Which Lili is your favourite?

  • Angry Lili

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Bully Lili

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • Benevolent Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Commander Lili

    Votes: 24 15.2%
  • Big Sis Lili

    Votes: 49 31.0%
  • Shy Lili

    Votes: 18 11.4%
  • Smug Lili

    Votes: 57 36.1%
  • Sadist Lili

    Votes: 29 18.4%
  • Professional Lili

    Votes: 26 16.5%
  • Villainess Lili

    Votes: 37 23.4%
  • Suave Lili

    Votes: 28 17.7%

  • Total voters
Scarlet Justice - ep. 104
[Earth Country Collections: Prologue]

"Yes, of course. Nami, you should be a bit more patient if you're going to introduce concepts like this to the largely uneducated masses. Not everyone can appreciate the subtleties of Brutalist architecture."

Today is another simple day in the Leaf. I'm currently at home with Fio, who has come back from a mission a few hours ago and wanted to rest. Her head is in my lap as she sleeps, and I talk with Nami over the phone. It seems like she wanted to add in some fresh elements to the ladies' group, but has been having some trouble thus far. The decision on a name is still a work in progress, but there is no reason to rush such things.

"You said you checked the library and found it lacking, yes? Ane-ue has access to such material...yes, I could inquire about it on your behalf, if you would like. Perfect. How long would you be willing to wait?" A short tone rings out. "Hm. Someone is on the other line. Nami, could you hold a moment? Thank you kindly."

Fio yawns and moves her head slightly. I pat it gently as she settles in, switching to the other line to see who wants my attention now.

"Lili Kobayashi speaking."

"Lili. I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," Erika says.

"Not at all, love. I just have Nami on the other line, we were having a discussion about social issues. What might I do for you today?"

"There's a certain mission available that I am quite interested in taking on. I have recruited Ino already, and wanted a reliable third to complete our group."

"You've got Ino on board for this? I see. It sounds quite intriguing, to say the least."

"The mission will require three phases. Reconnaissance, combat, and infiltration. Our objective is to retrieve one set of documents and a valuable item without raising the alarm for nearby forces in the Hidden Rock."

"Interesting. Well, you didn't have to say much to get my attention...but now I'm excited. Count me in, Erika."

"Thank you. Once I have us confirmed, we are set to leave in two days. It will be in the morning, eight hundred hours. I will inform Ino of this as well. Please be sure to rest before then."

"Of course. Was there anything else?"

"Nothing else for now. We will talk again soon. Have a good afternoon, Lili."

"Thank you. The same to you, Erika. Do take care."

"I will."

She hangs up, and I switch back to Nami. "Nami, love. Yes, I'm here. That was Erika just now, she was asking if I wanted to come along on a mission. Her and Ino. A long one, to the Hidden Rock...it shouldn't be too much trouble. As always, I will let you know of anything relevant if it does come up. Now, to what we were speaking of earlier...yes, the study of aesthetic is something that not everyone will grasp right away. Especially when it comes to man-made structures. Everyone has their own opinions, you know. And if we're being honest, for such a flowery set of people like the Hyuuga, appreciation of that sort of raw, concrete style would have been beaten out of them from earlier in their youth. They would be tuned towards the Classical style, for example. You really are a strange one, even by their standards."


The volume of trading has remained steady this season, and so there are missions available to escort merchants and the like. Team Eight has grabbed one such mission and completed it within seven hours a day ago, leaving ample time for me to rest before gearing up again.

Currently it is seven in the morning on mission day. I've finished my shower and have started on breakfast while Fio sleeps. Luna's room is more than fine, but she seems to sleep better by my side. I don't mind it at all. Possibly scandalous if anyone found out, or maybe not. I probably will have to come out to the village at some point, won't I. That day is hopefully far enough away that I can deal with any dissent before it explodes into something truly annoying.

Breakfast is good and solid, with rice, eggs, and assorted meats to serve as proper fuel. I down two glasses of milk and clean up, then focus on making myself look presentable. The usual combination will work for this outing, with my favourite sweater and shorts paired together. Hair should be fine as is, and I run a comb through it a few times to get the look I desire. My armband goes on, I check my tools twice, and zip my sweater up halfway while looking in the mirror. I should be ready.

"Good. We can head off." The time is a quarter to eight, which is just perfect. I grab my small backpack and click the straps in. Fio, heavy enough sleeper that she is at times, hasn't moved since I came in. I smile and lean down to kiss her on the forehead. Fortunately, we did have a chat about what was going on, and I don't mind leaving her like this.


"Enjoy your dreams, my love. I'll be back soon." I pull the sheets over her and pat her head before leaving. Everything should be secure, and Fio has her own keys so...

"Here we go, then."

I lock up and set across the rooftops on this cool morning. The sun weaves behind the clouds and gives us the occasional ray of light.

"Hey, Lili."

"Good morning, Ino. You're here early."

"Nerves, probably." She has on a light jacket and warmer for her neck, both coloured mauve for today's excursion. Her hands are bandaged as well, which is unusual.

"I see. What happened to your hands?"

"Oh, that. Been working on close range fighting, you know...general taijutsu stuff. Want to be able to defend myself decently in case the worst happens. Choji isn't the fastest and Shikamaru might be occupied. Being a maiden is nice sometimes, but you want to be prepared."

"Good for you."

"Thanks. There are also some other fields I want to get into...medicine for one."

"Hm. You've seen what Sakura is going through, yes?"

"Yeah. She's gotten really good in a short while. I figure I can take a bit longer since, you know, I'm not into the whole borderline torture thing that Lady Tsunade has her on. A couple years will be good enough."

"Have you talked to her yet?"

"Not yet. Was gonna ask later this spring."

"I'll put in a word for you. She should be open to accepting another student, just as long as you're ready."

"Awesome, I appreciate that. I think I'm ready to become a real elite, like I said I would be. Remember, I've got a lot to pay you back for. Whether you want it or not."

"I suppose that's fine."

"A pleasant morning to you, ladies." Erika curtsies for us as she arrives. If I recall correctly, this was the outfit I saw her in when we first met at the Chuunin Exams, the skirt with the many zippers on it and a jagged edge along the hem. Of course, she has arm sleeves and leggings on today, on account of the cooler weather. "It is currently eight o'clock. Are we ready to depart?"

"We should be. Ino?" I ask.

"Ready over here," she says as she secures her satchel.

"We will discuss the mission specifics at our first resting point. Suffice it to say, there is more than one reason why I called for both of you to assist me. I will be taking point. Lili, I would like you to be my second. And as for Ino, we will ensure her safety at all times."

"It's been a long time since I've been treated like a pretty princess," she says with a smile. "Looks like nothing will hurt me on this trip."

"But you will be vigilant, of course."

"Naturally. You tapped me for this job because I'm so sharp, right?"

"Correct. So, are there any objections to this arrangement?"

"None," I say.

"Nothing," Ino replies.

"Very good. Then we will depart. Single line formation at all times, please."

"Yes ma'am," we say in unison.

With that, we make our way out of the village. Past the front gates, through the forest...and towards our destination. A mostly barren land of rock and stone, known better as Earth Country.


We end up in the northwestern section of Fire Country, not too far from the border with Grass Country, along with its rivers and ravines. Bridges like the old and defunct Kannabi Bridge span these gaps and allow people and merchants to cross safely, for the most part. Regular patrols by the Hidden Grass mean that bandits and other unsavoury types don't camp out near the entrances and exits as often as they did decades ago.

Ino does the work of setting traps and scouting the immediate area, while Erika does a perimeter walk and gathers extra wood for our fire. I do the cooking for everyone tonight, settling on some stir-fry with toasted flatbread. Tea is prepared over the flames, and the three of us have ourselves a meal.

"Yeah, so he got all upset with me and I just said, 'well, you could never, bitch' and walked out on him. It was not happening."

"That's it. You don't give them that edge," I say to Ino. "They'll take you for all you're worth."

"Right? And then he threatened to report me to the local business association and blah blah blah, he would not shut up! Ugh! But it's over and done with by now, nothing came out of his whining and we're all fine at the shop. He'll think twice about stepping inside again. Could you imagine? Me! Selling fake product! That's not something to play with, let me tell you."

"Thank you for making dinner, Lili. It was delicious," Erika says.

"You're very welcome."

"Yeah, really tasty. Should be good for my waistline, too," Ino says with a laugh. "Thanks so much, Lili."

"Of course. We'll have ourselves a proper dinner date in the future. I find myself enjoying this cooking thing a lot these days. So, Erika. Did you want to disclose the mission details while we were here?" I ask her.

"Yes, I believe it would be prudent to do so now. If you could do a final area check for me, I would appreciate it before we began."

"Certainly. A moment, then." I close my eyes and focus, reaching out into the atmosphere with my sense as my tongue flicks at the air. Aside from the usual fauna inhabiting the forest, there are no large or unusual chakra signatures in our vicinity. I stretch the range of my technique just to be sure and still nothing comes up. We should be secure. "All done. Nothing to report."

"Good. Then I will explain to you what our primary and secondary objectives are for this mission."

I gather our makeshift plates and utensils to toss into the fire as Erika speaks.

"This primary section is a mission that has come directly from the Hokage, and he gave me the ability to choose personnel at my own discretion. The document mentioned in our conversations is in the form of a scroll, a certain treaty that would give the Hidden Leaf and subsequently Fire Country access to a certain piece of land and the rights to a border crossing through Grass Country. Plans have been implemented to build the first part of said crossing from the Fire Country side, and the completed scheme will in essence create a sort of expressway between the two nations, connecting three countries at once as part of the process."

"I'm guessing that the Hidden Rock doesn't want that," Ino says.

"Certainly not. The abundance of products in Fire Country and coming from the Hidden Leaf would mean that the stranglehold they have on manufacturing and the like would be broken. Traders would be happy, the village however would not be at all. They worry about the obvious things, like national security, and the more subtle things, like foreign influence and diplomatic relations."

"The old man wants to weaken the barriers between the great nations, it seems. Very much like him, using his favoured velvet glove to get ahead," I say.

"Resources such as Sawano Point, which Lili acquired in an earlier mission, will help greatly if negotiations need to be made with the Hidden Rock. Of course, said resources can be diverted instead to secure the cooperation of other minor powers. Miss Kurogane has been working on a package for perusal by the Hidden Waterfall."

"Eh? You think they would be interested in something like that?" Ino asks. "They're pretty reclusive, no?"

"Somewhat so," Erika says, putting her hands into her lap. "But there is strategic merit in securing their cooperation, since they do have a tailed beast in their possession by way of their jinchuuriki. She lives within the village as well, unlike the two jinchurriki of the Hidden Rock who seem to have a nominal loyalty to their home village at best. But a new trade route may very well be a point of interest to them. Various rewards could be offered, so on and so forth. Those options would be detailed at the promised time."

"Makes sense."

"So we have the document that is of great strategic value. I would be correct to assume that if it cannot be obtained, it can be destroyed instead?" I ask.


"And there is an important item we are to take with us as well?"

"Yes. I have a certain scroll for storage, as the item is somewhat fragile and might be compromised with excessive movement. It is stored in a vault, which we would be wise to gain legitimate access to so that egress would be immediate and less stressful in the end."

"So that's where I come in. I get it," Ino says, nodding.

"Yes. Though there are certain things that I want you aware of...things that are not part of the current mission," Erika says as she looks at me. I know what she's talking about...I really should take care of that before too much time passes. Ino deserves to know. "That aside, the item is a rare mineral not found anywhere outside of Earth Country. Our surveillance came up on it purely by chance, and so the Hokage decided that the time to obtain it is now. Analysis of this mineral will yield great benefits, especially if we can replicate its components for further use in our own endeavours. As it is now, the mineral with merely small shavings can be used for a variety of medical applications."

"Do you think there's the possibility of a cache there?" I ask.

"We cannot rule it out."

"Then if there is too much for us to carry out safely, would it be okay to store key items in a space that I control?"

"More than fine. Not only do I trust you greatly, but Lord Hokage has given us a wide latitude to complete these objectives."

I nod. "Excellent. Then we should be well prepared for what may come."

"There's a secondary thing going on, right? You mentioned it earlier, Erika," Ino says.

She nods slowly. "As you might know, foreign elements are embedded in each of the shinobi nations, from each of the five shinobi powers. Minor villages do not have the manpower to do this so often, but villages such as ours have the resources to support agents in deep cover for months if not years. Missions are routinely taken to assist and extract them, usually by members of the ANBU, but occasionally by members of the regular forces. A message was recently decoded by Miss Hyuuga of the Hokage's Office, and she passed it on to me as she believed it was relevant to my interests at the time. There is a person who made a request for assistance, so I sent a coded message back about a week ago. A few days before this mission began, I received a rather cryptic reply and an invitation to their location when possible. So I began looking for times where I could make a detour either before or after a mission in the vicinity. This one came up at a good time."

"So not even you know the true meaning of this message," I say.

"That is correct. But...the wording of it indicated that there was something quite serious going on. Something very heavy, to be sure. The operative is not in any danger himself. Even so, I would like you both to prepare your hearts for what you might see."

"Ominous, isn't it. Well, I believe we will be okay. Your warning will certainly be taken to heart, Erika."

"It's reassuring to hear. Tonight we will rest here, and continue on our way towards the Grass Country's eastern border. Tenchi Bridge is within our trajectory, and it will be an easy crossing to make."

"Fortuitous, indeed. I suppose we will turn in, then. First watch?"

"I will take care of it. Please do not worry about the timing, I will wake Ino and she will wake you last. But we will also take some time to relax before bed. The morning is still a long way away." Erika stands and stretches. "One last sweep of the perimeter before then. I will be back soon."

"Until then, Erika." She nods and starts her walk through the forest. Ino takes a seat right next to me and sighs.

"So. Our girl was being a little cryptic herself just now. Things that aren't part of the mission, eh?"

"Yes. You know that I was gone for a little while, dealing with a multitude of personal things and tragedies that befell me all at once. You were busy and so you were not present for the meeting that I held a few weeks ago. I've told almost everyone directly except for you. I apologize for that, Ino."

"Hey, whatever it was...it must have been super heavy. It's alright," she says as she rubs my back. "You didn't mean anything by it. I'm just glad you're back to your old, sassy self. That's the Lili I love the most, you know. And you're my friend, so...you know, I couldn't stay mad at you for more than a few hours anyway. Maybe less if you got me something nice."

"Nice to hear that bribes are always an option."

"Of course. You love it."

"Ino...I want to show you those memories. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. Let's go ahead and do that."

"It's as you said...very heavy things that might hurt you to see. But I don't want to hide anything from someone I adore so much."

The waving flames nearby make her eyes glow, and I watch her nod slowly, raising her hands. I do the same and meet hers, watching as she concentrates and pulls us both into that blue-tinged void again. We float towards each other, these fragments of ourselves, and hold hands silently. But this time, the memories float from me and into her. I can see everything as it was, as it always will be inside of my head, even if I don't realize. The run to the mansion. The relief at seeing Emi safe. The fear I felt for Luna, rushing to the foyer. The confrontation, the pleading, the point where I fell to pieces. Where I gathered myself up again to become a warrior...where I made the decision that would change my life forever. Everything up to this point.

More than words...I've opened myself up in ways that I couldn't comprehend before. The conscious and the unconscious. Ino, my beautiful, wonderful friend...she is seeing more of me than I could properly describe in the real world. I feel nervous, but at the same time relieved that there's no chance I could hold back anything, or hide it from her.

We settle back into reality without a word, her hands wrapped tightly around mine. Her blue eyes look into mine, and I see...more than I expected. Not just sadness or pity, or relief, or the usual things. Admiration. Reassurance. A feeling of...comfort. So many positive things along with the sympathy she has for me. Perhaps it's because she saw all of the memories I had of my loved ones helping and supporting me, and that in turn gave her hope.

"Do you know why I admire you so much, Lili?"

"I might. But you can tell me anyways, just as a reminder."

"It's because you can bounce back from things like this. Pain and suffering...impossible situations that would make most people fall apart. Fighting Gaara and then Orochimaru...facing those demons in your past and present, and protecting your loved ones at any cost. Fighting for the life of someone who hurt you so badly, just because someone else asked it of you. You're so brave, so very strong. I think the world of you."


"I know that you'll be okay. You have so many people who love you, and who think highly of you like I do. But more than that...you're going to be a force of nature one day soon. I could see those memories, where you were wrapped in light...I couldn't really comprehend them, but I felt every moment, and I just know that you're so far beyond us that it's incredible. I want you to get there, to that point where you can speak and change the world around us forever. Seeing those memories makes me want to do anything to make sure that you succeed. Even my life...if it meant my life, I would do it. And I know you don't want to hear that. But it's how I feel."


"You're going to say you don't deserve that much."

"I don't. You know that."

"I don't care what you think you deserve. You're a queen, and I'm going to treat you like one when I can. No matter how salty you might get, Lady Hokage."

"You too, huh."

"Yeah, me too." She gives me one of her silly grins.

"Thank you, Ino. For...accepting all of me. For giving me that comfort. It's very sweet...perhaps too sweet for me. But I accept it all the same."

"I'll always be here for you, no matter what. And...we'll always be connected. When I showed you my heart, you responded by giving everything you had to bring my best friend home. You saved her from a terrible fate. The very least I could do is support you, especially since you've shown me so many secret parts of yourself. The way you thought of your father, how you still think of him...you don't need to be ashamed of that. You've always been a good daughter. And you'll be an amazing big sister in the future."

"Thank you for that."

"It's what you deserve to hear. I'll always love you, Lili."

"And I will always love you, Ino. We'll change the world together, I promise."

"Finally decided to aim for the top, then?" She smiles and leans against my shoulder.

"Not quite. I...will start slowly in a meaningful position."

"Uncle Shikaku talks about you, you know. Maybe you can take over his spot one day."

"Jounin Commander...mm. It's not a terrible idea, I suppose."

"Heh, you see? I'll have you worn down soon enough. Then you'll go and start campaigning for the pointy hat before you can start drinking. What a feat that'd be!"

"Oi. Don't get ahead of yourself, woman."

"Yeah, yeah. Miss Kobayashi, you talk tougher than you actually are with us."

I sigh and put my arm around her. "You talk a lot. But I wouldn't want it any other way."
Scarlet Justice - ep. 105
[Earth Country Collections: Opening]

A night of rest before we start on the road again. It's a short distance to Tenchi Bridge, relatively speaking, and we see an increase in the number of travellers. Some have wares to sell and make their attempts as we pass at high speed, others are simply determined to get to their destinations. We stop at the entrance to the bridge, where Erika unrolls the relevant part of the mission scroll and shows it to the shinobi who stops us. He gruffly lets us through and we dash across to the other side.

As noted before, there is an abundance of rivers and ravines throughout the nation. There are also many forests and grasslands; the former we pass through now is composed mainly of bamboo. The material sees widespread use in the homes that we pass by as we run. We are not very far from the Hidden Grass itself. Briefly, I wonder about the state of the country. It seems that it is doing well enough, despite being sandwiched between two of the most powerful shinobi countries that have long been at odds.

"Erika...if I recall correctly, Orochimaru impersonated someone from that village during the Chuunin Exams," I say to her.

"Yes, that is the case. Given the removal of liability due to the nature of the exam second round, nothing could truly be done about it at the time. However, Lord Hokage personally expressed his condolences and offered compensation to the surviving family members."

"Awfully nice of the old man," Ino says. "So what was the catch?"

"Increased positive relations and a reinforcement of diplomatic ties. The usual things. Grass has a robust intelligence network and the strongest diplomatic ability of any country on this continent. This is one way that they have kept ahead of conflict and defended themselves in times of trouble. They analyze various techniques, they are careful in their dealings, and their shinobi make themselves hard to read."

"Like you, right?"

"A fair enough analogy. Though I don't have the best poker face...I tend to be too open at times."

Ino chuckles lightly at that. "That's a little hard to believe, hon."

"Is it?" she asks.

"Just a little," I add in.

"Hm. I see. Well, all of that aside...they make for a welcome ally, and so it is in the best interests of the village to keep ourselves in their good graces. As much as possible, one supposes. The current initiative, which will bring in an increase in positive economic activity, is one way of remaining in those good graces." Erika looks at me. "Also...one of the children that we recovered from the operations against the Hidden Sound was from the Hidden Grass. She was an orphan, serving the village with her medical ability, but while on a mission was stolen away by Orochimaru and made to work for him."

"There must be a great many stories like that," I say.

"I do not have all the details, but I think you should make time to speak with her at some point, Lili. She's expressed an interest in meeting you."

"A fan, then? Intriguing. She also might be one of the children that Fio will be connected with soon. Either way, I will make some time for her."

"Much appreciated."

"Can't imagine what it must have been like during those world wars," Ino says as we leave the bamboo forest. "Especially the last one...your entire country, just reduced to the front in a terrible series of fights. Children being called up at such young ages, just to die in those bloody fields. Hurts just thinking about it, you know? As violent as the exams got, they had to be nothing in comparison."

"The scars run deep, and have not been forgotten. I have run this route before, due to the nature of my work. Let me show you," Erika says. We fall in line and run behind her, across the grassy fields. Eventually we come to a stop and look at the scene in front of us.

"What has been done cannot be undone. What was seen cannot be unseen. Those memories are what we must use to create a new future. These are the things that inform the actions of our Hokage. They are reminders of the sacrifices we have made in the past, the ones we make now, and the ones we will make in the future. Lives, filled with meaning."


It is a small place on the endless battlefield. Terrain altered by jutsu and weapons, explosives and poisons that have seeped into the soil. Uneven ground, interrupting pockets of grass that have tried to fill in the gaps. And flowers of all kinds. There are weapons stuck into the ground and lying on it, rusting away slowly. Surely the headbands and bodies were recovered all those decades ago, but the remnants of clothing, the broken and useless gear...they lie in place, forgotten in the chaos and strife of war. I can see the pictures of a battle, of many battles taking place over and over again in this space.

There are no memorials. No attempts to give a voice to this moment in history. Perhaps it was forgotten by the people of this nation, or perhaps nobody cared to do anything. It doesn't really matter, maybe.

"Lest we forget."

The meaning of Erika's words, and the reason she brought us to the place, is clear. Our reason for being is to fight for something beyond this. Far beyond this. The old man must realize it as well, that the velvet glove can only do so much. Strength is necessary...even if it might mean more bloodshed for a time.

"He must worry greatly," I say.

"Time is running short. It is not fear that he will leave the earth," Erika says. "Rather...it is that his strength will wane before the greatest tasks can be completed. We are here as his mighty arms, but it cannot remain so forever."

"The body politic, then..."


"I wonder about being made the head of such a thing."

"I see. You have time to make a proper decision, and I will see to it that you are not rushed into making one."

"Thank you."

The three of us stand together and look out into the field, silent and unmoving.

"All of this fighting and hatred...the stuff that's taken so many people from this world and broken so many relationships into pieces. We have a chance to change all of that, don't we?" Ino asks.

"We do. Maybe not right now, but things like this...they're a start," I say. "They hold a lot of meaning for people like us. Those who are physically girls but mentally women, with all of the baggage and responsibility those changes carry."

"Yeah. This is a good start. And it doesn't need to be our sons or daughters that carry on our legacies. We can form those great bonds with so many others."

"Our first step will be completing this mission and returning home. With patience, the world will be in our hands, to shape as we wish," Erika says.

"Becoming the world's nemesis, then? I suppose if that's what it takes," I say as I flip my hair backwards. "My title as the World Serpent should not be just for show. We will become a force to be reckoned with. But for now...it is as our peerless leader says. Awaiting your orders."

Erika smiles and nods. "Into formation once more, ladies. Follow my lead."


And so, we leave that lonely memorial behind...the unspoken promise to those souls rising towards heaven. That one day, that dream of peace in our hearts will be made manifest.


"Authorization has not been given for entry into the country's interior. But of course, that is how the shinobi business tends to work."

Late evening, 1935 hours. The sun has set about two hours prior. We've crossed boldly into Earth Country, a place that as noted has much in the way of desolate, rocky land. In fact the first obstacle is a particularly jagged sort of mountain range, nominally climbable by regular means and a robust way of blocking travellers or enemies. Large scale attacks on this front would be difficult, which explains why the Leaf didn't simply surge in across the Grass Country border and attack the Hidden Rock so long ago. The best ways to do that are by sea from the north, and surging up through Wind Country from the south. But both of those options would require considerable planning, especially without the cooperation of the surrounding nations.

"We have falsified documents that will be able to buy us some time if we are spotted on the way to the mission. It is preferred that we remain undetected throughout," Erika explains.

"As is sensible for those in our occupation," I say as we climb. Patrols are not terribly tight, and there are enough animals around to keep the tracking types occupied. We suppress our chakra as much as possible as we move. The darkness helps conceal our forms, and we make our steps as light as possible.

The southwestern part of the country doesn't have much of note. Likely why the items are being stored here in the first place - it wouldn't occur to most to search around a barren, rock-filled area like this in search of precious treasure.


Erika has us stop and points out a hill in the distance. It stands out somewhat against the rest of the terrain, even in this darkness.

"Artificial, then."

"Yes. They should have at least one sensor on board. I suspect there is a structure that allows them to detect incoming intruders from a distance. I will start my scouting. The two of you will find a good vantage point and hold there until I return."

"Understood. Be safe, Erika."

"I will." She silently disappears and leaves little trace of her presence. Even her chakra is pushed down as much as possible. Little wonder she was scouted for ANBU so early on.

"Come, Ino. I'll get us to a good place."

"Got it. Following your lead."

If there is something like Erika mentioned, I should be able to feel it if I focus properly. The artificial nature of the hill and the structure on top of it means that atmospheric aberrations will be limited, and thus an increased amount of control can be exercised over the space in the atmosphere. In a word, the hill and the immediate area can be used as an extension of the shinobi on it, able to channel the signature Earth Release techniques that would be used to attack and defend. While I boast a clear elemental advantage, I can't rely on that alone. Especially not when I have my teammates to consider.

"How's it looking so far?" Ino asks as we dart into the nearby forest.

"Nothing to report. We should be more than fine from this distance, and I can sense a proper shift from here...but I can be a bit more precise."

"Can you?"

"Yes. I'm going to activate that mode for a moment."

"You mean...ah, right. I saw it in your memory. Okay, I'll be here to back you up."

"Thank you. Let's begin." I close my eyes and reach into myself as we continue walking. That place, that familiar feeling...there. "Void Heart, activate."

The world falls into immediate silence, and things start to slow in my vision. It is not like the last time I used it, fighting those chaotic emotions and struggling to stabilize myself. This is smoother and much cleaner...I feel my mind and body switching gears, moving to a higher output as I call for it in this moment. I can push my sensing out further, in a much easier manner than ever before. Very intriguing.

It is also somewhat draining, I notice. Aside from the sealing of every emotion inside of me, I could be taxed beyond my limits if I am not careful. Fortunately one of the great boons of this form is the heightened awareness it provides. I obtain an understanding of how this transform extracts energy from my body and its reserves. More food...fats and sugars. I see, that much is sensible. Dietary adjustments will be made upon my return home, and I will improve both my chakra control and physical energy management immediately. Efficiency should be sharply improved within the next fifteen seconds.

The mission focus. From the data obtained, the modified structure and sensor shinobi inside do not offer protections outside of a two kilometre radius from the front side. Personnel can be moved in order to increase the effective range, but it is unlikely at this time. Total number of personnel: thirteen. Three secure the perimeter, leaving ten inside. Breakdowns are complete. Best to share with Ino so that our planning can run smoothly. Internal optimizations are completed. Void Heart can be safely deactivated.


I let out a breath and return to normal.

"You okay?"

"Yes, I'm doing well," I say to Ino. "No problems. A bit strange using that form on my own for the first time, but...it was surprisingly smooth. I sort of like it, you know?"

"Heh. Only you would say something so out there. Most people dread turning into robots and stuff like that."

"Mm. I suppose, but that's their loss. Being able to really stretch your mind out like that is...well, it's quite exciting, to say the least. Now, we've gained a good bit of data from that session. We are well away from their maximum effective range, based on my calculations of the enemy type, structure type, and chakra levels as well as potential-"

"Oi, oi. Pump the brakes a bit, girlfriend."

"Right," I say with a sheepish smile. "Sorry...I was still coming off that high, wasn't I."

"Yeah, I'd say so. But don't worry about it, just go at a speed that a normie like me can follow."

"Yes, of course. I'll draw out our current status." I take out a scroll and a pen, then quickly start drawing. While the layout of the interior isn't something I can figure out with sensing alone, we might be able to get something once we get close enough. Thirteen people, three outside in a periodically rotating, triangular formation. Ten inside. Five on one floor, four on another, one below the earth - meaning a basement or something similar.

"Okay, so we've got the three levels to deal with. Given how our techniques work...if we hit one of them at the right time, we can gain quick access to the inside and cut out a lot of the nonsense that would usually happen. Unless we want to make a statement of some kind?" Ino muses.

I tilt my head upwards as Erika comes in. She lands with barely a sound next to us.

"Captain? Are we here to make noise?" I ask.

"Fewer disruptions are always a boon for us. But I expect that we will have to take down at least a few soldiers in the process. Non-lethal methods are preferred for this mission."

"Sensible." I hand her the scroll. "Here's what I have. Ino, what was your idea just now?"

"You aim for me and I can fire off the Mind Transfer Technique at one of the targets. I figure I can get a good look at the interior for a bit before I leave, and they go on high alert."

"That might make things a bit difficult once it happens," Erika says as she reads. "One in the basement area...hm. Effective range is only that much, then? How far can your technique go, Ino?"

"If I push enough chakra into it...should be at the edge of that limit."

"Inefficient, in that case. We want you in good health in case anything happens. So that means we will need to get closer. Two kilometres is the maximum effective range according to Lili's calculations. Very impressive detail, by the way."

"Thank you," I say.

"You are quite welcome. With the abundance of data and our plan largely mapped out...I propose we hold for a few more hours, eat something, and prepare to strike when the enemy's defences are thinnest. They cannot hold their patterns forever, and sensors are always in much higher demand than there is supply."

"Two of them, one outside and the other on the ground floor inside," I say to Erika.

"We find the first link on the outside, and connect from there. Easily done," she replies. "A quick snack, then?"

"I got some fancy stuff from home packed. Just gotta heat it up properly," Ino says. "Hope you girls like stew."

"Ooh, do I ever. Lots of veggies?" I ask.

"Everything you could ask for and more. Oh, do we even have a good place to get a fire going?"

"Mountains back the way we came. I can keep an eye on them from here while we take proper cover. Wind is good, too. Chilly, but what isn't this time of year. This way."

Now, there is a way to build a fire pit that greatly reduces the amount of smoke, and we actually do this quite a bit on missions. As a result, I've become good at building such structures quickly when needed. They're great with heat, which means much better cooking on the whole. But with a rapidly opening and closing window, we want to start and finish as quickly as possible, meaning there's no time to dig the two pits and connect them properly like we would want. So a normal fire it is. The smoke will be carried away by the light winds, and hopefully we don't have anyone staring out too hard in this direction.

By the time we get into our food it's past 2300 hours. I've been reaching out into the void to see if there's any major movement, and nothing is happening so far. At least it allows us to finish our stew, which was delicious.

"Did you make this yourself?" Erika asks Ino.

"Sure did. What'cha think?"

"It was a delightful meal. Thank you for sharing it."

"You're welcome! I didn't bring too much with me, but maybe next time we can have a double helping for ourselves."

"That would be lovely."

Is this something happening? Movement...yes. Most of them are gathering in one place. I can only assume they're taking a meal break...in any case, this is our chance.

"We have action, ladies. Seems it's snack time for our hungry guardians," I say as I stand up. We all toss our wooden bowls and spoons into the fire.

"Then it's time for us to do a little feasting of our own," Ino says.

"The effective sensing range should be much lower than estimated," Erika adds in. "We should have an easier time getting this done. I will go completely dark and wait for you two to make contact with the sensor shinobi they are sure to have outside."

"I'll have an eye on you either way," I say as I tap my nose. Erika nods with understanding.

"I trust you both. Good luck."

She disappears into the night as Ino and I move forward. We step within the two kilometre range and nothing flares up. Cutting that distance in half yields the same non-result. No need to get closer and compromise anything...Erika is slowly making her way up the hill, with her chakra suppressed all the way to nearly nothing. Because of that, she won't be able to perform any attacks or make quick movements without exposing herself.

"Feeling confident, Lili?"


"Then I'm in your capable hands, as always. Let's give our girl some breathing room, shall we?"

"Let's." I stand behind Ino and place my hands over hers. She moves them into position for her clan's signature technique, the Mind Transfer Jutsu. A technique like this, whether it succeeds or fails, leaves the user in a completely vulnerable state as their consciousness leaves their body. The kind of jutsu that is a straight shot in one direction, moving relatively slowly. That is why people like Ino are paired with people like Shikamaru and Choji, as the former can move her body if needed, and the latter can defend her physically.

"Hey. You remember the exams?"

"A lot happened there," I reply. "Which memorable event are we speaking of?"

"When I tried to get inside your head and your perverted id or whatever tried to have her way with me."

"Ah, yeah. I remember that little episode well."

"I bet you do. Those were fun times, you know. Aside from the murder, and...you know, the whole invasion thing."


"We've come a long way since then. Well, since the Academy and me wanting to bring you down a few pegs. I really was stuck on Sasuke. Makes me cringe a bit thinking about it."

"Things like that happen. Youth, youthful mistakes, all of that."

"Yeah. And now I'm about to entrust my body to a known...what was the word you used? Connoisseur of women. And one of my best friends in the whole world, but you know. Details."

"Right. You are a terrible flirt, you know that?"

"I know. And you love it, just like you love me."

"Of course I do. Our target is coming into range, along the predicted pattern. Ready? Breathe."

We slowly synchronize our breathing. In...out. In...out. In...out.

The pattern becomes second nature, and I can feel Ino's body move in time with mine. From this point, all I have to do is squeeze and she'll react. Missing won't be the end of the world, but we don't want to make mistakes at this stage of the game.

Three...two...one. Squeeze. Ino falls limp in my arms and I make sure to catch her. We should have landed it, but only time will tell. I sneak in closer with Ino's body in my arms and feel out the positions of everyone else, while waiting for the promised signal.


The male shinobi standing on the hill looks in my direction. He grins and subtly flashes a double peace sign.

I smile back.

Success. We are in.
Scarlet Justice - ep. 106
[Earth Country Collections: Feature]

I settle in at the base of the hill, keeping a firm grip on Ino in case I need to move quickly in the next moment. The plan has been set in motion.

From here, things will follow a simple and effective arc, leaving space for us to improvise if anything should go wrong. The first step, getting Ino safely inside the mind of our enemy, has been completed. She will take herself to the edge of her technique's limit, which is about two or three minutes worth of real world time. As much information as possible will be gathered from the target, then Erika will make a timely arrival for an information exchange. Once Ino feels that it's time to leave, she will return to her own body and Erika will knock out the shinobi to close the loop. It's this point that determines what we will do next: if there is a reaction from the others, then we will have to act as quickly as possible and take out everyone inside at once. This might be difficult if we're strictly going for non-lethal takedowns, and there's the possibility of a silent alarm of some sort, making the sole person downstairs react in ways that we cannot predict. Speaking of them, they've remained in their position this entire time. Surely if the others are eating, they will be served as well...unless there is a hidden food cache down there, perhaps? We might know more soon.

The other possibility is that everything goes smoothly, and our enemy is none the wiser. That means we can proceed as we wish, and properly sneak into the structure to get what we want. From what I can see, it's in the form of a cube. Wooden, sturdy enough from what I can tell. But with this artificial surface it sits on, also easily collapsible if need be. That above all is the biggest worry if we should be stuck inside. The Hidden Rock does love to dispose of problems via fissure and cave-in...


Ino stirs in my arms. Good, she's back. Erika is returning after having pulled away the other shinobi and starts to stalk the remaining one on patrol.

"Are you okay, my love?" I ask gently.

"Just fine. Thanks. I got plenty of stuff to show you...Erika's already in the know, and she's got a plan for us."

"Good. Let me just help her take care of the final problem, then we'll sprint up for a quick conference."

"I'm alright to walk, then."

I set her down slowly and then reach for a shuriken from my pouch. Making sure that the shinobi is not moving, I whip it quickly past his head. He predictably turns and in the next moment, Erika is on him, knocking him out with a single blow. She drags him to the side of the structure as we run up to meet her. There's still no reaction from the others inside, which confuses me just a bit.

"Ino, go."

She does as Erika tells her and puts her hands on the side of my head. The information transfer begins, a series of images that explodes into being inside of my mind. Though it takes a bit of effort to pull everything together, I have a clear image of what's going on right at this moment. I can see why Erika wanted both of us to come along on this mission, Ino especially.

"Is everything sorted?" Erika asks me.

"Yes. So the sensor we handled first was the more experienced one. The other one inside, she's still quite green and has to devote some time and effort to switch her chakra over to a sensing state. Right now she's focused on eating and while she will be done soon, we can already make adjustments to evade her."

"Both of you, make the switch now. I will keep my chakra suppressed for the next phase."

"Understood." Ino and I focus, matching our chakra signals to the other shinobi we felled. It likely won't be a perfect match, but we can take advantage of the inexperience of the only remaining sensor inside. Still nobody is moving, not even to head downstairs. The three of us move out to the front of the structure just to be cautious.

"The only gap we have right now is the basement area," Erika says. "What we do know now is the layout of the floors and the little nuances of the interior. There are three entry points to the basement: one is directly from the ground floor, the other from a side entrance nearby, and the last is an emergency tunnel. We will not be going near the last if possible, since we know the habits of the Hidden Rock when it comes to interior spaces. I will be heading to the roof and then down to the top level to gather more data and put myself in place for multiple diversions. We will be running on a timer once this conference ends. Seven minutes. Once that time expires, I will start my routines no matter what happens, and you both will need to escape. It does not matter where you go or how you leave, you must leave. Eventually we will be able to find each other. Your safety is more important to me than anything else. Is this understood?"

"Yes ma'am," we reply.

"Good. From my simulations, I know who will be ascending to the top level first and who is likely to be on the ground floor sweeping for threats. This structure has two exit points, the front that we see here, and the back which is directly opposite that. There will be a subtle diversion at the thirty second mark. This should place the person we want near the back exit, and said entrance has a door that is easily accessible. From there, you may act at your discretion. Are there any questions?"

"None," I say.

"Nothing," Ino replies. "Let's go for it."

"Yes. I believe the meal break will be ending very soon. Lili?"

"Timer set at seven minutes," I say as I look at my watch. Erika hands me a scroll. "Ready to activate."

"We start now. Godspeed, ladies."

Erika jumps towards the roof and starts climbing, while Ino and I split off and make our way around the wooden structure towards the rear exit. It really was hastily put together, and isn't much on the interior either. Perhaps this is meant as a simple holding place. Or there simply wasn't any effort spared for an installation in the middle of nowhere. It's looking more and more like the second case. Erika has found her way inside, and we're nearing twenty seconds. Ino is keeping pace with me, and the sensor girl is up and going. She reaches out into the atmosphere with her chakra as the others move back to their posts.

"Hey, you guys! We're switching off, time for you to eat!"

Our move should start...now.

"Oi, guard the front door! There's something upstairs."


Ino and I meet at the back door. I quickly pull out a small knife and charge it with lightning chakra, then swipe it through the small gap in the door. The deadbolt and latch are both cut through cleanly. Ino positions herself and prepares her jutsu, while I get ready to open the door so that she has a clear line of sight.

"Ready," she says quietly.

I nod and quickly pull open the door, allowing her to fire her technique at the closest person. They're alone, which is nothing but a positive for us. Ino falls and I catch her, while the body she occupies runs over to close the door behind us, using a paper seal to hold it in place. It's a woman this time, seemingly in her early thirties from what I can tell. She has short black hair and eyeglasses.

"Down we go. I have the knock pattern she needs to use, and the other ones shouldn't be down here for another minute or so. Seems our girl in the basement has all of the other information that we need..."

I suppress my chakra and we rush towards the stairs, heading downwards towards the basement door. Ino passes the information she's gleaned to me just in case I can make something else out of it, then starts the knock pattern.

"What's up?" The voice on the other side is definitely a girl's, youthful sounding. Probably a teenager sent to take care of the most undesirable part of the job - this basement looks especially miserable.

"Food's here."

"Shit, really? I'm starving...gimme a second."

We hear movement on the other side, and bolts on the door sliding away so that it can properly open.

"What's next?" Ino whispers.

"Did you have something in mind?" I whisper back.

"Yeah. I'll take her and then let the body drop. You should be able to set me down and get your hands on her after that."

"That should work. We're approaching three minutes."

"Plenty of time. Here we go, then..."

The corridor is cramped, so moving forward into the room is the only real option at this point. Ino's plan should work, and if not...killing is undesirable, but not out of the question here. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

"Took long enough...alright, I'm re-"

Ino uses the older woman's body to push through the inward swinging entrance and wrap the younger girl in a bear hug.



As they fall over together, I rush in and set Ino's real body down, pushing the door closed behind me and rushing back to the tangle of bodies before the other girl can work her way free. I put my right hand on the older woman's back and make her pass out with a good jolt of electricity; my left goes around the girl's neck as she lies face first on the floor, and she's paralyzed for the time being. Her hair is fairly colourful, short and dyed a soft blue. The body isn't too bad, either.

"How much time do you need?" I call to Ino.

"N-not much. I should be good..."

"It might take a bit before you can move properly at this rate. Better hurry."

"Yeah." She walks over and begins her jutsu again, falling backwards into my chest. I set her down in one of the nearby chairs and wait for her target to stand up, fighting off the effects of the earlier paralysis.


"Yeah, you were right...gonna be a few more seconds. Uh...god, sorry."

"Not your fault." I go and lock the door, checking for any immediate threats. Nothing yet, but the people upstairs are getting anxious. Our other two exit points are clear for now. "Just let me know when."

"Uh...okay." She puts a hand to her head. "Okay, there's the counter to the far right, top drawer, pull it out and then feel for a switch underneath. Push that in twice. Check the cabinet above, clear a space through the junk and pull on the ring you see. Should be a box that comes out. Standard seal, overload it."


"Scroll's in there. Mineral is in a safe underneath the floor...need a jutsu to dig it up, and our gal has just the thing. I'll get on it in a second."

I move to do as she says. Counter furthest right, drawer at the top. I pull it out quickly and feel for the switch. Once I find it, I push it twice as instructed. Done. A small click sounds and I reach up towards the cabinet, pushing dusty items to either side and finding the gold ring described earlier. With a quick pull, the wooden box comes out and I set it down on the counter, opening it up to find a metal container inside. There's a paper seal on it, and I lay two fingers down before surging chakra through them. The paper burns away and the box is easily opened.

"Scroll...yes, just as we hoped for. Primary objective completed," I say.

Ino has pushed the safe upwards on an earth platform. Normal looking metal box with a single dial combination lock. Would have been nice if they went electronic...always makes my work so much easier.

"So what's the plan? Bust it up?" Ino asks. "How much time do we have?"

"Two and one half minutes. No, something like that would take too long, and there's more than likely a relocker fitted. That screws us if we use too much force. If it were electronic I could just spike the damn thing," I say. "Either way, we don't want to damage what's inside."

"You think we need to carry it?"

"No, no. We should be fine. How are you for time?"

"Maybe two more minutes."

"I'll be done before then." I press my ear against the metal and close my eyes, concentrating. The sounds and vibrations speak to me as I quickly turn the dial. Have to assume three discs inside. Numbers from one to sixty. Clockwise. Yes, I'm correct. Three discs - this should be easy. First, ten. Counter-clockwise. Second, fifteen. Clockwise. Third, thirty-six. Done.

"And we have our prize." I take out the scroll that Erika gave me earlier and unroll it, then place the spiky ball of blue rock in the middle of the formula. With a single seal, the object is transformed into a two-dimensional representation, safely stowed. I roll up the scroll, bind it, and put it into my pouch. "Secondary objective completed. All clear. One minute, thirty seconds remaining."

"We've got incoming," Ino says. "I can hold out just a bit longer."

"Time to head outside. I've got you."

I scoop up Ino's body again and we head outside, ignoring the banging on the door.

Ino winces as we clear the exit, going back into the night where we are cloaked in darkness once more. "Yeah, I'm at my limit. Get ready, Lili."

"Go ahead."


I set Ino on her feet and use my free hand to hit the other girl squarely in the face, throwing her backwards into the side of the structure before she falls forward, unconscious.

"Oh, to do that to such a pretty face...do forgive me, darling." I sigh and shake out my hand.

"Hey...mind being dramatic later? We've gotta haul our fine asses far from here," Ino says drowsily.

"Come, now. I'm not that irresponsible."

"Never hurts to be sure."

I pick her up again and take off into the nearby forest. The other shinobi are spreading out to try and find us, but...

"Seven minutes...now."

Erika's timed diversion seems to the very opposite of subtle. It's a rather flashy explosion that brings the Hidden Rock shinobi rushing back to their outpost as she flees. We can loop back around to her as soon as it's safe to do so. Given we're under cover of darkness, that shouldn't be too long.

"I'm good to move. Thanks again, Lili."

"Of course."

Ino gets to her knees and catches her breath. Using that jutsu of hers so many times in a row could not have been easy. Not just the chakra, but the mental strain from taking on so many memories at once...she did extremely well tonight. As always, I am very proud of her.

"Got both of our targets, no fuss. We did good, girlfriend."

"Like we would do anything less together," I say with a smile.

