provide protections for those people in ways that our families cannot. Though we are a clan of great strength, we are not without our limitations. And so I have decided to make contact with those most suited to make provisions."

"I see."

"As far as the other children in need of care, are you open to taking them in as soon as possible?"

"The children most in need of care will be taken care of first, yes. I can agree to that verbally with you. But you understand my position," I say firmly.

"Hyuuga is proud enough to not want to admit to such failures. Surely an increase in the numbers of children being sent to your home would trigger scandal, if it were from us. Still, the environment that you will provide...it will be better than behind our walls, at least for now. I intend to make several changes so that you should not expect to see the numbers of children from the clan increase by any appreciable amount. The other elements...that I cannot be certain of, but Hyuuga will incentivize their cooperation."

"Understood. Then I am more than fine with helping Hyuuga out, at least this time."

"Another consideration."

"Please, go ahead."

He takes a sip of tea before continuing. "Additional exchanges, in Hyuuga's direction this time."

"Mm." I nod, pleased. "On condition?"

"No. We do our best to provide for all of our children within Hyuuga, to the best of my knowledge. However, there are always events that occur outside of my scope."

"Yes. If we do come across any children of your clan, no matter how thin their blood, we will make contact with you. And if you do have children that you cannot take care of, for any reason, we will accept them in the same manner."

"Thank you."

"Further and final details can be discussed with Lord Hokage," I say. "Please draft a proposal at earliest convenience and send it for approval. We will see to it that everything is fulfilled in a timely fashion. Was there anything else that you wanted from me?"

"Nothing at this time. We will make contact with you by way of the Hokage's Office, then. Hyuuga accepts your terms, Lady Kobayashi."

"Understood. I look forward to working with you closely to secure the future of our village, Lord Hyuuga."

We respectfully incline our heads towards each other, then finish our tea. Hiashi makes a movement with his hand and in the next few seconds, a Hyuuga woman enters the room, wearing a flowing white robe. She has a slender build and a soft, slightly pale face with dark lipstick. She immediately gets to her knees and bows her head.

"We should be done for now, Mayumi. If you would raise your head, please."

"Of course, my lord." She brushes back a few strands of her silky black hair. "Lady Kobayashi, good afternoon."

"A pleasant afternoon to you," I say to acknowledge her.

"Please remove our items and inform our clan formally of the meeting's end. We have come to an agreement on the terms."

"Yes, my lord. If you both would excuse me." She takes the serving tray and neatly places everything on it, then rises to her feet. Bowing her head once more, she leaves us and goes off to her tasks. I can sense the Hyuuga turning off their Byakugan as she delivers the news. Sana and Sanae haven't moved at all. Normal enough.

"Bothersome ones, aren't they," I say.

"I've said as much to myself. Relaxation time is at a premium."

"Mm. Have you been to River Country lately? I hear they've built more than a few interesting experiences in that region."

"Have you been yourself?"

"Not yet, unfortunately. Too much work to take care of, you know how it is."

"Unfortunately. Though it's more of a shame as far as you're concerned."

"Hmph. I might consider being able to enjoy adulthood so early a treat, you know."

"You are an intriguing young woman, for many reasons. As I'm sure you've heard."

"A line that will be echoed through history. Miracles are made of the most unusual things," I say as we stand up together. "Vacations can wait. I can settle for tea with you in the meantime."

"Understood. There is a desert region, far to the west of this continent. Boldly flavoured teas that I've imported recently. Well worth the cost, even if they were higher in price."

"Ah. I have heard of them..."

"We will be having a sampling in the next month or so. Invitations will be sent by mail. That gentleman with the spiked hair and crow...he has an interest in such things as well."

"Koichi Nagano?"

"Yes. Though he prefers another name, which I have long forgotten..."

"I'm sure he will remind you in time. He always does. Spirited fellow, though eccentric."

Hiashi chuckles lightly. "Believe me, I am used to that much. I have had many a mission with the Leaf's resident taijutsu expert."

That's right. I almost forgot about Might Guy...hm. Though it would be nice to pick up some things from him one of these days. If I can deal with Phantom the Dark and all of his exuberance, the comparatively more serious Guy should be child's play.

"Shall we go, Lady Kobayashi?"


The two of us lead the way out of the tea house, with our respective entourages following.

"Thank you for this opportunity," Hiashi says to me as we stand out front.

"There is no thanks necessary, my lord. All of this is for the sake of the village, and its future. I am more than happy to assist."

"Good afternoon, then."

"Good afternoon." I lower my head and bow deeply towards him. He acknowledges me with a nod as I come back upwards, then signals his group to leave in the direction we came.

"Full of themselves, aren't they. Especially for such lowly humans..."

"Sana, behave," Sanae scolds. "I know that you're bothered, but they're just like children. They're ignorant of the world's truth, so leave them be for now."

"Hmph." Sana frowns. "By chance their family is born with doujutsu...even if it is something they were blessed with because of the Sage's influence, that kind of arrogance isn't warranted."

"I know, my love. But don't push too far into these affairs. You should remember that we exist on a higher level than they do."

"Mm." That seems to pacify Sana.

"Sanae is right, my darling," I say. "There is no need to worry yourself so much with the affairs of mere mortals. Besides, his temperament is much improved in the past while. I dare say that he's nearly tolerable now, hmhm."

"We can call that an accomplishment, I suppose. If it's fine with you, Princess."

"Certainly so. I am blessed to have both of you by my side, and we have accomplished much already. There is still work to be done, but our main tasks are ended for today. I will leave preparation of the official documents to Tamaki and Imari."

"What was discussed...asking such a thing," Sanae says. "Is it really okay?"

"It does seem unsavoury, doesn't it...hm. More than seems, perhaps." We start our walk back to the carriage. "The issue of throwing away unwanted children, especially to avoid responsibility and scandal...while Hyuuga and other clans are averse to it, there are elements such as shinobi secrets that make it undesirable for them in the first place. Otherwise, with the addition of things such as that dreadful seal, children can be moved wherever and whenever...but. At least this way with our agreement, those children will have a stable home to grow up in. It does not solve every problem, and as I said to Hiashi, I will see to it that we are not used as a dustbin for the elite of this world."

"And the other parts?" Sana asks.

"More volunteers are always welcome, and permanent work solutions are far from an issue as well. Training and valuable experience...it might mean that more places like this are opened up in the future. And of course, the other angle of being a safe haven for those who don't fit into society. The nature of work is such that people have to out themselves for a chance at making a living. If not that, they have to endure serious mental stress keeping things to themselves. We can have a wonderful, inclusive environment that gives people the right to choose how they live their lives. I suspect that with Hyuuga's influence, they will subtly inform other clans of this resource of ours and send more people this way."

"And if there aren't enough jobs, we'll make some more. No matter the cost, right?" Sanae asks.

"Absolutely," I say proudly. "Though, I do have a wish...that one day, Magnolia House will no longer have a need to exist in this world. But until we can reach that point, we will take in as many souls as we can, providing the best possible care. We can craft fine human beings, and potentially great shinobi if they want to choose that path. It will be the most wonderful thing."

"I have a question, Princess."

"Of course, Sana. Go ahead."

"You seem to be steadily gaining support with this project, even among the upper class. How much do you think this sort of idea would spread across your world?"

"Ah, a fine question. Hmhm...well, it is another audacious thing from the heavenly host to have my journey start here, in the Hidden Leaf Village. This place has certainly been the start of some ambitious things in the past. The entirety of this shinobi world, composed of five great powers and a set of smaller ones, came from a dream that Lord Hashirama Senju had long ago. The origin of this village came from a single dancing leaf...and so, the modern village system today extended from all of that. The recent practice of the Chuunin Exams, instead of being tests confined to each individual village, instead became war games that fostered cooperation between shinobi villages and provided a means of displaying superiority in a mostly predictable, controlled environment. This idea was put forth after the Third Shinobi War by none other than our current Hokage, with the Leaf being the first village to host this effort. And of course, the modern three person system that we currently employ in every village, which is tied to the advent of the combat medic, came from the mind of our own Lady Tsunade, the Founder's granddaughter. She saw a way to limit casualties in a way that hadn't been considered before, and fiercely advocated for it after experiencing the horrors of war. I do say that based on things such as these, the world will be watching us, and will take away any visible successes to put their spins on it. Whether or not they credit me is largely irrelevant...rather than dread having my ideas stolen away, I welcome the day it happens. It will lead to a better world for all of us, if implemented correctly."

"I can see it. Brilliant insight, as expected of our Princess," Sana says with a smile.

"Although, some would say that a world of peace is at odds with your inclinations, so to speak," Sanae points out.

"There's more than one way to get a thrill, you know. If the age of shinobi were to end right now, I wouldn't blink. But as it is, I have work that must be done. This Scarlet Viper will consume until she is no longer needed. That day is within reach for the denizens of this world, I believe. We shall wait for the cosmos to reveal all," I say.

"A wise decision," Sana says as we reach the carriage. "Well, we've arrived. Where shall we go next, Princess?"

