Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Also, since I'm currently rereading this for the nth time, I wanted to really quick say how much I absolutely adore Michael as a character. I really enjoy that kind of "not quite in the same frame of human values/perspective, but has the spirit and integrity to make it work" kind of entity, and Michael is a very fun one.
Yeah. Michael, as Chiro noted, has a lot of kindness and experience. She really wants the best for people, but still struggles to communicate even after literally looking into people's souls. She was genuinely awkward and feeling bad about rejecting Chiro.
Guess she'd become a character beloved by neurodivergent fans.
Also Michael is just very funny with the amount of behind the scenes logistic she handles for the group.
Michael sure can cook the books for the group.
"Michael, where did all this college money come from?"
"Don't worry, it's not tha much, the others I know will get scholarships. I mostly got it for you Inessa, even Saints don't rely on miracles."
Discord keeps "trying" to do other things but at the end of the day it's only really useful for ephemeral text and voice chat, like AIM and (text-wise) IRC before it. And I guess I've seen some people succeed at streaming there but it's going to be inferior to twitch in doing that technically (while arguably being way more viewer friendly, in fairness).
Yeah, he discord I frequent has the problem of just losing things, but is the main nexus for the fandom I'm in. All the cool discussions and explanations of mechanics get eventually eaten by discord. And search and the ping list only go so far, lost a lot of things I wanted to check later, or ideas I left there.
Discord just never wanted to be used as an image hosting service, they're killing links because people keep using it as an image hosting service and they can't really afford that long term.
This is a bit late since the story was finished, but I came across this a few days ago while doomscrolling through TV Tropes. Honestly, I've not binge read anything in a long time but this was just so good. I related to Chiro's self-deprecation and envy so much and this story was just really well done overall. Also, this helped me see a different view of what it is to be trans. Thank you so much Shadell for writing this, I really loved it.