"It's what I love to hear. Yeah...Erika really knows her stuff. And she can pull off diversions like nobody's business. How's she doing?"

"Perfectly well. About five kilometres from us at the moment...the Rock shinobi aren't as invested in chasing her as they are preventing their little lodging from burning to the ground. Very little to worry about. When you're rested enough, we will walk ahead and meet up with her."

"Got it. I'll take you up on that offer. Whew..."


We wait another hour quietly, monitoring the movements of the Hidden Rock shinobi. They have yet to properly deal with the fire, but some of their members are out hunting for whoever infiltrated their little building. Our reason for not going at full power from the start is made manifest at this moment; they cannot identify or track us by chakra signature since we've either suppressed our own or in Ino's case, stolen familiar signatures for our own use.

Erika starts to move through the forest and back towards the mountain range that we crossed on the way here. We go back to our first checkpoint to grab our hidden personal items, then slowly follow her and get closer until we can see each other again. Her chakra is the same as before from what I'm sensing, but we do the usual routine hand signs in sequence before anything else.

"You are both safe. Good..." She gives us both warm hugs. "The enemy should be sufficiently distracted for a long while, since the explosion and subsequent fire are both chemical-based."

"Ah. Sounds just a bit troublesome," I say.

"Given that the structure involved contains several types of flammable material, not including the timber that composes the majority of it, I would agree with that assessment. Come, we will move to a safer place and rest. The information will still be in our heads once we wake in the morning. I am sure that Ino especially will be grateful for it."

"Right on the money. I'm...kinda beat, honestly. But don't shut everything down on account of me, you know," Ino says.

"You would say such a thing. I, however, am the mission leader. And I say that we will rest a while. Any objections, Miss Yamanaka?"

"None over here. Let's get ourselves some sleep, then."

We travel onward and find ourselves a small cave in one of the mountain faces, enough to fit the three of us inside. Erika sets down an array of traps and we sit together against the back wall, heads pointed towards the outside. It's warm like this...comfortable. It doesn't really get much better than spending time like this with two good friends. The whole potentially deadly mission in a foreign country thing is more or less in the background, of course.

Ino is already sound asleep next to me, and I can feel my eyelids getting a bit heavy.

"We can all go to sleep together for once," Erika says. She yawns and slowly closes her eyes. "The traps should wake us...if anything trips them properly...calibrated for...mm..."

She drifts off next to me before she can finish. I suppose I can follow her advice and close my eyes for a spell. It's been quite a long day, and this...it's well deserved.


I open my eyes to the new day. My watch says that it's about 900 hours, which is fine. I feel quite refreshed.


"Good morning, darling. I hope I didn't wake you early," I say to Ino.

"Nope. I'm more than okay. Might get too used to this, you know...it's really nice sleeping next to you."

"I would say the same to you," I reply with a smile. Erika has already woken up, standing at the mouth of our cave and presumably doing a survey of the area ahead of us. The ground in this cave is quite hard, and thus unsuited to making a proper fire pit. We'll have to descend and make breakfast down below.

Erika is dismantling and collecting the last of the traps as we leave the cave.

"You both have awakened. Good. Shall we have breakfast and discuss our findings?"

"That sounds nice. I have a good breakfast in mind, along with a superbly sumptuous tea to properly wash it down," I say. "You and Ino can exchange information properly while I make preparations."

"Quite agreeable."

The three of us descend the mountain and reach a concealed place. I test the ground and after finding it suitable for digging, make the fire pit with two tunnels to reduce the amount of smoke that is output. The small portable pan comes out, so does the meat and the vegetables sealed away for these excursions...Ino and Erika sit together on a rock and silently pass information back and forth while I cook.

"So the mission and all its objectives were accomplished safely. Well done, ladies. I knew that I could count on you," Erika says with a smile.

"We have our wonderful commander to thank, of course," I say to her.

"Yeah. I mean we could have pulled it off on our own, but probably not as smoothly if not for you," Ino says.

"I will accept your praise of me. Thank you."

"Hey, you'd better. Seriously, you're super super old-school when you work, and it's the absolute coolest. Like, everyone these days is mostly about the aggressive jutsu and the techniques and the stabbing and the killing...you know, all that. But you? You're so sleek and stealthy, all the time. I don't think enough people appreciate that." She pauses. "Also...that wasn't cosplay I saw in there, was it?"

"No. I apologize, I did neglect to tell you about that part of me..."

Ino waves her hands. "No, no! Seriously, it's fine! Uh...I find out stuff like that sometimes. Things inside of people's heads. It's not a hassle, like...hiding it, is it?"

"Not at all. My mother taught me very well how to keep my true nature concealed. And of course, undoing it is quite simple." A soft, slender white tail pops up from behind her back. "I do not mind doing it when I am alone at home, or in the presence of those I truly trust."

"Oh, I see. It's really neat...all the people I know are totally human. Well, mostly." She giggles as Erika's tail touches her nose.

"I resemble that last remark," I say as I deliver breakfast to the girls. "Here you are, the tea is being kept warm for now. Shall we begin our reports?"

"We shall. From what Ino has shown me, the mission has been completed without incident. No identifying information was gathered, and even in the event that we are accused of this infiltration, we have much in the way of deniability. Lili, I assume the scroll contained the information needed by the Hokage's Office to perform their duties?"

"It did, yes. An authentic document, with all of the relevant details contained within. Signatures and seals were all in place, the document retained its physical integrity, and the removal cannot be directly traced back to us as individuals, or the Hidden Leaf as a village and organization."

"Very good. And the secondary objective was completed cleanly as well. I was not aware of your innate skill in defeating locks."

"Oh, that." I shrug as I sit down to eat. "It was nothing special. I decided that if I was going to learn traditional lock picking, I might as well learn the other styles as well. It brought me to some things about relocking and self-arming systems, electronic locks and such...so on and so forth. Quite fascinating, I must say. But yes, it was a simple rotating lock, easily dealt with, and with no need for volatile materials like explosives."

"Hm. I made that remark because of the reason that most storage solutions do not come with levels of security higher than what you have encountered."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yes." Erika has her tail disappear again. "In this age, advanced and ostensibly more secure systems are cost prohibitive. Perhaps your views have been coloured somewhat by the rate at which you take on A-Rank missions, where such systems are commonplace."

"That does make sense...especially in the field where you might need to destroy pieces of evidence. And of course, memorizing a code is somewhat bad because of genjutsu..."

"Or other methods," Ino points out. "The girl in the basement I possessed, she didn't have the combination on her."

"Usually one or more persons have access to that information, and they tend to be either the leaders, or the strongest and most resilient of the group. I suspect we would have found out if we had to face down all of them at once," Erika says.

"Only you two would talk so casually about a three on ten scenario."

"Mm. It does sound somewhat reckless, if you analyze it from a certain point of view..."

"That sort of arrogance is warranted," I say lazily. "If it weren't, we wouldn't be sitting here right now eating breakfast in enemy territory."

"Eh...you're right about that much," Ino admits. "Sorta magical how the crazy stuff looks routine with the right people. But I'm not complaining."

"With the great success of the mission, we will be able to travel in a more casual manner to our next stop. Hopefully, it is not as serious a matter as it seems to be. As said before, we must all be prepared for what might come next," Erika says.

Ino and I nod before we all go back to our food.
Chrysanthemum Hymn
in this chapter there will be discussion and depiction of genocide, with various other war crimes. the actions that the protagonists take here measured against real world practices may also seem objectionable to some.

though the act is treated with proper gravitas, the contents should still be properly noted.

Scarlet Justice - ep. 107
"Chrysanthemum Hymn"
[Earth Country Collections: Conclusion]

Our path of travel takes us in an arc going northeast, curving towards the Hidden Rock. We will be stopping well short of there, of course, but still close enough that shinobi can travel back and forth within the space of a day. With our primary and secondary objectives completed, we simply need to return to the village to have everything settled. But as Erika pointed out at the start of our mission, there is other important business to take care of.

The possibility of this being something dire makes me think quite a bit on it. What is it that we might be involved in?

Between our travel and rest, a day passes. Erika pulls out a map on this morning and observes it for a solid minute before setting it alight. The ashes float away in the cool wind, and she stretches a hand forward before making a half seal.

"Only that much, then..."

Her head tilts upwards. Then she balls her hand into a fist and punches the earth below, going still for a few seconds before rising again. This must be some sort of esoteric code that was provided by the operative in this country. Things like that are given out from time to time, and while sometimes annoying, they are vital to the safety of everyone involved and the success of any given mission. That is why, as odd and inefficient as they can be, they are respected and carried out as often as possible.

"It seems that things are as they should be. Let's continue. The home should be up ahead."

We pass through another stretch of forest before exiting at the foot of a mountain pass. There is a home not far off it, sitting neatly on one side with a long slope reaching from the road to the front entrance. The three of us follow it upwards and Erika knocks on the door. It seems like a normal enough place, especially looking at the similarly placed and styled houses surrounding it. I assume these are mostly civilian homes, which makes going undercover just a bit easier.

As the door opens, we see a young girl on the other side. She wears a plain white dress and has violet hair, tied back into a bun. A cursory sniff at the air tells me that there is some sort of poisoned instrument close by.

"Good morning. How can I help you today?" she says with an innocent smile.

"We are here for a delivery...a selection of teas that your father had ordered previously. They come from a certain shop in the Hidden Leaf."

"Dad does love his tea. What kind was it, again?"

"Amacha. The most beautiful hydrangeas are grown within the village, so it only seems logical."

"I guess that much is true." She reveals the kunai hidden in her sleeve and bows deeply towards us. "He should be in his study right now. Please, come in."

"Thank you." We return her bow and step inside. The door closes behind us, and we follow our hostess to the wide open living space, with its low table and cups of tea already prepared.

"I'll get Mom and Dad here in a moment. Would you like anything while you wait?" she asks.

"Nothing for now," Erika says. "Thank you. We will wait here patiently."

The daughter nods and leaves the room.

"Pretty hardcore," Ino says. "You think she knows everything her parents are up to?"

"She certainly has an idea. The details, however, may have been concealed to protect her as much as possibly. Both physically and mentally," Erika replies. "For a child so young...there is no need to expose her to every horror that we face."

"Not yet a shinobi," I say. "But she has the fortitude of one, to act so calmly."


"Welcome. You made it safely, and with a couple of friends, I see."

"Yes." Erika stands and shakes hands with the robed man who appears in front of us. Average height for a man, which is to say taller than all of us, rugged, muscular. Has a mane of wild brown hair combined with a neat beard. He shakes hands with me and Ino next, and I note that he has a firm, reasonable grip. The lightly robed woman next to him, with long brown hair - who I assume is his wife - looks very wife-like. That is to say, her frame is thin and she has a delicate look about her. Though from reading her chakra, it's not entirely the truth - she's very clearly a trained shinobi like her husband. Her skills lie in other areas, and it must have been her idea to have the daughter handle poisons so deftly.

We all have a seat again, the married pair sitting next to each other on one side of the table with all of us on the other.

"We'll let you know if anything serious is going on," the man says to his daughter.

"Okay, Dad."

"If you're hungry, I have something in the fridge on the top shelf for you," the woman says with a smile. "We might be a while."

"Alright. Thanks, Mom. I'll see all of you later." She bows and leaves us.

"How far in the loop is she?" Erika asks.

"Not far," the man says. "She knows that we do dangerous things as shinobi, and that we're keeping a number of things away from her. She also understands the reasons for that. We're open about that...have to be, anyways. It's the only way to have a functioning family." He sighs. "But...we should get down to business."

"My associates will introduce themselves," Erika says, nodding to us.

"Ino Yamanaka, it's nice meeting you."

"Lilith Kobayashi. A pleasure."

"Oh...that's a shock, to be sure. So you're the Scarlet Viper, right?" he asks me.

"Yes, that I am."

"And...Lord Inoichi's daughter, if I'm not mistaken?"

"Yep, that's my dad," Ino says.

"That's definitely interesting...it also makes this more significant. If it's the likes of you three, then something more will come out of today. More than I would have dared hope before. As for us, I go by the simple name of Brown Bear. Bear is fine on its own if you would like. My wife is designated as Red Wolf, and my daughter is Pink Sparrow."

"Names for not only your protection, but ours," I say.

"Yes, exactly. Wolf and I here met while I was on assignment. She was planning to defect from the Hidden Rock and worked as an informant for the Leaf. While I was in deep cover, we...didn't plan it, but we fell for each other. The rest was history," Bear says.

"He's about as soft as he looks," Wolf says with a smile. "I always say that Bear was pretty apt as a code-name."


"They have spent the last decade and a half embedded in the Hidden Rock's structure and operations. Losing them would be a great blow to our intelligence network, so we would like to keep them safe for that reason, among many others," Erika explains. "Actually, the mission we were just on had us acquire the rights to certain portions of land, ones that would allow for a new trade route to be built."

"So you got your hands on it. I didn't think the old man would order the operation, but I guess he got wind of the papers moving?"

"It seems so."

"Progress is always good," Bear says with a nod. "The reason why I wanted you here today is because something serious has happened. We need to visually confirm the extent of it ourselves, but...well, to sum it up, our side has done something terrible. News about it wouldn't reach the Hokage until it was too late, whether from our own sources or from other entities."

"Our side? What...exactly happened, sir?" Ino asks.

"An unauthorized operation, by members of the Hidden Leaf's special forces. Whether the Hokage had any knowledge of this, I can't say for sure. But I highly doubt it was him. This was the work of another."

"Danzo Shimura," Erika says.

"Even his hounds aren't flawless, and they must have been caught in the act of doing something especially heinous. Faulty intel, plain arrogance, all of those things could change a mission from a simple failure with a retreat to something far worse. I wanted to deliver this information and present the proof to someone trusted. Who else aside from the Chrome Panther herself..."

Chrome Panther. God, that is still so cool.

"Thank you. I am honoured to hear that I am trusted so," Erika says with a tilt of her head downward.

"Respect like that is earned. Same as for your friend here," Bear says with a nod towards me. "With all that said, we would like for you to give us a few minutes and get into some proper clothing. We'll need to travel to the site directly...I've had the area concealed to some extent using barrier arts that Wolf helped with, but we can't keep that up forever. We...will have to clean up the site completely. Oh, right...sorry, Miss Yamanaka. I didn't answer your question in full."

"It's alright."

"What happened was that these unknown operatives had their covers blown. They were attempting to start civil and political unrest within the Hidden Rock, starting from areas on the outskirts of the village. Those people who were poor and disenfranchised because of state policy would be the most susceptible to information campaigns, allegedly. However, the areas chosen were unsuitable for those purposes. Wolf and I authored a report that we sent back to the Leaf, stating that a campaign like this would have a low chance of success and that several adjustments would need to be made in order for it to have even a chance of working. But I guess...Danzo Shimura, or one of his cronies, they must have gotten a hold of those papers, and decided they could achieve greater success by doing everything under a veil of complete secrecy. In the midst of it, something went wrong and..."

Bear pauses for a moment. Wolf rubs his back gently, a worried expression on her face.

"They decided that there could be no witnesses, because of the nature of the operation. So everyone involved was killed. The insurrectionists native to Earth Country, some foreign operators, including from the Leaf, and several Hidden Rock shinobi who had been monitoring everything, assuming correctly that another village was involved. Able-bodied men and women, but also the elderly...and children. Several families were involved, indirectly."

Ino's face pales. "Something like that..."

"It was Wolf who discovered the incident. She listens in on the back channels, while I'm out working and Sparrow is at school. Some investigating led us to...that place. Not even a day after it happened. We set genjutsu traps and used barrier arts to conceal the area as much as we could, for as long as we could. But we knew that we couldn't do it forever. We had to clean it up, and tell someone, anyone about what took place. All of our investigation left no doubts...it was a black operation performed by our countrymen."

"..." Ino is trying to be brave, but I can tell that she's distraught by hearing all of this.

"Our presence will also help here, correct?" Erika asks.

"Yeah. Having five sets of hands over two will speed things up, in addition to everything else. We'll be back in a bit...you guys talk among yourselves and decide what you want to do next. This is a lot to handle for anyone."

Bear and Wolf nod to each other before getting up and leaving the room.

"Are you alright, Ino?" I ask her.

She shakes her head.

"Did you want to talk about it?"

She shakes her head again.

"Alright. If you need anything at all...both of us are here. Please remember that."

She closes her eyes and nods.

"We're ready to go. You all can leave your essentials here, the kid will take care of them for you," Bear says as he returns. He and Wolf are wearing the standard issue ANBU outfits that one would see in the Leaf, complete with appropriately themed masks. They also have large scrolls on their persons. "Got some masks for you as well. Generic oni this time."

"Thank you," Erika says. We put our masks on and signal that we're ready. With little Sparrow watching the house, we should be fine...the five of us leave through the back entrance, hopping down the mountain and towards earth again. We move further east, closer to the Hidden Rock than before and into a dense patch of forest. It seems like a decent place to live in, with a few adjustments.

It's quiet, and a bit tense as we continue to move quietly together. Erika is usually quiet, but Ino...she hasn't said a word since we were at the house. Her body language is different. She seems like she's been drained of a lot of energy, all at once. If we truly are going to the site of a massacre...will she be able to handle it? Is there anything I can do for her?

"Here we are," Wolf announces in her light voice. She clears away a space in the dirt with her foot, and makes the ram seal with her hands. The air in front of us shimmers before an entire set of trees disappears from sight, and an all too familiar scent reaches my nose.

"Blood," I mutter. "So much..."

"Utter cruelty for the sake of it. Things of this nature, they're-"

"It's okay." Bear puts a hand on his wife's shoulder. She lets out a breath and nods.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize. But...we need to show these ones what's happened."

"Yes. This way...you will be able to see everything as it was that day, just over a week ago now. Because of the weather, and the climate...the bodies have not deteriorated very much since that time," Wolf explains.

At once, it feels like we've started our descent into a different world. One where spirits and demons roam freely, some upper layer of hell that plays tricks on the human psyche. A dark atmosphere that makes the trees seem to reach high into the clouds, driving us into shadow, the air thick and difficult to breathe in. Much worse than just encountering death; something like a cursed zone where the light constantly pulls backwards and thins into rays, spaced further and further apart as we move.

And then, the bodies appear.

Some face down in the dirt and rock, others lying face up with pained expressions, lamenting their deaths as they hurdled towards them. Blood and ruined steel, weapons flung into trees, signs of struggle. The distinct headbands of those from the Hidden Rock. Shinobi gear, flung about. We continue walking, and those lying on the ground start to change, in form, and in number. People outfitted in facsimiles of combat gear, whipped up from spare clothing and scraps and goods that must have 'fell out of a wagon' somewhere. Mixes of swords, some old and some new, some whole and some damaged. Many remain in the hands of their owners, with only their owners' blood staining them. Cut down before they could realize it. Betrayed in an instant. But even they are small in number compared to the rest.

I see the makeshift settlements.

"This is what...we have wrought. Even if it's not with our hands. We are a part of this," Bear says.

I don't want to look. It hurts. For me, someone who enjoys tearing into her enemies, feeling the rush of battle...this is too much. Who could want something like this? Who could enjoy something so despicable? These people weren't fighters. They weren't enemy combatants. They were just...people.

They had no say in this. None of it...none of it is fair.

But I look. I force myself to look at the bodies on the ground, scattered everywhere. Even those reaching for each other. The mothers and fathers trying to protect their children, shielding them, sacrificing for them...even then, those little ones were cut down without mercy. No witnesses. No survivors.

"Even sadists have their limit," I say. "This was not the work of humans. Whoever did this...they were machines. Beings devoid of any thought or emotion. Simply programmed to complete missions at all costs." If Danzo had gotten his hands on Sasuke...no, even now that is still a dangerous possibility. Something like that would shatter so many people. Naruto, Sakura...Itachi, especially. Hiruzen, too.

"Nearly three hundred in total," Wolf says. "We counted every body three times. I...admit to thinking patronizing things, when I entered the room and saw the three of you."

"I was the same," Bear says. "The three of you are elite soldiers, and you deserve respect for that. You deserve to be treated like the rest of us. But even so...you're all the same age as my daughter. Maybe you are soldiers, but you're also children. To see things like this, to have to be subjected to this sort of pain...isn't it the sort of thing we adults should be shielding you from? It should be us, and us alone...the people who have grown up, and lived life, and had a chance to create memories far removed from this. Instead of kids like you...people who have only been on this earth a short while."

"We understand how you feel," Erika says. "The awareness of these things...it weighs heavy on our hearts. We know that this sort of life, even for children who live as shinobi, is not normal. The things we see and experience...but. We have become resolute. The trust that adults like you have in us, blended with your kindness, have spurred us forward perpetually. This moment especially will change us forever."

"Yes. Though we would never be truly prepared for an event like this, we came with our hearts ready," I say. "I know what it is that I must do now. I know what path I will take...I know now that wishes and prayer are far from enough. I know that things like these will continue to happen, that children will give their lives and take others, over and over and over, and that we cannot reach out and stop it. Not yet. Not in this moment."

"But...but we will. This madness...will end." Ino finally speaks, her hands clenched tightly at her sides. "All of this will be brought down. This...needless cruelty. This suffering. This pain that makes me want to scream and cry all at once. We will stop it, no matter what. And we'll do it in our own way."

"Making this world a better place...yes. This is our solemn vow. To you both, and to everyone in this world who suffers. The pain you feel, and the blood you have shed. None of it will be in vain," Erika says.

"Let it be done. We who carry the mandate of heaven will bring this world forward. The bloody past that we stand on, hovering over the abyss...it will be no more," I say.

"I see. Maybe we were wrong this whole time...treating you as just children who were pressed into service. It seems that three of you are beyond mere mortals like us," Bear says. "In that case...we can start to heal as well, by properly putting these bodies to rest. Wolf, secure the barrier again for a while longer."

"Yes." She makes the same seal as before.

"I have a couple of Fire Release techniques, and Wolf has the ability to use Wind Release."

"Fire Release is within my purview as well," Erika says.

"Good. You can help Wolf and I with disposal of the bodies. We'll do everything we can to cremate them cleanly. Miss Yamanaka and Miss Kobayashi, if they're okay with it...they can go and collect as many personal items and tools as possible - that's what the big scrolls we have are for. Once that's done, we can haul them back and start cross-referencing them with the list of reported missing people that we have already. I don't think we'll get everyone, but...the least we could do is try to return what we can to the families. We'll start off doing collection together, then we can split off into groups once we have enough bodies to start on...the plan is to get this done by the end of today, before anyone can get a read on what's happened. Rock shinobi have started snooping around this section of forest since two days ago. Everyone okay with that?"

"Yes, sir," we all say in unison.

"Alright. Good luck, and remember that we don't have a hard deadline. If you need to take a break, take one. This isn't easy work in the slightest."

We start together on the first of our grim tasks...searching bodies quickly for any obvious items of value or unusual possessions that can be stored away for later. Bear takes two of the massive scrolls from the place on his back and rolls them out, while Wolf rolls out one of hers. One is for money and things like minerals or precious metals. The other is for more personal things - jewellery, photographs, charms and dolls...things that people saw as more valuable than anything else. The temporary lodgings were empty and many travel bags are on the ground. Wolf says that there was an order for evacuation, a false one that was used as an excuse to gather many people in one place so that they could be executed faster. The last scroll is for weapons. Those are likely to be sent away so that they can be melted down.

There is no banter this time as we work. Everyone is quiet. The oppressive atmosphere from earlier is lifting, and I feel like I can breathe much easier. Light comes down from the trees, and the heaviness on my heart is easing. Determination is driving me forward, as it must be doing for everyone else here. Wolf, Erika, and Bear soon start on their cremation efforts. Erika and Bear burn the bodies while Wolf guides the remains into a makeshift pit that is sealed almost all the way around.

"You alright, Lili?"

My head snaps up to face Ino. I can't see her expression behind the oni mask, but her body language says that she's stronger than before. I'm happy for that much.

"Very much so. And yourself?"

"I'm okay. Feeling determined to see this through."

"I can tell."

"Thanks for earlier...being patient with me. I was just...lost for a while."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. I love you and always will. That's why I'm going to be there for you, Ino."

"Yeah. You say it a lot, but...it's always reassuring to hear. Thank you, Lili. Let's get back to it, yeah?"

"Yes. Let's do that."

Getting past the terrible smells is one of the harder parts of this. My nose is sensitive enough as it is. But I manage, and continue working steadily along with Ino. A few of my small companions are employed to help cut down some of the work, slithering in and out of pockets to retrieve items. We encounter unpleasant sights and sounds of all kinds, but continue to endure for the sake of our companions. Eventually, we move outward and collect a multitude of combat gear in bundles, bringing it back towards the scroll before heading out again. We keep our eyes and ears open for any intruders, or anyone simply searching the area. Nothing comes up, which bodes well for us.

Item collection ends. Ino and I pick up bodies, starting from the furthest point, and bring them back towards the middle of the settlement so that they can be burned along with the others. The corpses start to become younger and younger as we work.

"Last one," Bear says.

Erika quietly carries a small body forward, setting it down in the makeshift pit. She folds his arms over his chest and sets down an object. It's...a wooden boat.

"I suppose...he wanted to sail one day, in the future."

"I suppose so. Maybe, in a distant dream...he will get that chance again," I say.

"Ready, Miss Kotowari?" Bear asks.

"I am ready. We can begin."

They weave handseals before spewing out jets of flame from opposite ends. Wolf manipulates the wind so that the flames are stoked higher, shifting and lightening in colour. A process that normally takes about one or two hours is cut down to minutes as a result. The intense heat dies down, and Wolf guides the remains into the sealed container created earlier.

"A return to the earth from where all life came. Ash to ash and dust to dust."

She weaves a series of seals, and the earth rumbles as the sealed container descends into it, taking the remains inside downwards. The resulting hole collapses in on itself. All five of us stand together and silently pray for the lost souls. This should help them find peace.

We seal the personal possessions and weapons, handing the large scrolls back to Bear and Wolf.

"Time to put an end to this, for good," Bear says.

"Dropping barrier," Wolf replies. Bear scatters a set of explosive tags through the area.

"We'll split up for now. Meet you guys back at the house."

The very last thing to do is destroy the small settlement. All of the evidence will be consumed by flame, and those who will come to investigate will not have any leads. A random fire that overran an abandoned place in the woods...a silent, lonely end to a terrible atrocity.

Each of us runs at the sounds of the first explosion, shooting out in different directions. More sound off, one after the other. The smell of burning wood fades away as I move into the distance. Though...I won't forget this experience. The scents are embedded in my mind. They spur me forward...towards a future where we will no longer be party to this cruelty. It's so hard to be patient, knowing what I know. But I will be patient. My steps from now on will lead me towards that goal, the one that I've been trying to avoid for some time now because I kept thinking that I was unworthy of it. But those feelings...they don't matter any more. They can't matter, not after seeing this terrible sight.

Perhaps I don't feel confident enough to say it to the world...but inside of my heart, I know.

I will lead this world one day. I will become Hokage.


"Thanks for your help. It means far more than you know right now."

We've returned to the family home in the mountains, where our hosts get into their casual clothing again. Some tea and a light snack before we head off, this time going straight home. Bear has prepared a report which he hands to Erika, and the five of us acknowledge each other with bows. It's night by now, and travel will be less of a hassle now that all of our objectives have been completed.

"Oh...are you sure we can have this?"

"Of course. It's the least we could do for you. At least, I think so," I say.

Wolf looks at the mineral chunk in her hands with awe.

"I can...feel the energy flowing through me. And you say we only need small shavings of it at most?"

"Yes. It is quite potent, according to what we know," Erika says.

"Looks neat. We'll be sure to make use of it while we can," Bear says as he takes the piece in one hand. "Ah...yeah, you're right. I feel my muscles relaxing. Wow. Maybe I can sprinkle a few bits on my salad from time to time, heh."

"You eat enough strange things as it is," Wolf teases.

"Hey, come on. Not in front of the kids."

"We'll send you off before he says something too strange to take back."


"Both of you take care now," Ino says with a smile. "We might come back and check on you, once we take the reins of power and all that."

"Are you sure that you're okay?" Wolf asks.

"I'm sure. I feel way more determined than ever, after seeing all that. One day, we'll make a real change. You guys said earlier that adults are supposed to be the ones to endure that kind of suffering. Well, maybe we can make it so that adults can enjoy life to the fullest as well. And nobody has to go through that sort of thing while we're around."

"That sounds nice. A world with a lot less killing," Bear muses.

"A world where your little sparrow can raise your grandchildren," I say.

"Something like that is worth more than fighting for," Wolf says. "All of you, take care...we will pray for you."

We all come together for a hug, and reluctantly part. Sparrow meets us at the front door, and we exchange bows with her.

"Mom and Dad look a lot better than before. Whatever it was you did...thank you so much."

"Of course. Take care, won't you?" I say to her. "You have a shining new world to look forward to in the future, this I promise you."

"I'll be waiting," she says with a smile. "Thanks again. Have a safe journey home."

We leave the mountain home, going through the pass and down towards level ground again.

"So, Scarlet Viper...I can see that you have decided to forge ahead at last."

Erika's voice reaches me as we start our run.

"Perhaps so."

"I will wait for your order, as promised. And I will be ready when the time comes."

"I see."

"Same here," Ino says. "And it won't be just us, but...we've witnessed this together. Right here is where it all begins."


There really is no turning back, then. If it's for the sake of a dream, these two stubborn girls won't let me give up on it. And the others would be the same.

Sorry, Naruto. As much as I love you...you're going to have to chase me down for that hat.

"You have nothing to fear. All of the faith you have in me won't go to waste. I promise."
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Forward Thinking
Scarlet Justice - ep. 108
"Forward Thinking"

Our mission came to a quiet end.

Tsunade was quite happy with her new acquisition, as it will mean much less work at a higher efficiency overall. There will also be many an opportunity to research the mineral and create new things out of it. The three of us get a check-up and are given a clean bill of health.

The Hokage gets our report. There is a great regret in his eyes as he realizes what has happened – we say nothing, knowing that there is a lot of process when it comes to these sorts of things. He thanks us for our service and praises our skilful completion of the primary mission. The Tsuchikage called a few hours earlier and aired his suspicions while bandying about various threats if he found that the Leaf was responsible for what happened. Of course, it will all amount to nothing but bluster since he has no proof. We are dismissed after getting our mission pay directly from the old man, and assurances that what we saw will be investigated as thoroughly as possible. I don't doubt that it will be, but it will certainly take some time to deal with...

As for life in the village, it is becoming...normal again, I would say. The past few months have gone by quickly enough, and though I still vividly remember that terrible experience with my father, it no longer rules me like it used to. I am very much making a way for myself again. I have my family and friends to thank...and of course, my beloved mother who continues to watch over me from the heavens. The weeks pass by, and Fio is getting more and more used to life in the village. She likes to put hair into twin-tails these days, resting on her shoulders. It makes her look cute and youthful, so I more than approve. She's also been eating fairly well, and I can see that her face is getting a bit more plump. This is quite good, since it means that she's holding onto a bit of weight. Tsunade says there's still more work to be done, but progress is a wonderful thing. Fio has yet to meet her new team, but she's as excited as she was the day we walked into the village together. In the meantime, she is doing the same things that Team Eight used to: lower rank missions that allow her to get in touch with the village's people. I hear nothing but good reports.

New adventures will call to me soon enough. For now, I will let the winds take me where they choose.


The world is waking up from its winter slumber. It is finally, truly spring.

With spring comes a great warmth in Fire Country, making it feel closer to summer on some days. People are out and about, the flowers start to bloom, and the once slow moving village is returning to its normal speed. Active shinobi never stop training, but the days of extended indoor sessions are over for most. The training fields are lively again. Soldiers young and old head out to polish their skills, facing down nature and all of its variables.

I am taking the opportunity today to rest, with the people close to me.

"Aw, come on...that was a lucky shot, Yuno."

"Dude, that was super clean. I ran a super good lap, too."

Today is one of my days off, and it's the same for Naruto and Yuno. We're inside the former's home, where the boys play their video games to relax while I cook a healthy lunch. It seems the Senju Estate has been lending out various likenesses for entertainment purposes. Which makes sense, I suppose. Nobody in their right mind would misuse the image of say, Hashirama for profit, lest they have unexpected visitors showing up on their doorsteps. Still. I have to wonder what the Second Hokage would think of being digitized for the purposes of driving a small, motorized vehicle and jostling again other cartoon characters in absurd sorts of races. It's called Tobirama Kart. With a 'k', to be hip and youthful, I suppose.

Fun game, though. Well. It helps that I'm pretty good at it. Winning and being smug are obviously the most fun parts.

"Finish up your match, darlings. Lunch is ready."

"Alright, we're heading into the last lap!" Naruto calls back.

I start plating the food as they finish. Today's meal is pan-seared salmon with some spiced up white rice. The boys finish up and turn off the television before coming to the table. Yuno has been dressing quite confidently lately, with Nami helping to find clothing that emphasizes his figure a bit. A nice and slim red sweater that comes up above the waist, paired with the cute skirt and stockings I remembered. It's lovely to see that he's so comfortable now.

"Tell me what you think. Hopefully it isn't too spicy," I say.

"Mm! Not at all, this is awesome!" Yuno says.

"Yeah, Lili always knocks it out of the park. I was super looking forward to this," Naruto says while chewing.

"You've got two hotties cooking for you. Totally living the dream, right?"

"Heh...something like that, I guess."

"I'm actually gonna head on out once lunch is done with. Did you want to hang onto the game, Naruto?"

"Nah, take it with you. I might get distracted and junk, there's something that Pervy Sage wants me to look into when I have time. Easier to put down the watering can than it is the controller, you know?"

"I hear you."

"Did you have an errand to run?" I ask Yuno, sitting down with my own food.

"Oh, yeah. You remember the stuff I was talking to you about the other day? About chakra research and how it was advancing, all that? Nami got me in on the ground floor of a little program starting up. They're talking about shinobi tools, something that's...ah, ten? Fifteen years out? Something like that. But yeah, we were talking the other day...well, you know what I mean by that."

"Perhaps a word or two in edgewise before she gets herself going again."

"Exactly. But she's fascinating to listen to, honestly. So we were talking about the applications of chakra in traditional building materials, and the proliferation of new building techniques...it really got me thinking about the applications of chakra in support applications and outside of combat. I couldn't stop reading books, I was just...I dunno, it got a hold of me all of a sudden. So I'm still going to work on things like chakra applications in combat and medical aspects, but hopefully with this I can get myself settled into a proper research role. Nami says I have the chops."

"Does she? Well, consider that among the highest praises you'll receive in life. Things like that aren't said lightly, especially by the Hyuuga."

"I figured as much, since she was really intense and all while talking to me. I'm actually so excited to get into it..."

"So you're gonna be a chakra scientist? That sounds super cool," Naruto says. "Maybe you could build a cool robot arm."

Yuno chuckles. "That might be one application. Especially if we're all still out fighting as shinobi. Being able to restore function to a part of your body that was once lost...I'm sure many people will be grateful for it. There are so many possibilities...hey, maybe you could have me do some work for you when you get to be Hokage." He winks at me. "Or you, Lili. Whoever makes it to the big chair first, hehe."

"At this point we're set to make a race out of it," Naruto says, grinning. "Kakashi-sensei will probably get in there before any of us. Or Asuma-sensei, probably. Pervy Sage says he doesn't want any parts of it."

"Too much work?"

Naruto shrugs. "He's always all mysterious about it. I mean he knew the Fourth, so...I dunno, maybe something happened that put him off it."

"Well, not everyone wants to be Hokage, especially once they've been around long enough to know what the job is like. And it's probably an intense selection process."

"Yeah, probably."

"With all that said...I'm done eating. Lili, thanks so much. You're an amazing cook."

"It was nothing, my dear. We'll surely do this again soon," I say with a smile. "I can take care of your plate when I'm done, so leave it where it is."

"Got it. Naruto, I'll see you around."

"Yep." They bump fists before Yuno comes around to hug me.

"I'll be sure to give you a call, Lili."

"I'm looking forward to it. If you don't catch me at a good time, you can leave a message with Fio."

"Right. Take care, you guys."

Yuno packs up the video game console into his small bag, pulls on his sandals, and heads out.

"I was expecting it to be the three of us, but...I suppose this works as well," I say out loud.

"Eh? Something up, Lili?"

"Yes. I have something that I want to go over with you. A little bit of advanced technique. Would you be interested?"

"New tech with a super elite shinobi? Heh, who says no? I'm down if you are," Naruto says.

"Good. It won't be too long, and there won't be much physical exertion if any. There's also something I want to talk to you about before we do any sort of teaching. But finish your food properly first and let it settle. No sense in walking around in discomfort."


We finish our meal and chase it with some tea before settling down. After about an hour, the two of us grab our sweaters and head outside, into the warm spring afternoon. It's a very comfortable day, I would say.

"Did, uh...did the thing you needed to talk about...?"

"It's nothing too sensitive," I say to Naruto as we walk. "But...I think it's better if we find somewhere to stop and chat. So we can really listen to each other."

"Ah, okay. Makes sense."

We walk through the village quietly, and I guide us towards a certain spot. The third training ground, where Team Seven goes to regularly hone their skills.

"You chose here?"

"Yes. It...has a meaning right now," I say as we come to a stop. In front of us is the memorial stone, with a flag bearing the village's symbol blowing in the breeze. Many names are inscribed here. Not of every single person who died, no...but those who made the most notable sacrifices for the sake of the village. There's that name here...the one that Kakashi looks at every time he stands in this spot. Obito Uchiha. "Naruto...your dream is to become Hokage, isn't it?"

"Sure is. I'm working my butt off to try and get there, as fast as I can."

"That's good. When I said that I would stand with you, in hopes that you would reach that dream...I meant every word that I said."

"Well, I know that already. Like, duh."

"Yes...it's just that...something inside of me has changed."


"I kept telling myself that I wasn't the right person. That because I could only sever and destroy, my role was somewhere in the shadows, standing next to the real leader of this village and serving them with all of my strength. I wasn't hoping to become subservient, but I assumed that I had a function, and that I would be best served sticking to it. My view of myself was as a blade of justice, being wielded by those with pure hearts in order to see this world brought into a new age, an age of order and peace, one of beautiful, infinite possibilities for everyone. I still see myself that way, and I'm willing to do whatever my precious people ask whenever they call for me. But...one day, I have to go beyond that. I have to become a living, autonomous weapon that submits to no one in this world. An elegant sword that cuts through the fabric of fate, with heaven's brilliant strength."

"..." Naruto thinks for a moment. "That's...are you saying that you're going for it? Being Hokage?"

"Yes. It's no longer a matter of wishing, or hoping that I fit, or taking the job reluctantly. I will become Hokage, Naruto. And I won't let anyone stop me on the way there. I want to gain experience, and wisdom beyond measure. There will be a time of preparation as I become an adult, one visible to the masses. After that, I will reach out and take hold of what belongs to me. The reason I needed to tell you this is because of what I said all that time ago."

"My dream to be Hokage one day..."


"I totally get what you're thinking." He puts his hands in his pockets. "But it's nothing like that, you know? It doesn't feel like you're betraying me, or taking something away from me. Nothing like that. Probably...it would feel that way because we know each other, and you're really far ahead of me. Right?"

"That's exactly it."

"Yeah, don't worry about that. Healthy competition is always nice," he says with a smile. "And there's more than one way to get to the goal, like I've always said to myself. But I'm not saying this stuff just to be nice, you get me?"

I nod. "Mm-hm."

"There's...something that came back to my thoughts just now, since we've started talking about this. You remember the day we got our team assignments, Lili?"

I nod. "Yes, I do. It was quite a shock seeing you there, and then another to have you paired up with Sasuke and Sakura."

"Yeah, wasn't it? Heck of a day, and one that I won't ever forget. Not for that reason, though."


"You and I had that talk. About how I was pretty irresponsible, and learning the Shadow Clone Jutsu, and how I had value and all that. And then you said those words...the ones that I've kept in my heart every day since. That I would always be Naruto to you."

"I did say that. I meant it with all of my heart."

"I know, Lili. That's part of why I treasure them so much. My reasons for becoming Hokage were...I guess to get fame and respect. Those things that I never had because people hated me and I wasn't all that good at being a shinobi. I thought that once I got the highest position in the village, all of that would change. The girls would be all over me instead of guys like Sasuke, I'd get to do what I wanted, nobody would get to shoo me or kick me out of any place in the village...I would be on top of the world. That was what kept me going. But, well...since I met you, my thinking's changed a whole lot. I started asking myself why I really wanted to be Hokage, and what that would really mean for me. I started thinking about what I would actually do with that sort of power. And for a while, I had no answers to those questions."

"Have you found them by now?" I ask.

"A few...like protecting the village that I care about so much, and the people in it. Especially the ones I like. I still want to prove everyone wrong about me, of course. So that's another one. But I'm not quite there yet. What about you, Lili? Why do you want to be Hokage?"

"The reason above all else is...to change the state of this world. This fragile balance that we live within is unsustainable. There needs to be a change towards something new, something safer. I believe that I will grow strong enough to alter the path that we are all on. And with a new world, we could have peace. Perhaps...if we dream big enough, it would be the end of great conflict in this world altogether."

"So you want to become Hokage...because from there you can make the world a better place."

"Yes. I know that I can't do it alone, but...it would be a great start."

"Heh. That's way more than what I've got right now."

"You're still young, Naruto. Give yourself time to figure everything out. Your dreams might not change, but the things behind them will. And who knows...while I'm building myself up, you might become Hokage ahead of me. You're still growing, and splendidly at that."

"Aw, shucks. You mean that?" he asks, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yes. You've become much more introspective as of late, and the way you can articulate your thoughts just like you did now...well, I'm quite proud of you. And glad that you understand my goals."

"Yeah. If I had to put it some way...it's like, I really want to become Hokage. Nothing about that is going to change. But because of what I have now, if that dream doesn't come true...I won't be so broken up, not like I would have been before. I have so many people who love and care about me now, and they're the reason I get up in the mornings. That one dream isn't my entire life anymore. So if I ever need to...I can let go."

"..." I have to wonder where this is coming from. It couldn't be me, and I have my doubts about Jiraiya. Naruto has grown so much, more than I could have anticipated. The sort of composure and wisdom that he's displaying right now is making me think...if not Hokage, he could become someone just as vital to changing the world we live in, in another role that I just can't see right now.

"But like I said, I'm not giving up on that dream of mine. Plus, you're gonna need someone like me to keep you honest!"

"Mm? But I'm always honest," I tease.

"Oh, you know what I mean! I'm gonna keep you sharp as your rival and everything. I mean, yeah...I might be a few steps behind...but-but, that's not the important thing."

"I understand. Pushing each other towards the top," I say.

"Yeah, exactly!"

"Well, then. I will be looking forward to your challenges as they come, Naruto." We smile and bump fists.

"Great. I appreciate you telling me all of that, Lili. I really think that if anyone can change the world, it's you. So good luck, you know?"

"Thank you, my love."

"Yep! Oh, so you had something you wanted to show me, right?"

"I did. Let's head over to those logs so that I can do this properly."

We make the short trip over and I stand in front of Naruto.

"Now...we need to establish something here. Something important, and that's the reality of your situation."

"Oh yeah? How's that?"

"Well...let me start off by saying that you're a good child, and that I love you very much..."

He rolls his eyes. "Here we go..."

"Hush and let me finish. I love you very much, but you occasionally have a bag of rocks in place of your brain."

"You got real creative ways of calling people stupid, Lili."

"But of course. A mastery of language is only natural for an elite such as myself."

"Yeah, yeah...so I'm not the brightest guy, I figured that much out." He sighs. "What's that got to do with this? I guess some sort of easy to use jutsu?"

"We are going to refine a technique that you have right now. And your brain is going to be the key. What you lack in intellect, you more than make up for with ingenuity. That, my love, is where your brilliance comes from."

He perks up. "Brilliance? Me?"

"Yes, truly. If we compare you to Shikamaru, he is obviously the more intelligent one. He has an ability to plan several moves ahead, and quickly devise strategies in the heat of battle, given some time and space. His foresight is impeccable. But...if he is faced with an opponent that is far and away superior to him, there is nothing he can do about it. Even he has his limits, and intelligence is not a solution to every problem. You are different, and not just for the obvious reasons. You have energy, tenacity, and creativity – the ability to go outside the boundaries that we can see, and create something where it seems nothing was there in the first place. It is what makes you, you."

"So...a jutsu that I already have, and it makes use of my creativity?"

"You have already been doing that, actually. It's the technique you used to earn your title as a shinobi."

"Ah! You mean the Shadow Clone!"

"Yes, exactly. There is an element to it that I want to show to you, one that I believe you haven't considered before. But once you figure it out, and master it, I think that you will become even more brilliant than you are now."

"That's...whoa." He blinks a few times. "I didn't think that was possible...alright, so what do I have to do?"

"Let's go over the basics first. What do you know about your technique, Naruto?" I ask.

"Hmm...well, the Shadow Clone Jutsu is a clone jutsu, which is like, duh. But it's not like any other clone jutsu. The one we learned in the Academy doesn't make real clones, ones that you can touch. And the others are made up of elements and junk. Like Zabuza's Water Clones, which...what did Sakura say...right, they're about ten percent of the user's power. Shadow Clones, though...they make honest to goodness copies of you. But there's a big risk, 'cause to do that it splits your chakra into equal portions for each clone. So one clone has about half your chakra, and two would have a third, and so on. That's bad because your chakra runs low after a while."

"Good, good. Keep going."