"I have a stop that we need to make. One of our benefactors is treating us to a late lunch. Fine dining, as they say...to be specific, very expensive sushi," I say as I step into the carriage behind Sana.

"Oh my. That does sound delightful...I haven't had sushi in a while."

"Yes, it does sound nice," Sanae says as she sits and closes the carriage door. The driver tips his hat before sending us on our way.

"They currently deal with supply chain management, and want to propose an idea or two. I am quite interested to see how that goes. After that, we should wind down for the day. I have a voucher for a certain spa that I've been eager to use..."
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From what I remember of fanfic Hiashi is really done dirty, even at the point where we now have a lot of information on him as a person. The thing about these Extremely Wrong™ narratives is fundamental misunderstandings, or as mentioned before just rejecting the actual material. (This includes Boruto which I understand hurts the feelings of fanfic writers by virtue of existing.) Which you can do, it just makes you a hack.

There is nothing wrong with seeing him suffer consequences for his own actions, but the core thing is that he is a good person who cracked under a lot of pressure and responsibility. Clan customs and what were thought of as necessary traditions ruled the day, including wild stuff like totally being down to die so that war were not declared. Writing stuff as a fan you see this getting flattened for the sake of drama and just keeping the story moving with an antagonist of some kind, which I get. I just don't like it because it makes no sense after a certain point. Things deserve to be done better, just makes sense and it's more fun to write. Like. I don't think the kind of person who does dogeza for a 13 year old child to ask forgiveness (Neji) is capable of being a turbo fascist unprompted, but we live in a society so people write about that.

Anyways Hiashi is a fun guy. We'll be seeing more of him on the side.
I think the three man teams predate Tsunade's efforts. She herself was trained in such an arrangement. In fact her advocation for every squad having a medic nin didn't go through until her own promotion to Hokage.
I think the three man teams predate Tsunade's efforts. She herself was trained in such an arrangement. In fact her advocation for every squad having a medic nin didn't go through until her own promotion to Hokage.
Hm. I'll check this again and issue the correction if needed.
Part of the problem is that medics are a specialist path and outside of clan techs most Konoha nin don't get to even start specialist training until they reach genin or even chunin. Now obviously part of that is just how much training it takes to reach even that far, but none of the early series kids aside from maybe Shikamaru seems to truly appreciate the differences between ninjas of the same overall rank and power. Sasuke for example is obsessed with killing/surpassing Itachi, but is wildly undirected in how he tries to do this so ends up obsessing over the most immediate results to everyone's detriment, and never actually manages to put together a skillset that would actually permit such a thing.

If you wanted to reform the education system, getting the ninja kids exposed to at least the concepts and basic ideas of various specialist paths would probably help.
I think the three man teams predate Tsunade's efforts. She herself was trained in such an arrangement. In fact her advocation for every squad having a medic nin didn't go through until her own promotion to Hokage.
Hm. I'll check this again and issue the correction if needed.
I weaseled out of it :V
The word "standard" has been changed to "modern" in that sentence mentioning Tsunade's innovations. Based on her argument in manga ch. 160. Before, the sentence carried the implication that she was the one behind the three person mission system (it was actually a base of 4 people before, and came down to 3 during modern times because of a lack of man power owing to previous wars). Now it's more specific and more accurate. As for the idea not going through, I would probably use Minato's team during the third war as proof (Rin Nohara) that there was more of an attempt to follow Tsunade's suggestion, just again not enough people present to meet the ideal.

I think I fixed my mistake though. Little things.
If you wanted to reform the education system, getting the ninja kids exposed to at least the concepts and basic ideas of various specialist paths would probably help.
Part of the reason this doesn't happen right away, in my opinion, is because of the caretaker role Sartutobi had assigned himself in the source material. Now that so much is happening and he has options to take care of the most significant problems, he probably won't sit back in that role for too much longer. I think the new wrinkles of Sakura's very early start and Hinata's new optimizations, among other things, will have institutional effects.
Sticky Notes
Scarlet Justice - ep. 138
"Sticky Notes"
[Cordially Yours, Part 1]

A few days have passed since the last event. Work is still being done, such as the lists of children and personnel being finalized. That will take some time, and even then will need to be updated until the facilities are actually built. My main priority is ensuring that, barring an emergency, I will be there at the site opening to welcome the first set of children. It will be a year or two from now at this rate, perhaps a bit longer...but it's not something I will lose track of so easily. My soul is going into this project, after all.

The facilities should run smoothly, but I cannot rest when it comes to that, either. While the majority of calls are going towards the Hokage's Office and that of Magnolia House, I take a few here and there while on my off days. Things like updates, status reports, small requests. It should be tiring after a while, but it isn't. I rather like getting these details out of the way, in the manner that I see fit. Hm. I wonder, if this ends up being a smashing success in the near future, perhaps I could...mm. No. That sort of conquest wouldn't be good, or sustainable. I will need to figure out something else once I ascend to the summit.

Today's morning is peaceful enough. I scan paperwork from the latest mission, pleased with how it looks. This can be sent by bird, since I'm feeling a bit lazy at the moment.

A set of knocks comes from our front door.

"I'll get it!"

"Make sure you have your pants on, darling. No need to stir up more scandal just yet. That's my job," I say to Fio.

"On and secured! I'm set! Behind door number one is..." She unlocks the door and pulls it open. "A new face today! Hi!"

"Good morning, ma'am. I have important messages for Captain Kobayashi."

"Present," I call back. "Will you be needing anything of note?"

"A signature, ma'am."

"Mm." Something hefty this time, then. I rise from my seat and run my hands through my hair before reaching the door. An older gentleman...judging from the attire underneath his vest, he's from the administrative department. Interesting.

"Here, ma'am."

"Thank you kindly." I take the offered pen and sign the presented scroll. He rolls it up and nods before handing me two sealed scrolls. Both look plain enough, except for the very subtle sliver of blue on the edges of one scroll. That tells me quite a bit.

He bows before leaving quietly. Fio closes the door and I walk back to the table, setting the scrolls down as I sit. This is a bother.

I was expecting one scroll to arrive. Not two.

"I'm guessing those are special since you had to sign for them," Fio says to me as she goes into the kitchen.

"In a way, yes. There is enough importance attached to today's delivery." I break the seal on the first scroll, the one with the little hidden code. An expected message, in familiar coded language: contact from Itachi. More specifically, a request for an in person meeting. He's grown bold, hasn't he. I think about taking Erika with me, since she has been going on about such things recently...but...there should be no need. And I want to have a proper heart to heart with him again anyways.

The second scroll is...completely plain. It bothers me to no end as a result.

"People are sending all kinds of stuff recently," Fio says as she finishes making herself coffee. "Hopefully you're not burning yourself out on this, Lili. You're keeping up your usual amount of missions, too."

"Between you and everyone else keeping an eye on me, I should be fine," I say as I pick up the scroll.

"You say that, but you're also a really stubborn brat."

"Yes, rather unfortunate."

She sighs. "Seriously, just don't overdo it. You won't get to be Hokage if you kill yourself working to get there."

"I'll remember to take it easy, darling. I mean it."

"I believe you, hon. Just do your best, okay?"

"Yes." That feeling of unease isn't going away, even as I break the seal on the scroll and open it. Why am I reacting like this? Something isn't right.

"Hm? Oi, Lili. You don't look good."

I stare at the characters in front of me, feeling a bit numb. All of that work...damn it all. I can't believe this.

"Lili, seriously. Say something. What are you staring at?"

"It's starting...this is a complete fucking bother, and I felt it the moment I touched the fucking scroll." I set it down and put my head in my hands.

"I'm here for whatever you need, Lili. Don't you worry." I hear Fio set her mug down and she rubs my shoulders. I feel just a bit better and reach back to pat one of her hands reassuringly.

"I know, Fio. Thank you. This...it's something I need to deal with right away. If not, all of those sacrifices will mean nothing."

"What do you mean?"

"Shimura has started his move. Sai...despite our best efforts, it seems he's gotten to Sasuke. Perhaps that was the true point of his surveillance over the past few weeks. Not just Sasuke directly, but Sakura, too...she's still pliable in her state, hard as she has been trying. We can't let either of them slip away."

"Anything we can do?" Fio asks.

"I'm thinking. Ah, if you could keep working on my shoulders a bit...that would help a lot, my love."

"You got it, boss lady. I'll work out those knots so you can get to thinkin' real good."

The question remains...what would trigger the move now? Would it be Itachi? No, according to Erika he hasn't been in proximity for a while now, and wouldn't stir up trouble for no good reason. It's not him. There's something else triggering this. But Sai...he would know that he has a small window, so the intended effect would be something significant. But of course, I'm nothing compared to an entire underground information network, even with as many connections as I have right now. Sai is obviously trying to tempt Sasuke into ROOT by way of different avenues.

