A Little Vice (Trans Magical Girl fic)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Chiro "I mean, I haven't published anything so calling myself an author would be disrespectful to actual authors. Also, my stories are more neo noir with mythical elements, so..."

Temperance the publisher "it's been five months just take the damn book deal"
This is the best summary of their relationship ever
I have the kindle version of that one. It's a good story. I definitely appreciated the subtle Dorley reference in one of the epilogue chapters.
I'm pretty sure she got it from being horribly abused and wanting to escape from being herself
* citation needed
I don't remember if there is a causal relationship between the terrible abuse Liliruca goes through and her magic, but yeah, pre-Bell her life absolutely sucks. Certainly, I know that my life has been way better.

Honestly, I was half legitimately griping about dysphoria and half shitposting, the latter half being why it was all lowercase and why I included that "I tell you hwhat" bit.
Can't believe I made the mario joke about Inessa and Chiro but never did the star fox joke with Inessa and Lupin after learning she'd be luxuria fox.
Temperance drummed her fingers against the table for several long moments. "I want to drown it all," she said at last, with the tone one might use to say wanted takeout for dinner. "The whole Forest, your whole society, every bit of injustice in the world."
Hmm. Interesting. So all along she's still been struggling about wanting to go apeshit.
Wait, who bought Temperance's prom dress?
Pretty sure she buys her own stuff. Michael supplies her apartment and money, according to one Shadell post way back.
It's funny to realize Michael is probably constantly sensing Temps' repressed rage and hatred when they interact. Specially because she likely dislikes angels. Her society would have made her fear angels, besides the other emotions, but c'mon. Michael, scary? That's a plush lacking social skills that gets shoved in backpacks and chewed by children.
You know I do appreciate that Chiro's like "Well if not now, there's always the future", because...She believes in her future...
"Michael, how do I make a beautiful transgender chaser stop rizzing me up?" "I don't know what any of those words mean."
Just makes think of that meme of the old man being asked something by his apprentice and saying "I don't know. Sounds scary."
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Random question: Do you think Chiro is a furry? She adapted to her batgirl traits with almost as much glee (and a lot less self-loathing) as she did to her feminine traits, and she was disappointed that her Saint form's wings aren't as cool as her old bat wings. Like, that's one of the first thoughts that popped into her mind when she was awakening new magical powers to save her friends from a situation she's responsible for.

To some extent, that's symbolic. The bat traits are part of her transformation that she can enjoy without crashing into her baggage. You could say that Chiro missing her bat wings is just a symbolic reflection of her missing the effortless femininity she had as Invidia Bat. But it's not like being trans and being a furry are mutually exclusive. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more trans furries than non-queer furries.

Also, she calls herself "Bat but in Greek". She could pick any new legal name for herself, and that's the one she wants.
So Temperance's indecision can be seen as temperance or patience, interesting. Her joining the saints but still being ambivalent and missing the beast. Or gluttony, to try having it both ways. The decision to create the line in the sand for Chiro and tell her her life's over if she crosses it is more interesting now. Knowing Temps still has so much aggression and hate, and admired the way Chiro saw the best in people.
That moment she went to watch a show while feeling doubt about her choice. Guess she was seeking the beauty in the world, the stuff that exists in spite of the injustice and misery. And then, her resolve to still hold her anger, point it at Chiro for the good of her loved ones.

Inessa's whole thing is love. It can be selfish, as she admits she just wanted things to go back to how they were, but that wasn't what Chiro wanted. She's just peak all-loving hero. Can't do the Inessa full dive, haha
Ida's whole thing with work, and needing to be healthy about it. Taking everything onto yourself hurts you and your work. The point of your efforts is lost, as everything is sacrificed to validate some cruel standard upon yourself, of overworking to feel worthy. Instead of working for yourself and the craft.

Also interesting to look at Superbia and Michael as foils, to some extent. Temperance said he never let anyone in to help with his issues, while Michael, even if she always goes "as an angel, I'm above being bothered by such issues", she will promptly say she's indeed bothered by something, but try to minimize it. Though then again, she just would've never complained about getting crushed by books if it weren't for Chiro. Superbia can't bear not being at the center, while Michael will gladly be in her hiding spot and not participate in convos. She just accepts getting thrown into a backpack and chewed up without needing to aggressively reassert her dignity.
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Never read the last chapter. I should read it. But lazy. And emotions. But the crack epilogue would be Superbia coming out as trans and reforming. IIRC his power is associated with white, egg like, force fields.
Yes. Absolutely. She makes a batsona at some point, I'm certain. She probably crafts with everyone's help fake wings. She'll know all the bat facts and be able to quote on command
Chiro is 100% a furry at this point.
Next question: Does Chiro realize she's a furry? She has her normal blindness to anything that might make her Not Normal, but the people who helped her realize her gender wasn't Normal may not be aware that furries exist. I mean, Lupin thinks malls are still a hip and trendy place to hang out. Inessa is probably somewhat familiar with furries, but unless she's been hiding fox ears somewhere, I don't think she'd be much help. And Ida...I would not be surprised if she thought furries didn't actually exist.
Next question: Does Chiro realize she's a furry? She has her normal blindness to anything that might make her Not Normal, but the people who helped her realize her gender wasn't Normal may not be aware that furries exist. I mean, Lupin thinks malls are still a hip and trendy place to hang out. Inessa is probably somewhat familiar with furries, but unless she's been hiding fox ears somewhere, I don't think she'd be much help. And Ida...I would not be surprised if she thought furries didn't actually exist.

Chiro 100% does not know she is a furry.
Weird thought but,
Temperance is is like I'm going to bite you in a exasperated tone at Chiro and she means that as a threat

Lupin says the same thing in a playful tone and is flirting with her

Inessa is hiding fox ears somewhere, @Shadell ?
Lupin Noir will show up to the party in her wolf costume to claim the blahaj as her own. The blahaj again tries to pitch the idea of a reformed-villain threesome.