"So because I have a lot of chakra, I can make a whole lot of clones without the risk that other people have. Shadow Clones can do anything that the person who makes them can. They're useful for a lot of things, like big attacks, or distractions, or protecting people. And they've got use in other ways, like how I use one to help me make the Rasengan. They act and think just like I do, so they'll make decisions along the same lines. They can use the jutsu that I use. That's...about it, I think?"

I nod. "Alright. So...what happens when you disperse your clones?"

"Disperse? You mean send them away...nothing really, I guess. Pervy Sage said that the chakra that isn't used up goes back to me. Though sometimes I don't get the chance and they get sorta pop on their own. That happens."

"The Shadow Clone technique was first developed by the Second Hokage."

"Really? Whoa...I guess that's why it was in that forbidden scroll."

"That, and the Mass Shadow Clone Jutsu – the variant that you favour most – uses so much chakra that it is particularly harmful to the user. I'm sure that Jiraiya has mentioned more than once that what you're using is a kinjutsu."

"Really? Nah, he hasn't mentioned it...weird."

I frown. That's...just a bit irresponsible on his part, surely. Perhaps he has his reasons, though. It's a minor thing for now. "Well, we can talk about that some other time. Levelling up your technique means that you have to do something that you haven't considered before. We're going to do a very simple exercise, and I'm going to teach you. Are you ready?"

"Born ready."

"Good. Now, make two clones for me."

Naruto nods and makes the Tiger seal, creating two clones in puffs of smoke.

"I will attach labels to these two fellows. The darling on your left will be called Alpha, and the darling on your right will be called Prime. We will keep to that convention for the duration of this experiment. I would like Alpha to head to the leftmost log and stand behind it. Prime, please do so for the rightmost log. Naruto and I will head back a bit further."

The copies do as I ask, and Naruto walks back a few feet with me.

"Now, we will get ourselves started. I have these blank cards. I am going to write a character on two of them, and we will see what happens. Stay here, and don't move. I will have instructions for you upon my return."

"Alright, got it."

I nod and head back towards Alpha, writing the character for 'four' on a card and handing it to him.

"Hold onto this. Look at it, and memorize it. Simple enough, yes?"

"Uh, yeah. What's going on, exactly?"

"You'll see soon enough."

I head over to Prime and do the same thing, this time using the character for 'eight'.

"Remember the number you have there. It will just be a moment," I say.


I head back to Naruto. "Okay, love. Now...I want you to disperse your clones."


"Trust me, okay?"

"Okay..." He gives me a skeptical look and makes a seal. I can sense the clones disappearing, and Naruto looks at me before shrugging. "So...what next?"

"What did you find out?"

"What did I..." His eyes widen. "Four and eight. Those were what was on those cards you handed my clones..."

"Well done."

"I didn't know I could do that...I really was just throwing clones around, then. And then the ones I used for stuff, they were close by, so I really wouldn't get new info anyways..."

"One more time. Make another pair of clones, and we'll have them go into the same positions as before. I'll do something a little different."

We repeat the experiment, with things changing for the second run. Alpha and I play three games of janken, with him winning two of them. Prime meanwhile is asked to memorize the position of two objects in my hands, one being a coin in my left hand, and the other a stone in my right. The original Naruto is to identify both objects and locate the coin. I head back to Naruto and have him disperse the clones again.

"How did our game go?" I ask.

"Uh...Alpha there won two outta three. He got you with rock and scissors. You won once with scissors."

"Very good. And now...you will name the objects concealed in my hands, and locate the correct one from my instruction."

"You have a rock and a ten ryo coin. The rock's in your right hand, and the coin is definitely in your left."

I smile and open my hands, revealing both objects.

"Well done, Naruto. I'm very proud of you."

"Thanks, Lili. So...I can use clones to make observations and stuff?"

"I believe that this was one of the primary applications of the technique, seeing as the Second Hokage was such an elite operator. One can send clones into enemy territory, with all of their own abilities, have them locate an object or enemy, and then disperse themselves to send the chakra and information back to the user," I explain. "You can send chakra to them, causing changes of all types. But something like that can be used against you as well – hence the emergency mechanism of dispersing when physically damaged enough. Things like that are not transferred to the user. Concentration is also important."

"Do you think I can have, like, a bunch of different conversations at once? Like being everywhere all the time?"

"Yes. That is possible with enough practice. However...you need to be very careful. Remember what I said about your brain power? I was teasing you a bit, but there really is a danger in it. Processing all of that information can be very tiring and stressful. If your focus is split into too many directions, you can easily become exhausted and lose control, disrupting all of your clones in the process. I imagine you've experienced that more than once, taking a particularly nasty blow and having your clones disappear all at the same time."

"Yeah, that's happened. And I can't use them while I'm asleep either...I tried that on a mission once, and Kakashi-sensei said he figured it would happen. My clone disappeared as soon as I shut my eyes."

"Now that you're aware of this jutsu's extra function...make use of it when you can. Getting a good read on your opponent, figuring out obstacles from a distance, things like that can make a real difference, on and off the battlefield. Perhaps you would have figured it out eventually, but I thought that I could do something to help now instead of later."

"I see..." He looks down at his hands before clenching them into fists. "Yeah. I'll be sure to make use of this."

"You will. I know you will. Let's head home."

"Got it. Oh, wait a minute. You were saying something the other day, weren't you?"

"The other day...I don't recall what you mean. Was it recent?" I ask.

"Sorta. Remember when I showed you the Rasengan, and you said you felt like there was something you were missing?"

"Ah, that. I was just musing to myself, it's nothing you need to worry about. I was comparing it to the Chidori in my head...the properties and such. That's something that we can talk about later, if Jiraiya doesn't teach you first. I suspect he will."

"What is it?"

"I'm not going to say. You know how you get."

"What's that mean?" he asks as we start on our way home.

"It means things like you eating charcoal to gain access to fire jutsu."

"I thought it was real, okay? And it was one time..."

"Once is enough. You get impatient sometimes."

He pouts at me. "Hey, easy for you to say. Which one of us is the genius here?"

"Oh, I almost forgot..."

"Forgot what? In the middle of a conversa-"

I kiss him on the cheek and hug him tightly.


"You really are special to me, and I'm so very proud of you. I just wanted to remind you of that, Naruto. I love you."

"I...I love you too, Lili. Thanks..."

I remember the moment we met. How we came from opposite sides of the world, but both felt how cold and lonely life could be. And then we started to get closer and closer to each other, until...we became like this. It's something that I am eternally grateful for. A bond that I would do anything to protect.

One of many, many reasons that I want to reach for the stars. I don't want to lose this feeling, or anything else. I'll make sure it doesn't happen.
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Evening Magnolia
Scarlet Justice - ep. 109
"Evening Magnolia"
[Something Precious, Part 1]

Another vivid morning in the Leaf. Ah, it's so good to be at home.

I yawn and rub my eyes before getting out of bed. My daily stretches first, then a nice warm shower. I emerge in my fluffy robe and pour myself a glass of milk before savouring it.


Spring is in full swing, as they say. The past month has been quite good; Naruto has continued his positive growth, I've taken on a few smaller missions that have been completed cleanly, and everyone in my orbit is doing well. Hina has been excusing herself from events a bit more than usual, and I suspect it's because of things related to Hanabi. It seems to be fine; she looks healthy and stable, and that's all I really care about.

Today is a free day. That means I get to do whatever I please, and I think I might just lounge around while reading manga. There's a series of books with deliciously spicy artwork that I've been meaning to sink my teeth into. Of course, nothing surpasses the wonder of the female form in real life...


I set my glass down and realize it's been too quiet. Fio wasn't with me when I woke up, so that means she's gone somewhere. But she usually tells me of these things...I wonder if it might be something classified? I close my eyes and search for her.

"The roof...?"

I blink and go to my room to get dressed. Something light would do for now – a training shirt and some shorts, since it's fairly warm today. I then pour myself another glass of milk and head outside, walking along the wall upwards until I reach the apartment roof.


"Hey! I wanted to get an early start today. Did you miss me already?"

"Just a bit," I say as I walk to her side. She has one of my embroidered shirts on and a pair of jogging pants. "Is everything okay?"

"Uh-huh. Just taking in the sights before I set off."

"Set off?" I tilt my head. "Whatever for?"

"Ah, a few errands to run. Personal stuff. I can't really say too much, sorry," she says while putting her hands together. "But I promise I'll tell you what I can when the time comes."

"You're as much of a shinobi as I am. Whatever you have to keep secret, keep it that way. Even from me. There's nothing to apologize for, Fio."

"I got it. Oh, yeah. There's something for you...for your eyes only. Make sure to open it inside!" Fio hands me an envelope. It's plain, with no label. I wonder who it might be from.

Today...what was it about today? Something that I can't quite remember, but I know that I should. Is this something else that I've been suppressing? "Fio, love...was there an appointment that we were meant to take care of today?"

"Nothing that I can recall. If you can't remember it, I don't think it could be that important, yeah?"

"Perhaps not."

"I know you'll figure it out eventually. Well, gonna take care of business." She kisses me on the cheek. "See you later, Lili."

"Yes, take care. I will see you in a while."

Fio hops down from the roof, leaving me alone again. I drink the milk in my glass and sigh, looking out over the village. It really is nice today. I can't shake the feeling that I've forgotten something...hopefully I figure it out soon. I head back inside after a few minutes and open the envelope. It's...a note from Shino. I need to go to the training field. Very cryptic, even for him...I wonder what's going on. There's nothing else to the note, no hidden meanings that I can decipher...just a plain message in his handwriting.

"I wonder what it is he needs. Is he in trouble, possibly?"

I set down my glass and lock up before leaving, putting on a pair of slippers. If it was Shino, then why didn't Fio say anything? Maybe he wasn't the one that gave her the note...I don't know. I suppose that I'll find out when I get to my destination.

"Boss. Good that you could make it."

"Good morning, Shino. You said that you needed to see me? What is it, is everything okay?"

He raises a brow slightly. I wonder what he's so shocked about. "So you really did forget. That's...not unlike you, but surprising all the same."

"Forgot...? What do you mean?"

He moves his hands from behind his back slowly, and presents something to me.

A bouquet of flowers. To be precise, pink lilies. I take the flowers gently from him.

"Honestly," I say with a smile. "You men have no sense of tact. Lilies, then. Being clever at my expense, are you?"

"It's the very least I could do, Boss."

"You're so silly, you know that?" I stride forward and hug him tightly. "Shino...thank you so much. I appreciate this, more than I could properly express."

"It's no trouble at all. I couldn't forget your birthday."

"You wouldn't do such a thing...I know that. Thank you again."

"It was my honour, ma'am." He bows for me. "Sorry to end this meeting so abruptly, but I have to run a few errands today. I'll see you soon, Boss."

"Ah, yes...soon. Please take care, Shino."

He nods and heads back towards the village. I stand alone again and sniff at the lilies in my hands...a melancholy washes over me. Today is supposed to be a special day. An important day in my life...and I had truly pushed it out of my mind until Shino's reminder.

Today is the twentieth day of April. The day that I came into this world.

"Perhaps I should do something for myself, to commemorate this day...but then, I don't know if I feel well enough." I sigh. What a life, to have one's own birthday tinged with such sadness. Hm. There's something on the back of the bouquet...a card? Perhaps Shino left something else. I suppose it won't hurt to look.

I carefully remove the envelope and tease it open, revealing a flat card. There's another note on it, though this writing is formal and very neat.

"Salutations, Captain Kobayashi.

The Hokage requests your presence for a meeting later on this evening. This will involve diplomats from a foreign nation – we would like your expertise and assistance. Please dress in preparation for a formal setting, in whatever style you choose. We would also like for you to be prepared to answer questions from those present. Thank you for your cooperation.


Miss Tamaki Kurogane, on behalf of the Third Hokage, Lord Hiruzen Sarutobi."

Ah...a formal meeting, is it? Well, I suppose it can't be too bad working on my birthday. I had forgotten until now, and I had nothing important planned...not to mention that my help is needed. Seems to be no choice but to go.

"Time to head home. I should make sure that I'm ready for the meeting..."

On my way back, I catch Fio's scent from afar. She comes up the stairs a few minutes after I do, with several bags in her hands.

"It seems like someone's been busy," I say to her.

"Oh, Lili. Back already, eh? How'd that meeting go?"

I open the door for her and she walks in ahead of me. Her bags go on the kitchen table.

"It was with Shino. He simply wanted to give me a gift," I say as I show her the flowers.

"Flowers! Aw, and they're lilies, too! Super cute!"

"He really is a thoughtful boy." I pause a moment. "Fio...I have work later tonight. It's not something that I can get out of."

"Really...that's a bummer. Today's your birthday too, isn't it?"

"It is. I...only just remembered myself. Embarrassing, isn't it?"

"Not really. I know how you get sometimes, you end up thinking of your friends and family more than you do yourself. Plus...I guess you were doing a subconscious thing, running away from yourself, maybe."

"That sounds like it, at least a little."

"Yeah. I guess we can plan something for another day, maybe tomorrow?"

"I should be free, yes."

"Great! Something for the two of us, at least. I think everyone else will be busy. But! I can give you something special now! A birthday hug and some kisses!"

Fio kisses me on the cheeks and hugs me tightly.

"Happy birthday, Lili. I love you so much, and always will."

"I love you too, Fio. Thank you," I say as I hug her back.

"Oh, oh...I finished all my errands. Just some shopping, and some stuff I had to talk to with Gramps."

"Gramps?" I ask.

"Yep. Old Man Hokage himself, you know?" Fio twirls away from me gracefully and smiles. "We were discussing special super secret sneaky shinobi stuff...but you'll be in on it soon enough. Count on that," she says with a wink.

"I see. Was that all?"

"Yep, that was it. Auntie Tsuna was the one who sent me shopping. Did you know they make vitamins...in gummy form?! I had to swallow those icky pills when I was younger! Technology is seriously powerful and amazing! Also, I got some brownies. Want some?"

"I'll pass for now," I say. "But thank you."

"Okay, cool." She shrugs. "More for me. We've got enough milk, yeah?"

"Plenty. Have fun."


I decide to keep things simple, yet elegant for my upcoming meeting. Still a while before the appointed time, so I make sure that I'm mentally prepared before anything else. It wouldn't do to have a dreary appearance once I got there. It is curious, though...I would think that normally an indication of who might be present would have been sent along with that message. Perhaps everyone else is working in the dark as well? Hm. I guess they've remembered my ability to keep my composure in these sorts of situations, and want to lean on it more than usual. That much is fine.

"Something different for today...we might be able to dismiss practicality for style. Yes, that is what we will do."

I search through my closet and find what I'm looking for. A long black dress that reaches to my ankles, the evening gloves of black silk that reach past my elbows, the heels that have been sitting in a box for ages, and lastly, a diamond necklace gifted to me by Emi for my last promotion. I turn this way and that in the mirror, deciding that everything looks to be in order. My armband goes around my upper arm as usual, signifying that I am on duty.

"I should be ready," I say to myself. I toss my hair backwards and let it settle before moving.

"Fio, darling. Are you there?"

"Mm...yeah, steak...good...hrmrm..."

"Asleep again...well, that much is fine." I watch her snore for a bit on the couch, curled up into a ball as always. My hand rubs her head gently before I secure my purse and leave as quietly as possible. It's still quite early, so I want to have a little something to eat first. Something that will properly warm my belly before what looks like a long night of work.

One of my favourite places will do. Somewhere that I haven't been visiting as often as I would like. Ichiraku Ramen is on my way to the Hokage's Office, and so I make my way over. There's nobody here at the moment, and my preferred seat on the far left is empty, so I take it. A cloth comes out from my purse and I set it down – it wouldn't do to have my dress dirtied pointlessly before an important engagement. I slip off my evening gloves and place them in my purse.

"Well, aren't we looking fancy tonight?" Teuchi says with a smile. He adjusts his hat while continuing to clean his cooking area. "Guess you have a hot date?"

"Nothing of the sort, good sir. I have a meeting with diplomats in a little while."

"Ah, I see. Must be a couple of big shots, or so I heard through the grapevine. Caused a bit of a stir earlier..."

"Really. Hm. Those sorts of ripples aren't missed easily..."

"Maybe they'll come by for some ramen and leave a nice tip!"

"I doubt that," I say bluntly. "You'll have to make do with me."

"Heh. I'd hardly call you 'making do'. Anyway...what're you craving tonight?" Teuchi asks.

"Hmm...well, I'm trying to watch my figure a bit. Surprise me with something nice...chicken, vegetables, and a hint of sweetness. The rest is up to you."

"You got it."

I nod and close my eyes, thinking for a bit. Today was certainly quiet...although, why did the mention of those diplomats escape me? Shino, too...I think he would have said something. It's a bit confusing. Perhaps I shouldn't think on it too much. "Hm. Where has your daughter gone off to, sensei?"

"Oh, Ayame is taking care of a food order somewhere else for me. I was going to go, but she sort of insisted on it. You know how she gets."

"I see. You know, it's good to have reliable children."

"Don't I know it. Here's you bowl, ma'am. Enjoy!"

"Thank you kindly." Teuchi sets down the bowl in front of me, along with a pair of chopsticks. I tie up my hair with one hand and break the sticks apart with the other before digging in. Coming here was definitely the right choice today. The chicken is tender and juicy, the vegetables add a lovely sort of bite, and there's a subtle sweetness to everything. Perfectly textured noodles that I can slurp up shamelessly, and a broth that is just the right thickness. So, so good.

I would sit here all evening and eat if I had nothing else to do.

"You truly do love your job. This is as wonderful as ever," I say as I pause my eating.

"Well, I try my best. Thanks for saying that, Lili."

"It's always my pleasure," I say before going back to my noodles. I savour each and every bite before properly draining the bowl, dabbing at my mouth with a silk cloth afterwards. The usual payment, which took some time to normalize with this humble chef, is rendered.

"Boy. It's never a dull moment with you, eh. Between you and Naruto, I could just go ahead and retire right now," he says with a laugh.

"I would miss you terribly if you did. Comfort food like this is one of life's simple pleasures, and one that I couldn't see myself living without. 'Tis but a small price to keep an establishment like this healthy."

"Small isn't the word I would use there..."

I undo my hair from its knot and run my hands through it. "Well. As many have said in the past...the rich do lead mysterious lives."

"I suppose they do. Good luck with your meeting, Lili. I'll see you soon, thanks for stopping by."

"You are quite welcome, sensei. Until the next." I slide down from my seat and fold up the cloth before putting it into my purse. A quick check with my compact, some extra lip gloss to replace what was lost...and I should be ready again. Perfect. I walk confidently down to the office and pass through the entrance, after a quick check with the guards. Tamaki and Imari are waiting for me already. They're dressed in red, with matching blazers and long skirts.

"A pleasant evening to you, Lili," Tamaki says.

"And a pleasant evening to you, Miss Kurogane. You look as stunning as ever."

"Thank you. I must say the same to you, you've certainly gone above and beyond this time."

"I agree with senpai...if I didn't know better, I would have mistaken you for a grown woman," Imari says.

"We'll be heading to the conference hall now," Tamaki says. "Our guests are waiting, along with Lord Hokage. Are you ready?"

"Yes." I set my face in neutral, getting myself ready for what might come next. "We can begin at once."

"Please, follow us." Imari walks ahead and Tamaki keeps pace behind me. Things should be okay. I have my wits about me, and I am as capable as anyone. I can do this.

The hall's front doors are wide open, and we stroll through them at a leisurely pace. My first step will be to find the Hokage and receive further instruction. It's not terribly bright inside, allowing light to find the crystals in the chandeliers above our heads, making them sparkle and shine in my vision. The old man is on the opposite side, though coincidentally he starts on his way towards me. He is dressed in his formal robes. Although...there is this nagging feeling. Why do I feel that something is off?

"Ah, there you are." Hiruzen smiles as soon as he notices me. "Very good of you to make it, Lili."

"My lord. I am at your service, as always." I bow deeply towards him.

"Good, good. I have two requests to make of you." Imari takes my purse from me gently as he says that.

"Please name them, sir."

"I would like for you to meet our special guests, and...to enjoy your birthday, most of all."

"My...eh? Lord Hokage, what do you..."

My eyes widen as the two foreigners mentioned in the letter walk towards us. Of all the things...so this is what he was planning? What all of them were planning all along?

"Well, our Lili does look as elegant as ever. But my darling little sister wouldn't settle for anything less, would she?"

"Yes. She looks very lovely. As expected of my mistress."

"Ane-ue...Luna. It was you two the entire time?" I ask. But that meant that...even Teuchi knew? So he was being cryptic as well. I don't know what to think at this moment. Some sort of surprise from my loved ones might have been in the cards, but this...nothing like this came to mind. The room starts to brighten, and I can see the shimmering space around me. Luna and Midori wear beautiful red dresses that hug their curves. All around me, there are people...the women wearing red like my sisters, and the men wearing various types of black suits. But these people are ones that I know. My old instructors, some of my classmates...my friends and family, all together as one, in this room decorated with red. Everyone, they're all here.

For...for me.


Through the parting crowd comes a lovely face. Fio waves a small fan dramatically, her hair tied into an elaborate bow at the back of her head. Her red dress sweeps the floor as she twirls and poses.

"We absolutely had to put on a show for you, Lili! And it worked out!"

"So...this was the errand you were speaking of. Setting up all of this. And of course, you took advantage of me being distracted..."

"Yep, it sure was. I felt bad leaving you out of the loop like that, since you know that I tell you everything that's going on in my life. And I knew you were a bit sad...but it was the perfect opportunity to sneak a few things by you. I wanted this to be the biggest surprise, and to see the look on your face when it all came together. But it wasn't just me! Everyone helped!"

"She decided to hold me to that promise of mine," Hina says from behind me. "And I was more than happy to oblige her. It was the least we could do for someone so precious to us."

"Yeah. You more than deserve it," Kurenai says.

"It was our pleasure doing this, Boss," Shino says ahead of me.

"I...all of you." My heart is swelling. I can't...process all of this, really. Everyone around me, cheerful and smiling...I can't help but think of all the things that have happened since I've come here, and before that. All of the fights, the struggles...all of the pain and sorrow. The things that I've gained and lost. The bonds I've made and had broken. The happiness I've shared with so many. All of the love, the tears, the time spent together...all of that and everything in between.

I'm not the person I was before. I have changed, and so has my world. So many of these people standing near me...they are...

"Lili? Is everything okay?" Midori asks.

"I'm fine, Ane-ue. You know, it would be a great shame to ruin my makeup...after all the time I spent on it today, getting ready for a meeting."

"Hmhm. Of course."

I raise my head, smiling up at her as the tears come down my face. "I don't deserve any of this. I'm...so very flawed. I have so much to experience and learn, and I want to be a better person. But all of you have accepted me. You thought of me on this day, when I could hardly think of myself. Because of that...because of everything that has happened, I will cherish this moment forever. I promise all of you. Thank you...thank you so much."

"You are everything to us, Lili. For what you've done...this is only right. You deserve to be shown this kind of appreciation, and more besides," Luna says. "We love you, and this is how we're showing you today."

"Deliver the glasses, and we will have a toast," Midori says. Those serving us today weave through the crowd with trays of glasses, crystal flutes that are used to serve champagne and the like. The younger guests are served fizzy beverages in place of alcohol.

I take my own glass and raise it into the air.

"Health and safety to all within the sound of my voice. And as the heavens will it...may our futures be bright."

I sip from my glass and everyone silently follows in affirmation.

"And with that, our celebration will properly commence," Midori announces. "Have a wonderful evening, everyone."

Everyone starts to mill about, chatting and enjoying the food that is held out on small trays throughout the hall. It's an elegant, low intensity celebration. Very lovely, and it feels just like something I would plan out.

"I'll have to go to the ladies' room to touch up...I really did do a number on my makeup, even if it was worth it. Imari, love. May I have my purse?"

"Certainly. Did you need anything from me? Anything is fine, just ask," she says.

"Nothing for now. But thank you, I appreciate that. If anyone is looking for me, tell them I will be back in a moment." I finish my glass of sparkling wine and hand it to her before leaving. The bathroom isn't far away, and I step in front of a large mirror to start on my small repairs.

"Ah, done. That should be good, right?"

I take a look at myself in the mirror for a few extra moments. Even it's just for this one day...I get to be a real princess. Not wanting for a single thing, surrounded by people who would do most anything for me. A strong, proud, and immensely beautiful girl, with the world at her fingertips. Yes, that is certainly me.

"And what a sight I am," I say with a smile. I blow a kiss to my reflection before heading out again, flipping my hair over my shoulder as I walk. As I walk across the hall, I acknowledge the guests around me with light nods. Their eyes are drawn to me as I pass...as it should be. I think it's fine to be just a bit haughtier than usual today, since this is my party and all. Ah, I'm feeling a lot better than I was this morning. What a difference time makes.

"Fio, darling."

"Right here!" She finds me quickly and curtsies. "At your service, Miss Kobayashi."

I put my hands on my hips. "Well, bring me to my cake. Or will I be forced to do something as unsightly as ask for it?"

She giggles and nods. "Of course, milady. This way, please."

"Hmph." I follow her to where my birthday cake lies. It's a large rectangle that takes up a good portion of the table it rests on, a canvas of vanilla lovingly decorated with creamy red frosting. Naturally, my name is written across the top in neat characters, and in the middle is an illustration of me in thin lines of sugar. Decently done. It is quite a task to capture my good looks, but the artist has done their best this time, and I can appreciate that much.

"Well. This is passable," I say to Fio.

"Thank you, milady. Your praise humbles me."

I smile and give her a kiss. "It's absolutely lovely. You've outdone yourself this time, Fio. Thank you so much."

"Only the best for you, Lili." She produces a knife and cuts into the cake, giving me a good sized slice to try. "I heard this was one of your guilty pleasures. Red velvet!"

"A woman of culture. Ufufu...you really are something else, Fio." I take the small fork from her and cut into my slice of cake, savouring it promptly. So good...I hope there's enough left over at the end so that I can stuff myself properly. "Superb. Simply wonderful, and more than worthy of royalty."

"Heh. Knew you'd love it."

"Madam Kobayashi, my apologies for disturbing you." A woman attendant appears next to us and bows.

"It's no trouble at all. What might you need of me?"

"There is a phone call for you."

"Phone call? For me, then. How interesting...please, lead the way."

"Hey, I'll leave you to it. And take care of this slice of cake for you," Fio says. "Can't let it go to waste after all. See you in a bit, Lili."

"Yes, of course." I nod to the attendant and she leads me towards the edge of the hall, straight down into a small, quiet room. A single telephone is on the table ahead, in front of a tall leather chair. The young woman picks up the receiver as I seat myself, and hands it to me as soon as I am settled. I place it near my ear as she rotates the dial once, and the call is transferred.

"Good evening," a polished voice says from the other end.

"Hello, and good evening to you."

"I would like to speak to Madam Lilith Kobayashi."

"This is she. Please, state your business," I say confidently, crossing one leg over the other.

"This call has been placed on behalf of Madam Emi Kobayashi. I will be handing off the phone, and the next voice you hear will be hers."

"Will you need anything else while I am here, ma'am?" the attendant asks.

"Nothing. Thank you for your help. And make sure to have some of the cake when you get back. It is absolutely divine," I say with a smile.

She smiles back and bows before leaving.


"Mama," I say warmly. "It's so wonderful to hear your voice again."

"Darling, it really has been too long. Happy birthday, and I wish you many more."

"Thank you, Mama. It's a bit embarrassing to admit, but I did forget about today. All of this was truly a surprise."

"Well, I'm quite glad that you're enjoying yourself now."

"Yes. Have you been well?"

"Very well, yes. I truly wish that I could have been there in person, but the trip would be too much in such a short time. There has been much in the way of business to take care of, with your father's passing. Nothing you need to worry about presently, of course."

"Please don't feel bad. I know that you've been terribly busy. This phone call...this is more than enough for now. Thank you for making time for me, and I love you dearly."

"I love you too, Lili. Ah, that's right. I believe the present I sent for you will be arriving by tomorrow at the latest. I will leave it as a surprise, but you should find it quite useful in future endeavours."

Oh? Quite intriguing. I wonder what it might be. "I look forward to it."

"Very good. This call..." She sighs. "It will be far too short. I have more errands to run, time sensitive things...various annoyances and the like. But we will meet in person soon enough, and we will have a nice, long chat over tea."

"That will be splendid. I look forward to that, Mama. Please take care, and make sure not to burn yourself out."

"Of course. And the same to you, my love. Cherish yourself as only you know how."

"I will. I love you, Mama."

"I love you, Lili. Enjoy your special day."

I smile and set down the receiver, letting out a breath before standing up. "What a refreshing conversation. I really will have to meet with her soon, very soon. Even from afar, she is wonderful to me."

We have all come such a long way...reaching this day that I could never have dreamed of a few years ago.

Okay. It's time to rejoin my party. I run my hands through my hair and toss it over my shoulders, then start on my way back towards the main hall.
Lili Kobayashi (illust: Lutzsan) (c/o Jefardi)
Hello Hello! I come bearing art!!!!!!

I commissioned art of our favourite girl from Lutzsan a while back and it just got done!

I present you, Lilith Caroline Kobayashi

Plus a hood up version!

And finnnaaaaaaally....


Admittedly I think I'm... 20 chapters behind as of now? So she might look different from how she was when this was commissioned!
Last edited:
Strawberry Wine
Scarlet Justice - ep. 110
"Strawberry Wine"
[Something Precious, Part 2]

"She has returned once more. The angel of death, and the terror of a new age."

"..." I turn to face the owner of such bizarre ramblings, and it is who I expect. He is dressed neatly in a black suit, complete with bow tie. Though today, his hair does not look as if it has been fixed with cement. It's actually fairly long, some of it tied back so that he doesn't look unkempt. "I see. So you have arrived as well...the boy who lays claim to this world's baleful essence, from which his power continues to grow. Blackened Knight of the Abyss, Phantom the Dark."

He smiles. "Hoh...so you have become aware of my true nature."

"It must be so."

Dark bows towards me. "It is only right that I pay tribute to you, Shadow Mistress. You who has become destruction itself...the woman called the Crimson Nightmare. Scarlet Viper of the Hidden Leaf, Lilith Kobayashi."

"Hmph." I flip my hair backwards. "It seems you know your place. Well done."

"Thank you for your acknowledgement."

"You do look handsome today, I must admit. Beating away the ladies with a stick, aren't you?"

"Mother insisted that I assume this form today. She sends her blessings, and material tribute to you." Dark hands me a small card.

"Mm. What might this be..." It's a voucher for one of those upscale spas. And it comes with access to one of those extremely limited kits for skin care. These are hard to find...is this where she works? Or perhaps she knows someone. Either way, I'll be making use of this. "Lovely. Is she here, by chance?"

"She is, yes."

"Then I will give my thanks to her in person. You may lead me to her."

Dark nods and takes me a short distance across the hall. From what Eddie mentioned long ago, I can spot her easily: a lean woman of above average height, in a plain red dress. Her hair is wavy and a bit of a mess, but is curiously cut short in an incredibly neat manner above her shoulders. She has round glasses on and shakily adjusts them before gulping down her champagne.

"She seems to be having a good time," I say flatly.

"Mother has her hangups about large gatherings. Much like your faithful companion, the Dark Hand of the Leaf."

"..." I have no idea who he's talking about. Dark Hand...ah. That makes sense, I suppose. He would enjoy such a title. "Yes, Shino is like that sometimes. Though he is adjusting nicely."

"I have observed as much myself. Mother, I bring you the guest of honour. It was her request to see you on this day."

"Ah...! Oh, Koichi...I'm sorry, you startled me a bit...a-ah...L-Lady Kobayashi! I didn't think you would come to see us all of a sudden!" She secures her glass and bows deeply. "Thank you for allowing us to partake in your celebration of life..."

"There is no need for that, my dear. Raise your head." She slowly does so, and I give her a reassuring smile. "I simply wanted to extend greetings to you, and to thank you for your most generous gift."

"Oh...I-I just wanted to give you something..."

"It is quite nice of you, and I will be making use of it soon. Thank you again, Miss Nagano. May I have your name, for future reference?"

"Yes...it's Kyouko Nagano. You've met my son, Koichi...he's spoken highly of you in the past, and I've heard many great things around the village. So it was quite a shock when a member of the Hyuuga came to offer me an invitation...it means a lot. Especially since I don't get out that much...um, sorry."

"It's quite alright. Your son's presence is...mm. Stimulating, in many ways."

"The Shadow Serpent was one of the first to recognize my dark strength."

Kyouko smiles nervously. "Y-yes. Koichi is a unique child in...a lot of different ways."

"You should be proud of him. That calibre of shinobi is not easily reached," I say.

"Is...that so. I've always believed in him, but this kind of endorsement...w-well, it might be a bit much for my heart to take sometimes, but I'm very happy to hear that from an elite of the Leaf."

"You're quite welcome. I will be off to visit other guests. It was lovely meeting you, Kyouko." I take her hand and kiss it gently. "Until we meet again."

She blushes brightly and nods. "Y-yes. Thank you, Lady Kobayashi."

"Continue your vigilance, Dark. Grow in wisdom and strength. The dark hours will soon be upon us, and bold knights will be needed in the great struggle," I say to him.

"Understood. Go with the strength of the cosmos, Crimson Nightmare."

We nod towards each other before parting ways.


After some mingling here and there with various acquaintances, I decide that I shouldn't put it off any longer. I head straight for the two people that I've wanted to see most since this event started. Midori and Luna are entertaining a small circle of guests, their lovely red dresses shimmering in the light.

"It was a very generous offer. Of course, I had to decline. I'm not that kind of woman, after all."

The guests laugh as Midori finishes her speech, taking a long sip of champagne. I catch her eye and she takes note silently, nodding to Luna in the next moment.

"I do enjoy being the centre of attention, but you must excuse us. The guest of honour has made a request for our presence, and I wouldn't want to disappoint her. Do take care, all of you. Luna, shall we?"

"Yes, milady."

One of the gentlemen serving stops by me with his tray. I take a glass from it and nod to acknowledge him before he leaves, Luna and Midori coming to a stop in front of me. We observe each other calmly for a moment before sharing smiles.

"It's wonderful to see you both again. And so soon, too," I say. "Have you been well?"

"We have been," Midori says. "Luna especially. It did help that we did some...mm. More physical reinforcement than usual, I would say."


"Oh, hush. I think Lili here is more than aware of our activities by now."

"I certainly am. I think it's good that you've been so intimate with each other lately. A healthy life starts with that sort of thing."

"Does it, now?" Luna asks.

"Of course. Have we ever led you astray?" I reply.

"No...but I have to wonder if there are more important things..."

"Hm. Doubtful," I say as I sip from my glass.

"And you're still a lovely maiden, of course," Midori says.

"That I am. Bold of you to make such an interrogation, Midori-nee."

"Quite," Luna says. "I don't think she would go that far...even if she does have some interesting thoughts in her head."

"Really. I didn't think you had that much faith in your little mistress," Midori says smugly.

"The wait shouldn't be terribly long for my ascension to womanhood, if you're curious."

"Oh, so you think you've found her...well, that's good. We met with Fio before this party," Luna says. "She seems very much like your other half. Very sweet, and she loves you dearly."

"That child really is a wonder, yes. Terribly adorable," Midori says. "Where did you come across her?"

"It was at a hot spring in the north. She was alone, and I approached her intending to talk...before I knew it, we became friends. And then more than that, very quickly. Her history was...forcibly changed, and soon she was alone in this world. I made the decision to be her home from here on. I do love her, more than I can express with words."

"Ah, how lovely. Lili, I'm happy for you. Finding love like that...it's something incredibly precious. I know that you'll cherish that feeling, and the girl you love, just as I have." She takes Luna's hand, and they both blush lightly.

"I certainly will. And I have both of you to thank. Not just loving me, but showing me what true love looks like."

"We're glad that you took something positive from all of that," Luna says. "By chance, have you talked to Mistress Emi lately?"

"I have. Mama is doing well, and she called today to wish me a happy birthday."

"My, how lovely. She has certainly changed, for the better. I could have never imagined it from the day we met, but now...well, I would do anything for her sake."

"Yes, I feel the same," I say. "More than anything, I'm looking forward to the beginning of our new family. I will never forget that painful past, but the future is as bright as ever. For that, I am truly thankful."

"That's the way. We are more than the fragments of our history," Midori says with a nod. "I almost forgot, your present should be arriving soon."

"Oh? You have something for me?"

"A small thing, nothing terribly flashy. Luna and I picked it together. It should be here by...tomorrow, if I have it right?"

"Yes, tomorrow. We made a request for the order to be expedited," Luna says.


"Mm. Mama did say the same thing about her gift," I muse.

"How interesting. It should be an exciting day for you tomorrow, then. And all of this after you forgot your own birthday. Ufufu...you really can be silly sometimes."

I look away and try to hide my blushing. "W-well. Not everyone on this earth is perfect...strange things like that happen from time to time."

Midori laughs. "Indeed. I suppose we can call this one of heaven's whims?"

"It would be nice if you left it at that." I pout at her. "But I know you won't."

"Midori, behave."

She rolls her eyes at Luna. "Fine, fine. I won't bully the birthday girl too much more."

"Thank you, Luna-nee."

"Of course. I live to serve," she says with a smile.

"We'll be spending plenty of time together soon enough. I think we should leave you to mingle with the rest of your guests before the night is through," Midori says. "Continue to enjoy yourself, you more than deserve this, my love."

"The same to you, as always. I love you dearly, Midori-nee. Thank you for all of this...and for everything you've given me."

"I love you too, Lili." She gives me one of her warm, memorable hugs. It's so hard to let go when she does that...

"Miss Lili, please take care. As Midori said, this is everything you deserve. And of course, I look forward to returning to your side as well," Luna says.

"..." I look up at her smiling face and come to a realization. I do miss her, a lot. Having her by my side has been nothing but a joy, even in those early days when I could not truly appreciate her and everything that she did. And as this world continues to change, someone so capable would be nothing but the greatest boon.

But...this is also about more than me. And seeing her together with Midori, so happy and content...it makes me realize what I should do. I want her to be as happy as she can be.

"That...won't be necessary, Luna."

"Won't be...eh? What does that mean?"

"As your mistress, I am relieving you of your duties, effective immediately. You should be devoting yourself to your true mistress, the woman who is taking you as her wife...your one true love."

She shakes her head. "I...Miss Lili, I know that it might be a lot of work, but I can do it. I can take care of both of you...I want to..."

"I know. Luna, I know that you can do anything you put your mind to. And I know that you don't play favourites, nor would you want to. You have been wonderful to me all of these years. Please, don't misunderstand...you are still a part of this family. You always will be. You're my sister, someone who has loved and encouraged me every step of the way. Whenever you feel like it, you can come and tend to me, in the way that only you can. But...not as my maidservant."


"It will be as Luna Daidouji...my beautiful big sister."

She sniffles, tears filling her eyes. "I...Lili..."

"Luna. If you want to stay as you are...if this is what you want, then I can reverse my decision. I just want to know if you'll accept your freedom. All I want for you is to be free, so that you can experience love in its fullest, truest form."

Luna looks at Midori, who shakes her head. She gestures towards me, as I look at Luna expectantly.

"Yes. I...accept it. I'll move into the next chapter of my life..."

"That's all I ever wanted for you, Luna."

"Thank you..." She hugs me tightly, and I squeeze her back. We stand together a while before she finally lets go, wiping the tears from her eyes and smiling brightly.

"Then it's settled. Until the next time...both of you, be well."

"Until the next," Midori says.

"Until the next," Luna replies.

"Ane-ue...Luna-nee. Thank you for loving me, like only sisters could."

We nod to each other and turn, going our separate ways with glasses in hand.


I think about who I want to see next. Shino is in the distance, with someone at his side...right, that's Futaba. I suppose they've become close enough since that day. I wonder what they might be talking about, if anything.

But I want to see someone else first. My mind immediately goes to Hina, and so I scan the hall for her. It doesn't take terribly long; she's having a chat with Kurenai and Asuma, the former enjoying the virtually unlimited supply of alcohol as the latter tries to keep her in check for the evening.

Hina notices me and I give her a wink in response. She nods back and politely excuses herself before making her way towards me. The red dress she wears isn't terribly complicated in design, but is elegant all the same, made of a fine silk that I suspect only the Hyuuga would have access to in this village. Her hair is in a high ponytail again, allowing her earrings to sparkle in the light.

"My, you look gorgeous," I say as she stops in front of me.

"Not as good as you," she says. "You really do look stunning in black, you know."

"Flatter me any more and I might be all over you," I tease.

"Like you needed that prompt."

"Hmhm...you have me on the ropes quickly tonight."

"Well, I have to try and keep up with you, Lili." She gives me a warm smile. "I hope you've been having a wonderful birthday."

"I have been. Thank you so much for this celebration. I absolutely love it...everything feels so refreshing." I finish my drink and an attendant appears to take away my empty glass.

"I'm so glad you like it. As you know, we had to plan things behind your back, and employ a bit of misdirection...I wasn't sure if it would work at all, and I wouldn't mind if you found out a bit early. But Fio was definitely a big help. She's a wonderful soul."

"She truly is."

"She's perfect for you. I hope that you end up as happy as you can be together. It's because I love you so much that I want you to be happy. And you've done so much for me as a person, that...something like this celebration is the least I could do to give something back. You've really changed my life."

"I know. I'm glad I could do that for you, Hina."

"Hanabi admires you so much. She wants to be just like you, in a lot of ways..."

"Even the racier ones?" I ask jokingly.

"Fortunately, she's not that far gone yet. But...her energy is starting to change Father, I think. And the rest of the clan, ever so slowly..."

"I see..."

"All of these gifts really do mean a lot, to both of us. To me, most of all. And so, I wanted to show you my appreciation with a tangible gift, something that I thought of myself. Could...you wait here a moment, Lili?"

"Of course. Take your time."

"Thank you." Hina hikes up her dress and heads out of the hall. It's not terribly long before she comes back, and I enjoy a few bites of sushi in the meantime. She's carrying a rectangular box, covered in black leather.

"It might look a little strange, but...I wanted us to share something special. As sisters."

"What is it?" I ask eagerly. Hina opens up the box and I see two small bracelets on a bed of velvet. They have shining, heart-shaped pendants on them.

"It's childish...isn't it?"

"No. Nothing like that, Hina. They're beautiful," I say sincerely.

"They're for our ankles. I...wanted us to have one each, so that we could always think of each other. We would have a part of each other nearby at all times...um. It really is silly, but I..."

"Stop that, it's not. None of it is silly at all." I take the box from her and one of the anklets, then secure my dress before getting down to my knees. "Here, raise your dress a bit. I promise to behave."


"You can put mine on afterwards." She nods and lifts her dress so that I can see her ankles. I carefully clip the bracelet around her right ankle before getting to my feet. "Okay, your turn."

"Yes." She does the same for me, putting the charm around my left ankle as I lift my dress. She gets to her feet, and I take a bit of time to admire the shine of my new present before smiling.

"It's wonderful, Hina. I absolutely adore it..."

"I'm so glad you do."

"I'll always be with you now, and you with me. Thank you...I'll cherish this gift for as long as I live."

"I should be thanking you instead. Without you...I wouldn't be who I am today."

"I love you, Hinata."

"I love you, Lilith. Thank you for being my sister."

I hug her tightly and she hugs back, snuggling into me. So warm and soft...just as always. I don't want to let go of her.

But no matter what happens now...in a lot of ways, I won't ever have to.


Hina and I part ways after chatting a while longer. In a different world, perhaps she and I...


But I'm more than content with things as they are now. Besides, she can't resist my charms no matter how hard she tries. I wonder what she would think about a separate honeymoon after she and Naruto...ah. Right, I wonder what that boy is doing. I should go and see him now.

He's not too far off, fortunately. He and Sasuke are arguing about something while Sakura looks on, in her passive state as always. They glare at each other for a while before Sasuke decides to turn and leave, Sakura following obediently behind him. Naruto pouts and puts his hands in his pockets.

Aside from the more formal clothing, he looks the same as ever. That blonde hair of his means I can spot him from a mile away. But...I wouldn't have him any other way. That pure, unruly spirit is what made me fall in love with him so long ago.

"No need to be upset tonight, you know."


I smile as he turns and notices me. "Hello, love."

"Lili! Happy birthday!" He bounds over and hugs me tightly. I hug back, holding onto him and enjoying his warmth. Always a wonderful feeling, this.

"Thank you. I'm glad to see you again."

"Same here! It's a real neat party and everything, you know?" He lets go of me and settles on one of his silly grins.

"I would assume this isn't exactly your style."

"Not really, but...eh. Maybe I'll grow into it? Who knows," he says, rubbing the back of his head. "But you're enjoying it, right?"

"I am having a good time, yes."

"Then that's all that matters, honestly."

"Thank you."

"Yep! When Hinata said she was getting everyone together, I wanted to do as much as I could. Ah, but she and your girlfriend took over all the important stuff."

"So you've had a chance to talk to Fio?" I ask.

"Yeah. She's super cool, ya know? Reminds me of me!" he says, smiling. "I was wondering if she didn't get enough vitamins since she's kinda pale, but wow! She's strong as heck, and really tough!"

"You've been getting along, then. I'm glad to hear it."

"Yeah, for sure! She always talks about you, ya know. I know she really loves you."

"She does. And I love her even more than that. But I won't leave you or anyone else behind, Naruto."

"Yeah." He blushes a bit. "I know, and I'll always love you too, Lili. I mean that."

"I know you do. Thank you for everything. What have you been doing with yourself lately, aside from courting our Hina, of course?"