But the main issue is that he is moving. Setting up something significant. I should discuss a few things regarding Sasuke at this next meeting with Itachi. He is becoming more and more troublesome to look after, even if he doesn't mean it at this point. Unintended consequences of that disgusting lust for power. Who do I involve further in this loop? The obvious suspects...hm. Well, since he helped so much with Naruto, I suppose we can put our heads together to deal with the other two thirds of Team Seven too.

"I reason that...I can do it that way. It should work, at least for now."

"Everything okay?" Fio asks.

"Yes. There's nothing to be alarmed about...we have things under control. There's a stop we will need to make."

"Okay, got it. Do I need to change?"

"You can go as you are. I'll put on some proper clothing. Just a moment and we'll be off." I get up and head into my room, finding a neat plaid skirt to put on. A good blouse, buttoned halfway so that I don't get too stifled by the heat. Sunglasses, and I should be able to pick something out from the footwear we have near the door. I grab an empty purse and put a few essentials into it before leaving.

"Ready?" Fio asks. "I've got my keys."

"Ready." I find a pair of slippers and put them on, while Fio tosses me the scrolls from earlier. I put them into my purse and open the door, heading out as Fio does the last set of checks. She locks the door and catches up to me as I head through the streets.

"Here's the plan for now. We're headed over to see Kakashi. I think he should be informed about this as early as possible, but there is another purpose. I want you two to put your heads together solving this little issue after I give him the details. It shouldn't be anything too drastic or severe."

"Okay. Oh, yeah...the other scroll. It's like, top secret stuff, right?"

"Just a little. Do you remember, with regards to Sasuke...I mentioned that man?"


"He wants a meeting, so I should be ready to see him in a day or two. Hopefully nothing explodes before then, or worse, during that time."

"Right. Well, I'll do whatever I can to help out. You can count on me, Lili."

"Of that, I have no doubt. Let's hurry off to our friend and see what his insights are. If I recall correctly, he was on a recent mission so he should be at home trying to rest..."

We cross through the Leaf before reaching a relatively quiet space. Our feet bring us to a modest looking home – nothing flashy or out place. Sensible...very much like Kakashi, yes. Fio and I head up to the front door, and I knock three times lightly. We wait a few moments before it opens.

"Ooh! Nice pecs!" Fio chirps.

"Ah, yes. You are still on the younger side, aren't you...and the conditioning of an elite member of the ANBU wouldn't leave so suddenly, would it. Enough to entrance any woman, hmhm. I suspect you already have done so, at least once," I say.

"It's nice to be ogled sometimes, but I have a lot of misgivings about young girls doing it to me at my front door. For obvious reasons, as I'm sure you two can guess." Kakashi looks as aloof as ever, even while shirtless. That mask is predictably over his mouth and neck, which makes Fio pout a bit. I suppose she was looking forward to unravelling that mystery of mysteries this morning.

"The neighbourhood is quiet enough, as you should know. Nothing should get around, and that much can be brushed off by claiming teenage curiosity," I point out.

"That's easy enough for you to say."

"Quite so. If you would be so kind as to welcome us inside, we can avoid such issues altogether."

He nods and yawns before stepping aside to let us in. There are the usual sets of slippers, which Fio and I make use of, but also another pair of shoes.

Kakashi follows my gaze and realizes through his drowsiness what I'm thinking.

"No. Nothing like that happened."

I give him a smug smile. "You would say as much."

"Well, you can ask her yourself. She barged in the same way as you did, at a more unreasonable hour."

"Nine in the morning is not unreasonable," a voice calls from the kitchen.

"It is on my day off. Explain to our guests that we weren't doing strange things together, won't you? I need to put on a shirt." Kakashi disappears down the hall while Fio and I head to the kitchen. A familiar, expected face greets us.

"Hey, good morning! Been a while," Ruki says with a smile. As always, she is lovely to behold and brightens up my day immediately. Today's outfit is a cute sleeveless shirt, paired with a miniskirt.

"It has been. I've certainly missed you, my darling."

"For unwholesome reasons, of course."

"Those too."

She shakes her head before giving me a warm hug. Fio is greeted in the same way, and Kakashi returns wearing a plain shirt as promised. Ruki hands him a cup of coffee, to which he nods his thanks.

"Coffee for our guests?" she asks.

"I'll pass this time," I say.

"Yes, please~! Lots and cream and sugar in mine," Fio says happily. "A whole lot!"

"Take her at her word. Put as much in as you can, within reason," I say casually before sitting down.

"I guess this is one of those high calorie diets I've been hearing about," Kakashi says, confused. Ruki finds an oversized mug from the cupboards and starts her mixing.

"Something like that. But to get down to proper business...there is a valid reason why we've barged in and interrupted your rest this morning. Have a seat there, and I will give you this scroll to read. You will find some...annoyances."

"Ominous." Ruki sets down Fio's coffee in front of her, and Kakashi takes his seat. I remove the relevant scroll from my purse and hand it to him. He sets it down on the table and casually starts to read...then his mug slowly comes to rest on the table as he goes quiet, much like I did earlier.

"Kakashi?" Ruki asks. "Is everything alright?"

"Well...this isn't good," he says bluntly.

"Indeed," I reply. "Did you know anything about this, by chance?"

"A lot of it is new to me. But...this isn't entirely outside of projections. Just didn't want to assume the worst."

"I don't either," I say with annoyance. "Having to consider these things puts knots in my muscles and will eventually leave unsightly lines on my face. I can't stand either of those outcomes. A young, vibrant beauty reduced to nerves over some brutish clan child? Shambolic at best."

"That too, I guess."

"Is this about Sasuke? Did he do something bad?" Ruki asks me. "I mean, like...again?"

"Sasuke is being tempted by darker elements of the Leaf. Suffice it to say that he will find himself in deep trouble very quickly if this continues. Not only that, but the Leaf as a whole might be compromised. Sakura is in danger as well, since she's so slavishly devoted to him at this point. I bet if he asked her to have his-"

"I would like to enjoy my coffee this morning, Lili," Kakashi says nervously.

"Yes, my apologies. But you see my meaning, hopefully."

"Yeah. It's...pretty clear."

"Let's figure out where we are first," Fio suggests. "If we put our heads together right now, we might be able to get the picture before our pal Sasuke goes and does something too silly to take back. Sounds good, yeah?"

"Definitely," I say. "Kakashi, we came to you this morning for your insights. Perhaps you could start us off."

"Alright." Ruki takes away his mug and Fio's for refills. He finished his coffee without my noticing...how does he keep getting away with that? I'll figure it out one day, I suppose. There are more important things at current. "Sasuke isn't in the best place, even now. He's definitely improved, and so has Sakura. But that obsession with Itachi still persists, and still drives the majority of his actions. Over half of his life has been focused on avenging his clan. That's not something so easy to shake off, even with everything he's gone through."

"So what do you think is happening now?" I ask.

"Something time-sensitive has taken place, enough so that Danzo wants to make a move on Sasuke right at this moment. That narrows the list down a lot, but we still have a few things to sift through if we want to figure this out."

"Then we can start with an extreme...perhaps Itachi has been located."

Ruki returns with the two mugs and sets them down before having a seat herself.

"Let's cycle through that," Kakashi says. "It's a possibility that Danzo might want to use Sasuke as a valuable piece of bait to draw Itachi out. That's risky for more than a few reasons, and may very well cross a major line with the Hokage."

"It is possible, but unlikely. Itachi is not so sloppy as to let himself be found before the promised time, and that sort of bait would be too obvious. If he wanted to get rid of Sasuke, he has had more than a few chances to do so already. In addition, if Danzo had a handle on such matters, there is very little chance that the other elements of Leaf would be caught unawares. Any movement on Sasuke would be restricted to the highest degree."

"So it's not Itachi," Ruki says. "Maybe something related to him, then?"

"Oh! Lili, what was that you said about how those Akatsuki guys worked? They're in pairs, right?" Fio asks.

"Yes, that is true...a partner, then?"

"I get it. Maybe the plan is to guide Sasuke towards a member of Akatsuki, or some sort of contact with the organization. That would put him on a path to chasing down Itachi," Kakashi concludes.

"And the reason they would want it to be now is because that person is moving...but is it someone within the village, or without? We don't know exactly where they would be in this case, which makes it difficult to plan for. Is Sasuke leaving the village for any upcoming missions?" I ask Kakashi.

"One in about a day or two...I'm thinking sooner rather than later. It's supposed to be a tune up, and at least one ANBU will be shadowing them. That's far from a good time to plan any shenanigans," he says. "It's supposed to put them near...Tanzaku Quarter, if I remember correctly."


"With this new information in hand, it shouldn't be too hard to increase the security detail. But even so, these are just our guesses. It could be something else entirely, maybe just a taunt by that Sai character to get him fired up. And Sakura will be there, too. As much as she loves Sasuke and wants to be by his side...she's been developing some backbone when it comes to dealing with his moods."

"Has she? Good for her," I say with a nod.

"Yeah. Sasuke, though...I can never truly tell what's going on in his head, even as I've been watching over him. We've both been through a lot in our lives, and lost many people close to us. What he needs are people willing to stick by him, but the way he might descend into the darkness...I don't know. Maybe if I had a goal like his, I would have turned out the same."

