Part of me wants to know what Temperences's story is, but eh.
The salient details are mostly there, or implied fairly strongly, in the text. There's not really anything that would be a surprise.
Queer trans girl in extremely conservative, puritanical and extremely insular culture. Unfortunately self-aware from a very young age, which nets her a lot of increasing punishment in attempts to correct her as a child, before she gets old enough that you can't write her being herself off as the mere misbehavior of a child. She learns very quickly that expressing herself ends in pain. All of this fosters increasing resentment and suicidality until Lupin—her only friend—sells her on running away instead of dying from a refusal or inability to conform.
Neither kid is set up to survive the Forest, but they meet Superbia and are able to release him, which gives him what he needs and helps them get the tools to live. Superbia isn't great about Temperance's gender (or anything really) but is initially very reduced after the trauma of captivity. Running to Earth gives him contact with cultural values that push his worst inclinations and he very quickly gets more fixated on rebuilding "his" forces over fixing things or genuine revolution. Gula plays the good soldier, but isn't fully sold on it all and is also reveling in the chance to just be a girl, especially after Avaritia swapped her seed.
Inessa, being Inessa, is able to actually connect, to push her on an emotional level about her disquiet with the everything, and Superbia's increasingly obvious shittiness, which pushes her to defect, and to kinda reject the idea that it was just her society's fixation on "virtue" that produced that outcome.
She feels both exasperated by, guilty about, and a little jealous of Chiro getting to have her gender troubles be so internalized , and the role her kidnapping may have played in that, but is so used to keeping her actual feelings buried that she struggles to find a way to just talk about it instead of the way she handles it early on.
The big divergences with Ira instead of Gula are, I think, the seed fueling all of her most revolutionary instincts, as well as the fact that Temperance-Ira is just a lot more suited to her seed.
I've toyed with a few variations of this kind the AU where a more certain, more fervent, more willing to get her hands dirty Temperance manages to find Inessa before Michael and shortly before the episode one moment where Inessa goes from being ashamed of and scared of her sexuality to trying to accept it.
That leads to Luxuria Fox, and leaves Chiro as the one who runs into Michael, absent months of jealousy over everyone else pushing her to her limits. This leads to Humanitas appearing instead, with a lot less character growth, a skill set much suited to support than solo fighting and, frankly, none of Inessa's absurd talent at this.
Humanitas also has a lot of a shame over the girl part, and is just a bit more meticulous on the whole. That means the masquerade holds up better, which stops Ida from finding out, which cuts out the character development she'd need to become Diligentia—while Humanitas is barely holding on against monsters of the week—creates the circumstances where she's a lot likelier to burn out faster than she's setting herself up to do in canon, and gives you Acedia.
At which point, it's an increasingly marginalized Superbia with Acedia, Luxuria, Avaritia and Ira all teaming up against Humanitas. Inessa-Luxuria is absolutely treating these as a chance to flirt—because corruption arcs are hot and she absolutely has a thing for magical girls—albeit a lot more confidently and aggressively than she could ever manage in canon (she's treating her feelings as much more of a game, a source of shame and pleasure and something she struggles to accept with sincerity that leaves her feeling so vulnerable in canon) and both Humanitas and Luxuria are going to regret that on many levels when their identities come out.
This *probably* pushes [REDACTED] to emerge sooner than the start of the third cour, which evens out the balance a bit, and shifts it from Humanitas vs everyone to Humanitas caught in the middle of two bigger, nastier groups. But that also makes things even more stressful for Humanitas—who's seeing her relationship with Inessa deteriorate and stuff with her dad degrading faster than in canon due to all the injuries and time she's spending magical girling, and Inessa's increasingly self-destructive mundane relationships. But Chiro lacks any of the outlets or escapes she might have in canon. What she does have is a strong sense of responsibility that stops her from running away, and a likely faster building awareness of her own gender.
Michael is also more desperate and guilty here, which may lead her to some kinda drastic steps or trying to make allies she wouldn't in canon, so it's plausible Humanitas would get pushed to her third/fourth cour power-up a lot earlier and/or a different Temperantia might emerge as another solo magical girl. You also have an increasingly erratic Superbia worried about losing power to Ira as another source of chaos stopping it from becoming a complete Forest W.
It's a bit hard to imagine how things shake out, but it's fun to imagine how bad they could all go. Like, wow, this Humanitas would be so fucking edgy and alone by the middle of the second cour. And, like, the same factors that connected Chiro individually to each Saint are pushing all of the Beasts here to try and save her from herself, with an increasingly messianic Ira Shark (Ira Leviathan?) leading the way.