"Ah, just working on cool jutsu and stuff with Pervy Sage. Team Seven's not quite back in business yet, and we've still got a lot of stuff to work out when we get there...I guess Sasuke and I are arguing like usual, so there's that," he says, putting his hands behind his head. "Kakashi-sensei's been out on missions a lot lately...and 'getting lost' or whatever. Ruki-nee shows up a lot more, too. Oh, and there are some new guys wandering around the village. Some weird glasses girl who seems kinda creepy. She's after Sasuke too, or whatever. Bleh. And Erika's been hanging around with the guys lately."

"She did mention that, yes."

"You heard about that super cool name she got?"

"I did. It's magnificent."

"Right? Chrome Panther...dude, that's so sweet. I want a cool name like that...hm. Gonna have to think about it on my own, though. The old perv says I'm a thousand years too early, or whatever it is geezers say when they want you to buzz off. Bah! I'll show him."

I giggle behind my hand. "I don't doubt that you will. Just focus on your studies, and the rest will fall into place. It's what I did, after all."

"Yeah, that makes sense. Oh, the old man said you went on some creepy mission the other day. Didn't say what it was but I'm guessing that's the one that made you want to be Hokage and all?"


"Sounds harsh...but he said you protected the, uh...integrity of the nation?"

"Yes, that is accurate."

"Hm. Well, I'm glad you came out of that okay. I guess being an elite and all is tough."

"It can be, yes."

"Well...gonna have to get ready for it eventually, then. Maybe I can ask Kakashi-sensei about it. Pervy Sage, he doesn't say that much even though he's a super ninja himself and all."

"He might not think you're ready," I say.

"Eh." He sets his arms down, putting his hands into his pockets before looking at me. "What do you think, Lili?"

"I think there are a few more things in life that you need to experience properly."

"Yeah? Alright, that sounds fair. I'll wait until he thinks I'm ready, then."

Sometimes...I forget how receptive this boy is to my suggestion. He certainly has matured, as I've always hoped...and yet, he still considers me and my thoughts so strongly. Perhaps his understanding of what love is...is different? Not selfishness, but naivete...a purity that is rarely found in boys of his age. It draws me to him. And...even if it is a bit much, makes me protective of him. I don't mean to smother him, or take away his agency, but the thought of him hurt just bothers me. He will have to go through hardships, in order to see himself through this world as an adult.

Even then...this desire to protect won't go away any time soon. I suppose that I'll embrace it for now, and watch over him for as long as I can. As one of my precious darlings.

"I must thank you again," I say to him.

"Me? For what?" he asks.

"Allowing someone like me into your life. I have told you before, but...when you said on that lovely night that you could see beauty in me, a born killer...it melted my heart completely. I fell in love with you right then and there."


"I really do want to see you grow, and for your dreams to come true. Just ask, and I'll do anything I can for you."

He nods. "I'll do my best, Lili. Promise."

"Thank you. Hearing that makes me so happy," I say as I hug him again. "Listen, I'm going to continue my rounds. We'll talk again soon."

"Sure, no problem! It was really nice seeing you, Lili. Have fun!" he says with a bright smile.

I nod and smile back. "I certainly will. Until the next, my love."
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Peppermint Kisses
Scarlet Justice - ep. 111
"Peppermint Kisses"
[Something Precious, Part 3]

Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves well enough. I know that this party was meant for me, but...it would be a waste if the guests were bored or distressed, just to try and accommodate my tastes.

"Hey there, girlfriend! I've been looking for you!"

"Ino. Lovely to see you, as always. I just had a chat with my other favourite blonde."

We hug and exchange kisses, just as always. Ino has chosen a mature look tonight, her hair tied back into a bun, a sparkling necklace and earrings, and a stylish opening in the side of her red dress that allows her to show off her legs.

"You mean Naruto, eh. The kid really does cut a handsome figure these days..."

"Oh? Are we about to see some competition?"

She snorts. "Yeah, right. No way I'm going toe to toe with the Hyuuga Princess, especially on that front. Even I'm not that arrogant, hon."

"Well said. How has the party been so far?" I ask.

"Oh, it's been gorgeous. Not just the food and drinks...and that incredible cake..."

"It's quite a treat."

"Right? But aside from that, the atmosphere is like, super low key and there's just a positive vibe, you know? Like, if this were anyone else's party, I don't think it would be like this. Goes to show how classy you are, Lili."

"I didn't bring this to life myself, you know."

"No, but you're the life of the party. Remember, everyone's here because of you."

"Mm. I suppose so."

"I should be asking you if you're having fun."

"I am, definitely. I love gatherings like this...no expectations, and everyone can do as they please. Lovely conversations, and even new friendships can come out of it. Nothing too complicated...the kind of thing I like, really. I suspect you had a hand in putting it all together?"

"Eh...kinda sorta. Hinata and Fio took the lead, I did a little magic when it came to design, but not too much. Besides, I know you. You would have found it tacky if we went all out with everything."

"A wise decision," I say with a nod. "Thank you for this, Ino. I really do appreciate it."

"As you've probably heard a million times already, you're more than worth it, and this is the least we could do for someone so awesome. Plus, I know you'll pay me back some day for it. Even if I tell you no."

"Really? You would turn down a gift?"

"Well no, but...you know what I mean. The point is that you're stubborn. But I like that about you," she says with a smile.

"And what else do you like?" I ask.

"A lot of things. Nice things...interesting things. Your personality, for one."

I scoff. "Nobody likes my personality."

"Some call it an acquired taste!"

"That's called masochism."

She rolls her eyes. "You talk way too much sometimes, you know?"

"And that's my line."

"Dummy. I got you something, it's gonna be arriving on your doorstep tomorrow. The usual, with a surprise or two mixed in."

"Same as all the other presents, then. Funny how life works," I say as I take a glass from the nearby tray.

"Party one day, presents the next. That's a rich girl's life for you. Listen, it'd be great to gossip away the hours with you, but I think we should both get to our other guests for now. I gotta track down those puff pastries, make sure Choji is taking it easy on the snacks, check the wine and champagne supply, make sure we have enough party gifts..."

"Goodness. So you're still on the clock, then."

She shrugs. "Yeah, but it was something I wanted to do. You know, because it's for you and all."

"So what was all that about you having so little to do earlier?" I ask.

"Oh, please. If I can't handle this, how can I handle running the Leaf when my turn comes up?" she says with a smile. "I'll be just fine, hon. You're worth it."

"As long as you promise not to burn yourself out."

"Cross my heart. Have yourself a great time, Lili." She gives me a hug.

"I will, Ino. Thank you again."

I wander about the hall for a while, greeting people politely as I pass them by. Some of my old teachers at the Academy, who have been quite shocked with my growth over the past year or so. Even they didn't predict I would become a jounin so soon...frankly, I never had that high of an estimation of my abilities either. But that thinking has changed along with everything else. There are a few members of the regular forces who must have been invited to round out the numbers, which is more than fine...well, I thought so at first. It turns out that these are all people I know somewhat well. Hina, Fio, and Ino really did their homework.

"It's the birthday girl. I hoped I would run into you."

"Iruka-sensei, always a pleasure seeing you."

"Heh. Here you go, I picked something out that I thought you'd like."

Cleaning up nicely in his suit, Iruka hands me a leather pouch with something inside. It has to be a book of some sort, knowing him. From the looks of it, he wants me to open it here, so I'll oblige him. I undo the straps on the pouch and slide the book out so that I can see the title.

"Iruka." I frown at him. "You silly man, this is a limited print...how much did you spend on it?"

"Enough, really."

"I can't tell you to send it back, can I...very naughty of you. You shouldn't go spending all your money on young girls," I say with a smile.

"You can say that a bit louder if you want," he replies wryly. "As long as you like your gift."

"Like doesn't even begin to describe it. The world's finest and most accurate encyclopedia, fresh off the press...I can smell how new it is from a distance. An incredible gift. Thank you, Iruka." I put the book back into its home and hug him tightly.

"I wanted to do something special, so...here we are. I'm happy to hear that from you, Lili."

"It will please you further to know that I've decided to stop running away from my future. I'm going to become a leader that you can be proud of, and protect our home until the time where we are no longer needed as assassins in the shadows."

He looks at me with surprise. "Ah...so you're going to put yourself up for Hokage?"

"One day soon, without a doubt. I want to be like the old man in a lot of ways, and that will mean that you'll have an even greater importance to me, Iruka. I will need your help and expertise."

He points to himself. "Me? You're sure?"

I nod. "Positive. You'll see when the time comes."

"Well...alright. Who am I to turn down the birthday girl's request?" he says with a smile.

"Much appreciated. Thank you, not simply for the gift, but for everything you've done. It was thanks to you that I could get this far. Comforting me in the wake of despair...you did leave a fantastic impression on me. If I could become even half the person you were in that moment, I could change this world forever."

He rubs the back of his head, blushing. "You're saying way too much..."

I huff at him playfully. "Hmph! You men. It's too much when I tease you, and then it's also too much when I properly praise you. Little wonder women gossip and complain so often."

"It's my fault, now?"

"It always is, sensei."

He chuckles and I hug him again.

"Enjoy your birthday, Lili."

"I will. Thank you, Iruka."


I ascend to the upper level of the hall with my glass in hand, standing in front of the railing and looking downwards. Everything is just as lovely as when I was on the ground...a beautiful mix of people, everyone I've met since coming to this village. So many different bonds that I've managed to form for myself.

Shino and Hina are with my friends from Team Ten, with Ino entertaining the group as only she could. Choji is enjoying a generous slice of cake, while Shikamaru tries to fend off Hanabi as she pesters him.

Sakura and Sasuke are together as always, quietly seated away from everyone else. They seem content enough, and I can be happy for that much, even if I'm not very fond of them. Nearby, Shizune is trying to keep her mistress Tsunade from getting into the alcohol – to no avail, of course – with Tonton at her heels.

I wanted to send for Teuchi and Ayame earlier, but Ino took care of that, of course. I'm glad that they're here and able to enjoy the event. Currently, they're chatting with Kurenai and Asuma. My sensei seems just a bit on the tipsy side by now, but that much was to be expected. She does love her drink.

Speaking of drinks, Kakashi might be thinking that he could get away from some of that debt he owes her, which is why he's keeping his distance somewhat. Ruki is by his side, looking as bright and happy as ever. Naruto and Jiraiya are making noise with some sort of heated discussion, which goes to show that the perverted sage only brings out the worst in him. I will have a good talk with that man later on. In another corner of the hall, Fio is having herself a good time, letting out that lovely laugh of hers. She's speaking with Yuno and the Hokage, who has a circle of elite snobs that look less than happy at the moment. But he's paying them no mind, and seems happy to spend time with his beloved children. Erika is catching up with Kiba, and the fat-chested sensei is nowhere to be found. Perhaps she's on a mission. Hm. I don't really care, honestly.

Lee and Guy are taking pains to avoid alcohol of any kind, and Hina has made sure that they are accommodated. They're both enjoying themselves, which I like to see...but that insistence gives me pause. Are those rumours about the drunken martial arts berserkers true? If so...well, it's a good thing the girls took extreme caution, then. We wouldn't want anyone hurt...or worse, for me to ruin my dress subduing them. I really like this dress.

Neji and Tenten are making conversation on their own nearby. I have to wonder about that girl...hm. Neji is her type, is he? He probably isn't aware, but might be soon. But then, given his stalking of Hina when she goes out, I have to wonder. Iruka gets himself pulled into Kurenai's circle as she takes on more champagne, while Anko is making trouble for everyone in her own way. Ibiki is just as bad, and they team up to bully the closet pervert known as Ebisu – Konohamaru's tutor, I remember.

In the midst of everything, a sizable crowd gathers towards a singular point. My beautiful, beloved sisters are entertaining everyone with the greatest ease. Midori spins tales, with Luna occasionally interjecting. They playfully argue with each other, sharing smiles and providing little visuals for the audience to follow along. Soon enough, it seems like the whole hall is drawn towards the sounds of their voices, and Midori responds by telling more tales of strange and far off lands, some of which she's told to me before bed. She's absolutely captivating...I'm reminded of how much I want to be like her when I grow up.

I sip slowly from my glass and smile, watching everything progress on the floor below.

It's a magnificent thing. Despite all of my sins...despite the darkness that is in my heart. I have been blessed with all of this. People who give to me, and think of me, and care for me. People who love and trust me, with their lives even. People who see me as worth fighting for, and trust me to fight for them. Not just about tradition, or honour...but pure, genuine love.

I do not yet understand the will of heaven, nor will I pretend to. But...I will carry out what must be done, and follow the growing feelings inside of my heart. I will fight ahead, as many times as I am asked.

"Because I am truly blessed. And for that, I will be forever grateful."


I figured that the least I could do was wish everyone farewell at the conclusion of the gathering. Gift bags were prepared for all in attendance, and I delivered every one of them by hand. The guests were appreciative.

And as I expected, my family and friends took various steps to prevent me from helping with the cleanup, saying that it was my special day and that I should be resting, so on and so forth. I decided to spare them more trouble and gave in, allowing Kakashi and Ruki to escort me home. He is his usual self, dodging questions about his progress with Ruki. They are doing well enough, according to her, but she is also a bit more secretive than usual. Perhaps they've decided to get serious? If so, it's a relief to hear. I wish them a good night as we reach my home, and I ascend the stairs before taking the key from my purse.

"I'm home."

I sigh and take off my heels before flopping onto the couch nearby. A long, wonderful night.

"Let's rest our eyes a while..."

Closing my eyes, I take a short nap. The sound of the door opening wakes me, and I sniff at the air to be sure of my surroundings.


"Hey! You weren't too bored waiting, were you?" She sets several boxes on the table, then goes back to grab another set of items from the person standing outside. "Thanks a lot! Have a safe trip home!"

"Good night, ma'am."

Fio closes the door and lets out a breath. "Whew! We actually made out pretty well tonight with the cleanup...nothing too bad, especially with so many of us around. I'd call that a super smashing success!"

"I was just sleeping...felt a little bit drained after all the activity."

"I totally get it. Your emotions must have been bouncing up and down all day." She takes off the adjustable sandals I had made for her. Certainly for someone who doesn't normally wear heels, they must have been a godsend. "How about that. Your present for me came in handy, hehe."

"An act of providence, to be sure."

"Has to be." I make room for her and she drops onto the couch beside me. "Ah, that's comfy. So, did you have fun tonight?"

"I certainly did, love. Thank you for organizing all of that for me. It must have been a lot of work..."

"Maybe. If it was, I didn't notice one bit. Working with Hinata was a lot of fun...gosh, she's so diligent, you know?"

"I do. She's worked hard her entire life."

"Yeah, I could see it. And Naruto, he's such a fun guy! I hope we get to meet again soon."

"I think he would love to have you over. He and Yuno like to play videogames about once a week. Maybe you could join them?"

"Ooh, sounds neat. Once I get all my team stuff finalized, I should ask him about that."

"You should. You two are a lot alike, you know."


"Fio..." I pause as she looks at me. "I...I love you so much. I always will, and not just for the celebration you gave me just now. You have been...a blessing to me."

"Heh, that's my line." She takes my hand and squeezes it gently. "I love you too, Lili. Thank you for giving me a second chance in life. Your whole dream and everything, I want to see it come true. And I figure, aside from you being so cute, it's always a lot better to get there when you're happy. So, making you happy whenever I can is the goal. My life's work, I guess."

"Thank you, Fio."

"Anything for you, Lili."

"Anything...then, can I make a request?"


"I want to rest until morning...just like this." I rest my head in her warm lap.

"Of course." She smiles above me, gently stroking my head with her hand.

Today was something I needed, more than I realized. I really am blessed beyond measure.


It's the next morning. And with it comes more excitement than I thought possible.

Aside from the food – and that divine cake! – saved from the party for us to stuff ourselves with, we have presents that have arrived by a parade of couriers. As Ino correctly stated, this is the decadence of the elite in full view of the masses.

"Oh, sheesh. Okay, hold on...I'll take yours first. Now you can stack that one on top..."

Fio is handling the door, as she insisted upon, while I sit and read the daily reports, delivered early this morning by local hawk. A hot cup of tea sits waiting for me, and I've changed into one of my favourite silk gowns for the morning, since nothing should be coming up as an interruption.

The gifts are progressively stacked onto the kitchen table, which is more than sturdy enough for the task. Luna made sure of it, of course. I sip my tea and Fio keeps the door open so that she doesn't have to keep moving it back and forth. It's warm out and the aircon is off, so that much is fine.

"That...seems to be it, for now at least." Fio closes the door, and I stand up to stretch my limbs. "So. We ready to go?"

"Just about," I say. "Let's open our gifts..."

Candies and chocolates of all types, some imported. Plenty of cards that I make sure to read through – the feelings contained within are important, after all. Some are short and sweet, others more elaborate in nature.

Ino got me flowers – magnolias, to be exact. I put them in the vase that Yuno gifted me. The extra things she hinted at are...a cute top and shorts, paired with a new watch. Very nice. I'll have to wear them the next time we have tea. Naruto got me a manga collection, one that I was looking at a while ago. Erika, the latest season of my favourite anime. Kakashi went practical and got me a set of gloves with some advanced material. I'll try them out at some point. So many thoughtful and useful gifts from my close friends, like the adaptive sunglasses from Shino, or the portable medical kit from Ruki. Perhaps there's more to come once the days press on, but I'm more than happy with all of this.

"You can eat as much of the sweets as you like, Fio."

"Wow, thanks. Some of these look pretty interesting...hm. Peanut butter inside of...a chocolate disk? Eh? Wonder how that works." She scratches her head.

"Oh, here it is...this one's from Mama," I say with a big smile. Something that doesn't immediately reveal what's inside...a thick manila envelope that has been carefully sealed. Fio hands me the thin letter opener, and I delicately slice open the seal to get at the undoubtedly juicy contents.

Fio stands beside me and squints. "Papers, huh."

"..." I stare at the documents in my hands before my belly fills up with laughter. "Hmhmhm...!"

"Lili? What's so funny?" Fio asks.

"Hehehehehe...Emi Kobayashi, you ridiculous woman. So this is what you had planned all along."

Not at all what I was expecting, but considering her...it all makes sense.

Kobayashi Rice has obtained more land in Fire Country. To be specific, they will have a new base of operations within the Hidden Leaf. For that reason, a set amount of passive income will go directly to me, into a separate bank account that only I can access. Jakari Programming – incidentally, because of course – will be across the street. In addition to all of this, there is another plot of land within the village, currently barren and untouched, controlled by the Kobayashi Estate.

That woman has left me to deal with how it might be used.

"Oi. You really are a handful, Mama." Considering that at current, she has full control of the Kobayashi Family holdings and assets, she could very much do as she pleased. Which means new benefits for me, and by extension...

"Whoa! No way! Look at all those zeroes!"

...who else but Fio?

"Hey, hey. Are we moving out, Lili?"

"Haaa...I'll have to think on it," I say as I sit down. Fio pours me another cup of tea and delivers it faithfully. "Thank you, love. I don't know yet what I want to do with this land. Mm...a mansion could work. Or...perhaps I should think of others right away. A complex of sorts. A home with lots of trees and flowers around it, a preserve, maybe. It could be the home of a business or two. So many options. Fio, what are your thoughts?"

She places her arms on the back of my chair. "Hmm...I like...the idea of community homes. It would be great for families of all kinds! And old people! A big complex is nice, too! Or we could be secret heroes...making our own base, hidden in plain sight until the time comes to fight evil! Like super sentai!"

"Something I should chew on a bit...I could also just sell the rights to it. Lease it, maybe." I sip at my tea. The land is clearly very valuable. But...I don't need more money. With my allowance, the new income stream, missions...unless I end up funding something drastic, I might have money forever. Even subsidizing an entire apartment complex wouldn't be that hard in the end.

"Giving back..."

My heart is guiding me towards that idea. But the form that it will take...that's something that I really want to get right. I can do something big with this land in the heart of the village. I know it.

"There's one last fancy gift. This one's from your big sisters."

Fio hands me an impeccably crafted box, made of what looks to be solid oak. I run my hands over the smooth surface before opening it. Inside is a flat and segmented chain...made of platinum, I think. Quite costly, and just like those two. But at the bottom of it is an interesting shape.


"Wow...it's beautiful," Fio says quietly. I put the necklace on and hold the object in my hand. It's a snake made of diamond, biting its own tail to make a complete circle. On the surface, there are three names etched in their proper characters. Lunamaria...Midoriko...Lilith.

"It truly is stunning," I say. A smile comes to my face as I let the diamond fall from my hands, the necklace settling around my neck. "It seems that my sisters all are with me now, no matter where I might go." I look down to see the sparkling charm from Hina, wrapped around my ankle. "A very comforting thing."

"It's gotta be. You look awesome."

"Thank you, Fio."

"I'll put away some of this stuff, and then we can eat! Those leftovers from the party look pretty good..."

So many good things. So many good feelings...

"Everyone...if you can keep supporting me, I promise...I will make everything right. I will take all of you to the promised land that you've been dreaming of all this time."

Yes. I won't let my precious people down. To protect the world's possibilities...that is why I fight.

And that is why I will win.
Sapphire Aria
Scarlet Justice - ep. 112
"Sapphire Aria"

Pressure. Trouble. Things that spur humans forward, giving them little to no choice in the matter. Adapt or die, as the saying goes. Application of pressure to one's self is necessary to a shinobi's living. Some sum it up by saying that without pressure, diamonds cannot come into being. Well, it's true in part, at least. Never could it be the entirety of a person's story...but as a path for growth, it is more than valid.

Those thoughts appear in my mind today as I train with Kurenai. On this spring day, it's just the two of us. And this training is an intense thing that we've developed for a singular purpose. My favourite black sweater hangs in a nearby tree. Kurenai stands across from me, breathing in and out, just as I am right now. But this exhaustion creeping in signals the real start of our session.

"One step up?" she asks.

"Go two," I reply.

"Got it. Coming in hot, Lili." Kurenai stands up straight, holding a kunai in front of her and pointing it towards me. I let my left arm hang loosely at my side as I catch my breath and focus. My right arm is bound behind my back and disabled with a set of paper tags. This is our heavy session, done once a month. No chakra boosting. No sensing arts. One arm only, single kunai.

No attacking, period.

My only goal is to defend, to stop every one of my partner's attacks cold and prevent her from landing a single strike on me, however small. If she does, we might reset and try again, or put an end to the session entirely. The first few times were difficult. Kurenai is an elite for a reason, and her full speed is nothing to sniff at. But once I got the hang of it, it became a little too easy. So we piled on restriction after restriction until we came to this point. It's good...it's what we both want. The tension in the air between us, the way we both sweat while battling each other, the burn in my arms and legs. It's an experience like no other. Nothing like normal combat, but that's the entire point...that I will be ready for any threat once I have my full array of skills active. But for now...it's just the two of us, trading blows with sharp steel.

I watch Kurenai's muscles tense. She's going to augment her speed with chakra...this is where it gets challenging.

"Here," I whisper.

She moves.

I track her quickly and reverse my grip to block her overhead. Her body moves in response and she goes for a slash across that I block with a standard grip, kunai spinning in my hand as I switch over. Her stabs and thrusts come quickly, my arm moving from side to side as I block her blows squarely. Parries are bad. Deflections are worse. I can find the proper impact points and stop her momentum, forcing her body to spool up again and allowing me to figure out her next move. But of course, she knows that. She pauses and attacks, trying to find a bad angle so that I make a mistake and allow her an opening. But I'm too stubborn for that. She knows that too.

Our feet take us through the low grass of the training field, our bodies rotating around each other as we shift and sway at different angles. Kurenai throws out a flurry of thrusts to try and wear me down; I dodge and weave as she puts herself in place for a moment, knowing that I can't attack. I see each of her strikes before they can arrive, my head moving past her arm, my body twisting to avoid her stabs. If I let up for a moment, it's over...I can feel how close she comes at times.

We start to move again, dashing across the field with our kunai clashing over and over. Sparks fly from her heavier blows and I can feel that she's putting more and more chakra into her movements. She's tiring, but I don't intend to just outlast her. There's more coming. Another level that she can reach in an instant, and that I have to really focus for. But not yet. She still has other tricks.

Kurenai isn't restricted to her weapon.

With one arm, it's difficult to handle so many things coming at once, but I can manage. I block her kick and she rebounds off it, spinning to try and deliver a slice across my arm. I move, sliding backwards to blocking her strike cleanly before she can hit the ground and recover. Her speed increases, and I can feel myself tiring. She quickly puts her kunai in her teeth and accelerates; I put the kunai in the hand bound behind my back and raise my good arm to parry her punches as they come in.

This part...is a little easier. She needs a rhythm, and if I can decipher it, the ball is in my court. Kurenai moves and shifts forward, her hands high and clenched into fists. I can feel it...punch combination. One-two, starting from the left. Her breathing is harsh and heavy, loud, sharp exhales that drive her ahead like a locomotive. The heavy blows come in as I predict, a left jab followed by a right straight that I dodge. Her feet stop moving, and mine do in turn. Her hips turn as she throws a left uppercut that misses by a mile. I have it going now, that was her chance and she missed the window. I can see her focus change as I start to bounce on my feet, confident that she won't touch me at this range. She tightens her muscles and surges chakra through her body. I bounce defiantly, wait for her first punch, and then dance.

I weave. I slip under and through and around her attacks. Her weight shifts and I pull my body sideways, dodging a hook. She resumes, out of position; I tilt my head to avoid the cross that comes. We weave circles in the grass, spinning around each other, breathing harshly, the sounds of whiffed punches punctuating each non-existent exchange. She relents, dropping the kunai from her teeth into an open hand, and I respond by flicking the kunai in my bound right hand upwards. She thrusts, I spin to the side and catch the kunai on my way around, anticipating her charging slash and killing her momentum with a perfect block.

"I think you're on today, Lili."

"You think so?"

"Yeah," she says. She's sweating badly, just as I am. We break away and gain distance, catching our breaths again while circling each other. "You wanna try the special?"

"..." I think on it as a bead of sweat tickles my nose. My blood is pumping, and I'm getting tired. I know that I don't have much left in me. Neither does Kurenai, but she can control her own destiny, while I can't. I have to push her and hope she yields.

But then...I've never been one to run away from a challenge.

"Alright, big sis. Let's do it," I say.

"This one's...the last for me. Good luck."

"Thanks." I switch to a reverse grip and hold my kunai in front of me. This would be insane for most shinobi to try in this state, but I'm going to try and hold my own again, against a jounin who is pouring her energy into attacking at high speed. At that level, thirty seconds might as well be a lifetime. She gathers her chakra quickly, and I can feel the air starting to vibrate with power. Not a moment later, she explodes forward from her spot and towards me.

Tactics have changed. Now it's no longer about staying true to the technical aspects...it's about surviving the incoming barrage. Her first slash comes in, at a speed near the edges of my perception. I tense my legs and instead of a block, I swiftly parry her attack, throwing her off balance for just a moment. She sprints and moves to my back, I turn and slash in time with her to create a clash, sparks flying as we both stumble backwards. Kurenai moves again, sweeping low; I jump over the first attack and tighten myself while flipping, barely dodging her quick upward slice. My feet hit the ground and I immediately drop to my knees, bracing myself against the downward swing that comes next. I can feel my whole body vibrating from the impact. Kurenai rebounds, takes a backstep and then body flickers towards me again at top speed.

With this kind of power, elite shinobi can end fights in mere moments. The speed and strength that this level of chakra boost affords is truly incredible. But aside from the inability to sustain it for very long, the heavy attacks mean serious consequences if one misses or is stopped by an obstacle of some kind. Tunnel vision is one complication, over-extension is another. Both can easily get someone killed in the field. Trying to take attacks head on isn't the optimal solution...what needs to happen is that one uses their opponent's momentum in that heightened state against them.

Kurenai pushes even further, and I have to wonder if she'll be alright after this. I follow her movements, fast as they are. Each stinging deflection buys me more time, and I see her slow down ever so slightly before speeding up, trying to sustain the attack as she moves and slashes from every angle. Focus...I have to keep focusing. Right until the end.


She falls back several steps, gulping in air before kicking up a mass of dirt behind her. She's a blur in my sight now, going faster than I can remember...but I can feel it. I know I can take the move and end this!

The feint comes. Kurenai explodes into being from my left, and the swinging blade comes from her right hand. She stops, going for another fake move before swinging outwards, at a speed that I can just barely track-


The kunai spins through the air before dropping to earth. I hold my arm up, feeling like it's about to fall off. My kunai is still in my trembling grip as I rest on one knee, a short path carved into the ground from where I was pushed back. Kurenai is on her stomach, head turned to the side as she gratefully takes in air.

"I quit...done...can't go on."

I close my eyes and drop onto my behind in the grass, letting my kunai fall as I catch my breath properly.

"I'm super jealous..." Her voice calls to me quietly.


"Yeah...you're amazing."

"Thank you for saying that..."

"It's the truth..." Kurenai grunts and pushes herself up to her knees. She's quite exhausted...it was definitely more than she expected. She had that much faith in me, then. That sort of confidence makes me feel...warm. "Scoot over, I'm gonna free your arm..."

"Yes." I drag myself closer and turn my back to her. She undoes the secure knots around my arm and waist, and finally I'm free again. I shake out my arm and work it a bit before lying on my back in the grass. Kurenai takes her place beside me, and we both look up at the sky quietly for a while. Our breathing will be heavy for a while yet, but as always...this was a great workout.

"Hokage...you'd be a great fit, Lili. Not just strong, but courageous. Like you keep on proving to me," she says.

"Thank you."

"Yeah. Sorry for getting carried away just now, I...was really curious to see how far you could go. Turns out...you exceeded my expectations again. Ah, next time we'll probably go a bit lower on the intensity scale. Make it...more of a cardio thing."

"We could make a dance of it," I suggest.

"That works, too. I think I'd like to give that a try." She sighs. "These have been really good times."

"They have been. You've been absorbing quite a bit from Asuma, I noticed. Beautiful form on those uppercuts."

"Thanks. I've been working on those a bit."

"Your hip rotation is excellent. It's just the speed that has to be worked on, but I think that will come in time."

"Think it's good enough for missions?"

"Hmm...at close range, thinking on it...you really want to work on opening combinations. The speed, I think, is slightly off. And the rhythm you want to establish, it has to be your own. There was a moment where you let me dictate it. I don't believe that other opponents will pick up that quickly, but within close quarters, you don't want to leave it to chance."

"I see what you mean. Always time to polish up that part of my game."


"We're both a bit sore...bath isn't too far away. Unless you wanted something a bit nicer," she says.

"I can't be picky at this juncture...a hot bath is a hot bath. Let's wash off and then enjoy," I reply. We slowly peel ourselves up from the ground and gather our things, then head to the nearby public bathhouse. The women's section is sparsely populated today, while the men's half is about three quarters full at this hour. I take a shower and scrub all of the dirt away thoroughly, then grab myself a towel and walk towards the hot pool.

"Oh, boy. Having a time of it," Kurenai mutters as she joins me.

"You really did push too hard."

"Sure did. Ow."

"Are you going to be alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, should be okay. Hot water should loosen my knots some."

I nod and shed my towel before stepping into the hot pool. Immediately I feel revived. From the sounds that Kurenai is making as she follows, it must be the same sort of experience on her end.

"Ahhhhh...damn, damn, damn...that's the good stuff. Whew."

I sigh and rest against the edge of the pool. "Indeed. After a day of hard work, this is heavenly."

"Got anything planned after this?" Kurenai asks.

"I might have a meeting. Depends on how I feel...I wanted to talk to Ibiki about something. The scum that hurt Tamaki all that time ago, there are rumours they have yakuza ties."

"No kidding...sounds like a mess. Nothing you can't handle, though."

"Certainly not. I might have to pay one of our local establishments an...unscheduled visit."

Kurenai chuckles. "I'm sure they'd be very happy to see you. Gonna bring them a gift?"

"As I love to say, my presence is a present in itself. They'll be delighted to have me on their doorstep."

"Ah, right. What about the other stuff going on? We were talking about...eastern border stuff recently? Sea routes?"

"Some sort of dispute that I haven't been privy to."

"Nothing bad, I hope."

"I haven't heard anything to that effect. Someone must be keeping an eye on it, though. I can ask the ladies at the office to fill me in. More reading material never hurts."

"That works," she says with a nod.

"What about yourself?" I ask. "Anything of note happening lately?"

"Nothing that's super important. Couple of things on the back-burner, you know, the usual. Surveillance, all that. Keeping an eye on the Cloud and their movements. Hrm...actually, some rumblings have been coming in. Guys from that special branch we both know about...they've apparently been running around the countryside. For what, we don't know. Still looking into it."

"I see." So ROOT is moving, then. Between all of us, we should be ready for whatever they might pull. Some part of me always says that I should just leave Sasuke to his fate. But it's a small part now...and can be safely ignored.

"Nothing to worry about just yet, anyways."

"It seems so. How is Asuma doing?"

"Eh. The usual with him. He's doing okay. We've been able to hit the town a few times, and it's nice. He at least knows how to be a gentleman, some of the time."

"Ah, but he has his ways of charming you."

"Somehow," she says with a smile. "Big guy knows I love him more than anything. Shinobi life being what it is, it'll probably be a while before we settle down."

"You think so?"

"Barring any unforeseen accidents, I'd say so."

"Ah. So you're using protection after all."

"Really? You had to go there, didn't you..."

I scoff at her. "Stop that. Leaving that juicy bait for me to bite into, you silly woman."

"What about your love life, you troublemaker?"

"Oh, Fio and I aren't having-"

"I didn't mean that, for fuck's sake! What, you want me to go to jail?"

I laugh as she slaps the water and grumbles at me. "The two of us are doing just fine, dear. Fio has been adjusting to life in the village splendidly, and everyone loves her."

"She's a good kid. Cute, wholesome little thing. You just wanna squeeze her and pet her head." Kurenai glares at me. "So it has to be some sort of cruel cosmic joke that she ended up in the clutches of a pervert like you."

I gasp. "What? Do you think that I'm doing unsavoury things to my darling Fio? Why, I would be offended if I didn't know better..."

"I wouldn't put it past you. In fact, I'd put it right in front of you."

I lift my head indignantly. "How vulgar, Miss Yuuhi. I will have you know, that this outrageous slander upon my person-"

"I'm sorry, how many lewd manga did you say you had?"

"-and this intolerable, unconscionable attack on my lifestyle-"

"And I didn't ask to see your mom's racy beach photos, either..."

"-is something that cannot and will not be tolerated. I demand satisfaction, madam."

"Yeah, yeah...I'll pay for lunch this time, then. How's filet mignon sound?"

I perk up. "Ooh, are we really going with that today? At the same place I'm thinking of?"


"Well, then. That should be satisfaction enough. But do not think you can get away with such behaviour another time."

Kurenai snorts and splashes water at me. We both quietly rest a while.

"That last attack...you weren't just guessing, were you?" she says suddenly.

"Mm? You mean earlier?" I ask.


"You were bumping up against the edge of my visuals..."

"Visuals...? Oh, bullshit. On reflex?"

"Like I could risk that with you," I say seriously. "It had to be a hard read, I was screwed otherwise."


"I'm not lying."

She shakes her head in disbelief. "Holy shit. You really are from another fucking planet, woman."

"Hardly." I turn my head to her. "There are people out there better than me. I want to at least stand a chance against them. This is a good start."

"Not gonna argue with you...my brain's already half melted." She puts a towel over her head.

"Mm." I close my eyes and let the heat of the bath sink into me.


"I'm home."

I sigh and take off my sandals before heading to my room, dropping my equipment bag on the floor.

"Fio's out...yes, she said as much earlier."

My clothing goes into the proper basket, and I warm up the kettle to make some tea. Muscles are still a bit sore, so...might as well take it easy for the rest of the day.


The hot soak earlier with Kurenai cleared my head, but some thoughts have been...unclear as they've come to me since. There's something I'm missing...something to do with Emi's gift, but what? What could it be?


I pick up the documents from the kitchen table and look at them.

"Something that I can build...something for people who deserve better. Dignity...and strength. And...a place to be."

The whistling of the kettle interrupts my thoughts. I take hold of a cup, place a teabag in it, and brew my tea over a few minutes to the strength I desire.

"A warm...place."

I set the cup down on the table and head to my room, grabbing an empty notebook to bring back with me. I sit down and take up the pen on the table. And as the thoughts flow from my head, I write. I understand now...I can see it in my mind.

I know what it is I'm going to do next.
A Greater Good
Scarlet Justice - ep. 113
"A Greater Good"
[Sweet Child of Mine: Prologue]

I start writing and find myself unable to stop.

The ideas are a constant inside of my head. I sit at the kitchen table at home and write in the notebook, with the phone nearby so that I can make calls as needed. On missions, I spend at least an hour before bed scribbling notes onto scrolls, then opening them up and copying whatever is inside to the pages of the main book. Scattered plans of all kinds, just streaming from my brain to the paper. I create crude images, sketches that are messy enough they only have meaning to me. It's nearly an obsession at points. The days are much the same: Fio wishes me a good night, and I follow her lead hours later. I wake up before she does on a small amount of sleep, working continuously with a cup of tea nearby at all times.

Those rough notes and sketches change.

I visit the library and make more phone calls. Nami offers her insights on the formless project, and I take from them to continuously create, moving forward every day. The sketches become proper drawings. The loose notes are organized into paragraphs and sections labelled with letters and numbers. The frantic chain of ideas becomes something real over the space of a week. And the following week is spent refining that reality into something professional. Permanent pen and brush strokes mark the next stage. I write neatly and elegantly, just as I was taught in school so long ago. No space is wasted. A clean, flawless thing that will mark the beginning of a new age. I will not be Hokage for a while yet, but I can move the chains of this world with my own hand.


The ink will need some time to dry, but I've completed the final page. Everything is ready. It has taken approximately two weeks, which isn't bad for my first time. These are the plans I have made for the newly acquired land in the Leaf, my birthday gift from Emi.

I have decided on multiple structures to fill it. First, a set of apartments. They will be luxurious, filled with fine appliances and furniture. The prices will be low, subsidized on my end through various means, with the money going towards utilities and the other parts of the project. These homes will be for those families that are struggling, and healing from various traumas that they have experienced. It will be a place for them to go and collect themselves in their strife. Second, a proper ecosystem to support those living in the area. Healthy food, medical facilities, recreation and education...I have made space for all of that and more, meaning that people will not have to travel far to get the vital supplies and services they need. Several proposals can be made to existing corporations and small businesses, but in the case that I get nobody on board, I am well prepared to provide these things in a different way. The third piece is a small, upscale neighbourhood close by with luxury homes. These will be for professionals, or anyone looking for a change of pace and has some extra money to spend on advanced technology. The sales of these homes will be for fundraising purposes, with money going to further subsidize the cost of living for those in the apartments across the way. Of course, different payment options for those apartments will be available, and people can choose to pay rent if they wish, or for a more stable option, pay towards ownership of their homes at a reasonable rate. I feel like giving people many options is better, since they might be scared or confused otherwise.

And last, the crown jewel. The thing driving me forward this entire time. I am going to build an orphanage. A large one, in fact. As big as is reasonable, with room for all sorts of children, from the tiny infant to the young adult who shoots upwards like a stalk of corn in summer. I want...to keep them away from the darkness that might swallow them up. I want to protect them from the pain of this world, the unnecessary hurt that rips away childhoods and laces people with deep scars they can't be rid of, no matter how much they might heal.

I think of Naruto, who spent so much of his life alone and hated. I think of Fio, who was abandoned by her family when she needed them most, after years of horrible torture. They don't know it, but they were both on my mind the entire time I was writing. This is for them, and for those like them...so that nobody has to go through what they did. I am going to make a home for those that have been thrown away by the world. I promise I will see it through.

"Dried, finally. Now...to organize these and seal them."

There is one more thing. An...indulgence, I suppose. I've made space for two lovely homes that sit side by side. One will be a surprise for Naruto. And the other will be for myself and Fio. I think we would make a wonderful set of neighbours, and the proximity to the orphanage means that we can keep an eye on the children together easily. Once things start to settle, I think that Naruto and Fio could look after some of the children in their spare time. The reason I haven't said anything yet is that I want to see how the Hokage reacts to this proposal. He has the ear of the Fire Daimyo because of his reputation among the Shinobi Countries, and because of his age and tenure. So it won't be terribly hard to swing something if the idea is approved. But this will create a very big change in the village on other levels.

Well. When we get to that point, as has been said a thousand times before. The large envelope is filled and sealed with the finished documents. I make another phone call and a fresh cup of tea afterwards, waiting for the knock on the door. As soon as it comes, I pick up the envelope and stroll over.

"Captain Kobayashi, ma'am. Good morning."

"A pleasant morning to you," I say to the fresh-faced young man. A chuunin, no doubt. He seems nervous about how to approach, so I gently pat his hand and give him the envelope. "Tamaki Kurogane's desk. Send it there for me."

"Ma'am. I'll make sure it gets there."

"Thank you kindly. Be safe, won't you?" I say with a smile.

He blushes and nods. "Thank you, ma'am. I will be. Good morning, ma'am."

"Good morning. Take care."

He salutes sharply and takes off as I close the door. I sigh and stretch my arms, yawning at the same time. I have been cutting a bit of sleep out of my schedule...now that my work is done, I suppose I can catch up before doing my other chores.

I finish my tea and then drop onto the sofa, closing my eyes and letting the warmth of my belly lull me to sleep.


Nearly a month has passed since my birthday. Life has moved ahead, as it always does.

A crisp spring morning, where the dew has gathered on the trees visible from my kitchen window. I cook a hearty breakfast in preparation for the journey that I am about to take. Two portions, at least. I can't leave Fio out.

It's still early in the morning, and as it is most of the time, I'm the first one up. A nice warm bath, maintenance on my hair and skin, and narrowing down my selection of clothing. This is an important time.

"Mornin', Lili."

"Good morning, my love. Breakfast is ready as always."

"Thanks. You're amazing, you know that?"

"I know." We kiss each other on the cheeks in greeting, and Fio sits down to eat her food. I finish my glass of milk in the meantime, excuse myself, and wash my plate properly.

"I almost forgot why you were up so early today. Gramps gave you that leave you were asking for?"

"He did, yes. I didn't want to cut it too close, even if he would have accommodated me. It's beyond time I left the village again...I want to see my Mama."

"I'm glad you're finally going. You were really glowing after that phone call with her, you know?"

"Hm." I set my plate and utensils on the drain board. "We didn't start on the best of terms, to say the least of it. Somehow...all of these things changed us both."

"Yeah. Life's strange like that sometimes."

"It certainly is. I'll be back in a moment. It's time I got myself dressed."

I head to my room and check my bag one more time, making sure that everything I need is in there. Hair is fine, skin and nails are fine, makeup is done...ah, one more thing. Some gloss on my lips to make them look a little nicer. There. I look at the clothing laid out on my bed and think for a bit. It will be warm outside, but not terribly so. Something light, but stylish.

"She won't mind if I show up in something more casual...but I have expectations that I want to maintain as well. I'll go with this set, then."

After pulling on my clothing, I check myself over in the mirror. A nice, loose red shirt beneath a blue cardigan, paired with jeans that are rolled up at my ankles. I nod and fish out those long forgotten wedge sandals Luna bought for me, making sure the straps are snug and not too tight. I will be wearing these a while, after all.

"One last check. How do I look, Fio?" I stroll out to the kitchen and pose for her.

"You look fabulous, Lili."

"Here, too?" I ask as I turn.

"There and everywhere. You're great, hon."

"Thank you. I suppose that I'm ready, then...time to start my little trip." I place my travel bag near the door as Fio finishes eating. "I'll be off. The trip will be by carriage, as I've ordered. It won't take terribly long to get to my destination, but I will be there a while. You remember where your instructions are?"


"Good. Talk to Tamaki and Imari if any significant trouble should arise. Of course, Shino and Hina will be watching over you, so you can also seek them out for advice before that." I shake out my hair and make sure my necklace is secure. "If things escalate too far, there's that scroll in my room...Ane-ue will be at your side in an instant. Luna will also call to check in at nights."

She nods. "Got it. I think I'll be meeting my new team while you're gone, so I won't be too bored."

"Ah, very good. Naruto and Yuno, watch over those two darlings for me, won't you?"

"I will."

"Thank you. I'll be dreaming of you while I'm away, Fio."

"I'll be thinking of you too, Lili. Since you have the old man's approval and stuff, don't rush back too quickly. Family's important, and you've been through a lot...so take as long as you need."

"I'll be sure to follow that advice."

"Great. Heh, you think your mom's gonna be okay with us possibly getting married? She must have a type in mind for you..."

I grin nervously. "We'll have to see how she handles her daughter being a lesbian first."

"Oh...oh, yeah. Right. That was what you meant the other day..."


"Guess all I can do is keep my fingers crossed. Good luck, yeah?"

"Petitioning heaven on my behalf won't hurt," I say with a sigh. "That would be lovely, indeed. Alright, I should be off for real now."

"See you later then, Lili!"

"Yes, until the next." I rub noses with Fio and kiss her forehead. She opens the door and I nod my thanks, taking my travel bag and purse with me. A brief pause at the bottom of the stairs to put on my sunglasses, and I start my stride through the Hidden Leaf.


"Mm. Not only on time, but impeccably so."

A reliable man has arrived with my transportation. It's a well-crafted carriage, made of solid wood and iron. One healthy-looking child is pulling it today, his white coat glistening in the sun. As for the man himself...he seems to be of middle age, dressed formally in a suit with tie, and very careful with his movements.