"What do you think would happen if we...I guess somehow removed Itachi from the picture?" Ruki asks. "Would it be as easy as him getting over that, eventually? Focusing on other things after he eventually recovers from the shock?"

"..." I think on that. "It depends on what happens afterwards with regards to Itachi. If everything is neatly buried, then I suppose he'll eventually find his way to a new life, with some help. But I have a feeling, that...with so many things unresolved, there is a danger that he might just transfer that anger somewhere else."

"Somewhere else..."

"It might even be hard for him to accept that everything was over," Kakashi adds. "He would still have many memories haunting him. It might be that he would need a full sense of closure, but I wouldn't know where to start with that."

"..." Fio sips at her coffee and looks at me knowingly.

If that person calling themselves Madara is out there, they might very well target Sasuke if Itachi disappears. He would be the only other living Uchiha, and easily manipulated. More than that, he was there on the night of the massacre, helping carry it out, understanding of Itachi's reasoning even if he held no sympathy for that position. Revenge on the Leaf...he could very well use Sasuke's potentially boundless rage for that purpose, while he carried on in other parts of the world, out of harm's way.

It's starting to click in just how intensely dangerous this all could get, and without much of a push needed.

"Whatever the case, we need to cover as much ground as we can," I say. "Fio, you and Kakashi need to keep an eye on things within the village over the next few days. Sai still has his monitoring to do, so you can use that to push him about a little. Erika will be in the loop, seeing as she authored the message in the first place, and I want you to get Ino involved as well. She has her ear to the ground well enough these days and wants to keep an eye on Sakura. The ladies at the office are aware, and they will likely have things for you to do. Inform them of any plans or ideas you have. There is still time to put a lid on this nonsense and keep it from properly bubbling over."

"Right. We'll make a move as quickly as possible, then," Kakashi says.

"Yep, count on us!" Fio adds in.

"Good. As for you, Ruki...whatever emotional support you can provide would be a blessing. As far as other work, keep your eyes open at the hospital whenever possible."

She nods. "Got it. I'll stay out of trouble otherwise."

"Good. Thank you all for being as reliable as you are. It's always nice to have strong comrades you can turn to," I say with a smile.

"Well thank you for trusting us," Kakashi says. "It's appreciated, especially coming from someone so admired in the Leaf."

"You flatter me, darling. We'll have a drink together in a few years, just to bond properly." I give him a playful wink.

"You're a little much sometimes."

"Truly." I give Fio a kiss on the cheek. "The three of you can continue conferencing. I have some errands to run ahead of my little date. He's a handsome fellow, and I want to look my best for him."

"A date, eh." Ruki shakes her head. "It's not very nice to tease guys like that, you know."

"Mm. He'll forgive my wittiness as he always does. In fact, he's the type to get one over on me these days," I say as I stand up. "A mysterious fellow, but that's why I adore him so. I wish you could properly meet."

"He does sound like fun, especially if he could make someone like you blush."

"Quite. Well, darlings. I shall be off, so take care for now."

I hear them starting another conversation once I leave the kitchen. Very good. The three of them should be more than fine together, and enough to overcome whatever problems Danzo and Sasuke will inevitably cause in the next few days.

As for me? Well, I have a very lovely date lined up, as mentioned. One that I would not miss for the world itself...for indeed, the world's fate hangs in the balance.
"And the reason they would want it to be now is because that person is moving...but is it someone within the village, or without? We don't know exactly where they would be in this case, which makes it difficult to plan for. Is Sasuke leaving the village for any upcoming missions?" I ask Kakashi.

"One in about a day or two...I'm thinking sooner rather than later. It's supposed to be a tune up, and at least one ANBU will be shadowing them. That's far from a good time to plan any shenanigans," he says. "It's supposed to put them near...Tanzaku Quarter, if I remember correctly."

Hmmm. Thing is, ROOT operatives tend to dress like ANBU and some are likely actual ANBU if I remember a recent flashback episode correctly. Kakashi was in ANBU when the Fourth Hokage and his wife were killed and afterward he fell into Danzo's orbit but managed a breakaway when Danzo got it into his head to assassinate Sarutobi in order to stop him from putting the big fancy hat back on. Thanks to Kakashi, the assassination failed and Sarutobi had Danzo dead to rights. The old man had a perfect justification to execute that one-eyed bastard and for the life of me I can't figure out why he let Danzo live.
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Hmmm. Thing is, ROOT operatives tend to dress like ANBU and some are likely actual ANBU if I remember a recent flashback episode correctly. Kakashi was in ANBU when the Fourth Hokage and his wife were killed and afterward he fell into Danzo's orbit but managed a breakaway when Danzo got it into his head to assassinate Sarutobi in order to stop him from putting the big fancy hat back on. Thanks to Kakashi, the assassination failed and Sarutobi had Danzo dead to rights. The old man had a perfect justification to execute that one-eyed bastard and for the life of me I can't figure out why he let Danzo live.
The anime does a whole bunch of things to try and flesh out characters and add material, some work and others like this don't. In the manga we can figure out that because Danzo was obsessively loyal to the village and an extremely capable military mind, Sarutobi would have him kept around in some capacity after kicking him off of the highest governing body in the village. There are black operations that would still need to be done, and allowing him to keep a handle on those would ultimately be a net positive. His two advisors in Homura and Koharu would have pressed him into leaving it like that. Danzo is shady but he's extremely good at his job.

Danzo plotting a murder of his superior and not just leaving them out to dry like he did at least once (Minato and Hiruzen were both stuck behind barriers) would have absolutely been it no matter how much valuable strength he had. I don't remember much about that particular incident in the anime and how it got resolved if at all, but I'm sure it was something suitably dumb. Actively trying to damage the village for personal gain in plain sight and attempting to kill someone who was at least nominally a friend, someone he respected to some degree, of his pushes him well into cartoon villain territory, and past the "well intentioned" dictator that he was painted as in the manga proper.
Actively trying to damage the village for personal gain in plain sight and attempting to kill someone who was at least nominally a friend, someone he respected to some degree, of his pushes him well into cartoon villain territory, and past the "well intentioned" dictator that he was painted as in the manga proper

Well, not exactly in plain sight. Sarutobi was allegedly travelling to the Daimyo's residence to speak with him about resuming his prior position as Hokage. The idea was to have ROOT goons take out Sarutobi while he was in the middle of the forest between Konoha & the Daimyo's castle, and probably take out his ANBU bodyguards as well to ensure no witnesses. I'm not sure if Sarutobi was ever actually there or if it was actually an ANBU in disguise. Danzo was shocked when Sarutobi confronted him after the assassination attempt but I'm not sure if it was simply that the old man was still alive or if Danzo thought it would take him longer to get back.
Well, not exactly in plain sight. Sarutobi was allegedly travelling to the Daimyo's residence to speak with him about resuming his prior position as Hokage. The idea was to have ROOT goons take out Sarutobi while he was in the middle of the forest between Konoha & the Daimyo's castle, and probably take out his ANBU bodyguards as well to ensure no witnesses. I'm not sure if Sarutobi was ever actually there or if it was actually an ANBU in disguise. Danzo was shocked when Sarutobi confronted him after the assassination attempt but I'm not sure if it was simply that the old man was still alive or if Danzo thought it would take him longer to get back.
By plain sight I meant in relative terms as in being stupid and allowing himself to get caught like that. It's all pretty crazy thinking about it.
Love Letters
Scarlet Justice - ep. 139
"Love Letters"
[Cordially Yours, Part 2]

"It has kept well...perfect. I wanted to give my visitor a treat."

I am up early this morning with a plan in mind. Summer's end is approaching, even if the bursts of heat these past weeks say otherwise. In Fire Country's climate, warm days tend to carry on longer than usual – certainly longer than I remember as a much younger girl in the old country. Fio is asleep, charging up properly for her day of errands and tests with Tsunade. As for me, today is the day of my date.

Meeting Itachi for the second time...I wonder if he's changed since that day in Tanzaku Quarter. Are his feet still steadily walking that path he set for himself so long ago? Or have these sudden wrinkles given him pause for once? I suppose we will see soon enough.

I finish slicing up the raw steak that I have on the counter, exquisitely marbled and bursting with flavour. The Akimichi are stellar when it comes to sourcing food, and they're quite staunch on the matter of sustainability. They have their own small farms and butcheries here and there, but largely prefer to support the existing economy and thus use their prestige as a clan to nudge businesses in the direction they desire. Many tend to forget their importance in the Leaf hierarchy, but I suppose that will happen with big-headed clans like Uchiha and Hyuuga causing trouble wherever their gazes land.

A light tapping sounds on the front door, and I plate the meat in a small saucer before heading to it. I open up the door and set the saucer down near my visitor.

"Good morning, my darling. Have a bite or two before you head off again."

I crouch down and remove the scroll from the hawk's back. The seal is still present, which is very good. I will open it up inside.

