Original AND THE THIRD BROUGHT FIRE (Animist Atomic Steampunk)

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It is the Year of our Lord 2141 and Marion "Nix" Nixon is a technician in the immortal empire of Great Britain and her Colonies. Politics are the last thing on Nix's mind - as a technician, he only wishes to service machines and their spirits. It is a fact known since the days of Christ and her Clockwork that any machine of sufficient complexity can be spoken with, and so, technicians have needed to be skilled with words and hands alike to ensure harmony between man and metal.

However, as much as Nix wishes to stay out of politics...politics are coming for him. For Nix has a secret, a secret that mysterious forces are willing to utilize as a lever to compel him to take terrible actions in the days to come. A war is brewing in the Empire, between man and spirit, between the goddess-queen Colossus and her enemies, between past and present...a war that might shatter all that is and leave nothing but ashes.