Too careful, in fact. He might be more rigid than the iron on the carriage. It's...just a bit unsettling to see him this stiff. I understand my position in the world, but still. He very slowly adjusts his flat cap and stands at attention. The stubble on his face and the constant blinking give him away immediately.

"You. When was the last time you slept?" I demand.

"Ah...about a day or so ago, ma'am," he says politely.

"I see. Why?"

"My boss wanted me to hurry to my destination, so I-"

"Enough," I say suddenly. That is already too much for me to take. "You listen to me, and listen clearly. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then heed my words. You will not get less than six hours sleep at any point during this trip. You will not skip any meals. You will not skip restroom breaks. If I say that it is time to rest, then we will find the first available place to rest and enter, unless you deem it unfit for human habitation. You will be at my beck and call for the duration of this trip. And if I catch you breaking any of these rules that I have set, I will happily make you go the rest of the way without sleep, or food, or any sort of chance to relieve yourself. Have I made myself clear?"

He starts to stutter. "I...I, uh...I mean yes..."

"Excuse me?" I snarl.

"Y-yes! Yes, ma'am! I understand, ma'am!"

"Open the carriage. Now."

The older man leaps into action and pulls the door open smoothly. I step forward and pull down my sunglasses to have a good look inside. The interior is luxurious...and I can see, and smell, that it's at odds with the rest of the structure. The material is far too new, and I can smell leather polish like it came out of the factory an hour ago.

"When did you install this?" I ask.

"Oh, uh..." He swipes a hand through his brown hair. "Before I left. Two days ago, ma'am."

"Did you pay out of pocket?"


"Answer me. Did you pay for all of this yourself?"

"Yes, ma'am. To please the client, ma'am."

"Please the client...I damn well know that I asked for nothing other than a normal carriage to my destination." I let out a breath and shake my head. "I take it you will be reimbursed for this nonsense."

"No, ma'am."

I turn my head to him, exasperated. "What."

"Coachmen are responsible for everything-"

"Silence, fool." I grab him by the front of his shirt, pulling him down towards me. "I have heard enough. You listen here, I don't give a fuck what rules your boss and his useless dumpster of a company have for you. They no longer matter, they are nothing. From this point on, you belong to me, and me alone. Do you understand, driver?"

"Y-yes, ma'am."

I release his shirt and allow him to stand properly again. "I am pleased we have that understanding at last." Putting on my sunglasses, I reach into my purse with my other hand and fish out several bills. "Stop worrying about your fucking tie. Come here."

He stops fidgeting with it and comes back to me. I take his hand and slap the money into it.

"Ma'am? The trip-"

"Shut up. Get yourself a room and sleep, then eat something to fill your belly when you wake. It's still morning, so we have plenty of time left in the day. I'll watch over your child and the carriage in the meantime."

"But...but ma'am, I-"

"At this moment, you have two options," I interrupt. "You can select your next words carefully, and make sure you have no lingering regrets in this world. Or...you can close your mouth and get out of my sight."

He gulps and starts his run towards the nearby inn. I sigh and put a hand to my hip. Atrocious. Mama would have never recommended this company if she knew about any of these loathsome practices.

"House Kobayashi will not be disgraced by such treatment," I say. "Disgusting. I'm understanding more and more why Ane-ue makes the decisions she does in her world. Humans...they condone this every single day."

I head to the carriage and have a seat inside. Everything is...plush and comfortable.

"You softhearted driver..."

I lean back in my seat.

"As I said...you belong to me now. This is your way of life, so I won't tear it away from you so suddenly. You will be assigned a proper role in our family once we get home. Perhaps you are just one person in a sea of many doing the same things...but even this much is something."


It's late afternoon by now. The fool really was exhausted and slept through the morning. It takes some restraint on my part to let him away with just a scolding for apologizing to me.

As for food, he had himself a hamburger and fries, since food from the west is one of his guilty pleasures. He made sure to get a duplicate meal for me, and I can at least appreciate that much. I refuse his attempts to give me back the rest of the money.

According to the calculations made at the start of the trip, we would finish in about a day. But since I'm restricting the amount of work my driver does to reasonable levels, it will be more like two or three days. Possibly four if we run into something that delays us. The place we are going to is a small, affluent town in the northwestern part of Fire Country, with many rice fields on its doorstep. I've never been there, but it should be quite a sight. I get the driver's permission to feed a few treats I had prepared to the child who will be pulling us along. He is polite and appreciative of the small candies and fruits, so I expect us to make good time.

Once preparations are complete, the carriage heads towards the village exit. Our journey begins.


It's nice and quiet inside. The ride is smooth, no doubt due to some unspoken enhancement made by my coachman. I relax a while, occasionally turning my head towards the window so that I can look at the forest. It feels quite calming...


Even so, I am a restless soul after all. My head is filled with all sorts of ideas. I do have plenty of time, so I should oblige my muses and write down these thoughts as they pass through my mind. I take out a small notebook from my purse and a pen, then start writing. Ideas for movement, and for attacking...quite a few of them, actually. Basic techniques and enhancements on some that I already have. The ideas for new arts come easily, enough that I can strike out the ones that are impractical or become redundant as I think about them. I can't spread myself too thin or try to cover every possible angle. That's not what an ace is meant for.

A knock on the carriage door brings me out of my thoughts. I look outside and note that it's already nighttime.

"Ma'am? I was wondering if you wanted to turn in for the night."

"You can come in, you know. I'm wearing all of my clothes."

"Sorry, ma'am." He opens the door and pokes his head in.

"The ride was smooth enough that I didn't notice the time. We've stopped at an inn, yes?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then we will turn in. Good work," I say with a smile. "Thank you for your effort. We'll have a late snack, and then we'll head off to bed."

He blushes lightly and nods before heading back out. I put away my writing tools and grab my travel bag before heading outside.

I pay for two good rooms at the inn and go to sleep soundly. Early morning comes and I take a warm shower, then clean up and get dressed. Walking across the hall, I knock on my driver's door to wake him. He looks about as I would expect from someone who wasn't used to a good night's sleep. He scratches at the waves of brown hair on his head while blinking.

"Good morning."

"Morning, ma'am. Sorry, I-"

"You didn't oversleep, idiot. It's half past six."

"That early? Huh...do you do this often?"

"Apparently, I'm an early riser even among shinobi."

"I see...I'll get myself dressed, ma'am."

"Take your time. I'll wait for you in the dining hall. We're having breakfast together today."

"Yes, ma'am."

As he comes down, I see that he's taken my advice to heart. The clean shave makes him look handsome.

"Is this really okay?"

I give him a look. "Breakfast was included in the cost, you know."

"Oh. That makes sense...thank you for the meal, ma'am."

"Think little of it." I sip at my coffee and read the local news. Sleepy little place, isn't it. Nothing of note happening.

"If it's not too-"

"It's not," I say. "Ask whatever you like. By the way, my name is Lilith Kobayashi. I realize we haven't properly introduced ourselves, which is amusing in itself. I suppose I was too focused on scolding you for your idiocy."

"So that name wasn't a coincidence, then. You're really from that Kobayashi family? The rice barons?"

"The same, yes."

"Sorry about your...father, I guess. The CEO that died suddenly."

I shrug. "I've recovered well enough from that incident. Believe me, I've long stopped shedding tears on his behalf. For many reasons."

"I see. My name's Yuma. Yuma Sakizuki."

"A pleasure meeting you, Sakizuki-san."

"Ah, likewise."

"Go on and start eating. We don't want your food to get too cold."

"Yeah. I mean, yes, ma'am."

We enjoy our breakfast quietly for a while. He really hasn't had a good meal in a while...poor thing. I wonder what would drive him towards this sort of life.


"Yeah." His head pops up. "I-I mean, yes, ma'am."

"You're married. Where is it you and your wife live?" I ask after glancing at the ring on his finger.

"On the town outskirts...pretty affordable, I'd say. I have a daughter, too. She wants to go to a university."

"I see. Those are quite expensive, no?"

"A little on the pricey side, ma'am. But I couldn't say no to her dream without giving it a try. A friend of mine recommended this job...hours are long, and I don't see home like I used to, but the pay is good. Good enough that maybe in a year or two I'll have the money needed."

"Mm." No amount of money could cover that sort of debasing. While his goals are certainly noble, he is as much of a fool as I thought. The mansion will have use for such a workhorse, and he will be treated with the dignity he deserves. "All of your financial issues will be taken care of in time."


"I would not raise your hopes so high just to dash them. I might be a bit of a sadist, but even that is too far for me."

"Eh...thanks, I guess."

"And your child will be coming with you. I assume you have ownership of him?"

"Child?" He gives me a confused look before it clicks in. "Oh, you mean my horse. His name is Altair of the Turbulent Wind. But I just call him Al."

"..." So this one is an eccentric, too. He really will be a perfect fit.

"Yes, we've been together a while. If I leave, he goes with me."

"That's all I need to hear. You and...Al there will be taken care of."

"Thank you. And Al thanks you too."

"Yes, of course."

We finish breakfast and check out. I feed Al a few more treats, and he is polite enough to show his thanks. A very good child, yes. The girls at the mansion will love him. Our things are loaded up and we head onto on the road once more, travelling between massive trees and following the worn paths onward. The rich colours of the forest greet us as we pass by, and I stick my head out of the window for a few minutes to take in all of the sensations.

"Simply sublime."

I smile and slide the window back to its half open position, letting air flow through the carriage as I go back to writing. Today will have a focus on refining the previous day's ideas. It's not long before I figure out exactly what it is I want to play with. Something ambitious...something that will potentially take me beyond what I am now, and to another level entirely. But there's no rush to get it done right away. It's quite a thing now that I'm looking at all of the notes...a mess of scattered thoughts across many pages, all whittled down to one coherent theory. It still wouldn't make sense to anyone else. It might even seem insane. Subscribing to that sort of limited human logic, though...it's not something I feel like doing anymore.

The feeling of the carriage changes, and I can hear the sound of shod hooves against a paved street. It seems that we're here at last. My notes go into my purse again.

"Inaho-cho," I mumble.

A city of rice ears.

"Looks like it's time...alright."

The carriage comes to a stop, and I see the door open. I put on my sunglasses and shake out my hair, then take my first steps outside.
The Beautiful Struggle
Scarlet Justice - ep. 114
"The Beautiful Struggle"
[Sweet Child of Mine: Opening]

The front gate is high and imposing, as it is with most mansions these days. Black bars of wrought iron, flexed into distinctive shapes and patterns while keeping would-be intruders out as much as possible. A small outpost for the guards is nearby, and there are two of them ready to operate the gates as needed. They take note of my driver Sakizuki before acknowledging me, bowing respectfully. The gates then slide to the sides as they open, allowing us entry.

"Head up to the main entrance and wait for me there," I say to my driver.

"Ma'am, wouldn't it be-"

I slide my glasses down slightly to look at him. He seems to be learning quickly enough as he shuts up and returns to the carriage, then urges his horse companion forward along the path. I give the guards a light nod before starting my casual walk up the wide path towards the mansion entrance. On either side of me are large trees with thick clusters of leaves, well trimmed and tended to. In front of those are beds of flowers and other unique plants. They're not simply for show, though – I can see that there are vegetables in the earth, and some of the trees are bearing fruit. Some exotic types are present...I suppose it makes sense since the climate here can support those types of things. People are moving about and checking the health of the flora and surrounding soil.

A bit more walking brings me up towards the mansion itself. Tall, sturdy, and stylish. The outside is a crisp white, good for reflecting the abundant sunshine as it comes down nearly all year. There are lovely little touches, like the ivy that darts from window to window, the rustic sorts of finishes, the simple and aesthetically pleasing squares that make up the windows themselves. As I focus, I can see that the brick on the outside is weathered, but also looks strong and truly authentic. The big main door and entrance are touched with a hint of flashiness; silver, gold, and marble line parts of the steps ahead, adding colour to the existing weatherproof material that is safe enough to walk on during storms. Not necessary in the slightest, but of course Emi Kobayashi couldn't resist showing off a little more than the situation warranted.

Women in maid outfits file out, a literal platoon that forms two lines from the front door and down towards the drive where the horse and carriage sit. There are familiar faces, seeming content and healed from the pain of that fateful day months ago. I can also spot new, fresh faces, young ladies very eager to make an impression. It's all very good to see.

And of course, one more special woman comes out to greet me personally.

"Lady Lilith."

"Touka," I say to her. "Have you been well?"

"Exceedingly. I have been looking forward to this day as much as anyone. And of course, the happiness of our Mistress is mine as well."

"Well said." It has only been a few months, but Touka has been working exceptionally hard to prove herself. Her face is pleasantly soft, no longer tied up in worry. She has grown out her brown hair and tied it into a braid that currently rests on her shoulder. A pink ribbon is attached to it, one that I recognize from Sara's wardrobe. A memorial to her, then. Her womanly charms are not lost beneath the tailored suit she wears, and there is a katana at her side. Even harder to miss is how much muscle she's put on since our last meeting - she's no longer the waifish woman from a few months ago, and now looks decidedly athletic.

Following Luna's leave of absence, she took on a leadership role and started to organize everything and everyone with Emi's help. Once her resignation became official, Touka assumed her role as the family's chief maid. Touka takes her job seriously from what I've been hearing, but she is beloved by all because of her warm nature and kindness.

"Mistress Emi is quite excited to see you. I must say that I feel the same."

"Oh? So we're looking forward to some teasing, then."

She smiles. "It's good to see you haven't lost your charm, milady."

"Me? Why, that would be absurd," I say with a playful smile back. I put away my sunglasses and look around. "It seems that Haha-ue hasn't made it out yet. Is she busy, by chance?"

"No, she is fine. She said that she would be on her way shortly...quite stubborn, our Mistress. She insisted on proceeding without help."

"Mm. Typical of her," I say with a shake of my head. "Ah, yes. Touka, by chance do you have the contact information for this driver's agency?"

"I should, milady. Was there issue with your trip here?" she asks.

"Quite the opposite. The man is a bit too pure hearted, and so has been taken advantage of by one of the capitalist pig-dogs that populates our world at current."


"Quite. I want his relationship with that hovel ended. He is our new hire, along with the child who carried us here."

Touka nods. "Understood. I will prepare the documents posthaste. Shall I take him with me at this time?"

"If you would, I imagine things will be smoother with his input. Sakizuki!"

"Ma'am! On my way!" He jogs over to my side and salutes.

"Put your arm down, for god's sake. Relax."

"Sorry, ma'am."

"This is Touka Suzuki, the woman in charge of operations. Miss Suzuki will be taking care of your employment-related issues from here on. Follow her and listen to her instructions. Understood?"

"Understood, ma'am."

"Good. Thank you kindly, Touka. I will see you in a short while."

She smiles and nods towards me. A snap of her fingers brings several maids out of position and towards the carriage, where they look over Al and bring him towards the stables some distance away. Touka leaves with Sakizuki, and naturally I can't help but watch her go.

Touka really has grown. From being a thin little thing, to showing off those delicious looking thighs and filling out those pants so well...mm. What a treat.

"Oi. I can see you, you know."

My attention moves to the woman at the top of the front steps as Touka walks out of view. Still tall and gorgeous, with her long and straight black hair. She looks at me with her soft brown eyes, and of course she still wears her salacious silk outfits, even with the rather big bump that is now her stomach. Today's is a flashy red, with a subtle emphasis on her chest.

"Hm. I suppose there was truth to those stories."

"Stories?" Emi asks. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that your breasts really do get bigger during pregnancy."

She sighs. "I see you're in good spirits, bullying me on sight. You really are unbelievable sometimes, Lili."

"A sentiment I have heard a thousand times before, and will hear a thousand times more." I hand my purse to one of the maids, ascend the steps, and hug my mother tightly. "I really have missed you, Mama."

She hugs me back. "And I have missed you, darling. Welcome home."

"It seems like the little one is doing fine as well," I say as I touch her stomach gently.

"Set to come out any moment, the doctor said. Touka is of course keeping a strict eye on me...but compared to Luna, she really is a bit soft."

"And you called me a bully earlier. You've started harassing that poor woman already," I scold.


"Yet I'm the bad one."

"Both can be true."

I roll my eyes. "Please. Look at you, wearing silk outdoors, in this state. Are you that incapable of going a few months without showing off?"

"Oh, leave me be. I think I can dress however I want. It's not going to hurt anyone, is it?"

"No, just your perception of reality, which is flimsy enough to begin with."

"Now you're getting a bit too saucy, Lilith."

"Am I? Did you know that your whole thing about the 'lesbian aesthetic' was created entirely from the imaginations of tinfoil chewing housewives who were afraid of being ravaged?"

"That's not true!"

"It is entirely the truth."

The two of us walk inside and continue our bantering. At this rate, it will be a while before we get to any catching up...


"Yes, I did hear from Luna directly about her resignation. I will miss her, but I understand why it was necessary."

Emi and I are having tea in the back garden, inside of the gazebo that has been strategically placed at one of the entrances. The help doesn't have to go terribly far, and neither do we. Emi has spared no expense when it came to her new hires, and the aesthetics of her new garden. The flowers are bright and beautiful; I can see a world of colours from my seat.

"Yes," I reply as I turn my eyes from the garden. "I want her to be as happy as possible. And...as much as we both enjoyed the relationship we had together, I think it was for the best that she gain the chance to live comfortably, without anything holding her back."

"I feel the same. After...that experience, I was also thinking about asking her to quit. But I wanted it to be her decision. Knowing that she accepted your proposal, and so easily...that makes me happy. Midoriko will definitely take care of her."

"Yes, she will."

"Speaking of relationships...I don't intend to remarry." Emi leans back in her plush chair. "It's stressful enough running the company like this, and having to deal with a man on top of it...no, I'll pass on that. A fling here and there will satisfy me. Not like I'll be short of men to run into."

"Or women," I say pointedly.

"I do like a change of pace, yes. Though I don't have Luna's appetite...honestly. I didn't think a girl like that would be into other girls, but it seems I was mistaken. I'm not quite over it yet, you know."

"I can tell."

"It's an interesting world we live in, Lili."

"Indeed." I sip my tea.

"What about that blonde boy in the Leaf we met? Ah...Naruto, that's right. Have you charmed him yet?" Emi asks.

"Mm...well, he's the one who ended up charming me in the end. Such a sweet boy, you know. But not entirely my type...and besides, that's Hina's husband anyways."

"Oh? That's very cute. So she's gotten more confident, then."

"Certainly. She's not the girl I first met at all. I enjoy watching her blossom, Mama. She's turned into someone amazing, and she still has room to grow. I really can't wait to see what the future brings us."

Emi nods. "It only makes sense that you're this enthused. You call her sister, don't you?"

"The only thing that separates us is blood at this moment."

"Very good. Hmm..." She sips at her tea, thinking. "But...you mean to say that you haven't captured any men yet? Strange to hear...you were bewitching enough to those young boys at your other schools, so..."

"..." I suppose even she might be catching on now.

"You're hiding something, aren't you?" she asks with a sly smile. "I'm right."

"I...might be holding something back," I admit. Do I have reason to be nervous? Emi is a bisexual woman, so she shouldn't take it too badly, but...even so, I worry. I promised to myself that one day I would tell her everything. Is today that day, or should I hold it in a bit longer?

"Come, now. Don't be cruel and hold back anything from your Mama. Tell me what's going on, won't you?"

I could just say that I haven't caught anyone yet. Or maybe that I'm not interested in anyone right now. Maybe...maybe an oblique hint. That I'm not entirely interested in men.


No. No, that's not fair. Not to her. Not to the woman who made a promise on her soul to be my mother. I'll tell her the truth, for her sake and mine.

"Darling? Are...you okay?" She looks at me with concern. "Lili, I didn't strike a nerve, did I?"

"Mama, I'm alright. Sorry, I just...I have something to tell you. And I'm very nervous about it."

"Whatever it is you have to tell me...you can say it without fear. I promise, Lili. If it's something...physical, we can make a decision together..."

"It's nothing like that, Mama. I promise, it's something less serious but...very meaningful." I reach into my purse and grab the envelope I had prepared days earlier.

"I'm ready," she says gently.

"The thing that I have to tell you, and that I'm nervous about is...that I'm not interested in men. Not one bit. It's been like this for the past two years, at the least. Luna and Midori know...and my closest friends in the Leaf do as well, along with precious allies in other places. I wanted to discover myself, and there was a point where I wanted to say it to you, but with the mansion burning and our healing away from each other, and the fact that I wanted to say it to you in person...I'm sorry for keeping it from you for this long, Mama. I really do like women. I'm a lesbian."

"I see."

I stand up and walk over to her, handing her the envelope.

"There are photographs in there that I wanted you to see. They're of the girl that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. I love her more than anything, Mama. And...no matter what, I will be by her side."

I straighten myself as I say the last sentence. Emi's expression is neutral, as it has been from the start. There's nothing but silence as she goes through the photographs, setting them down one by one on the table. She takes a sip of tea and waits before setting down the cup. A sigh escapes her lips.

"I did have a selfish wish. That you would give me grandchildren, Lili. It was a fascinating little dream of mine...but for some reason, it never did take proper form, even in that vivid landscape. Perhaps the heavens were telling me something."

"..." Disappointment only makes sense.

"Lili. I want you to know something."


"I want you to know that I'm happy you could come to me with this. I would have understood if you held it in, and especially away from me. We've come a long way, but...there is that trauma to consider. Those archaic lessons, those male-oriented thoughts about ultimately being a proper wife and baby maker. Those don't just go away, and I understand that those thoughts must have lingered for a while, even if you weren't conscious of them. It was the same for me...it took a long while to accept that I enjoyed the pleasures of a woman's flesh just as much as I did a man's." She takes my hand in hers. "I will never be ashamed of you. I accept you, Lili. Loving another woman is a choice that you've made and committed to with all of your heart. I think it's absolutely beautiful. I'm not disappointed, or angry. None of that, at all. You love who you love, and that's the end of it. More than anything, I'm glad that you've been able to experience love and happiness with another human being."

"Mama..." I feel my heart filling up with joy. Not just accepting me, but...saying all of those wonderful things.

"Be proud of who you are, Lili. And love with everything you have. Understood?"

"Yes, Mama. Understood," I say with a smile.

"Good girl. And as far as your life partner is concerned...she really is an adorable thing."

"Isn't she?"

"A little on the thin side, which I didn't think was like you," Emi says with a smile. "I bet you're thickening her up."

"Guilty," I say with a laugh.

"Then she should be healthy in no time. I more than approve, and would love to meet her one day. What's her name?"

"Fionne Asagao. Everyone calls her Fio."

"Fio...I'll be sure to remember that name. It sounds nice and spirited. Make sure you take care of her, won't you?"

"With my life, Mama."

"Very good. Ah...so my daughter's a lesbian. Unexpected, but...eh. Wait." She looks at me oddly. "When I visited you at the hospital...and we were talking about the lesbian aesthetic..."


"No wonder you were looking at me like I was insane. Did you really let me make an ass of myself like that? You bitch."

"Frankly, I was too much in shock to form any coherent response to you."

"You're terrible. Awful."

"You'll get over it," I say with a smirk. She scoffs and I head back to my seat, drinking down the rest of my tea before it gets too cold. I pour myself another hot cup while Emi puts the photos back into the envelope.



"Since you can't get each other pregnant, have you-"

"Mama! No! We're not doing anything like that, it's too soon."

"Well. My apologies," Emi says sarcastically. "It seems you're taking this quite seriously, Lady Kobayashi."

"Of course I am. I'm a lesbian, not a...mm. Not a complete deviant." I flip my hair backwards.

"I've avoided having a lesbian friend before this, for...reasons."

"Stupid ones."

"Hush, you. But this is an opportunity to learn more about that sort of lifestyle, and more importantly, what my daughter has been up to in the past while."

"You'll tell me a bit more about yourself in exchange. We know precious little about each other, it seems."

She smiles. "Then it's time to change that. Emilia, dear. Please brew another pot of tea for us. And bring the scones, if you would, along with some honey."

"Yes, Mistress." The brunette maid bows and goes to her duties.

"We'll be here a while." She shakes out her hair and gets comfortable. "Let's begin from the top. What designs did you have on Hinata?"

"I didn't have any on her."

"I don't believe you."

"I didn't have many on her."

"That sounds closer to the truth."

"Listen, you. I didn't want to ravish every girl that came my way, and I don't want to now. That's unbecoming of a noblewoman. Terribly unrefined. I am, above all, a connoisseur."

"Is that another fancy way to say pervert?"

Emi really can be smug at times. She's blessed to have such an understanding daughter.


Everything that I remember comes up, and we sit together for hours talking. I tell her about my meetings with Fio at the bath house in Fire Country, about my relationship with Ino, and how much I want to protect Naruto from the world sometimes. I tell her about Yuno and the path her wants to take, the - declassified, obviously - things I do willingly on behalf of the Hokage, the good and bad things that have become a part of my reputation and my interest in women. Fio's journey to this point, where we share a home...how difficult it was to pull myself together after I had to kill my father, and the support I had from all of my friends every day.

Emi tells me stories about herself for the first time. Her past was rebellious, to say the least. She started modelling, as I knew, but the initial reason for it was to grab her father's attention and prove herself in the eyes of the world. She grew as an heiress, wanting for nothing except that acknowledgement from her parents. And so, she drove forward, taking more risque offers until she ended up in the world of adult entertainment. Retiring before anything notable could happen, she found herself engaged to a man that she hardly knew and barely cared about - my father, Leonidas Rothschild. And he came with a small irritation, which was me. Emi did what she thought she had to, and put on that bold front to protect herself. Things were made more bearable by the fact that she could go anywhere she wanted and do as she pleased, flirting with men and frolicking in their beds. But it was a hollow, empty set of experiences. And that self-loathing made its way to those interactions with me.

"There's a lot I have to answer for...even with all of the things that I've done in an attempt to change. Not sure if I believe in karma and all of that, but..."

"What matters is that you've been doing your best, Mama. I'm very proud of you for overcoming your trauma, and doing your best to help me through life. I did think of you often, you know."

"Really?" she asks, surprised.

"Yes. Your words held true, and still do now. You believed that I was a true genius, and it came to pass. I could believe in myself as a woman of the Kobayashi house. That was your blessing to me."

"I'm...glad something came out of that. I know full well that I haven't been the best mother, but I just wanted to be there for you. It wasn't just about seeing myself when I looked at you, it was...about helping someone who was crying out to be saved. Every time you looked at me, I knew you were trying to gain my approval. And I was a terrible, rotten bitch to you for so long."


"I know that you forgive me, Lili. But it's taken so much longer to forgive myself."

I can truly see into her now. A woman of such complexity and resilience...yet she's become so tender towards me. Willing to teach me about herself, and to learn about me in ways that I would never have considered a few years ago. Emi loves me and accepts me completely.

"There are words that I've been gifted, in my own strife. Keep them close to your heart, Mama."

"What are they?"

"You are not alone."

Her eyes widen slightly before closing. She places a hand over her heart.

"I...I understand. I won't forget something like that, Lili. Thank you..."

"Think little of it. You're my beloved mother, and I want to take care of you. We will become a fine family together."

"Yes. We will. Speaking of that..." Emi lets out a breath. "There's something you need to know, Lili. Do you remember what Midoriko and I were working on?"

"That investigation into the mansion incident."

"Yes, the same. I found out a great many things about your father...my former husband. Him and Kobayashi Rice in general. There were things in the finances that didn't add up at a glance. So I took Midoriko up on her favour, and had her people at Jakari Programming Corporation look into it. They were very efficient, and thorough to boot. Snake people are fascinating, aren't they..."

"Indeed they are," I say.

"Lili..." She's having difficulty speaking. It must be something heavy.

"Mama, it's okay. You don't need to force anything..."

"No, no. I need to tell you now. He...that man was directly funding a shinobi village. It was called the Village Hidden in Sound."


"He was in league with a man called Orochimaru, known as one of the Three Shinobi. That man was in charge of the hidden village."

The information is...slowly filtering through. My father was working alongside Orochimaru? That couldn't...but...

"W-wait. Does...does that mean he knew about...?"

Emi nods slowly. "Yes. The operation that was internally known as the 'Leaf Crushing'. He knew about it. He even provided resources. I...there's no indication that he knew just how much chaos it would cause, or if it would hurt you or not, but even so...something like that..."

"..." He was really that ruthless. Even as I tried to please him, he couldn't care less whether I lived or died for the sake of his stupid experiment.

"We were both expecting you to come home after your year at the Academy. But you did so well that I convinced him that you should stay. Perhaps those plans were in motion before you decided to live as a kunoichi, but even then..."

"I see."

"It goes further," she says solemnly. "The men that he hired were from that group called Akatsuki. But it was far from a coincidence, or some twist of fate that they arrived on that day. After Orochimaru's death and the destruction of the Sound Village, he moved to fund that mercenary group through various shell companies. Providing them with so much money allowed him to have the elite members at his fingertips."

"That...only makes sense."

"I...what you've told me about Fio, that means that Leonidas was complicit..."

"I know. Even if it wasn't directly...he must have been at it for a while. He caused her pain as well."

"A lot of money is...unaccounted for. Not enough to arouse suspicion at the time, but with his death and so much being uncovered, the family is trying to avoid scandal and collapse. I know I can take care of everything, it's just..." She sighs heavily. "It's a lot to take. I'm so sorry, Lili."

"Don't be, Mama. There's nothing for you to feel sorry for. Even as it hurts, and as much as I...used to love him...he no longer matters. I have you, and you have me. There's nothing else to it. We will overcome this storm as well. And we will build a legacy that is greater than the disgrace that man once was."

"You really are strong."

"You're just as strong as me, Mama. Perhaps even stronger, considering the weight you carry." I look at her stomach.

"I did think about it...how heavy it had to be. And there was a tinge of regret. But wouldn't it be nice if this child could become a better man than he ever was?"

"Oh, it's a boy?"

"I haven't checked yet. Having it be a surprise feels right," she says with a smile.

"Hm. I suppose. I wonder what having a little brother would be like..."

"You don't have anyone like that in the Leaf?"

"Not really. Naruto and Yuno are close to me, but...they're closer to little nephews, I think? It's complicated."

"I have to wonder if that's not the same thing..." Emi stops and I see her stiffen a moment. "Oh."

"Mama, what is it? Are you okay?" There's an unfamiliar scent reaching my nose. What is that, exactly? "Mama? Please answer me, I'm worried."

"Lili...g-go and fetch Touka for me. Hurry, yes?" She gives me a nervous smile before dropping back into her chair, breathing quickly and sharply.

I dash into the mansion, locking onto Touka's scent. She's in the kitchen, talking to the head chef.


"Lady Lilith, what is the ma-" She stops speaking and her eyes widen. "The child. It's coming."


"I will get the maids. Our driver is out front, hurry to him and get him moving."

"Right!" I run to the front entrance and outside, finding Sakizuki on the front steps about to enjoy a cigarette. "You!"

"Eh? Ma'am, I-"

"Smoking is bad for you, idiot! Throw away that tar stick and get to your carriage! Hurry, my mother is in labour!"


"I said to fucking move! Go!"

"Ma'am!" He sprints off and I run back inside. Touka is carrying my mother in her arms, with at least ten maids trailing her. I walk alongside them and we head outside to see the carriage just arriving. Sakizuki opens the door and makes sure there's enough space for Emi to lie down properly.

"Her water's broken. I will call the hospital and have them prepare for your arrival," Touka says as she puts a blanket over Emi.

"Wait, shouldn't you be going? You've been taking care of her this entire time-"

"I can go if that is your wish...but preparations also need to be made here. And beyond that, Mistress Emi had something she wanted from you. She wanted you to be by her side as her child was born. Meeting their big sister will be the most important moment of their life."

I've never done this before, or anything like this. I don't know if I'll screw it up, or just get in the way, something like that. Touka is more experienced and she should be the one...


I am...beyond nervous. But I know what I have to do. My mother needs me. My sibling needs me as well. The only choice is to face everything head on. Even if I'm unsure of what to do, I'll find a way through. For the people who love me and need me the most.

"I'll go," I say finally.

"I truly believe that is the best choice. Godspeed, milady."

"Thank you..." I hop inside the carriage and kneel beside Emi, taking her hand. Touka closes the door behind us.

"Driver! Make haste!" Touka yells. Al gives us a quick pull at Sakizuki's urging, and we race through the already opened gates towards the streets of Inaho.

I'm presently a ball of nerves. But there's no turning back now.
Flower of Heaven
Scarlet Justice - ep. 115
"Flower of Heaven"
[Sweet Child of Mine: Feature]

The carriage slows to a stop, and I see the door open. There are several men in white coats outside, and I make room for them to come in and move Emi. They put her into a wheelchair gently and move her at a quick pace, through the hospital entrance and down the wide halls.

It's loud as I follow. Doctors and nurses talk over each other as we move, trying to determine what is going on and how best to tackle it. We pass through swinging doors a few times before turning into a room. The door is opened and Emi is helped up again, onto a nearby bed. Nurses are already present, wearing the familiar medical clothing in various colours. They quickly start their routines.

"Alright, she's dilating. Things look fine," one of them says. "We're looking about three centimetres right now."

"H-how much does it...need to be...for the baby...to be safe?" Emi pants out.

"Ten. Ten centimetres by the time they're ready to come out."

"Oh god..."

"Gonna be a while, hon," one of the other nurses says to me. She's dressed in yellow. "We'll get your mom changed, but if you wanted to wait outside..."

I shake my head. "I have to stay with her. I want to be right here."

"Got it. We'll get you a set of scrubs, then. Follow me."

I nod and follow her to get my clothing. Retreating into the bathroom, I shed what I have on and slip into the so-called 'scrubs' that I would see frequently at the hospital back home. This pair is green and is a little big for me, but far from unbearable. The nurse hands me a pair of gloves that I put into my pocket, and then we head back. Emi is sitting on the edge of her bed, now wearing a light blue hospital gown.

"Ugh...it's cold in here..."

"Just a little," the lead doctor says. She wears glasses and her hair is fashioned into a layer of white spikes. I didn't think hospital staff were so eccentric with things like this, but it makes sense. "Are you in any severe pain, Miss Kobayashi?"

"Nothing I can't handle. I'll be fine. Those contractions are coming slow, anyways..."

"Good, good."

"How long is this going to take, presently? And you won't need to do the...what the hell was it. The thing where you cut me open."

"Cesarean section."

"Yeah, that bullshit."

"We'll have to monitor the situation before making any decisions like that, ma'am. Since you're a first time mother, you should expect the birth to take place over a period of between twelve and twenty hours."

Emi grumbles before sighing. "So those estimates were right...that's a long time. Well, this is what I asked for. Mmph..."

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Fine, darling. Just another set of contractions. I'll be okay."

"Have a lie down and we'll make sure there's nothing bad going on," a nurse in red says.

"Okay. Are you going to stick around, Lili? I won't mind too much if you don't..."

"I'll be here. As long as it takes," I say firmly.

"Heh. You really are stubborn, but that's how I like you," Emi says with a smile. She grimaces a moment later. "Shit...my goddamn back is on fire!"

"That's normal," the doctor says, pushing up her glasses.

"Yeah, and so are my taxes. They're both fucking painful."

The nurses have a small chuckle at that. Seems we're all going to be here a while.


Within a few minutes, the room is populated with medical professionals of many types.

There is one surgeon, who is present in case any relevant procedures need to be carried out quickly. There is also a fetal medicine specialist called in at Touka's request. Several of the maids at the mansion are trained midwives from their previous lives; two of them are in medical garb here. An anesthesiologist is present for the purposes of pain management and drug delivery if necessary. A paramedic sits near the room entrance and sips at his coffee – he is here on standby in case a quick transfer is needed to the very big hospital a few miles away. Their horses are fast and strong, though they've been talking about procuring motorized carriages for a while now. Paramedics are also very good at administering rapid care in times of trouble, and another pair of eyes never hurts. And then there is the person who I am informed is a 'lactation consultant', or simply put, a person concerned entirely with breastfeeding. They will be observing things after the baby is born.

A host of other nurses has been assigned to this room as well, and as such there is a hum of activity all around. I make sure to stay out of the way as much as I can, though the staff is friendly as can be and gives me updates on Emi's condition.

Standing around doesn't do much for anyone, so I have a seat in one of the chairs. Waiting for so long does take its toll, though...and it is quite late by now. I feel a bit tired, I think. But I should be fine a while longer.



My eyes open slowly. I feel my physical body in the chair, but I'm...somewhere else. A woman with red hair...Momma?

I'm dreaming. I must have fallen asleep, how embarrassing. After all that bluster, too.

"Hello, darling. It's time for you to wake up again...everything is set to begin. Emi needs you."

"Thank you, Momma."

"Do your best, Lili." She smiles, and the world begins to fade away as I regain consciousness...


I open my eyes and yawn.

"Had a good sleep, did you?"

Emi smiles at me, a wet cloth on her forehead. I stand up and walk over to her slowly. She's sweated off all of her makeup, and the nurses have cleaned her face at every opportunity.

"No drugs. I'm going in strong."

I nod and take her hand in mine.

"Lili...no matter what happens..."

"Don't speak like that. This is the beginning of our new family, remember. I won't run away, so don't you go and quit either."

"Tch, you cheeky little bitch...I was trying to be tendeaaaaaaaaah okay-okay-okay! Ahh! We're there! We have to be there! I can feel it!"

"It's that time already?" I ask.

"Clocking in at about thirteen hours now," the nurse in red says. "Dilation is good, ten centimetres. Our little visitor should be on their way soon."

"Ugh..." I feel my mother's hand squeeze down on mine, shaking. She's nervous. She has reason to be. Even with all of the modern technology at our disposal, childbirth is not an easy thing. She could be lost, and so could the baby. In the worst scenario, it could be both of them at once. But that's what these doctors and nurses are here to prevent. I'll believe in them, in Emi, and in my sibling as they come into this world.

"Focus," I say.


"Here we go," the lead doctor says. She's taken off her white coat and has a medical cap over her head. "Give it your best, Miss Kobayashi."

She gathers herself and starts to push, pain straining her face. Gasping for air, she goes straight into the next push, and the next, and the next. I can feel her struggle rippling through me.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! God...fucking...dammit! God!"

"The baby's crowning," I hear the doctor say.


"Keep going, Miss Kobayashi. You're doing great."

"Fucking hell!" She's shaking terribly now, tears in her eyes as she struggles to move. "God, what the fuck!"

"Mama, I'm here." I feel a bit helpless, but I realize that this isn't my fight. My only job is to be here for my mother until the very end.

"I know...I know, thank you so muuuuuch! Ahh! Lili...!"

"Focus," I repeat. "Keep yourself steady. You have to do your duty. Let's bring this child into the world for real."

"Alright...alright, I know...ah, shit! This hurts hurts hurts...hey. Believe me...believe me, I'm not complaining for the hell of it, you know? I almost died a few months ago, and not even that was like this...!"

"I remember, Mama."

"Oh, this is...nngh. Shit! I want to say that I'll...n-n-never do this again, but...but who knows..."

"Imagine that."

"Im...imagine what? What?"

"You're thinking of men already-"

"Oh, fuck right off! Oof...!" She hisses and sucks in air sharply.

"Just a bit more. You're almost there, ma'am!" the nurse in red says. "Just about! Keep pushing!"

"Almost...almost, almost, fucking almost! Always almost! Like fuck that's reassuring! God...ahh!" She grimaces and pushes again. Her hand squeezes down harder on mine as she gives another push. Emi is definitely tiring. Her hair is a complete mess, and exhaustion is clear on her face. She's sweating like nothing else, and I take out a clean cloth to wipe her down.

"You can do this," I say.

"I'm losing it...oh, my head." She sucks in air as fast as she can. "I must look like a nightmare right now..."

"You're beautiful, Mama," I say sincerely.

"..." She's quiet for the first time, taking in deep breaths as she looks at me. I can see her eyes fill with resolve, and she returns her gaze to the ceiling before starting with another push.

"Here we are. Just a bit more," the doctor says. Emi silently pushes again, holding tightly to my hand. One push, two, three, four...

And then her body relaxes. She lets out a long breath. A loud cry pierces the air a moment later.

"I...made it. God...hasn't abandoned me..."


She closes her eyes. "I...sorry. I was just having a moment..."

"Miss Kobayashi? Your little one is finally here. It's a healthy girl."

"Oh, isn't that precious? Come, come...let's have a look." They've cut the umbilical cord already in the time that's passed. I look at the small child – a girl, which surely must be the comedy of the heavens – who is wrapped in blankets, pressed against my mother's bare chest. They quietly bond as the staff moves around them, making sure that everything is running smoothly and that they're ever ready in case of a sudden turn. But everything at this moment seems to be going very well. Emi has given birth, she is alive, and so is her daughter.


That is to say...my little sister. Many things are running through my mind...I feel an echo of sorts. Like the universe itself is calling to me. I let the feeling settle inside of me as I watch this timeless scene. My new sibling is bonding with my mother. It's the very first time that I've ever seen something like this, up close. My stay at the hospital brought me in proximity of newborns and young mothers, but...this is entirely different. The child's crying has softened from before. She seems to know where she is now.

The fine hair on her head is a rich blonde colour, flattened against her skin and glistening with moisture. Her eyes are big, painted deep blue. They remind me of the ocean. She flails a bit with her arms before finally clinging to Emi.

As for her, she looks tired, but at the same time so serene. Her hair is dishevelled, with small lines of eye shadow staining her cheeks. She sits upright now, her back supported by several pillows. The doctors and nurses in the room intrude on her lower half from time to time, making sure that she truly is in good health. She doesn't seem to mind, aside from the occasional frown whenever a cold implement is used.


I want to ask. I should just open my mouth and...ask her. There's a strange heat in my chest, and I want to confirm what it is that I'm feeling. But right now, I feel so timid. I decide to sit in my chair again and wait, folding my hands in my lap. Perhaps I should leave it be. This is an important time for mother and child, after all.


My head snaps up at Emi's voice. "Mama, what is it? Did you need something?"

"Oi, take it easy. You're going to give yourself a heart attack. Not that you'd be in any real trouble here, eh?" The staff laugh along with her.

"Sorry. I was just in my own head for a moment," I say with a blush.

"Well try and get yourself out of there for a moment or ten. Here, come and hold the little one a while."

I blink a few times. "I...shouldn't you be...?"

"Oh, it won't be forever. She should meet her big sister. It's fine, you know."

"Okay. I'll hold her."

I steady myself and stand up, walking over to the side of the bed. Emi slowly moves and hands her off to me, gently wrapped up in that soft blanket. Her crying and fidgeting ceases at once, and I find myself looking straight into her eyes. I can see her small nose and puffy cheeks, those tiny ears that allow her to hear us as we speak. But she seems almost transfixed on me. It shouldn't be the case, and yet...I...my heart is beating so fast, and I can feel it thumping against my chest, almost. I know what...this is.

I can't call it love. What I feel for this small human being, this child, is far more than that.

"I know what this is. I know what this feeling is now. I truly adore you. I would do anything for you. You are the one that my soul has been waiting for, all this time. You are the one who will truly replace him in my heart."

One of her small arms moves, and she grabs hold of my pinky finger. Her tiny digits wrap themselves around it.

"I feel like I've known you forever, since time itself began. My little sister. You're beautiful." I smile. "You fill me with a joy that I've never known before, and probably never will again. To think I would say these things, with the people that I've become close to...but somehow, this experience rises above so many others. I'll protect you. I'll spoil you, I'll keep your smiles and laughs all to myself. I'll look at you like no one else does...just as you look at me. You are my everything, and I'll never let you go."

I haven't felt like this before. I don't know where all of this came from, but I don't care. It doesn't matter. It never did.

"I make this promise to us both...that I will love you to the end of time and beyond. Thank you, my love. Thank you for being born."

I spend a few more minutes as I am, simply holding her close to me. She babbles and makes interesting noises, with her gaze locked onto mine. In this moment, I feel like I'm truly at peace. Nothing else in the world matters...none of it is of importance. Not compared to this. But I can't keep her to myself forever, as much I want to.

"Come. Mama is waiting for you." I give her a smile before gently handing her to Emi again. As soon as she's safe and can locate flesh, she hungrily suckles from Emi's breast.

"Ah, she's ambitious already. Lively little scamp...knows just what she wants," Emi says with a light chuckle.

"It seems to be so..."

"Your face is red, Lili."

"Is it," I say, still a bit dazed. "How strange..."

"Hm. You know, I'm just a bit jealous. To know joy like that, just from being near another human being...I would say that you've snatched her away from me, but it looks like she was never mine to start with."

I turn my head towards Emi. "You're her Mama. Our Mama. Don't speak like that."

"Come off it. I know I'm not wrong."

"..." I want to protest, but I know that she's right. I toe the floor deliberately. "It's...more than just feeling her in my arms, I can...feel her."

"I see. That's only fair."

"I told you to stop talking like that. You're the one that gave birth to her."

"Yes. And you're her sister. Your souls were joined before you even came to exist."

I can't respond to that, either. Where is this coming from? How does she know so much? "That might be...providence, perhaps."

"Yes, something like that." She makes sure the baby is balanced in her arms. "Healthy little thing. Going to drain me for all I'm worth, are you?" Emi raises her head to the ceiling.

"Are you thinking of something?" I ask. I think I've finally calmed down from my experience.

"What do you want to name her?"

I keep my mouth closed this time. I should protest. But this...this feels right. It really has to be me. And I know what I want to give my sister...this gift, the first of many to come.

"Her name is Rose."