"All done? Good work," I say as I stroke my visitor's head. "Be well the rest of the day, and thank you for your service."

The hawk flaps its wings and heads back towards the Leaf Aviary. I pick up the small saucer and close the door. After washing the saucer, I unseal the scroll and open it up, seeing that the message is written in familiar code. This is the Hokage's standard for these interactions, and so I already know how to decipher the characters and numbers in my head.


I was originally planning to have the meeting in Tanzaku Quarter, just to have some extra insurance. But after thinking on it, some place with more intimacy works a lot better. Since Itachi wanders the countryside as part of his new persona, he suggested a few places where we could meet. There's a small town about twenty minutes outside of the Leaf, and that is the place that we've settled on today. Good. We should be set.

I reach into my closet and find the usual nondescript Leaf sweater, some dark stockings, and cargo shorts with the pockets I value so much. A modest mode of dress won't draw too much attention. I put my hair up into a ponytail and find a cap to put on, hiding my identity just a bit more. I should have everything I need.

"I'm off."

I give Fio a soft kiss on the cheek before locking up. My first stop on this journey is the Hokage's Office, so I take the coded scroll with me as I leave. Imari stands just outside of the entrance, and we start the usual Uchiha Protocol, as it's now called.

"Open, please."


Imari delicately uses her gloved hand to place the seal in my mouth, on the underside of my tongue. "Done. Things are getting a bit messy, as is the case these days. Kakashi has contacted us regarding the situation, so we've started with our own countermeasures. That's to say...we're going to do what we can, but it means that you'll have to take centre stage for all of this."

"Mm. Unfortunate."

"It's not exactly fun, no. But better you than either of us, honestly. Senpai..." Imari makes a face. "To say that senpai is upset would be the understatement of a lifetime."

I nod with understanding. "That sounds like Tamaki, yes. Well, pray that things don't get too much out of hand. I'm off for now. We'll get this mess sorted once I get back."

"Of course. Be safe, Lili," Imari says with a smile. I smile back, feeling energized already.

Okay. It's finally time to go.


I slow my pace a bit and decide to enjoy the beauty of the forest. As a result, the travel time has increased by about ten minutes. Well, part of it was to ensure that I wasn't being followed by any bothersome elements, but it seems that isn't a worry any longer.

There are large fields of wheat that I pass by before getting to the town proper. I walk into the first shop I can see, as instructed. The place is fairly small and caters mainly to older clientele from what I can observe. I politely ask around and see what's popular.

"Coffee, huh. I suppose that's only fair."

I take a seat at one of the empty tables and wait for one of the staff to arrive. As it's such a small place, the middle-aged woman takes on both service and the cash register. I order a pot of coffee, with some extra cream, milk, and sugar on the side. Interestingly enough, there are some western-style sweets on the menu...things like the eclair that I recognize from my distant youth.

Feeling nostalgic, I order one.


The woman has already left, and I forgot to ask for extra utensils. I probably should eat it with my hands, in order to keep from standing out...even so. It's terribly savage, that kind of thing.


"Is this seat taken, by chance?"

"No," I respond to the familiar voice, without looking upwards. "By all means, go ahead."

"Thank you."

"Of course."

He sits across from me and starts to settle in. I take the usual paper seal from a pocket and stick it to the underside of the table. We should be fine, but one can never be too careful these days.

"So you didn't see fit to bring Carrie out," Itachi says to me.

"Not today, no. I wanted us to talk purely as ourselves. Things have been getting a bit more personal lately."

"That is fair. Do you have any particular questions for me, or should I begin with what I've heard?"

"Well...I would think to start with what you have first," I say as I finally look up. Itachi is wearing the same kind of dark, nondescript clothing that I saw in our last meeting – a plain black sweater and slacks. But it does look good on him, so...hm. I suppose this is how he dresses on those rare occasions he's not on duty. Quite interesting.

The eclair is delivered, along with our coffee. I take a breath in and prepare to start my assault on the baked good.

"I see."


Itachi points to the eclair. "You're going to eat it with your hands."

"I...have to maintain my cover," I mutter. "To be a shinobi means to endure."

"Hm." He smirks, and I narrow my eyes with irritation. Cheeky brat. "Indeed."

"At least you're having fun at my expense."

Hrm. I don't like this at all. How do I eat this thing with just my hands...everything will get everywhere. This isn't sensible. Complete madness. Apparently they also fill these with jelly and other assorted things...god, the nightmare it would be with my wardrobe. Makes me panic thinking about it. I'll eat it in a little while.

My hostess brings out another mug for our use.

"Much has happened since we were last face to face," I say, returning my attention to Itachi. "Your kindness has not gone to waste, my dear."

"I appreciate hearing that."

"A small order, but important nonetheless. Please tell me what you know at the moment. Ah, yes. How would you like your coffee today?"

"Two portions of cream and one of sugar should be enough."

"Understood." I mix the appropriate amounts neatly, sliding the mug over to him when I'm done. "To your liking?"

He takes a sip and nods. "Yes, very much so. Thank you, Lili."

"You're quite welcome."

"Shall I begin now?"

"Yes. Don't mind my fiddling," I say as I mix my own mug of coffee. "Go on ahead."

"As you probably are aware by now, Akatsuki has been significantly weakened by the loss of two of its members. They were hired by a certain client, who gave his name as Rothschild. He frequently made significant donations in exchange for our services. As a consequence of this, Kakuzu demanded to take point in most missions involving this client. Hidan, as his assigned partner for a host of reasons, followed along."


"The mission was supposed to be a simple thing. However...those two never returned as scheduled. Everything says that they have been captured, or more likely, have perished, since we can no longer make contact with them through any of our normal and emergency channels. I also know now that...Rothschild was a pseudonym."

"Yes," I say quietly. "It was. A perfect one, too...as it was his name, once before."

"So it really was you, then. Did you...take them on by yourself?"

"Just the giant called Kakuzu. I killed him with my own hands. Ane-ue handled the other one."

"You truly are talented, Lili. Beyond anyone else I can think of."

"High praise coming from you," I manage to quip.

"It's only right to say. And the client...he was killed in the same incident. Even if he was a belligerent, I am sorry to-"

"No," I say with a shake of my head. "I killed him myself."

His look is sympathetic. "I see..."

"It took a lot out of me...to say the least of it. It still enters my thoughts, even now. The struggle was incredibly heavy..." I let out a breath. "Thinking about it, there are even more parallels between us. More than I could have imagined at first, considering the reputation you have."

He sips at his coffee.

"What I mean to say is that, beyond raising our hands against those of our own blood...I have someone to protect now as well. A few months earlier, Mama saw her child come into the world. My little sister, Rosemary."

"Ah. Congratulations," he says with sincerity.

"We thank you. It's...the weight of that choice. Between the world and the people you love so dearly. I understand it completely now. I...don't truly know what I would do in your position, faced with that terrible choice, forced into acting before all you cared for was lost. But...I understand, on many levels, how it must feel. How painful the final decision had to be. How you must have anguished, facing your parents that final time. Something like that cannot...be articulated so easily."

"That is true."

"I would think as much. I also don't expect you to resonate with me so easily, either. I am still privileged compared to you, after all. I have been in many ways."

"You think your reasons are selfish. That is nothing unusual. In the end, I believe it's the same for all of us. What truly matters is what remains in your heart once the sun sets," he says.

"It must be so." I sigh. "Forgive me for the long tangent, my dear. You should continue with your report, since I've drawn you off course so quickly."

"There is nothing to apologize for. I understand. To continue on, with the weakening of our core group, you now are under active observation by the organization. Many of your feats have reached that man's ears. Also, Madara is conducting complicated movements. I have no idea at this time of his direction...but it is likely that he might be after you, now that you have so much gravity around you," Itachi says.

"Charming. Well, I'm sure I can handle that much."

"Indeed. I have no doubts of that." He takes a sip of his coffee. "Forgive me for sounding idealistic, Lili."

I raise a brow at that. "Should I? What could you mean by that?"

"More than a sword of justice...you have the power to bend the future itself. Something like that would be a clear threat to Madara's ambition, no matter what it might be. I think that ambition goes beyond just the collection of the tailed beasts, but I can't be sure."

"Bend the future..." I smile at that. "How bold of you. Tell me, what do you know about the heavenly plane?"

He pauses in thought for a moment. "Something like that...hm. With the strength of heaven, that would mean...to escape what is formally called gravity, isn't that right?"

"Oho." My smile changes to a playful grin. "I can see the flow that lies within you, you know. It's good that you decided not to play coy with me, or else I would have to think up a suitable punishment."

"You are rather harsh sometimes."

"Oh, but of course. I do have a status to maintain in this world, after all. Hmhm~"

"To continue further, new members are being scouted. As far as I can discern, Sasuke is not yet in that conversation."

"You've made sure of it."

"Yes. And so have you. His training with the Hokage seems to be going well enough. Hopefully a method of removing the cursed seal is also found...I mean to say, an alternative one."

