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The multiverse. Where anything is possible, even things that aren't. An infinite number of...
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As you gazed upon the skeins of fate, you have witnessed the clashing of great armies. You have seen the violence they will muster and the carnage they will inflict upon themselves, upon each other, upon the entire Parulax Expanse and upon every world within. Whether in pursuit of power or bloodshed or for the sake of their very lives, countless millions will fight without remorse, without restraint, to be the only ones left standing, and in every future you have foreseen, the stars...
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Once, mankind waged a great civil war all across segmentum solar. Over thirty millennia later, a relic of an infinite war long-since concluded is found buried in the depths of an ancient hive world. It is a titan. One unlike any other - and you're its new pilot. Intrigue, war and unimaginable luxuries await you...
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26th Founding - Raven Guard Successor Chapter Master Quest
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It is the 42nd Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries, the God Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on his throne - carrion lord of earth, sustained by the worship of a billion billion souls. That light had gone out. The Astronomicon has dimmed to a guttering ember, sputtering in the night. The Imperium is riven by a vast warp storm - the Cicatrix Maledictum - and hope seems lost. It is the darkest of days. It is the end times. You are an Imperial Guardsman on the world of...
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Angron Thal'kyr has been pulled into the warp, his brother Lorgar at his side. In their absence, civil war grips the nascent Imperium, as brother turns against brother and father against son. Let the Galaxy Burn.
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"I forgive you, and I wait for you." - Last Words from a father to his fallen son. Cadia has fallen! The Avening Son has led a crusade through the Dark Imperium to beat back the darkness with little effect. The Imperium is still besieged, and the Emperor is dying. The Lion has awoken from his long slumber and is ready to return to the fight. But that might not be enough. In the Darkness and Hoplessnes of the Dark Imperium, a man who is more than a simple man begins his Road of Redemption.
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As winter turns to spring on the war-torn Forge World of Attruso, humanity has surrendered to the T'au Empire. Refugees are being fed, nervous veterans are waiting for the other shoe to drop, and Sergeant Darya Nevic is the reason for it. Once a famous war hero, she became the deciding fulcrum between defection and last stands, between surrender and starvation. The Imperium calls her traitor. The Empire calls her hero. Wracked with guilt, riven by a crisis of faith, and deeply alone in a...
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Step into the vast and terrifying unknown as a minor alien civilization, and attempt to survive the flames engulfing the galaxy.
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Deep within the bowels of Solomon's Hive Albia, there exists a hidden passageway to an endless realm full of every kind of scrapped technology in the multiverse. You are among the first to discover this cluttered realm, teeming with man and monster alike. If you are to save humanity from itself and its myriad threats, then you must comb the Cosmic Junkyard's depths and work with as much as you can.
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Play as a rogue Psyker trying to escape the grasp of the imperium and learn the secrets of the immaterium.
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The Asuryata Ten thousand years ago your species committed a great sin. You were mighty at...
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It is the 32nd Millennium and it has been 200 years since the Lord of Terra has launch his Great Crusade across the galaxy to scour the stars of Xenos and to reunite the vestiges of Humanity to banish the ignorance and darkness of Old Night. Yet within the dark corners of the galaxy and even within the very confines of Terra dark powers seek to corrupt the noble sons of the Master of Mankind, the Primarchs, that will set brother upon brother and shatter the very foundations of the Empire and...
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In the darkness of the 41th Millenium a new beacon of hope rise to confront the encroaching madness of the unfaithful
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A young AI sworn to protect sapient life and do battle with a genocidal intergalactic empire finds itself far from home, in a universe with an empire very much different and yet very much like the one it knows.
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On distant Terra, the Emperor is dying, his sacred flesh decaying, his mighty soul splintering into fragments. Shattered pieces of divinity scatter across the galaxy, born on the wave of a death-scream ten millennia in the making, and where they come to rest heroes bloom like flowers, new legends feeding upon the ashen embers of the old.
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For over ten thousand years the Imperium has dominated mankind ruling the galaxy with an iron fist. Heretics, Xenos, Mutants, and Psykers are purged en masse or enslaved. Though the Emperor lies a living corpse on Terra his preachers make sure to enforce his will brutally, backed up by the uncountable trillions of the Imperial Guard and the Emperor's most holy enforcers, the Space Marines. For ten thousand years mankind has been enslaved, brutalized, or worse. Those considered not human...
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The Infinite War and Seraphim conflict is over. You are Lieutenant General Rebecca Shepard, UEF Commander and veteran of the Infinite War, who got thrown into the Warhammer 40k galaxy by an unsuccessful quantum gate jump during a routine patrol mission and into an ongoing apocalyptic conflict. How will the lone commander navigate this unfamiliar and hellish galaxy of eternal war, where she is one of the few slivers of hope in a galaxy in which a cruel humanity sacrifices a million brave men...
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First stranded in a Nomifactory Minecraft world, then tasked with guarding a portal to a planet in the 40K galaxy, you must prepare yourself day and night for the inevitable clash between worlds.
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Follow a Warband of Chaos Space Marine fleeing from the devastation at Terra to their unknown end.
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Entity K-423, Kiana Kaslana, comes to terms with the Herrscher within her body. Said Herrscher disappears...and is now someone else's problem. "Warhammer 41K" x "Honkai Impact 3rd" Quest.
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Ave Imperator In the light of a distant past, few respect your name. In the grim darkness of...
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Guide the adventures of a Magos Explorator on the Quest for Knowledge. See new places, discover old technology, keep your patron happy and and maybe on the side help or harm the Imperium a bit. A quest with vaguely CKII-Quest-like mechanics.
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A Princess Fairy Tale set in one of the cruelest of settings.
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The Infinite War is over, and the Sephirim have been beaten back. You are a commander of the Cybran Nation, thrown into an unknown and violent galaxy. Shall you break the chains of these worlds, or fall like the untold trillions across the Imperium?
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Zero-to-hero in an alternate 40k where Isha escaped
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In a better age of humanity, before the galaxy devolved into hate and strife, the Emperor and his kin were meant to be the protectors, and gentle shepherds, of humanity. Now, the Emperor directs a grand and terrible crusade to tear the galaxy down and remake it in his image. He has no noble goal. No greater ideal. He needs to die. And you were made for killing gods.
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The Galaxy is in flames, and your chapter is all that stands between your particular section of space, and total obliteration. Try to keep things under control as best as you can, in the face of incursions by Chaos, Orks, Genestealer Cultists, Eldar, Necrons, Tyranids, and worst of all, your own Imperial "allies". Just Remember: life sucks, there's only war, and you're probably going to get eaten by tyranids. Have fun!
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A story based on three worlds in a corner of the imperium, unimportant in the grand scheme of things. But they are important to those who live there, and there are stories to be found here. Come and find the fate of these worlds...
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Play as a Space Marine Chapter Master who continues to protect their home sector even after it has been abandoned by the Imperium as indefensible and ignoring orders for reassignment.
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