Emi closes her eyes. "Mm...I see. That's almost too sentimental to be coincidence. You're remembering Caroline. How she made you a blossom instead of a demon."

"It must be so."

She opens her eyes again to look down at the child, and smiles. "Then we can give this one a proper start. Rosemary Minerva Kobayashi. Nice and formal. Good?"

"Yes. Good."

"So said, so done. All is well."



"Yes, Mama."

"The best possible gift that you can give this child is...freedom from the shackles of humanity. I want her to follow you to your place of rest, wherever and whenever that might be."

"Yes. In time...I promise, Mama."

"Thank you. It's all I can ask for, as weak as I am. Merely human...and bound by the Earth."

"..." How much does Emi understand, I wonder. Is she simply aware of the weight? The heaviness that we feel every day without fail? It doesn't really matter. I will grant that wish of hers, no matter what I have to do.

If it's for Rose, it will always be worth it.


Two more days pass.

Emi spends extra time at the hospital at the doctor's request. They want to see that she and Rose are well, and the fact that she's a high profile patient doesn't hurt either. Both of them get full and thorough check ups over the course of their three night stay, before being given a clean bill of health and allowed to leave.

Rose is suckling from her mother as we leave through the front entrance, the two midwives from the mansion trailing behind diligently. Touka is waiting outside with Sakizuki, who has wisely rid himself of the cigarettes I saw days earlier. It wouldn't do to have to break his neck for endangering Rose. Touka is quite excited to see Rose and fawns over her before we leave for home, at a comfortable, leisurely pace this time.

In addition to her other hats, I learn as we reach the mansion that Touka will be Rose's nanny, something that has made the other maids jealous of her. Of course the woman in question is quite smug about it, having no fears for her physical or emotional safety. Her tongue is as sharp as that katana she carries. I personally think that it's cute to see her so animated. Everyone is captivated by little Rose, and she's carefully crowded at every opportunity. Production remains the same, but the mansion is alive with talk about that little bundle of joy.

As for me...well. I find a few quiet moments to spend with her, while she's awake. I always catch her at the right moments, and she seems like she's been waiting for me the entire time. It's a bit more than I can take sometimes...I find that my cheeks are flushed whenever I'm near her.

And she always grabs hold of my pinky finger, like on the first day we met. I can hardly convince her to let go. To be honest, it's hard to convince myself she needs to.

This spring day is warm, and so I bring Rose out for fresh air on the gazebo.

"Ah, a lovely day. And only lovelier with my sweet flower next to me."

I take Rose from her linen-lined basket and hold her close, settling into the plush chair nearby.

"Yes...it's only right."

I yawn and feel Rose grab onto my finger again.

My eyes open a bit as I realize that I'm falling asleep. Rose is quiet, and as I look down, I realize that she's gone for her nap ahead of me, breathing softly. I suppose that means it's okay, then. She'll be safe right here, with her big sister.

The thought puts a smile on my face as I follow her into sleep.
A Place Called Home
Scarlet Justice - ep. 116
"A Place Called Home"
[Sweet Child of Mine: Feature 2]

"Touka, is Rose doing alright?"

"Ah, my apologies, Mistress. She was last with Lady Lilith..."

"That's only reasonable. They're joined at the hip, those two."

I crack one eye open as the voices reach me. Noisy all of a sudden. Rose is still asleep.

"Lili? Are you there?"

"Here, Mama..."

"Oh, you were asleep. I'm sorry, darling." Emi sets down her wine glass on the table. "And Rose is taking her nap. Good, good."

"Did you need something of me?" I ask drowsily.

"Nothing, my love. We'll let you go back to sleep, okay?"

"Yes, Mama. Thank you..."

She smiles and strokes my head gently. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep again.

"Lady Lilith looks so happy," Touka says quietly. "I've never seen her like this before. Just so calm..."

"Yes, I can say the same," Emi replies.

"Is it truly this child's doing?"

"It's more than that. After Caroline passed away...she really had no family for such a long time. I was utterly useless, both as a mother and guardian. Leonidas was never there for her. He never once acknowledged her. And when he discarded her, not just once, but twice...with his dying breaths, even. That terrible experience broke her. I couldn't imagine going through something like that."

I feel her kiss my forehead.

"Rose is our salvation. Both hers and mine. She is everything to us, the beginning of a new family. Of a new life for us all. I think for the first time in a long time...Lili has someone she can call family by blood. More than that, she has a place with me that she can call home. Instead of just being someone's anchor, or just a weapon, or a cold-blooded killer...she can be something else. She can be a daughter again, and for the first time...an elder sister."

"There is something beyond that. Is that the case, Mistress?"

"Yes. She is a Kobayashi. Not because of the blood of my father, or his fathers before him. She is a Kobayashi as my precious daughter, the child of my heart. This covenant between us, this promise that we have made to each other...that is thicker and stronger than any blood tie. No matter what happens, she will belong to me. That cannot be taken away from us."

"Yours is a strength given by the kami themselves, Mistress. And so, I pledge my life to you, and to this family you have built with your unwavering spirit. May the heavens continue to bless you, Emi Kobayashi."

"So shall it be, Touka. Let's leave these two alone for now, yes?"

"Yes, Mistress."

I feel Emi's warmth leave me, and the steps of my guardians moving away.

"Mama...thank you..."

The whisper passes through my lips as I fall into sleep once more.


Now about two weeks have passed since Rose came into my life. It's been quite natural, this experience. Some might say too natural, but the whims of heaven are not meant to be so easily discerned by mortals.

My eyes slide open, and I wake in the luxury of my room. A place where no expense has been spared, especially with my bedding. Top quality materials for an unmatched sleep...it would be hard to go back to sleeping on the earth and in normal beds, if I were as undisciplined as other humans. A shinobi's life has prepared me to give up the greatest comforts at a moment's notice.

Rustling comes from the crib that is nearby. It's elaborately decorated, as is Emi's way. There are toys and trinkets fitted to it for infants to play with. I roll out of my bed and walk over to confirm my suspicions. The little one is awake, and she's likely the reason I woke so early in the first place. Well, it's fine. I did get a fair amount of sleep.

"Good morning, my love. Mama has an early day today. Shall we greet her?"

She fidgets a bit in response and easily lets me pick her up. Rose is far from a fussy child; she cries only when she's in desperate need of something, and both Mama and I are nowhere nearby. Touka has also adapted quickly, and as such has gained this child's trust. But as always, my little sister is most comfortable with me. Mama has bought a set of gaudy jumpers for Rose, and today's colour is red. It complements the red ribbon on her head, which I adjust gently. She finds it amusing, at least. I do as well.

After securing Rose in my arms, we start off together. I wash up in the bathroom while she wrestles with a hand towel and tries to discern its flavour. My hair should be fine enough for now, so I leave it as is and pick up Rose from the counter. She seems to be doing well, and so we head into the dining room where Emi is sitting at the table. We do have a spacious hall, of course, but rooms like this are much better to eat and relax in, and of course it's much easier on Touka and the other staff as they make their rounds.

"Good morning, Mama."


"The Mistress isn't in the best of moods today, though she has yet to elaborate on why," Touka says as she walks in. Trays of food and cups of tea are skilfully balanced on her arms. She sets everything down neatly. "But there was also a late night followed by this early morning, which would be a strain on even the most robust spirits. Ah, and there was no drinking either."

"The doctor said that it was okay in reasonable amounts. So it won't hurt Rose, even if I go on a binge," Emi says.

"But you won't be binging. Or doing anything else," Touka says sternly. Emi's face twists up at that.

"Touka is right, Mama. Please take care when consuming for the next while."

"Listen. I didn't knock back a single damned drink when I was pregnant. So you leave me alone." She sips at the tea that Touka has prepared. "I can't complain about what I have been drinking, though, so...hm. Send the child over, Lili. Touka, did you get enough with the pump for the day?"

"It should be enough, Mistress."

"I hope so. That looks like more than enough for one child. Maybe two." She looks at me. "Just this once."

I give her a smirk as I hand Rose to her. "Really. I suppose I should consider myself blessed to partake in my new mother's milk as well, especially at this age. You really didn't have to go this far for me, mother dearest."

"I figured you would ask. You know, being a fucking deviant and all."

"Language," Touka says.

"Oh, fuck off. It's not like the little one understands a word I'm saying. And even if she does, she knows that her Mama is just a mean old bitch at heart. Isn't that right, pumpkin?" she coos to Rose. "Your Mama is a bad girl."

"You should strive to be an example, Mama. Children can pick up on the things their family members say, even if they need a few years to properly process them," I say to her.

"Hoh, look at Doctor Lilith over here. Fuck you, too."

My eyes narrow. "Oi."

She glares back at me while chewing her toast.

"You're in a particularly nasty mood," I point out. "So you had a short sleep and an awful night on top of it. What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I know you don't. But you should, because as you've pointed out already, you're a mean, stubborn bitch-"

"Lady Lilith..."

"Apologies for my...colourful tone, Touka, but I am attempting to make a point."

She sighs. "Understood."

"Yes, as I was saying. You're going to be miserable all day at this rate, and it's going to upset Rose as well as make you an insufferable little wench if you don't get it out now."

Emi pouts and remains silent. I take a few sips of my tea and wait for her to melt a little.

"It's the company again. The idiot accountant they have there, the one Rothschild hired before you...you know."

"Gave him extra ventilation."

"And you're complaining about my language."

"Euphemisms are just fine in front of Rose. Continue, Mama."

She rolls her eyes at me. "The fool screwed everything up. I don't know whether he was trying to cover his tracks, or just lost a handle on it all, but...all of our books are in a bad way. So I have to fix all of it before everything blows up in our faces. Fines, sanctions...the operations are on a bigger scale than I realized, and there are several contracts that we absolutely have to work ourselves free from. Two weeks of continuous work to start. It might be a month to clear everything."

"Will you be away, then?"

"I won't be going too far, since the bulk of the work will be sent to the office we have here. Coming home every evening is mandatory, but..."

"It is a lot, and so soon. Even so, you have nothing to worry about. I can look after Rose with Touka's help, at least until you're able to spend more time at home."

"Really? You're sure it won't be a problem with the Leaf?"

"I'm not on active duty right now. Little perks from otherwise being at the Hokage's beck and call."

"I see..." Emi unbuttons her blouse and lets Rose drink from her breast. "If it's okay, then I will take you up on that offer. But don't let that old man put too much of a leash on you."

"I've kept it in mind well enough."

"You're not his type, then."

"Not yet, at least."

"Ha." She safely tends to Rose while digging into her breakfast with her free hand. From here, it seems like she's settled into the role of mother quite easily. And without anyone to learn from...quite remarkable, that Emi Kobayashi.

As breakfast ends, she makes sure that Rose is satisfied before buttoning up again. I take the little one back gently, and Touka hands Emi her accessories and handbag.

"You're sure that you can't mix her formula?" she asks Touka while putting on her necklace.

"I've tried a few different homemade recipes, and the formulas from the local shops. She won't have anything that's not your milk."

"Tch. Of course it's like that..." Emi lets out a breath. "More fun with the pump again, then. The child really is a machine at times." We follow her to the front entrance, where one of the butlers is already waiting. She shoulders her handbag and turns to us for approval on her outfit, to which we nod.

"Looks like I'm off, then. I'll see the three of you later."

"Good luck, Mistress."

"We'll see you soon, Mama. Be safe...don't burn yourself out. You've only just recovered from giving birth."

"Yes. I'll take care of myself, I promise." She smiles before heading through the front door as it opens. "Oi, Sakizuki! Get your ass in gear!"

Touka shakes her head as the door closes. "Remarkable how she can be more of a handful than the newborn...Lady Lilith, is there anything that you need of me?"

"Nothing for now, Touka. Thank you."

"Understood. I will be cleaning up the dining room, and from there I will be in the study the rest of the morning. Please send for me if you require my assistance."

"I will. Thank you, Touka."

"It is my pleasure, milady." She smiles and bows for me, then heads off to complete her duties.

"Now it's just the two of us," I say to Rose. She smiles and moves her arms, babbling at me happily. "Oh, but I feel the same as you do! It's nothing but a joy spending these days together. And there are never enough hours in the day, are there?"

Actually...there's something that I want to do right away. Since it's already been a few weeks...yes, that will work.

"A day of seclusion sounds tempting, but we simply must have a proper assembly. It's time for you to meet your other sisters," I say with a smile. "I'm sure you'll love them both."

I take Rose to the gazebo and focus on my arm seal.

Ane-ue, I hope I'm not disturbing you.

Oh, Lili. Not at all, my love. How are you doing today?

Perfectly well. It has been some time since we've last talked, but the time has come and gone.

Ah, has it? Very good. Is Emi doing well? I hear that pregnancy can be quite rough on the body.

She is well. In fact, she's already gone off to work...some urgent business has come up suddenly regarding Kobayashi Rice.


Yes, quite troublesome. It is just Touka and I for now, along with our darling child. The reason I called to you is that, if you're not terribly busy, I would like for you and Luna to come and see her.

We would be delighted to do so. Let me fetch Luna, and we'll be around in about a half hour, no later. Some herbal tea would be splendid.

Of course. I will make the preparations posthaste. Until then, Midori-nee.

Until then, my love.

"Emilia, darling." She is usually patrolling this area, if I'm correct. I hear her come down the hall, and she bows as she reaches me.

"How might I help you, milady?"

"A simple task, if you would. I want you to go to the study and fetch Touka for me. We have important guests arriving."

"Yes, of course." She bows again before leaving. About two minutes pass before Touka appears before me.

"Lady Lilith, how may I serve you?"

"I hope I haven't interrupted anything of substance," I say.

"Not at all."

"Good. Ane-ue will be arriving shortly with Luna. No later than about...twenty five minutes from now, give or take."

"Ah. What must I do for you, milady?"

"Have one of our fine herbal teas prepared for the three of us, and bring milk for Rose. Do not spare any quality, for we will not perish if we are forced to wait."

"Understood. I will prepare everything posthaste."

"Much appreciated, Touka."

She turns swiftly and leaves to make the preparations. I take a seat in one of the soft gazebo chairs, feeling Rose fidget slightly in my arms before settling down. It's peaceful enough here that I can relax and not think of anything...quite refreshing to do every so often.


Living like this, without any stimuli is...not sustainable, I would say. Especially for someone like me, who always has her mind trained on something or someone of importance. But this feeling...it's nice, I think.


"Touka," I say as I'm snapped out of my reverie. "What is it?"

"Lady Midoriko and Madam Luna have arrived."

I hop out of my chair and move towards the garden entrance. Both of my sisters greet Touka with kisses before turning their attention to us. Midori has chosen one of her flashy yukata, in red with gold accents. Luna follows her lead, with her yukata in a soothing blue.

"My goodness, she's beautiful!" Midori says with a smile. "Is it okay if I hold her?"

"Of course." I hand Rose off, and she waves her arms while looking slightly distressed for a moment. She settles down once she's in Midori's arms, calming down with a curious look on her face.

"What an adorable child. And so attached to you, I've noticed."

"As I am to her. I've never known such joy, being with another human like this."

"A blessing to you, beyond anything else. That is a feeling I understand very well," Midori says with a bright smile. "Oh, and she seems to take after you...not exactly shy, are we? Ufufu..." She laughs softly as Rose starts to paw at her breasts.

I hug Luna tightly as she approaches. "Lovely to see you again, Luna-nee."

"And you as well, Lili. Your sister is absolutely precious."

"She is. But you've forgotten already, have you? She's your sister too."

Luna giggles at that. "You're right, I did forget somehow. Since we're all family...yes, I meant to say that our sister is absolutely precious."

"Good. Make sure you hold her for a bit."

"Here you go," Midori says. She hands Rose off to Luna, and I see the little one fidget a bit before getting comfortable again. Her tiny hands reach for Luna's breasts this time.

"Well, we do have that in common," Luna says.

"Mm? What do you mean?"

"She's quite interested in our bosoms."

"That she is. Reminds me of a certain someone."

I scoff as they both look at me. "Really. I couldn't imagine who you might be thinking of."

"You'll have to wait for your Mama to come home. No milk in here," Luna says. "She really is cute. And such a good child. Perhaps she feels safe around us."

"It seems so. The only one she really gives any sort of trouble is Touka, and that's not saying much," I reply. "Mama and I make sure to spend as much time with her as we can."

"That's good. You know, infants can be quite perceptive. Especially in this world of chakra and such. I think she realizes that we're her sisters after all," Midori says. "That means we'll have to visit more in our spare time."

"Certainly." Luna hands Rose back to me, and I watch her smile while wiggling happily as soon as she reaches my arms again. I kiss her on the forehead gently.

"Apologies for the delay, ladies. Your tea is ready, and so is Lady Rose's milk," Touka announces. We take our seats around the table, and she sets down the cups and saucers while handing me a bottle. The tea is poured expertly with her steady hand. "Please, enjoy."

"Thank you, Touka."

She bows and leaves us alone to chat.

"So. Was there anything you wanted to talk about while we were here? I'm sure there wasn't much in the way of scandal," Midori says.

"I would say as much," I reply. Rose reaches for her bottle and I oblige her, making sure that the milk isn't too warm – it's quite tasty, I note – and that the bottle isn't filled with air. She suckles from the nipple steadily as I watch. "I want to know how you two are doing, more than anything."

"Ah, well..." Midori sips from her tea cup and nods with satisfaction. "Oh, that's good. Yes, things that have been happening...we're steadily getting ourselves ready for our wedding. No date set for that, and it will be dependent on our temperatures as the days wear on. Could be months, could be years...no rush whatsoever. Luna feels the same."


"Personally, we are both hale and hearty, as the expression goes. Our plans are progressing across the kingdom, and we are growing our family each day. Jakari Programming has introduced the fibre optic technology we chatted about months ago, Lili."

"Oh, have they?"

"It's been integrated across forty five percent of our available service area already. That's for telecommunications alone, you see. The medical applications, once they're properly tested, will be endless. That says nothing of what else we will be able to do. Technology isn't the only thing on our agenda, of course. We have managed to properly tighten up our legal system and advanced many of our initiatives for social justice, to help restore what was lost under Manda's rule. We are proud to announce that by the end of this month, there will be no person without a home within our kingdom. And we will work hard to ensure that it remains as such."

"Amazing. That really is wonderful, Ane-ue," I say with a smile.

"I wonder if we could see such a thing in this world as well. It's not impossible, but...given the nature of humans..." She sighs. "It's heavy to think about."

"How about something to lift your spirits, then? That ideal might be closer than you think."


I nod. "I've decided. I am going to become Hokage in the future."

"Wow...that's incredible, Lili. You've really changed. I mean to say...you've changed in some ways, and carried on in others. That's called personal evolution, I think?" Luna says.

"You have the gist of it, Luna," Midori says.

"Yes, thank you. No matter what you might call it, it's encouraging to see."

"Thank you," I say. "It wasn't something bright or bombastic that brought me to that decision. A mission with Erika and Ino, coming upon things that most shinobi understand as normal in their world. In my heart, I said that it could not stand any longer. That this world had to change. And I knew that the path I had chosen wasn't the right one. To simply be a weapon, a tool of destruction in this world."

"You saw further than that. You realized that your gifts meant you had a higher station, a calling that was meant to be fulfilled," Midori says.

"Yes. You must have realized it, too...both in your life, and in mine."

"I did. But the decision had to be yours. And I would be happy no matter what choice you made."

"I know. That's what makes you so brilliant, Ane-ue."

"If you ever need our help, we will be here for you," Luna says.

"I will always remember that, Luna-nee. The love and prayers you send to me, they will always be of use. And your material support doesn't hurt either," I say with a wink. "I think the world's strongest maid will have a role to play in the future."

"World's strongest...I wouldn't go that far, but you can call on me whenever you need me."

"Double for me," Midori says.

"As always, I will do my best to keep both of you from lifting a finger. But I'm happy to know that you're ready to catch me. Thank you."

We continue talking, eventually ending up in the land of gossip that we love to vacation in so often. Luna keeps in touch with her old acquaintances from the Leaf, and I fill in a few gaps with things that I've heard from Nami and Ino, to name a few people.

"Eh...something like that, really?" I say with surprise. "You really think so?"

"Within two years. And their child will be named something simple, like...hm. Mirai."

"Hoh, aren't we bold."

"Rather forward of you, Luna," Midori says.

"Simply an educated guess," she says with a wave of her hand. "Now, I could be wrong. But I don't think I will be."

"That's some confidence. It looks good on you," I say with a smile.

"Feel free to praise me once it happens," Luna says haughtily. We all share a laugh afterwards.


Rose starts to fidget in my arms, and I can figure out right away what she means. "So it's that time, then."

"What time?" Midori asks.

"This child will need to be changed shortly."

"You figured it out from just that? Seems like you have it all down to an art already, Lili."

"Perhaps so. I don't think it would be quite the same if I didn't love her so much. But it keeps everyone happy. Mama doesn't have to worry as much. She's a bit of a coward when it comes to these things, you know."

"Lili, don't be so mean," Luna says. "It's rude to make fun of your mother, especially since she hasn't done this before."

"Heh. Emi was right, you are more forceful than Touka."

"Don't tell me you're taking advantage of her..." She sighs. "I'll have a talk with my kouhai before we leave. You two are disastrous."

"I think we'll leave you to your work for now. At least before Luna gets too fired up and pulls on a maid outfit," Midori says with a laugh.

"You're awful, too."

"Hmhm. There are things to do in the kingdom, but don't hesitate to call us over for any reason. Any excuse to see our darling Rose again is a good one."

"That we can agree on. Please take care, Lili," Luna says.

"I will. All of us will. It was so lovely to see you both, and I know Rose loved it too."

The three of us exchange hugs and kisses as Touka arrives again. She escorts my sisters to the front door, and comes back a while later.

"Well...that was an earful."

"So she really did give you that lecture after all," I say.

"Thinking about it, I do let you two get away with a lot..."

"Mm. We'll be sure to test your resolve from time to time, then." I give her a smug smile. "But then, you're looking forward to that sort of play, aren't you?"

She tries to hold back her blushing. "Is there anything I can do for you, milady? Perhaps taking care of Lady Rose for you?"

"No, no. I will handle this next part myself. But thank you, Touka."

"Of course." She bows before hurrying off. Oh, but she's just as fun as Luna in her own way. A little easier to tease, but her reactions are just the cutest.

"Now, we'll take care of our little princess." I head to the nursery where some of the maids are doing their regular checks. We acknowledge each other before I set Rose down on the changing table. She's as quiet as ever, and I remove that gaudy jumper before starting my routines.


Rose wiggles her arms as I hum to myself and work. She likes to make strange movements whenever she's on the table, and today is no exception. Before long, she's cleaned and changed. I button up her jumper again, put everything in the proper bins, and we're done. Very easy.

"There! Much better, I'm sure you agree."


"As I thought." I hold her close to me as we leave. "So, we have the rest of the day to ourselves, and little to do until Mama gets back. Hmm...what should we do? Ah, I know. There's your favourite kaiju film, we haven't watched it in about a week. Let's do that together, and then we can call Touka to bring you your next meal."


"We are in agreement. Splendid." With that, we head to the mansion's theatre.
So. Another ""milestone"", this time the vaunted 500,000 words. It's a lot of words, though things tend to pile up when it comes to serials which this is. Kind of neat that this was the point we landed on; like episode 100 I didn't plan it out like this.

Thanks a lot for everyone's support, however you've supported this project. Clicking in to read helps, likes are great, and comments are the grail for me. So over this eight or nine month period of writing, it's meant a lot. The pace has been pretty fast. I get anxious sometimes, about story quality, about finishing the whole thing, about being welcoming and accessible, and other stuff. I lack confidence sometimes and that's lead to me burning myself out on other projects. But I think I'm in a much better place. I do my best.

As always, questions and comments are welcome, encouraged also. We're on our way with the story and everything in it. Thanks for sticking around and giving me a chance to entertain. Hopefully you enjoy the rest of this tale as it comes.
Stella Maris
Scarlet Justice - ep. 117
"Stella Maris"
[Sweet Child of Mine: Feature 3]

Another two weeks pass at the mansion.

Emi has mostly fixed the financial problems at Kobayashi Rice, enough to let herself relax at the least. In lieu of execution, she fired the previous accountant hired by my father and forwarded relevant information to the local authorities. A new person has been picked from our staff here, meaning that life will go on as usual.

While she was away, I deepened my bond with Rose. Her patient help meant that I could get her movements down to a science of sorts, making predictions here and there to head off any possible discomfort. Touka has taken on my lessons very quickly, and Emi rolled up her sleeves after recovering some to join in. It means that at this point, Rose is extremely spoiled in this house of ours. But that couldn't be anything other than a happy calamity.

Today is the day that I head off to work. I have a particular experiment I want to try, and right now I also have the free time to do so. Something that will give me an extra step, in a world where every inch must be earned. It's not terribly admirable to think about work so much while on vacation, but...this is my life now as an elite shinobi. I might as well learn to embrace it properly. As soon as I wake, I drag myself to the bathroom in order to wash up. The drowsiness quickly falls away; I then change into a loose training shirt and shorts for the day's activities. My hair goes up and out of the way, secured at the back of my head with a wooden barrette.

"As always, we are already awake. Ready to take on the day once more," I say to Rose. My hand reaches down to stroke her cheeks, and she takes hold of a finger firmly.

Determined as ever. She will be a fine child, and an even finer woman.

"Your elder sister has something important to take care of. I know you don't like me working too hard, but such is life. Remember my face, for my aura may very well change upon my return."


"Yes. As long as you understand. I won't be gone for long, my love. Will you wait for me?"


"Thank you," I say with a smile. "Let's bring you to Touka."

She slowly lets go of my finger, and I pick her up from the crib. We leave the room and find Touka, who is making breakfast. I set Rose down in one of the many baskets we have placed around the mansion for her sake, and wait for my meal to be delivered. Weighty enough for a proper training session, followed up with two glasses of my favourite fortified milk.

"I see we're dressed to impress today." Emi walks into the dining room and sits, where Touka delivers a hot cup of coffee immediately. "Something important? Or just a day out with Rose?"

"It's business," I say. "Rose won't be coming."

"Sounds important."

"It is." I pause a moment. "Do you...remember the request you made of me, on the day she was born?"

"Yes, I do."

"This is the first step to fulfilling it. In this savage world, I need to be that much stronger than others in order to see my dreams come to pass."

"I understand. It was once said that strength controlled everything in this world. Even that Hashirama Senju, called a harbinger of peace, could not accomplish what he did without the overwhelming might he had at his command."

"That much is true."

"Return safely, Lili."

"I shall, Mama. For you and Rose both."

She nods. "Then...until the next, Miss Kobayashi."

"Until the next." I rise from the table and acknowledge Touka as she gives me a bow. I walk to the front door and switch out my slippers for a pair of athletic shoes, then head out and past the large gates at the front of the mansion. Inaho is relatively quiet at this point in the morning, but I want to find somewhere that's truly secluded for what I'm about to do next.

"Hmm...where to. I think I saw a good place earlier, but I can figure it out from here as well." I limber up for a bit, then take off into a light sprint down the closest road. The town's buildings and landmarks flow past me as I head towards the outer edge of it. Rice fields are visible in the distance, and I head past them along well-worn paths in the countryside. There should be a clear place nearby.

"Here. This looks lovely."

A wide and grassy field that stretches into the distance, dotted with wild flowers of all kinds. They're thriving in the spring sun and warm climate; I sniff at them and the aromas are as delicious as I would expect. Ino would love to romp around a place like this.

The most important part is that I'm finally alone. That means...it's time to begin.

"The plan is as it always was. We'll start with the most difficult thing first, since I'm blessed with time."

I determined how it would start during that carriage ride weeks ago, then worked on refining it further and further until this point. A new level of power. It's what I need more than anything, especially now. So the first point will be...shifting my chakra mode to its current limit. I take off my sneakers and plant my bare feet in the grass. My eyes slowly close, and I focus.

"Lightning Release Chakra Mode, Fourth Stage. Twin Drive..."

I can feel the energy surging into my chest.


And it comes as easily to me as ever, with the same amount of strain. Now comes one of the harder parts, maintaining that flow. I let the energy burn until I feel my body start to quiver slightly...that's the signal to go further, and I have more chakra surge through me. It really is getting painful, and a bit beyond my original estimates...but...

"S-still...within calculations," I growl. "Not done...it's coming."

I have to make sure my focus remains steady, because it's the next part that will make or break this venture. It's dangerous. Risky, perhaps. Quite reckless, even for me. But it's necessary. The ability to overcome my own limits once more, with that gift from heaven...

I grit my teeth and open my eyes.

"Let me touch the plains of heaven once more..."

I feel like my bones are starting to creak from the strain. I might be fried inside out if I'm not careful. It's not too late to turn back, but of course my ego won't let me do something so silly. I'm not going to die here. But...maybe I've bitten off more than I could chew this time?


The endless blue sky ahead of me...it makes me think of those bright blue eyes. Makes me think of Rose...that person I swore on my soul to love and protect.

Resolve...yes. That's right.

"True Lightning Release..."

Okay. Let's go beyond.

"Quantum Drive!"

The energy inside of me doesn't...explode, like I thought it would. No, it's swelling up. It's spreading and filling me with this strange warmth, and I know that I'm going to be overwhelmed by it. I can't feel anything...but I'm floating...


"All things under heaven and earth are created with the strength of the cosmos. Let us be humble in all things...and bring that strength out from within us, to make the world right again."


The words of the woman who helped give me wings...they echo through my head as I regain myself. I am in a strange place.

Is this...the cosmos?


I am floating among stars, suddenly. Weightless, wearing a dress made of the galaxy itself. Small comets and nebulae float slowly across my frame. There are asteroids that rotate along the hem at the bottom. Stars blink on and off. There is a gas planet spinning at my hip.

It's...warm here. I'm reminded of the sun at the beach, being warmed up while lying on a towel in the sand, without a care in the world. As I continue to float freely, I hike up my dress to see what happens. The stars move and shake as I do so. My legs and feet are bare, and present thankfully. It seems like I'm all here. I'm fascinated by all of this, but worried at the same time.

Where is this? And...why is this? Can I get back? Mama and Rose will surely worry if I don't come home tonight. But...there is also a distinct feeling, like time is no longer the same in this place, wherever it is. I can't really have entered outer space. Left the Earth's atmosphere...the moon isn't here, so that's already suspicious.

"What should I do? That experiment really was too reckless, wasn't it. I didn't die...I'm already intimate with that sort of experience, unfortunately." I think on it. "It feels closer to that time...where I ran through the sky to punch out Sasuke. So I'm alive on some level..."

Directly ahead, I can see a person floating towards me. I can't sense any hostility, so perhaps they could be of assistance? Whoever this is...I can tell that it's a woman from the shape of their body. They have long brown hair, and a dress with traditional forest patterns and shapes. They wear moccasins as well, which I feel like I've seen somewhere before. And I can't see this person's face, since it's covered with a fierce looking wolf mask.

Interestingly enough, all of their clothing and items are coloured black. But there's a sort of glow to all of it that captivates me. Ethereal is the word that comes to mind. Luminous...


I know this person. Which makes this all the stranger...this person who spent their last moments with me, within a snowy forest.


"Ah. You remembered me."

"How could I forget? You were a splendid warrior, and a beautiful opponent, Luminous Black Wolf."

She removes her mask and it floats away before turning into golden sparks. I can see her beautiful face once more, with a smile that I make sure to capture in my heart immediately. Serenity radiates outwards from those hazy grey eyes of hers. What a sight she is, my senpai.

"Scarlet Viper...or shall I say, Lili Kobayashi. I am glad we could meet again."

"All of this...was this foretold by the universe?" I ask.

"It was not. Which is exactly why this event is so delightful, and of great importance. This place we float in is called the plane of the cosmos. It's a place that only a chosen few could ever touch. Being able to reach it in life is even more remarkable."

"This isn't the next world, then."

"Hm. It is and it isn't. This plane runs parallel to the heavens. It is neither here or there. Distinct from the Pure Land as well. We currently exist in a separate place, a world that welcomes those ascended and enlightened spirits."

"Goodness," I say with awe. It's confusing in many ways, but...suffice it to say, I'm definitely not dead. And if this were the land beyond, I would have come across Momma already, surely.

"Envoy of Heaven...tell me what you seek on this plane."

"What I seek..." I realize exactly what she means. Reaching this place must have been a manifestation of Emi's wish, the one that I sought to fulfill earlier. The reckless outpouring of power to ascend, and now this. I see it now. "I seek confirmation, senpai. And understanding."

"To what end?"

"I seek to surpass the self. No...not just that, actually. I want to surpass the bounds of gravity."

"Ah...!" Fubuki's eyes widen in surprise, before she settles into an adoring look. "You could see that much...truly amazing. And on your own as well. I could not fathom such a thing until I reached this place. You are wonderfully gifted, Lili."

I feel my cheeks heat up. "Senpai..."

"I have the answers you seek. Come with me, and I will tell you everything that I know. You can simply ask this luminous wolf, and she will give you the desires of your heart."

A blue sun greets us. Fubuki floats towards me and takes my hand in hers. It's pleasantly warm, and makes me feel even safer than before. We start to float through the cosmos together.

"I'm sure that you have many questions, kouhai."

"Yes." I squeeze her hand gently. "Senpai...what is this place, truly? How did you make it here?"

"This place, as said earlier, is the cosmic plane available to all who have escaped the bounds of humanity. You, who exists as God's precious envoy, one who came upon heavenly strength through her experiences in the world, are one such person. The bounds of humanity are often known as 'gravity', or the weight that holds souls firmly to the mortal plane. As for me, I arrived here shortly after my death. Time here is different. I have already absorbed millennia of lessons and experiences, just to come to a basic understanding of this place. For me, it was a short time. A productive one as well. Freedom from mortal constraints is...certainly an experience. To explain it would not be possible."

"I see. So if you had lived, you eventually would have been able to visit as I am doing now?"

"Yes. But that does not make me sad. The opposite, actually. I am thankful to be free, and can go to and fro as I please. I have no regrets. More than that, my final dance with you was wonderful. I would not trade it for anything."

"Escaping...the Earth's gravity," I muse. "To become one with the stars and realize the true self. To exceed all limitations within mind, body, and soul."

"You seem to understand it already."

"I had some related thoughts before I began this ritual. My original intention was to further accelerate physical function, like the enhanced perception one gets from activating the Lightning Release Chakra Mode. Controlling that kind of flow would mean better access to that heightened state, allowing one to create a world of frozen time nearly on a whim. The human body could only take so much strain, which is why I sought to capture a fragment of that strength in a form that I could easily reach at all times."


"However," I continue for her, "it seems that it is no longer a requirement. That heavenly power is now completely internalized, as a result of yet another reckless venture."

"You've done this before?"

"When I fought that person, I accessed that strength in order to save my loved ones."

"Mm. The scion of the Uchiha."

"Yes." I look at Fubuki. "Many things have come to pass, and I have managed to ascend yet another step. But...I know there is more, senpai. Will you tell me?"

"I will. That unexplained feeling inside of you is important, much like everything else. Your arrival here on this plane means that you can become complete. Completion does not mean you will stop feeling, or that you will stand definitively above humans. But you will be able to endlessly reach forward, for the sake of your dream, a reflection of the grace of heaven."

"What must I do, then?"

We float past the blue sun and end up alongside a comet. Its tail starts to lengthen slowly as we watch.

"Once you have escaped the Earth's gravity, you can definitively form the true self. For those who have passed on, such as myself, we solidify our previous existences. My form as the Luminous Black Wolf, Great Mother of the Inugami, reflects this," Fubuki says.


"For you, who still exists on the mortal plane and has a living form, it is different. You can solidify your existence as the Scarlet Viper, and all that comes with it. The darkness, the hunger, the self that you keep firmly inside. I can already see that you have changed quite a bit since our last meeting. You have been fractured, and you fought to make yourself whole again by absorbing the world's dark essence. It gave you a magnificent strength. But this is also a part of your true self, you see."

"But...I could always walk away if I'm not ready. Isn't that the case?" I ask.


"What do you think I should do, senpai? What should I choose?"

"Mm." She gives my hand a soft squeeze. "My heart flutters for the girl that I call the World Serpent. But I cannot decide your destiny for you. Lili, this choice has to be one that you make, coming from your own heart. Truly, there is no advice I could give, in this moment or any other, that would be adequate."

"I see..."

"However, I want you to know this. I will look fondly upon you, no matter what happens. And you will never be lacking in favour. You are gifted, strong, and truly blessed. The heavens smile upon you perpetually. Whatever choice you make will be the right one. And if it's not the right choice at this moment, then you will have the strength to make it so. This is what I believe, in my heart and soul."


She smiles at me tenderly. "No matter the outcome...in the end, this luminous wolf will be by your side."

I can't help but smile back, bringing her hand to rest against my chest.

"Then...I will make my decision, senpai." I feel as if...this was what it would always be. From the moment I entered this space. Perhaps it's Fubuki's warmth that makes me feel this way. But it's right. It can't be anything but right.

I am going to change this world. I made this promise to myself, and to so many people. To give the ones I love the chance to live their own lives, the chance to experience freedom, and a world without boundaries.

I will grab hold of the strength in front of me, to protect the world's possibilities. Just as the greatest guardians in my life did. Caroline, my mother who gave me the wisdom of heaven. And Midoriko, my sister who gave me the strength of heaven. I know who I am.

And so, I part my lips to speak.

"To ascend beyond Earth's gravity is to transcend the limits of mortals. I accept the nature of my true self."

I let go of Fubuki's hand and float away from her. A scarlet glow starts to envelop my body...my dress changes to that same colour, and I feel myself being filled with warmth. It's a sign...to keep going, and to embrace my truth.

"I know who I am, and what I have done. Everything that I have accomplished. Every act that I have committed against mankind, in violation of their fragile order. Every bond that I have made. Every single life that I have taken. Every drop of blood that has been shed, by me for the sake of others, and by others for my sake. I know who it is I love. I know the people that I cannot, that I will not forgive. And most of all...this darkness inside of me. This lust for blood and carnage. This brutal nature. The pleasure that I wring our from crushing bodies and spirits. Yes, I know it well. It is a part of me. And I accept it, all of it, no matter what might become of me as a result."

My dream to change the world, for a more perfect order...with this strength, I will make it reality.

"I am the World Serpent, who will crush this world within her jaws.

I am Bushin, the great goddess of war and battle.

I am an elite of the Hidden Leaf Village, their great hope, their sword of justice.

I am the most terrifying soldier, the avatar of destruction, the woman called the Crimson Nightmare.

I am the blessed child who has danced on the heavenly plain, a princess of the stars, a precious envoy of God.

I am a beloved daughter. I am a precious sister. I am a trusted friend.

I am, in all worlds, the Scarlet Viper of legend. My name is Lilith Caroline Kobayashi."

And at that, the scarlet glow spreads out beyond me, colouring the cosmos around us until everything is swallowed up by it completely.

Fubuki floats towards me in the endless space, and gives me a warm smile.

"I hoped that you would make this choice. You always managed to be more magnificent than I could ever imagine."

"Thank you, senpai. I have accepted all that I am now. And because of it...I am ready to face whatever might come my way."

"Lili Kobayashi. You have truly been blessed by heaven. Remember this moment. Lock it away in your heart. You have transcended the bounds of mortals. This luminous wolf is proud of you, and always will be. She will forever be by your side."

The scarlet glow retreats back across the canvas of stars, flowing into me as I close my eyes. I am filled with new strength, and as I open my eyes again, I can see that the cosmos are restored.

"It is time, Scarlet Viper."

"Already...I see."

"Yes. You must return to the mortal plane for now. In your times of rest, come and visit me. We can explore this world together."

"Senpai...could you find Momma for me? I want her to know..."

"She must be aware. Caroline Athena Rothschild, isn't it?"


"I will see if she has time for me. The woman with divine sight and wisdom...it's no wonder that you turned out like this, Lili."

"You flatter us, senpai."

"You both deserve nothing less."

"Fubuki-senpai...please take care. Thank you."

"I shall. You must do the same, kouhai. Heaven be with you. Praise be."

"Praise be."

I feel a pull on my consciousness, and then the vision of the cosmic plane slowly fades. I close my eyes and allow myself to go with the flow. A slight shaking, and then a familiar tingling in what I can tell are my fingers.


My eyes fly open, and I immediately shut off the chakra mode, falling to my knees. It's oppressively hot...I can see that smoke is streaming from my body. That...that was indescribable. And it was only a few seconds?


My body didn't like it at all, but...from what I know, I won't have to do something so reckless again. The strength inside of me has truly been solidified. I don't have any desire to test it out right now, but I can feel it. All of that was real.

"Really...it's little wonder people question the whims of heaven."

But then, I am one of a kind, after all. To reach towards this path requires a special kind of person in the first place, doesn't it?

"We can ponder such things later. Right now...I need to lie down."

I feel reasonably sure that I won't die the moment I close my eyes, so I let myself fall to the grass face first. For at least a little while, I can rest...
Imitatio Dei
Scarlet Justice - ep. 118
"Imitatio Dei"
[Sweet Child of Mine: Conclusion]

I open my eyes.


Every part of me hurts. Enough to make me want to stay down for a little while. I really did go over the line, and this is proof. It's fine, though. I learned a great deal of things from this experiment. About life, about the flow of energy in the universe, the movement of souls, and so on.

I feel different, in a way that I can't properly describe. My mind is active, more than usual. Something...strange is happening. I force myself upwards, ignoring the lingering pain, and get a good look at the world again.

It starts as small, twinkling points of light. They come from the flowers around me. Then they rise from the grass, all the way out and into the distance. They rise up from the rice fields that I can see. My brain struggles to comprehend what it is that I'm seeing, but I realize after a moment that I already understand.

"This is the flow of life." My head swivels from side to side, trying to properly capture the sights around me. "To think that it would be this vivid...amazing."

The world looks so much different now. So much more vibrant than ever before. There's so much extra information flowing into me, passing through my brain...so many things that, if I just focus enough, I can see things and places that I could not before. A butterfly passes by, and its wings shimmer in my vision.

This isn't frightening, not as I once thought it would be. Many stories have been told of those who came to understandings of things that were beyond most human beings. Some would become cold and reclusive, while others would renounce their existence as humans altogether. Still more disappeared into the wilderness. Some were said to have gone insane, their minds shattered by the sheer potency of the information they had gathered within themselves. What would happen if I gained that sort of power? What would happen if I became someone who could see further than any human could in this world? Would I become like them? Even with those reassurances from Momma, the trials of society twisted the concepts of that great power in my head. I either feared it, or wanted it solely as a means of escape. To ascend beyond the understanding of humans, and exist in a dark, lonely void. For a while, those thoughts were like honey to me. To ascend meant to cease existing...to cut myself off from pain and suffering. To never have to experience loneliness because it was no longer something I could experience. To erase the very concept of bonds.

How miserable I was then.

"Time to head home."

I slip on my sneakers, before changing my mind and taking them off again. The laces are tied together so that I can carry the shoes around my neck as I walk. I want to feel everything this time, even through my feet. I want to soak up this sensation properly for the first time. The twinkling points of light have disappeared, but as I focus again they return properly. They float and move through the air, looking like drops of morning dew in my sight. The energy sparkles within the small gusts of wind that blow by me, making me feel like I've wandered onto some gigantic artist's canvas. The sensation of the grass under my feet isn't anything like before, either. The wonderful smell of flowers from earlier is much richer and more intense. I flick my tongue out to taste the atmosphere, and I expect my senses to be pushed to their limits.

But...it's not like that. Everything is heightened, yes, but it arrives in a gradual way, the colours being quickly filled in until I'm immersed in them comfortably. Everything is beautiful and clear, even the sunlight looks different. My awareness has increased, and I can feel the air as it flows around me, touching my skin and sending those shimmering points of light into and through me. Every breath, every soft crunch of grass...it all has meaning, blending together as I move leisurely through the world. I realize that my mind is quickly adjusting, and that I am starting to settle into this experience. I am grasping my new view of the world as it is, as it will be from here on.

"I think that I'm...starting to understand."

I am managing properly. This is...almost normal now. But I am aware that things are different. That I am different. And I love it. It reminds me of that moment in the desert, where my dream to save Hina evolved into something else entirely. Where I accepted the darkness in my heart, and found that I enjoyed being a cold-blooded killer. But this? This is beyond that. It's something that I've never felt before, a freedom that has truly allowed me to step out of humanity's shadow. The pull that I used to feel, that sensation called gravity...it has faded away. I can think freely, and see so many different things. I realize now that while all of my other awakenings were tied to my human self, this is different. This is, above all else, the beginning of a new life for me. To be sure, it's a dramatic thing to say. Especially after all of the other times that I rose above the self, and declared those to be stages of my evolution that allowed me to go beyond the limitations of mortals. It seems that I was wrong, and that those were merely parallel wills, different paths compared to this great ascension. This wasn't by chance, or by accident. I did come upon this power many moons ago, after all.

The sight of God, that gift for my reckless action. My desire to surpass my mortal limitations manifested in that moment, and I became witness to the heavenly plane. This strength and freedom was not simply something that was found. It was more than that. But it took until this moment, because I saw myself as just a weapon, as just someone who would become an avatar of destruction in her world. To get to this point, I not only needed to accept that I was meant for more, but I needed to cast aside those chains that I falsely called humility. Pride in myself, the same pride that Caroline, and Midori, and Emi had in me...the same pride that made Fubuki praise me endlessly after reaching her once more. That was what I needed. That was what I had to grab hold of, the same pride that would allow me to accept my role as protector of this world and all of its brilliant possibilities.