"Ah. You have a plan, then."

"It all depends on how Sasuke behaves. Speaking of that, I have heard small rumblings of unrest lately. He's being tempted by an agent of ROOT."

"I've heard, yes. Our camp is working on it, but there's probably not much time. Maybe a week, maybe less than that...to stop any shenanigans, anyways. Any suggestions?"

Itachi tents his hands. "None in particular. My only advice is to be firm with him, considering what's at stake. Save for using your fists to settle him down, there's nothing too specific that you can do."

"I see. Well, a beating is easily arranged."

"Naturally. You're still not very fond of him."

"Not in the slightest." I take another sip of my coffee.

"Thank you. You have done far more than I could have asked."

"You deserve that much, and you know it. Don't go selling yourself short. Especially not in front of me," I scold. "As you know full well, I am loathe to make promises that I have no intention of keeping. I will continue to do my best to keep him safe, whether he likes it or not."

"Again...thank you," he says with a bow of his head.

"Is there anything else of immediate significance?"

"The timeline for the collection of the tailed beasts has now been set. With our reconfigured teams and projected additions, it should be four years from this point in time. Not much earlier and not later if things do change to a significant degree. The financial side is positive, and clients are asking for our services with more and more frequency. If it keeps up at this pace, we may very well undercut a significant portion of the hidden villages between three and four years from now, excluding markets connected to the Leaf and Cloud because of their histories. An additional phase would then be initiated to undermine them effectively."

"Hmph. If that was the extent of the plan, it might very well be considered noble in this blood-dipped, capitalist society. But there's more, as always. Erika did give me a hint of something bigger happening, but you can go ahead and tell me what the endgame is."

"A war economy. From there, a global takeover."

I can't help but start to giggle at that. Global domination? It's like something out of a television drama. "My goodness. That sounds absolutely precious. Deliciously hackneyed. Surely, there is more to this grand scheme."

"There might be. But that is as much as we've been presented with. We have worked to that end continuously as a result," Itachi says.

"Ugh. How basic and mortal," I say, rolling my eyes. "Taking over the world. This era of shinobi is not at all perfect, I will testify to that. But a rickety kingdom ruled by someone playing god would be a drastically worse alternative. Though...from what you say, Madara has an ideal removed from even that. Mm. Rather intriguing."

"Well, I'm glad you think so."

"Mhm. Cute," I say with a small smile. "Not to worry, my darling. I'll carry out your dream and put a stop to it all, in any way that I can. I have no idea how you personally will fare, what with your intention to die by your little brother's hand...but I hope that you won't cause me too much trouble on the side." I sip at my coffee again.

"I'll do my best," he replies in that dry tone of his.


"Did you have anything else you wanted to ask? Also..."


He points to my plate. "You haven't eaten the eclair yet. It's going to get cold and hard."

I sigh and grumble before picking it up. Let's see...hm. With a bit of hesitation, I bite into it softly. It's rich and creamy...actually, it's not as bad as I thought. But of course, there is a price to pay for such indulgences. My hands are sticky now. I reach for a napkin and wipe them clean.


It really is a savage way of eating, this. Delicious, but terribly savage.

"There is one thing on my mind currently," I say as I wipe at my mouth.


"Hm? What is it?" I ask Itachi. He silently reaches over with his own napkin and dabs at my nose.

"Those treats can be messy, it seems."

"Y-yes. Quite." I feel myself blushing a bit, and try to stifle it while sipping at my coffee slowly. Itachi really is a bold fellow at times. But...I don't exactly hate it.

"What was it you wanted to ask about, Lili?"

"Akatsuki has to have some sort of secure system in order for you and your cohorts to conduct operations, yes?"

"We do." He takes a few more sips of coffee. I refresh his cup after he finishes, and slide it back to him across the table. "Our connection with the Leader is maintained through a mysterious woman. Her name is Konan. Otherwise, we commune and exchange information through a certain technique. One that involves projections."

"Mm. Astral projections, then...?"


"I see. So you rarely meet together in person. I assume that it's because of the volatility between all of you."

"That is part of it, yes. We travel in pairs the vast majority of the time. The robes are typically worn for identification by our clients and middlemen. We also tend to wear hats while working to conceal our faces."

"It makes sense, being S-Rank criminals and all. So, how do you meet with your clients?" I ask.

"The mentioned middlemen feel out areas for their need of cheap services, ones that the nearby shinobi villages cannot provide at reasonable rates for the populace. They then make contact with us. After obtaining our reply, they gather the information needed, inform the client of our arrival, and then verify that the mission has been completed. They collect payment once verification has been completed, take their promised cut, and we pick up our earnings after the mission has been completed. Sometimes it is directly from the middlemen. Other times, we collect through various brokers. The money goes from us into the hands of Akatsuki. It is then redistributed among us accordingly."

"Interesting...and you make a lot of money this way."

"Yes. We also have other contractors out and about for lower level missions. Kakuzu was the organization's treasurer, so he handled that end directly. However, with his passing, Konan has now stepped in."

"I see. So that's how you keep yourselves hidden despite your status. Quite clever...most would recognize your types from the Bingo Books, you especially as an Uchiha. Handsome looks and all, of course."


"Choosing this place out of the way, and the high end tea shop the last time..."

"All according to plan," he says.

"Naturally. You are Itachi Uchiha, after all."

He smiles at that. "So I take it that you will be making use of that information."

"It's a possibility, to be sure," I say facetiously. "Will you intervene if I do?"

"Not at all."

I nod. "Where is your partner at the moment?"

"Currently in Tanzaku Quarter, taking care of his own business. The Leader sent him on an unspecified errand, with Konan relaying the orders. I could not ascertain the reason for it, and have not asked questions to that end."

"But you think there is something afoot."

"I would not put it past him, or Madara."

"..." It very well might be paranoia on my end, but...that mission of Sasuke's is supposed to cross near Tanzaku, isn't it? There's no way. But nothing in this world is truly impossible, is it...

"If there is anything else I can assist with, please let me know. Also..."


"How was the eclair?"

"Oh, it was quite good. A bit messy, but not the end of the world. Have you had one of these?"

"I usually stay away from sweets."

"I see. Well, you can have the rest of my treat if you wish. There's not much left of it."

"If that's alright."

I nod and push the plate towards him. He looks at it curiously before picking up the eclair with one hand...somehow, he eats it skillfully and there's not a crumb on his face. His fingers are barely sticky, too.

"It is good. You were right...oh."

"What?" I ask.

"You're pouting."

"I might be, yes," I huff. "You really are a genius after all, huh. Damned showoff." I puff up my cheeks a bit as he chuckles quietly. I wasn't lying to Ruki earlier...he always manages to do some little thing that puts me on my back foot. I can be a bit of a brat around him, as strange as it might sound to others. And if he finds it all amusing, then it's fine.

Born in another time, we could have been like...no. Even in this world, we can still be like that. Like brother and sister, with equal amounts of adoration and respect for one another. The distance between this great hero of the Leaf and its supposedly greatest villain only is as big as we choose to make it. The world's flow is changing. Maybe...if I reach out far enough.

"Itachi?" I ask gently.


"There are things you can help with, actually. I have...many feelings about the future that I would like to discuss with you, while we're here. Some suggestions to make."

"I see. That does sound a bit bold."

"It should. I want to hear about you, Itachi. I want to hear about your aspirations."

He blinks. "Could it be that you have plans for me?"

"I might. Only time will tell."

He nods at that. "Then you have my ear. After all that you have provided me, it would only be fair and just. Someone who can devour the future itself...I won't have anything to lose, listening to you."

"You flatter me far too much. But I bask in all of your praise. There is always a weight to a prodigy's words like no other," I say with a smile. "Then, if you would listen...at the moment, I have two items for you."


"The first...you have explained it piecemeal before. Your plans for Sasuke. But I want to hear what you're planning for him in full, and how you mean to get him there now."

"I see." Itachi pauses for a while in thought. I mix myself another cup of coffee in the meantime. "When I took on Danzo's ultimatum, it was to protect the entire village from its enemies. I asked Hiruzen to watch over Sasuke, and he promised it would be done. To this day he has kept that promise, in no small part due to your efforts as we both know."


"I ended up using a certain power that I obtained in order to force Sasuke to move as I wanted him to. It starts with the Sharingan itself, the bloodline limit of the Uchiha Clan. Sufficiently strong emotion unlocks the Sharingan, and Sasuke has met the requirements for it. In addition, Orochimaru has also implanted his Cursed Seal within Sasuke."

"This power you speak of, what is it?"

"It is called the Mangekyo Sharingan, the Sharingan's next stage of evolution. I obtained this power on a fateful day. The condition to unlock it as said is terrible grief and pain. The pain that could only come from losing someone supremely precious to you...whether you bear witness to that loss, or create it by your own hand. That is what the legends have told us."

"Ah. You seem to think there is something else to that."

"There might be. Have you heard of Body Flicker Shisui?"

"I have. He was a shinobi of splendid speed and skill, even among his peers in the Uchiha."