There is something else that I've noticed intensely as I walk. There is a...pulse coming from the Earth itself. I can feel it reacting with my spirit, and reaching out into the atmosphere. I don't understand it entirely, but it just feels heavy somehow. Maybe...maybe this is the 'gravity' that I escaped from just now. I don't feel like I'm being pulled in, nor do I feel as if I'm being pushed away.

My spirit divorced from that of the Earth's...it is possible that I've escaped the confines of mortality itself?

I wonder.

The world will be a bit different from now on. I will need to meditate more with this new type of vision, but I know that I can manage. This vivid colour will become my life one day. I can see everything as it is and will be, now that I have this extra sense at my back. My walk continues and I decide to make a small detour, heading towards the edge of the rice fields. People are working steadily, with polished movements that conserve their energies for the long day ahead. At the least, they seem to be doing better than the workers I used to see while my father was alive. The flow of energy and the strength of their spirits are visible to me as I look on. Some are small, steadily burning flames enveloping the heart. Others are much larger, enveloping the body and expanding outwards, tongues of heat licking at the air. There is no predictable split between the young and old, between man and woman, between parent and child. I understand why it is so. The most brilliant spirits are of those who have embraced themselves. As I look down at my hands, I notice something different. It's the same scarlet glow from earlier, when I was on the cosmic plane. So that moment made everything clear, then. Because I've solidified my existence in the eyes of heaven, I have changed. And there are others out there like me.

"The flames have meaning," I say to myself. "All of those under this world's pull are limited. Their spirits burn just like candles...and whether it's a breeze, or it's something that suffocates them..."

Mama and Rose. Do they also share this fate? Fio, Hina, Naruto...I want to see them. I want to see everyone that I can, and understand them even more than I do now. I want to feel the things that they feel. I have a sudden thirst for knowledge, for all of the information that I can get my hands on. It wasn't that I neglected study before, but I have such a deep yearning now. This must be part of my transformation as well. I'll embrace it, as I have embraced everything else.

The points of light flow from the people working in the fields, and into the endless streams that flow through the sky. They come up from the water that floods the area, and they rise up from me, in shimmering droplets of scarlet. Energy from everything and everyone, winding its way around and through the Earth in an endless procession. I reach into one of the small streams as I pass it, letting my fingers gently part the waves. Some of it uneventfully fades into me, while the rest goes on its way, joining with the larger collections as they move. There are other tiny fragments of vivid colour, like mine. They stand out from the streams of white light that come from every other human...I wonder who they might be from.


I could spend an eternity here, looking on with fascination at this wondrous new vision of the world. Barely any time has passed while I was with Fubuki, and I've completely lost interest in training. But there's something greater that I feel...I want to go home and see my family again.

It's a long, peaceful walk towards the mansion. The guards acknowledge me and open the gates, allowing me to head up the pathway towards the front entrance. I can feel the slight chill underneath my feet, and let the sensation soak into me. Scents of fruit and flowers mix together as I pass by the trees. One of the maids is at the front door, and she bows as soon as I approach. My eyes focus in on her, and I can see that the flames of her soul are burning brightly, fuelled by purpose. She gives me a smile, and I nod before smiling back at her. The butler who takes my shoes from me and offers a cool drink is the same, and it is so for every other part of the help that I come across. That uniformity is almost strange, but I realize that it must have a source. Someone that commands such strength...

"Milady. Welcome home."

"Thank you, Touka." We stand together in one of the wide halls that connects the many parts of this mansion. Her gaze towards me is curious, and I see the flames that flow from her form. They're magnificently warm and bright, more than anyone's that I've come across today. Those words from the garden, when I was drifting off to sleep...I remember them. She holds in her heart a divine purpose, to serve our family with everything that she has within her.

"Lady Lilith...might I speak freely?"

"Of course. What is it, my dear?"

"You...look much different than a few hours earlier. I cannot truly explain it, but it's something that I can feel within myself. If it's not too forward me to say, you look incredibly radiant."

"Thank you, Touka. For you to notice that much, you truly are a special woman. I have changed, in many ways. I have done as Haha-ue has asked of me. Not simply for my sake, but for that of my kindred spirit."

"I see. I understand, milady. Wherever you lead, I will follow without hesitation. And I will protect Lady Rose with every part of my being in your stead."

"I have always trusted you to do so, Touka."

"Milady...thank you," she says with a tender smile. "The little one is waiting for you, so I will stand in your way no longer. Godspeed to you, forever and always."

"Thank you once more, Touka. I love you dearly."

She bows for me as I leave, travelling down the halls and towards my room.

"You're back already. And not without something new."

Emi stands upright from her position against the crib, taking note of me. That familiar, haughty smile of hers graces her face.

"A genius, through and through. You truly are my daughter."

"You can see it," I say. "Or more than that...you felt it as soon as I came near."

"It's quite hard to miss. The more I look at you, the more I notice."

She has a strong, thick aura of flame winding around her slowly. White hot...matching that relentless spirit perfectly. Burning energy that has made its way into the hearts of every person in this place...a match for everyone that I passed earlier. She is the source that I was searching for, then. I appreciate her even more now, realizing how much she's given to everyone here.

"I see."

"I know that I'm not strong enough to escape this world on my own. Perhaps it will never come to pass, since I'm only human. But you, Lili...it's more than just a matter of youth. It's everything that you were gifted by Caroline. That confident vision, that pure spirit. I feel it in me, that you really have ascended to a level beyond us...but then, I always wanted this to happen. If you can do it, then perhaps Rose will know the way. All I ever wish for is the absolute best for her."

"Yes. I want that much too," I say.

"It's time that you showed her your face. It's been too long, as far as she's concerned."

I step forward and look down into the crib. Rose immediately starts to move, reaching for me.

"It seems that I didn't change too much in your eyes."

I reach down into the crib and pick her up, holding her against me. I can see it as I focus...a faint golden glow around her tiny body. A distant shadow of mine, but still present. It seems that Emi was right. If anyone can follow me, it's certainly her.

"You are...a place to come back to. A home on this Earth of ours, no matter where we might be at any moment. Together, we can do anything we put our minds to. And so, we will. We will change the bounds of history, and we will change fates and destined outcomes. We will create a bond so great that it will shift the foundations of time. We will become splendid princesses, together."

I kiss her gently on the forehead.

"We will rise above the bounds of Earth's gravity, hand in hand. I am the Scarlet Viper of legend, an nothing is impossible for me. So shall it be for you, my darling sister."

Our mission, our purpose, as those made in the image of the divine. No longer bound by fate...we will become one with the stars.
Violet Memory
Scarlet Justice - ep. 119
"Violet Memory"
[Sweet Child of Mine: Epilogue]

"We'll be heading out, Mama."

"Alright. Make sure you have everything."

I put the straps of my bag over one shoulder, filled with everything that Rose might possibly need while we're outside. Today is a beautiful spring day, and I decided that I would take Rose out for some fresh air, outside of the mansion. She has been back and forth with Emi and Touka the past few weeks, but I want some extra time with her before I head back to the Leaf. It should be warm today, so I go with a simple pink dress that stops at my knees.

"I should be set," I say to Emi as we walk to the front entrance. The usual butler with his slick black hair, Honda, acknowledges me with a nod before presenting a velvet-lined box for my perusal. Inside are several types of eyewear.

"Heading anywhere in particular?" she asks.

"The Katsuragi Farm just outside of town. I want Rose to see the beasts of the field today...anime and the occasional documentary aren't enough stimulation on their own."

"That much is fair. If you do come across the old man, send my regards. Is Sakizuki coming with you?"

"That was the plan," I say as I choose a pair of black sunglasses. I nod to Honda and he closes the box before putting it away. "Did you have need of him?"

"No, not really."

"He's married, you remember."


"Behave yourself."

She rolls her eyes. "I'll see you both later."

"Yes, Mama. I love you."

"Yes, yes..." Emi waves over her shoulder as she saunters off.

Honda opens the front door, and I step outside with Rose in my arms. Sakizuki hops down from his driving seat and opens the door for us.

"Thank you kindly."

"You're welcome, ma'am. Ma'ams, I mean."

I giggle a bit at that. "You really are adorable at times, you know. Rose and I will be fine, so you can focus on your driving. Do you know where the Katsuragi Farm is?"

"Yeah, you can't miss the place. Are we stopping there, ma'am?"

"I want Rose to see the pasture. We'll have you and Al park somewhere nearby while we look over the fence."


"Don't rush getting there, we'll be just fine with a little bit of suspense." I set Rose down in the nearby basket, making sure she's comfortable before I have a seat myself. "How has the job been, by the by?"

"Oh, uh...great, honestly. Best one I've ever had, and I don't think about leaving. Everyone's really nice...it was kind of weird at first, you know? But I'm more than used to it by now. My wife's happy that she doesn't have to work anymore, and I get to spend some more time with my daughter."

"Nothing you can think of in terms of problems?"

"Nothing, really." He rubs his neck. "The Mistress is pretty...friendly."

"I see. She's harmless for now, but you know how much of a shameless flirt she can be. It's just feeding off of your attention from time to time. But I scolded her a few minutes earlier, and I can have a talk with her if she's making you nervous."

"I wouldn't go that far..."

"You don't have to, Sakizuki. Listen, Touka and I can deliver a slap on the hand from time to time. That woman is a hedonist. Neither good or bad on its own, but transgressing societal bounds so callously makes others uncomfortable."

"Heh. You seem to know a lot about this, ma'am. I mean, seeing as you're so young and all."

"Advanced age and experience are often paired with each other. Youth and experience, however, are not mutually exclusive things. It is easy to forget that in this world of ours."

"That much is true. Ah, I should get us going. Sorry for taking up your time, ma'am."

"As I say often, there is no need for apologies. Come to us if you have anything troubling you, Sakizuki."

He nods. "Yes, ma'am." The door closes gently, and I hear him getting into his designated seat before sending Al forward. The carriage finally moves, and Rose babbles on from her basket beside me. We head through town at a brisk pace, passing by the many buildings crafted in imitations of the western style. They contained the same sorts of amenities as the natives would be used to here on the interior, unlike our home, which was based on more...foreign sensibilities, to simplify it. I wonder what it would be like to go across the ocean once more...

We leave the town behind and end up travelling dusty roads, heading out into the vast fields where farm animals roam and rows upon rows of crops are planted. The Katsuragi Farm specializes in two things: exquisite milk, and exquisite meat. Both are delivered fresh to the mansion as requested, at varying times every two weeks or so. If there is a special occasion, a few maids make their way out and pick up the items themselves. The rolling green fields are visible outside of the carriage window, and I feel us come to a stop a few moments later.

"The pasture does look picturesque. I suppose this is as good a place as any to stop a while. Let's go, Rose."


I lift the basket and wait for Sakizuki to open the carriage door, which he does faithfully. I put on my sunglasses and step outside, shaking out my hair as the sunlight kisses my skin. Refreshing as always.

"Did you need anything, ma'am?"

"Nothing, thank you. If you wanted to have a look alongside us, feel free."

"Ah, I should be okay, ma'am. I can watch from a distance while I keep Al company."

"Understood." I walk across the road with Rose, stopping at the fence and then setting down the basket. Rose is her happy, fidgety self as I pick her up, making sure she's secure in my arms and able to look out at the grazing animals.

"These are the other living beings around you, my love. The great beasts of the field, children of nature. Much like our friend Al, we have tamed them, in line with our function as stewards of the Earth. Unfortunately, some take advantage of this, and inflict terrible scars upon the ones who they see as their inferiors. Cruel, and utterly foolish. After all...humans are prey as well. Fit to be consumed, just as these lumbering beasts are. This unwarranted arrogance, repeated over and over...it has brought harm to the Earth and its inhabitants. We have lost our way."

I walk to another point along the fence, closer to what I want Rose to see.

"But we should not focus on such depressing things for now. Those solutions will come as the heavens will it. Let us look at the beast before us, grazing in this vast pasture." I tilt my hand towards the brown fellow in front of me. Its ears move up and down as it takes note of us. "This is a cow. Whereas you currently have your milk sourced from Mama, I have mine come from these humble children. The importance of our care for the Earth cannot be understated here, for the cow consumes the grass of the field and can produce delicious milk because of it. Katsuragi Farm treats its children delicately, and reverently in the case of those who are destined to become meals of the recherche variety. Yes, the king of meats itself, called wagyu beef. One day, you will be able to experience the divine flavour that comes from such exquisitely raised meat. For now, you must grow big and strong with your mother's milk. Which is quite delicious, something we can both agree on."


"Yes, of course. The wagyu cows are...over there, yes. There is a fellow in black, grazing peacefully," I say as I point towards the black cow nearby. "They will become meat one day soon. Some bleeding hearts would call it tragic and horrible, and in far too many places on this planet, that would be the truth. But as long as we take care to pay our respects, and to humanely silence our fellow creatures as we harvest their flesh, we can properly participate in the great circle of life, where nothing ever truly disappears. The cow becomes meat. The meat that we consume becomes part of us, from a basis of power and energy. And that energy is released from us, back into the atmosphere. The winds and rains are made up of this abundant flow, and come back to the Earth itself, helping grasses and plants to grow in their proper seasons. Another beast consumes the grass. And so things begin anew. An uninterrupted flow, according to the design of heaven."


"Yes, truly fascinating. You seem to be grasping what life is, what it could become in the future. We still have a ways to go," I say as I gently rock Rose. "But change will come. I have declared it so, and you will be by my side to help. If you so choose, of course. Hmm...it may be that the greater portion of problems will be solved before your help is needed. We shall see. Things for future consideration."

I notice from the corner of my eye something approaching us. Or, someone rather. A young man on a horse. He slows to a stop on the other side of the fence. Lightly tanned, plenty of muscle underneath that short sleeved shirt of his, and one of those wide brimmed hats to keep away the sun. The quintessential farm lad, and certainly a visual treat.

"Good morning, little miss."

"A pleasant morning to you, sir. What business do you have with us today?"

He seems taken aback by my verbosity, but to his credit recovers quickly. "Oh. I was just wondering if you all were doing okay, seeing as you're standing by the fence and all."

"I see. My sister and I were simply observing your livestock as they grazed peacefully. It seemed a lovely day to do so, and the stimulation should be welcome for a girl of her age."


"I take it you thought she was mine," I say unsubtly.

"Well...I did have that thought, if I had to admit it."

I sigh. Handsome boy, but has rocks in place of his brain. There are things you just don't say to women. "Never you mind. I take it you're one of the Katsuragi boys."

"That's right. Yusei Katsuragi," he says with another tilt of his hat.

"I am Lilith Kobayashi, daughter of the Kobayashi House. My sister here is Rosemary. Is your father in, by chance?"

"Had to run out for an errand or two, sorry about that."

"Nothing to fret about. If you are able, please relay greetings from Emi Kobayashi."

"Emi? One of your sisters?"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Our mother. The mistress of the estate."

"Oh...that Lady Kobayashi, then. So you're her daughter. Alright, I'll let the old man know when he gets back. Did you need anything? Cold drink, guided tour?"

"We're fine for now, my darling. But thank you for your hospitality. I have beverages cooling in the carriage, and Rosemary here will only drink her mother's milk."

"That sounds about right for a baby. Well, if you all want to come back and have a look at the scenery, feel free. The old man certainly won't mind, and he'd like to meet you, I think."

"I look forward to a meeting with the prestigious master of Katsuragi Farm myself. The beef is delectable, and the milk, an absolute delight to drink. Have you all considered selling fortified milk, by chance?"


Poor thing. I don't think he would understand the concepts of vitamins and minerals, not without his brain turning to pudding in the process. "It's something you can mention to your dear father over a meal, if you remember it."

"I'll try, then. Take care, Miss Lilith. And Miss Rosemary."

Rose wiggles her arms. "Ooh."

He tilts his hat towards both of us before riding off. Ino had a term for these types of boys, but I forget what it was. Mm. I'm sure he appeals to plenty of women as is, though. A magnificent body of steel...and a majestic brain made of brick. Friendly, though. I can appreciate that along with everything else.


I shudder at the thought of being married off to someone of his...talents. It almost did happen, didn't it. At best, I would have been able to avoid it by being disowned by my father, for the crime of being a so-called degenerate. Good riddance to that worthless trash.

"Human specimens like that are common in this world," I explain to Rose. "Good looks, average intelligence. I am easily frustrated by such beings, but you will surely have a better temperament than I in the future. You are a bit young to worry about these things, but no matter what path you choose in life, I will be here to support you."

Rose fidgets in my arms and smiles. I suppose that's a sign of approval.

"You'll be wealthy the rest of your days, so a trophy husband would be acceptable. We women do like our eye candy," I say as I look out at the farm boy again. Wonder what he's like under that shirt.

"Everything okay, ma'am?"

"Ah, Sakizuki. Yes, everything is well. We were just having a, shall we say, enlightening chat with the local farmhand. One of the Katsuragi sons," I say to him.

"I see. I did meet the lady of the farm once, and one of her daughters. I think she wanted to hook us up, but I gave off a few hints that I was taken. Whip smart old lady, though. Has to be reason this farm has been successful for so long."

"Behind every strong man, there is an even stronger woman, yes?"

"Something like that, ma'am."

"Words to live by, then. If you could fetch Rose's milk from the usual place, I would appreciate that."

"Ma'am. Back in a second."

I watch Sakizuki head into the carriage and emerge a moment later with a bottle of milk. After I receive it from him, I do the usual checks: taste, temperature, air removal, and nipple opening. Once everything is clear, I lower the bottle towards my little sister, and she suckles obediently.

"He probably mistook you for her mother, ma'am."

"Perceptive of you. What brings this on?" I ask.

"You take care of her like it's natural, ma'am. Reminds me of my wife and daughter, all that time ago."

"Hm. I suppose I can take that as a compliment this time, seeing as it's you."

"Thank you, ma'am. Did you need anything else?"

"No, nothing. How is Al doing?"

"Relaxing, enjoying the sights. Same as always, ma'am."

"A lovely child. When I'm done, I have some treats for him to enjoy. Good work should always be rewarded." I give Sakizuki a smile. "And of course, you haven't been forgotten."


"You'll see in a bit."

"R-right. Thank you."

I nod and return my attention to Rose. Hungry child that she is, we go through another bottle before she's satisfied and drifts off to sleep. I give my faithful servants their treats: Al gets his promised apple slices, seeds removed, and Sakizuki a candy bar. They both enjoy themselves in the spring sun while I sip on a bottle of cold milk.


There isn't much to worry about right now. But eventually...I will have to head back to work. The world isn't going to change itself. I can see these clear skies from the village as well. It won't be the same, but it will be home there as well. That is the most important thing.

"Finally free...is that right?"

I ponder those words, and how I can make them a reality for everyone.


This week has been...a bit trying. I intend to return to the Hidden Leaf and properly start my work again. There is much to do, and it would be best to get it out of the way as soon as possible. There is a bit of sadness at my inevitable parting, but everyone is understanding.

Almost everyone. Rose has suddenly transformed from a calm child into a miniature tyrant.

She monopolizes my time, crying at almost every instance we're separated. Emi gives her the usual milk, but after that, she wails until I take her away. Touka can't do much of anything and has to call me in for help. The drastic change seems baffling and frustrating at first, but I come to understand the reason for it. Rose can sense that I am about to leave her for a long while, and doesn't care for it. And being an infant, so limited in this world, her fussiness and constant antics are the only way to hold my attention.

Just thinking about it is...it breaks my heart.

Today is my final day at the mansion. I pack up my things and Touka carries my travel bag to the front entrance. My cardigan goes on, and I perch my sunglasses on my forehead.

I hear Rose's loud crying as Emi approaches.

"She doesn't want her big sister to leave. Poor darling..."

"I wish I could take her with me," I say sincerely. "But everyone that I know also has business to tend to. Luna is with Ane-ue now, and I would hate to separate them so suddenly. Aside from that, she is still in the earliest stages of her development. She needs her mother, and the best nanny we have as guidance."


"I will miss Rose, too. Already, I can feel like there is an empty space inside of me."

"She must know, yes. It's why she cries like this, hoping that you would change your mind," Emi says, trying to calm Rose down. The little one swings her arms out, reaching for me. I feel tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Mama...please let me hold her, one last time."

"Of course." Emi hands Rose to me. Immediately, Rose simmers down and flails around until she can grab hold of my finger.

"Rose..." I sniffle. "This hurts me as well. I don't want to leave you, but I must. I have so many things to do, and because of that, I won't have the time to properly nurture you. Mama and Touka care for you just as much as I do, you have to remember that. Please wait for me...I won't abandon you, I swear it. So please...you have to let go, Rose."

She stares at me, with those big blue eyes of hers. I nod and let the tears run down, feeling her slowly let go of my finger.

"Thank you. I...I love you with all of my heart, Rose. Take care of Mama and Touka for me. Behave for them. Become a splendid, wonderful girl."


"Yes. That's a good girl...good girl. You'll be safe here. I will see you soon, Rose. I love you."

I kiss her gently on the forehead, and her eyes slowly close.

"You were so tired, weren't you...trying your hardest to keep me from leaving. You silly, silly girl."

Emi gently takes Rose from me as I wipe away my tears. "Stubborn little thing...I'm already looking forward to having another sparring partner in a few years, hmhm. Lili, do take care. I'm already excited for your next visit," she says with a smile. "You can bring your girlfriend over, so I can tease her properly."

"Mistress, you really should behave yourself," Touka says. "But I feel the same, I am already looking forward to serving you again, Lady Lilith. It is always a joy. Please be safe in your future endeavours."

"I will be. Thank you both for your affections towards me. Farewell for now, and heaven's richest blessings to you. Until the next," I say with a bow.

"Until the next," they say in unison. I secure my things and head out through the front door, where Sakizuki is waiting in front of the carriage. He takes my things and places them inside, and then I sit and try to make myself comfortable.

"Everything okay, ma'am? Something wrong with the seat?"

"It's nothing. I'm just...restless today, is all."

"Your eyes are-"

"It's dust." I wipe at my eyes and then pull my sunglasses down over them. "Stop worrying. I will be fine."

He nods with understanding. "Yes, ma'am. I'll get us moving."

"Thank you."

I take one last glance at the majestic mansion as the carriage finally pulls away. We travel through the gates, and onto the town's main road.

"I'll keep my promise...and be back soon enough."

My eyes close as I think of my beloved family. I feel myself drift into sleep, with all of them on my mind.
Proof of Courage
Scarlet Justice - ep. 120
"Proof of Courage"
[Days of Thunder: Chapter of Noble Eyes, Part 1]

"I'm home."

Three days have passed, and I am back in the Leaf once more. My home is empty as I arrive.

Fio, from her note on the table, has left for a mission two days ago. She estimates that it will take about six days total before she returns to me. The mailbox has been emptied faithfully in my absence, and I see the usual things along with some welcome surprises. A letter from the Hokage himself, requesting a meeting to discuss my proposal. And another letter, from Hyuuga. Right away I can tell that Hina wrote it. She wants to talk...but doesn't mention what the subject is.

It's a bit mysterious on her part.

"I should take care of it as soon as possible. For now, though...I want a nap."

I leave my things where they are and drop onto the couch, closing my eyes. My eyes slowly slide open an hour later, and I feel refreshed. I stand up and stretch a bit, then head to the kitchen to get something in my belly. A warm sandwich, paired with a delicious glass of milk will do. I review the two letters along with the other content stacked on the table. The junk mail is thrown into the recycling, and everything else goes into my room where it will be properly sorted later. I wash out my things in the sink, and shake out my hair before tying it up for the day.

"Okay. Let's go ahead and do this...barely a moment, and I'm already busy again. But I can handle this much." I transfer my essentials to a smaller and lighter purse, then put it over my shoulder and check my compact mirror. I don't look any worse for wear, so I think I should be alright for a quick visit. I shut off the lights and lock the front door before heading out into the village, towards the Hyuuga estate. A few people here and there greet me as I pass them, and since I feel friendly enough today, I make sure to give them a smile or a wave in return. Perhaps my reputation is improving in the village? Curious if so, but largely unimportant.

"Good morning to you," I say to the two guards at the entrance. "I am responding to a summons."

They stand in place looking at me. I hold my tongue and start again, ready to be a little forceful if needed. This isn't the time to be obstinate...

"Hey. Let her through. This is no time to be your stubborn selves."

Hanabi appears from behind the two burly men and takes my hand.

"Sorry about that, Lili-nee. I guess your reputation hasn't improved as much as we'd like," she says bitterly.

"It's no trouble, my love. I'm happy to see you, and that's all that matters. Shall we go?"


I tilt my nose up at the guards as we pass them, heading past the front gate and inside. As we walk, the only sounds between us are our steps against the wooden floors. Hanabi isn't saying anything, and she seems just a bit stiff as she walks. She's quite tense.


"Yes, Lili-nee. What is it?"

"You don't seem well today. Is something the matter? I can understand if you don't want to talk, but I'm worried. This total silence isn't like you at all."

"I've just...been worrying."

"About what?"

"Onee-sama...she hasn't been herself for the past two weeks or so."

"I wondered. That letter she sent was formal and mysterious, especially for her. She knows that she can call me whenever she wants, so...I don't know why she would go that far. What has happened to her, Hanabi?"

"I don't really know. There's a strange light in her eyes now. Father...I know he wasn't trying to be insensitive, but he said that it was how he wanted her to always look. The heiress that he had once dreamed of raising. Maybe it pleases him, but...I can't be happy for something like that. Not as she is now. It doesn't radiate confidence for me, it's something else entirely."

"I see." That is a bit worrying. I've always said that Hina had the heart of a lioness inside of her, and that it would be a wonderful sight to see that side of her manifested at last. But from the way that Hanabi is describing it, she's on edge. Waiting for something. Or...someone, rather. "I understand how you feel, darling. This might have to do with me, in its entirety."


"Something that I can sense in the atmosphere, definitely. We will see what happens next."

"She's been isolating herself for the past few days. Coming straight home after training or missions, doing kata entirely by herself, and then reading or sleeping. She's been eating properly, so there are no problems there...but nobody has been close to her in a while. Even Neji is weirded out."

"And it takes a lot to rattle that boy, surely. It's sounding more and more serious...but you leave it to me," I say as I pat Hanabi's head. "No matter how long it takes, I will soothe our dear sister's soul."

She smiles up at me. "Okay. I trust you as always, Lili-nee. Good luck."

"Thank you, love."

Hanabi takes me to the small room where Hina is waiting. She bows before heading off, and I am alone in front of the sliding door.

"Hina? It's me."

"Please come in."

"..." There's no doubt that it's her, but...her voice. It's flat and cold. I nervously slide open the door and see that she's seated in front of a small table, resting on her knees with a cushion underneath her. The room is illuminated by candlelight, making her white eyes glow. She wears a plain white robe, much like many of the other Hyuuga do, and her hair is let down, spilling over her shoulders.

A small heater is in the middle of the table, and on top of it is an elaborately crafted tea kettle. There are two equally adorned tea cups nearby.


"Lili. Welcome home," she says plainly.

"Thank you. I...read your letter, and came here as quickly as I could."

"I know. Thank you for that. You must have been tired from your trip, so I very much appreciate your effort. I won't waste any of your time. Would you sit next to me?"

"Of course." I move the cushion that's on the other side of the table, and she moves hers in turn. We rest on our knees together, now facing the large window which overlooks one of the estate's many gardens. Hina pours a cup of tea for me, then does the same for herself. In the darkened room, I watch as the steam wafts upwards and floats around us as we sit quietly.

"I wanted to talk like this. After I was able to take some time and...think these things through. I know that I've worried many people as a result, and I feel badly about it. But I felt that I had to take this seriously, more seriously than I've taken anything in my life."

Hina stares down at her tea for a while. I feel her hand brush against mine, and our fingers eventually mesh together gently as I reach back for her. I give her a soft, reassuring squeeze.

"Hina...you can talk to me about anything, you know. Absolutely anything."

"I know. I know, I just...wanted to have this come out right. I'm so nervous right now that I can't stand it."

It feels like a long time. Minutes stretched out, in a quiet space. I can hear Hina's breathing as she tries to steady herself. There's the faint feeling of her pulse as our hands are pressed together. I give her another gentle squeeze, hoping that it will help her move forward. Then, she raises her head and turns it to face me. Her eyes have softened a little from before.

"I've always wanted to better myself. While I was at the Academy...no, before that, even. I came to admire Naruto a lot. His courage...his wonderful spirit and resilience. All of that gave me strength. But even as I tried, it wasn't enough to transform me. It wasn't enough to make me change for good. I was still a weak person. For that reason, I was surprised when you chose me to be your partner, the first time we had properly met. It wasn't that I disliked you, or that I was afraid...the opposite, actually. You were so strong, so elegant and graceful. You were unlike me, you were everything I wasn't. You were the person that everyone wanted me to be, but I couldn't get there. I thought that I never would. Even so, you trusted me. You helped me believe in myself for what was truly the first time. Despite my fragile nature, despite the weakness that I showed you. You took my hand, and you did your best to protect me, someone you barely knew and had no reason to trust. From there, we became friends."

She gives me a small smile.

"But the most important thing was what you did for me at my lowest point. You refused to abandon me. As broken as I was, and with as much danger as we were in, you chose that moment to stand by me, and to pour your love into me. You chose to give me hope. I fell in love with you that day. I truly changed. I...it was what made me into the woman you see before you."


"When I said that I wanted to fight you, at the Chuunin Exams, I meant it. No matter what the outcome would have been, I wanted to prove myself to you. But...back then, it was different. We were much closer in strength. Now, I look at you and see someone who's far beyond me. Someone who has touched the plains of heaven. You are...you are an angel. And so, I know that I won't be able to catch up to you. I can feel it at this very moment, that you've kept your promise to me...that you've transcended your own humanity, and become one with the stars themselves."


"And yet, knowing all of that, bearing witness to it...something is burning within me."

"Hina...there's something you mean to ask, isn't there? What is it?"

"I want to fight you, Lili. And I don't want you to hold back," she says firmly. "I don't want your pity, and I don't want you to treat me like some peasant."

"Hina, you have to understand-"

"I do understand. I know what I'm walking into. But I want to be strong. And I want to prove to you, to everyone, that your faith in me wasn't wasted. It's as I said so long ago, that this is how I want to honour you. I love you. And I want to show you how much I love you, Lili."

"I..." I shake my head. "You won't make me use all of my strength on you, Hina. If you're aware of the gap between us, then you should know better."

"If you hold out on me, I will make you regret it. I promise."

She's entirely serious, the look on her face calm but bordering on frustration. "This is really what you want, isn't it?"

"It is."

I can see it in her eyes, that she wants everything I have. I don't know exactly how strong she has become, but she's ready to show me. Refusing her in this moment...it might do more damage than I could ever realize. She won't accept a light spar. And she'll be hurt and insulted if she figures out that I'm fighting at less than full power. Right, she was there when I used that heavenly strength in the valley. She's seen what I'm capable of, and won't settle for anything less than that.

Now I can no longer run away. Fine. I'll accept her challenge. And if she wants me at my best, she can have that experience.

I give Hina a light nod. "Alright. I will fight you for real, then. I promise you that I will show you my true power, just as you've seen it before. You won't accept anything less, I know it."

"Thank you, Lili."

"You're welcome, my love. I know how much this means to you."

She leans over and plants a kiss on my cheek. "Two days from now...in the main courtyard."

"Understood. Then I will see you soon."


I drink down the warm tea in front of me before getting up, shouldering my purse. Hina nods before I slide the door open and leave. Hanabi is sitting on her knees outside...she looks up at me, tears in her eyes.

"Lili...? You're not going to..."

"It's what she wants. I can't deny her this experience, not after everything we've been through together."

"You shouldn't...please, you have to change your mind. She'll get hurt..."

"Hanabi." I kneel down to meet her. "There may be a few bruises and scrapes, but we couldn't hurt each other badly unless we really tried."

"What's the point of a fight? You're so far above her, above all of us. What would it prove?"

"Did you forget already? Try to look past your worry, and remember what your elder sister went through." I place my hands gently on the sides of her head. "Remember how she was treated."

"I..." Hanabi comes to a realization, as I hoped. "I get it...I understand now."

"Tell me, then."

"To be acknowledged...to be accepted as worthy. What Father, and the rest of the clan...even me...took from her all that time ago. To dance with someone called an elite is...the highest praise. And validation of her journey."

"Yes. You understand perfectly."

"There's no shame in a face with scars..." She smiles as I wipe her tears away. "Don't be too rough on her, Lili-nee."

"Promise. You just make sure she's ready in two days' time. A fierce training partner will help."

"Right. I'll tell Neji, too. I bet he'll be excited to help out."

"Take care, my darling."

"You too." She kisses me on the cheek before springing upwards, going to meet with Hina. I suppose I can expect a formidable battle strategy with those two working together.

"That...ended well enough. So my sister wants a challenge, then..."

I get to my feet and make my way out.

"No regrets, then...Hinata."


"That should be it for the day."

One more night until my next meeting with Hina. I feel ready enough, but I want to make sure I'm in good condition. Between our last talk and today, I've run across the countryside doing a few small missions and checking up on outposts. Longer missions will come soon enough...after this has been taken care of.

I enter the apartment and head straight for the bathroom, throwing off my clothing while the water is run for a bath. I think I've earned that much after working so hard. As I sink into the warm water, my thoughts are turned to her again. All of the time that we've spent together...the things that we've done, and the many sides of her that I've come to know. From that timid girl who often seemed like she would shake herself to pieces...she's come so far, and changed so much. It makes me happy.


I lift my left leg out of the water, and see the charm around my ankle sparkling with light. Her gift to me, a reminder of how close we've become. A symbol of our bond. No matter what happens, we will never be far from each other. I set my leg down and continue through my memories. During the exams, she was brave at every turn. Confident and strong. And that moment, I remember it well. I showed her exactly who I was, and she didn't budge an inch. She was ready to dance with me on that stage, in front of the entire world.

What I hope is that this will be enough for her. Just the two of us, trying to outdo each other and leave an impression.

"I thought I would be more apprehensive, but...I'm looking forward to this now. Imagine that."

I get out of the bath and dry off, then put on one of my fluffy robes before heading to my room. There's a picture on the nightstand that catches my eye. Hina and I are together, smiling and posing for the camera. It's a lovely photo.


I wonder if it would still work. I know that I retired that old outfit, but there's a possibility that I could bring it out one last time. I walk over to my closet and find it, the set of clothing that I wore for my first day at the Shinobi Academy. A blue shirt with sleeves that flare out, starting from the elbows. Black pants that are rolled up to my ankles. Modest and simple...it's at odds with the girl I am now, to say the least.

"Let's see, now...hmph..."

This isn't...bad. But it's not good, either? Definitely strange. I haven't tried on old clothing in a while, so this is a feeling that I've forgotten entirely. The shirt is quite tight around my chest, and no longer comes down past my hips. Speaking of those, the pants are having a hard time going up...I haven't gained that much weight, have I? Looking in the mirror, I can see that this isn't going to work. Pants that won't zip and a shirt that won't stay down. Well, it has been two years already.

I put my hands on my hips and stare at my reflection, then have a laugh at the absurdity of it all.

"It's not happening. So much for a nostalgic meeting, then...ah, well. Back into the closet you go. We might go with something simple the day of..." I sigh and change into my pyjamas, then drop onto my bed.

"Nerves..." Even if I'm going to show her all of my strength, I don't want to hurt her. Badly, at least. There will be some pain involved, there has to be at this point. I wonder what I should do...how I should fight. It's a confusing thing to think about. Perhaps I'll stick to the plan I had before, hunting her like the rest of my prey. It could be the thing that gives her a chance. But then...playing around too much might upset her. I could just take it seriously from the start, and end things in a few moments. That might be disappointing in its own way, but it would also be the most realistic outcome. A lightning bolt of pragmatism. Just as she demanded, with those eyes of hers.

"I'll find a way to give you what you want, Hina. I just have to be careful..."

A yawn forces my mouth open. I throw the bathrobe over a nearby chair, turn out the lights, and close my eyes. I can think about all of that later. Right now, it's time to sleep.


"Morning, Lili-nee."

"Good morning," I say into the phone. Hanabi's timing is good, since I'm in the middle of making breakfast. It's the day of my meeting with Hina.

"Calling in to confirm that we're ready. She says that evening would be preferable, about seven o' clock. Any objections?"

"None," I say. "I will be ready at the promised time."

"Understood. Then we'll see you in a few hours."

"Take care, Hanabi."

"I will."

She hangs up, and I set the phone down on the counter. Might as well have myself a hearty breakfast...my schedule is clear, and I'm well rested. Nothing to do but wait for the magic hour to arrive. And...I do so faithfully. Catching up on reading, making sure things are running properly around the home, light cleaning...I keep myself well occupied until about five in the evening, two hours before we're set to begin.

With that, I take a quick shower and get into my clothing. While my favourite sweater would be nice to wear, I think I should go with something different...something that will make a firm impression. Hmm.

"Ah, I know. It's a good excuse to finally break it out..."

I find one of the pairs of standard Leaf gear that I bought the other day, consisting of a dark blue shirt and pants, and then put on the green flak jacket that has been resting deep in my closet for the longest while. My armband goes around my right arm, and I put my hair up into a high ponytail. I look at myself in the mirror and decide that I'm just about ready.

"Good. This should signal that I'm taking her seriously. Let's get started."

I put a dark blue cap over my head and make sure it's secure. Six o' clock...time to clean up and go.


The evening is a touch cooler than I thought it would be, but it's not an issue. I reach the Hyuuga residence in short order, and Hanabi is out at the main entrance to meet me.

It's currently half past six.

"I figured you would be early," Hanabi says with a smile. "Guess you're pumped up."

"I really am looking forward to this little meeting..."

"Looks like it. Onee-sama will be happy to see you like this. She's got something planned herself, but she wouldn't let me see it," she says as we walk inside together. "Worried that I was gonna spill the beans to you, definitely."

"Well, I can't wait to see what's in store."

We walk out to the big main courtyard. The dwindling light makes for a dramatic sort of backdrop...it makes a bit of sense that Hina would choose this time, then.


Wait a moment. Something isn't right.

"Neji? What're you doing out here? I thought you had something to take care of," Hanabi asks her cousin.

"I did, Lady Hanabi. And that task has been completed."

"Task...? Neji, what are you-"

"He's not alone," I say while staring at him.

"Lili? What are you talking about?"

"Your bloodline...use it a moment."

I feel her chakra pulse, and after a brief moment she gasps in shock.

"I...I didn't...Lili-nee, please believe me, I didn't plan on..."

"I know, darling. It's okay. This...is all Neji's doing. Isn't that right?" I ask him.

"Yes. Lady Hanabi, you and Lady Hinata can deliver whatever punishment that you want later on. I make no excuses for the despicable, underhanded things that I have done tonight. But...you must believe me when I say that I do this for Lady Hinata's sake. To protect her. I promised that I would shield her, even if it cost me my life. And knowing that I would not be strong enough to defeat my senpai on my own, I enlisted the help of others. Senpai, I apologize. But I cannot let you go through with this fight. I cannot let you battle Lady Hinata and potentially cause her harm, even if it's what she says she wants. She has no way to win."

"It's not about winning, Neji."

"Then what is the point of a fight?"

"It's not something that you can understand right now. You and everyone else...you have to step aside."

"Senpai. I refuse. The moment that Lady Hanabi told me what was going to take place...my mind was made up."

"Neji...please. She asked it of me. I made a promise to her."

"Even so, I cannot allow it," he says with a shake of his head. "We will stop you by force if you refuse to stand down."


I already know who he means. They emerge from the darkness, from different ends of the courtyard.

Rock Lee. Shikamaru Nara. Choji Akimichi. Kiba Inuzuka.

Seems like everyone has come out to play tonight.

"Sorry, Lili. I know this is gonna be a pain in the ass for both of us, but..."

"Yes. I'm sorry, too," I say to Shikamaru. "But I'm...not upset with you. Neji must have given you a passionate story, and you saw no choice but to stop my foolishness. It only makes sense."

"You know how strong you are!" Choji yells. "It's totally an unfair fight!"

"Yes, I agree!" Lee shouts. "I thought that you had discarded your villainous ways, but it seems that it was not the case! Though we were once teammates, it does not mean that I can allow you to get away with something like this! It is time for us to deliver justice!"

"This is a little low, even for you, Lili...maybe you think you're just gonna get a few hits in and call it a day, but there's no way that Hinata will come out alright after getting beaten in a fight with you," Kiba says. "If you won't snap out of it, then we'll do what Neji says and snap you out of it ourselves."

"Arf!" Akamaru backs up his partner.

"If you can get through us, then...you will be free to do whatever you like," Neji says. "We will have no answer, and no way to deny your wishes. But you must understand, we will fight with all that we have to protect Lady Hinata from herself...and from you."

I stare down at my feet.

I know that these boys care. They care about both of us, about what an event like this could mean, how much harm it could do. They want to protect two friends from each other. They want to protect people they care about. They want to do the right thing, and it's so admirable that they would go this far, that they would band together at one person's request. They're good children, and they should continue following their hearts like this. It is a beautiful thing to witness.

But their good intentions do nothing to erase my indignation.

How dare they. How dare these fools, these self-righteous know nothings, these plodding imbeciles tell me what to do. Hina is my sister. I brought her to her feet from her lowest point. I sacrificed for her sake. I gave her what she needed, I kept my promises to her, I encouraged her. Me. It was me, Lilith Kobayashi, the girl who was shunned and mocked from the moment she tried to become a shinobi in this village, I was the one who reached out to her. Her courage, her confidence, her pure smile, all of that was because of me. Nobody else. Me. How dare they stand in my way, call me a villain, tell me that I don't know what I'm doing, suggest that I'm bullying her to get myself off...I hate it, all of it. To say that any of them know better than me, especially that Neji, someone who fantasized about killing her if he ever got the chance. I will never roll over for that reason. Not a bad person, no, but for him to claim that he is protecting her, more than me? Never. He could never love or care for her as much as I have, not even if he gave up his life a thousand times over.

I am Hinata's protector. I am the one who gave her strength. Nobody in this world or the next can ever, ever tell me how I should approach her. That unwarranted fucking arrogance makes my blood boil. I won't allow it. I won't allow anyone to get in my way, and especially threatening me, me, me! Of all the people in this world, you would threaten me with force...!


I steady myself. It was as I said before...these are not bad people. I don't want to hurt them badly. But they have promised to stand in my way no matter what, and so I will make my own promise.

I will make them suffer for their foolishness.



"I know that you want to stay and help. But this is my fight. I need to do this alone."

"I...I understand, Lili-nee. Please...be safe. And don't hurt them too badly..."

"I won't, Hanabi. Keep watch until this is over."

I hear her take off, and I take a few steps forward, squarely facing the squad of five.

"Senpai...is this truly what you want?" Neji asks.

I raise my head and stare into his eyes. He responds by immediately shifting into his battle stance.

"It is now, Neji. Make your first move...and I'll show you what a real villain looks like."
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Let's Just See
Scarlet Justice - ep. 121
"Let's Just See"
[Days of Thunder: Chapter of Noble Eyes, Part 2]

"Get to your positions, just like we planned! We can't give her any extra room to work with!"

Shikamaru's voice rings out, and I watch as each of the boys move to a different spot ahead of me. No doubt he has something interesting planned, but I can't figure out what at this moment.

But it won't matter. I'm going to beat them senseless either way.

Neji exhales before closing the short distance between us, fingers outstretched to try and hit my tenketsu. The obvious move is to engage him, so that's why I won't do it. I sway and avoid his first strike, sniffing out the attack coming from behind. Lee's kick misses as I bend forward, then I roll left to avoid Neji's palm thrust.

"That sort of perception..."

Neji gathers himself again and launches a flurry of strikes, keeping up the pressure even as I weave through each one of them. His speed is nothing compared to Kurenai's during our training sessions, but I still can't underestimate him. He quickly backs off after realizing he's getting nowhere, and I read the incoming attack from Lee as he jumps in.

"Leaf Hurricane!"

I quickly backstep to avoid his spinning kick, noting that Neji has set up shop behind me. Shikamaru, Kiba, and Choji are still in their original positions. Are they trying to wear me down first? Or is there something else going on?

"Here! Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm!"

"Mobius Type Four: Aegis."

I aim behind my head and fire a pulse of lightning, clashing with the air burst and destroying it with a loud rumble trailing behind. Lee jumps in front of me for another attack, and I slip under his punch before shoving him roughly to one side. He's off balance, and that's what I want for now – I'll let these boys think that their plans are intact for a moment longer.

"No good...Kiba, your turn. Choji, get ready," Shikamaru orders. On the ball as always, a reliable general.

"Aye!" Choji pulls out a bag of chips and starts eating. That's enough of a tell on its own. He's going to use his jutsu to make this troublesome. Obvious target. Shikamaru is a few steps ahead, but that gap won't last long, and he knows it. Kiba flicks a pill into Akamaru's mouth, just as I saw during the exams. The dog jumps onto his back, and they start their usual routine.

"Let's go! Four Legs Technique! Beast Human Clone!"


The two transform into feral copies of each other, growling at me before launching a double sided attack.

"Nowhere to run, snake girl!"

"I wouldn't run from the likes of you, you pathetic runt. Your teamwork is laughably basic and easy to parse. But with someone of your limited intelligence running around, I wouldn't expect too much in the first place."