"You remind me of him, in more than a few ways."

"I suspect he was a gentler soul than I, and we would have been incompatible as a result."

Itachi shakes his head. "No. Nothing like that. He would have taken a great interest in someone like you, as kind as he was. Shisui was my best friend, and my mentor for a long while. He showed me many truths in this world of ours. Danzo had an encounter with him, and stole away his right eye during a heated battle. By now, he most certainly has it implanted."

"Hm. That explains his appearance, somewhat."

"Yes. Danzo also has access to many Sharingan. I suspect that he was being helped along by Orochimaru, perhaps even after the latter defected."

I blink. "Many Sharingan? One is enough for someone not of the Uchiha to handle, as Kakashi can testify to. Whatever might he have so many for?"

"This is where things start to become complicated." Itachi folds his hands and places them on the table. "Shisui entrusted his remaining eye to me, fearing that Danzo would hunt him down for it and obtain a near unstoppable instrument as a result. He then erased himself entirely...he committed suicide, and left no trace of himself afterwards."

"Shisui was said to be brilliant...what would lead him towards such a drastic end? Danzo confronted him for a reason, yes?"

"Yes. Shisui meant to use his Sharingan abilities to influence my father, the upper echelons of the clan, and possibly Leaf leadership like Danzo. He badly wanted to stop the planned coup. Danzo was paranoid enough to try and cut him off, fearing that this power would some day be used against him. He ended up taking Shisui's eye for his own nefarious purposes. I ended up putting the blame onto myself for Shisui's death, and then imprinted that false memory onto Sasuke. All so that he would hate me more and more with each passing day. It was that event...watching Shisui disappear into the day, knowing that it would be the last time I ever saw him in this world. That overwhelming grief unlocked the power inside of me, and I now had my own Mangekyo Sharingan."

"I see..."

"Each of these advanced Sharingan have unique abilities," he explains. "And as far as I have been able to ascertain, no two users have the exact same sets of skills, though they must share certain techniques depending on which branch of the family they originate from. There is one skill for each eye, and a third that only arrives when the first two awaken."

"So it's about emotional trauma...but the lie you spoke of earlier. You advanced the theory that you absolutely had to kill someone you cared about deeply. In Sasuke's case, it meant that to gain the power he would need, he would have to kill someone like you. But since you were his ultimate target...that would leave Naruto."


"And of course, aside from throwing me into a baleful rage the likes of which this world has never seen, it would cause all sorts of problems that no mortal could hope to contain. Rather reckless on your part, but you couldn't predict events like this, could you. Unless..." I look at him squarely. "You meant to use Orochimaru from the start...?"


I close my eyes. "Even that is of little importance, however. You crafted a certain persona in order to drive Sasuke forward."


"And even now, you are not telling me every single thing that comes to your mind," I say as I open my eyes again.

"Yes. That is correct."

"That I can understand easily. If I were to bear a grudge against you for that...well. I would be worthless as a shinobi, and as a woman. There are still things that you and I must do on our own paths...and there are still things that you cannot have me avoid just yet. For I remain your faithful blade of justice until the end of days."

"It is important that the truth be kept from Sasuke," Itachi says. "That he hate me, and continue doing so. Once he brings an end to my life, he will become a true hero. He will restore the honour of the Uchiha Clan."


He stops speaking, and his eyes point downward at the table for a long while. Ever so slightly, his folded hands tense. He must know by now. He realizes.

"And if things fall through?" I ask. "The future that you envisioned is already starting to change, Itachi. I understand your motivations. I see your plan in my mind's eye. And that is why I know that you're thinking about it. That outcome, that possibility."

He nods. "I am. There...is no easy way for him to reach the goal at this point. It is possible, but the window is slowly closing."

The gears in his head are turning. He is realizing an error, or many errors that he made in his planning. I cannot say what it is myself, but perhaps he will tell me one day soon. It is not my place to decide his life for him, as much as I would like this foolishness to end.

"Let's put that first item aside for a while. You have answered to my satisfaction, and I am grateful. The second item is detailing something that we have already started discussing. Danzo Shimura and his illegal organization, called ROOT." I brush back some of my hair. "I know much of ROOT and its deeds, thanks to my lovely comrades. The Hokage has also given me information on this subject. But I want to hear from you. Tell me, what are your thoughts on this matter, Itachi?"

"About Danzo...in his own way, he has the best interests of the village at heart. He is willing to do whatever is necessary to protect the Hidden Leaf, from threats foreign and domestic. He has his hands in many pots at once, and from what I have gathered recently, now has a particular dislike of you. You have been disrupting many of his operations, such as making contact with Kabuto and suppressing Orochimaru, information gathering within the village, and most recently, interrupting the flow of potential ROOT candidates to group homes and the Leaf Orphanage."

"Hm. I outdo myself, it seems."

"Quite so. He will be determined to get in your way soon enough."

"You said many pots, Itachi. So...the flow of national relations, then?"

"That is not spared from his reach. ROOT has meddled in the affairs of many a nation in the past, whether during war or during peacetime. Danzo has ways of getting the results he wants."

"Such as forcing Sasuke into his protection."


"Or things much worse than that." My fingers lightly tap the table. "There really isn't any telling what will come at me, is there?"

"Unfortunately not."

"Mm. And there's only so much time remaining. Akatsuki is continuing to spread its influence. He might get impatient...a lot of people might, in fact."

"Lightning Country is currently on edge. The increase in mercenary activities is a major annoyance."

"Something else to note. Much appreciated...I will put it together with the rest." A beat passes. "Itachi. I may have to be reckless within the next few years, if I want to see my order come to pass."

He nods. "A confrontation with ROOT seems to be well within your power. However...Danzo has a lot more in his kit than you could guess at first."

"You mean to say aside from the Sharingan in his possession."

"Rather because of it, among other things. He is powerful in his own right, a true contemporary to Hiruzen Sarutobi. His mastery of Wind Release jutsu is well known. With Shisui's Sharingan, he could potentially control the tailed beasts..."

"One in particular, no doubt," I growl, trying to keep my anger down.

"Yes. But there a power much more frightening than that. The Mangekyo Sharingan technique he has access to is called Kotoamatsukami, and once activated it allows the user to enter the mind of any individual within their field of view. That is to say, direct eye contact is not required. It manipulates them mentally, giving them false experiences of the user's choosing, and it makes them feel as if they are doing things of their own free will. This is the ultimate genjutsu. The victim is entirely unaware that they are being manipulated, and there is no trace of foreign chakra once the jutsu is completed."

My eyes widen. "That...really is a ridiculous kind of jutsu. If Shisui was able to use it on your father, or Danzo...not to mention the implication that with both eyes present, he could cast it on an entire room of people. But there is more to this, I suppose. No jutsu is perfect, and you would know as much."

"Yes. Kotoamatsukami requires delicacy and foreknowledge to be truly effective. If the target's memories are bent too far, or into an unfamiliar shape altogether, the power of the jutsu weakens and it can be escaped. In other words, a way to defeat the jutsu is to have a large number of points of failure, where the manipulation can take you into places that you recognize as being wrong, or opposite of what you know you would do."

That's a very intriguing thought. In other words, all I would have to do to guard against that sort of mental attack is maintain a number of personality traits...that much can be done. Creating failure states, especially for someone so arrogant...that should be easy. But it's not an invincible strategy, so...

"The other part," Itachi continues, "is that the technique can only be used at its full power once every decade or so, according to Shisui himself. The time for him, as the original owner of the eyes, would be shorter, but not too much so. He could rely on other Sharingan arts and his array of physical skills to get the job done in most cases. This rule applies to the eye of his that I have in my possession."



"Sasuke. I would bet that you have plans to use that eye on Sasuke at some point in the future, as a contingency," I say.

"I...had considered it," he admits. "But something like that would be a last resort. If something happened, and Sasuke became aware..."

"It would bring everything you had worked and died for to ruin. That I can understand, especially after your explanation of how the technique worked. So Danzo has access to this rather dangerous power, which normally can only be used once a decade. It means he has to choose his targets carefully."

"Normally, yes."

I frown. "I do not like the way you said that."

"I have reason to suspect that, with the assistance of Orochimaru, Danzo has enhanced himself to make the normal cooldown period drastically shorter. Still, he cannot use it more than once within a given period of time, and if the technique fails, he will immediately be suspected because of his status. Before he died, Shisui told me how he lost his eye in the first place. Danzo had already stolen a Sharingan, and made use of it in his play to get Shisui's, which he coveted. It fed into the earlier suspicions that I had about him. You may recall that his right arm is consistently hidden in his robes."

"Not an injury or disfigurement, then."

"No. His right arm may be that of a fallen member of the Uchiha. Shisui could only come to that conclusion from what he saw. It is normally sealed away and hidden beneath his robes. Beneath that seal, embedded into that arm, is a series of Sharingan. Somewhere between eight and ten of them."

"You can't be serious. That is truly absurd...but then, what would that accomplish?" I come to a realization. "A forbidden art you mentioned earlier."

"It is called Izanagi. A jutsu that allows the user to bend reality itself for a few moments. In exchange for pushing the Sharingan beyond its limits, the user is granted the ability to apply an illusion to reality itself."

I open my mouth and then close it just as quickly. No, that couldn't be called outrageous at this stage. We've already gone well past what might reasonably be called insane.

"This gives the user control over what is and is not real for as long as the technique is activated. They are able to change their own fates, and decide their own futures," Itachi says.

"And in exchange for going beyond the limit, something drastic happens to the eyes of the user. Am I correct?"

"Yes. It is a forbidden jutsu because it extinguishes the chosen Sharingan's light forever once the technique ends. This is a jutsu that only the Uchiha know..."

"And if I've learned anything from watching Kakashi, it's that special eyes meant for one clan aren't used as well by outsiders. Using Uchiha flesh and blood in order to enhance himself, along with many sets of eyes. Multiple eyes for multiple uses of that forbidden technique. And he must have a cache of unused eyes somewhere in the village. Something like that...it could only come from inhumane experiments like the ones that Orochimaru would perform. In the end, we can't blame him for that alone. The old man was a bit too soft in the past, as many have mentioned on my journey. This really has become a mess."

"Yes. But I believe that you can be assured of yourself in this chaos," he says confidently.

"Do you, really..."

"I do."

"Thank you for that. As long as you continue to place your hope in me...I will give you your just reward, Itachi. Please hold me to that."


There is plenty to absorb at the moment. Sasuke for now needs to remain with the Hokage, if he means to gain the power to defeat Itachi. But that path is becoming extremely narrow, shrinking by the day. Itachi is not, to my knowledge, getting any weaker. And if he meant to roll over for Sasuke, it would have been as easy as manipulating him years earlier. We will have to see what becomes of him, before any further decisions are made.

Danzo and ROOT are moving, albeit slowly. But that doesn't mean Danzo is any less of a problem. He has that terrifying jutsu, but from what I can tell needs to pick the perfect situation to use it in. The jutsu leaves no traces in the target, but it is a jutsu all the same, and it will activate the user's chakra network. That means it can be detected, and possibly interrupted. I will need to develop a few things to stifle him, along with the rest of his organization. But I know he won't try anything just yet. I'll make him sweat properly before his nonsense is brought to an end.

A few problems to solve, then.

Itachi and I finish the rest of our coffee in silence.


We have an extra conversation, which is to say that I talk about Rose for a while he listens on. Aside from that, I come to understand that he still trying to investigate the inner workings of Akatsuki and the reasons Madara Uchiha is there in the first place. There is a distance that is always kept between the working membership and the leadership, that is presumably always in a different place.

Itachi is doing a lot, even now, to protect the village he came from. Foolish, noble...I don't know if those words would be sufficient to describe the situation. Somehow, his shoulders don't slump with the weight of these tasks, as many as they are. The future for Sasuke and for the Leaf is still uncertain. Not something that either of us can immediately control.

"Thank you for keeping me company, as always," I say. The bill has properly been paid, and a proper gratuity left on the table. Itachi and I stand together before leaving the small shop.

"Thank you for hearing me out. I know you keep a busy schedule," Itachi replies.

"Indeed I do. Such is the mystery of the elite. Prestige, old money, all of that."

"Hm. Even so, you carry yourself well for a noblewoman."

"Always a cut above. I should live no lower."

We stop in front of the shop and look out to the golden fields. The wind blows lightly by us.

"It is time for us to part ways once more."

"It is."

"That Mangekyo Sharingan of yours...I have my suspicions, but it does take a toll on your health, doesn't it..."

"It does. Overuse of these eyes ultimately leads to the light being taken from them."

"Then how would you..."

"When two people who are close relatives, like brothers for instance, have eyes that are transplanted from one to another...the transplanted pair of eyes gains an eternal light as a result. This power is called the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan in legend," Itachi explains. "This is the strength that I ultimately intended for Sasuke. I expected him to take and use my eyes once our struggle was over. There are ways to influence him to do such. It means that he can live his life freely as the Leaf's hero and protector."

"I see. And for that reason, you would preserve yourself until the promised time. Even if your eyes lost their light in the midst of struggle, you would have that final gift to present to your little brother. Even in death, you would still look after him."

"Yes. I try not to be reckless. Sasuke and I...must meet eventually."


"It was something that I resolved myself to, long before we met."

I turn myself towards him. "Those words lack the confidence they used to have. Have I moved your heart?"

"Yes. You have, Lili."

I close my eyes. "Then let me act with the strength of the cosmos inside of me."

I said before that I didn't want to decide his life for him. But my feelings are changing rapidly. I don't want to stand in front of him, but I also don't want...to just watch it happen. He did carry out that savage act, but I don't care any more. I want to be selfish. I want to see a different outcome.

"The promised time may not be as you will it, Itachi Uchiha."

He looks down towards me as I open my eyes. The smallest hint of nervousness crosses his otherwise impassable gaze.

"Are you ready to accept such an outcome?" I ask.

Those words earlier, when he called me someone who could dismantle the flow of destiny itself...those were not meaningless platitudes. He was sincere, and it is why I can see his guard start to fall.


"It might mean that the truth spills out to him."

"I know. But I might not be able to stop you, even if I used every drop of energy in my body."

That is enough, then. If he can accept a possibility like that...

I let out the breath I was holding, and adjust my cap. It's time to act on those feelings of mine. I need to be sure that my rising paranoia is just that. "Thank you for your response, my darling. Until the next."

"You're going to Tanzaku."

I stop my walk and look over my shoulder at him. "I am. Will you stop me?"

"No. Even that is beyond my power now." He bows his head briefly. "Until the next, Lili Kobayashi."

"Come here a moment."

He obeys, and we stand silently together. I reach for his hand and take it in mine, before slowly and gently placing it on my cheek.

It's warm. A warm and lovely feeling.

Itachi stands in place, looking at me with understanding and the smallest bit of guilt. He would feel undeserving. But that's not the point. It never was.

I want to remember this feeling like the last.

"Thank you."

I slowly lift his hand away and return it to his side. With nothing else left to say, I take off past him and head towards my next destination. Tanzaku Quarter.

There are things I need to do...and things that I desperately need to confirm.
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I just remembered something that makes the anime "expansion" on Danzo even dumber. The timeline for his assassination attempt is 5 years before the massacre and apparently nothing else changed.

That means that Hiruzen kept him on the council as part of his inner circle for 5 whole years after dude tried to kill him, with the only thing stopping him from doing more murder attempts was a pinky promise. Then he undermined his authority again by blackmailing Itachi, and his only punishment was finally getting booted from the council.

In other words according to the anime Danzo committed high treason twice in 5 years and got away with it lmfao. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea. Orochimaru had the good sense to leave the village and Hiruzen at least tried to murder his ass. Danzo? lol.
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I just remembered something that makes the anime "expansion" on Danzo even dumber. The timeline for his assassination attempt is 5 years before the massacre and apparently nothing else changed.

That means that Hiruzen kept him on the council as part of his inner circle for 5 whole years after dude tried to kill him, with the only thing stopping him from doing more murder attempts was a pinky promise. Then he undermined his authority again by blackmailing Itachi, and his only punishment was finally getting booted from the council.

In other words according to the anime Danzo committed high treason twice in 5 years and got away with it lmfao. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea. Orochimaru had the good sense to leave the village and Hiruzen at least tried to murder his ass. Danzo? lol.

Don't forget sending a ROOT operative to assassinate Kakashi and steal his Sharingan Eye. And just for icing on the cake, he had a mission-ready Wood-style user and didn't bother telling the old monkey about it despite how important wood-style is to Konoha's heritage, particularly with Naruto going into the academy(wood-style is one of only 2 ways to stop the Nine-tails if it goes wild) Honestly, Sarutobi could have stopped a lot of problems before they started if he'd just cut off Danzo's head when he had the chance
Don't forget sending a ROOT operative to assassinate Kakashi and steal his Sharingan Eye. And just for icing on the cake, he had a mission-ready Wood-style user and didn't bother telling the old monkey about it despite how important wood-style is to Konoha's heritage, particularly with Naruto going into the academy(wood-style is one of only 2 ways to stop the Nine-tails if it goes wild) Honestly, Sarutobi could have stopped a lot of problems before they started if he'd just cut off Danzo's head when he had the chance
I can believe that Danzo covered his tracks enough to make it look like the human experimentation was all Orochimaru's doing, such as by pretending to be against Orochimaru all along with nobody having any proof to say otherwise. And the Uchiha situation while selfish was a mess that could be excused to some degree seeing as he didn't carry it out himself, and there were so many competing factions that nobody could say for sure he was involved with say stopping Shisui or something like that. But Kakashi was working directly the Hokage so ???. It's whatever at this point.
Actually having the wood user may not have been especially problematic.

Yamato was never actually a senju, as such there's 'only' the secret private slave military charges to worry about.