He swipes at me and misses, then Akamaru follows up and misses in the same way. They synchronize their movements and use altered timing to try and land their blows, swiping through the air and twisting to launch kicks. They punch high and low simultaneously; I turn my body and lean backwards to avoid them both. A series of kicks from ahead and behind is defeated as I parry Kiba's kick and use his leg to lift myself over Akamaru's. They quickly recover, circle me, and then lunge forward with heavy straights. I wait until the last moment and split my legs, dropping to the ground as their fists smash into each other's faces. I then cartwheel to my feet and make seals as they reel back, stretching my hands outwards.

"Water Release: Water Shark Bullet."

Two sharks appear in front of my palms and shoot forward, slamming into Kiba and Akamaru. They sail to opposite ends of the courtyard, and are slow to move.

"No time to rest..."

Neji is on me in the next second, attacking swiftly with an extra burst of chakra running through his system. We dance past Shikamaru, who is watching nervously, and Choji, who is steadily eating in the midst of battle. His chakra is rising with each passing moment, but I already know how I will take care of him.

"You can't keep this up forever," Neji says in between his attacks.

"You would like to think so. I am going to put an end to this nonsense soon enough, so I won't have to keep this up for much longer."

"Don't worry about it, Neji. Move forward. Taijutsu's her weakest area, so you might be able to get something going," Shikamaru says. "Lee, stand by. We're gonna need you to do what we discussed earlier..."

"More tricks?" I say to myself. "Go ahead and empty your entire bag if you want."

"Here!" I feel Neji's chakra build rapidly. "Eight Trigrams-!"

I can see his body turning slightly, so it's that move after all. If the technique needs full rotation, then all I have to do is arrest it, right? Nobody is going to move in, meaning I'm all alone. Perfect...let's test my theory.

"Stage One, online." I activate the chakra mode and burst forward, using my extra strength to build a solid footing and stop him from moving completely.


"Figured out your secret from watching the exams. Don't feel bad, though...most people aren't me." I quickly sweep him with one leg, then follow up by kicking him away. He rolls a few times before recovering, popping back onto his feet and taking his stance immediately.

"Perception, speed, skill...I was right to enlist help," he says. "With just a glance, she's done all of this."

"There's no way...she's making it look like it's so easy. Mocking us!" Kiba yells as he finally recovers. Akamaru, still in his transformation, simply growls menacingly.

Getting a little more serious means I can end this quickly. But as incensed as I still am, I don't want to hurt these boys significantly. It would make Hina sad, wouldn't it...but the more I think about it, the more I feel differently. She wouldn't want me to take it easy, not in a situation like this. Perhaps I should follow through...and give them the respect they deserve. Shikamaru has shifted modes, his eyes closed and hands together in an odd position as he crouches. I haven't seen this before, but it must be some sort of meditative state.

"Kiba, go for it. I'll wait for a good moment to back you up," Neji says.

"Got it! Let's go, Akamaru! No more games!" The two of them come together and synchronize themselves. "Sorry, but this will hurt a bit, Lili!"

"Go fuck yourself. Don't go bootlicking now, you wretch."

"You little...! Beast Human Taijutsu, Secret Art! Fang Passing Fang!"

"And here you come..." They rush forward, jumping into the air before going into rapid spins and closing in on me from either side. A dangerous attack when properly coordinated, but even then...far too slow to catch me. I won't have to use any of the newer techniques. The proven ones I have will be enough to finish everyone off.

I hop backwards as Kiba's form scrapes the ground, throwing up rock and dust. Akamaru goes past my back as I hop forward again, and Kiba misses as I jump over his spinning form. I flip in the air and avoid them as they attack side by side, then separate to try and catch me off guard. My momentum lets me spin and hang in the air long enough to dodge Kiba as he comes from the left, and I float on my back as Akamaru passes from the same angle to try and trick me. As I land on my feet, they're on me again, scraping the ground each time they pass to try and obscure my vision. Kiba, idiot slacker that he is, has probably forgotten that my sense of smell is as good as his. Their passes become more erratic and scattered, but also uncoordinated, making it easier for me to slide past them in the thickening dust.

They eventually land back where they started, panting with exhaustion. I can't see it clearly, but I can feel Akamaru's chakra shift as his transformation disappears. Let's see how Kiba likes his partner getting a bath.

"Water Shark Bullet."

I fire through the dust, and the loud yelp from Akamaru is confirmation enough that it hit.

"Akamaru! Lili, you ruthless bitch!" Kiba roars.

"Oi, don't lose your handle on this!" Shikamaru yells back.

"I won't let you get away with that!"

"Why don't you settle down, Kiba. You chose to fight me, remember? I told you to back off. I gave you a chance. Now the only thing left to do is take your loss like a man," I taunt. The dust settles, and I can see Kiba cradling an unconscious Akamaru in his arms, looking at me bitterly.

"Shikamaru...I cannot stand to see this go on much longer. This villainess must be put in her place," Lee says, trembling.

"Dammit...it's a bit soon, but...alright. You've got the green light. Just don't overdo it, Lee."

"Understood. A fiercer opponent than that Kimimaro...but not nearly as durable, or skilled in taijutsu. I know that I can manage something."

Neji falls back towards Shikamaru, along with Kiba. They're sending Lee alone as a distraction. No...more than that. I remember that I used him as a trump card...of course. Of course these idiots would do something so drastic.

"Shikamaru. You had better call this boy off. If you escalate, I make no promises that he'll come out of this unharmed," I warn.

"Sorry. Can't do that, Lili."

"You all whined about my actions, but this is already going further than I would have with Hina. Don't do this. I don't want to hurt any of you permanently."

"Yeah, I know. And I'm going to exploit that, Lili. You have to make your choice. You either fight us for real, or we'll take you down right here."

"Making that boy use the Inner Gates is far too much, and you know it."

He grimaces. "I'm using every tool at my disposal here. Might be unsavoury, but...I've got everything lined up. Lee, it's now or never."

"Yes! Here I come, villain! Third Gate of Life! Release!"

A surge of chakra ripples towards me as Lee opens three of the gates at once, his skin turning red and veins bulging from his skin. He's grown stronger, to be sure...the output is even greater than on the mission to take back Sasuke. Shikamaru is preparing equipment in the background.

"You really think I'm that much of a danger to her, then..."

I clench my fists.

"Then you will get what you want. I'll crush you in this instant."

Shikamaru flinches. "Shit...!"

"A world of crimson...Lightning Release Chakra Mode, Third Stage. Full Boost, activate."

I focus and the red shroud appears around me, waving like flames and pulsing with arcs of electricity.

"You're too late! I will put an end to this myself!" Lee yells. "Wooooooah!"

He shoots forward, the ground torn apart in his wake. I can see him coming. He's quite fast...


But not fast enough to deal with me.

"Swallow this, bowl head."

I watch for his punch and it comes, a high straight that goes right for my head. Without a wasted thought, my body swings underneath it, and I ready a jutsu in my right hand.

"Mobius Type Four...Aegis."

I punch him in the chest and drive forward, the pulse of lightning exploding outwards in a torrent of red and arresting his movement completely. He hangs in the air as his skin returns to normal, eyes open in shock before he drops to the ground like a wet sack, unmoving.

"Don't give her a chance to breathe!"

Shikamaru's voice snaps the others out of it. Kiba flicks a pill into his mouth and charges ahead.

"Passing Fang!"

He spins towards me like a drill, faster than usual with the help of the rations pill. That extra energy will go to waste. As he nears me, I focus and have his rotations slow to the point where they're nearly meaningless. I step forward to build momentum and drive my knee into his face at high speed.

"Lie down, boy."

"Ugh...!" He goes silent soon after, flying through the air before landing on his face, and tumbling end over end to a stop.

"Now it's over!"

Neji is attacking from behind again, but I can tell that he's planning something substantial. The distance means...

"Eight Trigrams Sixty Four Palms," I mutter.

My head turns and I see him accelerate towards me for the first strike. I backflip into the air just as he closes the gap, sailing over him easily. As soon as I land, I accelerate towards his back.

"You can enjoy this brand of taijutsu instead, fuckwit."


I grab the back of his head and push him forward, slamming his face into the ground ahead and buckling it inwards. He doesn't move afterwards.

"Sun's not down yet..."

"The shadows," I mumble. "So you were trying to get me into position all along, then."

"Right. Nowhere you can run, Lili!" Shikamaru throws a series of kunai all around me, with explosive tags attached. I can't tell which of them are real or not, since they're all primed with chakra that I can sense. Getting me to run towards the shadows, where his technique is definitely waiting...maybe coming from the upturned rock littering the area...

"Choji, go for it!"

"All charged up and ready to go! Multi Size Technique! Hidden Leaf Taijutsu! Human Bullet Tank!"

It only makes sense. The composition of this team meant that it had a lot of good individual fighters, but none of them could properly coordinate attacks together. Lee's wild and strong attacks, Neji's precise combinations at close range, Kiba and Akamaru's chaotic and wide ranging techniques...they wouldn't work well at all in collaboration. But they were strong distractions while Shikamaru and Choji came up with something bigger. Now they've lured me into a scenario where I have to dodge Choji's giant form again, and unlike the exams, he's not alone. His trusted partner Shikamaru is here to make sure that I can't run too far.

"I didn't expect to use all four of those guys as sacrifices...but if it means we get the win, it was worth it!"

"I suppose so." I sigh. "You did your best, Shikamaru."

He grins nervously. "Don't think you're gonna throw me off with that."

"You know better, fucking slacker." I accelerate past Choji, listening as his spinning rakes the ground and he changes directions. The many tendrils of Shikamaru's technique reach towards me from all sides, and I skip through them as I run towards him.

"You're way too cocky, Lili!"

"I'm sorry you think so."

"Now, Choji!"


I stomp the ground, stopping just ahead of Shikamaru as he stretches his shadow towards me. It's split into long threads, ready to snag me as soon as I try to make a lateral move. My head turns to one side, and I see that Choji has started to bounce into the air, ready to drive me into the ground the moment I jump upwards. There's the sound of something hitting the ground, and I see that Shikamaru has dropped a smoke bomb at his own feet.

"It's a difficult situation. But I'm not done for yet. Here's a tip for you boys..."


I jump backwards towards Choji.

"Don't count someone out until they actually are."

I push water under my feet and effortlessly flip backwards over Choji's spinning form. He hits the ground and makes a large crater in front of Shikamaru, breaking the other boy's concentration as the smoke bomb explodes. I make a single seal as I come back in line with them, and open my mouth.

"Lightning Release: False Darkness."

Two jagged bolts of lightning shoot ahead through the smoke, exploding as soon as they find their targets. I land and shut off the chakra mode, then wait for the smoke to start clearing. They don't seem to be moving, and I can now visually confirm that they're both down. Their hair is on end, and their clothes are singed, but they aren't badly hurt. I made sure of that by holding back a small enough amount.

"Be grateful I didn't go any further, you insolent little fucks." I turn my head and spit on the ground. "You thought you could take me down with that much? I didn't think I could be disrespected any further by you lot."

Although...I realize now that Shikamaru never had a real plan. It was as I told Naruto once before, a sufficiently strong opponent will defeat even the greatest set of ideas. He didn't count on me being so far ahead – using Lee as his trump so early was proof of that. The entire time, he was hoping to create some sort of opening and slip a surprise attack through. That line about not expecting he would have four of his comrades fall so quickly, one after the other, was the truth. They never stood a chance in a fair fight, and he knew it.

But even if I am a ruthless bitch for encouraging this battle...they all deserved what they got.

"Thank goodness..."

Hanabi reaches my side and sighs as she looks out at the courtyard.

"What a mess. We'll have to get this fixed as soon as possible...though I don't like the idea of robbing Branch House guys of their sleep to do so."

I hand her a card from one of my side pockets. "These people are reliable. You can have everything fixed by mid morning if you call them early enough."

"Neat. Thank you, Lili-nee. For this, and for going easy on them."

"Hmph. Make sure they show proper gratitude when they do wake up."

I hear another set of footsteps approaching from behind. I already know who this is.

"Please take care of these boys, Hanabi."

"Yes, onee-sama."

"Thank you."

I finally turn to face Hina. She's dressed in the same outfit as I am, dark shirt and pants matched with the standard green flak jacket. Her hair is put up into a ponytail as well, and her polished Leaf headband is safely around her neck.

"We really do look the part of sisters, don't we..."

"Yes. I'm glad I got the idea to put on this outfit," I say.

"Me too." She looks out over the courtyard. "My apologies for the disturbance...Neji really has become overprotective as of late, but I never figured on this. But the fight was a pleasant, unexpected bit of entertainment for Hyuuga. And an awe-inspiring reminder of your strength, Crimson Nightmare." Her head turns back towards me. "You have changed again, somehow. What is that, burning in your eyes?"

"My emotions leaked into it...that fight."

"Was it...resentment?"

"It felt like they were mocking my bond with you. I know that they meant well, Hina. But something like that, and especially threatening me..."

She nods. "I understand. Besides, they were the ones that chose to stand in your way. You are not at fault. I have a place where I want us to go, now that we can't fight here any longer. A place for the two of us, one that has meaning. Will...you give me a few extra moments to ready myself?"

"Yes. I'll see you in the next five minutes, then."

"Thank you." Hina takes a practised leap into the air and leaves the courtyard. Hanabi is roughly shaking Neji awake in the background. The cool evening wind blows by me, moving ribbons of dust through the air.

My watch says that it is currently five minutes to seven.

A moment that will change our lives...I'm ready for it. Now, more than ever.
Daughter of the Sun
Scarlet Justice - ep. 122
"Daughter of the Sun"
[Days of Thunder: Chapter of Noble Eyes, Part 3]

Training Field 23. One of our homes away from home.

A place where we've grown as shinobi, and as people. Many long conversations, training sessions, and demonstrations. We've laughed and cried together here, shared secrets, and come to important decisions.

It's the place where we became a team together. More than that, it's the place where we truly became a family.

And now, on this cool spring night, it's the place where Hina and I will make even more of ourselves. The dwindling sunlight starts to reveal the stars in the sky. I step onto the grass and find my sister waiting patiently. Her eyes are shining with determination.

"Are we ready?" she asks calmly.

"We are," I reply.

She nods and settles into her stance confidently. One palm forward, the other back near her side. Legs slightly bent, one foot pushed out in front of the other. Hina is already locked onto me, eyes brightening as she silently activates her Byakugan, the veins popping up from her skin and reaching around her eyes and the sides of her head. Every bit the warrior I imagined her to be.

I will treat her with the respect she deserves.

My body turns slightly to face her at an angle, legs spaced at shoulder width. I have my arms hang loosely at my sides, fingers moving constantly so that I can make seals and shapes with my hands. My head is pointed forward so that I can track her closely.

"I want you to show it to me. Even if it means I don't last a second...I want to see what you're truly like. I want to see everything."

"..." I let out a breath. "You don't get to make those demands of me. Start with something impressive before you go on about true strength."


I see her tense briefly.

"Go ahead, Hinata."

She pulls air in past her teeth and takes off, a small burst of smoke rising from where she stood a moment ago. A run straight forward, then she slips to my left before cutting back and aiming for my torso. I step backwards as she reaches me, then use my right arm to block her left by pushing her wrist up and out of the way. I push it further off and see that her fingers have extended to try and poke the pressure points on my arm. Her dexterity has improved sharply. Good.

"Your steps are much lighter than before. I'm impressed."

"Don't you mock me, Lilith."

"Should I wait until I have you on your back before praising you? I can accommodate you if that's the case," I say. She moves for a second attack, but I spin and drive her backwards with a side kick.


"You can see that I'm taking you seriously enough. But as I said, you'll have to do some impressive things before I unleash my power. If you can't accept that much, you can run home."

"Understood." Hina takes her stance again before charging, increasing her speed from before. Her first step is explosive and quick; I dodge her initial palm thrust before starting to sway around and through her attacks as I did with Neji. His strikes were more methodical in nature...I can see that Hina is moving and repositioning herself, trying to attack from broader angles so that I have more to consider. Her hands change shape, and instead of the set palms that normally come from Hyuuga, she has two fingers stretched outwards as much as she can, hoping to use the proximity to tag at least one part of my body.

She's steady and determined, moving in time with me and trying to predict where I will go next. My goal is to lead her on and then swerve as close to impact as possible, making it confusing as she tries to figure me out. There's no pattern as I move, and no pattern as her hands lash out.

"You want something to take seriously...try this then," she growls.


"Eight Trigrams...Phoenix Bullet!"

Hina spins and thrusts her fists towards me, one over top of the other and wrapped in flames. I swiftly dodge to the side, but she continues to build energy.


The explosion of heat radiates outwards, throwing me backwards briefly even as I block. Hina has already taken off from her position, those all-seeing eyes telling her everything she needs to know as she closes distance. I can feel her chakra building as my feet touch the earth. Is this where she thinks she can move in?

I accelerate before she can properly react, going low and driving my elbow into her stomach. She comes to a stop, gasping for air before I quickly kick her upwards and take aim with one hand.

"Target practice, then?"

Her face shows pain, but not panic. What will she counter with?

"Water Release: Water Shark Bullet."

The shark appears in front of me from thin air, and shoots forward. Hina has recovered somewhat while in the air, but not enough to evade this attack.

"No choice, then...Lightning Release: Valkyrie Arrow!"

She breathes in and shoots downwards towards me, smashing through the water shark with an open palm. I sidestep her initial thrust and wait for the next pass.


Or did she think further than that? Clever!

"Revolving Heaven!"

I don't have the angle to stop her from spinning, so I quickly use a body flicker to move backwards. The lightning-spiked dome of chakra appears not a second later, Hina cutting it off as soon as she realizes that I've cleared the area. Her chakra levels spike upwards and she accelerates towards me at full speed, driving forward with yet another palm thrust that I leap over so that I can reposition myself.

"I never realized how troublesome you were to fight," she says as she turns to face me.

"I suppose so. I would be a problem for you Hyuuga, as someone who likes to fight at a longer range."

"If it were just that, I could overcome it. You're also graceful at closer ranges too. And...never mind. We can talk about those things later."

"Yes. You've pulled out a few interesting moves for me, so I'll keep my promise to you. Let's go with the second stage...and something I was working on over the break. Try and keep up."

Hina charges at me and I dodge her first strike before kicking her away. She quickly finds her balance and recovers, but not before I activate the second stage of my chakra mode and weave handseals with my increased speed.

All forty four of them, in sequence.


"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet."

Water gathers around my outstretched hand before shooting forward, taking the shape of a long-bodied dragon and flying through the air. Hina weighs her options before deciding to hold her ground as the water dragon twists towards her.

"Eight Trigrams...Revolving Heaven!"

She spins and forms the dome of chakra around her body, clashing violently with the water dragon until it finally explodes in a shower of droplets. The light of the setting sun makes them sparkle as they slowly fall in my vision. I count Hina's rotations until she comes to a stop.

"There we are."

I accelerate through the fading wall of chakra and hit her in the face, sending her flying backwards and tumbling along the grass. I speed behind her and sweep her rolling form into the air, then kick her twice more to elevate her further.

"Not good enough. But you made me try a bit...so now you can work your way out of this."

I line up her as she falls and punch her in the chest, making her cough as she bounces once along the ground. I follow to grab one of her legs, then spin around to toss her even higher. To her credit, she snaps out of her stupor and starts to right herself while flying through the sky. But she only has that technique to move herself through the air safely. It's either fall and put herself at my mercy, or attack and risk getting countered.

What will you do, Hina?

Judging from the fact that she's letting herself fall, I suppose that her decision has been made. I ready myself to attack as soon as she nears the ground, and spring forward in a burst of speed. Hina's breath is held, and I can't figure out why...

"I wonder what you're planning...make sure it's entertaining, girl."

She looks at me defiantly as her chakra starts to radiate outwards. And as soon as I near, I can sense it happening. Chakra bursts out from every pressure point on her body, creating a wall of force that pushes me backwards and keeps her from hitting the ground for a few extra seconds. I had completely forgotten about that technique - she had described it to me back on the mission to bring Sasuke home to the Leaf. Looks like she's improved it greatly since then.

"Vacuum Wall Palm!"

Hina thrusts two palms forward and sends a wave of chakra towards me. I cross my arms and block, feeling the force lift me off my feet briefly.

"In the air...you're just as dangerous, somehow..."

She continues to send the shells of chakra at me, one after the other, forcing me to keep my guard up. It's not very effective in terms of damage, and her chakra is falling after her last series of attacks, but it's a good move to keep me occupied while she thinks of another strategy.

"Through the opening...I'll make it happen...!"

She pauses before rapid firing several of the hazy chakra shells at me, then charges straight at my position with lightning chakra pulsing over her hands.

"Lightning Release: Valkyrie Arrow Oversurge!"

"If that's what you want...I'll oblige you, Hinata Hyuuga."

I take a breath in before rushing forward, tearing past the barrage of chakra bursts and heading to meet Hina. From the way she's moving, I can find a way through to the perfect point. I have more than enough in me to crush her for good this time.

"It's only fair that I give you the same respect you've given me. This next move came from watching you, Hina...let's see how you like it. Lightning Release..."


I can already see where she's about to move...there.

"Valkyrie Bullet."


I step under her attack and unload my lightning-boosted straight right into her chest. Sparks of blue shoot outwards from the impact, trailing her as she sails through the air and lands on her back, sliding through the grass. She comes to a stop, slowly stirring as my fist hangs in the air.

"It didn't take you out instantly...that much is admirable."

"I'm not..." Hina forces herself to her feet before stumbling. "I'm not done. I shouldn't be..."


"There should have been more...I didn't...I didn't want to waste your time here..."

"Shut up. This isn't a waste of time. Even if I crushed you in one blow, it wouldn't be a waste of time."

"Then I've earned it. Haven't I...?"


She coughs and takes her stance again, defiantly. "Go ahead and show it to me. If this isn't a waste of time, even with the gap between us...show it to me..."

"You're not going to attack again."

"This was always just...a less than friendly match between us. Between sisters and rivals. I knew where I stood next to you, and if this was a real fight...how many times would you have disabled me with that technique? Mobius...faster than my thoughts."

"You're not-"

"I don't have to be weak," she says fiercely. "This isn't me giving up, this is my selfish wish. Just once...let me see it."

"Your wish. When you put it like that, I can't refuse you," I say to her. "Then this will be the last dance we have tonight."

I plant my feet firmly on the ground, moving my arms out from my sides slightly. My fingers start to spread outwards as energy gathers in my body, making a low hum as it starts to build. Hina stands in place, her breathing heavy. I look into her eyes.

"True Lightning Release: Quantum Drive."

The energy surges upwards and outwards, through my body in that familiar flow. There's no pain, no fear. Just that intense wave of power that changes the world around me dramatically. I feel like I can see everything. The light coming from my form is bright, enough to completely envelop Hina as she stands across from me. Her eyes widen as she looks me, awestruck and frozen in place, her fighting stance long abandoned.

"I...I see now." She's trembling. "This is...this is your true strength. It was what I kept demanding to see. It's more than on that day. It's more than just that vision, I can feel it now. It's so much...all of it is just so much..."

"..." I cast a brief glance at the wings of light surrounding me. It really is a lot to take in for a normal person, thinking about it.

"You really are an angel. In...in body and spirit. You are...someone who cannot exist in the same space as us mortals. Aha...how could I comprehend it?" She smiles, tears running down her face. "Even if you tried your hardest to accommodate me, in this form...to think I would stand even a sliver of a chance. I was such a fool. Saying those things, making those demands of you. Foolish. I hope you can forgive me for my arrogance..."

"There is nothing to forgive," I say gently.

"So far away...you're so far away from me in this form. And yet...I can't feel any sadness at all. These tears come from the joy inside of my heart. Looking at you, like this...it makes me so happy."


"I want you to soar through the sky...and change this world. Give us a future that we can cherish forever, a chance at a new world...a chance at peace and justice for all. And as your beloved sister, I will follow you wherever you go. Thank you for loving me, Lili. For respecting me enough to accept my challenge. And for this moment, where I could finally see the beauty I always knew was in you."

Hina wipes her tears and takes her stance once more.

"I love you, Lili."

Through her fear...through all of the emotions overwhelming her, she starts forward.

Hina has really become beautiful.

"Not just...the Will of Fire."

The world slows to a crawl.

"Your soul burns as brightly as any star. You are brave. You are loving. In the desert, when I poured my love into you...I remember what you wanted. And you have become everything you wanted to be. You have reached beyond that, even when you never had to, and made yourself into a wonderful kunoichi. But more than that..."

I watch her slowly cut through the air.

"...you gave me hope. When you let me take your hand...when you trusted me on that day...you did so much for me. I felt that I was worth something. I felt like I wasn't just a terrible, cursed child who hurt everyone she ever touched. You chose to be my friend when nobody else would. You accepted me, Hina. And my heart was opened because of your kindness. Thank you...I love you so very much. So please...don't you ever forget..."

I clench my fist.

"That you are strong, Hinata Hyuuga!"

I step forward and drive my fist into her, the earth slowly turning over in my wake. Time starts to flow forward at speed, and Hina rockets backwards into the ground, carving a trench through it before coming to a stop. That much should have properly knocked her out.

"It was only fair that I do that much for you."

I breathe out and exit my transformation, the glowing white feathers dispersing and drifting towards the ground. They turn into dots of light before fading away. The sun is still setting as I look into the horizon.

"A true grasp of that heavenly power, then. But...it won't end with this. There will be more. To protect all those that I love and have left on the other side of the cosmos, I have to go further. Though as I promised, I won't separate myself from mortals so carelessly. People like you especially, Hina."

I walk over and remove her from the small trench, then carry her in my arms back towards the Hyuuga estate.

"I will always be by your side. And you will be able to help me see those changes to the world through, reaping the great harvest for generations to come. That is my promise to you."

"Lili-nee! Onee-sama!"

"Hanabi." My little sister is waiting at the front gate, faithful as always.

"You're...back already. O-oh..."

"It wasn't a terribly long fight, but...yes, she's incapacitated for the time being."

"I see..."

"Your older sister has herself to blame for this outcome...she kept making foolish demands to see my true strength, so I eventually got fed up and obliged her."

"That...was that the light I just saw, then?"

"It must have been."

She gulps at that. "S-scary...really..."

"We should lay Hina down properly."

"Y-yeah. Sorry, follow me. There's an open room nearby." We quietly head inside, through the maze of halls and to a small, empty room. I lay Hina down on the nearby bed...curious how she looks so peaceful at the moment, but I can't complain about that.

"My apologies if I worried you any," I say to Hanabi.

"You really didn't. I knew that nothing bad would happen with you around. You love her too much, you know? Though...hmm."

"Though what?"

"Truth be told, I thought you would have just used your final form or whatever and knocked her out afterwards. I guess she was more aggressive than I thought," Hanabi says, rubbing her cheek. "So she used those moves, then?"

"Valkyrie Arrow, Phoenix Bullet, and Revolving Heaven. All cleverly done, by the way."

"Oh, really? Heh, she really did get bold in front of you...pretty amazing how much she's grown. Makes me giddy thinking about it, you know?"

"You really admire her."

"I always have...that space of time where I let the clan's ideology and junk get to me, it makes me sick to think about. How I looked at her, how I treated her...I didn't mean anything by it, I just thought that I had to be tough, that I had to be like a real leader. But that thing called destiny doesn't define us, and it doesn't control us. Naruto proved it, and so has my sister. Of course," she says with a smug look towards me, "having the affections of a goddess didn't hurt any."

"You go on too much," I say with a smile back.

"I'm gonna grab some stuff for when onee-sama wakes up. You want anything?"

"Tea would be good. Oh, Hanabi. How are those boys doing?"

"Just a bit on the sore side. One of the girls was still up, so she used some healing chakra to get rid of the bigger aches and pains. Neji will get checked out properly for a concussion tomorrow, but I don't expect anything out of it. They're all snoring away right now."

"That's good. I suppose if it comes down to it, I can say that I organized a little play date and things got too rough." I shrug. "It happens, you know."

"You're so awful," Hanabi says with a giggle. "I'll be right back."

"Take your time." I rest on my knees beside Hina. "It wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. But you did a splendid job, Hina. I'm truly happy."

"Here's your tea," Hanabi says as she returns.

"Thank you kindly."

"Mm...hurts..." Hina starts to wake and I set down my tea. I place a hand on her head as her eyes open. "Lili..."

"Good evening."

"Good evening." She smiles for me, and I feel my heart melting. So precious...

"Don't move around too much," Hanabi says. She puts a damp towel on her sister's forehead. "And you can go back to sleep whenever you want. We'll get you checked out properly tomorrow."

"It's...okay. I should be fine like this..."

I take Hina's hand in mine.

"You'll be more than fine," I say.


"Oh, Lili-nee. I wasn't expecting onee-sama to wake up so early, so..."

"Did you have a request?" I ask Hanabi.

"I wanted to hear a story from you again, to pass the time."

"What kind did you want to hear?"

"Um...I don't really have anything in mind. Whatever you can think of is fine," she says as she wipes the dirt from Hina's face.

"Mm...let's see." I do have plenty of stories, but...ah. Telling them is a way to refine them, right? In that case, I have something that I mean to work on. "Yes, I have one in mind for tonight. I think you both will love it."

"What's it about?" Hanabi says excitedly. I hand her my tea to sip on as she settles in.

"It is a very old story. One about a luminous black wolf, who now floats among the stars themselves. Her name is Fubuki Inugami, the Great Mother of the Inugami Clan. This is the story of how we met..."
Positive Pressure
Scarlet Justice - ep. 123
"Positive Pressure"
[Days of Thunder: Chapter of Spiral Fox, Part 1]

The calendar says that it's the edge of spring, but I know better. Summer has been here for a while.

It has been a week since that cool night where I danced with Hina. She ended up none the worse for wear, and the same could be said for those stubborn boys who tried to block my path. I spend a comfortable night telling Hina and Hanabi a whimsical tale of my senpai's past - I'll be sure to add more details and flourish by the time I get to sit down with her nieces and nephews in Frost Country. I assume that I'll have a sizable audience, with Ittan's enthusiasm towards family and everything besides.

The Hokage has been busy, to his great regret. He really has wanted to discuss the package that I sent him many weeks before, but between administrative work and his handling of Sasuke, he hasn't had any time to set aside for a proper meeting. Tamaki and Imari are doing everything they can to help, while fielding a great amount of work that has come from the Hidden Cloud. I have no idea what kind of paperwork it is, but the hush around it means that it's something secretive, and thus very important for the future of the village.

Ah, but there is plenty to smile about in this season. One of my favourite times of year, for quite a few reasons. For one, clothing on the women folk are greatly reduced. And the weather is to my liking on most days. However, today is easily described by one word...


Fio lets out a breath as she steps inside, quickly closing the door. From where I lie on the couch, I can hear the clinking of soda bottles. "Thank goodness you're rich, Lili. Central air is the absolute best!"

"Indeed," I reply. Today is an off day, and so I've dressed lightly in a camisole and shorts to help ward off some of the heat. "Anything of interest to report?"

"Nothing much. Just people shuffling around in the heat and all, the usual stuff for hot days like this. Suigetsu's got it pretty bad, though."

"A Hozuki Clan member would be terrorized by this heat. Did you pay him a visit?"

"Yeah, went out and got some extra stuff for him," Fio says as she puts her things on the table. "Just in case he wasn't able to come out for a while – apparently there might be a heat wave or something similar starting this week. He'll have his eye on the weather either way. But yeah, he was doing okay."

"And our other member?"

"She wasn't at home. Guessing it's top level stuff...she's kinda special, so I don't mind it if that's the case. There's one more guy that they're trying to add on, but..."

A knock on the door interrupts us.

"Hm. I'll get it. Are we expecting anyone?" she asks.

"No. You have permission to chew out whoever it is if we don't like them."

"Heh." Fio bounces towards the door before opening it. "Oh, Hina! Long time no see!"

"It's lovely to see you, Fio. Is Lili in, by chance?"

"She is. Come on in, we wanna keep all the cool air to ourselves, hehe."

"Yes, my apologies. Oh, it really is nice..."

I lift my head and see that Hina is in a blue sundress today, with her hair formed into a neat bun.

"A pleasant day to you, Miss Hyuuga."

"Did I interrupt a nap?" she asks.

"No, Fio and I were just talking about her new teammates. Let me get up and properly greet you." I do so and we exchange light kisses on the cheeks, same as always. "An unexpected but very welcome visit on your part. Did you want a girls' day in?"

"Actually, it's something quite important. I didn't want to talk about it over the phone..."

"I understand you completely. Anything to eat?"

"No, I'm quite fine. But a soda would be nice, if you could spare one or two."

"Sure can!" Fio says with a smile.

"We're having another guest soon, aren't we?" I ask Hina.

"Yes. It's something I want to cut down at the source, before things get too troublesome. I stopped over at Naruto's place, and he should be here in about a minute or two. There's a bit of trouble afoot."

Fio ties off her shirt above her waist and opens bottles in the background as I look at Hina. "What happened?"

"He's...become a bit moody lately. Things are tense between him and Sasuke, to the point where Sakura is visibly worried."

"Her, of all people. The very picture of stoicism at current...if this is causing her to worry, then it must be serious."

"Sheesh. What do you think it could be?" Fio asks as she hands us each a soda bottle.

"I have no real idea, but...well, my intuition tells me that it has something to do with Lili," Hina says.

"That doesn't activate without reason," I assure her. "We'll figure it out in time. It's good that you came to us early on."

"I wish I could have figured it out myself...hm..."

"It's not a sign of weakness to ask for help when you're overwhelmed. Always remember that, Hina."


There's another knock on the door. Fio sets down her bottle and goes to get it.

"Hey! We've got two guests this time!"

I poke my tongue out for a second. Naruto and...Kakashi, then? I wonder what he wants.

"Come on in! Enjoy the pleasures of aircon! Hahaha! We've got ourselves a full house today, looks like. Lili, I'll be right back! Gonna grab some munchies down the road!" Fio says.

"Be quick, darling."

"Yep!" The door closes behind her as our two guests step inside. Kakashi is wearing a short sleeve shirt for the first time that I've seen, and has a glass bottle in his hand. I can only assume it's an adult beverage. Luna made a habit of keeping some stocked in the refrigerator, and I have kept up that tradition with some help. It's good that they don't spoil easily. Naruto is without his usual jacket today, and he seems just a bit tense. It's as Hina said...something is troubling him greatly.

Kakashi nods and greets us. "Afternoon, ladies."

"Hey," Naruto says with a lazy wave.

"We met up on the way over. Naruto mentioned you were going to have a little meeting, so I was hoping that it would be okay if I dropped in and gave some input if needed."

"Of course. That much is always welcome," I say. "Will you be needing a refill, by chance?"

"Depends on what you have in stock."

I go over to the refrigerator and open it up, grab one of the bottles and present it to him. "Will this do?"

"Fancy. That works. Bottle's fine."

"Naruto, a drink for you?"

"Ah, yeah. Soda's fine."

Hina hands him a bottle and I open it for him. He nods his thanks.

"It seems that everyone's well. Fio can be filled in once she gets back, so let us make use of the living area," I say. I lead everyone over to the three couches placed in a U-shape on top of the thick carpet. Naruto and Hina take the seat to my left, sitting comfortably close to each other. Kakashi lounges back on the couch to my right, and I sit in the middle by myself for now.

"I think we know the reason for this little meeting," I say casually, crossing my legs. "Before we start, though...there will be several pieces of sensitive information passed between us. All I want is an assurance that none of it will leave this circle. Fio will be held to that rule as well. Any further distribution of information will be handled by me. Is that much clear?"

Everyone nods at that.

"Good. Now...which of us wants to begin?"

Naruto lets out a breath, and Hina rubs his back gently. "I...I've been hearing a lot of things lately, and wanted to see if they were really true. I've also been sort of...distant lately. Not really like me."

"I can see that. Is everything okay?" I ask carefully.

"Yes and no...I think."

"He's only been talking to Lord Jiraiya lately," Kakashi says. "I've been out of the loop...both of them have been pretty mum about this whole thing. It's likely to be something that he can't tell me about, but that Lili knows already."

"..." It hasn't been terribly long since our last talk, but Naruto has put on a bit more muscle, I've noticed. Not enough to distort his familiar form, but I can see the extra bits of definition that weren't there before. And the strips of bandage on various parts of his hands. Has he been doing nothing but training? I have to wonder if that's part of this change in attitude. Maybe if I reach out and-


"Lili? Is something wrong?" Hina asks me.

"It's...it's something I have to explain later," I say. No wonder he felt so different today...that chakra is...

"I understand."

"Naruto, what have you been hearing?" I ask him. "Did Jiraiya mention something classified off hand?"

"The first thing wasn't from him...Kiba was going on about it the other day. He said that you whipped him, Neji, Shikamaru, Lee, and Choji all at once. Hinata told me about the fight between you two, and I was expecting that...but the other thing was really hard to believe. You're really that far above everyone else?"

"Yes. That event did happen, and I am at a level quite a bit higher than others of my age. More than the difference between chuunin and jounin...it's the difference between the merely talented and the children of the divine." I take a drink from my bottle.

"That's...kinda crazy to hear. Something like that would get me pumped up by itself. But there was another thing. That's the thing that Pervy Sage told me about. And it kind of got me...I dunno. I just feel agitated, you know."

"What was the thing?"

"It..." He sighs and rubs at his head. "Did you really get Sasuke in with the Third Hokage? Is it true that the old man is gonna personally train Sasuke from now on?"

Hina and Kakashi look at me with surprise. My face is neutral...but on the inside I am fuming like nothing else. I am going to fucking strangle that useless pervert bastard Jiraiya, with his own damned intestines. None of that was his secret to tell. What the fuck is he trying to do?

Naruto would be agitated at that sort of news, no matter the context. And it's possible he thinks that I was hiding something bad from him, or worse, trying to betray him. It would hurt, but if meant keeping everyone safe, I would rather him hate me. Still, the only problem at this moment is that it's an early revelation. I can try and work with that much...put these problems to bed here and now.

"There is truth to those words," I say as I fold my arms. "What do you know so far?"

"Just that right now," Naruto says.

"I see. The truth of the matter is that I wanted to wait until things were properly in place before telling you anything, Naruto. And I'm going to be honest, you have a hard time keeping certain things to your chest, especially if it involves people that you're close to. Case in point, learning about this arrangement with Sasuke set you off so much that it made Hina worried."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry about that."

"It's fine," Hina says.

"Yes, it's very much fine. At least we're here, talking about it together. I will enlighten you on Sasuke's current situation. You remember the talks we've had, relating to shadowy organizations such as ROOT, and individuals who would seek to use Sasuke's potential power for their own ends?"

"Like that Danzo guy," Naruto says.

"Yes, exactly. We know where we stand with Sasuke. You have a deep bond, deeper than he realizes at this time. And because he's so unaware, combined with his frantic reach for power, he left this village once before and was ready to become part of Orochimaru's legacy project. The ties to this village, which include the gifting of Chidori as a technique to protect himself and his most important relationships, were not enough to keep him anchored. The arrangement with the Third Hokage is meant to solve several problems at once." I move one of my hands to put a finger upwards. "First, mentorship. While Kakashi here is of the same type as Sasuke, he is also an elite soldier and will be needed in other areas consistently. There are other teachers, but very few of them have the same discipline and most importantly, impartiality to correctly guide Sasuke on his way. His status within the village before the retrieval mission was complicated, as the last scion of the Uchiha. Now it is even moreso. He is a village hero, and as such will be treated differently. It will be awkward for some to teach him, knowing that their progress will be heavily evaluated and monitored at all times by the upper echelons of the village. The Hokage has the right amount of familiarity and experience, as well as personal space, to do the necessary work correctly."

"So that's the reason for the new special aides. To clear up enough time that Lord Hokage can have sessions with Sasuke," Kakashi concludes.

"Correct. Tamaki and Imari have been great additions, and I was the one who scouted them before they were cleared and hired by the Hokage's Office. This was a vital part of the scheme we had created to keep Sasuke in line. If this looks bad, to have Sasuke train with the God of Shinobi after his transgressions, then so be it. This might be the only way to keep him safe. We had other options, but I doubt you would be able to swallow them properly."

"Like what?" Naruto asks.

"Leaving Sasuke to his own devices," I say as I put up another finger, "but that would be disastrous, as you and I both know. Shimura would launch his harpoons before we could blink. Among the options was splitting up Team Seven and assigning you to different groups. We would be able to confine Sasuke much more easily in that scenario. But the downside to that is he would lose vital interaction with both you and Sakura. I believe that you can make it through to him, that you can wake him up at some point. I wanted to give you a proper chance, Naruto. To have him train with the Hokage, learning discipline and compassion...I think that, combined with your love for him, will make a great difference."

"..." Naruto looks towards the ground for a few moments.

"That is all there is to it," I say as I grab my soda bottle and sip from it again.

"It's...definitely a lot more than I realized. No wonder you didn't want to say anything until later. Huh. I'm really sorry for getting all worked up, it was just that...it's gonna sound really bad to say..."

"It doesn't matter. I want you to be honest with me. With all of us here. We care about you," I say.

"Between this stuff and hearing about what happened last week, I kinda felt...left behind." He blinks a few times. "I think that's what Sasuke was feeling all that time. That people weren't thinking of him, that things were happening behind his back...that all of his training and talent didn't mean anything ahead of all the walls. Itachi, me, Lili...being told that he was special, and more than that, the one chosen to restore his whole clan. All of this pressure, building up every day."

"You wanted to reach a new level, in the hopes that those unsettling feelings would disappear. In your head, you reasoned that more power was the key. More strength, more knowledge. That ultimately, it had to be on you," Kakashi says.


"It's not an uncommon feeling. Especially for those called elites," he continues while looking at me. I nod to acknowledge him.

"What do I do, then?" Naruto asks.

"Have faith in your comrades. Love the people you call family," Hina says. "Remember that you are not alone, and that together, we can make it through any struggle. Sasuke and Sakura need to realize those feelings as well. No matter what they have done in the past, they are part of this great family we call the Hidden Leaf. That comfort should belong to them as well."

"That makes sense. I...feel a whole lot better now."

"You're still young, and have a lot of room to grow," Kakashi says. "Don't beat yourself up for making a few mistakes."

"Right. I'll try and remember that!"

"Yahoo~! It's your girl Fio, back with some tasty treats!"

"We're back already, are we?" Fio sets a few wide boxes down on the table and hands paper plates to each of us. "Pizza today?"

"Nice and warm! The place with the wood fired oven down the street. Eat up, my lovelies!" She distributes the slices evenly, and we pause a while to properly eat. Delightfully crunchy, and not too greasy either. I could have lots more of this without worrying about my figure...

"You didn't miss too much, I think," Kakashi says after presumably taking a sip of beer. It's odd how my attention is always drawn away the moment he moves to consume something. A mystery to be solved later. "Classified information about the Hokage's training program."

"Ah, the thing with Sasuke. Lili filled me in a while ago." Fio finishes eating and puts an arm around my shoulder. "So, who leaked it to Naruto?"

"Lord Jiraiya."

"Oof. A little out of line, I think."

"More than a little," I say. "I'll deal with him very soon. But we've resolved the first matter easily enough. Naruto seems to have accepted the reasons for that decision."

"Yep. Everything's cleared up now."

"Almost everything. There is another matter. Hina, I take it you know what I'm getting at."

She nods slowly. "Yes. I should apologize for keeping it to myself all of this time. But...Naruto, I did notice the chakra shifts. Since you and Lord Jiraiya have been training more often, I left it alone, thinking that it was a private matter. But with this meeting, and the increase in your agitation and aggression at points...it needs to be dealt with."


"This doesn't sound like a grand old time for any of us," Fio says. "What's happening?"

Kakashi lifts his headband to reveal his Sharingan. He looks at Naruto for a moment before nodding, setting the headband back down again. "I see. I should have paid closer attention..."

"The chakra of the Nine-Tailed Fox," I say. "It's much stronger than before, and much more distinct from the rest of Naruto's chakra. I imagine they usually blend together to the point where they seem one in the same, but recently that hasn't been the case. It explains some of the added aggression and anxiety that he's been feeling. I don't know what has been going on, if the seal has been weakening, or something else. But at the moment, it is a problem. I will have to talk to the Hokage about this at some point."

"That's...sort of what's going on, yeah," Naruto says. "I don't really get it, but Pervy Sage did something and wanted me to go around like this, so that I could get used to handling more of the dumb fox's power to better take care of myself in fights. But it's been weird and a little bit uncomfortable. I end up training a lot, and it really helps calm me down most of the time...so since it's the only thing that works, I've been putting a lot of time into it."

"I take it none of us are familiar with sealing arts," Kakashi says.

"Something I will definitely start working on when I have the time," I quip back. "But for now, this is out of our hands. Naruto, all I want you to do is keep to your daily tasks. Since we've cleared up quite a few things, I believe that surging power inside of you will be much easier to handle. I am going to have a few high level talks, then we will decide together what to do next. Is that okay?"

"Sounds great. Whatever you've got planned, I'll go with."

"Good. Hina, are you alright?"

"Yes. Now that I know what's going on, my mind is at ease. Thank you, Lili."

"Of course. Kakashi?"

"I have a better handle on things thanks to this meeting. Maybe I can catch up with Sasuke, provide some input on his end too."

"Very good. Fio, any comments?"

"Just happy we worked everything out so far."

"I feel the same." I sigh. "But I suppose the real work is about to begin soon enough. Such is the life of an elite."

I take up another slice of pizza and bite into it.

One more meddling old man to take care of. Jiraiya...I didn't think I would have to voice my discontent to yet another one of the Three Shinobi. But I don't cower before mere titles.

If he wants to be an irresponsible buffoon, then he will be treated the same as any other...without mercy.